Click for APRIL 2006 BlueBook Entries

MARCH 2006 BlueBook Entries

All Times are Eastern (New York City) Time Zone.

Chat often convenes around 9:00 p.m. NYC time/8:00 p.m. Chicago Time
While there is no set topic, discussion should be vaguely Steely Dan tangential.

Date: Fri, March 31, 2006, 23:53:17 ET
Posted by: lester, back in the mnt tops

cool-of-the-evening... you out there? I owe you an apology. When I saw your handle I missed the fact that it's the opening line of "Tomorrow's Girls".... and made a semi rude reference to it being the opening of the old Classics 4 "spooky" (which was a pretty good tune in its day, by the way) I didn't realize it till the opening bars last night of "tomorrow's girls" in S an Diego. Actually DF did TWO cuts off of KAMA that night... and they were spectaucular... in many ways "Countermoon" was one of the best performances of the evening... Having said that, I don't think I'm contradicting my comments about KAMA not being as compelling as a lot of the other DF/SD stuff... but the terrific performances of those Thursday evening certainly proved there's nothing lacking in the tunes... maybe the compelling issue might suggest something overproduced or too controlled on the album... Because BOTH were incredible Thursday... from what I've read here on this board I don't think DF did two tunes off of KAMA any night but 3/30... He only did "Teahouse on the Tracks" in Chicago. As EVERY tune started out in Chicago the crowd lit up... Most all solos got a loud round of applause and cheering... Which NEVER happened last night... But Donald did SEVEN different tunes from what we got in Chicago... THREE for the encore... and I think it was one of the only other times than Chicago they did "What I do" ... now it would be hard to say that ANYTHING topped the Howard Levy Harmonica solo in Chicago... but it was neat to hear Herringon's guitar solo Last Night... It was great.

And we got IGY in the encore... and like in Chicago, finished with "Viva Viva R&R" Which was super.

Donald got horse again, Thursday Night.. but seemed to go with it better than in Chicago... Pretty amazing all in all!

Date: Fri, March 31, 2006, 23:47:25 ET
Posted by: The Bending End, SteveeDan...

...shocking story. So sorry. My wife is a nurse practitioner and I intend to show her your story.

I'm a recovered alcoholic and substance abuser myself, so I'm intimately familar with addictions [recreational, in my case] and the damage they can cause.

I've been direct and honest with my children regarding my own history [they never saw any of was all 24+ years ago]. I think they've actually taken it to heart. I hope...

God bless,


Date: Fri, March 31, 2006, 23:06:26 ET
Posted by: The Bending End, Bodhisattva

"what album...convinced you that SD was much more than just a band, but an extraordinary, special, life-changing phenomenom"

Countdown To Ecstasy

I was a 1st-semester sophomore in college in the fall of '73 [age 51 now] and listening to this quite a bit. One of my courses that semester was an Eastern Philosophy course. After a few weeks of this course, combined with occasional listening to CTE, it finally struck me as to what was actually happening in the song "Bodhisattva" and I got the biggest kick out of it -- and them -- from that point forward. "Gonna sell my house in town"...LOL. I didn't know much about Becker & Fagen at the time, but it made a big impression on me that they must be rather well-educated -- yet they were some sort of rock act. They were certainly very humorous and talented.

I was existing in such an abstract world back then [Mathematics major] that it also made a big impression on me [especially once I found out that they had gone to Bard] that they seemed very accomplished at APPLYING their knowledge and talents within a creative process. I admired them.

Date: Fri, March 31, 2006, 22:56:46 ET
Posted by: Wonko The Sane, (aka paul, ph, etc)

in agreement with greg

album = collection, not any specific recording medium, so an album is an album on a cd is an album on a vinyl is an album on cassette is an album on an 8-eight track (well, maybe not so much) is an album on mp3.

Date: Fri, March 31, 2006, 22:16:25 ET
Posted by: Greg Moonspank, White Plains

<<<<For those of us late “40 somethings” or older, I’d love to know what album (they were called that back then)>>>>>

Us 20-somethings still call bands' new records "albums" now. One can say: "Donald has a new album out". It is still as perfectly normal and understood as "don has a new cd out".

Date: Fri, March 31, 2006, 22:14:27 ET
Posted by: Almost Gothic Negative Girl, Monterey, California

Ann ~ Capricorn here. Husband is a big Dan fan; we attended the Oakland show together, and he's (another) Pisces.

Steveedan ~ Man, that is really heartwrenching. Thanks for sharing that here. This place can be a little rough at times, so I pretty much quit posting for awhile, or even reading, until Morph appeared. But there are truly a lot of fine folks here, and you have always been one of them. Hope the Santa Barbara experience is wonderful for you tonight, and that you can hold some of that joy in your heart in the days ahead.

Love and light ~
Music and peace ~

Let's keep the positive thoughts flowing here on the Blue.

Date: Fri, March 31, 2006, 21:57:34 ET
Posted by: SouthOfHollywood, All things considered...

...I'd rather be in Santa Barbara...

It's been ages since I've posted for myriad reasons but I just wanted to pop in and say "thanks"...It was so nice to do a bit of touring and see the best people I know once again (you all know who you are...) See you again in late summer...

As far as the 5.1 DVD-A mix on MTC...I've clearly got major subwoofer response on my set-up (analog inputs)...Not sure if the problem potentially lies in the digital/optical transfer of the sound if you are not using analog...

Lastly...Stevee, I'm glad you chose to attend the show tonight...My thoughts are with you and Jona, still...


Date: Fri, March 31, 2006, 21:36:05 ET
Posted by: Ann, Borneo - and still in the clouds

Star signs:
As I'm back to the dreaded slave cave on Monday, I won't have so much time on my hands, so I'm closing the star sign head count at Midnight (ET) on Sunday, 2nd April. So if any of you haven't given me your star sign yet, please pass it on if you so wish, then my "sampling" will hopefully be as statistically reliable as possible.
Current totals: Aries: 11, Pisces: 7 All others: 24
I'll give the full breakdown next week, then maybe someone who knows more about star signs than I (LWO??) can analyse the results.

Welcome back. Thank you so much for what you have written. I have a friend going down the same road that you have described. I'm going to give her a copy of what you've written and also pass it on to my GP for his reference if you don't mind. It can't be easy for you right now, but tonight's concert I'm sure will lift your spirits. My prayers are with you and Jona. I have included your wife in the Aries total.

To anyone going to tonight's concert:
If any of you get the chance to speak with Don and/or any of the band, please pass on my best regards to them and thank them for producing such a fantastic album and making Borneo ROCK!!!!!!!

Peace to all!


Date: Fri, March 31, 2006, 20:53:40 ET
Posted by: Kamkiriad, Bay Area

Dean -

I agree! Katy was my favorite Dan release until EMG came out. Today, I'll call it a tie. I'm also 49, but have adopted Joe jackson line........"Nineteen Forever." Hey!!! 19

Date: Fri, March 31, 2006, 20:23:55 ET
Posted by: NYB, with a whole of his half-life left to carry on...


Thanks. I'll bet that was harder to write than it was to read. Good luck to you bro, and God bless.

P.S.) Roger Nichols is now writing a monthly column for "Sound On Sound" magazine.

Date: Fri, March 31, 2006, 20:14:54 ET
Posted by: W1P, LA

Stevee -- freaking tragic story. But I think that you are doing the 100% absolute right thing by going to see the music you love tonight! Hang in there -- you have a lot of support all around town and in cyberspace

Date: Fri, March 31, 2006, 20:09:02 ET
Posted by: Rajah, Santa Barbara

Waiting to receive Steven for the big farewell show tonight, this is one of the things in life he loves the very most and we're gonna treat him to it in style. Gretchen is passed out at the beachfront hotel after two drinks at the James Joyce. The buses have been here since we arrived around midday.

Date: Fri, March 31, 2006, 20:04:10 ET
Posted by: The Dean, San Francisco (in the dreaded Marina)

I'm pretty much with you, Kami. I bought CBAT on a lark because I loved the cover (which I NEVER do). A week or two after, buying (and loving) the album, I started to hear "Do it Again" on the radio. It had a Santana-esque sound to me. Reelin in the Years least on the Buffalo area stations I listened to.

Countdown quickly became my favorite album (and sometimes still is, BTW)...and, like you, Katy Lied convinced me this was something quite special.

I still have a problem deciding which SD album is my favorite, but CTE, KL and EMG probably show up more than the others (note: that they all make an appearance at one time or another).

Oh...and since I'm 49, I guess that qualifies me as "late 40's". But, damn...I still fell like I'm 12 (with good fake ID).

Date: Fri, March 31, 2006, 19:56:42 ET
Posted by: Wonko The Sane, (aka paul, ph, etc)

Woah, just read the little snippet in the digest about the missing .1 on the DVD-A, and he's right!! There's very minimal subwoofer unless I pull it from the LFE using a third-party audio processor! I don't know if that's a bad thing or good...? I didn't miss the extra sub punch until it was pointed out.

Just incase anybody wants to know, Shangri-La on DVD-A isn't so spectacular.... I like the CD better. There's got to be a maximum of 3 instruments playing at any given point anyway... I couldn't imagine how it would be possible to mix that over 6 channels. Needed Mr Elliot, methinks.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, the pharmecudical industry is even more evil than Big Tobacco or the oil companies. I hate them bastards.

Date: Fri, March 31, 2006, 19:49:31 ET
Posted by: moonbeam, vinyl land

morph the cat on vinyl due april 25,2006
also check out dave dimartino's blog over on yahoo
he wrote a book on steely dan in the 80's that never came out
the whole book is on there. great info from hodder and dias

Date: Fri, March 31, 2006, 19:40:41 ET
Posted by: kamkiriad, Bay Area

For those of us late “40 somethings” or older, I’d love to know what album (they were called that back then) convinced you that SD was much more than just a band, but an extraordinary, special, life-changing phenomenom. For me it was with the release of Katy Lied.

I discovered the Dan at the very beginning of the run. Both “Do it Again” and “Reelin” were being played on KROQ in Los Angeles, and they instantly made an impact. I immediately ran out and purchased CBAT (Less than $3.00, including tax!). I liked the entire LP and started to advise anybody that would listen to me about this great but quirky band from Boston (remember back then? They were called a Boston band….how ridiculous!)

When Countdown was released I bought it immediately and was blown away by the production quality. It had a more sophisticated sound than CBAT, Fagen’s vocals on each cut was a refreshing change from Palmer and Hodder. Years later reading that Fagen decided to take the lead vocal reigns because the other vocalists couldn’t supply the right attitude made perfect sense. Pretzel Logic reminded me more of CBAT with its varied mix of musical styles.

Katy Lied knocked me into the next biosphere! It was the first LP I’d heard that was a true hybrid of Rock and Jazz. It provided me with a question I still cannot completely answer: Is Steely Dan Rock inspired Jazz or Jazz inspired Rock?

Date: Fri, March 31, 2006, 19:39:24 ET
Posted by: suedave, wishin' I was in Santa Barbara


We're on your side. Draw strengh from Donald and us. Be your bad self and enjoy the show tonight.

Date: Fri, March 31, 2006, 19:34:28 ET
Posted by: Little Wild One, when the demon is at your door

My only wish, Stevee, is that I could be there to give you a hug and buy you a beer. Have a good time tonight, shed some tears and know that you are surrounded by the family of Dan.

In Don we trust.

Date: Fri, March 31, 2006, 19:16:15 ET
Posted by: shy la, shy to shy, hush hush, eye to eye

i have a question on the michael brecker album don't try this at home the long synthesizer intro in first tune it's been real is that the same jim beard playing in walter album

Date: Fri, March 31, 2006, 18:50:15 ET
Posted by: hoops,

The latest edition of the Dandom Digest has just been mailed, this time covering the past three days or so, March 28-31, 2006.

If you are a subscriber, you should see it in your email box within the next 12 hours. Again, If you don't receive it, please email me. Some people have been having problems with delivery of the Dandom Digest, usually because of spam filters, firewalls, etc.

The following are the subjects of this particular edition of the Dandom Digest

• What a good year!
• RE: New SD Tribute CD with Al DiMeola, Jay Graydon, Elliot Randall, more
• Q & A with DF in RS
• Another Morph review
• slate's fagen review
• MTC - DVD Audio
• audio anomaly in MTC track???
• Don's Health
• REDUX: Becker & Klein Writing Together

• • • T I C K E T E X C H A N G E • • •

• 2 Tix for Santa Barbara, 3/31
• Banyan Trees Ticket Exchange 2006

• • • SPOILERS • • •
• • • SPOILERS • • •
• • • SPOILERS • • •

• SPOILER: Temecula
• SPOILER: Review for The Wiltern
• SPOILER: Oakland was the Paramount
• SPOILER: Oakland Review
• SPOILERS: Viejas 3/30 -- the funk monster flies on Thursday?

If you are not currently a subscriber but would like to receive the free Dandom Digest email newsletter"—definitely not to be confused with the glorious Official, or newsletters/mail lists—please email me or see


Date: Fri, March 31, 2006, 18:22:49 ET
Posted by: moray eel, shy


Thanks for being open and honest about a very personal event. The information that you provided may have just saved the life of someone else. I hope you have a great time at the concert tonight and I wish you the best of luck in the days ahead.


Date: Fri, March 31, 2006, 17:59:39 ET
Posted by: The Doctor, Portsmouth, England

Ann........that's for me to know and for you to find out...God, I'm such a tease...and as a penalty for having the nerve to continue with this bestial theme, the least I can offer is a drink when and wherever you next hit blighty !...awaiting your call !

Date: Fri, March 31, 2006, 16:35:55 ET
Posted by: SteveeDan, Totally Numb

I want to thank everyone who has sent me and my son condolences.

The outpouring of love and support over this past week has been overwealming. Jona and I are doing the best we can under the circumstances. Many people (family, friends, the pretzel logic folk, and you guys here on the Blue) have stepped up to offer me assistance.

I cannot thank you all enough.

I have a PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT or should this be called ...
a very important health announcement.


Hydrocodone is one of the two significant active ingredients in pills such as:

... and others ...

Everybody knows that the body can build a tolerance (and a really massive dependence) upon these medications. Getting off of these medications can be extremely difficult. In fact, it is widely known these days that kicking the habit of these medications is actually more difficult than kicking heroin.

Why is this true ? Only the drug labs can tell you, but, for those of you who don't know ... hydrocodone medications are opiates. These medications are essentially SYNTHETIC HEROIN !!!

This was on Oprah a few years back, if you need more proof.

My wife took these medications over a 10 year period for various aches and pains, and then, she needed another form of mediation to get off of these pills. The other medication was also an opiate whose sole purpose is to help people to step down off of the vicoden type medication - - essentially a detox drug.

This is what my wife was doing. She was getting off of hydrocodone medications. She was doing great. She was leading a normal typical life and things were going fine. She was handling all of her routine Motherly and Wifely duties normally and excellently.

She was not sick.

So what happened to her ?

Another active ingredient to the above mentioned hydrocodone medications is (acetemediphine - probably misspelled) also known as Tylenol. Over the 10 year period, the Tylenol part of these pills was constantly attacking my wife's liver. She was taking liver testing regularly. All the tests came back normal.

Unbeknownced to both my wife and me, these medications were pummeling her liver day after day. We didn't know about it and just went on with our normal everyday lives.

Then, suddenly, last week, my wife got really ill. She slept for a couple of days around the clock and only got up to eat a little, or use the bathroom. I checked on her constantly. Then, the next day, it hit my wife like a ton of bricks. Multiple systems shut down swiftly.

Her liver failed. Her kidneys failed, and as a result of this, her sugar dropped very low and she suffered a stroke in the pons (or ponsi) part of the brain (it's deep inside the brain, and cannot be operated on). I rushed her to the hospital last Thursday (8 days ago) and she couldn't be saved. We lost her on Sunday afternoon just a couple of weeks before her 41st birthday.

The doctor told me that there was no way to stop my wife's liver from failing. Even if I had brought her to the hospital (as if I had ESP or something) 10 days earlier and told them to monitor the liver and get ready to save her when it failed, nothing could have prevented her liver from failing.



My son and I will get over this tragedy one day and go forward. We will be fine in the end. But neither of us will ever get over losing her. My wife's story doesn't have a happy ending, but hopefully, my son'S, and mine will.

By the way my wife is an Aries too !!! Can we count her ?

Again thank you all for your kindnesses.

(And I played piano today for the first time in 2 weeks ...)


Date: Fri, March 31, 2006, 15:38:31 ET
Posted by: kamkiriad, Bay Area

Why did San Diego get an additional encore tune and Oakland didn't?
....and it was IGY to boot. Confirms it..........Donald thought the Oakland crowd was lame, or as I witnessed, way too sedate.

Date: Fri, March 31, 2006, 15:27:25 ET
Posted by: Fife, Baltimore,eh

Geez what gave Donald's age away, it must of been the grey hair. 58 is not old! Screw those critics that gave Morph one listen and decided it's fate. They are not Gods, they do not control the universe. Did they actually listen to Morph, put the head phones on and hear each note of each instrument? Doubt it very much. I'm still catching things off the old CDs and I've listened to those hundreds of times! That is the one thing that I love about the Dan and Don, each time I listen I hear something different. That was my rant for the day.

Date: Fri, March 31, 2006, 14:40:28 ET
Posted by: Buzz, C-Bus


The Royal Dan
As Donald Fagen releases his next studio album, Morph the Cat, a number of notable guitarists will reinterpret the Steely Dan founder’s own back catalogue. Produced by Jeff Richman, The Royal Dan will consist of 10 Steely Dan numbers reinterpreted by a number of well-known guitarists including Jimmy Herring (“The Fez”), Robben Ford ("Peg"), Steve Morse ("Bodhisattva"), Jay Graydon ("Home at Last"), Al DiMeola ("Aja"), Steve Lukather ("Pretzel Logic"), Mike Stern ("Dirty Work"), Frank Gambale ("FM") and Elliot Randall ("Hey Nineteen"). Richman will lead the disc’s support back which features saxophonist Ernie Watts, keyboardist Peter Wolf, bassist Jimmy Haslip and drummer Vinnie Colaiuta.

Date: Fri, March 31, 2006, 14:19:28 ET
Posted by: Donad's old, nyc

Donald fagen used to be great.

WTF happened?

Donald Fagen - Morph The Cat review

The "eagerly anticipated" solo album from one half of American smooth duo Steely Dan. Mr Fagen has given the world a lot over the years and if he and his Dan colleague Walter Becker are praised for nothing else in their long and illustrious careers it was writing and recording 1977's Aja album. The pinnacle of smooth grooving, and no mistake.

MTC is apparently being compared with that great record. Pay such observations scant heed. Sure, this is not a bad record, dripping as it does with the kind of bop-along modern jazz rock and soul that has become Fagen's trademark. But comparable with Aja it ain't, despite the frighteningly similar arrangements on songs like H Gang - that saxophone solo sounds verrry familiar, etc - while the vocal harmonies prove another link with past, one that merely serves to remind the listener how great he used to be.

If we have to wait another 13 years for the next Fagen solo effort one hopes it will be a tad more imaginative than this effort.

Released: 20th March 2006

Date: Fri, March 31, 2006, 14:16:06 ET
Posted by: Rico Bandalucci, Piazza del Popolo

"This guy wasn't even born when the Nightfly came out." Yeah so? All those PhD dissertations on Beethoven at Harvard, wuz they born when Beethoven came out?

Date: Fri, March 31, 2006, 13:38:39 ET
Posted by: Earl, A boy named Sue...I mean Jacky

"Fagen's current work is more suited for airport cocktail bars than for jazz epics".

I live in North Carolina and know that reviewer Jacky Brammer. He's a 19 year old student at the University of North Carolina. Not somebody I would call a "professional" by any means. This guy wasn't even born when the Nightfly came out. His opinion about Steely Dan (or music in general for that matter) means nothing to me. Oh, you can reach Jacky (Jacky is a guy by the way) at

Date: Fri, March 31, 2006, 13:37:09 ET
Posted by: moonbeam, vinyl land

morph vinyl also dave dimartino steely dan book yahoo 360 blog

Date: Fri, March 31, 2006, 13:33:45 ET
Posted by: its what I do, whre i do it

fuck jacky ...

Date: Fri, March 31, 2006, 13:32:26 ET
Posted by: back2bass6, lawn

"Kama is a great album. Don's played pretty much the whole album this tour."

a quote from BOB....

what the ^&*%$$)__!!!!!

Date: Fri, March 31, 2006, 13:15:13 ET
Posted by: Mer., Boston

Mr. Brammer's review smacks of his generation- wanting information and music in neat little 3-4 min. sound bites.... just what SD is (and has been) up against in their musical career(s). Oh well, I think he's missed the mark.....

Date: Fri, March 31, 2006, 13:11:41 ET
Posted by: jimmer, salads n sun

ok so everyone can have an opinion, mine is that its a very good album and yes some of the songs are perhaps stretched a little too long, but as far as morph being airport music and don being over the hill i feel that......
"only a fool would say that"!

btw- anyone have anything definitive about donald going back out perhaps to the southland

Date: Fri, March 31, 2006, 13:07:09 ET
Posted by: thirdworldman, la louvre

don't you just love these assheads who, for lack of anything better to do, and possesing a juvenile sense of humor, use someone elses' online nicname? really clever, and so witty! normally one would have to frequent a bowling alley to be able to associate with the likes of such a cerebral giant.

Date: Fri, March 31, 2006, 13:03:43 ET
Posted by: Lar,

Donald's old, - 20 reviews of MTC gets 5 stars and one review gets 3 stars. DF should hang it up? Maybe YOU should hang it up!

Date: Fri, March 31, 2006, 12:57:50 ET
Posted by: Donald's old, v-gas

Maybe its time for Don to hang it up?

Steely Dan member releases mediocre disc
By: Jacky Brammer, Staff WriterIssue date: 3/30/06 Section: DiversionsPrintEmail Article Tools Page 1 of 1 MUSICREVIEW
Donald Fagen
Morph the Cat
3 Stars

It has been 13 years since Donald Fagen's last release and three years since the last Steely Dan album (although it's been 30 years since the band's best material).

But even with all that down time, the material on Fagen's Morph the Cat sounds tired.

As one half of the seminal jazz-rock band Steely Dan, Fagen has a wealth of experience in song crafting and arrangements.

But it's hard to shake the notion that he sounds like an artist who needs a break.

With piano, guitar, drums and tenor sax present on most tracks, the album stays at home within the jazz-rock genre.

But with age, Fagen's classic sound has drifted away from his strong suit and more into the adult contemporary vein.

As an artist, that puts Fagen at a paradox.

Whereas his older style would have been more equipped for improvisational solos and extended codas, the neutered twang of Fagen's current work is more suited for airport cocktail bars than for jazz epics.

But the musician in him is not willing to concede the higher ground to the limits of his style.

With only one track at less than five and a half minutes, the songs tend to extend well past the necessary conclusion into what could be loosely called "jam sessions." And what should come off as righteous crescendoes and climaxes instead becomes tired and trite.

All is not lost, though. Fagen excels as a songwriter where he weaves empathic tales of lost love and lust at first sight.

Particularly moving is "What I Do."

On the track, Fagen imagines a beyond-the-grave conversation between himself and Ray Charles in which the Georgia icon explains his purpose on Earth and in Heaven:

"Yes, I come to play, and I bring big soul/Well I could rock long before they named it/Rock 'n' roll/ It's what I do."

While the lyrics succeed as stand-alone narratives, the notes fail to complement adequately the stories.

And that adds to the larger problem with the incompatibility of the song length to the musical style - at least to younger ears.

Perhaps this is a sign of a move toward adult contemporary greatness for Fagen. If that's the case, then maybe it's a kind of a step forward, but for more information on that, you'll have to ask your parents.

Date: Fri, March 31, 2006, 10:05:31 ET
Posted by: ouch, stung

sometimes the truth hurts....

Date: Fri, March 31, 2006, 09:54:34 ET
Posted by: JIMMMER, fez

hey backtobass,,,i agree that don coulda cut out some dan tunes, we've all heard them before, i did feel robbed that he dissed kama, and played chuck berry and teagrden etc,,, but he's a star in his "glamour profession" and can do what he feels like,,,, next thing we'll wanna sue him for playing too long!

Date: Fri, March 31, 2006, 09:15:52 ET
Posted by: steelydoc, @ the Lido

Taurus, birthday on 4/22...keep those presents/email gift cards coming!

I have to agree with DF and Lexi:

I lived in LA for 7 years...the concert audience is different out there, its all about being seen, not seeing the concert. Heck, even baseball games are different out there. I went to a few Dodgers games, and the crowds are so laid back, mellow and they actually seem disinterested in the game for the most part. It's nice that you don't have tons of rowdy drunks, but it's a very unusual vibe out there...just my opinion....

PS: just received my Rolling Stone magazine in the mailbox, yet another Q & A session with Donald...great stuff....

Date: Fri, March 31, 2006, 08:23:13 ET
Posted by: ThirdWorldManure, Ooh that smell...

"Keep it coming Dandom"? Please... let's not.
I think we got a fairly representative sample here, one that should be reasonably satisfying. And you have made your point, whatever it was.

I want me a live record of this Nightfly run, a real one.
Thank you.

Date: Fri, March 31, 2006, 08:14:46 ET
Posted by: Ann, Still in the Stars!!

Aries: 10
Pisces: 7
All the others: 22

Keep 'em coming Dandom!!

Paul: Are you asleep!!!!


Date: Fri, March 31, 2006, 08:08:35 ET
Posted by: rt, nv

You do have to admit it it was a low blow to the LA fans.

Date: Fri, March 31, 2006, 07:37:06 ET
Posted by: tonez, here @ the western world

Looks like that Harrington weenie edited out the part that made it obvious he didn't actually go to the Oakland show, the part about DF "strongly featuring the new record"...

Date: Fri, March 31, 2006, 07:07:37 ET
Posted by: thirdworldmanfuhur, aqui

pisces, if it matters at all

Date: Fri, March 31, 2006, 07:05:23 ET
Posted by: thirdworldmaniac, inside a hall of rock and sand

does anyone have a link to video filmed live during the df band tour?
would be cool to see...

Date: Fri, March 31, 2006, 04:45:10 ET
Posted by: SS, HK

Ramble on Eric...a lot of people who have been to shows can relate.

By my count, there were just three SD songs in that set. Four if you count Here at the Western World. That might be the fewest during the tour. I know a lot of people I spoke with wanted more DF and less SD. Still, I can't quite complain about what I saw....just wish I had seen what you saw, too.

Concur with others on DF's voice. Seemed rough at times, but hard to pin the reason. His voice sounded strong and rich at Temecula. But the sound there was stunningly good. Coincidence ? At worst I found his voice inconsistent. I think he WAS ducking some higher notes...and the chorus of The Goodbye Look seemed like a strain. But I didn't go away thinking he was breaking down. And he didn't seem frustrated.

Ah yes....old Christmas trees as driving hazards. SueDave and I nearly had a nasty choice. Luckily the tree shifted to the edge of our lane.

I have now seen Rajah's posting pad...where the turban hums after lights out. I would have expected nothing less. Eccentric, stately and homey all at once. Know that if you want to go deep, he has a small library at his disposal.

After a tour through the legendary Amoeba records in Los Angeles, I can tell you that many titles, especially the jazz DVD concerts, are offered at just a fraction of the price here in the eastern world. Sold by people who have never heard of the artists in shops thick with Marlboro smoke and blaring Cantonese Pop music....the price is less than U.S. $4 for not one, but two discs....a current album, plus the artists greatest hits, and often remastered in HDCD. I got copies of TVN and EMG that way. Concert DVDs are less than U.S. $5. Go the the Mainland and it's lower still. At Amoeba, I saw the Miles Davis in Montreal DVD for about U.S. $22. My buddy got it in Shanghai for around Seventy Five cents.

We're still lacking here though on rare stuff.

Much better chance of finding that in Japan. If anyone wants to catch the rumoured SD dates in Japan later in the year, you won't be disappointed. There are ways to get it done without breaking the bank and I assure you it would be memorable. There's nowhere quite like Japan.

Date: Fri, March 31, 2006, 03:22:58 ET
Posted by: eric, san diego, ca

Here is the setlist for San Diego, CA 3/30/06

Here at the Western World
Greenflower Street
The Nightfly
New Frontier
What I Do
Home at Last
Goodbye Look
Tomorrows Girls
Brite Nitegown
Black Friday

Pretzel Logic
Viva Rock N Roll

[ ]

The show was spectacular.. Donald looked and sounded great, and boy did this band cook.. I loved every second of it. Great solos all around, and I'm glad the backup singers got a chance to showcase their talents on a couple of songs. I'm still in heaven from tonight... Forgive me for rambling...

Date: Fri, March 31, 2006, 01:07:10 ET
Posted by: Little Wild One, still dancing

Rest of the story:
Tomorrows Girls
Brite Nitegown
Black Friday

Pretzel Logic
Viva Rock N Roll

Date: Fri, March 31, 2006, 00:18:28 ET
Posted by: The Bending End, Rhode Island

Sagittarius...which I've just discovered is "inharmonius" with Pisces.

Date: Fri, March 31, 2006, 00:14:01 ET
Posted by: SHERPA, Direct from Lhasa

Leo, Precoitus rising...

Date: Fri, March 31, 2006, 00:09:28 ET
Posted by: Little Wild One, one of the dancing drunk people

Jeez, this is a tough crowd. Hope I don't get cyber mugged for posting this (Scroll on by lawn dude).

Tonight thus far:
Here at the Western World
Greenflower Street
The Nightfly
New Frontier
What I Do
Home at Last
Goodbye Look

It's that way only if you're one of the lucky ones, SueDave. What's that old saying? Live long enough to be a pain in the ass to your kids...guess we're starting early.

Date: Fri, March 31, 2006, 00:05:58 ET
Posted by: seriously, lame

Over reaction, if you ask me.

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 23:57:14 ET
Posted by: The Dean, San Francisco (in the dreaded Marina)

Hey, i said I'm new here. Don't let me drive you away. As with any online community, there are all types. I've lurked her for years...but just started posting lately.

I apologize if I'm out of line...i certainly don't think I'm "King" (and I don't think anything i posted implies that). But, if you take someone's reported off-hand statement personally, well, you probably won't last long in any online communities I've been a part of.

Just IMO...really.

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 23:41:24 ET
Posted by: LA Kat,

Hey Dean, I'm not a longstanding member here or anywhere else either, so I had no idea I was breaking some fan rule of which you are king. Frankly if DF didn't want any individual member of his audience to be offended maybe he shouldn'ty have made blanket statements about the crowd. Did you read it? No matter, I'm logging out for good and glad to know you'll compliment the door hitting me on my ass on the way out. So much for fan communities, if what I've posted here really makes me come across as an asshole.

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 23:39:51 ET
Posted by: suedave, yeah, right

Rajah - you da man!

Sheeit. Donald Fagen Syndrome (DFS) has set in. Still devoted to Maxine after what I'd heard in Temecula. That tune was seriously under appreciated by the audience but no matter to me. Maxine and The Nightfly have taken over my brain. Can't play it loud enough to get satisfaction with the kids in the house. It isn't supposed to be this way, is it?

SS - thanks for the fun ride to the airport. I'm glad you are able to negotiate dead xmas trees on the freeway! You've got a place to stay in southern PNW as well.

BTW, I agree totally with LWO. Lexi - you go girl.

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 23:28:12 ET
Posted by: Almost Gothic Negative Girl, Monterey, California

Oakland show was terrific. Donald was straining, but giving it his all. He was having vocal difficulties, which caused him to shout alot of the lyrics. But he was having a good time, and seemed happy to be there. The Paramount is a beautiful theater. I grew up in Oakland, and used to go to movies there. They remodeled it over 30 years ago, and I was there for opening night. It was Boz Skaggs, with the Oakland Symphony Orchestra. Boz came out in a Tux for the first set; and then changed in to a burgundy velvet smoking jacket for the second. Steve Miller joined him, and it was truly memorable.

I hadn't been back there since, so it was great to see that the place is still really clean and elegant inside. We took a long road trip from Monterey, to the 49er gold country, enjoying the storm which was running through California. Saw lots of wildflowers, varmints, and even tornado-type clouds. One of them touched-down in the Central Valley; we were very close to it. Not something you see here often, so it was a wonderful harbinger as we neared the City.

Stayed at a great place in Alameda in the yacht-harbor area, with a beautiful view of the Oakland Hills, the Mormon Temple, the City, the harbor--too cool; we had boats and birds and squirrels outside our deck, and it was very peaceful.

The concert was all I could have expected, after reading the reviews here, and seeing SD many times. Maxine, Nightfly, and Brite Nightgown were my favorites of the evening. The crowd was relatively good; appreciative, energetic, with not too much of the over-drunk bs and shouting-at-Donald crap that sometimes happens.

With Donald's voice being a bit rough, the girls were workin' extra hard. I could hardly take my eyes off them! The sound was not perfect, and I couldn't hear the bass that much, although I could feel it at times. I expected more help on vocals from Jeff Young, but didn't get it. The band had some clusterfuck moments to my ears, but they also got some totally incredible jazzy-spaced-out jams goin' on, which just completely rocked the house.

All in all, I am so happy that I was there, and I hope that Mr. Fagen does another early summer tour, before he and Walter hit the road with the Steely Dan machine. I know I'll be there for both of them.

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 23:24:52 ET
Posted by: Nazman, Still standing

Aries, not too far from the Piscean border...

For my birthday treated myself to the Magnificent One. No words to describe my pleasure in having his company and experiencing his legacy first hand. He seemed very into the show. Great jams. Magnificent hall. Place was packed. Buzzing. Not sure the crowd was lame (like someone else said) but that was my only night on this tour. Every song was a classic. Work of genius. Was blown away that he did Maxine. Felt it was a personal gift of sorts.

At times thought the volume was way too high. Makes it harder to appreciate the essence. Fagen is too good for volume issues. Not sure Krantz is the best fit but how would that matter when the Magnificent One is in his element.. Another night to remember...

Looking forward to SD this fall...

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 23:24:36 ET
Posted by: The Dean, San Francisco (in the dreaded Marina)

I'm far too new of a community participant (certainly haven't earned "member" status) to make this comment...but, here goes:

LA Kat...are you an asshole or do you just play one on The Blue Book?

I'm going to go WAY out on a limb here and guess DF wasn't talking about you (especially if that helps you feel better).

How can you let something like THAT bother you? Sheesh.

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 23:19:11 ET
Posted by: LA Kat,

Thanks for the buzzkill Donald. Another creepy post from "lexi"/DF over on Explaining after the fact what was wrong with the Wiltern gig and especially what was wrong with US, the audience! Thanks a lot DF. I thought I had a good time and that you and your band played really well. But now thanks to your public whining I know better. Is anyone beginning to miss the days when SD was silent and mysterious?

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 23:06:29 ET
Posted by: Little Wild One, all outside access

Word from the Viejas venue is that it is cold and the band is all outfitted in jackets and scarves...At sound check, Donald quips, "I need fffing gloves."

Jonny, you are so right. No complaints here other than I wish I could have gone to another show and heard more.

NYB, I'll check out your chart if you send me your data. Ouch, Ann. I know all about that tail sting. Trust me!

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 22:57:39 ET
Posted by: Ann, Still in the Stars!!

Art!! Ooooh!! Sting in the tail! Dangerous!!


Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 22:48:24 ET
Posted by: Art,

Almost forgot.

Ann, Scorpio but on the cusp with Libra. Oct. 24.

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 22:33:09 ET
Posted by: Art Pepper, with Jack Sheldon

Daddy G. - I caught those great photos on the SFGate site and started to alert the masses, then saw your post. I've got the one where he's gettin' down on the keyboard (not the fist-in-the-air one) as my wallpaper. I put the screen to a black background. It looks great.

Speaking of photos... there's a photograph of Don in the booklet with the Morph cd that I find quite interesting. I would even say haunting and mildly disturbing in a way. It's the picture on the page with the Morph the Cat Reprise lyrics. He has a somewhat wry smile on his face and his suit looks too large for him. With his feet together and his hands clasped, I really hate to even say this but it reminds me of a corpse in a casket. Could he have been thinking this when choosing the pics for the cover? This is one of the most unusual pictures of DF that I've seen.

I think a lot of us were treating H-Gang as a throw-away but the more I hear it the more I like it. The chorus really has a memorable hook that's simple and straightforward. It actually reminds me a lot of something akin to a Boz Scaggs song from the Seventies.

Faith, Magic, Myth, Reality? I would recommend a book by Holger Kersten called "Jesus Lived in India". Very enlightening.

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 22:29:13 ET
Posted by: Ann, Bad-spelling-land

Whoops!! Mean "genteel", not gentile.....but maybe that too!


Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 22:21:43 ET
Posted by: lovethisgig, atlanta


Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 22:07:23 ET
Posted by: PivotalPete, California

Saw the Oakland show. Sprung for this "AllAccess" deal and it was terrific. Maybe the best part was when DF walked alone onto the stage, as the sound check was starting, sat down at one of the keyboards, and just began playing a mellow jazz tune. It was like "I'm watching my (our) idol just entertaining himself" and, of course, he can really play. Only downside was a couple guys behind us *talking* pretty loud while Donald was soloing. Gave em a glare and they quieted down. I mean, we had to wait two hours between the sound check and the concert -- giving them plenty of time to show how many fascinating hip stories they could tell each other.

Took my 17-year-old daughter (long story) and on the way to the show was playing stuff off my iPod. Had her play "Countermoon" and said I suspected he'd play it. Later at the sound check DF is reviewing the setlist and notes there aren't any Kama songs on it. Jeff Young (keyboards/vocals) says: "Hey, Donald, maybe we should do Countermoon?" So they rehearsed it and then did it. Kinda cosmic for me. Personally I was happier with more NF than Kama. (They discussed doing Snowbound and dedided against it, which seemed like a good call). In fact overall thought the setlist was excellent. You can always complain, with so much material. BTW I liked the HATWW arrangement -- it may be melancholy in some sense, but it's also an advertisement for the place, so the more up-tempo stuff was not off-putting to me. Also liked the slightly altered melody on the chorus of Home at Last, which normally might have been disappointing as that song is as close to perfect as any every recorded.

Anyway, after the soundcheck we got to chat with Weiskopf, Young and Krantz and they were all really pleasant. Only challenge: KC was being interviewed, apparently, by Drum magazine on stage and he'd rip off some long, loud solos to it was really hard to hear at times. I asked "So they're putting the drumming in the *magazine*? And Wayne K said "That's why it has to be so loud." It was funny -- but perhaps you had to be there ...

Could go on for a while. One other tidbit I found interesting: they ran through Maxine a couple-three times and Jeff Y did a perfect, lush version of the piano intro. Turns out they never got any charts or anything; he just figured it out off the record.

I'd do the AA thing, even though it's expensive, if it's offered for SD. Just be prepared for the food and wine to go quickly. We had great seats. Right behind where the heavy guy who raised a fuss (mentioned earlier) ended up sitting. Turns out he and his wife were over from Australia and had already been to two previous shows. So guess he could be choosy.

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 22:04:20 ET
Posted by: Ann, Still in the Stars!!

Good Morning All!

10.50am here in Borneo......and the head count is:

Aries: 9, all the others: 24, with Pisces strongly featured!

Thank you everyone who has contributed their sign up to now....
Keep 'em coming!

Had a Borneo experience this morning!!!! For weeks now a troop of monkeys have been visiting us for food. While I was throwing them some bits of apples, etc, the alpha male came running at me in a very aggressive way!!! Agh!!! Maybe he thought I was one of them and his next conquest!! Think I'll stick with more gentile activities!!!

The Doctor: Well....(to continue the bestial thread) all depends which half is the horse! Could be quite interesting!!

Peace to all!!


Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 21:51:49 ET
Posted by: jonny, @ playroom.bunker

When I caught Don & Co. I was disappointed not to get a lot of MTC, because I think it's superb. But all was forgiven with the inclusion of: "The Goodbye Look," "Third World Man" and "Black Cow." Seems to me, ANYthing we get from the guy is an exquisite musical gift, and to carp about what WASN'T played is something I'm unable to relate to personally, but I can understand where it comes from.

But I think it also illustrates that he and SD are unique and special in all the world. What other group, ANYwhere, inspires the sort of passionate debate about concert setlist inclusions and exclusions? It's hard to imagine the same kind of discussion among fans coming, say, from an Eagles 12th "Farewell Tour" concert or the Dead or Billy Joel or Elton or the Stones for that matter. And certainly no one cares what tunes Destiny's Child, Britney or Ludakris, to name just a few that are current, pull out at a concert, because it's all the same song. But what our guys do transcends anything ever done in pop music. People who get it, get it and love it above all else. Basically, us.

If they continue to tour and Donald's voice can hold out, and Mike McD. gets tossed in to the mix, then it's just another chance to sit for a couple of hours and let their magic wash over me. And so anything they want to play is fine. To those who would sit at a show and find something to be displeased about--I don't think you guys really and truly get it.

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 21:18:20 ET
Posted by: Ghandi, random thoughts

If it has tits or a motor, expect trouble.

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 20:56:48 ET
Posted by: Zero Crossing,

Funny B2B6, everyone has thier own ideas as to what Donald was "supposed" to play on this tour. Logically you would think he would be doing mainly MTC songs to push his new cd, but he's not. You think he should be concentrating on Kama songs, I can understand that too, but ultimately it's up to the artist as to what gets played. I think you should be happy that you got to see the one and possibly only Donald Fagen tour in history and just forget about what you think he should have played.

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 20:52:41 ET
Posted by: Gretchen,

SS, you were a wonderful guest and I'm happy to have you as a new member of my Dan family. Please consider coming for the summer tour, you always have a place to stay.


Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 20:35:21 ET
Posted by: Rajah, we're missin you

Our Sparki-Doo from Hong Kong was, quite prediciably, the best houseguest ever and he and SOH and Geoff remain the most eligible bachelors on here.

Together, they comprise their very own H Gang; or maybe that should be P-Gang...[rim shot]...gotcha, thank you.

I thought I was cool...turns out, no, it's a guy called, "ss."

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 20:35:11 ET
Posted by: SS, HK

Bob...I saw one Kama song (Snowbound) while attending three shows. Not enough for me, but yeah I'm over it.

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 20:26:22 ET
Posted by: W1P, Not on the road again

I'd like to go but have burned my "capital" with Mrs. Pink for this week because I need to be gone all day Saturday at the Ojai Classic Rock Festival. And I only earned that capital by agreeing to let her go to The Strokes tonight while I babysit. I'm trying to send AP in my place. Start the projection machine

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 20:25:53 ET
Posted by: Bob,

Hey, Back2Bass6. Kama is a great album. Don's played pretty much the whole album this tour. Just he didn't feel like it the night you went to the show. Sorta like a conversation where you don't get to discuss it all. Get over it and hope for next time.

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 20:22:51 ET
Posted by: SS, back in Aja

Pisces...Gemini rising.

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 20:09:12 ET
Posted by: back2bass6, lawn guyland

apparantly....kamakiriad has been squashed for the most part on this tour, there is no denying this...thank god i was at westbury, where he did 3 kama tunes, including tomorrows girls.

why DF has chosen to disregard this amazing album on this tour is perplexing. Please do not respons with what a genius he is, or, he must have a reason, or, he prefers playing black cow and pretzel logic and viva rock and roll, all three of those, albeit great tunes, are an absolute bore for dan fans who have seen them
during their last tour(S)

with a library of great material, why, on a DF solo tour, must he play "greatest hits" while "your gold teeth" and "on the dunes" and so many others get ignored?

cmon all you dan heads (i am one) rationalize this?

and you freaks who think there is a glitch when DF sings "upper broadway" have as much soul as engelbert humperdink.

and thanks for not giving us song lists...DF had maybe 25 ready for the tour.

glad i saw him, i love MTC, DF is vital and important, but I will never understand his complete disregard (for the most part) of KAMA. It is inexcusable, but not as bad as fucking eric clapton playing a fender without a wha wha pedal at the cream concerts. Glad i didnt spend a penny on that, so my memories of "tales of brave ulysses" are still intact and pure

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 19:51:00 ET
Posted by: Rajah ,

OK, suedave, I'm getting you a Kitty-T tomorow night.

Penny, I still listen to my vinyl of Katy Lied. I dislike the CD and the version on Citizen Steely Dan. However, the way the piano was recorded on that record is still awesome. Just what gives with the vocal tracks, I dunno but from what we can glean, Donald and Walter were sorely disappointed as well.

Mer - yeah, where is all the Virgo presence? Hunh, something amiss there...

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 19:23:28 ET
Posted by: Mer., Boston

I'm a Virgo- would have thought I'd have seen more Virgos in this informal Zodiacal survey--- you know, those leaning toward perfection, practicality...... (my husband insists that this is why the Boston show included such a "stayed" affect in the audience). He's a diehard Springsteen fan and enjoyed doing comparative surveys of Dan vs. Springtseen fans....

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 19:02:04 ET
Posted by: Javier Moreno, Oakland, CA

Dear Danheads:

Yes, I was there at the Oakland show too, and I enjoyed the Nightfly album... I just loved it. It was the kind of concert I expected. I wanted more of the Kamakiriad album, honestly.

Well, if you understand Spanish, you can check my review on my blog:

And that saxophonist Walt, he's pretty bad, honestly. I didn't like any of his messy solos. That Leonhardt trumpet guy played the best solo of the night on the Misery and The Blues track....

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 18:59:06 ET
Posted by: PennyK,

This is a terribly embarrassing question to post, BUT here goes.
I sort of didn't keep up with the Dan for a long time - (my mommying years), but got back into them a few years ago. Also couldn't keep up because of money issues. I had to backtrack for Kamakiriad, but have kept up with everything since EMG in a timely fashion (meaning the second every CD was released).
I am just now replacing my original LPs, believe it or not.(I had Show Biz Kids, but I had an overwhelming urge to hear Rose Darling.) When I listened to Katy Lied last night on CD, it sounded so different! Is this because of the remastering? Everything sounds so echo-y...and Donald sounds so Dylany. Help!

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 18:54:25 ET
Posted by: suedave, should be workin

An Aries wishin' I was going to another DF show. F*ck that Harrington guy - what we think is way more important.

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 18:39:49 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Who is coming to Santa Barbara tomorrow night for the big blow-out? Pink, are you on the road? Mark Wilson, where are you? Please chime in. Looks like the Santa Barbara Brewing Co. might fill the bill:

There's also a place called the James Joyce Tavern, I think, anyway, this is it for the Donald Fagen Band for quite a while I guess. Donald gave us his best, he carried the ball and hung in there, I wouldn't have expected anything less.

Now you Alpine Valley people are gonna freeze your collective tushies tonight...bundle up, temperatures in the low 40s. Aja, are you going?

Jesus, I just hope Donald doesn't blow out his pipes in the cold and comes limping in to Santa B.

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 18:20:10 ET
Posted by: Greg Moonspank, issues with spelling

And i bet cymbals are SYMBOLS too.

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 18:11:17 ET
Posted by: Connie, In the vineyard (and back to reality)

Thanks POC and Wicked Librarian for the great Danfest in Oakland. It was great seeing everyone again and meeting Geoff et al. (Boston Rag, give him a call or an email.).

I am still smiling and buzzing from hearing Donald and the band.

Yes, I also heard comments from the guy next to me about no H-Gang. I feel fortunate to hang with people who appreciated hearing Third World Man, Countermoon, etc.

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 17:10:41 ET
Posted by: Don/Danfiend, Chi


Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 16:44:18 ET
Posted by: Oldbunny, Ilinois


That Harrington review is a joke. The guy is clearly trying to BS his way through a concert review he HAD to write, even though he was unfamiliar with the band and music. "But..." he thinks, "who'll know the difference? How many fans can Steely Dan have out there, and how many could possiby see this review? I'll just say snide things and they'll think I'm smart!"
And I bet Neil "Pert" enjoys being mentioned in the paper, too.

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 16:35:51 ET
Posted by: The Dean, San Francisco (in the dreaded Marina)

Here's a short review i wrote for a few Fagen/SD friends. Figured I'd share it here:

The venue was the Oakland Paramount Theater. This is a beautiful place with a great history...the sound is NOT it's best feature, however. I attended the concert with the fabulous Caresse (who The Senator refers to as, "The Pulchritudinous One"). Needless to say we had a perfect little concert-ready buzz on. We sat near-center in the lower part of the balcony.

First observation is the tour has taken its toll on Donald's voice. The reports from earlier concerts were of a strong-voiced Fagen. While he was a trooper, and sang his heart out, his voice was clearly fading and straining. Second observation is DF was in a great mood, seemingly. Joked and ad-libbed like I've never heard him do before. Final global thought: While the band is essentially players from previous Steely Dan concerts (and albums), and about half the songs were SD tunes...this was nothing like a SD concert. The vibe and sound were totally different.

Here at the Western World (I wasn't crazy about the new arrangement...and I normally like the re-arranged live versions. There were the typical 1st song sound issues, too. Not bad...but, thankfully it got MUCH better)

Green Flower Street Nice, professional...still some sound issues. A great song that was well executed.

The Nightfly the second half of this song the band went into "space jazz" mode. I’ve never seen (or expected) this from SD or Fagen in the past. Donald did some nice spacy keyboard stuff while the rest of the band jammed airy jazz.

New Frontier Again, great song, well done. God damn, DF knows how to use his backup singers.

Maxine The fourth straight song from the Nightfly album! This is what REALLY turned the concert up full for me. I love this song and they did an absolutely beautiful version. Carolyn did the bull work on vocals and she was awesome.

Home at Last The sound issues are long a thing of the past. This is where drummer Keith Carlock really mesmerizes with incredible symbol work. A thing of sonic beauty.

Black Cow No surprises...but great, nonetheless.

The Goodbye Look Another Nightfly song...excellent. Great change of tempo and a lot of energy

Third World Man This is a dramatic tune and it worked perfectly in concert. Donald's voice starts to get stronger during this song and it pretty much got better for the rest of the show.

Countermoon The lone song from the Kamikiriad album and a nice choice. It's amazing how different the last four songs are stylistically. The amazing range of DF's writing and the bands musical abilities is really apparent...and then, it's taken to an even higher level with the next tune.

Misery & The Blues This is the song written by Charlie Lavere for the old jazz trombonist Jack Teagarden. This MAY have been the highlight of the night (although I may say that a few don't hold me to it). The solos on this were hard jazz...far harder than SD ever gets in concert. Stunning really. Drummer KC was outrageous in this song and Fagen was VERY animated...doing his Ray Charles shtick (but, w/o sunglasses).

Bright Nightgown Surprisingly, the only song from DF's new album, Morph the Cat. I thought DF might do more funk, seeing as the location has been home to some of the great soul and funk bands of all time. The funkiness of this song made up for there being only one funk song. This was terrific.

Black Friday Probably a better version than I've seen SD do. Another classic SD song done as well as it can be done.

Pretzel Logic Always a treat live. Keyboardist Young does a nice job...the girls wail...terrific solos...what more can you ask for. Another song where Fagen is animated and sounds great.

Viva Rock n Roll This is a fun, obscure Chuck Berry tune. I'm sure CB's band never played it like this. Incredibly, DF's voice sounds its best on the final few songs of the concert. He belted this one...that's for sure.

The guy next to me grumbled about them not playing H-Gang (the single off the new album). And I heard another guy say the same thing on the way out. But, DF doesn't care about "singles". I'm sure that was the record company's choice, anyway.

All in all a first-rate, first-class concert. About 100 minutes of, mostly, non-stop music.

Get ready for a Steely Dan tour this summer. Rumor has it they will tour with Michael McDonald...but, I'll probably go see it anyway.

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 16:30:20 ET
Posted by: NYB,

Pisces here too. So how do you figure out all that Sun, Moon, Sign stuff?

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 16:29:51 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Sorry if I missed a post on this from earlier but heads up that the April 2006 issue of the UK mag, "Uncut" gives MTC 5 out of 5 stars. It's 2/3 of a page with a large photo of DF and 2 Q & A items. Writer says the last couple of SD albums lacked the quality of songwriting on MTC. (I don't agree with the songwriting comment, btw; thought all three albums have stupendous songwriting.) I would have bough the mag but the store I saw it at wanted $10 for it. A bit costly for such a short review. Will have to check out or something.


Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 16:29:20 ET
Posted by: dc, wa

When you mentioned Ricky Lawson.I was down in front at the Wiltern.There was some talk about Ricky and Keith.About there different drumming styles.I think they both are great drummers.I became friends with Ricky.I go see him when plays in LA.He has quite an accomplished record when it comes to playing with different artists.also as a writer and arranger.

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 16:26:57 ET
Posted by: ed_beatty, @work


Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 16:11:44 ET
Posted by: Kelli, Oregon

Proud Capricorn

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 16:09:14 ET
Posted by: dc, wa

I agree all 3 "Do it" "Here at the Western" and "Reelin" all great.

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 16:07:14 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Loved the 1993/'94 version of "Reelin'" Stands along side the '73 version on equal footing. In some ways like the '93/'94 version better and in others I like the '73 version better.

Loved the 1995/'96 version of "Do It Again." Same comment as for "Reelin'." Remember how DF said he would never play DIA and then he did at Roseland '95. What a thrill!

Only heard the '96 version of "Rikki" twice and I thought it was a touch too mellow compared to the '74 version. Maybe it was where I was at in the audience but it seemed to lack the energy of the '74 version.

"Here At the Western World 2006" was interesting as I always love different spins and takes on SD songs, but a couple of listens to DF's cover of the SD song (as I think of it) left me wishing for the SD version as part of the 2006 SD summer set list.

I also loved Walter's version of "Jack of Speed" in 1996. More sped up and bluesier. I'll never forget the last show of 2000 at Düsseldorf where it seemed that even DF was surprised when Ricky Lawson kicked off JOS with a faster beat.

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 15:57:24 ET
Posted by: Kamkiriad, Bay Area

Re-arrangement of "Reelin," especially the version on "Alive in America" is the best cut on the CD. Love it!

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 15:51:42 ET
Posted by: dc, wa

ON tours past SD did a re-arragment of "Reelin in the years" did anyone care for that.

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 15:29:22 ET
Posted by: kamkiriad, Bay Area

In response to Lou Chang's observations of the Paramount show, My observations from Row "B" Center:

1. Crowd was Lame (did you pick up on Don's "Do we need to take your tempature" comment?)
2. Re-arrangement of Western World was hard to follow, and I've probably heard it 1,000+ times. I DISAGREE strongly on the re-arrangement of Do it Again from the EMG Tour. It was fabulous and IMO the highlight of the shows I saw.
3. Nightfly selections live were tre cool.
4. Paramount is a beautiful building, sound, at least in the very front was indeed a problem.
5. Wouldn't want to be in a group that would have me as a member. Thus havent been to any Danfests.
6. Religious experience anytime DF or SD plays!

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 15:15:22 ET
Posted by: kamkiriad, Bay Area

I'm a sag, 11/27 and I spin Kama way more than Nightfly.......not that there is anything wrong with it!

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 14:59:35 ET
Posted by: Star, naked star

I have a confession/for three years I have had a Security Joan thing for my dentist's dental assistant/I make up false pain as an excuse to go there/sometimes I even pay cash for work my insurance will not cover/I call on the phone just to her say "bicuspid molar"/ I wish Donald will write a song Toothache Marie

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 14:52:33 ET
Posted by: Jon, .

I think the reason no rebuttal was elicted by the claim that watching "The Terminal" obviated the need to listen to "Security Joan", was that it was such a bonehead statement as to not warrant a response.

Until now.

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 14:40:50 ET
Posted by: The Doctor, Portsmouth, England

Hoops...belated thanks for the back catalogue update...once again, in Hoops we trust.

P.S....Ann....Sagittarius....half man,half horse...yeah, I know, in my dreams !!!

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 14:34:42 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

No longer true. Becker is composing songs with Larry Klein. And the birdie also says...

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 14:23:47 ET
Posted by: Lou Chang, Seattle

General Observations from Oakland show:

1) Crowd was lame
2) Re-arrangment of Western World was lame. SD did the same thing to Do It Again. Western World and Do It Again are serious, sad, haunting tunes. Re-arranging them as Vegas-like showtunes is very off-putting. The essence of the song is gone. Very disappointing.
3) Totally incredible to hear almost all of Nightfly.
4) Great venue, sound was questionable.
5) Actually stumbled onto the Danfest for the first time. Cool.
6) Great show!

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 14:05:54 ET
Posted by: Declan, memphis

Better yet, why do all of PQ's posts end with "LOL"? Is it because he's a nutter.

Kind of ticked Don passed on playing "Here at the Western World" during the Midwest swing. A fine arrangement that I would have loved to hear live. And that's about the only quibble I have.

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 14:03:14 ET
Posted by: Ram Dass,

You have the most important connection to the band, your affinity for the music. This is all that is required.

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 13:33:12 ET
Posted by: Eric, san diego, ca

I'm going to be at the san diego show tonight, close to the right side in row 6 if anyone else here is going there, swing by and see me. I will be wearing a brown jacket :-P I have no connections with the band, except that I'm a loyal fan. Hope to see some other bluebookers there :)


Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 13:28:01 ET
Posted by: Rajah ,

The Terminal has nothing whatever to do with Security Joan out side of the setting. Period.

Peter, Steely Dan is a great place for an accomplished musician who perhaps needs a little exposure, or a little cash, and is willing to be a farmhand on the Steely Dan Ranch for a time. This has been their history. They jettisoned the band after their third album and commited themselves to this free-form arrangment with rspect to their featured players. Once a player gained a little of that cross-over noteriety, they invariably want to strike out on their own. There's no room for another songwriter in any Steely Dan band, D&W rule with an iron hand, this is their thing and you can hitch a ride to the next stop. It's a system that really works well for both them and the player.

Jon Herington has said that in all the years he has been working with Donald he has never been told what to play and how to play it, once he said Donald came over and said, "hey, Jon, in that opening to [some Steely Dan song on the setlist], could you...ah...oh listen, forget it."

So Donald I have to believe respects the judgment of the people he's hired, he hired them cause they are such ace players and so does not instruct them or tell them what to play or, like an insecure director in the theatre, gives them a line reading. However, if you're in Don's band and also have designs on your own career as a songwriter, the Steely Dan train can only be ridden for a finite time, an alternative form of transportation a few days a week.

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 13:23:46 ET
Posted by: PF, western US

Too bad to hear "No DVD" for DF‘06. You’d figure something like that would sell like crazy with all the fans who prob couldn’t catch a show.

Ann in Borneo,

Sagittarius, exactly 9 months after Valentine’s day 1970. The only time on record that my parents ever actually did ‘it’.

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 13:03:04 ET
Posted by: fp, nyc

Peter q- What the fuck does Chris Potter and Paul Motian have to do with Jim Harrington's review? Stop trying to beat down everything Becker and Fagen does. You have some serious mental problems.

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 13:00:36 ET

I have been perusing older posts and something caught my eye that didn't quite mesh; namely, a similarity between the movie "The Terminal" and the lyrics to DF's "Security Joan".

In Security Joan, an anonymous male character falls for a female airport SECURITY GUARD.

In The Terminal, an unfortunate Tom Hanks plays a character who tries every day to get his papers stamped to gain access to the US, but the female CUSTOMS AGENT is unable to comply. There is no romantic connection at any time between she and he.

A sub-plot has another airline employee, (baggage handler or something of the sort) in love with said Customs Agent. He proposes, they get together, blah blah blah.

How can you possibly draw a connection between the two?
Someone posted "I feel as though I've already heard the song" and that it was bordering on plagiarism.


Whatever are you talking about?

Is the male character in "Security Joan" an airline employee?!?
Is the female character in "The Terminal" a security gaurd?!?

bewildered in the baggage claim area...TWM

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 12:54:07 ET
Posted by: NYB,

"After witnessing Fagen's show in Oakland, which strongly featured the new record, one has to wonder what took him so long? "Morph" doesn't stray from the Steely Dan musical blueprint one iota, except that it is almost totally bereft of memorable songs. There's certainly nothing on it that is comparable to such Steely hits as "Hey Nineteen," "Rikki Don't Lose That Number," "Peg" and "Babylon Sister.""

Uh... did this guy listen to Pagoda of Funn and Mona or not? It's getting really stupid out there people.

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 12:46:11 ET
Posted by: ps,

Angel, how about more details about when you peed, how many times your burped and the color of the t-shirt seller's own shirts. How were the rest rooms?

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 12:42:52 ET
Posted by: The Dean, San Francisco (in the dreaded Marina)

Nice review, Angel. Put me in the "Aquarius" group.

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 12:39:03 ET
Posted by: Pisces, and my name is Gretchen, la

Float on, all.


Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 12:37:57 ET
Posted by: hoops, chicago

Sun Sign = Cancer
Moon Sign = Capricorn
Rising Sign = Sagittarius
Jupiter = Aries

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 12:37:49 ET
Posted by: princessofcairo, los feliz

thanks to everyone who attended the oakland danfest! i hope everyone had a blast. the show was awesome, of course. great to see pete and all the others.

-poc (aries: 3 april)

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 12:34:30 ET
Posted by: angel, Rright between Donald and Walters birthdays, which is a nice place to be

Tones and I are the well known aquarians in the Steely Dan Guest Book community. :-)


For any who care about such things, my review of the Monday show is posted over on Mizar 5.

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 12:30:23 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

The errors in the Harrington review are pretty unprofessional and the fact checkers at his paper seem to have been asleep. But the central point he is trying to inarticulately make - he doesn't know how to express the idea - was made more clearly by no less an authority than Chris Potter in the February 2006 Downbeat:

(After touring with Steely Dan in 1994, Donald Fagen asked Potter to go back out on the road on the next tour. But the saxophonist turned Fagen down. "I have a lot of respect for Steely Dan," Potter said. "But Paul Motian asked me at the same time to go out with him. That was a crossroads. I chose Paul because the situation offered me more musical input. It was the right move.")

Without carrying on like a bunch of six year olds, let's discuss rationally the pros and cons. Go read the archives of this board from March 2004 if you want to carry on like a child. LOL!!

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 12:30:09 ET
Posted by: Ann, In the Stars!!

It's 1.30am in Darkest Borneo and I'm off to bed folks! Keep those star signs rolling in and I'll give you the latest head count in the morning! Currently Aries: 7, all the others totalled: 10.

Sweet dreams!


Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 12:14:23 ET
Posted by: The Dean, San Francisco (in the dreaded Marina)

Here is the letter I sent to the Jim Harrington's editor (and cc'd to Harrington):

I'm sure you get many angry letters after one of your reviewers gives an unfavorable review. The aftermath of Jim Harrington's review of Donald Fagen's performance at Oakland's Paramount Theater won't come as a surprise then.

I'll let the other Fagen and Steely Dan fans point out just how off-base Mr. Harrington's review was. I'd like to focus on, what I believe are, two major fundamental problems with the review.

The most obvious mistake is Mr. Harrington's observation that the show, "strongly featured the new record". Really? For the record, the band played exactly ONE song off of the spectacular new album, Morph the Cat ("Bright Nitegown"). Compare this to the FIVE songs the band played from Fagen's first solo album, The Nightfly. Did Mr. Harrington even attend this concert? Was he so woefully unprepared to review the artist that he hadn't bothered to listen to his work prior to the concert? I cannot comprehend how a professional could make this big of an error if he preformed his task seriously and while somewhat sober.

That leads me to the second fundamental problem with this review. How could Jim Harrington be assigned to review an artist with whom he is largely unfamiliar (and whom he obviously regards unfavorably)? I don't think the reviewer needs to be a fan of the artist (or genre) being reviewed...but, I can't imagine why you would send a guy who doesn't like the artist to review said artist.

How do I know Mr. Harrington is ignorant of the work of Mr. Fagen and Steely Dan? He makes it pretty clear by referring to Fagen's music as "relaxing and inoffensive". Anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of Steely Dan would understand they are considered to be one the most subversive bands in modern pop music over the past 35 years. Of course, he would have to listen to (and understand) the lyrics to know that. Or he could just read one of the hundreds of articles written addressing this very issue.

Harrington continues to show his ignorance by referring to Home at Last as "perhaps the least likable track from 1977's 'Aja'". Say what? That may be Harrington's opinion, but I guarantee you that is not the feeling among Steely Dan aficionados (or knowledgeable reviewers).

Had Mr. Harrington done his homework, he would have seen the silly "elevator music" shtick used as far back as the late 1970's (and as recently as two weeks ago in a Reuters' interview). The response to that "observation"? “I don’t care what they say,” Fagen told Reuters in an interview. “They play Mozart in supermarkets too. There’s nothing you can do about it!” Perhaps you can send Mr. Harrington to review the San Francisco Symphony next.

One last point: What can you say about a music critic who espouses, "perfection is best left for the elevator"?

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 12:12:52 ET
Posted by: Ann, In the Stars!! the moment...yes!!...but the day after Skunk Baxter if that's any compensation!!

LWO: Now the Don/Walt star interaction would be VERY interesting!! I leave that one to an expert like you!!

DJ: Didn't know Da Vinci was one of us...unfortunately, so was Adolf Hitler!!


Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 12:06:38 ET
Posted by: Little Wild One, A-typical Taurus

Ann, honey, besides Steely Dan, astrology is my other passion. Been doing charts since I was a teenager.

It would appear that Pisces and Aries seem to be in the majority. I know the Geminis and Leos out there just haven't piped up yet.

Interesting really, Donald is a Capricorn and Walter is a Pisces. In my spare time, I'll have to check out how they "work" star-wise.

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 12:02:09 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

This Jamband tribute - wow! I can't wait to hear what Mike Stern can do with Dirty Work. Isn't he the best player of ballads on guitar in like the last 50 years? Great choice.

And Ernie Watts on sax! Fuck! I just bought his latest album, Spirit Song, the other day. Whoo hoo hoo! Very powerful playing. I wish someone here would get this disc; listen to how he absolutely goes off on tenor sax on the title tune; then discuss, Why doesn't Donald Fagen ever let a sax player just go off like that? This is part of what this Jim Harirngton guy is saying.

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 11:58:56 ET
Posted by: Pam,

What, am I the only Sagittarius here? Dec 14th :) And I spin Kama more than Nightfly, too.

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 11:47:52 ET
Posted by: Daddy G., NJ

Dig the 2 pics with that SFgate/SFChronicle review...

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 11:36:01 ET
Posted by: Ann, In the Stars!!

Neck and neck: Aries: 7, all the others: 7
This is getting interesting!!!!

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 11:31:07 ET
Posted by: DJ, Shy-town

Well, the day the Titanic sunk, Lincoln died, taxes are due and DaVinci and myself were born on April 15th.

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 11:26:03 ET
Posted by: You, may prefer this

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 11:25:28 ET
Posted by: Danfiend, Chi

Hey Steely Dan Fam

MTC has been living in my cd player for two weeks already, but just before it came out there was another disk I couldn't stop listening to. I HAVE to introduce y'all to William Kurk. He has been making a name for himself here in Chicago as a singer/songwriter/multi-instrumentalist. What's even better is that he's a huge Don and Dan fan. Donald and Walter's influence figures prominently in his work, but he has a voice and style all his own. Someone turned me on to it and I'm glad they did. I know you guys will LOVE it too!

You can find his disk "The Sound: Volume 1" at,, and his website at I've heard from local musicians that he's currently in the studio working on "The Sound: Volume 2" and it's phenomenal. Check it out!


Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 11:24:07 ET
Posted by: Little Wild One, flushing

Of all the reviews, this one pisses me off the most. It's a SOLO tour, why the hell would he do the stuff that SD is best known for?

Elevator music? I'm not even gonna waste my time e-mailing him. But I fully support those who do.

Go Lexi.

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 11:10:29 ET
Posted by: Ann, In the stars

6 Aries, 7 all the others
Keep 'em coming folks of Dandom!

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 11:08:30 ET
Posted by: Danfiend, Chi

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 11:02:26 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

He had a couple glaring errors in there but that's par for the course as well, but you have to admit the line about comparing the Donald Fagen Band to, "Shakespearean actors in a Drano commercial," is darn funny, c'mon.

First we had the Generation Gap, then we had the Mineshaft Gap, finally now I think the empirical evidence warrants the chistening of a whole new gap, the Steely Dan Gap.

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 10:51:42 ET
Posted by: RJ Squirrel, PA

The review by Jim Harrington seems to touch on the performer/entertainer vs. musician bit. I will take all the great CDs and DVDs I can listen to from SD and pass on the rock-n-roll performance by a middle-aged hump jumping around in an English school boy outfit (Now that’s entertainment baby!!!).

Also, isn't it amazing we you know the facts about something that is written in the press how often they get it wrong? These guys must be really lazy and obviously no one reviews their work because the correct information is so easy to obtain these days.

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 10:50:30 ET
Posted by: JG , nv

Happy B-day to you also Ann

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 10:48:33 ET
Posted by: Write him, tell him what an ass he his

Riding the elevator with Donald Fagen
By Jim Harrington, STAFF WRITER

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 10:39:56 ET
Posted by: Only a Fool would Say That,

Jim Harrington, STAFF WRITER said : "After witnessing Fagen's show in Oakland, which strongly featured the new record, one has to wonder what took him so long?"

This goes to show you how full of shit this reviewer is. Fagen played one (1) song from Morph in Oakland. Right here this guys credibility is shot to hell. He couldn't wait to write this review so he could throw in his "elevator" crap. It's amazing how this guy even has a job.

Oh yeah, Harrington says: "Songs such as "Home at Last," which is perhaps the least likable track from 1977's "Aja"

another brilliant remark Jim

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 10:37:43 ET
Posted by: Rajah ,

Although the review by Jim Harrington posted below is scathing, he does give Fagen his due, however grudgingly. I think this reviewer more accurately captures what I hear the majority of Steely Dan-haters feel, it's undeniable that the way the music is constructed and Don's style of play irks a whole sector of music fans. Steely Dan may just have more anti-fans than fans. Even if they pretty much get it like this reviewer, they reject the form and execution itself.

He likes Angus Young? The guy in the short pants?


Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 10:27:39 ET
Posted by: Lester, mnt tops

Ann... you know that saying "Death and Taxes"???? Well I have the double whammy... my day is April 16th.. one day after IRS filing is due!

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 09:49:25 ET
Posted by: ygk, nyc

and mine was Monday, the 27th....and like I like to say when everyone forgets it, is that "March 27th is Sarah Vaughn's Birthday"


Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 09:18:28 ET
Posted by: Ann, Borneo - Rocks to the sound of MTC!!

Oooops!! Sorry guys, didn't mean Kid Clean, I mean RJ Squirrel!!!
(Old age!!)

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 09:15:27 ET
Posted by: Ann, Borneo - Rocks to the sound of MTC!!

Wow!! before me! Happy birthday for then!

Aries still ahead!!: 4, all the other signs: 7.

Keep 'em coming Dandom!!

Kid Clean: Yep it's pretty cool!! Same owners as the Beverly Hills Hotel!! It's our Big Boss' 60th birthday in July, so we're hoping for something big! When it was his 50th birthday we had free concerts from Michael Jackson (before all the law suits!!), Whitney Houston, Stevie Wonder and Seal. Who knows, maybe our Big Boss is really cool and appreciates the Dan. Now that WOULD make my year, to get them playing here!! Who knows!!

Looks like 15th April's announcement will determine my future this year!

Peace to all!!

Ann (Boogying in the jungle!!)

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 09:04:36 ET
Posted by: scoots, minneapolis

His name seems to get mentioned in the bluebook occasionally so I hope this qualifies as a "tangentially" Steely Dan note - I just received an email announcing a short Joe Jackson tour this June. (If nothing else the tie could be that Jackson was worked a bit with Todd Runtgren, who certainly has SD ties.) I hear Joe puts on a great show.

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 09:01:19 ET
Posted by: ws, nv

To Jim Harrington Inside bay area F-you

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 08:57:49 ET
Posted by: Audi, quattro

I once had an Aries back in the days. Later on I upgraded to a Taurus. But that's before Saturn hit the market.

Hope this help.

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 08:51:49 ET
Posted by: sucks, he said

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 07:48:52 ET
Posted by: JG, cal

April 3

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 07:47:50 ET
Posted by: Kid Clean, waking up

May 18th - Taurus

I spin Kama more than Nightfly.


Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 07:42:54 ET
Posted by: RJ Squirrel, Squelched by Reality

Ann, "urbane" indeed and a lovely Jack Nicklaus golf course to boot. In actuality I am the one in the "sticks" it seems. All jungle fantasies now ruined, no more native drums echoing in the distance...bwana no ju-ju.

Re: Kama, Florida Room is one of my top 5 favorite songs so I can't knock it.

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 07:25:31 ET
Posted by: IDTC, Libra

bobot, there's a guy here in the USA who does a radio talk show parody that has to be heard to be believed. His name is Phil Hendrie. He stands with Spike Milligan as one of the two greatest comic artists in human history.


---(everyone else)---SPIKE MILLIGAN...PHIL HENDRIE---(everyone else)---

If you don't know the work of either of those two names, you don't know what comedy is. Don't bother throwing Aristophanes or Twain at me.

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 02:59:14 ET
Posted by: Ann, Borneo

Lester: does that make you Taurus.....or yet another Aries??

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 02:51:00 ET
Posted by: Lester, mnt tops

Michelle in Oakland... 40 wasn't anywhere near as bad as 30... I didn't let any body mention it was my birthday for 30... not even the kids... 50 wasn't even as bad.... now 58 next month... I'll tell you later!

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 00:56:19 ET
Posted by: Michelle in Oakland, Oakland


Well, I am still coming down from last night's show at the Paramount, what an amazing night. We did the 5-star thing and I was skeptical in part because I am suspicious of these things and because it took some scraping money-wise, but it was totally worth it, no doubt in mind, I will never forget last night. My husband and I sat front row right in front of Donald. I was the dorky woman in the green shirt who cried tears of joy about 8 times that afternoon and night. Here at the Western World and Nightfly were the highlights for me and just hearing Donald playing keyboard at the beginning of soundcheck before the rest of the band got there. That and winning the autographed photo at the raffle. We have had such an unbeilevably crappy last 12 months and for a few hours I forgot about everything else and felt young and alive and just thrilled to be somewhere and it was really good to know I still have it in me to feel like that in the year I turn 40.

Somewhat still hungover, but happy. Cheers to you all.

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 00:52:26 ET
Posted by: Lester, tops of the mnts

To "Spooky" cooloftheeveningclassics4
(good tune good group)

I'm NOT picking on the Songs much less the lyrics on KAMA... Countermoon, Snowbound, Teahouse, Florida Room, and Tomorrow's Girls are great.... Teahouse TOTALLY rocked the Chicago Theatre two weeks ago... I would love to hear it again... but it was live... and there was something just (and this sounds like I don't like it.. which I do!) uh, how can I put it... inaccessible??? Antiseptic??? what?? Just like I said... not as compelling as a lot of the other stuff....

Is that putting it down???? I don't mean it that way.

Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 00:39:20 ET
Posted by: Ann, Borneo - no pygmies here

Ok, up to now we've got 3 Aries, and one each of Taurus, Piscies, Virgo and Cancer. Looks like the Aries are winning. Come on folks...tell me your sign!!

RJ Squirrel: Borneo, 3rd largest island in the world (debatable), S.E.Asia. Equator goes through the middle of it. Split between Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei (my bit - on the edge of the South China Sea). Home of the orang utan and rainforest (Pygmies live in Africa).

Rajah: Your fantasies are fascinating!! However, far from the truth! If any of you go to the following website, you will see that life here for me is strictly "urbane", as the mosquitoes in the jungle like me for dinner. Only miss the UK for its sense of humour and live music.....and, of course, the Off-Spring.

Peace to all!


Date: Thurs, March 30, 2006, 00:17:55 ET
Posted by: In the cool of the evening, in the last light of the triple sun

Your not my sister
Not my mother
Significant other
You're one of tomorrow's girls
That's why you don't get Kama

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 23:56:18 ET
Posted by: Little Wild One, from the foot of

Lester, ME TOO! One of my dear friends, Boston Rag, had to talk me down from the ledge on Kama.

It's just not accessible. Sorry folks.

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 23:51:59 ET
Posted by: Declan, memphis

Or, it could be about the narrator wishing a girl named "Rikki" would call him.

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 23:31:27 ET
Posted by: Sherpa, Direct from Lhasa

Hoops et. al.

The EW article does "reveal" another twist to the Rikki debate--unrequited love of a prof's wife....could be a "PC" interpretation cooked up to get thru the interview and not attract negative energy during this critical, initial period of Morph promotion?? Maybe not--but possible--no??

Let's presume that the narrator in the song is an older gay dude who perhaps had attempted the seduction of a confused younger dude (Rikki--which in and of itself could certainly be a dude's pet name), whom he learned about from his "friend in town" that went a bit awry. The underlying premise then becomes--well this time it went a little bad--but if you have a change of heart, give me a call and we'll try this again.

When this "presumption" is made, the song portrays the aforementioned scenario far better than a young hetero male's adolescent crush on an older, "unavailable" woman. Furthermore, continuing to apply this "non-hetero" presumption, one will find that there are about three or four OTHER cuts on Pretzel that take on interpretations quite different than what the casual (unadulterated?) listener might surmise.

The "neutral" ground on this debate is that the narrator on Rikki is a PUSHER- very apropos for the times (early 1970's) and that Rikki had a bad trip for his first foray into the drug scene--but then is encouraged not to give up......

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 22:57:06 ET
Posted by: Lester, mnt tops

Relative to the Audioholics review... Don't know about ranking it higher than "Everything Must Go"... That's real difficult...EMG has turned into one of my standard favotires... "Things I miss the most" is the most entertaining "D-I-V-O-R-C-E" songs EVER.... but I can't speak from experience over that being married once and currently for 37 years... and still going strong (Hopefully!) "Godwhackers", "Pixeleen"... "Lunch with Gina" all right up there.... but I would say while there's nothing to pick about Kama... it somehow just isn't as compelling... know what I mean???
I love lot's of the tracks... but I just don't go to it first... in fact, I had to get it off the shelf and into the CD changer in the Truck to re-familiarize myself with it before we went off to the Chicago show.... What do you think????

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 22:49:27 ET
Posted by: me, here

I miss the variety of bands/musicians/soloists that we used to see on Donald Fagen (and Steely Dan) releases.


I think this CD is stronger than the last Steely Dan release (Everything Must Go)


and MUCH stronger than the last Donald Fagen solo release (Kamakiriad)

I don't agree.

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 22:33:20 ET
Posted by: edbeatty, @site of best show on df 2006 tour

One more chime in


Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 20:52:19 ET
Posted by: Razorboy, with a capital R

Crazy Cat Terrorizes Connecticut Town

Mar 29, 7:24 AM (ET)

FAIRFIELD, Conn. (AP) - Residents of the neighborhood of Sunset Circle say they have been terrorized by a crazy cat named Lewis. Lewis for his part has been uniquely cited, personally issued a restraining order by the town's animal control officer.

"He looks like Felix the Cat and has six toes on each foot, each with a long claw," Janet Kettman, a neighbor said Monday. "They are formidable weapons."

The neighbors said those weapons, along with catlike stealth, have allowed Lewis to attack at least a half dozen people and ambush the Avon lady as she was getting out of her car.

Some of those who were bitten and scratched ended up seeking treatment at area hospitals.

Animal Control Officer Rachel Solveira placed a restraining order on him. It was the first time such an action was taken against a cat in Fairfield.

In effect, Lewis is under house arrest, forbidden to leave his home.

Solveira also arrested the cat's owner, Ruth Cisero, charging her with failing to comply with the restraining order and reckless endangerment.


hmmmmmm... curious

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 20:44:59 ET
Posted by: Rajah , breaking the 4th wall

Alfie, Annie Hall, (a lot of Woody's), Ferris Beuhler's Day Off, Spaceballs, When Harry Met Sally and the Muppet movies. I think the Muppets and FB are H Wood.

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 19:44:56 ET
Posted by: Provincial Ruben, Tall County, AR

Why, yes it is. Thanx. Long time voyuer; seldom poster. I'm a week behind. I read slow. I type slower. 2space; excess(ie: absent) thought. There's a place called Argonne where ordinary guys developed particularly nasty cases of dyn-o-mite. Don't worry about being taken alive-- unless you're a cockroach. B&F once described as 'worms' by corp exec.
Why do I (and maybe you) like MtC? Because the other does the one so well. Some cat comes to NYC after college daze. A bunch of fickle mushheads make him (and his 'partner in crime') into Gods of a sort. Hey, he was high above the town. It's fans like us that stargaze. This was all just thrust upon him. He gave us every chance to back out.
So he must form a band-- thanks, ABC/Dunhill! I thought no one (ok, maybe Kurt Cobain or Keith Whitley) would ever beat Neil Young and "The Needle and the Damage Done," but here you have it in a nutcase. When the 'show' is 'down' enough times, it's probably easier to 'get off the stage, boy' than to face a 'kickfight.'
Principal's unreliable, he'd better reinvent the gig. I swear I hear, "'s not a game I play/ to mug T and A..."
What do superheroes do? They face death. Ooh, gotta run baths. Tone arm lifts; it returns; you flip album. Maybe I won't be back.

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 19:41:35 ET
Posted by: speaking to the audience,

In one of Tony Randall's films from the 60's, I think "Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter" or something like that, Tony Randall speaks to the audience. That was a big name Hollywood film.

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 19:07:13 ET
Posted by: Alan, Ocean Beach, SF

CounterMoon - The location of the VIP 2nd row seats were, in fact, great. However, it was the size (or lack of) of the seats that made the seating not so ideal. Trying to fit 2 extra large blokes into seats designed for school kids did not work. This is something that AllAccess should review for future shows.

It was also noted, by others who shall remain nameless, that the closeness of the seating arrangements made sitting beside some Don Fans who had neglacted to bathe less than pleasant.

All that aside, the show was excellent and the front row end seat that I landed in made for a wonderful viewing experience.

Congrats on winning your autographed t-shirt - enjoy it!

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 18:52:47 ET
Posted by: Aja, from that other book

Was catching up on posts on the yellow when I read the news of Steveedan's wife. Life is just so cruel sometimes. Steveedan, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

On another note, was happy to catch up with ed and Lady Bayside this weekend after the Temecula show. NYC, here I come!


Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 18:29:13 ET
Posted by: hoops,

I agree that I think the EW article is very revealing in terms of new stuff. Like all that information about "My Old School" really puts a lot of discussion to rest, or at least moves it on to some new discussion. Note too that the article does not actually put the "Rikki" debate fully to rest, but it sure does give some new info. I wonder if Brian Sweet will revise his book as a result of some of these interviews.

As for being direct rather than elusive, I think it goes back to that "third personna" that enters the room when Walter and Donald get together—known as Mr. Steely Dan. Mr. Steely Dan is elusive. I believe I stated this before, but again, in some ways, I think it's better when meanings and such are ambiguous. Sure, it creates debate and uncertainty and arguments and consideration of all sorts of possibilities...but that's my point. I think it's better than being told exactly what a song is about.


Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 18:00:31 ET
Posted by: Kamkiriad, Bay Area

Speaking of the EW article, it is one of the very best written on the subject of DF, SD etc. I've attempted to read everything on the subject over the past 30 years, and frankly its mostly a bunch of regurgation. This article actually had facts never revealed. Also, the Donald Fagen I saw last night explaining the motivation and theme of most of the songs played, plus the Donald Fagen that gave a brief comment on each song on MTC, is not the same guy who would've
poo-pooed such a concept years back. He's obviously mellowing!

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 17:25:50 ET
Posted by: S.K.,

Vegas was great! Great to meet so many of you.

Saw Elton John at Caesar's last night and spoke with his Bassist, Bob Birch, who said he loves MTC. Also spoke with Elton guitarist Davey Johnstone and he said, "Steely Dan, they're great, I saw them a few years ago." Of course, Davey was also on tour with Elton circa 1973 when Steely Dan was an opener for Elton.

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 17:13:10 ET
Posted by: Hollywood Convention Forbids, Speaking to the Audience

IN ancnet Greek plays the chorus speaks to the audience, like in Thornton Wilder's Our Town. In a major budget, studio backed, Hollywodd produced, big name star film, you will not see this before Fight Club. It does not exist.

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 17:00:01 ET
Posted by: Mike F., NYC

THANK YOU to everyone who mentioned the Entertainment Weekly article. I just went to a store and they still had one copy of last week's issue. It's always worth it to ask them if they have any old copies leftover. Best, Mike

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 16:54:25 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Dunno where this thread started but speaking directly to the audience goes back to the Aeschylus, (think of the Chorus in Woody's Mighty Aphrodite)in fact when the device of two people, two characters, speaking directly to each other on stage was introduced it caused rioting, disrespectful to the gods it seems. Best at this device were the plays from the English Restoration period, characters coming downstage and whispering asides in sottovoce to the crowd, giving them some inside information. Works best with farce.

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 16:44:34 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

Gretchen, I was quite taken by Eugenides' Middlesex, and Franzen's decription of family ties (or lack fo it) in american middleclass is priceless.

I guess it's "V" then, thanks!

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 16:05:19 ET
Posted by: PQ, Hollywood, CA

*Sigh* Let the

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 15:52:31 ET
Posted by: the little walter,

Holy Grail was 1975. Admittedly not a Hollywood film.

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 15:49:49 ET
Posted by: the little walter,

In Monty Python and the Holy Grail a central theme was to make references that it was only a movie, with lots of asides directly to the camera, mixing of medieval with modern times, etc... with half the characters not ever realizing the "movie" aspect.

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 15:48:10 ET
Posted by: hoops,

There's so many posts here I want to reply to but not as much time as I would like.

Doctor, if you are in the market to replace/update the masters of your Dan CDs, there have been several iterations. As of the moment, the following are the versions to get, with some notes about some first run mistake to look for, in case you get one and find you need to exchange that. Also, there is a possibility that there will a sort of update on some other ABC titles. See below this list.

CBAT, CTE: Get the 1998 copyrighted versions, most recent masters out there at the moment.

Pretzel, Katy, Royal Scam, Aja: Get the 1999 copyrighted versions, most recent masters out there at the moment. Watch for some copies of Pretzel which are missing the intro to Rikki; watch for some copies of Katy which list the songs in the wrong order.

Gaucho: If you can find it, get the SACD/CD hybrid disc, copyrighted 2003. This will play in stereo on even the cheapest of CD players; if you have the special SACD player and setup, you will hear a surround version. There are also two other current versions of "Gaucho"—one is a DTS 5.1version mastered circa 1998/99 and another is a DVD-A version mastered circa 2003/04. Often DVD-A and DTS are on the same disc but that is not the case here.

Also there are DVD-A's of 2vN, EMG, Kama, and The Nightfly.

There will be a box of all three of Fagen's CDs this year.

There is also word that Aja, Scam, Pretzel and CTE are masted in SACD/CD hybrid but it is uncertain when they will be out. I think this year would be great. If so, that would make the other CD's I mention above relatively obsolete.

I would love for a DVD-A of 11TOW.

Funny eveyone forgets that "Alive In America" has never been out in DVD-A.

Hope that helps.


Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 15:44:57 ET
Posted by: kamkiriad, Bay Area

What chance do you think Donald and Woody Allen know each other on a more than casual basis? They may live in the same building on the upper east side. Attend the same Synagogue? THey are actually quite similar, except Woody has proven to be a REAL pervert, while DF see's himself as one in a "personal joke" kinda way.

Who knows: Maybe "everyone's gone to the movies" is woody and his step daughter??????????

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 15:44:36 ET
Posted by: scats, elsewhere

how is Fagen pulling off playing only one MtC tune?

I would love to hear 5 or more nightfly tunes
a kama hear or there
but two covers and only 1-2 MtC tunes?

shame on those taking the beer breaks during the new stuff

now if he's only love to tour the southland

question - is Donald playing the more intricate Philiganes parts from Maxine and other tunes?

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 15:41:08 ET
Posted by: W1P, LA

I swear G is not me. Thanks to Pete, I got to meet Chris Adamson too and I relayed a message from Chris to Alan Parsons who lives in SB if you get my drift

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 15:23:20 ET
Posted by: The Dean, San Francisco (in the dreaded Marina)

Wwll, as long as I decided to post once:

Kurt Vonnegut I'm sure, would be considered a genius and an influence to writers and musicians of a certain age. (So would Bukowski and Hunter Thompson...but, I digress...)

Jonathan Lethem may just be the "new Vonnegut".

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 15:09:57 ET
Posted by: The Doctor, Portsmouth, England

Ladies and gentlemen,boys and girls,

Apologies if this is a bit of a dull question to which the answer may/should be common knowledge...but...I bought all of the early Dan albums many moons ago as soon as they came out on CD, however, now when you listen the last two offerings and MTC etc, the sound, production etc on the old stuff, especially when I drop them down onto MP3 is, well, crap. All the Talking Heads stuff has recently be polished and re released here in the UK, and it's like listening to different albums. So, at last, the question...has or will the early Dan stuff every been re released post polishing ? (Yes, that's right, my grasp of the correct technical terminology is'nt that great is it !)

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 15:08:24 ET
Posted by: me, here

Speaking of countermoons...,,2-10-1462_1906655,00.html

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 15:05:17 ET
Posted by: Roger Ebert, .

PQ - I seem to remember Ferris Bueller talking to the camera quite a bit back in 1983. I'd hardly call John Hughes a genius.

The tracking shot in Hitchcock's 'Frenzy' when we go in the door, up the stairs, and then back out is pretty neat too.

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 15:02:46 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

OK doc I'll amend - Fincher has Pitt and Norton address the viewer so as to comment that's it 'only a movie'. Like when in Godard films you can see the boom mike hanging over the actors heads.

Or like in Show Biz Kids when the lyric "I've been around the world" was clearly not the case in 1973.

IN V. the jazz sax player who's based on Monk and Parker is named 'McClinitc Sphere.'

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 14:55:27 ET
Posted by: steelydoc, @ the Lido

PQ: didn't see Panic Room, but check out the great steadicam shot in Goodfellas when Ray Liotta enters the Copa...incredible! ...also, Woody Allen spoke to the camera in "Annie Hall" in was original 30 years ago!

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 14:51:30 ET
Posted by: Gretchen,

Both Jonathan Franzen and Jeffery Eugenides' works would appeal to many Dan fans. If you haven't read Franzen's "The Corrections," pick it up, you're in for a treat. Check out these websites:


Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 14:48:48 ET
Posted by: Kamkiriad, Bay Area

Oakland Set List

Here at the Western World
Green Flower Street
The Nightfly
New Frontier
Home at last
Black Cow
The Goodbye Look
Third World Man
Misery & The Blues
Bright Nightgown
Black Friday
Pretzel Logic
Viva Rock n Roll

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 14:45:58 ET
Posted by: RJ Squirrel, PA

Artistic brilliance? Tough one, what is the definition and evidence? Do you have to influence others to be brilliant? Who has been influenced by SD? Not a knock, maybe nobody else is capable of advancing or improving the form.

Not sure Kubrick influenced anybody either my droogies but I love him.

Interesting quote from Woody Allen on genius/influence:

I was in conversation with Martin Scorcese some time ago and I was pointing out that, in my opinion, I-- and I’m not saying this pejoratively-- I have influenced nobody, whereas Marty, everytime I go to a movie, I see his influence. Correctly so, because he’s a brilliant director. I’ve seen Altman’s influence; Coppola’s influence. But mine, I don’t really see. There are certain people in every field that do not influence. They can do perfectly good work, I’m not denigrating my work. Like in jazz, for example, Charlie Parker was a monstrous influence everywhere, but Thelonious Monk, who is a definite genius, has no real heritage. Practically nobody was influenced by him. I feel that I’ve influenced nobody. I would be very surprised if my picture was up on someone’s wall. It may be, but I just would be surprised.

Full interview:

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 14:38:43 ET
Posted by: Research Dept, Library

Heroin Times on Pynchon and Dan lyrics:

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 14:32:42 ET
Posted by: Lexi says,

My brother Lewis, a longtime subscriber to CrimeLine L.A. News, sent me this DF–related clipping:
Phil Gallo, an associate editor at Variety, the entertainment industry newspaper, was found dead last night in an alley in the Crenshaw district of Los Angeles. The cause of death was suffocation due to having his head way, way up his ass.

Gallo, who had published a less than favorable review of a performance by the Donald Fagen Band in Monday's edition, had apparently been seen earlier that evening entering a brothel on Crenshaw and Western that specializes in providing craniorecteurs like Gallo with the sort of thrills they crave.

Dennis DeMerde, the proprietor of the brothel, Club Scuttlebutt, told CrimeLine L.A. that Gallo had come in "about nine in the evening. I remember exactly because Richard Cromelin of the L.A. Times, who was just leaving, asked me for the correct time. Paul seemed, I don't know, kind of hyper or manic or whatever. He was really determined to get his head way, way up in there. He had called earlier to reserve Jock and Billy. They're our edgiest, as well as our most expensive, F.I.T. (Forcible Ingress Team)."

But somewhere, somehow, something went wrong. Anthony "Jock" Bibbage and William "Billy" Vance are being held for questioning. Funeral information will be announced tomorrow pending notification of all family members.]

Paul, we hardly knew ye...


Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 14:31:39 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

Start with V. There is no other experience like it in the world. As it begins Benny Profane comes to New York and takes a job as an alligator hunter in the NY sewer tunnels under the city.

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 14:29:05 ET
Posted by: Thomas Pynchon, LA foothills

yo for bein the most famous writer in the world and goin 40 years without even bein photographed, even by paparazzi - pretty good huh? and a simpsons episode about me to boot

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 14:27:37 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

I've read my Coupland and Ellis, all of Auster, moved on to Franzen and Eugenides and battled DeLillo's Underworld. Now I think I'm ready for Pynchon.

But where to start??

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 14:22:42 ET
Posted by: Rajah ,

Stanley Kubrick. Perfectionist. Recluse. Anything but prolific.

You go Alan, don't let those 5-Star Nazis push you around.

Fight the 5-Star Power.

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 14:20:12 ET
Posted by: LA Kat, Wil and Wes

Well the wait was worth the wait if you know what I mean. The Wiltern show was tasty indeed, even tho the local reviews noted a sameness to the energy level which was true enough, I say energy isn't all about tempo, but also musicianship and there was plenty of that on stage. By the way speaking of reviews I seem to be the only one reading the "lexi says" on donald's site, but I'm surprised how much reviews are mentioned. Yes it's in a humorous vein but it sounds a little creepy too. Maybe that's the point. Anyway I thought the show was aces. Was tempted to try to catch one of the last No Ca shows but my day gig calls. Enjoy all those who will see a show, and if you are on the fence get off your butt and GO!

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 13:57:45 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

Yeah Bobot. David Fincher. There is an unedited tracking shot in Panic Room the likes of which no one has ever attempted before in the history of movies. Also in Fight Club he breaks the ultimate Hollywood convention/taboo in one scene where Brad Pitt and Edward Norton look directly into the camera and speak to the viewer, which is something else that's never been done or allowed in a Hollywood film, God kows how he got away with it. And the chess player Magnus Carlsson is 13 years old and ranked in the top 20 in the world.

No artist of any kind anywhere in the world today is quite on the level of Thomas Pynchon, however, and Becker and Fagen are great fans of his.

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 13:54:40 ET
Posted by: Rick Goeld, Drying out

Fagen's Concert at the Wiltern was great (LUKE you said it all). For me, New Frontier was outstanding (John Herington on guitar! and Freddie Washington on bass!)

I saw Alan Rosenberg and Marge Helgenberger, and Kevin Pollak (well, maybe it was Kevin Pollak).

Nice to meet so many fans at the Opus Bar before the show (Pete, Shari, Cathy, Ed Beatty, Don (or was it Dan?), Chris (W1P) from Hong Kong (Joe-Saaaannnnn), and of course Rajah and the lovely Gretchen.

I got soaked the next day driving down to Orange County and then back up to LAX. Two inches of rain! I could not navigate between the raindrops. Fortunately, Phoenix is a great place to dry off.

Hope to see more of you at the summer SD+MMcD tour (if there is one)

Rick Goeld

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 13:48:23 ET
Posted by: G, cal

Bobot- Roger Waters

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 13:46:20 ET
Posted by: Little Wild One, on a bus called...

APRIL 15 announcement for August dates? I must be dreaming...


Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 13:45:51 ET
Posted by: bobot, Sweden

Hey all!

I had an interesting discussion with my brother the other day. We are both massive Fagen fans and consider him a true genious, and the discussion was about whether we know of any other geniouses living today, who are active in other artforms. And we did, in fact, come up with at least one name - Christopher Guest, the director of "A mighty wind", "Best in show", "Waiting for Guffman", and member of "Spinal tap". For some reason he is brilliant in a way that is similar to Doctor Fagen - he has extremely loyal fans, he doesn't seem to be too interested in publicity, he masters his somewhat personal style to its fullest, and so on.

My question is this: do you know about other directors, artists, musicians and so on, who you consider to be in the same league as Mr Fagen, when it comes to... hmmm... artistic brilliance?

Also, it would be great to know if I have any fellow Guest fans in the Steely Dan community. For those of you who have not seen his films: words can not describe how amazing the movies mentioned above are.

Take care all,

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 13:35:58 ET
Posted by: Counter Moon, these seats are filled with tears

Kamkiriad- I was at the 5 star last night in Oakland as well.The show was really good! What was up with that big Australian baby crying about his seats? Go back down under if you don't like your first row seat. You're no better than the rest of us mate.

The 5 star was great (I won an autographed t-shirt at the raffle) Dana (our host) was awesome, as was the sound check and the first row seats. I'll be back with the 5 Star for McDonald and Steely this summer!

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 13:35:07 ET
Posted by: the little walter,

Alkali, you asked if we had a problem with dissention? You view yourself as a dissenter? Against? Alas, no problem either way.

you riff thusly: "Blue colored leftists don’t usually put up an augment (you mean argument?) or show any sign of individuallality (individuality). Are you ok?"
Not a leftist. I dress "right". Arguments and individuality - apparently the time for those is past. But with tears and hearts breaking and remorse.
Sorry about directly calling you a name. My bad.

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 13:31:05 ET
Posted by: Rajah , strange pussy

Skip to the end of this for the kicker:

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 13:12:07 ET
Posted by: jeffpublic, SF Bay Area

At the Oakland show last night I noticed what looked very much like a trash can sitting between the two guitar amps. Anyone know what this was for? I was thinking that this might have been for the spit valves of the horn players. However, it was a bit out of their way. You'd think they'd hide that behind the guitar amps rather than put it on display between them.

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 13:08:39 ET
Posted by: RJ Squirrel, PA


I am a Cancer (7/19) which is a real bad name for a Zodiac sign (who came up with this shit?). Anyway, please send "National Geographic type" photos of female pygmies (or any indigenous females, or yourself) while I look up where in the hell Borneo is. Thank you.

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 13:01:30 ET
Posted by: seth2112, cleveland, via tamp, fl and nyc

word out of SIR studio's in NY is that a press conference has been announced for april 15th to announce the dan/mcdonald summer tour to start in august in camden, nj on the waterfront.

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 12:53:44 ET
Posted by: Little Wild One, me-owl

That cat article is hilarious. Did you notice his name is "Lewis" no doubt crouching on the Fair-lawn?

I bet DF is freaking beat. I've only been to three shows and I know I am.....

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 12:49:30 ET
Posted by: Alkali, NYC

TJ: Thank you.
LITTLEWALTER & RAZORBOY: eh? Problem with dissention? Blue colored leftists don’t usually put up an augment or show any sign of individuallality. Are you ok?

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 12:40:15 ET
Posted by: Alkali, NYC

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 12:30:00 ET
Posted by: Geoff, Sobering up


That annoying bastard was that freakin' Aussie Alan. Fortunately a drug deal negotiated by his girlfriend Jeri prevented the incident from escalating into a Fosters-induced brawl, as they where hustled off to seats in the front row.

"Winge and win", as they say down under.

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 12:25:23 ET
Posted by: Jenny, Fredneck, MD

Yup. Pisces. March 7th. GREAT bday gift at the Warner on the 6th!

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 12:22:45 ET
Posted by: Rajah, bad kitty


Ann, honey, might you be over Borneo? Are the bamboo walls closing in, darlin? Do you miss bangers 'n mash and the occasional old toad in the hole, nudge nudge? Prrr'haps a nice Drambuie shandy down to the local publican, chat up some rough young bloke and retire to his garret for a bit a the ol' slap n tickle? I always picture you in full jungle khakis, shotgun, pith helmet with the long netting tied back like Maureen O'Sullivan before she gets abducted by Tarzan. I picture these things. Or are you converting the heathen to the ways of the Lord out there? Perhaps assisting pygmies to fashion lean-to mud huts in the bush? We can only wonder what in blazes goes down in Borneo but leave it to Donald to have a fan figures somehow.

Me, I'm a Virgo, Virgo rising (hopefully) but my cell-mate Rajah sprang fully Turbaned it is told from the head of the river-goddess, born under the star of Daibu, Light of the East, ruler of the upper and lower kingdoms and personal haberdasher to the crowned heads of Botswana. Fly me.

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 12:21:22 ET
Posted by: SD, CA

Something alittle interesting. Talked to Chris Donalds road manger.His voice is heard on Pink Floyds Dark Side of the Moon."Ive been mad fuckin years absolutely years"

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 12:18:36 ET
Posted by: Fife, sunny baltimore, eh

Aries here, March 26th. Count nine months back and that brings you to the height of Wedding season. Makes sense, eh.

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 12:17:17 ET
Posted by: Linda Goodman, watching the skies

Ann, when the DF tour news broke, we somewhat unscientifically determined that there was an abundance of Pisces that frequent this forum, as their birthdays fell near a particular show or date.

Personally, I have counseled several Geminis and several Leos. Always on the lookout for other interesting combos though!

Sign me
Taurus, Aries rising

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 12:03:13 ET
Posted by: I see,

Thanks 'The Dean'....Countermoon I would have liked.

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 12:00:20 ET
Posted by: iowaboy, mnt tops

Oakland! Where's the set list for Tuesday the 28th???? I'm getting all revved up for San Diego....

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 11:53:08 ET
Posted by: Morph , my veteranarian

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 11:46:22 ET
Posted by: The Dean, San Francisco (in the dreaded Marina)

To "just asking":

He played a GREAT version of Countermoon. Only one from Morph, too...Bright Nitegown. I thought we might get more funk in Oaktown...but this was so funky it made up for it.

As a vetern of many SD live shows, I was surprised Don's show was VERY different from a SD gig. Same songs, totally different vibe.

After some early sound problems, the show was just awesome. (The sound in the P-mont is not the greatest, unfortunately.)

The tour has clearly taken its toll on DF's voice. He was struggling a little, but pulled it off. Not the strong instrument described by those who went to the early shows. DF was relaxed and, I think, in a good moood. He joked more than I remember.

The band, of course, was as good as a band gets. The stuff KC did on the symbols during Home at Last is mesmorizing. He also showed off (in a good way) during Misry.

I thought Misry and Viva Rock and Roll were welcome elements to the show. One highlight for me was Maxine. I'm really glad they played that.

The guy next to me was pissed they didn't play H-Gang ("that's the song I paid for", he grumbled). Screw 'em.

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 11:44:05 ET
Posted by: Ann, Borneo - and dimented!

Napolean: Happy belated birthday

Kamkiriad: Snap, I still feel 18!!

Two related links it's MY birthday next Tuesday!! (55...agh!!!). Anyways, it got me thinking about horoscopes and star signs....and wondering if any of the star signs are significantly represented amongst us die hard SD fans.

Napolean and I are Aries. Are there any more of us out there? Tell us your star signs and let's do a head count of which signs are most likely to produce an SD fan!

(OK, if you think I've gone completely mad, sorry, it's just with frustration at not being able to see these fantastic concerts that you're all raving on about. I have to have something to occupy my thoughts!!!!)

Peace to all!


Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 11:40:03 ET
Posted by: Mike F., NYC

I'm sorry if I missed some of the posts on this one but did someone say there is a connection between Security Joan and a Tom Hanks movie? Do you mean The Terminal? I haven't seen it yet but may rent it in that case. Also, if you do a search on google for Security Joan, one of the most bizzarre things comes up:

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 11:32:31 ET
Posted by: just asking, eh ?,

what played from Kama in Oakland ?

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 11:28:09 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

In Vedanta there are only 2 forms of enlightenment - one, your life is full of synchronicity; two, you simply stop worrying about anything, ever, at all.

Walter produced an album by a disciple of these principles. Gotta read the texts on Walter's site carefully.

Also, last point on religion. Making fun of Christians who believe God is in a piece of bread is like pointing out Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, and Jim Morrison and saying All rock stars OD on drugs.

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 11:15:57 ET
Posted by: kamkiriad, Bay Area

Don in OAK-town was fabulous. The Paramount is a great venue and Don and the Boys (& Girls!) were great. I got to the theatre about a half hour early and took my 2nd row center seat. I noticed that an usher and DF represnetative were trying to apease a guy who was COMPLAINING that his all access seat (2nd row in the Orchestra pit) wasn't good enough. His problenm seemed to be with the seat size as opposed to the general location. THe ushwer asked everyone around my area if we'd trade with the guy - no takers. The permanent seats were very wide and comfortable as opposed to the pit's temporary-type non-folding variety chair. The DF rep said to the guy - "Look, you got a seat inches from the band, you got to go to the sound check, got a parking pass - WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT!!!!" Don should write a song about this guy. Title? the obvious "What Do you Want?"

Impressions of the Show:

Western World was an interesting number to kick off the show, but like another Bluebook contributor, I had a hard time keeping up with the new arrangement. I usually like the re-arrangements (Do it Again from 2vN tour was my favorite number) but this one didn't really work for me.

Goodbye Look, Bright Nightgown, and Misry and the Blues were SMOKIN!
No "Peg" and "Josie" is always a good thing. Would have liked more from Morph and maybe one more from Kamakiriad and maybe one less from Nightfly.

Don's crowd, like those at SD shows are getting progressively older. Don claimed in an interview that every time he puts out a solo effort he has to re-introduce himself to the youngsters working at the record company; they don't know him. I say this with some degree of irony as I'll be 50 this year and discovered Steely Dan in early '73 with the relase of CBAT. I guess I just THINK I'm still a teenager!

Cant complain though. Got to see my musical hero upfront and personal, and look forward to multiple visits on the upcoming SD tour.

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 11:01:13 ET
Posted by: Kid Clean, @work

Kind of amusing how the websites posted by both Ann & Jolly are both promoting a drug, however from different sides of the spectrum.


Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 10:19:27 ET
Posted by: Rajah, 'Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare.'

The closest Vedic deity to Morph might be Soma, an intoxicant-god that stirred people's minds up, probably some extract which was pressed, fermented and imbibed. Vedic deities were not considered all-powerful. Does Morph have any limitations? Can't his power be subverted by simply leaving Manhattan?

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 10:03:55 ET
Posted by: At the Wiltern..., ?

Donald Fagen's solo act takes an obscure twist at Wiltern LG
By Richard Cromelin, L.A. Times Staff Writer,0,3458182.story?coll=cl-music

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 09:09:19 ET
Posted by: Napoleon, UK

It was my 23rd Birthday yesterday and what an anti climax (again). Oh well, to celebrate I watched James Bond Diamonds are Forever and giggled all the way through because of Mr Wind and Mr Kid's resemblence to our good friends Mr Becker and Mr Fagen. Has anybody else spotted this!

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 08:21:29 ET
Posted by: Jolly Roger, Custerdome

This site will help Mona, and anyone else who's a bit down.

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 07:33:39 ET
Posted by: Dr. Thrill,

Maybe this site could help Mona, and anyone else who's a bit down.

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 07:28:27 ET
Posted by: Ann, Borneo

Maybe this site could help Mona, and anyone else who's a bit down.

Peace to you all


Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 03:26:29 ET
Posted by: Geoff, Alan & Jeri we are drunk, 18A Oakland

DF was solo on stage for a good 15 mins before anyone else showed up. ML came out and joined in on drums. The guitar tech jammed too.
ML moved to DF keyboard. JY joined in on vocals.



Gospelichious Cindy on IGY

Mercy Mercy Mercy

After all this KC had an interview with Modern Drummer.

then the show opened with here westwern world

Green Flower Street and so on

Goodbye look


Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 01:50:29 ET
Posted by: iowaboy,

By the way, not too many comments about the venues for the shows other than that the Hard Rock was a bit hot and sweaty (isn't it always???). The Chicago theatre was something else.. for a small town kid... it was pretty awe inspiring.. Huge... great looking... nicely restored hasn't it been???? Checking it out was almost (but not quite) worth the trip to Chicago alone. Now we'll see how it compares to the Outdoor setting outside of Alpine CA Thursday Night!

Date: Wed, March 29, 2006, 01:42:37 ET
Posted by: Scouser, CA

All our love Steve. Tony and Karen

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 22:33:18 ET
Posted by: Brat, Ottawa

OK thanks.

I guess it's one of those Steely-Dan-isms (H-Gang is very SD)

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 22:22:54 ET
Posted by: Paul, 6x9=42

Somebody on the bluebook earlier mentioned that they misheard "Hinktown" as "Hicktown".... I think the actual lyric might just be a wordplay on the misheard. Even if such isn't the case, it's hilarious to listen to.

Just a side note, which has nothing to do with anything, really:

"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something more bizarrely inexplicable.

There is another theory which states that this has already happened."


Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 22:11:55 ET
Posted by: Brat, Ottawa

Tell me about Hinktown. Google gives not answers except that a hink pink is a rhyming setof words and that a hink is "a reaping hook".

So is Hinktown slang for something ?

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 22:04:13 ET
Posted by: SHERPA, Direct from Lhasa

PAUL--An earlier post characterized the Dalai Lama as a theologian of calibre--but he is viewed as an anachronism in the latter day scheme of things. And WE Sherpas should know!

The emergent deity among the Sherpa cognoscenti, is, indeed, MORPH THE CAT. As a matter of fact, he is looming over near Everest as we speak! It is the physical evidence of Morph, unlike any prior deity in human history that gives him the crediblity posessed by none other thus far. That is the view from here, on high.

I am curious to know about the Vedic perpective on this--how about it HAJI?? Errrr... RAJAH??

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 20:54:52 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu,

Raj: No reason to read past here:

"H Gang," the most fully conceived tune on Donald Fagen's first solo disc in 13 years..."

No that H-Gang is less than a good song, but C'mon! Guy's a troll.

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 19:30:06 ET
Posted by: angel,

Yes on 42 Paul. :-)

Rajah: Reviewer doesn't seem to know and appreciate Fagen and his music. Last night was exactly what Fagen (solo works) are about. If you are not into "Fagengruven", you have no right to comment, in my opinion.
But since when is the world fair.

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 19:16:59 ET
Posted by: Paul, waiting on my doorstep for UPS to bring the 5.1 Kamakiriad...

Brite Nitegown: "10mg of Chronax will whip you back through time, past hebrew kings - and furry things"
Could "furry things" be a reference to Morph himself? If so, Donald would be indicating that Morph the Kitty has been around since the beginning of humanity. And in that case, could that be a connection to my idea of Morph being World Religion? Religion has been for as long as people have wanted the answer to Life, The Universe, and Everything - or since people have been around, basically. Thoughts?

In my opinion, 42.

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 18:06:59 ET
Posted by: Paul,

3k budget??? holy crap!!! i use my computer and a $100 set of 5.1 speakers/amp/sub (200 watts still aint bad).
for speakers, i suggest you try, and for the playter, i dont have any suggestions except buy a 7.1 channel 48/96kHz sound blaster Audigy for your PC. (they don't make 5.1's anymore)

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 18:06:50 ET
Posted by: Brutus Charisma,

Crystal Blue, as I know Donald, he refers to his three albums as a "trilogy" as a means of covering his butt. JUST in case he kicks off between now and his next solo adventure - he's "safe". At least there would be a nice closure to the life of an semi-eccentric, quasi-iconoclast, a good and caring soul who possessed many brilliant enthusiasms in his lifetime.


Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 17:59:40 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Here's another genius music reviewer from that industry rag, Variety:

Yeah, he's been spanked by email. He writes me back saying that on the recordings 3rdWM, Mary and Goodbye Look do indeed bear disparate time signatures and beats per minute but not as they were rendered to us last night by Mr. Carlock.

Please help me kick this moron's ass.

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 17:47:54 ET
Posted by: angel,

Still Sparkin': It was truly a pleasure to meet you. So little time, so many regrets. My biggest one was not getting to talk with you more (we can blame my Roseland "Husband" for that). :-)

For me, the encore of "Pretzel Logic" was the be all and end all of the evening. That song on the Plush, was what drew me back to the Dan in 2000 and having the pleasure of hearing it performed by such a wonderful set of musicians, was truly a high point of the evening.

My son mentioned that he wanted to hear the song where Donald sings that they "fired off a flare". I told him that was "Snowbound" and that it was actually done a few times during the tour. Anyone know if they did any cool lighting effect, when he sang that line, to make it look like a flare is set off?

Gretch, Rajah, Ed, Pete, Shari, and Felice it was great. Thanks for adding to the evening.

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 17:40:36 ET
Posted by: W1P, Feels Like Seattle

Spotted Lee Sklar in the crowd last night too.

Best moment of the night:

Don: "What do you want to hear"

Crowd: "Shout, shout, indisciperable, *(&SD(FD*&(^%567656UIhasf, Free Bird"

Don: "Wayne, do you know free bird?"

Wayne: blank stare at the pedal board

[PS -- Wayne is the man! And he uses the same Bogner rig used by John Stack!]

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 17:39:33 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

Alkali, good work. Interesting take. It makes sense, but It'll never be my Mona, which really is the beauty of SD lyrics.

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 17:34:38 ET
Posted by: Geoff, Oakland

Kamakiriad - something unexpected always happens at soundcheck. See you there.

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 17:31:08 ET
Posted by: Steely Jan,

Kamakirad. I did the all access thing Sat. at Temecula. Donald did not appear to notice we were there. We sat about half way back in the arena and had to be quiet. The sound check and the entire all access production was great, but I would not count on much attention from Donald. Email me if you want more details.

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 17:14:29 ET
Posted by: SS, Rainy LA

Yes, no Kama tunes again last night and I only heard one (Snowbound) among the three shows I went to. At first I was disappointed, but got over it. I'm not sure I would have wanted DF to drop Black Cow or Third World Man or Home at Last. They were great every night and well received, especially Black Cow. Pretzel Logic and Black Friday I wouldn't have missed, but a lot of people in the crowd loved those songs.

A lot of hootin' and hollerin' at the Wiltern during the songs. Eight minutes of Here at the Western World to start....solos from Herington and Krantz. These guys were really something all night long - Herington I think better than the previous two shows. They played the Third World Man solo together (but not in unison, great harmonies) to greater effect than before. The Nightfly was a highlight again because of DF's twisted vocal. A different take every night on that and the further he gets away from 'singing' the better it sounds. Long, mellow extro but not a fade.

Herington on the fills and solo for New Frontier.

Herington again on Maxine and Carolyn Leonhart punched the verse with much more authority than in Temecula on Satuday night. Weiskopf sax solo.

'Alrighty, what a night' from DF as he did the band intros.

'What, what ??? You're a funny bunch !'

Strong support from the audience for the band as it was introduced.

DF running up and down the Rhodes noodling before the next song - 'Going to do that again, I liked it so much.' Then it was Home at Last...the Michael Leonhart trumpet solo, (also Herington). Different, jazzier chords in 'found my home at last.' Big ovation...and the requisite 'Freebird' yelled out from the audience, to which DF responded, although I couldn't make out what he said.

And a crowd roar for the start of Black Cow. Very funked up...solos for Jeff Young and Weiskopf.

Then another of the highlights - The Goodbye Look. Not easy to hear where they're going at the start. It's Krantz playing guitar where on the album, it's a synthesizer I think doing some kind of vibes/marimba thing. Krantz is all over the song. DF seems to struggle with the chorus. One thing that was different last night - DF threw in some Rhodes shots during the extended extro. Was very jazzy. Song got a huge ovation.

Mary Shut the Garden door became a bathroom break song....(Weiskopf solo)..and the same for Misr'y and the Blues, which was a shame (Weiskopf and Leonhart solos). There's a lot in that song, including a great feel change, and it's long.

Brite Nitegown was as always - fabulous. Krantz solo.

Then Black Friday...and maybe the best solo I'd seen Jon Herington play in the three shows I saw.

Extra long break after this before the encore...Pretzel Logic and Viva Rock n Roll.

A treat to see this three times. Didn't expect the shows to be this good.

And a big part of it was the people. To my travelling companions Gail, Sue, Karen and Toya...and my hosts in LA Rajah and Gretchen and the man who made it happen in Temecula - Ed Beatty.....thank you for helping me get this done. A tremendous relief to be welcomed in this way.

Hello to Pete and Shari and Cathy and Angel as well - more long termers with the passion...and anyone else who checks in here and wonders if there's anytime you can really just talk about Steely Dan and the music and not get told to shut up. Yes.

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 16:44:29 ET
Posted by: the little walter,

Alkali, you ARE the new asshole you would rip for Noam. Now go back to your expensive toys, listen to Morph again, and leave thinking to the qualified.

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 16:13:22 ET
Posted by: razorboy,

Did someone bring up the name of Noam Chump-sky?
It’s a good thing that he’s not Steely Dan tangential; I would have had fun tearing his theories a new one.

You don't have to be an asshole, Alkali. Just sayin'.

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 16:13:10 ET

don t know if it#s been posted before.

the so-called fagen "Trilogy" seems to be
a "sell-out"/ "buy three for the price of two" - trilogy

there will be no bonus tracks.

warner will release massive trilogys:

alice cooper, foreigner, a-ha, otis redding, zz top,......

look for example the grateful dead-trilogy:

it must be fagens humor or desperation to call his opus trilogy...

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 16:08:02 ET
Posted by: john, nyc

Just heard the title track on an npr station while in michigan. It sounds cool on the radio. That could be a single if it was promoted correctly.

Sounds so differant from everything else being played on the radio these days.

People would like it if they could only hear it instead of green day and jack johnson over and over ad nauseum.

I need to buy a 5.1 system to get the full effect. Any ideas as to what to buy with a 3k budget?

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 15:38:12 ET
Posted by: T Saxe, Grand Rapids

Fagen did nothing on that all access deal...except play "Maxine" and "Morph the Cat" in the sound check. He didn't play "Maxine" in the show, so it was cool. Three band members came out for the meet & greet, q & a session.

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 15:34:58 ET
Posted by: Alkali, NYC

Wow, a Dan tribute C.D. would be fine.
Especially with players like Dimeola (his staccato playing can go from 0 to 60 in about 3.5 seconds)
Gambale (with that innovative sweeping technique will leave your mouth open)
and of course Stern's aggressive style.
Woo-hoo can't wait!

Did someone bring up the name of Noam Chump-sky?
It’s a good thing that he’s not Steely Dan tangential; I would have had fun tearing his theories a new one.


Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 15:34:07 ET
Posted by: Kamkiriad, Bay Area

DF tonight in OAK-town!!!! Gonna be great. Question to anyone who did the allaccess thing. Stupid question, knowing DF, but does even acknowledge those who paid him the HUGE premium? I mean, a hello, a hand shake, smile, insult?????? I'd pay $500 to meet him, but if all you get is a word with Keith Carlock...............

Appreciate all who answer!

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 15:30:43 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

I just spoke with Stevee and he asked me to pass something along to you all. He hasn't had time to read the Blue of course, he has a million and one very unsavory tasks to undertake right now, his phone is ringing off the hook. But as someone suggested to me to do last night, when I told him of the outpouring of concern and care both here and from his friends from last night's Wiltern show he was deeply and genuinely moved and asked me to tell each and every one of you all how much he sincerely appreciates that moral support right now. It perked him up if such a thing is even possible at this moment. He intends to read every one of your kind and heartfelt words. I realize they're just words, but sometimes words mean a lot, especially when they flow so freely from your heart.

That band was tight last night, they played like the aces they are. Nothing dragged, not even Black Friday. Keith got a few more licks in there, Carolyn wowed 'em on the Maxine verse, Donald was on it, he was Donald Fagen last night, Maestro and bandleader extrordinaire, no blown lyrics and nary a clam in earshot. He doesn't ad-lib, he don't tell no stories and he don't spank hecklers, he just plays. If you wanna hear stories, read Brian Sweet cause the more Donald opens up in these interview the more we realize the Sweet book was manufactured from whole cloth.

Thanks to everyone who came over to Opus, this crowd, old and young, have a lot of class, just like the rest of you, Blue.

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 15:29:54 ET
Posted by: Gretchen, LA

The Wiltern show in LA last night was stellar. The sound was beautifully clear, and the performance flawless and energetic. I think this has been the best on this particular tour so far, and I wish only our dear friend Stevee could have been there to share it with us.
Steve, our thoughts have been with you since last Friday morning. You know you are loved, and you know my number, which you can use anytime, anywhere.


Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 15:09:44 ET
Posted by: PF, Denver

Just the possibility of meeting Carolyn Leonhart in person would be worth the VIP price alone, right guys? (yow!) Especially if your city went wingding-less for the DF tour anyway.

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 15:03:44 ET
Posted by: Little Wild One, skatin' backward

PQ, buddy, you been the poster boy for the 5 stars this whole tour and you didn't pony up? WTF!

But I think we're saying the same thing. And, Gary, thank you and it's good to have you on board. Some of us live here permanently, i.e., not just during tour years.

Toya, back at ya, baby! mmmmmwahhh

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 15:02:22 ET
Posted by: Toya, Chicago


I want you to know that I appreciate everything you've done for me and the greater Dandom. You and I must talk before the summer shows. Drop me a line or an email.


Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 14:44:34 ET
Posted by: Gary, cal

I bought 5* for the Temecula show.It was a great time.I would do it again.I met alot of great people.I just found the blue a short time ago.I had know idea or even knew about wingdings or danfests.And I have seen SD 7 times and DF twice.But finding the blue now I know.I would have liked to come to a pre party wingding.But not knowing anyone it made it hard. Maybe if there is a SD tour I will come check it out.Iam a major fan since 77.I would be happy to support it by kicking in some money for the people who put on these partys. sorry for any typos.

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 14:33:01 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Ed, Gail, others. Thanks again. Great stories!

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 14:23:03 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Wow. I'm dumbfounded. Being a Jerkoff is all about self-stimulation, right? I guess that's been proven.

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 14:16:34 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

Well anyone who excoriates Hoop for the work he does here is a jerkoff. He works very hard. I disagree big time with the anon policy because it allows and encourages know nothing jerkoffs to pretend that they have brass balls, and because I don't really understand why having a little advance news about Steely Dan is treated here like we were dealing in national security secrets, but que sera sera.

As for "sit with PQ and the suits" - not quite. I didn't buy a single VIP ticket.

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 14:15:37 ET
Posted by: Gary, Cal

Hoops - Replyed to your E-mail.Hope you got it. Thanks

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 13:54:23 ET
Posted by: Paul,

I recently picked up the Gaucho DVD-A from Best Buy on clearance for 5 bucks, and I've noticed some differences between it and the SACD. #1...the sound quality is MUCH crisper/cleaner, a drastic improvement. #2...on Babylon Sisters and Hey Nineteen, Don's vocals don't seem to be separated out during the chorus on the DVD, which I kind of liked from the SACD. #3... Hoops' missing conga roll on My Rival, I'm not hearing it either, thought you'd like to know.
A much worth-it purchase! Just bought the Kama DVD yesterday from eBay, can't wait for it to arrive.
(PS, for those of you on the fence about the Morph DVD-A, I would highly suggest you pick it up. There are no musical differences like on TvN, but this album definetely sounds like it was MADE to be 5 channel)

Stevie, if you're in the neighborhood, check your email. Again, I am deeply saddened by your loss.

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 13:54:14 ET
Posted by: Little Wild One, mis'ry & the end of the tour blues

I don't begrudge anyone his/her 5 star experience. Further, for what I have spent on extra show tickets, party favors and accommodations for the folks that have shown up, I could have bought a slew of 5 star seats. It's just my opinion, of course, but I'd rather sit in the cheap seats with those of my kind. (Not everyone likes to be hugged during "Home at Last," after all!)

Some of you know this story, but just tell me one 5 star experience to rival this: a young girl (20's) of modest means living in the midwest loves Steely Dan. She boards a train for NYC with no idea where she is staying but she just knows she has to see them at Roseland. She's read about the Danfests and "knows" some of the usual suspects. Fast forward to Friday, preshow at the Novotel. She meets the gang and, just like in the movies, she's set pretty much for a weekend she will never forget.

True story, I saw this young lady again at the Chicago DF show. Three years gone by and she is still talking about how she can never repay the folks who took her in and helped her have such an unforgettable experience.

So, really, to each his own. You can hang with PQ and the suits in the 5 stars (hey, you might get a copy of his book) and I'll be handing out lite-up ice cubes and magnetic wands in the luckless pedestrian section. Or you can do BOF. Yeah, that's the ticket. DO BOF.

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 13:54:02 ET
Posted by: Reality,

It's myth that Hoops supposedly puts forth all this effort. If it were really of any import Fagen and lackeys would take note and give him all access tags like Pete Fogel. And if Hoops were a fan, he'd pay Fagen his due by paying for VIP tickets.

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 13:49:57 ET
Posted by: NYB,

First of all, most bands these days have a VIP thing going on. Have you checked out the VIP tickets for the Blondie/Cars tour this summer? I think they're something like $365 bucks a piece. They also some kind of "Premium Seat Auction" going on with Ticketmaster. Who knows what those seats will go for? Maybe $1000 dollars each?

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 13:37:43 ET
Posted by: Non-ChristianSequitor, MorphLand

"Posted by: little walter, hey PQ
PQ, isn't it odd that you have to defend religion by calling people names and passing judgement? WWJD, eh?"

Rather, what would Chuck Norris Do?

find out....

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 13:35:45 ET
Posted by: Dan and DonFiend For Life!!!, Back in Chi, Regretably

First of all I wish to express my deepest condolences to my dear friend Stevee Dan! Godspeed to you and your family.

Secondly, I need to express my deepest gratitude to Still Sparkin', SueDave, LadyBayside, and LWO. You are the most amazingly intelligent, hospitable, dedicated, and fun people I've ever met! I look forward to Doing it Again with you guys soon!!! My fingers are crossed for sooner than later!

Alan, you were missed profoundly on Saturday, but I'd rather have you for a short while than not at all!

Ed Beatty, I owe you for more than you know! That's all I have to say! Thank You!

LWO, there is no one more deserving of a connection with Donald than you! No matter what, he doesn't love you as much as I do!!!! Thanks You infinitely My Sister! May we do this many more times for many more years!!!

Lastly Donald, Danke Schoen to you too, my brother! I have learned more about being a musician, songwriter, and bandleader from you than I did from years of music school. Also, Congratulations! Morph is an absolute triumph! I was quite discouraged about my own music and the state of the industry in general, but no more! If I can make an album a tenth as good as yours within my career I'd be incredulous! You got a fan in me for life!

As for the rest of my Steely family, I'll be seeing you guys this summer God and Dan willing.

Until then


Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 13:25:15 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

Jim, I hear what you're saying but I would be curious to know - other than being bitter at being unable to buy a VIP ticket, why would anyone complain about the price of one? I really can't recall even one person who did the package saying it wasn't worth it, can you?

Over and above that, we live in a free market society. Donald is selling entertainment services and he is entitled to get whatever the market will allow. As it should be, IMHO.

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 13:22:11 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Thanks, Ed.

Len, I've heard that too. Could you email me privately? THANKS!

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 13:06:52 ET
Posted by: Gary, Cal

Hoops- sent you an e-mail. Hope you got it let me know.

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 13:05:18 ET
Posted by: Len, Irvine, Ca

What it looks like to me - Hoop's and St. Al's danfest are great and I for one really appreciate what they do but.....

they don't get you into sound check, they don't get you first row center seats, they don't give you all you can drink and they don't give you all you can eat. Enough said.

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 12:56:54 ET
Posted by: ed beatty, rainy so california


Your unselfish and tireless efforts are well known and what ever you have recieved is no where near the payback for the time and effort expended in sharing dandom.

thank you
my friend

Places like this exist out of sharing.

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 12:54:28 ET
Posted by: Len, Irvine, Ca

Hoops..I loved the 5 Star and EVERYBODY that I spoke with last night in LA loved it as well. Dayna told us that it went over so well that it's going to happen again for the SD tour this Summer. The only people I know that are trashing the 5 Star package are the people that can't afford it.


Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 12:41:52 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Paging "G". Could you email me? I need to talk to you about your posts as somehow they are causing a technical problem for the Blue (It's not a content problem.) THANK YOU VERY MUCH!


Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 12:33:25 ET
Posted by: hoops,

I have a lot of different perspectives on this, and, like I said in the past, some are conflicted. I did 4-star twice, mainly because I though these shows were going to sell out in minutes. I'm still shocked they didn't.

I think if people want it then it's a good deal and people seem to want it. A lot of people have gone in with a raised eyebrow but took a chance and they come from teh VIP very satisfied. Besides, it's not the only option to see the show. Furthermore, legally, they would be a sort of legally vulnerable position with certain parts of the VIP—Q & A with the band, souncheck, etc—without there being a sort of contract of charging (so I understand) How do they otherwise decide which fans could come to the soundcheck, etc? Have a test? Hey, untimately DF deserves to get compensated for the good will he has built up.

At the same time, another vantage is that I do this place out my love and fanaticism. I sure don't make money on this place—it costs me—and there are times when problems have it needing my attention and resources when I sometimes least want that. I've declined money, donations, etc for this place because I don't want people saying I do this for the money, although I have been generously comped tickets on more than a few occassions thanks to Walter Becker. (I say that with thanks and humility and not hype or self-aggrandizement). Dandom has been about helping every fan regardless of their financial resources share the things we know and love via Danfests, ticket exchanges, chat, sharing special deals, even help people who can't afford it get tickets, sending out alerts when shows get cancelled, etc. So it could be argued that the 5-star and this place seek to achieve many of the same goals but coming from completely opposite starting points.

Regarding "What It Looks Like To Me"'s post, thanks for appreciating what myself (and other like StAl) do. Are the 5-stars replacing the Danfests? To an extent. I know at Chicago, there were people we usually see at the Wingding who instead went to the 5-Star. Noah, Geoff, Steve, Lisa are some names that come to mind of who missed at the Chicago WingDing. At the same time, I don't think it means the end of Danfests either. Regarding your grass-roots v. suits perspective, it's pretty clear that Donald doesn't care for being involved in the fan scene and prefers that others handle those sorts of things; at least a few years ago, Walter seems to get a positive vibe and draw energy from that. Comparing and, it's pretty clear that is from Walter's side of the aisle. I enjoyed a lot more for various reasons, especially the content. I was disappointed there wasn't as many "writhings" in 2003 and hope there will be many more at or It's clear that and have different personalities so perhaps that's why they have separate sites.

PQ: You don't know that someone does or doesn't have money to buy 5-star. Also it's nice you go to ask those question but it's kinda crappy to us when you don't share the answers you know we all want to hear. Places like this exist out of sharing.


Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 12:05:23 ET
Posted by: Alkali, NYC

i'm very sorry for your incredible loss, my thoughts and hopes are with you.

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 12:02:09 ET
Posted by: G, Cal

Went to the 5*VIP in Temecula.ITs what you get.Soundcheck,dinner,all you can drink,some nice gifts plus front and center seats for the show.Q and A with band members and production crew.So thats 6 hours of great entertainment.3 hrs of seeing DF and the band counting soundcheck and concert.Went to the wiltern also did not have VIP but scored 4th row center.Spent a total for both shows 752 bucks.Iam a big fan and met a great bunch of people.And that was for 2 people.

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 11:40:21 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

Translation - you can't afford a VIP ticket. The problem is not that it costs too much, it's that you can't afford it.

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 11:38:35 ET
Posted by: little walter,

Wow, PQ.
First your deep insights into religion, and now the Cold War and world politics. What's next, a book on Steely Dan?

Keep it coming.

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 11:33:12 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

What bullshit. If you can't afford a VIP ticket,why don't you just say that? I say more power to Don, charge a $1000 for the ticket if people will pay it. We had this little cold war with Russia for 80 years, in case you missed it. We believed in profit, they didn't. We won.

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 11:22:22 ET
Posted by: What it Looks Like To Me,

This I love All Access business looks more and more like Fagen wants to cash in on all the good will that StAl's, Hoops' and others have brought to the Steely Dan community through the years. Face it, I love All Access is about paid Dan Fests. It's grass roots vs the suits. Fagen sides with the suits.

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 11:05:41 ET
Posted by: ., .

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 10:24:59 ET
Posted by: Little Wild One, staring at a blank wall

Welcome, Pickel. Sometimes it takes that sudden unexpected jolt in your life to realize that you need to embrace the really good things that you feel passionate about.

Boston has a great fan base and you're one of the lucky ones. Don't let that stop you from venturing out to meet the rest of the Wreck-less crew, though!

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 09:34:48 ET
Posted by: Pickel, Boston

My first post to this forum. Inspired by Stevees loss and the need to express my condolences as part of the greater "Family of Dan". I've never met most of you (at least knowingly) but you've seen me at every Steely Dan related concert in the Boston area since 1992. I'm not into some of the heavier analysis that often goes on but scored 5th row dead center seats for Donald's concert in Boston and had the time of my life.

My Dan fanaticism started when I first heard a band at my college play "My Old School" in 1975. Found out it was a Steely Dan tune and the rest, as they say, is history!

Again, my heartfelt thoughts and prayers go out to Stevee and his family.

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 09:23:30 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

What an unexpectected treat to run into a Blue Booker at the 55 Bar last night for the Van Davis gig! Ted Baker sat in on electric piano. Some of us had questions for him about Walter's album. Van Davis was on fire, if you're into instrumental jazzrock it's a must CD.

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 09:20:21 ET
Posted by: NYB,


Fagen isn't going to have DFB perform any songs that haven't been well rehearsed. Besides, the average ticketholder is seeing this show for the first time and hasn't followed the setlist from show to show. Only the hardcore fans are doing that. As far as Kama goes, didn't DFB play "Snowbound" on a couple of these dates? I think if you follow ANY BAND you'll find that they pretty much stick to a certain repertoire of well-rehearsed material. And knowing how Donald feels about mistakes it should be obvious that he's going to want to stick to songs that he feels have the least possibility for error.

Maybe if there were a few songs that Donald felt comfortable performing solo, without any accompaniment, you might hear a few additional tunes performed but I don't see that happening.

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 08:42:23 ET
Posted by: Ann, Borneo and saddened

To Stevee Dan and Greater Dandom:

I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say how sorry I am to hear about Stevee's wife. I know how important his family is to him. My deepest sympathies are with you Stevee. In view of some of the postings of the last few days, pertaining to religious beliefs and issues, please could we put our differences aside, as we all have our own ways of achieving spiritual fulfillment. Could each of us communicate with the Great Energy Source (whatever we perceive it to be) and ask for Stevee to be given the strength to cope with his great loss.

Peace to all,


Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 08:07:01 ET
Posted by: Little Wild One, the honeymoon is ovah

First off, I agree that most of us could do without "Black Cow" and "Home at Last," etc., every show, HOWEVER, he has to play to the average fan to a certain extent. As it is, without an intermission, even us diehards had to choose our pee breaks carefully and the casual fan most certainly would choose a less know DF tune or cover for that.

BTW, Donald notices this stuff. His receptors are sculpted.

Secondly, if the regurgitated setlist makes you want to hurl, then I say Get the ffing Bucket! The good news, for you, I guess is that you only have to hear it a few more times. And then you can go away because you surely aren't interested in listening to the other banal shit that goes down here when there is no setlist to talk about.

Hi Geoff and Alan! Missed you guys in Temecula.

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 07:58:57 ET
Posted by: Alkali, NYC

Ok, I know that there was a rather extensive dialogue here on the blue regarding the meaning behind “Mona” a few posts back.
My buddy Jeff and I spent an hour or so on Saturday deciphering the lyrics;
Now before you dismiss this explanation please keep an open mind and allow it to sink into your veins.
Here’s what we came up with:

Mona’s become a child of the night
When she goes out
Its only for bare necessities
[Mona’s become a vampire, she’ll not venture out doors unless absolutely necessary,
“child of the night”, “night crawlers” etc. are common names for vampires]
She says she’s had it up to here with light
[everyone knows that vampires don’t care for light]
While the city sleeps
That’s when she comes alive
[Alive in the sense that they are dormant during the day and feed by night]

Yes the night belongs to Mona
When she’s dancing all alone
[someone suggested that Mona is depressed, I don’t know any depressed person who dances or that feels pretty]
Forty floors above the city
[the number of floors is insignificant, what’s significant is that they live and fly above a sleeping city]
CDs spinnin’ [music is a vehicle of allure, blood suckers charm their victims into submission]
AC hummin’ [vampires despise heat, it’s the cold that they are drawn to, as in coffins, caves etc]
Feelin’ pretty [megalomania and narcissism are typical vampire traits]

Sometimes she’ll call at some unholy hour [very obvious]
She wants to talk
All of this grim and funny stuff [again, charm is an agent of deception]
Then she’ll go all quiet in her Chelsea tower [count Dracul king of Romania ruled from what was described as a towering castle]
And thats when we wait
To see how the story ends [if you’ll recall your Romanian history, it’s citizens awaited instruction from their blood thirsty king known as Vlad the impalor]

Cause the night belongs to Mona
When she’s dancing all alone
Forty floors above the city
CDs spinnin’
AC hummin’
Feelin’ pretty

Was it the fire downtown
That turned her world around
Was it some guy or lots of different things
[it was suggested that the ‘fire’ reference here is the 9/11 tragedy or perhaps a euphemism for sex.
Vampires and sex go hand in hand, the eyes enchant and seduce.
I like to think that Mona has turned evil because of 9/11, some guy and lots of different things.
I mean, what better way of getting even with evil than to go beyond it?]

We all wonder where she’s gone
That sunny girl we used to know
Now every night we get the Mona Show
[Mona still exists, she’s no longer sunny but dark and every night she proves it]

Maybe its good that she’s above it all
Things don’t seem as dark
When you’re already dressed in black
We try not to see the writing on the wall
What happens tomorrow
[until they descended, everything down here seems normal, Mona isn’t mourning, she’s not even almost Gothic, she’s beyond it.]

When the moonrays
Get so bright
When she rises
Towards the starlight
Miles above
The city’s heat
Will she fall hard
Or float softly to the street
[the moon rays are what bring out the living dead, however they are killed by the brightness of light and burn like wood to ash, therefore, if she is still in any way human she will fall hard, otherwise, she’ll float like ash down to the streets]

Tonight the night belongs to Mona
When she’s dancing all alone
Forty floors above the city
CDs spinnin’
AC hummin’
Feelin’ pretty

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 07:41:22 ET
Posted by: Chrysler, PA

First and foremost, heartfelt condolences to StevieDan and family.

And to FlipKid: The "body and blood" meaning comes from the Gospels, specifically the Last Supper story. It's neither Catholic nor Protestant, it's universally Christian, despite some differences of interpretation.

My goat is got, too, when some talk of Catholicism as some kind of quasi-Christian cult...

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 06:34:40 ET
Posted by: back2bass6, lawn guyland

you know...

another DF show without KAMA tunes?

MTC is great, Donald is vital, and truly a work of art. That being said, how the fuck can you have a DF concert, not do any KAMA, and continue to do a "greatest hits show?"

For gods sake, enough Black Cow and Pretzel Logic already!
IF your are going to ignore 33 percent of YOUR album contributions entirely, stop with the "usual stuff" and give us some gems!

And if i see another set list, I will vomit. You are like dead fans of the 60s and 70s, regurgitating what tunes DF does every friggin night. Hey folks, he only has about 20 for this tour anyway.

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 06:23:56 ET
Posted by: Howard,

Chrysler - thanks for the sus chord details. There's one or two I hadn't picked up, or would usually write under another name, but some chords I just hear differently:

"1) the intro V chord"
- agreed

"2) right after "...make my flight" an accented, repeated sus chord...
- agreed

"3) resolves to another accented sus chord"
- I don't hear this, I hear it resolving to a Bb7.

"4) the subdominant-functioning bVII 13 sus"
- I would write this as Ab/Gb, but I guess you could consider it an Ab13sus4.

"5) right after "...angel straight from heaven" although it quickly resolves"
- OK, but this is just a passing chord. I wouldn't count this as a key chord in the sequence.

"6) right after "...never felt so clean""
- again, I would write it Db/Eb, but Db9sus4 is another option.

"7) right on "terrorist""
- this sounds like a Gm11 chord to me (G F Bb C)

"8) right on "Security""
- this sounds like a plain F7 to me

I guess a fair summary might be there are a couple more sus4 chords than I first thought, but maybe not as many as you first thought?

I still hear the Joan harmony as fairly plain, straight-ahead blues (with a couple of twists). It's some of the other songs (Mona, Pagoda) that has the real harmonic spice, for me anyway.


Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 05:06:28 ET
Posted by: NYB,

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 03:43:17 ET
Posted by: Luke,

MARY Shut the Garden Door

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 03:40:04 ET
Posted by: Luke,

Review for The Wiltern

Got to the Wiltern and after parking saw Pete, Shari, Rajah, and his wife right away. Did the file in shortly thereafter, a bottle of water, were told that we were to be as quiet as wallpaper, and off to the soundcheck at the very rear of the auditorium. Soundcheck included Maxine a few times, Black Friday, Viva, Viva Rock and Roll, and Brite Nightgown whilst Elliot Scheiner floated about. Had a long Q and A with Jon Harrington, Freddie Washington, The keyboard player (can’t recall his name), the lovely Carolyn and Cindi (?, Sandi), Chris Adams (production manager), and the sound guy. Up stairs for food and drinks which included the distribution of goodie bags and show tix, plus some kick ass prizes raffled off. The crowd was filing in as we were ushered down to our first three row seats about 8-10 feet away from a 5 foot high stage. Here at the Western World was great; hard to adjust to the new tempo after hearing it the album way for so many years. Then four hot shots from The Nightfly: Green Flower Street, The Nightfly (with Donald stretching the syllables to their maximum capacity), a somewhat softer sounding New Frontier, and then Maxine with the visually stunning girls picking up a majority of the lines. Maxine’s grove was a nice segue way into Home at Last with the chorus changes that we have been seeing in the past few SD tours/NYR&SR. And not like the show wasn’t cooking already, but right after Home at Last, it seemed to gain even more shit-hot momentum with the ever-loved Black Cow and a balls-out, guitar-syncopated Third World Man. Our first taste of MTC came with Mark Shut the Garden Door and maybe it was just because I was so close to the stage, but it was like too many people hadn’t heard or were into it as the previous tracks with a lot of people getting up for drinks, etcetera. Didn’t seem like the even-more-gaunt-under-lights DF noticed or cared as he primed us for his outstanding version of Misery and the Blues with an elongated and blazing sax part from Walt Weiskopf (spelling?). Brite Nightgown was next, and after Misery’s punching groove, the funking jam on this cut pushed it over the top; truly better live than on the album and maybe the really do say fuck with the fella and not fight, who knows. Black Friday was very close to the soundcheck version and DF bid us a momentary farewell. Upon his return, my elbows (along with several others’) were resting on the stage as we clamored to get as close as possible (I was only maybe 6-8 feet while the people to the right of me I know were getting some complementary DF saliva) as they jammed through Pretzel Logic. As we were ushered back to our seats, they played Viva (was hoping for IGY as some of the previous nights). Afterwards, almost got backstage with Alan Rosenberg (DF’s cousin) and the Marg Helgenburg (who I got to talk to for about 5 minutes), but no such luck. Also heard Jodie Foster and Ted Danson were there, but I didn’t see them. Then off to the Opus for a quick couple of drinks and then home to the bluebook.
5 Star rocked and I’m already looking forward to SD/ McSD this summer!
Good to see everyone, night.

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 03:28:48 ET
Posted by: deaconblue, venice beach

The Wiltern tonight was great but Temecula was heaven

The acoustic sound quality in the Wiltern was very bad. Maybe it was because i was on floor4.

The should forbidden the people to get beverages during the show.i was constantly disturbed.On the seat next to me was a stoned drunked guy that at a moment began to sleep and felt over another person before him.

My impressions during the two last shows:

Great were Here at the Western world, i really love that version

The Aja songs
the other Steely Dan songs
Night bright gown

But generally all the songs had a great performence.

Just maybe the only negative moment on the two shows was Mary shut the garden door.Not really a live song. Maybe it will grows with the time.

And last but not least: i spend 8 days of this year in LA (great city) and i can tell you it were the most unforgetable one. THANK YOU DON

Very sorry i couldnt meet the other Dan fans at the Wingding tonight but i arrived very late at the Wiltern(7.50pm).There s gonna be other opportunitis>

By the way, it was really nice to meet you in Temecula dear Steely Don!Dont forget to send me the things you promissed me.

Bye Bye LA, it was great to be there

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 02:43:17 ET
Posted by: angel, Wiltern

Nothing from Kamakiriad, which I thought was a real shame.
But it was a great night! I got shivers during the 3rd World Man
duel guitar solo.
Dr. Fagen was just great! A real treat to see him so confident and in control.
Good to see so many of you, including Still Sparkin'. A true pleasure.
Steveedan, you were missed. My condolences to you and J.

Set List

Here at the Western World
Green Flower Street
The Nightfly
New Frontier
Home At Last
Black Cow
Goodbye Look
Third World Man
Mary Shut the Garden Door
Misery & The Blues
Brite Nightgown
Black Friday

Pretzel Logic
Viva Rock N Roll

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 02:34:38 ET
Posted by: Duncan,

Terrible news.
I'm thinking of you today
Duncan,Linda,Daniel & Oliver

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 02:17:26 ET
Posted by: Jaydubz, Laurel Canyon

Killer show at the Wiltern - thanks Mr. Fagen!

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 01:48:52 ET
Posted by: call me MS, that's pronounced MIZ

Going back a few days - Alkali - I think your response to Girlfriend was about as insensitive as your original post about the MS. title. The title is there to show R-E-S-P-E-C-T not marital status. Kinda like MR. but better

Fortunately you redeemed yourself with the Porche comment.

Date: Tues, March 28, 2006, 00:08:42 ET
Posted by: Wiltern Fly, on the wall

Sightings so far: Ted Danson, Jodie Foster, Alan Rosenberg, Marg Helgenberger, Eliott Scheiner

Donald chatty, band on fiyahhh, same setlist as Temecula up to The Goodbye Look.

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 22:59:24 ET
Posted by: Nashcat, Nashville

QUOTE from the Digest:

Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2006 13:37:59 -0500
From: "Jason Efron" <>
Subject: RE: Subject: audio anomaly in MTC track???
To: <>

It sounds like the "hesitation" at 1:09 of the title track is just a
case of Donald having to fit a lyric into a musical space which
doesn't allow for enough syllables. The liner notes say that the
line is supposed to be, "from Tompkins Square to Upper Broadway." In
reality it sounds more like, "from Tompkins Square to 'Per Broadway."

When I first heard this line I assumed he was saying "Old Broadway"
because of the number of syllables but that wouldn't make any sense.


JaeDog, you might differentiate between the CD and the DVD. My CD does clearly include the hurried first syllable of "Upper." The DVD does not. No matter on which player/computer I spin it, that first syllable just isn't there.


Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 22:46:30 ET
Posted by: Boston Rag, .

Stevie - It was great talking to you via phone the night of the Beacon show. I had no idea your wife was so ill at the time. I'm so sorry. Stay strong. Sending thoughts and prayers from 3,000 miles away.

Mark in Boston

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 20:26:16 ET
Posted by: hoops,

The latest edition of the Dandom Digest has just been mailed, this time covering the past three days or so, March 25-27, 2006.

If you are a subscriber, you should see it in your email box within the next 12 hours. Again, If you don't receive it, please email me. Some people have been having problems with delivery of the Dandom Digest, usually because of spam filters, firewalls, etc.

The following are the subjects of this particular edition of the Dandom Digest

• Becker & Klein Writing Together
• New SD Tribute CD with Al DiMeola, Jay Graydon, Elliot Randall, more
• joe pass???
• Warmth of Morph/Surprise
• RE: Subject: audio anomaly in MTC track???
• european tour?
• Re: european tour?
• SLATE: "Who Is Morph the Cat?"
• And the Fagen articles just keep on comin'
• more Morph
• REDUX: "Rhymes" alone
• REDUX: Howard Levy

• L.A. Wing Ding
• Oakland Wing Ding: The Great Paramount of Funn
• San Diego WingDing "so laid back it's almost horizontal"

•  •  •  T I C K E T E X C H A N G E •  •  • 

• 2 Tix for Santa Barbara, 3/31
• FS: Pair for Wiltern
• Banyan Trees Ticket Exchange 2006

•  •  •  SPOILERS •  •  • 
•  •  •  SPOILERS •  •  • 
•  •  •  SPOILERS •  •  • 

• SPOILER: Denver Show Miracle and Set List
• SPOILER: Vegas, baby! (Submitted as cell phone text mssge)
• SPOILER: Vegas, more...
• SPOILER: Hot Weekend in Vegas & Temecula
• SPOILER: Fab Weekend in Vegas & Temecula
• SPOILER: Temecula 2006
• SPOILER REQUEST: Boston setlist
• SPOILER: RE: Boston DFB '06 Setlist

If you are not currently a subscriber but would like to receive the free Dandom Digest email newsletter"—definitely not to be confused with the glorious Official, or newsletters/mail lists—please email me or see


Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 19:26:30 ET
Posted by: NYB,

Oh my God, very sorry to hear the news Steviedan.

Having lost my brother during the 2003 SD tour and my mom last summer I have some idea of how you feel right now. Please take care of yourself and know that as devastating as this is you will heal and you will find a way to go on. God bless you and your family at this time.


Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 18:12:34 ET
Posted by: Still Sparkin', LA

Stevee....a shocker to hear about this. Believe that people are thinking about you and find strength where and when you can. You'll get through.

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 18:03:01 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

TJ - Larry Klein is a great bassist; was married to Joni Mitchell at one time; and has produced albums for many well known artists.

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 17:54:57 ET
Posted by: Joey,

" I just received word that StevieDan's wife passed away suddenly.

Our very heart-felt condolences go out to Steve C. and his family. "

Stevie ..........................

I am very sorry for your loss and my heart-felt condolences go out to your family and yourself .

Joey !

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 17:51:34 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

I'm sorry Stevie, though I did not know you. My grandmom past away 3 hours ago, under better circumstances, she had been ill for a long time, so in many ways it is a relief, but still it's a tough part of life.

To keep the blue moveing: "At the moment he (Larry Klein) is co-writing songs with Walter Becker for a CD the two of them will bring out sometime soon".

Who is Larry Klein, could anyone give a short biography, some time?

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 17:44:08 ET
Posted by: W1P, The Wiltern

Stevee, man this is hard news to take. I just want to wish you and Jonah strength through this toughest time imaginable. I know that you two have the spirit to keep it together. Please call me if there is anything I can do.

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 17:42:02 ET
Posted by: iowaboy,

Pan-Fried... Thanks!! So nothing from the Kamikiriad CD SAturday??? I gotta say, I like Snowbound... in Chicago they did Countermoon... 'nother good one... but, having to choose, I'd go with Maxine in either case!

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 17:36:36 ET
Posted by: suedave, sigh

Condolences to SteveeDan on your sad news. Our thoughts are with you and your family.

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 17:11:37 ET
Posted by: pan-fried, the caves of king chesterfield

iowaguy, looks like Saturday had the same setlist as Vegas except Snowbound was replaced by Maxine.

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 16:56:22 ET
Posted by: Flipkid, Blue State

Stevie C: words seem inadequate to tell you how sorry I am for your loss. Please be well.

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 16:53:17 ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher, Louisville, KY

Stevee, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family in this terrible time. Be strong, my friend. Be strong.

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 16:47:30 ET
Posted by: Kid Clean, @work

Stevee Dan - I can't believe you'd have the time or energy to stop in here but in case you do.... I'm very sorry to hear of your loss, I can't even imagine what you and your family are going through right now. Many here have sent their prayers already and you can add mine to the list. If there is anything I can do for you please just ask.


Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 16:30:24 ET
Posted by: Fife and Mr.Sam, Baltimore

Steve- Our deepest condolences on your loss
Fionna and Sam

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 16:29:54 ET
Posted by: iowaboy,

Has anybody posted a set list from Saturday night yet????

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 16:18:27 ET
Posted by: News, News Desk

Becker and Klein writing a lot of songs together:

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 15:27:23 ET
Posted by: BwaySteve, completely blown

Stevee, I am shocked , sick.

May you find in your grief and in the thoughts of those who support and who love you , something to sustain you in the days and months ahead.My heart goes out to you and to your son.

You should have no more sorrow.

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 15:22:31 ET
Posted by: steelydoc, down at the Lido

Stevie, my deepest sympathy.

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 15:21:14 ET
Posted by: HeyMike, gloomy chicago

Condolences Stevie. When things don't make sense, I always play some Dan.

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 15:18:39 ET
Posted by: Little Wild One, Storms raged

SteelyMom, one of the preshow attendees Saturday night, gave us the news that Steve's wife was quite ill. And, while we did not know the critical nature of her condition, we all shared a quiet moment reflecting on his absence, considering his love for all things Dan and Don and a hope for the best for his wife.

I sent him a private e-mail this morning, before this sad news broke (and before I even posted here about the weekend), because he was and is in my thoughts.

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 15:11:56 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu ,

SteveEDan: Shocked and saddended to hear of your loss. Please accept my most sincere and heartfelt condolances to you and your family

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 14:29:39 ET
Posted by: Josey, St. Simons Island

Stevie - cannot find words to express how sorry I am to hear of your loss.

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 14:24:24 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Hoops, it is true, Lisa Chernove beloved wife and mother passed away early Saturday morning. It is not my place to make an announcement like this so I just clammed up but since it is out there, it's out there. Steve is bearing up as well as can be expected, this all happened so suddenly. There's a private ceremony for the family today I'm told.

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 14:23:54 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

What? I just spoke with him the other day. Steve - my thoughts are with you. Condolences.

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 14:20:46 ET
Posted by: edbeatty, sad

My deepest condolences to Steve

ed beatty

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 14:18:09 ET
Posted by: hoops, chicago

I just received word that StevieDan's wife passed away suddenly.

Our very heart-felt condolences go out to Steve C. and his family.



Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 14:09:15 ET
Posted by: Jerome Aniton, over in Watts

Enough! Get back to the Steely discussions! Or we gonna met out on a damn good thing...

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 14:07:12 ET
Posted by: Rajah ,

No offense taken.

I was standing with my Dad on the side of the street in his little town in Abruzzi some years ago watching the procession pass by of Santa Gemma, the patron saint of our town about whom the story is told that rather than relinquish her Maidenhead to the evil Duke Ruggerio of Celano in the 15th century, she chose instead to be imprisoned in the the dungeon of Castel Celano until such time as she saw the light. Well she never did and died after 40 or so years in the dungeon only to return and peform the requisite three miracles for canonization as a Saint. They're carrying her 500 year+ prsserved body on a bier through the streets, ghastly prcatice really, so I says to my Pop, I says, "c'mon, Pop, you don't really believe in all this stuff?" He pivoted on me and got up in my grill and barked in no uncertain terms, "look, you can believe what you want to believe, but do not fuck with what I believe."

Needless to say, I haven't made a crack like that in his presence since.

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 14:04:35 ET
Posted by: ., .

See what you guys started

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 14:02:43 ET
Posted by: Flipkid, Blue State

"Er, uh, Catholicism and Christianity aren't the same thing Flipkid, doi."

You'll have to excuse me... I come from a broken home: Mom was Catholic, Dad was Protestant. LOL!

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 14:01:54 ET
Posted by: Noam Chomsky, whereverusa

Noam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky
From CelebAtheists
Linguist/Social Commentator

Chomsky, the founder of modern Linguistics, is also among the leading leftist thinkers in the world. Some of his quotes:

"The Bible is probably the most genocidal book ever written."

"You can see that in the polls too. I was just looking at a study by an American sociologist (published in England) of comparative religious attitudes in various countries. The figures are shocking. Three quarters of the American population literally believe in religious miracles. The numbers who believe in the devil, in resurrection, in God doing this and that -- it's astonishing. These numbers aren't duplicated anywhere else in the industrial world. You'd have to maybe go to mosques in Iran or do a poll among old ladies in Sicily to get numbers like this. Yet this is the American population."

"Just a couple of years ago, there was a study of what people thought of evolution. The percentage of the population that believe in Darwinian evolution at that point was 9% -- not all that much above statistical error. About half the population believed in divinely-guided evolution, Catholic church doctrine. About 40% thought the world was created a few thousand years ago."


From ZNet's ChomskyChat (

1998 May 17

Reply from [Noam Chomsky], to Darrenn Bills, on "Definition of God."

How do I define God? I don't. Divinities have been understood in various ways in the cultural traditions that we know. Take, say, the core of the established religions today: the Bible. It is basically polytheistic, with the warrior God demanding of his chosen people that they not worship the other Gods and destroy those who do -- in an extremely brutal way, in fact. It would be hard to find a more genocidal text in the literary canon, or a more violent and destructive character than the God who was to be worshipped. So that's one definition.

In the Prophets, one finds (sometimes) a different conception, much more humane. That's why the Prophets (the "dissident intellectuals" of their day) were persecuted, imprisoned, driven into the desert, etc. -- other reasons included their geopolitical analysis, unwelcome to power. The intellectuals who were honored and privileged were those who centuries later were called "false prophets." More or less a cultural universal. There were different conceptions of divinity associated with these tendencies, and Greek and Zoroastrian influences are probable causes for later monotheistic tendencies (how one evaluates these are a different matter).

Looking beyond, we find other conceptions, of many kinds. But I have nothing to propose. People who find such conceptions important for themselves have every right to frame them as they like. Personally, I don't. That's why you haven't found my "thoughts on this [for you] criticaI question." I have none, because I see no need for them (apart from the -- often extremely interesting and revealing -- inquiry into human culture an history).

As for "First Principles," basing them on divinities is, I think, a very bad idea. That leaves anyone free to pick the "first principles" they choose on other grounds, and to disguise the choices as "what God commands." If its the warrior God of the Bible, the First Principles are horrendous (in the basic texts) and often uplifting -- in Amos, for example; but recall that he made it clear that he was no intellectual (no "prophet," as the obscure Hebrew word is translated), but an ordinary farmer.

If you like Maslow's choices, fine, then say so. But nothing is gained by investing them with divinity, and a great deal is lost: specifically, the opportunity to question, elaborate, modify, or reject them. But these are basic elements of decent human life and thought, I believe.

If you want to use the word "God" to refer to "what you are and what you want" -- well, that's a terminological decision, not a substantive one. And a bad terminological decision, I think, for the reasons just mentioned.

Is "reality an accident"? Could the laws of nature have been other than what they are? Maybe one can make some sense of such questions, but bringing divinity into the story helps not at all. It only adds confusion and deflects serious thought and inquiry.

Is it "possible that the nature of reality could be a living urge towards freedom"? As Bakunin put it, is an "instinct for freedom" part of human nature, maybe part of organic nature? Could be. I hope so. But we don't know. But again, bringing divinity in just adds confusion and bars serious inquiry and action, in my opinion.

Others feel differently. They feel they need to ground their beliefs and hopes in something they call "God." OK. I don't legislate for others, but if they want my advice (no reason why they should), it's more or less as above.

On the linguistic work, it bears on these issues only tangentially, by seeking to explore some aspects of our essential and distinctive human nature. An exciting enterprise, I think, but these questions are barely touched.


A reader provides another quote from Noam Chomsky regarding religion. It's taken from ZNet's ChomskyChat archive at

That "religion is inherently irrational" is surely true. Why one set of beliefs that are offered without argument or evidence rather than another? On the claim that "religion will die out in the next few hundred years unless it incorporates science for its explanation for cosmological events of the universe," possibly that is correct, if you mean organized religion (the Church in Rome, for example), but then they've moved in that direction long ago. As for religion being "a part of every observable society," if what is meant is that every society we know has sought to find some explanation for matters of deep human concern that we do not begin to understand (death, the origins of the universe, etc.), that's doubtless true. If one wants to call the constructs developed "religion," OK. I don't see what that implies, apart from the fact -- I presume it is a fact -- that people seek answers to hard questions, and where understanding reaches limits (very quickly, in most areas), they speculate, construct myths, etc. To draw conclusions about "human nature" from historical constructs of dominant societies in the past few thousand years seems to me quite a stretch. On "submission to an authoritarian God," that's part of some belief systems, not others. As for monotheism, I think a strong case can be made that that's not to be found in the Old Testament, pre-Babylonian exile, and may well have its roots in non-Semitic cultures, as often argued. On the divinity "allowing suffering to exist," there's a vast literature. As for "our model of god," we can "revamp" it if we have one. Not having one, I can't revamp it, or suggest how others should. On religion in an anarchistic society, I would agree with the classic anarchist slogan "Ni Dieu, ni Maitre" (No god, no master). I don't see the justification for either, but individuals make their own choices, just as I make mine.


A poster to the [message board] had come across a quote which prompted me, the Editor, to place Chomsky in the 'ambiguous' category.

"He {Noam Chomsky} has now reached the conclusion that some "divine superengineer" endowed humans with the power of language where formerly they had none. In short, language is not the product of impersonal evolution. Language demands structure and innate understanding of structures, etc. He is in search of a universal grammar. His theories, whether he knows it or not, point to an Intelligent Designer. Another name for this One is God. It is amazing how all branches of science are pointing towards the Creator." -- New York Times, 5 December 1998.

Reader DLM pursued and received a clarification from Chomsky himself, via Michael Albert the Sysop at ZNET (in late December 1999):

"Whoever you are quoting is misquoting an interview with a NY Times reporter who wanted to know about current work in linguistics that I'm involved in. In trying to explain some points, I suggested an "evolutionary fable," which had nothing to do with anything "divine" (that was inserted by the reporter) but with an imaginary engineer who had the task of inserting a language faculty in a brain in an optimal fashion. She reported it, accurately, as a fable, intended to illustrate a point graphically. No one who is within any realm of discourse I even remotely take part in doubts that language, like everything else about humans, is the product of evolution. But evolution has many mysteries, as every biologist knows. To say that some part of the organic world is the result of evolution is close to truism; beyond truism the interesting (and mostly unsolved) questions arise." --Noam Chomsky

Chomsky is now restored to the atheist section.


In the ChomskyChat public discussion forum, Chomsky was asked if he believes in a God. He replied in a message dated January 18, 2000:

Do I believe in God? Can't answer, I'm afraid. I'm not being flippant, but I don't understand the question. What is it that I am supposed to believe or not believe in? Are you asking whether I believe there is something not in the universe (or the universes, if there are (maybe infinitely) many of them), and that somehow stands above them? I've never heard of any reason for believing that. Something else? What. There are many concepts of spirituality, among them, various notions of divinity developed in the Judaeo-Christian-Islamic religions. Within these the concepts vary greatly. St. Augustine and others, for example, argued that one should not take seriously the Biblical account of God as an exaggerated human, and other Biblical accounts, because they were crafted so as to make the intended message intelligible to humans -- and on such grounds, he argued, organized religion ought to accept persuasive conclusions of science, a conception that Galileo appealed to (in vain) when he faced Papal censure.

Anyway, without clarification of a kind I have never seen, I don't know whether I believe or don't believe in whatever a questioner has in mind.

I don't see how one can "believe in organized religion." What does it mean to believe in an organization? One can join it, support it, oppose it, accept its doctrines or reject them. There are many kinds of organized religion. People associate themselves with some of them, or not, for all sorts of reasons, maybe belief in some of their doctrines.

Who wrote the Bible? Current scholarship, to my knowledge, assumes that the material that constitutes the Old Testament was put together from various oral and folk traditions (many of them going far back) in the Hellenistic period. That was one of several currents, of which the collection that formed the New Testament was another. Biblical archaeology was developed early in this century in an effort to substantiate the authenticity of the Biblical account. It's by now generally recognized in Biblical scholarship that

[I]t has done the opposite. The Bible is not a historical text, and has only vague resemblances to what took place, as far as can be reconstructed. For example, whether Israel ever existed is not clear; if so, it was probably a small kingdom somewhere in the hills, apparently virtually unknown to the Egyptians. That's my understanding, from casual reading; I haven't followed recent work closely.

Importance, relevance, historical-social impact? These are enormous questions. I can't try to address them at this level of generality; it requires at least an article, better a book or many books.

Elements of the Christian fundamentalist right are one of the strongest components of "support for Israel" -- support in a odd sense, because they presumably want to see it destroyed in a cosmic battle at Armageddon, after which all the proper souls will ascend to heaven -- or so I understand, again, not from close reading. They have provided enormous economic aid, again of a dubious sort. One of their goals seems to be to rebuild the Temple, which means destroying the Al-Aqsa Mosque, which presumably means war with the Arab world -- one of the goals, perhaps, in fulfilling the prophecy of Armageddon. So they strongly support Israeli power and expansionism, and help fund it and lobby for it; but they also support actions that are very harmful and objectionable to most of its population -- as do Jewish fundamentalist groups, mostly rooted in the US, which, after all, is one of the most extreme religious fundamentalist societies in the world.

Noam Chomsky

Retrieved from ""

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 14:00:43 ET
Posted by: Flipkid, Blue State

Ann in Borneo: you're welcome. If you liked that quote, here's another.

"Men never do evil so completly and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction."-- Blaise Pascal

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 13:57:48 ET
Posted by: Flipkid, Blue State

Sorry, Raj... just trying to make a point. If I offended, I apologize.

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 13:56:15 ET
Posted by: Rajah, easy now

Steely Dan themes are rife Christian allusions, we have noted this many times. Christian history and practices offer a veritable trove of poetic imagery, I don't think there's much of a deeper or unified reason for its use.

Flip, although I was given more Catholic instruction than anybody but a Priest should have and while I have my reservations to say the least about a lot of stuff the Church has pumped out over the centuries, I am not comfortable with anyone bandying their opinions about the sacraments such as they are. The Eucharist is one of the most sacred symbols in the Catholic rite and many folks would bristle at your characterization of it as a "crappy wafer." I ain't down with that, Brotha, you're off-side on that one.

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 13:50:33 ET
Posted by: Woody Allen took nude glamour shots, of his stepdaughter while he was married

to Mia Farrow. Woody Allen is a real life sicko pervert who married his daughter and is much more depraved than the fictional Cousin Dupree.

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 13:50:15 ET
Posted by: Kid Clean, @work

Someone posted a link to 'Stolen Dan' a few days ago and I just listened to the clip, it sounds like "The Little River Band appearing as Steely Dan", at least from the vocalist. The music does sound pretty darn good though.


Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 13:48:53 ET
Posted by: Jesus Christ, Jerusalem

Steely Dan lyrics by the way are LACED with Christian imagery on every single album.

Er, uh, Catholicism and Christianity aren't the same thing Flipkid, doi.

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 13:35:16 ET
Posted by: Flipkid, Blue State

To all those who take umbrage at the suggestion that Christianity is tantamount to a belief in magic:

Angels? Actual invisible dead people watching over you?

Water "miraculously" turned into wine?

The Catholic church's continuing insistence that a crappy little wafer and a shot glass of grape juice ACTUALLY BECOME the body and blood of Christ?

None of this sounds like "magic" to you??

I'll admit, some of it definately isn't magic. Like these chowderheads who insist that they see Jesus' face in pancake batter or somesuch. That's not magic; that's just goofy.

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 13:13:32 ET
Posted by: Alkali, NYC

I was referring to Mia Farrow, not his step daughter-wife.
I wonder what's worse, being married to your step daughter or lusting after your cousin.

Guitar world has recently listed the top 100 guitar solos of all time:
1) Stairway to heaven-Led Zeppelin
2) Eruption-Van Halen
3) Free bird-Lynard Skynard
40) Reelin’ in the years-Steely Dan

Oh well, there's always next year.

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 13:12:22 ET
Posted by: Bob,

"Donald made some real audience connections that others can tell you about..."

YES! Someone DO tell us!!!!!!!!!!!

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 13:11:50 ET
Posted by: Santa,

"And finally, both (Donald Fagen and Woody Allen) are Jewish."

Which is why it's pretty strange that Donald would come up with a line like "Christmas without the chinzy stuff". What's Christmas to Donald Fagen? Did he convert to Christianity like Bob Dylan did?

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 13:03:01 ET
Posted by: Dantana, L.A.

Schezwan Dumplings @ Mr. Chow 6 p.m. tonight

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 13:00:28 ET
Posted by: Kid Clean, @lunch

Little Walter - nicely put

Don't know if this one's been put up or not yet. It's an Akron paper but the writers from LA and appears to be in search of a friggin' clue. I wonder what he listens to if he doesn't condsider Morph to be pushing the musical envelope.


Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 12:31:37 ET
Posted by: little walter,

PQ, I guess that is just the point.
The Dalai Lama, Jesus, Muhammad - most of the revered folks were not trying to be religious or to have a theology. They were trying to discover a pure, inclusive way of life. It's the followers, the "believers" that oversimplify the life-messages into dogma with exclusive rules they can judge others by.

Spirituality is not religion. Theology is not spirituality. But music is magic, and you don't have to "believe" in it.

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 12:29:32 ET
Posted by: Woody Allen is married to, his stepdaughter

And his stepdaughter was never married before. Woody Allen is more likely to be a typical perverted character in a Steely Dan song, than a contemporary of Donald Fagen's.

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 12:25:26 ET
Posted by: Rajah, higher ground

Joseph Campbell came closest to strinking a chord. Seems like some kind of spiritual life is helpful and comforting but organized religion scares the crap outta me. Makes for excellent reading though, amazing what human beings have done in the name of their faith, sometimes great often times terrible.

I see Woody Allen as a tragic figure, I don't see Donald that way.

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 12:22:17 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

Hey LWO I'm glad you got to talk with Fagen. Couldn't happen to a nicer person. Congrats!

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 12:15:22 ET
Posted by: Alkali, NYC

The more I think about it, the more I find similarities between Donald Fagen and Woody Allen:
Both are musicians.
Both are well read.
Both are liberal.
Both have their own bands.
Both are wordsmith’s.
Both are married to divorcees.
Both live and write extensively about New York.
Both are obsessed with women.
Both are perfectionists.
Both wear glasses.
Both have religious doubts, however WILL wear skull caps at religious events.
And finally, both are Jewish.

Coincidence? I think not!

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 12:08:21 ET
Posted by: Little Wild One, looks like a lot of rain

Without going into overkill, thanks to those who have posted for the fine accounts of the weekend's events. For me, shining moments such as these take a while to process, so, for now, my extreme gratitude to everyone for the comraderie and the laughs.

While I may not believe in magic, per se, I do believe in Dan Karma and, for those of you who haven't yet experienced it, once you have, you will never be the same.

As always, thanks to hoops for being the conduit. To everyone headed to the last of "the cat's" leg of the tour this week, have a blast and try reaching out to meet someone new. Their life and yours may be much richer for it.

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 11:59:35 ET
Posted by: The Bending End, Rhode Island

My personal experience has been that the magic is real..."belief" is too weak of a word.

MTC is sprinkled with various religious/spiritual/afterlife-related references. DF may be somewhat cynical -- as I would expect from most New Yorkers -- but I sense that he's not completely a non-believer.

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 11:48:36 ET
Posted by: Alkali, NYC

The Vegas and Temecula shows sound almost magical, wish I was there.
I would have liked to have seen Zing again.
Speaking of Vegas and magic, when we were there last year my wife and I caught Penn and Teller at the Rio, these guys made a Porsche 911 disappear from the stage.
Holy crap!
I now believe in both magic and religion.
Come to think of it, a friend of mine had his Porsche disappear from a parking space in the east village a couple of years back….
But, he kept the faith that the police would recover it and they did.
Now, I don’t know what to believe in.

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 11:42:57 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

I'm not defending religion. I'm not religious. But I know that anyone who deigns to equate theologians of the caliber of the Dali Lama with "magic" is completely clueless about what religion is.

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 11:35:29 ET
Posted by: little walter, hey PQ

PQ, isn't it odd that you have to defend religion by calling people names and passing judgement? WWJD, eh?

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 10:54:04 ET
Posted by: Rajah, back from the Dunes

See you all tonight at the Opus Bar and Grill, 3760 Wilshire Blvd., steps away from the Wiltern Theatre in the very self-same Wiltern Bldg., how easy is that? I'm already dressed in black. Happy Hour 5 to 7, then it gets pricier, Grette and I, our esteemed house guest, the one and only Still Sparkin from Hong freakin Kong, W1P, Mrs. W1P, friends of the Pink, Angel and hubster, Deaconblue who is apparently out on the loose somewhere in the Basin, Pete & Shari of course and some Dr. Wu and PL boys I trust.

It's getting down to the nitty-gritty, after reading all your very fine coments from the last few days it seems the band is really feeling its oats now. Lots of Donald's old friends in attendance tonight so he will no doubt have his supermost super-cool goin on.

Somebody mentioned that people will always view Steely Dan as an LA band, in some ways the ultimate LA band because of the nature of the narrator, Mr. Steely Dan, the very picture of a skeevy LA guy in the ultimate LA album, Gaucho. I think they've left that particular stage of Steely Dandom far behind by now, many many miles back in the mirror but recalling always that objects do appear larger and closer in the rearview. Lookin good.

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 10:39:35 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

Only because Fagen commented on relgion, so I guess it's 'Steely Dan tangential': anyone who thinks an atheistic religion such as Buddhism, or even serious Christian theology like Paul Tillich or Karl Barth, has anything to do with believing in magic, is an ignoramus. You sound like a barefoot hick in the mountains of Kentucky scratching their ass with a pitchfork.

Not all religious inquiry is about jerkoffs like Pat Robertson.

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 10:37:31 ET
Posted by: Ann, Borneo

Hey Flipkid!!

Thanks for the quote!! I must save that one!! Must send it to my ex with the "scary beard"!!

Peace to all,


Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 09:56:18 ET
Posted by: Jenny, Fredneck, MD

Hey everyone: a brief diversion from Morph

I was continuing loading my ipod with some of my more obscure CDs, and came upon a little gem I'd forgotten about, a tribute CD to Jeff Porcaro.

"Tribute to Jeff", by David Garfield and Friends

This CD has a couple of songs dan related; check out the cover of Babylon Sisters, and my personal favorite, E minor shuffle, related to Black Friday.

The other song on there I love is a cover of Al Green's "Let's stay together". It has many wonderful harmonies by great voices that include Michael McDonald and David Pack. This song is a little "smooth jazzy", but since I'm really taken by good harmony, its great.


Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 09:34:36 ET
Posted by: zoomlv, laswages

Because so many people have been asking and must have missed my post on Saturday.....

Here is the Vegas set list:

Here at the Western World
Green Flower Street
The Nightfly
New Frontier
Home At Last
Black Cow
Goodbye Look
Third World Man
Mary Shut the Garden Door
Mis'ry & The Blues
Brite Nightgown ( amazing guitar work)
Black Friday

IGY - encore
Pretzel Logic - w/Drew Zingg

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 09:29:51 ET
Posted by: Flipkid, Blue State

"Good people will do good things, and bad people will do bad things. But for good people to do bad things... that takes religion."-- Stephen Weinberg

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 07:56:44 ET
Posted by: G, Cal

Great review of the Temecula Show.Now I dont have to give one.Its 4:30AM monday.I just didnt want the East coast Danheads not to know what happened in Temecula.Was dead center in front of DF.It was very hot. Felt sorry for Donald but he and the band gave us 100%plus.Now back to sleep.4th row for the Wiltern tonite cant wait. Hoops do you still want me to E-mail you. "What was the set list in LV?"

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 05:01:06 ET
Posted by: Morpheus, On the move!

Any photos of any show out there??

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 02:45:32 ET
Posted by: Still Sparkin', More or less Hollywood

Great, hot weekend shows in Las Vegas and Temecula.

Las Vegas was a cooking atmosphere. Small'ish room, not a theatre. Boxy and smoky, fold up chairs on a flat floor. Nothing like the pristine and perfect Pechanga theatre in Temecula, which had much better sound, lighting and seats. It's a couple of years old and seemingly state of the art, but it was too hot. DF was mopping sweat from his face and head from the start of the night. Some lucky girl got his towel after the show.

A different experience from Friday night at The Joint at the Hardrock Hotel, where people were packed more tightly together. It was raw in Vegas and the crowd got into the show faster. The new uptempo opener, and tone setter, Here at the Western World, hummed along and the energy stayed up for the whole show. That was the first of six Steely Dan songs (Home at Last/Black Cow/Third World Man/Black Friday/Pretzel Logic featuring Drew Zingg). Just Snowbound from Kama, two from Morph (Mary and the Nitegown) and five from The Nightfly (G-flower St./Nightfly/New Frontier/Goodbye Look/IGY in the encore) Misery and the Blues.

Band was tight and very comfortable both nights but there was something extra on Friday night...a more urgent and charged vibe. DF was a rocking tangle of gestures and expressions. It was like he was channeling something. He held the audience tightly all night, except on Misery and Blues when some people took a Slang of Ages style break. He chided them later, 'that wasn't so bad, was it ?'

The set lists were just one song apart. In Saturday's show, substitute Snowbound with Maxine. Carolyn Leonhart sang the verse and it was nicely handled, but it took me a bit to adjust to her approach after hearing it done the same way for 25 years. Entirely different phrasing and nuances.

The Goodbye Look is a winner. The mini jam at the end seemed extended in Saturday's show. Lots of jazzed up chords and room to stretch for Wayne Krantz, who was hot both nights. He and Herrington work well together.

Crowd took a little while longer to come into it Saturday. The five people behind us never got into it all - they were removed in a group coma about two thirds of the way through. Really seemed like a case of free tickets to the wrong people. Usher tried to kick six of us out of our seats during the second song then finally had to accept while we were standing in the aisle dancing that we really did have the right seats (but not before suggesting to one of our party that she had a fake ticket.)

A guy three or four seats down caught DF flat out in a quiet moment: 'Donald, play something for Cornelius.'

DF rolled with it, said okay we will and they launched into Brite Nitegown. Scheduled, but particularly good.

LWO stole another quiet moment - a great piece of timing with an 'I love you, Donald.' And it worked. 'I love you, too' he said back. There was general amazement and no small amount of analysis later by women who've been proclaiming that in concert for years.

The Saturday crowd particularly liked Black Cow. Kama was completely shut out.

Carlock was locked in. He didn't get much chance to bust out either night....but played very tasty fills on Home at Last. Little eruptions. I was able to appreciate him and Freddy Washington more Saturday because the bass sounded much cleaner that on Friday night.

I had a fabulous time meeting LWO and SueDave, who helped me get here and organized pre parties for the two shows, and Danfiend and Lady Bayside who exposed me to new music and very safe gambling, respectively. Many laughs with you all, and you too Alan - but you left too early.

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 01:47:41 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu,

Mighty Malaise-ya

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 01:30:45 ET
Posted by: suedave, home

I'm home from a fab weekend with friends familiar and new thanks to Donald and his incredible band who gave us two awesome shows in Las Vegas and in Temecula this weekend!

The Joint was a very intimite venue and our group had central seats 10 rows back. I could hear great separation of nearly all the instruments and vocals. The large monitors gave everyone an upclose view of all the action. I think the audience in Las Vegas was one who mostly traveled for Donald - die hard fans like us...and the band, who was tight - picked up on the electric vibe...the audience was energized and the set list awesome. A cookin' version of H@TWW opened the show. A show hightlight for me was how Donald accentuated the Lester parts in the Nightfly - respect the seven second delaaaaaayyyyah! Donald and the audience were buzzin'. Donald made some real audience connections that others can tell you about better than I can (if they haven't already). Also it was great to be introduced to Misery & the Blues - a 30 or 40's tune that should be remembered and sought out - who the hell is Jack Teagarden anyways? I guess I need to do some research and I think it'll be a fun adventure into a style of music that doesn't often get spotlighted.

The band was hot on the Temecula leg of the show too, so we danced the famous Merengue - another great crowd who really did move - up to the front by the end of the night. The sound in this place was a 12 out of 10 - incredibly rich and perfect to support a beautiful rendition of Maxine that brought tears to my eyes. I think its become my favorite DF song. Many other musical highlights for this show too, Donald allowed for a bit more musical interlude within the songs which seemed to help the show feel more relaxed (than at the Beacon). New solos from the previous night in some of the same songs kept it fresh.

And most of all it was an honor and a thrill to hang out with many of the folks from here - Gail, Karen, Toya, Chris, Pete, Shari, Ed, Alan, Kathy, SteelyMom, and more - those of our kind. Sad to have the weekend coming to an end but I'll stay optimistic about a summer tour so I can Do It Again. xoxoxo

Date: Mon, March 27, 2006, 00:33:40 ET
Posted by: the little walter in my head,

Light, electricity, gum - discoveries of humanity? Um, all existed before and will exist after.
Now Steely Dan, that's a positive development of humanity for sure. And if it ends in a fireball, at least we got to hear some great tunes for 30+ years.

Date: Sun, March 26, 2006, 23:21:58 ET
Posted by: moray eel, s

Hey SK:


Date: Sun, March 26, 2006, 23:13:53 ET
Posted by: skmusic, Chicago

Hi all -- can anyone shed some light on the tune "The Second Arrangement?" Did/does it exist in any hearable media? Was it originally to be on Gaucho? Thanks!

Date: Sun, March 26, 2006, 22:50:32 ET
Posted by: Tribute to the Gods, somewhere in SoCa

What an amazing weekend for the Don Fagen Band.

Last night's Temecula show was maybe the tour's finest so far in terms of how hot and in the groove the band played. The theatre's acoustics were fantasitic.

The Vegas show was one big party and the band responded very well to the karma of the room. Donald seemed to really enjoy the evening. A huge surprise awaited the Dan and Don faithful as Donald called out for everyone to welcome Drew Zingg for the band's encore. Drew Zingg was fantastic bringing his special flair and style back to Donald music.

What a weekend in the Western World.........

Date: Sun, March 26, 2006, 22:46:52 ET
Posted by: iowaboy, pg ut

YEAH... we need setlists on comments about the last couple of nights' shows! Come on... give us the blow by blow... the good, the bad, the ugly...the phonomenol... Don't keep us in the dark... Chicago WUZ great... and we're looking forward to "Dan" Diego Thursday!

Date: Sun, March 26, 2006, 22:28:30 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu,

...and as far as i know he is not dating Amy Helm...

Date: Sun, March 26, 2006, 21:12:15 ET
Posted by: Allah,

Keep it up assholes and I'm gonna cause a power outage at the Wiltern tommorrow night.

Date: Sun, March 26, 2006, 20:48:11 ET
Posted by: the little walter in my head, Hey Brutus

Seems Brutus Charisma believes in magic.

"ignoring history and trusting way too much on his 5 or 6 senses for answers." Unlike the 5 or 6 senses that programmed you to be religious in the first place. Trust your own brain please - of course you have to know how to use it first.

"maybe he thinks this is all there is - poor guy." I'm sure he'd welcome you superior, all-knowing pity. Religion provides lots of opportunities to feel superior, don't it?

If your religion worked, you would never feel compelled to defend it.

Mark Twain wrote: "Faith is believing what you know ain't so."

Date: Sun, March 26, 2006, 20:42:35 ET
Posted by: Brutus Charisma,

The only difference is that lately DF's a lot funnier than Woody.


Date: Sun, March 26, 2006, 20:25:00 ET
Posted by: RJ Squirrel, Donald Fagen reminds me of

Woody Allen. In fact MTC could be made into a Woody Allen film. Security Joan would make a very funny bit and the whole terrorism angst, paranoia and fear of death themes are right in Allen’s wheel house. DF and Woody have a lot in common.

Date: Sun, March 26, 2006, 20:17:48 ET
Posted by: Allah,

Screw Julie! I am not!

Date: Sun, March 26, 2006, 20:12:57 ET
Posted by: RJ Squirrel, Morph is God

"Operationally, God is beginning to resemble not a ruler but the last fading smile of a cosmic Cheshire cat."
(Sir Julian Huxley / 1887-1975)

Date: Sun, March 26, 2006, 20:12:19 ET
Posted by: Brutus Charisma,

As a tag to my previous post, let me inquire of you, dear readers of the Crystal Blue, in a world where nuclear annihilation is possible/probable in/on any given hour/day/week/month/year, where will DF's cache of pop tunes be - let alone what will become of all the truly great discoveries of mankind like light,electricity,Dentyne Gum?


Date: Sun, March 26, 2006, 20:01:15 ET
Posted by: Allah,

Actually he was kinda countin' on the 40 virgins thing.

Date: Sun, March 26, 2006, 19:53:55 ET
Posted by: Brutus Charisma,

Re: In a recent magazine interview Mr. Fagen was quoted as saying "Religious people scare me, any adult who still believes in magic in general."

I hope what DF was referring to was religious FANATICS like Saddam,etal, who use religion as an excuse to behave like poopheads.

If he doesn't believe in something beyond what we're all groping with Here at The Western or Eastern World for that matter, he's ignoring history and trusting way too much on his 5 or 6 senses for answers.

Maybe that's why he's obsessed with death - maybe he thinks this is all there is - poor guy.

Date: Sun, March 26, 2006, 19:47:19 ET
Posted by: seth2112, clevland, via tampa, fl and nyc

where are the latest set lists??
df goes west and the book dries up??
we need set lists fom vegas and temecula please.
and any show nuances, please.

Date: Sun, March 26, 2006, 19:13:36 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

Becker & Klein are apparently collaborating on songs; see the 4th footnote on the Tip of the Iceberg page on WB's site.

Date: Sun, March 26, 2006, 18:38:10 ET
Posted by: Check It, Cjeckin It

It's too bad Donald takes the simpleton view that religion is equivalent to magic. If you read Walter's site, and see some of his recent activity, it's obvious *he* doesn't.

Date: Sun, March 26, 2006, 18:20:07 ET
Posted by: Daddy G., NJ

The Philadelphia Inquirer today lists the top 10 selling albums in "the region" and Morph is #10, though as we already know it debuted nationally at only #26. Take it for what it's worth.

Just for laughs, here's the full list of what the Philly area's buying more than Morph...

(THIS WEEK/LAST WEEK locally (THIS WEEK nationally)

1/3 (1) -- High School Musical, Soundtrack
2/2 (2) -- James Blunt, Back to Bedlam
3/1 (4) -- No-Yo, In My Own Words
4/5 (7) -- Matisyahu, Youth
5/10 (13) -- Andrea Bocelli, Amore
6/- (9) -- Fall Out Boy, From Under The Cork Tree
7/7 (12) -- Mary J. Blige, Breakthrough
8/4 (16) -- David Gilmour, On An Island
9/8 (10) -- Jack Johnson & Friends, Curious George: Singalongs
10/- (26) -- Donald Fagen, Morph The Cat

Date: Sun, March 26, 2006, 18:13:05 ET
Posted by: Thirdworldman, visiting her family in Mao, Dominican Republic


you wrote " But don't forget, "God is in the details."

Are you familier at all with Donald's thoughts on organized religion?

In a recent magazine interview Mr. Fagen was quoted as saying "Religeous people scare me, any adult who still believes in magic in general"

Gotta love it.

Date: Sun, March 26, 2006, 17:31:33 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

DF solo!

But as long as someone cross the atlantic, I don't really care!

Date: Sun, March 26, 2006, 17:24:05 ET
Posted by: fezo, riddle me this

from the perspective of anyone unable to see DF's spring tour, what's your preference for the summer concert season:

(1) Walter and Donald back together trotting out the old live chestnuts like Josie and Peg for the 5,012 time

(2) DF solo giving the rest of us the chance to hear such jems like Snowbound and Nightfly for the first time live

Date: Sun, March 26, 2006, 14:03:09 ET
Posted by: Brutus Charima,

"That's when we wait ... to see how the STO-WEE ends. 'Cause tonight belongs to Mona."

DF is such a goofball(STO-WEE)!


Date: Sun, March 26, 2006, 13:45:28 ET
Posted by: Art Pepper,

Razorboy - Fagen is double tracking his vocal there. Singing on one track in a straightforward phrasing that follows the downbeat. The second track has him singing the line with slightly off-the-beat phrasing. This produces a really cool effect I think.

Date: Sun, March 26, 2006, 13:42:01 ET
Posted by: G, CA

Jamminjoe -Had 5* VIP last night in Temecula. You wont be disappointed.It was great.Sound check was about 55min.Then some Q and A with band members. Then Chris the manager talked to us.We were treated just great.

Date: Sun, March 26, 2006, 13:30:27 ET
Posted by: jamminjoe, Hollywood

This is Jamminjoe-originally a Jersey boy- now living in Hollywood.I just discovered this blog-Cant wait for the wiltern show. I spent the $ for the 5 star vip package. From what everyone is saying, it is worth it. Looking to meet other dan heads in the area. See you Mon night in the 1st 5 rows! Jamminjoe

Date: Sun, March 26, 2006, 13:25:40 ET
Posted by: Razorboy, In that greasy chair

OK, somebody with a keen ear, help me out

Brite Nitegown
Brite Nightgown
You can't fight with the fella
In the Brite Nightgown

That's what I hear until about the third chorus repeat in the outtro

Then it changes slightly, and it sounds something like:

Brite Nightgown
Brite Nightgown
You can't fight can't fight with the fella
In the Brite Nightgown

But it's not quite that.

I know you've all heard the same and know exactly what I'm referring to. Tell me what it is.

Date: Sun, March 26, 2006, 11:19:24 ET
Posted by: G, Cal

Great show at Temecula.Great seats dead center in front DF.Cant wait for the Wiltern tommrow.What a great bunch of people at 5*VIP.Thank you DF the band and crew.

Date: Sun, March 26, 2006, 11:11:38 ET
Posted by: w.c fields, stage fronmt

Brite Night is too short...
God was it good live last night

Date: Sun, March 26, 2006, 11:08:04 ET
Posted by: its what he did ands what he did it with..., Temecula show

its alll about the towel last night..
Ask Toya

The band was smoking...

it couldl have been the best show of the tour so far...
ask the people who drifted to the stage front and sang along during the encores

He says Don don’t despair - just take some time
You find your bad self - you’re gonna do just fine
Its what I do - its what I do
It’s not some game I play
It’s in my DNA
Its what I do

its what we all enjoyed last night

thanks Donald

Date: Sun, March 26, 2006, 11:07:57 ET
Posted by: G, Cal

Hoops-tried to E-mail you Would not go through .What was the LV setlist.

Date: Sun, March 26, 2006, 11:06:19 ET
Posted by: Q, TPA

Okay, Jim, so maybe Walter is going to show DF what a reeaally cool Jazz album is like. I don't know.

My main point is that we hopefully get 3 treats (or at least 2 "for sure") instead of one.

Other than that, I try not to analyze and deconstruct Becker/Fagen music too much - I'm too busy enjoying it. I let it wash over me like a much needed shower for the soul.

I leave the rest to the experts on the bluebook and at the various media outlets.

Date: Sun, March 26, 2006, 11:04:33 ET
Posted by: G, Cal

Date: Sun, March 26, 2006, 10:07:37 ET
Posted by: Chrysler, PA

TJ: Yeah, I hear what you're saying and I do basically agree. You and Howard are talking about the "macrostructure" and I'm talking about the "microstructure." But don't forget, "God is in the details."

Incidentally, in addition to labeling the chords of a given tonality, Roman numerals are also used in generic chord descriptions, as in II / I, III / I, V / I, bVII / I, etc. You find that type of description in jazz analysis all the time. So the I would refer in this case to the root tone of a given chord, not to the tonal center of a given composition.

Date: Sun, March 26, 2006, 09:30:10 ET
Posted by: NYB,

Fagen believes that technology now rules us, not the other way around. Which is why he no longer fears death.

"It's so complicated just to use the phone these days that you figure the human lifespan is just about right," he says. "You have to memorize so many numbers and acronyms, why bother to go on? At this point, technology is finally making life so difficult, but it's funny, because people don't seem to be aware of it -- how much time it's taking out of their day. But I'm acutely aware of it, to the point where I don't even want to make a phone call anymore."

Now THAT is damned funny! Laughed my ass off when I read that...

Date: Sun, March 26, 2006, 08:58:12 ET
Posted by: Art Pepper,

Yes that's a fluegel horn that Michael plays on occasion. To me it sounds a bit more like a French horn than a trombone. But hey, what do I know ..I'm an alto player. Started out on clarinet. Spent a couple stints in the joint. Put out some damn good jazz records though.

Date: Sun, March 26, 2006, 08:26:33 ET
Posted by: scats, wouldn't you like to know

if vegas is any indication

glad to see IGY in the encore spot and more importantly Viva Chuck Berry off the setlist

Date: Sun, March 26, 2006, 08:08:39 ET
Posted by: ru with me drhoo, chicago

Leonhart mentioned in chicago that the Fleugelhorn is closer to the trombone in sound; since there's no trombone in the horn section, he pulls the fl-horn out in its place. At least that was one application...Teahouse, perhaps.

Date: Sun, March 26, 2006, 04:27:17 ET
Posted by: Declan, memphis

Forgot to ask:

has anyone noticed Mike Leonhart playing a flugelhorn on certain songs? Or is this just some strange supratrumpet?

Date: Sun, March 26, 2006, 01:33:51 ET
Posted by: Brooklynowes, Tompkins Square

Hey guys, I really can't wait to see Don on the second leg. I heard this teenager play in the city, one song he played sounded exactly like dan, he dedicated it to Becker and Fagen. It's called something Yuppie, check it out I think this is the artist's demo site, he hasn't recorded the tune professionally yet, check it out.

Date: Sun, March 26, 2006, 01:21:20 ET
Posted by: Dimension Skipper, Eternal Path

Some good stuff in this piece...

By Tom Lanham, San Francisco Chronicle

Date: Sun, March 26, 2006, 00:43:45 ET
Posted by: lovethisgig, atlanta

Or actually .99 pounds.

Date: Sun, March 26, 2006, 00:42:04 ET
Posted by: lovethisgig, atlanta

$.99, what the hec!!! Rhymes is another funky one! Damn, how I love his voice. There's a quality to there I've never heard before. A raspiness at times. He's having fun on this one folks. Listen how he sings ...

"Like a KING without his throne" or "BUST yo way in."

Wow! And the Donettes!!

Date: Sun, March 26, 2006, 00:23:33 ET
Posted by: Declan, memphis

Here's the Rolling Stone interview:

Date: Sun, March 26, 2006, 00:18:36 ET
Posted by: Ann, Borneo - Rocks to the sound of MTC!!

Hi Y'All,

Re-the glitch, my copy of MTC is from the UK, and I can't hear any glitch, just Donald saying "upper" very fast, but he would have to to fit everything in. Having said that, my equipment isn't the best and I'm mainly listening to it through headphones while sitting at the computer.....and it's just getting better with every spin!!

Come on Don and Walt, give us the go ahead re a summer tour. If I don't book my flights soon, I'll never get out of this place!!!

Peace to all,


Date: Sun, March 26, 2006, 00:01:35 ET
Posted by: Chris, nh

Cool Donald Fagen interview in the new issue of Rolling Stone (with Simon Cowell, etc on the cover).

Date: Sat, March 25, 2006, 20:56:58 ET
Posted by: NYB,

Date: Sat, March 25, 2006, 20:40:20 ET
Posted by: thirdworldman, goin' to L.A. on a dare


check it:

short clip of "Rhymes" - for whatever it's worth, it did not grab me at first, but as we all know some sd/df songs take a few listens...

Date: Sat, March 25, 2006, 20:16:41 ET
Posted by: Razorboy, by the Shrine of the Martyr


Does anyone know where to hear Rhymes for no charge on the net?

I'll settle for a 30 second clip.


By the way, I read a review of MTC on

"This isn’t "smooth jazz," and while it could be classified as adult-contemporary, perhaps, thematically it's too clever and strange for that. Morph The Cat is an album that's too laid-back to get the blood flowing and too busy to be relaxing. Donald Fagen straddles many intersecting lines, which may make him unclassifiable, but also somewhat original. And, often, just plain weird."

The author seems to lament this fact. I say "WONDERFUL!!" I suspect that Donald didn't have "relaxing" in mind, thankfully.

Date: Sat, March 25, 2006, 19:49:22 ET
Posted by: The Bending End, Rhode Island

I can't seem to find an Internet site with the same information, but today's Providence Journal lists the Top 10 best-selling CDs, both locally and nationally, and Morph the Cat comes in at #3 on the local list.

Date: Sat, March 25, 2006, 19:31:54 ET
Posted by: NYB,

I hear ya SteelyDon.
If it would've been repeated 15 times or 17 times it would've been wrong.

Date: Sat, March 25, 2006, 17:31:58 ET
Posted by: SteelyDon, anyplace to which I am welcome to

16 times the chorus is repeated at the end of Brite Nitegown...I just counted for fun.

Date: Sat, March 25, 2006, 16:42:06 ET
Posted by: Pam, working for a living

Ummm, is it me but weren't the titles of the MTC songs correct on I just looked and I see "Moana" and "Mars" instead of Mary. Maybe it was always like that and I didn't notice or maybe somebody is goofing around?

Date: Sat, March 25, 2006, 16:14:25 ET
Posted by: Look, And See

Maybe if y'all saw the picture of Walt's bass between the cutouts of Bird and Diz on his website?

Date: Sat, March 25, 2006, 16:10:29 ET
Posted by: NYB,

"At the same time, when I saw that Jim Beard and Larry Klein were involved in Becker's album, my impulse was and still is that perhaps Walter's album will be much more jazz oriented than MTC." (Hoops)

And I had high hopes for this album too.

Date: Sat, March 25, 2006, 15:30:29 ET
Posted by: me, here

Donald Fagen - Back to Annadale
The origins of Steely Dan -- Donald Fagen returns to campus and revisits the
origin of his old grudge
by Rob Brunner

On Halloween 1967, a party is raging inside Ward Manor, an Elizabethan-style
mansion-turned-dorm at Bard College, in Annandale-on-Hudson, N.Y. On a small
stage set up in the corner of the common room, a band called the Leather
Canary tears through the Rolling Stones' ''Dandelion,'' Moby Grape's ''Hey
Grandma,'' and Willie Dixon's ''Spoonful,'' along with a few recently penned
originals. It's a typical late-'60s student shindig - most of the audience
is tripping on acid - but it's hardly an ordinary band. Behind the drums is
Chevy Chase, familiar around campus as a gifted musician and good-natured
goofball who's been known to drop his pants after losing late-night games of
''dare'' poker. Just in front of him is a long-haired muso named Walter
Becker, one of the school's most accomplished guitarists. And the shy singer
behind the electric piano? That's Don Fagen, decked out in a leather jacket
with feathers attached to it (hence the band's name). Just a few years
later, Chase will find fame as one of the greatest comedians of his
generation. Fagen and Becker, meanwhile, will evolve into Steely Dan, score
huge hits with songs like ''Rikki Don't Lose That Number'' and ''Reelin' in
the Years,'' and create several of the most beloved and enduring albums of
the 1970s. And in 1973, on their second LP, they will record ''My Old
School,'' an angry kiss-off that, for reasons that have never been entirely
clear, takes a very public swipe at Bard. ''California tumbles into the
sea/That'll be the day I go back to Annandale,'' Fagen famously sings. ''I'm
never going back to my old school.'' You can practically hear him sneer.

Almost four decades after that Halloween gig, Donald Fagen is back at Ward
Manor, gazing around the very same common room. In many ways, this quiet
lounge - its ornate wood-paneled walls and elaborately plastered ceiling
unchanged after all these years - is where Steely Dan sputtered to life.
Fagen and Becker both lived here, and they wrote their first, now-forgotten
songs together on an old piano that disappeared from the corner years ago.
But despite this room's heavy history, Fagen, exploring the dorm's dark
halls for the first time since college, seems a bit underwhelmed. ''Looks
pretty much the way I remembered it,'' he says with a shrug.

If Fagen is reluctant to reminisce about beginnings, perhaps it's because
these days he's more interested in how things end. His new album, Morph the
Cat, is a typically wry and unflinching look at death. ''I was just 58 the
other day,'' he says, sitting down at a table only a few feet from where the
Leather Canary performed. ''You start to realize that you don't have that
much time left. And also my mother died in 2003, which was a big shock to
me. So it's something I've been thinking of.''

Morph is the third in a semiautobiographical trilogy, following 1982's The
Nightfly, a look at his youth in New Jersey, and 1993's Kamakiriad, a
surreal take on his middle years. On this latest installment, Fagen taps
into the undercurrent of fear that's defined life in New York City after
9/11, weaving dirty bombs and burning buildings, airport security and
authoritarian governments into deceptively upbeat-sounding tunes about a
variety of tragic situations. Though most of the new CD's songs aren't
overtly personal, some are based on fact, including the disc's most direct
take on mortality, ''Brite Nitegown.'' ''I was mugged on the Upper East
Side,'' says Fagen. ''I was almost sure I was going to buy it there. Two
huge dudes sat me down and said, 'Give us all your money, we've got a gun.'
They took the cash and booked. I sat there for a few minutes. Then I started
to shake.''

When Fagen arrived at Bard in 1965, he was shy and bookish, a kid from the
Jersey burbs who smoked a bit of pot and played a lot of piano. ''Don sort
of looked like a crow most of the time,'' says Chevy Chase. ''He'd walk
around with this beak of a nose and he always wore black clothing and looked
down with his hands in his pockets. People thought he was kind of weird and
quiet. They didn't realize that he was really intelligent, a very funny,
bright guy.'' A fan of bebop and Beat poetry, Fagen quickly fell in with a
bohemian crowd. ''He hung out with some bizarre Bard students who were too
dark and mysterious for some other people,'' says Terence Boylan, a friend
and musical collaborator at Bard. ''They never came out of their room, they
stayed up all night. They looked like ghosts - black turtlenecks and skin so
white that it looked like yogurt. Absolutely no activity, chain-smoking
Lucky Strikes and dope. [Fagen was] immersed in an entirely Beat attitude.
Very hip, very chip-on-the-shoulder, very jazz, very hat-down-over-the-eyes,
saying, 'Hey, man, that's not cooool.'''

Today, as Fagen wanders around Bard, that lost world starts to come back. He
stops in front of Stone Row, a series of Gothic-style buildings at the
center of campus. Here is Fagen's freshman dorm, Potter, where he lived next
to Lonnie Yongue, the leader of that boho Bard scene. Yongue would later
show up in the 1973 Steely Dan tune ''The Boston Rag'' as a ''kingpin'' who
goes on a two-day drug bender. ''Lonnie was king of Potter, that's for
sure,'' says Fagen, gazing up at the imposing stone structure.

Bard was - and still is - an intensely creative environment, and Fagen soon
found his way into regular jam sessions, which popped up all over campus. In
Sottery Hall, Chevy Chase might be playing ''bad jazz'' with his singer
girlfriend, Blythe Danner, while in a little practice room called Bard Hall,
Fagen and Boylan might be rehearsing a 10-piece wall-of-sound version of
''Like a Rolling Stone'' for a class project. Fagen was already an
accomplished pianist, and he started playing in a series of semi-serious and
short-lived jazz and rock groups. At first, nothing really clicked. ''One of
the problems in those days was finding a guitar player,'' he says. ''There
were a few guitarists at school, but most still sounded like they were Dick
Dale or one of the Ventures. They hadn't quite figured out how to play
blues. They sounded sort of amateurish.'' One day in 1967, Fagen happened by
a long-gone campus coffee shop, the Red Balloon. ''I hear this guy
practicing, and it sounded very professional and contemporary,'' he says.
''It sounded like, you know, like a black person, really. And that was
Walter. I walked in and introduced myself to him. I just said, 'Do you want
to be in a band?'''

Fagen and Becker quickly forged the intimate collaborative relationship that
would eventually form the core of Steely Dan. ''We had a lot of common
musical background,'' says Becker. ''Donald and I had listened to the same
jazz radio stations, we had all the same records, and there weren't that
many jazz fans around at that time in our particular age group. Making rock
& roll that was more sophisticated harmonically and more jazzlike was
something that we had a common interest in.'' While at Bard, Fagen and
Becker started concocting the distinctive jazz-rock sound that they've
pursued over the course of nine studio albums together, including two recent
comeback discs (2000's Two Against Nature, which won an Album of the Year
Grammy, and 2003's Everything Must Go). Their trademark groove has evolved
over the years, but it hasn't really changed much. Predictably, Morph the
Cat sounds exactly like a Steely Dan record. ''On the one hand, it's not
like I think it's any huge departure,'' says Fagen. ''I'm not that
interested in revolutionizing music. But it happened the right way. I did
the tracks in 10 days and that was it. It just worked.''

Becker produced and played on Fagen's last solo album, Kamakiriad, but he
was completely uninvolved with Morph. ''We just decided to take a break and
do separate projects for a while,'' says Fagen, who doesn't rule out another
Steely Dan record but says there are no firm plans at the moment. And the
band will continue to tour, most likely playing dates this summer after
Fagen completes a solo road outing (his first ever).

These days, Becker lives in Hawaii much of the time, and the two chat only
sporadically. In fact, Fagen isn't even sure if Becker has heard his new
work. ''It's the kind of thing that we don't talk much about, actually,''
says Fagen. ''I would be interested, but... When I was halfway through, he
said, 'How's your album coming?' I said, 'Oh, it's the usual s -- -.' That's
the only conversation we ever had about it.''

Tucked in the woods behind Stone Row, down a narrow path many students never
notice, sits a one-room, octagonal stone structure known as the Observatory.
It is there that Fagen most wants to visit. ''I used to practice here,'' he
explains, gazing around the room, which, it turns out, was converted into an
office in the early '70s. This isolated space was one of Fagen's most
cherished escapes. ''There was nothing in there but a grand piano,'' he
says. ''I had wonderful hours in here practicing scales, things that no one
else should hear, you know? I'd write tunes in here, too. And if you were
rejected by someone you were in love with, you could scream. I was always in
love with someone [who] ignored me completely. That was my Bard experience.
There was a Sorrows of Young Werther vibe about it.''

One such unrequited crush might have been a professor's young wife named
Rikki Ducornet, whose first name will be familiar to Steely Dan fans. Fagen
won't admit it - he's always been extremely reluctant to explain his songs -
but it's easy to imagine that Ducornet was the inspiration for one of his
band's most famous tunes, ''Rikki Don't Lose That Number.'' ''I remember we
had a great conversation and he did suggest I call him, which never
happened,'' says Ducornet, now a well-regarded novelist and artist. ''But I
know he thought I was cute. And I was cute,'' she laughs. ''I was very
tempted to call him, but I thought it might be a bit risky. I was very
enchanted with him and with the music. It was so evident from the get-go
that he was wildly talented. Being a young faculty wife and, I believe,
pregnant at the time, I behaved myself, let's say. Years later, I walked
into a record store and heard his voice and thought, 'That's Fagen. And
that's my name!'''

Fagen would have better luck with a former Bard student named Libby Titus,
whom he encountered on campus in 1966 and married 27 years later. And that's
hardly his only happy memory of the school. ''I was coming straight from a
housing development in New Jersey, so it was great,'' he says. ''I loved the
teachers and the girls, you know. I had friends here. Probably the only time
in my life,'' he says with a laugh, ''that I actually had friends.''

So why, if Fagen harbors such fond memories of his alma mater, did he and
Becker pen the nasty ''My Old School''?

Later on the Bard tour, an answer finally starts to emerge. On the edge of
campus sits the small mid-19th-century house that used to be Adolph's, the
school's most legendary hangout. In the late '60s, you never knew who'd show
up in this out-of-the-way bar. A pair of Rolling Stones might drop in, or
Bob Dylan and Bobby Neuwirth, who would come over from Woodstock. ''Bard was
a very hip place,'' says Boylan, who used to let Dylan crash in his dorm
room. Across the street from the former Adolph's still sits a now-famous
pump, which to this day doesn't work because, as Dylan noted in
''Subterranean Homesick Blues,'' ''the vandals took the handles.'' ''It was
a rocking bar,'' says Fagen, climbing the stairs to the front porch. ''The
girls really danced in those days.'' He walks into the entryway of the
building, now converted into Bard offices. There's little evidence of its
former life as the coolest joint in Dutchess County. ''There's no reason to
go any further,'' he says after taking a quick glance around.

But just outside of Adolph's, he sees it. The house. ''Right there is the
house that I was busted in,'' he says, gesturing toward a two-story
structure nearby. Here, finally, lies the story behind ''My Old School.'' It
was around 5 a.m., a Thursday in May 1969, when a swarm of sheriff's
deputies descended on Bard, sweeping through dorms and off-campus
residences, including this small house, where Fagen lived with a roommate.
''They went up and down the halls, knocking on doors,'' says Boylan, who was
in his room at Ward Manor at the time. ''Toilets were flushing everywhere to
get rid of any pot that you had. I threw mine out the window. All you had to
do was say to the cop, 'What are you doing?' They'd say, 'That's it,
resisting arrest.' Somebody would say, 'What the hell is going on?' 'Oh,
profanity! Arrest him.''' Fagen, Becker, and Fagen's girlfriend, Dorothy
White, were all dragged off to jail.

''These were the days when there was a 'war on longhairs,' as they used to
call it,'' says Fagen, ''and Bard's in this kind of rural district. They
picked up about 50 kids just at random. There were a few warrants, and one
was for me, which was based totally on false testimony. They handcuffed our
hands behind our backs and put us in a paddy wagon and took us off to the
Dutchess County Jail. They took all of the boys, about 35 of us, most with
really long hair, and shaved our heads. I remember some of them were crying.
I don't think any of them had seen their head for three or four years. It
didn't make that much difference to me. But it was scary, you know? To hear
the cell-block door slam shut, the whole business with the handcuffs and the
paddy wagon. I'd never been arrested or put in jail before.''

Bard hired a lawyer and bailed out the 50 or so students who'd been hauled
in during the raid. Problem was, Becker and White weren't technically
students at the time. ''I asked them to bail my girlfriend out,'' says
Fagen. ''She had nothing to do with this and was just visiting me. And they
refused to do it. So when graduation time came I protested by not going. My
case had already been dismissed-they had withdrawn the charges, actually. So
I was sitting on a bench in front of Stone Row with my father and lawyer,
just watching the graduation. A lot of the students were also angry because
apparently the school had let an undercover policeman be planted in the
building and grounds department. Their cooperation with the investigation
was despicable.''

Four years later, Fagen and Becker released ''My Old School.'' While Fagen
says the song is ''not literal'' (and Becker insists he ''never thought of
it as an angry-sounding song; I think of it as a funny song''), he
acknowledges that there was real fury behind the ''never going back''
chorus. ''I don't know how serious we were [about never returning],'' he
says, ''but at the time both of us were very pissed off at the school,
that's for sure.'' Fagen kept his promise for 16 years. Then, in 1985, he
returned to campus for the first time, to accept an honorary doctorate. What
finally made him relent and go back to Annandale? He thinks for a moment, as
if pondering the question for the very first time. ''Well, you know. I'm not
one to hold a grudge.''


Date: Sat, March 25, 2006, 15:29:55 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Several Danfests of note coming up:

Temecula (tonight)
Kaching! Kaching! Pechenga Wing Ding!

Oakland Wing Ding: The Great Paramount of Funn

San Diego
San Diego WingDing "so laid back it's almost horizontal"

Not sure if Gretchen and Rajah are hosting an L.A. and/or Santa Barbara Danfest.


Date: Sat, March 25, 2006, 15:27:09 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Q: Maybe I'm reading your post wrong, but I have been thinking the opposite. First of all, since the tour started I've been thinking that DF's seems to be focussing on Rock and Blues and pulling back a just touch on the jazz influences. At the same time, when I saw that Jim Beard and Larry Klein were involved in Becker's album, my impulse was and still is that perhaps Walter's album will be much more jazz oriented than MTC. Time will tell.

Sounds like a great show last night...and IGY & Pretzel Logic as encores was what I was hoping for since before the tour. Too bad I couldn't make it!

Here's hoping I can make Santa Barbara.

Date: Sat, March 25, 2006, 15:21:23 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Could the person who posted the following, please email me privately. (It's not about the content but I need your help with a technical issue.) Thanks.

"Sounds like someone must have got stuck in the back row."

"What was the setlist for the LV shows"

Date: Sat, March 25, 2006, 14:26:13 ET
Posted by: G,

After Donald gives me my swiftkick. I will say thanks. Then I will say see you at the Wiltern. Then I will put my sandwitch container in my Donald Fagen lunch box. Now to Temecula to spend all my money on DF Tshirts one for everyone. Then send Hoops on a 2 week vacation to Hawaii. I am so glad I have so much money. Now you go write your book.

Date: Sat, March 25, 2006, 13:55:14 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu,

"Sat, March 25, 2006, 02:25:35 ET
Posted by: Doctor Mu, Yes fife

I was aware you might need pschiatric treatment and even spelled correctly some time to sort through your past and see why you like to escape by smoking so often. It seems to be a clear cut case of self medication for depression and a habit. Is that what you are trying to tell the board? We support you so speak up. Put the joint out and clear your mind. Express yourself."

is NOT mine, but thanks for playing Trout. There will be a lovely parting gift for you, and a swift kick in the **s!

Date: Sat, March 25, 2006, 13:33:01 ET
Posted by: Q, TPA

Zoom, my man - glad to hear the live show was everything I told you it was!

Call me today!

Brite Night was the one to die for in the shows I saw - seems to be a universal sentiment based on the posts.

Now looks like Walter is coming with quite a salvo!(as if we would expect any less from him...)

Looks like DFs Jazz oriented masterpiece VS WBs raucus guitars rock oriented(? - guessing here) prospective mastpiece ("vs" not meant in a divisive way...for you conspiracy minded cynics)
Can't wait to see what Walter and his boys have in store for us.

Morph is old hat now - it's time for Walter to shine, eh?
(Not that Morph will be leaving my car CD cartridge...)

How lucky we all in retrospect that we are having 2 tricks, treats & surprises instead of one! Now we just hope for the third surprise - The coming together of our artistic heroes, however that unfolds.

Viva, viva, viva!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Date: Sat, March 25, 2006, 12:55:45 ET
Posted by: zoomlv, laswages

Vegas set list:

Here at the Western World
Green Flower Street
The Nightfly
New Frontier
Home At Last
Black Cow
Goodbye Look
Third World Man
Mary Shut the Garden Door
Mis'ry & The Blues
Brite Nightgown ( amazing guitar work)
Black Friday

IGY - encore
Pretzel Logic - w/Drew Zingg

Date: Sat, March 25, 2006, 12:33:35 ET
Posted by: ., .

What was setlist for the LV show

Date: Sat, March 25, 2006, 12:30:57 ET
Posted by: zoomlv, laswages

WOW, the vegas show was amazing, the band was hot Donald was very talkative and animated the room was a buzz throughout......and Drew Zingg to boot on Pretzel Logic, Herrington, Zingg and Krantz together on stage at the same time!

Date: Sat, March 25, 2006, 11:59:45 ET
Posted by: ., .

Sounds like someone must have got stuck in the back row.

Date: Sat, March 25, 2006, 11:22:10 ET
Posted by: Khnum,

Yeah... and I don't wanna hear any of those "Comfortably KHNUM" jokes either okay?

Just thought I'd tellya that up front...

Date: Sat, March 25, 2006, 11:11:08 ET
Posted by: Khnum, innundation creation

Say... you guys are pretty good a picking a song apart. So how good are you at CREATING one?

Khnum give you a 3.5 out of 10 on this one.

Date: Sat, March 25, 2006, 10:57:41 ET
Posted by: Gary, Cal

Today is the day.Donald Fagen in Temecula.Looking foward to the 5*VIP.Also yesterday ticketbastard released tickets for the Wiltern show.Scorerd 2 tickets 4th row center.Someone is watching over me.Also found out that Freddie Washington will be working on a cd with a friend of mine.WAAhoo.

Date: Sat, March 25, 2006, 10:18:50 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

Chrysler, now I see your point. As a basic functional chord the sus only appears twice (thi intro V7 and the substited sub), but as a coloring effect it appears all over the place.

I think Howard and I draw a dividing line between chords that are basic and vital functions and chord which are altered as we go a long, just to add color.

Example: Bb7 often is varied with Eb/Bb, for the color. But basically it's still a Bb7.

You agree?

Date: Sat, March 25, 2006, 09:29:57 ET
Posted by: Chrysler, PA

Howard, TJ: OK, here we go--

I meant bVII / I generically, not specifically.

The chord built on the bVII (GbMAJ7 / Ab = Ab 13 sus) is FUNCTIONING as the blues-form subdominant. Yes, it's a substitute for the standard IV chord. Dominant or dominant sus chords built on the bVII have subdominant function, even though they're not the true subdominant IV chord. We can go into that at length later if you'd like.

My bad, you guys are right about the intro minor 11 chords. But that particular voicing (R b7 b3 11) has kind of an ambiguous, quartal/secundal sound to it, don't you think? It doesn't sound like a tertian-derived chord (even though it is), which is what threw me off at first.

Did I say I hear at least six sus chords? I should have said eight. Here they are:

1) the intro V chord

2) right after "...make my flight" an accented, repeated sus chord...

3) resolves to another accented sus chord

4) the subdominant-functioning bVII 13 sus

5) right after "...angel straight from heaven" although it quickly resolves

6) right after "...never felt so clean"

7) right on "terrorist"

8) right on "Security"

Date: Sat, March 25, 2006, 09:17:19 ET
Posted by: T.C.F.B.R.,


What part of "...the Committee requests that you re-think and re-submit your response in such a way as to find agreement with NYB's position" is giving you trouble? Unfortunately the committee has no choice but to invalidate your response and to delete your submission once again. In order to ensure success in your endeavor, we suggest that you verify that all subsequent responses are in alignment with the rationale of NYB BEFORE RE-SUBMISSION.

The Committee For Bluebook Responses thanks you for your participation in this very important discussion. Please feel free to re-submit your ideas for futher disapproval as often as you like.

Thank You,

Date: Sat, March 25, 2006, 08:57:44 ET
Posted by: back2bass6, lawn guyland

the glitch

i will listen yet again (after my latte) to that line, but, first listen, i found it wonderfully sycopated and funky.

And you know, as DF and SD are two of the most vital folks (bands) still around, on my first and current listen to Brite Nitegown, DF does the cool "prince" kinda vocal, dontcha think?

Prince is awesome. James Brown, Jim Hendrix, all rolled into one. Yeah yeah yeah, i know, he is kinda poppy and stuff, but the man is KILLER in concert, and gets awfully awfully groovy most of the time.

Shame About Me and Almost Gothic...bets Dan tunes ever

god.."its kinda like the opposite of an aerial view..." i cant get over that

Date: Sat, March 25, 2006, 08:29:13 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

In respect of T.C.F.B.R. I'll give it another go.

Your plot is elaborate and meaningful, but to me also a little to obvious. But I'll buy your version if you care to explain the guys and lot's of different things.

My ultimate take:

1. 9/11 triggered the depression

2. The guy(s) is/are the reason she wants the world nad maybe her self to believe.

3. But actually her state of mind is created by lots of different things.

Date: Sat, March 25, 2006, 08:11:40 ET
Posted by: in all the time ive known you, I still dont know what you mean

deaconblue--you hate this place so much, how did you even get in by the way? Just leave

Date: Sat, March 25, 2006, 07:17:37 ET
Posted by: Alkali, NYC

The vocal bug exists in 2 of my CD's. The other three that i have, which i bought via Reprise directly, are perfect.
It’s got to be on some pressings.

DEACON: allow me to first offer my condolences that you are in L.A.
you see, L.A. is not really a city, although a sundry of citizens are duped into believing that it is, L.A. actually is a large, and rather greasy, spot amongst palm trees that resembles a relatively large town but, is in reality a large trailer park (think Beverly Hill billies)in other words, trailer trash with an income.
devoid and completely bankrupt of culture, education and morality.
I can't help you with the food, son. i suggest walking west with a fishing pole or east with a snake hook and sack.

Date: Sat, March 25, 2006, 02:28:44 ET
Posted by: bwaySteve, walking the streets after midnight

You guys have some great imaginations.

I have found looking up at the puffy clouds extremely relaxing yet stimulating as well.

My 12 year old said she used to do that a lot when she was a kid.

Date: Sat, March 25, 2006, 02:07:34 ET
Posted by: deaconblue, two days ago BRUSSELS now VENIECE BEACH

I`m really very satisfied after two days LA. It`s a great city, very strange and full off extremes in all senses. It`s quiet different from Miami.
And tomorrow i surely will have the first highlight of my holidays in Temecula.
And after that straight to The Wiltern.

Oh,one thing! American food sucks!!!

Date: Sat, March 25, 2006, 00:08:27 ET
Posted by: Josey, St. Simons Island

My buddy BT just phoned me from the Vegas show and gave me a thirty second soundbyte of "Black Cow"! I can now say I heard a piece of the Fagen show. While my life is still utterly incomplete, it was nice.

Date: Sat, March 25, 2006, 00:00:21 ET
Posted by: jorainbo, Indianapolis

I also noticed the glitch in the title track. As much of a perfectionist as Fagen has proven to be, I'm sure even a minor glitch like this would make him cringe.

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 23:03:18 ET
Posted by: Greg Moonspank, White Plains, NY

<<<"From Tompkins Square to ....Upper Broadway.

Is it just me or do any of you hear this also?
Perhaps I just got a bad CD or my ears are getting

- Vasu Kilaru

It's NOT just you... mine does it, too.>>>

MINE TOO!!! I think its a glitch. The groove doesn't falter, so it sounds like it's a glitch in just the vocals. I cringe every time it comes along.

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 22:04:32 ET
Posted by: Nashcat, Nashville


Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2006 12:04:16 -0800 (PST)
From: v kilaru <>
Subject: audio anomaly in MTC track???

Love the album, but...

I was listening to the title track when at the
1:08/1:09 mark there is a funny break or transition.
Sounds like hesitation in the lyrics or something. It
happens right when the lyrics go from:

"From Tompkins Square to ....Upper Broadway.

Is it just me or do any of you hear this also?
Perhaps I just got a bad CD or my ears are getting

- Vasu Kilaru

It's NOT just you... mine does it, too.

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 21:12:31 ET
Posted by: hoops, chicago

The Dandom Digest marks 13 years and kicks off its 14th year with a Digest covering March 15-24, 2006.

If you are a subscriber, you should see it in your email box within the next 12 hours. Again, If you don't receive it, please email me. Some people have been having problems with delivery of the Dandom Digest, usually because of spam filters, firewalls, etc.

The following are the subjects of this particular edition of the Dandom Digest

• Update! Hints About Upcoming Album
• Fagen Charts!
• Donald number nine
• audio anomaly in MTC track???
• bonus track Rhymes
• Rhymes...
• "Rhymes" alone
• iTunes Liner Notes, Lyrics?
• Howard Levy
• Any filming going on?
• Essential Reading: DF in "Entertainment Weekly"
• more fagen articles
• E! Online on Morph (it's not a drug)
• - Morph The Cat (album review)
• More Fagen
• Village Voice on Fagen Album
• - Post your comments about the album review

• Vega$ Wing Ding
• Kaching! Kaching! Pechenga Wing Ding!
• Oakland Wing Ding: The Great Paramount of Funn
• San Diego WingDing "so laid back it's almost horizontal"



• NEW: : 2 Tix for Santa Barbara, 3/31
• Update: TWO Vegas Tix Available
• NEW: FS, Row E, Temecula Ticket
• NEW: FS: Pair for Wiltern
• Banyan Trees Ticket Exchange 2006


• SPOILEResque: Query
• SPOILER: Nice Chitown review

If you are not currently a subscriber but would like to receive the free Dandom Digest email newsletter"—definitely not to be confused with the glorious Official, or newsletters/mail lists—please email me or see


Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 20:18:27 ET
Posted by: T.C.F.B.R., please be seated


The Committee For Bluebook Responses has determined your response to be "not meaningful". Therefore the Committee requests that you re-think and re-submit your response in such a way as to find agreement with NYB's position. Until then, the committee has no choice but to consider your insights in this matter to be null and void.

Thank You,

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 19:56:08 ET
Posted by: Razorboy, In that greasy chair

Nice Chitown review:

Donald Fagen Band at the Chicago Theatre
Posted: 2006-03-22

By Paul Olson

Donald Fagen Band
Chicago Theatre, Chicago
March 18, 2006

Steely Dan founder/vocalist Donald Fagen’s concert at the storied Chicago Theatre wasn’t exactly the sound of surprise—this isn’t a jamband he’s fronting and anyone who came expecting loose, improvisational flights of fancy was destined to be disappointed. But the full house knew pretty much exactly what to expect, and they got it: Fagen on electric piano fronting a whip-tight ten-piece band; consistently satisfying performances of songs from Fagen’s three albums; slick, gleaming Fagen/Dan grooves; some Steely Dan tunes; and finally, a chance to throw their approval at the architect of a wildly successful, revered and unique jazz/rock hybrid sound.

While this was Fagen’s first-ever solo tour in support of his splendid new CD Morph the Cat, anyone who’s attended a Steely Dan concert in the last few years would recognize the general band format and even some of the players. The group consisted of two guitarists (Wayne Krantz and Jon Herington), a second keyboardist (Jeff Young, who also sang backup), two backup vocalists (Cindy Mizelle and Carolyn Leonhart), saxophone (Walt Weiskopf), trumpet (Mike Leonhart), drums (Keith Carlock) and bass guitar (Freddie Washington)—and, at center stage, the bandleader. Hunched over his electric piano, jerking his head in time to the group’s oiled yup-funk with his trademark unergonomic posture of shoulders almost grazing his ears, the ectomorphic Fagen resembled no one so much as The Simpsons bartender Moe Szyslak, but the audience threw American Idol-style adoration his way from the moment he walked onstage.

The band started off with “Green Flower Street,” one of three consecutive tunes from Fagen’s 1982 solo debut The Nightfly. A reviewer doesn’t have to stretch for imagery to describe how it and the rest of the evening sounded: if you have the album, put it on. It sounded like that—arrangement-wise, no one was trying to reinvent the material.

“[Fagen's] never been about anarchy or abandon--there’s always a veneer of cool in his work--but those restrictions understood, this is probably the funkiest touring band playing this spring.”

It also sounded, well, pretty great—the band made the anxious uptempo choogle of “Green Flower Street” sound like they’d been playing it for years; they were, unsurprisingly, very tight. A note-perfect “The Nightfly” followed, enlivened by a crackling Krantz guitar solo and a new coda in which Weiskopf’s tenor lines were decorated by some entwining Rhodes filigree from the leader. Not that it needed any improvement on the original—it’s one of my favorite songs and here I simply fell into stupefied rock-concert fave-tune ecstasy. “New Frontier” might have been even better, as the crowd erupted at the sound of the song’s beloved vamp figure before Washington and Carlock simply murdered the groove (Washington was, to my ears, the MVP of this talent-crowded stage). There’s something odd about hearing a fellow audience member sing along with lines like “Till I finally make up my mind/To learn design and study overseas”—but it was a good kind of odd.

“Teahouse on the Tracks” (from Fagen’s 1993 Kamakiriad album) isn’t his best tune by any means and its lyrics actually stray into banal territory—not something often suggested about his arch, sharply-etched words. But its great horn chart was deftly covered by Weiskopf and Mike Leonhardt (Leonhart’s open-horn solo also negotiated some tricky group stop-time sections) and Cindy Mizelle’s solo vocal on the tag was pure bliss. “Brite Nitegown,” Fagen’s new tune commemorating the Grim Reaper, overstays its welcome by a couple of minutes on Morph the Cat, but the same arrangement live was effervescent, steamroller funk with a searing solo from Krantz that would have fit in just about anywhere on Steely Dan’s The Royal Scam.

Still, the Steely Dan songbook loomed large in the expectations of the crowd, and when Fagen started the Rhodes intro to “Home at Last,” the response was unambiguous. Fagen changed the vocal phrasing on the choruses to keep it interesting as Carlock worked the tune’s classic ride-cymbal groove and Young contributed some lovely organ that was surpassed only by his solo on the next tune, “Black Cow,” another hit from Dan’s Aja. Weiskopf’s tenor solo here was one of the evening’s high points and Fagen’s vocal betrayed no boredom with this twenty-nine-year-old song—“drink your big black cow and get out of here” sounded as irritably dismissive as ever.

The set continued with an initially nondescript, then ferociously swinging “The Goodbye Look,” a fire-and-brimstone take on Steely Dan’s “Third World Man” featuring Fagen’s best vocal of the show (Mizelle and Carolyn Leonhart’s vocals were equally fine) and, from the new album, “Mary Shut the Garden Door,” introduced by the leader as “one of my paranoid songs.” This one had some monstrously authoritative bass guitar from Washington and a winning tenor solo from Weiskopf over Fagen’s minimal, almost Basie-like single-note Rhodes plonks.

Local harmonica whiz Howard Levy joined the band for “What I Do,” Fagen’s deep-soul conversation with the ghost of Ray Charles, which was followed by “Misery and the Blues,” a Jack Teagarden tribute with an unerring kick/snare pulse from Carlock and reach-for-the-moon, high-octave trumpet solo from Michael Leonhart worthy of—and, perhaps, paying tribute to—Teagarden’s longtime employer Louis Armstrong. The set closed with a leave-em-happy version of Steely Dan’s “FM,” and after a brief encore of Chuck Berry's “Viva Rock and Roll,” that was it—fourteen tunes, ninety minutes. The fans, of course, wanted more—but one suspects that this is the maximum concert length to ensure that Fagen’s never-invulnerable vocal chords, which showed strain occasionally, make it through a tour. Great though the band is, the leader’s the essential member, and he has to sing.

Fagen and band played some classic songs—and some new ones—impeccably. He’s never been about anarchy or abandon—there’s always a veneer of cool in his work—but those restrictions understood, this is probably the funkiest touring band playing this spring. This is very much a group worth seeing live.

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 19:05:45 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

NYB, Don't ever take things personal on a board like this.

But actually I don't think your plot is meaningful. But that's just my opinion, and I'm just happy you have another.

Keep it coming!

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 18:57:03 ET
Posted by: Razorboy, On the Wolverine up to Annandale

Donald's timing is simply impeccable. I got this email today:

Donald's new, critically acclaimed album, Morph The Cat is now in stores everywhere. The album features 8 brand new tracks including the single "H Gang." Click HERE to order your copy.

Donald is on tour through the end of March. Click HERE for more information and to buy tickets.

Be sure to check out the newly re-launched for all the latest news and updates.


Well then, this IS news! I best run out and get this Morph the Cat CD. Oh wait, I've already seen him live in DC and I've already spun the CD sime dozen times, disecting every split second.

I must admit, with all of my anticipation for EMG, I found it, by Dan standards, underwhelming. Solid, well crafted, but for me, the "it" factor was missing. Had the duo run out of passion? Were the creative juices drying up?

Dan fans are among the most discerning, critical fans alive, as far as my experience can see. We expect that unmistakable groove, that sheen, that confident, sardonic edge. Morph satisfies. Perhaps it's not up to the standards of those who want to capture the rapture of Scam or Aja. Nonetheless, this is very, very good shit.

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 17:56:24 ET
Posted by: gary, cal

Wiltern LA or ticketmaster just opened more seats. Just bought 2 floor 1 row ddd

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 17:55:21 ET
Posted by: NYB,

Damn... that should be "on him like a bad cold."

Hoops when are we gonna get a PREVIEW button on this post thing?

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 17:51:25 ET
Posted by: Fife, Baltimore, eh

Sorry about repeating the e-mail news. As I was composing my rant a few of you beat me to it lol!

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 17:51:17 ET
Posted by: NYB,


Okay after further review I've decided that you're right. There is NO WAY that Donald Fagen is smart enough or insightful enough to come up with a plot as elaborate and meaningful as the one I have concieved. Therefore, we will henceforth refer to the 9/11 plot as "The NYB/Mona Plot" and any further usage of it will require that royalties be paid to NYB Enterprises Inc.

Should Donald decided to invoke the "NYB/Mona Plot" in any future interviews without the expressed written permission of NYB Enterprises Inc., my corporate legal team will be on him like bad cold.

Thank You,

Rock & Roll Philosopher

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 17:50:16 ET
Posted by: Kid Clean, @work

you beat me by 8 seconds TJ!

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 17:49:06 ET
Posted by: Fife, Baltimore, eh

Well I finally got an e-mail from telling me about the release of Morph and the Tour. A little late, eh. It pains me that Don's record company has done so little in advertising Morph. I went into Barnes and Noble at the Inner Harbour and it wasn't even stocked and I've yet to see it on the rack for new releases but hey Barry Manilow was there! What the f**k! Thanks for letting me rant, eh!
Here's the e-mail, what a joke!

Donald's new, critically acclaimed album, Morph The Cat is now in stores everywhere. The album features 8 brand new tracks including the single "H Gang." Donald is on tour through the end of March. Click HERE for more information and to buy tickets.

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 17:49:02 ET
Posted by: Kid Clean, @work

I just got an email from Donald Fagen! His new album Morph the Cat is now available. He's also on tour through the end of March. I can get more information at his updated website

What a crack PR staff. Or should I say a PR staff on crack.


Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 17:41:44 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

I just received a Donald Fagen newsletter: Album in stores now....

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 16:46:06 ET
Posted by: SHERPA, Direct from Lhasa

Wondering if Mona's "AC Hummer" comes with batteries included??

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 16:34:55 ET
Posted by: SHERPA, Direct from Lhasa

ALKALI--I'll try not to, and I agree NOTHING wrong with it--no judging. I might even KEEP some of those songs! But just one more for today....

What if "MON-A" and this is a BIG if, taking into consideration DF's penchant for things "Caribbean", as well as DF/SD's "track record" is actually an anagram for "A-"MON"?? We should plug that in and see if MONA takes on yet ANOTHER meaning.......

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 16:19:17 ET
Posted by: pan-fried, pass the prozac

maybe there’s some kind of illicit drug activity going on with Mona too. She’s depressed, maybe self-medicating with whatever, calling her friend-parent-sibling-etc at some unholy hour, babbling grim and funny stuff (high?), then goes all quiet (nod?). She sleeps all day, apparently doesn’t work. Then there’s that last verse ‘when the moonrays get so bright, when she rises towards the starlight’.. this just ‘smacks’ of some kind of drug use to me. She can’t stand the light, even the moonlight seems too bright sometimes, so by getting high, in ‘rising towards the starlight’ she hopes to soften the fall/crash/depression? The fall could be metaphor for committing suicide but also for a negative mood swing or a drug comedown.
I mean, she’s not so depressed that she can’t find pleasure in dancing alone to CD’s with the AC hummin and felling pretty right? At least when she’s ‘high’ on the 40th floor, late at night, all alone.
I don’t know, the drug might not even be illicit. Maybe it’s one of those tv drugs like paxil.

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 16:16:45 ET
Posted by: Err, No, The Petri Dish of Your Mind

To say that DTMA was inspired by the movie is not to say that it is a literal re-telling of it, any more than Morph the Cat is a literal re-telling of the French story about a giant dream-cat floating over Paris. Is it?

A huge major motion picture - the star was the hottest movier star in the world the time - about a guy who takes hostages in a bank, with an agent of the law (Charles Durning, in a great role) with a MEGAPHONE...yadda yadda...Donald Fagen went to a party at the home of the director of this movie...come on bub.

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 16:08:07 ET
Posted by: Alkali, NYC

SHERP: I’ve risen like the Phoenix and flyin’ like an Eagle on black Friday.
But, please don’t tell me any more of those Homo Dan references…..
not that there’s anything wrong with being a homosexual……

KC: F*** the ProzaK, I’ve got some good Jack Herer and White widow that’ll clear up any mental ailment…and then some.

Another reason Dog Day can’t be about DTMA(and visa versa) is that in the movie the crowd was with the perpetrator unlike the evil crowd in the song.
Besides where was the dynamite in the movie? where??

Hey, did someone delete my Happy Birthday Elton John?

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 16:02:24 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

Fife, I'm with you! NYB, I still think that dressed in black is a metafor for beeing depressed.

If Mona is depressed over loosing family in 9/11, why would Donald ask: some guys? Lots of different things?

That doesn't make sense.

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 15:39:01 ET
Posted by: SHERPA, Direct from Lhasa

NYB--DF is a great man, 911 a great tragedy, your interpretation--well-justified, as was FIFE's.

Now, having said that, as far as I KNOW, VICTORIA'S SECRET does, indeed, come in BLACK....No??

It's ALLLLLL GOOD.......

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 15:18:23 ET
Posted by: NYB,

"The Fire Downtown"...

First we have to consider WHO is writing/performing this song.
Donald Fagen is the quintessential New Yorker. Fagen can live anywhere on earth that he chooses to, but WHERE does he choose to live? New York City... He's in LOVE with New York. He's ALWAYS been in love with New York. Hell, he was pissed off at his old man for more than half his life for moving him to Kendall Park, New Jersey for Chrissakes. And Kendall Park aint that far from Manhattan!

No. I can assure you that when Donald Fagen uses the words "Uptown" or "Downtown" he's talking about Manhattan, he's not talking about sexual double-entendre or anything like that. "The Fire Downtown" refers to THE FIRE downtown, in other words... the World Trade Center tragedy.

Now let's put this together with the fact that Mona dances "all alone" as a result of "the fire downtown". Also, being "dressed in black" stands for something. Dressing in black is a sign of mourning, not just depression. Mona mourns for something/someone in this song. Mona, Mourner... almost rhymes doesn't it? Also, the imagery that goes along with jumping from a tall building is somewhat reminicent of who some of the World Trade Center victims chose to do rather than die from the fire. I'm sorry but from my perspective it seems that this song has ALOT to do with 9/11 and Mona is a picture of all those who lost loved ones in the attack that day.

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 15:18:04 ET
Posted by: SHERPA, Direct from Lhasa

FIFE--I'm feeling ya. Your interpretation is quite possible, and not to be trivialized. But there are are many peels in this onion. DF/SD, as we have seen work on MANY levels--we are going to see more to come--just this week I have had 20 to 30 year old "interpretations" to reconsider.....

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 15:03:50 ET
Posted by: Dan of Steel, Metropolis

What's with all the Freddie Washington talk? Juan Epstein and Arnold Horshack are, pound for pound, much better talents.

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 15:00:07 ET
Posted by: Fife, Baltimore, eh

Your kidding right? It's obvious that Mona is suffering from depression and anxiety, the two walk hand in hand The more research they do the more they find that chronic depression and anxiety is an inheritated condition. It's pretty clear to me that it was triggered by 9/11. Wearing black though is not a sign that you're depressed. I'd say that Donald is using it to describe the feeling more then wardrobe. Another symptom of depression and anxiety; weird sleeping patterns. Mona sleeps all day and is awake all night. Anxiety rears it's dark ugly head mostly at night. The fear of death is so overwhelming that sometimes it would seem easier just to end it all. This would also explain the late phone calls, the relief of hearing someone's voice no matter the hour. A lack of libido or of any pleasure is also a sign. These are all clear cut symptoms, read any medical text and you'll find them. Well perhaps not in the weird skin diseases text but definately in the pschiatric ones!

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 14:55:09 ET
Posted by: SHERPA, Direct from Lhasa

ERR, NO---It also says "Fade to Black"--cinematic move--but this IS Haiti, we're talkin here. Kinky (Hair??). Not a far stretch over 20 years to "lit brothers"--we mellow with age.

BTW--Would you say you are a GAUCHO/SCAM kinda person??

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 14:17:42 ET
Posted by: Just Mixing it Up, Another entendre

The fire downtown = feeling horny, down there.

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 14:12:15 ET
Posted by: SHERPA, Direct from Lhasa

DO IT AGAIN--I knew that (google)--daughter of Lena Horne, author etc. Just trying to maintain focus on the possible "erogenous" influences on this music...

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 14:07:08 ET
Posted by: Errr, No, Inside Jokester

Sherpa - that's "dolly back" shots. Dog Day Afternoon is loaded with a type of cinematic angle called 'dolly back.' Haitian Divorce contains the lyric 'dolly back." It's one of 100s of self referential jokes.

Like 'My Rival'is a song about detectives featuring guys from a band called Eyewitness, Steve Khan and Anthony Jackson.

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 14:02:32 ET
Posted by: SHERPA, Direct from Lhasa

HEY CLEAN--maybe a shot (if STD)..OR...mebbe.. a BOOTY that "unholy" hour...??

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 13:55:54 ET
Posted by: Do It Again Sherpa!, You Have Fans Among Us

Gail Lumet is the wife of Sidney Lumet, the director of Dog Day Afternoon.

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 13:53:42 ET
Posted by: SHERPA, Direct from Lhasa

ERR, NO--How did you make the connection--Dog Day=DTMA? Back shots?--sheesh!!

KDawg--That name "Gail" IS androgynous--Hmmm...could be a clue..BUT--I'm sticking with ERR, NO on this one...

ALKALI--Are you over being killed???

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 13:49:13 ET
Posted by: Kid Clean, @work

Sherpa - lol. Interesting take on fire downtown, nothing a shot can't clear up, right.

RE: Mona discussion: Maybe she always dresses in black, a goth perhaps, there is no point of reference though. Any thoughts on who she's 'calling at some unholy hour'? Who is the storyteller? I would refer to depression as an illness or disorder rather than a disease. You can't 'catch' it from someone else. Cause and effect, yes, but ultimately something inside of us is disturbed regardless of the 'outside' source or condition.

Cripes, anyone one got some prozaK?


Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 13:45:47 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

Didn't Don say in an article quoted here yesterday that he read a story by an 18th century French author who wrote a story of a giant dream-cat floating over Paris? Hard to believe that DTMA is not in some way inspired by Dog Day Afternoon.

There'a another quote on Granatino's where Donald says Walter was reading Thomas Pynchon in the early days. These are the names of some characters from Pynchon's most accessible novel, The Crying of Lot 49. Might they be an influence/inspiration for some of the names that show up in Dan songs?

Stanley Koteks
Randolph Driblette
Dr. Hilarius
Oedipa Maas
Mucho Maas (her husband)
The Paranoids (a rock and roll band)
Pierce Inverarity
John Nefastis

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 13:19:12 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

From an interview


Moderator: D&W, Is there any connection between the movie Dog Day Afternoon and Don't Take Me Alive?

Donald: I once went to a party at Gail Lumet's apartment.


Don...tap dancing as usual!!!


Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 13:11:07 ET
Posted by: Err, No, John Cazale's Sex Change

Especially when you consider how many dolly back shots there are in Dog Day Afternoon, get the pun, huh, huh?

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 12:42:31 ET
Posted by: SHERPA, Direct from Lhasa

ALKALI, ERRR, NO, et al--

ERR, NO was dead nuts ON about Dog Day Afternoon being the basis for DTMA. Our student group, and perhaps the teacher? were too "innocent" to consider that interpretation circa 1978.

I, too, NO longer like DTMA, and if you think THAT is killing YOU, go back into Pretzel Logic--and you might be WORSE than killed!

Even back then I was kinda "suspicious" of RIKKI, but as I am going thru it, with this "new" perspective consider--"with a GUN"?; Monkeys in the soul?? Barrytown people got to be from "another" world"?? Any MAJOR DUDE?? FIRE in the HOLE??

I have felt like this only twice before in my life--just before I carried my ELTON JOHN, then later my GEORGE MICHAEL records to the dumpster...need to regroup, go thru the catalogue, and maybe obliterate certain "select" chunks of it!

With this DF/SD track record--to those of you trying to decode Mona's "FIRE DOWNTOWN", takes on quite another meaning... No??


Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 12:33:13 ET
Posted by: angel (Non Apple person),

How does one get the lyrics to a tune they buy from someone like ITunes? As in you spend your 99 cents and get, just the tune?
Can anyone explain it to me. Thanks.

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 12:20:29 ET
Posted by: Howard,

Chrys - OK, so you would call a Db/Eb chord Eb9sus4. But, as TJ asked, do you actually hear this 9sus4 chord in Joan?

I don't think the chromatically ascending chords in the intro have stacked 4ths. To my ears, it's basically Bbm11 Bm11 F7sus4 (voiced as [Bb Ab Db Eb], [B A D E], [F Bb Eb F]). That F7sus4 is the only sus chord I hear in the song (though I haven't yet worked out all the chords, so I may have missed some). Can you point specifically to where in the song you hear the other sus chords?


Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 12:07:22 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

"Was it the fire that turned her world around? Was it some guys?" The rational causes that make sense to everyone.

No, it probably was "Lots of different things"...

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 12:02:20 ET
Posted by: princessofcairo, San Francisco

(email me, and i'll send you the t-shirt graphic)

"The Great Paramount of Funn"
Oakland Danfest
28 March 2006

Pre-dinner drinks at Heinold's First and Last Chance Saloon
48 Webster Street in Jack London Square
Oakland CA 94607

Made from the timbers of a whaling ship, this bar is one of the few spots in Jack London Square with a real connection to the writer who gave the Square its name. You aren't going to be able to escape the history while you're there, either: if you can get out without someone showing you the picture of Jack London, age ten, face down in an encyclopedia right where you're sitting, you're really lucky. Heinold's has been right where it is now since 1883, as the wharf and the world have changed around it; it's sort of a funny feeling to sit there and think about it. And think about it you may; the combination of the small, dark, memorabilia-encrusted room with a few beers and the steeply slanted floors could make anyone philosophical.

Dinner at Jack's Bistro
One Broadway
Oakland, CA 94607

7:30 - head to the Paramount for the Donald Fagen concert!!
Oakland Paramount
2025 Broadway between 20th and 21st Streets
Oakland, CA

Take the Ferry to Jack London Square or Bart to the Paramount. The Paramount is a short cab ride from Jack London Square.
Ferry information:
Bart information:

To reserve your Danfest T-shirt, email Amelia Ray with your T-shirt size. Shirts will be distributed at pre-concert festivities, and cost $12 a piece. If you will not be attending the Danfest, but would like to order a T-shirt, please send a check or money order for $15 (includes shipping and handling), and a nice note to:
Holliday Cullimore
1411 67th Street
Berkeley, CA 94702

Thanks, and hope to see you on the 28th!!

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 11:55:03 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

ygk, My Mistake. Of course its cause and effect. What I meant was that reasons can be multiple and subtle.

For people with depression it is often impossible to pinpoint what the reason is, is my impression. Mona might be having that problem to, as depression has grown into a disease affecting large segment of populations around the world.

I see the reason in Mona's case as beeing a more collective reason. She's not a unique case but an image of something general.

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 11:46:11 ET
Posted by: YGK, nyc

TJ: depression doesn't come from nothing. Trust me. you don't just wake up and "are depressed". It's cause and effect.



Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 11:42:55 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

NYB, maybe just depressed as in depressed over appearently nothing. A theme that links with Morph the cat as a metaphor for the current state of affairs in USA.

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 11:42:20 ET
Posted by: Joey ,

" So the bad news: "Rhymes" is no longer available on ITunes!!! It looks like they took the track off and lowered the price of Morph.

The good news: I found a British site called 7Digital where you can download the indiviual track for L.99! Here's the URL:

Wow! It's Don at his snarly best! "

Bless You for the link !!!!

I LOVE " Rhymes "

Snarly !

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 11:34:09 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

Chrys, bVII/I is synonymous with dominant 9 sus (omit 5) allright, but where do you hear that in the song? As you can see below it is really only Gb/ab, that belongs in sus chord heaven.

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 11:19:07 ET
Posted by: studio7dave, chicago

Young racketeers and teenage models laughing on the grass...

MTC is very much about the herb.

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 11:02:42 ET
Posted by: Alkali, NYC

Don't't Al Queady and Talibanski play horns for Blood, Sweat and tears?

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 10:42:51 ET
Posted by: Plaza at West 42nd St, LimeHouse

It was tough trying to hear Steely Dan when they moved back to NY in 1978....WLIR and somehow...WRVR...the black...christian...jazz station started playing them.....Steely Dan was tooo lite for the old prog rockers...too full of rock aspirations for the jazz folks to give a shit...but there were moments where the jazz folks got it: Your Gold Teeth...Black Cow...Aja....the rock folks just gave up ...because...they're pathetic....I mean can WBAB play Morph???? fug em

we move on
Life is Cool- Pat Matheny was here last week

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 10:36:46 ET
Posted by: Chrys, PA

TJ & Howard: bVII/I is synonymous, as far as I usually think of it, with dominant 9 sus. The only tone missing is the expendable 5th.

Aren't the chromatically ascending intro chords some kind of stacked 4ths voicing?

In consideration of the above, I hear at least six sus chords throughout (one cycle of) the song. Sus chord heaven enuff for me...

Rajah: Are you sure Leo said to Chas, "I now crown you HOLY ROMAN EMPEROR...?" As far as I've read, that title of the political entity and its ruler wasn't used until Fifteen-hundred something. It's a construct of later historians, if I recall. I'll look it up...

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 10:33:34 ET
Posted by: BwaySteve, hey hey

Is Donald Fagen Al Green or is it the other way around ?

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 10:27:38 ET
Posted by: F.Scot Fitzmemory, @east Gatsby

Freddie Washington is have shown them ...Ted licks...Charlap would be proud....Keith...somehow you lock it all together....and it grooves...Donald...the vocals...the fender...the humour....please remember some of us did actually listen to RVR ourselves...John and crew the guitar sound is mindblowingly cool

but I digress...
I have a vison of a Dias/McDonald reunion...a Katy Lied of eruptions...a sonic tour of Nippon and opium induced charade and a new Steely Dan double ablum for May 24, 2008!

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 10:27:24 ET
Posted by: NYB,

Yes TJ... but depressed over what? Why does Mona dance "all alone"? And why does she want to kill herself?

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 10:23:56 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

NYB, the fire downtown is obviously 9/11, but dressed in black means depressed. Happiness is relative to your state of mind, so to Mona things might not look that dark, cause she's already "dressed" in black

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 10:17:42 ET
Posted by: not all of us stayed, in NY

Morph is basically an exercise in shedding all of the gloom of the Bush jr. is a celebration of......those little things that...make NYC wonderful.....911 was a blast into the sphere of all of us who enjoy....religiously Mannny Hanny....was it a plot...was it them...was it us?.....It is hard to enjoy a guiness when your not sure if that crazy bloke at the end of the bar may be spying on you.....and for Jewish people like is a shaken upside down world....zionism doesn't seem to woik....but it is ok to be Jewish and not be a hard liner.....Fagen is a Chomsky file.....only now discovering his gaelic/gallic paternal side........the album is a triumph....Brite Nitegown is awesome!!!!!!!
but I digress

ps thanks for someone mentioning babylon LI recently....I miss Belmont State park

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 10:09:53 ET
Posted by: NYB,

And further...

"Things don't seem as dark when YOU'RE ALREADY DRESSED IN BLACK."

Why is Mona dressed in black? You dress in black for a funeral no?

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 10:09:13 ET
Posted by: Daddy G., NJ

This is all I know of Stolen Dan...

Click "Download Hier" to listen to a short medley of "Josie," "Jack of Speed," and "Bad Sneakers." (I'm assuming it hasn't changed since I downloaded it quite a while ago.)


More DF/Morph reviews and commentary...

By Jennifer Hein - Staff Writer

By Marty Hughley, Oregon Live

By Howard Cohen, Miami Herald

Thumbs up for DF's "Morph", down for David Gilmour's "On An Island" in this sorta blended short review.

By Michael Heaton, Cleveland Plain Dealer Columnist

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 10:09:03 ET
Posted by: pan-fried, big al's

aka the 'wall of hair'

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 10:06:49 ET
Posted by: NYB,

Just developing that thought a little...

Mona dances all alone. Why? Was it "the fire downtown"? Did Mona lose her husband/boyfriend in the 9/11 tragedy?

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 10:04:37 ET
Posted by: NYB,

"Was it the fire downtown that turned the world around?"

A 9/11 reference?

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 09:59:17 ET
Posted by: Alkali, NYC

LA CAT: it's a kinda cute piece in 'Lexi' (the bar scenario) I like the part:
"Moreover, DF wants to say that he will certainly not be inviting “any of the aesthetically challenged, sexually repressed crypto-fascist anti-semites around the country who have reviewed my work poorly, and that goes for any critics who write negative pieces during the next couple of months, too.”

So does anybody really know what the song "MTC" is all about?
I mean, are we to believe that it's based on Revel’s liner notes and some obscure century old French poet?
It’s possible. Fagen does mention another Frenchie, Rabelais.
Or is it, as was posted, about his childhood memories and recent woes that lent sweetness to them?
Or is it, as my friend Jeff says "Dude, it's all about the herb. just like in 'Puff the Dragon' 'Morph the Cat' ya get it? or when he sings about "high above Manhattan...” and "what exactly does he want/this Rabelaisian puff of smoke/to make you feel all warm inside/like you heard a good joke" it's all about the mind-food, man"
I have to confess that at the time it made sense to me, and then again so did the other interpretations.

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 08:31:50 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

Howard, You're rigth. I just assumed the Cm11 in my head, but it is actually a Cm11/f which is the same as F7sus4. The bass goes Bb-B-F-F (an octave lower) and not Bb-B-C-F. As I said I didn't spend much time on it, and there are some things in the end of the chorus I'm not certain is correct.

Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 08:26:31 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

Has anyone heard of Stolen Dan? They do this remix of "Time Out Of Mind" that is infectious. If anyone has any info on this group, please let me know. I can't find a shred of info on them.



Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 08:15:48 ET
Posted by: Howard,

TJ: I haven't worked out the Joan chords in much detail, but one comment on the intro chords - I don't hear a Cm11 before the F7sus4. Other than that, I think what you wrote is right: Bbm11 Bm11 F7sus4. As you wrote before, voice the m11 chords as 1 b7 b3 4, then the top three notes just slide up twice as the bass moves to B and F.

(... although there's a bit more to it than that, because the guitar in one channel plays some higher chords over this sequence that adds to the basic harmony)

Chrys: where abouts in the song do you hear this subdominant 9 sus chord? I only hear a sub-dominant (Eb7 or Eb9) in the line just before the chorus, and I don't hear a sus4 part to it.

Anyway, maybe we use different names for the same chord. Are you thinking of a chord like Eb Ab Db F ? I'd call this Db/Eb, but maybe you call this Eb9sus4?

I've almost finished working out the Mona chords. Now THAT'S what I call a Donald harmonic treat!


Date: Fri, March 24, 2006, 05:45:41 ET
Posted by: Jaco, UK

Hi everyone. Sorry to change to flow but could anyone give me any info on Donald Fagen's contribution to the soundtrack of Glengarry Glen Ross?

I understand it was "Blue Lou" or something like that...a search isn't really bringing up much useful info.

Cheers everyone.



PS Loving MTC. top tracks = Security Joan, Mary Shut the Garden Door and The Night Belongs to Mona.

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 23:46:28 ET
Posted by: lovethisgig, atlanta

Furry things!!

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 23:42:53 ET
Posted by: seth2112, cleveland, via tampa,fl and nyc

great fagen interview in the newest issue of NY Magazine. why is the dan always scribed as an LA Sound? anyway, read on...its the issue with ronny perlmen from revlon on the cover.irony, huh?

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 23:41:43 ET
Posted by: thirdworldman, high in the Custerdome

Heres an interesting bit of info-

Write Melissa Ruggieri at the Richmond Times-Dispatch, 300 E. Franklin St., Richmond, VA 23219, call (804) 649-6120 or e-mail mruggieri

let her know just what you think of her "review"...

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 23:34:16 ET
Posted by: Ebola Monkey Shrieking, The jungle

Well, if one song was a little long and another didn't have the perfect guitar solo, it seems we're still talking about a good album altogether. I think Morph has it all. It's not at all unidirectional. Certain songs will appeal more to certain tastes. I'm just glad there's something for everybody as opposed to nothing for anybody. - Good album, I say.

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 23:18:07 ET
Posted by: Chris, nh

Seems to my like Rhymes was just a track that was never finished... I doubt Donald would put a track that sounded that midi-ish on ANY record. I like the songwriting but it really sounds like a videogame underneath all that. Perhaps the real guitar and extra vocals were added after the decision to release it as a bonus track was made.

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 22:45:32 ET
Posted by: thirdworldman, sofabound

To: "Can Someone"

You asked about how anyone can say "Pagoda" only has a few chords-you and I , and anyone with even a fraction of the brain cells they were born with can hear more than that going on. Anyone, that is, but a music critic. Anyone but someone who is supposed to have a working knowledge of music, someone who should be so well versed that they are actually qualified to make distinctions between good and bad. Sadly, these same "critics" review cd's by "50 cent" and "Ying Yang Twins", and actually treat their genre of "music" as viable. Scary.
We're talking apples and oranges, and they dont even know the difference.

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 22:41:43 ET
Posted by: lovethisgig, atlanta

For the record, Nitegown does not go on 2 minutes too long. In fact, it's too short, which necessitates my looping it. And let me check ... yeah ... just as I suspected, Krantz does indeed play his butt off in the outro.


Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 22:37:03 ET
Posted by: Art Pepper, Hinktown (with my alto)

Hooty-Hoo - Here's a photo of Donald and his beautiful wife Libby...,%20Donald

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 21:59:08 ET
Posted by: Eric, San Diego, CA

I have two tickets (together) for Donald Fagen available for The Wiltern in Los Angeles on Monday, March 27, 06. The seats are in the Upper Level Mezzanine Section, Row C, Seats 125 and 127. The price I paid for both, including various Ticketmaster fees is $167.40. I am asking $100.00 to $125.00. If interested, please email me at: - Thank you.


Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 21:35:43 ET
Posted by: Brutus Charisma,


Yes indeed MTC is a very rare and special offering in this culture of Artistic Nothingness.
Consider yourselves special as the goofy graspers of DF's granfaloonery! He likes the fact that you're out there listening, thinking, imagining and pretending. Because, dear Crystal Blue, he is not unlike you.

But, Dear Steelies, however terrific our DanMan, we must some day implore of him: A) Why Oh Why was "Brite" 2 minutes too long and why wasn't Mr. Krantz allowed to play his butt off in the outro to create some freaky-frenzy? (DandyDon is, after all, "lookin' at da fella in the "Brite Nitegown") and Z) Does he secretly consider "Joan" basically a good song without a "bridge"?


Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 21:01:22 ET
Posted by: Mr. Kotter,

"According to Fagen, the idea for a song about a "vast ghostly cat-thing" came to him years ago, after he read the LP liner notes to a recording of Ravel's Gaspard de la Nuit, the great spooky piano suite inspired by a book of the same title by the otherwise obscure 19th-century French poet Aloysius Bertrand."

Which explains why nobody knows what the hell he's talking about.

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 20:06:54 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Good friend has a single or a pair in the 4th row for Vegas for sale for tomorrow night. Please email me if interested. At cost.


Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 19:48:54 ET
Posted by: LA Kat, still here

Well, I sort of can't believe no one else here has commented on the "lexi Says" entries on donald's site. Is this a return to the humorous tour dispatches of sd days gone by? or, something else> what do others think? I'm sure not going to be the first (or only) person to post my opinion...

counting down to the W LG 3/27

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 19:34:37 ET
Posted by: Boston Rag, Get down with your bad self Donald!

Some bad news/good news. Tonight I finally caved and had to get "Rhymes". I was going to wait until the trilogy was released as a box but who knows when that will be.

So the bad news: "Rhymes" is no longer available on ITunes!!! It looks like they took the track off and lowered the price of Morph.

The good news: I found a British site called 7Digital where you can download the indiviual track for L.99! Here's the URL:

Wow! It's Don at his snarly best!

Mark in Boston

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 19:30:42 ET
Posted by: AnyMajorDude, LA bound

I'm flying down to LA from Oakland this Sunday or Monday for the Monday night show. Does anyone have advice on where to stay, what to do, etc.? I have VIP tickets and need to be at the Wiltern at 3:45 pm.


Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 18:46:40 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

Fred Kaplan makes some interesting points on morph:

First the name: Morph. Is it short for Morpheus, the god of dreams? Is Morph putting the citizens to sleep? In the Play Mediarefrain, Fagen sings of how Morph's spell makes you feel:

It's kind of like an Arctic mindbath
Cool and sweet and slightly rough
Liquid light on New York City
Like Christmas without the chintzy stuff

"Arctic mindbath"—isn't that briskly evocative of Alzheimer's, the disease that numbed Fagen's mother's mind? When I interviewed Fagen for a New York Times profile, I offered up this interpretation. He said he didn't have that meaning in mind, but that the idea sent a tingle up his spine, so maybe there's something to it. Later in the song, he sings:

Like you heard an Arlen tune
Or bought yourself a crazy hat

Fagen's mother was a child singer in the Catskills. When he was growing up in the Jersey suburbs, she sang standards around the house, and she had a special penchant for Harold Arlen tunes. And, by the way, she met her husband while working in the office of a hat maker.

According to Fagen, the idea for a song about a "vast ghostly cat-thing" came to him years ago, after he read the LP liner notes to a recording of Ravel's Gaspard de la Nuit, the great spooky piano suite inspired by a book of the same title by the otherwise obscure 19th-century French poet Aloysius Bertrand. The liner notes referred to another Bertrand poem about a cat hovering in the skies over Paris, looking in on various people's lives.

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 18:32:15 ET
Posted by: steelywonder, my cubicle

Here is what Richmond's Ruggieri had to say after a Billy Joel concert last week:

Who among today's forgettable mall rats with guitars has offered the searing insight of [Billy] Joel's "Entertainer," a guy who realized before he tasted his first royalty check that "Today I am your champion, I may have won your hearts. But I know the game, you'll forget my name, and I won't be here in another year if I don't stay on the charts"?

No need to answer, because there isn't one.

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 18:17:40 ET
Posted by: bwaySteve, epicenter of NYC

Catch the short but revealing interview of Fagen in Performing Songwriter magazine.He goes into some of the challenges writing the kinds of songs he does, comments on the ownership of his mastery and reveals his views on himself as an entertainer.

Have any of you found yourselves watching the skys more since MTC was released ?

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 17:47:48 ET
Posted by: Paul,

Was at bestbuy today on an emergency IT call (normally I would stay far from the place), and all of the SACD's were on clearance! So I picked up the Gaucho DVD-A (the ONLY dan hi-res album they had there, and only one copy of), DSOTM SACD, and Sketches of Spain SACD for $5 each! Yay!

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 17:30:19 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

Oh sorry.

H=B In parts of Europe B is H (Very confusing)

So its Bm11, not Hm11 for most of you. 11 is at the top of the voicing in the intro by the way

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 17:26:26 ET
Posted by: pan-fried, pass the prozac

I miss uncle walt too joey. At the very least maybe we get a becker solo tour this summer? yes, positive thoughts everyone.

Iowaboy, I don’t dislike FM or anything, I’m sure it rocked da house. There’s just so many other tunes I’d rather hear. And I can dig on your IGY nostalgia, I’m only in my thirties and I get goosebumps from the whole concept laid out in that song. Spandex jackets, man.

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 17:26:06 ET
Posted by: chord question,

What is an "H" chord, as in Hm11?
The only scale tones I know are CDEFGABC

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 16:31:23 ET
Posted by: ., .

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 16:26:24 ET
Posted by: Can someone, tell me

how anyone could say Pagoda has few chord changes? That's gotta be one of the more complex Dan Universe songs in recent years.

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 15:49:10 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

The discussion about Joan beeing god/bad, simple/complex made me tjeck out a few of the chords. I eventually ended up transcribing the whole tune.
I know it's not interesting for all, but hope some of you will enjoy. Whether it's complex or not, the truth seems to be somewhere in between.

Intro: Bbm11 Hm11 Cm11 F7sus4

Verse: Bb7 - - - Gb/ab - Bb7 - C7 Eb7 F7

Chorus: Bb7 Em7 A7 Abmaj Gm7 C7 Abmaj D7 (Love)Ebmaj Gm7 Ebmaj F7 Eb7 Bb7

(I only spent about 15 minutes on it, so it's probably not 100% accurate - Some 9 and other extensions probably need to be added)

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 15:47:46 ET
Posted by: .., .

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 15:40:29 ET
Posted by: Alkali, NYC

I’ve been to Hicksville, and I ain’t going back no way no how.

To change the subject just a tad be sure and watch CNBC(I never thought I would say that) tonight as a debate featuring a hero of mine Dr. Yaron Brook the issue of FCC indecency fines today, March 23, 2006, between 5 and 6 pm Eastern (2 and 3 Pacific),"Kudlow and Company"
Its Dan related in a round-about-way.

Remember you can’t run away from taxes, the F.C.C. and the fella in the brite nightgown.

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 15:37:03 ET
Posted by: Joey,

Talked to a roadie before the show who said he’s trying to get on for the ‘summer tour’. He coulda been full of sh*t but man I hope there is one. "

pan-fried .......................

We simply MUST have postive thoughts !!!!!

I miss my Walter Becker

J. " Snuggles " Fly !

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 15:34:58 ET
Posted by: iowaboy, pg ut

Pan-fried... If you had heard the way FM was performed Saturday Night in Chicago, you might not be glad they traded it for Black Friday at the Denver show.. but on the other hand.. I wasn't there in Denver to hear the Black Friday performance. The FM Saturday Night extra cool... the way they reworked, dragged out, the vocal on the "eFFFF-EEEMMMM!" was just too much for me! Of course.. you got IGY and we didn't... IGY is the ultimate for guys my age (58 like DF) 1957-58... everyday at School in 4th and 5th grade...every week in the Weekly Reader IGY this IGY that... science Match and technology was gonna SAVE THE WORLD! Sputniks and race for space... it's all there... I'm hoping he does in San Diego next week... we'll be there!

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 15:31:26 ET
Posted by: NYB,

Pete, anything worth having is worth working for. So you're half right. But the main point of the song is about love and the fear of losing it.

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 15:27:05 ET
Posted by: PQ, Brooklyn

By the way, the cover of Morph is kinda channeling the last scenes of the Monk documentary from PBS is it not?

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 15:25:24 ET
Posted by: ., .

There are 5 towns in the U.S. named security joan.

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 15:23:54 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

Bill -

The magic will sonn fade
Without a doubt
We'll have to work my love
Just to keep the flame from going out

This refers to how much work it is to keep a relationship on fire long after the initial novelties wear off. After The Thrill Is Gone, like the Eagles sang LOL.

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 15:21:48 ET
Posted by: Jon, @ his yellow stripe

Denver Post review simply serves as yet another reminder of the maxim: "Those who can't do, critique."

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 15:21:23 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Somebody said there's a Hinktown, NY near Bearsville, I never heard of it but I gather Don wanted to convey the notion of a "hick-town," but didn't want to offend...well... Hicks everywhere, godluvum. Hicksville, Long Island I heard of...

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 15:17:18 ET
Posted by: ., .

Hinktown- just a hole in wall town

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 15:17:09 ET
Posted by: The original , Maxine

Hey, what are talking about?? I wanted Donald, way back when!

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 15:16:34 ET
Posted by: NYB,

Actually Pete, it's about having something special and the FEAR losing it and becoming just like everybody else.

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 15:12:11 ET
Posted by: kamkiriad, Bay Area

Hinktown? Anybody got a guess?

Keep it Real - Or Whatever

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 15:08:15 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

Dennis Chambers, Adam Rodgers, Herington, Vinnie Coliauta, are all Jim Beard cronies from way back. They're all on the Beard-produced masterpiece Starfish & The Moon by the sax player Bill Evans. Carolyn Leonhart's on that too. I still can't believe Beard is working with Walter. How fucking cool is that!

Isn't Pagoda about keeping the newness and the freshness alive in a relationship after the initial thrill wears off and you realize your sig other really does burp and fart like everybody else?

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 14:59:51 ET
Posted by: C Squared, East Tennessee

thanks for clueing me in.
CD's still spinnin'

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 14:58:32 ET
Posted by: C Squared, East Tennessee

It's really nice for love to finally bloom in Donald's songs, but it's also kinda weird that his guy's finally got a girl who wants him, too.

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 14:55:13 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Chronax is an imaginary drug Donald has concocted that has the ability to send you back in time, CHRON-ological. Apparently 10 milligrams is sufficient to get you back past Hebrew Kings and furry things (whooly-mammouth beasties). The Fella has been around a long time and nothing ever changes, can't fight em, he's gonna getcha.

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 14:45:31 ET
Posted by: C Squared, East Tennessee, but not Pigeon Forge

OK, I give up. What is Chronax? Googling only turns up role-playing definitions, and some European electric shock therapy. Staying home to raise m' boys really leaves me out of the loop.
Mrs. C^2

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 14:37:59 ET
Posted by: NYB,

"Security, What I do and Mona are lovely but I really can't get behind H Gang and especially Pagoda. Pagoda really seems depressing to me; I'll give it time maybe I'll change my mind. But it is all about death..." (Jenny)

Pagoda Of Funn isn't about death Jenny, it's about ESCAPE. Actually it's another love song for Libby, but ultimately it's about escapism. Escape from the crazy world outside. Escape from "pain and lies". But mostly about Love.

On the other hand...
A Pagoda is a house of worship. Or in some countries, simply a house.

Pagoda of "Funn" = FUNHOUSE.

We'll build a world together in a funhouse? You see the boy is always messing with your brain! This song could alternatively be called "The Great Funhouse", no?

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 14:25:41 ET
Posted by: Steely Jan,

Thanks pan-fried, I was having a hard time doing the additions and subtractions. Good set list. I will take that tomorrow night, and the next night actually.

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 13:57:12 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

I saw Chuck at the Chicago show, he was wearing pearls and opera gloves so I don't think he's the most objective source here.

Joan is the weak sister, it compares favorably to Blues Beach, falling short of Cuz Dupree. All of them informed by Laugh Laugh Phongraph, that thing is like Donald's "Rosebud."

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 13:41:13 ET
Posted by: Jelly, NJ

Thank you, yet another reason to visit beautiful Buenos Aries!

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 13:26:51 ET
Posted by: steelydoc, down at the Lido

the Gaucho artwork is carved into a wall in Buenos Aries,'s a link for a picture

it's called Guardia Vieja Tango by israel Hoffman

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 13:05:25 ET
Posted by: Jellyroll, NJ

Does anyone know the origin of the Gaucho painting?

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 13:03:03 ET
Posted by: Alkali, NYC

LUTZ: Rogers is a terrific player, just my style of guitar lead.
Haven’t had the pleasure of hearing Chambers CD yet, but, I will.
Thanks for the recommendation.

GIRLFRIEND: I didn’t mean to offend; it just seems excessive and unnecessary,
You know, either you’re married or not…that ought to cover it.
Example: Flammable and Non Flammable.
Either the thing Flams or it doesn’t.

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 13:02:22 ET
Posted by: Rajah, A.C.E not B.C.E.

Donald has been performing in the nude for many years now, it frees his body so his mind will follow, also, he finds it puts the audience at ease and lessens the number of requests for Freebird. And naked carousing has been a Steely Dan theme for over 30 years, tradition and all that...oh...wha? ...not...Donald Fagen but Donald Ryan?

Sorry, I'll have to Google that and get back to you.

On the next Dan Illuminati Show: the hidden meaning of the runic scribblings at Altamira and how they relate to Quantum Physics. Next on the Insular Dan Channel.

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 12:51:43 ET
Posted by: Soft Jazz Hoochie Mama, Piegon Forge, TN

Can anyone onfern for me that Donald Ryan sings songs about nakedness and carousing? My son is bothering me to go to a show but I insist on wholesome sing a long events. Thank you.

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 12:45:10 ET
Posted by: angel,

Razor Boy: Better late then never with my comment to the Coda of Throw Back the Little Ones. My favorite time hearing it was when Becker and Fagen were in attendence at the Berklee College of Music Graduation Ceremony. The students performed many Steely Dan songs, including just the coda to TBTLO. It was GREAT and so unexpected.

If I remember correctly, it was played either just before a song, or just after a song (which is why it does not show in the setlist).
Here's the link.

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 12:43:47 ET
Posted by: Lutz, SF,

Adam Rogers sounds great with Becker I agree. I had a chance to ask him if that was ever going to happen again last June after a Patitucci Trio concert and he said that he called Becker just a couple of weeks before and nothing was planned.
Anyway his 2 composition on the new Dennis Chambers cd are absolute highlights (w/ Anthony Jackson, no less)it also has 4 new Jim Beard compositions on it.

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 12:37:44 ET
Posted by: Girlfriend, only a fool would

So what's the deal with the "Ms." reference, Alkali? Some of us don't fit into either of the other categories, i.e., no longer a Missus, outgrown the Miss and like to keep those at bay guessing. It works for me!

I guess I must be numb, but the phrase "lit-up brothers" didn't phase me either. Should we have been offended by "Babylon Sisters," then?

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 12:29:25 ET
Posted by: Alkali, NYC

yea, the title track and its reprise do it for me too.
I like the way he turns 'Morph’ into a two syllable word in the closing line.
A song that I can improvise over forever, what a groove.

"Mary" is nice; it reminds me of "One time" from King Crimson.
"Mona" is difficult to sing out laud in public if you're a guy, unless you're 1) very gay or 2) very comfortable with yourself or 3) very in touch with your inner female.
"Pagoda" is just plain, as my wife said, beautifully sad.
"Brite" is spastic, putting a happy face on a sad and disturbed clown.
(Remember the torture scene in "Reservoir dogs"?)Very effective.
"What I do" those two chords 'DA-DAHMmm' seem to wind up some sort of mechanism allowing Fagen to sing his lines before the backup vocals come in and that organ repeating a simple 1,2,3.... and then again 'DA-DAHMmm'
to start the process over again, simple but it works for me.
"H Gang" & "Joan" no comment.

As much as I’m digging this CD, I can't wait for Becker's disc to happen, 11TOW was very good, and I’m sure he has allot up his sleeve
It’ll be a nice counter balance to Fagen's stuff.

And then finally, hopefully, a Steely tour.

"Salads and sun..."

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 12:22:04 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

So much for Southern hospitality.

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 12:15:25 ET
Posted by: HollyHock, Atlanta

Yeah ok Rajah, sure thing pal keep checkin the net for all the jive that's fit to babble. "now go home and get your shine box"

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 12:12:54 ET
Posted by: Kid Clean, Mindless drivel

Just looked at my set list guess from 1/23 - I scored 8 hits, not bad.

Thanks for the updates on Denver.


Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 12:07:43 ET
Posted by: pan-fried, comedown bluesville

more on the Denver show..

It looked like a sellout. The main floor was completely full and the balcony looked packed. Very laid-back vibe, lots of dope smokin as usual (main floor right side rear – youch!) A lot of 30-something loner males and supergeeks, some geriatric couples. Not a lot of chicks (hmm big surprise). Still a decent crowd, kept quiet at the right times and no Don-heckling. Lots of singalong on the Dan material. Not much dancing, most of it done uncomfortably until Pretzel Logic when everyone got up and grooved around (and I moved up to the fifth row). No special guests.

The actual setlist (thanks alan):

Here at the Western World
Green Flower Street
New Frontier
Home at Last
Black Cow
Goodbye Look
Third World Man
Mary Shut the Garden Door
Misry and the Blues
Brite Nite Gown
Black Friday

Pretzel Logic

Donald was just so uber-cool you know. He came out, told us what he was going to play and played it. (‘some solo stuff, some tunes from the Steely Dan files, some numbers from the new album MTC..’). People seemed to like Brite Nightgown a lot and I’m sure most of em were hearing it for the first time. Misry and the Blues is terrific as a live piece. Lots of funn. Goodbye Look was incredible, basically just a long extended jam. Words don’t do justice to how these songs transform when played live, you just have to experience it yourself. The sound was really good compared to some other shows I’ve seen at the Paramount. The volume could’ve been a BIT louder but probably just right for the seniors in the audience (lol). Donald’s voice was right up there in the mix and the lyrics were crystal clear from my section. I thought he sounded really good vocally until he got a little crackly during Pretzel Logic. Big Deal! It was amazing. Fucking great guitar playing too. You really gotta see this show.
I’m just so happy we got Black Friday instead of FM. That made the whole night. Morph the Cat is album of the year so far and I wish we would’ve gotten a couple more of those numbers. I’m so hooked on that record right now it’s constantly playing in my head. Talked to a roadie before the show who said he’s trying to get on for the ‘summer tour’. He coulda been full of shit but man I hope there is one. I’m probably forgetting some stuff, maybe I’ll post some more later. Those of you with tickets for the upcoming shows are in for a great experience that’s not to be missed. Lucky bastards!

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 12:01:03 ET
Posted by: pan-fried, Denver

Another review posted yesterday referred to SD as ‘yup-funk’. Lol.

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 11:53:24 ET
Posted by: Geoff, DEN

Alan, Jeri, SoH, Greg, Linda, Shari, Pete:

Thanks for all your concern, help, kindness and generosity over the last few days.

I have now been bailed out in two cities. What a great bunch of people danfans are.


Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 11:19:17 ET
Posted by: alan, Highlands Ranch

Ok pan-fried's setlist is almost spot on except the first song for the encore was I.G.Y.

I was lucky enough to score a copy of the setlist last night and they have HATWW listed as "Leader Of The Western World."

I am wondering if this is just a mistake of has the name been changed intentionally. Perhaps someone who has a setlist from another show can shed some light on this.

Next stop for me is Los Wages...

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 11:17:32 ET
Posted by: Jenny, Fredneck, MD

After several days of non-stop listening to MTC (got mine in the mail on Monday) I have to say ITS ALL ABOUT THE TITLE TRACK for me! I simply cannot stop listening to the intro, lovely bass and rhythm! My favorite parts of the song are a little quirky: as was mentioned below (can't remember by whom) the "so" of "so rich is his charisma" is very raw and showcases what I like best about Donald's voice, the NY accent with the kind of skeeviness it exudes. Also I love when he sings "ooo, it's Morph the cat". Just so much like he is thrilled, but cheesily. MTC Reprise is also wonderful, with the added bonus of if you listen to them in succession, the key is changed, and its a nice modulation.

Other songs high on the list include MSTGD and Brite. The former has great chord progressions and the latter is really funky and fast.

Security, What I do and Mona are lovely but I really can't get behind H Gang and especially Pagoda. Pagoda really seems depressing to me; I'll give it time maybe I'll change my mind. But it is all about death...

Thanks for letting me share my excitement!

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 11:08:39 ET
Posted by: Bob Weir,

Steely Dan = Proto-jam rock?

What a long strange trip Ricardo's on.

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 11:05:20 ET
Posted by: Rajah ,

Chrysler, don't know about that 16th century thing cause Charlemange was crowned Holy Roman Emeperor by Leo III on Christmas Day 800 BC. The first HRE was Clovis from the Merovingian house in the 5th century.

Yeah, Gasol, for goodnessake let's not convene the Dan Illuminati here, recalling 10th grade world history would turn a lot of people off. Especially if you equate curiosity over Dan lyrics with being a hateful person, OK, good luck with that, ma brotha, and stop taking those 3-pointers from the right wing, drive into the lane sometime why dontcha.

Holy Roman Rajah

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 11:03:56 ET
Posted by: dantana, L.A.

Band will be at Mr. Chow Monday night after show.

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 10:58:50 ET
Posted by: Joey,

" Steely Dan co-frontman Donald Fagen was supposed to play the Paramount Theatre on Tuesday night, but his trucks got stuck on snowy Nebraska highways. Fagen was forced to postpone until Wednesday, when the sold-out crowd warmed him and his band with a vocal adoration that is rare in the fickle world of rock.

Most of the audience (median age: 45-ish) was reverent during Fagen's songs, both new and old, both solo and cherry-picked from what he kept referring to as "the Steely Dan files."

"Since we're here in Colorado, I think it's only proper we do a track from the 'Kamakiriad' album called 'Snowbound,"' he said, 30 minutes into the show and before launching into the crowd favorite that described, in a way, his band's difficulties in the past 48 hours.

Fagen, whose pop-jazz concept album "Morph the Cat" hit stores two weeks ago, has mastered the art of keeping the crowd happy and interweaving the new with the old. Curiously, the two don't sound all that dissimilar.

Regardless of the band's intense and studied musicianship, a given with anything he's involved in, a Donald Fagen show can get a little old - even considering the breadth of material covered.

Though Fagen's jazz-rooted proto-jam rock was once innovative, others have picked up his lead and run with the creative ferocity he once displayed but no longer maintains. "

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 10:42:03 ET
Posted by: pan-fried, Denver

We got Black Friday last night too. Show opened with Here at the Western World and yes, we got Snowbound.

I –think- this was the setlist order (yes I was there) just not 100%...

Here at the Western World
Green Flower Street
New Frontier
Home at Last
Black Cow
Goodbye Look
Third World Man
Mary Shut the Garden Door
Misry and the Blues
Brite Nite Gown
Black Friday

Pretzel Logic

I’m probably missing a song. Damn, can someone help?

I had a lousy seat (thanks ticketmaster). This band is TIGHT! Do not miss this show!

Sorry so short, more to come later. I slept in and got a LOT of catching up to do at the moment.

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 10:12:47 ET
Posted by: Daddy G., NJ

Here's a slightly more expansive print review of the Denver show, though no full set list given...

By Steve Knopper, Special to the News
March 23, 2006,2777,DRMN_23960_4564082,00.html

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 10:06:41 ET
Posted by: fozzy88, Under the Banyan Trees

not sure if this review has been posted yet:

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 10:05:58 ET
Posted by: Alkali, NYC

Geoff: thanks for the update we were beginning to think that the stage got avalanched.

My eyes naturally and involuntarily narrow when I see this "Ms." sign in front of someone’s name, almost to the same extent as when I see Princes "Sign"
And so, "Ms." Rugierri's review doesn't bother me already suspicious when I see that thing in front of her name.
I think I’ve spent a weekend in Richmond, I don’t remember.

The "DTMA" interpretations are a bit troublesome especially the one about Dog day afternoon.
Because the motivation behind the guy in the movie doing what he did was to get enough money to pay for his boyfriend’s sex change operation.

Do you mean when he says:
"I hear my inside
The mechanized hum of another world"

This could mean a whole other thing.


"I know what I've done
I know all at once who I am"

I no longer like this song.

Will you guys stop interpreting these songs, you’re killing me.

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 10:00:27 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu, Fagen Charts!

Donald Fagen MTC debuts at # 26 on Billboard Top 200 Album chart (2 behind Barry Schnozzalo) for the week of 4-1-06:

I thought it might break into the top 10 the first week like TvN

There's some elegant call and response by Howard Levy and the horn section on Mona. Understated rhythm guitars - all that envolpe the song like a light, flowing, twirling dress. A lot of little things - the sax squawk after "...night..." followed by the classic jazz descending notes "belooonnngs to Monaaaaaa..." a stair climbing effect and then back descending during "CD spinning, A/C hummin' feelin' pretty..."

As Raj has pointed out and we anticipate the bridges are a highlight - I'm not sure there's one that connects a song together like

"Was it the fire downtown
That turned the world around (not exactly Kid C here - Levy's blues harp is tasty)
Was it some guy or lots of different things
We all wonder where she’s gone [Levy's vibrato on the blues harp shimmers]
That sunny girl we used to know [now matched by tweaking Fagen's vocals electronically to match - like faded reception]
Now every night we get the Mona Show"

There's something extremely PALPABLE about Pagoda and Mona above the beautiful melodies and harmonies - Fagen really CONNECTS on those two songs -. What I Do is not far behind. Brite Nitegown is also a favorite - a great guitar track going beyond the paradigm set up in Godwhacker

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 09:39:32 ET
Posted by: Geoff, Denver

Opened up with Here at the Western world. They spent a lot of time on this at soundcheck. Mary and Brite in again but no What I Do or Teahouse.

Howard - JH nailed your Black Cow tab note for note!

More later got a plane to catch


Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 09:33:47 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

Hotty-Hoo: "In the H-Gang, Fagen sings Ulcimate 5-chord band instead of Ultimate."

I've been saying he sings "Ulkama" for a long time....I know he ain't singin' "Ulitmate". I'm sure there are a couple other places where the word doesn't sound like it's printed.


Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 09:18:50 ET
Posted by: Hutch, RVA

Melissa Ruggieri has a tin ear like you wouldn't believe. Those of us who live in Richmond (yes, Bill this is where we live. We make the best of it.) know all about her reviews. Unless it's some new hip-hop record or some American Idol winner she pretty much pans it.
I'm quite sure she didn't listen to the whole album and I'm quite sure the underlying 9/11 references completely blew past her.
Her comment about one of the songs being "too long without even a key change" shows her complete ignorance of anything to do with music.
What is that old saying... You rise to the level of your incompetency. She's a perfect example.

I almost forgot... for those of you who decide to slam me for the above statements here's the disclaimer:

She certainly has a right to her opinion.

Oh yeah, one more thing... I think this album is a masterpiece.


Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 09:13:09 ET
Posted by: Kid Clean, @work

What the hell happend in Denver??? Where is everybody?

Just had the opportunity to listen to Rhymes...most excellent song, really doesn't fit in with the rest of MTC though, a good choice for a b-side/bonus tune.

I'm still all about Brite Nightgown, fe-nom-in-al. However, the title cut pops into my head, a lot. Seemingly out of nowhere, "So rich is his charisma" starts rolling, then the guitar solo....

as Joeykins would say...



Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 09:01:05 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

Chrys, the subdominant should have been an Eb7, but is substituted by a Gb/ab chord, or an Ab13 if you like. Classic Donald.

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 08:56:21 ET
Posted by: Hooty-Hoo, OBSERVATIONS

Webmaster Lewis Fairlawn = Libby Fagen AKA Libby Titus

How come we don't ever see any pictures of Donald & Libby together. If you have any or know of some, post a link.

In the H-Gang, Fagen sings Ulcimate 5-chord band instead of Ultimate.


Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 08:54:14 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

NYB: Good point. Direct comparison might not lead to any form of enlightenment, and complexity is not directly proportional to quality.

I. D. T. Chrysler, I'm sorry for my bad english. Didn't catch that point. I gave it another listens and must admit there are some interesting things going on, at least in the chorus. The verse is still pretty standard, at least in Dan-land.

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 08:53:46 ET
Posted by: seth2112, cleveland, via tampa and nyc

where are all the dannies from denver? still under snow/
no set lists, no vibe, nolies, no half truths, no overpaid 5* stories? wow, come out people - we need the scoops

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 08:52:40 ET
Posted by: thirdworldman, the slow lane of the information superhighway

Sherpatollah, I think that it is the fear of having to field questions such as this that might be exactly the reason DF would be apprehensive about a Q&A session with 5 star fans. as interesting as they may be to us as fans, know what i mean?

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 08:36:29 ET
Posted by: Chrys , and also

Howard: The subdominant chord in "Security Joan"'s blues form is a dominant 9 sus, no? It recurs, of course, throughout the form.

I fail to understand how anyone ISN'T struck, struck to the core, by the song's brilliant, I dare say transcendent, pop immediacy.

Josey: Nay, nay! I agree with EVERYTHING you say about Metheny, except for his last half-dozen or so albums (not including THE WAY UP, which I haven't heard yet--I passed on it because I was kinda mildly disappointed with those last half-dozen). If you say THE WAY UP is really that good, I'll get me a copy.

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 08:26:19 ET
Posted by: NYB,

Mona and Pagoda Of Funn are both very elaborate songs. I think I like Pagoda just a tad more because Mona has that "Feelin' Pretty!" phrase going on, which is very nice but very difficult for the guys to sing. I mean you don't want to be caught singing "Feelin' Pretty!" in public do you? Someone might get the wrong idea...

In any case, these two songs are the "best" songs on the album (whatever that means), but all the songs are great in thier own way. I don't think a song has to be elaborate to be great, it just has to make you feel a certain way, and if it achieves that with a simple structure then it's a successful song too. The title cut is a great song too, except for the subject, which I really don't quite understand yet. Maybe if it was on The Nightfly it might be a better fit, because Nightfly was written from a childs perspective and MTC seems line up with that view.

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 08:16:36 ET
Posted by: I. D. T. Chrysler, PA

First off, Abu, the "thin atmosphere" part was meant as self-effacing irony--I don't think the way you think I think. And I can't help being familiar with Stravinsky--at the relatively late age of 19, with NO classical music upbringing, I ACTUALLY WALKED INTO A RECORD STORE AND BOUGHT A STRAVINSKY ALBUM. It's called CURIOSITY, Abu. Sorry if I didn't depend solely on recieved ideas from the vast world of American pop culture. AND I had a wonderfully tyrannical music history instructor in college. Lighten up, get a sense of humor, and occasionally try something beyond what you find in Rolling Stone or the TIME magazine music section will ya? Geez...

TJ: I certainly didn't mean "Security Joan" is MORE harmonically sophisticated than MTC's other tunes, but I meant what I said--it's not SECOND to any of them. You should listen for the extension of basic blues form, and the remarkable altered turnaround.

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 08:08:49 ET
Posted by: mt,

Slate review of Morph.

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 08:04:11 ET
Posted by: Howard,

Re: Security Joan - I agree with some of the comments made here. For me, this is a rather weak song compared to the rest of Morph. It has it's good points, and it's still much better than what I thought were previous "runts of the litter" (Blues Beach, Cousin Dupree etc).

As for "sus chord heaven" - I don't quite get this. I hear a single sus chord in the intro, but that's about it - most of the rest is standard blues chords plus a few other more Don/Dan like changes. In terms of chords and harmony, Joan doesn't have an awful lot going for it. It does pretty well for lyrics, mood and easy-going groove though.

Mona is currently battling Pagoda (in my head) for top spot. Something about Mona just wows me more and more, especially the chorus sequence over "above the city, CDs spinning...". Awesome melody/chords/spirit here. Love the bridge too, very nice lift, and the early entrance of the verse melody in the horns just before the actual verse reappears is great.

Mary is another strong song, as is Brite Nitegown, but probably below Mona/Pagoda for me.

All in all - a superb album. I must actually count up the guitar tracks - I've got a feeling it will beat Royal Scam hands down.


Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 07:58:51 ET
Posted by: SHERPA, Direct from Lhasa

THIRDWORLD, et. al.--

I would agree with you--but when DF sings "..shoot no 'one'"--he inflects it such a manner that it comes out like "JUAN", which restricts the range of choice--which is what our student group had surmised at that time. Given this limitation, the group actually had considered that DF might have used "BABYLON" (Long Island), after all DF is a New Yawkah, but that and some others was rejected as being to "metro", or banal, as it were.

Today, in retrospect, it might be postulated that a probable reason why DF did not choose BABYLON that was because, he was, at that time, probably putting together the first few tracks of the GAUCHO LP,and wanted to save BABYLON for the lead track. No??

If only DF would hold court at 5-Star we might find out for sure, where a few of the denizens of Dandom might uncover this mystery., and others. Until then, we have to rely on these PERFUNCTORY interviews that these media hacks are conducting....

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 07:28:36 ET
Posted by: Josey, St. Simons Island

IDT Chrysler - Pat Metheny doing the same thing over and over and over? Are you kidding??? Did you hear "The Way Up"? There aren't too many musicians who remain relevant for such a length of time and offer such a diverse catalog of music. From Brightsize Life to Letter From Home to Song X to One Quiet Night to The Way Up - and a lot of great stuff in between all that! While I certainly don't like everything he's ever done (Song X), he's definitely not repeating himself.

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 06:46:37 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

I. D. T. Chrysler, I like Joan I just don't find it as musically challenging or emotional touching as the rest. To state that:

"Joan is underpinned by sus chord heaven and subcutaneous harmonic subtlety second to none on MTC."

is simply not true. Joan is a basic blues song, with some added harmonic jazz phrases in the chorus.

One could argue that What I Do is even simpler, and it is. But beeing truly based on a minor standardform, with a composed bridge that brings something extraordinary, together with the lyrics, makes the song packed with emotion and cincerity. Joan is fun, but not everlasting.

chord heaven and subcutaneous harmonic = Pagoda of Funnnnn

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 06:16:32 ET
Posted by: Pau Gasol, I'm hot now!


1.- Where is Rogel Nichols? Isn't he involved in the new WB project? What happens with him and the boyz?

2.- What is DF's illness? I heard something about a fall and his shoulder...

3.- RAJAH: Why do you hate everyone?

HOOPS: I think you're making a big effort supporting the Blue, but please don't convert it in a snob place, a private illuminati's club or whatever...

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 05:49:31 ET
Posted by: Abu, in a pool of Margaritas

Oh, Chrysler, thank you for the Stravinski "postulate". You're right though, you're just so far above us that we could never comment about it, so you did the right thing by patting your own self on the back. Don't stop fishing for compliments, though - someday you might get one and validate your sorry self.

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 04:31:13 ET
Posted by: I. D. T. Chrysler, PA

PQ: Thangs for the memory. Beard is certainly up there as fusion composer, but Jaco's gone, Don G.'s gone, Joe Z. seems more into world rhythms than sophisticated composition, PatMeth and Yellowjackets plowing the same field over & over & over. I still give top current spot of greatest fusion composer to my main man Randy B. The lecherous geezer has yet more things to say, I wager.

Rajah: HA! Your Carolingian theory re DTMA flew 8 miles over most heads here, as did my Stravinskian postulate re MTC. Ah, the atmosphere is thin, ain't it? BTW, there was no Holy Roman Empire by name until the 16th century.

TJ: The immediacy of "Security Joan" is underpinned by sus chord heaven and subcutaneous harmonic subtlety second to none on MTC.

Uh, how many times do you suppose Ms. Ruggiero listened to MTC? Maybe once, while she was...

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 03:32:26 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

Daddy NYB. Remember that it's 2,5 out of 4, which almost equals 4 out of 6. So it's really not that bad. But then again:

"...someone who might tell him that a seven-minute-plus song that barely changes key ("Pagoda") might not be a good idea."

Or maybe you should listen to it one more time honey.

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 03:15:32 ET
Posted by: It's Rajah, L.A

In a frightening and dishearteningly insular turn of events, the latest other 'rajah' is getting closer to the mark. I could be obsolite, hold your applause.

LA Donfesters, the Opus Bar & Grill makes the most sense, got no guest stars, just me and Gee and Stevee, angel and hubster, the inimitable W1P I hope, all other left coasters specially the OC peeps, PL boys, Pete, Shari, yes Luke, thank you, are you with us Dr. Wu:

It's big bar area, we can all fit, look at the pic, we talked to Bartender One yesterday and we don't need no friggin reservation. The bar at that hour on a Monday is only hoppin' depending upon the show that night. Trane, Cedric the Entertainer and Rob Zombie later in the week could clog the Opus, but we'll have it all to ourselves on 3/27/06. If any of you and your women wish to dine privately - away from the upheaval bacchanal, you could retire to the spacious, glass enclosed dining areas whilst still witnessing nameless Donfesters setting off smoke alarums nearby and spilling drinks nearby.

That's my best offer, I'll be burnin' a doob xcross Wilshire before the Metro Station whilst I await reply SVP.

Hoops, barring an invite to a cupola-covered catered affair, bluebook us, please.

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 03:06:43 ET
Posted by: Pau Gasol, I'm hot now!

A hero of our heros is in now (Mr. Sonny Rollins). Is WB attending that? Guess...

RAJAH: My English is bueno too.

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 02:15:07 ET
Posted by: NYB,


For every jerkoff like Melissa there are 20 more reviewers who love the album. She's DEFINITELY in the minority. I gaurantee Fagen will recieve at least a few Grammy nominations for this album.

Now you know why Melissa is writing for The Richmond Times-Dispatch. Not a real heavy hitting paper there is it? I've got nothing against Richmond but it is... well... Richmond after all. And hey, isn't that big George Bush country down there? Wonder if that has anything to do with it.

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 01:46:10 ET
Posted by: The Bending End, Rhode Island

Have there been any ideas posted here regarding the very end of Brite Nitegown? i.e. those last few horn notes.

I'm wondering if there's some connection to a W. C. Fields movie.

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 01:14:16 ET
Posted by: Dantana, L.A.

The Night Belongs To Mona = Almost Gothic

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 00:48:01 ET

SO I'm finally arrived here in LA and while i'm going to visit the whole area i'm still waiting for the great moment.
Hope to see you all at the pre danfest in Temecula and i hope so after the show to.
Is there a Danfest in LA on 3/27?

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 00:46:40 ET
Posted by: Steely Jan, LV and Temecula this weekend

Any set lists from Denver?

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 00:44:41 ET
Posted by: Luke,

So is the LA wingding going to be at the Opus?

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 00:31:36 ET
Posted by: Daddy G., Only 2.5 *s?---OUCH!

MUSIC REVIEW: Donald Fagen

(NOTE: The aboveURL was ridiculously long, so I ran it through to compact it. It's really a Richmond Times-Dispatch piece.)

This has got to be by far the harshest review of Morph I've seen...

"...while [Fagen] blended a few potent brews this time -- wonky time changes, slithering brass, humorously thoughtful lyrics -- the overall outcome is lifeless."

. . . .

"...'What I Do' and 'The Great Pagoda of Funn' especially, plod aimlessly through tedious rhythms that are more self-indulgent than engaging, the same problem noted on Steely Dan's overrated 'Everything Must Go' from 2003."

"With his Steely partner, Walter Becker, Fagen has an inescapable editor, a fellow musician to share ego space with and someone who might tell him that a seven-minute-plus song that barely changes key ('Pagoda') might not be a good idea."

"Here, for every amusing tale of an airport security worker finding love -- or at least a tryst -- with a passenger ('Security Joan') is a 'Mary Shut the Garden Door,' an astute consideration of 'a thuggish cult' that 'gains control of the government' that still conveys neither anxiety nor, well, coherence."

"When Fagen hits a metaphorical homer as on the death-sniffing 'Brite Nitegown,' his intellect is an imposing force. But, as 'Morph' repeatedly illustrates, even smarty pants can be boring."

Ms. Ruggieri's rating: 2.5 stars

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 00:19:46 ET
Posted by: oregon,

Real Oregonians pronounce it "Origun" - gun not gahn. I wonder if that ruins the song for them...

Date: Thurs, March 23, 2006, 00:16:07 ET
Posted by: thirdworldman, the caves of altimira


you posted:

"Now--DF had to name a place that would rhyme with book keepers's "son"--let's see here:

BOS--TON Nope.
O-RE-GON---There you have it! "

Here are the lyrics:

I'm a bookkeeper's son
I don't want to shoot no one
Well I crossed my old man back in Oregon
Don't take me alive

as you can see, "son" rhymed with "one", and has nothing to do with "Oregon" as far as the meter is concerned, (plus it doesn't rhyme) but i really like your enthusiasm! :) keep posting!

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 23:54:11 ET
Posted by: thirdworldman, Harlem or somewhere the same

Album Review (as it appeared in "Billboard")

sorry if it's too long (find myself saying that all the time)

There are no surprises in sound and style on Morph the Cat, Donald Fagen's long-awaited third solo album, nor should any be expected -- ever since Steely Dan's 1980 masterwork, Gaucho, his work, either on his own or with longtime collaborator Walter Becker, has been of a piece. Each record has been sleek, sophisticated, and immaculately produced, meticulously recorded and arranged, heavy on groove and mood, which tends to mask the sly wit of the songs. When it works well -- as it did on Fagen's peerless 1982 solo debut, The Nightfly, or on Steely Dan's 2001 comeback, Two Against Nature -- the results go down smoothly upon first listen and reveal their complexity with each spin; when it doesn't quite succeed -- both 1993's Kamakiriad and the Dan's 2003 effort Everything Must Go didn't quite gel -- the albums sound good but samey on the surface and don't quite resonate. Morph the Cat belongs in the first group: at first it sounds cozily familiar, almost too familiar, but it digs deep, both as music and song. Sonically, at least superficially, it is very much a continuation of the two Steely Dan records of the new millennium -- not only does it share Fagen's aesthetic, but it was recorded with many of the same musicians who have shown up on the Dan projects. There are slight differences -- without Becker around, there's a greater emphasis on keyboards and the songs stretch on a bit longer than anything on Everything Must Go -- but this, at least on pure sonics, could have functioned as a sequel to Two Against Nature. But Morph the Cat is very much a solo affair, fitting comfortably next to his first two solo albums as a conclusion to what he calls a trilogy. If The Nightfly concerned the past and Kamakiriad was set in a hazy future, Morph the Cat is rooted in the present, teeming with the fears and insecurities of post-9/11 America. Fagen doesn't camouflage his intent with the gleefully enigmatic rhymes that have been his trademark: his words, while still knowingly sardonic, are direct, and in case you don't want to bother reading the lyrics or listening closely, he helpfully offers brief explanations of the songs (for instance, on "Mary Shut the Garden Door," he writes "Paranoia blooms when a thuggish cult gains control of the government," a statement that's not exactly veiled). On top of this unease, Fagen faces mortality throughout the album -- he talks with the ghost of Ray Charles, borrows W.C. Fields' phrase for death for "Brite Nitegown," writes about attempted suicides -- and every song seems to be about things drawing to a close. It's a little disarming to hear Fagen talk so bluntly -- although he came close to doing so on the deliberately nostalgic The Nightfly, the fact that he was writing about the past kept him at a bit of a distance -- but despite the abundance of morbid themes, Morph the Cat never sounds dour or depressing. In large part this is due to Fagen's viewpoint -- he never succumbs to mawkishness, always preferring to keep things witty and sardonic, which helps keep things from getting too heavy -- but it's also due to his smooth jazz-rock, which always sounds nimble and light. This, of course, is how Fagen's music always sounds, but here, it not only functions as a counterpoint to the darkness creeping on the edges of the album, but it's executed expertly: as spotless as this production is, it never sounds sterile, and when the songs start stretching past the five-minute mark -- two cuts are over seven minutes -- it never gets boring, because there's a genuine warmth to the clean, easy groove. More so than on Kamakiriad, or on the tight Everything Must Go, there is a sense of genuine band interplay on this record, which helps give it both consistency and heart -- something appropriate for an album that is Fagen's most personal song cycle since The Nightfly, and quite possibly his best album since then. ~ Stephen Thomas Erlewine, All Music Guide

P.S. MTC still does not appear on the Billboard top 200...

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 23:11:54 ET
Posted by: lovethisgig, atlanta

Very cool Milanese! I like that take. And don't forget the very end of the album, the nod to I.G.Y. Is it the mourning of a loss of youth and innocence, or a refusal to surrender the dream?

I'm REALLY diggin this album now. For me the first half, Morph thru Nitegown was more immediate, had me right from the start. Of course, I had heard 3 of the tracks before I bought the album. The last half was more difficult, didn't gel immediately. But after repeated listenings, the last half captivates. Pagoda, Mona, and Mary are completely engaging. Love this album!!

What would be cool is a live album from one of the shows included in the upcoming box set!!


Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 22:37:34 ET
Posted by: SHERPA, Direct from Lhasa


Pretty MEDIEVAL stuff there! Could be possible, with DF you never really know. Did you formally study European royalty, or was it just from reading outside of academia??

BTW--I tried to get your opinion of an article I wrote a few days ago that I no longer see on the list. It was about MTC, the shows and some other stuff. Did you get to see it?? Might have been too long and was deleted--

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 22:07:33 ET
Posted by: Rajah, oops

I always thought it was Aragon and had some connection with Philip of Aragon who gave his daughter Catherine to Henry Tudor brother to whom she was first bethrothed. It's kind of a dead end though, the song is so reminicient of Dog Day Afternoon. In the same vein, I had some Kid Charlemagne misreadings, connecting it also to the Holy Roman Emperor and the misconception that he was "Italian in their eyes," when of course he was Pepin's son,rising from Mster of the Castle or whatever he was to King to Holy Roman Emperor in two generations. Yikes!

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 22:01:43 ET
Posted by: me, here,24012,1175928_10_0_,00.html

Other debuts included country troupe SheDaisy's "Fortuneteller's Melody" at No. 22 with 33,000 units. Steely Dan principal Donald Fagen's third solo disc, "Morph the Cat" (Reprise), bowed at No. 26 with sales of 32,000. His last solo effort, "Kamakiriad," flew in at No. 10 13 years ago.

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 22:00:06 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

RB - Throw Back is a great tune, love that out, the lyrics are kinda funny though.

milanese - I like your takes, nice English too.

BTW, Rhymes is the morphbomb folks, what a fun performance by Don.

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 21:57:17 ET
Posted by: SHERPA, Direct from Lhasa


DON'T TAKE ME ALIVE--About 30 years ago we wrestled with the meaning of the chorus, it was for a Lit & Comp class called "Poetry of Rock". It was brought up by another student who thought DF was saying "Aragon"--which would be Spain, which might tie in with the "Altamira" references. Problem was--we could not find a copy of RS with the inner jacket that had the lyrics. When MCA bought out ABC Records, they deleted the inner sleeve that had the lyrics, and substituted that SARAN wrap--rememeber that?? We finally got hold of an older LP copy with lyrics--and found out it was "OREGON"--there was NO internet back then to research this sot of stuff.

Anyhow--ALKALI is correct-DF's dad was an accountant (book keeper,if you will)--but it has no bearing in this case--it was NOT DF that was holed-up.

The holed-up, desperate fugitive in the song says that he "crossed his old man"--he has nothing to go back to, nothing to lose, so to speak, or might suffer a WORSE fate dealt from the "old man" (drug dealer, pimp, bookie, whatever) even if he were to be taken ALIVE by the law, or released (dead meat).

Now--DF had to name a place that would rhyme with book keepers's "son"--let's see here:

BOS--TON Nope.
O-RE-GON---There you have it!

This was what turned out to be the "school solution". Then we moved onto our next class assignment, a GREATER lyrical challenge--which was some Neil Young tune....

RAJAH, THIRDWORLD--What is your opinion on this??

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 21:49:54 ET
Posted by: Razorboy, chillin' at the Manatee Bar

Gotta love Donald's attention to detail.

Not content to simply fade out, he adds interesting little effects. Listen to the very end of Mona, and you'll hear this eerie slow pulsating amid the silence.

Security Joan (still can't stop listening) ends with Washington, Carlock, and our guitarists starting a little jam session during the fade.

Of course, the main body of music is brilliant, but these subtle nuances are part of the mistique that most of us addicts love, like an inside scoop.

One of my favorite 30 seconds of music is the ending piano on Throw Back The Little Ones. Anyone concur?

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 21:33:15 ET
Posted by: Eric, San Diego, CA

I have two tickets (together) for Donald Fagen available for The Wiltern in Los Angeles on Monday, March 27, 06. The seats are in the Upper Level Mezzanine Section, Row C, Seats 125 and 127. The price I paid for both, including various Ticketmaster fees is $167.40. I am asking $100.00 to $125.00. If interested, please email me at: - Thank you.


Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 21:31:44 ET
Posted by: milanese, Italy

MTC: a circle, a NEW start de siecle age in the wake of old good Cat.

1st track: the awakening, Arlen, Berlin= aura(l) pop, no chintzy stuff, maybe some naivery…
2nd : cult for vocal bands, doo-woop. Then wall-of-sound–ettes . Days of freedom.
3 Black giants now! Ray Thelonious, Trane. Jazz covers of Time. Winds of wisdom.
4 Old and new funkitude: are we in’05?or in 65?Urban schizoid trends, jewish moms, ipocondria, flirting with self-destruction in funny ways, with drugs, thugs, women…
5 Escape from this madness, in your arms baby! Lover, mother?Protection.
6 Our fears become hate? Let’s fuck the fear…before the fear fuck us!!
7 Someone escapes in other ways: respect for people like Mona!
8 It’s late at night , our reason sleeps and the monsters come closer, but someone shut the door. The nightmare of Germany 1937 won’t come again!!!The garden won’t become a desert!!
9 The new start: the first step is an echo of old naivery…maybe it will protect us…

When I read “it’s about death” “end of things”etc I felt disappointed…but now the positivity of the message is clear IN EVERY SONG, every second is about hope…every line is written FOR the future. It is a manifesto of sublime wisdom. (and here in old Europe we really need to see this side of America)

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 21:11:31 ET
Posted by: Hopeful, and . . .

You mean James Beard?!?! Yes! I got one of his cookbooks. cool that he's jammin too.

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 21:06:27 ET
Posted by: C Squared, East Tennessee

Upon first glance at the liner notes of MTC, I was taken aback - like seeing a car wreck - when I saw the centerfold pic of the (I assume) NY skyline and the plane taking off. To place the lyrics of "Pagoda" on that same page is especially poignant. Would the Twin Towers obstruct our view of the airplane if they were present?

On a lighter note, I like how Morph takes over the right side of the picture on the next-to-last page where the "Morph" reprise lyrics are. And if you hold the booklet up to the light, The Don looks kinda like Thomas Jefferson or George Washington, with that riveting gaze and the Morph wispies seemingly floating on the back side of Don's head.

Swimmin' like seaweed,

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 21:01:40 ET
Posted by: Hopeful , Newark, MD

Been star gazing. Just have to report that the book author of something about Searching for Steely Dan by Gelding(?) or whoever did not accept and show up for his interview offered in the Green Room this evening (3/22). And the guy who attacked my trumpet player did not come forward to the Green Room as challenged. The bloody buggers are forgiven. FYI.

Newark thought long and hard about what to give up for Lent--she didn't want to give up dj'ing or jamming. She shares that she has given up blue threads for Lent--blue, especially denim, is one of her best colors. She admits not having sacrificed enough [buggers] over the years and is presently and urgently inspired to "up" her faith-- Wired and prayed up is the state of affairs these days.

In this bluebook, there is some first-rate stuff; but the best part is observing the zany interactions and getting pissed off at ignoramuses. Nonetheless, Newark prefers reading Paul Levinson's The Plot to Save Socartes, at this time. The Blue Room's bubbly jibber jabber is valuable to observe--and, hey, where's green hat Thomas(?) How'd it go? It's nice to know how our band is doing. Gotta zip.

Briefly and back on the subject of Newark's favorite media theorist, what do you think happens when, say, when an author or artist is not compensated for her/his work? The quality and quantity of past, present and future output is certainly impacted. People need to be compensated for the creation of information or they will find something else to do, according to Levinson, 2000. Respect to authorship and creatorship of the invention should be a human right. So show some respect. It's practically impossible to control "bit" dissemination, for it seems to want to be free. But beware, fks, copyright protection can and is enforced online. So pay the artists fkrs. Though information such as Free Junket tunes may seem to want to be "free," according to Levinson, these works must be protected or the result will be a reduction of worthwhile information. Read Soft Edge or Real Space, OK? Let's talk. Takerezy all, Hopeful. P.S. Got valuable work to do. Raven is watching.

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 20:30:29 ET
Posted by: fozzy88, Under the Banyan Trees

Gold Circle Row B (2) for the Lost Wages show Friday just sitting there on sTicketmaster. Please don't kick the chair (mine) in front of you.

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 19:59:59 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

B, I seriously had to r read your oriqinal post case i couldn't figure out what tpyo you might have made.

Every Walter pic tells a story. Has he got something to prove with that bass? Mebbe. Jim Beard, ha, I can hear PQ doin a sack dance, well, wow Donald replaces Walter with Freddie Washington and shazam, Walter has his keyboeard master, at least for one tune or one picture anyways. What would be funny is if their records sounded similar, I mean, look at that band.

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 19:56:44 ET
Posted by: Corvid, Here At The northern World

I see a quite greybearded Walter at the mixing board with Larry Klein. Seems they're into the postproduction phase of the new album (?)

Blogcritics' Connie Phillips has reviewed Morph, somewhat noncommittally but generally favourably. However, she claims "The horns and sax are a welcome addition to the piano and strings that are prevalent on the entire CD." Strings?

Let's get some comments going outside the Bluebook world. It's more insular in here than the production on Gaucho... ithankyou.

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 19:28:32 ET
Posted by: NYB ,


That should be "Volume/Tone KNOBS".

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 19:27:26 ET
Posted by: NYB,


Go to, put your cursor over the volume/tone knows on Walter's guitar and tell me what you see!

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 19:10:18 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

"Jim Beard's been discussed here through the years." By me and Chrysler?

I am very impressed! Beard and Steely Dan are two of the very, very few people Wayne Shorter ever sideman'd with after Weather Report.
Beard's Song of The Sun is one of the very few old CDs I'll ever dust off and give a spin. The title song is Jon Herington's best guitar solo ever.

And Hermoine Graniger is the chick in the Harry Potter stories you douchebomb Rodrigo.

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 18:59:50 ET
Posted by: NYB,


That's an interesting observation. Could be I suppose, but probably just a coincidence...

I have another question though. On the inside of the cd there is a picture that seems to be taken looking out of the same window and down at the steet below. This picture appears to have been taken from behind Donald, as if someone was looking over his should and down at the street below. Now, what NYC streets are we looking at here? Can anyone tell from this picture? And I wonder if the people on the street are anyone we know...

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 18:50:59 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

We'll all be waiting with great expectation for the JFly's commentary after the show and if you type it with all 13 of your extremeties it'll get done even quicker!!!!

Don't make me shit the liquid waiting for your review, J-Kins.

Rocky Mountain High Rajah

PS -whey, Milanese - your English is very good, you should see some of the undecipherable rambling around here.

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 18:26:43 ET
Posted by: Little Wild One, packing

Catch a cheapie to Vegas, Joey! I know where you can get a bargain hotel stay and show tickets!

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 17:56:09 ET
Posted by: Joey,

" Am I wrong, or is this the first live Maxine...evar? Well, it was far and away the highlight of the evening. Snowbound? What I Do? Huh? I could have walked out right then, and got my $73 worth. Trancendent. Can't wait to hear this one on a nice Fagen Tour 06 cd, like "Alive In America"...knowhatimean? "

Nice Review

I should be in Denver , CO this evening at the Paramount .


Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 17:42:28 ET
Posted by: C'mon Daddy, Minneapolis

Someone down the list asked for more impressions of the Minneapolis show, so here they are...

We ended up eating two tickets. Gave one to a woman before the show, who already had a ticket in the front row of the Mezz, but said if it wasn't good enough she could come down with us. She was then going to give her ticket to a street performer, but I had the seat next to me vacant for the whole show, so dunno what happened with all that.

That being said, the place was still full. The State is a little smaller than the Orpheum across the street (this is where the lies and creative misinformation may be kicking in), and the floor is flatter, so the sight lines for the more vertically challenged are more difficult. My shorter female friend sat on her shoes so she could see...

We were main floor, right middle section, row M, I think. The sound during Green Flower St. wasn't quite there yet, with Don's vocals down in the mix, and just a little bit of a flat mix - not enough low or high end. This was pretty much fixed by The Nightfly.

I'd like to say here that I never thought in my life I would ever see (m)any of these tunes. I've been a Steely fan since 89, and that Donald is touring like this is just a dream come true. Can't wait for this Summer...

So...New Frontier. Again, I never thought I'd ever see some of these tunes. Fantastic. By this point we're settled in and groovin'. The sound is much better. Can't stop watching Carolyn. Don leans so far over to the right, I wonder if he's going to bob back up again, but indeed he pops back up like he always does.

The crowd around us varies in age from 25-65. You can bring your drinks into the theater from the lobby, so I nursed a Jack and Coke all night. No bathroom breaks.

Teahouse, Home At Last, Black Cow....where the heck is Snowbound?? I mean, we're in Minneapolis, right??? Well, then Don says that they're going to have a few guests tonight, so I'm thinking "Sweet! Howard Levy came up from Chicago to do a killer What I Do!....Not quite. The Steele Singers, who I'm not familiar with are introduced, and replaced Carolyn and Cindy. There were, I believe, four of them at the two mics.

Am I wrong, or is this the first live Maxine...evar? Well, it was far and away the highlight of the evening. Snowbound? What I Do? Huh? I could have walked out right then, and got my $73 worth. Trancendent. Can't wait to hear this one on a nice Fagen Tour 06 cd, like "Alive In America"...knowhatimean?

This has gotten long, so I'll just say the other highlights were:

"Won't you pour me a Cuban Breeze, Gretchen!" - we just about fell on the floor in hilarous ecstasy. That line amuses us.

Brite Nitegown, Mary - actually this was the other real highlight, Third World Man, Misr'y and the Blues, Pretzel Logic, Viva Viva. the whole thing truly kicked butt. After the show, we met up with some other friends who had bought VIP tickets, and saw the actual printed out setlist.

I found Viva and Misr'y on iTunes, if you want to hear them before the show. Long post. Wouldn't blame the mod for deleting it!

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 17:42:10 ET
Posted by: italian brand,quality stuff, Italy

Anyone else here think that MTC cover is inspired by original cover of Thelonious Monk “The London Collection vol.II”?? Take a look at this web page, look down and you’ll see what I mean, is one of the last covers…
…the picture is small but -believe me- the photos are really similar, and to me is a GOOD THING! When I look to the two covers on my desk I think: wow, my two favourite musicians took pics for covers in the same mood!! And somewhere I read Donald like TM!! DONALD I WAIT YOU AND WALT HERE IN SOUTHERN EUROPE. I live in Milan, but I’ll go to Paris, Copenhagen and SURELY to Amsterdam if you’ll play there!!!EXCUSE ME FOR MY BAD ENGLISH!!

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 17:41:08 ET
Posted by: Daddy G., Look! Up in the sky... It's a bird! It's a... CAT?!

liveDaily Interview: Todd Rundgren of The New Cars

Todd on the aborted Todd/Donald tour among other things...

liveDaily: What did you have to take off your full playing and production plates to get involved with this project?

Todd Rundgren: I suppose that, from most of my fans' standpoint, I had already done something strange. [laughs] I put out an album called "Liars," and it was successful, and required pretty much a band and some level of production in order to present it. >>>THE PROBLEM IS THAT I'M AT A CERTAIN LEVEL WHERE I HAVE A COMMITTED FOLLOWING, ESPECIALLY IN CERTAIN REGIONS, BUT IN THE MAIN, IF I TAKE ANY SORT OF PRODUCTION OUT [ON THE ROAD] I DON'T MAKE ANY MONEY.<<< So people were wondering why last year I went out with Joe Jackson and a string quartet and essentially did a solo show, which depended substantially on older material. So I was already kind of perplexing my fans, and wasn't sure what I was going to do next. I knew that I had ideas for records, and there's always a possibility of [producing work], and there's always the possibility of joining up with somebody else.

>>>WHAT I HAD ORIGINALLY PLANNED ON DOING THROUGH LAST FALL AND PROBABLY INTO THIS YEAR WAS AN R&B REVIEW WITH DONALD FAGEN. BUT HE GOT INVOLVED IN FINISHING UP RECORDING [A SOLO ALBUM] AND IT TOOK UP ALL OF HIS TIME, SO WE NEVER GOT TO DO THAT.<<< So I'm always open to collaborations. I've gone out with Ringo Starr, done the "Abbey Road" tours, and have gone out as an opener for Hall & Oates essentially using their band--that's how I get around that problem of not being able to take my own band on the road at this point.

I thought, "Well, The Cars thing will satisfy a number of things." One thing that it won't satisfy is that I won't be playing a lot of my material. There's so much Cars material, it fills up most of the show, although we will do a couple of my things. From the standpoint of my audience, they'll have to be satisfied to watch me sing Cars songs. [laughs] And other aspects made it potentially a good idea from the standpoint of my own career and what I want to do, in that I'll definitely be playing for larger audiences than I usually do. And perhaps, in some sense, a generationally younger audience, which is always good.

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 17:33:03 ET
Posted by: I.B,Q.S, Italy

so many reasons to be cryptic…business of our friends at first…please tell me only if I’m right if I say:
xxxx xxx KOFER,
I won’ t say nothing more! You all know Zombies are around us (but the Cat’s above us!!!!)

An Orthoprax Kofer is the guy who believes in nothing, yet goes to shul and keeps shabbos out of habit, or for fear of his wife and neighbors. He does the dance, and talks the talk, but, inside, he thinks it's all nonesense. Teaneck and Woodmere, havens of Modern Orthodoxy, are thought to overflow with such people.

The root meaning of the word kofer is "to cover". We see this from the word kapores, which was the cover on the Aron Kodesh, the Holy Ark, in the Beis Ha-Mikdash. Even the word kapparah, "atonement", is related, since through the process of atonement, sin is covered and concealed. Similarly, a Jewish kofer is a person who "covers up" the reality of his own being. (Rabbi Moshe Wolfson) 2005_10_01_asimplejew_archive.html - 86k -

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 16:56:01 ET
Posted by: alan, Denver

Hey pan-fried and gauchomigo et al

There few people meeting at the Paramount Cafe prior to the show tonight. Free free to come and join us.

We will be gathering around 5 ish.

Hope to see y'all there.

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 16:31:53 ET
Posted by: pan-fried, Denver

sounds good gauchomigo. we'll be at the baaahhhh. (is there gas in the caaahhh?)

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 16:29:44 ET
Posted by: pan-fried, Denver

Lol, I was just trying to make the point that not all songs sung in first-person are necessarily autobiographical.

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 16:29:07 ET
Posted by: Errrr, No, Back in Oregon

Eh? If it wuz in Oregon, how could his old man be "back in Oregon"?
DTMA is based on the Al Pacino movie Dog Day Afternoon.

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 16:25:02 ET
Posted by: The Truth, Hurts

Pan-fried- "Don't Take Me Alive" was written about a real live event that took place in Oregon back in the late 60's/early 70's. Read up on your SD history now son.

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 16:24:49 ET
Posted by: Brutus Charisma,

Does anyone have the link for DF's interview in Entertainment Weekly?


Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 16:08:15 ET
Posted by: iowaboy, pg

Just thought some of you folks maybe ought to check the All About Jazz web site review by Paul Olsen... The reviewer at the Chicago paper ought to check this out too... (the show WAS terrific!)

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 16:04:22 ET
Posted by: Gauchomigo, Denver

I have a some backboard crashing out at the Tech center and will be hard pressed to get there before the show but I might leave at halftime. If I do I will look for you guys at Marlowes?

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 15:52:24 ET
Posted by: pan-fried, Denver

thank god he made it back from that 10 milligram chronax trip in time for the tour.

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 15:43:59 ET
Posted by: steelydoc, down at the Lido

Yo Keith...just sent you an email, you can get a $498 round trip from Chicago to Vegas on TED, United's low-fare's still available, leaving tomorrow, return Saturday


Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 15:39:16 ET
Posted by: Alkali, NYC

Well, I did read somewhere that his father was a bookkeeper for a stint.
Besides that, I heard his real name is Charlie and he must own some lotions.

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 15:34:29 ET
Posted by: pan-fried, Denver

Why assume the song is autobiographical? Was Fagen literally the Don’t Take Me Alive guy too?

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 15:27:27 ET
Posted by: Alkali, NYC

Fagen's a 'brother'?
Well, that explains the rhythm thing.

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 15:27:19 ET
Posted by: pan-fried, Denver

Unfortunately there isn’t an official wingding scheduled.
I’ll be at espn for dinner and drinks with my buddy, then head over to Paramount grill or Marlowes around 7:00 to see what’s up.
What’re your plans?

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 15:17:44 ET
Posted by: Gauchomigo, Denver

Is there pre show happenings set up for tonight's arrival of the "Nightfly" in Denver?

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 14:55:25 ET
Posted by: pan-fried, Denver

You know, that whole tune is sung in first person. How do we know the narrator isn’t a ‘brother’ as well?

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 14:45:37 ET
Posted by: Rajah , L.A.

Yo, Wiltern Donfesters:

This is the joint in the Wiltern Bldg:

It used to be the Atlas, the spousal unit and I stopped in last night and had a coupla pops, very nice and not too expensive, 3.50 for a beer at Happyhour between 5 and 7.

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 14:42:09 ET
Posted by: john, nyc

sound quality of itunes songs is worthless. i have a mcintosh pre-amp and a rotel cd player that i run everything through. listening to my ipod is like listening to an 8 track of morph.

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 14:30:47 ET
Posted by: NYB,

"NYB- How would you know? You live on Long Island" (Fixer)

Now you know why!


Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 14:25:52 ET
Posted by: Declan, memphis

There's a difference between recording digitally and listening to music in a digital medium.

You can record your sweetass traxx in analog while still mastering and putting out your finished product on a digital CD. That's how a lot of us prefer things.

Just because Walter rips on (or intelligently discusses the limitations of, whatever) LPs, it doesn't mean he can't eschew the entire analog world.

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 14:25:04 ET
Posted by: Fixer,

NYB- How would you know? You live on Long Island.

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 14:21:00 ET
Posted by: NYB,

Lemme see now, is there ANYONE who lives in Manhattan who HASN'T been mugged? Hell, even half the muggers have been mugged. Probably a few mugger-mugger's have been mugged too.

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 14:13:45 ET
Posted by: Drew, San Luis Obispo

I still have a pair of upper balcony tickets to Monday's Wiltern show. I'll accept just about any offer for them. They cost me $120.00 total - How about $50.00 total for the pair? What a deal!
They are the cheapest seats but they'll get you in there:
Row M
Seats 211-212


Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 14:11:23 ET
Posted by: hoops, chicago, dreaming of vegas

Keith, LWO, all, I hear you. The good news is there's a 4th row seat waiting for me. The bad news is I can't leave until Noon Chicago (10 AM Vegas) on Friday and the plane tickets are prohibitive ($730+) Anyone want to buy a 4th row for Friday night?

Jim Beard's been discussed here thought the years, PQ. What a line up for Walter's album! Wonder if WB will do any solo dates.

Minneapolis was supreme perfection.


Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 14:04:18 ET
Posted by: Gretchen,

That was REALLY uncalled for, Truth.


Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 14:03:57 ET
Posted by: mt,

Strange that WB is at least partially recording analog. I remember him making fun of so-called audiophiles who preferred vinyl. Interesting.

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 14:00:58 ET
Posted by: Alkali, NYC

Concerning Becker's line-up:
I have absolutely nothing against Herington but,
I would have loved to hear Adam Rogers again with Becker;
What I think is a perfect pairing of tastiness and speed.
(Maybe he'll make an appearance)
And then a dash of Dean Parks!!!
Whoa! It’s all happening too fast!
Its feast or famine with these two.

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 13:55:43 ET
Posted by: The Truth, I told you!

Peter Q -I know what you mean. I came on here a few weeks ago when people were accusing Donald of being a raciest for the line "lit up brothers". I said Donald had gotten mugged years back and that's how that line came about. People here laughed at me. This week in Entertainment Weekly Donald talks about how he "was mugged in Manhattan" by a few lit up brothers. He said at that moment he believed he was going to meet the fella in the Brite Nightgown.

The truth always hurts! Right LaToya?

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 13:53:40 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

i'm really looking forward to Walters solo!

Could it be that Don and walt have grown apart in their partnership? That they don't need each other the way they use to? So the future treats will come from solo efforts. Guess we'll find out.

The Bending End, Rhode Island, I think I have almost the same priority list as you - only completely upside down.

Pagoda, Morph and Mona is definitely the three big ones after 3 weeks of listening. Joan lacks musical substance and Mary is the track you need to turn up really damn high to make work. Or else it becomes muzak. Overall a fantastic album!

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 13:49:34 ET
Posted by: Little Wild One, details, details

**Sorry for the personal communique**

Earthbound, I told you I may have a solution for your dilemma, however, I haven't seen anything from you. If nothing else, send the tix back to me and I'll try to unhinge them at the venue.

Sadly, your e-mail doesn't seem to work for me...

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 13:22:38 ET
Posted by: Earthbound, ...Livin' in the Midwest

Still hanging onto a coupla VEGAS tix...
GOLD bebe! Row M
Any takers?

Hoops! What's your plan of attack?
Please E me, bro.

WILDest: I just can't reward the airlines, despite
their predicament of late - yeah, whatever - it ain't
so much a lack o' funds as it is f#@king outrageous
to try to purchase under the 7-day adv deadline.
Assbiters! SteelyDoc offered some good, and somewhat
sly, advice towards getting there but every angle
of airport code, date range and time o' day have
proven fruitless. Who'd've thunk a quickee to Vegas
would require a decade's worth o' visits to Plasma

"Who's got my air miles?"

As it stands now, like today, like right now, I can
still get these tix out via 2nd Day...Urgh, I hate
to miss out on a damn good thang...

Not quite panic mode,

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 13:21:01 ET
Posted by: Declan, memphis

Walter's jamming through a gloriously tasty Orange bass head and working the analog tape machine?!?! Awesome.

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 13:04:23 ET
Posted by: Dare We Dream It?, DARE WE!

If we got Herington and Beard together maybe Bill Evans on sax isn't far behind? I need to take a heart pill.

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 13:00:41 ET
Posted by: Alkali, NYC

"Pumpkin Fat" is very coool!
My personal fav is "Chunks and Chairnobs"
Herington to Beard to Fagen=3 degrees of separation.
Beard has been criticized for playing so called "Fuzac"
But, I love his chops.
I have to dig up his CD's
Until then......

D.C. Hummin'/C.D. Spinnin':
1)Fagen "Morph the cat"
2)Weezer "Blue album"
3)Ella Fitzgerald "The essential"
4)Tchaikovsky "NCS"
5)Weather report "Mysterious traveller"
6)Weezer "Green album"

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 12:54:01 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

Duh...wouldn't you know it...Walter employed himself! Sorry 'bout that!!! ;)


Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 12:53:07 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

Looks like Becker has emloyed some familiar people for his album...

Larry Klein, Walter Becker, Eliot Scheiner, and the I-Four All Stars (Ted Baker, Keith Carlock, Jon Herington, Dean Parks, Jim Beard).

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 12:16:42 ET
Posted by: dleestan, chicago


Don gives us this stuff
He really just puts it all out there
this guy has a pair
Has he no shame? omg pagoda,...severed heads
I'm once again FLOORED maybe even MORE this time than ever
but Ive said that before
It is like a very diferent ray of light

I missed the live show
been lost post 911 and its prescriptions
and so i stay up all night
Mona really hits home
in one phall swoop
this phuck took almigh

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 12:10:55 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

'Pumpkin Fat' from Lost At The Carnival is the bomb.

Herington must have introduced Beard to Walter, he played with him all thru the 90s.

Woo hoo hoo!

Obscure jazz musicians, is it?

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 12:06:35 ET
Posted by: Alkali, NYC

love "Lost at the carnival"

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 12:02:46 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

Ha!!!!! Do you know how many times I've posted on this board about the utter greatness of the greatest producer/composer in fusion jazz, Jim Beard, to utter silence, yawns, and hostility - now he's playing with Walter? Woo hoo hoo! Major score!!!!!!!!!!

In you wanna know what you're in for, get John McLaughlin's Adventures In Radioland and listen to the first tune, Beard's The Wait. Woo hoo hoo!

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 11:59:10 ET
Posted by: Alkali, NYC

Jim "Fucken" Beard?
you're fucken kidding me!

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 11:56:28 ET
Posted by: Alkali, NYC

KERMIE: i never thought that "you and i" from Pagoda sounded like Kermit.
but, i do think that when he says "So" on "Morph the cat" he sounds kinda like one of the Lollypop guild from "The Wizard of Oz"

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 11:55:43 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

Fucken JIM BEARD is playing on Walter Becker's album. Do you guys know how big a score this is???? FUCKEN POWER!!!!!

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 11:43:42 ET
Posted by: steelydoc, out of the rain

Walter Becker has updated his on the knobs on his bass to see some pix!

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 11:40:48 ET
Posted by: The Bending End, Rhode Island

It's hard to believe how good this recording is. It's taken me even more listens than usual to absorb it all...and I don't think I'm at the "all" point yet.

In "most-look-forward-to-hearing" sequence [subject to evolution]:

1) Mary Shut the Garden Door
2) Brite Nightgown
Note: I have no problem admitting that I like Don/Dan pop-oriented tracks. These are superb, as such.
3) Security Joan
4) What I Do
5) H Gang
- I often call my 15-year-old daughter, Helen, "H", so I bought her the H Gang t-shirt at the Boston show and had her listen to this. An instant connection.
6) The Great Pagoda of Funn
- I guess I'm not quite as enamored with this as many others here. Could still be in the evolution process...
7) Morph the Cat
8) The Night Belongs to Mona


Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 11:12:38 ET
Posted by: kermie,

Luv the song, but when he says 'you and I' in Pagoda, does it not sound like Kermit the Frog??

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 10:47:13 ET
Posted by: Mystical Sphere, Lasa

I just gotta say, MTC is album of the Year. Hands down. Nothing is gonna touch this. "mary" is my fav. The rest are a microclose second. magnificent DF. Please come south to Atl.

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 10:34:11 ET
Posted by: Ann, Borneo

The subtle references to 9/11 show how this event has affected so many people, especially someone like Don, who is a native of the city. It's effects spread far and wide, even to my part of the world. It was from that date that my educated, "westernised" middle-eastern husband got sucked in to some very undesirable company, grew a beard and became increasingly antagonistic and verbally and physically violent towards his infidel wife. Was it just a coincidence that the week I received MTC, I was also granted my divorce? Life's looking so much better now!

Thanks Don!

Peace to all!


Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 10:18:46 ET
Posted by: jimmer, phl

wow, backtobass6, someone who finally aprreciates almost gothic, arguably, in my opinion one of their best songs,,, also i am surprised donald hasnt played "century's end" written solely by him and also on my top 5 best ever dan songs,,
also whoever compares a new song from morph to a 60's tv show,, what show is it?

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 09:25:29 ET
Posted by: Alkali, NYC

Yea, Pagoda is just so great, beautiful.
I love the phrasing when he sings "You and I...”
I wish he had repeated this throughout the song.

On "rhymes" that's definitely Krantz not Becker, I’d say.

Yea, the backing vocals are good throughout, although I wasn't sure I liked the girls singing "just one thing" on "What I do" but, I love it now.
I must say I’m still not too keen on the girls singing "your name on your list" on "Joan", the song as a whole still doesn't do much for me.
Joan and H Gang are my least favorites.
But what an impressive heavy-weight CD anyway.

"They came in under the radar/from poison skies/40 floors above the city/all watch the skies for Morph the cat...”


Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 09:16:23 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

IMHO Pagoda is the most emotionally true and accurate Fagen or Dan song ever. On another note, if Mona's afraid of 9/11 style attacks she might want to re-consider that 40th floor pad.

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 08:41:40 ET
Posted by: back2bass6, lawn guyland


arguably the greatest dan song ever

"...kinda like the opposite of an aerial view...."


oh yeah..any one in new york wanna come hear some kick ass shit?

Wednesday, 3/22,


continues to pursue the art and feel of "the groove" as we try to faithfully re-create songs and sounds from some of the greatest bands of our time; BLOOD SWEAT & TEARS, EARTH WIND & FIRE, TOWER OF POWER, and CHICAGO.

The venue....
live trax
242 petit ave

9 pm!
five dollars

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 07:43:49 ET
Posted by: Chrysler, PA

I hear a Stravinsky influence throughout the MTC title track, no I'm not kidding. Recall the melodies in any number of Stravinsky's Russian-nationalist and neo-classical works and compare to "Morph"; and the harmonized vocal line of "Morph"'s refrain ("...kind of like --> ...chintzy stuff")resembles certain melodic lines and harmonies from PETRUSCHKA, particularly the "Shrovetide Fair" music.

Hello? HELLO???

Also, anyone else find a 60s TV show theme influence in the melody under "Yes we'll build a world together in the Great Pagoda of Funn"?

DF, you're something else!

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 07:18:50 ET
Posted by: RJ Squirrel, Clarification

Ooops, stupid mistake in previous post:

Disney does Devo...God help us. BTW, I hate to think how much WB is making off DF for doing absolutely nothing as far as reaching any new audience. Couldn't he have sold the CD directly to the cult of SD and cut out the middle-man?


Thank you and we now return you to your regular programming.

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 06:55:41 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

Bye the way:

Phonus Quaver is definitely Donald Fagen. Listen to the vibes solo on Mary and compare them with his synth solo's (eg. I.G.Y), and you won't have a doubt.

Who plays guitar on Rhymes? The first part spund like Walter, but later it sounds more like Krantz.

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 06:47:08 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

I can't believe how great Pagoda is.

It's so harmonically challenging and complex, but still manages to carry around a great deal of emotionel content. This is the key to a good song. It really touches me everytime I hear it.

Try comparing it to Almost Gothic - it's so superiour. Guess that says it all...

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 00:35:07 ET
Posted by: Greg Moonspank, White Plains

Yes, it is quite possible that Donald Fagen is the best backup vocal arranger ever.

Date: Wed, March 22, 2006, 00:21:33 ET
Posted by: SteelyDon, Tompkins Square or perhaps Upper Broadway

Ok well its been a week and this album shows no signs of getting old. Its all I have been playing constantly as Im sure most of you have. There are many highlights I don't know where to begin.

In my opinion the unsung hero on this album are is the backing vocals and vocal harmonies.

- the chorus hook in Security Joan is sensational ("no name on your list"). Also some great piano work on that song but you have to really listen.

- Pagoda...what more can I say than simply amazing. I love the entire song but my absolute favorite part is the beginning. The line "its our love that makes it shine" when fagen comes in slightly late with "shine" is just perfect. Sounds so beautiful.

-The bridge in Mary sounds so good. The harmonies really play with my mind. I love the part "I woke up" again with Don hesitating a bit after the initial backing vocals.

Hope he does a tour in the summer along with a Steely Dan tour.

The thing that I love about his music is that without the lyrics the music is still awesome simply by itself...

Better roll the sidewalks up


Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 23:53:43 ET
Posted by: Kid Clean, On the tracks

Earthbound - If anyone can pull it off, it's gotta you brother. Wish we would have had more time to hang out. I missed a bunch of people but there's always summer....(fingers crossed)


Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 23:28:02 ET
Posted by: HouDanFan, Houston

What a great show Sat night in Chicago. My personal highlights were Nightfly, BN, BC, GFS and Mary. I would have loved to have heard Pretzel Logic, but it wasn't meant to be on this night. Just keep making records Donald, f___ all the one's that don't get it.

Also, I truly enjoyed meeting some great people from the midwest. I didn't get to say bye to the "Security Joan" sisters after the concert, so hope both of you made it home safe. Till next time...

Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 22:16:23 ET
Posted by: ,

Fagen says he has no concern about releasing Morph The Cat at a time when the music industry and the market seem as uncertain as the world itself. “I operate under Seventies rules no matter what time it is,” Fagen explains. “It’s a contract I have with my mind. I just keep forging on no matter what and reality doesn’t have much to do with it.”

Words of wisdom from a wise man.

Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 21:19:52 ET
Posted by: Little Wild One, the travel desk

Good God, Keith, do I have to do everything for you? Check America West...I even have a "credit" you can borrow, but you gotta pay me back. Unless our man Geoff comes through with some miles and then the deal is off. Rumor has it he's loaded....with miles that is.

HeyMike, yeah, I guess that was me, doing the Stevie Nicks deal, (like that's a bad thing?) I even sing like her. Join Keith in Vegas and you may get a sample. I love to sing in casinos and I'm sure Toya, SueDave and LadyB will help out. Not to mention Still Sparkin'.

Checking out the Temecula wardrobe stuff for those worried about the Steely Dan t-shirts not filling the bill. Oh, hell, just throw a jacket over it and on with the show!

Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 21:02:10 ET
Posted by: Earthbound, West Laughalot

Greetings all!

Still reelin' from the CHI show. Haven't stopped
repeat-rotating/chain-playing MTC yet. Thinking I
should select another disc or artist(yeah, right)
to play. Where or when is the brain-burn threshhold
reached? I dunno.
Not sure if I should post something on the ticket
page or rely on this forum...hoops will see this,
so I'll spread the word here first:

Here's the skinny. This pair of tickets fell outta
the sky - a WILD sky at that - in CHI the other night.
A straight-up enticement to travel if I've ever seen
one, and normally I'm a sure bet to follow-thru if
the opportunity actually presents itself in this fashion.
However, horror set in when I exhausted all flight
search possibilities and came up with a best fare from
the midwest to Lost Wages as $309 EACH WAY!!! F#@K!
Today's further attempts displayed bests in the $800s.
WTF is going on in Vegas this wknd causing such out-
landish fare schedules? Dam!(said the blind fish)
I promised Hoops that I'd contact him about us making
the run, so he certainly has dibs on one of them if
he's still interested. But, if not, I can ship them
tomorrow via UPS 2ndDay for the lucky peeps. Anyone
got any air miles they'd be willing to part with?
I even contemplated the drive, which would suck arse.
At this point I can only apologize to the compassionate
one(s) who handed 'em to me. You know I wanna be there.


That's Row M, dudes & chicks, dead center, check it out.

E me if ya like, esp. Hoops, G & E, Geoff.

Hey Rajah, we gotta add I Got The News to the SD+Mc tour
prospective list. An oft-overlooked song with scathing
lyrics, venomous solos and tricky time signature. I have
a dub of that old WestwoodOne interview of DF/WB for
Aja. They play whole songs or at least segments of every
track except(!) IGTN. Hmm...

Heading over to the GreenRoom...
L-U-V, Keith

Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 20:22:29 ET
Posted by: Ann, Borneo, 30+ degrees C

Hey Alan,

Hope you remembered to take your thermal underwear!!

Donald: Oh yes!!


Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 20:05:09 ET
Posted by: Boston Rag, Bad Album Covers

I'm happy to report - not one SD/DF/WB cover in the bunch....

Mark in Boston

Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 19:31:33 ET
Posted by: gary, cal

I just received my ILAA e-mail for the Temecula show. And I was looking at the photos they took of everyone from past shows.You all look great. But a little pie eyed. Looks like everyone had fun.Some of you even got pictures with Keith.Very cool.

Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 19:20:05 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

LA Kat - I did. Actually this Thurs night at The Cutting Room on 24th Street there is a Songwriters Hall of Fame event, kind of like a "for your consideration" type of thing, among other activities. I wonder if Mac DAvis will have a lobbyist there.

Check the Songwriting Mastery Series, soon to be out on CD:

Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 19:09:38 ET
Posted by: LA Kat, where else

so, no response at all to my post noting that D&W are nominated this year for the Songwriter's Hall of Fame . ? Hmmm. OK How about this then ... "Lexi" has posted a second update on donald's site.

glad everyone or almost everyone seems to be enjoying the shows. My day is coming soon!


Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 19:05:47 ET
Posted by: scoots,


The Minneapolis post is all the way back in yesterday morning's blogs. I realize that it's hard to navigate these days with all the verbiage being tossed about


Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 18:53:29 ET
Posted by: Eric, San Diego, CA

I have two tickets (together) for Donald Fagen available for The Wiltern in Los Angeles on Monday, March 27, 06. The seats are in the Upper Level Mezzanine Section, Row C, Seats 125 and 127. The price I paid for both, including various Ticketmaster fees is $167.40. I am asking $125.00. If interested, please email me at: - Thank you.


Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 18:47:32 ET
Posted by: C Square, East Tennessee

My hubby and I returned from the Chicago show Sunday evening. We'd never been to Chicago, so we treated ourselves to a long weekend there. Had a MARVELOUS time. Chicagoans seem very friendly and proud of their city.

Being a Steely Dan/Donald Fagen fan since 1986, I thought I'd never hear anything from Donald after Gaucho. Then there was "Century's End", NYR&S Revue and Kama. I was in heaven! More musical morsels to enjoy. Even though we in the Dandom have two SD albums and one DF solo to add to our collections, never take Donald for granted.

I, too, was disappointed by the short show Saturday in Chicago, but WE SAW DONALD LIVE!!! - when in 1986 I thought there'd never be such a thing! It was wonderful! I sang along, hooted a few times, but I REALLY tried to rein myself in for the sake of Don-fans in front of me.

It shows how much Donald thinks of us as fans to step out of his comfort zone and give a tour. AND, it seems that he chose venues for their QUALITY, not for their quantity of seats (another nod in our direction - or he probably doesn't want to fool with doing a tour in places with lousy acoustics). The Chicago Theater was lovely, and I'm sure the sound was much better for all of us there as opposed to some basketball arena in town (not knocking the Bulls or any other sports team).

Donald is a MUSICIAN, not a PERFORMER. That was obvious as he shuffled onstage and (later) hugged Howard Levy. Kinda seemed like a graybeard professor or psychiatrist or something before he sat down at the keyboard. Ladies, do you recall how honey-smooth his voice was when he replied, "What?" to one of the hecklers in the crowd? I replay that memory over and over and over...

I wish I had the time and money to see the whole tour. It may never happen again!

It was great meeting everyone at Salvador's - Frank, Scott, Brian, Tall Man in the white SD cap (sorry I forgot your name), and everybody else slammin' Large Margaritas. Jon sold out of his CD's before I got one, but I thanked him for visiting us at the restaurant. Miller's was too crowded for us to stay, but I got A Clothespin before I left! Thanks Scott! It's such a treat to talk to people who enjoy DF and WB as much as I do. Dan- and Don-fans are the best. Thanks, Hoops, for all you do to get and keep us fans together!

I hope to comment on the album soon. You may remember me from the Chicago wing-ding - my favorite song from the new CD is "Mary Shut the Garden Door."

Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 18:40:46 ET
Posted by: Rajah, dipinto di blu

DeeBlu - Yeah, you have less miles than the travelers from the Far East but you do travel against windcurrents.

Maybe you could strap a coupla stacks to rear end of that Fokker 2000 and blast some Toots behind you after take-off to give it that extra boost over the Alantic.

May you all fly like wind to the Steely Don Show.

Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 17:26:29 ET
Posted by: The Bending End, Rhode Island

The short keyboard notes during the chorus in Mary remind me of Morse code, a means of communication that conceivably could be necessary under the circumstances described in the song (e.g. nothing but static on the radio). But I couldn't come up with anything interesting when I attempted to translate it.

Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 17:00:27 ET
Posted by: seth2112, cleveland via nyc and tampa

where are the minneapolis posts?
set lists, audience vibe, sound quality, quirky stories, made up lies and cool facts...what gives minny - whos on the ball -you betcha!

Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 16:44:36 ET


They were doing a little fest for his aniversery!I think he became 83 years young.
I'm dreaming that at the time our boys will be coming at Belgium they will be inviting TOOTs as special guest. THAT WOULD BE SUPER

Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 16:41:33 ET


I received an email from ILAA. They are saying that they are still waiting for more details and hoping to send the final information today. But that's not sure.

RAJAH, you're underestimating the distance between Brussels and LA.Hope to see you there or maybe in Temecula. Be at your best, Pal!

By the way, our national proud, the great TOOTS THIELEMANS was last week at the Carnabery in NY with other greats like Herbie Hancock and Al Jarreau.They were doing a

Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 16:39:55 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Through the years, SD's players, etc have been willing to show up for us (in person as they did Saturday --!!!-- or through the ol' virtual incognito here) and heck, entities like have even been kind enough to give us tactful nods or slip us some things that benefit us all. When people start posting the way to getting questionable copies of DF's records, or make pleas for bootlegs, or just decide the most intelligent way to suggest improvements and opinions is to call a member of Steely Dan a "POS," you pretty much hurt the SD community. Argue you have a right, etc, but you still really hurt us all in the long run.

I'm not saying you can't ask if it's possible to get a recording of something you can't find where you live. I'm not saying you can't criticize or explain your disappointments in a show or recording. I'm not saying you have to pretend there aren't recordings like "Second Arrangement" that have existed. And I sure don't want to know or care what you do in private email. But when you use this forum for some of the bad karmic activities mentioned in the first paragraph, then we all lose. People have a right to post but it needs to be respectful and in a way that is kind. Otherwise, I won't be able to spend all my time, money and effort here. Play nice and truly aspire to be cool with a healthy sense of humility.

Thanks for your cooperation.


Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 15:43:36 ET
Posted by: susie, southland

Hey Alan!! I knew Snowbound would be "your" song today. The Southland would love for him to tour right now!

Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 15:32:12 ET
Posted by: pan-fried, Denver

pretty sure Maxine was perfomed in Minneapolis murph.

Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 15:14:24 ET
Posted by: Joey,

" I bet Donald is thinking twice about this spring touring business.... "

Damn Straight my Dansicle

Here in Omaha , NE we have nine inches of snow on the ground ( albeit melting rapidly this afternoon )

I heard horror stories of up to two feet of friggin snow out in Central Nebraska along the I - 80 corridor .

Developing ......................

Shiver ..............

Jazzy !

Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 15:04:08 ET
Posted by: ygk, nyc

From MSNBC's Glenn Reynolds Blog:

"French university students have been rioting for over more than a week against a new labour bill recently passed by a large majority in parliament: the First Employment Contract (CPE, Contract Premier Embauche). In a country where the street is more powerful than parliament it is highly unlikely that the CPE will ever be enforced. Moreover, it looks like the CPE is going to be Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin's Waterloo."

Can't you hear Walter Becker's band warming up for "my waterloo"?


Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 14:51:59 ET
Posted by: rajah,

Only east of the Rockies.

Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 14:33:49 ET
Posted by: Me, here

This makes perfect sense because Snowbound comes after Springtime.

Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 14:27:01 ET
Posted by: pan-fried, Denver

dear jeepers, they're calling for snow tomorrow too!

c'mon snow, give us a break until Don's outta town!

Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 14:22:53 ET
Posted by: me, here,2777,DRMN_23952_4558910,00.html

Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 14:21:44 ET
Posted by: ygk, nyc

Wouldn't he love to tour the Southland? right about now?

Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 14:17:38 ET
Posted by: Girlfriend, by the crystal ball

I bet Donald is thinking twice about this spring touring business....

Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 14:06:24 ET
Posted by: Rajah, longshot Louie

Lay ya 8 to 5 that they do Snowbound tomorrow night.

Tell me what bar you'll be in, Alan, I'll send over a round.

Kepp your muck-lucks dry, sunshine.

Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 14:02:14 ET
Posted by: alan, Denver

Heads up danheads, tonights show in Denver has been postponed till tomorrow night. Trucks SNOWBOUND !!!!

Tickets for tonight will still be honored for tomorrow night.

Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 14:01:40 ET
Posted by: alan, Denver

Heads up danheads, tonights show in Denver has been postponed till tomorrow night. Trucks SNOWBOUND !!!!

Tickets for tonight will still be honored for tomorrow night.

Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 14:01:23 ET
Posted by: alan, Denver

Heads up danheads, tonights show in Denver has been postponed till tomorrow night. Trucks SNOWBOUND !!!!

Tickets for tonight will still be honored for tomorrow night.

Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 13:41:53 ET
Posted by: S, s

Bundle up Donald. Be Safe Tonite see you and the band in Temecula.

Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 13:38:48 ET
Posted by: SS, HK

Fan yes...not even close to the Alan level though. You're talking near legend there.

Gaming table guru...season ticket holder in the greenroom...and a marsupial pouch full of war stories from the 2003 tour. That staple thing may never be topped. Not by me, anyway.

See you soon Al.

Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 13:27:52 ET
Posted by: Rajah, bon voyage

SS- I guess you beat our Alan this time around for the longest trek, a total of 7,273 miles one way from Hong Kong to Los Angeles.

Now THAT's a Steely Dan fan.

Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 13:25:44 ET
Posted by: pan-fried, Denver

Greetings to all in Dandom.

I’ll be at the Denver show tonite (T-minus nine hours, this is torture!)

Is anyone else out there going? Although there’s not an –official– wingding scheduled, I’m assuming a group will eventually gather at the Paramount Grill or Marlowes…? What are your plans?

I’ll try to post a setlist and review in the morning. Hoping for a Minneapolis-caliber show (or better)!


Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 13:24:56 ET
Posted by: pan-fried, Denver

Greetings to all in Dandom.

I’ll be at the Denver show tonite (T-minus nine hours, this is torture!)

Is anyone else out there going? Although there’s not an –official– wingding scheduled, I’m assuming a group will eventually gather at the Paramount Grill or Marlowes…? What are your plans?

I’ll try to post a setlist and review in the morning. Hoping for a Minneapolis-caliber show (or better)!


Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 13:17:54 ET
Posted by: SS, almost on the runway

Hoops...I'm getting worked up here.

Good news on the trend of improving shows.

If anyone gets to Las Vegas early for the Friday night something here on the Blue and we can try to hook up. I'll be there by Wednesday afternoon.

Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 13:07:56 ET
Posted by: Gretchen, searching for Steely Dan

Here's another little article that may be of interest:,6115,1174478_4_0_,00.html


Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 12:56:34 ET
Posted by: hoops, ended up in minneapolis, but now back in chicago

Thanks for your patience with the spammers, etc, while I made the last minute trek to Minneapolis.

I will write more when I get all caught up but ONE POINT: Pretty much all of the nasty show reviews in the past 60 hours have been from the same two—possibly three—posters, at least one of whom couldn't possibly even been at the shows. IGNORE these fools.

Each show has gotten better and Minneapolis was a PERFECT show. Sorry I couldn't visit more in Chicago—so much in 36 hours and hoping for more.


Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 12:16:22 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Very nice, Deaconblue, I appreciate that, Donald is mixing it up quite bit more than a Steely Dan tour, Donald is giving us his very best effort up there, of this there can be no doubt. I'm certain he's an intensely proud man and sufferes more than any of his fans when he perceives he wasn't absolutely perfect. But who is?

These are the tunes I could handle hearing from Mike McD:

Takin it to the Streets
It Keeps You Runnin
Minute by Minute
What a Fool Believes (thumbs up on the mash-up w/Only a Fool)
Here to Love You
One Step Closer
Real Love
Sweet Freedom

Here's a few that might prompt a cringe or two:

You Belong to Me
Ya Mo Be There
This is It
I Keep Forgettin

Here's a few covers I could handle:

Lonely Teardrops
Knock on Wood
You Are Everything

And here's the McSteely tunes in the mix

Bad Sneakers
Rose Darlin
Everyone's Gone to the Movies
Dr. Wu (last chance for this one)
Chain Lightnin' (fer shur)
Any World
Kid Charlemagne
Peg (a must)
Deacon Blues
Time Out of Mind
Babylon Sisters (is he on this one?)

Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 11:56:33 ET

This is the ranking of the most played songs.


2. WHAT I DO 11 Times



5. I.G.Y. 8 Times

6. SNOWBOUND 7 Times

7. H GANG 6 Times




11. MAXINE 1 Time

Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 11:20:44 ET
Posted by: Prodigal Son,

WOW! This just in from the Michael McDonald camp!

For the SD/MMC tour they will mash What a Fool Believes and Only a Fool Would Say That into one song for the encore.

I can't wait to hear it!

Howard: I always thought you were a god. Please listen to Slang of Ages again. It is brilliant.


Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 10:10:10 ET
Posted by: g, c

Deaconblue-ILAA phone# 1-888 458-8297

Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 10:00:16 ET
Posted by: gary, cal

Deaconblue-I also have not got any e-mail for the 5* VIP Temecula show.If I dont get anything today I will call them tommrow.

Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 09:58:58 ET
Posted by: LadyBayside, biding my time to Vegas...


I did VIP for Beacon..just send an email to ILAA and ask them about the big deal. If you have a confirmation of your order, or an order number or something, mention it in the email, and I am sure they will resend the itinerary. Is it possible that your program saw it as spam? Maybe it got junked accidentally.

The itinerary will just detail what time you need to show up at the venue for soundcheck and 'orientation'..for us at the Beacon, it was 3:45 for an 8pm show, so just budget that kind of time.

Good luck, and I hope to see you after the show at Temecula!


Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 09:58:56 ET
Posted by: Alkali, NYC

THIRDWORLDMAN: I'm sorry for your loss, my Dan friend; you say you're dealing with it. I'm glad to hear that. Yes, I’m very appreciative of my wife (even if she can be a pain in the ass at times, hehe!)And I know that I’m lucky to have her. Thank you.

SHERPA: at first and immediately after "Scam" I essentially felt the same way about the Dan. to the point of feeling betrayed, their music had changed, and it had become cleaner
(If that's possible), less edgy and mellow.
almost "soft-rock-ish".
But, they were evolving.
Because that's what artists do. That style that they had was gone and left alone because they’d moved to their next natural step and there was no other band to continue what they'd started.
No matter, because they'd written enough of the edgy and sharp stuff to last for a while. (At least for me)
It’s interesting how they've always had this balance happening through all of their work; that edgy/sharp stuff paired with beautiful compositions that you could envision someone like Tony Bennet singing.
For example:
CBAT: "Reelin'"/"Brooklyn"
CDTE: "YGT"/"Pearl"
PL: "Monkey"/"Barrytown"
KL: "Throw back"/"Dr.Wu"
RS: "Kid C"/"Caves"
AJA: "Josie"/"Deacon"
Gaucho: "Rival"/"TWM"
TVN: "Jack"/"Shame"
EMG: "GW"/"Things i miss"

I think 2vN is brilliant, far beyond EMG, but we all have our own favorites.
KAMA like you was a disappointment for me.
I also love Morph almost as much as FLY.


Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 09:54:45 ET


I have a ILAA VIP ticket for the Temecula show 3/27.

When i ordered it , they sended an mail saying i will receive an itinerary email 5-7 days before the show with the details about meeting time and place.

This deadline is over and till now i didn't receive anything.
Is there someone with a VIP ticket for Temecula that have received an email from ILAA?

Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 09:41:09 ET
Posted by: dunk, UK

Morph entered UK chart at 35 this week

Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 09:07:49 ET
Posted by: HeyMike, Chicago

LWO was that you with the Stevie Nicks look going? I wasnt sure. Sorry we didnt get to hang--looks like I missed a lot of folks on Lake Street and again at Millers. I really liked Nightfly that night. I am happy to see Fagen anytime. Yes it was short and I would've liked a few more tunes but hey its his gig and he knows what he can do and do well. Always a privilege for me to see 'Don'. What I Do is becoming my fav from MTC. Good to see old friends and make some new ones. With all the stuff on your plate hoops, thanks again for putting it all together. I got my Harrington CD signed-very cool! Keith-watch your mail..

Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 09:03:59 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

Mark - either I didn't know that at all or totally forgot. Interesting. I rarely listen to it. I can't understand why a guy like this isn't in the band.

I nominate Gina for the Best Leaker re: Morph, for her call of the Ken Wessler guitar solo. Blows every other would be leaker off the map.

Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 07:59:53 ET
Posted by: Howard,

Overall impression of the album is that it's quality material. Pagoda, Brite Nitegown and Mona are some of the strongest songs IMHO. No real weak tracks - Security Joan is probably my least favourite, but that's still pretty good. Both EMG and 2VN had at least a track or two that I felt let them down a bit (Cousin Dupree, Blues Beach, Slang of Ages). Morph has strong material throughout.

Haven't quite made my mind up about the final Morph reprise - it didn't seem to add much, but I've only listened a handful of times.

The mistakes and omissions in the liner notes are a bit annoying though - there seem to be quite a lot of them. Drums and bass missed off some tracks, a lot of holes in the guitar credits (some tracks list a single player for "guitar" and one other for "guitar solo", when there are at least two or even three rhythm guitar tracks). Some of the keyboard parts are also uncredited, and it sounds like there could be a flute at the start of Pagoda that also goes uncredited? Oh well.

Don sounds in great voice, especially on the tracks that don't have double-tracked vocals (e.g. Pagoda, What I Do).

Love the vocal harmonies, the multiple guitars, the grooves.


Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 07:41:53 ET
Posted by: The Judge, Above all

Let's face it, this book is full of freakies.
Donald/Walter are genius. Period. Donald is a weird guy, Walter is maybe more sociable, but the important thing is their music. Just enjoy their music and forget about philosophy. No more pressure on the poor Fagen!

Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 07:32:32 ET
Posted by: Donald, Paz y Amor

ANN (Borneo): You got it!

Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 07:09:49 ET
Posted by: Eric, San Diego, CA

I have two tickets (together) for Donald Fagen available for The Wiltern in Los Angeles on March 27, 06. The seats are in the Upper Level Mezzanine Section, Row C, Seats 125 and 127. The price I paid for both, including various Ticketmaster fees is $167.40. I am asking $125.00. If interested, please email me at: - Thank you.


Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 06:48:13 ET
Posted by: Ann, Borneo

Well, after several listenings to MTC, the fave has definitely got to be "What I do" !! Also, the lyrics should be compulsory reading for every male member of the universe!! Must go and take a cold shower.....................


Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 04:03:01 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

And I was so impressed with Wendel III...

Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 02:14:36 ET
Posted by: suedave, absence makes the heart grow fonder, or is does it have something to do with memories?

It's been a couple of weeks since I attended the Beacon show, and now I've got goosebumps just thinking I get to go to two more shows this weekend! I'm feelin' lucky...blackjack here I come. Oh wait, not that lucky.

I'd love to hear that funked up version of H@TWW again - the first time it took me 1/2 the song to catch up with the rhythm but this time I'll be ready for it. Also looking forward to hearing the special touches that we'll only hear on this tour - to Green Flower Street, the Goodbye Look, PL, and Brite Nightgown PLEASE!!! And anything else from the new one.

Any song that DF/WB introduces me to I want to listen to - remember Hank's Pad? Cubano Chant? I'd love to catch Misery & the Blues. I sure hope Donald gets to rest and get taken care of these next few days - he's been working hard!!! Thanks Donald xoxoxo

Anyone who picked up last minute tickets to the LV show meet us @ Gate 13 at the Pink Taco, 5:30.

Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 00:41:37 ET
Posted by: ô, ♫

TWM, try adding a strategically placed "s"...

Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 00:28:03 ET
Posted by: SS, HK

Travelling a long way for three shows...and that's cool. Nothing new on the long haul thing. And even before I saw negative comments here from some people about certain shows, I knew part of what to expect going back to a show I saw in Japan in 2000.

If I wanted to see an amazing live show, to get really blown away...I'd probably choose something else {and often it's unexpected anyway}. I'm coming because of my love for and enduring interest in the music. meet the folks here. Those of my kind.

If I see a fabulous live show, so much the better. I saw a very good show in Japan and never for a second regretted anything about the experience.

Date: Tues, March 21, 2006, 00:17:13 ET
Posted by: Rajah, L.A.

sparky, my extra for Wiltern is in the Mezzanine, 509 Zip, C. Whatever that means.

paul, I sold your to some lucky bastard for a $50 before the show, had another one I had to eat cause Chicago was not sold out and the scalpers were littering State Street. So it goes.

It was a great show, there were a few little miscues here and there, nothing that anyone not as maniacal about this stuff as the Rajah would ever notice or care about. Don struggles some vocally, he has for a while now, he has to plan carefully and pick his spots. He hardly sang anything on Brite Nitegown, I can honestly tell you that much, he supported much more than took the lead and that's just fine, I don't expect him to do a Philip Bailey falsetto live. Jeff and the girls were great.

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 23:55:12 ET
Posted by: thirdworldman, Anthony's Bar and Grill

someone(i forget who ) has posted this link:, several times in the past claiming that at least three shows from the df solo tour can be seen live. this is a dead link, WTF?
anyway, i didnt realize that there was some kind of competition between Beacon show attendees and Chicago show attendees to determine who could complain the most. do you realize how you sound?
donald fagen's first solo tour. an incredible opportunity. i loved the experience. what more do you want? c'mon guys, it doesnt get much better...( sure we could all find fault, pick apart the shows, criticise this and that,but, try to enjoy it!)it's much more enjoyable if take a moment to put everything into perspective, chill and commit yourself to having a good time. just my opinion. paz

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 23:46:15 ET
Posted by: Still Sparkin', almost in transit

I have one extra ticket for the Monday night show at the Wiltern in Los Angeles.

Please e-mail me if you're interested.

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 23:30:04 ET
Posted by: Boston Rag, ,

Nice find Gretchen. Steve Morse is with Deep Purple now?? He did some amazing stuff with Dixie Dreggs in the 70s. I always thought he'd be a good fit for a scorching guitar solo on a Steely Dan album.

Mark in Boston

PS. Hoops thanks for a great Wing Ding Saturday! From offering transportation to information updates to rounding up surprise guests - you are the King!

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 23:15:49 ET
Posted by: Paul, alive and well

Hey everybody, been reading the book all weekend but haven't had a chance to post anything.
Sounds like the majority had a great time in Chicago! I'm very glad, with all the people coming from around the States I didn't want it to turn into another Beacon. So Howard Levy gave Don a "victory hug"? That's simultaneously weird and hilarious at the same time.

After this weekend is over I feel suprisingly well, one nice thing about my faith is that the funerals are actually comforting, and in general the funeral and weekend gave me a certain amount of "closure".
I am sorry to have missed the crowd, but I promise to make it to a danfest during Don's next tour, whenever that is, or whoever he's touring with.

So Rajah, what "lucky SOB" (your words) got my seat? :)

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 23:04:34 ET
Posted by: thirdworldman, ct, near the colt building

alkali, i don't know if you realize just how fortunate you are. i have recently lost my immediate family, and your post hit home hard. i am dealing with it. right now you have all that i used to. i would do anything to be able to share "pagoda" with someone who appreciates it as much as your wife apparently does, you are incredibly lucky, be sure to show her how special she is. its all about family, and friends, do not for one minute take it for granted, because it could quickly slip away. anyway, i'm jealous (and happy for you) enjoy.

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 22:58:32 ET
Posted by: G,

Has anyone seen this?


Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 22:48:46 ET
Posted by: Boston Rag, .

PQ - Bashiri also played on Kamakiriad back in '93. That mystery man with Don, Walt and Bashiri on his website is Roger Nichols. How can he not remember The Immortal???

Mark in Boston

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 22:41:39 ET
Posted by: Gretchen, spontaneous combustion

Chicago's show was fabulous!! I love the show starting off with Green Flower Street, in fact, that was my suggestion way back when we were posting our "dream setlists" before the tour was announced. Could Donald have been heeding my advice? But seriously, although the show was shorter than I would have liked and there was only 1 encore, I enjoyed the whole damn thing. "Mary shut the Garden Door" in particular was beautifully done, it's my favorite track on the album and sounds like an instant Fagen classic. "Misery and the Blues was mesmerizing; it was obvious Donald really loves performing that style of music, ditto for "Viva Rock and Roll." Anyone nit picking about how the maestro's voice was off or this or that line was bungled should have listened more closely, Donald is on his game.
As always, it was great to see my Steely friends again and meet some new ones. I was encouraged by Donald's mention of Walter during the show, referring to him as "my partner." It gave me more hope for a summer tour, and certainly 2 tours in a year would be a dream.
Anyway, see you at the Wiltern and Santa Barbara.
Thanks again for a great show, Donald!


Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 22:24:39 ET
Posted by: Little Wild One, not on State Street

I think you just have to ignore the negativity. Let's face it...some people are just never happy, no matter what.

Great show, great friends-new and old, only wish that the pre and post show party places would have been a bit more cooperative (and that I would have caught up with HeyMike), but other than that, Chicago rocked!

Sorry to hear of your lost wallet, Geoff. I definitely got luckier in that regard.

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 22:20:55 ET
Posted by: tom, .

I can't wait for Las Vegas. Does anyone think it will be a longer show because he'll have had two days off?

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 22:11:39 ET
Posted by: Lew Chang,

South - Isn't it funny that people that never post here all of a sudden come on and say the show sucked? What a bunch of dicks! That show was great and I was REALLY there.

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 21:59:38 ET
Posted by: SouthOfHollywood, Packing...

Oh I'm with you, Dan...Believe it, but there are just sooo many songs from the DF catalogue that I was hoping to hear...I would have gladly traded all of the SD stuff for the solo offerings on this tour, that's all...Hey...Any show's a good show, right?


Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 21:48:34 ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher, Louisville, KY

I personally quite enjoyed the setlist. The Steely Dan songs he did sounded great and I had a great time listening to them and seeing the band get into them (Third World Man with that great harmony guitar solo, Home At Last with Rhodes instead of acoustic piano in the intro, Herington COOKING on FM). I'm not going to get nit-picky about it being a Donald solo show. I thought Mis'ry and the Blues was one of the big highlights of the evening even though it's just a cover tune, for example! I went to the concert to be entertained--and I got just what I wanted. Just not quite enough of it length-wise, but still.

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 21:35:12 ET
Posted by: SouthOfHollywood, Hmmm...


Wow, that's harsh...I'm pretty sure I saw the same show and granted, I could do without hearing FM done live EVER again and I would much prefer that DF would play only DF tunes on this tour (I know I'm not alone on that one...)and closing with a cover is probably not the way I'd choose to end the show BUT...

How can you deny that Teahouse just flat-out cooked, ditto Brite Nitegown?...The Goodbye Look was tremendous as well and Mary Shut The Garden Door is an amazing song, ever better live than on the disc...Levy and/on What I Do...Sucked?...Getting to hear The Nightfly performed live? Sucked? Even Misery and The Blues is a great piece...

We'd all like the shows to be longer, but aren't you glad he's even out there at all? Maybe not, I guess...To each, his own...

It was great to see everyone in Chicago! Hoops, great party prior to the show and Pete, thanks for the special guests...


Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 21:23:39 ET
Posted by: Geoff,


Let us all know next time your playing a gig somewhere so we can come and see how it's done. Can we buy you albums from Amazon or do use a more specialist outlet? I'd like to get familiar with your material before the show. I'm sure it's some deep shit.

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 21:12:47 ET
Posted by: davec1, chicago

hey, the chicago show was phoned in. i dig his solo stuff, dan fan since '73. this show sucked, short set, poor song selection. my coworker" singing my old school" sounded better. venue was great, stage layout immaculate, nice crowd. just did not enjoy the concert. davec1

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 20:15:30 ET
Posted by: SteveeDan, In front of the Wiltern Theater in Los Angeles

Hi Everyone - -

Well, I just found out that one of the tickets that we've purchased for the sold out Donald Fagen Wiltern Theater show in Los Angeles is now up for grabs.

The seat is on the Floor, Section 5, Row W, Seat 515. This ticket including the TicketBastard charges is $108.00. This is face value. This is all I want for the seat - face value.

If any of you would like this seat, or know someone who does, please contact me at my band's e-mail address:

Let me know if this seat is for you.


Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 19:50:41 ET
Posted by: Pat Meths drinker,

Josie, I think you're on to something. It's proof that Steely Dan will Tour in the late summer, and Pat Metheny will be playing with them.

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 19:47:50 ET
Posted by: gary, cal

Rajah- Were you able to find any tickets for Mondays show.

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 19:25:36 ET
Posted by: Josey, St. Simons Island

Pat Metheney - very well then. Carry on! BTW, the scarf looks like it could've been cut from one of the very famous composer/guitarists stage shirts. I'm guessing that was the premise of your inquiry.

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 19:12:44 ET
Posted by: Pat Metheney,


I added the extra E to avoid confusion with a farly well-known guitarist/composer.


Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 18:45:44 ET
Posted by: TP, the afterglow of Morph in Chicago

When we got to the Chicago Theater we sat down in front of an older couple, which is saying something since my wife and I are in our 50's. Anyway it turns out to be Keith Carlock's mom & dad! They had flown in from Nashville TN and reported that Keith had caught a finger in the door in Detroit so he has also been hurting, They told us that Wayne Krantz had a cold and was not himself as well. We had a long visit with them about their son's career with D&W in addition to Sting, Bette Midler & many others. Nice folks.

Saw Pete Fogel get nabbed by security for using what looked like a video camera from his seat in front of us. 2 seconds later he is back closer to the stage this time taking more footage. I hope we all get to see what he shot from the show! I would have guessed that Pete would have the run of the place but maybe he is not an official phtographer on this tour, but he kept his equipement and continued filming? anyway great short show by the Donald who was wonderful as always. It's what He Does!


Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 18:40:47 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

Check it at I think Bash and Keith would cook with gas together!!

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 18:31:04 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Well, Peter, who is Bashiri and what does he do, what might I have heard him play on? Remember, I'm pretty much a contemporary jazz moron after Miles.

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 18:29:36 ET
Posted by: And, There's

a pic of Becker & Fagen with the Bash Man in his pic gallery.

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 18:22:03 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

Yikes! Fuckin A! Bashiri Johnson is on Brite Nitegown! Woo hoo hoo! And on his site under ...has played with...Donald Fagen is listed second! I say - put the "Bash Man" in the live band! Woo hoo! Can't fight the fella!!

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 18:16:35 ET
Posted by: Rajah, night rider in the sky

Soul-Monkey, you probably saw the best side of me, anyway my Magic Carpet was double parked. Catch you next time, bud.

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 18:01:29 ET
Posted by: SoulMonkey, Lou-E-Ville

Ok, I went to the Chicago gig. Great stay in the Silversmith Hotel. Fantastic actually. Located @ 10 S. Wabash. Pre-party at Salvador's.
Asshole waiter and bartender. One couldn't order a beer from the bar if you had already been seated, even though our witer took 15 minutes getting to the parched table. Nice to see Hoops again, meeting Ed and others. Nice to see Ben, and finally meeting the infamous Mr. Fogel. Meeting Jon Herrington was a highlight. The Theater was nice but cramped. Nice crowd, but no Maker's Mark in sight. Travesty. JD just isn't the same when you're in the mood to imbibe. Short set sent me into a light night drunken tizzy. Nice sound, but only one song from Kama. WTF. I guess really does play what he feels. No Pretzel or Snowbound. Our 4 person crowd was disappointed in this although the rest of the show was pretty damn good. BTW, if the guy who arrived 45 minutes late, stodd in front of me looking for his seat durning the xylephone solo in "Look" is reading, shove this up your ass you cock jockey!!!!!! It was like an LA Dodger game in this joint. Couldn't do the post party. Too scared of Marshall law being declared because of the lame-O anti war protesters just down the street. Hovering heliocopters and cops in riot gear were to real for me. The summer tour can't came too soon for me. Maybe this time when I spend $800.00 in a weekend, I'll get more than 14 songs and glimpse of Rajah rushing off through the night air. I meant to introduce myself during dinner, but I was too busy smoking "at least 15 feet away" from the entrance to the Barro. Damn zealots. Funny how freedom is only in the eye of the one legislating.

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 17:56:59 ET
Posted by: I Drove the Chrysler, PA

SHERPA: Re "Mary..." By Jove, I think I've got it--"Scene d' Amour" from Bernard Herrmann's score to Hitchcock's VERTIGO! I threw on the CD selection of that score (BERNARD HERRMANN FILM SCORES, Elmer Bernstein, Royal Philharmonic) right after I listened to "Mary..." and, not only is the main 2-chord motif remarkably similar, it's even in the same key!

All guitarists and, well, any SD fan: On ALIVE IN AMERICA, on several songs, Walter plays a "cat meow" at certain strategic points by hammering on to the chord root in an upper register, with I believe a phase effect. I had never heard that before on any SD recording, but you hear Walter doing it again on the 2vN Jazz-Rock Party video. It's way cool, somewhat sinister, and quintessentially Dan-ian. Was that Morph?

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 17:17:50 ET
Posted by: Expanding Man, here at the Wisconsin world....

Greco, you saw SD twice in Chicago in 2000?

I wonder which concert I missed, the first or the second.


Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 16:47:47 ET
Posted by: Girlfriend, workin' for a living

The weather between the last show and the next show sucks! Stay safe on those buses!

Snowbound...let's sleep in today

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 16:34:17 ET
Posted by: Hebrew Kings, past furry things

Did you evah vork da Borscht Belt? I know I sawr you at Grossman's, like around 1956?

Don't kvit your day-job.

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 16:09:14 ET
Posted by: Declan, memphis

justanotherfreak -- Lionel Hampton.

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 16:07:56 ET
Posted by: Josey, St. Simons Island

Hey Pat, the scarf is just great! What made ya decide to add an extra "E" at the end of your last name? Curiously yours....

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 15:54:20 ET
Posted by: Drew, San Luis Obispo

Gary (or anyone else):
It turns out I have an extra pair of Mezzanine tickets (row M, seats 211-212) to Monday's show if you're interested. They are in the upper balcony (cheapest seats) but I'll part with them at a discount ($75.00 total for the pair originally cost me $120.00).

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 15:53:44 ET
Posted by: Pat Metheney, the off ramp

Hey kids, how do you like Donald's Scarf?


Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 15:53:04 ET
Posted by: Bodacious Cowgirl, L.A.

I have to admit at this point and time that it's real ...... Fagen's music makes me wet.

Anyway, I have 4 star vip tickets for the Wiltern next week ...... should I attempt to upgrade to 5 star ..... or will these be o.k. ? Can't make the soundcheck so I would only consider upgrading for location.

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 15:52:23 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Damn, I only seee four shows, the House of Blues here on Sunset, the Warfiled in SF and 4th & B in San Diego -- all sold out. The Vegas show has tix but it's a school-night. Damn.

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 15:44:01 ET
Posted by: Josey, St. Simons Island

For some slightly non-Dan related info: just saw a blurb about Jeff Beck doing a six date west coast tour with none other than Vinnie Colaiuta (who IS Dan related) handling the drum chair!! The setlist from some of the Japan dates they did included "Manic Depression". Can you imagine?? I've got a disc by Kimo Williams that has Vinnie on it and they also cover Manic Depression and it's just killin! Also has Gary Sinise (yes, the actor) handling bass on at least one of the tunes and also doing some producing. Anyway, Beck with Vinnie! Be still my heart. Also in the lineup are Jason Rebello (Sting's keyboardist), and Pino Palladino on bass. That would just HAVE to be one smokin show!

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 15:36:36 ET
Posted by: Kamkiriad, Bay Area

It was Burt bacharach that said "Always something there to remind me," and I'm certain he wa talking about the Dan. Does anyone agree with the following:

"H Gang" reminds me of "Pixeleen"

"Security Joan" reminds me a little of "Lunch with Gina" but alot of "Cousin Dupree"

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 15:21:03 ET
Posted by: me, here

This guy seems to think Pogoda is the best.

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 14:43:20 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

I have a call into Steve, I'll let you know.

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 14:42:10 ET
Posted by: Gary, Cal

Rajah - Thanks I think the show is sold out.This is short notice my wife just called about being off.So 2 seats together would be great if you know anyone. Have to run will e-mail you later.

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 14:31:31 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

I have an extra for the Wiltern on the 27th, Gary, I believe it might be sold out. I think our SteveeDan also might have an extra or two. Email me later.

Now that I've seen Don twice, I really believe it's all he can do to give us 1:45. Sure I was pissed off at first but just physically and emotionally, I get the impression it's all he can handle. He needs Walter to lean on the road at soundcheck, with the arrangments, handling the players, just the bandleader thing.

Touring with McDonald opening for 75 minutes at 7:30 PM and then having he and Walter joining and supporting after a 20 minute break would be the PERFECT solution to all this. Don comes on after 9 PM, you could have your three hour show doing a whole bunch of McSteely tunes, a couple of Walter's, a few from the trilogy.

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 14:28:41 ET
Posted by: just another freak, sxsowhat

Tom from Texas, I don't know why you would brag about being a republican these days. In five years republicans have just about managed to ruin this country. Besides that, are there any great musicians who are republicans?

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 14:14:39 ET
Posted by: Gary, Calif

I have VIP tickets for Temecula.My wife took a day off next week on tuesday.If anyone cant make Monday 27 show please post it.Imight want to buy them. Thanks

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 14:11:18 ET
Posted by: DJ, Shy-town

It is remarkable he's touring, speaking his mind, making great albums, and so forth. Hey it's a brief...tight show, "It's what he does" and he's never made any bones about it. Would I like to see an 18-20 song show where he addresses how cool the crowd is and inparticular comments on my shirt and tie...yes but that ain't happening.

The billboard read "An Evening with Donald Fagen" It should have read "A movie length venture into the Groove zone"

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 13:56:22 ET
Posted by: NYB,

" Donald could have just put out the album and not toured at all." (Fife)

That's very true Fife. Actually, that's all ANYONE expected him to do. The fact that he's doing a short tour in support of the cd is something nobody could've predicted and came as a shock to many of his fans. When you think of the intimate venues that are being played it's a pretty amazing thing.

From a personal standpoint, I'm a bit envious of you all. I had front row seats for the Westbury show but wasn't feeling well and wan't able to make it. That's right, I wasn't there. It was a last minute decision and I just wasn't up to it. That's the reason why I never gave a review of the Westbury show, I wasn't there. So to sit here and read all the gripes from those who've had the opportunity to see Fagen up close and personal is a little hard to take. So the show was only an hour and a half long, so what! You still got to see the man perform for an hour and a half didn't you? That's something that NOBODY has ever seen before! Sure Donald did the NYR&S thing way back when, but he wasn't SOLO. This is the first SOLO tour Donald Fagen has EVER done in his life, and you're there to see it all. Just think about that before you start bitching over show length and mixed up lyrics again okay?

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 13:52:41 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Yeah, those are good, A, but my favorite is still "testa di culo," or "head made of ass."

But "sonato," is literally "out of tune," "off-key," or "sour." It's a musical term which became a euphomism for someone who always says the wrong thing in the wrong way.


Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 13:25:31 ET
Posted by: Alkali, NYC

My wife and I drove up to Connecticut this weekend to see my parents.
Of course the third member in our SUV was young Morph the cat, I just had a Bang and Olufson sound system installed with, count them, 14 speakers!
The sound quality is fantastic.
I’m beginning to love this CD. even “Brite” which I wasn’t too impressed with initially,
is growing on me, it’s such a jumpy groove that really creeps up on you when you’re not looking.
Once, on Saturday in between courses and saying hello to drop by neighbors at my parents, I excused myself and ran over to sit and give it a quick listen.
I kinda hear it as a bridge between ‘Fly’ and ‘Kama’, the sound not the message.
Its high energy like ‘Fly’ and yet closer to ‘Kama’ in complexity.
While I took this ear candy detour from the family, I noticed for the first time what sounded like Fagen saying “fuck” towards the end, is this true?
Sorry if it’s already been posted.
Anyway, a lot of my father’s family came by the house which invariably means Italian card games, Vino and of course food and profanity flying everywhere.
At one point you could hear my brother calling my cousin a ‘Rimbambito’ from clear across the room and almost immediately my cousin countering with ‘stonato’. These two words are deceiving to non-Italians because both of them look and sound innocent, poetic even; they’re anything but that, in essence they mean:
‘Drunken-bum’ and ‘stoned-clueless’, respectively.
My brother and cousin ended up spilling out onto the front porch in a wrestling match.
Ah yes, just another typical day in the life of my family.
Driving back to Manhattan town late last night my wife searches the CD player until she gets to “The great pagoda of funn”; we’d been talking up to this point so we didn’t have any music on at all.
Suddenly dead silence except for “Pagoda” it surrounded us like a warm blanket of sound.
I come to a stop light and look over at my wife who has her head back against the seat shaking her head slowly back and forth to the music with her eyes closed, she brings the palms of her hands up to her eyes and with a trembling voice peeks from behind her hands and says “this is such a beautifully sad song”, I didn’t say a word but rather nodded in agreement.
As soon as the song ended she quickly hit the repeat button.
You see, the brilliance of this album is that it takes you from dark humor to sad tragedy virtually undetectably, all below the radar.
And those haunting melodies, like the one on “What I do” with that lazy organ keeps coming back to you, echoing long after you’ve heard it.
Where “Fly” came straight on a V line for your ears, “Kama” snaked around until it settled into your cerebral cortex, “Morph” seeps like smoke through you pores and wedges itself between your brains hemispheres and refuses to leave.
It’s narcotic.


Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 13:20:07 ET
Posted by: ., .

Kid Clean - Thank you

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 13:16:07 ET
Posted by: Fife, Baltimore, eh

Boy some of you have got to lighten up! Donald could have just put out the album and not toured at all. He's 58 for god's sake and if he has a few off nights, and don't we all in our chosen professions, well so be it. As my mother would say, if you haven't anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all! What do you want to do drive him away so he doesn't tour again. Now that my friends would be a terrible shame considering that these venues not only let us have a glimpse of the man himself but also let us meet and greet those of our kind.
On to better things. I'm loving reading all these interviews that he's doing. Mind you there seems to be some conflicting information but I guess that's more of the writer then perhaps Donald. I really enjoyed the Entertaiment Weekly interview and photos and I found this interview with The Independent in my mail box this morning. Another good read.

You see it's got the word enjoyment in the title. Something I got from both shows I saw.

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 13:15:25 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Try a colonoscopy sometime. Almost as painful as a recent guest appearance at the Donald Fagen Band show. Ouch...who said dat?

Howard Levy lifted the whole show up on Saturday. And not from behind, 2-3. The hug he gave Don was very funny, Don's face ended up in Levy's armpit. Donald isn't much a of a hugger and kisser I gather. Don should meet Aunt Pia, she'd place his head between her massive mammaries and squeeze. I haven't been able to hear properly out of my left ear since '65, I keep hearing the ocean.

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 13:09:27 ET
Posted by: Kid Clean, @work

s - there have been numerous posts about the soundcheck. First night they all sat up front and Don left after two songs. 2nd night they sat back by the soundboard and he played for almost 1 1/2 hours. In Cleveland we were back by the board and got an hour and a few minutes.
There was in fact no option of sitting up closer for us. I'm sure that many of the 80+ at Chicago were fine upstanding Danizens but I would guess (because I wasn't there) that if there were some, lets say, people who don't take direction well, and they pushed up to the front and got Don out of sorts, that may well be why the show was a little short as well as only 15 minutes during soundcheck. So, the moral of this story is: be courteous and sit in the back like a fly on the wall and it'll pay off.


Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 13:04:50 ET
Posted by: ., .

That cancer talk on msnbc talks out of both sides of his cheeks

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 12:58:40 ET
Posted by: NYB,

Wow DJ...
I just came back from having one of those barrium cat scan things where you have to drink this chalky barrium stuff and they scan your abdomen with a flouroscope. One of the things they're looking for is... colon cancer. All I can say is, I hope I don't have "cancer of the ass".

I happen to know that America has cancer of the ass though. As a matter of fact I'm watching that cancer give a speech on MSNBC right now...

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 12:28:45 ET
Posted by: DJ, Shy-town

First off, it was really cool to finally met some fellow bluebookers: LWO, ed beatty, Danfiend! I think boston rag too, but my memory was fuzzy from Champagne. My girl and I got to briefly chat with hoops a bit before the show and say hey to Pete. We did the 4 star seats and had nice seats down front to the left of the Danfiend's row.

The show was brief 14 as recorded earlier and who really cares if it was 1:45 or 1:21 in length...the fact is it seemed short. And the fact remains that is all Don is giving. He seemed at times uncomfortable up there. I think having Walter around keeps him a little looser but he's always been a reluctant type.

The band was on I thought I might lose my mind on the run of the first five songs. Teahouse and Bright Nitegown were my highlights of the show for sure.

I like the Viva Rock and Roll encore but certainly needed the Pretzel Logic lead in for it to be complete, it just came off cold by itself. Some heated fans were talking and asking me what I thought then suggested Don is sick as in colon cancer. I calming said "you're do you deduct from a one tune encore that someone has cancer of the ass?" I guess the guy was pretty pissed sorry if that was anyone here but I was surly and in no mood for speculation as such.

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 12:16:56 ET
Posted by: s, s

What the Hell happened in chicago? Donald only staying 15 min for sound check.Is this what we have to look foward to in Temecula? I thought this VIP thing was part his idea.

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 12:15:39 ET
Posted by: Bob,

It's just the fish bitch, Paul.

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 12:09:13 ET
Posted by: NYB, we'll build a world together...

I'm sorry but Great Pagoda Of Funn is the finest song since the Gaucho LP.

This song trumps every other effort since then, including everything on Nightfly. This song is so good it almost seems like it was one of those lost outtakes from the Katy Lied/AJA/Gaucho sessions. It's every bit as good as The Second Arrangement. It's CLASSIC Post-Pretzel Logic Steely Dan. It does what every other classic Steely Dan song does, it keeps you suspended in a dream from beginning to end. The instrumental are exquisite, the vocals are superb. It's everything I hoped Donald Fagen was still capable of, and he still is...

Nice work Donald. I'd give ya a big hug bit I know how you feel about that kinda thing.

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 12:06:32 ET
Posted by: Paul,

I don't know what show you were at but Chicago was phenominal. Off time? When?

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 12:04:19 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

Well well well! In that interview Daddy G was kind enough to link, Don talks about Thomas Berger, surprise surprise! I've often wondered which Thomas Berger novel must be Don and Walt's fave. Neighbors, which was made into an awful movie with Belushi & Ackroyd, is like burst out laughing funny.

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 11:52:11 ET
Posted by: Lonely at the 40th floor, I would do it too



SHARE YOUR "RHYMES" (The forgotten 10th track)

See TJ post with iTunes instructions.


Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 11:26:14 ET
Posted by: Rajah, L.A.

I sent The Chicago reviewer this email:

"Greetings Mr. Conner and thank you for your review of the Donald Fagen Band last Saturday night. Couple of points though, Donald doesn't do "requests," the person who shouted out 'Third World Man' had been to previous shows on this tour and knew where that tune fell in the setlist

And Wayne Krantz does indeed stray from the melody. He's a jazz improvisationalist of the first order. That's not clumsiness you're witnessing on the fingerboard, it's unique, inventive, risky and daring voicings. Perhaps to say it was a bit outside your own personal aural comfort zone, dear reviewer, would have been a more accurate and honest coment."

SHERPA - Mary and It Ain't Over by Kravitz? Maybe a little similarity in the sychopation of the rhythm, maybe when the bass player drops out and the drummer is left alone to carry things but other than that, I don't hear it.

Mis'ry and the Blues on Saturday - someone said Michael got lost in the solo? See my comment to the Chicago review hereinabove. Free your mind, brotha.

GRECO - After struggling mightily with some things about the Beacon show, I really tend to think Donald gives us as much as he can possibly give us every night. He knows his limitations, something that's necessary as you get older. The pipes are barking, I will not deny, and the rigors of 20 shows in 31 days is no cake walk for anyone let alone someone who sometimes appears as fragile and painfully introverted as the Donald. One gets the impression he doesn't like being observed and scrutinized which, I realize, is odd for a performer but...that's him, no one is evry gonna change it. All we can possibly do is try to appreciate him in a live setting for what he is. Or not.

Great times with the folks Saturday in Chicago before and after, God can this crew party. I am especially heartened by the younger people among us, you guys are all really very discerning and engaging. Strange to say but as I get older, I'm finding a lot of young people just as set in their ways and deadly dull and borish as some folks my age and older. My compliments to all our young Steely Dan fans. Here's looking at you, kids...

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 11:23:03 ET
Posted by: Flipkid, Blue State

Geez, GRECO, at least you got to hear Teahouse and Brite Nightgown; as much as I enjoyed the Washington DC show, I didn't get to hear them!

I think we just have to accept the fact that every tour stop gets a different "show." I think that's great! Like rolling the dice... you're not sure what you're going to get. (But Donald being Donald, you know its going to be good.)

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 11:13:24 ET
Posted by: MORPHEUS, I would do it too

People from United States, listen to TJ, he has the truth... it's easy and was a good thing.
Have in mind the European Tour, we'll be your ears and eyes there.

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 11:13:08 ET
Posted by: Daddy G., NJ

Not that long, but an interesting Q&A with DF...

By Ben Williams

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 10:53:12 ET
Posted by: scoots, minneapolis

The Minneapolis setlist:

Green Flower Street
New Frontier
Teahouse on the Tracks
Home at Last
Black Cow
Maxine (with the Steele Singers on vocals)
Goodbye Look
Third World Man
Mary Shut the Garden Door
Blues in the Morning (? - a cover of a 50's, 60's song, I do not recall the composer)
Brite Nite Gown
Pretzel Logic

Viva Viva Rock and Roll

Overall a wonderful show! My highlight had to be Maxine - the Steele Singers are a Minneapolis-based gospel quartet who have toured the country performing "The Gospel at Colonus." Donald had connected with them in NYC during a performance and evidently asked them to join him on stage for a beautiful 4-part harmony rendition of Maxine -one that will not likely be repeated on Donald's current tour. (The Steele Singers provided all vocals with Donald and his band providing instrumentation only.) While Donald was upbeat throughout the show, he absolutely beamed during this number, as if he thought "now THIS is how I envisioned the song."

Interesting setlist in that 5 songs were from Nightfly (yet did not include the ever-popular "IGY"), only 2 were from Morph - and the first one ("Mary Shut the Garden Door") did not occur until song 10 of the 16 song set. (The inclusion of Maxine probably bumped H Gang off the setlist.)

A word to the wise for VIP attendees at upcoming shows:
While I did not participate in the VIP opportunity (and now regret it), I met some guys in a bar afterwards who did (there were only 8 at the Minneapolis show) and they offer the following. The soundcheck lasted nearly 2 hours (which included three performances of Maxine with everyone, including Donald). A stage manager encouraged the VIP attendees to sit near the back to allow Donald to "do his thing" during the soundcheck and Donald hung around for nearly 60 minutes, even playing a few covers not found in any of his shows. Evidently Donald gets rather anxious during soundchecks and the added pressure of a bunch of people sitting in the front row looking for some sort of "performance" will cause him to cut his presence at this session significantly. According to the manager there were nearly 90 VIP attendees in Chicago who insisted on sitting in the first few rows during the soundcheck and Donald left after 15 minutes.

Finally, a big thanks to fellow Dan Fans Steve and Rich who drove up from Arkansas for the show. Their hospitality before and after the show was much appreciated.

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 10:03:03 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC Come on Donald!!! Get the 'Bash Man' in the band!

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 09:59:20 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

Whoa! Bashiri Johnson is on Brite Nitegown!? Don, finally gettin down with the get down!!!!! Now let's get him in the touring band LOL!!!!

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 09:20:08 ET
Posted by: s, s

Any chance Donald still might be feeling bad ?

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 09:18:27 ET
Posted by: HouDanFan, Houston are certainly entitled to your opinion on the show. I agree it was short, but that's what you get with DF and I knew that prior to purchasing the tickets. You'll never get lots of personality from him either, that's just not the way he is. Is he a he a gifted musician/songwriter...yes. I'll take the later with no problem.

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 09:15:04 ET
Posted by: Greg Moonspank, White Plains

I'm with the folks who are annoyed at how short the shows are. If a drunk like Billy Joel can go out and do a three-hour set. . .

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 08:54:29 ET
Posted by: Me, here

Chicago concert review

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 08:42:55 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu,

Tom Lehrer - now we're talkin'

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 08:27:12 ET
Posted by: back2bass6, lawn guyland


can you believe CHRONAX?

god, i love this album

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 07:57:25 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

I found this by of the day baby!!!


Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 07:43:55 ET
Posted by: Lonely at the 40th floor, Feelin' hungry




(I can't get it and I can't stand it)


Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 06:09:41 ET
Posted by: Newark, Rt. 895 Shortcut

Band Shopping List: (Smile)

Ammonia Caps
Pop-up Redwood hot tub
Snowball making machine
"Weapon Choosing for Dummies"
Asynchronization machine
Lead awning
Two dozen MRE’s
Computer button sewing kit
Box of Godiva chocolates
Foot extractor
Recycle-able reeds
Propeller beanies for sound men
Copy of Bat Dance
Nitro-packs (of icecream, silly)
Crystal ball (at the disco, of course)
Juicy Juice Ampoule

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 05:06:21 ET
Posted by: Newark, Newark, MD

TJ: Lovely--ugh, just let me plug my cellphone into my laptop and get busy on that. hugs.

Fk-ups: Kudos to your keen powers of perception. No solutions, egh? It's lovely hearing fks dyin in past tense; your trifling is ephemeral, thank heavens. Bet you fks won't drop a dime in the Salvation Army bucket.

Gads, I need to call someone. What ever happened to Maxine? Why such an affinity for phones?

Hoops: Last time I clicked on NOW at the Temecula show, there is not a connection at Ticketmaster--show must be canceled? Also, Hoops: After being Morphed, Stupid Man said he listened to Guy Clark and Protégé said he listened to Beck.

Brutus/Mu/NYB, etc: Kudos to keen powers of perception. I think of Queen, national treasure of England. It’s funny seeing the queen getting down when they play. You know, all the love in the world couldn't keep Freddie around. Gads the offer$ Mercury turned down to play with the boys. Think about Queen's first song on their first album--was it "Keep Yourself Alive."

Kudos to ice fishing and Keillor—God speed. I am evoked on this cold night to share words from my homeys, whom I missed this weekend, due to circumstances beyond my control:

First: If I had my wish, I'd get the boys and girls a bucket of chicken and a hotel room at the Best Western Oak Ridge Lodge, Pagosa Springs Colorado. Then I”d get their butts over to Topanga Canyon. Geez.
Second: The late great Leland Starnes, theatre professor extraordinare, taught his students to change emphasis when repeating a line. He also said the bargain starts once you enter the theatre.
Third: Hot lights and two-hour standing don’t mix—get some fucking saw horses for each standing member in my band--next thing you know, these treasures will be falling out on stage.
Fourth: Hearts and Hugs to Paul.
Fifth: Sometimes you gotta break the pattern—whoever you are, whereever you are.

Gads, I hope I can leave the world a better place when I go. Newark

Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 04:49:04 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

In a Danish revies it says:

The most beautiful bonus is the inspiration from Astor Piazzolas "tango nuevo" in 'Mary Shut the Garden Door'.


Date: Mon, March 20, 2006, 02:41:09 ET
Posted by: iowaboy, PG

Chicago show was terrific... and as some have said it was a song or two short of other shows. Didn't we hear that DF had gotten sick or something and had to postpone the Boston show 10 days ago? He sounded like he was losing gas by the end, getting horse a bit, and started missing notes a bit... rewrote a few melodies on second and third choruses after trying to do the original the first time around. Not picking on, I was feeling for him. Actually the turning point seemed to be Blues and Misery, when the trumpet solo just didn't go anywhere... and even the Sax thing was kind of uninspired... After EVERYTHING else being so incredible... it was too bad.... But they DID recover well for FM which was too too too cool!!!! I have to admit I missed the bigger horn section from the 03 tour.... and it was amazing to have both Krantz and Herrington there... and they can both BURN.... I kind of missed Walter's more controlled sort of stuff... it's a reeeeaaallll overused word...but I guess i gotta described Walter's playing in 03 (went to the San Diego show) was "tasty" ok... I said it... it was!!! Which contrasted well with Herrington tearing it up... Saturday in Chicago... (I know it sounds like I'm complaining doesn't it???) But Krantz and Herrington was ALMOST too much of a good thing... but I'll take it! They were both fabulous..... See everybody in San Diego on the 30th....

Date: Sun, March 19, 2006, 22:03:49 ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher, Louisville, KY

First, let me say the Chicago show was great. However, the biggest letdown for me was my own stupidity. I planned on meeting you all at Salvador's before the show, but as my buddy was looking for a place to park, I realized I forgot my show ticket!!! We had to turn around and go back to the hotel--by the time we got back, it was only a few minutes until showtime, so I just went ahead and had him drop me off at the theater.

As some people have posted, it was a fairly short show, unfortunately. That was the second biggest disappointment of the night for me. Only 14 songs, around 1 hour and 45 minutes including the downtime before the encore. Donald skipped right over the Pretzel Logic page in his songbook sitting on his Rhodes without thinking twice and said to the crowd "I wanna play something fast." Double entendre there, Donald?

But the pluses FAR outweighed the negatives for me. The sound in this venue, despite sitting in the cheap seats, was absolutely great I thought. The band sounded as good as I've ever heard them sound live; they were very tight, very few miscues, and the solos were spectacular. Plus, the people I sat near didn't talk, sing loudly, clap loudly, and shout during the music at all--always a plus!!

And THE highlight of the night was Howard Levy showing up completely unexpectedly to shine on the blues harp on What I Do. Spectacular soloing and not to mention the suprise factor was a real treat. His awkward hug with Donald at the end was hilarious too.

Green Flower Street, even with the fumbled lyrics, was a great opener. The Nightfly sounded sharp, very tight. New Frontier was pretty good, Teahouse on the Tracks was better than I expected (especially that ad libbed ending by Cindy Mizelle). Brite Nightgown absolutely cooked! Killer tune live. Home At Last was as gorgeous as I've ever heard it (the Rhodes intro!!). Black Cow was solid as always. The Goodbye Look's guitar/Rhodes duel outro was great. Third World Man showed off Carlock's drumming and that GREAT harmony on the guitar solo between Herington and Krantz was incredible. Mary Shut The Garden Door transferred over live surprisingly well. As I said before, What I Do was THE highlight of the evening for me--I didn't expect the great Howard Levy to show up, and man did he ever take it up a notch!! Mis'ry and the Blues is a spectacular song. It was an excellent choice for a cover tune in my opinion. FM sounded solid; Herington shined on the guitar. I was surprised at how good Viva Rock and Roll sounded--Donald seemed to be having fun on that tune!

Setlist - March 18th, Chicago
1) Green Flower Street
2) The Nightfly
3) New Frontier
4) Teahouse on the Tracks
5) Brite Nightgown
6) Home At Last
7) Black Cow
8) The Goodbye Look
9) Third World Man
10) Mary Shut The Garden Door
11) What I Do (with special guest Howard Levy)
12) Mis'ry and the Blues
13) FM

14) Viva Rock and Roll

Date: Sun, March 19, 2006, 21:34:10 ET
Posted by: Geoff, Houston

Hey Steve,

here's a few more tech bits.

Generally Jon was laying down the basic harmony, and Wayne was adding all kinds of extensions and wierd voicings over the top. One fairly normal looking chord he used a couple of times in different songs and in different positions was something like xx8762. Jon would be in a totally differnt place at the time. Next time I'll pay more attention to what the songs were and what Jon was doing. It may have even been a xx8761, he had his first finger absolutely stratched to the max barely getting north of the fret. He'd also often play two or three voicings to Jon's one. On Brite Nightgown he was going absolutely bezerk, over Jon who was laynig down the basic riff. Not that I'm trying to rate these guys against eack other they just have a very different approach, and obviously they got different roles. The combined effect was sensational. Join absolutely tore it up on his solos, the audience loved it, and he was having a great time. Both of them played flawlessly.

During the Q&A, Jon And Wayne said that Donald gave them keyboard demos of roughtly what his expectations were for the guitar parts. Freddie also said he more or less got the entire bass parts, but he was encouraged to

There's so many strange guitar sounds on MTC, (Maybe that started with the Negative Girl 'Growl'?) I'd really like to ask Jon and Wayne how those ideas are selected. Maybe next time.

Date: Sun, March 19, 2006, 21:31:55 ET
Posted by: Tom Hayes, San Diego, Ca

FS:2 Donald Fagen tickets @ Pechanga Row C, Center, Orchestra on 3/25/2006

Looks like a very SMALL venue, 1200 seats. I think this is as intimate as a Fagen/Becker/Steely Dan concert can get.

Ticket Details: Center Section, Row C, Seats 105-106. (I'll be in 107, with Mom in 108.)
These tickets hsould be right next to Ed.

Should be about 30-40 feet away from performers! (See seating chart at:

Cost: $180 dollars total (90 a ticket.) That's exactly the price I paid for them and the price on the face of the ticket.

I'd prefer to meet you at the theater and give out the tickets there, but I will ship. You are responsible for all shipping costs. USPS Express mail (overnight in most cases) is $14.40 and will arrive at your location in one or two business days.

If you pay with Paypal you will not receive the three percent cash discount shown above and the price will be $186 dollars if we meet, or $202 with USPS Express mail delivery.

Pechanga is about 60 miles from downtown San Diego and 94 miles from Hollywood at: 45000 Pechanga Pky , Temecula, CA 92592 . Here's a link to the Google Map location where you can get driving directions:,+temecula

If interested let me know and if you include a phone number I can call you to work out the details.
My old username was: handletom

Date: Sun, March 19, 2006, 20:27:32 ET
Posted by: Kid Clean, ?

We got about a twenty minute Q & A with Freddy Washington at the Cleveland soundcheck.


Date: Sun, March 19, 2006, 19:32:31 ET
Posted by: thirdworldman, Doug Mc, Ct. USA

curious, did any of the five star ILAA packages prior to the Boston show(3/11) get face time with band members? is this something new?

Date: Sun, March 19, 2006, 19:06:05 ET
Posted by: Lyrics Police, back from chitown

In Chicago DF sang

"Since May there's trouble,
Out in the street."

Guess if it was the first or 2nd verse.

It's a distraction when he gets the verses mixed up, and I can tell it throws the girls for a loop. He did it on Snowbound in Philly and i remember it happening on Kid Charlemagne a few years ago.

Date: Sun, March 19, 2006, 17:19:16 ET
Posted by: thirdworldman, home from the parade in mystic

the two are very distant cousins, in different keys and disimilar in composition, other than that, oh yeah exactly the same. :)

Date: Sun, March 19, 2006, 16:47:43 ET
Posted by: bwaySteve, end the war in Times Sq today

That was great Geoff.Love the tech stuff. Please more on Jon and Wayne.

Date: Sun, March 19, 2006, 16:04:14 ET
Posted by: SHERPA, Direct from Lhasa

"Mary Shut the Garden Door", the hook,--something struck me as oddly familiar about it. I'd say old DF has nailed (unwittingly, of course) Lenny Kravitz' "It Ain't Over Til It's Over" pretty good? No?? Rajah? Hoops? Thirdworld? Anybody??

Date: Sun, March 19, 2006, 15:44:10 ET
Posted by: Geoff, ORD gate 14

The five star package is worth it just for the seat. Everything else was a bonus. Apart from the two wankers sat next to me who talked about the new BMW and ficticious real estate deals the soundcheck was a treat and an honor. They played about four songs, including a shorter version of What I Do with Howard Levy. Donald was running through the changes for the ending - "Dm7, B, Bb then it goes chromatic". Drool!. They also did Teahouse and Maxine - the Jeff Young intro was splendid, but the singers (except Jeff?) seemed to miss the vocal cue (most of the song was done in 4 vocal parts). And Donald stopped singing after a while and at the end said something like “we’re getting there”.

After the Soundcheck Jon, Wayne, Freddie, Jeff, Carolyn Cindy and Michael came down to answer questions, (mostly good ones) then hung out for a while for photos and chit-chat.

At the show I was directly in front of Jon and Wayne, And could see everything that they were doing. After the sound check someone asked Jon if he has anything written down, and He said no, and that he feels freer if he has everything memorized. Wayne was referring whatever was on his music stand all the time. As a result, I thought that Jon tended to stick to pretty normal (albeit advanced) shapes and voicings, whereas Wayne was playing much more obscure looking shapes, almost as if he was inventing new voicings as he went.

I don’t think KC used that earpiece to set the tempo the way he did in 2003, but I couldn’t see too well. New guys Freddie Washington and Jeff Young were great.

Howard levy was late arriving for his spot on What I do, and the message took a couple of songs to make it's way to Donald. Presumably the set list order was changed to accommodate him and it seemed to unnerve DF slightly – maybe that’s why the cut the encore to one song.

Highlights - Brite Nightgown, I get it now. Teahouse, with Cindy's improv, Mary shut the garden door. The sound was the best I've ever heard, except that down at the front you could hear any annoying echo of the snare drum, but with all the other amazing stuff going on on the stage I forgot about it after a while.

Great to meet Girl Margaret, Michael & wife (Sharon? thanks for the scotch whiskey), Annie, Mike (Ted Baker's cousin) Mrs Matt’s.

As always great to see Jude, Pete, Shari, Ed, Alan, Joe, Martha Oleander, Rajah, Gretchen, Gail, Matt, Bil and Mark from Boston, local girl Toya, and the local boys - Dale, Jim Chris C, Chris E, Tony, Keith, Noah. Were Q and Debbie there somewhere? See you next time?

Thanks Keith for the freakin' airport pick-up.

And special thanks to Scott and Julie, who were sat next to me at the show and bailed me out in Miller's after I lost my Wallet. Please e-mail me if you see this - I think I lost Julie's card. I will track you down anyway.

And that twat who shouted "Tell Fagen he's lazy" to one of the crew after the show - go forth and multiply.

See you in Denver


Date: Sun, March 19, 2006, 15:25:06 ET
Posted by: fozzy88, Under the Banyan Trees

Go to Lost Wages? Guess there wasn't much of a demand for the All Access packages for the show at The Joint in Las Vegas. Some great seats came up in the Gold section and are still available via sTicketmaster as of this morning. See you there!

Date: Sun, March 19, 2006, 15:12:42 ET
Posted by: Flipkid, Blue State

"Christmas without the chintzy stuff..."

I don't know exactly why, but I LOVE that line.

Date: Sun, March 19, 2006, 14:37:46 ET
Posted by: Boston Rag, back in Beantown

Great show in Chi Town and great people..more thoughts later.

In my mailbox was the latest Entertainment Weekly which features a superb article on Fagen. If you're like me and read the articles and say to yourself, "yeah, tell us something we don't know". Well this article is chock full of great tidbits. Such as, the cops arrested and shaved Don's head while he was at Bard! Rikki is actually Rikki Ducornet, an artist and writer who was the wife of a faculty member at Bard. Seems Don had a crush on her. Amazing article. The best I've read in a while! Check it out.

Mark in Boston

Date: Sun, March 19, 2006, 13:57:24 ET
Posted by: Greg Moonspank, White Plains, NY

Yes, the guitar solo on the MTC Reprise sounds a lot like Walter. Is the guitarist listed another phony name?

Date: Sun, March 19, 2006, 13:54:05 ET
Posted by: NYB,


Some of these guitar solo's sound TOO MUCH like Walter Becker not to be... well, Walter Becker. Is it possible that Walter actually DID contribute a few things to this album but just isn't listed in the credits?

That solo on Pagoda just sounds too much like Becker for it not to be him.

Date: Sun, March 19, 2006, 13:15:43 ET
Posted by: Paul Friedman, Hoffman Estates Ill.

A spectacular show. A spectacular time. One highlight was Howard Levy on What I Do. Greenflower was the perfect opener. Another highlight was the Dan Fest. Jon Herrington and Jeff Young came to the Dan Fest and autographed CDs for us and posed with us for pictures. These players are so talented and they still make time for us little fans. Hats off to Jeff, Jon and Morph the Cat!!!!!!


Date: Sun, March 19, 2006, 12:55:29 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

And the best version of Night by Night nobody hear ever heard is by Ana Popovic

Date: Sun, March 19, 2006, 12:51:26 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

Saisse's Do It Again is 4 months old I believe. CD 101.9 has been playing it for at least that long. Bill Cunliffe also has a version of it on his last album, very Latin version, and the jazz guitarist Justin Morrell release an entire album of SD songs in the last few months, though if you don't like improvised jazz you won't like it.

Date: Sun, March 19, 2006, 12:45:04 ET
Posted by: John, NYC

another cover of Do it again has just been released"

Do It Again - Philippe Saisse (from the CD "The Body and Soul") - Rendezvous Records - 2006

You can hear it at under current playlist. It is an mp3 download of about 30 sec's. Kinda boring. or at

Date: Sun, March 19, 2006, 12:37:23 ET
Posted by: John, NYC

Fagen debuted at number #1 on this chart

Date: Sun, March 19, 2006, 12:05:19 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu,

Nice interview on the UK Telegraph:

Date: Sun, March 19, 2006, 10:59:27 ET
Posted by: Napoleon, UK

Forgot to mention that, ages ago, I was listening to a late night news article on the radio about some new technology being developed in Japan. Apparantly this headset was going to bigger than Playstation and was designed to capture or record people's dreams. Sounds wacky I know but the Steely Dan link was the fact that the name of this gear was "Green (something)". Unfortunately I didn't catch the whole name but it made me think of "Green Book" and the song's themes of virtual reality/dreams. As Don seems to be big on sci-fi I wondered if thats where he got the idea from

I wanna look in to it a bit closer. Just wanted to know what everyone thinks and if they've heard of this thing?!

Date: Sun, March 19, 2006, 10:31:50 ET
Posted by: Fife and Mr.Sam, Baltimore, eh

Doing some research here this morning. Ever wonder what Rabelaisian puff of smoke could possibly mean? Here it is:

In Webster's dicitonary:
Adjective 1. of, pertaining to, or suggesting Francois Rabelais, whose work is characterized by broad, coarse humour and keen satire.

Date: Sun, March 19, 2006, 10:17:23 ET
Posted by: moray eel, kama

Kamakiriad songbook is here:


Date: Sun, March 19, 2006, 09:53:39 ET
Posted by: Chrysler, PA

back2bass6: Man, I'm glad you brought the topic up--to all musicians and critical listeners on the Blue:

BUY the MTC songbook whenever it is published, IMMEDIATELY.

Those things go out of print, you know. Then it'll be like the search for the Holy Grail to find the fuggen thing.

I know, all-too-frustratingly. Failed to buy the songbooks for NIGHTFLY and KAMA when they were published, figured they would always be there (Steely Dan is one of the world's most popular bands, right?), now I waste in a slough of despond at not being able to procure them at this late date.

I'm not Howard Wright, I can't just transcribe everything by ear. Sure there are inaccuracies in the books, but they're still a hell of a good guide.

Date: Sun, March 19, 2006, 09:28:58 ET
Posted by: RJ Squirrel, Devolution alright

On the Billboard link fro NYB, DF review is on top but check out the Devo 2.0 at the bottom and this last paragraph:

"We always had this idea kind of like 'Star Trek: The Next Generation,' where it would be a kids band playing Devo songs for the exact demographic Disney wants, which is like 4-8 year olds," Casale continues. "It is benignly subversive. Some of the more controversial politics and irony of the adult Devo is left out of it of course, because that is the Disney mandate, but we enjoyed it. We think it's great."

Disney does Devo...God help us. BTW, I hate to think how much WB is making off DF for doing absolutely nothing as far as reaching any new audience. Couldn't he have sold the CD directly to the cult of SD and cut out the middle-man?

Sounds like a great show in Chicago but only one encore song is surprising. How long was the show and explain "Howard Levy trying to hug Donald after What I Do". Sounds interesting.

Date: Sun, March 19, 2006, 08:53:35 ET
Posted by: SteveV, Singapura

Razorboy- Your comments were spot on...William B. Williams was a great broadcaster-your parents were right to cry-his heir is apparently Rich Conaty, host of the Big Broadcast on WFUV....there is something about "rock" music that doesn't age well and you're right Fagen somehow bridges a gap between Sinatra to today...I still feel Fagen should just come out and do a Bluenote mono...I got so sick of the radio here in Singapore that I started my own little audio service:

anecdote-William B. was a native of my hometown in Babylon, LI, former home to the famed Argyle Hotel and the original Belmont 1979 I saw Woody Herman at the North Babylon High School with his Thundering him to play Aja and green about bridging a gap- a 40's swing band playing complex Steely pop at the dawn of new wave....righteous

Date: Sun, March 19, 2006, 08:45:57 ET
Posted by: back2bass6, new yawk









Date: Sun, March 19, 2006, 08:45:55 ET
Posted by: Ann, Borneo

FINALLY got my copy of MTC!!!! Had one listen up to now. Currently first equal are What I do/H gang/Security Joan. Bright Night Gown seems too long but I bet a winner live!! Will reserve final judgement for a few days, until I've listened to it at least 10 times. All quality stuff though, of course and some really interesting sounds in the muted trumpet and wurly. Well done Don!!!

Now PLEASE finalise that summer tour!!!!


Date: Sun, March 19, 2006, 07:35:52 ET
Posted by: NYB,

Date: Sun, March 19, 2006, 05:46:24 ET
Posted by: Newark, Newark, MD

Chicago Impressions:

RE: Date: Sun, March 19, 2006, 01:06:19 ET

M'am/Sir: In the course of your remarks today, you declared a Chicago low was "Attention Deficit Disorder trumpet solos." I desire to know of you whether, by the use of that expression, you intended toward disrespect, or to be understood that the trumpet player was deficient in integrity, honor, or any other quality requisite to the character of a gentleman artist.

If your response is yea, the various injuries make it necessary for me to call on you for satisfaction. As second and friend to Hopeful, I am authorized to make the necessary arrangements on her behalf. With due respects, Newark

Date: Sun, March 19, 2006, 03:55:27 ET
Posted by: His Lordship To Be, Rabelasian Puff Of Smoke

OOOOOh, after so long waiting, and so much frustration over paying for an EARLY delivery, MTC finnally arrived yesterday!
Hey-it was worth the wait. It's one of those albums you edge towards, liking it a little at first, then it reels you right in and you realise it's got you in it's own funkey world, and you never saw it coming.
I figure I'll do a few comments here on each song. i've already done something on Morph and H-Gang somewhere back, so lets start with What I Do...

What I Do-As has been sent a lot of times before, this is Donalds reflection on a conversation with our dead buddy Ray Charles which he had some time ago, and the whole song is about Don's thinking over how he's lived Rays message, and what it's done for him.
This is the only song where Don actually puts himself and his own name in the picture, which suggests the strong influence Ray Charles had over dons life. It only makes sense to mention himself if he feels that strongly about the guys influence.

Brite Nightgown-This is actually the most grim track on the whole album, I think. The entire song is an encounter with death in a physical, funkey form, and revolves around trying to fight the Fella by escaping or not aknowledging your own inevitable death. On the whole, no matter what you do or what you've done, you can't escape the fact that someday, you'll be dead, and you'll go down just like everybody else.

The Great Pagoda Of Funn-This is a lot like a nasty version of Snowbound, in fact, I think this song is looking back at the happy couple in snowbound. It describes the way people in love create their own little happy world, but this time around, that world is broken and left to the harsh openness of the real world.
But in the end, if you can take harsh reality in your stride and build your own world in the Pagoda of Funn, you'll be alright.

Security Joan-I tried not to think that this is a 58 year old married man basically perving up a flight stewardess half his age when I listned to this!
This is some light going fun in the midst of the deepness and complexity which the rest of the album looks back at. If it's remembering anything, it's remembering happier, sexier times and trying to re-live them again with someone who makes the cut. This is the kinda guy who thinks he's scored when the hot shop assisatnt makes eye contact when she's talking to you, this actually did make me laugh when I heard it.

The Night Belongs To Mona-Easily my favourite on the album, but also the saddest song. Joan made me laugh, but Mona could make you cry.
I think this song is largely remembering an old freind or lover who's lost the people she cares about on septemeber eleventh (since that was a large part of Fagens influence, alhough it's never driectly mentioned) and how she's shut herself away from the cruelty of world. How she's lost faith in all she used to love or the people she used to trust.
And when she comes alive at night, it's her in her own beutifull world, where the world below can't reach her, and she can only dance in her own bubble. This has some real beutifull imagery, and in a way, you do feel like reaching out to her, but maybe she's at home in the world she's made.

Mary Shut The Garden Door-Largely about the terror that comes with some uprising in the government, and how Donald and his buddies run away and hide throughout the song.
This is looking back at the government over the years, and how it has now totally fallen apart and been lost to the sort of chaos that's been coming all along.

Morph The Cat-Reprise-A brilliant ending! This is just the cat's last bow of stage, Donalds way of ending the show, and the changes, big and small, between Morph and it's reprise bring all the album together into your mind.

Date: Sun, March 19, 2006, 03:04:55 ET
Posted by: Kid Clean, Sweet Home. . . Milwaukee

What a blast!! Great show in Chi-town. I agree with Ed, it was all about Brite Nightgown, a great song, even greater live. Cindy tearing up the end of Teahouse, the girl can sing. Misery and the Blues, they gotta release that, great vehicle for the horns. Another great stretch on the end of Goodbye Look. The harp on What I do....pushed it light years ahead.

Got to see some old friends, made some new ones, life is good.

KC - I am your boogie man

Date: Sun, March 19, 2006, 02:52:37 ET
Posted by: ed beatty, @the aftermath of Chicago


is all i have to say


it was good to see you all


Date: Sun, March 19, 2006, 02:30:21 ET
Posted by: skmusic, Chicago

Whoa. We are blessed to have Donald Fagen. What a show this evening. Jon & Wayne, spectacular. Freddie, phenomenal. Keith, rock solid timekeeping tasty foundation. Horns - outstanding. Keyboardist - excellent. Singers, flawless. Howard Levy ... Bonus! Donald, priceless.

He's just your friendly neighborhood cautionary-tale storyteller, reminding us that life is most definitely worth living with such a genius to engage us.

My eight year old knew every tune, and when he hugged Donald after the show, that was something!

Peter Fogel, Sherri, Hoops, so great to hang with you! All the best!

Thanks for such an inspiring evening. The Donald Fagen Band -- expertly crafted, exemplary musicians, storytelling magic.

- Steven Kikoen & Bebop Daddys

PS - Come out to see the midwest's premier SD Tribute Band: "Reely Dan" - next Friday March 24 at Porter's Oyster Bar in Crystal Lake, Illinois. Beautiful venue to catch the band with their 3 new backup singers and guitarist/singer. A splendid time is guaranteed for all!

Date: Sun, March 19, 2006, 02:22:45 ET
Posted by: Eric, San Diego, CA

I have two tickets for Donald Fagen available for The Wiltern in Los Angeles on March 27, 06. The seats are in the Upper Level Mezzanine Section, Row C, Seats 125 and 127. The price I paid for both, including various Ticketmaster fees is $167.40. I am asking $140.00. Or make an offer. If interested, please email me at Thank you.


Date: Sun, March 19, 2006, 01:43:04 ET
Posted by: moray eel, five

The Chicago show was very good. The highlight for me was Green Flower Street. I did the 5 Star All Access thing and really had a good time. The girls who ran it (Dana and Carmen) were very cool and kept things moving at a good pace. Got to meet almost the entire band and I list: Jon Herington, Wayne Krantz, Carolyn Leonhart, Cindy Mizelle, Michael Leonhart, Jeff Young, and "Ready" Freddy Washington. They all were quite generous with their time and they participated in a Q and A session. At the pre-show party, they raffled off some tour merchandise (some of the items were signed by Donald).

If Don and Walt tour this summer, I hope they offer the All Access package. Although it's kind of expensive, I feel like I got my money's worth.


Date: Sun, March 19, 2006, 01:25:58 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu,

Ole: Could be even older. Thinking back to the visual image from the Cecil B. DeMille production of The Ten Commandments. The Grim One (Plague #9) became a gray fog sliding over roofs and permeating houses, then choking to Death any first born son not "marked."

NYB: You bet - that's what I've thought. Pagoda is the ultimate extension of the Nigthfly and Unfinished Fagen album of the 80s. The melody years and strives to comfort us all against the outside world.

RazorBoy: Great thoughts. Fagen indeed isn't jazz or rock but a unique R&B and fusion hybrid while using the spirit of the Duke Ellington mode of composition. For those big fans of classic 70 soul featuring Giants like Willie Mitchell, Gamble & Huff, Thom Bell, EWF, some of Atlantic/Stax (Sam & Dave) know that like Dan they created a natural sound with highly worked out ideas and charts in the studio. Highly polished and professional, yet full of spirit.

When Steely Dan arrived in 1972 it bore little resemblence to the music of the Beatles and psychedelic era or in the white musician world, the 70s singer songwriter and "art rock" concurrent eras. Most of the folks here are 70s AOR afficianados whose Venn diagram of musical taste intersected with "FM" and Steely Dan.

As out of touch with odd jazz chords and signatures applied to a beat/Dylan/Pynchon approach to describing the jaded world under gorgeous pop ear candy. Sir Duke, Joe Henderson, Charlie Parker, Miles Davis, Horace Silver were the compatriots of these "old souls" with a beat, kinda rock attitude. however, SD and Fagen's compositions had far more to do with Ellington and the great composers of the first half of the 20th Century and R&B composers more than other white artists of the same era

When Donald began his rehab, the classic R&B and Bacharach of the 60s and 70s was a big influence. No matter his age, Donald always drew wisely on great music from 20 years ago. Some of the Atlantic/Stax stuff of the 60s was looser but not really improvised. Some Parliament/Funkadelic. Anyway, the influence or R&B is stronger than on the 70s albums and dominates Kama and to a lesser extent TvN and particularly EMG. The R&B influence is strong again on MTC. Also, something we first heard on Blues Beach was the "romantic period" (in the musical sense) influence of great 60s and early 70s pop - mostly R&B. Donald still pretty much blows off the both British invasions of the 60s and late 70s-early80s, but Bacharach, Atlantic, Philly sound, Cole Porter remaining the wellspring for What I Do, Pagoda, Joan, Mona, Mary.

As far as "influnced," there were the McDoobies, but that's about it...ironically, the LARGEST influence of Steely Dan and The Great Pagoda of Donn was the PRODUCTION and TECHNOLOGY created in Gaucho which has taken R&B and jazz (smooth) by the 'nads and like the Reprise morphed them into something hideous.

The irony re: studio as an art form is that particularly on EMG and MTC, Donald is TRYING TO RECREATE THE ROAD, THE CONCERT within the pop song mold. There are a few more production values, particularly on percussion and overdubbed vocals on MTC, but the core is live - there's a little jamming. So when folks are puzzled why Carlock's still in the box... Carlock has plenty to do, but remember folks Donald is really following the Al Jackson Jr. (Stax/Willie Mitchell drummer for Sam & Dave, Al Green, Booker T, etc.) model of groove drumming from since there is a LOT going on in MTC around Carlock and Freddie who provide the ballast like any great R&B record.

So Donald's created his own "neo soul." I laugh at some of the reviews. While Fagen truly is in a world of his own, anybody who thinks MTC is a rehash of the 70s stuff, Kama, TvN, EMG, take you pick, just ain't listening. TvN was heavily influenced by 50s cool jazz and funk, EMG by Charles Brown 40s blues/R&B, and MTC more 60s, early 70s pop/R&B.

Date: Sun, March 19, 2006, 01:06:19 ET
Posted by: chicago impressions,

Chicago Highs:
Cindy Mizell
Keith Carlock
Guest soloist Howard Levy - unbelievably awesome
Howard Levy trying to hug Donald after What I Do
Third World Man
Mary shut the garden door
Brite Nitegown
Home at Last
Misery blues cover
Harmony singing
Pete Fogel sighting
Simple but cool lightshow
Blue weed cloud constantly rising in cool light show
much more

No second encore (no Pretzel Logic/Jeff Young singing)
Alcoholics leaving and returning every 5 minutes
Attention Deficit Disorder trumpet solos
not many lows

Date: Sun, March 19, 2006, 00:15:08 ET
Posted by: Razorboy, Aunt Faye's couch

Another way I can illustrate why Morph so satisfying is my 1970's experience with Emerson, Lake & Palmer. They were one of the most popular "progressive rock" bands of that time. A blend of rock, classical and electronics. State-of-the-art, as they say. They came out with an absolutely wonderful album in the early 70's called Brain Salad Surgery, and established themselves among the elites.

Years went by, and we eagerly awaited the next ELP studio album. They returned in 1978 with Love Beach, possibly the very worst piece of trash I've ever had the displeasure of listening to. I was crushed.

Just imagine if we all anxiously awaited the new Fagen CD, we strip off the wrapper, we load the disc, and we discover that Donald has "morphed" into Rod Stewart doing cheezy versions of Barry Manilow "classics".

Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 23:56:09 ET
Posted by: Razorboy, Muswellbrook

Wonderful observations by all. When I was a teenager in the mid-70's, I was particularly drawn to the music of Yes and ELP. And Steve Howe, to this day, I consider one of the truly great, innovative and original guitarists of any generation. So much material to choose from. The Yes cover of Simon & Garfunkle's America stands out at this moment.

I've now had a chance to listen to Morph several times, each time looking for and finding new surprises and nuances. It took almost no time for this CD to sink in. It's brilliant. I may even be bold enough to say that, taking into account the sonics, the complexity, the musicianship, songwriting, etc, that this may be Fagen's finest work, solo or with SD. Well, one could make the argument, I believe.

In the most recent listen, I've taen notice of the work of Keith Carlock. He's fresh, athletic, and in complete command of his craft. Never attempts to dominate or overshadow the overall concept, but invariably makes his presence felt, and is particularly showcased in Mary. What a find.

Another of Donald's genius strokes was bringing in vibist Phonus Quaver. You can hear him throughout the CD, addding depth and elegance to the overall "feel".

The most difficult initial adjustment was to Krantz, but after listening to Nightgown and Pagoda a number of times, I understand why Donald hand picked this guy. Superb counterpoint to Herington, who has classic Rock & Roll chops.

And I still can't quite put my finger on it, but I cannot stop listening to Security Joan. I love Donald's "Search Me!" and "". Anyone know anything about the guitar soloist, Ken Wessell?

Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 23:06:14 ET
Posted by: SS, HK

And one more thing....Yes fans....that Relayer tour was captured (infamously) at Queens Park in London in 1975. If you get the entire show on DVD (not just the first part with the in and out and at times altogether missing audio) you've got what might be the best concert with Yes that's commercially available.

I didn't see the band until 1977...but this 1975 show brought it all back. Steve Howe was amazing throughout.

Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 22:59:22 ET
Posted by: Still Sparkin', Hong Kong

I've been away from the Blue,trying to protect myself from set lists in advance of shows in Vegas and California. Then I found out the set lists are changing a lot. What fun. Still trying to duck 'em....but not the new album.

The easy highlight is the Great Pagoda of Funn. Listening to that all the way through the first time reminded me of hearing earlier SD tunes (circa Katy Lied) the first time. I wondered for a moment whether DF had actually gone too far...whether I'd ever be able to wrap my head around the chord changes and the song altogether. And I knew at the same time that because it was so sprawling it would be that much better when I finally got a grip on it.

That was last night. Well, the first grip anyway. It's bound to be changing for a long time to come.

I likely won't put it the way a lot of fine writers here do....but the twists and turns that form the long buildup to the eventual resolve (at the title line) have to be among the best that DF has come up with yet. I think it's two minutes + for that to happen the first time. Yeah, where do you get that played on radio ?

Can't say much about the solos except I think they really suit the song in their tone and length...and that muted trumpet...well, I'm gobsmacked as my English friends might say. Inspired choice.

Including the song before and the one after, I might like this run of three as the best on the album. Putting the accessible Security Joan right after Pagoda is smart. It's like candy after the math homework. Joan has lots of little bits that remind me of other songs. The main groove seems like Slang of Ages. 'Search me now' made me think of 'slang me !'

The effect of Brite Nitegown before Pagoda is the same but different -still really accessible, but funk not pop. And....after another particularly close listen in 5.1 I don't think it's too long. Not once you get locked in. Really helps to have those two rythym guitars separated so you can hear them cleanly. And that little vibes run in 5.1 - that's a treat.

Overall, the order of the songs I think is better than on TvN and EMG. Morph anywhere but at the start would have been a mistake. If that song plods along it's no problem...knowing what else is to come.

The garden I'm supposing is MSG, but who is Mary ?

Hope that hasn't been dealt with. If so, excuse me for not going through the last three weeks of posts (in set-list avoidance).

Look forward to seeing folks in Vegas, Temecula and LA.

Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 22:49:57 ET
Posted by: murph, da cat

I was at the Roosevelt Stadium Relayer tour show, too. We were in the infield way early, just hanging and waiting, and Anderson came out and chatted with the crowd. Kind of like our own 5-star thing. He talked about this whistle that he made out of a Massengill bottle, which he used in the beginning of Sound Chaser. It was bizarre.

The show was OK, but the sound in that place was horrendous. I think I heard that the laser lights in some way screwed up Newark Airport, which is across the bay.

Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 22:29:27 ET
Posted by: stevee33, Jersey

I'm really digging the new disc. I really love Pagoda, Mona and Mary shut the garden door. I had listened to the album before it was released on ,so I listened to Morph,What I do,H Gang for three straight days.I wish somebody would post more reviews of shows.I'm interested to see how they stack up to the Beacon,and the Borgata.My favorite thus far is the end of pagoda @the 5 minute mark.I really crank up my polk audios on that one...Sweet!

Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 21:54:22 ET
Posted by: thirdworldman, on location, neverland ranch


how succint and well put, your post described what we are witnessing, in a nutshell. (you wrote what i wanted to say) thanks

Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 21:33:39 ET
Posted by: murph, da cat

Like our hero in Babylon sisters, my dad called it all jungle music. I'd be like, "It's Emerson Lake and Palmer and they're from England". He'd say "I don't like all the screaming", I'd say, "But it's an instrumental." To him it was screaming.

When my kid was little, back when I had control of the stereo, I'd play Sinatra in the car like Dad used to; but now my kid's in 6th grade and we have to listen to Fall Out Boy and The Killers, and I'm going "Can we turn this crap down?"

The circle is complete.

Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 19:57:35 ET
Posted by: Razorboy, High in the Custerdome

Yes, Sinatra and Led Zeppelin. Indeed, you are right about the transition.

While I was growing up in the 60's, my parents were always tuned to AM radio, WNEW, the Make-Believe Ballroom hosted by William B. Williams, who hosted the show from 1953 until he passed in August of 1986. I will never forget seeing my parents cry that day. They must have known that the days of listening to Frank and Ella and Sarah Vaughn and Duke on the AM dial would not long thereafter pass with him.

Yeah, my folks loathed Zeppelin, as they loathed the other "cacophony" (as they put it) that I was listening to in those days.

I guess that the difference was that I also loved Sinatra, and Miles and Ella, and I believed that A Love Supreme and Kind of Blue were sent directly from heaven. I also believed that even though I was willing to wait on line outside Roosevelt Stadium in Jersey City for several hours in the New Jersey pea soup humidity and stinky industrial skies, inhaling hits of Acapulco Gold or cheap Mexican sticks and seeds, eagerly anticipating Anderson, White, Howe, Squire and Patrick Moraz on the Yes Relayer tour, I knew that there would never be another as magnificent as Sinatra.

Why? Talent. Dedication to craft. I know I'm snobbish and jaded, and I know that if one sifts through the "cacophony" of today's fast food music with disposable wrappers littering the airwaves, one can find talent and dedication to craft. Just harder to find these days, and certainly out of the so-called mainstream.

Fagen's a throwback to those times, a bridge to the Make-Believe Ballroom of William B. Williams. Donald honors Ray, of course, and also makes a subtle reference in the title cut when he sings "Like you heard an Arlen tune". Harold Arlen, of course, birth name Hyman Arluck, who composed the songs for "The Wizard Of Oz", along with It's Only A Paper Moon, Stormy Weather, I've Got the World on A String, and Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate the Positive.


Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 18:52:33 ET
Posted by: NYB,

Yeah... now I know how my father felt when he wanted to hear Frank Sinatra and all the radio stations were playing Led Zeppelin.

I guess style is always going out of style huh?

Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 18:28:29 ET
Posted by: Razorboy, The Clinic on the Hill

The sad state of 50,000 Watt FM radio

So here we have a masterful CD produced by one of our national treasures, Donal Fagen. A lush, nuanced, highly addictive, complex collection of arrangements.

So where will we hear Mary? Mona? Nite Gown? Anywhere? The Morning Zoo? The Hip-Hop station? Sandwiched between Brittney and endless car dealership and matress commercials? Or, somewhere on the jacuzzi jazz station, along with Sade, Kenny G, and Michael Bolton screeds?

I got 2nd row tix to the phenomenal Warner Theater DC show. One of my co-workers asked about the show that evening before I left my office, and was conviced that Steely Dan was a) one guy, and b) the "Dan" of England Dan and John Ford Coley. Yeah, that's it. The next day, every time I walked by, he mockingly sang 'Richie' Don't Lose That Number. A friend who's never had the pleasure, upon my description of MTC, asked whether the music would remind him of Yanni. Avoiding the temptation to sardonically reply, "no, more like John Tesh", I let him borrow one of my copies so he could play it in his recording studio. He'll be pleased.

So, are we Fagan/SD obsessionists destined to remain an exclusive, micro-cult? Does it matter?

Anyone know if MTC is getting any play on XM or Sirius?

By the way, I genuinely maintain that this is some of the finest music to EVER come out of the brilliant mind of Donald, and it has been executed as well as could be imagined. I suspect that Donald is quite satisfied with the results.

Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 17:50:24 ET
Posted by: fezman, boston

To all attending chicago this evening,if the friendship,sound,and response is half that it was in boston you will be thrilled with the experience,i only wish i could be there with you,have a wonderful hi hoops,allen,rajah,gretchen,mark,bill g. little wild one,pete ,shari and all

Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 17:35:29 ET
Posted by: Donny and Marie,

That's what you get for livin' in Denmark!

What? You're saying this cd isn't worth the move???

Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 17:25:40 ET
Posted by: Mark & Marie, NJ

Since everyone is asking, please send us RHYMES too! As for the Vegas crowd, sorry, but we can't make it, but we hope to catch up with the New Yorkers again during the June leg!

Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 16:39:32 ET
Posted by: thirdworldman, marriot times square

thanks murph for the info.

Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 15:21:51 ET
Posted by: Dimension Skipper, Eternal Path

Stainless Steely
by Chris Willman (Entertainment Weekly)

"There's more to Steely Dan than cradle-robbing anthems -- though there are a few of those. Check out these 15 other smooth tunes by the least influential band in rock history...",6115,1174478_4_0_,00.html

"Steely Dan is one of the greatest bands in rock history... and one of the least influential, judging from the complete lack of literarily inclined, wildly sardonic jazz-bo masterminds that have followed. But it's not such a terrible tragedy that they remain a genre unto themselves, since musical partners Walter Becker and Donald Fagen produced enough brilliant albums during their 1970s heyday (not to mention a couple of strong ones since their '90s reunion) to keep a new or returning fan enthralled for steely eons."

Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 15:06:23 ET
Posted by: NYB,


Either that or he got the windshield fixed.

Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 15:03:57 ET
Posted by: THEFEZ98, Boston

I don't believe this flattering DF take has been posted...

Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 14:52:57 ET
Posted by: Brutus Charisma,

Yeah, you're probably right NYB.

I forgot that WB was in a financial funk at that point in his life and had to settle for that Dodge Aries. Boy, good thing they got the Grammy and everything since then. I bet you he's driving a VW Jetta by now. Good for him - a Jetta's a heck of a car.


Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 14:52:28 ET
Posted by: tom, texas

hey you guys. just checked ticketbastard for vegas.
I found 3rd row center available. I'd buy them but I'm already on front row. (Go get 'em)

Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 14:50:40 ET
Posted by: tom, texas

Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 14:25:02 ET
Posted by: NYB,

Okay you want the answer? You really want the answer? Okay here's the answer...

The smashed windshield is probably Walter's frustration with the Dodge Aries in general. You see they had this little 4 cylinder engine that was known for overheating and Walter probably got tired of trying to fix it and... well, decided to punish the car for it's transgression. It probably happened on a hot day while stuck in a traffic jam, so how can ya blame him?

Secondly, the reference to the word "Whack" is more than likely a flashback to an earlier time when Donald and Walter were both students at Bard College. You see they spent most of that time WHACKED OUT OF THIER MINDS on cheap Mexican pot. Therefore, the word "Whack" is used to imply hallucinatory eurphoria.

*** Alternatively, "whack!" could've been the sound Donald's fathers hand made as it smacked him in the back of the head for partying all the time at college. You decide...

Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 14:01:08 ET
Posted by: Brutus Charisma,

You may be correct NYB Baby in your identification of the kind of car. But, Dear NYB Man, why the the violence to the car? Why did Waltness use up all that space to depict a cracked windshield?
And, what Dear NYB Blue, what do you make of the the other aforementioned clues?

Would not the DanDuo enjoy the ramifications associated with the implications of some faux rivalry?

You're good NYB. Your imagination can fathom that.

Always and Forever More-
Brutus "Britely Nited" Charisma

Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 13:54:16 ET
Posted by: HeyMike, Chicago

I have an extra ticket in Chicago for tonight ***main floor 1R row A****make an offer!!! call my cell 847-854-1234--Ill be at the Mexican Place tonight---HeyMike

Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 13:48:26 ET
Posted by: NYB,

I don't have the cd in front of me right now but I always thought that car was a Dodge Aries. Walter does mention a "beloved white Aries" in the song "Surf And/Or Die".

*** The Dodge Aries/Plymouth Reliant was like the cheapest car Chrysler Motor Company made at the time. Still they sold millions of em'. Hell even I owned one back in the day. Regardless of the cheapness, I loved it.

Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 13:13:55 ET
Posted by: Brutus Charisma,

Well, I wonder if Wicked Waltness will stick any implied malevolent clues in the pix on his upcoming CD? He's already set a precedent Dear DandyFansters. Dust off your copies of that soon-to-be classic debut solo effort of his and do the following:
NOTICE the pix in the CD Jacket and on the back of the jewel case from 11TOW: 1)Baseball bat cracking the car's windshield (of the Kamakiri?); 2)Donald's head spinning around in the CD booklet foldout;
3)Multiple definitions of the word "whack" especially, "to deliver a whack ...or attempt to wipe out a person".

If you think these aforementioned items are coincidence or misinformation stemming from your humble, relatively benevolent and sane Bluebook contributor, then, Dear Danfandom of the Crystal Blue,
WHY,WHY,WHY would Uncle Waltness go out of his way to provide us with such macabre information?

Always and Forever More -
Brutus "Britely Nited" Charisma

Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 12:46:43 ET
Posted by: murph, da cat


"Balm in Gilead" was an off-Broadway show that ran back in maybe 1984, it was a gritty drama of the street denizens of NYC, and they used Springsteen's "Jungleland" as part of the soundtrack. The plot escapes me now, but picture Jungleland, "Meeting across the River" - the urban world of Springsteen's early stuff, converted into a show. It was done well, but I guess Springsteen fans would like it the most.

Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 12:16:24 ET
Posted by: studio7dave, Chicago

Regarding the war protest in Chicago, Daley Plaza is just south and west of the Chicago Theater. The protest is scheduled to start at noon, and will then march west, away from the theater about 2 miles. Here's hoping the Loop will be fairly well cleared out by show time.

Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 12:14:55 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu,

Chrysler - Reprise is a bit more sinister - brilliant move with that guitar chord change and the horns become "nyahh nya nya nya nyaaaah". Then Donald give us the silver lining where the horns emulate the melodica vamp of IGY.

MTC is HEAVILY nuanced while sounding Live at the same time. When i have time will break down all the songs. It might take a thesis to comb through Pagoda. A key though is checking out the percussion.

Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 11:35:55 ET
Posted by: Ceptin, That

Guiliani is for all those things and still a Republican, which is why he gonna ping Hilary's head like a tennis ball thang you bery much.

Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 11:28:43 ET
Posted by: Flipkid, Blue State

Of course, I meant "ironic", not "ironoc." Damn fingers.

Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 11:27:43 ET
Posted by: Flipkid, Blue State

"What's with all this anti-bush sentiment?
Shouldn't it be a matter of personal choice?"

Ooh, how irononc. Its King George and the TurboChristians who are adamantly ANTI-personal-choice: women's reproductive rights, stem cell research, same-sex marriage/unions...

Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 11:11:34 ET
Posted by: thirdworldman, leaving home at last

murph, what is the "Gilead" reference? (brings to mind Roland's home town in the "Dark Tower") just curious

Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 11:07:52 ET
Posted by: thirdworldman, gillette's castle

What's with all this anti-bush sentiment? Does everyone HAVE to shave, really? Shouldn't it be a matter of personal choice?

Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 10:57:38 ET
Posted by: Ann, Borneo

Hi Guys!

I've been deliberately avoiding the Blue for a few days now, as all the talk about MTC has been frustrating me, as I don't have a copy. However, tomorrow it ALL CHANGES!!! The Old Dad arrives here in Head-Hunter land with my very own personal copy, courtesy of the Off-Spring back in Manchester. Can't wait!!!

If either of our heroes are reading this, PLEASE get your act together and finalise a summer tour, then I can sort out my summer holiday destination before every flight that's trans-Pacific, trans-Atlantic or anywhere else is full!!

Chicago gang: ENJOY, have fun, etc - I'm with you in spirit tonight!!

Take care y'all


Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 10:41:45 ET
Posted by: moray eel, be

For those attending tonight's concert in Chicago:

A major anti-Bush march is taking place on Saturday. They will be blocking off the streets along Michigan Avenue and in The Loop around Daley Plaza. The local news estimated that the crowds could be between 30,000 and 300,000.

Not only is the main gathering supposed to be large, but feeder marches from all around the midwest will end up joining the Chicago protest later in the day. The rallies are scheduled to end up in Daley Plaza at 8pm. Daley Plaza is just north of The Chicago Theatre.


Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 10:28:20 ET
Posted by: NYB,

And I love that "Storms raged. Things changed..." part of Mary too. Just beautiful.

Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 10:18:49 ET
Posted by: NYB,

And how about that line from Mona where Donald sings...

"Was it the fire downtown, that turned the world around?"

Turned the world around? A phrase taken from "Kid Charlemagne"?

Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 10:09:51 ET
Posted by: murph, da cat

Chrysler, great take on Pagoda. You can also include Gershwin.

Another Pagoda/Aja link for me, "Follow me" is a parallel to "I run to yooou"

"Pagoda" is worthy of being the basis of a great script, like "Jungleland" was translated into "Balm in Gilead."

Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 09:59:10 ET
Posted by: murph, da cat

A forum to debate nuances of music? Debate? I prefer to listen to the nuances, and either enjoy them or not.

Here are some I've enjoyed lately:

- the horn phrase at the end of the chorus, right after DF sings "Funn"
- The Rhodes in the intro of "Mary"
- the E-flat major chord in the bridge of "What I Do", right after they sing "adooore"
- The power and dynamics of "Third World Man" performed live
- Cindy M's vocal in the outro of "Teahouse", New Brunswick, 3/10

Maybe others could post some of their fave "nuances".

Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 09:59:00 ET
Posted by: I Drove The Chrysler, PA

Razorboy: I have the same "problem" with "Security Joan"! Just can't get enough of it...

NYB: Synchronicity--after my 5th listen, I just had to up the grade on "GPoF" from A to A+. I had a problem with giving it a + before this, thought it was exquisite but somehow cheesy. Now I realize the cheese is Grade A+ (straight from Finland)! Strangely beautiful blend of Jimmy Van Heusen, Mancini, Johnny Mandel, Lalo Schifrin, Bacharach... and Donald Fagen! And notice how the opening chords resemble those of the title track of AJA?

Mu: As for me, I CANNOT give ANY of the songs less than a solid A (five of them A+). But I'm curious why you rank the Morph reprise, which is simply an addendum, a notch above the actual song.

Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 09:55:27 ET
Posted by: NYB,

Take it easy Evan. You don't have to like everything they do, and it's okay to air your opinions here too, just be prepared for others to disagree with you - sometimes strongly. Everyone has thier own idea as to what "Steely Dan" is, and in reality nobody is wrong because Fagen and Becker have crossed over into so many different musical genres that nobody can really say what "Steely Dan" is. Some feel that the earlier Pre-Aja music was "the real Steely Dan", while others consider everything from Katy Lied forward to be "the real Steely Dan", but the fact is IT'S ALL STEELY DAN. SD is lot's of things to lots of people. Between this board and Pat's board ( you have probably the most diverse collection music fans in the world, so naturally there is going to be disagreement. Just remember, no matter what your opinion is there will be those who completely agree with you and those who see it in a completely opposite light. Like I said, the funny part is - everybody's right when it comes to Steely Dan, including you.

Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 09:48:45 ET
Posted by: HouDanFan, Houston

Have one 5 star for sale in Chicago tonight...1/2

Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 09:39:01 ET
Posted by: steelydoc, down at the Lido

The new issue of Entertainment Weekly has a great interview with Donald Fagen, where he returns to his old school, Bard College, and talks about old times...great photos!

Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 09:17:28 ET
Posted by: Brutus Charisma,

Brite Nitegown's outro would have been SO much more effective if W. Krantz was allowed to play his butt off!!! Think of how absolutely "mental" Elliott Randall sounds on the outro to "Green Earrings". He was playing out of his mind! (Listen w/headphones to DF yell just before ER begins his solo - DF/WB wanted that kind of pyscho intensity. ER was their man - I can't think of anyone in the SD stable that could have nailed it the way he did.)

Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 08:53:36 ET
Posted by: Flipkid, Blue State

PQ, I have a few recomendations for you then also (all born well after the 1950s!): Soulive, Galactic, Greyboy Allstars, Karl Denison's Tiny Universe, Robert Walter and Lettuce.

As for the term "smmoth jazz", I have to paraphrase the US Supreme Court's stand on pornograpy: I can't define "smooth jazz", but I know it when I hear it. To my ears, Down to the Bone is smooth jazz; SD/DF isn't. But then, by nature, musical likes and dislikes are extremely subjective.

Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 08:27:13 ET
Posted by: Eric, San Diego, CA

I have two tickets for Donald Fagen available for The Wiltern in Los Angeles on March 27, 06. The seats are in the Upper Level Mezzanine Section, Row C, Seats 125 and 127. The price I paid for both, including various Ticketmaster fees is $167.40. I am asking $150.00. Or make an offer. If interested, please email me at Thank you.


Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 07:55:24 ET
Posted by: Pam,

I love this album. Like Hoops said earlier, there are parts I don't understand and parts I'm sure will make more sense to me as they become part of my consciousness(which is what they do, it's what they doooo). The lyrics are beautiful and moving and oh so human.

That said, my favorite DF album is still Kamakiriad. It's like trying not to admit that one of your kids is your favorite. You love them all to distraction, but there's one who gets an extra heartstring.

Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 07:22:21 ET
Posted by: Evan, NYC

I don't know why I need to respond to a flame on an anonymous forum, but the closed-mindedness of some folks here seems antithetical to the spirit of the greater Dandom, and perhaps speaks to the greatest fault of our contemporary society.

From yesterday, thirdworldman wrote:

> Those of you who are here to nitpick, complain, act as pseudo
>intellectuals, try to impress others with your vast musical knowlege,
>point out what you perceive to be mistakes or faux pas's on the part > of the DF are really in the wrong place. Start your own web log and
>name it "101 mistakes Fagen made on MTC, or Gaucho, or Nightfly"
>Here's what I think: you dont get it. and it pisses you off.

>I dont think you really are fans. I do not think as you dont
>get me and i dont get you. so be it.

So the only response from a 'real fan' is blind adherence to Dear Leader Donald? Everything he does deserves our uncritical praise?

I think you deny yourself your humanity when you decide to abandon your critical faculties in blind support of an ideology, be it as a Dan fan or otherwise. When Bush talks about how it's un-American to criticize the government, how 'you're either with us or you're with the terrorists', it opens the door to a warmongering fascist state.

I love SD and the solo stuff so much it's stupid. But I think My Rival is a dumb tune, and Brite Nitegown should be 5 minutes intead of 7 (a la Godwhacker). That I have the ability to parse why I like or don't like something created by artists whom I respect to no end provides me great satisfaction. To sit idly consuming and genuflecting and denying discourse is no place for a person with self-respect.

If you think MTC is the perfect album, good for you; but wouldn't a fan forum be the best place to debate the nuances of the music?

That'll be it from me. I'll still come here to grab the article links and setlists, but the hostility to discourse is just too much.


Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 06:59:58 ET
Posted by: ListMaker, here

Kama vs. Morph track by track.

1. Morph vs. Trans-island: Winner Morph (this is impressive because Trans-island is one of my favorites from kama).

2. Hgang vs. Countermoon: Countermoon

3. What I do vs. Springtime: What I do

4. Nitegown vs. Snowbound: Snowbound

5. Pagoda vs. Tomorrow's Girls: Pogoda

6. Joan vs. Florida Room: Florida Room

7. Mona vs. Dunes: Mona (again, an impressive win for Morph)

8. Mary vs. Teahouse: Teahouse. I know it's 13 years old but I remember really loving that track and playing it like 10 times in a row. That didn't happen with Mary.

Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 06:54:04 ET
Posted by: Spinal Tap, Amsterdam

You can find the complete liveshows through bittorrent on

they have 3, 4 and now 10 March live!!

Finally, we non-Americans can hear the Donald Fagen-Band Live!


Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 05:19:19 ET
Posted by: Hopeful, Spring Break

Got your ride pimped, egh manchild? Sweeeeet!!! My Raven can spot a disco three thousand miles away. If you'd like me to spin your gig, all you gotta do is . . . tomorrow night, if things are clear, adjust a little higher your azimuthal equidistant projection, you know? (I think your inclinometer may need recalibrating.) Go just a few degrees above the plumber's warehouse at the weathervane's apex. You'll see my price.

Rick Goeld: I am curious your daringness to break all rules here. My mind goes somewhere to a early 40s sorority prom with a nostalgic theme--maybe something along the lines of "Hitch Your Wagon to a Star." May I interview you in the Green Room, say Wed. night? March 22 around 7 p.m EST? I read the first few pages of Searching. Thx, I am inspired to join a Book Club.

If things work well, perhaps we can have other special guests. I'd love to hear Weil's thoughts on blood letting and sleep deprivation therapies. I understand leeches work well. And perhaps we can get Levinson to share his idears on holograph dvds and the effects of sampling technology on avatar behavior.

Hoops: After Morph, I listened to by Jack Johnson song eight--"Holes to Heaven" or something close. Still formulating about Gesamtkunstwerk: A memorable snap shot is the silhouettes against a ruby jewel sky where one of the crew hands-off Jon's telecaster for the Gibson--Les Paul or ES335?

Question Hoops: Atlantic City and Boston All Access sold out didn't they? Is the whole Temecula show sold out? If so, it would look cool if those points had web presence. Great islands--I a humbled.

Kiss me--I was Irish, j&j

Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 05:14:52 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

Suedave - of course, a guitar! :)

Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 05:12:31 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

Flip - of course. Start here then try this Although I don't accept the view that programmed beats are not real music. In my opinion that's like Keith Jarrett saying the Fender Rhodes and the Wurlitzer should be sold in Toys R Us.

Also, IMHO it's not quite correct to say bands like Fishbelly Black and Down To The Bone and 480 East are smooth jazz just because the smooth jazz stations play them a lot. The smooth jazz stations play Steely Dan quite a bit as well.

And that's leaving out the well known mainstream, big selling funk artists like Prince, Erykah, D'Angelo, Maxwell. (And you can bet at least 4 people in Don's current road band dig D'Angelo big time!!)

The fact is, if you're looking for good jazz, funk, R&B, even roots oriented rock music, you can never get to it all in your lifetime. A good CD comes out somewhere *every single day*. J&R Music World in Manhattan gets 50 new new jazz titles *every month*. I don't understand this mentality that there's a paucity of great music out there. Exactly the opposite is true.

Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 04:57:23 ET
Posted by: quasi-mojo, looking in your window

hey alk,

"Kind of like French food; manipulated, trimmed, fingered and then gently and perfectly placed on top of a bed of mescaline greens."

I'm not so sure you were talking about French food here, but regardless, it gave me quite an appetite.

Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 02:09:00 ET
Posted by: thirdworldman, At Mr. Chow's

wassup? Sherpa, could not find MTC on the posted Billboard 100,(to see the entire 200 requires a membership) BUT-get this:

Yesterday Morph The Cat was listed at #7 on Amazon's music sales!!

Hey, if a huge retailer moves this much of a product, wouldn't you think that if Warner Brothers got behind it and promoted it properly, it could be propelled into a respectably high position on the top 200??

the problem is there are almost no commercial venues to play this type of music, currently there are are so few viable FM stations that could work this in. It defies contemporary classification, (maybe thats why I love it) Morph=the other alternative music
Doug Mc

Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 01:04:31 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu,

bassic: should the be "Jams"

Brite Nitegown is SUPPOSED to sound like a LIVE piece and it nearly is. MTC as a great mix of styles. The title track is very good just a little draggy. I don't find any of the songs tool long, while i thought SoH could have been a minute shorter

What i hear

Morph 1 - B+
H-Gang - B+
What I Do - A-
Brite Nightgown - A
Great Pagoda of Funn - A++
Security Joan - A-
Night Belongs to Mona - A+
Mary Shut the GArden Door - A
Morph 2 - A-

THe MTC horn emulation of the synth line of the Nightfly vamp is obviously intentional. End this part of the trilogy where Donald began. how could a dream like IGY goe SO wrong?

IN a nutshell, the question all boomer ask is WHY is Teddy alive, and Jack and Bobny dead?

Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 01:04:19 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu,

bassic: should the be "Jams"

Brite Nitegown is SUPPOSED to sound like a LIVE piece and it nearly is. MTC as a great mix of styles. The title track is very good just a little draggy. I don't find any of the songs tool long, while i thought SoH could have been a minute shorter

What i hear

Morph 1 - B+
H-Gang - B+
What I Do - A-
Brite Nightgown - A
Great Pagoda of Funn - A++
Security Joan - A-
Night Belongs to Mona - A+
Mary Shut the GArden Door - A
Morph 2 - A-

THe MTC horn emulation of the synth line of the Nightfly vamp is obviously intentional. End this part of the trilogy where Donald began. how could a dream like IGY goe SO wrong?

IN a nutshell, the question all boomer ask is WHY is Teddy alive, and Jack and Bobny dead?

Date: Sat, March 18, 2006, 00:52:36 ET
Posted by: Newark, Newark, MD

Wonder why the album is 52:08?

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 23:19:15 ET
Posted by: suedave, cds spinnin'

As usual, lots of reading to catch up on. PQ - whadda ya in guitar?

I still love Brite Nightgown - the brand of funk the master uses is so new and fresh to DF/SD and Donald channels that different voice - it does go on a bit but I don't mind at all. Best thing that could happen is that SD puts out several more and includes something this FUNKY on each and every one of them. It's hard to say if BN is my favorite cut off the CD, there are a lot of good choices.

11TOW is an incredible CD and I spin it regularly. Imagine if Walter's next one weren't quite so stripped down! To live for!

I'm looking forward to my next set of shows - Vegas & Temecula - I found the first show a bit too much to take in in all its glory - Fagen in fine vocal form, incredible ready Freddy, and two great guitarists...tho from where I sat I couldn't see Wayne play but he is pretty darned cute when he smiles. Love love love that Herington plays everything from memory or feel. He's a cutie too. Also looking forward to getting together with familiar and new Steely faces. Sign up on the lists before the weekend is out to get the lastest info!!!

You all (you know who you are) have a great time in Chicago!!!

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 23:04:50 ET
Posted by: bwaySteve, send globally warmed air here

Attention focused on Mary tonight.Best coool funk I have heard in a while.Listening to the two guitars converse.I bet it was fun to overdub for producer and player.Guitar tones are particularly juicy in each ear.Guitarists neurotic about string , pick and fret noises:


Before you blow a couple hundred on a fret job consider you might be ruining your sound...

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 22:46:46 ET
Posted by: SHERPA, Direct from Lhasa

Where did MTC debut on Billboard??

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 22:42:27 ET
Posted by: Razorboy, Anthony's Bar & Grill

First of all, I love this CD. It is amazing to me that Donald, after 34 years or more of recording, after long droughts, writer's block, and resurrection, creates undoubtedly the finest music on the current music scene, and some of the best stuff in the entire Fagan/Becker/SD collection.

Morph sets the tone for the the entire 52 minutes. Sleek, bold, deliberate, urban, sexy. Donald has the confidence back in his voice, and finally showcases the extremely talented Jon Herington.

H Gang is Top 40 friendly to the casual listener, much deeper with headphones, and another showcase for Herington and Weiskopf.

What I do is a beautiful, bluesy tribute to Ray

Brite Nightgown is the first really quirky tune, starting with the W.C. Fields reference. I love the vocals - a Donald high/low duet, giving the song a strange (the artist formerly known as) Prince feel when combined with the Washington/Carlock driven funk. Kranz knifes in with a guitar tuned a lot like Walter's guitar in Green Book. Finally, at some point during the outtro, the voices take on a strange syncopation that made me first think that the CD skipped.

Pagoda's masterful, as Fagan again allows his soloists - Marvin Stamm on trumpet, and Krantz, do fully develop their solos. The fade reminds me of something out of Gaucho, the 3rd World Man or the My Rival fade.

I may be the only one here who thinks this, but I just cannot get enough of Security Joan. Not sure exactly why, but there is something simply addictive and hip about it from open to fade.

Mona is lush and haunting and tragic.

Mary's amazing and spooky, although I don't quite understand the decision to muffle the Phonus Quaver vibes solo.

Everything works. Polished, buffed, buffed and polished to a mirror finish, but yet, Morph swings. Nothing stilted, nothing "sterile" (the occasional SD critique). Phenomenal chemistry.

What else could we have asked for, other than more?

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 22:13:24 ET
Posted by: NAPM member, LA

Was this already posted? W&D nominated for Songwriters Hall of Fame. Seeing as how voting ended last fall, winners should be announced soon. I know i voted for them, even though the field of nominees was tough

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 22:13:16 ET
Posted by: Mike F., NYC


Re: the ending of Morph. Thanks, I missed the earlier posts. I'll listen to IGY so I can catch that reference. But first I have to stop listening to Morph, which doesn't look like it will happen anytime soon, and that's such a good thing. I'm just thankful to have a new release that I want to listen to, again and again, all the way through. Mike

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 21:31:39 ET
Posted by: oleander, in the room the women come and go

Will be flying out in the way wee hours for Chicago.... Damn, KD, you're not going to be there??

Mu, dig the Morpheus refs.

Mr. F. attributes his Morph the Cat imagery to the French Symbolists. Admittedly, I haven't done my retro on Mallarme, Baudelaire, Valery, et al., but if his inspiration didn't come from their heir, T.S. Eliot, I'll eat my crazy hat:

The yellow fog that rubs its back upon the window-panes,
The yellow smoke that rubs its muzzle on the window-panes
Licked its tongue into the corners of the evening,
Lingered upon the pools that stand in drains,
Let fall upon its back the soot that falls from chimneys,
Slipped by the terrace, made a sudden leap,
And seeing that it was a soft October night,
Curled once about the house, and fell asleep.

And indeed there will be time
For the yellow smoke that slides along the street
Rubbing its back upon the window-panes;
There will be time, there will be time....

... from "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"

Paul--so sad to hear of your loss.

See you cats tomorrow--


Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 21:13:38 ET
Posted by: Daddy G., NJ

A positive review of the Detroit show...

Storyteller Fagen finds greater comfort onstage
By Doug Pullen, Flint Journal Review
(Note: Original URL was fairly long, so I shortened it)

And here's a short album review where a Kevin O'Hare says that "Sometimes the grooves get hung out for too long, like on the death encounter detailed in 'Brite Nitegown,' but some of the best elements of Fagen's trademark work, like his superb blend of harmonies and melody, come together perfectly on the ominous 'The Great Pagoda of Funn.'"

(On that same page the new David Gilmour album is also briefly reviewed by someone else.)

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 21:12:05 ET
Posted by: Flipkid, Blue State

"Flipkid - your list of funk artists doesn't include anyone born after 1950. What am I missing?"

Au contraire, PQ... Phat Phunktion is a group of recent Graduates from the University of Wisconsin.

Aside from that, you're not missing a thing. All (or most) of the musicions were born after 1950. Can you recomend some true funk artists born after 1950? (Other than Prince.)

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 21:10:43 ET
Posted by: twm, here

sorry, NYB!

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 21:07:38 ET
Posted by: thirworldman, home at last

was it good for you?

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 21:06:23 ET
Posted by: thirdworldman, still cooking, almost done-"the stars are bright tonight"...again...

oh yes, hell yes...I cannot stop, GPOF has engulfed me...consumed my psyche...

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 20:38:36 ET
Posted by: Mark, Home of the Rag

Well,last Saturday was the Boston Show. I am going thru withdrawls. Missing all the fellow DanFans. Sitting here listening to the cuts on Andy's site. I'm glad it's there so I can listen to the live stuff.
Gonna have to listen and watch the 2Against Nature DVD in Luscious Surround Sound this weekend for more of a fix.
Hoping the SD tour happens this summer. Gonna quit my job and follow em around like a dead head. Well maybe just catch more than a couple of shows.
Fezman,Mark,BostonRag,SpongeBill and the rest. Isn't there at least a SD cover band around?
The rest of you all looking forward to your DF Band 06 Tour show nights. HAVE FUN!!!

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 20:32:35 ET
Posted by: NYB,

Okay fine... I've listen to MTC for the 14th time now and I'm ready to announce THE BEST SONG ON THE CD! The best song on Morph The Cat is...


This song is exquisite. I really can't find one thing I don't like about it. Nobody could write this song but Donald Fagen. This is some of his best work in the last 25 years. Just that opening is enough to hook ya... "The stars are bright tonight. The air is sweet. Though summer's over now, there's a strange new music in the street...". Absolutely beautiful. Who could write a song like this besides him? What a fine song. Right up there with ANYTHING Steely Dan has ever done. Hey it's even got that Becker-esque guitar solo towards the end, what else could you ask for?

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 20:29:13 ET
Posted by: Alkali, NYC

Bright Gaslight behind Abbie's night gown.
I think it's pretty apparent.


Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 20:05:07 ET
Posted by: Napoleon, UK

Gaslighting Abbie Vs Bright Nitegown . Discuss

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 19:57:49 ET
Posted by: stealth,

Keith Carlock = Human. Have hugged him. Very human.

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 19:50:08 ET
Posted by: thirdworldman, spinning MTC while making jerk chicken,laptop on counter...

Post after post that I have been reading lately are so laden with negativity, and what appears to be anti-Donald sentiment. Or at least chatter that is not from df/sd fans. True fans would not dis the man in a fan forum. The Blue Book IS a fan based forum, and, while everyone is entitled to their own opinion, it should be presented as constructive critiscm, if at all.
I am just happy to have seen Donald, and am overjoyed at the prospect of having a new addition to the soundtrack of my life. because that's what it is. I will listen to this disc again and again,it will remind me of the good times and the bad times, i will live with this music.
Those of you who are here to nitpick, complain, act as pseudo intellectuals, try to impress others with your vast musical knowlege, point out what you perceive to be mistakes or faux pas's on the part of the DF are really in the wrong place. Start your own web log and name it "101 mistakes Fagen made on MTC, or Gaucho, or Nightfly"
Here's what I think: you dont get it. and it pisses you off.
I dont think you really are fans. I do not think as you dont get me and i dont get you. so be it.
This usually is a very informative and fun place for like minded sd/df/wb fans to share stuff, meet, etc. but not lately.
"brite nitegown is too long... " shit dude, i LOOPED it, i should invite you over and tie you to a chair and really give you something to complain about...listen over, and over, and over...
anyway, dont want to add to the hostility, (but we are Americans after all) just chillax...paz!

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 19:41:18 ET
Posted by: bwaySteve, Green plastic necklace with built in shotglass sold on bway

I'm not sick of Brite Nightgown yet.It's getting a little compulsive though.Great Funk is like a Kaleidescope or a Mandala.The whole is more than the sum of it's parts.
The amazing thing to me is how much better it was live than on the record.They did this thing at the end where the clockworks unravel in an atonal seizure.
The one on the record is a wind up toy by comparison.

Carlock : Robot or Human ?

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 18:41:33 ET
Posted by: NYB,


I agree. "Book Of Liars" is as good as anything they've done since Gaucho. The song is better on AIA than on 11TOW because it's backed up by more instrumentation but either way it's a phenominal song. It has more emotion than just about anything post-AJA. Becker should be very proud of that one.

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 18:18:19 ET
Posted by: Kid Clean, puttin in o.t.

previous post about soundcheck jives with what we heard. 1st night everyone was in row 6 or 7 and possibly clapping, commenting, etc and 'freaked' Don out. Next night they sat back by the soundboard and they played for over an hour. We were back by the board and got a hair over an hour, Maxine as previously stated, What I do, Nightfly and one other, I think.

I'd rather drop the extra cash closer to the artist than pay a scalper plus the soundcheck was VERY COOL, and a little dinner and goodies, 1st or 2nd or 3rd row seats guaranteed, you can't beat it!

Countermoon, one of my least favorite Kama tunes was, dare I say, rockin'. Would have liked to hear Cindy do her thing at the end of Teahouse instead.

T-minus 26 hours and counting


Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 18:15:35 ET
Posted by: LadyBayside, there


You aren't orig from LI, are you? South Shore?

Just curious...


Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 18:05:02 ET
Posted by: Luke, Los Angeles

Is there going to be any kind of wingding for the Los Angeles/Wiltern show?

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 17:54:41 ET
Posted by: Joey,

" Have fun in Chicago..wish I was going to that one! "

Me too ........................

Happy St. Patrick's Day Everybody ....

Enjoy the Evening !!!!!!!! :)

Joeykins !

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 17:49:41 ET
Posted by: LadyBayside, soon to be west, Vegas here I come!

As to Phonus Quaver, just as a point of interest, a websearch yielded the following:

"a quaver is a British term for an eighth note"

I wonder if Phonus is used from the term 'phonus bolognus' (you know, bs.)

I can't imagine that this PQ musician is a real person, given Donald's inclination to perfection. It's gotta be someone's alias, or Donald goofing around.

Listened to EMG, then MTC, then Aja in the car driving to and from Lawn Guyland today. Made the traffic interesting...

Have fun in Chicago..wish I was going to that one!

I will be in Vegas (although I have been obsessively worrying about missing my Philly connection and therefore arriving too late to see the show in Vegas) and then Temecula. Looking forward to meeting folks I don't already know (especially those folks travelving from faraway places like Brussels and Australia!) and seeing some familiar faces.

What on earth am I going to do when this leg of the tour is over? Sheesh.


Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 16:58:51 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

Phonus Quaver = PQ get jiggy with it!!

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 16:55:52 ET
Posted by: danfanpam, Richmond

I am dying to know 1)who the hell Phonus Quaver is and 2)who the hell told him he could have a name like that!

All I found during a quick search via my favorite search engine was a one-star review ( see below) by a guy named Peter Hund (, suggesting it might be an alias for Donald himself.

Morph the Cat
Donald Fagen

Let’s not mince words here: This is great stuff.

More than Fagen’s other solo albums – 1982’s “The Nightfly” and 1993’s “Kamakiriad” – this sounds like a Steely Dan album. One could dare say it sounds more like Steely Dan than the Dan’s last two albums.

It’s pure studio perfection. How long does it take this guy to write and record something like this? Unless he’s been stashing away songs over the years, Fagen’s been busy since the “Everything Must Go” tour wrapped at the end of ’03.

How to put it: The songs are just cooler, hipper, funkier, groovier. And his voice sounds better, not as hoarse or straining to hit the upper registers (it could be masked by female background vocals and his own multitracked voice, but who cares – the end result is great). And man, does he go to town on those keyboards, even serving up some organ and possibly vibes (unless Phonus Quaver is a real person).

Last but not least, those lyrics – Fagen’s oblique, surreal sarcasm has never been in better form. His themes may change as he gets older, but trying to decipher his cryptograms is still half the fun of listening.

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 16:52:18 ET
Posted by: Rick Goeld, Scottsdale, Arizona

where do all of you find the time to keep up with all these postings ???

FIFTHFISH and ALKALI: I also posted re: similarity of H Gang to Grapevine

I agree with DEAN BLADGEN: Too much analysis and not enough "enjoyment." I agree with you re: Jack of Speed ... it is fantastic.

I still think H Gang is the best song on MTC.

I think Becker's Book of Liars is right up there with the best of Fagen and SD.

Rick Goeld

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 16:46:51 ET
Posted by: 5* was great, but now in the past

According to the 5-star host, DF didn't feel comfortable with the closeness (1-2 row) of the first sound check, so at the Beacon, we sat behind the sound board. I think that's been protocol from the first show on. Great seats still, it's totally like being a fly on the wall.

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 16:42:53 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

Well risking being blasted for off topic. Around 1990 Bill Connors came out of his hermit seclusion and I went to see him and the drummer was Kim Plainfield. 2 nights later I went to see Tania Maria across the street at the Village Gate and the drummer was Kim Plainfield. Three nights later for fun we saw the Pointer Sisters at Westbury and the drummer was...Kim Plainfield! Unreal!!!

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 16:31:26 ET
Posted by: Josey, St. Simons Island

PQ - my only familiarity with Tom Kennedy is thru Dave Weckl. I have all of Weckl's cd's - which Kennedy does most of the bass work on - and have seen the Weckl Band several times in Atlanta. I'm not too familiar with Plainfield other than I know who he is and I've seen his clip on

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 16:15:29 ET
Posted by: just another freak, sxsowhat

I'm a little slow and I have to listen a few times and then it hits me and I'm like unable to stop listening and I wonder why there was ever this smidgeon of doubt that this would be yet another masterpiece from the master and here we go again and I can't wait to burn it up a thousand freaking times. Thank you Donald Fagan from the bottom of my heart. And why do my lacrimal glands go weird on me when it finally dawns on me how good these songs are?

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 16:00:59 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

Jo did you ever see Kennedy with Bill Connors and the most sought after drummer Kim Plainfield in the late 80s/early90s!?

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 15:56:45 ET
Posted by: Josey, St. Simons Island

You guys should check out an Atlanta bassist named Adam Nitti. Aside from being a tremendously nice guy, he's one helluva bassist who's got the funk chops as well as any other style you'd want. He subbed for Tom Kennedy on Weckl's tour a couple of years ago when Kennedy was sick. Incredible player! If you have a chance, check out some of his sound clips.

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 15:55:32 ET
Posted by: Security Jam,

Steely Jan,
Are sub-machine guns allowed at the airport check-in?

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 15:54:53 ET
Posted by: Every now, and again

I GOTS to have some Lunch With Gina!

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 15:25:29 ET
Posted by: s, s

Have a 5* for the Temecula show. How far back are you from the stage during sound check? Thanks

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 15:22:01 ET
Posted by: Alkali, NYC

What’s missing?
FLIP: you forgot people like Larry Graham, Tony Levin, Jaco Pastorius, Rick Laird, Stanley Clarke and Mirislav Vitous just to name a few off the top of my head.
Yes, yes that’s Funk!

“Give us some funked up music”(hate this song, by the way)


Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 15:15:27 ET
Posted by: Kid Clean, @work

During Cleveland soundcheck they ran through Maxine twice and just the ending another 4 or five times. It sounded pretty good to me but apparently not to Donald. Hopefully they will get it nailed pretty soon.

I really wished we'd have gotten Third World Man, but I was glad to have gotten Snowbound. At the Steely shows past, I've found it fairly difficult to really hear the bass, during last nights performance, however, the bass was in the drivers seat, particularly during Snowbound. The groove that Freddy and Keith drove each song with was intense.

After really nailing Black Cow last tour I was a little disappointed with it this time, it was still good but it felt lacking.

Wayne Krantz was very good, seemed to fit in much better than back in '96. The end of Goodbye Look was great, they really jammed it out without it seeming like overkill.

Donald was coughing a bit during soundcheck and sounded a little more grovelly than usual but sounded quite well during the show.

Misery was phenominal, what a great, great song for this band, Walt was stellar on the sax.

As mentioned before, Jon absolutely tore FM a new a*hole, quite frankly after hearing it on almost every tour thus far, it was STILL a joy to listen to him wail on it.

Pretty much the whole show was spot on, those are the highlights, in my opinion. Got to meet a bunch of nice Dan 'freaks' during the 5-Star event, never fails to amaze me how many of us there are. I heard from Dana that there are 89 people for Saturday in Chicago! As teed off as I am about not having ponied up for that package, I'm looking forward to a better 'overall' view of the band from 3rd row balcony, especially getting to watch Keith.

See ya in Chicago!!


Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 14:54:01 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

Flipkid - your list of funk artists doesn't include anyone born after 1950. What am I missing?

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 14:40:20 ET
Posted by: Josey, St. Simons Island

My personal take is that these guys (Don and Walt) have withstood the test of time quite nicely! There are plenty of music acts that are here today and gone later today that would kill for half of the relevance SD has. If you're down on the idea they don't rock as much now as they did on Royal Scam, then pull out Royal Scam and wear it out! If that's who they still were, then that's what we'd be getting. Being a drummer, I'd love it too if they let Carlock loose a bit more, but then, that's not who they are. With the exception of "Aja", when have they ever let a drummer loose?? I've got a library of music with drummers ripping I can listen to anytime - if I want simple, straight ahead groove, I've got a library of SD to pull out! And there's my utterly worthless two cents.

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 14:37:26 ET
Posted by: Buzz, C-bus

I always need a good Godwhacker and Green Book fix

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 14:34:12 ET
Posted by: hoops,

That's ridiculous, "Objectivity Man." I don't even think you are "Objectivity Man."

Thanks, Connie. Wish you could be here.

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 14:33:38 ET
Posted by: Flipkid, B'more, MD

I know I'm gonna be sorry I jumped in here, but...

If you're going to try an define/characterize "funk", that's my genre. I've heard Down to the Bone, and, frankly, that's what I would call "smooth jazz." In fact, ANY song/artist that has a drum machine and/or programmed bass instead of a real drummer or bass player-- no matter how "masterful" the programmer-- can't be funk (in my book).

You want funk? Try Tower of Power; Average White Band; Maceo Parker; George Clinton & P-Funk; Phat Phunktion; James Brown; any old Stax record; THAT'S funk.

As my ol' Pappy used to say, "If it ain't TOO FUNKY, then it ain't funky enough."

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 14:28:42 ET
Posted by: murph, da cat

AC set list - I'll try to remember:

This isn't necessarily in order, or even a necessarily a complete listing, but none of these WEREN'T played.


Green Flower Street
New Frontier
Home at Last
Brite Nitegown
Third World Man
What I do
Mary Shut the Garden Door
Goodbye Look
Misery and Blues

Pretzel Logic
Viva Viva Rock and Roll

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 14:26:15 ET
Posted by: Connie, In the vineyard

Guests this week - Steely Dan.

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 14:18:26 ET
Posted by: ObjectivityMan, Above It All

Evan - you're a little low on the location of the kissing public. But you can tell who's kissin' by smelling their breath. This site is a bit old World, as in, Communist Russia, circa 1962. As long as you adore the Czar, you'll be ok.

How many times have you gone to a Dan-related show and gotten tired of hearing that it s "great", "fabulous", "awesome", "terrific",
"simply amazing". For all these pucker-fried fans, one could hope for something a bit more creative, and imaginative in their worship.
And some Listerine.

However, if they detect an ounce of criticism, they'll GET YOU!!!! Run! Run! Run! Just like that guy from "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" (the original)

Collectively, they may have hurried along the formation of the "Cult of Dan". But beware, Evan, objectivity and expression of nuance and reality are severely frowned upon.

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 14:17:50 ET
Posted by: hoops,

All the albums are great, great and greater. I can't think of a Steely Dan or (DF or WB) track I don't like (unlike with, say, Van Morrison, Leonard Cohen, Bob Dylan, Elton John, etc). Sometimes, I'm not up for listening to EMG for more subjective reason--I find it a little too dark at times even by SD standards. So if I need a "pick me up," it's not the SD album I turn to.


Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 14:12:08 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

Alkali if you don't know who Down To The Bone is you don't really have any business discussing modern funk music.

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 14:02:54 ET
Posted by: Me, here


Here's my problem with EMG. With just about everything else they've put out, before too long I find myself humming a song to myself and thinking "I really need to get a fix of it." Like I find myself humming Mona right now. It will be the first track I reach for on the ride home and I'll get my fix.

I never needed an emg fix.

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 13:57:58 ET
Posted by: Steely Jan,

Does anyone know if cameras are allowed at the sound check?

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 13:55:54 ET
Posted by: lovethisgig, atlanta

Indeed Jimmer, the end of Morph 2 is a nod to IGY. Somebody else commented on how that brings brings it all full circle. BTW, Morph 2 has a wicked funk of it's own.

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 13:48:13 ET
Posted by: Alkali, NYC

What exactly is “post-modern” funk?
Is it funk that hasn’t been played yet?
Is it the same as post impressionistic art?
Its own category, yet not quite somehow….
Almost there but not really.
And who in god’s name is “Down to the black fish belly”?
And Okee Doky?
Hmmmm….Are you making these names up?

No, no you see-the real kick ass outré-Steely Dan stopped existed with that final brilliance on the outro of “The Royal Scam”

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 13:46:36 ET
Posted by: NYB,

I know... now I'm sorry I invented it.

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 13:45:43 ET
Posted by: jimmer, phily

and another thing was does everyone(except hoops) diss EMG?,I think its one of the best albums! Just bummed they blew off playing pixaleen on the last tour!

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 13:44:42 ET
Posted by: hoops,

The phrase "adolescent definition of rock" reminded me of how someone has to always get up at shows, including Steely Dan and DF shows and shout out, "Free Bird!" Everything else aside, that "joke" needs to be can even fools think it is funny, it's so worn out.


Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 13:42:09 ET
Posted by: hoops,

MTC definitely deserves Grammys. I like it better than EMG and 2vN and those were obviously Grammy-worthy. Yet, I'm skeptical that Warners will give MTC the support Grammy nods supposedly require.


Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 13:40:54 ET
Posted by: jimmer, philly

on morph reprise the tail end is ,in my opinion ripped right outta the nighfly, i believe the song is i.g.y,,, the chorus goes
"what abeautifl world it will be
what a glorious time to be free
but the last horn on morph reprise is right outta that song,, check it out!

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 13:40:43 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

Got some asian thing flowing - He was always the creative brother, Niels Lan Doky I'm not fond of.

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 13:29:30 ET
Posted by: Chai Latte, STILL @ work (1 out of 6 numbers)

Rolling Stone review of Morph the Cat is up at and their open for opinions.

You only get one shot, but you might get YOUR 15 minutes of fame like I did, in the EMG article....excerpts of my posting under Donald's's not what I say, it's what I do!

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 13:26:22 ET
Posted by: Alkali, NYC

The nerve!

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 13:24:54 ET
Posted by: lovethisgig, atlanta

To those you think that Brite Nitegown goes on and on and on, indeed it does. It's called a groove. And it's the funkiest tune Dan/Don/Walt have ever done. Shut your trap, shake your butt, and enjoy your weekend.


PS: We're fortunate Don doesn't share the same narrow adolescent definition of rock as some of the posters.

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 13:17:35 ET
Posted by: Space Needle, get offa my cloud

This cd is gonna win a few grammy's regardless of what Bill thinks!
Still, Bill is kind've a super genius so you do have to listen to him once in a while right?



Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 13:12:32 ET
Posted by: Another view,

Evan, I wouldn't say that people here are Fagen feet kissers. But clearly there is a diverse cross section of fans and some are very opinionated. That's a good thing. Ask me and I will say Walter and Donald are both unique geniuses whose chemistry creates the third genius of Steely Dan. I kiss both pairs of feet. Not sure what Steely Dan feet look like but I doubt they look like bootlegs.

As a footnote (pardon another pun), for years, most fans sensed that it was more Becker than Fagen who was the internet wank. No biggie. Yet, I was really down to hear through the grapevine this week that Fagen is kinda down on fan venues like this.

But hey, Donald and Walter don't need the internet scene to make great music. They always will make great stuff, Places like this are but a sideshow trapping like Steely Dan t-shirts.

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 13:06:06 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

Denmark alot this year! Isn't the song on killer?

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 12:33:50 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

What, did I hear Chris Minh Doky? How is he doing in N.Y., PQ?

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 12:32:15 ET
Posted by: CrashBoomBang,

Yeah, Fagen should just write a really ass kicking rock song and shut that "Bill" guy the fuck up.

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 12:24:43 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

On Brite Nitegown, I'm glad we finally got some real mothefuckin funk from Steely Dan. That said, personally, I would have liked to have seen some real postmodern funk concepts being employed, a la really ass kicking modern funk like Down To The Bone or Fishbelly Black, where a sizzling upright bass player like Chris Minh Doky plays in a groove with a drum program written by a master drummer like Zach Danziger. A real different texture. I understand the Steely Dan purists here are going to shout and bark, but it would really burn.

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 12:16:53 ET
Posted by: ., .

Do we have to follow the dress code at The Eagles Nest before the Temecula show.

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 12:13:52 ET
Posted by: Evan, NYC

What a hostile group this can be if you're not kissing Fagen's feet.

I suggested that older Dan songs that went long *developed* (e.g., Deacon Blues; IGY). Though the grooves are deep on MTC, I feel that they get plodding after a while. Brite Nitegown is the worst culprit. The song lengths, for me, turn Morph from a potentially great album into just a very good one.

And I couldn't call it 'jamming' because the album (like all SD projects) is produced within an inch of its life. No one is stretching out musically.

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 12:11:07 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Hi Mike F,

Man o Man there are a lot of posts, I can't even keep up.

Glad you brought that up, Mike F. I mentioned the same thing about IGY and "When I Die" at the end of MTC(r) yesterday in response to Danfiend.


Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 12:09:00 ET
Posted by: jimmer, phl

anyone have the atlantic city set list? saw the philly show and atlantic city and was so impressed i've forgotten what i heard in a-c.. real losers making major noise in philly took a lot away from the show even though we asked that to shut up please! love the album!

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 12:01:01 ET
Posted by: Mike F., NYC

Just wondering if anyone else hears Blood Sweat and Tears version of "And When I Die" in that final closing horn bit on Morph? Fits thematically, FWIW...

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 11:58:14 ET
Posted by: CrashBoomBang,

"So can we please have less carping about their imagined failings?"

Uh excuse me Dean, but the minute we stop carping aobut their imagined failings we'll have to start carping about OUR OWN IMAGINED FAILINGS. Now do you really wanna see that? Didn't think so...

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 11:51:53 ET
Posted by: s, s

Maybe your not Bill your Walter

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 11:50:05 ET
Posted by: Dean Blagden, London

I've been looking at the BlueBook every day since MTC was released and, frankly, I'm starting to lose patience with a lot of the contribtions, as they come across (at least on this side of the Atlantic) as unbelievably nit picking. All this endless whingeing about why Walter and Donald "aren't writing hits anymore", or about how "groove" has replaced melody in their music, or about how MTC is better than TVN, but still "not quite there". It's pathetic. Let's start with a few fundamentals. First, Walter and Donald have been in this business for over 35 years. It's normal for recording artists to have most of their hits early in their career. And it is rare for even the greatest exponents of popular music to be consistently brilliant. Sinatra produced a large number of mediocre albums, following his great period with Capitol in the 50's. Ditto Ellington, who never produced another "hit" after Satin Doll and who never really re-captured the magic of his 40s recordings with his later bands. So judging by some of the contributions here I really do think some Dan fans have totally unrealistic expectations. Great recording artists simply do not continue to churn out hits decade after decade. Since 1994, SD hae produced five albums (three solo, two group)and all five have been very good (although TTOW not quite as good as the others). The quality and consistency of Kamakiriad, TVN and EMG are simply amazing for a band in its fourth decade. Each contains songs which have become SD classics ("Snowbound, "Jack of Speed", "Godwacker" for example). There are aspects of the modern SD sound which are open to legitimate criticism. They keep their drummers on too tight a leash, and sometimes the funk backbeat can inhibit a more flexible approach to rhythm. But these are minor quibbles and have to be seen in their proper context - which is that Donald and Walter display an amazing level of inspiration for people who have been in this business for this long. So can we please have less carping about their imagined failings?

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 11:47:45 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Just a warning about a potential delay for last minute arrivals at the Chicago Show :

As it would happen, on Saturday night at 7:00 pm, the "March 18 Anti-War Coalition" will begin a protest march against the Iraq War which may hamper your ability to get to the Chicago Theatre for Donald's show. The march will block some streets a block or two from the show around 7:30 or 8:00 pm. The route is down North Michigan Avenue from Walton to Wacker; west on Wacker to Clark; and south on Clark to Washington at the Daley Center.

If you are coming from the Union or Ogilvie Amtrak/Metra commuter trains or from across the river for the show, you should allow extra time in case they block the streets. If you get stuck you can probably use lower Michigan Avenue or the City Hall/Thompson Center/Daley Center pedway to cut through underground to the show.

There will also be traffic backups if you drive down Michigan Avenue in the hour before the show.

There's just a little snow in some spots on the grass today and that show be mostly gone in a few hours.


Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 11:40:10 ET
Posted by: CrashBoomBang,

And why do you guys keep referring to me as "Bill". Bill is annoying and is always busting Donald's balls for the fun of it. What would make you think I was him?

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 11:35:58 ET
Posted by: bwaySteve, Toidy Toid

Thinking about how unusual to have heard performances of these songs before the record came out.Record sounds small by comparison.Maybe it was the lights.

Great to have heard Donald announce the songs more like a tour bus guide than a master of ceremonies.

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 11:19:13 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

It seems some of you like the 70's stuff more cause it was more rough on the surface. The truth is that Dan probably wanted it to sound the way it does today, but the technical possibilities back then made it sound rough.

Point beeing: TvN, EMG and MTC are sonically the same deal as Katy, Aja and Gaucho. Scam stands out for it's guitar work, which is what you seem to be missing, but sonically speaking the most of the guys' albums are alike (at least when it comes to intentions), so where should this sudden change come from?

Try listening a little closer, and don't let surface trick you. The mistake a great deal of critics commit.

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 11:18:18 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

fp - You hit on a good point: Walter can't sing for shit but guess what? Neither can Donald. Singing starts with your soul, not your voice. Satchmo couldn't sing but he could take you to a place Pavarotti couldn't. It's not about God-given talent; it's about your spirit.

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 11:14:22 ET
Posted by: fp, nyc

KDawg--Only one big problem with that. Walter can't sing like Donald.

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 11:02:26 ET
Posted by: Alkali, NYC

CRASH: I agree with you that he’s lost that sharp witted edge that had me and, I’m sure other fans, salivating for more. That steady cool bravado, take no prisoners approach that threw caution to the proverbial wind on so many tracks.
You say he’s almost there, but not quite; I say he’s not close at all. I say, he’s buffed the shine on his work so hard that he’s lost the sparkle.
Don’t get me wrong, there are moments of glory and sharpness of old and flashes of brilliance that remind us of those near perfect gems ala “Green earrings”, “Everything you did”, “Kid C” but , all to often we end up with this overly handled synthetic wash of quasi-muzac.
Kind of like French food; manipulated, trimmed, fingered and then gently and perfectly placed on top of a bed of mescaline greens.
Give me Italian food any day.
He DOES need to turn it up to 11 sometimes, for my taste.

FIFTHFISH: yes, I heard “Heard it through the grapevine” after my first 30 second snippet. I posted it, but didn’t hear any similar thoughts until now. Thank you.

Morph is still at the top of my list!
As far as the other tracks go; I can almost listen to it front to back.
I’m liking this CD more and more with each listen!


Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 10:59:33 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

I think of Walter rockin' out more than Fagen anyway. If you want that edge, wiat for Becker's album later this year. That should satisfy your soul.

I'm really thinking that Pagoda is the Deacon Blues of this album....nice long song with tons of chord changes and lyrics that make you feel like this stuff is really going on.

Kudos to Fagen for making solid, repeat listening music!


Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 10:52:05 ET
Posted by: I Drove The Chrysler, PA

Hmmm... I do think, while listening to MORPH, that yeah, D's head is in a very different, funky/serene place these days, but the edge IS there, it's just "morphed" into something more rich and subtle. Don't you think that's appropriate for the 58 year old veteran master that he is? Why do you suppose he's bound by contract to paint the same canvasses over and over again?

Although I wouldn't mind a tad more raucousness to the music next time out--how about on the next Steely Dan album?--a little more bright and forceful oomph to the musical motifs and arrangements, if I hear you guys right.

But that's not, for me, to take ANYTHING away from MTC. The thing is fucking MAGNIFICENT as is...

And the preliminary grades are in:

"Morph the Cat" A+
"H-Gang" A
"What I Do" A
"Brite Nitegown" A
"The Great Pagoda of Funn" A
"Security Joan" A+
"The Night Belongs to Mona" A+
"Mary Shut the Garden Door" A+

Detailed comments to follow later...

(I don't count "Morph the Cat" reprise as a separate song)

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 10:50:48 ET
Posted by: bassicinstinct, Nottingham UK


he "james" worked out in the studio

You've COMPLETELY lost me there I'm afraid.

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 10:47:23 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu,

Mona is the ONLY song without an instrumental break, and that's cool - great pop song like Pixeleen. MTC is more like Royal Scam and Countdown in that while the chords were written out, the solos were at least partially improvised and he "james" worked out in the studio. Loose yet tight. Donald let the songs go where they wanted. There are a few song structures with a twist. The extended jams were one of the reasons all those Royal Scam songs were used on tour in '93 and '94.

Remember, Fagen isn't rock or jazz, but something in between. Unique. Yet each song on this album is different in sound though. MTC certainly deserves Grammys on its own merit. TvN is very good, but I had the feeling that some of the votes were "lifetime achievement" votes if you know what I mean

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 10:47:17 ET
Posted by: Rajah, Chicago

Donald is 58 years old. He came up in the late 50's and early 60's listening to bebop. Rock n roll is his second love, not his first. What he's fashioning musically for us now represents the super-nova of his career. To those of you who still crave the MOS, Bodhi and FM of his youth, please adjust. He's in his best period right now, he's at the top of his game. The themes on this record are a veritable survey of 20th century Tin Pan Alley music, songs that any artist would kill to cover and that includes Ella, Frank, Satchmo and Sarah. Donald's work is timeless, not timely. He will be remembered as the Bach and Motzart of his time, he's up there with the greatest songwriters of the modern era, Cole Porter, George Gershwin, Rogers & Hart, Bacharah, Mancini and when you witness him in concert be assured you are in the presence of a legendary master.

Even when he blows lyrics and sucks.

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 10:45:45 ET
Posted by: l Candy,

"Donald is starting to come around but he's not quite there yet"

What a freaking jerk!

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 10:14:21 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

"Nowhere on this album will you hear a really heavy UNCONTROLLED rock solo"

That's true, instead you will find about ten totally uncontrolled jazz-rock solo's from some of the best players around. These are absolutely not perfect solo's, they are uncontrolled improvisation of an extremely high standard.

If you don't see that, maybe you are listening to the wrong guy.

Remember Larry Carlton on the Aja video saying that Donald (and Walt) are not after perfection, they wanna go beyond perfection, and make it sound natural and improvised. mission accomplished Donald, well done!

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 10:11:08 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

"Who do you think he's listening to right now, me or you?"

How about none of the above.

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 10:00:05 ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher, Louisville, KY

Maybe Donald doesn't WANT to do a loud, heavy song? Maybe he doesn't enjoy doing that kind of music as much as something softer and more sophisticated? That's good enough a reason for me.

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 09:54:41 ET
Posted by: Flipkid, Blue State

Easy, there, Moonspank. I didn't mean to get your Irish up on St. Patrick's Day!

I didn't say I only wanted to hear 3-minute pop songs; that would bore me to tears. I only meant that songs should take as long as the composer/artist thinks they should take to say whay they want to say... lyrically and melodically. Holy cripes, Frank Zappa is my IDOL, and you know how his songs could go on!! LOL!

And I (also happen to me a musician... well, a drummer, anyway) enjoy a good, grooving jam just as much as the next guy... as long as the musicians/soloists have something to say without getting repetitive. But then, that's all in the ear of the beholder.

I love MTC... every song. I just noticed what a previous poster also noticed; that some of the songs could use a wee bit of judicious editing (IMHO).

It's all good, bro.

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 09:49:22 ET
Posted by: CrashBoomBang,

Silly boy, all I'm saying is that Fagen should take a chance once in a while. Quit using the same formula every time out. Mix it up! Quit being so neurotic about the sound. Let the song get loud and raucus every once in a while. Quit using the sophisticated approach so much. Do something straight forward and basic now and then. See I'm offering some useful advice while you're engaging in hero worship. Who do you think he's listening to right now, me or you?

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 09:44:29 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

Bill how many years with the same arguments mofo?!

At large - even if we believe this claim that Fagen doesn't listen to much pop music (which his ad libs at many of these shows cast a shade of doubt on that, by the way) - that is certainly not the case with Walter Becker, who seems to be very much on top of the contemporary scene (check Gina's interview with Beasley).

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 09:39:21 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

"Donald is starting to come around but he's not quite there yet. His songs are beginning to have a little more edge to them, but just not quite enough so far. A little more effort and he should be there. The first thing he has to do is to drop his fear of loud rock music. He has simply GOT to add this dimension to his solo work or he's going to be considered a one-dimensional jazz-pop songwriter."

So what! So you know what is best for Fagen? You think he cares what he's considered as? Come on, what he is doing is fine. It's his style after all. He doesn't need to rock out...the guy is in another phase of his life and this is his form of expression. The songs grabbed me when I heard them. You are tellin' me songs like Pagoda or Mona or Mary don't stand out as gems? That there is some serious music in there? If you want more rockin' out stuff, you have picked the wrong dude to listen too. It absoultely amazes me that people know what he should do!

As I have mentioned in posts past, he doesn't pay attention to the latest trends...and if he does, he sure does avoid them. And more power to him...because he doesn't want to be lumped into the garbage that's filling the air waves today. Can you see "H-Gang" coming on after "Laffy-Taffy" or "I'm In Love With A Stripper"? Geesh!

His fear of loud rock music? The guy doesn't write rock songs bro! If you know anything about Fagen or the Dan, you'll know that these guys craft pop/jazz/soul stuff. Sure, they had some tunes you'd consider rockin' back in the early 70's...but the time was right for got them airplay and "in the door" so to speak. Once they got established, they did their own thing and I firmly believed it has paid off. So he's not on the American Top 40...who cares. His music is timeless.

Just enjoy it for what it

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 08:56:30 ET
Posted by: CrashBoomBang, the mechanized hum of another world

Donald is starting to come around but he's not quite there yet. His songs are beginning to have a little more edge to them, but just not quite enough so far. A little more effort and he should be there. The first thing he has to do is to drop his fear of loud rock music. He has simply GOT to add this dimension to his solo work or he's going to be considered a one-dimensional jazz-pop songwriter. Nowhere on this album will you hear a really heavy UNCONTROLLED rock solo, absolutely nowhere. Face it, Donald Fagen is a control freak. He a perfectionist to a fault. He can't stand for things to get out of hand. This is something he's going to have to work on a little more. He has the ability to do great things, but his nuerotic perfectionism always kicks in and prevents him from creating someting truly organic. It always comes off as too processed and clean. He's just got to stop doing that if he's ever going to write a song worth listening to again and again.

He really strikes me as someone who needs to be told when to stop once in a while. He needs somebody there who's going to say "This song is too clean, let's get a rock guitarist in here and liven this up a little.". Or maybe someone who'll say "These drums are too perfect, they're not organic enough, let the drummer get crazy with this thing for a while and let's take what we get on this one.".

The problem is, his songs are nice but they don't grab you like his earlier stuff did. This album is better than Kamakiriad and 2VN but it's still not quite right. Here comes that "organic" word again. As much as he hates it, Donald might have to mix a little of that garage band energy into his work for it to be right.

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 08:52:55 ET
Posted by: bassicinstinct, Nottingham UK


Both pithy and erudite.

Couldn't have put it better myself.

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 08:52:36 ET
Posted by: Fifthfish, UK

I'm slowly getting to know MTC and enjoying it more each day. I have it on random on the ipod with a couple of other recent purchases. Glad to say the Donald stuff stands out. For me, Brite Nitegown is the only track that goes on a bit - I'm not much into endless repetition.
There was a post about H Gang being like "I heard it through the grapevine". I think the timing of the two hooks (H Gang and Grapevine) are very similar and once it was pointed out, I saw what you meant.
Giving bass players and drummers a break for a bit, how about this one - What do you say to a soprano who knocks at your door? Anything you like, she still won't know when to come in.
Finally, a plea to the guys to come back to Europe. My last gig was the Glasgow Armadillo in 2000. We're getting a bit old waiting on you to come back.

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 08:43:45 ET
Posted by: Greg Moonspank, White Plains, NY

Flipkid writes:

<<<<On MTC, I'm hearing: intro/verse/chorus/verse/chorus/bridge/solosolosolosolo/verse/chorus/incessant noodling/out
Interesting that DF felt like he had to "fill up" a CD rather than give us an LP-length album. I guess that's show biz.>>>>

Absolutely ridiculous. If you want to hear 3 minute pop songs, go out and by a Rob Thomas album or any other teeny-bopper garbage. And what you call "incessant noodling" is actually called jamming. It's what musicans do, espeically jazz musicians. And when the best musicians in the world are called in to "noodle", i can listen all fucking day, because my ears are better than yours.

I guess the "incessant noodling" at the end of, say:

New Frontier
Royal Scam
Hatian Divorce
On The Dunes
hell, even Aja just "filler" for you.

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 08:08:41 ET
Posted by: RJ Squirrel, PA

I most respectively disagree on the intro to EMG. It is a glorious overture to the song and the sax is great. Regarding song length, you may be on to something but I need to listen longer before reaching any conclusions.

In other news:

What do it mean? In Mona:

calls at an unholy hour – typically the word is "ungodly". Does it make any difference?

grim and funny stuff - before I saw the lyrics I thought it was grim not funny stuff. Grim and funny?

Hmmmm. As Danny DeVito said in War of the Roses: "There are 2 things that rattle the human skull…". Make that 2 guys who rattle the human skull.

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 07:58:55 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

Flip & Evan, I agree Joan is a little to long. But apart from that I love that the songs take their time.

I remember Donald saying something like:"When you lock in a groove time flies"

This is what happens for me in most of the tracks. I never want them to end, like there's something hypnotic about the grooves and the certain feel of the song. Especially Pagoda and What I Do.

To repeat myself, I think the key to Nitegown is to not focus on the vocal repetition, but instead listen to the horn arrangements, as this is where the action is the last 1-2 minutes.

Also i find it extremely refreshig that Donald doesnt conform to the standard hitformula, "V-C-V-C-Bridge-C-C", which is everywhere today making listeners expectations conform too. it's really like an evil circle.

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 07:58:25 ET
Posted by: another 1 time poster, just like Evan

"I've been trying to figure out what bugs me about Morph the Cat after a dozen spins. Let's talk about song length"

Evan- Let's not.

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 07:57:39 ET
Posted by: Morpheus, The Matrix

Evan, I can share some of your comments. I think is more an approaching problem, I mean, maybe the musicians (or the producer) weren't brave enough to develop the song, adding something or losing themselves into it. I'm thinking in Brite Nitegown too. DF is better musician than he seems to consider himself. He need less fear sometimes. I smile every time I read reviewers talking about "is more of the same", bullshit. It's an unique style, and every musician in the world has one, nobody is able to reinvent himself 100%, and DF can (I'm thinking in Brite again).

My analisis: What I Do is pure gold (the best SD song in the 21th Century); Brite is funky as hell (the two voices thing is superb); Mary has too many synths, needs more metal but, hey, is real funk. Mona, Security Joan, H Gang and Morph are very good songs.

MTC: 5/5 nobody does it better. He did it again. I bought two standard copies and another Special one.

But the most important thing: Master Fagen, please, throw away the fucking melodica. You're good enough in the rhodes.

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 07:36:41 ET
Posted by: Flipkid, Blue State

"I've been trying to figure out what bugs me about Morph the Cat after a dozen spins. Let's talk about song length. I feel that the main weakness of Morph is most of the tunes go on a minute to a minute and a half too long..."

Evan, while it pains me to say it, I know exactly what you mean. One of the things that always made SD/DF songs so great is that theye were "tight." With rare exceptions-- the extended outro on West of Hollywood, for example-- SD/DF songs are just long enough to get the point across... whether it takes 3.5 minutes ir 7 minutes.

Most SD/DF songs are structured like this: intro/verse/chorus/verse/chorus/bridge/solo/verse/chorus/out

On MTC, I'm hearing: intro/verse/chorus/verse/chorus/bridge/solosolosolosolo/verse/chorus/incessant noodling/out

Interesting that DF felt like he had to "fill up" a CD rather than give us an LP-length album. I guess that's show biz.

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 07:33:01 ET
Posted by: ss, s

Thats to bad you didnt get an autograph.Guess df can be a real jerk.But I know he cares about his fans right.Maybe he wanted to beat the traffic.

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 07:22:58 ET
Posted by: Evan, NYC

I've been trying to figure out what bugs me about Morph the Cat after a dozen spins. Let's talk about song length.

I feel that the main weakness of Morph is most of the tunes go on a minute to a minute and a half too long -- nothing *develops* enough to warrant the length. The Brite Nitegown vamp could have been easily trimmed; the Morph title track doesn't develop at all in the last minute... I get bored by the end of Security Joan.

I love these tunes, I just wished they were shorter, or developed in a way that kept them more engaging. (Contrast to Aja, Deacon Blues, etc. Brite Nitegown is as long as Deacon Blues!)

Of the late SD projects, the longest tracks are the ones that suffer most. Think about the sax solo to start the title track of Everything Must Go -- I fast forward it. West of Hollywood runs too long. Two against nature could use a minute snip, too.

Fagen said in one of the interviews that because it's a cd he needed to fill up an hour of music, as opposed to 40 minutes on his older albums. I would have preferred a 40 minute Morph the Cat.

Of course, my favorite song on the album (by far, so far) is Mona, destined to be one of the best tunes in the whole Dan oeuvre. It's a perfect 4:18.


Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 07:11:46 ET
Posted by: Security Joe, Uptown

Many thanks TJ

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 04:45:43 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

Setlist, Upper Darby, March 4rd

Here At The Western World
The Nightfly
Greenflower Street
Teahouse On The Tracks
New Frontier
Third World Man
Home At Last
Band Intro (Not sure about this)
What I Do
Black Cow
Goodbye Look
Misery bluesprobably Blues In The Mornin'
Mary Shut The Garden Door
Pretzel Logic
Viva Rock N Roll

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 03:18:46 ET
Posted by: Security Joe, Uptown

Has anyone the set list from Upper Darby (4th March)?

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 03:15:44 ET
Posted by: Larry MICHAELS, Newport Beach


Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 02:03:39 ET
Posted by: Buzz, zzzz

Forgot to mention for all you drummers Keith will be doing a drum clinic in Columbus OH Sunday 4/2. Also on the bill the one and only Dennis Chambers and Steve Ferrone (Average White Band, Tom Petty) should be a real good time..

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 01:59:07 ET
Posted by: Buzz, zzzzzzzzzz

Back from Cleveland. What a great show in such a beautiful venue. Seats were section FF dead center. Clear view of the entire stage. The sound was steller. Tweaked and crystal clear. The band had great energy from the start. Dons voice was clear. Cold must be gone by now, right? I'll agree with the comment about it being worth the price of admission to hear the Nightfly songs. The band was tight. In New Frontier during the outro solo, Carlock hits the Hi-Hat while the band rests. Just one beat..WOW..Love the Calypso of Goodbye Look. The jammed out ending on Mary shut the Garden Door was so phat, Don commented even they can jam like the Dead. The Morph songs sound like they have been playing them forever. Keith and Freddie were so locked in on Nightgown. Very cool to hear Dons take on the Dan catalog. The phrasing of the "Danger on the Rocks" part of Home at Last was so sly and the girls had chills running up and down my spine. You know, I accepted the fact that Western World was not in the cards for Cleveland. I really did.. but deny my 3rd World Man. Punishment for not hitting Detroit I guess. Beware the Ides of March. Why not cut FM instead? Although, I must say the Donettes sounded awsome. No static at All. Limited Merch table. The cat design on the girlie shirt not available in mens which is a real bummer. $30 T-shirts and for $45 you can have your very own Morph the Cat Donald Fagen Tote Bag. I understand the concept about quality over quanity but the show was too short. Only about hour and a half long. With the 5 minute cab ride, we were back in the hotel at 9:45. Cleveland Rocks. You must visit the rock and roll hall of fame. They were getting ready for a Buddy Holly exhibit starting at the end of April and the Bob Dylan exhibit in May. Skipped the Detroit show and the 5* experience to stay at the Ritz-Carlton. Dont do it. My visits at the Renaisance were better. Looking forward to the 2nd Leg of the tour and the Dan this summer. Bye for now

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 00:44:01 ET
Posted by: Better Times,

Nice to see my post showed back up. I LOVE THE BLUEBOOK!

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 00:41:23 ET
Posted by: Better Times,

Please tell me my last post wasn't taken down because it had a swear word of excitement in it? Coming off the high of the show tonight! If that is the case after I took the time to write then this BLUEBOOK BLOWS!

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 00:19:18 ET
Posted by: jmj, Detroit

Strong performance with the Nightfly songs and Home At Last and Nightgown was awesome. We missed out on IGY. No surprises in the list. Started around 8:10 and finished about 10pm.

Set List
1. Greenflower Street
2. New Frontier
3. Nightfly
4. Brite Nitegown
5. Snowbound
6. Home At Last
7. Black Cow
8. What I Do
9. Goodbye Look
10. Third World Man
11. Mary Shut Garden Door
12. Misery and the Blues
13. FM
14. Pretzel Logic
15. Viva Rock n Roll

On the way out from the show, we surprisingly crossed paths with Fagen on his way to the tour bus. We thanked him for the great show and requested an autograph on his CD. He brushed us off and didn't have 10 seconds for one sole fan request. Is he typically more social than that?

Date: Fri, March 17, 2006, 00:01:09 ET
Posted by: Kid Clean, Home at Last

Sounds like the Detroit show cooked. Cleveland was awesome, 5 Star was worth the dough, got a short q & a with 'Ready' Freddie, front and center 5 feet from Donald (only drawback was not getting to watch Freddy and Keith all night) band was tight, Brite Nightgown was FanF'ingTastic live, Jon shredded FM, sensory overload, more later.

Can't wait for Saturday!!!


Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 23:56:57 ET
Posted by: The Bending End, Village Voice review

I like how he slams the NY Times:

"the music is as free as birds and as constrained by reality as the Times."

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 23:48:15 ET
Posted by: Better Times,

Just got home from the Wing Ding in Detroit! UNFUCKINGBELIEVABLE!! Without a doubt THIRD WORLD MAN was the song of the show, PERFECT! This band is KILLER! Chicago you are next and you will NOT be let down, AT ALL! NO IGY or COUNTERMOON Tonight. Donald was very talkative and having laughs with the crowd. The Grooves that Freddie Washington and Keith Carlock lay down are RIDICULOUS! Anyone that complains about anything is a FOOL! Band entered from Left side of Stage, Donald from the Right. Donald is looking older but still has it! Jon Herrington in my opinion shined over Wayne Krantz. No disrespect to Wayne because he was stellar. I couldn't resist and bought both t-shirts at $30 each, $82 ticket, Expensive evening but worth it and I would have paid more. The Nightfly stuff is almost worth the price of admission themselves. Everything was GREAT but to sum it all up my friend I went with said as he left the truck, " I would have paid the $82 just to see The Nightfly tracks and Third World Man", They really were jaw dropping, mind bending and the Backup Singers were belting it out! A+ ALL THE WAY! Whoever is debating on going because of the money or whatever, you will be sorely pissed at yourself if you miss this! It also in a way gave me a different perspective on Steely shows. It was odd not seeing Walter up there, but the music didn't feel like it lacked though, just visually him not there was different. Anyway, off to bed! Thanks to Donald and your amazing band for coming to Detroit! People out West get ready, the Jazz Rock Master is headed your way!

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 23:15:45 ET
Posted by: Daddy G., In my wiggy pad

Gotta love the title of this Village Voice review of Morph by James Hunter...,hunter,72554,22.html

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 22:56:07 ET
Posted by: thirdworldman, 40 floors above the city

FYI - "let the good times roll" - sung by Rick Ocasek

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 20:54:52 ET
Posted by: Funk undsWagnall's,

Korrect schpelling is waay overrated in the cyber-world. We know what you're trying to say.

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 20:43:44 ET
Posted by: Nap, UKant spell


Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 20:42:39 ET
Posted by: Napoleon, UK, I Pod therefore I am

There's no way Jaco Pastorious composed and played on track's like Weather Report's "Havona" and his own "Continuum" without being philosophical! It was more than just technique. Shame he went out the way he did.

"Your music will be with us always, for as reat as your bass playing was, I still believe your pencil was mightier than your fretless" PETER GRAVES (12-01-00) www.Jaco

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 20:36:48 ET
Posted by: Rajah, oh my

fezo - Did you just become a new Dad??? Jesus, congratulations man! Nice going, let the fun begin...

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 20:30:47 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Ben Orr, Cleveland native, is indeed deceased but by no means did he sing all the Cars' tunes, Drive, Let the Good Times Roll and She's My Best Friend's Girl I do remember him crooning.

The most logical place for the L.A. Danfest is one of the bistros in the Wiltern Building. There's the Atlas Bar & Grill and a place called Monet's Cafe. But I'll do a drive-by in the morning and see if those joints are still there. Parking is always an issue out here so the place needs to be near the Wiltern lot.

Hoopsie, do I need my whooly underwear for Chicago this weekend? You promised me 57 degrees and sunny. And to think I trusted you.

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 19:41:47 ET
Posted by: Cars Fan Years Ago, Boston

Even though Ocasek wrote all the songs, didn't Ben Orr sing most of them? And isn't Ben Orr dead?

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 19:41:12 ET
Posted by: hoops,

The Latest info on Wing Dings is now posted at the following URLs. Thanks bunches to the hosts and hostesses—be sure to come out and support their events!






Not sure what is happening with Denver, L.A. and Santa Barbara.

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 19:22:51 ET
Posted by: bluprintblu, still in heaven

Fezo, I had the same hallucination frozen in front of my tele watching Leno the other night...Rundgren with a huge blond pelt on his head. I then puzzled and tried to digest. They were playing "good times roll"...very trippy

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 19:14:10 ET
Posted by: NYB,

Yeah didn't Debbie Harry say that Blondie was touring with "The NEW Cars"?

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 18:57:59 ET
Posted by: fezo, it's like an awful dream I have most every night

(1) Daryl Hall is 59? Jane, how do I stop this thing?

(2) This might be an addled new dad brain hallucination I had last evening but I would have sworn I heard--then later saw a confirming video--which said The Cars had reformed without Ric Ocasek. Their lead vocalist is now DF's brief collaborator, Todd Rungren

Does not compute

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 18:51:10 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

On the DVD-A: no music video, no interviews, no nothing except there's a different computer generated color drawing for each song. Of course you do get the 5.1 DTS Super Sensual Surround Sound if you have the proper DVD-A player, a digital surround-sound amp pumping out at least 5 channels and the 5 speakers, a woofer, two front, two surround.

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 18:38:14 ET

I know for us it doesn't mean a lot. But these are the facts!

In various countrys MTC is in the Top 10 best selling albums on line (I Tunes)

If that's really true that means more popularity for Don and at the same a prolongation of his tour. And YES , maybe a tour in Europe!


I told it a few times but nobody seems to have a good explanation. So here i go again: It's about the Mona song. After 1 minute and 48 seconds there is something happening with the "R" prononciation .
It's all up to you ,folks!

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 18:22:47 ET
Posted by: Prince,

Newark, honey, my number is %^$-@(*-]}%#.

You kina krazy but I like the way u schmoove.

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 17:32:33 ET
Posted by: hoops,

As noted in the past week, watch out for this "two channel" DVD-Audio. Sounds like you are getting a limited deal on it.

Danfiend, more than just that, consider the groove and baseline in MTC and compare with "TransIsland." The journey continues.


Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 17:13:07 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu ,


All the lyrics to MTC are on

If you're multitasking like me, add this to your information overlaod

sign up to watch the NCAAs live. Check out the "boss button" ROFLMAO

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 16:56:53 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

There are DVD-A units out there now capable of playing all formats and they are cheap! I saw a Panasonic the other day for about $100.00. And I bet you can get the surround amp and speakers with it and still pay less than a 5-Star I Love All Access Package. [Busted keychain and laminate not included]

Nero, Jack Benny and Larry Fine all played stringed instruments, two jokers and a sociopath, need I say more.

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 16:46:58 ET
Posted by: PQ, Brooklyn

LOL Bill, yeah OK. Don't force me into putting a line by line instruction manual of all the text on WB's site here for you. PS when is that new Freedy Johnston album due out? That's what I'ms awaitin fer. What was that line he gave about "I'm not a Steely Dan audio snob?"

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 16:44:55 ET
Posted by: ygk, nyc

Folks: it's not that big a deal.

Just go to Donald Fagen DOT Com and click on the Show Biz/Discography, and you will see Morph the cat

Click through the lyric titles TWICE, and you'll be nice......


Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 16:40:40 ET
Posted by: Daddy G., NJ

Minor correction... In my last post I said DF was at the Tower Theatre last saturday, but it was actually 2 saturdays ago---March 4. My mistake. Not a big one and nobody cares, I'm sure, but just thought I'd correct it anyway for what it's worth.

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 16:33:16 ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher, Louisville, KY

Sigh. My parents moved a few months ago into a new house. Just about a month ago, they finally put the 5.1 surround sound system back together and stuck it in the basement. So, I figured I would be able to enjoy my MTC DVD-A disc. Wrong. They apparently gave away our second DVD player to a relative. Looks like I'm in the market for a legitimate DVD-A player finally. Suggestions? Looking for one on the cheap, but it definately needs to be capable of 5.1 surround.

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 16:30:57 ET
Posted by: His Lordship To Be, Worldlywise, I Realize, That Everybodys Crazy...Am I myself Or Just Another Freak?

And NYB-Looking through the bible, two of the smartest folks in it, David and Sollomon, also put in some real great music 9especially at the time) using STRINGED INSTRUMENTS
These would some day evovle into BASS!!!!!


Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 16:28:10 ET
Posted by: His Lordship To Be, Worldlywise, I Realize, That Everybodys Crazy...Am I myself Or Just Another Freak?

You can't listen to any Steely Dan track and think that either Walter Becker or Fagen are not smart or philisophical. Look at the themes in their music, and the way they use those themes!

Pretty much all Steely Dan tracks have had a philisophical, smart view put into them. Fire In The Hold, Throw Back The Little Ones and Any World are just three of the tracks which look over the nastiness of the human world and interpret it into a smart, philisophical song.

Nope, Becker and Fagen both know what they're doing when they put brain to music and pen to paper, and they send it out in ways you could never have put out on your own, and I feel that Becker and Fagen both have equal roles in doing this.

Just because the guy plays Bass at the back, doesn't mean his mind isn't up front.

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 16:15:37 ET
Posted by: Josey, St. Simons Island

NYB - lol, my apologies! I had no idea. Just goes to show that you can't spell dumbass without "bass"!

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 16:14:09 ET
Posted by: fp, ny

NYB- I don't remember seeing any comments/reviews you might have made about the Westbury show. What did you think?

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 16:03:32 ET
Posted by: Better Times,

My first concert when I was 10 in 1984 was Hall/Oates w/ Til Tuesday(aimee mann) opening at Joe Louis Arena in Detroit. Big Bam Boom Tour! Hall/Oates Rule! 4 hours until Donald!!

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 15:54:55 ET
Posted by: hoops,

back2bass6, a couple of days ago, I put up the url where you can see them all. All lyrics can't appear here for different reasons. If you are having problems, I'll be glad to assist. Just email me at hoopsATdandomDOTcom subsituting @ for AT and a period for DOT

Here's the URL again.



Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 15:52:36 ET
Posted by: NYB,

"Errr Bill, he producedand played on an album by a guru who's a disciple of Rahanna Maharshi. Believe me, he's very philosophical." (PeterQ)

Yeah but... that's not THE reason he played on that album bro. I remember reading somewhere that Becker said he had burned through all the Gaucho money and he needed a gig LIKE REALLY BAD so he did the Maharishi thing! I mean don't tell me you believe that bullshit about him sitting around lighting candles with the yogi and shit? That ain't true... it was actually a business trip. He was trying to sell the Maharishi one of those new Sadowsky electric sitars. The commission was gonna be KILLER from what I understand.

"I'd be interested in knowing where one reaches the conclusion, silly though it may be, that bassists are the least philosophical of all people. Where might one go to confirm something so nonsensical?" (Josie)

I'll tell ya where Josie my dear... THE BIBLE!
Did Jesus play Bass? NO! Did Moses play Bass? No! How about Saint John? Do ya think Saint John played Bass? HELL NO! Er, uh... I mean HECK NO! John played a telecaster with seymour duncan pickups! Everybody knows that. Judas, now Judas was a Bass player okay?

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 15:48:48 ET
Posted by: back2bass6, lawn guyland


would someone please post all MTC lyrics here

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 15:32:03 ET
Posted by: Don/Danfiend, Chi


If you look beyond the track placement, there is a definite connection. Both Trans-Island Skyway and Brite Nitegown sets up expository info and/or main themes of their respective albums. It's easy to dismiss it as a simple stylistic choice, but I wouldn't put anything past Donald.

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 15:28:32 ET
Posted by: Joey,

" A guitar player goes to see his doctor, complaining of some serious deterioration of his memory. He's having a hard time remembering correct changes and is afraid to lose all his gigs. Since the doctor can't find the cause, he asks the guitarist to leave his brain behind for a week for futher lab tests. After seven days the guitar player fails to show up, 2 weeks later there's no sign of the guy. Finally the doctor runs into him on the street, grabs him and asks: "Excuse me, but your brain is still waiting for you at the lab, why don't you show up?" The guitarist says, "Well, I think you can keep it; I finally switched to bass..."

That's it !!!!!! .... I am leaving the board .

Goodbye Everyone ....................


J. Fly !

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 15:23:25 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

What do you call a drummer in a suit?

--wait for it--

The Defendant.

Ha, I got a million of em.

They're all bad.

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 15:16:00 ET
Posted by: Daddy G., NJ

I found some things of interest in this article in today's Philly Inquirer about Hall & Oates who will be appearing at the Tower Theatre this saturday (DF was just there last saturday)...

Celebrating homeboys Hall & Oates
By David Hiltbrand, Inquirer Staff Writer

Inquirer articles are only available online for one week with free registration required, but here are the parts I found of interest...


"We let people know constantly where we're from," Oates says from a hotel room the morning after a Boston concert. "We are always paying respect to the music that formed us. We're part of the Philly sound. We have our own version of it."

It's a style they have mined for 20 albums and six No. 1 singles. Their sizable catalog of songs inspired a novel approach to their current tour. "Every show is request night," Hall says during a separate phone call. He's being driven west on the Massachusetts Turnpike to Sturbridge Village, on a research trip to fuel his passion for restoring historic homes.

"We don't know what we're going to play," says Hall, 59, who splits his life among Upstate New York, London and the Bahamas. "We play what people yell out. Now people are taking signs to the shows. Every night, we record it live, and it can be bought at the end of the show on CD."

"It's a good thing for us on a lot of levels," says Oates, 57, who lives in Colorado. "Our diehard fans go to a lot of our shows. This encourages us to change the lineup. We're fortunate we have the repertoire we can do that. It's a pretty loose approach. It's kind of like the R&B Grateful Dead."

It's odd that - for an act with more than 400 songs and so many hits - the most requested song isn't one of their own. "It's 'Me and Mrs. Jones,' " says Oates, identifying the Gamble and Huff classic associated with Billy Paul. "We never recorded it. We just started playing it for fun, and people went nuts, so we appropriated it into our set."


Just as clothes and hairstyles changed, so did musical tastes. And the duo, who had been flying so high with six platinum albums, abruptly found themselves out of the mainstream.

"How do you stop being great? Why aren't you always great? I've given it a lot of thought," Hall says. "It's the externals. I don't think it's in the artist. Well, it is in some cases...

"But for most of us, the muse doesn't walk away. The external conditions change, and that can be very difficult for an artist. I consider my work as good as anything I ever did. It's the world that's changed. The media and radio move on."

Both men insist this phase of their career, when they release records on their own label and play a manageable 80 gigs a year, is the most enjoyable yet.

"We put out records on our own schedule. We tour when we want to. It's all on our own terms," Oates says. "You have to be realistic and acknowledge you may not reach the same amount of people as you did during your commercial heyday. If you're willing to accept that, it can be quite fulfilling. You can sell to less people and make more money."


...the one thing that still makes [Hall's] blood boil is the lingering accusation that Hall & Oates has always been the American version of Wham!, with Oates as Andrew Ridgeley, the silent partner.

"That's unfair," Hall protests, his voice rising. "Anyone who says that doesn't know anything. It really angers me. If I ever see Conan O'Brien, he better run, because I'm going to kick his..."

The late-night host has taken a few jabs at the duo over the years, but the one that presumably sticks in Hall's craw is a takeoff of the VH1 film The Two of Us, about a Beatles reunion, with O'Brien playing Hall and Andy Richter playing Oates.

But no one can take away from these Philly boys their long run and many successes together. Why has this partnership been so strong and enduring?

"We have a lot of commonalities in our backgrounds," Oates says. "We grew up in the same place, listening to the same music. We didn't get together to be rock stars. The only motivation we had was to write songs and be musicians. And that never changed."

I like their approach to concerts as detailed in the first quoted part. More that the show is recorded right then and there and available on CD afterward. The playing of requests is interesting, but I don't know if that's always a good thing. Besides, maybe they just wait until someone yells out for whatever song they were gonna do anyway. I've never been to an H&O show, so I don't know.

The subsequent two quoted parts just sound very reminiscent of another musical duo well known around these parts...

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 15:12:39 ET
Posted by: Newark, Newark, MD

Anyone have Prince's phone number? or the guy "formerly known as Prince" in Detroit . . . or Kid Rock or someone. Finally redemmed myself--community service is finished:

[Dear Mr. Newark:]

I just wanted to thank you for your note, and the enthusiasm you have about this show. There has been much buzz around the Detroit-area regarding Mr. Fagen's appearance, and we are very excited to welcome him to our venue. Thank you again for your inspiring words.
All the best,
Dave Blackburn
publicist, Detroit Opera House


Did you hear that? "Inspiring words?!?" hehe

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 15:10:19 ET
Posted by: Josey, St. Simons Island

And I thought the only musician jokes were all centered around drummers! Of course, the obvious follow up to that would be that drummers aren't musicians.

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 14:54:49 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Homeless. [rim shot] Ah thang you.

Young couple go on their honeymoon to some southsea island. They get off the plane, they hear the native jungle drums and they go "cool, native drums." They check into the hotel, they hear the drums, they go to lunch, they hear the drums, they walk the beach, they hear the drums. That night after doing what young people do on their honeymoon, they try to sleep but, you guessed it, they hear the drums. So they go down to the lobby and ask the guy at the desk, "what is up withese native drums, when the hell are they gonna stop?" "Drums must never stop," says the guy. "Why???" they query. Guiy says, "Because when drums stop, bass solo begins."

I'll be in Chicago all weekend, please tip your waitresses.

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 14:45:00 ET
Posted by: ygk, nyc


what do you call a guitarist without a girlfriend?

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 14:24:42 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

A guitar player goes to see his doctor, complaining of some serious deterioration of his memory. He's having a hard time remembering correct changes and is afraid to lose all his gigs. Since the doctor can't find the cause, he asks the guitarist to leave his brain behind for a week for futher lab tests. After seven days the guitar player fails to show up, 2 weeks later there's no sign of the guy. Finally the doctor runs into him on the street, grabs him and asks: "Excuse me, but your brain is still waiting for you at the lab, why don't you show up?" The guitarist says, "Well, I think you can keep it; I finally switched to bass..."

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 14:11:28 ET
Posted by: Josey, St. Simons Island

I'd be interested in knowing where one reaches the conclusion, silly though it may be, that bassists are the least philosophical of all people. Where might one go to confirm something so nonsensical?

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 14:00:25 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

Errr Bill, he producedand played on an album by a guru who's a disciple of Rahanna Maharshi. Believe me, he's very philosophical.

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 13:55:50 ET
Posted by: paul,

Listening to the 5.1 Morph (dts) for the first time right now
I enjoy the clarity, but I can't say the different version does much for me. It's not as drastic a difference between vinyl Gaucho and DTS Gaucho... I'd say the difference is about as much as Two Against Nature's 2-channel and 5.1-channel versions.

But I haven't listened to the whole thing yet, and I'm in the middle of working, so I can't really make a valid review.

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 13:21:03 ET
Posted by: Rick Goeld, Scottsdale, Arizona

Just bought MTC yesterday. My opinion: H-Gang is by far the best song. I've listened to it 20+ times ... can't get enough of it. Does anyone else think it reminds them of I Heard It Through the Grapevine? (hey, it's only my opinion!)

I'm still getting used to the other songs, but generally I like all of them.

My book "Searching for Steely Dan" is selling very well. If you are interested in reading a book with many, many obscure (some subtle, some not-so-subtle) references to The Dan, The Music, some of the people associated with The Dan, etc, you should read the book. See how many references you can identify. Check it out at

I will be at the LA concert March 27. Anyone know of any Danfests before or after?

...Rick Goeld

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 12:56:28 ET
Posted by: ygk, nyc

Bill, Bill, Bill, bud.....Mingus, Mingus, Mingus, man, was extremely philosophical, and while I know him fairly well through books and such, I'm sure there are many other philosophical 'lowend' types. Chuck Rainey, I believe, who's played with everybody.

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 12:31:00 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

Don/Danfiend, Good observation! I cincerily doubt that Donald put the line in there as a reference though. The two songs are a like, both bouncing on one chord,and the melodic line is a pretty standard two note deal, so the reference is likely incidental or subconscious.

Also why would he make a reference to the first song on his second album in the fourth song in his third album?

But keep looking, if you find another I'll change my mind :-)

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 12:24:36 ET
Posted by: NYB,


There is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY that Becker is a philosophical guy. He's a freakin' BASSIST fer Chrissakes! Need I say more? Bassists are the least of all philosophical people, combine that with the FACT that he has a history of growing avacadoes and THERE you have it! (It's a well known fact in academic vegetable circles that ANYONE dealing in avacadoes is patently basic in thier approach to the world. I'm not making this stuff up).

No, I think you may be onto something with the Steppenwolf reference, but it has more to do with Rock N' Roll than it does with any crazy philosophical stuff. I mean we're talking about Becker here Pete, let's not get carried away okay?

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 12:00:25 ET
Posted by: Hopeful in Helsinki, Detroit

Newark has finally won my confidence to act as my second and friend for all concerns on the field of honor, whose judgment shall be upheld and unfettered by myself.

After investigating last night’s little problem, I found that the DF webmaster did, in fact, fix the tour dates as a result of Newark’s pointiture, but the webmaster failed to examine the basis upon which s/he erred in the first place. The ramifications become immediately obvious.

Newark is in trouble again for falling into a trap set by the DF webmaster. That is, instead of ripping Ticketmaster a new one single handedly, as she has been trained to do, she wasted valuable precious time, and now things have escalated. (The word snowballed is censored at present.)

This morning I noticed one of those: Mail Delivery Subsystem <> messages in my InBox. This revealed that Newark was flaking off fking a dead link or, better stated, Newark wasted precious time and energy explaining to the DF webster a Ticketmaster’s faux pas.

This waste of precious energy has afforded Newark yet another punishment of two hours community service. I have to hang out in Detroit cooling my heels, supervising the little imp. After completing community service,Newark’s priviliged status shall be restored, landing on higher ground perhaps, provided she does not or hasn’t already fkup royally while I'm defusing the contention.

The uncut funk needs to be said. Newark is pissed off (nothing unusual), but she remains calm and in sound in judgment and eager for avenge injustices. The downside is that now I must perform as her second and address the controversy in her stead. Honor is at stake. Pesky avatars. Sometimes it takes a human to fix things.

Ticketmaster needs to develop and FIX the web presence of the Donald Fagen Band ’06 (known on the Eastern Shore as Donald and the Willing Accomplices). Follow Fagen/Donald Fagan Band '06 (link) or Are there four dates there? I was of the expectation that there were more dates than this. Hugs, j&j

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 11:50:42 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

Bill - he's talking about manifesting, although he's talking about Krishna Das' version of it as opposed to someone like Wayne Dyer. But it's all the same after all the smoke clears. Absolutely no question that Becker follows this kind of philosophy. Even "Prosperity is your birthright," is somewhere on his site. Meaning both spiritual and material. Don't kid yourself; the text on Walter's site is loaded with quotes from Siddhartha and Steppenwolf. That's a book by Herman Hesse, not the band that sang Born To Be Wild.

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 11:40:21 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu,

"Was it the fire downtown
That turned her world around
Was it some guy or lots of different things
We all wonder where she’s gone
That sunny girl we used to know
Now every night we get the Mona Show"

I LOVE this bridge and the way it fits into the song musically and lyrically - creates brilliant visual images - one of the key aspects of the 1982 Nightfly album. The percussion on this song, as in all the album, is incredible. Gottlieb indeed should be on the tour and really shines on Mona and Mary. Fagen trills his voice( electronically it sounds like) during "GIRL" to match the harmonica tremolo - adding that shimmering effects like the sun's rays reflecting like beads skipping over the water at the beach.

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 11:38:28 ET
Posted by: NYB, get me Stephen Hawking on the phone...

Anyone care to take a shot at figuring this out?

"Beginning from the premise of perfection, the visible world becomes available as needed (which, let's face it, is a lot)." (Walter Becker)

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 11:22:05 ET
Posted by: Paul, Like Christmas without the chintzy stuff.

Holy crap! Chicago is getting dumped on with snow. Hopefully it's all done by Saturday, but the city certainly is going to be a glistening gem by the time Fagen fans arrive. 36 degrees and sunny on Saturday, they say.
And I'll be heading due south tomorrow, yet its not going to be much warmer where I'm going.

Enjoy the snow!

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 10:33:14 ET
Posted by: Gretchen, Laugh Laugh Phonograph

Donald, if you happen to read this, I have found a link to a children's record seller who happens to have "Laugh, Laugh Phonograph" as part of his inventory. Check out this website:

He seems to buy, sell, and trade old children's records, and also reproduce them complete with artwork. They even have one of my old favorites, "Tina the Ballerina!"


Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 10:27:46 ET
Posted by: Don/Danfiend, Chicago, Two More Days!!!


I posted yesterday that Donald made a reference to IGY at the end the Morph Reprise. It hit me this morning that he referred to Trans-Island Skyway in Brite Nitegown. The brilliance lies in the subtlety of the references.

The lines "I somehow twist myself around," "They put me on the ground," and "But when I finally came around," all share the same melodic material as "When They handed me they keys," etc. Donald also doubles his vocal with the same tasty high-falsetto as he did in Skyway's Choruses. "Steaming Up/That Trans-Island Skyway . . ."

Isn't also interesting that the references are to the first songs of both his previous solo albums? Donald, you're back in a BIG WAY!!! I can hardly wait to see what left to discover.

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 10:08:04 ET
Posted by: Gretchen,

Another article about Morph:

See you all in Chicago! Brrrrrrrrrrr


Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 09:59:24 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

My favorite son is Babylon sister... Yeah, that makes sense

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 09:50:08 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

Alkali, once again I'm sorry for my double outburst.

I'm not sure to rate music in list form is actually the premise of a fanboard. It might be for a Britney fanboard, where the goal of the music is to hit the top of the billboard.

The premise for this board is rather opinions.

My alltime favorite Steely Dan son is Babylon Sisters for a number a reasons. It's was the first Dan-song I ever heard, it has this perfect Perdie-shuffle and these soothing harmony and lyrics and always put's me in a certain melancholy mood. But that doesn't make it no. 1 on my Steely Dan hitlist. I like Kid Charlemagne almost to the same degree, but for a lot of different reasons, which makes comparison irrelevant.

To reach a compromise regarding the lists, I guess I find them acceptable, as long as they contain some sort of argument about why different tracks are listed different. In that way making it more of a personal and subective account of what this music means to you, instead of turning it into a seemingly objective competiton between songs.

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 09:30:35 ET
Posted by: Alkali, NYC

Leonard Cohen is cool, he was a lot better when he was younger but, age slows just about everything down.
“The Future” is my favorite work by him.
But, like Simon and Garfunkel, Cat Stevens, Carpenters etc. after a while you’ll not fall out of your bedroom window; you’ll jump.

TJ DK: in case you hadn’t noticed, the whole premise of music fan boards including this one is to rate music; whether it be in list form or otherwise, hello?
Apology accepted.


Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 09:29:29 ET
Posted by: jon, ,

Hey, Paul, in an effort to interrupt non-stop playing of MTC, I just wrapped up listening to TvN. A good bridge back to the distant past. Barney's bass playing quite similar to that of that found on new disc, and Walt's soloing resembles Krantz's in certain ways.

I feel like Mona's the same Negative Girl who was spied in Rudy's, very high.

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 09:24:11 ET
Posted by: Flipkid, Blue State

After repeated listenings (using headphones) of MTC, I have to say that its a real shame that Donald didn't make a percussionist a part of his tour band. The vibes and marimba on Morph totally rock. It would have been a welcome addition to an already killer tour band.

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 09:11:08 ET
Posted by: thirdworldman, on the couch,dying from an apparent case of fagenfluenza

Better times, the last time twm was played was back in november, when i found out that my wife was sleeping with ...uh nevermind

Thirdworldman was played during the Boston show, couldnt find setlist from subsequent shows...cough!

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 09:08:52 ET
Posted by: Tom, Akron

Cleveland show excellent. Sound was just right, crowd into it. Only complaint is it was too short. Band was dead on.

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 08:54:47 ET
Posted by: paul, CD's spinnin'

I know that most of you will be in Morph The Cat bliss for the next few weeks, and probably won't be dreaming of spinning any other CD, but when you do finally put some other disc on, It'd be interesting to know which one. The first album I played after my 49282th listen to Morph The Cat was Countdown to Ecstacy, and then I listened to Morph about a dozen more times, and then was in the mood for Can't Buy a Thrill. How have other's faired in the wake of this masterpiece?

My 5.1 disc should come today... hooray!

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 08:36:07 ET
Posted by: RJ Squirrel, Back In My Day Sonny

Better Times - Can't Buy A Thrill came out the year I graduated from High School for chrissakes! I wore that mofo out on an 8-track player that was in the freakin' glove box. You had to install your own Jensen 6x9 car speakers to get any kind of decent sound.

What a miracle and my good fortune that SD/DF/WB have produced these gems my whole adult life.

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 08:00:02 ET
Posted by: Better Times,

When is the last time Third World Man was played?

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 07:46:45 ET
Posted by: Better Times,

As tough as life and the world can be at times, no matter what is going on personally or professionally, how can you wake up and not be happy when you are about 12 hours or so away from seeing the one, the only one, Mr. Donald Fagen. The day has finally arrived! After posting and chatting with all you good people over the last few weeks, I am prepped and know what to expect, can't wait. I know it will be so good that I will want more and it will go by quick. I am hoping this is just the beginning of what will be a great year to be a Dan Fan. PLEASE let that Steely/Mcdonald tour happen, PLEASE! That will be the show of the SUMMER no doubt!
I am 31 and started listening to the DAn when I was 17/18 and at college. My trip from from co;;ege to home was about 2.5 hours. I used to get in my old car, have a smoke(the ULTRA GREEN kind) and set sail with my Citizen Steely Dan box set(Cassettes mind you) I along time ago also bought the cd's but still have the cassettes. That was about 92/93. I went to Florida in the Summer of 94 to see some people and we found ourselves at the Steely Show at the St.Petersburg Thunderdome. I have been to every tour since at least 2-3 times per tour and I still think the best drummer live that they have had since they started touring again in 93 is Dennis Chambers. Erskine, Lawson, Carlock all Great! but Chambers is in a world of his own. You can't argue that and I still think it was the best show I have seen. I remember Donald doing a few Kama songs and Walter doing B.of Liars as well. Anyway, Lester awaits!

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 06:29:42 ET
Posted by: Ted Nugent, Michigan Woods

My name is being bandied about here. Like Donald Fagen, I had a song about a cat, Cat Scratch Fever. I could write cerebral lyrics too, like "Well I make a pussy purr with a stroke of my hand."

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 05:42:09 ET
Posted by: NYB,

"GEEEEEE-ZUS, Bill, you're exasperating. What the hell do you want, Ted Nugent?" (Chrysler)

Of course not! I just want it to sound like something I would do that's all (insert smiley face here). Anything that doesn't sound like something I would do just can't be right can it? WELL? CAN IT???

That's what happens when a songwriting icon tries to go it alone I guess...

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 04:04:25 ET
Posted by: gagi, europe

I also love Leonard Cohen.
I was first dissaponted with his last album,
but some month later I listened again and realised
the beauty of some songs.

I still don`t like: Go No More A-Roving,
Because Of, The Letters & On That Day.

But: Undertow, Morning Glory, Villanelle For Our Time, To A Teacher
& The Faith
I find very, very good.

From 10 New Song I liked the most
"A Thousand Kisses Deep" and "Boogie Street".

I Don`t like "In My Secret Life".

Mr. Cohen will also release a new album this year, ca. August...

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 03:45:33 ET
Posted by: Newark, Detroit

x x x o o o x x x no thanks?

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 03:41:51 ET
Posted by: Newark, Detroit

Hi there, that full moon is something isn't it? Hmm. Well, hmmm. I am but a humble art patron and if I go to ticketmaster and type Donald Fagen into the BOX beside "search" I get something quite, ugh . . . dreary. Maybe you should try to bold your reds and change your font formats for after-hyperlink hits. Your reaction was amuzing, but I wouldn't want to be in your catbox right now. Pesky humans.

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 02:33:27 ET
Posted by: His Lordship To Be, Anxiously Waiting...

After waiting for, oooooooooh, um, a while, my copy of MTC is FINNALLY arriving TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!
It's kinda like a kid waiting for their fifth birthday, only knowing that their won;t be another one after it at the same time, unless Donald does some stuff with Steely Dan
I'm expexcting 'Mary' and 'morph' to be top of the list in most aspects,a lthough 'The Great...' sounds interestying and funkey.
Out of all the songs, I'm guessing 'Mona' will be the most reminiscent, although they're all set to be reminiscent, sorrowfull regretfull and sad themewise.

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 02:22:45 ET
Posted by: Tech Support, Your call is important to us, please hold...

Thank you for calling technical support. My name is Security Joan---how may I help you?

Mr. Newark, please note that is now listing Mr. Fagen's tour dates one page at a time, five dates per page. There's a spot to click "next" for subsequent dates. For your convenience here are all three current pages of tour dates listed separately...

Granted, the red print may be a little hard to read on the black background depending on your monitor type, make, model, and settings. And we've only recently discovered that the links become nearly impossible to read if you first visit and then return to because in such instances the red links then display in >>>dark<<< red as a result of your having already visited the TicketMaster Donald Fagen page.

We at want to thank you for bringing this issue to our attention and assure you we are working to resolve this as soon as possible. We regret any inconvenience this issue may have caused.

For now, to view links with ease just move your mouse pointer >>>outside<<< of a hard-to-read link, then click and hold the left mouse button while sliding the mouse pointer over the page to highlight the link text. This will render such links much more visible.

As for TicketMaster the remaining dates of Mr. Fagen's tour seem to appear fine for us when inputting either "Donald Fagen" or just "Fagen" into the TicketMaster search box and then clicking on the "Donald Fagen" link that appears as a result. Please note that the "Donald Fagen" link includes the subset of tour dates listed under the separate "Donald Fagen Band '06" link. Again for your convenience here is the direct TicketMaster page listing the remaining Donald Fagen tour dates...

It is not necessary to go through to arrive at TicketMaster's Donald Fagen page, although we certainly encourage you to do so as we believe you will find much information of interest regarding Mr. Fagen and his music at our website.

Thank you for your interest in Please visit again soon.

Oh, and Mr. Newark, I assure you that Mr. Fagen enjoys a good bran muffin for breakfast most days. On the advice of his doctor (Wu) Mr. Fagen has had to forego having webmasters at any meal as they are very high in saturated fats and Mr. Fagen is watching his cholesterol these days...

Again, thank you for calling technical support. Have a groovy day.

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 01:04:21 ET
Posted by: bwaySteve, Snowbound Pagoda

It immediately struck me listening to it and the more I do, the more I see Pagoda as being a "growed up" Snowbound .Both thematically and musically Fagen expresses his fortunate comfort , enjoying the presence of a satisfying relationship , conveying his sense of warmth and security at being in one.The Dan material looks at relationships as confounding and doomed by the peculiarities and dysfunctions of the participants.
Snowbound and Pagoda have such a similar musical feel to them, a soothing sway if you will.The instrumentation, especially the use of the horns is so similar in both. I wonder if this was conscious or just a common manifestation of something deep inside of him that's the musical expression of his attitude.

Relationships can be constant emotional and intellectual dueling matches.The man is very fortunate to have found someone with whom he can share and particularly express the positive and comforting aspects of.

Date: Thurs, March 16, 2006, 00:59:26 ET
Posted by: Newark, Detroit

Hoops, there's gold in them hills. I was just curious the tour dates: Went to and found many tour dates not posted. Donald will have the webmaster for breakfast.
So I couldn't find out what I needed to know, so I went to (their homepage).

After typing Donald Fagen into their "search," the results were anticlimactic compared to 50 cent's, who has no dates scheduled. Media analysts untie! hehe

Donald and his willing accomplices are coming to town near you soon.

None the less, the only portal into ticketmaster's full listings for the show, in my gleanings, is the NOW button at Donald's site. Careful . . . don't push that button!

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 23:47:45 ET
Posted by: The Bending End, Rhode Island

As suggested by one of Rajah's posts, I envision a Morph the Cat float in the Macy's parade. A giant balloon of Morph floats overhead, though it has no apparent tether to anything on the ground. It hovers above the float and along the parade route, but somewhat out of control, causing a certain amount of angst for parade viewers. A fine sound system on the float blasts Morph, and the float is populated by faithful members of the Dandom Bluebook doing some unusual dance movements.

Most people won't get it, but that would be part of the fun for those who do: the puzzled reactions of the crowd and television commentators will add our own amusement.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 23:42:59 ET
Posted by: Rikki, Cleveland

The show was about 1hr and 45 min (but I didn't precisely clock it). Some songs are extended a bit with solos and other good stuff.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 23:35:59 ET
Posted by: the Chrysler, PA

"...too soft and controlled..." --CrashBoomBang

GEEEEEE-ZUS, Bill, you're exasperating. What the hell do you want, Ted Nugent?

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 23:35:07 ET
Posted by: ru with me drhoo, chicago

Anyone else not received their All Access 5 star e-mail itinerary for Chicago? I received my confirmation way back in January, but it states that we will get an itinerary by e-mail 5 days before the show. So far, nothing this week. Please give a holler if you have/have not received. Thanks.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 23:29:39 ET
Posted by: Better Times,

Rikki, Thanks for the update. I have tickets in the 6th row on the right side tomorrow night. I think they are the end 2 seats toward the wall though so I am a little concerned, but I paid $81 so they better be good. How long did they play for? 15 songs isn't very long? I hope it is at least 90 minutes solid, the music that is.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 23:17:29 ET
Posted by: Rikki, Cleveland

I was lucky enough to attend the Cleveland show. 2nd row on the isle on the band's right side in front of the guitars. 15 feet from the Jon Herrington and Wayne Krantz and around 20 feet from Donald. With this band, Nightfly, New Frontier and Goodbye Look sound very, very good. You are in for a real treat in Detroit. If you don't have tickets, get them. Don't miss this opportunity.

Thank you for the Cleveland show Donald and band. Thumbs up Don. Not just for this show but for all the music through the years. You are truly a unique talent.

I can't say this list from the Cleveland show is 100% correct, but it's close.

Donald Fagan Band
Cleveland Palace Theater (3/15/05)

Greenflower Street
New Frontier
Brite Nitegown
Home at Last
Black Cow
What I Do
Goodbye Look
Misery and the Blues
Mary Shut the Garden Door
Pretzel Logic
Viva Viva Rock & Roll

The Morph the Cat T-Shirt for young ladies was $35. Other items were less expensive. It looked like a cash only operation so bring enough cash.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 22:38:05 ET
Posted by: Better Times,

Can someone who went to Cleveland tonight Please post the setlist? I am going tomorrow in Detroit and am crawling out of my skin. Also, anyone who has gone how much are t-shirts? I can't believe I am going to hear some songs (Nightfly, New Frontier, Goodbye Look) live. I never thought I would hear those, Can't wait and hope those songs sound as good live as on the disc.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 22:14:38 ET
Posted by: CrashBoomBang,

Should be "an apartment".
Where the freakin preview on this thing?

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 22:12:53 ET
Posted by: CrashBoomBang, can two men share and apartment without driving each other crazy?

Donald = Felix

Walter = Oscar

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 21:27:03 ET
Posted by: Geoff, My Wiggy Pad

1= Mary, Mona and Morph 1 & 2
5= What I do, Rhymes
7= Pagoda, Nitegown, H-gang, Joan (Search me now!)

See you Saturday

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 21:19:44 ET
Posted by: THEFEZ98, Boston

Funny hearing the earlier comment about hearing the full 'Morph' playing overhead at Tower Records on release day. I remember walking into Music World at the Braintree, MA 'South Shore Plaza' in 1976 (since renovated to one of the biggest malls in the country) intent on buying my first LP. I was done with the 45's of 'Cover of the Rolling Stone', 'Spiders and Snakes', etc.. Hey, I was the oldest and had no older siblings pushing good music on me. It happened to be the release day of 'Royal Scam'. I questioned what was playing overhead (precocious 13 year old) and after that purchase or my 1st LP have been a fan ever since ;)

Jim (& Danielle)

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 21:11:51 ET
Posted by: Susan, Susans House

Actually Spielbergs THE TERMINAL was inspired by/ripped off from Jacques Tati's PLAYTIME, one of the greatest movies ever made. (And back out again on DVD this year via

Speaking of Jacques Tati and Tom Hanks, there are only a few hours left to vote for Keith Carlock in Modern Drummers 2006 Readers Poll.

Go here to cast your vote:

If you don't vote then you will have only yourself to blame when Max Weinberg walks off with all the kudos and Steely Dan alumni draw a goosegg.


PS - I have no idea what Playtime has to do with Keith, but I never claimed to be the mistress of the seque.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 21:07:11 ET
Posted by: fezo, babybound

I always admired Leonard Cohen cause at one point relatively late in his life Risky Business' Rebecca DeMournay moved in with him

hoops, good point about being a lot more sterile than the website of our heroes. Whenever Walter and Donald would take the road together, would almost make you feel like you were out there with them, with all the band info and photos from the road

In contrast, the df website seems like its manned by some of those robotons Fagen battled in the Snowbound video

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 19:57:50 ET
Posted by: fp, nyc

I dig SD because of DF's voice. With that said, I LOVE "Rhymes"!! How can you not?

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 19:57:25 ET
Posted by: Napoleon, UK

Tom Hanks in The Terminal.It's preety much a story about a guy who lives in an airport. If it was the prequal to Castaway it might have been good. Never thought I'd see Tom Hanks get a mention in the Bluebook.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 19:55:12 ET
Posted by: Don/Danfiend,

The Terminal is the name of the Tom Hanks movie

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 19:47:18 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

What Tom Hanks movie? What am I missing?

LC is indeed a great great wordsmith, of this there is no doubt. But Hoops, don't you find his musical abilities somewhat limited?

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 19:37:33 ET
Posted by: NYB,


I seem to remember reading somewhere that Fagen admired Leonard Cohen. I could be wrong. Anyway, I'm also a big Leonard Cohen fan and I can't believe some scumbag would take advantage of such fine person and incredibly deep artist. Give me his name and locale and I'll make sure Leonard gets his money back and then some. I can't stand it when bad people advance in life while great people suffer. Let's make sure that doesn't happen. Gimme his name...

And if anybody else out there knows this scumbag you should do the world a favor by shoving him down an empty elevator shaft or maybe running him over with a fully loaded Greyhound bus or somesuch thing. God that makes me so fuckin' mad!

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 19:26:45 ET
Posted by: t, u

Security Joan would be more original if not for the Tom Hanks movie. It's kind of like I've heard it before.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 19:07:15 ET
Posted by: Eric, San Diego, CA

I have two tickets for Donald Fagen available for The Wiltern in Los Angeles on March 27, 2006. The seats are in the Upper level Mezzanine Section, Row C, Seats 125 and 127. The price I paid for both, including various Ticketmaster fees is $167.40. I am asking $150.00, or make an offer. If interested, please email me at Thank you.


Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 18:58:28 ET
Posted by: hoops,

I missed it, where does DF say he looks up to LC? I see Martha Wainwright is involved in the LC biopic. There's some great LC tribute albums out there too. Mel Gibson(!) is involved too.


Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 18:56:13 ET
Posted by: hoops,

I LOVE Leonard Cohen's stuff. He's one of my huge favorites. Sublime! Some of you may remember this essay I wrote in the Dandom Digest, "Cousin Lenny." What an incredible poet and composer. He's planning to tour this year too. Sadly, he was ripped off of most of his retirement savings by his former management to the tune of over $3 million, leaving him with just $150 K. His last album was sort of too varied but his previous album, "Ten New Songs" is one of my all time favs. I got a kick out of "Lenny" when he called his records, "Music to slit your wrists by."

Regarding Walter and the Grateful Dead, back in 1996, I suggested that Walter head out with the Furthur Festival. Walter would fit in great.


Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 18:51:30 ET
Posted by: NYB,

I guess that goes for me too.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 18:49:58 ET
Posted by: NYB,

One of the few men alive that Fagen still looks up to.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 18:49:29 ET
Posted by: hoops,

It's not like Donald holds a loaded pistol to your head and makes you see his show or even buy the iLoveAllAccess tix or the iTunes bonus track. Like I said, I have mixed feelings for mixed reasons.

A bit of trivia: DF says "Security Joan" takes place at La Guardia. I don't believe there is a Gate C13 at La Guardia. I'm only familiar with the United gates and there the gates are numbered C12 and then C14. I don't think there are other C-gates but maybe I am wrong.

I think a whole other angle on Donald touring and recording solo is that it helps us better appreciate/speculate on what Walter and Donald bring to Steely Dan. I've heard Donald and Walter talk about how when they get together, this third character, Steely Dan, enters the picture. After this album and seeing the DF shows, my perception of that third "person," Steely Dan, has changed. You may remember some confusion with another musician named Walter Becker made some of us think Walter's album was coming the same day as MTC. I think that would have been a cool event if both Walter and Donald's album came out on the same day. I was thinking of Walter's "I-I-I-I" web page and have been wondering if his whole album will be reggae-tinged, or just a reggae influence on a track, or not at all. Somehow I think Walter's album will sound less like a Steely Dan album than Fagen's. So after this month winds down, that will be the next thing to look forward to. I'm disappointed WB didn't do a walk on at some of the DF shows. I hope he will in Chicago or somewhere, but I don't think it will happen. I wonder if WB will at least do a single promo solo show like he did for 11TOW.

BTW: I know WB has been living in NYC again for the past several years, but does he still have a home and studio in Hawaii?


Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 18:41:39 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Nice analysis, Dan, thank you.

Bill, you are a sly one...

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 18:37:09 ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher, Louisville, KY

I saw someone didn't like the "do the steal... leave me to deal..." line in Brite Nightgown. I actually rather like it. It fits the empty space pattern for that section we saw in the first stanza "I realize...I'm eyes to eyes..." and also isn't quite what you might expect. Very interesting sound.

Pagoda is a stunning track. It's one of those numbers that really hits you. If you go a little while without listening to it and then come back to it, it hits you all over again. The melody, the use of space and atmosphere, that Marvin Stamm muted trumpet solo, the harmony on those backup vocals... very much a gorgeous sounding song.

The lyrics are also quite interesting. The transition in moods is what makes it. You go from an emotional discussion between the lovers to the deeply-layered harmonies and soft sound of "from poison skies and severed heads and pain and lies..." The counterpoint of the lyrics and the sound of them right there really strikes you and grabs your attention before you hear the narrator singing sweetly "So follow me, I'll hold you tight--we'll build a life together..." (love the backup vocals on that part too).

This effect is even more apparent in the second stanza. While backed by beautiful horns, Donald pleads "This magic soon will fade, without a doubt--we'll have to work, my love, just to keep the flame from going out." This transitions once again into the harshly-worded but inappropriately attention-grabbing soft singing (and muted trumpet) for "psycho moms, and dying stars, and dirty bombs" and then the narrator switches sides from the first time around and shows his weakness "Please follow me, and hold me tight." The way he asks "please follow me" instead of just saying "So follow me" and then asks for her to hold him instead of the other way around as before... very heartbreaking and beautiful.

Another personal favorite moment on the album is in second stanza of The Night Belongs To Mona.

Donald quickly sings "She wants to talk--" and stops suddenly, playing a sort of "Oh, come on!" line on the acoustic piano which Baker accentuates on the Rhodes. Then later he echoes this type of singing/instrumental interplay with the "That's when we wait--" line which is followed by a significant empty space before he brings the piano and the Rhodes back.

Not to mention the bridge and the rest of the song just is beautiful. It really sums up what I love about this album: it's very controlled and generally soft, but still expressive and absolutely gorgeous. It's purely Fagen. If I want some harder edge, I'll listen to Walter Becker's new album when it comes out, or a new Steely Dan album we'll hopefully see in the future.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 18:36:32 ET
Posted by: NYB,

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 18:36:02 ET

I made a little analyse of the 8 shows.
This is the ranking of the most played songs:

eight times

seven times

six times

five times

4 times

3 times

7. Tomorrows girls
2 times

1 time

So i think Walk between the raindrops and Ruby would be great alive.
And of course, Pagoda, Security Joan and Mona are very welcome too.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 18:28:50 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

All you have to do to sit with us is be one of the first people on TicketBastard when the show goes on sale. OK, I still have issues.

Napoleon - good connection there with Maxine and the Pagoda guy. Pagoda guy is still romantic but he's also realistic and objective.

TJ - Harmony can sometimes go too far, Maxine is just past my threshold.

Worf - Pagoda reminds me of this song:

By the old moulmein pagoda
Looking eastward to the sea
There’s a burma gal a settin’
And I know that she waits for me

And the wind is in those palm trees
And the temple bells they say
Come you back you mother soldier
Come you back to mandalay, come you back to mandalay

Come you back to mandalay
Where the old flotilla lay
I can here those paddles chonkin’
From rangoon to mandalay

On the road to mandalay
Where the flying fishes play
And the dawn comes up like thunder
Out of china across the bay

Ship me somewhere east of suez
Where the best is like the worst
And there ain’t no ten commandments
And a cat can raise a thirst

And those crazy bells keep ringing
’cause it’s there that I long to be
By the egg foo yong pagoda
Looking eastward to the see

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 18:27:52 ET
Posted by: Donald , laughs to the bank

Donald and not the promoter gets the money for the VIP but doesn't care to meet the fans. You sit at the back of the theatre for the soundcheck. The scarf and handbag are chintzy. The receptions are like Donald charging for Danfests.

Well, at least it's not going to the IRS.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 18:21:50 ET
Posted by: Mer., Boston

First of all, thanks HOOPS for all the time (and apparent mediation) you've put in and are putting into this special community-it's been interesting to read all of the fans input into new work and previous work by SD. I find it so interesting that MTC is like most other works by DF or WB- the first listen is always somewhat questionable, then after repeated listenings, the songs just become part of our conciousness(as someone said) and quickly get ordered into our favorites or not. I'm usually a little worried that I WON'T like something these guys do (being a SD since at least 1977), but really and truly, they are never disappointing. I must figure out how to sit with a more passionate crowd the next time...

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 18:05:40 ET
Posted by: Worf, da Cat

The opening of Pagoda, and also the fade at the end, are reminiscent of On the Dunes. Both tunes could go on for days before they faded if it were up to me.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 18:03:13 ET
Posted by: Double Helix, In my DNA

Here are some choice phrases that Walter might consider choosing from to work into his next project, which I'm patiently awaiting for now, satisfied with zoning into Morph.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 17:59:55 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

Raj, thanks.

1) I like almost every Dan song that contains lots of vocals singing different notes. The choral things. Maxine is a favorite. The chorus on Morph especially the ending that Rajah mentions, the chorus part of Pagoda are astounding too.

2) What I don't like is the dobling or tripling of the same note i the vocals. To me it makes it unpersonal and somewhat synthetic.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 17:59:01 ET
Posted by: Napoleon,

Rajah: The content and vocal delivery of "Pagoda" gives me the impression that it could be Maxine and the narrator all grown up. They held out 'till graduation but found their relationship as unstable as the post 9/11 Manhattan they moved up to!

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 17:49:31 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

The doubling, tripling even became popular in the 70s, McCartney loved to hear the sound of his own voice three times over but I never cared for it myself unless it was done in kind of campy way, like Bette Midler, Todd Rungren. In addition to doubling, Don also loves this AM radio jingle choral thing, a holdover from the Big Band Era that somehow became the staple for radio spots ever since. He loves harmony, he's all about harmony. Maxine is the song I just couldn't get behind for this reason even though I have musician friends who adore it. The "love, love, love you," passage in Security Joan is an example of the choral thing which I find somewhat annoying for a couple reasons. Pretzel Logic the same way. It fits perfectly in "Nightfly," on the "an independent station...double-yoo kay-ay-cee," But then I love what he does on "all watch the stars for Morph the Cat," he holds down a bottom line that is really strong, baritone territory, and gives the song an even extra shot of creepiness. That Morph the Cat is one creepy-ass tune, especially the reprise, it's positively evil.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 17:41:06 ET
Posted by: CrashBoomBang,

Sorry that should be "Mona" has that "Feelin Pretty!" lyric that guys can't sing.

Joanie is a great song but the "Security Joooaaan" part wasn't done quite right. It imparts a cheesy feeling to the song. Instead of going up at that point, it should drop down and impart a feeling of love and desire rather than sounding like a game show theme. Still a great song though either way.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 17:39:20 ET
Posted by: Napoleon, UK, now we fade to black

The whole fade out thing is quite interesting. I began to listen harder at the end of tracks all because of Dr.Wu. Anyone else hear Fagen screaming "CAN YOU HEAR ME DOCTOR!!" right at the end?

I also want to mention Steely Dan fluffed notes! They may make the most perfect music you've ever heard but I'm convinced there is a wrong note played by the bass player towards the studio version of "Third World Man". Something similar happens during "Reelin'" on "Alive in America". However, that can be overlooked 'cos it's live!... not that I listen to these tracks too often or anything.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 17:36:43 ET

Hoops, i've the same feelings about Pagoda.First time was the most difficult time to let it enter in my soul and in my brains. But now i'm really addicted to that song.

By the way. Pay attention to Mona after one and an half minute. There's something happening with Don's "R" prononciation. Very interesting fact.

Is there smeone be able to tell what is including the DVD?

My personnel Morph favourites are:

1.(-) PAGODA
2.(1) MARY
3.(2) JOAN
4.(4) WHAT I DO
5.(7) MORPH 1
6.(3) BRITE
7.(6) MONA
8.(5) H GANG
9.(8) MORPH 2

Pagoda blowed my mind away. Really awasesom!
Mary still keeps seducing me.

Joan is my standard.

What i do was first one of my favourites but now is loosing a little bit field.

Morph is climbing very strong in my conscience.It becomes stronger and stronger with the time.

Like i said ten days ago, Mona will need some more time!

H gang is the most radiofriendly song and so also the weakest track. But what does it really means, knowing there's no one weak moment!
H gang is so much better than all the Billboard top 100 shit.

My next personnel MTC ranking, i'll give the 25 of the Pechanga Theater in Temecula CA. See you there pals.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 17:36:24 ET
Posted by: GRECO, CHI-TOWN

I'd like to hear Walter Becker Jam with The Grreatfull Dead. He tunes his guitar just like Garcia did.


Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 17:35:23 ET
Posted by: hoops,

On "Mona" there's that line where he sings, "That sunny girl we used to know" and I think it's a synth that makes a pulsating, sparkling sound like the sun. Cool detail!

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 17:31:06 ET
Posted by: CrashBoomBang,

Okay I'll admit that H-Gang, Pagoda, Nitegown, and Joanie are great songs. Although it's a little hard for the guys to get into Joanie because it has that "Feelin Pretty!" lyric which I just can't bring myself to sing. :)

Anyway, I plan on meeting Jesus way before Fagen writes another rock song. Know what I mean? Having said that, the man does deserve his place among the better songwriters of the past century. Morph The Cat isn't disappointing, it's Donald Fagen.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 17:24:12 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

Rajah, I Agree. The bridges is once again where it's happening. The highlight of Nitegown is surely the bridge, which is just amazing.

Any thoughts on Donalds use of effect on his vocals? I sure don not like the voice-dobling effect he uses on Joan and Mona and used so much in the 70's.

That's also part of the reason I like Nightfly and Kama so much vocally compared to early Dan. In these albums his voice is completely naked and very authentic. Like you can really feel the voice beneathe your skin (sorry for my lousy attempt to create a fitting metaphor - you get the idea).

I would appreciate any explainetory thoughts on how to "understand" the purpose of the dobling effect, as this is probably the only Dan related issue I find hard to understand the need of.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 17:19:49 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Just perusing the catalogue, Jim, normally Donald comes to a full stop ending of some kind on mostly up tempo numbers, fades on the ballads. But he's so inventive with codas, the great jubilee out of Bohdisattva, the stab at the end of Greenflower Street (whic he has embellished on this tour, what a treat) and the electric snake that slithers out of Gina. On Security Joan, is it, or is it Mona, if you turn it up at the end you hear the band go into a kind of overdrive but then it's quickly faded out. I'd like to hear the rest of that take.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 17:13:07 ET
Posted by: hoops,

One thing I have been intrigued by is how some songs fade at the ending while others have very defined endings. I am not judging whether it's good or bad but wondering how DF decides that a song like Pagoda should fade at the end, while on Brite and MTC/R he created rather unique endings.


Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 17:04:33 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Yeah, Pagoda is quite deceiving, that trumpet solo is thrilling. There's that Phrygian scale back there on the keyboards now and then. This song is a contradiction, the drippy, mushy lyrics concealing the tenuousness of the relationship. One harsh word away from splittsville.

But now Don's perfcormance on Mary is something else, 'looks a lot like... bah-bah-bah....raaayyynn." There's that singing behind the beat trick, I just love that device, Frank would be proud. He's also very relaxed on this one, no strain.

And then the part of every song at which Donald Fagen is the undisputed maestro of them all: the ability to turn a tune on its head and fashion a bridge that literally takes you out of your body and transports you to some other place, that melancholy harp droning on sadly through it all with all the nostalgia and remorse you'd ever think possible coming from that instrument. Storms raged, things changed...this is the moment on this album for me.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 16:57:12 ET
Posted by: Flipkid, Blue State

Whoa... I just listened to "Rhymes" on RealRhapsody, and I have to say: what a disappointment. (Which is a shame, because I'm an Al Green fan AND a Todd Rudgren fan, along with of course being a DF fan.)

Real drums? Programmed drums? Real bass? Programmed bass? Real horns? Programmed horns? What's the diff... I just don't like how it sounds. Well, TR tends to suffocatingly overproduce anyway... sounds like that's what happened here.

It certainly doesn't fit stylistically or sonically with the rest of Morph.

Just one man's opinion.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 16:44:45 ET
Posted by: Joey,

" Hate to say it but I miss Walter on the lyrics to Morph. He's just so good at massaging them in, it's more fun with Walter. Pagoda and Joan could've used a little goose. "

I would like to nuzzle you .

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 16:42:10 ET
Posted by: Hattzen Huters, On the Dunes

Pagoda has bitten me. The chords, melody, lyrics...the Krantz solo - this one fits the Ellington model that DF discussed in one of the interviews posted here. A gorgeous work.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 16:34:05 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

To much coffee. I like Incognito and used to be a Jamiroquai fan.

Sorry Alkali, didn't mean to be hostile. I'm just tired of people making these silly, useless lists. It's just so NOT-Dan'esque to do so IMO.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 16:31:38 ET
Posted by: Dying Star, Funn

Pagoda is THE sleeper track. One day it will wake up and bite you in the ass... in a good way!

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 16:29:17 ET
Posted by: hoops,

I noticed that too, Danfiend, and I think DF intended that. At the same time that bar also reminds me of… >>ATTN: this next part is a hoops fever dream and I doubt it's what Donald intended.<< ...a bar from Blood, Sweat and Tears' "When I Die." Like I said, that second take is just me connecting dots that probably shouldn't be.

"Pagoda" is a track that didn't grab me at first and, boom, all of a sudden I found it stuck in my head. Awesome!


Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 16:28:12 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

what's your point Alkali?? That we should only listen to your no. 1 hits? Let's have this discussion in three years time, when it's relevant!

Napoleon: Like Incognito, used to be a big Jamiroquai, but it seems his creativity is gone. The latest Brand New Heavies album, "All about the Funk" might be their best ever. Sparkling funk behind a great vocalist - The soundtrack of my last summer.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 16:18:35 ET
Posted by: Alkali, NYC

Ok, so I’ve listened to it more intensely and my original ratings have changed and shifted again.
I’m listening to it on an HT Express Elite system in my place, Woah!
Yes I know that it’s too early to accurately analyze almost anything from literature, music, fine art, wine and women.
Wasn’t it Mingus who said something to the effect : “it takes a couple or three days in a row with a woman in bed to decide whether you like her or not”
It’s only been two days but, here goes:

1) Morph (still the lead horse, it’s what Steely Dan was all about in the beginning)
*Silver star
2) Pagoda (this has so much more to say than what the surface indicates)
*Silver star
3) Joan (nice feel, good lyrics)
4) Mary (could move up one soon)
5) Morph 2 (slick and baleful)
6) Mona (I don’t know what to think of this one, I’ll have to sleep on her again)
*1/2 Star
7) Rhymes (I kinda like this one, it maybe a sleeper)
*1/2 Star
8) what I do (just cute, nothing more)
*1/2 Moon
9) H-Gang (too poppy, although I like the guitar solo)
*1/2 Moon
10) Brite (this one still reminds me of that Dark-Goombah, Prince, I mean brother, never mind)
*Full Moon



Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 16:16:20 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

On lyrical influences. If I'm not mistaken, Walter Becker must be into Pynchon big time. (see Also John Barth.

Fagen I would suspect is more into novelists like Thomas Berger.

In particular the way SD lyrics come up with names of characters and people, it's got Pynchon written all over it. Benny Profane And The Whole Sick Crew from Pynchon's novel V. is a veritable blueprint for Jive Miguel, etc.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 16:10:35 ET
Posted by: does that mean,

Steely Dan's final album is going to have an excerpt from Do It Again at the end of it?

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 16:10:22 ET
Posted by: Des, Bristol, UK

The Doanld Fagen Band sounds like it beats the previous SD band from what I've heard - Carlock and Washington are awesome


Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 15:57:15 ET
Posted by: Don/Danfiend, Chi

One more thing . . .

Did you guys notice how Donald made a reference to IGY in the last bar of the Morph Reprise? It's as almost to say "The circle is now complete."

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 15:44:16 ET
Posted by: murph, the lido

I see the lyrics fascists are all weighing in. What's needed is a good censorship program, and a rat cage for DF's head so he can get his mind right.

Question for all you putzes who are judging Fagen's pen - what have you all written lately?

Before you start the CD bonfire, make sure you raid the bookstores to purge all the offensive lit - like Faulkner, Twain...

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 15:43:27 ET
Posted by: Josey, St. Simons Island

"Donald probably didn't consider how that line could be construed or misconstrued." I hope Donald doesn't consider that for ANYTHING he writes. I'd rather him write what he wants to write regardless of how it could or couldn't be construed.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 15:41:45 ET
Posted by: X, Y


The personality which is responsible for the great music you enjoy is also the same one who wouldn't feel comfortable doing a meet and greet.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 15:39:49 ET
Posted by: them, here

So far, I can't identify any good payoff moments in Mona, Pagoda and Mary. Hopefully they will come around.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 15:29:37 ET
Posted by: Don/Danfiend, Chi

It's 24 hours later and "Morph" has been in a constant loop in my player. Like others have said, I too wasn't expecting too much after EMG. However, I've found this album to be quite a surprise.
Mona has permeated my subconscious. It is among my favorites so far along with Brite Nitegown and Mary Shut the Garden Door. I have found it difficult to connect with Pagoda, Joan, and What I do, though. I'm sure they'll grow on me once the excitement wears off.

Now for the criticisms: First, I'm a tad disappointed with Don's lyrics. "Do the steal/Leave me to deal?" Sorry, but I find that line, well, horrible! There are many lines throughout MTC that strike me this way. It's hard to believe this is the same person who wrote "Libations/Sensations/That stagger the mind." My first impression of "Lit-up Brothers" struck me less as racist and more of a bad choice of lyric. Donald probably didn't consider how that line could be construed or misconstrued. Secondly, I'm in that minority who doesn't think much of Rhymes. It just doesn't do anything for me. Lastly, referring to what Hoops said in his post, my biggest wish is that Donald could show more appreciation to us, the fans that sustain his career. These small-venued concerts are the perfect settings for him to connect with us. A Meet and Greet at the Soundcheck would have put us all on cloud nine. It's too bad, really.

Thankfully MTC is great! As long as DF/WB/SD puts out great music I will be there to support. A warning: Meteorologists are predicting snow for those travelling to Chicago this weekend. But it's gonna be a party regardless, right?

Peace and Love my Steely Brothas and Sistas


Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 15:18:53 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Believe it or not, my iLoveAllAccess/DFB06 keychain just broke.

Those are great points, but I'm not sold on it.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 15:18:28 ET
Posted by: Jerry, I Loved it too

I LOVE - You forgot about the DF scarf, bag, and as some lucky people won, an autographed mug!

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 15:11:11 ET
Posted by: Josey, St. Simons Island

Considering the prices of the allaccess vs. what you get for it - I'd say it's a deal! This past fall, one of my best friends had his bachelor party in Vegas. Six of us went. My friend treated the six of us to Rolling Stones tix for Friday night. The face value on my ticket was four hundred and seventy two fucking dollars!!! Know what we got for that?? A seat inside the MGM Grand for the concert. He bought seven tickets - meaning he must've spent somewhere around $3,000.00. Don't get me wrong, it was one helluva generous gift - especially if you're into the Stones - who I could take or leave. It was an entertaining show. These 5* packages for Fagen - who we're all definitely into! - have been selling for considerably less, and offering considerably more.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 14:48:46 ET
Posted by: I LOVE, All Access

FYI: The VIP ILoveAllAccess program is worth every penny! Had 5 star (once) and 4 star (twice). I'm sorry I didn't do 5 star every time!

Think about it...

Soundcheck 3:45 - 5:30
To see how DF and the band works is such a treat, plus got to talk to the production manager and soundman -- priceless

Dinner/Drinks 5:30 - 8:00
All you can eat and drink... mingling with those of my kind -- $50 - ? (depending on how much you can drink)

FRONT ROW CENTER seats $300+ (scalper prices)

So, lets see, you get an hour and a half "fly on the wall" experience watching DF rehearse. Plus get to hear many tunes, some that didn't make the show. Food and drink. The BEST seats in the house = 6 hours of entertainment. Worth EVERY penny!

BTW, I also heard that DF gets a nice chunk from the packages... at least we know it's going to the right place.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 14:48:13 ET
Posted by: theses are the things I miss the most,

Walter Becker

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 14:44:39 ET
Posted by: CrashBoomBang, get off the stage boy

I'm glad you said "some of DF's best" rather than "some of Steely Dan's best", because it aint! It's good but it ain't great. Still too soft and still too CONTROLLED. The drums sound like they could be a synth drum track. The backup vocals are still too soft. I'm not saying it's a bad cd because it isn't, it's good, but it would have been alot better with Becker behind the scenes.

The "brothers" would have put Fagen on the ground, Becker would have kicked thier asses and robbed THEM!

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 14:38:20 ET
Posted by: murph, da cat

I've been morphed. Must've checked out my wiggy pad while I was listening. Pagoda is a masterpiece, I'm blown away. This CD has some of DF's best lyrics.

Maybe it's part of the rapture, but the horns at the end of the reprise make me feel a bit like crying.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 14:35:16 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Hate to say it but I miss Walter on the lyrics to Morph. He's just so good at massaging them in, it's more fun with Walter. Pagoda and Joan could've used a little goose.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 14:30:52 ET
Posted by: Joey,

" Refinement be damned, bring on Walter Becker! "

Amen .

MAN do I miss Walter Becker !!!!!!

Can't Wait until this summer kids .........

J. " Snuggle to the Joe " Fly ! ®

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 14:26:33 ET
Posted by: CrashBoomBang, lookin for a showdown

This cd should satisfy the jazzbo's out there but the real party's gonna start once Walter Becker takes the floor. Walter's not afraid of a little distortion and some down and dirty playing.

Refinement be damned, bring on Walter Becker!

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 14:26:09 ET
Posted by: Mike F., NYC

Isn't it likely that they will release Rhymes as a regular cd single? I for one would be glad to buy it.

Bought Morph last night at Tower Records while they were playing the entire record. I think that's the first time I ever bought a new release on the day of release while the store was playing it. I know it's not worth much but I'll take what I can get.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 14:25:11 ET
Posted by: Napoleon, UK

PQ: You have good taste (but hey this is a Steely Forum). I'm an Incognito fan and already own the Album! I see them more as an Acid Jazz group (dunno if that was a global genre or just UK). If you like them you might have already heard UK acts Brand New Heavies, early Jamiroquai and then all the original 70's stuff such as Roy Ayers.

I had Steely Dan passed down to me from my Dad but didn't get all jazziness. Once I did, I started to listen to other stuff like Incognito but found them a bit predictable and less rock. You just can't win! I eventualy went further back to Miles, Mingus etc but my Dad can't stand the stuff. You can't say it's a generation thing!

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 14:19:28 ET
Posted by: Curtis, don't wanna be like Freddie now

We're all built up with progress
But sometimes I must confess
We can deal with rockets and dreams
But the Brite Nightgown, what does it mean?

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 14:09:46 ET
Posted by: Me, here

Brite Nitegown would make a good song for a highlight reel for Ric Flair. He always wore those flashy robes. Can't fight with the fella...

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 14:07:44 ET
Posted by: lovethisgig, atlanta

I think Brite Nitegown is the Cat's meow!

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 14:07:30 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

I only need 37 seconds.

Two summers ago I was in Paris, staying at a dump near the Sarbonne in the Latin Quarter. I come out of the hotel, I see a Starbucks. I looked down to the corner, you guessed it, another friggin Starbucks.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 14:06:44 ET
Posted by: lovethisgig, atlanta

"This brother is free. I'll be what I want to be."
Nobody thought that was a racist line.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 13:57:18 ET
Posted by: Bob,

Airports? Crap. You can't walk anywhere without running into Starbucks.

Blow jobs for everyone before the shows? Great. But I bet it's been done before.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 13:54:24 ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher, Louisville, KY

"Starbucks? I'm surprised the bus in Hgang wasn't a Greyhound."

I laughed the first time I heard the Starbucks line. It's so painfully true--I can't remember the last time I was in an airport and didn't see or stop in a Starbucks.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 13:53:04 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Ooo, I want one, does it come with the 5-Star package? It should at that price!

"Just another scurvy brother," from Sign in Stranger was changed to something else for the 95 tour. I didn't think they needed to change it. I do not find the use of "brother" offensive just like I don't find the Sopranos offensive to my people. If you're lookin to be offended there's always something out there to be offended by.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 13:46:03 ET
Posted by: Rob B,

DOSES? I first read that as BLOW JOBS!

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 13:44:50 ET
Posted by: Josey, St. Simons Island

Doc Mu - have to agree with you re: Pagoda and Mona. Those have been my runaway favorites too. The worst song on MTC is pretty damn good!

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 13:41:20 ET
Posted by: Josey, St. Simons Island

God help us all the day Don and or The Dan acquiesce to political correctness!! Political correctness is so utterly void of humor.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 13:39:10 ET
Posted by: The Bending End, Rhode Island


If that's the case, then he's just reporting the facts of the I alluded to.

I don't know DF trivia like a lot of people here do, but anyone who has lived in NYC as much as DF is likely to have such a story to tell.


Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 13:32:45 ET
Posted by: The Truth, hurts

Me- Nope....this is 10 years later

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 13:29:29 ET
Posted by: Me, here


I bet that's the real reason behind the 2nd arrangement getting wiped out.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 13:26:50 ET
Posted by: DJ, Shy-town

LWO, Doses! Jesus, 1996 laying back of a VW van after a Phish show was the last time for me. When's everyone getting into town? E-mail me with details and numbers if available.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 13:22:57 ET
Posted by: The truth, hurts

Hey! Has anyone ever thought that maybe Donald once had gotten mugged in NYC by a bunch of "lit up brothers"? (Hint hint)

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 13:18:57 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

Napoleon, try the band Incognito. Most especially the album Positivity.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 13:18:03 ET
Posted by: Little Wild One, 2 days from pretrial motions deadline

Can we get some fucking aromatherapy in here?

Looking forward to getting together with everyone this weekend and beyond and, yes, you heard it here: DOSES for everyone!@

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 13:15:01 ET
Posted by: me, here

The long-awaited/expected collaboration of Todd and Donald Fagen will bear fruit. On March 14 (a familiar date for another TR event) will see the release of Donald Fagen's latest solo effort "Morph." Digital retail versions will also include a bonus track of a TR-produced/Al Green-penned "Rhymes" which also features Todd in some capacity. News releases don't give much detail about how to acquire it otherwise. The specific quote is:
"According to Warner Bros. VP of marketing Eric Fritschi, the label will sweeten the pot for digital retailers by offering "Morph The Cat" with a bonus cover of Al Green's "Rhymes," produced by and featuring Todd Rundgren."

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 13:14:50 ET
Posted by: The Bending End, Rhode Island

I was once mugged by 4 teenagers in the Algiers section of New Orleans. It's a neighborhood I should not have been walking through. Had I not gotten some bad advice from a cab driver, I never would have been there.

If I report the facts as they happened, is it racist? I don't think so. They're just the facts of the incident.

But I did have such a reaction when I saw the Brite Nitegown passage. In particular, the use of the term "brothers".

It seems to me there have been other Dan lyrics that tend toward the politically incorrect. I'll have to think about that one...

"Turn that jungle music down" from Babylon Sisters comes to mind. But that's a term my father used to use, so I totally cracked up when I first heard it...and still do.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 13:13:45 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

Napoleon, you're right. Let's save the discussion till Hoops get a virtual keyboard installed in the green. Mayer and Ben F are good examples of conteporary artists with an interest in jazz. More should follow.

Hoops, a plaeasure to read. Couldn't agree more. A seat in you class sounds nice.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 13:13:07 ET
Posted by: Me, here

Starbucks? I'm surprised the bus in Hgang wasn't a Greyhound.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 12:59:13 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Hey I buy that Steely Dan (and DF and WB too) over and over again because I love'em so much. It's just this marketing business that bugs me. As if I have to be manipulated to buy.


Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 12:56:14 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu ,

The credits list an organ - certainly sounds like one played by Donald on Joan. Specifically, a Hammond B3? Not sure - YGK?

Pagoda never ceases to amaze with each listen. I like Joan more with each listen. The instrumental break is great - like the organ whatever kind it is and the solo guitar.

Mona is just an amazing song.

Frankly, I haven't really picked up the lyric sheet yet. Pagoda and Mona are top rank though in lyrics. Kama may have a little better storytelling, but MTC is waaaaaaaayyyy more interesting musically

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 12:52:35 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

OK...this "Rhymes" download thing really has me bugged. You mean to tell me Donald had a stake in this? That he would have people download an inferior copy of the album just to nab another tune? Makes no sense! I mean...Don has always been about sonic perfection (as close as he can attain anyway), so why would he want people to download his album just so they can get the bonus track...unless that was out of his hands. I know the fine folks at the record label had a nice presentation to get that ball rolling. It's a shame really, because even though from what I heard, it sounds like a nice tune, I won't be buying the album again for that one track. Now, what if he releases another single with it on there....that would be more acceptable...kind of like what he did with "Confide In Me" and "Shaghai Confidential".


Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 12:49:57 ET
Posted by: Napoleon, UK

TJ: Overall I agree that there's no such thing as a boring chord progression chat (it helps to have the keys with you at the time). I just thought that it doesn't go down too well over the bridges of light!

I already kinda accepted that Mayers pretty different from Fagen but I was tryin hard to find modern comparisons. Fagen brings the Jazz! However Ben Folds Five did a cover of Barry Town and lyricly, some of the stuff on "Rockin' the Suburbs", is Fagen-esque.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 12:46:33 ET
Posted by: chris, REALLY shutting the fuck up..

Ugh, looks like I flew off the handle a bit there (but then again, so did True Fan). Basically, my initial review was respectful, and I did take some offense to your response. I'm sure Donald doesn't care what I have to say, so why should you?

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 12:45:12 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Uhh...could some of you read what I wrote before posting? Give the nasty vibe a rest or you guys are gonna kill off venues like this. Try to reconcile your differences so we don't lose the community.


Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 12:40:01 ET
Posted by: Chris, about to shut the fuck upo

True fan, wow, did I hit a nerve? You're right, how dare I say a negative word about anything Donald Fagen is involved in? No one is qualified to do that except God and even that's pushing it! Seriously though, did you notice my review was largely positive? I really enjoy the album, but some things stick out to me that take away from my overall enjoyment. So sue me for having an opinion that is only 99% positive instead of 100.

I think the organ on Security Joan sounds like shit. I'm a keyboard player who is very interested in the sounds of a Hammond organ. I listen to Soulive, Medeski Martin and Wood, Galactic, Dumpstahfunk, Jimmy Smith, and Grant Green, all of which feature a Hammond organ (usually a b-3, but John Medeski uses a couple different ones and I think Ivan Neville plays something else). I know the fucking sound, and, like Donald, I can tell when it's not real. So I'm going to go ahead and say that I AM qualified to critique the sound of an obviously fake Hammond that is prominently featured in the song. You're welcome to disagree with me, but I guess I could call you ignorant and tell YOU to shut the fuck up.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 12:37:38 ET
Posted by: hoops,

I teach design at a University. I see a lot of things students do that I detest or at least don't like. If I attack their projects with my blunt opinions, they will never be motivated to consider new perspectives and neither the students nor myself will grow intellectually or as artists. So even if I really dislike something, I have to a) try to meet the student where they are coming from and b) offer my views as to how they could change their design, perhaps seeing my way or better yet, come up with a new way that honors both of what we really seek.

Attacking others just is a disaster and adds nothing to the appreciation of Steely Dan, Donald and Walter. Attacking just fucks up the vibe on the Bluebook I wish some of you would stop being so obsessed with being righteous. But I am not saying you shouldn't disagree. It would suck if you didn't for all us. But the disagreement must be done with respect, or myself and others will get wary of this place. I hope the following might be one--albeit imperfect example--of respectful disagreeing.

"Morph The Cat"--as well as Donald being basically launched as a separate touring artist from Steely Dan--is new to me and there are a lotta things I LOVE, some things I don't understand, some things that I appreciate will get better with time and some things I just don't like for reasons I can't put my arms around. But in the case of the things I don't like, I'm ultimately very eager to have someone offer me a fresh view that will change these things I love, or at least appreciate.

For example, I gotta explain, I love the groove and music on title track to MTC but I haven't been nuts about the lyrics. For the first weeks we've had it, I've perceived the lyrics a bit clichéd and a bit supeficial. But I wanted to wait until I heard it in great quality. In the mean time, I read an interview where Donald explained more about what the song is about, and that in fact it is more than just a list of what he likes and dislikes about NYC. So I think I have more to reconsider about the lyrics in the song and I've become more appreciative of it.

The rest of the album, is so great that I can't rank the songs like Mu did yesterday. It's just impossible.

Last week at the Beacon, I wrote about how I thought the Martha Wainwright performance was worth considering. I'm still not sure it was staged correctly in the middle of DF's show, and in fact, I'm more won over to the view it wasn't a good idea, as great as Martha's music seems to be.

There are other things that I am still wanting to appreciate. For example, I hear there have been some great shows--sounds like Boston, Westbury and AC were 5.5 stars or higher on a 5-star scale. But the two shows I've been to so far have been to still seem to have Donald adjusting to his new solo performer role. I thought NJ was among my least favorite SD-related shows. NY ranked up there FOR ME along the lines some of the better--but not my not my favorite--SD shows. Recently someone said perhaps the sound in these venues is better a few more rows back. towards the center of the venue. So I am going to consider that at the next show I go to.

Some other things I'm not sure about yet and don't quite have an opinion:

1) I'm not sure about the I Love All Access bit. On the one hand, you get the soundcheck and a tour and are saved the trouble of scalpers; yet, is it worth that money and don't the various fan venues already help fans avoid scalpers? I did appreciate Walter's VIP parody as it captured how I felt. I just generally loathe the special Visa Card holder offers thing, etc, but I guess in terms of that ILoveAllAccess is pretty good.

2) From the two shows I've attended, I find Donald a lot more serious. To me, this is good in terms of a vibe for musicianship while at the same time, I'm not sure these shows are as fun as Steely Dan shows so far.

3) Although I agree with all of Donald's "political interviews," I think the way he is so straightforward lacks the power Steely Dan has in flying under the radar. I like how this settles some debates on speculation of Donald's political views in various fan forums, but I think it was also more powerful and thought-provoking when it was more indirect. I guess I don't need Donald to telling me there's "crying rain"--I need Steely Dan to help me LAUGH at the crying rain and get through it.

4) As someone who devotes so much to the SD fan culture on the web, I find to be professional but lacking in connecting to fans. I always felt was in outreach to the community. So far seems like an aloof marketing tool.

5) I still can't rank MTC yet in terms of where it fits in the spectrum of SD albums. It needs time and I am skeptical of opinions that hate it or love it. How in the world can anyone get to know the album on one or a handful of listens? Give it a chance?

6) On the one hand, I would rather hear more solo DF tunes in concert than the covers or SD tunes; but then again I think these give insights into how perhaps DF arrived at some of his solo stuff. (Is it me or is DF shying away from Jazz a touch this tour?)

7) I really like Michael McDonald and would like to see him guest a few times. I've seen his shows a few times, buy mags because of interviews with him (There was recently a great interview with him in a Christian spirituality mag I bought). I think I will be convinced otherwise, but right now, I would rather hear talk of a Steely Dan-only show than a joint MM/SD show. And, while I greatly respect Bonnie Raitt's musicianship, I am glad this tour wasn't a DF/BR tour.

I bought 8 copies of MTC yesterday (including for a couple of students who are broke but love Steely Dan). Speaking of giving it a chance, I still have to give a chance to "Rhymes." So far it's really good but doesn't top, in my book, anything on MTC (and my opinion is open to change). Again, I am mixed about this. Part of me is glad to spend my $10 and buy a 9th copy of MTC to help an iota in getting it up on the charts in exchange for a bonus single. I also feel artists need to be paid for what they do. I'm willing to buy the SD catalog again and again since it's new levels of perfection and I want to support that. I own a promo CD single of H Gang but I bought it iTunes too. At the same time, I loathe songs on iTunes. I dislike how they control my music---how if I include 'Rhymes" in more than 5 CD mixes I have to buy the MTC album again; I dislike the sound quality which is better than most download services but still is not SD-quality. But I'm bugged...couldn't they have an option where if you bought a real CD, you could unlock or get a bonus track download or CD? I"ve heard from a Reprise rep that this track will show up on the 3-CD box set so we can look forward to that. I guess I dislike being nudged to buy an album again to get track.

Toby is one of the people who helped me start Dandom thirteen years ago and I am forever grateful for that; I'm not nuts about how "Rhymes" is being distributed on iTunes and the like (and it may come out in other ways) , but I am appalled that Toby should say we should copy and pass it around. I buy these songs as often I can afford simply because what they have given me is invaluable. And I guess that's why I sorta find this "iLoveAllAccess" stuff, the iTunes special download, and some other things--mostly related to marketing and "suit" types--to be a bit grating and mishandled. Sure, I bet Donald doesn't oversee this himself, but he does hire these people. I get my SD because I love it, not because it is pushed on me through gimmicks. That's what I hate about Elton John and a number of other artists.

So I write all this to show you, I do support opposing views and I am not a "Stepford Dan Fan." "Freedom of Speech" is great, just say it in a way that allows for others to feel comfortable to do the same. That way we all benefit and your opinion just might just get changed. This nastiness has got to stop.


[ P.S. I shoulda proofread all this. ;-) ]

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 12:34:20 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

I seriously don't think Donald is a racist, it's just poetic license.

$24.95???? It better be autographed by Harold Arlen is all I can say. R-I-P-O-F-F!

Don't worry about coming off like a jack-ass, 3rdWM, it never bothered me. I thought the whole point of the BlueBook was to BE a jack-ass. Did I read the rules correctly? ...let me see here...

[Rajah scrolls thru rules]

Oh shit...

Sorry everybody!

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 12:31:41 ET
Posted by: angel,

Gretchen: Curtis Mayfield. Yes, that's what I hear in Brite Nitegown. Definitely a nod there in the music.


On a different subject. Did anyone else catch the fact that there was a major dam failure in Kauai, by Princeville? Donald recorded the vocals to Morph there last year.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 12:26:02 ET
Posted by: me, here

I thought the mugging verse on Nitegown was kind of racist. I'll be paranoid going to an ATM now.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 12:19:09 ET
Posted by: bwaySteve, Retail Only

Morph The Cat can be owned for the incredible price of $22.95 ( $24.95 with tax) at the Brill Building ( Colony Music).You can go round the corner and have a Blimpie with Jay and the Americans in the spirit of Dan Tourism.

Twelve bucks at Best Buy today.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 11:45:33 ET
Posted by: thirdworldman, on location

MU, Dan, etc
I thank you for all these informative responses, i was not aware of alot of this. have to apologize for coming off as a jackass, it was a case of pwi. (posting while intoxicated) ill try not to let it happen again. my apologies.

anywho, pagoda is continuously spinning, either in my head on on the cd player, kinda like an obsession?? LOVE IT!

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 11:34:43 ET
Posted by: DJ, Shy-town

Picked up the dvd-a and cd at Tower yesterday here in downtown Chicago for 14.99 after bickering with the sales dude on the contents, wanted to make sure it had both due to the "only plays in dvd players" warning. Gave it the headphone treatment last night in the dvd-a format and it's delish, sitting 55 floors up overlooking the lake and city it all made sense although it wasn't New York I was looking out over. It did make me long for a sunny, hot beach day to hear P of Funn, Joan, MSGG.

All those folks flying in to the Shy bring your spandex jackets because we're getting a cold jag for the weekend. Can't wait to meet up with some of you blue bookers and chatters from the past three or so years.

Want wine?

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 11:33:17 ET
Posted by: Last Miles Story, Before Warnings Come

One time Coltrane stepped up to take a solo. Miles knew what was coming so he walked off stage and went out back with a babe. THIRTY MINUTES later he comes back, Coltrane's still soloing. After, Miles asked Coltrane what was up with that. JC says, "I didn't know how to end the solo." MD says, "How about taking the horn out of your mouth?"

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 11:23:25 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

Mu: I agree, Washington really makes a difference. I appreciate walters work on the last two, but this is so different. Groovy baby.

Listen to Carlocks hihat on What I Do, I guess this is where he releases all his energy. Amazing.

Gretchen: The last notes on Morph Reprise are from IGY.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 11:23:23 ET
Posted by: NYB,


Yeah, I have a Yamaha S-90 and I find that the Yamaha synth sounds are pretty good. The onboard drum sounds are fairly accurate too.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 11:16:05 ET
Posted by: Gretchen, Gliding like a big blue cloud

I am completely morphed!! Damn, I haven't stopped spinning it since picking it up at Merle's Record Rack yesterday. "Mary" is by far my favorite, completely intoxicating, Donald's voice is dreamlike and the bass is hypnotic. Brite Nightgown is addictive, Don's voice conjures thoughts of Curtis Mayfield. Another standout for me is the title track. Does anyone else hear strains of "Sentimental Journey" running through it? The reprise of Morph the Cat is definitely sinister, the last few notes sounding like the chorus in Blood, Sweat and Tears' "And when I die." Considering the dark theme of the album, that makes sense.
Dan/Donfiend, I too am ready to yell out the familiar "I love you Donald!!!!"


Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 11:14:21 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu,

Bill: Not bad at all. There's some "signature" stuff I've picked up messing around at home. We have a Yamaha DGX 505 which can make some amazing sounds - over 500 channels (but NO Fender Rhodes - waaaaahhhh!). The percussion channels are neat. My kids play the thing great! Me... that's a different story.

As good as one can perfect each instrument, it's how they communicate with each other that counts. Brite Nitegown is a really good example of that on MTC. Bass, guitar, keyboards, Fagen vocals playing off each other. I think a key to the greatness of Morph is Freddie Washington - he's the glue that holds the album together. Even more than EMG, MTC translates very well to how on an ideal night, Fagen's band would sound live. I wish he'd let Carlock loose a bit more, but there are nice open solos and songs that zig and zag...

There's a great story about also about Miles Davis relayed in a PBS Special by Herbie Hancock. In a live concert probably about 1964, Herbie was of course on the piano during Freddie the Freeloader. Herbie played a chord that so SO bad, so WRONG, that he literally stopped dead, cringing waiting for Miles to give him one of those "you chump" glares. Miles didn't even flinch, but took that "bad" chord and made something beautiful with that chord on his trumpet. Herbie remained slack jawed for a while before resuming play.

There's a tangential "urban legend" story about Wynton Marsalis and a cell phone ringtone.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 10:57:03 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

Raj - KC gets to cut loose in the band Rudder - himself, Tim Lefebrve (also from the Wayne Krantz trio),bass, Henry Hey keyboards, Chris Cheek (from Paul Motian), saxophones. They play 55 Bar often.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 10:46:46 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu,

Dan: I was doing some work and fixing breakfast going back and forth to the computer and see you've posted a similar recollection by the time I finally posted. Anyway, this info is pretty well-known in the Steely Dan lore

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 10:46:43 ET
Posted by: NYB,

Pretty incredible that these are all synth sounds. After all, the synth sounds are nothing more than a sampling of the real thing. So when you're hearing the synth version you actually ARE hearing the real thing, right? This takes a few seconds to load but well worth the wait.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 10:42:27 ET
Posted by: Rajah ,

It was interesting to hear Carlock play New Frontier live since I always felt the drum track on the record was too heavily WENDELized when I first heard it. With all the fake drums around now it doesn't sound so odd. Carlock sure doesn't get to do much but rudiments on this record except for Mary. He had only a couple moments to himself live last week. Donald needs his time kept first and foremost but I really think he should let Keith loose some.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 10:37:20 ET
Posted by: The Bending End, Rhode Island

I find it interesting that there are two references to being the victim of a mugging and/or robbery:

Brite Nitegown

I hit the ATM - and march down the street
With a roll of party cash
Right then a couple lit-up brothers
They gently put me on the ground
They do the steal and leave me to deal
With the fella in the Brite Nitegown


Last night, night before
25 robbers at my door
I got up, let 'em in
But I missed 'em all with a rolling pin

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 10:26:24 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu,

twm: You seem to be freaking out a bit - sure you don't have a graphics studio in Stockholm?

From the Nightfly credits. "Sequencing, percussion and special effecs: Roger Nichols and WENDEL II "

As I understand it WENDEL was not exactly a drum machine in the traditional sense like the kind Kraftwerk and later Hall & Oates or the synth bands of the 80s used. The way WENDEL I, II, and Jr. worked is it "sampled" the drums of the credited drummer. So the drummers did play live originally. But WENDEL allowed Fagen and Nichols to replace a snare that didn't sound right for consistency of beat (timing) and loudness and quality,..or even entire segments They used it for cymbals sometimes as well a bit as well (ex. Green Flower Street.. WENDEL spurred a revolution unfortunately for producers in programing and sequencing percussion to an extreme end in the 80s and beyond in New Jack City R&B

"BS: Tell us about Wendel, the drum machine you designed.
RN: We found that there were certain feels that we couldn't get out of real drummers -- they weren't steady enough. So we had to design something that would do it perfectly, but with some human feeling, the right amount of layback. Instead of just one high-hat sound that repeats machine-like over and over, we had sixteen different ones, so it had the inflections. Wendel can play exactly what the drummer plays -- if he plays a little early or a little hard, Wendel plays it a little early or a little hard. Play it once, Wendel memorizes the song, then you play it again and it repeats what it hears."

"ML: Donald was supposed to have started on a follow-up to "The Nightfly" in 1983 or 1984 and then stopped. Did you work on it?
DL: The second album we did definitely start around '84. And we recorded basic tracks for it in Los Angeles at Jeff Porcaro's home studio, but it was quite a remarkable studio. We did tracks with Phillinganes and Donald was doing some keyboard work and Rick Marotta was playing drums. He did three things, one of them I remember was called "Big Noise, New York," I'm pretty sure that's what Donald called it. And it was great, really good. We did those basic tracks and then came back to New York and seemed like within a few months Donald didn't want to go with any of those tracks.

ML: Was it like "Nightfly" style or a different type of style?
DL: From what I remember, it was kinda like "Nightfly" style. "Ruby Babyish" groove, always groove with Donald, monster grooves. We got through about four tracks for the album. I did the recording of it with Roger and he was doing his Wendel stuff. I had no reason to assume that it wouldn't be the next record"

"January 1979: Wendel used on Steely Dan "Gaucho" album for drums and percussion.

1981: Wendel-II 16bit 8086 version with digital i/o to 3M digital 32 track recorder. Used for drums and percussion and audio sampling on Donald Fagen's "Nightfly" album. 50kHz/16bit."

On DVD-A and the outtakes it's pretty easy to hear the more WENDEL-ized tracks on Gaucho like Hey 19, Glamour Profession, and My Rival. Gaucho and Thrid World Man are completely live drumming. In fact, Gaucho is one of my favorite Porcaro efforts. Time Out of Mind is mostly all live as is Babylon Sisters with the Purdie shuffle.

Walk Between Raindrops sound like completely *live* drums by Steve Jordan with Will Lee on bass. Porcaro is credited on Green Flower Street, Ruby Baby, Nightfly, and Goodbye Look. Of those Greenflower Street is the most heavily WENDELIZED (check out the amazing bass lines by Chuck Rainey), but all those tracks have WENDEL "adjustments." James Gadsen is "credited" on IGY, Ed Green on Maxine and New Frontier - New Frontier is pretty WENDEL-ized.

NYB is right, today it's often hard to tell the difference even in the cymbals. Monkey House uses a WENDEL-like approach that almost sounds natural...

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 10:25:59 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Well, what do you do when you have to shift, J-fly?

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 10:17:16 ET
Posted by: Joey ,

" I was driving home last night a little after 6 on the NJ turnpike playing Morph for the first time. I was listening to Pagoda as the southern tip of Manhattan became visible (which still doesn't look right with the towers missing) with a purple twilight sky and a huge moon behind it. I thought it real spooky for my first listen to Morph. When I got home and opened the CD booklet, I saw it also had pictures of Manhattan with a purple sky. "

I love that story ....

I too was driving home last evening on the JFK and then the 1-80 playing Morph for the first time -- listening to Pagoda as the sun set in the Blue , Red & Grey -- full moon behind me -- a smile on my face so wide one would think I just banged Paris Hilton .

This is a classic disc that has left your young Joey so excited that I am typing this with my penis

Joeykins !

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 10:03:35 ET
Posted by: Jenny, Fredneck, MD

A little late, but better late than, well, you know.

LOVED the show at the Warner 3/6! I couldn't have asked for a better group of people to spend my birthday eve - fife, mr. sam, Q, Pete & Shari, and of course, to SoH (and his sis) I owe a big THANKS! Seats were incredible, even if I couldn't see the ladies, but I'm not that into females...

A self described Kamakiriad addict, I was BLOWN away by all of the Nightfly tunes. I realized I don't listen to that CD nearly enough. Goodbye Look was incredible, esp. the end with dueling guitar (Weiskopf stepping in for the xylophone part on the CD) and keyboards by Donald. He looked like he was having so much fun! Who knew he was getting sick? Green Flower Street, New Frontier and Nigltfly also were great!

I also thought I didn't like the title track to Morph from what I heard of the stream from the radio show, but I was WRONG. It was smooth as silk and captured me completely. Mary STGD was Don at his Jazzy best.

The extra Teagarden tune was a wonderful vehicle for Donald's voice; I enjoyed that bit of fun and nostalgia.

This was an experience that I will not soon forget, made so much more fun by the people I was with! If you have not, get thee to see at least one of these shows; you will not be disappointed.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 10:00:21 ET
Posted by: Rajah ,

Carlos Santana would do.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 09:54:06 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

Who's gonna play Chick Corea when Miles told him don't worry bout rehearsing or seeing the music written out, just come to the club and play what you hear?

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 09:40:54 ET
Posted by: Daddy G., A 'Newsmakers' note in today's Philly Inquirer...

Cheadle to get 'Kind of Blue'?

• Miles Davis' nephew, Vince Wilburn, says the jazz icon, who Monday was posthumously inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, may be immortalized in a biopic starring Don Cheadle.

"People are submitting scripts to Sony Pictures," Wilburn said, adding the flick would cover Davis' private life as well as his groundbreaking career. He said the family is in talks with director Antoine Fuqua, who helmed the Oscar-winning cop film Training Day. (The very idea of a Fuqua-Cheadle collaboration is mind-blowing.) Sony is also releasing a series of CDs to mark Davis' 80th birthday, May 26.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 09:39:54 ET
Posted by: ,

Has anyone tried to download the H-Gang ringtone?

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 09:00:07 ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher, Louisville, KY

SoulMonkey, air guitar? Bah--I'm more of a piano and drums guy anyway. :P

Also to clarify for anyone who's interested, the way Wendel worked (from what I understand at least)...
the live drummer tracked the song in the studio. However, the drum machine would take each snare hit, for example, and replace its sound with a pre-recorded master snare sound so that each and every time Porcaro hit his snare, it sounded 100% identical to the time before. There would also be no carryover sound from other drums, helping improve clarity and reducing muddiness. So while it is in fact Jeff Porcaro laying down that great beat on Green Flower Street, he's got a computer redoing the sound to be a bit too perfect and thus it loses some of its feel in my opinion.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 08:45:16 ET
Posted by: SteelyFan, NJ

Speaking of full moons,

I was driving home last night a little after 6 on the NJ turnpike playing Morph for the first time. I was listening to Pagoda as the southern tip of Manhattan became visible (which still doesn't look right with the towers missing) with a purple twilight sky and a huge moon behind it. I thought it real spooky for my first listen to Morph. When I got home and opened the CD booklet, I saw it also had pictures of Manhattan with a purple sky.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 08:31:34 ET
Posted by: SoulMonkey, Lou-E-Ville

Leave Dan alone. So he doesn't like the song. Son of a bitch people. I'm not a "Change of the Gaurd" fan. Are you going to beat me with a wet noodle also? Since when did opinions become outlawed in the liberal bastion that is the land of Dan? "Help, help, I'm being repressed". Dan doesn't like fake music. Fine. I can't say I'm much into the sound either. I'm just a sucker for a hook, so I can always find something I like. That goes double when the "Runt" is involved. I personally don't care if Donald plays a pickle jar on a song as song as he keeps puttin' them out. Hey Dan, I guess you can't play any "air guitar" in Chicago lol. I've got a golf match to attend too. I'll see all of you fools in Chi-town on Saturday. I have free tix to see George Thorogood tonight, I'm seeing Blue Oyster Cult in Dayton tomorrow, and Donald Saturday. Ah, the sweet smell of youth.


Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 08:14:13 ET
Posted by: Cheers, to Donald

On the release of an absolute thing of beauty. Not a clunker on the disc.

Jeers to Donald (or his business end) for forcing fans who raced out and bought the CD (some at inflated prices) to re-purchase what they have already paid for, just to get "Rhymes". Nothing short of unconscionable, motivated by greed.

Why not make the tune available as a single download? I've always considered myself to be a "completist" when it came to the Dan and Don, obsessively hunting down every thing I could lay my grubby little paws on, till I had it all, but I will NOT shell out for this tune. It's the principle of the thing.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 07:39:24 ET
Posted by: HeyMike, Chitown

Geez you can tell there's a full moon!

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 07:13:52 ET
Posted by: NYB,

For instance, do these synth samples sound non-realistic to you?

These are all synth sounds. You can check out a whole bunch of sample sounds here...

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 06:57:41 ET
Posted by: NYB,

I personally don't see the problem with using soft/hard synth instruments here and there. Some of the sounds are quite good and fairly realistic nowadays. I've found *BFD's drum sounds to be very good actually. Are they as good as the real thing? Are they as good as having Purdy or Porcaro right there in your studio with you? HELL NO! But who can afford to have that whenever you want to create something? What alot of people do is to lay down a basic drum loop using a synth module and then insert nuances and fills with either real instrumentation or additional soft/hard synth instumentation. This can be made to work with enough patience. It's also the only alternative for a non-drummer. But to say that something isn't good simply because synth instrumentation was used is being a bit closed minded. Synth instruments are just another tool that the musician/composer has availiable to him/herself. There are times you can use it and there are times you just can't, but to use the technology isn't really "wrong". After all, much of technology that was used to create the earlier 70's era Steely Dan music wasn't really availiable to artists in the 40's, 50's, or 60's, but does that make it wrong for Becker and Fagen to have used it back then? No. The technology was availiable and they used what they could to make thier musical point. Just like artists do today and have done throughout history.

* BFD is a soft synth drum package.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 05:49:54 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

And a few more thougts (before it's Goodmornin' America)

I really don't understand the need to make lists of the best song on Morph and/or other albums. The album format is a great artform of the 20. century and to dissect it is meaningless. Ofcourse you like some songs better than others, but that is mainly because of the other songs is my claim. Would Pagoda be the same tune if id didn't occur right after Nitegown? Would Morph have the same qualities in the middle of the album? Maybe, maybe not.

Playlists and Greatest hits albums are huge misunderstandings! sorry for beeing rather conservative on this point, but different tunes affect you in totally different ways and sets your mood in different ways so to compare Pagoda with Nitegown, is in many ways absolutely meaningless.

Overall, Morph is not a collection of songs, but an album, a definitive work of art.

This is also the reason that I'm looking forward to hearing Rhymes, but do I want it on my album, right after Morph (Reprise)? Absolutely not!! (Therefor I guess it makes sense it's only available in digital format.)

Making prority lists on the entire Dan-album collection makes more sense, (even though the same arguments to some extend could be used against doing this.)

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 05:31:42 ET
Posted by: Kid Clean, On the Road Again

Off To Cleveland!!! Catch yall on the flip side!


Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 05:14:40 ET
Posted by: Hopeful in Helsinki, Arabianranta

That beautiful full round of swiss cheese--stirs things up every time. Military sources confirm that official full moon occurs at 23:45 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), which is five hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time. So a simple calculation puts the zenith at 4:45 this morning. Roosters crow, cities wake.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 04:23:25 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

Am I the only one seeing the paradox that in order to get a bonus treat, you need to buy Donald Fagens, the master of sound, album in terrible quality online. It doesn't seem right.

Napoleon: There is no such thing as a boring chord progression debate. As musch as I love John Mayer, I don't think he's anywhere near Fagen. Different backgrounds. Pagoda must include every chord ever invented.

thirdworldman, you just go on and on and on. Let it go man!

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 03:54:53 ET
Posted by: thirdworldjackass, in a place

df IS listed as the synthesyzer programmer for century's end, youre right...

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 03:45:27 ET
Posted by: whew Wee, Help Me Im A Rock

Toto Was a Whimpy band and sucked.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 03:44:08 ET
Posted by: rajah, at home

are you with me dr?


The late Jeff Porcaro - from Toto (ironically "Toto IV" won the Grammy for Album of the Year in 1982 and "The Nightfly" was denied any awards) contributes drums on 5 of the 8 tracks.


Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 03:41:12 ET
Posted by: twm, blah

are you with me dr?


The late Jeff Porcaro - from Toto (ironically "Toto IV" won the Grammy for Album of the Year in 1982 and "The Nightfly" was denied any awards) contributes drums on 5 of the 8 tracks.


sorry to confuse the issue with fact...

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 03:28:56 ET
Posted by: thirdworldman, aqui para siempre

are you with me dr mu??

taken from a review from
"The late Jeff Porcaro - from Toto (ironically "Toto IV" won the Grammy for Album of the Year in 1982 and "The Nightfly" was denied any awards) contributes drums on 5 of the 8 tracks." hmmm..

pardon me for confusing the issue with fact...

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 03:23:22 ET
Posted by: thirdworldman, aqui para siempre

are you with me dr mu??

taken from a review from
"The late Jeff Porcaro - from Toto (ironically "Toto IV" won the Grammy for Album of the Year in 1982 and "The Nightfly" was denied any awards) contributes drums on 5 of the 8 tracks." hmmm..

pardon me for confusing the issue with fact...

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 03:13:14 ET
Posted by: thirdworldman, at the foot of mt belzoni

doc Mu, nothing personal but...

you said " WENDEL samples and loops of drummers like Steve Gadd dominated much of Gaucho, Nightfly"

I'm sorry, do u remember Jeff Porcaro???
is everyone losing it?

wow, sorry to confuse the issue with fact...

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 02:02:52 ET
Posted by: BUZZ , Technicolor Motor Home

Everyone just needs to calm down. Its just music and everyone will have their own opinion. If Don wants to use samples or synth drums so be it. Morph is his album. He is the genious. See everyone in Cleveland..

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 01:55:18 ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher, Louisville, KY

Thank you Doctor Mu. Nice to see somebody here is willing to admit that Fagen has used synthesizers and sequencers and sampling before.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 01:53:48 ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher, Louisville, KY

First, get it straight: I am not saying "this is the biggest piece of shit I've ever listened to!" This is one of the few things Fagen's ever done that I don't like very much. It's still tolerable, just not something I'll listen to very often.

And I'm just trying to get the point across that I'm not being an idiot like you seem to think I am. I have no proof that those are real or fake drums other than very basic common sense and a good sense of hearing (drums do not sound like that). Are you next going to say that I'm wrong and try to tell me Fagen used a real electric piano on Century's End just because I can't get Donald Fagen himself to come to your door and tell you himself that's the case?

The only thing I'm trying to do here is keep myself from looking like a jackass since you decided to do your damndest to make me into one by being absurd.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 01:52:51 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu,

Fagen's "Rhymes" is pretty faithful to the original Willie Mitchel production of rhe Al Green recording. Horns (sax, trumpet) in the right channel are real and have that Love and Happiness or Take Me To The River sound of the Memphis Horns. Other horns sound like an organ/keyboard emulation - which were strings in the original recording.

Could be sampled Carlock on the drums. WENDEL samples and loops of drummers like Steve Gadd dominated much of Gaucho, Nightfly, and later Kamakiriad. Countermoon is viratually all synhtesized drums for example. Century's End or Big Noise, New York are drum machine city.

Anyway, I dig it. Fagen's vocals are full of spirit - more so than Al Green here if that's possible.

What I Do is certainly heavily influenced by Willie Mitchell, as well as the Washington/Carlock rhythm section throughout much of MTC. Mitchell would be very happy where the mic was placed in recording Carlock's drums - snare and cymbals are equally up in the mix...the deep groove Al Jackson Jr. of Stax and Al Green fame was reknowned for.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 01:46:19 ET
Posted by: thirdworldman, still here

prove what you are saying or stop. its just negative shit, why do insist on putting it here? and what do you hope to accomplish? even if you are correct? Are you not getting it; this is a Pro-fagen dicussion board. you are entitled to your opinion but ranting in a negative way about the person who most of us idolize is just dumb, do u follow now? again this is not personal , but look where you are...

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 01:30:52 ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher, Louisville, KY

Yeah, I didn't catch the apology in that last post, sorry. It's alright though. I just don't really appreciate being told to shut the fuck up, in general, ya know...

I'm not saying anything bad about Donald Fagen other than his taste in how this song should have been done. I just personally don't like synth drums--I prefer real drums (Hell, I don't even really like the WENDEL stuff from Gaucho and Nightfly much, it doesn't have any feel because it's so processed despite being a real drummer initially)

This was only a bonus track--and a collaboration with Todd Rundgren at that most. They didn't have the time or budget to use a full band on this song probably, so they opted for a drum machine of some sorts instead (i.e. Big Noise, New York). And no matter what you say or how Fagen normally does things, this quite obviously is not a real acoustic drum set.

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 01:21:44 ET
Posted by: thirdworldman, home at last

did you read my last post? it was more apologetic, no attitude, i didnt mean it to sound that way. (i apologize for being a jerk before)you may be right about the production, but my point is, donald is a perfectionist, and does not use fake instuments. it might be helpful to you if did some research on df's studio habits, but again, you would not even hint at the fact that he would use anything but the real thing either in the studio or live. you are barking up the wrong tree posting anti fagen stuff here, your opinion is one thing, and it is welcome, but making allegations of df not caring about the finished product is completely off base. (this is not a personal attack on you)

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 01:06:18 ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher, Louisville, KY

First of all, drop the attitude before you bother ever replying to me ever again.

Second, for an example of what I mean, listen to the intro of Donald's version of Rhymes (produced by Todd Rundgren, and not DF I might add!). The first several seconds where it's nothing but percussion. Those are QUITE OBVIOUSLY ***not*** real actual drums. Those are synthesized. There is no way you can possibly tell me that is a real natural drumset. Period. (In much the same way Big Noise New York and Century's End don't have a real electric piano in them--it's a Yamaha DX7 synthesizer.) That is all I am saying and you seem just don't care and would rather bitch at me just because I don't like the song itself (I don't like that particular style of music very much).

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 00:59:07 ET
Posted by: KY Fried Chicken,

thirdworldman- thank you for ripping this guy a new a-hole!

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 00:44:44 ET
Posted by: thirdworldman, aqui

you posted: The drums and the strings, for example, are 100% obviously purely fake in "Rhymes". There's some real guitar, etc. in there, but some of it is just plain fake.
i dont want to personally attack you ,but when you make such an uninformed, ignorant observation in a place that is essentially a shrine for fans, you open yourself up to attack. please try to do some reading about the person of which you are speaking, because if you had any clue, you would never say anything remotely intimating what you have said. donald, fake? get a clue, respectfully. go onto and start reading, or do a google on df, and educate yourself, talk to you soon...

Date: Wed, March 15, 2006, 00:23:09 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

Why do people have to jump down others throats because of an opinion they make? This world has to much hate in it...I'd like to think this is one place we can go to where we can all treat each other with respect and do the right thing. Come's not that hard!


Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 23:19:03 ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher, Louisville, KY

The drums and the strings, for example, are 100% obviously purely fake in "Rhymes". There's some real guitar, etc. in there, but some of it is just plain fake. It's the same reason I just can't get into most of 11TOW--I do not like that sound, no matter how well-written or played it is.

And now I can't have my own opinion on whether it's a good song or not? Well then, fuck you too.

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 23:13:31 ET
Posted by: thirdworldman, down at the lido

dan, fake instruments? who are you? what do you know (if anything) about what you are posting? do you know where you are??? oh yeah donald fakes everything, and a small detail like a fake instrument would easily get by him, because he has no interest in all those bothersome details... to quote big fan, "Shut The Fuck Up!"

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 23:12:59 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

Well kiddies....I finally got through the whole CD uninterrupted tonight and all I can say is....WOW! I can hear every instrument crystal clear....and it all sounds wonderful.

Top 3 songs so no particular order:


Now if we can only get an update on Becker's new one!!!


Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 23:07:07 ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher, Louisville, KY

I hate synthesized music. Deal with it.

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 23:04:33 ET
Posted by: fp, ny

Dan- I just heard it and I all have to say that your comments just downright annoy ME!

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 23:03:13 ET
Posted by: Fred Rated, California


Anyone have any information on the dates and locations of the Dan's summer tour? Europe possibly?


Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 23:01:09 ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher, Louisville, KY

If you want to hear "Rhymes" for free, Rhapsody has a free trial. -- you can stream (and I do believe order) the song from there.

I personally am totally unimpressed by it. Fagen's vocals are great, but the song just isn't that good to begin with in my opinion and the fake instruments just downright annoy me.

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 23:00:12 ET
Posted by: Boston Rag, 5:1

Must have Rhymes...Must have Rhymes...can't wait until Box set trilogy..... Damn! Just listened to the 30 second clip of Rhymes on ITunes. If Don put that track on Morph, it would push the greatness of this CD into the stratosphere. But there can only be 9 tracks/lives to the Cat.

Got the 5:1 after work today. South was right - some amazing separation. H-Gang has a lot more going on then the standard stereo mix. The guitar on the rear left channel is pretty damn cool. And the chorus just floats out there! The blues harp on What I Do is crystal clear, not buried in the mix. Some jaw dropping harmonies pop out in the 5:1 mix.

Well no Steely Dan in the Sopranos opener Sunday night. Did get a William S. Burroughs rap. What the hell was that all about?

Mark in Boston

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 22:51:00 ET
Posted by: Newark, Newark, MD

Roooaaaaddd Trip list to Cleveland/Chicago:

Road atlas
Rope for Kid Clean to lasso the moon
DF Triology (for those special requests in your head)
ditty bag (need all sorts of stuff if stranded)
NY X-tra sharp cheddar cheese (to go with your wine)
permanent marker (for practicing tattoos, or forging autographs--you choose)
one cotton ball
shoe shine cream for Weiskopf
Nokia 9210
Preparation H (for puffy eyes dahling)
extra memory stick
Garfield hand puppet
Bugles Original Flavor snacks
Library of Steely Dan
kazoo (for DF to play during encore)
treadmill for PQ (to exercise his futility)
coat hanger to hang up underwear
quarters--for "A true fan" to make a few calls
waterless hand sanitizer
tissues (That's "issues" with a capital "T" and that rhymes with "P")
crinkled water bottle
Paper plate (for Leonhart)
paparazzi in a can
Decoy for oleander
b-ball and blow-up court

Smile--life is unreal

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 21:50:03 ET
Posted by: ru with me drhoo, Chicago

1. Two 9/11 observations about the CD artwork: the obvious airplane over Manhattan in the middle; the smoke moving in on DF on the last that Morph digging Don's wiggy pad, or smoke from the fire downtown?

2. Yeah, the tunes I initially didn't care for are starting to weave their way into my skull, as does every Fagen tune...takes a while for some. Why no love for H Gang, has everyone played it too much from the download? Faves for me are title track, HG, What I Do (reminds me, somehow, of "Don't Let Me In" from the pre-SD days, particularly with the "You turn the lamp down low" part.

3. Awaiting the 5 star in Chicago...anyone know seating info and soundcheck time?

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 21:42:54 ET
Posted by: Tom, Akron

I've got two tickets for the Cleveland Palace Theatre show on 3/15. I will sell both for $100.00. Tickets are on the floor in row EE. Contact

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 21:25:37 ET
Posted by: Bikemann17, NJ

Only Donald Fagen can make"SEVERED HEADS" sound beautiful

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 21:15:46 ET
Posted by: thirdworldman, here at the western world

after listening to the entire cd for more than 2 weeks, courtesy of limewire, i have a playing order in terms of my favorites, albeit personal, that has occured due to heavy rotation in my car, on my home stereo, on the laptop, onthe kitchen cd player, on the bedroom cd player, on my pc at work, (DAY AND NIGHT!!!)I am a qualified FANATIC!!
brite nightgown
h-bomb (simply due to overexposure, after a fashion i will reintroduce to my pers playlists...)

"There's a special place for lovers
One we understand
There where neon bends in daylight sky
In that sunny room she soothes me
Cools me with her fan
We're drifting
A thousand years roll by"

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 21:13:47 ET
Posted by: Geoff, Rhymes


This will take you all the way there. I had to upgrade my real player to make it download capable, then sign up. And look out for the weather channel trying to change your browser settings, too.

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 21:09:33 ET
Posted by: Corvid, Narcotized Bliss

Couldn't believe it today at the HMV (Canada)! Great placement for Morph in the middle of the new releases rack, signifying the dearth of listenable music on the market. Paid $18.99 on sale, which raises disbelief of another sort. Very anticlimactic, as I've heard the whole thing for about three weeks due to the excellent P2P versions that are/were circulating. The price of illegal fun is remorse - however briefly.

I didn't get to use my ticket as Ottawa is the only date Donald cancelled outright, but I will make the nearest Dan show if there's a summer/fall tour.

Kama-what? This thing is better than most of EMG and 2VN, harmony-wise. And let's hear it for the underappreciated Mona. The surprise chorus is one of the sweetest pieces of ear candy I've heard in years.

Three best traxx? 3M - Mona, Mary & Morph.

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 21:08:43 ET
Posted by: Geoff,


The Real music store. It takes a bit of fiddling and you have to Buy MTC for the third or forth time ($9.99). Start here:

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 21:06:09 ET
Posted by: LadyBayside, east, thinking west

Picked up the DVD version (and cd, for that matter) of MTC after heading to my local mall to find out that the Sam Goody superstore obviously wasn't. The whole damn store closed, sometime in the last two weeks. Huh. Off I went to the only other music store I know of here (been living here for seven months, STILL don't know where everything is) and finally found it. The guy who asked "ma'am (that was his FIRST mistake) how do you spell Fagen?" (I pointed to my chest, or rather, my MTC shirt. Nuff said.) Finally found was actually right up front, but I never thought they would put it there.

I am like the poster (sorry, can't remember who right this minute) who picked up other stuff, too. Think I confused the guy. Picked up a cd from a rapper known as much for his abs as his raps (great workout music, not to mention nice to look at), the only Erykah Badu cd I don't have, and the soundtrack of songs and lullabies by Jack Johnson from Curious George for my daughter. So there.

I have had MTC on since I got it, first in the car, now at home. But actually, I am listening to WFUV radio ( which is supposed to have an interview with Donald on NOW (from 9-9:30). I assume that if I stream or listen live, I should get it.

So far, Mary is my favorite...Pagoda is insinuating itself into my subconscious, and generally, I will probably wake up tomorrow with a Don song in my head.

Must go listen to radio to see if it matches what's streaming.....


Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 21:02:29 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Jesus, Geoff, could you give a brotha a reach around and tell me where I can get the bonus track?

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 21:01:40 ET
Posted by: Soft Jazz Hoochie Mama, Tennessee

Pardon. Can anyone say if Donald Ryan will be playing Shelby Farm in TN, as he did in the summer of 2003? My son Worell is a big fan. We actually attended in 2003 but left immediately because they were singing about naked Chinese women! I am very concerned about the morals of young people today, especailly the ones smoking pot by the crick.

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 20:56:55 ET
Posted by: Geoff,


The Bonus track is so damn good, I'm starting to think it could be the finest Donald Fagen song ever.

I'm sure DF is the main beneficiary

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 20:56:05 ET
Posted by: Kirk, limey town

True Fan- Can you please also tell Toby to "Shut the fuck up" as well.


Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 20:43:57 ET
Posted by: Toby (Just call me Mr Elephant Talk), Perpetually sunny Manchester, Englandshire

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? What is this "bonus track" stuff? I'll tell you what it is -- MARKETING RIPOFF is what it is! Let's defuse this. Whoever has the "bonus item" let them please let it leak into/onto/unto the InterWeb... and (as we say in England) "BOLLOCKS" to the marketeers.

Does Don get much $ for this Bonus Bollocks? I doubt it. Mr Appley-Ipod-person and his/her sundry advertising co-rippers pocket most of it, I suspect.

Nevertheless, of course I am not suggesting any kind of illegal activity... shame on you if you thought that for even an instant.

Don, I just KNOW you're reading this: Please say Bollocks (or cojones or something) to this kind of thing and post free stuff for fans on your Web. Oh and send us all FREE MONEY too.



Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 20:37:09 ET
Posted by: bluprintblu, in heaven

I am in complete and utter heaven...the new Donald Fagen in my cd in the car, popped it in on the way home and the second the first note began, I rejoiced....

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 20:37:08 ET
Posted by: A true fan, up here, looking down

to "chris"
Nitpicking? how can I put this nicely...Shut the Fuck Up! Please, when you release your masterwork, and by the way you criticize I'm sure you are an accomplished musician/arranger/performer, then we will have the pleasure of "nitpicking" your "work". How is it that you think you are even the least bit qualified to cast any kind of dispersions toward the efforts of somone who is cleary light years ahead of the eveyone, (present company included), sorry if you feel as though its a free country and you are entitled to your opinion, as the usual blather, I repeat-"Shut the Fuck Up!" Was i too blunt? tough shit. It takes seconds to talk shit about the work that someone spent years slaving over. deal.

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 20:17:23 ET
Posted by: Eric, San Diego, CA

I have two tickets for Donald Fagen available for The Wiltern in Los Angeles on March 27, 2006. The seats are in the upper level Mezzanine Section, Row C, Seats 125 and 127. The price I paid for both, including various Ticketmaster fees is $167.40. I am asking $150.00. If interested, please email me at Thank you.


Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 20:17:04 ET
Posted by: Bonus Track, (Rhymes)

It has a sort of 'Take me to the river' feel. Willie Mitchell original not that Talking Heads shit. Not sure why he dumped that instead of Brite Nightgown, which is fake fake funk.


Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 20:10:25 ET
Posted by: Bikemann17, NJ

OK Who's heard the bonus track? Could someone review it please?

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 19:49:32 ET
Posted by: Daddy G., Another lyrical oddity?

I'm feeling dumb today...

Can anyone explain to me why the line in "Mary" is "...confounded all >>>SIX<<< senses like an opiate in the brain" when to the best of my knowledge there are only the FIVE traditionally recognized human senses of sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste? I know some folks might maintain E.S.P. or some such new age-y thing (like "I see dead people...") could be a sixth sense, but why use "six" in the lyric?

Is there an actual sixth sense that's been discovered and you people just haven't told me about it yet?...

Maybe he just means that even psychics didn't foresee the "thuggish cult" taking over the government?...

Maybe "six" just fits better than "five" with alliterative flow and allows that typical Dannish "Huh?" factor as folks like me try to unravel the mystery?...

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 19:30:50 ET
Posted by: Daddy G., Then an angel ??? from Heaven...

For the past couple weeks as I've listened to the Wave's World Premiere of Morph several times I thought Don was singing "...then an angel strayed from Heaven..." in "Security Joan." Now I see it's "straight," not "strayed." I guess either one works, but I like "strayed" because to me it sort of implies a little naughtiness on the part of the angel to have strayed from Heaven, either by choice or to have been kicked out.

Hmmm, probably thinkin' way too much...

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 19:26:52 ET
Posted by: hoops,

The latest Dandom Digest has been sent, this time covering March 6-14, 2006.

If you are a subscriber, you should see it in your email box within the next 12 hours. Again, If you don't receive it, please email me. Some people have been having problems with delivery of the Dandom Digest, usually because of spam filters, firewalls, etc.

The following are the subjects of this particular edition of the Dandom Digest

• Dramatic New Update at
• TODAY IS THE DAY in the USA! 3 Versions of MTC
• Lots of Fagen Article Links
• more fagen articles
• ICE Update: "Laugh, Laugh Phonograph"
• Re: "Laugh, Laugh Phonograph"
• REDUX: SD, Michael McDonald in "talks"
• REDUX: Donald on NPR's World Cafe
• Chicago Wing Ding is on! Be there!
• REDUX: Danfest & Wing Ding Registry v 0.9 Now Open
• Our adventures in Boston without DF
• Thursday Afternoon Drive
• L.A.-- Pretzel Logic Band Thur, 3/16


• NEW: Need Cleveland Tix
• NEW: Oakland Ticket 4Sale
• Tickets for L.A. LG Wiltern Show, 3/27
• Update: TWO Vegas Tix Available
• Detroit tickets for sale
• Banyan Trees Ticket Exchange 2006

• SPOILER: [Song Names Omiited] bite the dust in DC
• SPOILER: Beacon Theater 3/7

If you are not currently a subscriber but would like to receive the free Dandom Digest email newsletter"—definitely not to be confused with the glorious Official, or newsletters/mail lists—please email me or see


Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 19:21:51 ET
Posted by: Chris, like we need more morph commentary

This album has everything EMG lacked, and then some. Beautiful, tight harmonies. Complex song writing. An incredible ballad. Slick production -- sorry, D&W, a "live" feel on a studio record just isn't for you. The title track is the strangest thing to come out of the Steely universe ... ever? Brite Nitegown is by far the funkiest thing either one has ever done, and Mona, despite its occasional lyrical shortcomings (some guy/lots of different things [ouch!]) is a masterpiece from its intro alone.

I'll be honest, I was worried after EMG that D&W had become a bit too complacent in their old age, and was not expecting big things from this record. I am very, very pleasently surprised.

Oh, after all the praise, some nit picks:

-The awful fake organ on Security Joan. I thought Don hated synths. Next time, spring for a Hammond.

-What I Do is a great song, but seriously needed to be cut by about two minutes. Interestingly enough, Rolling Stone calls it the best song on the album, calling it a return to the poppy form of Rikki Don't Lose That Number - one of my least favorie Dan songs of all time.

-Lyrically, a little weak here and there. "To make you feel all warm and cozy/like you heard a good joke." Yeah, I know, he needed something to rhyme with smoke, but I expect a bit more from Mr. Stevie Dan. Similarly, that awful line from Mona I quoted earlier.

-Don explaining the songs, albiet somewhat vaugely, in the liner notes! Well shit, what the hell do we have to talk about now? I know Feaver Dreams is down and all but still!

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 19:04:31 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu,

I don't really look at the lyrics until about the 5th or 6th listen. The vocals, rhythm guitar, Rhodes haven't been better. Lots of detail. Some REALLY amazing intros including Mona, Brite, Joan...

Here's how I rank 'em

1. Great Pagoda of Funn - Stunning in all its Glory
2. Night Belongs to Mona - Like Pixeleen, the perfect pop songs. The bridge and fall are unexpected
3. Brite Nightgown - very sassy funk
4. Mary Shut the Garden Door - yet another classic - Washington throws out a haunting hook early
5. What I Do - great R&B, amybe a little too slow on the pulse
6. Security Joan - This turned out to be a lot more than I heard on the clips. Outstanding altered blues. A fuller Time Out of Mind. OBVIOUS HIT SINGLE
7. Morph the Cat (Reprise) - cat bares it's teeth
8. Morph the Cat - Herington let's it snarl. This ain't no Cheshire cat though
9. H-Gang - didn't listen to it for a week. great guitar solo and Rhodes. for the weakes song on the album, it's pretty darned good.

Six, count 'em six classic recordings. What's not to like?

Will have a full report in a day or two or three...

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 18:56:34 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Damn, angel, screwed outta 3 bucks! I hate getting taken but what the hell:

That's the way I like it.
That's the way it is.
I got mine.
Ain't worryin' bout his.

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 18:52:11 ET
Posted by: Toby, Manchester (the Elephant Talk person)

Hey TJ thank you!

I wasn't sure if the S. Joan intro was all m11's but yes I think you're right!

It's really great to figure out the chords -- Donald's style is unique and a real education.

The key Kamakiriad chord Fmaj7 (no 3rd) / G is inspired! (

Folks: if you're a DF muso fan and you haven't yet seen "Concepts For Jazz/Rock Piano" -- ACT NOW!

Best wishes to all

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 18:48:30 ET
Posted by: angel,

Rajah: It was $11.99 at Best Buy. What a deal!

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 18:38:03 ET
Posted by: Newark, Newark, MD

See the moon tonight? Pesky human.

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 18:34:31 ET
Posted by: Rajah , Ferris Rajah's Day Off

I blew off the office around 1 PM and beat it up to Best Buy in Los Feliz, guess what? Sold out, totally sold out of Morph so I says to the kid in the stacks, whazzup cuz, where be the DF DVD-A? He says to me he says, "a bunch of older gentlemen came in when we opened and cleaned us out, I think," as he checked the computer inventory. He proceeds to spell Fagen, "FagAn," and I says, "it's f-a-g-E-n, man," and he looks over at me with a wary eye as he senses me vibrating at a very high amplitude, I says, how many did you have in? "I dunno, 4 dozen or so."


So I beat it up to Tower Records in Glendale and there it was, calling to me across a crowded room, "come my Rajah, envelop me, I am your Morph and you are mine." Very forward, I thought. $14.99, such a deal.

It's been spinning in glorious sensual Dolby Digital 5.1 DTS Surroundosund or whatevah for the third time around now. I wait for years for days like these. McCracken and Krantz sound so great, Donald did a masterful job on the post production of this here album. You hear so many wild touches from the 5.1 even though you have to fiddle around some.


Donald's supporting vocal of himself on Morph in his lowest register on the lines, "all watch the stars for Morph the Cat." Reminds me of how Lennon held down the bottom on so many Beatle recordings.

Ted Baker on piano and Lawrence Feldman on clarinet on H Gang with Howard Levy's muscular 32 bar blow separated and punctuated by a nice bridge within a bridge.

Hugh McCracken on What I Do, what an artist this man is. Little touch here, little touch there.

Marvin Stamm's trumpet on Brite Nitegown makes this song along with some vocal pyrotechnics by Donald that I didn't know he had in him. Maybe his mama informed him on this one. Oh the marimba, Phonus, you da man, whomever you are.

Pagoda is about Ted Baker's Broadway piano. This song could go into almost any musical on Bigstreet.

Joan's five chord guitar intro is an instant classic. Ted on the Whirly. Baker is Tin Pan Alley guy just like Donald, he knows what pleases the ear.

Mona: Feldman's flute is otherworldly in 5.1. Howard Levy captures Mona's desparation.

Mary IS THE cut on this album just like Deacon Blues on AJA. Yes, I believe it was "Orchids in the Summer Rain" in its first incarnation. It even scans lyrically with Mary Shut the Garden Door:

"Mary Shut the Garden Door"
"Orchids in the Summer Rain"

N'est-il pas aussi ?

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 18:28:49 ET
Posted by: Mer., Boston

Bummer- not able to find the DVD set of MTC- Best Buy is saying it doesn't exist? Whatever, will settle for the CD only for now.
The Boston show was great- despite Donald's cold- what a fantastic treat to see some live action Dan.
I was little surprised by the crowd though-I didn't see too many bad sneakers or Steely-Dan T-shirts- people, what is up with this? Perhaps the venue was feeling a little too formal? And the elevator music in the house before the show? Glad people loosened up when the lights went off!!

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 18:26:23 ET
Posted by: Fife, Baltimore, eh

I really love this new cd. It is something familiar but also very different. Here are my fav's so far though remember it's always a woman's perogative to change her mind!!!
Mary Shut the Garden Door: It's got a great funk and it's the one that stays in my head.
Morph the Cat: The bass is just awesome
Brite nitegown: An up beat song about death can't go wrong with that
Morph the Cat (reprise): Love the heavier and darker sound
What I Do: Actually makes Fagen more human to me
Security Joan: Well this one's easy, I've traveled a fair bit post 9/11 always make sure I wear slip ons these days
The Night Belongs to Mona: Still listening to this one, have mixed emotions about it.
Great Pagoda of Funn: This one's growing on me.
H-Gang: It's only the last because I od on it and it's time to put it to rest for awhile.

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 18:22:23 ET
Posted by: hoops,

"Orchids and The Summer Rain" is a copyrighted Fagen/Jobim work. "Mary..." is a Fagen composition.

BTW: As discussed, Garden = Madison Square Garden, methinks.

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 18:13:15 ET
Posted by: Napoleon, UK,

Cheers TJ I'll check them out. I don't wanna start one of those boring chord progression debates but it's true that Don has his own style. However, he's not trying to listen to or copy anyone around so it's like he's Mingus frozen in time! Mona reminds me of the movements in Deacon Blues and Peg. Is it fair to say that people such as John Mayer and Ben Folds are the only guys that can share the podium?

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 17:58:07 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

Toby & Napoleon:

The intro to Joan is all Mu chords:

Bbm11 - Hm11 - Cm11 - Cm11/f (F11)

The first three chords are voiced like this Bbm11: (Bb(bas) Ab-Db-Eb)
(So the line at the top of the voicing goes Eb-E-F)

The minor chords consists of (1) b7-b3-4 (but no 5!)
The major is (1) 4-7-1 (You may add the 5)

Give or take, I didnt spent much time on it, but this should be about right. You virtually only hear harmonies like these from Donald. I love it!

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 17:51:37 ET
Posted by: paul,

SoH, I've been surmising that "Orchids in the Summer Rain" was the working title for "Mary Shut The Garden Door". Why? Because of Orchids go in a garden!! That's the only reason, so by pure assumption I've decided this. But your 'opiate' line works too.

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 17:37:44 ET
Posted by: lyrics,

Link for MTC Lyrics:

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 17:36:14 ET
Posted by: hoops,

SoH: As Donald told Marian McPartland, our "sensors have been sculpted."

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 17:35:30 ET
Posted by: Napoleon, Birmingham, UK. How many fingers does Fagen have for god's sake?!

Toby in Manchester I feel your pain! Ive got a rough take on the intro to Mona but can't quite nail it. Keep workin on Security Joan and I'll trade ya!

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 17:32:58 ET
Posted by: back2bass6, lawn guyland

anyone care to post ALL lyrics here?

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 17:23:34 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

Hey! Now that Don's blatantly into politics with Mary and those letters to the NY Times can we expect him at World Bank meetings like Bono and Angelina Jolie?

Suedave - likewise. Shoot for an Ibanez!

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 17:12:39 ET
Posted by: SouthOfHollywood, Hmmm...

Opiate in the brain...
Orchid in the rain...

Perhaps a little Don-foolery?


Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 17:04:08 ET
Posted by: SouthOfHollywood, Opiate In The Brain

Oh man...I think "Mary" is THE cut on this thing...

Somehow it seems to paint this picture in my head, one that runs almost like some sort of film noir...

'Course I'm waaay over-stimulated this afternoon...


Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 16:59:14 ET
Posted by: angel, Ready to Morph

Click on Discography and then the Title Morph the Cat. It takes you to the lyrics page.

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 16:51:55 ET
Posted by: Daddy G., NJ

Oh yeah, I also picked up my "Morph" at Best Buy today, but just the CD, no DVD. I didn't actually see the DVD version, but I didn't really look for it. I don't have the right equipment to play it anyway. I'd seen "Morph" advertised in sunday's BB ad, so I knew it'd be there for $12. Since they're right next door I figured I'd try Circuit City first just for kicks to compare and was surprised (like one of the earlier posters, I forget who) to find that there didn't seem to be a copy anywhere in the store.

I didn't bother asking anyone about it because I knew I'd just go over to BB for it and besides, asking someone in these places is often futile anyway. I once went to CC looking for a new Mark Chesnutt CD and not finding it I asked a drone who replied, "Oh, you mean Kenny Chesney?" seemingly sure that that must be who I meant. I remember thinking something like "Noooo... ChesNUTT, not ChesNEY. And Mark not Kenny. There's a big difference in that one I like, the other I don't." I ended up at BB that day too.

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 16:50:29 ET
Posted by: Chai_latte, slavin at the desk, mon

Been listening all day to Morph, courtesy of Rhapsody. They are selling the album download as $8.99!!!

Anybody else talk about the FANTASTIC extra track yet?: Rhymes

That's my Godwhacker, the song worth buying the CD for!!!

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 16:38:39 ET
Posted by: RJ Squirrel, Various

Thank you Dimension Skipper for the link to the lyrics on The new DF site is pretty wacky as far as layout - I don't know how you found them (unless my browser is blocking things). I like to copy SD/Fagen/WB lyrics to Word then expand the type size to about 14 pts. Very handy when you are listening in the evening with a cocktail, etc. and want to read along without killing your eyeballs.

I got the CD at Best Buy at lunch but didn't see the DVD. I ordered the DVD on Amazon after lunch and now wish I hadn't. Maybe cancel and go back to Best Buy? I'm in a frenzy and need a shot of Chronax except there is no such drug as far as I can tell. Probably a good thing or I might get a "victory hug from the fella in the Brite Nitegown". Love that verse.

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 16:36:10 ET
Posted by: Daddy G., NJ

Although it usually doesn't come up around here it's no big secret that I'm also a fan of many country artists. But even I thought it was probably a bit odd to be picking up "Morph" and Alan Jackson's latest release "Precious Memories" (a collection of gospel hymns that supposedly was initially intended only as a gift for his mother, not for commercial release) at the same time.

I was just checking the Alan Jackson website ( ) and that refreshed my memory that his prior release was entitled... "What I Do." However, that was just the album title---the song that that came from was more fully entitled "To Do What I Do." It's NOT a conversation with Ray Charles.

Anyway, just thought I'd throw that out there as sort of an "even I thought this was an odd pair of CDs to purchase together and yet even here there's sort of a minor synchronicity going on" kind of thing.

OK, a show of hands... How many others out there also purchsed "Precious Memories" along with "Morph?" Yeah, that's what I thought. What can I say? I'm complex. Or maybe I'm just weird.

As for Morph, I've been listening to my recording of the Wave's World Premiere of Morph with its inherently poor audio for a couple weeks so the actual CD is no big surprise at this point (which I don't mind). But I just want to say that for me the song that improved the most by virtue of the improved fidelity is "Pagoda," followed closely by the title track(s) and then "Mona." I still love "Joan" and "What I Do" as much as anything on there. Even "H Gang" still hooks me. "Mary" is the one that I'm having the hardest time warming up to and "Brite Nitegown" could have probably been a minute shorter, but it's a great tune otherwise.

Those are just my early opinions for what they're worth and are, as always, subject to change without notice.


Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 16:27:39 ET
Posted by: Joey,

" When I stopped at Best Buy today to pick up the album (canceled my preorder last night since they STILL hadn't shipped it yet...), they had both the CD and the DVD-A versions in the dead center of the New Releases rack when you first walk in. I was amazed! I didn't realize the DVD-A copy also came with a separate CD, so I picked up both copies. Oh well, an extra $15 isn't going to kill me. And I have a spare copy. "

Bless You ......

Exactly TWO HOURS till your young Joey arrives at Best Buy !!!

I am now so excited that I am typing this with my nipples . Hug Me.

Developing .....

Joe .. Sea .. Scroll !

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 15:58:00 ET
Posted by: Alkali, NYC

On a very hasty first listen the title track is my initial favorite.
(Yes, yes! Love that high-hat play through)
Followed by:
2) Joan
3) Pagoda
4) Morph 2
5) Mona
6) Mary
(These are well done gems that sparkle and don’t need a second listen to prove it)
Then less impressive are
7) What I do
8) H-Gang

*Bear in mind that that these scores are preliminary and subject to change.
Final tallies will be added up and given Silver stars to Half moons within a fort-night.

SCATS: Yes, a lot of that edgy cynicism from their 70’s stuff seems to have been smoothed over and buffed to a glossy finish; it’s a shame.
By the way, I think those scammed immigrants were Sicilian-Italians not Puerto Ricans.


Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 15:45:46 ET
Posted by: HouDanFan, Houston

Hi all,

Got an extra 5-star ticket available for Sat in Chicago. Looking to sell at a very reasonable price. I'm new to this site so not sure of the protocol for selling.

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 15:22:49 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Welcome Margaret from the Hudson Valley, yup, it's a Steely Dan school alright with a faculty that includes Dr. Gyro Gearloose, Prof. Irwin Corey and Captain Wrong Way Peachfuzz. Gather and surmise at your own risk but remember that the opions herein only reflect the opinions herein.

I'm friggin giving up on Amazon, I'm off to Best Buy...

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 15:21:58 ET
Posted by: yellow peril, @its not there mama

The yellow is missing over there?

not like they would have been discussing Morph anyway

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 15:18:13 ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher, Louisville, KY

When I stopped at Best Buy today to pick up the album (canceled my preorder last night since they STILL hadn't shipped it yet...), they had both the CD and the DVD-A versions in the dead center of the New Releases rack when you first walk in. I was amazed! I didn't realize the DVD-A copy also came with a separate CD, so I picked up both copies. Oh well, an extra $15 isn't going to kill me. And I have a spare copy.

For those of you who want to hear the bonus track Rhymes and don't want to use iTunes, you can sign up for a free trial of Real's Rhapsody music service at and stream the entire song for free (or you can still buy a copy through Rhapsody).

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 15:16:27 ET
Posted by: Me, here

I believe Fairweather-Low played on the Roger Waters CD Amused to death.

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 15:11:53 ET
Posted by: you know who, neb·u·lous

Hi Kids

dvd -audio


Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 15:04:01 ET
Posted by: stackingcutouts, at the strand

I like the part in morph where the highhat plays through the silences

That's What I Do and H Gang are a little too "I'm in the music business" Are these really from a guy who wrote about childhood caves, migrating Puerto Ricans, and SS rallies???

Damn if Great Pagoda of Fun, Security Joan and Night Belongs to Mona are not the most wonderful backbone of this album - three splendid songs that hold a candle with anything Don's done

Carlock is a little repetitious - Don holding him in that tight pocket? and his snare is too hot in the mix - I swear those guys always go hot on the snare - loosing the top end on their hearing?

a groove bass player - nice addition


Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 14:57:18 ET
Posted by: Girl Margaret, Cortlandt Manor, NY

I've never posted to the Bluebook before. I feel like the new kid at school... a Steely Dan school!

The wait is finally over and I own Morph - at long last! I just had to ask, is it me or does the insert picture of Donald in the scarf look vaguely familiar to the insert of him in EMG? I swear, it's the same picture, but with a scarf replacing Walter.

Damn this album is awesome! I'm hearing Security Joan for the first time and am love-love-loving it!

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 14:55:35 ET
Posted by: Dan/Don Fiend, Chi

Wassup Steely Dan Fam!!

I done just got morphed-ed! And it's dat fiyaahhh!

I look forward to catching up everybody in Chi this weekend! I've been waiting three years to yell. . .


C y'all Saturday!

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 14:53:26 ET
Posted by: Art, UK

Brite Nitegown is the bomb! The title track is the weakest in my book and it's on there twice. I'd dump both MTC tracks and move Brite Nitegown to the beginning. It would be perfect.

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 14:52:03 ET
Posted by: SoulMonkey, Lou-E-Ville

Just picked up "MTC" in 5.1

Great googly moogly

I can't wait for Chicago.


Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 14:33:45 ET
Posted by: Joey,

" Either that or there really is no "Andy Fairweather-Low" and it's all just another joke from the 2-Clown Posse... "

Funny !!!!!!

Actually , Andy was essential to THE WHO's career in the late 1970's and very early 80's ( Specifically , the " It's Hard " album as mentioned in the article ) .

Plan on picking up my copy of " Morph " later on this evening ....

Developing ............................

J. " Snuggles " Fly !

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 14:17:09 ET
Posted by: Kid Clean, Officially Morphed

Offical product in hand, copy of the stream in trash, aural senses in heaven. Sound, mix, atmosphere is remarkable, and thats just on my crap pc/speakers at work. Can't wait to get home and piss off the downstairs neighbor by cranking the dvd-audio disc.

Brite Nightgown is the standout in my opinion. The groove is seriously infectious, kind of like Lunch with Gina. Hope I get to hear that either tomorrow night in Cleveland or Saturday in Chi-town.


Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 14:16:42 ET
Posted by: Dan, Kingston, Ontario, Canada

Toronto was great! Donald was, as he put it himself, "feeling groovy, baby,".

These aren't in order, but they're the ones he played:

Greenflower Street
Goodbye Look
New Frontier


What I do
Brite Nitegown
Mary Shut the Garden Door

Black Cow
Pretzel Logic
Home at Last

Viva Viva Rock & Roll
Mis'ry and the Blues

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 14:14:43 ET
Posted by: NYB,

Either that or there really is no "Andy Fairweather-Low" and it's all just another joke from the 2-Clown Posse...

Like the factitious "Lewis Fairlawn"!

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 14:08:54 ET
Posted by: alphabet soup,

"Fairweather-Low" must come right after "Fagen," on some alphabetized list. But the fact he had a group called, "Amen Corner" is a little freaky, huh?

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 14:04:08 ET
Posted by: NYB,

Er... then figure this out.

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 13:55:38 ET
Posted by: NYB,

Once you figure that out, figure this out...

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 13:52:45 ET
Posted by: The Doctor ...aka Kalvin, Portsmouth, England


At the risk of really getting the wrong end of the stick here, you may have misread my earlier e-mail about the price of flights etc. Romantic though the thought is about someone flying in from India for Saturday's show, I'm actually travelling over from England on AIR INDIA, who do really competitive flights from London to both NYC and Chicago as they use it as a stop off/refuelling for their flights from India to the US. Then again, I suppose you should never let the truth get in the way of a good story...our press over here certainly don't ! So if it was me, sorry for the misunderstanding, it's just a mere 7,000 mile round trip from here ! Still no reason for Donald to cancel/reschedule though !

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 13:52:04 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Yeah, that is good, doesn't take himself too seriously but takes his work very seriously. Helluva guy.

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 13:44:24 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

"All right which piece of shit can we cut out of tonight set list?" slammed his hand down on a paper and said "H-gang!"

I wasn't there and I'm laughin' my ass off...good stuff!!!


Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 13:43:20 ET
Posted by: mistressomusic, western mass

Saw the Boston Opera House show....AMAZING! I felt like I was seeing "The Nightfly" tour! 5 out of 8's one of my top steely/fagen albums....Also enjoyed the new tunes!!

So excited for everyone seeing the tour!


Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 13:39:13 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu,

The Morph DVD-A is a little more computer friendly. It plays on a Mac at slightly of course less resolution than my DVD-A player, but still sounds superior to the CD. Can really pick out all the instruments. The DVD-A and CD reinforce how classic the sound of MTC is - a solid A... and at least in my view the album really gets cranking after H-Gang, and that's a pretty good song. Ironically more of a guitar album than the last 2 Dan installments. Not just solo, but the rhythm guitar.

Herington's guitar on Morph is great, but I kinda like the Reprise a little better - more sinister, which of course is the idea. Both versions do swing though

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 13:33:49 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

Must be a HUGE misprint....I've seen that in more than one place. Here is a link to the guy who is actually on the record....not Fagen!!!

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 13:25:45 ET
Posted by: what's this all about?,

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 13:04:18 ET
Posted by: Better Times,

I just got back from Best Buy with MTC. It is great don't get me wrong, but for me personally, it starts to drag a little bit after track #4. I guess I am and always have been in to his more uptempo stuff. I do like track #8 though, track 5,6,7 just don't do it for me. To all HardCore fans who take his every word as gospel I expect to get some flack but really those tracks are just OK, honestly. Overall: A-/B+

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 12:52:31 ET
Posted by: A, B

Just picked up Morph at Target. Tons of copies in the front of the F section. On first listen, I got to thinking that the title track sounds like the Billy Squire song the Stroke.

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 12:47:53 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

3rd WM - There are many levels on which to appreciate their music and lyrics, we begin with what's placed before us, i.e., a big pussycat, on the literal level, then proceed to the metaphoric and allegorical implications.

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 12:32:50 ET
Posted by: hoops, chicago

I just found out that someone is flying in from INDIA for the Chicago show! Let's REALLY hope that Donald doesn't reschedule. (Then you have Alan from Australia, and...)


Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 12:23:40 ET
Posted by: MF, FM

It's not easy, when english is not your native language.

When I heard the 30 second clip of "Security Joan" (without help
of the lyrics in the booklet),
I was sure to hear

"Gonna take my shoes myself of" (whatever it could have meant...)

instead of

"Confiscate my shoes - my cell phone"


Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 12:21:46 ET
Posted by: hoops, chicago

Sorry to hear about the problems SoH. That indie record store I spoke of a week or two ago, Rolling Stones in Chicago/Norridge IL had lots of the DVD+CD version for $11.99. For those of you in Chicago on the N. side, it might be worth a ride over. They are marked $19.99 but ring up on sale.

The album is amazingly great and I was also surprised at how great the artwork is.


Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 12:13:33 ET
Posted by: SouthOfHollywood, Aurally Amazed

It took me 4 stops to find the 5.1 version of MTC this morning:
*Circuit City: NO copies of ANY Fagen release available in-store, only through special ordering...Unbelievable...
*Borders: NO copies of the 5.1 version, numerous CD's available, no hype, no in-store advertising...
*B&N: Same as Borders
*Best Buy: NO copies of ANY Fagen release available in-store...At this point I feel like I'm in some sort of bizarre dream-hell...I finally ask the kid to look it up in the system..."Says here we have a couple but sometimes we lose things that aren't like, you know, big sellers..." I wander the store doing the kid's job of trying to, you know, FIND the damn things and to my amazement, I DO find them...On an end-cap, in there with the new one from Fiddy Cent and plenty of other big-sellers...Unbefuckinglievable...

Anyway...The 5.1 version is staggering...Although I think I got a defective copy because the front menu page that would normally allow you to choose which resolution you want to play (DTS, DVD-A or Stereo) does NOT come up, I was able to access all of the layers on the disc with the remote control...

It is nothing short of the finest example of surround recording I have ever heard...The guitars absolutley crackle, the horns make your head turn and the vocals just envelope you on every single cut...The tiniest little bits of layering and background effects are so much more apparent than on any other DVD-A I own...Truly amazing stuff...

There's no video of any sort (that I was able to access, anyway) just still photos for each song...

FYI: On the jewelcase for the 5.1 is the wording "This disc plays on all DVD players. It will not play on a CD player." While this is true, also included is a separate CD of MTC...Sort of misleading...I'll be returning this one after it melts in a few hours to see if I actually DID get a defective copy...

RUN to purchase this (if you can find it...)


Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 12:11:45 ET
Posted by: thirdworldman, Here at Laughing Pines

In a post 911 world, it is quite clear through Donald's explanation of what MTC is. A big feel good answer to the scary events that have occurred recently, a plush panacea that will make all better. But that is not all. He is reponding to the dumbing down of the general population through advertising and mind numbing tv. MTC represents that big happy illusion that is thrust upon those of us who choose to take in all that 200 channels of shit have to offer. It is not limited to tv and advertising, we are collectively lulled into a stupor by idealogues and politicians, and mostly no one notices. This is scary, and the reprise shoews that darker, sisnister side of our fuzzy MTC. Im just curious how this can be taken so literally by someone who is supposedly a big fan of DF's? a little imagination goes along way.

Also, some musing about the show on Sat in Beantown: during rehearsal, as Mark mentioned, he started playing "Dirty Water" and i was struck with the fact that most of the band didn't know it, and it was a given that they didnt get the reference...(The River Charles!!)

When Donald went onstage during souncheck, he barely recognized anyone. He walked by everyone in the band without so much as a hello, i think he did speak to one person, who it was i do not remember.

Loved the part where he said "All right which piece of shit can we cut out of tonight set list?" slammed his hand down on a paper and said "H-gang!" I was dying. I have been saturated with the song, and was glad it was taken out. I liked it at first, but overexposure to it has made me not want to hear it. Not forever, just for now.

till the next time.....

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 12:08:45 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

MF, I wouldn't put anything past them as far as lyrics go. I still hear alternative words in some old songs.

Those five chords that start off Joan are an instant classic riff, reminds me of the kind of feeling the opening three chords "Peg" give you.

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 12:03:18 ET
Posted by: Doc µ,

Donald Fagen's 'Morph' is the cat's meow
Associated Press
Donald Fagen, "Morph the Cat" (Reprise)

Donald Fagen's "Morph the Cat" is a treat from head to tail.

This is the third solo album from Fagen, who may be best known as one-half of the duo Steely Dan (Walter Becker is his cohort). "Morph" features eight new songs, plus one short reprise, and contains the sort of clever melodies and creative arrangements we expect Fagen to deliver.

His voice is hardly perfect - he might not be invited to sing the national anthem at the World Series, say - but as usual it's just right for his material.

There are mostly somber themes here, including depression, death, even (gulp!) doomsday. But there's also a whimsical tale about a flirtation at an airport security checkpoint, and another song about a devoted couple trying to protect each other from the outside world.

Fagen, who also plays keyboards, is accompanied by some outstanding musicians and he generously lets them do their thing. Instrumental breaks put soloists in the spotlight: a tenor sax in "H Gang," trumpet in "The Great Pagoda of Funn," and guitar in "Brite Nightgown" and "Security Joan."

And a blues harmonica is only one of the treats in "What I Do," Fagen's tribute to Ray Charles. Besides an intoxicating melody and head-bobbing rhythm, the arrangement features a smooth, bluesy female chorus in a fade-out that you wish would never end.

It's a wish you may also have about the whole album.

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 12:01:06 ET
Posted by: Gretchen, a bit mischevious

Off to get Morph'd!!


Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 12:00:40 ET
Posted by: Toby, Manchester, UK

Anyone got a feel for the opening upwards-moving chords to Security Joan? I just can't quite hear the harmony right.


Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 11:59:00 ET
Posted by: Doc µ,


Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 11:58:11 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu,

Raj gets it. Grace is the anti-Mona.

YGK: If we were talking the litany of Steely Dan songs of the 70s, I'd agree. While the mass media of the time portrayed a sunny, Partridge Family kind of world, while the underbelly of pimps and 'hos, losers, and 2-bit hoods were living Night By Night.

Here is Evil isn't in the heart of the individuals in this case. Rather they are being narcotized to a scary and nebulous web of evil than envelopes the Gotham City. In this case, the individuals are the victim. Fagen watches out the window, not so much a voyeur as in Greenbook (virtual sense), but in resignation as the world sinds its way down like a watch needing rewinding...

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 11:39:33 ET
Posted by: MF, FM

I don't know, what I really should think now!

I often think, Donald sings other words than printed in the Booklet.
Could it be?

However, Thank you,
I learned at least the term "F-Bomb" for "F***" ;-)

Longshanks: I would also like to know more about the Cat on the sticker. Looks like a gothic version of "hello kitty".

And does anybody else see the head of the cat in the booklet
on the page with the lyrics of "m.t.c.(reprise)",
hidden in the smoke?
You have to look concentrated, and remember, its the head of the cat side-viev!

At least, does anyone know the artist of the painting "fork should be..."?


Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 11:35:51 ET
Posted by: ygk, nyc

Mu: you could say that the evil is right there in front of you, all you have to do is look for it; plain as day - which is a more universal theme - the ghostly Morph could rep the "culture of death" surrounding New York, The World, ourselves.

-in the mystical sphere-

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 11:21:19 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Grace Kelly was pretty much the ultimate anti-Dan woman, strong, self-sufficent, honest and direct. She starts out in Rear Window as the picture of a classy uptown girl then she turns into Nancy Drew when she invades Lars' apartment. Lars is creepy, shady and sneaky, that's the link I see. Plus Raymund Burr was kinda big and chuinky. I don't see Morph as a slender animal, he's a big fat cat.

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 11:16:11 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

If you use what is a pretty common theme in the culture's art - and an outsider peering into stranger's windows is very common in American pop culture - you thereby either implicitly or explicitly make a nod to those before you who have used the same theme. That's all. I didn't say Morph the Cat is a modern version of the plot of Rear Window.

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 11:14:51 ET
Posted by: SD77, Calif

Hoops got your E-mail thanks for the info.I sent a reply to you.Hope you got it.Hope you can make it to the west coast for the Morph 25 show.

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 11:12:27 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu,

PQ: Tenuous link. Thorwald is the voyeuree. You mean - LB Jeffries (Jimmy Stewart) who is the voyeur, a spanning the globe photographer trapped in a cast. Turned out there was a really good reason to spy on Thorwald. Ironically, Rear Window is more Dan like (TvN, Gaucho, Aja) in pursuit of a stream of perfect tight shots, details, and packaging...while Morph is sophisticated, it sounds like a very LIVE recording compared with previous output.

Morph seeks to narcotize the masses. Grace Kelly doesn't have to try.

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 11:02:18 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

Mu - one word - voyeurism.

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 10:57:44 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu,

PQ: For 25 points, and without being vague and changing the subject, tell us EXACTLY how Lars Thorwald relates to Morph the Cat.

IMO That IS the F-Bomb at the 4:47 mark of Brite Nitegown

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 10:50:41 ET
Posted by: ygk, nyc

I do remember viewing the lyrics for AG, and looking at it through the prizm of a cat - and I concluded that AG could be simply about a cat....could work....

gotta get morphed....ygk

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 10:37:42 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

I would bet money Donald sang, "fuck," last week at the Beacon. Or maybe you just hear what you wanna hear...

Almost Gothic has two feline references, the back-ups sing "cleanest kitten in the city," and there's that "pure science with a splash of black cat," thing. The AG girl is very twisty, she prevaricates, she's a shape shifter, a bit of a scam artist, she's has that child-like kind of mendacity, the narrator doesn't exactly trust her but he's smitten by her. Morph is mischievious, self-centered and narcotizing. There are similarities.

Seems like Donald's female characters are all sort of variations on a couple themes. Pixeleen is the only real "upper," but she's a kid, the rest of the women are problematic in some way or other. One could say Donald knows his skirts, let's face it, they're all trouble, it's just a matter of degree.

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 10:22:47 ET
Posted by: HeyMike, west of state street

walked into my local Borders with all the construction workers re-doing the cafe. Morphs on in my office now-love the lyrics booklet and the images-sounding good so far--see ya on state street

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 10:17:58 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

MF: This has been handled before....he says "From" but harder than usual...for emphasis. I first thought it was the F-Bomb too!


Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 10:12:24 ET
Posted by: MF, FM

I've got a question to the english native language people:

in terms of "fight the fella"

near the end of the song, it sounds to me like "FUCK the fella..."

Could it be true?

I mean, the nitegown has got at least to be pulled up....

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 09:44:44 ET
Posted by: ygk, nyc

What's the relation between Almost Gothic and Morph?

As I recall, AG was definitively feline descriptive....


Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 09:32:11 ET
Posted by: Longshanks,

UK cd has a 25mm sticker on it with 1mm high lettering '' the new album from the co-leader of ''
trumpet sounds !!!! 2mm high ''steely dan''
now that what I call pulling out all the advertising stops!!!

does anyone know if the superhero cat on the sticker is Morph ?

Good work on the CD btw Don
my own personal jury is still out on 5 & 7 but as with EMG the title track is worth the price alone.

off to find my best bins

ta ta

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 09:02:13 ET
Posted by: Better Times,

Super Excited to finally be going soon to go get Morph! I am about sick of listening to small clips, better than nothing though. Toronto sounded Great and thanks for the updates! I promise the first thing I will do when I get home Thursday night is give you all the update. All of you Awesome Dan Fans who have already gone I totally appreciate all the updates so far, so I am sure other people will too. I will post the setlist and give more detailed Merch. updates as well. Still don't know how much t-shirts are? I heard $30 but is that true?

I am sure we all hope all this flutter about Steely/Mcdonald Tour is true. What a dream, can you imagine, I am sure, at the end of the show the possibilities if/when M.Mcdoanld comes out with Steely, DEEP CUTS! Of course Steely has to HEADLINE. I love M.Mcdonald and have seen him solo 2-3 times, but there is no way he could follow Steely on his own. It would be like taking the gas out of the car! 2 more days until Detroit!! :)

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 08:50:49 ET
Posted by: RJ Squirrel, Morph - Si, H Gang...

At least Morph is dark, vague and open to interpretation. H Gang is the sore thumb, lyrically speaking, in this collection.

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 08:49:56 ET
Posted by: Alkali, NYC

Happy Morph day to all!
I’m certain everyone is itching with anticipation, wanting to tear into that tight packaging, pop the CD into your player, kick back and read every single thing inside while enjoying the sounds!
Enjoy, Dandom, Enjoy!
We’ve waited soooooo long.

I’m still recovering from the shows! We had a fantastic time…glad I met some of you.

A slight Morph the cat related connection-moment-deal-thing:
I don’t know how many ‘Gentle Giant’ fans (apart from me) we have on the blue but,
right now I’m listening to “Pantagruel’s nativity” from their ‘Acquiring the taste’ CD.
That’s right, of Rabelais famed “Gargantua and Pantagruel” story.
Interesting? …….Maybe not so much.

Anyway, now rolling:
Gentle Giant “Acquiring the taste”
Gentle Giant “Free hand”
Allan Holdsworth “IOU”
Tchaikovsky “NCS” (Bernstein)
Dylan “Blood on the tracks”
Beatles “M.M.Tour”


Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 06:35:36 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

Relating Morph the Cat to Morpheus may be one way to read it. There is another, if you relate it to things that critics like Roland Barthes used to call the Hermeneutic Code or the Proairetic Code; in these instances Fagen is (consciously or unconsciously) alluding to characters like the Raymond Burr character in Rear Window, or, more accurately, the reporter in Sherwood Anderson's book of stories Winesburg, Ohio. Surely Fagen's grasp of film and literature is sufficiently wide to encompass both of these.

On Brite Nitegown, on Fagen saying he was reading the biography of W.C. Fields; again, everybody knows the story of W.C. Fields making a complete ass of himself beating the Blooming Plant with a riding crop in front of hundreds of people at a party he threw in his own Hollywood mansion; and such exercises in futility seems to be a basic theme of Morph.

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 05:06:32 ET
Posted by: Hopeful in Helsinki, Arabianranta

Midterms: sounds like Boston gave deserved respite for the academically inclined. Hope the troupe stays out of trouble with the mojo or bad-ass moon on the rise.

As if, at this time, I have time to go out and do my own dirty work. While I've recently been in Balt. and Columbus, praying at a virtuoso's beside at Hopkins (Oh god, let his music play on in his brain) and equally comforting his protégé to the best of my ability, Newark, my avatar, has been out causing a little trouble.

I owe Newark my gratitude for keeping me sane. Newark helps with renewing books and doing research and providing prescription delivery service to the needy and jamming satellite signals, as appropriate. Gotta give good ole Newark credit, for she enjoys attending a variety of social/recreational functions in my stead and remains a confident and best friend. However, she is vicarious in nature, fantasizing a bit at times while possessing a mischievous spirit--a result of taking advantage (unknowingly) of the rights and privileges I opportune her. Unfortunately, these tendencies got her into a little trouble this past week.

Newark might have bragged online about my taking my significant other to Philadelphia and "us" being "most studied," but Newark didn't say studied in what. To say the least, Newark shall be punished for allowing ego blab to secede just plain good judgment. Socrates, are you out there? hehe

Second and sorry, Newark failed to mention enjoying the band in Atlantic City, accompanying my significant other who found great tickets through Ticketmaster around six hours before show time. (I have to send Newark when I need a break). Thx for the threads--the gods were smiling down on everyone in AC, and ticketmaster is mildly redeemed. Though my significant everything made all things possible--for his staying wired and prayed up--Newark bitched about the sound system again, though it was much improved. Ergonomics. Newark thinks she deserves some kind of credit or thinks she is holding the keys to the kingdom or something--that's the baffler and my demise, if she keeps it up. But I can never stay angry: Newark shall receive a punishment that fits the crime, in all fairness. Though Newark is infatuated with my s.o., I find their relationship quite harmless. We all share what's in the wine cellar, so things remain blessed and peaceful.

Newark reports that the art at Borgata was fabulous, but would not want to clean the priceless chandeliers. Most everyone in the band seemed to be gargling, etc. I'm sending Newark out to Sound Odyssey or Walmart or Circuit City or Best Buy today, for punishment. Tonight, fine dining! J&J

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 04:42:33 ET
Posted by: Big Blue Cloud, Tomkins Square

Anyone pull off the Nightfly/Kamakiriad/Morph the Cat trilogy tonight? Well worth it.

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 03:22:20 ET
Posted by: Plastic, Capital City

Kaching! Kaching! Don't leave home without it Boys & Girls. What's in your wallet? See you in Chicago, Kaching!

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 02:48:27 ET
Posted by: Declan, memphis

I guess re-buying the entire album on Itunes to hear "Rhymes" is the 2006 version of buying "1972-1978" to hear "Here at the Western World."

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 02:46:16 ET
Posted by: Jesse, Toronto

One more thing. I came across some guy who seemed to know what he was talking about, who claimed that tickets would be going onsale soon for a Steely Dan/Michael McDonald show at the Molson Amphitheatre on July 14th. Pretty cool if it actually happens.

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 02:40:59 ET
Posted by: Jesse, Toronto

Toronto Fan, he also played "Black Cow". Killing! The Beacon show was better, I thought, but this one was hot, and he did 4 tunes here that he didn't do at the Beacon.

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 02:13:54 ET
Posted by: moray eel, i

Yes. iTunes or whatever...

Time for bed...

"Took everything I own..."


Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 02:09:23 ET
Posted by: Declan, memphis

What's the deal with "Rhymes," again? You have to buy the album online to get it?

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 01:15:33 ET
Posted by: moray eel, in time

Wow! Fagen's version of "Rhymes" sounds just like Al Green's.


Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 00:26:15 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Wow, Donald is really mixing things up. Great and thank you Toronto Fan!

Excellent, Mu, Ovid (Metamophosis) and his closest early modern kin, Ionesco, (The Rhinoceros)stand in a direct line with Morph the Cat along with most of Greek and Roman mythology. Burrough's, Naked Lunch as well, same anthropomorphic connection.

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 00:22:10 ET
Posted by: NYB,

Well you're very persuasive but... NAH, it's a dumb song about an imaginary cat.


Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 00:16:17 ET
Posted by: Toronto Fan, Home at last...

The Toronto show was absolutely great! Did the 5* thing & had front row seats, directly in front of Donald. Sound was terrific, Donald seemed to be feeling better (someone called out asking how he was feeling, he said 'just groovy'). He had a couple of rough spots, but was not too bad, and in some songs he sounded back to normal. We were told that others in the crew now have caught the cold too. Massey Hall looked pretty packed (it seats around 2800). I can't remember the exact order of songs, and one of the other people in the group is going to post the setlist, I didn't get a copy, but here's what I remember:

New Frontier
Greenflower Street
Brite Nitegown
Home at Last
What I Do
Goodbye Look
Misery & the Blues
Mary Shut the Garden Door

Pretzel Logic
Viva Viva Rock & Roll

I'm sure there was something else, but I can't think what it is. Hopefully the folks that have the actual list will post soon.
Sure wish I was going to some of the other concerts!

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 00:16:01 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu,

Raj: Yeah, kind of like the huge Mr. Marshmallow thing in Ghostbusters...very Gotham City

Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 00:15:40 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

It's Morph 14....the U.S. release of Morph the Cat!!! Enjoy!!!!!!!!


Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 00:12:57 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu,

NYB: Oh Boy, Another victim of our public school system ;-)

MORPHEUS comes from "he who forms, shapes, or molds" and is the Greek God of Dreams, son of HYPNOS, God of Sleep. Morpheus had 3 brothers: Icelus assisted with those aspects of dreams that reflected reality, Phobetor who made fearsome dreams (hence "phobia"), and Phantasus who produced tricky and unreal dreams (hence "fantasy," "phantasmagoria"), While his brothers Phobetor and Phantosos veer toward the more bizarre scenarios, Morpheus specialises in ultra-realistic dreams - of the kind where you find yourself naked at the office party. When he stands beckoning in the twilight of your dreams, girls looking for nocturnal pleasure will be unlucky, for they will be very much on their own. He sleeps in a darkened cave of opium poppy. His legacy is MORPHINE.

Mopheus is the first changling who can morph into a creature of any size or shape.

Morpheus briefly appears in Ovid's Metamorphoses:

"King Sleep was father of a thousand sons -
indeed a tribe - and of them all, the one
he chose was Morpheus, who had such skill
in miming any human form at will.
No other Dream can match his artistry
in counterfeiting men: their voice, their gait,
their face - their moods; and, too, he imitates
their dress precisely and the words they use
most frequently. But he mimes only men..."


Date: Tues, March 14, 2006, 00:07:43 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Bill, Donald describes himself as a "fantasist." Which I take to mean he likes to goof in his own head as my NY pals like to say. He cracks himself up with this stuff. Also, this Morph guy is heavily influenced by Rabelais' Gargantua and Pantagruel, a cursory review of even a good summary of which will give you the flavor of what I believe Donald was reaching for in Morph. Think of the word, "anthropomorphic," attribution of human motivation, characteristics, or behavior to inanimate objects, animals, or natural phenomena.

I tend to think of him as the Garfield baloon at the Macy's Parade getting loose and floating away, left to his own devices in the city. It's fanciful, B, just float with it for a while and it will eventually make sense in an ethereal kind of way. Think of the New Frontier or IGY guys, the Kamakiri or the Countermoon dude, now the Morph.

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 23:51:39 ET
Posted by: NYB,

Dan I tried, but the concept is silly even in abstraction.
Fortunately the rest of the album rocks though.

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 23:47:15 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu,

This has escaped the cretins that pass for music critics, but if TvN is heavily influenced by 50s cool jazz and Stax/funk while EMG is influenced more by Charles Brown 40s blues, roots of rock played with McPartland + whatever wiggy ideas SD had at the time. Morph is certainly more heavily leaning towards 60s jazz/pop and R&B. Any critic who thinks these albums sound alike is a troll. Very LIVE and crips studio sound. More sweet than slick. Fagen lets the music move the recordings. The straightjacket is off!

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 23:43:46 ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher, Louisville, KY

NYB, only if you take it literally. And why would you take something that obviously abstract and metaphorical literally?

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 23:43:40 ET
Posted by: Better Times,

Any news on Toronto tonight? Setlist? Thanks, going Thursday in Detroit. Anybody know Donald's health situation (feeling better)?

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 23:41:50 ET
Posted by: NYB, Mary shut the bunker door

Who else thinks the concept behind the song "Morph The Cat" is absurd? Love the instrumentals and the harmonies, but the subject is just silly and child-like. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with a little absurdity, but on an album dedicated to the end of life? Sorry, the song just doesn't fit the mood.

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 23:35:55 ET
Posted by: suedave, ready to hit my local CD store

Paul - sorry to read about your news, my thoughts go out to your family

NYCFan - thanks! I'll have to put it on my list for next visit.

PQ - fair question, I suppose. Don't take this the wrong way, I mean it in the nicest sense...I expected to meet "simon" from American Idrool but instead I met this wonderful, quiet, and seemingly shy guy with depth (though the depth part I expected), at least that was my initial impression ;)! It was a pleasure.

Does anyone else hear "Blessed Yankees have an alibi" or is it just me?

Nice grep Hoopsie!

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 22:59:44 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu, Morph over Texas

At Last! Special Order is in and ON! Pretty amazing dynamic range and channel separation on headphones. I'm tingling.

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 22:58:32 ET
Posted by: Singapore sling, too many beers

re: the DVD release....according to my top secret sources here...the dvd will only be a dvd-a release.....maybe a dvd of concert footage will come out at X-mas time

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 22:56:02 ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher, Louisvlle, KY

Damn. According to, they have not even shipped my copy yet while others already have it from them...

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 22:48:17 ET
Posted by: Steely Jan,

Did any one attend the Toronto concert tonight? If so, what was the set list? How was the concert? Has Donald recovered? Thanks

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 22:36:55 ET
Posted by: Blast from the past,

I wonder if that Lexi is related to this Lexi?

Date: 18 Jan 1994 12:00:55 -0600
From: "Lexi Farralon"


Scene 1:
Donald and Walter are fishing for blues and stripers off Anguilla.
Suddenly, Walter's rod lurches and doubles over, almost slipping the sheath
of the pelvic harness. Quickly securing his gear, Donald runs over to lend
a hand. Together, their sinews straining, their bodies drenched with sweat
and salt water, the celebrated duo battle their unseen opponent. Fifty
grueling minutes later, the boys lift the beast out of the water and onto
the deck.

Exhausted, they regard their catch: a rare great trumpeter fish, nearly
seven feet long. Except for a shallow gasping, its eel-like body is at rest.

Scene 2: In the kitchen below decks.
From above, we hear music, The Mysterians' 96 Tears. Two attractive young
women, Janice and Lexi, have laid out the enormous fish on a long table.
Both are wearing shiny, black leather smocks and surgical gloves. They are
removing professional-looking equipment from a case. They begin to filet
the trumpeter, laughing and talking as they work. From above, we hear the
voices of Donald and Walter, singing along with the music in loose, drunken

Scene 3:
Donald, Janice, Walter and Lexi sit around the table, now lit with candles.
They are drinking coffee and cheap blackberry liqueur. Lexi is now in a
short, black mini and a white blouse. Janice is wearing a bright red dress
and matching lipstick.

From a beat box on the floor, we hear an old Enoch Light "Provocative
Percussion" tape playing softly. After a while, Janice digs around in her
bag and produces a thin, elegantly wrapped cigar. She lights up, takes a
drag, and offers it to Walter, who takes a drag and passes it to Lexi. Lexi
looks at it, decides to abstain, and offers it to Donald.


Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 22:29:32 ET
Posted by: Dimension Skipper, Soaking in an arctic mindbath... Oooo--bubbles!

I know many folks already have Morph and most others, myself included, will probably be picking up their own official copy tomorrow, but in case folks haven't stumbled across it yet on the revamped all the Morph lyrics can be found here...

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 22:22:22 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

As I mentioned in a post few days ago, the reason I love his and the Dan's music so much is that it sounds like nothing else out there and it's as if he doesn't even know what music sounds like today. Well...this quote from his website backs it up:

Fagen says he has no concern about releasing Morph The Cat at a time when the music industry and the market seem as uncertain as the world itself. “I operate under Seventies rules no matter what time it is,” Fagen explains. “It’s a contract I have with my mind. I just keep forging on no matter what and reality doesn’t have much to do with it.”

Awesome people....awesome. Tomorrow I get my very own copy...happy listening everybody!!!


Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 22:11:40 ET
Posted by: SouthOfHollywood, Laughing On The Grass

So I've been like...missing...for a while and have been negligent in my thank-yous and such...

The DC show was quite good and so nice to spend with new friends (Jenny's pre-birthday party Fagen-style) old friends (Sam & Fife) and family, the regular kind (my sis) and the irregular kind (Pete, Shari and Q)...Nice cozy train up to the dirty city and more fun with those of my kind...More old friends and my major dude Dan influences from years gone by (Tom & John) followed by the Beacon show and a swell soiree afterwards at Chez-G...So nice to see Broadway and Suedave and Malcolm and more...Special thanks to Gretchen and Rajah for the deluxe accomodations...See you in Chicago...


Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 21:58:26 ET
Posted by: hoops, chicago

WOW! The Donald Fagen website is something else!

And...well...for those going to Chicago Version 0.9 of the info for this weekend is up.

I still need to add some info about FRIDAY NIGHT, as well as TRANSPORTATION and FUN FACTS and THINGS TO DO WHILE IN CHICAGO, but if you check out

you will see the basics you will need.



Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 21:46:05 ET
Posted by: Thank you for the early delivery, of MTC

Artwork is very sullen and dark. Especially the airline flying low over Manhattan. Not 9/11 because it looks like it's dusk or overcast, but still very scary. Time to let 'er rip!

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 21:17:21 ET
Posted by: Lexi Says nothing right now. come back later , lewis ?

Lexi Says nothing right now. come back later

lexi fairlwan

lewis fairlawn former webdrone for
had a sexchange

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 19:57:21 ET
Posted by: Fred Rated, North Coast


Does anyone know if there are video clips on the Morph The Cat DVD?


Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 19:53:14 ET
Posted by: Rajah, testa di culo

Try to get over me. I know it won't be easy, there are help programs, however.

Ha, it is Hinktown.

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 19:48:11 ET
Posted by: Napoleon, UK, kissed the checkout girl goodbye...she just gave me the goodbye look

Hi Gang

Just picked up my copy of Morph and, whilst fumbling through the liner notes, I noticed that each song title comes with a short explanation of what the song is about. Has Don had enough of interviews at last? Is it to make the songs more accessible so we can discern between Don and Dan? either way I found it a bit strange.

I seem to recall being shot down for sayin it was "love, love, love you Security Joan" Oh well!...



Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 19:45:33 ET
Posted by: moray eel, spell



Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 19:44:02 ET
Posted by: moray eel, libra

Donald needs to get rid of some of his books or he needs to aquire more bookcases.


Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 19:01:54 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

Hmmmm....after looking at the video clip advertising the Chitown show...I'm wondering if the Morph the Cat studio clips are part of the DVD being released with the album tomorrow?


Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 19:01:12 ET
Posted by: Paul,

Huh, so it is "I love love love you, Security Joan"
I sit corrected.

Thanks for updating your website Donald!! Or thank you Warner Brothers!! Or thank you whoever did it!!!

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 18:59:14 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

Alright.....Donald's site has been updated in a major way!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!


Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 18:50:30 ET
Posted by: Fan, here

I just got a confirmation from Amazon that my copy of Morph has shipped.

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 18:43:59 ET
Posted by: HouDanFan, Houston

Hey Soul Monkey...I'm flying in from Houston on Friday night for the concert. May see you guys at the ESPN zone.

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 18:41:45 ET
Posted by: Paul,

Go check out now!!! RIGHT NOW!!!!!!

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 18:36:01 ET
Posted by: Rajah, weird science

Wasn't that the wonderful Wendell on drums in New Frontier? And if so, is Keith Carlock the first live drummer to cover a Wendell song in concert?

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 18:29:09 ET
Posted by: greg moonspank,

c'mon, we all know that it's WENDEL on the drums on Nitegown...

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 17:34:35 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

Am I the only one thinking that the liner notes on MTC don't seem as accurate as usual?

Who plays drums on Nitegown? I can definitely hear drums. Who plays Rhodes on What I Do, cause the solo-Whirly piano Ted Baker is plays is NOT the one grooving, I believe that is a rhodes. just a few examples.

Not that it's a big deal, but no drummer on Nitegown... Come on, who cheked this for errors prior to release?

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 16:40:13 ET
Posted by: Bob,

Maybe Donald DOES hate the Yankees......

" Morph the Cat' the song started out as just me taking an aerial view of New York," says Fagen, a longtime Manhattanite who lives on the Upper East Side. "But it became a surreal way of depicting people being narcotized by a short-term high. The mass-media, advertising-saturated brain death in our country can be alarming.

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 16:25:42 ET
Posted by: Fife, a very warm Baltimore, eh

you da boss man! Thanks, hope to see you this summer if all goes well with the Dan tour! I know you and Mr.Sam would get along famously! Luckily I get to see your wonderful wife in the spring, can't wait for that.
Enjoy the rest of the shows, lucky bugger!!!

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 16:08:25 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Aw shucks, it's good to be home.

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 16:01:27 ET
Posted by: The Doctor, Portsmouth, England

Best wishes to all you ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls on your official 'morph' release day tomorrow. Still have no idea why we on 'this side' were allowed the extra 24 hours of aural excellence over you guys, but hey, who's complaining ! Like I was'nt looking already looking forward to Chicago this Saturday, but now I'm walking around like a dog with two dicks ! ...and if you get to the bar before me, I'm not that fussy, I'll trust your judgement, you choose something......!

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 15:37:22 ET
Posted by: Insult Police, In your Face


If you think PQ and Raja have huge egos, then you haven't met someone with a huge ego.

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 14:30:14 ET
Posted by: Bob,

I was reading the Maureen Stapleton obit today too, Burgess. That title caught my eye as well.

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 13:55:51 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Yeah yg, the old man got up on Jaimoe's kit and started off real slow doing that old time bebop drum solo stuff, I guess he was warming up in retrospect. I said to my musical compendium, Kevin, yo who is that old man, he looks familiar? "it's Roy friggin Haynes, Bird's drummer of choice for years." I listened real close after that. I could not believe the was 81. Other guests were Peter Frampton playing a 3-pick-up Les Paul and some guy with a big black hat from Lenyrd Skynrd.

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 13:46:15 ET
Posted by: JMJ, Detroit

What time does the 5* soundcheck session begin? Thanks.

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 13:46:04 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

The Playboy of The Western World, isn't that the Synge play about the guy who runs around trying to kill his father?

Raj - have you checked Haynes on the video w. Carlock? I think your friend siad he went to that event? Haynes is playing the Vanguard all week this week.

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 13:42:36 ET
Posted by: jon, ,

TJ--I dig Krantz's work on that tune as well as Stamm's--points both well-taken.

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 13:40:28 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

I don't get it. Oh, western world? Synge of course meant western Ireland, the SD song is surely about Los Angeles.

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 13:39:17 ET
Posted by: ygk, nyc

Raja: wow! What a treat! that must've really smoked.....
Sorry we missed having dinner with you guys.



Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 13:30:59 ET
Posted by: Burgess Meredith,

They owe it all to me!

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 13:05:43 ET

I just managed to get myself an 37 Tracks-MP3-Mix in order of release together,
for Jogging and other pleasures.
It`s so damned good, I'm gonna run a Marthon!

Check it out, and feel the Power...

Your Friend,


01 Your Gold Teeth
02 Through With Buzz
03 Pretzel Logic
04 Don't Take Me Alive
05 Sign in Stranger
06 Green Earrings
07 Haitian Divorce
08 Everything You Did
09 The Royal Scam
10 Peg
11 FM
12 Babylon Sisters
13 Hey Nineteen
14 Gaucho
15 Time Out of Mind
16 My Rival
17 Third World Man
18 Ruby Baby
19 Maxine
20 The Goodbye Look
21 Trans-Island Skyway
22 Springtime
23 Tomorrow's Girls
24 Teahouse on the Tracks
25 Junkie Girl
26 Hat Too Flat
27 Little Kawai
28 Gaslighting Abbie
29 Two Against Nature
30 Things I Miss The Most
31 Morph The Cat
32 H Gang
33 What I Do
34 Brite Nightgown
35 The Great Pagoda Of Funn
36 Mary Shut The Garden Door
37 Morph The Cat (Reprise)

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 13:02:09 ET
Posted by: Rajah, L.A.

One of the Allmans' guests Saturday night at the Beacon was drummer Roy Haynes, 81 years young. He's only played with Charlie Parker, Lester Young, Monk, Sarah Vaughn, Dolphy, Coltrane, Getz, Corea and Miles. They covered Afro Blue, he didn't look a day over 60, he was fast and strong on Jaimoe's kit.

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 13:00:37 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

Dunno if this review has been posted, but It deserves a second post any how.

jon, I agree that Krantz probably was chosen because he plays a style somewhat reminiscent of Walter. His solo on Pagoda is probably the one that takes the longest to really grasp on the album, but when it finally opens up, it is great. And it is great as a contrast to Marvin Stamms solo, which is just as excellent, though in a much more expressive, immediate way.

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 12:37:36 ET

They released Morph last friday in Belgium.The reviews in our newspapers are very positive. Here are some traduced reviews.

03/10/06."De Morgen" (The Morning)

"Anyone who is trusted with the works of Steely Dan or the two previous solo albums of Donald Fagen,don't need to listen to MTC to know how it's gonna sound.
Donald Fagen lives in a cocoon, where all calendars to the future have abandonated the raise to the future since 1972.
MTC is a prolongation of albums like CBT,KL and Aja.
That means: jazzypop that is flirting with perfection, full of instruments that never will bouther you and that is creamed with lyrics that are sharper than a shavingknife.

MTC is only the third solo cd that Fagen brings out and the previous album (Kamakiriad) was released 13 years ago.
The title track is very great. H Gang could be a radiohit and the great Pagoda swings very well.
It continues during the whole record.This is an other perfect album in the real sense of the word:miticulus played,a masterproduction and very, very clean and fresh.
MTC will need some time but finally it will be another great classic one just like all the other work from the grandmaster.

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 12:34:02 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

Deacon Blue - try this album: The Sinnett Hearings, by the drummer Jay Sinnett. Catch the tune "Palpitations." One of the vans outside the Fagen show at Westbury was playing this CD.

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 12:11:52 ET

Determinating wich album is the best SD/Fagen/Becker album is the most difficult thing in the life of a Steely Dan fan.
It's typical for us to change the order depending of our state of mind. Today it will surely be MTC because this pearl is so new and fresh but maybe tomorrow it could be CTE or KL.
That's why the whole oeuvre is a big classic on his own.
Telling this, at the same time i have to admit that getting older i have more and more problems to listen to other stuff.You know the Dansyndrome!
The only other things that i've been listening to lately are M.Franks, M.Brecker,P.Metheny,M.Stern, M.Davis, Brubeck and other old jazzstuff.
Oh yes, yesterday i spend the whole night with some live dvd's of M.McDonald, J.Taylor and of course our boys.
But if you insist, here's my top 3 :

1. MTC
2. Nightfly
3. Aja

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 11:59:47 ET
Posted by: Mike F., New York

Daddy G.: Thanks very much for the links to the articles where Donald talks about Ellington. Much appreciated!

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 11:56:42 ET
Posted by: SoulMonkey, Lou-E-Ville

If anyone is interested in watching a little NCAA b-ball pre Danfest, you are more than welcome to join us at the ESPN Zone in Chi-town on Satudrday afternoon. I'll be there with my buddy Mike around noon or so.


Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 11:24:52 ET
Posted by: NYC fan, upper west slide

suedave: try to visit the Nicholas Roerich Museum...on W.107th St. I of NY's best kept secrets.....

"I am holding a mystical from Lhasa...where people are rolling in the snow...far from the world we now"

Roerich had a famous painting about a stone from Lhasa..the Chintamani Stone....oye ve

legends...and such

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 11:15:28 ET
Posted by: Kid Clean, @work

Not this again. Albums from 'favorite' to 'least favorite'. I went by how often I listen to an album from start to finish without skipping a song. I'm sure I'll get razzed for PL being #2 but I really like all the songs on there.

Pretzel Logic
Royal Scam
Katy Lied
11 Tracks of Whack
Everything Must Go
The Nightfly
Can't Buy A Thrill
Two Against Nature
Morph the Cat
Countdown to Ecstasy
Alive in America

**disclaimer: this is list is subject to change on an almost daily basis depending on my state of mind

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 11:07:35 ET
Posted by: 1976@WYSP quad, Norristown

on hearing the 1st song

Royal Scam- Kid Charlemagne....groovy....the group that did Rikki Don't Lose that Number...probably on WIOQ

Aja- I Got The News---w/Stephen Clean on 93 three WMMR Philadelphia...

..Gaucho- a weird one....babylon Sisters...on 99.1 WPLR-FM..with my sister yelling "the new Steely Dan album is out...." in N>Babylon, LI..
Nightfly- 'IGY'..on WPIX-Fm? was that a station

China Crisis-Flaunt...-"Black Man Ray'-on shortwave...on the Jon Peel show.BBC.he always thought Steely Dan was subversive

Kamakiriad- 'Tomorrows Girls'- On the smooth jazz station in Philly...somehow, someway I was back in PA in the early '90's...bought 11 Tracks at the Plymouth Meeting Mall..
2vn- on internet via KFOG-
EMG- Blues beach ..on line...just not the same
Morph---tonite on my Kenwood...analog 5 channel last time

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 10:28:58 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

YGK - I saw that!!! LOL. With the Charlie Chaplin shirt. Thank God they weren't wearing David Yurman bracelets.

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 10:20:28 ET
Posted by: Babylon System, Cary Grant's 1st movie

Geoff- I am an ex No.Cal-er as well.....Jack London Square is best...thank you Jerry Brown

Donald: thank you for digging us suburbanites out of the bout a BlueNote album next w/Charlap...and Jeff Golub....

oye's to all de irish Jews; Ben Stiller....Kevin Kline...Bob Geldorf...and anyone else....lost in midtown...or's to Jerry Fagen...and wife Ida Li..(Donald's uncle & wife)....

Asia: I hear Morph will debut at #2 on NHK sales chart....# 27 in snotty Singapore...any Billboard predictions...
...H-Gang intro sounds like Sakamoto...cooool
lotsa beer ona Monday....

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 10:07:58 ET
Posted by: ex-NYer, in Aja

Geoff: maybe try one of the motels on University or the check out Jack London square...possibly the ones near the tenderloin

am cranking Morph here in Singapore....feel like I'm in some weird noire film...the dj in the pub played 'Aja' friend pressed WB Singapore for a free copy....very Manhattan-esque...but a tribute to NYers all the world around...from jamestown to Riverhead....from West NY, NJ.....very cool Donald..thanks for keeping us awake....pat metheny is here tomorrow.....great seque....

Geoff- the jack London ones are cheaper

hello to anyone on LI.....anyone from Noooorth Babylon!

I now look like ZGeorge Clooney in Syriana...beard...heavier....still trying to do the right that Stevei Wonder on 'Mary'?

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 09:47:44 ET
Posted by: jon, ,

To ygk and Howard (after you spent some time with MTC): Listening to Krantz's extensive break over the outro of "Great Pagoda of Funn", an absolutely wonderful tune, I was struck by the notion that his soloing is stylistically (to MY ears anyway) eerily reminiscent of Walter's, and is it possible, just possible, he was chosen for that reason?

It's impossible for me to keep from becoming wistfully ruminative when I recall the likes of Skunk, Denny, Carlton, Randall, Khan and Derringer.

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 09:47:19 ET
Posted by: Geoff, Lost

Anyone have any hotel suggestions for Oakland? Walking distance from The Paramont?

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 09:30:28 ET
Posted by: ygk, nyc

PQ, and other NYTimes Readers: Did you notice in the Fashions of the Times Magazine yesterday, there was a picture of Martha and Rufus Wainright? little plug, and some 'fashions', I think


Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 09:24:50 ET
Posted by: Leo,

PQ: That was the major difference. Kirk matched the headliner perfectly, Martha didn't.

We all know that if Steely Dan/Donald Fagen is going to bring out a special guest it should be Carlton, Gadd or even Boz Scaggs. But Martha Wainwrong? Bad BAD move. If the people in the front row got on Fagen can you imagine how the next 150 rows felt?

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 09:24:08 ET
Posted by: YGK, nyc

Thank you Jon, and Bending End for your assessment of WK. I do find it interesting that these two guitarists divide the listeners opinion of who works well the SD/Fagen sound....but it's always refreshing to have your own opinion reinforced.

I think maybe, just maybe, Donald is playing them off each fine effect.


Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 09:18:00 ET
Posted by: Rod Serling, case in point

Marjorie + impersonation = need for password protection

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 08:20:48 ET
Posted by: RJ Squirrel, Almost legit

I have the new tunes as well except for Great Pagoda of Funn - I haven't even heard one note of it. Based on the reviews from others here it is a good one so I have that to look forward to when I buy the CD.

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 07:55:07 ET

you hall all being pining (not laughingly) at the frustration of not having the album in its entirety (yet).

I, living here in NY, with mediocre computer skills, has "pirated" a copy, burned it on a disk, and have been listeing for days now.

I would feel guilty, but i just just spent 400 bucks on seeing DF twice (and wainright once) and, well, if its there for free, im gonna take it, its just in my DNA.

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 07:46:19 ET
Posted by: Howard,

Re: Herington and Krantz

It may be true that Herington is better suited to guitar solos on the new Don songs (on tour and on CD), but Krantz outclasses him in a lot of the rhythm work he does. That's one of the things I always saw as a major Krantz strength - an amazing sense of rhythm, and an amazingly flexible sense of chordal harmony on the guitar. Both together mean he does some truly unique and superb rhythm guitar work.

I can pick Krantz out in one of the 30-second clips from the album, but I'm looking forward to hearing more of him when I get my ears on the complete CD.


Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 06:41:52 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

Paul - sorry to hear the news. My thoughts are with you. Be strong.

All right suedave, I hope an explanation of the 'enigma' remark is forthcoming. :)

Regarding remarks like "Well it's DF show so he can bring out whomever he wants" and "If he decided to bring her out she must be OK" - yes and no to both. The mindset of "Oh, you should just count your lucky stars that you're getting to see DF at all" - no way. According to this thinking - in theory - he could come out, play Mary Had A Little Lamb on a kazoo, say good night, and we should all be grateful.

The performer has an obligation to the audience, not the other way around.

Right after Wainwright left the stage the crowd up front must have gotten on Fagen big time because he said, "What, what?" in a very defensive way. I posted that immediately after the show, and I'm glad the Rolling Stone reviewer noted it in print too because I don't see anyone else here addressing it and if it wasn't documented in a magazine I would be accused of making it up!

At the same time, it's not quite the big deal it's been made out to be. It was maybe 5 minutes. It should be archived as a curious abberation and let go.

I once saw Larry Carlton in Carnegie Hall around 1987. He said, "I discovered this guy playing in a small club and he was so good I asked him to come out on tour with me as my special guest star." It was Kirk fucken Whalum. Now there was an example of an unknown (at the time) guest star who matched the headliner perfectly, fit in with the mood and the music, etc.

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 04:41:15 ET
Posted by: Bilko, Fort Baxter

It's hard to compare early Dan with the later stuff. I guess I listen to the more jazzy material the most, but when I put one one of those earlier albums, I never cease to be mazed at how fresh they still are. Don't forget the superb playing of Diaz, Baxter et al. Firmly rooted in the rock tradition, but steets ahead of anything before or since, in my opinion. So here's my list:

The Nightfly
The Royal Scam
Can't Buy A Thrill
Coutdown To Ecstacy
Pretzel Logic
Morph The Cat
Katy Lied
Two Against Nature
Everything Must Go
11 Tracks Of Whack

It's a stupid exercise really. How can you put Aja at number 6? Morph at 8 makes it a potentially great album in my book. If I were to make my list of 100 greatest albums ever, ten of these would make the top 20, easily.
Anyway, just adding to the fun.

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 04:08:17 ET
Posted by: Rajah, L.A.

To our young friend Paul, thank you for the phone call, ph, we wanted you to remember this wekend coming up for a completely different reason. But alas, human life is so brittle, you never know what's going to happen next. Our sincerest condolences don't really help much, I realize, but it's all we can give. Our thoughts are with you, return to us soon.

To SteelyFan, littlebee and beaubo, Gretchen and I are gratified by your thanks and we redouble them right on back to you, goes without saying your presence lifted all our spirits.

To our dear Fionna, your company was awesome, such a comfort, you're the kind of person who makes others feel so cared for and that, dear lady, is such a great gift. All the goodies at the party were made by Fionna's own sweet hands and so I think we can forgive her for her unrepentant stalking of Donald before the show from the Starbucks on 75th Street. She called me up at the hotel just in time to see the lovely Carlolyn enter the Beacon stage door.

GO FLATBUSH!!!! Please post some more, sunshine.

fezman - being hurtful I think is one of the worst sins one stranger can commit on another, you are so right. Strangers, guest and new friends especially should be treated with the utmost care and rspect.

Old friends you can kick around like a fuckin bocce ball though, that's why we love our old friends so...

Chai Latte - nice review and thank you.

MC5? That was a band, very much like the H Gang. But Brother Wayne taught me so much in the couple years I spent with him in the 80s in a band called, "The Last Words of Dutch Shultz." We have one demo album produced by Don Was. I haven't listened to it in 20+ years. As a singer, the Rajah was a great screamer.


Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 03:02:05 ET
Posted by: suedave, time to finish planning

In the first moment I've had since returning from NYC late last Wednesday, I started unpacking and realized I had notes from before the show that I'd share with you all.'s my 1st trip to the airport since listening to the MTC stream on the Wave a few weeks ago, had a little chuckle to myself when I found myself caught up in the security line.

Packed in like sardines on my 5 hour flight direct to NYC, I fire up the iPod and warm up for the soon to be infamous Beacon show by listening to the stream thanks to KC and this awesome board. I pick up the airline magazine from the pocket (American, March 1 edition) and plod thru, I've got time to spare. Lo and behold, there's a short review of MTC by James Mayfield which starts out like this:

"Donald Fagen is a genius. Or at least a genius at picking quality
musicians to accompany his signature sound...whether as a member
of Steely Dan or flying solo...Fagen finds the perfect instrumental
foils for his piano play and familiar vocal styling...From the
opening sounds of the title track, Fagen takes the listener through
tight arrangements, mixed so you can hear each individual high-hat
hit, bass line, and bending guitar note. And even at the times
when it's impossible to count the number of tracks on one piece of
music, as in the multilayered outro of the seven minute "Brite
Nightgown", the intonation of each individual instrument and
overlapping vocal is clean and clear. No static at all."

Now that's what I call a brilliant review by a guy who gets it! Only two more days before I can buy a proper copy!

The pre & post show parties were graciously hosted by Gretchen & Rajah, it was fabulous to meet them and many other like minded Danfans - both familiar faces and new ones with names I recognize. Some I'll meet up with again in Lost Wages & Temecula, and if we're lucky, later on this summer. After meeting PQ, I can honestly say that the guy is an enigma.

This music is important enough to me to get on an airplane and fly to NYC. While my friends think I'm a bit crazy, spending a bit of time with those of my kind always makes me wish we had just a bit more time to spend together. Let's face it, we're unique if not genius ourselves. I also found more to love about the city by exploring Greenwich Village and the East Village the day after the Beacon show. With a couple of hours to kill I saw street vendors selling crazy hats (didn't buy one), Tompkins Square, visited the Strand, Sheridan Square, Jane Street, Bleecker Street, and even the house that Eleanor Roosevelt lived in for 8 years or so. (And just now I realized that the lyrics from this decade are firmly planted in NYC.)

So you've already read about the show...while I feel a bit disappointed for not getting to hear more DF tunes I am glad to have experienced a show that will have gone down in history as legendary. And while words can't explain the show properly the "woman wearing a realtors outfit" came close to pinpointing some of it - LOL!

Brave of you guys to rate the works...I can't do it.

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 02:23:54 ET
Posted by: BYE,

Nazzman- Good night...and please don't come back.

Date: Mon, March 13, 2006, 00:05:44 ET
Posted by: Nazman, zzzzzzzzzz

Gotta say it. Can't help myself
BAD SNEAKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oooh. ok. I can let this day go...

Date: Sun, March 12, 2006, 23:56:06 ET
Posted by: Nazman, Turnin' back

Aja, and there's no use continuing...
It's bigger than that...

Date: Sun, March 12, 2006, 23:53:49 ET
Posted by: Nazman, Quick check on the weathered hard drive

Babylon Sisters comes readily to mind.

Date: Sun, March 12, 2006, 23:19:47 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu,

Favorite Dan-ish Songs?

Top 10 (in no particular order)

Night Belongs to Mary
Great Pagoda of Funn
Doctor Mu
Your Gold Teeth II
Black Cow
Home at Last
New Frontier
Greenflower Street

Honerable Mentions:

Mary Shut the Garden Door
What I Do
Negative Girl
West of Hollywood
Razor Boy
Lunch with Gina
Almost Gothic
Glamour Profession
Second Arrangement*
Fire in the Hole
Turn that Heartbeat Over Again
Don't Take Me Alive
Any World
Chain Lightning
Brite Nightgown

...jeez, any songs left?

Date: Sun, March 12, 2006, 22:58:48 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu,

Brutus, hoops: LOVE the ending of Brite. Very late 50s amusing

The thing about the first half of EMG for me is that once I heard it 3 or 4 times. I GOT in got it all. Not much more to reveal. in fairness, it was in part because the instrument separation was so good. The second half is standout.

Morph is just chock full of stuff, but less slick and yet more sophisticated than TvN. I think in 10 years, we will all look at Morph as a CLASSIC. The run from What I Do through Mary is as good as it gets. A little more charm and a better mix and production than EMG and TvN with a live sound that harkens to the live shows of late and oddly Countdown to Ecstacy.

Anyway, my rankings:

1. Katy Lied
2. The Nightfly
3. Aja
4. Morph the Cat
5. Royal Scam
6. Gaucho (DVD-A)
7. Countdown to Ecstacy
8. Two Against Nature
9. Kamakiraid (DVD-A)
10. Everything Must Go
11. Can't Buy a Thrill
12. Pretzel Logic
13. 11 Tracks of Whack

Date: Sun, March 12, 2006, 21:31:31 ET
Posted by: Declan, memphis

Funny how time has tempered your enthusiasm for EMG, Hoops. I remember you saying it was only second to Aja on your list when it first came out.

Date: Sun, March 12, 2006, 21:19:36 ET
Posted by: Jon, in response to 3rd World Man

If you take a scroll down, Big Fan states below "If you had heard Donald at the sound check, you would have thought there was no way the show could go on – but Donald really came through at the show!" From what I heard, I thought there's no way he has another dozen dates in him.

From Chan: "DF may have had a cold, but you never would have known it by his performance. He could have let the girls and Jeff Young carry more of the tunes but he hung in there and was on his game." Since '74, I've been to at least 20 shows, and have never heard him sound more OFF his game than he did last night.

His keyboard playing was superb but the pipes need some time to heal up. It's not a knock on him--lord knows I worship the guy--and I'm sure with some antibiotics, honey & lemon tea and a brief respite he'll be back in fighting trim.

Date: Sun, March 12, 2006, 21:05:50 ET
Posted by: suedave, time to finish planning

In the first moment I've had since returning from NYC late last Wednesday, I started unpacking and realized I had notes from before the show that I'd share with you all.'s my 1st trip to the airport since listening to the MTC stream on the Wave a few weeks ago, had a little chuckle to myself when I found myself caught up in the security line.

Packed in like sardines on my 5 hour flight direct to NYC, I fire up the iPod and warm up for the soon to be infamous Beacon show by listening to the stream thanks to KC and this awesome board. I pick up the airline magazine from the pocket (American, March 1 edition) and plod thru, I've got time to spare. Lo and behold, there's a short review of MTC by James Mayfield which starts out like this:

"Donald Fagen is a genius. Or at least a genius at picking quality
musicians to accompany his signature sound...whether as a member
of Steely Dan or flying solo...Fagen finds the perfect instrumental
foils for his piano play and familiar vocal styling...From the
opening sounds of the title track, Fagen takes the listener through
tight arrangements, mixed so you can hear each individual high-hat
hit, bass line, and bending guitar note. And even at the times
when it's impossible to count the number of tracks on one piece of
music, as in the multilayered outro of the seven minute "Brite
Nightgown", the intonation of each individual instrument and
overlapping vocal is clean and clear. No static at all."

Now that's what I call a brilliant review by a guy who gets it! Only two more days before I can buy a proper copy!

The pre & post show parties were graciously hosted by Gretchen & Rajah, it was fabulous to meet them and many other like minded Danfans - both familiar faces and new ones with names I recognize. Some I'll meet up with again in Lost Wages & Temecula, and if we're lucky, later on this summer. After meeting PQ, I can honestly say that the guy is an enigma.

This music is important enough to me to get on an airplane and fly to NYC. While my friends think I'm a bit crazy, spending a bit of time with those of my kind always makes me wish we had just a bit more time to spend together. Let's face it, we're unique if not genius ourselves. I also found more to love about the city by exploring Greenwich Village and the East Village the day after the Beacon show. With a couple of hours to kill I saw street vendors selling crazy hats (didn't buy one), Tompkins Square, visited the Strand, Sheridan Square, Jane Street, Bleecker Street, and even the house that Eleanor Roosevelt lived in for 8 years or so. (And just now I realized that the lyrics from this decade are firmly planted in NYC.)

So you've already read about the show...while I feel a bit disappointed for not getting to hear more DF tunes I am glad to have experienced a show that will have gone down in history as legendary. And while words can't explain the show properly the "woman wearing a realtors outfit" came close to pinpointing some of it - LOL!

Brave of you guys to rate the works...I can't do it.

Date: Sun, March 12, 2006, 20:48:43 ET
Posted by: hoops , oh yeah

From what I have heard, Morph the Cat is definitely better in my book than 2vN or EMG.

Brutus, perhaps that's what DF did with Here At The Western World. Shame on your immaturity! ;-)

Date: Sun, March 12, 2006, 20:38:00 ET
Posted by: Brutus Charisma,

Also, for laughs listen to DF singing "What I do" in fast forward mode @
I know, a bit immature, but I've been working too many hours lately...

Date: Sun, March 12, 2006, 20:35:37 ET
Posted by: hoops, Taking a break from several things

Word has it that "Brite" has a surprise twist or fade at the very ending.

Well, I think all SD albums rank between 4.85 and 5.00 on the 5.00 scale of album rankings.

I think it's telling that I have seen few—if any—Danfans include "Alive In America" on their rankings. And of course you could wuss out by simply ranking "Citizen Steely Dan" as best. :-)

Anyhow, I might feel different in the morning and I sure don't have the experience to put MTC in the rankings, but tonight, here's how I feel

1) Aja & Katy Lied

3) Nightfly

4) Pretzel Logic, Royal Scam & 11 Tracks of Whack

7) Gaucho

8) Two Against Nature

9) Countdown

10) CBAT

11) EMG

12) Kama

13) Alive In America.

Maybe I will feel different in the morning but a) "Katy Lied" is my favorite, b) "Alive In America" is my least favorite, although it is damn good, and c) 11TOW is always way underrated by most fans.


Date: Sun, March 12, 2006, 20:01:22 ET
Posted by: Brutus Charisma,


Just finished listening to "Brite" and I'm disappointed w/ the ending.
How many times is DF and bkgd. singers going to keep repeating "Brite Nitegown ... You can't fight the fella..."?
I know, hindsight is 20/20. BUT ... Why didn't he just let Krantz go freaking mental for the last 3 mins. - ala Elliot Randall on the fade to "Green Earrings".

Date: Sun, March 12, 2006, 19:15:28 ET
Posted by: Steely Jan,

01 Gaucho - Steely Dan (1980)
02 Aja - Steely Dan (1977)
03 The Royal Scam - Steely Dan (1976
04 The Nightfly - Donald Fagen (1982)
05 Everything Must Go - Steely Dan (2003)
06 Morph the Cat - Donald Fagen (2006)
07 Kamakiriad - Donald Fagen (1993)
08 Pretzel Logic - Steely Dan (1974)
09 Katy Lied - Steely Dan (1975)
10 Countdown To Ecstasy - Steely Dan (1973)
11 Can't Buy A Thrill - Steely Dan (1972)
12 Two Against Nature - Steely Dan (2000)
13 11 Tracks of Whack - Walter Becker (1994

I have only heard 3 songs plus clips on Morph. I think it might move up.

What do the rest of you think?

Date: Sun, March 12, 2006, 18:36:06 ET
Posted by: THIRDWORLDMAN, the caves of altimira

Jon, who said Donald was in fine vocal form?

Date: Sun, March 12, 2006, 18:29:39 ET
Posted by: The Bending End, Rhode Island

RE: "The more I hear him, the less I feel that Wayne Krantz is appropriate in SD/Fagen bands. I listened intently to both his and Herrington's soloing, and the approach, conception and chops simply do not do justice to the tunes. On the other hand, I thought Herrington was dead on and something about his tone and execution truly honors and invokes the spirit of the players who preceded him on the original recordings. Krantz just seems out of place in comparison."
I had the same impression. I've always had the impression that Herrington knows the Dan discography intimately, and can imitate the guitar work well, as well as add his own twist to it. The thought crossed my mind while Krantz was doing one of his solos that he either wasn't as familiar with the songs, and/or just wasn't capable of functioning at that level.

I also noticed that DF, who is accustomed to using WB as a sounding board during a show, was using Krantz for the same purpose -- I guess mainly because he stands in the same place on stage.

Date: Sun, March 12, 2006, 18:16:34 ET
Posted by: Gretchen,

Another interview of Morph:

Can't wait until the album comes out on Tuesday....I've been holding off on listening to any of the tracks because I want to be surprised, and listen to the whole thing beginning to end in CD form.


Date: Sun, March 12, 2006, 17:06:05 ET
Posted by: Bratfille, ..

Ok it's streaming now. You are right it sounds good but still can't wait for the real thing.

Thanks again

Date: Sun, March 12, 2006, 17:01:29 ET
Posted by: Bratfille, ..

Is not working. I think these are just the 30 sec clips I listened to last night.

Thanks anyway.

Date: Sun, March 12, 2006, 16:51:32 ET
Posted by: DF Rocks!,

Cyncial Donald Fagen remains cool 'Cat'
Sunday, March 12, 2006

4 out of 5 Star review! By Kevin B.O'Hare

Date: Sun, March 12, 2006, 16:49:53 ET
Posted by: Swinger, ..

I brought "Morph the Cat" last friday, it's wonderful.
After 3 days of listenings, I love the most:
"What I Do", "Brite Nitegown" and "Great Pagoda of Funn".
I thing it will be the CD of the year 2006.

Nevertheless, in the whole Steely Dan euvre,
at present
Morph is only No. 12 for me.

01 Gaucho - Steely Dan (1980)
02 Kamakiriad - Donald Fagen (1993)
03 Pretzel Logic - Steely Dan (1974)
04 Two Against Nature - Steely Dan (2000)
05 11 Tracks of Whack - Walter Becker (1994)
06 Countdown To Ecstasy - Steely Dan (1973)
07 The Royal Scam - Steely Dan (1976)
08 The Nightfly - Donald Fagen (1982)
09 Can't Buy A Thrill - Steely Dan (1972)
10 Aja - Steely Dan (1977)
11 Katy Lied - Steely Dan (1975)
12 Morph the Cat - Donald Fagen (2006)
13 Everything Must Go - Steely Dan (2003)

Date: Sun, March 12, 2006, 16:04:26 ET
Posted by: thirdworldman, my house in town...

we met our ILAA host @ 3:45 in the lobby of the theater, we actually arrived about 30 mins earlier.

"Any news was good news
And the feeling was bad at home
I was out of mind and you
Were on the phone"

Date: Sun, March 12, 2006, 15:38:46 ET
Posted by: paul, ...

Just a heads up, you can listen to the entire Morph album from for free:
Decent quality too.

Thanks everybody for your thoughts.
Now I'm going back to forget my troubles with Doctor Who reruns.

Date: Sun, March 12, 2006, 15:30:14 ET
Posted by: Jon, due north of Beantown

I too loved the show last night and felt it lived up to just about all of my expectations. The band was wonderfully tight, Carlock was mesmerising, the sound superior and my seats pretty good, considering they were purchased online by way of Tickmaster.

Even the things that can sometimes make concert-going a drag like getting into town, parking, leaving the lot, etc. went without a hitch. My wife and I were able to stroll all over Boston in beautiful weather for more than 90 minutes prior to the show, carving up Beacon Hill, the Public Garden, Newbury Street and the South End, before landing at a little pub near the venue for drinks and snacks.

But I cannot agree with those who say Donald was in fine vocal form, and each time he attempted to hit a higher register and failed, his voice cracking pathetically, I'd involuntarily shake my head in sympathy for him. His efforts were valiant and I'm delighted the show went off as planned, but he sounded like he needed more time for recovery. I left thinking there's no way he will be able to fulfill the remaining tour dates sounding like this. I wish him a speedy recovery and hope he can come back 100% soon..

The more I hear him, the less I feel that Wayne Krantz is appropriate in SD/Fagen bands. I listened intently to both his and Herrington's soloing, and the approach, conception and chops simply do not do justice to the tunes. On the other hand, I thought Herrington was dead on and something about his tone and execution truly honors and invokes the spirit of the players who preceded him on the original recordings. Krantz just seems out of place in comparison.

These were the only things I found dissatisfying and I wonder if anyone else came away from the show feeling the same way.

Date: Sun, March 12, 2006, 15:30:10 ET
Posted by: MARK, Home of the Rag

Wow what a night in Boston!
First a huge thanks to Donald for stepping up. We saw first hand what a true professional he and his crew and band members are.
During the sound check Donald was really showing the remnants of a bad cold. Our group of 5Star AllAccess fans where feeling pretty bad for Donald and couldn't belive he was going to be able to sing very well that night.
We took it in stride though and had a great experience at the preshow party. Fun and games ensued, grazing and libations, and finally getting to get to know other great like minded DAN FANS.
O.K. so now the biggest surprise of the night. The lights went down, the band started to play and Donald belted out tune after tune. We are not worthy! Absolutley one of the best Dan/Don shows I've ever heard. Needless to say the whole ensemble was as tight as Keiths snare drum never missing a beat during the whole show.
Thanks again to the Donald Fagen Band 06.
I want to thank all the real Dan Fans that my wife and I met at the pre-show allaccess party and after the show at FELT. This was our first DanFest and I had no idea what to expect. All you folks were great and fun to be with. Thanks for welcoming us into the group. We look forward to many more gatherings.
Paul(Fezman) and his guitar instructor Mark, Mark(Boston Rag), Bill, and all the rest of you folks. A #1 in my green book.
Hope to see you all in July!!!!!!!! But will keep a constant eye on this site to stay in touch.
It sure was a WING DING!
Mark and Nancy D.

Date: Sun, March 12, 2006, 15:07:40 ET
Posted by: thirdworldman, Doug Mc

Paul, my heartfelt condolences, what can one say; try to be strong for the others in your family and dont hesitate- email if you need anything...

Date: Sun, March 12, 2006, 14:41:19 ET
Posted by: question,

those who have had five star packages, how early are u going to the show and when are they usually kicking things off?

Date: Sun, March 12, 2006, 14:26:55 ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher, Louisville, KY

Paul, that's absolutely heartbreaking to hear my friend! If there is anything at all we can do for you, you know we are here for you. We'll be thinking about your and your family in Chicago, my prayers go out to you.

Date: Sun, March 12, 2006, 14:20:11 ET
Posted by: heymike, chicago

there's no way to say how any of us would react to such news Paul. Our hearts go out to you man.

Well the danger on the rocks is surely past
Still I remain tied to the mast
Could it be that I have found my home at last
Home at last

Date: Sun, March 12, 2006, 14:11:41 ET
Posted by: SoulMonkey, L'Ville

Not sure if anyone has posted this yet.

I know Dan B. posted that they had ginven "Morph" 4 1/2 stars, but now it comes with a review.


Date: Sun, March 12, 2006, 14:01:47 ET
Posted by: Nazman, All Things Must Pass...

The fragility of life. Such tragic news. No words that can spare the grieving process. Heart out to all loved ones. Take good care, Paul. Your family needs you. There will be better times...

Date: Sun, March 12, 2006, 13:45:52 ET
Posted by: Chan, Boston


That is terrible news. My best to you and your family. It just so happens that my son is getting his license this week. What you just described is every parents nightmare. Kind of makes concerts and new cd's not seem very important. Hang in there through this tough time.

Date: Sun, March 12, 2006, 13:42:11 ET
Posted by: SoulMonkey, Lou-E-Ville

Paul, that is horrible news. Sorry to har about your extraordinary circumstances. Chicago will go on, and we'll be with you in thought. Don't distress about the show. There will be other times at other venues. Families should always come first. I look forward to meeting you elsewhere. Stay strong my friend.


Date: Sun, March 12, 2006, 13:29:34 ET
Posted by: paul, preparing for the crash

My friends and family of the Greater Dandom,

I have bad, terrible, wreched, awful news.
I'm not coming to Chicago. The reason for this pains me very deeply, and frankly only makes me want to come more. I know many were looking forward to meeting me there, but there was no one more excited about the event than myself.
Um, so I found out about this 10 minutes ago and the first people I knew I would have to tell were you all. So here's why I can't come, if I can get through typing without bursting into tears.
My cousin was coming home from a party last night at 1am. She was passenger in another girl's car, driving on a 55mph rural road. A drunk driver...without his lights on!!... swerved across the median and hit them head on. Their car was an old beater Escort without airbags, his was a Buick Century. My cousin wasn't wearing her seatbelt. She was likely killed instantly. The other girl is in ICU right now, still unconcious but will probably come out alive.
We don't know when the funeral for my cousin is yet, but it will probably be next weekend. My family and I are going down to Missouri on Friday morning and will be coming back on Monday. There is no way in hell I can come to the concert, not only will I be another 5 hours away, but I need to be there for my family, and I need to be there for myself. My cousin was a few years younger than me and she has been as close as my sister, she was in many senses of the phrase, my "best friend". I'm still in shock at the moment, I can't even believe this has happened. And I don't know what else to say.

I'm dreadfully sorry I can't come to Chicago, but I promise to God that if Donald has a second leg of his tour, I will be there. And I'll be at the possible SD tour this fall, too. No one is more saddened by my absence than myself.

Er, well now I have to call Rajah and Gretchen.
Sorry to interrupt the flow of good cheer from Bahston.

Date: Sun, March 12, 2006, 12:14:27 ET
Posted by: The Bending End, Rhode Island

The early part of my day was going poorly. Our coffee maker had broken down. After close inspection, I couldn't figure out how it ever worked properly -- as if there's now a piece missing -- and I then spent part of the morning researching what I might buy as a replacement that would actually last many years. I'd be willing to go retro and get a percolator, but my wife says they're too much work. Then I thought...we could just quit...or at least for the rest of Lent, and then reassess on Easter. Lester the Nightfly probably wouldn't agree with such a decision, but my rate of caffeine consumption may be contributing to fairly regular bouts of insomnia I've been experiencing, during which I occasionally find myself wishing that I could tune in to Lester's show.

We did make a pot of tea during this. I like tea, but, to me, it's analogous to an alky switching to 3.2 beer, so symptoms of caffeine withdrawal were taking shape by late morning. As the day went on [with my head pounding], one by one I found myself snapping at each family member. My wife then declared she didn't want to go to the concert. I was feeling remorseful. We didn't speak to each other for a couple of hours, and then I pleaded with her to go with me. She relented and we were on our way.

Things got better as the drive to Boston progressed. I was thinking that The Opera House was where I had seen Springsteen back in '75, but, upon arrival, the setting and venue didn't look familiar. Maybe I'm thinking of The Orpheum or The Music Hall.

We loved The Opera House. It's reminiscent of the PPAC in Providence, but even nicer. We were in the mezzanine, which I’d say was at least 3/4 full. Could be some no-shows due to the date change, but, as previously stated, a Saturday turned out to be much better than a Thursday for us.

A magic moment for us was when DF first sauntered out onto the stage. My wife gets such a kick out of his demeanor that she went into a full belly laugh, and the stressfulness of our day seemed to melt away.

I, too, was disappointed not to hear H@tWW as the opener, but that was quickly forgotten as the set progressed. Highlights for me included The Nightfly, New Frontier, Bright Nightgown, Third World Man, Black Cow, What I Do, The Goodbye Look, Misery and the Blues, & Pretzel Logic.

After the show, we walked to nearby Chinatown and had a bite to eat.

Once again, I awoke around 3:45am, this time with a more severe headache. It took 4 aspirin & a cup of tea to relieve just part of the headache, and then another 2 hours to eventually get back to sleep. I then slept 'til near 10, feeling more well-rested than I have in a while.

Just one cup of tea since then...

Date: Sun, March 12, 2006, 11:03:28 ET
Posted by: thirdworldman, 40 floors above the city...

What a great night! What a great show! I cannot say enough about the I Love All Access program, such a great vehicle for experiencing what is,to alot of us,the soundtrack of of lives! Dana, our representative, was wonderful; attentive, energetic, proffessional,and above all nice. The Q and A session by Chris the Production Manager during sound-check was great, very informative, and what a nice guy for going out of his way as he did. Our hearts and jaws collectively hit the floor when we realized that the croaking sound eminating from the stage was Donald's singing/speaking voice! Yikes! Sound-check in general was great, really made you feel special being included, absolutely made the cost of the 5 star pkg worthwhile. However there was so much more! Food, when they could keep it on the table, was great, free beer and wine a pleasant surprise, gift bags, raffle, parking, man! The Opera House is beautiful beyond description, and the accoustics, wow!
They started to play and through the magic of modern science DF's voice had been virtually restored! A few cracks here and there but, an amazing fix! The band was kick-ass, Donald, while under theweather still could be seen smiling, the crowd was LOVIN it. You could not ask for more!!!
I really would like to thank Mark and Bill for helping organize last night, what a pleasure to finally put a face on you 2 guys! Felt, the nightclub was fantastic. The danfans in attendance were a friendly bunch as a whole,and the entire night was beyond my expectations, where do i sign up for the next one??

Doug McClelland aka thirdworldman

Ps. i promised i wasn't going to complain, but...
to the a-hole sitting beind me who used the metal back of my chair as a bass drum,(even after i spoke to you about it) sang off key and loudly without knowing the words, and even did some drunk whistling, I'd insult you, but I'm sure you're not bright enough to notice. Of course that's assuming you can read. Oh, just in case you do, i was was in row aa, seat one, the first row of regular theater seats. :)

Date: Sun, March 12, 2006, 10:31:35 ET
Posted by: Bratfille, Ottawa

I posted last Friday, one of the ones that got lost. It was a rant about CHEZ106 FM dropping the ball on promoting DF 2006 here in Ottawa. Oh well, what do you expect from a classic rock station that is guaranteed to play "Stairway to Heaven" and "Hey You" every single day! They've been promoting Alice Cooper heavily and we hear School's Out continuously. There was not even a whisper of "Morph the Cat"

Donald, I hope you are feeling better soon. I'm so disappointed to be so close then missing the show tonight (and the out of town Danfans who planned to show up).

I love what I've heard of the new CD. "What I Do" is everything I'll ever need in a song.

Hi y'all who know who I am.

Date: Sun, March 12, 2006, 10:19:55 ET
Posted by: Me, here

Bad form yelling out something about Bumpus. I'm afriad the Freebird thing may have encouraged it. Especially with the video making its way into cyberspace. You think by now DF thinks there's some real jerks attending the shows?

Date: Sun, March 12, 2006, 09:32:01 ET
Posted by: Chan, Boston

What can I say. A great show last night. As the concert unfolded all I could think was how could anyone have been complaining about the previous shows? DF may have had a cold, but you never would have known it by his performance. He could have let the girls and Jeff Young carry more of the tunes but he hung in there and was on his game. The band, including the girls was outstanding. They all appeared to be having as much fun as the crowd. The new songs, Brite Nitegown, What I do, and Mary Shut the Garden Door were brilliant. What I do was one of the highlights of the night. Third World Man was my favorite, with the guitar solos and Carlock stealing the song with his drumming. Only lowlight was a fan yelling out something about Cornelius Bumpus. He may have been trying to say something nice, but it was an uncomfortable moment for DF and the band.

The 4 star seats thru iloveallaccess were completely worth it. I was in the 2nd row of permanent seats, directly in front of DF. There were 3 rows of chairs between the stage and where the seats start. The only negative was that we could not see Keith Carlock as he was behind DF and we were looking up a bit.

Met some nice people at Felt after the show. Tried to ask around for a few of the folks I've met in the Green Room, but to no avail. If any of you were looking for me, sorry we did not connect, but I am sure you had a great night.

To those of you going to the upcoming shows, you are in for a real treat. Pay no attention to any of the negative posts you've read, last nights show was great and I sure the upcoming ones will be as well.

Date: Sun, March 12, 2006, 08:47:14 ET
Posted by: Big Fan, at home at last

Can’t agree more with Mark’s comments. The 5* experience was excellent. The sound check was really cool and the questions Chris fielded ranged from the obligatory why they don’t sing the Second Arrangement to confirming that they are working on getting Michael McDonald for a SD tour starting in July. After the sound check – where they played essentially an instrumental Goodbye Look without Donald, to starting Countermoon at Caroline’s request, The Nighfly and finally Goodbye Look with the complete band. The party then continued next door at the felt where we got great food – thin crust pizza, steak, veggie and chicken kabobs, our goodie back, free Heinekens, $8 cash for parking and generally a great time!

If you had heard Donald at the sound check, you would have thought there was no way the show could go on – but Donald really came through at the show! The show started at &:45 and ended around 9:30. Our seats were unbelievable. Front row center – my wife was directly in front of Donald’s keyboard, 5 feet away. Just really cool! The venue was fabulous. The sound quality was spectacular. Fully restored, the Opera House is a venue made to have music played in it – rather than some of the venues we’ve seen them in.

Greenflower Street
New Frontier
Bright Nightgown
Band Intros
Third World Man
Home at Last
Black Cow
It’s What I Do
Goodbye Look
Misery and the Blues
Mary Shut the Garden Door
Pretzel Logic
Viva Viva Rock & Roll

It was great seeing everyone last night! I’m off to Titusville Florida Monday – may check out a small jazz club called Heidi’s in Cocoa Beach – anyone ever been there? After visiting our supplier, I hope to get into Kennedy and see our hardware that’s been rushed into service to go up to the space station with the next shuttle launch to provide oxygen for the station. Hardware I worked on for 8 years and is flying two years early.

Date: Sun, March 12, 2006, 08:44:04 ET
Posted by: Fife, Baltimore,eh

It sounds like a good time was had by all. Boston Rag with your description of 5* all access I'm going to start saving my pennies now for the next leg, nothing better then new adventures. The Boston Herald gave Donald a really great review:
Zim it sounds like you had yourself one mighty fine Birthday Present.
Well off I go to the final act of this very busy week, Ottawa Senators VS Washington Captials, our seats are almost on the ice!

Date: Sun, March 12, 2006, 08:42:48 ET
Posted by: Me, here

Review of Boston show

Date: Sun, March 12, 2006, 07:21:39 ET
Posted by: The Rooster, The Lido

Ritalin, he said. Not Riddlin'. The "caverns of vice" comment was just funny. Maybe it was the DayQuil, but Fagen was more talkative than usual, and it was good to see him cracking jokes up there.

Date: Sun, March 12, 2006, 02:36:34 ET
Posted by: sf, NJ

At Borgata, DF said in response to a heckler "I see somebody forgot to take their riddlin today." And late in the show said "We've got time for a couple more and then we'll send you back into the caverns of vice from which you came." He seemed to feel that he was playing for casino patrons more than a Steely Dan audience.

Date: Sun, March 12, 2006, 01:45:50 ET
Posted by: Boston Rag, home from The Opera House

Wow! What a night!! (Sorry Donald) What a concert experience!! I want to take a minute and tell you how great I LOVE ALL ACCESS was. Our guide Dana, bent over backwards for us the entire evening. escorting us to the soundcheck, coordinating food, drink, swag giveaways (I won a signed DF coffee mug!! WooHooo!), bringing the crew over to talk to us, and then bringing us to our front row seats. Amazing and worth every penny. If Irv Azoff or any of the ILAA management should happen to read these boards – GIVE THAT WOMAN A RAISE!

Soundcheck was pretty cool. DF was late but Production Manager, Chris Adamson answered more than 20 questions and gave us some neat tidbits of information. Such as, he had a Chinese lunch with Walter earlier in the week and Walter’s really busy on his solo CD. He also told us, unlike the SD tours, Donald is riding on the bus with the band from gig to gig! When Donald arrived and started talking into the microphone the jaws of all 32 of us in the group dropped. It was a raspy and raw. Could have filmed a Nyquil commercial. I looked over at BigFan and then over at SpongeBill and we telecommunicated to each other that THIS SHOW MIGHT BE CANCELLED! Then Donald started singing Countermoon and his voice was raspy and broke several times. UH OH. Donald started flipping through his book and said out loud, “Let’s see what shit songs we can cut tonight”, “Hmmmm, let’s cut H-Gang”. Pretty funny. Then Donald kicked in a jam of The Standells, “Dirty Water”! Petty f-ing cool, considering this is Boston, mind you. It must have been DF’s way of acknowledging his mini audience. Thanks DF!!! A run through of The Goodbye Look with Donald struggling to hit notes and we were all hoping for a miracle.

Well 2 hours later after drinks and dinner, we were in the theatre waiting for the show to start. Lights out and the band and DF come out. A HUGE applause, super loud, DF waves his arms in the air, Wayne Krantz looks up into the balcony and laughs as if to say how many freakin’ thousand does this place hold!? The band played almost the same set as last night at Borgata but brought back Black Cow and took out Snowbound.

Show highlights:

• Awesome seats : front row right in front of Wayne and Jon. Christ, when they dueled on Third World Man it was like they were standing on the coffee table in my living room and I was on the couch. Amazing! I was getting the sound from their monitors.
• Donald was so courageous. He could of took the easy way out and have Jeff Young sing a couple of tunes or not sing along with the girls but he toughed it out and almost did a 180 from the soundcheck. His voice cracked a couple of times but he made up for it in energy and style.
• Misery and The Blues – it was great! I’m so glad they put it back in after cutting it from the Beacon show! Wicked pissa as we say in Beantown!
• It is so much fun seeing Donald rock out to Viva Rock n’ Roll. It was a great idea to make this the show closer!!

It was really cool seeing a lot of Steely Dan fanatics out tonight- John & Jane (Jane Lightning), Dan (BigFan) and Holly, Paul (Fezman), Doug, Jim (Fez98) and Danielle, Home of the Rag Mark and so many others! We’re all hoping Donald swings by again on the second leg of the tour!!

Mark in Boston

Date: Sun, March 12, 2006, 00:26:43 ET
Posted by: THEFEZ98, Boston

Boston Show at the Opera House

Great show at a great venue. Sat. night worked out much better for us than Thurs. as we were able to swing into The Felt before the show for a bite and a few cold ones at the bar and then go upstairs and chat with some other fans and have a few more cold ones.

Opera House seats about 2,500. We we're about 25 rows back dead center with a great view of the whole band. From my perspective the floor was about 90% full, not sure what the balcony looked like.

My wife's already crashed with the setlist somewhere upon her person which I shall investigate in about 15min. ;) I believe it was pretty much the same as the previously posted Borgata setlist, although there was no "H Gang". If no one post by the time I logon tomorrow I'll post it. I kinda wanted to here that hopped-up version of HATWW but that was not to be the case.

* - At the after party over at The Felt we chatted with a few folks who had the 5-Star deal and they said Donald indeed did appear to have a pretty bad cold during the soundcheck they attended. It was detectible a few times through the show but gotta give him credit for being a gamer.

* - Wife and I really enjoyed "Misery and the Blues", could of done without the "Viva R&R" finale. Might be nice if it was a 2+ hour show but with such a selection of tunes available a DF/SD tune would have been a better way to end it.

* - Other than my sarcastic shout to 'play Freebird' (upon which Donald look over at Herrington and said something like "Where have we heard that Before?"), I could not hear catcalls to play certain tunes, which sounded like a big problem at the Beacon show.

Date: Sun, March 12, 2006, 00:01:31 ET
Posted by: hoops,

I couldn't make Boston. I was having dinner tonight when I heard "Chain Lightning" played on the music at the restaurant. Then I realized I was at Boston Market. I guess that was as close to the Boston WingDing I was gonna get.

And like Bob mentioned, any word from Boston about tonight's (Saturday night's) show?

Brutus, DaddyG, and everyone else. I will pull corrected archives to fix the problems. I'm sorry about the trouble getting at the archives. Should be easier and without my bad housekeeping. Thanks!


Date: Sat, March 11, 2006, 23:48:34 ET
Posted by: Kid Clean, back on the blue

Steely Don - no disrespect but Countermoon was played numerous times on the 93/94 tours. It's not one of my favorite songs off of Kama but glad to see that album not get 'trumped' again.

Cleveland in 4 days and Chi-town in a week!!!!!

KC - not your boogie man

Date: Sat, March 11, 2006, 22:46:20 ET
Posted by: Bob,

Any word from Boston tonight?

Date: Sat, March 11, 2006, 22:05:04 ET
Posted by: Daddy G., NJ

...and yes, the current Bluebook page seems to end with that Sept 2005 Rajah post with no archive link at the bottom for posts prior. Don't know what happened to posts between March, 2005, and September, 2005...

Date: Sat, March 11, 2006, 21:39:20 ET
Posted by: Daddy G., Little things might matter later at the start of the end of history.

Brutus wrote...

Hoops -

Thanks for writing back, I tried scrolling down to the bottom of the posts and it stops at dec. 2005. Couldn't find a "next Page" button.

Also I tried typing in http://www.dandom/guestbook/122004 and got a "404".

Any suggestions?

Brutus, if you're looking for something specifically from Dec, 2004, you'll find it here...

That particular Bluebook archive contains "SEPTEMBER 2004--MARCH 2005 BlueBook Entries."

If you're looking for something prior to that, then try the monthly URL format as Hoops indicated, but lately the archives just have not been monthly.

Date: Sat, March 11, 2006, 20:04:40 ET
Posted by: sf, NJ

I spent today in AC after the show last night. I had lunch at Trump Marina. I was looking over the sandwiches on the menu, and there's one called Pretzel Logic! I got all excited and started taking pictures of the menu with my camera phone and got some strange looks from the table next to me. I was going to tell the waiter about how it's the title track off an album from 1974 and the guy who sang it was in town last night and did it as his encore, but figured he wouldn't care. It's ham and swiss with mustard on a pretzel roll. I opted for the chicken club instead :(

Date: Sat, March 11, 2006, 19:45:26 ET
Posted by: fife, baltimore, eh

On my way into NYC last Tuesday for the Beacon show there was a very large billboard at the beginning of the Lincoln Tunnel with Donald's picture on it, the one with the scarf, advertising the Borgata.

Date: Sat, March 11, 2006, 19:41:38 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu,

My scroll ends with a Rajah post on Sept. 2, 2005. Here's the Ottowah Interview with Dr. Fagen and a Rob Mounsey interview

Still reelin' in the years
On his first solo tour, Steely Dan's Donald Fagen brings something for both jazz snobs and pop fans

Lynn Saxberg, The Ottawa Citizen
Published: Thursday, March 09, 2006

Donald Fagen makes music for discerning people. In Steely Dan, he and musical partner Walter Becker created some of the most sophisticated rock of the 1970s, music so finely crafted that it was appreciated by jazz snobs, audiophiles and the literary set.
While their biggest commercial success came with 1977's Aja, it was the 2000 release Two Against Nature that raked in some long overdue Grammy recognition for the band.
Now Fagen is about to release Morph the Cat, his third solo album in as many decades, and it's as finely crafted as anything by Steely Dan. Jazz snobs will appreciate the playing, audiophiles will revel in the lush sound and the literary set will have a blast digging into the lyrics. There are even some hooks for the rest of us.

And this time, a tour is planned -- his first as a solo artist -- so Fagen can bring the music to his discriminating fans with a band made up of many of the same session musicians who appear on the disc. They stop at the National Arts Centre Sunday.
During a break from tour rehearsals in New York City, the often curmudgeonly Fagen talked about his new record, and what it's like to be an aging perfectionist in an imperfect world. Here's what he had to say.

Q: Why did it take so long to make a new solo record?
A: Whenever a few years go by, I'll just start writing about whatever phase of life I'm in, and then I guess it takes me a few years to go by before I have enough distance on it, to say something about it, I suppose.

Q: This record has been described as the final instalment in a trilogy. What's the flow?
A: The first one, Nightfly, from 1982, I was kind of writing from an adolescent's point of view and the Kamakiriad, in 93, was about midlife.
This one is, you know, I'm 58 now, and it's more about approaching the end of life. You start thinking about how many years you have left, and I think when you get to be near 60, certain friends of yours will have died. My mother died a couple of years ago and I'm a New Yorker, so 9/11 had a big effect on me. The tragedies start to threaten to overwhelm the joys sometimes.

Q: Is it obvious to you when a song is destined for Steely Dan or should be kept for your own purposes?
A: Sometimes it's not that obvious, but if it is obvious, I'll put it away for myself. Sometimes if the approach is more personal, I'll say something to Walter, and he'll say, 'I think that's one more to mix with one of your things.'
Does he lay claim to certain songs? No, it's more like he'll say, 'Oh, that's a Donald Fagen idea, I don't want that one.'

Q: How do you feel about setting off on your first solo tour?
A: It's a little anxiety-provoking, but we've been rehearsing the last few days and the band sounds good, so I think it will be fun.

Q: Sometimes at 58, one is unwilling to start a new chapter of life. Did you go through that?
A: That's one reason I'm really excited to go on tour by myself. I think it's kind of a challenging thing. Warner Brothers, they see me as a new artist, because I only do an album every 12 years or something. Every 12 years there's a whole different bunch of people at the New York office of Warner Brothers, and I have to introduce myself and say 'Hi, I'm Donald Fagen, where's the bathroom?'
Some of them probably don't even know Steely Dan. For sure. So I'm definitely a new artist there, and it's very hard to compete with new artists who are 19 years old. I feel like if you're over 30 or something, they don't even put you on the list.

Q: Did you go into studio with the songs fully arranged?
A: Generally speaking, with both Steely Dan records and my records, since the middle '70s, we've always gone in with our charts. I'll write out charts with chords and chord voicings that we used, and maybe a bass part.

I'll work with the musicians a bit, but usually it's pretty well conceived before we go in.

Q: Are you a perfectionist?
A: Well, other people mention that, but to me, I like everything to be a certain way, make sure it's clear, and I change a lot of things as I go. Certain things occur to me and I'll replace something with something better from time to time. I just want it to come out nice.

Q: How did you decide who you wanted to work with?

A: Well, Walter and I had been working with a group of musicians since we got back together in the early '90s, and we've continued working with players that we thought were particularly adapted to what we were doing. By now, we've ended up with a group of guys who really understand what we're doing. At this point we kind of have a band. It's great to work with guys who know what you want.

Walter just went in the studio a couple of months ago to do a solo record, and he used a lot of the same guys, too, so it's kind of like a repertory group, really. He did (his first) solo record in 1994.

Q: So you're ahead of him in solo output?
A: We don't compete. We're not into competition, really.

Q: What is the status of Steely Dan?
A: After this March tour, I'm going to do a summer tour and then I'm going to hook up with Walter at the end of the summer and do some Steely Dan gigs, and chances are we'll start talking about recording after that.

Q: Your new record is full of terrorists, death, ghosts, dirty bombs. Why so dark?
A: Well, you know I was born into paranoia, being a baby-boomer, hydrogen-war baby. We had to do these air-raid drills in school for years. We had to get under our desks, the idea being that that might protect you from some serious nuclear fallout. There was almost the certainty that there would be some sort of global nuclear war in those days.
I was amazed when the Soviets fell. That was like a whole reality that you've been conditioned to your whole life connected to the Russians, fell. To them, it was a great thing, but there was this other feeling that I had of, 'Why was I so scared?' It was such a defining thing in my life, and so much fear was instilled in me, which was part of what led me to be the way I am. Then there was this unfinished feeling of, 'Wait, aren't we going to have the nuclear war first?'

Q: One of your new songs pays tribute to Ray Charles. Were you a fan?
A: Oh yeah, I think everyone of my age and subculture was a huge Ray Charles fan. There was nothing like that around. When he first appeared, I was already a jazz fan, since I was quite young.
But you didn't get to see jazz on TV much since jazz was heavily marginalized, but Ray Charles, because his was kind of crossover music, Ray Charles got on TV. He had hits and he looked so great and just seeing the way his body moved, he was so openly sexual. I liked the relationship he seemed to have with the Raelettes. It was very interesting to an adolescent.

Q: Who or what is Morph the Cat?
A: I needed a tune to kind of tie everything together. That was the last thing I wrote, and I liked this image of this ghost cat, or phantom cat, kind of descending on the city. I think originally, it was an anti-9/11 thing, where something good comes out of the sky and settles on the city.

But as I went, I realized that when something like that happens, there's always a price to pay, so as I wrote it, he got more and more ominous in my mind. The music became ominous, so I think there's a lot of ways you can interpret it in the end, because he narcotizes the citizens in a way, making them in the short term, feel good. I feel that, in a way, it signifies the kind of brain death of the public in a way that's been going on for some years because of TV and advertising.

Q: Are you still satisfied being a musician?
A: Yeah, I love it. I guess being obsessive or introverted or something I'm in a bubble, so I can just isolate myself and sort of pretend that nothing's happened since the late '60s or early '70s, and just have fun doing what I'm doing and even evolve within that context.
And I enjoy playing with other guys. I think that's real and useful but you know, I try not to watch too much TV, and I don't really listen to too much contemporary music.

Q: Do you have anything else coming up?
A: In spring, I probably will have to have surgery for my rotator cuff. That's what you do in your 50s, right? I tripped over a cable in the studio and fell backwards and landed on my shoulder."

"Q. What was one of the most memorable sessions you have been on?"

"When I worked on Steely Dan's Gaucho album, I was just getting used to the idea of completely obsessive-compulsive studio guys making themselves crazy in pursuit of perfection. We were trying to do the title track. Most of it was written out by Donald. I was playing piano, Victor Feldman was playing electric piano, Steve Khan was playing guitar, Anthony Jackson was on bass, and Jeff Porcaro played drums. We worked on that one song for about 12 hours starting at noon. The track is complex and long -- six or eight minutes. We had gotten four takes.

To the players, all four sounded perfect; none of us could hear anything wrong with any of them. Donald and Walter were sitting in the booth looking like they had just tasted a rotten egg. They felt it wasn't really working. It was frustrating to us. All of the players loved Steely Dan's music so much. We were really happy to be on the record and were working so hard and being so patient. At midnight, Becker and Fagen said, "We're just not going to get this one. We're going to throw out the song." Then they split.
The band was depressed because we hadn't made them happy. [Producer] Gary Katz stayed and Victor went back to his hotel. The engineer, Khan, Anthony, Porcaro and I stayed from midnight until 4:00 AM. We did seven more takes, and all seven sounded perfect to us. We were exhausted and went home.

Becker and Fagen came back a few days later and listened to all of the takes. They called us to thank us for staying and doing all of the extra work and said, "I think there might be something here that we can use." They sat with Gary and started cutting the two-inch multitrack tape. According to Gary, there were at least a dozen edits between the various takes. Once they had done that and they had this two-inch analog tape with all the cuts, they erased everything but the drums! All of this was to get a drum performance that they really liked. Walter came in and replayed the bass part and I came back in and redid the acoustic and electric piano tracks (Donald later redid the electric piano). Steve Khan came in and redid the guitar tracks, and they were on their way. "

Date: Sat, March 11, 2006, 18:58:59 ET
Posted by: Brutus Charisma,

Hoops -

Thanks for writing back, I tried scrolling down to the bottom of the posts and it stops at dec. 2005. Couldn't find a "next Page" button.

Also I tried typing in http://www.dandom/guestbook/122004 and got a "404".

Any suggestions?


Date: Sat, March 11, 2006, 18:53:19 ET
Posted by: gary katz, riversound

the h-gang?

Date: Sat, March 11, 2006, 18:31:23 ET
Posted by: alter ego, @computer

Date: Sat, March 11, 2006, 10:53:09 ET
Posted by: hoops,


System glitch overnight. Posts from March 2 through last night will be back later today. Thanks to those who called or emailed about this. Phoning at any hour is best since the problem can knock out my email and also if I catch it in 60 minutes, it's dramaticlly easier to grab the latest backup.

Thanks again and thanks for your patience.


Date: Sat, March 11, 2006, 18:28:49 ET
Posted by: scroll down, @use of a mouse



Date: Sat, March 11, 2006, 17:37:37 ET
Posted by: Bob, Texas

Were is the material from March 2 thru March 11th?

Date: Sat, March 11, 2006, 17:19:30 ET
Posted by: Steely Don, What a Beautiful World (it was last night)

After learning of the cancellation of the Boston show I was so afraid that the AC show would be cancelled. However it went on as planned and boy was it an amazing show. Fagen was in rare form as usual. He indeed had a cold but as he promised he rose above it. Great setlist I was actually glad they jumped right into songs from the Nightfly and bypassed Here at the Western World. He sounded great and while his talking voice was more nasally than usual, his singing voice voice didnt give off the slightest hint of illness.

I particularly loved Brite Nightgown...i wasn't a big fan of it on the album but live the song really rocked. I think Donald particularly liked the song too. The band really let loose on "the Goodbye Look". Every song from the Nightfly album was amazing. He smiled a lot and make some funny comments as usual. When a gentlement in the audience yelled "I love you" to Walt Weiskohp Donald replied "I didn't know Atlantic City had a BrokeBack Mountain"

The Borgata Show was also the first time "Countermoon" was ever play live. Good song nothing to special however. All in all it was a great show the songs are still playing in my head. The encore(s) were Pretzel Logic and Viva Viva Rock and Roll. He also played Misery and the Blues. The band was tight, Don was great, good songs and a good amount from the new album.

Here is a rough setlist from 3/10 (not necessarily in complete order)

Green Flower Street
The Nightfly
New Frontier
Third World Man
Brite Nightgown
Home At Last
What I Do
The Goodbye Look
Misery and The Blues
Mary Shut the Garden Door

Pretzel Logic
Viva Viva Rock and Roll

Date: Sat, March 11, 2006, 16:50:05 ET
Posted by: Chai_Latte, Yellow VW Beetle


Changes to set list included FM (one of MY alltime favorites) and Bright Nightgown...could almost see that ghost hovering over the stage.

YES, venue was almost half empty, but not surprising given that the Borgata doesn't seem to do much "entertainment" advertising, at least not in my neck of the woods, up in the north of Jersey anyway.
Also, the fact that the album hasn't released yet may be another factor.

ALSO, casinos are notorius for holding back blocks of seats to comp their high rollers (on the gaming tables that is).

I'm just sorry that I didn't get to see the Dan here back in 2003. IF a date shows for the next tour, I will go for the 5* in a heartbeat.

Jon Herrington WAS PHENOMINAL, no other way to describe it, glad I got to talk to him personally after Saturday Roseland show.

Date: Sat, March 11, 2006, 15:55:15 ET
Posted by: Razorboy, DC

Fortunate enought to see the great Fagen Band at the Warner Theater in DC, 3/6/06. 2nd row in the "Pit" section, about 20 ft from Donald, and directly in front of the ladies.

Though not personally flamboyant or demonstrative, Donald has a flair for the dramatic through his music and the timing and sequence of the set. Western World magnificently set that tone, like a heavyweight fighter coming out of his corner swinging. We've all heard that song before, the lilting minor chords and that resigned attitude. The new WW smoked - funked up, jazzy, immediately sucking the crowd in with a resounding "LISTEN UP AND PAY ATTENTION!!"

This is my 4th SD/Fagen concert - Irvine CA in '94 & 2000, Borgata '03, and 3/6/06. My trepidation before each show is the health of Donald's pipes, being that he's nearly 59, not 29. Well, seems as though Donald's been working with a voice coach and has probably quit smoking. Perhaps he doesn't have the range (the choir fills in the gaps nicely), but the strength and clarity is there, and that trademark vocal "sneer" made me realize that he's caught his second wind at this later stage of his career.

Every member of the band was superb, every player on the same page. My opinion? The superstar of this band is Jon Herington. And FINALLY, he actually gets to display his considerable gifts on the Morph CD (all due respect to Walter, but Herington's been with SD since 2000, and never so much as got a lick on 2vN or EMG). No need to embellish. Anyone who has seen SD live knows precisely what I'm talking about. Anyone who has never seen them live is in for a huge treat.

The set:

Here At The Western World (in the night you hide from the madman you're longing to be)
Nightfly (from the foot of Mt. Belzoni)
Green Flower Street (hey buddy you're not my kind)
Morph The Cat
New Frontier (She loves to limbo, that much is clear)
Third World Man (E l'era del terzo mondo
Home At Last (She serves the smooth retsina)
Snowbound (Something new from Charlie Tokyo)
H Gang (get off the stage boy)
What I Do
Black Cow (You will stagger homeward)
Goodbye Look (Won't you pour me a Cuban Breeze, Gretchen?)
Blues In The Morning - Jack Teagarden
Mary Shut The Garden Door - BEST TUNE ON MORPH
IGY (More leisure time for artists everywhere)


Pretzel Logic (Where did you get those shoes?)

Date: Sat, March 11, 2006, 15:41:24 ET
Posted by: rob, netherlands

Hi, yesterday I bought Morph The Cat here in The Netherlands. According to shop assistent March 10 is the official release date here in The Netherlands. Fantastic sound! Rob

Date: Sat, March 11, 2006, 14:54:35 ET
Posted by: hoops,

All posts since June 22, 2001 are online. You can scroll to the bottom of a page of posts and then it takes you back to the next batch of months.

Or you can also enter a direct URL...For example, You can enter to get December 2003 posts, etc A directory by month and search able archives are one of thise things that would be great but still are on the "to do" list. Samme for the archives of the Dandom Digest

Thanks for asking!


Date: Sat, March 11, 2006, 14:54:32 ET
Posted by: Mark & Mare, NJ

BACK FROM THE BORGATA! Show was top notch. Westbury was still the best so far, but this was right behind though. We also chatted with Pete Fogel and friend who were of the same opinion. Donald admitted to having a cold, you could hear it when he talked, but the vocalizations were top notch. The band played very well.

There was a very nice set mix. The show change ups make it worthwhile going to multiple venues. Borgata was nice because there were FOUR from Morph the Cat!

We were blessed with 1st Row seats, Dead Center, right in front of Fagen. We had went down to AC with Row 7, Section 200 center aisle seats in hand, but at around 230pm, we had an opportunity to upgrade to Row 4 Dead Center, which we did. Turned out Row 4, was actually 1st row. Talk about luck. We gave our Row 7 seats, free, to a young couple who were sitting furthest up in the bleacher section. Needless to say, they were as thrilled as we were with our new seats.

On interesting observation which we should follow on upcoming shows now that the tour will be moving away from the Northeast, very soon, is attendence. The Borgata Event Center, holding 3700 seats, was sparsely attended. My guess as about 50%. When Donald walked on stage, he did a a double take on the audience, that is, he glanced, and then glanced back again quickly. My impression was that he was surprised on the amount of open seats.

Perhaps a great show and performance was the reward for those that did the trek to AC.

Date: Sat, March 11, 2006, 14:37:58 ET
Posted by: Brutus Charisma,

Hoops -

Is there a Bluebook archive to discover/refer to past postings?

Thanks -


Date: Sat, March 11, 2006, 12:54:35 ET
Posted by: They took out, Here At The Westen World

Great show last night in AC! Actually, it sounded amazing! Counter Moon and Green Earings made it to the set list. I think it's great that Fagen is mixing it up evey night. This is something that SD didn't do. Donald did say that he had a cold but was "going to rise above it". Boy did he! The show was really wonderful. I was at the Beacon on Tuesday and the venue last night in AC sounded 10 times better!

Date: Sat, March 11, 2006, 12:48:59 ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher, Louisville, KY

Looks like AMG ( has rated Morph the Cat, but not written out a review for it yet. However, they gave it 4.5 out of 5 stars.

Date: Sat, March 11, 2006, 12:45:03 ET
Posted by: angel,

Big Fan: The big news from the post last night was that Western World was out as the opener to the show.
On a personal level, I was kind of sorry to hear that.

Date: Sat, March 11, 2006, 12:23:18 ET
Posted by: Daddy G., NJ

Big Fan, I did not attend the Borgata but there WAS a set list posted here prior to the crash so the show indeed went on. Can't remember if anything was posted as to the quality/length of the performance.

Enjoy the show!

Date: Sat, March 11, 2006, 11:45:06 ET
Posted by: Big Fan, leaving soon

I take it the AC show went off as scheduled last night? Everything was normal? We have to leave in about an hour to get to Boston on time for the 5* sign in at 3:45. Wish us luck! I see the Ottawa show has been canceled on Sunday (tomorrow)

Date: Sat, March 11, 2006, 10:57:26 ET
Posted by: hoops,

In case you are headed to Boston tonight, here are the latest two communiqués from Boston Rag and Sponge Bill to the Boston Dandom List:

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 12:02:34 -0500
From: Boston Rag
Subject: DANDOM-BOSTON: Revised Danfest News

So we Morph from Thursday into Saturday!

Really sorry to the folks who now cannot make it Saturday. Hopefully, DF will hit Boston in the second leg of the Morph tour.

Felt, believe it or not,  does not open until 5:00PM on Saturdays.

We spoke to the club manager and have a section reserved for the "Donald Fagen Danfest"
from 5:00PM-7:00PM and 10:00PM to 12:00AM. The after-show Danfest will have NO COVER.
Just tell them you are part of the Donald Fagen Danfest.

Felt is 10 feet away from the Opera House. We can order drinks, appetizers or meals before and
after the show. We'll see what we can do about getting some Steely Dan on the sound system too!

A lot of us have 5 Star tickets which are going to keep us busy before the show. We may or may not
be able to hit the 5-7PM Wing Ding. We'll make up for it in the after-show party however!

Really looking forward to the show. Hopefully Donald is feeling OK.  As mentioned before, he's always at the top of his game  when he plays Boston. The newly renovated and beautiful Opera House has amazing acoustics too! 

For those who are looking for a watering hole earlier then 5:00PM, the Hyatt has a really nice lobby lounge and it has a lot of space.  It's very close to the Opera House too. 

Viva Rock n' Roll!!!

Boston Rag
(Mark Drinan)

(Bill Griffin)

**The Poolhall Palooza**

Dandom Boston
March 11, 2006
535 Washington Street
Boston MA

Date: Sat, 11 Mar 2006 08:02:59 -0500
From: Sponge Bill
Subject: Re: DANDOM-BOSTON: Revised Danfest News

Hey gang,

It is here.  I think that the emphasis for the Danfest will be after the show at Felt from 10 PM on.  But , I strongly encourage people that can attend the 5 to 8 session do so. Remember to ask for the 'Donald Fagen Danfest' party, especially at the 10 PM session.  You can avoid the cover charge.  I look forward to seeing everyone there.

Date: Sat, March 11, 2006, 10:53:09 ET
Posted by: hoops,


System glitch overnight. Posts from March 2 through last night will be back later today. Thanks to those who called or emailed about this. Phoning at any hour is best since the problem can knock out my email and also if I catch it in 60 minutes, it's dramaticlly easier to grab the latest backup.

Thanks again and thanks for your patience.


Posts from Here to March 2, 2006 restored from backup. Please email hoops if there are concerns.

Date: Sat, 11 Mar 2006 00:48:44, ET
Posted by: Tapeworm , Atlantic City, or close enough

Borgata show

Must admit I checked out set lists and recordings of earlier shows. Tonight gave me a surprise or two. A tune dropped here, a tune added there.

It's pure speculation if this will continue throughout the tour, or if they're working into a more routine set list he/they like.

I must also admit I got my recording gear in, and will share in the next few days. I will respect the wishes of this board and the sys admin, and not specify where...I also will not reveal the set list here.

But keep your eye on the "usual place" and it'll probably be there by next weekend.


Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 22:45:29, ET
Posted by: paul ,

I wanted to see Western World in Chicago!!!!

Sigh, at least I have my Westbury bootleg to console me.

Hoops, thanks for reminding us about the XM show. Same typical questions as all the other interviews, but I did like the Q the interviewer asked about Libby's contribution to Don's writing process.

IMAO, Donald seems to be giving too much information about lyric interpretation, it's becoming less and less fun to make up my own ideas of what the lyrics mean! The only one he hasn't hinted meaning as to is Morph, and I'm actually wrong, he did! Mentioned something about it being Television. I actually appreciate the masque of ignorance Walt & Don put on when discussing Steely Dan tunes.

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 22:39:33, ET
Posted by: Brian , Ottawa


re: your rant about local promotion from CHEZ-106 for the now cancelled ottawa show...

I agree local promotion was non-existant, but somehow I doubt CHEZ-106 was involved from the start. I'm on their email list, and there was no mention of Fagen until last week, and they were never mentioned in any print adds. Probably a last minute thing. So I can't blame them, assuming someone needs the blame.

As for Ottawa ticket sales, so how bad was it really given market size? Tickets seem to be still available for every show on the tour, and you do an ebay check, tickets there are selling for peanuts.

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 22:19:47, ET
Posted by: Steely Fan , borgata

Set list for Borgata. Can't guarantee the sequence is 100% accurate here.

The skinny: Western World out, Countermoon in

Green Flower Street
New Frontier
Bright Nightgown
Third World Man
Home At last
H gang
What I do
Misery and the Bues
Goodbye look
Mary shut the garden door

Pretzel Logic
Viva Viva rock & roll

Pretzel Logic

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 21:30:54, ET
Posted by: Steely Jan ,

Hoops. I caught the World Cafe interview. It was nice to hear a bit more of Sec Joan and Mary Shut the Door. Good interview by a good interviewer. Are you heading West for any concerts?

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 20:52:17, ET
Posted by: Bratfille , Ottawa

Sorry about the typos and grammer. There's no edit feature that I am aware of.

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 20:49:15, ET
Posted by: Bratfille , Ottawa

OK, I haven't been here since the Toronto 2003 show, but I do have to rant.

First of all Donald... please take care of yourself and get better. Your health is worth more than a show in my hometown.

Now for the rant. Who the hell gave CHEZ106 FM the rights to promote Donald Fagen's 2006 show here in Ottawa? They are the worst! I first heard about this concert through other Dandom fans and the Donald Fagen website before it was even announced or posted on the venue website! Common guys, the National Arts Centre is not a cheap ass slacko venue? They dropped the ball! I went to buy a ticket and there was no posting of a show!

The worst part is that CHEZ FM does not play Steely Dan or Donald Fagen music. They are stuck in the 70's and 80's. It's the station to get your daily listen to Stairway to Heaven, Hell's Bell's, Crazy Train, School's Out and Hey You! For crying out loud they are promoting Donald Fagen and they not even once played any of his music! Instead they carried on about Alice Cooper coming to town and indiscated that the Neil Young movie tickets were a the hotter contest prize than the front row DF seats! (go figure)

The final straw was today when they finally found the guts to report that the show was cancelled. So what did the announcer say? Just that those who bought tickets are now "freed up" on Sunday Night!?! As if it was such a burden to be hampered down having to go see, god forbid, Donald Fagen! (Idiots)

I blame house of Blues and Chez FM for the cancellation.

Donald... keep on with your US shows. You deserve so much better than this! I'll catch up with you down there.

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 20:37:19, ET
Posted by: oleander , more phin

Ooooh Morph the Cat

The bass line takes me AWAY....

I was just talking with some friends about my duck and cover days this morning....

Speaking of mortality: a doctor in my town, 4 years younger than I, got shot in his office today.

Helps for me to listen to someone who is comfortable, nay cheeky, facing mortality.

There but for the grace etc.

dr. ole

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 20:15:18, ET
Posted by: fezman , boston

You know it bothers me that some people who have recently posted here who don't have the courage to identify themselves{dis-jointed handles)and yet feel they are within their rights to vomit anything and everything in order to get a rise from the people who enjoy and look forward to reading and hearing and sometimes participating in the banter regarding "the boy's and gals" whom we admire so much.It leads me to only one conclusion,that these people are young and have no clue as to what loyalty and commitment mean in the larger and more important scheme of life.No matter how much of a pencil neck i was as a kid and young adult i still knew the difference between joking around and being hurtful.Who exactly do you think your impressing? If you have a complaint or an opinion express it,but do it in a way that is respectful of other people's opinions also.If you do,you will find that people will take what you have to say with some credibility.Sorry to the board for taking up the space,i don't post that looking forward to boston tomorrow!!!!

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 19:26:20, ET
Posted by: Does bite have an e on it? ,

Call the spelling police...... I forgot the lyrics, flu impaired so please forgive me


Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 19:24:28, ET
Posted by: Please please ,

put a muzzle on the PQ toy poodle before it yaps anymore

He does bit but toss him a ego bone and he will eat it before he can bit you

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 19:00:11, ET
Posted by: Passin' through , middle America

My Space? Isn't that for underage teens and internet 'ho's?

Oh. Never mind...

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 18:12:15, ET
Posted by: PQ , NYC

On approachability - it looks to me like this is gonna come as news to people here, but like 6 of the folks in Don's band have My Space pages. Come on, this is the information age. You can get on My Space and send them a Friend Request.

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 18:06:54, ET
Posted by: hoops ,

Anyone able to catch Donald on World CafC today?

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 17:56:14, ET
Posted by: hoops ,

I've only been to two shows, but I have noticed something a but subtle but in line in what I do. Somehow, even though I've been in the first dozen rows, that the band is somehow isolated from the audience more than usual. I'll explain more in a bit with some specifics but wanted to throw that out there and see if anyone had the same feeling.


Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 17:52:24, ET
Posted by: Little Wild One , next week this time...

Someone should print up Rebate Requests for the Beacon show....

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 17:48:48, ET
Posted by: Backstage Bitch , anywhere

SF, Herington is very approachable and down to earth. You shoulda taken that chance.

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 17:47:19, ET
Posted by: hoops ,

I took my ticket and travel expenses for the Beacon show and figured out that it cost about $3.60 per minute for the show. Martha Wainwrite cost about $15-$18, other songs a little more or a little less.


Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 17:45:53, ET
Posted by: Steely Fan , Borgata

Around 3:30, there was a guy lurking around the craps tables who looked a lot like Herrington. He was observing for a few minutes at the table next to me. I was hoping he would wander over to my table, but he walked away. I was going to ask him if he was performing tonight. If it was anyone, it was Herrington. I'm going to try to determine at the show tonight if it was him, but im sitting on the other side of the stage by the girls.

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 17:19:24, ET
Posted by: NYB , I forgot to add............

Never use a public bathroom and always wear white gloves when out in public.

I have not had a cold in three years.

I have also given up French style kissing and all romance except with myself.


Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 17:18:38, ET
Posted by: a skinny man , with two-toned shoes


Thank you for writing this music that we love so well. Although you've had this fever now since yesterday, try to hang on.

Tonight we'll drive to the coast and see the show some of us have waited 25 years to see.

Thanks again, maestro.

PS: Whatever you choose to play is fine with me.

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 17:10:35, ET
Posted by: What an exciting read ,

NYB I can only imagine what you eat in the summer. Do tell?

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 16:49:56, ET
Posted by: Daddy G. , NJ

Mike F.,

This one appeared in The Herald (UK, not Boston):

By Neil Drysdale

[ " reach a stage very early in your existence where you have seen your name splashed all over the media and you worry: 'Jeez, how on earth am I ever going to surpass that?' And you build up pressure on yourself.

"In the final analysis, I can't control that. I have to do my best and trust my instincts and I am happy to believe I have matured as a writer. I like it when songs develop in some way and four
minutes usually isn't sufficient time for something to develop musically. >>>>I'M STILL PLUGGED INTO THE DUKE ELLINGTON MODEL<<<<, something akin to classical music, where you start with a theme, then expand on it, bit by bit, and veer off at tangents, and strive your utmost to book the listener on a mystery journey where he or she can't quite guess the final destination and then, hopefully, they get caught up in the puzzle and stay on for the ride, because, when you get a decent groove going, time flies . . ." ]

Then there was this one from various sources:


..which says at the very end...

[ He has considered writing some kind of musical theater piece, but prefers the short format, he said.

C,I think some people who are good at short-form things often overreach themselves when they try to do long-form,C. he said. >>>C,I WAS NEVER THAT FOND OF DUKE ELLINGTON'S LONGER PIECES.<<< I think he was great at writing four-minute pieces that were perfect. ]

If neither one of those is what you had in mind, then I can't help. As you can see he didn't dwell on Ellington, it was just those passing comments.

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 16:44:35, ET
Posted by: Rajah , CT

DF's rotator cuff must be killing him and pounding the Rhodes an incredible irritant.

Oh, BTW, Chuck wears a leather ski mask and sings showtunes.


Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 16:40:13, ET
Posted by: Mister Bigglesworth ,

"When, midway through, Fagen announced a special guest, Walter Becker would've been a likely guess. But surprisingly, Canadian singer-songwriter Martha Wainwright (sister of Rufus, daughter of Loudon) strolled out onto the stage to perform what Fagen jokingly called a "scary song," her own sultry slow-burner "Year of the Dragon," with Fagen on melodica. The audience, however, couldn't make the leap, and after Wainwright left the stage, a defensive Fagen asked the audience, "What?" " (RollingStone)

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 16:12:02, ET






Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 15:58:15, ET
Posted by: No Such Thing , as bad publicity

"We've done for Martha Wainright in 2 days what she couldn't have imageined herself. Well, maybe."

I'm sure she appreciates it.

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 15:44:16, ET
Posted by: Joey ,

" Flatbush...

that was absolutely uneqivocably a stroke of genius, the best yet.... "

Amen !!!!

Christ, that's posting on loan from God right there.

That's what my little friends and myself running around the Plains of Nebraska with knickers on and stick ball bats in our hands used to call "Postin'!"

You're POSTIN' baby!

The Joey - As seen on the reality show "That's Postin'!", 10:00 PM CDT Sundays.

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 15:37:43, ET
Posted by: flatbush upchuck , sheilus


that was absolutely uneqivocably a stroke of genius, the best yet....

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 15:15:59, ET
Posted by: Let Freedom Ring , America

Glad to see that Free Speech is still tolerated here.

Newark: Do something constructive: go take a canter on one of your local horses and ride 10 miles east.

Enjoy the show!

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 14:34:49, ET
Posted by: Steely Fan , Borgata

I'm here in my Borgata hotel room. The big casino by the beach, as it were. Just took them for enough money at the craps table to cover all shows for this tour and then some. If I can only keep from giving it back.

Special thanks to Gretchen and Raj & co. for the NY wingding the other night.

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 13:36:17, ET
Posted by: Mike F. , NYC

Does anyone have a link to the article in, I believe, The Boston Herald this week, that had an interview with Donald where he talks about Duke Ellington? Someone told me about it but I couldn't find it on line. Thanks if you can help.

I enjoyed The Beacon show but I thought Western World lost its sorrowful beauty at the faster speed. But I have never seen him so animated, he was really banging at the keyboards.

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 13:21:50, ET
Posted by: NYB ,

Maybe Donald will swing around and do the Ottawa show at the end of the tour?

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 13:09:52, ET
Posted by: Steelydoc , down at the Lido

Here it is Donald: hope it makes you feel better!!!

Laugh Laugh Phonograph:

sounds a bit like "The Nightfly" :)


Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 13:05:50, ET
Posted by: Lisa G , the instrumental room

"The Nightfly, back in 1982, was about my youth. Kamakiriad in 1993 was about growing up, at which point I kind of left the story hanging. The final installment was inevitable." "

What do you think he meant by "final?" :o

angel--good to see you, too. Long time.

So I must be the only person here who had never heard "Kama" until this tour. I finally went out and got it for myself. (I know...what have I been waiting for...) Initial thoughts: I'm thinking some tracks on 2vN just picked up where this album left off. Forgive me if this has been discussed ad nauseum by those of you who got it a long time ago. Anyway, I think the lyrics are cheeky and beyond entertaining. Outstanding.

(The three dots in the above paragraph were expressly to prevent Clas from melting down, as well. :P )

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 12:52:07, ET
Posted by: Flatbush Chuck , USA

(Or How I Somehow Failed to be Offended by Martha Wainwright)

On a night like this
I'm sitting at the Beacon;
So far it's all for the best.
A pause in the proceedings:
Somethin' 'bout
This evening's Special Guest.
"Could it be Walter we'll see by and by?"
The crowd could hardly hold its beer.
The spotlight shifted
And-- whoa-- what have we here?

On a night like this
The story is told
How the dandom grew restless,
And the buzz went cold.
Gotham sputtered.
Ill will in the air.
There's a Special Guest!
Let us all beware.

Wednesday comes,
I scroll along the blue page.
I read where Everything Sucks.
That Special Guest
Is burning through the threadlines.
(They gooo...) "I paid for Fagen--
I read where she killed
The show's second half;
Poor Donald never was the same.
Last night I loved it.
Today...I'm so ashamed!


On every posting
There's somebody whining.
Even my better-half wrote: "Dregs."
Honest, honey--
All I noticed were her legs!



Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 12:36:03, ET
Posted by: hoops ,

John, thanks for bringing the ICE Magazince Cover Story on Donald up again. When I posted last Sunday on this, two points really struck me--DF says some of the MTC songs were run by Walter during SD writing sessions but Walter said they were more personal and therefore more appropriate for a solo album. Also, DF says that Walter's absence means he had more "space" to fill in with keyboards, and, as such, Donald feels the album is more keyboard driven.

The other part is amusing: Donald's been looking for a copy of the very first phonograph record his mother bought for him when he was 5 or 6 years old, "Laugh, Laugh Phonograph." He's been looking all over the internet for it and hopes readers can help him find it. Of course, making this known might be a mistake since Donald will now have to bid against Q for it on eBay ;-) (Just teasing, Q.)

The other comments people have mentioned are also really interesting. Thanks for offering them.


Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 12:28:19, ET
Posted by: Doc Mu ,

angel: I did. " I'll work with the musicians a bit, but usually it's pretty well conceived before we go in." Consistent with another recent article where Donald detailed the studio process as well as the earlier Katz, MArotta, and Mounsey...I just didn't want to instigate the Clas' meltdown in


Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 12:11:21, ET
Posted by: Boston Rag , Revised Boston Danfest news

So we Morph from Thursday into Saturday!

Really sorry to the folks who now cannot make it Saturday. Hopefully, DF will hit Boston in the second leg of the Morph tour.

Felt, believe it or not, does not open until 5:00PM on Saturdays.

We spoke to the club manager and have a section reserved for the "Donald Fagen Danfest" from 5:00PM-7:00PM and 10:00PM to 12:00AM. The after-show Danfest will have NO COVER. Just tell them you are part of the Donald Fagen Danfest.

Felt is 10 feet away from the Opera House. We can order drinks, appetizers or meals before and after the show. We'll see what we can do about getting some Steely Dan on the sound system too!

A lot of us have 5 Star tickets which are going to keep us busy before the show. We may or may not be able to hit the 5-7PM Wing Ding. We'll make up for it in the after-show party however!

Really looking forward to the show. Hopefully Donald is feeling OK. As mentioned before, he's always at the top of his game when he plays Boston. The newly renovated and beautiful Opera House has amazing acoustics!

For those who are looking for a watering hole earlier than 5:00PM, the Hyatt has a really nice lobby lounge and it has a lot of space. It's very close to the Opera House too.

Viva Rock n' Roll!!!

Boston Rag

(Bill G)

**The Poolhall Palooza**

Dandom Boston
March 11, 2006
535 Washington Street
Boston MA

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 12:11:12, ET
Posted by: Nazman , Nowhere near 'Lic City.'

Corvid: Concerning the cancelled concert, you deserve better given your trials and tribulations. Wishing you well w/ your lovey companion and the upcoming birth.

As for the Ottawa interview, that's one of the most rewarding interviews to date. Substantive.

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 12:04:36, ET
Posted by: echoes from the Past , What's Up Chuck?

but how does chuck know? Does chuck swash to raja's swish?

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 12:03:25, ET
Posted by: Corvid , Sad In Ottawa

So, this past Monday, I moved from another part of the province to Ottawa. A 6 hour drive along Hwy. 401 with my 8-months-pregnant wife in her fully-loaded vehicle with our dog ahead of me and my fully-loaded vehicle, in case we had to stop in order for her to get to a hospital. Stress of moving in with her parents (long story). Cost us about $3500 to move. We are both currently unemployed, at least temporarily.

The one ray of light in the immediate future (besides the impending birth of my son) was the Donald Fagen show ticket that my wife insisted I buy to treat myself. I have been looking forward to this like a meth addict to his next buzz.

Someone tell me there's going to be a makeup show...

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 11:59:51, ET
Posted by: angel ,

Anyone else notice this quote in the Ottawa article? The man speaks up at last. :-)

Donald Fagen: "Generally speaking, with both Steely Dan records and my records, since the middle '70s, we've always gone in with our charts. I'll write out charts with chords and chord voicings that we used, and maybe a bass part."


Daddy G: I missed the review of Morph in Life Magazine, but I did catch the other 2 references. :-)


Liza G: Have a great time! Good to see ya.

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 11:42:42, ET
Posted by: Arnold T. , Ottawa Dandom List

Arnold Toporowski said:

I e-mailed the NAC and received the following response. Looks like they had
to decide between cancelling the Boston or Ottawa show and went with Ottawa,
presumably due to the size of the market and poor ticket sales in Ottawa.

"Thank you for your inquiry. Donald Fagen was to be presented by House of
Blues Concerts Canada. The reason provided to the NAC by House of Blues was
Mr. FagenC-s illness. The Boston concert was to have been last night, March
9, but was postponed to Saturday due to his illness. He has been advised
not to do consecutive shows so the Ottawa concert was cancelled."

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 11:36:43, ET
Posted by: Joey ,

" sorry here is the link "

Thanks !!!!!!

" "IC-m a hydrogen baby," Fagen tells ICE. "A duck-and-cover kid. I was born into paranoia. I always think itC-s weird when things donC-t turn out for the worst." Keeping his demons on a short leash has, in fact, occupied the Steely Dan co-founder for going on 40 years now, on a string of classic releases with partner Walter Becker. But Morph the Cat belongs to another dark corner of FagenC-s imagination altogether. "ItC-s the last installment of a solo album trilogy," he explains. "The Nightfly, back in 1982, was about my youth. Kamakiriad in 1993 was about growing up, at which point I kind of left the story hanging. The final installment was inevitable." "

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 11:03:58, ET
Posted by: Daddy G. , NJ

I think it'd be nice if just once someone yelled "PLAY WHAT YOU FEEL, DONALD!!!" instead of a specific request. Who knows, it might even get a reaction... Or maybe he'd just think it's a request for "Deacon Blues."

No big news, but today's "LIFE" magazine insert in the Inquirer (it also appears in other papers across the country) has a bit of a mini Fagen theme goin' on...

First off this blurb appears in their LIFE5 list (page 3) of picks for "what to watch, read & listen to":

(Reprise) The Steely Dan front man's third solo album sounds like... Steely Dan. And that's a good thing. Fagen lays his wry storytelling (like flirting with a security guard) on top of jazz-inflected grooves."

LIFE|ON|THE|SET (page 7) shows a picture of one of the dogs during the remake of Tim Allen's "The Shaggy Dog" and the caption reads:

"DOWN, BOY (WAY DOWN)--- Coal, one of six bearded collies who play the title role, hangs from a harness to shoot a scene in which Allen >>>MORPHS<<< into a dog before leaping off an overpass. Handlers gently manipulate Coal's paws to simulate a shaky descent."

(Morph the dog????)

Then finally the weekly picture puzzle (page 14) is entitled "A Quick Game of Hoops."


Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 10:40:34, ET
Posted by: john , nyc

sorry here is the link

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 10:39:28, ET
Posted by: john , nyc




Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 10:20:05, ET
Posted by: Lisa G , NJ

Hey LadyB,

I'll have a drink in your honor and tell the band you said, "Hi!"

Just got back on the Blue, and I'm looking forward to taking in some color from other shows by you fine people.

Psyched for tonight. :)

Lisa G

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 10:11:25, ET
Posted by: RJ Squirrel , Great Interview

That is a great interview from Ottawa (from GRECO). As a baby-boomer I remember well the school air-raid drills:

Q: Your new record is full of terrorists, death, ghosts, dirty bombs. Why so dark?

A: Well, you know I was born into paranoia, being a baby-boomer, hydrogen-war baby. We had to do these air-raid drills in school for years. We had to get under our desks, the idea being that that might protect you from some serious nuclear fallout. There was almost the certainty that there would be some sort of global nuclear war in those days.

I was amazed when the Soviets fell. That was like a whole reality that you've been conditioned to your whole life connected to the Russians, fell. To them, it was a great thing, but there was this other feeling that I had of, 'Why was I so scared?' It was such a defining thing in my life, and so much fear was instilled in me, which was part of what led me to be the way I am. Then there was this unfinished feeling of, 'Wait, aren't we going to have the nuclear war first?'

Hiding under desks rolled up in a ball - not exactly nurturing is it? No wonder I'm a bag of snakes! Of course now we have Code Orange Alerts and 9/11 seared into kids brains. What a beautiful world it will be... but not in my lifetime.

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 09:54:13, ET
Posted by: Howlin Wolf ,

Get your own grave Perez.

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 09:45:45, ET
Posted by: Rajah ,

I stand corrected.

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 09:36:53, ET
Posted by: Smokestack Perez , Turning Over In Howlin Wolf's Grave

The name of the Howlin Wolf tune is Smokestack Lightnin, not Smokestack Mountain. Not Brokeback Lightnin.

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 09:35:46, ET
Posted by: GRECO , CHI-TOWN

Q&A With Donald

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 09:19:44, ET
Posted by: HeyMike , key word is survival

I tried to get MTC at my local bordors-no dice. They said theyd get fined. They have 20 copies in the back room. I tried to have them ring it up as Rubber Soul but they were having none of it!

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 09:13:26, ET
Posted by: LadyBayside , gym-bound

Oh you lucky ones, headed to the Borgata tonight! I actually thought about taking Joe up on the offer of the extra ticket, but logistically, I just can't manage it. I do particularly like that casino, though I have never seen a show there.

Plus I just booked my flight to Vegas, and then to Ontario for the Temecula show. Only problem is that I don't yet have a flight back, as the times and bucks were not acceptable to me. I either have to haunt all the cheap ticket sites, or become a Pechanga Indian. I think I'd rather come back home, enticing as that sounds.

I am really enjoying all the reviews...tone seems somewhat better here today, which is refreshing.

Have fun tonight!


Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 09:07:31, ET
Posted by: Alex , 18A

Thank you, dedicated followers, for adopting "freaking" as the dandom expletive of choice.

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 09:01:28, ET
Posted by: paul ,

I did indeed add the green lights to my hat if anybody's wondering...

So watch for me in Chicago, I have a feeling lots more people are going to see me there than the reverse.

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 08:51:42, ET
Posted by: Rajah ,

Newark, I must say your writing style is something to behold, it reminds me a bit of JJ's Ulysses, making its own kind of sense while breaking all the rules. It's a bit of a puzzle. You go, let that freak flag fly.

I did not mean to intimate that the Allmans' sound at the Beacon was in any way superior to that of Don's band. It's that the components of Don's band, rhythmn section, guitars, 2 horns and 4 vocalists presents a different and I feel more difficult challenge than the Allmans who are basically guitars, a very unique rhythm section and one vocalist at a time. Plus there's the little matter that Allmans have played the Beacon over 200 times since this present incarnation since 1995.

Be sure to give Don a big standing "O" tonight when he takes the stage at Borgata. Show the boy he's the one you adore if you want that sugar to pour. Do your level best to ahh...dissuade...anyone from yelling up their requests. Please stomp those suckers flat.

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 08:49:50, ET
Posted by: Spinal Tap , Amsterdam

Morph the Cat is available in Amsterdam, The Netherlands!

Only the cd/dvd-a version will be on sale one week later.
I already have the album on my computer/i-pod so i will be allright

Hope will be better soon, en play live again
(and will tour in Europe!)

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 08:45:50, ET
Posted by: Doc Mu ,

The Philadelphia Story



"Each act would play its own set, and then McDonald would join Steely Dan for a number of hits on which he performed, including the 1977 No. 11 Billboard pop singles chart entry 'Peg.'"

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 08:05:11, ET
Posted by: The Doctor , Portsmouth England

..and of course commiserations if you live in Ottawa and have'nt heard yet,, I can't bring myself to break the news to you, but why don't you check the tour dates on Donald's website.

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 08:02:55, ET
Posted by: MARK , Home of the Rag

Hey Bill (Sponge Bill) and MARK (BOSTON RAG),
The FELT would be great post show if possible. Pre show though we are going to get into town in time for the VIP stuffs only.
Our group wasn't going to be able to do anything but go home Thurs night because of work Friday morning (trying to buy a yacht and limo).
A Saturday night show works great for a more relaxed fun night. Hope it works well for the band also.
If FELT can accomodate a DF/Danfest we are psyched for it. Have em playing DF/WB and SD Tunes and that would really cap the night.
We'll keep checking the board for any of your updates.
See you folks at the show.
Mark D

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 08:00:10, ET
Posted by: Pam , In radio hell

I was driving my son to school this morning, and he put on the NY station 94.1 WYSP (maybe it's Phila). To my extreme horror, I heard David Lee Roth of all freaking people doing a cover of "My Old School". Ok, if that's not bad enough, apparently that jackass has a radio show and he was doing color commentary and singing along while the song was playing. How is it possible that this happened? Why oh why did I have to hear it?

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 07:54:43, ET
Posted by: The Doctor , Portsmouth England

Morph is on the streets here in England at Virgin Record stores, though HMV are refusing to release until Monday.

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 07:46:50, ET
Posted by: gagi , --

Inside is another picture, similar to the front cover,
but from the right side you can see the "puff of smoke"
coming in, which makes everything fuzzy,
with a little fatasy, you may see the head of the cat in it.

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 07:14:18, ET
Posted by: gagi , .

I forgot,
above the lyrics, the is a short comment of Mr. Donald
about the song,
for example:

"Concerning some morbid bussiness on a high floor.
Perhaps our girl will find a reason to live (or an effective Anti-Depressant) before it's too late.

you know the song???

its about The night belongs to mona...

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 07:06:02, ET
Posted by: Gagi , Europe

I just bought the CD in a shopping-center in Germany.
On the back, is a Picture of the windowstill
with Donalds glasses on it.
It reminds me somehow on the Cover of Yoko Ono's
CD with Lennon's glasses on it, although they were bloody and broken.
Well, Morph the Cat is about death...
Looking through the window, i think in the distance.
you can see the top of the empire state building.

Inside are the lyrics and some of the pictures you've
already seen (Donald with his black/white scarf, etc.)
and a picture of New York with a airplaine flying quiet

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 06:43:45, ET
Posted by: Newark , Newark, MD I'll have another cup, please.

Pinetop that's Pinetop that's Pinetop sorry.

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 06:26:03, ET
Posted by: Newark , Coffee anyone?

Give me a break: "What is it exactly turns you off?" I thought the standing ovations at Tower meant "Well done." I thought the patterns of folks standing and clapping--especially when new songs were unveiled--signified spirited approval, consider the British House of Commons. The Germans would rap their knuckles raw were this were for them. And Europeans would show better manners than what's blabbered here:

Let Freedom Ring: I got your one-way ticket to Ottawa right here!

Yea, rajah! I liked your review of my review of others' reviews: I liked your analogy and learned from it. Just can't find a more fitting expression than John G.'s "propulsive" analysis: what they do is something better than "rare and astonishing tight rhythm combos." I believe their accomplishment could be caged and unleashed later. (My awkward sarcasm about 140 beats per minute: if you lived through the disco era, 120 beats per minute was the climatic pace where the music, if things were jumping, would stay and stay and stay--consider Green Flower Street. 140 beats per minute is ridiculous--like that techno-ecstasy place.) I interpret Donald's leadership at this time and space as keeping art alive. Hell, MTC is just being born. Enjoy watching, fellow citizens.

(In the middle range, 130 bpm, to me, would represent a soul in rapture--that moment of departure from the physical body--it's a scarier place if it were even speeded up--to end justifying my weirdness). This combo of guys is so breath taking; I believe they could create another canon (metaphorically speaking, of course) and get lots o' the moola. Do it later. Think about it, do these guys need money? Oh yea, sure, we all do. Do they have to tour to get it? Hmmmm. Are they interested in art first? Oh, yes, indeed, that is, evidently so. If they wannacana? Should they burn an original CD next weekend in their hotel room or better yet in our chicken house and sell it at the shows? Come on.

I'm coming down with something, ironically, and am scared that I'll squelch my lover's hope to make it to Borgata. Maybe the ferry ride will revive me. The hotel has been sold out for a while, BTW. That scares me--Lady B: that's the "chance" you were talking about--we don't have our tickets yet and we're hoping the individual at the ticket window thinks we're pretty. Hope the patrons are hungry. Hope fresh grapefruits and treadmill will beat back this bug.

Knowing that things sounded fabulous at Beacon for Allman Brothers concerns us. At Borgata, we want to test our theory about sound acoustics before saying something about the mise-en-scene at the Tower: we're wondering if somehow, perhaps, maybe, that a misdiagnosis of Tower's acoustics had occurred. We credit the mixer's talented accentuations and remedies, as appropriate applied. But all the talented sound engineering can only abridge what wants to come out and can't. In other words, there's no insta-crane to move heavy stuff once the show begins. We would've loved to hear the results of at least one of those beautiful-sounding PA speakers lowered down a bit. We would've loved to hear the results of the low end pointed upward into the velvety curtain that the balcony provides.

After days of interpretation of sound production dynamic, our thoughts of the situation? We miss the old days of sound--you know--and at the same time, we like today's un-plugged posturing, where things are ergonomically more correct. Give everyone a seat--or a kick in the seat. hehe That is hoped for at Borgata. The time of remedying pesky feedback before it becomes a problem is over. Part of us wants to say, throw out the P.A., but this isn't reasonable. We want to say more midrange is there for the asking; you gotta play around to find it before and during the show. Midrange emerges as a synthesis of all elements. At the Tower, there was fabulous midrange, highs and twinkles--they just needed more presence in the cave. In other words, we noticed midrange and bass tonal definitions were sometimes . . . . . propulsive! Yes, that's it. hehe No, actually I was afraid to say "muffled"--a word that conjures bunched up underwear in my thinking. Oh, don't get me wrong, we heard you bassman, keyboard man, and drums. Yes indeedy! Guitarmen, you are amazing. Just give me a sec:

At the Tower, like many old theatres, we describe the theatre as having a cave in the back--a place where sound design can adventure into and ring back out, or roll out or whatever. We conceive venues as rooms with many talking drums, to be utilized creatively. Sounds that go into the cave do strange things. Right?

Just need a little cross-over magic. The songs can waltz across around, why can't the sound design? Wait, musical texture was rich--they shifted gears like four-on-the-floor in a Rebel Machine--sound dynamics and voice (everyone) timbre variations were superb. No fkrs. I'm suggesting that the mixers play with a sound inversion ideology.

In other words, when you're sitting on the deck and the pretty girl is doin' her thing, go over and say, "Get those things off those tripods and put them at your feet." And she says, "Wow, why?" And then respond, "Cause I can't feel you that way I want to feel you."

Once the show starts, the playing with sound design should be set. Sounds are transformed to satellite speakers, crossovers are installed, if necessary, as appropriate; boxes successfully dismantled; wireless solutions in play. Oh utopia! The equipment at Tower was sort of traditionally situated, and shit, well, . . . they got lots of great stuff. Venues can't kiss you, you know, you gotta kiss them, or something like that. Gads I hate myself--Hell, band, you got all those 5* hands to help move things around in your experiments before the show. Put those lucky fkrs to work--one in each corner of each corner (and one guy on Ticketfkrs ass) for fine-tuning the sound check. Let them pay you to work for you. hehe

We heard Pine Tree Perkins perform, I think he just celebrated 92nd birthday, in the Rehoboth Beach, DE, convention hall last summer. What a prince!

hugs, J&J

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 01:09:06, ET
Posted by: Rajah , Beacon

Get well Donald, he sure didn't look or sound ill Tuesday night. If he was getting ill, he had good reason to cut it short. I wonder how much a torn rotator cuff inhibits pounding the Rhodes which we know has a very hard action anyway. My condolensces to the folks in Ottawa and those of you who booked it out the door to Boston.

The Allmans kicked off their 14 night stand at the Beacon tonight. Great deep cuts, a forty minute drum trio presentation by Jaimo, Butch and Marc Q in the middle of Elizabeth Reed. Wow. These guys rehearsed for 5 days prior at Chelsea Studios I'm told by my blood Kevin whom some of you met Tuesday and who has taught me a lot over the years about the good music. Rest of the 3 hour affair was great especially after the brake when the Brothers brought on a guy named Hubert Sumlin, Howlin Wolf's guitarist. He's 85. He was helped strapping on a Les Paul by Warren and Derek and teetered around noodling on "Smokestack Mountain" and "Shake for Me," both Howlin Wolf compositions. Warren belted the numbers out. Then the old gentleman, a living legend, held up his index finger signalling he wanted to have another number. He launched into the intro to "Sitting on Top of the World." He then stepped to the mic and crooned it out with verve, to the amazement and delight of the audience. The old fox was layin in the cut and obviously skunked everybody cause he played and sang with vigour, taking the solo and proving himself to be a money player. Wow. In the wings we spotted his 93 year-old Wolf cohort, pianist Pinetop Perkins hailing from Belzoni, WA. He sat through the entire show.

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 00:52:49, ET
Posted by: Doc Mu ,


Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 23:47:10, ET
Posted by: fezman , boston

Hey Bill,My buddy and i will be in town around 1pm sat.when you talk to Mark and figure out where and what you want to do have him drop me a line,perhaps quincy market for lunch and libation.....see you sat. .....paul

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 23:17:28, ET
Posted by: HouDanFan , Houston

I agree with Steve...this whinning from the Beacon crowd has got to stop. The reason we all love this band to begin with is because in the 70's they were unique and different. They were not Motown or rock. The first time I heard Do It Again I was hooked and when Aja hit the charts I was blown away. DF and WB are ecentrics and have never followed the norm. So why do you think there concerts would be any different? In 2000 they opened with Boston Rag...need I say more? What band in the 70's could get away with only 6 to 7 songs on an album. SD could because the music was that freakin good. Have any of you ever heard Ricki # live? No. If you want a band that just plays the hits go to a MMcD concert. The fact that DF and WB and SD are even still playing is a treat. Jeez.

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 23:01:05, ET
Posted by: KDawg , Mt. Belzoni

Doc: It's like Fagen hears absolutely no popular music. His stuff just sounds nothing like what is out there....that's one of the reasons I love his music so much.

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 22:50:11, ET
Posted by: Doc Mu ,

It's neat to hear Funn, Mona, Mary drift cooly away from standard pop structures?...delicious

smooth jazz my @ss!

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 22:41:37, ET
Posted by: Chris , nh

I didn't think to check my email or call the Opera House when I left my house around 4PM. Drove into Wellington, took the T, got to the opera house without a hitch, and all of a sudden... the show's postponed. It's the only show I can make it to on the whole damn tour and I have set-in-stone plans I can't get out of Saturday night. Suffice to say I'm a little bit bummed. I'll have to go see Steely Dan this summer... I suppose I can come late/leave early depending on when Michael "Mowtown" McDonald is playing.

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 22:39:40, ET
Posted by: Sponge Bill , Boston

I was talking to the guy from felt in Boston. They do not open until 5 PM on Saturday.

Does anyone want to meet at 12 noon or so, before the VIP stuff.

It will be easy to find a place. Just don't know how many people are interested.

There was one guy at Felt tonight waiting for the party despite the show being cancelled.


Bill Griffin

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 22:36:20, ET
Posted by: Doc Mu ,

KDawg, Napoleon: You bet. Walter's vocals are stronger, less quavering that on Whack - he's more in the groove live. Erskine delivers a really nice performance and works it with Bernhardt after the sax solo...

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 21:48:01, ET
Posted by: KDawg , Mt. Belzoni

Napoleon: I agree with you...I heard the AiA version of Book of Liars before the 11ToW version. The live cut blows away the album one. The horn parts are killer....just sounds better to me.

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 20:37:45, ET
Posted by: JoeM ,

All I can say is - again - I can't wait for tomorrow night's Donald Fagen Band '06 show in Atlantic City, New Jersey. I'm Pumped beyond belief to be able to attend a Donald Fagen show in the year 2006. Especially having followed this man and his incredible music for 34 years.

Having said that, I've had an unfortunate and way last minute cancellation. I've got (1) ticket, Row 7, seat 13, smack dab in the center of the proceedings for tomorrow night. $75.00...

Hope to hear from another fellow scurvy brother or sister between now and noon time tomorrow.

See you all there (Jim?)!


Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 20:16:54, ET
Posted by: Napoleon , UK

Hello Everybody,

Anyone got any more info on what Walter Becker is up to at the moment? I feel like he's our only ally in these turbulent times of Fagen bickerings!

Anybody agree that the album version of "Book of Liars" sounds weak next to the "Alive in America". Shame 'cos I really like this song and would love to see it resurrected at a future Dan gig. (not as a toilet break!)



Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 19:57:48, ET
Posted by: at ,

This is what happens when you tour during flu season.

I don't generally like to go out to eat during flu season (November thru April) but when I do I NEVER order anything cold. I don't order salad, sandwiches, ice cream, or anything that's served COLD. This is because there are people who are working in the resturant who are sick. This is a known fact. Many restuarants can't spare any of thier employees and unless they are obviously sick they won't be sent home. So if you decide to order something cold, like say salad or ice cream, you are playing russian roulette with the cold and flu virus. I also won't drink anything cold, like milk or even the water they bring to your table. I order hot tea (I don't drink coffee) or something like that instead. Whatever I order has got to be HOT. I don't even like to eat the bread they bring to your table if it isn't hot.

This is just offered as a little advice to our friends who are travelling to see any of the shows because you will most certainly be eating in restuarants or ordering room service. This may have been what happened to Donald also.

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 19:34:47, ET
Posted by: Steve , NJ

Ok, ok. I am not goin to show my DF ignorance and screw up the names of my favorite Steely Dan songs, but some of you guys are bunch of babies complaining about the Beacon show. Don is an artist and reserves the right to do as he pleases with his setlist. He's a f-cking genius and you should be thankful that you still get to see a livin legend perform live. Think of all those sorry deadheads out there that have to endure a fish, sorry (Phish) concert to replace the GC experience of a Deadshow. Revel in the fact that Don is still around willing to amuse us with his strange faces when he sings really weird lyrics...Definitely gonna buy the CD. I'll even pay full price...

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 19:30:26, ET
Posted by: Jeez... ,

Show #1) Most people liked it. Thought it was a little short, but there was no intermission.

Show #2) Most people LOVED IT. Not one negative comment.

Show #3) Maybe Donald wasn't feeling well at this show? I wasn't there so I don't know. It was different.

So how do you come to the conclusion that "the shows suck" dumbass?

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 18:52:05, ET
Posted by: Give me a break ,

You are so full of shit, Hoops. The shows suck.

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 18:41:45, ET
Posted by: Blind Adoration , Think

It's Donald Fagen's show. He might as well be a host presenting different people and musicians each different concert, a travelling show with unexpected guests, each of them telling us more about what it is that Donald might take interest in, or feels kindred with in this world.

Huh? I thought it was called "Donald Fagen Band 2006" not the flying circus or whatever hosted by Donald Fagen.

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 18:23:46, ET
Posted by: fezman , boston

Hoops,Sorry to hear you will most likely not be making the opera House on saturday,I have notified a very ggod friend of mine that a ticket is avail.and he would like it,i was hoping you could make it but understand the logistics of our multi show jone's and the "hoops" we all must jump through to make it happen.He is a worthy recipient,doctorates from berkley in both guitar and keyboards and my sen sai !!! lol..I am the only student he's ever had that walked into his class and asked to learn "Steely Dan" we shall cross path's soon,best ......paul

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 18:21:20, ET
Posted by: NYB ,

All I'm saying is, you can't treat an artist like a wind-up toy.

That artist up there on stage is a person, just like you. They have good days, they have bad days, and days in between. I dunno, sometimes I feel a greater connection to an artist when they aren't having a particularly good night. You're seeing a side of them that isn't in the brochure, that isn't on the cd cover, that you won't see on the website. You're seeing them as they are, and they become more real to you. You get a chance to extend them your compassion and understanding, and by doing so you transcend the level of a mere "fan" and become more like family. When you go to a concert you're more than just a witness to the event, you're spending time with that particular artist. Kind've like spending time with one of your close friends or one of your relatives. Does it matter if your friend happy or "up" that night or not? NO. He/she is your friend no matter what, through good or bad. Like I say, I've been to some shows where the artist wasn't having a particularly good night and I've always left feeling that I knew something more about that artist than I knew before, you feel a connection to them as a person rather than as a performer.

Besides, do you REALLY want that artist to walk out on stage with a painted-on smile? Wouldn't you really rather see them as who they are at that particular moment without any phony props? I know I would. I think this may be the reason why so many performers turn to drugs and alcohol, they're trying to get "Up for the show" to the detriment of thier own health and well being. Nah, I would much rather have the artist be who they are, good, bad, or indifferent. That's reality, and isn't that the reason you bought those tickets in the first place? To see the artist in a real setting being who they really are? Think about it...

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 17:58:27, ET
Posted by: hoops ,

I've noticed really cheap DVD-Audio players advertised and then when I read the fine print, I read that the DVD-A is only two channel. What next? One-channel Stereo? Buyer beware.

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 17:57:11, ET
Posted by: hoops ,

I don't think anyone is saying that Donald and Walter and Steely Dan's work should be blindly adored. I'm definitely not saying we have to like everything they do. In fact, I know they would be the first to be offended if someone was blindly adoring them and their work.

It's also important for them to know how things look from out there, the audience. They want to know that. But it also should be done with some respect as as well as with an acknowledgement that one may not know the whole picture. When this is done with humor and intelligence, you can bet it's a good thing. When people cross a line where being clever with words or not being open to the possibility that there is more than meets the eye, that that is obnoxious. Some criticisms and questions are good points that need to be made...but other times, people need to be more graceful or collectively it creates a bad vibe. It's not so much that I disagreed with many of the criticisms of the shows or recordings so far as it is that I disagree with the counter productive attitude with which they are made.

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 17:55:12, ET
Posted by: Sly , Montreal, Quebec

I've just received an automated call from Ticketmaster telling me that the Ottawa gig is canceled...

Well honestly, I'm very, very, very, very disapointed...

Second time in a row the I missed a Steely Dan/Fagen show.

Last time it was in Toronto during the big blackout August 14th 2003(same day of my birthday). Yes... my tickets were reimbursed... but you understand what kind of feeling that you have when it happens

For now, it won't be possible for me to go to Toronto for the Monday's show. I'm working during the day... 5 hours drive, won't be possible to see the show...

It was probably the last time for me to try to see a Steely Dan show...

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 17:46:40, ET
Posted by: Little Wild One , Oz?

OMG! Bill, did you just write that kind and caring post about entertainers?

I think I must have a fever of one o'three. Surely, the fella in the Brite Nitegown can't be far off...

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 17:26:47, ET
Posted by: NYB ,

Hoops, sorry to hear that Donald is sick. I wrote the last post without knowing that.

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 17:23:58, ET
Posted by: NYB ,

Sorry to hear that some folks are comparing one show against another.

Ask yourself this question... Are you "On" every night of YOUR life? Are you going to be as funny/entertaining/happy/witty/cool next wednesday as you are right now? Can you say for certain whether you will or you won't? It must be pretty hard to plan a tour actually. People expect YOU to entertain them every couple of days for a month or more. That can't be an easy thing to do with consistency. You WILL have an occasional "off" night. You'll have night's where you just don't feel well, or you just don't feel particularly musical, or something is bothering you, or maybe you just want to have a quite evening but you can't because you have an obligation to perform. There's a whole host of reason why things can go right or wrong on any particular date, the only important this is that you tried and you did your best on that particular day. That's all any of us should ask. Sure you bought your ticket and you're entitled to something, but by the same token you also owe it to the artist to give them your understanding and your support either way. Because when the tour is over and the dates have all been done the only thing that will remain is the music. The tour is a nice thing, but not the most important thing, right? So enjoy your chance to see Donald in a live and intimate setting, and just forget whether or not he's "On" or not...

Just my (2 cents adjusted for inflation) er, uh... 5 cents.

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 17:08:37, ET
Posted by: hoops ,

Spoke with Pete Fogel. He spoke with the tour manager. DF is indeed sick, AC is on as planned, Boston on for Saturday night and Ottawa is the only cancellation.

Still working on BOS. THANKS for the encouragement, esp BR, BG and Fez.


Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 17:07:36, ET
Posted by: Chan , Now looking forward to Saturday night in Boston

So I'm in a conference today with the FBI, The MA Division of Banks, Freddie Mac and others trying to pay attention to them and act all professional, but really thinking about Donald and tonite and I get a phone call from iloveallaccess.

The rest is history. See eveyone Saturday night. Hope the band gets some rest and is ready to do 2 nights in a row this weekend.

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 16:55:56, ET
Posted by: Mark , Home of the Rag

Hope the Sat Boston show goes off without a hitch. We are lucky the date was available at the Opera house. What about the Borgata show? Rest Don. Sorry for being selfish.
I guess the Aerosmith show @ the Manchester VZ Center has been cancelled due to illness also.
It's the time of year.

Getting a chance to listen to the XM presentation by Donald of the new album. Just like with every SD/DF and WB album I like it. Has that unique sound we all love. Smooth grooves, chunky horns and hey--a harmonica--go figure.

Hey and when I started listing to this music I didn't have a yacht. And FYI I still don't. Smart Ass! Although I am kind of liking that some folks think I have some class because I like playing Don and Walts music.

Now that the show is on Sat night can MARK still get us hooked up at the FELT for a Danfest? Hoping so. Please post any updates if you could MARK (BOSTON RAG).


Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 16:25:53, ET
Posted by: Declan , memphis

"Yacht Rock" is the name of a series of shorts that can be found on Easily the funniest thing the web has ever produced. The Star Wars kid can suck it.

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 16:23:57, ET
Posted by: Declan , memphis

Morph the title track are on XM 40 now, to be followed by a Fagen interview (probably clips from the Cafe show) and the Reprise.

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 16:20:31, ET
Posted by: Alkali , NYC

Yesterdays news, well said. It was FagenC-s decision, whether he was happy or disappointed about it.

Yacht Rock is that type of music that C+yuppiesC- tend to like.
ItC-s the music found in the I podC-sC4 of the sort that jog in their name brand attire around their well manicured neighborhoodC-s, accompanied by their over-bred dogs that have names, not unlike their wives, like Buffy, Chelsea or Madison.
ItC-s the stuff that makes Carlin and the blue color crews cringe.
ItC-s anti-grunge.
This is the music that you wonC-t find shadowed behind a garbage can in any city alley.
This is the music that youC-ll find seeping from a barely open limo window in front of that very ally inside of that very city.
Hey, IC-m just saying.

Home James!


Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 16:11:18, ET
Posted by: Everyone else , here

Ottawa cancelled. Is this old news?

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 16:07:48, ET
Posted by: Dan , Kingston, Ontario, Canada

Okay, I just went down and picked up my copy of Morph the Cat (no DVD-A). Anyways, I told Brian about the release date debacle and he was surprised. He gave me his business card and said that if anyone is interested in getting the album, give him a ring. This will no doubt benefit people within driving distance of Kingston, but at the same time, he might be willing to send a copy. Not sure. Well, here's the card:

Brian's Record Option
381 Princes St., Kingston, ONT K7L 1B9
(613) 542-2452

I hope someone makes use of this, because I had to skip Medieval Lit to get the album and the business card.


Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 16:04:04, ET
Posted by: Let Freedom Ring , please

Perhaps you'd prefer an actual cuban breeze (not the drink, mind you) but can we just cut out all the communist/socialist "follow the party line" bs that follows any post of disagreement? Yeah, yeah, yeah, we know that SD are gods, DF is god and WB is also god, etc. and that's great.

But they're human, and this is still America, and this is still hosted in America, and while certain folks would prefer a blind adoration/worship of the duo without fault, this prevention of dissention is, well, very UN-Dan-ish.

I mean, wouldn't the Boys prefer dissention and conflict, i.e. not following the crowd? C'mon, where are we?

And if you think that by merely disagreeing with a performance and its quality is going to offend either one of our heroes, you need to go revisit your pharmacist, and/or find a new shrink.

Christ, people, wake up.

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 15:52:12, ET
Posted by: Yesterday's Paper , here

Nice pictures, Paul. Have a good time!!

Have to express that feelings of shame came over me when reading some of the messages and innuendo stated here. And as Hoops says, these pages are also read by serious people in the music business, or anyone else related to Steely Dan/Donald Fagen on a professional level. Even if you dislike the music of Martha Wainwright, it's just not an act of courtesy or basic intelligence to bash her here in 'public' or make real low remarks about her relationship with the Fagens. I don't actually like the music of her brother Rufus, although aware he represents the voice or Zeitgeist of many people out there, some younger generations perhaps, younger than the 'old geezers' and infantile adults who seem to frequent this place, a forum/message board that is designed for pleasant conversation or founded debate on all things concerned the music of Steely Dan and tangential topics. But tastes may differ and if others do like Rufus' or Martha's music (am not familiar with her music), who are we, who am I to judge? Their mother and her sister, Kate and Anna McCarrigle represent some of the finest Canadian music with international acclaim (
Like the founders of Steely Dan, they've been around for more than 3 decades and it's only natural to see common grounds here, the early 60s, the 70s, the folk/blues and jazz scene, something classical even... So only natural as well there's interest in the next generations... And very nice someone found an excerpt from an old interview in which Donald Fagen explains he likes Martha Wainwright's music. This proves one has to be very careful before drawing conclusions or bluntly write stuff without it being backed up by anything substantial.. such as F A C T.

It's Donald Fagen's show. He might as well be a host presenting different people and musicians each different concert, a travelling show with unexpected guests, each of them telling us more about what it is that Donald might take interest in, or feels kindred with in this world. But instead, we have people here who claim they know it all and who think they 'own' the man and what he is supposed to play or perform...
Some of you sound like the crowd in ancient Roman arenas, with hardly any respect for the professionals/musicians at work... Awful to witness and saddening as well...
Whoever thinks he's some elitist for listening to Steely Dan music, or understanding 'cryptic' lyrics and whatnot, well, one could certainly not assess this from reading the past few days on this message board.

Sorry Hoops for posting this, but I somehow find it hard to believe there's been a lot of whining and negativity ever since the theatre tour started, it really makes one wonder why some people bother to call themselves Steely Dan/Donald Fagen fans at all if all they really want is the picture they have inside their own heads to match up with what is actually presented...
Wake up to reality then... And realize it's not about YOU, or your desire to hear a song, or to not hear one etc etc. See it from someone else's perspective, it's Donald Fagen's show.
Old people whine like some of you did. Old people respond disgruntled and make impossible demands. Well, maybe not just 'old' but geriatric people for sure.

The words 'sense & sensibility' came to mind when I first heard Donald Fagen was going to do a theatre tour, smaller venues, with a civil ambiance. All of this made me re-think the entire idea of listening to music, or admiring musicians beyond a healthy distant approach. They're not responsible for our delusions, expectations and obsessions.
We are.

Cindy Mizelle is doing a killer thing on Teahouse by the way...

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 15:44:01, ET
Posted by: bwaySteve , 40 Deuce

only thing worse than having a body is having a mind.

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 15:37:30, ET
Posted by: Chrysler , PA

Always a spiritually calming epiphany to realize, in one special moment, the limits of my comprehension, and to just accept them and be happy--I have NO IDEA, NO IDEA WHATSOEVER, what Laura Sinagra is talking about in that initial paragraph of hers.

"...insouciant..." ...peer pressure..." "...yacht-rock..."

Anyone up for providing a translation?

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 15:34:48, ET
Posted by: Yacht Rock , Is Republican Rock

Made for Republicans with that lite jazz sterile catchy pop quality to it.


Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 15:31:13, ET
Posted by: Chrysler , PA

It's always a spiritually calming epiphany to realize, in one glorious moment, the limits of my intelligence, and to just accept them and be happy--I have NO IDEA, NO IDEA WHATSOEVER, what Laura Sinagra is talking about in that initial paragraph of hers.

"insouciant..." "peer pressure..." "yacht rock..."

Anyone up for providing a translation?

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 15:22:00, ET
Posted by: Dan , Kingston, Ontario, Canada

I'm not sure about the release dates for Europe and the United States, but up here in Kingston, Ontario I got a call from my local record man and Fagen's album is sitting down there waiting for me to pick it up. Maybe it has been released elsewhere, as well?

Also, just wondering if anyone would like to meet up before the Ottawa show and have a couple drinks, etc...I'll be taking the train into Ottawa around noon, so it would be nice to have someone to hang out with prior to the show. Thanks a lot!


Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 15:20:05, ET
Posted by: I heard Mu fell over bored ,

and listening to SD on his friends yacht. It was really sad what the sharks did to him. Thank god for dental records.

He had a deep fear of water and had never learned to swim with the fishes or Dream With the Fishes either.

He will be sadly missed here at the Blue Tidy Bowl known as dandom.

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 15:18:44, ET
Posted by: RJ Squirrel , Hat Too Whacked

Paul, you have big coconuts putting your photo up. Have you read some of the crazy shit people post here? Not sure all these whackos are harmless.

Anyway, good luck and enjoy the show. Hope your wiring holds up.

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 15:13:59, ET
Posted by: gypsyqueeninafairytale , usa

Hey,isn't MC5 the band that Funkadelic opened for back in the day and they were generous enough to let them use their equipment?
I think that's who Billy "Bass" Nelson was talking about in a P-Funk documentary,if I remember correctly.

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 15:10:10, ET
Posted by: Donfiend , Chitown

A sincere apology to all who was looking forward to tonight's show. Better Saturday than never.

Donald, get better soon!


Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 15:09:52, ET
Posted by: HeyMike , lots of beer

We'll look for you Paul(you look like Forrest Gump in that pic)

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 15:01:10, ET
Posted by: May our prayers go out to Doc Mu , He will be in rehab for the next 6 weeks.

He got caught writing himself scripts of viagra and cialis not to mention viewing porn at work.

He is dreaming of eating rancid fish and chips on the boardwalk but until then he is mashing spuds all day in the kitchen while sharing in AA meetings and watching Brokeback Mountain trailers on the web.

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 14:47:47, ET
Posted by: paul , buy yourself a crazy hat

Heya anybody going to Chi-Town, I'll be wearing this hat when I'm there so as to be spotted easily by the Dandom. Probably also be wearing a black leather jacket and perhaps black aviator sunglasses (if my contact lenses arrive by then).

So here am I sporting my crazy hat:
And here's what it looks like from above:

I think I'll also put some green lights along the brim, but not today... I already just about burned my house down trying to solder wires inside that thing!

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 14:41:22, ET
Posted by: littlebee , NYC

Re: Boston cancellation -- I told YGK that maybe Donald was up too late with Ms. Wainwright -- you know how the song goes "A virus wearing pumps and pearls." Well, I did see pumps on MW -- I don't think I saw pearls, but I can't be sure....

Thanks Gretchen and Rajah -- we had a wonderful time at the pre- and post-party!

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 14:37:48, ET
Posted by: RJ Squirrel , Tough Schedule Now

Bad break on the cancellation but fortunate for some it was rescheduled so quickly.

Nothing serious I hope.

Will be interesting to see if DF can hold up for 4 in a row:

3/10 Atlantic City, NJ
3/11 Boston, MA
3/12 Ottawa, ON
3/13 Toronto, ON

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 14:35:42, ET
Posted by: DF , layin' in bed havin a brite nightmare

Saturday's encore will be changed from Viva, Viva Rock and Roll to:

Fever, Fever and a Cough

Grandma and Grandpa said to starve a cold
Aunt Mary and Uncle Joe, said that's so old
My sister used to drink a 'toddy or two-a
But I'm so sick, I can't feel my uv-ula

Coughin', g'on hack it, sweat it out
Coughin', look out I'm hackin' it
I can't take it
Coughin, oh, in the bowl
Fever, Fever and a Cough
And a Cough

My mother had my sister drinkin' water and salt
I told her forget it, I'm going to call Walt
I got my phone and a-dialed him up
He said 'you just coughed in my ear, you're one sick pup"

Coughin, achin' head, just sweat it out
Coughin', my head can't take it
I can't shake it
Cough on, oh, my Phlegm
Fever, Fever and a cough
And a cough

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 14:33:41, ET
Posted by: JoeM ,

Any news about Atlantic City tommorow night? Still on?


Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 14:30:08, ET
Posted by: fezman , boston

Hoops,if you are comming to boston i have a 5* ticket avail. my date has a previous family funtion that she has to attend,if you are interested let me know soon as i will try to get it to someone else on fri or sat......paul

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 14:23:15, ET
Posted by: Boston Rag , the morning after

Was that Donald Fagen doing shots with Van Morrison at The Black Rose after Van's Opera House show last night?

Enquiring minds want to know.....

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 14:16:14, ET
Posted by: Girlfriend , chasing the dragon

That's pretty funny considering the cracks that were made about the cheez whiz at the Beacon preparty....

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 14:15:54, ET
Posted by: Stevie D , Beantown

Set lists are scatterd in the posts below.

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 14:14:22, ET
Posted by: Jelly , Red Bank

Where can I find setlists from the current tour? I hope youre not going to say scattered in the posts below!

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 14:11:25, ET
Posted by: Martha , Boston

I'm sick, so we couldn't do the show!

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 14:09:46, ET
Posted by: Stevie D , Still Don't Know

Other than an "illness" we still dont know who is actually sick...Actually, now that they cancelled I am feeling a bit under the weather..

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 14:05:45, ET
Posted by: Everyone else , here

What does everything thing of Donald's voice since he switched from Coke to water? From my cheap seats, it looks like there's no label on it, but maybe someone in the front rows has a better view and can clue us in. He seems like the type who would keep the same bottle and just refill it from a water fountain. But maybe he bought a huge 72 pack for the tour. I guess I'll never know for sure.

I had time to ponder this during Martha's performance.

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 13:51:01, ET
Posted by: CK , ..

3/9/2006 - Boston Opera show rescheduled
Due to illness, the Donald Fagen show this evening, Thursday, March 9, 2006 at Boston's Opera House has been rescheduled for Saturday, March 11, 2006. All tickets for the Thursday night postponement at the Opera House will be honored on Saturday night, March 11, 2006, including those arranged through the VIP fan program "I Love All Access."

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 13:45:15, ET
Posted by: hoops ,

Thanks Boston Rag. The Force is with you!

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 13:44:45, ET

Good work Mark....

This is a blessing, now we can really let our hairdown...

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 13:34:52, ET
Posted by: Boston Rag , I Got The News

Boston Globe has it posted now:

The streak is alive! Every show Donald has done in Beantown has been on a weekend.

What a bummer for those en route from out of town who have no idea.

Mark in Boston

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 13:33:57, ET
Posted by: s , s

maybe martha is a virus wearing pumps and pearls

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 13:20:14, ET
Posted by: All of us , here

It's been rescheduled.

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 13:20:12, ET
Posted by: nytfligh , USA

Nothing on Fagen site about a cancelled show, nothing at allaccess - anyone have a link or is this rumor?

Since Martha, everything's gone crazy...

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 13:18:37, ET
Posted by: Them , here

Mr Me.

Carlock is taking the blame...SHHHHHH!!!!!

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 13:15:56, ET
Posted by: me , me

Keith Carlock is alive, well and healthy and making audiences gasp, according to the NYTimes. Donald is under the weather today. Boston Radio is wrong, if they really did say that.

Go here to vote for Keith in the Modern Drummer's Readers poll!

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 13:12:48, ET
Posted by: TJ , DK

Just the read the first review of Morph in Denmark. JP, the biggest paper (the same that published the famous Muhammed Cartoons) gives it 5 out of 6!

"Morph contains the usual superior music and sarcasm that makes Dylan sound like a choirboy. The music boils in the most sweaty and funky way one could possibly imagine". (Freely translated)

Get well Donald and/or Keith!

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 13:04:12, ET
Posted by: beaubo , Cleveland

I JUST booked a mileage award to ticket to Boston.


Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 12:59:55, ET
Posted by: Barndog 57 , Boston

Hi Gang, I'm a virgin here (well, at least on this board, that is) and bumming out by the minute... I WAS JUST SO PSYCHED FOR TONIGHT!!!! What about tomorrow night's show at The Borgata Casino? Anyone know anything regarding that show??? PEACE!!!!

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 12:43:39, ET
Posted by: Stevie D , Fired up for Saturday Night

WBZ Radio in Boston also just announced it and stated its drummer "Keith Carlock" who is under the weather..

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 12:43:22, ET
Posted by: Big Fan , at home

I just rushed home to go - good thing I looked on here. Would have wasted 4 hours of driving. Wasted half a vaction day as it was. But I won't need to take one tomorrow now. Show is rescheduled for this Saturday 3/11 at 7 I think - we'll need new Alaccess info. Thankk goodness we can still go because the VIP tickets are non refundable.

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 12:42:47, ET
Posted by: GRECO , CHI-TOWN

Now u know y Tuesdays show was cut short. Donald was probably sick on Tuesday.


Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 12:42:18, ET
Posted by: Boston Rag , Official Word

Mark & Marie - Please!

Just got a call from I LOVE ALL ACCESS. The show is postponed to Saturday, March 11. Same time. Everything just delayed 48 hours.

Hey, this is even better!

Get well DF!!!!!

Mark in Boston

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 12:36:14, ET

Just got a call from I love all Access, Show is offically CANCELLED!! AND POSTPONED UNTIL THIS SATURDAY NIGHT MARCH 11TH!!! HIP HIP HORRAY!!!

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 12:11:34, ET
Posted by: Mark & Marie , NJ

Donald get well! We're all very, very sorry for all the horrible things that have been posted on these boards!!!!!!!!!

We really do love anything you play!

fyi - for you posters out there, I hope we didn't hurt DF's feelings!

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 12:02:07, ET
Posted by: Ted Vinson , ebbets field

Here's for seeing through you
now go home and get youre shine box"
and take that runt home with you, that punk he wishes

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 11:59:54, ET
Posted by: Greek Chorus , Downtown

Ted: Like before, earlier today, you still have nothing to say. Why rent the Bottom Line? Don't waste our time.
Go home to your box on the Bowery. At least the crowd will listen there.

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 11:51:10, ET
Posted by: SoulMonkey , The Ville

Ted, what in the hell are you ranting about? Shine box? I think not. How in the hell can you not know who The MC5 is? I'm not sure what a one trick pony has to do with anything either. What does my 4th studio album have to do with anything?


Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 11:50:36, ET
Posted by: Ted Vinson , ebbets field

Yes and jamoke made millions, just a another haunted child who can't stand up without you.."damn it rose" Hey if I rent the Bottom Line will this greek chourus spew? Misinformed runt stand up for once.

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 11:42:50, ET
Posted by: Greek Chorus , Over here

Ted: (O dred)
Try Wikipedia to enhance your lack of intelligensia
MC5 is still alive you schmendrick

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 11:42:04, ET
Posted by: Stevie D , SAY IT AINT SO BEANTOWN

I just called as well, they are not sure yet, but to confirm what Raj said call back in an hour approx 12:30..

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 11:35:47, ET
Posted by: PQ , NYC

Mu - what? Me, make outrageous statements?

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 11:31:04, ET
Posted by: Ted Vinson , ebbets field

Oh wow! now I'm getting a history lesson, hahah haa I was around long before you one trick pony and mc5, go home and get youre shine box"

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 11:29:09, ET
Posted by: SoulMonkey , The Ville

Ted, you must be hanging out with Avril.


Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 11:27:21, ET
Posted by: Doc Mu , that's "psore?"

should be. ".. . OUTRAGEOUS statement of the Day RandomGenerator..."

but I like what I came up with first better

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 11:23:52, ET
Posted by: Greek Chorus , Right Behind You

"Vinson, Vinson, get a clue. MC5 existed way before you."

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 11:23:36, ET
Posted by: Doc Mu ,

OK Peter - I'll call your usual obsequious random OUTRAGEOUS statement Generator of the Day


See you one:



Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 11:22:12, ET
Posted by: CK , FU


Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 11:17:05, ET
Posted by: Ted Vinson , ebbets field

Wow MC5 youve come a long way. VH 1 needs to find you jamoke.
Never heard of them and I know every band from that period. Check that E' ticket at Disney World you seem to be very close.

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 11:17:03, ET
Posted by: Doc Mu ,

Raj: I dig all forms of creative writing except mine...g***d*amn those chord changes on Brite Nitegow are fab! TGF Washington - Freddie that it.

Hope Dr. Fagen feels better soon. Can't let him into that dank night air again...

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 11:09:59, ET
Posted by: me , me

Boston is DEFINITELY canceled.

Trust "me" on this.

Seriously, the source is a bandmember.

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 11:03:11, ET
Posted by: Boston Rag , shitting my pants...


me - what is your source of information??

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 11:03:00, ET
Posted by: Rajah , what I know

I telephoned the Boston Opera House box office and the lady I spoke with informed that the show as of right now is not cancelled but that, yes, she had begun hearing that rumor. Call abck in about an hour, she says. We're outta here, dial 617 259 3400.

Vinson, I sang for band Wayne Kramer of the MC5 had in the 80's you ass. Good day, pissant.

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 10:57:58, ET
Posted by: ygk , nyc

Raj: those (places) are gone forevah, over a long time ago......


Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 10:57:39, ET
Posted by: Ted Vinson , ebbets field

First off Mackeral you couldnt hold my bags, and it's 22nd st jamoke'
only you would be on 23rd and let's see you worked in that great city. ha ha haaa never. God gime stegth.

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 10:54:58, ET
Posted by: Triple XXX , ..

Darn, for DF when not feeling well and bummer for those who have tickets for the Boston concert..
DF, get well soon :-)

For anyone else, if you search the threads in the Google list there might be some good advice in there, XM Radio show for example... check it out, really, worth the time AND effort.

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 10:53:05, ET
Posted by: Alkali , NYC

it's actually "RES IPSA LOQUITUR"

i was really looking forward to Boston...
now there's absolutely no reason to go there!

i'm Boston ragging.


Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 10:46:55, ET
Posted by: Him , here

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 10:45:36, ET
Posted by: me , me


Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 10:38:25, ET
Posted by: Rajah ,

I wanted to go on a tour of all the old joints I used to play, Tramps, Pyramid Club, Danceteria, and my favorite, Paddles, down on 23rd. Didn't I boot you off the stage one night when you asked me for a Marlboro?

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 10:32:31, ET
Posted by: Rajah , pop quiz

My apologies, PQ. Res ipsa loquitur? Ipsa res loquitur? Ah, hell I forget. I never check anything.

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 10:32:23, ET
Posted by: P.R. , Capcom

never giving credit for lifting off the net,shit pantywaste if I were in the city I wouldnt be playing with myself on a web site.
the post declares Yups and Pup's try to Rock"

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 10:25:48, ET
Posted by: Rajah , channelling Duane

My spelling stands corrected, MU, I haven't actually hadn't had the occasion to use it in a few decades...good to know it's there about your taste in prose...;)

The Times, it seems, has a very selective memory. Ipsa res loquitur.

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 10:23:21, ET
Posted by: Daddy G. , NJ

Another Fagen interview with (to me) a few new-ish tidbits...

On his first solo tour, Steely Dan's Donald Fagen brings something for both jazz snobs and pop fans
By Lynn Saxberg, The Ottawa Citizen
Published: Thursday, March 09, 2006

This is actually at the end of the piece, but I wanted to place it first here: Donald's shoulder is bothering him.
Q: Do you have anything else coming up?

A: In spring, I probably will have to have surgery for my rotator cuff. That's what you do in your 50s, right? I tripped over a cable in the studio and fell backwards and landed on my shoulder.

No big surprise, but Apparently Walter's using many of "the same guys" on his new one.

The 2nd Morph leg plus late summer SD tours sounds fairly definite in Donald's mind the way he's phrasing it here and, if so, the question then becomes one of itinerary. However, if what he says above is true (and why wouldn't it be?), then I think that throws a whole other cloud of doubt over things. You never know with shoulder surgery. Sometimes the recovery/rehab takes quite a while depending on the extent of the work. Anyway, here's what he says about Walter's musicians and the potential tours to come...
Q: How did you decide who you wanted to work with?

A: Well, Walter and I had been working with a group of musicians since we got back together in the early '90s, and we've continued working with players that we thought were particularly adapted to what we were doing. By now, we've ended up with a group of guys who really understand what we're doing. At this point we kind of have a band. It's great to work with guys who know what you want.

Walter just went in the studio a couple of months ago to do a solo record, and he used a lot of the same guys, too, so it's kind of like a repertory group, really. He did (his first) solo record in 1994.

Q: So you're ahead of him in solo output?

A: We don't compete. We're not into competition, really.

Q: What is the status of Steely Dan?

A: After this March tour, I'm going to do a summer tour and then I'm going to hook up with Walter at the end of the summer and do some Steely Dan gigs, and chances are we'll start talking about recording after that.

"Morph" was the last tune he wrote for the album...
Q: Who or what is Morph the Cat?

A: I needed a tune to kind of tie everything together. That was the last thing I wrote, and I liked this image of this ghost cat, or phantom cat, kind of descending on the city. I think originally, it was an anti-9/11 thing, where something good comes out of the sky and settles on the city.

But as I went, I realized that when something like that happens, there's always a price to pay, so as I wrote it, he got more and more ominous in my mind. The music became ominous, so I think there's a lot of ways you can interpret it in the end, because he narcotizes the citizens in a way, making them in the short term, feel good. I feel that, in a way, it signifies the kind of brain death of the public in a way that's been going on for some years because of TV and advertising.

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 10:21:49, ET
Posted by: Uncle Arthur , Fairway

Endora, your cauldron is boiling over down in the 3rd Canto of hell. Straddle that broomstick and get down there now, hon.

Here's the NYT, with a notable pass on a certain element of the show:

Steely Dan's Voice, Wry as Ever, if Less Sure

Published: March 9, 2006
Those meticulous jazz-rockers Steely Dan built a career on seeming coolly unfazed. But the solo efforts of its principals, Donald Fagen and his snarkier counterpart, Walter Becker, prove what we all knew: that insouciant affect is usually the result of peer pressure. We can only be thankful that these two egged each other on to produce epics of yacht-rock detachment like "Rikki Don't Lose That Number," and "Deacon Blues."

Skip to next paragraph

Forum: Popular Music
Mr. Fagen has been more revealing of doubts and fears on his solo albums. This is particularly true of "The Nightfly" (1981), the title song of which admits to the fantasy of an indelible alter ego, a bitter yet humane late-night radio D.J., weary hero to jazz heads and call-in kooks. The mix of sardonic and sad marks both Mr. Fagen's 1993 middle-age meditation "Kamakiriad" and his new "Morph the Cat," on which he examines death C3 his mother's, his own and, of course, idealism's C3 through the absurdist device of a ghostly cat peering into the windows at shaky post-9/11 paranoiacs.

On Tuesday at the Beacon Theater, there seemed to be a particular theme of discontent to Mr. Fagen's set list, which kicked off with Steely Dan's "Here at the Western World" and included, from "The Nightfly," the biting Reagan-era recollection of 60's hope, "New Frontier." Though he skipped the new album's lament of fascism, "Mary Shut the Garden Door," and the lecherous ode to an airport guard, "Security Joan," Mr. Fagen's inclusion of older Steely Dan songs like "Pretzel Logic," with its "days are gone forever" wistfulness, and "Home at Last" with its observation that "danger on the rocks is surely past," took on a sly resonance.

One pointed choice, "Third World Man," from Steely Dan's 1980 album "Gaucho," built into an elevating jam by Mr. Fagen's crack band. On this song, as well as on a cooking version of "The Goodbye Look," the stinging, percussive guitarist Wayne Krantz traded swoon-worthy solos with his spiraling, melodic counterpart, Jon Herington.

The drummer, Keith Carlock, and the bassist, Freddie Washington, provided a funky undercurrent, though Mr. Carlock's astonishing fills caused some gasps from the audience. Mr. Fagen's keyboard playing, at first almost inaudible because of a strange room mix, mainly served to spur the band. At times he even emphasized this by shifting to toy piano and roller-rink organ tones.

Though Mr. Fagen's voice has lost a little of its smart-aleck attack and precision fade, his female background singers provided a thrust that compensated for his scratchy tone. As was required, they stayed away from soul belting and went with sexy, straight-toned power. This was especially true on the revved-up version of "F.M.," another Steely Dan hit. The mostly male crowd may have craved more of the hit parade, but it seemed to yell out mainly for rarities C3 for fear, perhaps, of looking the least bit uncool.

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 10:15:32, ET
Posted by: the Ghost of Christmas past , anywhere but Texas

Doc this aint no trout, but she is very funny at times and balls on accurate. Notice the reaction to Crack?

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 10:15:02, ET
Posted by: Doc Mu ,

pssst Raj: Not that I'm not like the King of Typos but it's "defenestrates" from the French word "fenC tre" meaning "window" Here - meaning to "throw out the window." It IS the Vocabulary Word of the Month. There will be a Door prize for you and your lovely bride.

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 10:14:42, ET
Posted by: PQ , NYC

Raj - I didn't comment on Newark's post, Mu did. But the Times piece touched on a lot of things that should be discussed. Apropros of nothing, Chris Potter is at the Jazz Standard tonight!

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 10:03:09, ET
Posted by: Doc Mu ,

Trout: I can't help it...but when your Insanity Ellipse overlaps with a certain segment of the national media's paranoid Venn diagram, it cracks me a sandyeggo on the beach...LOL

Security Joan should have been the single. Now THAT'S the blues. Mose is smilin'

Search me now!

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 09:55:34, ET
Posted by: Paul Lynde , Palm Springs

Say Raj, Time to prepare when you get back for the all new "PALM SPRINGS FOLLIES" we have just the right part this year for our World traveler.


Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 09:43:05, ET
Posted by: Rajah , Citarella's

BEACON- 3/7/06

New Frontier
3rd WM
Home at Last
Brite Nitegown
[the thing we don't talk about]
H Gang
What I Do
Goodbye Look
Pretzel Logic
Viva Viva RnR

PQ - I wouldn't exactly categorize Newark's very entertaining post as a review. Fun, disjointed prose, yes; intelligible, not so much. "Achieving propulsion?" Sounds like getting 86'd from a bar. It succeeds at achieving propulsion of English grammar, though, it positively defenistrates it. Big words are our friends when used properly, unless we're content with using about 10% of the language like most of us use 10% of our brains.

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 09:26:28, ET
Posted by: The Real Mcoy , Twisted Knee Tx

By cracky Ol' Doc Mu fixed me up well
Mr. Tom Delay sent post haste his horse and I feel a lot better
Ol Doc Mu prescribed for a wild hair jims CRACK creme and potable wipes from preperation H it says here on the box gentle,everyday cleansing to reduce irratatation so it must be true and Ol' Doc Mu swears George W. from Crawford uses said medication.
Pep ee" Luke! Pa Peeta! get them chickens in!

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 09:24:14, ET
Posted by: Kid Clean , @work

"SD audience is desperately afraid of seeming uncool"

My picture is under the definition of uncool...

How cool is that?


Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 09:21:29, ET
Posted by: ygk , nyc

1981 Nightfly: Written/produced, not released.

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 09:20:17, ET
Posted by: viagra cialis , hard on city

i would like very much to eliminate from these boards as well as the planet the asshole who continues to post here about cialis and viagra. He (she) is as bothersome as i have ever seen. an attendee of both westbury and beacon...

no comparison...beacon fell apart, and we did not get donalds best. You can say whatever you want in defense of the situation, but after spending 400 bucks in total (2 shows, 2 tix each), I can safely say that wainright was waywrong for the, when they pulled out that microphone, it was like.....YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO who is comin out??? Then, even when it was someone i am unfamilair with, i said, "well, if its ok by DF, its ok by me...sorta...then, more spastic than joe cocker, and dressed like she belonged escaping in a service elevator, i shook my head. Then you all know what happened.

i will never forget COUNTERMOON,TOMORROWS GIRLS and especially TEAHOUSE from the Westbury show. I will never forget that the entie KAMA album was INGORED, instead we had to sit thru FM HOME AT LAST PRETZEL again...These are great tunes, but, for gods sake how many times will i have to sit thru them...

no interest in mcdonald and michaels work, he is truly an icon, but steely stands alone, belongs alone, and well....

off to sheilus

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 09:19:02, ET
Posted by: Me , Here

At every show I've been to, Fagen says that the Nightfly is from 1981. He must be thinking of when it was in the works.

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 09:03:49, ET
Posted by: Doc Mu ,

Is Dr. FAgen the best Wurly player ever or what? Turned a joke into a monster.

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 09:03:24, ET
Posted by: Question , NY

Did that NY Times review say that they played Security Joan? Or was I seeing things/reading it wrong?

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 08:55:08, ET
Posted by: Jon , At his yellow stripe

Beacon setlist any one? I'll be at tonight's show and would love a sneak peek. Thanks.

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 08:53:45, ET
Posted by: MF , etc.

Dear Freaks,
may anybody post the complete (and correct!) lyrics
of the whole album?
maybe someone, who has already got the album and the booklet...
It would be nice!

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 08:46:13, ET
Posted by: Doc Mu ,

PQ: "Newark"'s review of the show is better prose and more accurate 10 times better than the Times review. Rikki is one of the LEAST detached Steely songs along with Aay World. Clearly the solo output is different, and just to be anal - Nightfly was released in 1982, not 1981

H-Gang as a single is WARNER BROS. fault. Naturally. Pinheads.

hoops: Ban some of these reviews! ;-) In the case of artistic crisis, we'll lift 1st Ammendment rights

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 08:35:54, ET
Posted by: MARK , Home of the Rag

THANKS for the link!!!!!!!!!! Wow just in time for tonights show.
These new songs are great at first listen.

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 08:07:25, ET
Posted by: Club Hi-Ho , it's about dead space

Peter Q- Good idea. Go to the Yellow and STAY THERE!

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 07:50:28, ET
Posted by: PQ , NYC

Flip - that's a great line, more issues than a subscription to NG! LOL. Kudos.

Chrysler - no! That's not it. However, to clarify is going to lurch off into things that are way off topic here. Maybe we could it up on Pat's. But along those lines, Laura Singara wrote a very important review of the Beacon show in the NY Times today. I'd like to discuss it in detail later when I have more time, but again it's going to have to be on Banyan Trees.

She called Steely Dan "yacht rock"; bassically said the cool affectedness is a front; and said the SD audience is desperately afraid of seeming uncool. Also, made no mention whatsoever of Martha Wainwright.

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 07:47:42, ET
Posted by: Newark , Newark, MD

EN thats EN thats EN thats EN sorry

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 07:44:50, ET
Posted by: Newark , Newark, Md

Just a few notes about Tower show. We grabbed seats in the center Loge (first balcony) about 80 ft. back from stage. Kudos to the Tower, we found 69th street! If anyone who attended didn't see this band/performance as lustrous and synergetic, then they need to earbud themselves into an Eames chair, and never to go motor boating again. Fagen's voice is young and fresh; it was a thrill hearing him speaking and singing. Fagen's voice, in terms of message and sound) remains resilient and vital--he sustains a dynamic, kaleidoscope timbre. This observation should be extended to the other artists as well. My first impression was that these musicians love art and life. Period! Spring. Exclamation point. Stop. Or should I say, these artists love music. Stop.

Leaving the theatre, everything about the ending seemed an embark meant--perfect. We're in good shape, and so is Fagen. He turned us on to some world-class talent. Our first talk was noticing the high vitality of the individuals--especially the singing and woodwind and brass. Then our discussion shifted to analogizing performance(s) to what kind of underwear everyone was wearing: we didn't limit our sick analyses: no one in the design escaped our adulation: Who was wearing steel-grey new-silky-fiber matching mid-rise jockey and tee? g-string? nothing? white BVDs? silk boxers? boxer briefs? cotton boxers? panties? hehe. Leaving the theatre with our vitality increasing, we remembered the Heiney in the boot, to partake. (No the experience wasn't a butt fk. That's what publicists do to artists, unknowingly.

In reflection of the comments here, propulsive stands out. The band understand propulsion and achieve it brilliantly, on a dime, at the Tower. The masters seem to have a proclivity for propulsion. Fagen holds the reins: the statement shall exude rich textures. It's more. These guys understand and respect synergy--it is manicured in to an art statement. However, where the music flirted with jettisoning into pure improvisation, Fagen, harnesses it so that each piece wraps up fittingly. In a sense, integrity in the art form is upheld tight as a drum. Capture that propulsive urge on a disc, guys--keep the beats per minute around 140. It'll sell a lot of records and be listened to and danced to around the world. In other words, keep your secrets secret and Godspeed on your journey!

In further reaction to reflections and utterances here, I am evoked to say, "Don't bite the hand that feeds you." Only egos judge art in the public square--thus this humble offering: Some reflections here were just plain sweet and wise--to your credit. Some egos showed ignorance. This doesn't mitigate (whoo big word) the fact that our experience remains an "is" not a "was." Those who follow art can attest to this; the music is suzerain. I am at a loss for the word for sustained after-glow.

I mentioned earlier, before Tower a hope that the gods smile down everyone involved in this tour. My thoughts about the show 11 hours later are that, somehow, I felt that these masters were actually smiling down on the gods. However, there's not a chagrin among the troupe. There's wit at play here. Are these guys (wearing regular underwear) in a chariot at the circus maximus? Are they watching us and/or influencing the fate of mere humans?

Speaking of song list. I suppose that's what was on the piece of paper at the guitarists' feet on stage. That spoke to me. As well, I noticed Fagen took a few IBUs, or coughed. A little flu perhaps? He performed brilliantly and defied comments made here about his singing. I heard Fagan dynamically throwing on the raspies at will. Seal comes to mind for knowing how to add and take away raspies. Superb!

I'll address the lighting and sound in the Tower soon. Looking forward to Borgata. Before opening my trap, we're curious to compare the two venues. J&J

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 07:21:01, ET
Posted by: IDTC , PA

Chris Potter claimed in another interview, from 5 years ago, that he went back on the road with Dave Holland rather than Steely Dan because he wanted to play jazz; Potter then immediately emphasized that he had the greatest respect for SD's music, found it intriguing, complex and sophisticated (or words to that effect), but his main and enduring interest was in jazz improvisation, therefore his decision.

Ditto with Paul Motian vs. SD.

In NO WAY does Potter's choice imply that he considers the music of Steely Dan to be "relative dreck," which was clearly YOUR implication, Peter.

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 07:17:35, ET
Posted by: Flipkid , Blue State

"Flip - go back and look at your post where you said you agree with Mu. You posted that a musician plays on Mos Def's or Chris Botti's album to put a roof over their head, but they also jump at the chance to play 'good' music when they can. Thereby implying Mos Def and Chris Botti aren't good. Thereby further propogating the "I'm so sophisticated because I like Steely Dan and you, you simpleton piece of shit, you just like Chris Botti" school of thought."

Gee whiz, PQ, you appear to have more issues than a subscription to National Geographic. You win. I quit. You're right. I'm wrong. You rule. I suck.

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 05:47:43, ET
Posted by: Seth Plate ,

Now I know why I took the fall...

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 04:51:24, ET
Posted by: DWB , All 4 Music

here's XM radio show....
courtesy of the folks at google steely dan list...

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 02:49:48, ET
Posted by: hoops ,

The show was great but the bickering here and the negative statements posted lately are too much. Shape up folks or post else where. I can't take much more of this abuse.


Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 01:56:03, ET
Posted by: John , Upper Darby

New York Times review of performance at the Beacon Theater is up:

Steely Dan's Voice, Wry as Ever, if Less Sure

All best,

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 00:42:42, ET
Posted by: HousDanFan , somehwere

I hope The Royal Scam and Boston Rag make the cut....those were the two best tunes from 2000

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 00:12:43, ET
Posted by: Daddy G. , NJ

Didn't know if anyone might be interested in checking out these sites for...

Jack Teagarden:

NOTE: The Rooster posted that last one on saturday. It's for a Wal-Mart site where you can scroll down the page and click to listen to a sample of Teagarden's version of "Mis'ry and the Blues." All I did was convert the long URL to a tinyURL to make it less cumbersome.

Charlie LaVere:

And of course Chuck Berry:

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 23:52:50, ET
Posted by: The Bending End , Rhode Island

Wow! I've had a lot of catching up to do here. It started on my way home last night while still under the impression that MTC was to be released yesterday. Went to 3 stores before I Got The News.

I was thrilled to learn that the set has been opening with Here At The Western World, which I once performed on solo piano in front of an auditorium full of other piano students [generally about a 1/4 my age] and their parents. We have it on video. An almost-proud moment, but all the work didn't seem quite worth it, considering the pace at which I learn such things now.

The song always reminds me of a house of ill repute I once visited in Wheeling, WV, which had the secret password, "Seven dogs pissing on a wall." A less-proud moment, I suppose.

I'm releived to hear that there are at least a couple of others who have had trouble warming up to Kamakiriad. I keep thinking it will still happen for me, but considering the lack of attention it's been getting on the tour to date, it sounds like I don't need to be concerned with that right now.

Looking forward to tomorrow night's show at The Opera House.


Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 23:24:25, ET
Posted by: PQ , Brooklyn

Flip - go back and look at your post where you said you agree with Mu. You posted that a musician plays on Mos Def's or Chris Botti's album to put a roof over their head, but they also jump at the chance to play 'good' music when they can. Thereby implying Mos Def and Chris Botti aren't good. Thereby further propogating the "I'm so sophisticated because I like Steely Dan and you, you simpleton piece of shit, you just like Chris Botti" school of thought.

As I have pointed out to Paul with a clear example, this can cut both ways.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 22:56:11, ET
Posted by: Sly , Montreal, Quebec

Regarding the controversy about Martha Wainwright's performance in Donald Fagen's show at the Beacon Theater yesterday, I've found this mention (an old post in 2000) in Could be interesting to read it in this perspective...

BTW, I will be at the show in Ottawa Sunday. I'll post my impression as soon as I can...

Here's the post now...

= = = = = = = = = =

Oor interview

De : David de Graaf
Date : Ven 31 mar 2000 00:00
E-mail : David de Graaf <
Groupes :

A friend of my dad's just brought me the 'Oor', a Dutch music monthly.

Someone, I think Chris Smalt had pointed it out. As a sort of sour
thing from Boston, old and feeble, I don't get to read dutch magazines that often. The 5 pager is pretty representative of the other TAN interviews. In fact, the interview was done in NY.

As far as 'new' info, they are asked who they like 'now'. Naturally
they stress that they like jazz. They talk about Michael Leonart's
latest solo efforts, as well as Chris Potter's. When pressed for pop
references, Fagen mentions the last 'Beck' album, and Martha
Wainwright, doughter of Loudon and Kate McGarrigle.

"she does a song on the new McGariggle Sisters album called 'Year of
the Tiger.' "

Becker: "Yes, that is nice."

Fagen: "And she sent me some demos. A great singer. I expect that she will put out a new album this year..."

Becker: "If you think we are going to say something about hiphop or
heavy metal, you are wrong."

Needless to say, that ended the interview.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 22:52:45, ET
Posted by: Boston Rag , Boston Danfest: Poolhall Palooza '06

Hey Fagen fanatics!

Let's get ready to rock and roll.

We spoke to the club manager tonight and have a section reserved for the "Donald Fagen Danfest" from 4:00PM-8:00PM and 10:00PM to 2:00AM. The after-show Danfest will have NO COVER for us.
Just tell them you are part of the Donald Fagen Danfest.

Felt is 10 feet away from the Opera House. We can order drinks, appetizers or meals before and after the show. We'll see what we can do about getting some Steely Dan on the sound system too!

A lot of us have 5 Star tickets which are going to keep us busy before the show. We may or may not be able to hit the 4-8PM Wing Ding. We'll make up for it in the after-show party however!

This show is going to be incredible! Don always BRINGS IT when he plays Boston. The newly renovated Opera House has great sound too!

Viva Rock n' Roll!!!

Boston Rag


**The Poolhall Palooza**

Dandom Boston March 9, 2006
535 Washington Street
Boston MA
617.350.5555 <>

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 22:08:29, ET
Posted by: Eric ,

If I came across as sounding condescending in my last post, I sincerely apologize. I was thinking of a woman (the name escapes me) who posted in here who said she wished she could get to see Donald (she lives in England). I certainly have no right to tell others here how to feel, or act. My only hope is that everyone who does get to go has a good time. :-) I didn't get a 5 star package, but I got 6th row seats (a little off to the side). Not VIP. Still pretty darn good, and I can't wait for March 30th.


Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 21:59:01, ET
Posted by: Rajah , East of Eden

Tomorrow night we have reserved for Greg Allman. He is not the Don but close. Gretchen has always had a mad crush on Greg. I on Donald.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 21:57:48, ET
Posted by: Stevee33 , Jersey

I thought the Beacon show was WAy Good. I'd give it a solid 8.5.Third World Man was awesome!!!(gave me goose bumps).Pretzel Logic was great too. I just wish the guitar boys would take it home rather than the backup singers. The Martha thing was silly.But listening to some of you people,you would think Fagen shot somebody Quail hunting.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 21:38:50, ET
Posted by: RJ Squirrel , PA

I am not pissing all over Wainwright (I'm pretty sure I will never write those words again in my life), hell I never heard of her. But you must admit when you announce a special guest in the middle of a DF show (excitement builds) then a Lilith Fair type performs while DF was "...uncomfortable, awkward, playing his melodica off to the side.." there is a comic aspect to that, at least when I imagine the scene. But what do I know I never heard of "Arrested
Development" and didn't know Jim Belushi was on TV either.

Now if everyone agreed that would NOT be funny.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 21:20:45, ET
Posted by: Gretchen , still in NY

To anyone not in attendance who is bothered by peoples' impressions of last night's Beacon show: Donald is a genius. No one can touch him, I'd sit through 100 shows with Martha Wainwright just to hear Donald's brilliance. The show was not bad by any means, rather, it was just the Wainwright appearance that was a bit of a shock, especially after the band's performance of "Brite Nightgown" which was stellar, with Donald's and Jeff Youngs vocals impeccable. I sympathize with Martha, she was up against a very knowledgable and savvy audience so used to the perfection and grace which is the trademark of Steely Dan and it's principals.


Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 21:14:41, ET
Posted by: s , d

I think there only complaining about marthagate

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 21:11:58, ET
Posted by: Eric ,

To the person who calls himself "Do not bother to put down the show here", and to others who are complaining about Donald's shows so far, may I remind you that there are many many people overseas who won't get to see Donald at all. No, that is not your fault, but appreciate what you do have. There are many who have much less.
I'm one of the lucky ones who will get to see him in San Diego. I will treasure every minute of it.


Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 20:58:52, ET
Posted by: Flipkid , Blue State

"Numbah two, if you (and Flipkid) are calling people in Don's band sellouts and whores, I wonder if you would do so to their faces? Or could be that in the manic rush you and others have to congratulate yourself on your 'sophistication' on liking the Dan, you're missing the forest for the trees?"

Please don't misquote me, PQ. If you'll go back and actually READ MY POST, I never remotely insinuated that SD/DF musicians are "sellouts and whores." What I said was that they are professional musicians; that is, by definition they make their entire living by playing music. So, unless they find a single band/artist that tours and/or records 365 days a year, OF COURSE they're going to do session and/or tour work with whoever needs them at the time, and wind up playing a variety of different musical styles... some of which I like, some of which I don't.

As for me congratulating myself for my (ahem) 'sophistication' on being a Dan Fan, I've no need to. I've never cared one whit about how many other people like the same kind of music (or books, or TV shows, or politics) that I do. Just becuase I may be in the monority about a particular issue dosn't mean I'm "wromg" about it. I don't care if 50 other people like SD or 50 million other people like SD. I like them, and that's all that matters.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 20:48:49, ET
Posted by: THEFEZ98 , Boston

It sounds like the big complaint about the Beacon show is not so much about the artist but more about how it interrupted the FLOW of the show. If you have to have her then let her lead it off to give folks 5 more minutes to get psyched for Donald or maybe let her end it with her little Donald duo. Doing it on the backend allows folks to mosy out or hang and check it out. Just my thoughts but I thing FLOW to a list set is important for a good vs. great experience. I think we've all been to shows where for whatever reason there's a 5-10 minutes 'buzz kill'. Hopefully, we won't witness that tomorrow night ;) Ciao

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 20:39:19, ET
Posted by: Declan , memphis

If you people think catty, unclever attempts at pissing all over Wainwright are funny, well ... let's just say I know why Arrested Development is off the air, while Jim Belushi's show lives on.

And all hand-wringing! The show was "in Donald's town! Waah!" Please. Get over yourselves.

Good job on the schoolyard shit today, boys and girls, I'm glad you were able to take out whatever internal issues you have on a singer-songwriter who was a part of your lives for -- what, four minutes? -- last night. Good luck with that mindset.

I'm going to go put on "Kamakiriad" again. I'll let you guys get back to the whinefest.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 20:38:52, ET
Posted by: THEFEZ98 , Boston

I wasn't there last night but it sure sounds like Donald felt some of the 'bads vibes', especially in his hometown.

Boston show tomorrow night should be interesting. I'd like to hear him at least break out 'Security Joan', I've been playing Morph at work this week (a bit louder that permitted) and folks are saying "That's pretty good, I know that voice from somewhere." LOL

We hope to make it to The Felt for a few 12 oz. curls before the show. Be on the lookout for old, beatup MASS license plate THEFEZ on an equally beatup '96 SAAB convertible that stopped converting end of last Summer! 23 hours til showtime!

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 20:03:15, ET
Posted by: RJ Squirrel , Another perspective

I'm with Josey, this has been very funny stuff. And because no one knows why Donald included you know who that's what makes for all the speculation and wild conjecture (such as he's boinking her). Plus I think Rajah's point about Donald flipping past songs at 9:45 and being out of sorts after her song should not be discounted. If he wasn't comfortable with it he shouldn't have done it. I wasn't at the show so it's interesting getting the different takes.

Also I don't think we are going to hurt anybody's feelings - who the hell are we?

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 19:42:28, ET
Posted by: gina , 7th Ave

Martha Martha.
Just a bit o'perspective folks.
I missed last night's show due to my pesky chronic illness, and I would not have minded a five minute foray into the musical unknown. Like Hoops said, if Donald wants it part of his show, who the heck am I to complain....I'd be happy to give Don a chance to rest his voice, appease his wife, the record company, or whatever else the reason was for Martha's entrance into the proceedings. As long as it wasn't Martha Stewart singing, I got no problems. There are probably a dozen speculations on why Ms. Wainwright was asked to perform. We don't know the reason, so I just as soon not beat up on Donald, or his wife (boy, you'd think she was Yoko Ono with all these nasty comments)Consider yourselves LUCKY to have heard " The Goodbye Look" live,( who knows if I'll ever get to ever hear it) and call it a night.
I wonder how Frank Zappa fans felt about having to sit through "Do it again"......and they had no guestbook to vent on!

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 19:30:33, ET
Posted by: bwaySteve , Times Sq

Power Guitar Dan

I have made several posts over the years about having a Power Guitar Driven Dan on my wishlist. Last night I came about as close as ever to having one.It was interesting to see 2 players each able to take the task on, showcase their individual styles.Herrington seemed more relaxed .I was very impressed with his lyrical style .While I wouldn't consider his playing to have been flashy , he did some cool arpeggios , hammer-ons and open string play to make things interesting.There's something so relaxed and confident about Herrington's playing... and a sweetness.
Krantz has such a different approach.He is very aggressive and much more of a risk taker.I had a sense he was really attacking the instrument.I think after a time he will be more comfortable with this band enabling more of a flow to his playing.
Great guitar tones from both guys ...super clean overdrive.
They played the Pretzel Logic of my dreams last night, such a great progression to show off slides and bends .
The Power Guitar Dan has arrived. I hope I get to see a show that's a bit more nailed down before the tour ends.

Marthagate :

I thought Martha Wainwrights number was quite refreshing and if that's what it took to get an acoustic up there with the band so be it.I thought the band did a great job winging it with her .In NYC , WFUV is the only station playing this kind of music and Steely Dan on a regular basis.I think her performance was a nod to this market. There was so much excitement in the room I can understand the most carniverous fans getting a little twisted with the change in vibe.Fagen said there'd be some surprises.Remember Mindy Jostyn? I think Donald has respect for the troubador.
It was very cool to watch Herrington , arms folded, standing off to the side not playing, just watching her performance. I thought they provided a lovely ethereal arrangement to back her up with.

Last night's show was so unique.As wonderful as the performances were there was a refreshing roughness to it.I think the roughness /excellence duality is a great dynamic and adds tension and an elemnt of surprise to a show.Performances today are too slick and tweaked for my liking.

Country And Western World:

I hope you folks will have the opportunity to hear the reworked Mexicano Western World.To take a song so austere and moody and jack it up was so pretentious and diabolical a twist.After a few double takes , you are completely hijacked in to loving it.The odd thing is that the melody is sung almost exactly as the original just kicked up a few notches. A hoot !

There was a joyous feeling to this show and to the Fagen '06 Experience .
Yes I wanted to hear some Kama , more new stuff and have a show that went in to the wee hours but I left the Beacon feeling not at all ripped off.It was just the next stage of the miraculous return.
I sat among the grey haired , potbellied beer guzzeling weed tokers
with a huge smile on my face a tear in my eye with hopes for tomorrow.

Such a glorious time to be free...

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 19:18:46, ET
Posted by: Doc Mu , it'saboutf**ingtime

Finally, a review from someone who's actually halfway LISTENED to the entrie Morph album and kind of understands it! can usually be counted on

Morph the Cat
Donald Fagen | Reprise

By John Kelman

Sometimes tight-knit teams like Donald Fagen and Walter BeckerC3better known as Steely DanC3make it difficult to determine what each individual brings to the table. ItC-s no secret that Becker and Fagen have strong jazz sensibilities, not to mention an affection for Tin Pan Alley, having started out as staff writers for ABC Records before realizing their music was too sophisticated for the artists they were writing for. But FagenC-s previous solo albumsC3Nightfly (Reprise, 1982) and Kamikiriad (Reprise, 1993)C3and BeckerC-s 11 Tracks of Whack (Giant, 1994) suggest that Becker is the more acerbic and idiosyncratic of the pair.

ThatC-s not to say that FagenC-s new album, Morph the Cat, is filled with anything resembling joyous optimism. Fagen addresses topics like homeland security (C,Security JoanC.), the current administration (C,Morph the CatC.) and cults (C,Mary Shut the Garden DoorC.), as well as personal issues like impending mortality (C,Brite NightgownC.). The ghost of Ray Charles even shows up on the reharmonized minor blues of C,What I Do.C. Nor has Fagen lost his sardonic way with words. Who else could come up with a phrase like C,Rabelaisian puff of smokeC.?

But Fagen grooves just a little deeper on his own than he does with Becker, giving the darker subject matter a veneer that has you bopping your head along, even as he talks of alien invasion and deathC3a quality that has always made both his and Steely DanC-s albums so intriguingly paradoxical. Ignore the lyrics and the polished grooves are so infectious and the playing so tasty that FagenC-s sharp wit and rich jazz harmonies become obscured by the musicC-s sheer **visceral nature.** [damn straight]

The pieces are short-livedC3these are pop tunes after allC3but there are plenty of outstanding solos to keep the often six to seven-minute songs interesting. Walt WeiskopfC-s lithe tenor elevates the sneaky C,Black CowC.-like funk of the title track and the more uptempo C,H GangC.; FagenC-s melodica features on the down-and-dirty C,Mary Shut the Garden DoorC.; Marvin StammC-s trumpet carries the breezier C,The Great Pagoda of FunnC.; and Howard LevyC-s harmonica adds colour to C,What I Do.C.

Morph the Cat is also FagenC-s most guitar-centric recordC3in or out of Steely DanC3since the DanC-s classic Royal Scam (MCA, 1976). No less than six guitarists, including mainstays Jon Herrington, Wayne Krantz and Hugh McCracken, deliver everything from clean singing lines to grungy dirt and, on C,H Gang,C. a tone harkening back to the classic voice-box solo on C,Haitian Divorce.C.

ItC-s true that Becker and FagenC-s easy-on-the-ears approach has contributed to the evolution of todayC-s contemporary jazz radio stations, where the agenda is clearly C,jazz lite,C. and Morph the Cat will undoubtedly get airplay on these stations. But thereC-s always been something **more authentic and physical** about Fagen and Steely DanC-s records. In terms of product placement, Morph the Cat may be undeservedly lumped in with smooth jazz, but make no mistake: this is an album that deserves serious consideration for its topical lyrics, natural grooves, outstanding performances and, ultimately, sheer humanity.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 19:06:53, ET
Posted by: Jimbo ,

Look, bringing up Martha Wainwright, who is trying to make a name for herself in the music world, in a negative light is ridiculous. That's like a Star Wars fanatic saying that Anakin Skywalker should always be seenas Darth Vader and not as this complex, tragic character. I don't take these movies too seriously to the point that I don't have a life outside Mom's basement. (I have an apartment, thank you.)

To those who whine about the Martha incident, GET A LIFE, PEOPLE! Get out of Mama's basement and join the real world.

P.S. Did anyone listen to Fagen's XM special last night. The CD gets an A.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 18:13:13, ET
Posted by: paul ,

"He said the opportunity for musical creativity with Motian was so much greater that there was just no way"

Um, doesn't that prove what I was trying to say about SD still being a studio band? They leave some room for impromptu, but Don and Walt ultimately call the shots, and I think its safe to say that they're tough boss' to work for.

"What cnsititues Dreck is a matter of relativity"

Agreed.From ???@??? Thu Mar 09 09:36:45 2006Received: (jjmckay1@localhost) by (8.12.11) id k28NoknN046636; Wed, 8 Mar 2006 18:50:46 -0500 (EST)

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 18:12:13, ET
Posted by: OH yeah? ,

How about the exact quote PQ? He didn't exactly say that.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 18:11:07, ET
Posted by: Me , here

I hereby represent the loyal fandom by giving the Donald a pass on the Martha incident. As someone else posted, it was a few minutes and the show continued.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 18:08:32, ET
Posted by: PQ , NYC

Listen Paul, in a recent issue of Downbeat Magazine Chris Potter says flat out that, while he has a lot of respect for Steely Dan, he turned them down when they asked him to tour a second time because Paul Motian, one of the three or four greatest drummers ever, asked him to tour at the same time. He said the opportunity for musical creativity with Motian was so much greater that there was just no way. So this is a matter of degree. What cnsititues Dreck is a matter of relativity.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 18:01:50, ET
Posted by: paul ,

I don't know if that's what I originally sounded like, but I'm not calling anybody a sellout or whore, I could care less where Dan band members make their money; but I'm just not going to listen to something or like a genre "just because" a person associated with Steely Dan plays on some unrelated track or album. Ultimately, Don and Walt are still using musicians like they did in the seventies (after Pretzel), they use what/who works best for whatever feeling/effect/etc they are trying to create. Sometimes this means musicians who are most prolific inside the Jazz medium, sometimes it means musicians who spread themselves out, so to speak. Though they play live, SD is still a studio band.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 17:59:20, ET
Posted by: TJ , DK

I also want to thank for the breathe of fresh air from Hoops. I too have a lot of respect for Mr. Fagen. So much that I trust the guy artisticly and respect his decisions a 100%. Therefor, maybe one should see the Martha incident in a wider perspective instead of beeing rather narrow minded, when it comes to expectations.

Also I would like to take this opportunity to promote Marthas brother Rufus, who is one of the absolutely most talented musicians on the New York scene for advanced pop music right now, and probably the artist I have mostly been listening to in recent years, after you know who.

I got his four albums, and would like to recommend his latest two "Want One" and "Want Two" to anyone. I especially think these albums could be interesting for a great deal of the Dan community. Rufus Wainwright may not be that big on jazz, but his pop tunes are rather complex peices of music influenced by classical music, opera, cabaret and Tin Pan Alley. All of this without ever loosing it's immediate appeal. A lot like the Dan.

So to make a positive spinn on events, see this as an opportunity to get to know, if not Martha, then her brother Rufus Wainwright and his challenging and magical music.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 17:48:14, ET
Posted by: PQ , NYC

Numbah one young Paul, in the vast corridors of Dandom, I still hear people laughing over our little exchange when I asked you if you were 16 and you be said No, 18.

Numbah two, if you (and Flipkid) are calling people in Don's band sellouts and whores, I wonder if you would do so to their faces? Or could be that in the manic rush you and others have to congratulate yourself on your 'sophistication' on liking the Dan, you're missing the forest for the trees?

Numbah three, notice, hoochies, the RS Reviewer pointed out what I did, that Fagen DEFENSIVELY asked the audience "What?" DEFENSIVELY being his word, not mine.

Numbah fo, I posted here the day before the Beacon show that there was no way the Beacon would match the Westbury show. You can scroll back and look.

Numbah five,

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 17:47:40, ET
Posted by: Yes ,

Sure Hoops, And how about your spiel on fair use? Whatevah....

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 17:44:30, ET
Posted by: polly morphic , on the clock

hey gold teeth, check your tickets. boston show starts at 7:30.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 17:43:12, ET
Posted by: hoops ,

Thanks for posting Gold Keith, as always, don't worry about double-posting or not. It's good news to read and I even post stuff again to be sure.

I'm not saying you have to like the Martha Wainwright thing and feel free to say so in decent terms.


Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 17:42:59, ET
Posted by: Josey , St. Simons Island

Today has offered some wonderfully entertaining posts! Love it when Donald and or Walter give us something to chime in about. Otherwise, we're beating the shit out of what time signature 2VN is. This "Marthagate" stuff is hilarious! Maybe I'm just high or easily amused - or both.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 17:36:27, ET
Posted by: Declan , memphis


Some of you people are pretty sad.

Weak, Dandom. Weak.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 17:30:27, ET
Posted by: GRECO , CHI-TOWN

"stampede of drunkards trampling us to relieve themselves of weak beer whenever Walter took the mic'

We used 2 call this a "Walter Becker Break." Back in 2000, 10 of my friends & I followed the Dan in the Midwest, everytime Walter sang we ran 4 the washroom 2 relieve ourselves.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 17:27:49, ET
Posted by: gold teeth , boston

Hello Again,
Thanks the tip to Scroll down to bottom it took about 10 mins to find the answer of DF Stage time so in the Interest of others that are also time sensitive he was on Onstage at
8:15 and played for 2 hours straight..other reading observations from below...
Pls take note to arive Prior to curtain as you will be
royally ripped the next day here for having seated yourself in the middle of a song.
No matter what the possible excuse
Additionally if you happen to be Surfing as was I and decide to contibute by posting a review that had been posted Hours before please don't attempt at such a selfless thing or a (sophisticat) will proudly provide a level of superiority via a dope slap.
Now for a you all that do develop a sense of community and ease on Fan Obsessed Pages and also probably stop traffic to move windblown barrels and hold doors for old people and other meanial tasks
(like myself) take comfort we do make the world a better place .

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 17:22:08, ET
Posted by: Bob , Marthagate

Oh by the way, could you tell I thought the Martha Wainright song screwed up the show. Wear black and sing Fagen songs, or at least flash us your midriff.

I meant Donald before.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 17:18:57, ET
Posted by: Bob ,

Hoops' opinion a breath of fresh air? C'mon! The express train known as "The Donald Fagen Band '06" was running 90 minutes from NY to Paris until Martha threw herself on tracks, derailing the train. All of us along for the ride were thrown on our asses into our seats. The whole thing would have moved along more smoothly if Doinald had invited a bunch of bucket boys in from the street for a song.

Donald! How could you!???

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 17:11:24, ET
Posted by: Joey ,

" The FBI may be an incompetent, arrogant, bumbling bureaucracy, but if we do one thing well, it's calling Steely Dan Internet geeks out on their grammatical gaffes.

The subject of the sentence is us - clearly plural - therefore, "were" ("to be," first person plural, simple past tense) would be preferable to "was."

Bless You --- I certainly hope you enjoyed last evening's performance at the Beacon .

You are much loved by The Joey .

Joeykins ( Waiting for The Dan ) !

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 17:08:56, ET
Posted by: Yes , Sir

gold teeth- Pay attention now. The link for the Rolling Stone review was already posted today.

Kama in 5.1 is great!!!

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 17:05:10, ET
Posted by: gold teeth , boston

From Rolling Stone Online Below

Steely Dan Man Makes N.Y. Return

The last time Steely Dan frontman Donald Fagen performed at New York's Beacon Theater was in 1991 with the "New York Rock and Soul Revue," an informal collective of musicians that included Boz Scaggs and Michael McDonald. Tuesday night, some fifteen years later, the singer and keyboardist came home.

While Fagen is promoting his third solo album, Morph the Cat out March 14th, the crowd -- fans armed with briefcases, binoculars and Blackberry handhelds -- was eager for their Steely Dan favorites. And Fagen did not disappoint, performing a varied set list of what he announced would be "three bold [solo] albums and stuff from the Steely Dan files."

Backed by a nine-piece group of ace session musicians, Fagen opened with the obscure Steely Dan tune "Here at the Western World," made livelier thanks to drummer Keith Karlock's lock-step groove. But with Steely Dan cohort Walter Becker absent, Fagan stuck mostly to solo tunes for the first part of the show. Among the highlights were the relaxed cocktail-jazz of "The Nightfly," the futuristic jazz-funk of "New Frontier," and the new numbers "H-Gang" and "Brite Nightgown."

When, midway through, Fagen announced a special guest, Walter Becker would've been a likely guess. But surprisingly, Canadian singer-songwriter Martha Wainwright (sister of Rufus, daughter of Loudon) strolled out onto the stage to perform what Fagen jokingly called a "scary song," her own sultry slow-burner "Year of the Dragon," with Fagen on melodica. The audience, however, couldn't make the leap, and after Wainwright left the stage, a defensive Fagen asked the audience, "What?"

But the mood quickly picked up as the band launched into the perennial Dan favorite "FM." The group stretched the song into a nice groove -- until the bandleader raised his arm to signal the end, a gesture he made to close out nearly every tune.

Throughout his career, Fagen has always preferred the secluded confines of the studio to exhausting tour schedules, but he appeared relaxed and confident with the intimate setting. At the conclusion of the reggae-tinged "The Goodbye Look," from his solo album Kamakiriad, he deadpanned, "We be master-jammin'."

During most of the two-hour concert, the fifty-eight-year old Fagen was exuberant. For the encore, he whipped out the bluesy classic "Pretzel Logic," the oldest Dan tune performed that night. When he crooned "These things are gone forever/Over a long time ago," you could hardly hear him as the baby-boomers jubilantly sang along and clapped their hands. And while the crowd noise never achieved the deafening level of shrieking Beatles fans at Giants Stadium, what more could you expect from this audience? Baby boomers need to get up early for their morning commute.

And while the crowd noise never achieved the deafening level of shrieking Beatles fans at Giants Stadium (suspect) goldteeth

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 17:03:27, ET
Posted by: paul ,

Thank you, TJ!
That's just what I was unsuccessfully trying to say.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 17:02:05, ET
Posted by: paul ,

I know the weather is fucking horrible today, but you people must really love complaining. I realize many of you spent a lot of money to go see the Beacon, and all of you had your hopes up, and most were quite disappointed by the Special Guest and performance afterword, but puh-leeze...took me about a half hour read all of todays comments and they just made me angry/upset...Except for the brief breathe of fresh air from Hoops.

PQ, I agree with your little shpeel about SD musicians crossing with genres labeled here as "dreck". But I still say they're dreck. Even if Jon Herrington would play a solo for say, The Black Eyed Peas, their drivel would still make my ears bleed. Carlos Santana has done some guitar playing for some misc Pop/Rock bands of this century, and even though I love his playing, I hate the songs he plays in.

Now I'm going to go work on my crazy hat for Chi-town and when I come back you'd all better be good little boys and girls, okay?

Peace out.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 17:00:56, ET
Posted by: Josey , St. Simons Island

Gold Teeth - scroll down this page and you'll eventually start to see all kinds of the information you're looking for.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 16:53:11, ET
Posted by: gold teeth , boston

Can I have the Details of when he has HIT THE STAGE
If there are any opening band/artist , Break and Offstage time
Many Thanks (I have to give a ride to someone in Cambridge later that that evening)

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 16:52:18, ET
Posted by: gold teeth , boston

Can I have the Deatails of when he has HIT THE STAGE
If there are any opening band/artist , Break and Offstage time
Many Thanks (I have to give a ride to someone in Cambridge later that that evening)

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 16:48:48, ET
Posted by: gold teeth , boston

Long time fan never saw them Like a lot of us from the 70's
Looking to seeing Donald

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 16:48:35, ET
Posted by: Boston Rag , Rod Serling

Rajah and Gretchen - If Greg Allman trots out Rufus Wainwright in the middle of tomorrow's ABB set, you'll know you've officially entered The Twilight Zone.

Mark in Boston

Hoops - C'mon man. This kind of discussion is healthy. It just highlights how rare and special these Fagen gigs are.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 16:47:02, ET
Posted by: TJ , DK

Living in Denmark, where the Dan dropped by 6 years ago for the first and probably only time, I just want to remind everybody how freaking lucky you are, that you actually get to see Donald Fagen play live!!!

Who cares if Martha "stole" a tune or he didn't play this or that song, or played 10 minutes shorter than expected??

Get some perspective on things and stop whining!!!

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 16:42:57, ET
Posted by: nytfligh ,

When you already have the fabulous Cindy and Carolyn already onstage, why do u need Martha? Especially when Ms. Mizelle's vocals on the outro of "Teahouse" make you want to hear more of her.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 16:27:39, ET
Posted by: Doc Mu ,

Dan: I like the DVD-A stero mix better than the 5.1 in general and especially in this case - way more organic and less flat. Donald said he will remix Kama. Really needs it to open the thicket of layered percussion. Plus the vocals are too low in the mix, the bass isn't quite right nor the drums.

The mix is an area where MTC excels. VERY clever arrangements on the bridges, instrumental breaks, outtros, etc. especially from What I Do through Mary. soooo p***sed I mis some of Funn on XM...


IN 2003, the band and Donald nailed the entire first set but the acustics sucked and the amps were turned up to "eleven." or a stampede of drunkards trampling us to relieve themselves of weak beer whenever Walter took the mic...hey, a lot of songs on tour this time haven't ever been played or rarely played live previously. It's all Good.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 16:24:24, ET
Posted by: SD77 , Calif

I have to wait for the Temecula show to see Donald.I have a 5 star for soundcheck.I only want to see DF and the band.But if he brings someone else as a guest I will be opened minded about it.I have seen SD 7 times never disapointed.I feel bad the show seemed to hit the skids for some of you.But just try to be supportive of that person on stage.If DF would have brought her out first maybe the show would have more positives.I love DF his music and style cut him some slack.Enjoy the shows. sorry for any typos

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 16:17:29, ET
Posted by: Mr. Blackwell and the late Lester Bangs , no turn unstoned

Martha Wainwright appears to be about 30 years of age, statuesque, sturdily built but certainly not zoftig, a very attractive woman. She could have assimilated more easily into the palette of the band by emulating either the gentlemans' black T and jeans look or by mirroring Carolyn or Cindy's chic, casual sleek, therefore making her more at one with the band, more palatable to the audience, strangers for the most part, most of whom are meeting her for the first time.

The song she chose to grace us with was dirge-like, wan, and mordant. Donald complimented the melody such as it was as best he could with the melodica, fleshing out certain melodic elements in it that were very nondescript at best. Did he produce this song? We are left only to wonder. Sad is it may be, had we known Donald's connection to this offering, we would have listened with a more collective open mindedness. As it was, it could not help but run retrograde to the rest of the evening up to that point which explains the cool reception Wainwright was afforded.

It isn't fair to judge Ms. Wainwrights talents or abilities based on last night's performance. She was out of her element, at an unfair disadvantage before arguably the most critical audience on this tour. If any party is to blame it is her management and Donald's judgement.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 16:17:05, ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher , Louisville, KY

Even in the great 5.1 surround mix, Kamakiriad is just a (relatively) weak album because of the way it was recorded in my opinion. The whole thing doesn't sound organic and natural. For example, instead of a Fender Rhodes a lot of the time Donald uses really annoying fake keyboards (Florida Room). There's a fair bit of stuff that sounds like Donald's damn MIDI keytar and there's some downright odd sounding drums (Countermoon). The songs may be good (though I am not very partial to Countermoon or the majority of Springtime though the intro is great), but the whole thing sounds too synthesized and fake in the studio. Production and instrumentation like we have on Morph would have really brought Kama to life I think.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 16:12:25, ET
Posted by: Napoleon , UK

Hi everyone. Just wanted to share a strange little, Steely Dan related, coincidence that happened to me today... I was driving to the shops and, just as I popped Morph' in to my car stereo, this shabby ginger cat ran out in to the road and nearly became a feature of my wheel tred! I laughed out loud to myself cos of the irony. Luckily I didnt hit it but it just goes to show how dangerous and prophetic Don's new album is. To make things evn stranger I nearly morphed the cat just few feet away from "my old school".

Anyone interested in reviews should check out Uncut magazines review of Morph. They rewarded it with five stars and called it a classic!

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 16:10:44, ET
Posted by: Mark & Marie , NJ

Lady B - I know I yell out requests at concerts to counter all the stupid requests.

Let me explain - at New Brunswick, there were a lot of requests being yelled, such as Aja, Peg, Do It Again, Reelin in the Years, etc. Sitting in Row A at the time, I was getting the perpective that Fagen was getting irritated. As you know, Fagen seemed to cut New Brunswick short. I couldn't help but think the crowd pushed him along. So, when we were at Westbury, I yelled Morph, Mary Shut the Garden Door, so Don would know the fans wanted to "hear his solo music" - that afterall was the purpose of the tour.

I agree, at Westbury, Freebird was comic relief, because it was so riduculous, but there were the "Do It Agains" from the crowd.

Having not been at the Beacon, but from the posts, it sure does sound like the crowd was getting on Don's nerves? Maybe? Since the show was cut short?

So at the Borgata, I think I'll yell a few Morphs, just so Don knows I want to hear "his solo music".


Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 16:10:07, ET
Posted by: Martha Wainwrong , crap

Mark (Boston Rag)- Who's making up the "Martha-Gate" T-Shirts? They should be selling them starting in Boston tomorrow night.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 16:03:24, ET
Posted by: Freedom of Speech , Broadway & 74th Street

Gretchen- I couldn't have said it any better. The night started out great and hit a skid when that lady left the stage. I'm sure this wasn't DF's idea (HELLO LIBBY!!!). You're right, NYC should have been the killer show and it missed because of a bad decision. The Westbury show was still the best. Hey, Westbury is in New York...isn't it?

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 16:03:16, ET
Posted by: Beacon ,

The Beacon was my third show of the tour, and yes it was way too short. It actually started off as being the best show so far (that's saying a lot since Westbury was the BOMB!), but Martha really interrupted the momentum and vibe. I'm sorry, but her wailing was really annoying and it was just a bad fit all the way around. Not only that, it meant fewer DF songs. I agree with Gretchen, it wasn't the same after her performance. Donald even seemed to be thrown off, thus ending the show early. Thank god it was a one-off! Marthagate! LOL

Regarding the ending of Morph Reprise, I thought it was "borrowed" from Blood, Sweat and Tears' "And When I Die"... quite appropriate for an album about death, huh?

I don't know how many times it can be said here, but if you are not a Kama fan, you have not heard the DVD-A mix. It went from a 3 to a 9 in my book. I gotta think that the soon-to-be-realeased remix may be even better...

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 16:01:23, ET
Posted by: s , c

lets ease up on the marthagate.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 15:59:11, ET
Posted by: If it weren't for Libby Titus, DF would , still be an Upper East Side recluse

So if Libby wanted Martha to sing a song at the Beacon, you should be more than happy to oblige. Don't be so selfish.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 15:53:55, ET
Posted by: beaubo , Back in Cleveland!

First and foremost, kudos to David and Gretchen for their effort and hospitality. That terrific food and booze spread really merited a more collective financial contribution, but I'll thank you kindly anyway!

I enjoyed the show, as expected. It was a bit short, considering the amount of material available to DF. I NEVER get sick of 'FM'!!!!

I guess I'm gonna have to listen hard to the new CD. 'H Gang' was easy on the eats, probably because of the familiarity of the melody/hooks. The 'Ray Charles dialogue song' had a bit too much minor keys for my taste.

The Martha cameo was much a do about nothing, IMHO. She came, she sang, she split, 5 minutes out of my life. Obviously, I'm hoping that those 5 minutes didn't cut into DF's stage time, but it's done, I'm over it!

The lack of KAMA songs really perplexed me. I mean, DF has 3 solo albums, not 13. So, its not like he was overly intimdated by his song slection choices!!! While I really like '3rd World Man', clearly 'In The Dunes' would have fit the same niche for a smoldering slow song.

Oh well, enough armchair rockstarring for me.

I appreciate everyone taking the time to allow me to introduce myself at the party, and being reassured that I am NOT ALONE!!!

Enjoy the rest of the tour!


Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 15:48:11, ET
Posted by: Josey , St. Simons Island

I mean, Gretchen's review is priceless! "THEN IT HAPPENED" - maybe it's the time of day or something I had for lunch, but that damn sure hits my funny bone!

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 15:46:31, ET
Posted by: LadyBayside , here

I never understand why any true fan would go to a Dan or Don concert and yell out 'requests'. First, anyone who has any familiarity with Donald knows that he is not the kind of performer who would be responsive to that.

But yet...last night, tons of people were yelling out requests, including some guy who came down the aisle to the front and repeatedly kept yelling "Do It Again, Donald" as if Donald was going to listen to him. Oy. Honestly, if you COULD get a request in....that would be it? But happened at Westbury, but for some reason, maybe it was the comic relief of the person who yelled "Free Bird"..he found it funny.

Last night's show just had a different tone.

I am looking forward to the next 'set surprise'..I do like that he's been changing it up a bit.

As for Martha...I wasn't so opposed to what she is, but who she is not. And for the record, she did 'eat' up a goodly portion of the soundcheck. I was looking forward to Misry and the Blues, because even though they didn't rehearse the whole thing, Donald did go through a small part of it to fine tune it.

Just goes to show..we have to go to more than one concert to get the full Don experience.


Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 15:46:14, ET
Posted by: Josey , St. Simons Island

Reading all of these reviews re: Marthagate is getting to be so damned entertaining that I'm going from the relief of having not been subjected to it to now hoping she'll be on the rest of the tour!!

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 15:33:26, ET
Posted by: Doc Mu ,

Any review that claims same 'ol same 'ol on MTC clearly never got to the instrumental break on Brite Nitegown or funny exit. woah!


Crap, the XM feed just went out during the brilliant intro to Pagoda!...damn, at least I'll have the disc + DVVD-A Tuesday...

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 15:28:15, ET
Posted by: Gretchen , I Love NY

Looking out my window at the beautiful NY skyline, listening to someone upstairs softly playing piano, I have to say that I feel better in this great city than anywhere I've ever been. Frenetic as it may be, NY imparts a sense of calm and comfort to me. New York has always reminded me of Steely Dan, when I'm here I always have their music in my mind. Naturally, I was looking forward to the Donald Fagen Band last night, thinking it would epitomize the New York/Dan/Fagen experience, like Roseland did almost three years ago.
Thanks to all who made it to our pre and post party, it was lots of fun and I wish only we could do that more often. Thanks especially to the late night crew, with whom we had great conversation into the early hours of this morning!

Anyway, on to the show. Donald looked great, seemed to be in top shape healthy and handsome. Western World was a wonderful, uplifting version of the song, Donald sounded spectacular. Nightfly was clear as crystal, Donald morphed effortlessly into Lester, clearly enjoying the experience. Greenflower Street was superb, classic, with a vibrant triple ending no one expected. New Frontier and Third World Man were beyond expectation, and my all time favorite, Home At Last, was elegant and smooth, I was loving the sophisticated version of it and would gladly hear it at every show.
Everyone has already made it clear how Marthagate went down. Did anyone else get a sinking feeling in their stomach when this performer walked on stage as "special guest" after suspecting it might be Walter??? What a downer.......
I felt very sorry for Donald. He looked uncomfortable, awkward, playing his melodica off to the side while Ms. Wainwright performed. This was supposed to be HIS show, HIS band, why did he have to be interrupted by someone who was far more Lilith Fair than Fagen cool?
It was an unwelcome intrusion, the song was depressing, and it took the air out of the rest of the show. Wainwright's style is far removed from Donald's, I won't say more.
When poor Donald sat back down at his keyboard, he looked annoyed, dejected, like a kid who wakes up on Christmas morning to no presents. It certainly did not seem like his doing, and for the rest of the show he seemed not to be as enthusiastic. Somehow the shock of the guests performance placed a dark cloud over the show for me, it was like a musical slap in the face. Nothing against Donald, again, it doesn't seem like his idea and he looked irritated and downcast throught the remainder of the show, despite a rousing and satisfying version of Goodbye Look, and a cool and sexy What I Do.
What really took the cake was the reappearance of Ms. Wainwright during the encore! Totally out of sync, out of place on this stage with such talented and experienced performers.
I'm sorry it was ruined for Donald in his town, your fans love you.
See you in Chicago.

I'm just sorry it was ruined for him, in his town.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 15:25:31, ET
Posted by: Doc Mu , can't fight

Brite Nitegown on XM Cafe NOW. WOW!

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 15:24:25, ET
Posted by: Doc Mu , forgotthepoint

Brite Nitegown on XM Cafe NOW. WOW!

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 15:22:27, ET
Posted by: Me , here

The skinny on Martha

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 15:21:53, ET
Posted by: Doc Mu , forgotthepoint

RS Review: " "The Goodbye Look," from his solo album Kamakiriad,"

What? What?

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 15:17:40, ET
Posted by: Grammar FBI , A freedom- (but not grammar-) loving country

Sorry Joey,

The FBI may be an incompetent, arrogant, bumbling bureaucracy, but if we do one thing well, it's calling Steely Dan Internet geeks out on their grammatical gaffes. And on this count, Joey, you are wrong.

Prof. Paul Brians, one of this blessed nation's most prominent grammarians, will clear things up for you:

"ThereC-s a lot of disagreement about this one. C,NoneC. can be either singular or plural, depending on the meaning you intend and its context in the sentence. C,None of the pie is leftC. is clearly singular. But C,None of the chocolates is leftC. is widely accepted, as is C,None of the chocolates are left.C. If itC-s not obvious to you which it should be, donC-t worry; few of your readers will be certain either." (See

Let's look at the sentence again: None of us were introduced to Steely Dan by having it interrupt someone else's concert that we attended.

The subject of the sentence is us - clearly plural - therefore, "were" ("to be," first person plural, simple past tense) would be preferable to "was."

Now if you're done carping, I've got a boxes of tapes of your phone conversations to parse for grammar.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 15:16:57, ET
Posted by: hoops ,

Rajah and Gretchen. Thanks for the wonderful time. It was great seeing everyone before hand and thanks for making it possible and so special. A lot of efforst was put into it and I'm sure it wasn't cheap either. Thank you very much.


Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 15:15:57, ET
Posted by: hoops ,

Marthagate? Give us a break. I'm not saying everyone should like it but when people post on and on with this kinda vibe it hurts this place and the fandom in general in the long run. You know, some of the players look at venues like this and when people are overthetop like that it just places more distance out there. Cut the bad attitude.


Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 15:11:58, ET
Posted by: hoops ,

First of all, what IS with the nasty vibe today? Part of the reason there's anon posting here so people can have their thoughtful views considered without the context of a personality. It's not so some of you can hide behind it or post under multiple names to make it look like "Me, Myself and Irene" all agree.

I thought the show was fantastic and, despite the cost and effort, I was glad I made it. I had a great time and the band was hot.

Clearly, Donald wanted us to experience this lady perform for all sorts of reasons. If Donald wants me to consider something, given his musical track record with me, then I will, with an open mind as to what DF wants me to get out of it.

To be sure, I'm sure that she was there because she is friends with Donald and his wife, and yes, it did cause a break in the show but I think that was expected.

During Martha's performance, I was struck how her body moved and she seemed to be entirely into the performance: she came across as very genuine performer. I was also struck by Donald's melodica playing. I really enjoyed that on the '92 and '93 tours. It was good to get a glimpse of that again. I own nothing by any Wainwrights but will check out this release when it comes.

I also thought of Wainwright's performance as sort of DF's 5 minute vocal intermission. Rather than clear stage for 20 minutes between two 40 minute sets, Donald had someone else perform. Van Morrison used to do this--he'd have his daughter, Shana, and his son-in-law Brian Kennedy come out and single two or three of his songs to give his vox a rest during his close to 2 hour shows. Then too many people whined, so now he just does 75 --maybe 90--minutes tops. So maybe you folks

Overall, with changing setlist, this is somewhere between Steely Dan and Dylan or the Dead in terms of keeping the same setlist versus mixing it up. So everynight it will be a little different. Why not? And then some of you complain DF's not spontaneous.

Donald's up there with this whole new gig in part because he wants to "play just what he feels" (and hopefully not drink Scotch Whiskey all night long and die behind the wheel..."

Joey, StAl and others say it's better to wait for SD to tour. I can't imagine not wanting to experience all the possible variations these DF shows, offer, if nothing else than to better understand DF's place in the context of the greater third person, Mr. Steely Dan. I think seeing at least one of these shows is essential.


Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 15:08:15, ET
Posted by: RJ Squirrel , Various

Marthagate day 2 - sounds like a bad surprise but was she good looking? What was she wearing? How old is she?

Great call whoever that was about the last 5 notes of MTC Reprise = first 5 notes of IGY. I was wondering why the MTC reprise didn't just fade out as Morph sauntered down the street, so to speak. Pretty damn clever.

Speaking of MTC, on the first track at about 5:31 it sounds like Donald is saying "watch the sky, watch the sky" in the background. Anybody else hear that?

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 15:06:24, ET
Posted by: bwaySteve , Times Sq

Post graduate groove construction :

The high point of last night's show for me was Brite Nightgown.Funk grooves are sync-lock affairs that look better on computer monitors than on sheet music.I would imagine that they are very difficult to pull off live and require tremedous patience and teamwork to do so.This song was a funk monster .Ideally they can be stopped dead with great effectiveness and how do you end something which seems to posess a life of its own ? Fagen decided to allow this one to self annhilate into a spasmotic ,atonal, catelepsy which was truly awe inspiring.
It was the time in the show when Herrington and Krantz really worked well together.
The friggin' seats at the Beacon were so narrow you could hardly react physically to this incredible music.

( i really need to lose a few pounds by summer)

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 15:00:30, ET
Posted by: HouDanFan , Houston

Well said Flatbush.

I like KAMA, but to me, Trans Island is the only song on that album that has that classic SD sound. To me, Nightfly sounds very different from the SD sound also. Great album anyway though. Now to me, Morph sounds more like SD. Was that Walter's influence when they recorded in Hawaii?

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 14:52:24, ET
Posted by: Me , Here

Thanks for posting the RS review.

Keith Karlock? Well Krusty The Klown did play with Sting in '69.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 14:50:06, ET
Posted by: Danfiend , Chicago, Unfortunately

There are 10 days to go until Chicago but it seems like an eternity.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 14:49:10, ET
Posted by: heymike , dugout that my dad built

I'm staying at the Palmer House (next to Millers and a good deal on hotwire $95) on the 18th. Anyone else staying there?

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 14:45:12, ET
Posted by: Flatbush Chuck , Brooklyn, USA

First time poster, privileged to be in your company.

Was at the Beacon last night (the 10th or 11th time I've seen DF/SD live since that Bottom Line gig in '91). All that matters to me this morning is that last night I heard FIVE numbers from The Nightfly-- three of which I'd never heard live, and had pretty much come to expect I never would-- rendered in a manner that fed the head and heart. What the hell do I have to complain about?

I understand the grumblings about Martha on the grounds that she displaced DF material (it WAS a short show). But I found her number intriguing enough, at least on first hearing; and sonically she provided the sort of textural contrast that you don't otherwise get in a SD show (spareness, acoustic instrumentaion, a break in the polish).

And I too would like to hear some more Dan chestnuts finally make their stage debut. Are they EVER gonna do Doctor Wu?

I feel most for KAMA fans-- a complete shutout. But then (and here's where I risk pissing off anybody who's still reading) I'm not much of a KAMA fan. And listening to Fagen sing the marvelous melodic vocal lines from The Nightfly last night reminded me why. The harmonic/melodic richness that was at the core of what made SD music not merely slick but so durably substantive, seems to me to be largely sacrificed on KAMA for an obsession with ultra-slick rhythmic grooves (in an interview from the period, I recall, he conceded as much). The fact that the obvious exception, On the Dunes, actually dates from '84 or so just underscores the point. KAMA indeed strikes me as Fagen's mid-life crisis: he'd been coaxed from his solitary demons by the warmth of communal musicianship (Rock & Soul Review) built around the comfort of familiar riffs & communal grooves.

Or somethin' like that.

I'm not remotely suggesting KAMA's a bad album-- it's just fine by aggregate standards. But to me it's a very constricted DF album.
And the sci-fi gambit as a metaphor for mid-life adventure seems to me a bit forced and uncompelling (obviously, this could be my failing). The Nightfly, by contrast, coheres perfectly for me as a richly-but-not-corrosively ironic piece of 1950s-early '60s "nostalgia" brought to life by dazzlingly crafted, allusive-but-not-derivative music nurtured on period bebop and standard pop. It ranks for me with ANY SD album. KAMA doesn't. (I'm quite taken by 11TOW, by the way.)

Anyway, my two cents.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 14:34:41, ET
Posted by: DWB , Meow Mountain

Rolling Stone review of last night...

site loads slow

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 14:19:28, ET
Posted by: ygk , nyc

Ask LadyB: she was front row left


Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 14:18:33, ET
Posted by: bwaySteve , Times Sq

When I arrived at work today one of my co worker said, " What's with your boy Fagen, his condescending scowl looking down from the huge sign over the entrance to the Lincoln Tunnel scared the crap out of me. What's he so pissed off about ?"
WE who consider ourselves true fans can understand the joy behind the mask.Last nights show left you wanting more but who among us can ever get enough ?
Thanks to Raj and G for their kind hospitalitude which made the night even more special.
Rajah did a great job summing up the night for me too. I am in a swoon at these shows.
An altered state was experienced by all.Putting on a show like this one must be a very complex undertaking and I personally am very forgiving for what might have come off as a work in progress.

It was...

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 14:14:50, ET
Posted by: PQ , NYC

After Martha left the stage and the band came back on, when Don sat at the keyboard, and shrugged his shoulders and gave a "What, what?" to the people in the very front rows. It was clearly visible and auudible. Wonder what they said to him?

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 14:13:08, ET
Posted by: c , c

Just use marthagate as a bathroom break

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 14:11:06, ET
Posted by: Joey ,

" Should be:
None of us were introduced to Steely Dan by having it interrupt someone else's concert that we attended. "

Dude ......

It SHOULD be :

None of us WAS introduced to Steely Dan by having it interrupt someone else's concert that we attended.

" The quality of the grammar police just ain't what it used to be."

Got that right !!!!!!!!

" A syntactician can't set foot in those parts without constantly looking over his shoulder. "

*** { SIGH } ***

Joe Sea Scroll !

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 14:10:40, ET
Posted by: Doc Mu , forgotthepoint

KidC: LOL Too much Count Chocula will give you a Brite Nightmare! Aja got 2 1/2 stars from Rolling Stone in their initial review way back when...

YGK: Simon sez [insert sarcasm icon here] Obviously - who would really WANT to play Clay Aiken if payola wasn't involved?

Raj: Donald was clearly bribed by a few visits to the Great Pagoda of Funn

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 14:08:38, ET
Posted by: MARK , Home of the Rag

Alkali and HousDanFan,
What you guys said!

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 14:01:49, ET
Posted by: Alkali , NYC

You know, IC-m really not sure if Fagen is obligated to his attending audience in the regard of playing more or less of his solo material, or to take the advice of a few voicestorous front rowers for that matter.
He omits some songs changes others around and keeps each performance fresh.
An artist must feel the moment; it doesnC-t rely exclusively on what others expect.
I for one donC-t paint or draw one little speck of out anotherC-s wishes.
Ultimately, it IS this same audience who buy my work but, it in no way diminishes my artistic style, vision or whatever you want to label my artistic effort.
So maybe he didnC-t play what you wanted exactly, he may next time.
The only obligation he has to we the fans is to put on a good performance; and in my opinion and for my money, he did just that.
IC-ll admit that when Martha Wainright showed up last night the flow of the concert did stutter and spurt a bit but, I think it went right back to almost perfect soon there after.
Someone posted their disgust of her performance by asking something to the effect of
C,What is he fucking her?C.
Again, I donC-t think anyone tells Fagen what to do or who to have as guest.
IsnC-t it possible that he actually respects her as a fellow artist?
As far as I can tell FagenC-s not doodling Martha but, let me double check my listC.
C,SheC-s not my RubyC.DebbieC.ShirleyC.NancyC.BarbieC.BettyC.JudyC.C.
No, not a Martha in the lot.


Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 14:00:17, ET
Posted by: HousDanFan , Houston

Wow, I sense some edginess in the room today. Let's face it...there are just too damn many good tunes by DF and SD. I've gone away from every SD concert wondering why the didn't play this song or that song. Bottom line is to quit worrying about setlists and enjoy the show. That's what I plan to do in Chi-town

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 13:59:32, ET
Posted by: Grammar FBI , Grammarcy Park

None of us were introduced to Steely Dan by having them interrupt someone else's concert we attended.

Should be:
None of us were introduced to Steely Dan by having it interrupt someone else's concert that we attended.

Steely Dan, the band, is singular, and therefore the correct pronoun is "it," however awkward the construction may sound. (If you want to sound less awkward, use a noun instead of a pronoun, i.e., substitute "the band" or another singular noun for "it.")

The quality of the grammar police just ain't what it used to be. No wonder syntactical crime is skyrocketing. I tell you, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana - they used to be nice places to live. Now they're goddamn grammar ghettos. A syntactician can't set foot in those parts without constantly looking over his shoulder. It's dangerous, man. If you ever travel there, be smart: Leave your MLA book at home. If you're carrying, the grammar police ain't gonna be able to protect you, and I doubt that Bush has the stomach to send the National Grammar Guard down to enforce proper speech.

William S. Sessions

P.S. Winners don't do drugs.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 13:46:50, ET
Posted by: Joey ,

" There are times when you should say, "no," to anyone close to you who tries to advise you on 'what you do' when you know in your heart it would lead to what we endured last night. If that's the case, Donald should have put his foot down, I only blame him, it's ultimately his fault. Ms Wainwright was indeed beautiful and dangerous. She presented a proud and energetic performance, sartorial choices notwithstanding, and anyone has the right to defend her. She was jarring and her inclusion in last night's proceedings puzzling and incongruous.

If you come into this house of Dan, Don and Walter, you better best be prepared to feel the heat when we don't like something. You make your choices, we'll make ours, I paid my dime, I'll speak my mind. God Bless America. "

Oh , MY !!!!! ..... That is Beautiful .

Christ, that's posting on loan from God right there.

You are STILL my Rajah .

Snuggles !

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 13:36:22, ET
Posted by: SteveM , Scotland

Truly outstanding video of Kid Charlemagne live here:

sounds awesome even on my shitty pc speakers

(probably need broadband though)

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 13:33:44, ET
Posted by: Rajah ,

No, that's just "Joeyspeak' and we love him for it.

Rag, just so no one misunderstands, I'm with you buddy, what we heard from Don and the D-Gang was primo, the highlights for me being H@tWW, Nightfly, Greenflower, New Frontier, 3rd WM, Home at Last, Brite, FM even, H Gang, What I Do, Goodbye Look, IGY, PL and Viva. Ah, hey wait, that was the whole show! But it was really two shows. Before Marthagate (oh you just coined a classic there, Marky) and after Marthagate. Flipping three pages of songs is NOT what I want to ever see at 9:45 PM. Martha disrailed the show and Donald shortchanged the evening by 15 minutes, bewtween 2 or 3 songs. Take Marthagate out - at least 5 minutes -- that's getting significantly short changed.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 13:28:25, ET
Posted by: SD77 , calif

Mark I have 5 star for the Temecula show. I hope she doesnt make it out west. California might tummble into the sea or mabe Temecula.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 13:27:21, ET
Posted by: Better Times ,


Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 13:23:32, ET
Posted by: Fergie , Denver, CO

You're so wrong it's not even funny! You write like an idiot and you obviously think like one as well. Stay at home!

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 13:22:21, ET
Posted by: Boston Rag , back in Beantown

Hold on folks. It wasn't that bad last night. Some great performances all around. My beef was sitting in the balcony, the sound was muddy. Heard a lot of Carlock's snare.

The sound is outstanding at the Opera House. And everytime DF and Walter come to Boston they seem to kick it up a notch. With a rest tonight, I know the show tomorrow is going to be smokin'!!

Back to Marthagate, the Ms. Wainwright tune would have been more tolerable if Donald told the audience why she was there!!! Something like, "I helped Martha write a tune for one her albums" or "I produced a couple of tracks for her upcoming CD". Another thing that bugs me is this could really cause a riff in the band. I'm sure Carolyn would have loved to do one of her tunes during the EMG tour when her CD came out. I heard from some 5 star people that Martha was taking up a lot of the soundcheck. Sorry, I have to laugh at that.

Mark in Boston

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 13:16:01, ET
Posted by: TJ , DK

We have a winner: The album is out in Denmark!

Well actually I went to my record pusher and asked if they got it, which they did. He admitted that the official release is monday, but was happy to sell it as long as I didn't tell anyone - which I did. The coverart is really nice.

But I did wonder why no one gets credit for playing drums on Nitegown? It must be a mistake, right?

Ok Howard, now I get it (I hope). When you play the low c, it produces all the c's above it too. But the ones in the top are a little to sharp, so pianotuners make the corresponding high note a little sharper to.

So actually it's the piano which is "out of tune" and not the synth, right?

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 13:15:08, ET
Posted by: SD77 , Calif

I have seen SD seven times.A friend of mine toured with them twice played on there cd.So I feel lucky to have an inside view of SD.Waiting 3 years and now to see Donald is great.But please dont waste the money I spent by putting someone Idont care about on stage. SFC

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 13:13:45, ET
Posted by: Funn Pagoda , NYC


The show was great. Smokin'. It was kinda short. 1hr and 40 minutes of music, roughly. Minus 5 for Ms. Wainwright, whose song, by the way, was quite good.

What's the number one rule of Show Bidness? Always leave 'em wanting more.

Brite Nightgown tore the roof of da friggin' joint.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 13:03:19, ET
Posted by: Grammar Police , *tweet*

"None of us were introduced to Steely Dan by having them interrupt someone else's concert we were at. "

Should be:
None of us were introduced to Steely Dan by having them interrupt someone else's concert we attended.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 13:00:32, ET
Posted by: Me , here

What was Miss Wainwright hoping to accomplish? All she did was piss off SD fans, so there's no chance of them giving her a fair listen now. She'll always be remembered as the one who interrupted the Fagen show. None of us were introduced to Steely Dan by having them interrupt someone else's concert we were at.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 12:56:15, ET
Posted by: Rajah ,

Donald and the band's peformance was great last night, in command of his voice, a true bandleader, an accomplished arranger by now. At the top of his game.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 12:55:05, ET

Considering that Steely Dansongs and all work from Nightfly are Classics, it seems very normal to see 5 songs of both on the setlist.
Three tracks each time from Kama is a realistic choice too.
We have to join 4 or 5 tracks from MTC and one or two covers and you have a dreamsetlist.
18 songs for a concert seems wright to me.

After the disapointing setlist of the first night in New Brunswick, the setlist was evoluating in the good direction even in Washington DC.
But what happened in the Beacon NY is not understandable.Only 14 songs and a circus attraction? You're kidding me! An between 100 and 300 dollar costing ticket deserve something better.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 12:53:51, ET
Posted by: This Just In , A Special Report

Martha Wainwright and Krishna Das will perform a duet at tonight's Donald Fagen show in Boston. We ask that you leave your shoes at the door upon entering the theater for tonight's performance.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 12:52:01, ET
Posted by: KDawg , Mt. Belzoni

"Brite Nightmare"

That reviewer is a tool. Sorry...but if you are going to talk about someone and their work, at least get the titles right! And some of his comments had me scratching my head.


Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 12:51:53, ET
Posted by: Flipkid , Blue State

"Me thinks I made the right decision in passing on Donald's solo tour and waiting for Mr. Becker to join in the fray this summer."

Now hold on thar a minit, Bobba-louey! Don't judge DF's entire tour by what may have happened in Boston. His show in DC the previous night was superb (AND 2 hours long).

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 12:50:23, ET
Posted by: c , c

hopefully MsWainwright wont make it to the westcoast shows.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 12:43:20, ET
Posted by: Rajah , Beacon Hotel

Joey baby, you should defintely go to the Denver show on the 21st. Wait until the last second to assault TicketBastard, I wish I had had the guts to do that for the shows as, of course, they screw the most timely and diligent fans. I will NEVER make this mistake again. The plusses far outstripped the minusses.

It is indeed a wise man who listens to his wife, and an even wiser woman who does the same, however, if I had listened to mine last night, I would have greeted our guests wearing not only my traveling Kufi-demi-turban but along with it, a white sequined Nehru madrass shirt festooned with gold bling-bling from a Mardi Gras past. There are times when you should say, "no," to anyone close to you who tries to advise you on 'what you do' when you know in your heart it would lead to what we endured last night. If that's the case, Donald should have put his foot down, I only blame him, it's ultimately his fault. Ms Wainwright was indeed beautiful and dangerous. She presented a proud and energetic performance, sartorial choices notwithstanding, and anyone has the right to defend her. She was jarring and her inclusion in last night's proceedings puzzling and incongruous.

If you come into this house of Dan, Don and Walter, you better best be prepared to feel the heat when we don't like something. You make your choices, we'll make ours, I paid my dime, I'll speak my mind. God Bless America.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 12:42:43, ET
Posted by: YGK , nyc

WHY isn't Donald getting more radioplay? Could be something like this.....

you gotta love Spitzer....


Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 12:40:37, ET
Posted by: c , c

Chopsuey Yes She took the engery level way down.WB would have been a way better choice . We want to see Donald .

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 12:35:54, ET
Posted by: Chopsuey , china

Martha Wainright couldn't be worse than Walter Becker singing two songs, could she?

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 12:16:49, ET
Posted by: CinnamonGirl , britain

Hi, I am a 42 year old london lady who was fortunate enough to spend my teenage years with friends after school, after leaving school,
indulging in listening to some excellent music and being totally amazed by reactions to the royal was amazing i was so touched by its originality....i thank steely dan, for Kid Charlemagne which was without a doubt an anthem to my friends and I

x Mandy x

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 12:12:30, ET
Posted by: Joey ,

After reading through today's postings ........

Me thinks I made the right decision in passing on Donald's solo tour and waiting for Mr. Becker to join in the fray this summer .

Developing ........................

Snuggle to the Joe ! C

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 12:11:40, ET
Posted by: c , c

Donald Please no more special guests. Give us Morph,Kama,Nitefly,and a couple SD tunes Pleazzzzze.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 11:59:28, ET
Posted by: SoulMonkey , The Ville

Let's hear it for the 28th anniversary of "Aja" going platinum. Here's to ya boys!!!!!!

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 11:59:10, ET
Posted by: Kid Clean , @work

new article, maybe. funny line about "Brite Nightmare"


Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 11:55:49, ET
Posted by: You can thank Mrs. Donald Fagen-Titus , for the Martha performance

It's nice to see a husband who actually listens to his wife's suggestions on how to make the show better.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 11:47:18, ET
Posted by: Rajah , Beacon, pickin up the pieces

Listening to your CD here, ygk, while I'm trying to sort it all out from last night. Very Mose Alison upon first listen, a full review will follow. Lots of soul for a white boy.

What DID happen last night I asked myself while picking up the beer bottles this morning, I go through the setlist in my head...the first part of the show was very satisfactory, H@WW was another song entirely, fun arrangment, I heard bluegrass, other people didn't. It was so strong. When he crooned out, "I'm Lester the Nightfly," I had one of those lump in your throat moments, he did it beautifully, especially all the banter Lester doles out over the airwaves. Greenflower Street had a very inventive ending, the horns played the big brassy tag, then after letting the appropriate amount of air settle, repeated it three times, then finally ended it with a soft Dolphyesque touch of the last chord. This band is not out to party, they are strong in a mature way, not flashy just incredibly proficient, they're confident in who they are, like Donald seems to be these days. If he's thinkin about dying, he sure has a funny way of showing it cause I don't think he's ever been more alive.

New Frontier was equally brilliant. Jeff Young adds so much to this band. He's playing a Roland sitting on a very high-end Korg but it's his singing, a muscular and soulful tenor with as much dynamic range as you'd want. He was the whalebone in the girls' corsets fer shur.

3rd World Man was Herington's, in fact he puts to rest all this talk of "noodling," he ripped and chopped and sliced. Home at Last with Donald singing way behind the beat again, I love this new trick of his, recall his similar treatment of Aja in '03.

Then Brite Nitegown, I think a very difficult song to pull off live, lots of components. Jeff Young was again the strength of the vocals here, give me that Dark-Goomba funk everytime. Love Michael Leonhart on trumpet, loved him all night and on the Morph tracks. Morph is a trumpet record for my money.

Then things got weird, boys and girls. No disrespect to Martha Wainwright but WTF was Donald thinking? She just didn't belong up there in this show, she totally disrupted it. I guess she's a friend and stuff but, no, Donald, I respectfully think you made a bad decision here. She took the air right out of the proceedings. She was freaky, she was dressed like a real estate agent, she had spastic feet, not in the band's league at all at all. She tortured some chords on an electrified Martin, sweet Jesu, Krantz and Herington probably wanted to give her a Cement Nitegown. Then she joined the girls at the end on Viva Viva Rock n Roll. She squeezed in between Cindy and Carloyn, she didn't have a mic set up so she kinda looked at Cindy and got a look from her like, "don't even think about it, bitch, I'll coldcock your ass all the way back to the Upper East Side." So Carolyn was gracious enough to give her some mic space. All kidding aside, this was the worst possible night and venue to bring her onto. If the Times and the Voice excoriate Donald for this, I would not blame them.

Donald wasn't the same after that, they did FM to appease the crowd directly afterward, I'm certain, with Jeff Young positively roceting the, "no static at all," line. It literally blasted out. I don't ever care to hear this number again but his power as a tenor and his perfect pitch won me over. Wow, give that man a solo, Donald, for God sake, let Krantz, Carlock and Freddie do a number, but please don't pull that Martha Wainwirght shit on us, c'mon, we all deserve better. You especially, Don. OK, enough rant.

After H Gang (great), What I Do (all class) and the crowd pleasing Goodbye Look (0h my)something happened. Donald turned the laminated pages of his bindered sheet music once (presumably Tomorrow's Girls), twice (see ya, Mis'ry and the Blues or Blues in the Mornin') and three times (Mary Shut the Garden Door.) He skipped to IGY and screwed up the lyrical apex of the song, "they'll be spandex jackets, one for everyone," which turned out to be "they'll be...jackets...frisznmnnll...for everyone."

Encores were great, Jeff Young again thrilling on Pretzel Logic, this man has a powerful, full and rich voice, lending righteous strength to anything he touched. H e played the whirly accents great all night on the Roland.

Viva Viva introduced me to another true Rock n Roll era classic and I must find Chuck's rendering of it. Very balzy.

The Rajah would not lie, the night was disappointing. What was not disappointing were you all, you marvelous Danfesters you, to our esteemed guests, friends and new friends alike, you are such fun and intelligent and sweet souls. Kind and discerning, open and generous with your bad bad selves and you fill my cold cold heart with a joy indescribable and for your company, I will ever be greatful. You honor my house.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 11:34:38, ET
Posted by: ygk , nyc

Simon can go to hell and rate blisters boiling on his own a** for all I care.
Simon is part of the reason that the music biz suxsomuch.

What is needed is somone with ballz who knows music giving thoughtful, considerate reviews.....


Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 11:33:25, ET
Posted by: Flipkid , Blue State

"Another issue to be addressed here. I constantly see certain forms of music and culture being referred to here as dreck, shit, garbage, etc. A quick check reveals that about 7 or 8 of the players in the Fagen or SD touring bands play with artists that play with thise alleged shit and dreck. So what's the story? Someone just referred to Chris Botti as dreck. So one of the most popular memebers of Don's band plays with Botti. So what's your explanation? Michael Leonhart plays with Mos Def and the Wutang Clan which the allegedly sophisticated audience here calls shit and dreck. Yeah OK. So *you* have better taste judgment than somebody in Donald's band????? Check yourself."

OK, PQ, based on your advice, I did, in fact, "check myself." And I find that I'm still right. LOL!

All I can do is paraphrase the United States Supreme Court's position on pornography: I can't define "good" music, but I know it when I hear it. And-- TO *ME* PERSONALLY-- "smooth jazz" is not good music; nor is rap. (In fact, rap isn't music at all, but that a whole 'nother rant.)

I second Mu's thought. As a professional musician, yes, you play on Mos Def's album (or Chris Botti's album) to put a roof over your head and food on the table. But you jump at the chance to play (ahem) "good" music also when the opportuntiy presents itself.

My intect was not to offend any Chris Botti fans (or any other artist's fans, for that matter), and if I have done so, I apologize.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 11:28:19, ET
Posted by: Doc Mu , forgotthepoint

Oh, yeah - the point is most "rock music critics" listen to the first couple of songs, or maybe just part, have a beer, maybe slurp some Count Chocula cereal and milk while they pound furiously on a computer in their underwear, listening to just parts of the remainder of the album which is eminating from tinny speakers tethered precariously to their Gateway computer. I'd rather have Simon from Idol rate MTC.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 11:27:13, ET
Posted by: thirdworldman , nervously chomping on fingernails in anticipation of opera house, hangin at the big casino by the sea(woods)

i hope i hope i hope that the people shouting shit out from the front few rows are not people who hang here, although there must be a few. i hope this is not the case in boston, little less of the quervo gold, more of the fine columbian??? set list is defineitely scary w/out any Kama but i will be happy just to have experienced this and you will not see me complain one iota unless of course he were to cancel, or cover kool and the gang...yikes!

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 11:23:04, ET
Posted by: Doc Mu ,

I may get some disagreement, but like EMG, Morph the CAt gets better as the album progresses. I dig the title track, but frankly like the Reprise a little better. Kin of a nice kitty turnled yowl. nyah nyah nyah at the doped up masses. H-Gang is solid and it should be mentioned that the mix on the album is so ALIVE. It's HOT It's sexy!

It's not until the 3rd song What I Do that things really get cranking. Levy soars. Willie Mitchell would be proud, then the hi-Funk of Brite Nitegown, and the crescendo of shimmer Great Pagoda of Funn. Frankly, Security Joan is better than I imagined from the clips and the hi quality is sustained with 2 very imaginative songs Mona and Mary.

Don't forget 2 pm CT on XM Cafe! Keep those reports from the field comin'

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 11:17:37, ET
Posted by: PQ , NYC

Mu - that's more a remark about yourself than objective reality. If a player plays with Donald Fagen one month and a rapper next month, you just want to be able to say, "Oh, when he plays with the rapper he's just paying the bills, but when he playw ith Fagen he's making art" as a means of preserving your own image of your own 'sophistication.' When I say 'you' there I mean generic, not you personally or aspecifically.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 11:04:48, ET
Posted by: ygk , nyc

but I also must shout out to the Raja/Gretchen pre/post show accomodations which were quite interesting in the flux of people in and out and the musical conversations......
thanx guys!

LadyBayside was quite visible from her front row seats - bopping along, singin a song.....
and Still,
"I wanna go to Temecula!"


Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 11:03:24, ET
Posted by: Doc Mu ,

PQ: Taste? Wise up dude. Ever since jazz fell out of the mainstream in the mid 50s, jazz musicians have had to make a living wherever they can. Radio and TV ad jingles. TV show themes, movie scores, Disco, smooth jazz, rap, backup bands for American Idol. Solo albums on indie labels or what they play in small clubs for fun tells ya what they LUV. The sad reality is bills have to be paid somehow.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 10:54:35, ET
Posted by: Daddy G. , ..and another thing...

It's not that big a deal, but I've been wondering about something else...

Will they ever remove that "COMING BACK SOON" phrase from 'Cause I'm beginning to think that it is what it is. They're updating with the occasional odd "news" item or announcement and removing the gigs once they're over and done with, but other than that it's looking like there won't be any more significant DF or tour-related content coming.

Really not trying to complain (or place blame)---just an observation and wondering if anyone else has thought the same...

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 10:47:05, ET
Posted by: PQ , NYC

Another issue to be addressed here. I constantly see certain forms of music and culture being referred to here as dreck, shit, garbage, etc.

A quick check reveals that about 7 or 8 of the players in the Fagen or SD touring bands play with artists that play with thise alleged shit and dreck. So what's the story? Someone just referred to Chris Botti as dreck. So one of the most popular memebers of Don's band plays with Botti. So what's your explanation? Michael Leonhart plays with Mos Def and the Wutang Clan which the allegedly sophisticated audience here calls shit and dreck. Yeah OK. So *you* have better taste judgment than somebody in Donald's band?????

Check yourself.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 10:42:00, ET
Posted by: ygk , nyc

TJ/Peg: Makor is a club on the West side in the 60s - they host many musicians/groups coming through, including songwriting orgs like ASCAP, Songwriters Hall of Fame, BMI, etc.
It's kind of like a Westsiders hang for folkies.

btw - Martha Wainright - nice, folk stuff, I guess, but to insert in the middle of Fagen? not sure 'bout that.


Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 10:36:02, ET
Posted by: Flipkid , Blue State

"I've said this before and I'll say it again - a substantial portion of the far left media are tone-deaf, spontenaity sopping, mediocrity hugging trolls. Does Kenny G sound like he's EVER listened to Ellington or Horace Silver?"

Doc Mu: Amen, brother!! (Except for the "far left media" part... we'll skip that for now.) It ASTOUNDS me how many (alleged) music critics/reviewers keep insisting that DF/SD is somehow related to (ugh) "smooth jazz."

Jesus Christ, SD/DF is the ANTI-"smooth jazz"! How ANYBODY-- especially someone who is supposed to "know something" about music-- can equate SD/DF with dreck like Kenny G, Chris Botti, etc., etc., etc. is just beyond me...

Unfortunately, today's Average American Consumer doesn't want to be bothered by having to actually think for themselves, so they rely upon The Media (and The Government, and The Bible) to tell them what to read/watch/eat/drink/listen to.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 09:48:18, ET
Posted by: ygk , nyc

OK, this is simple, but the show was w-e-a-k.

Made even weaker by the Wainright chick. Everybody I spoke to last night said, "is he screwing her?". Terrible, terrible change in show pace.

So what is was mostly I-IV-I-IV change it up at the end of the cadence.
Not a rich harmonic show.

Fagen was in great voice, and the highlight was the keyboardist stepping up to the platform - would love to hear a lot more of him.



Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 09:39:11, ET
Posted by: Howard ,

NYB - interesting quote on that synth where they specifically mention stretch tuning for the piano voice.

I should dig out the original Donald Nightfly article on this. From what I remember, once DF realised there was a tuning clash between the piano and the synths, his problem was that there was no easy way to make the necessary small tuning adjustments on the synth. Need to Google to find the article...

TK - well tempered tuning isn't directly related to the stretch tuning issue. For well tempered instruments that don't use metal strings, there's no need to do stretch tuning because the octave harmonics of the low notes should be in tune with the high notes. For pianos (or other instruments with metal strings) this isn't true. I think it's a particular problem on the piano because of the wide range of the instrument (it must affect the guitar, but to a lesser degree because the guitar spans fewer octaves).

moray eel - it's true that perception of pitch intervals changes at the extremes, but this isn't the reason stretch tuning is used - it's only done to compensate for the progressively sharp harmonics you get from metal strings. In other words, the harmonic series on a metal string is inherently stretched because of stiffness effects (high harmonics are sharp), so you need to "stretch out" the intervals/octaves used to tune the string fundamentals, in order for things to sound in tune.


Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 09:25:37, ET
Posted by: paul ,

Josey, I was in love with the clips I heard of On An Island, and drove to Best Buy early in the morning yesterday to pick up the album. Was it worth my time to buy? YES, absolutely, but I was really disappointed. It was boring.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 09:24:58, ET
Posted by: PQ , NYC

Josey - yeah, Rodney Holmes the drummer.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 09:23:28, ET
Posted by: PQ , NYC

Brite Nitegown is in the top 5 Dan/Fagen tunes ever. Never before has there been a foray into true, real (not fucking sanitized, white yuppy, sterile) funk like this before. Period.

I'm glad Black Cow was out because you need someone with the chops of Ted Baker or Charlap to make it really click.

Personally I'm waiting for Don to let the band play a Wayne Krantz tune like Shirts Off, or a Herington composition like Whiskey Talk or Paris On Mine.

Odd fact: Herington is the only person on stage who doesn't refer to sheet music.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 09:23:03, ET
Posted by: RJ Squirrel , PA

Pink Floyd was good when you were buzzed but other than that doesn't it just drone?

Fagen should ditch some of the older SD classics and pick 2-3 of these:

Gaslighting Abbie
Janie Runaway
Jack of Speed
Lunch w/Gina

But he can't because he has a deal with WB to save them for the SD tour!

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 09:21:57, ET
Posted by: back2bass6 , lawn guyland



FLOYD was great, but never ever had the anaesthetic effect or the depth of perception of DF and DAN, nor were the chordal structures and musical movements anywhere near as delicate or interesting.

"take a good look its easy to see..what a shame about me...."

thats what IM talkin bout!

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 09:19:59, ET
Posted by: HeyMike , dugout that my dad built

bettertimes-did someone steal the prize out of your wheaties this morning??

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 09:19:53, ET
Posted by: paul , :(

Better Times,
Obviously you haven't been around the blue very long, else you'd know I LOVE Pink Floyd and David Gilmour's solo work. They are my favorite band second only to Steely Dan & Co. But Gilmour's new album was QUITE disappointing, released before the tour started, and yet people were willing to pay $500 a ticket for the sell-out concerts which sound like were filled with mostly new material. And the Steely/Don girls are a lot cuter.

I mentioned Hey Nineteen to make a point, the song is my least favorite (at least live, that is), but I would just be happy to be there. Even after all these negative reports from the Beacon, I would still give up both my kidneys to have been there.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 09:19:30, ET
Posted by: Josey , St. Simons Island

These setlists that are coming in so far do seem a bit strange. Seems like a Donald Fagen solo tour would offer up a bit more of Donald Fagen solo tunes. That's just my crazy side coming out though.

RE: David Gilmour - the clips I've heard sound great! Fully intend to buy the new cd. I've always loved his sound. Roger Waters left Pink Floyd and they went on still sounding like Pink Floyd. If Gilmour had left, my guess is that it would've been a completely different sound. Gilmour's guitar sound is in the top amongst my favorites.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 09:15:26, ET
Posted by: SD77 , cal

Better time I agree with you about D.Gilmour.Got tickets for the L.A. shows it wont be a dissipointing.The cd is great.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 09:11:53, ET
Posted by: Better Times ,

If anybody out there is going to be HAPPY/PLEASED with Hey FUCKING Nineteen being played 10 times, Stay Home!

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 09:09:01, ET
Posted by: Better Times ,

To Paul: Not to be a DICK but there is a reason David Gilmours Tour is completely SOLD OUT!(unlike DF) on both sides of the Atlantic, even with higher prices. His New album is great and very much in the vain of P.Floyd, just as DF'S work is in the vain of Steely. So I guess you don't like PINK FLOYD which is absurd, considering they are one of the GREATEST BANDS EVER! Unquestionably! To anyone bad mouthing D.Gilmour or P.Floyd you are a FOOL!There is a reason DARK SIDE had the longest stay ever in the charts, and has sold more than most records, not because it SUCKS!

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 09:04:39, ET
Posted by: SD77 , Cal

After seeing SD 7 times.And the shows were fantastic. I love donald fagen but his set list doesnt really get for me.I want to hear what evereyone else expects to hear from him.Have 5 star for Temecula . sill love you Donald


Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 09:02:49, ET
Posted by: Better Times ,

To Be Honest,Does Anybody really care? about the Chuck Berry Song as well. Just give us YOUR work and a few Steely Gems and I think MOST people would be much happier. How about 18-20 DF/SD songs, then that would TRULY be VivaVivaRockNRoll!

P.S. - Martha STAY AT HOME next time, Nobody cares !

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 09:00:55, ET
Posted by: Doc Mu ,


I've said this before and I'll say it again - a substantial portion of the far left media are tone-deaf, spontenaity sopping, mediocrity hugging trolls. Does Kenny G sound like he's EVER listened to Ellington or Horace Silver? If the Bacharach/Dionne Warwick hits or 5th Dimension were hot today, they'd be considered "smooth jazz" as well. Yep. Mozart sounded "just like" Salieri except "too many notes." The media has slowly put the country into a frozen arctic mindbath over the past 40 years where style, "fashion," "relevence," and trends have conquered substance.

"'s in my DNA, it's what I do..."

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 09:00:42, ET
Posted by: paul , wish i had been there

Whine whine whine whine.

You complainers should be glad just to have been at the Danfest...!
And you think Don's tickets are expensive? Look up David Gilmour's tour going on right now, and his new album sucks!

I don't care what Don plays in Chi-town, I'm going to have a blast even if he plays Hey Nineteen 10 times in a row.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 08:56:46, ET
Posted by: LadyBayside , coming down

If I had NOT been at Westbury, I would have enjoyed last night's set and show more. That having been said, it was a tough comparison. Yes, I thought Fagen was in great voice and the ensemble was tight, but considering as mentioned and is certainly obvious, this is a solo Fagen tour, the man has two solo albums currently released and one of them wasn't represented in any way, which seems really odd to me.

>From my perspective, the positive spin on this is that every show will be different, and also it seems unlikely that Martha Wainwright will be traveling with them just to do one song, so at least Donald won't be cutting his material to make room.

Aside from wanting WAS a great show. But not the greatest.
However, there are more to come, and it is cool that he is planning on mixing it up.

I am off to check airfares to Vegas.


Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 08:49:56, ET
Posted by: Better Times ,

For Anybody upset with my last post, THINK ABOUT IT! My ticket next week after service charge and all the other bullshit was $82 for 6th row. $82 Divided by an average of 16 songs = $5.13 a song I am paying to hear! So I feel sorry for the people who dished out that extra five bucks last night to hear Martha and her CRAP! It may seem trivial but not everyone is RICH these days. While we all dish out our hard earned bread on concerts, all of which are overpriced these days, I want to walk away satisfied and it sounds like it was 50/50 last night! If I am helping make Donalds life that much richer and comfortable, I hope to walk away pleased!

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 08:48:44, ET
Posted by: back2bass6 , lawn guyland

my bad

DF has been around alot longer than 25...


Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 08:47:34, ET
Posted by: back2bass6 , lawn guyland


the reviews are bad because DF and DAN fans are an interesting lot.

DF, been on the scene for some 25 years has two albums to his credit (i know its three, but as of today, its really still 2)

some of us treat KAMA as good as any DAN album, i know i do. So, to go to a DF concert, and have to hear FM, HOME AT LAST and PRETZEL, stuff he almost always does when DAN tours, was reprehensible. For my money, he could have done Negative Girl or Gothic for DAN..more contemporary, and very NY based.

In fact, he could have filled an HOUR with songs that include NY in the title, or make references to NY, i think we would have loved it

The show was almost 30 minutes SHORTER than Wesbury, goddamn right people have a right to be disappointed. In an age where three rappers can win an oscar, we are rarley treated to someone as vital as DF, and to not get his very best is represhensible.

That being said, it was still better than most concerts i have ever been to, thats how good DF and the band was.
Go back to your fine columbian it suits you well. For me, Im having lunch with Gina, somewhere up by Fordham Rd.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 08:42:26, ET
Posted by: Better Times ,

Woke up this morning hoping for a KILLER Setlist report from NYC, but am disappointed! Replacing Teahouse, Snowbound for Brite Nitegown, Marth Wainwright? FM for Black Cow I am cool with. They are both commercially played out songs but both classics and I love them both so that is a wash in my book. I know Donald wants to be eclectic and mix it up a bit since he was home in NYC but Martha Wainright BLOWS! A message to Donald, if you like her so much have her OPEN for you! To scrap one of your own songs completely is BULLSHIT. Nobody came there to see Martha Wainwright! If you want to blow peoples minds, bring Walter as an unannounced guest. Play one super rare Steely Song and the crowd would be yours. Instead you have guys like me worried about the setlist come next Thursday in Detroit! Please at least put Snowbound back in! You only have 3 Solo CD's, one which is not even released yet. Don't load up on songs people don't know yet and eliminate songs people do know. Tell Martha/Rufus and the rest of the Wainwrights to eat a bag of dicks! Glad I wasn't in NYC last night!

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 08:41:18, ET
Posted by: DWB , Meow Mountain

(Alkali, I second your POSITIVE take on things)

On behalf of dr Wu who sent this is via Blackberry:

"great night at the beacon in new york tonight. unusual to see fagen without becker but it was still a classic evening. here is the setlist:
here at the western world, nightfly, green flower street, new frontier, third world man, home at last, bright nightgown, fm, h gang, what i do, the goodbye look and i.g.y.
for the encore pretzel logic and chuck berry's long live rock and roll.

backstage after the show was fun. carolyn leonhart was gracious as ever by providing the necessary and much coveted passes. got to chat with her, cindy mizelle, keith carlock, freddie washington and jon herington.
by the time I got there, fagen has long made tracks to his upper east side digs, possibly to feed morph. the band has a day off tomorrow and moves north to boston for their next tour stop."

Once he's back behind a regular keyboard, he'll write more about an entire week of outstanding music.. (Chris Potter, Mike Stern, Ahmad Jamal) in the Big Apple.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 08:38:54, ET
Posted by: NO ROOM FOR RACISM , No Justice No Peace

Dark Goombah? Is that going to be tolerated here?

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 08:28:07, ET
Posted by: Alkali , NYC

What a great show!
I don't know what all the bad reviews are for; I thought the show was cool.
The sound in that place is tops.
Pretzel Logic was so tight!
Brightnite gown was interesting, I still hear that little Dark-Goombah Prince in this tune...I think I might like it.
A couple of negatives; the show could have been a bit longer and some over excited people near us kept yelling requests which noticeably irritated Fagen.

The preshow sound check was a learning experience, Fagen's got sound design in mind and there's no room for error by technicians, pure perfectionism.
A couple of times during his walking around the stage he looked out towards us, IC-d like to think he gazed in our direction.
The package is cool; I wore my scarf all last night and early this morning (we didn't get in until 2)
So, needless to say IC-m working from home today!


Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 06:47:54, ET
Posted by: nytfligh , NJ

The problem with this tour is that the CD hasn't been released yet. 10-second streams are nice, but they're not enough.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 06:24:49, ET
Posted by: Astrology Dept , Zodiac City

The Westbury show had it all over the Beacon. As someone here had predicted the day before.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 03:40:10, ET
Posted by: Chas , East End

Oh great another take the money and run production last evening, and what a light weight band of yuppie flunkies in attendance.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 03:08:29, ET
Posted by: TJ , DK

In the sleeve notes of her album Martha Wainwrigt thanks "Donald & Libby"

I found this old BB-post:

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 02:58:02, ET
Posted by: A lit up brother , East 95th Street

If FM replaced Snowbound,then what replaced Black Cow? I think that special guest through Donald off for the rest of the show. He semed to have lost track of time and the set list. Just my thoughts.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 02:54:51, ET
Posted by: TJ , DK

Rajah, Gretchen etc. Yeah that would have been great :-) It's a song about her father Louden Wainwright. But really, what did she play?? Far Away? Factory?

I'm a big fan of Rufus Wainwright, but find Martha's stuff less interesting, Still got her cd though.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 01:15:26, ET
Posted by: Mo , still conflicted

Lady Bayside, you said it best....

"I guess I just figured this would be THE show, considering it's kind of Donald's town and the site of so many Dan songs and memories."

My sentiments, exactly! Amen to that!

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 01:04:20, ET
Posted by: LadyBayside , CT, home again

Well, I hate to say this, but here I go. After Westbury, tonight's show, which I expected to be fantastic.....wasn't. It was great, but first, there was no Kama. Nothing. And Martha Wainwright was good, but frankly, I would have liked more Donald. My biggest complaint was that the show ended slightly before 10. I was stunned. He broke, came back for the encore, and I thought, no, this can't be it.

But it was.

On the plus side, my seats...front row just off center. I couldn't see the ladies and Jeff or Freddy at all, but I had a great view of Jon H and Wayne K. and of course, Donald. It was well worth shelling out the bucks for the five star, since soundcheck kind of made up for the short show, and at least I knew Martha was going to be there. I also enjoyed the pre-show cocktail party, as I got to make some new friends and see some old friends. Too bad I missed out on the autographed Don swag, but them's the breaks.

If I had not gotten the five star, which netted me a six-ish hour experience rather than the hour and a half, hour forty-five, I would've felt worse. What can I say? I needed more Donald, and aside from Kama, I certainly was up to hearing Mis'ry and the Blues, especially since Donald alluded to it during soundcheck.

I guess I just figured this would be THE show, considering it's kind of Donald's town and the site of so many Dan songs and memories. Just goes to show that this can't be my last show.

Keeping my fingers crossed for an airfare sale to Vegas!

This just makes me even more

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 00:43:01, ET
Posted by: Me , here

The Wainwright appearance wasn't totally unannounced.

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 00:25:15, ET
Posted by: HouDanFan , Houston

Ok why are we trashing's not one my favorite songs either, but when it came out it was classic Steely Dan...there was no other song like it at the was what made the SD different...just enjoy it

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 00:22:33, ET
Posted by: Boston Rag , one more post

Nice talkin to you on cell from LA tonight Steveee! I'm sure you felt the NY vibe 3000 miles away.

South - we don't meet again! I was lookin' for you at Raj & Gretchen's pre-show get together.

Mark in Beacon

Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 00:00:41, ET
Posted by: Boston Rag , Nuuu Yawk

Great seeing quite a few of the Bluebookers night (SueDave, YGK, Peter Q, GirlMargaret, beaubeau, Fife and of course, Jim, Pete and Shari) in Gretchen & Rajah's suite. G & R, thanks for the pre-show bash, you both are cool people.

Highlights from the show:

* Not my seats (nosebleeders)
* Third World Man (Jon & Wayne - awesome)
* Pretzel Logic - so tight!
* Brite Nitegown - what A GROOVE!
* Viva Rock and Roll - Looked like DF was having a good time

Special guest tonight - Walter Becker, dressed as Martha Wainwright. Very strange. She's very talented, the entire family is. She's the sister of Rufus, daughter of Loudon. I guess she's a friend of Don's. Donald introduced her as "beautiful and dangerous". DF played along on melodica for Martha's song. He didn't say if he wrote it or produced it. Hell, IF DONALD WANTS HER IN, SHE'S IN!!!!

Looking forward to decent 5 star seats on Thursday.

Boston Wing Ding - 4:00 at Felt, next to the Opera House.

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 23:59:53, ET
Posted by: Mo , conflicted

I hit "Post" before I ever scrolled down to read anything, so I have no idea who, if anyone has already posted about tonight's show. I have really mixed feelings - on the one hand, everything they did was GREAT! I just wish they'd done a different set.

Here's the set list:
1 - Here at the Western World (at this tempo, sounds like Steely Dan meet the Grateful Dead)
2 - Nightfly
3 - Greenflower Street
4 - New Frontier
5 - Third World Man
--------Band Intros-------
6 - Home at Last
7 - Brite Nightgown (!!!!!!!)
----special guest Martha Wainwright performs one of her songs ----
8 - FM
9 - H-Gang
10 - It's What I Do
11 - Goodbye Look (I LOVE THIS SONG!)
12 - IGY

- Pretzel Logic
- Viva Viva Rock n Roll

Like I said, what they *DID* do they did GREAT! Brite Nightgown was a real treat! The band was tight! They were jammin'!! Donald looked like he was having a great time. He was personable and funny. Herrington and Krantz rocked. Carlock was just awesome (as always!). Although you couldn't always hear him, Jeff Young was impressive, especially his vocals. Horns, great - Carolyn and Cindy, great - Freddie Washington, solid!

Please don't flame me, but I can't help feeling a little disappointed, like we got short-changed. The show started around 8:15, and we were outta there by 10:00. NOTHING FROM KAMA!!!! That was a very big disappointment for me. The addition of FM - also a big disappointment - there were so many other songs that I would've preferred.

But all in all, on a positive note, I loved every minute of it!!

Chair dancing SUCKS!!

P.S. (Bway) Steve, it was great running into you! I wish you had stuck around so we could've chatted for a bit.

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 23:51:35, ET
Posted by: HouDanFan , Houston

I love the fact that DF is changing up the setlist. By the time I hear him in Chicago he may be playing Rickki. But I doubt it.

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 23:46:28, ET
Posted by: Greg Moonspank , White Plains

Yeah, FM instead of Snowbound? Wow. Kinda weird there. But, the fact that stuff is changing up every night is pretty cool. Perhaps the next show will feature 4 songs from Kama and 2 steely tunes. That would be cool. Who knows.

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 23:41:55, ET
Posted by: back2bass6 , lawn guyland

the complete exclsuion of kamakiriad was inexcusable, pleae do not try to justify it.

the INCLUSION of FM was inexcusable as well.

i have heard home at last every friggin time i see him (them)

pretzel logic...great tune, but. YAWN

Louden Wainrights mother? HUH?

Enough already with the Chuck Berry shit.

That being said, I still enjoyed it, but Westbury kicked its ass all over the place.

Did i just see a DF concert, and NOTHING from Kamakiriad?

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 23:38:25, ET
Posted by: Josey , St. Simons Island

PQ - are you talking about the drummer Rodney F. Holmes?

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 23:13:15, ET
Posted by: PQ , Beacon

Fagen said, "What, what?!" to the first few rows after the Wainwright number. He also said, "Take it easy, take it easy!" before IGY when folks were calling out various songs they hoped would be played.

Had to buzz after the show due to pot in the theater. I enjoyed meeting some people I had never met before, including Mark, Fionna, Suedave, Raj's college bud who knows about Rodney Fucken Holmes, Hoops' friend Sharon...always a pleasure to see Malc, Pete & Shari, and Rajah and Pete setting off the smoke alarms. Bway Steve!! Anyone I may have forgotten please forgive me. And oh yeah, talking to Stevee Dan on the phone!!

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 23:05:40, ET
Posted by: PQ , Beacon

Great party before the show at Raj and Gretchen's! Model hosts. Cool to hang out with everybody again and meet some new people too!! Hope your finger heals quickly Hoops!

Brite Nitegown and FM added, as well as special guest Martha Wainwright doing her own number. I'll let others comment on that. Nothing at all from Kama, Black Cow out.

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 22:47:10, ET
Posted by: Mark & Marie , NJ

The Great Pumpkin is Waiting - see our last post. Must be some show. Fagen still playing? Oh, if only we were there!

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 22:17:42, ET
Posted by: KDawg , Mt. Belzoni

Great pickup guys....the end of Morph is the beginning of Nightfly! Wonderful!


Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 21:11:08, ET
Posted by: paul , wish I was there

trumpet guy,
no problemo mis-naming the trumpet solo player, either way I love it. if Pagoda gets played on tour it would be interesting to hear how Micheal's take on the solo goes, it certainly isn't an easy little diddy to play.

i know you're already at the show, but have a rockin' time at the beacon everybody!! can't wait to hear the report!!!!

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 20:46:18, ET
Posted by: Chan , With Morph in Boston

I don't know if this has been posted, but Morph the Cat Reprise, last song on the new cd ends with a riff from IGY, first song of the Nightfly the first cd. It's a short horn solo. Listen closely!

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 20:28:39, ET
Posted by: Better Times ,

R.J.Squirrel, That is one of the funniest reviews I have read. I was in laughter thinking about how many times I have had assholes give me the golden shower with their bullshit. I had a couple in front of me in Detroit at DTE for the EMG Tour. As the husband was trying to enjoy the show his wife/whore talked the entire show to the point where I finally got up and moved away from my 3 friends because I couldn't take it anymore! I am going on the 16th to see DF in Detroit. I hope it goes smooth. I can't wait to hear the Nightfly Live! To all the animated, loud, obnoxious, concert going fucks out there SHUT UP or STAY HOME!

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 20:11:49, ET
Posted by: Mark & Marie , NJ

Regarding the Borgata, we saw them their in 2003. Becker seemed to really like the theatre. I agree, there were great acoustics there, and SD was really rockin. In 2003, we saw them at Jones Beach and PNC Arts Center, and have to say the Borgata was the best of those. With the casino, it is very convenient, food, drinks, etc. When we checked seats at 4 pm today Row 16 DEAD Center ORchestra was available for $37.50! Half price! Don't see how you can go wrong.

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 19:49:54, ET
Posted by: nytfligh , NJ, USA


Trip to AC waste of time?! Oh ho, you'll be pleasantly surprised! brand new casino - go upstairs and enjoy your single malt purchased from the bar right outside the doors to the venue, it's like a built-in pre-show wing-ding. Doors open and your in a snappy new room with good acoustics - saw SD there in '03 and it ROCKED.

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 19:35:46, ET
Posted by: Rajah , out the door

Almost out the door, newsflash, someone set off the smoke detector. Most fun at a Steely Dan party ever!

We'll be back after this message from our leader.

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 19:15:43, ET
Posted by: TP , wishing I was in NY


Can't wait to hear all about it afterwards "everybody". Enjoy the Wing-Ding and look forward to more great photos Pete & Shari. See ya in Chic. Hoops & Co.

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 18:54:28, ET
Posted by: Rajah , Beacon

Hello, Blue, may I introduce, Hoops McKay:

It's really nice to be here. I'd like to thank Raj, Gretchen, all at the Greater Dandom, & of course, The Academy, not forgetting Donald & Walter.

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 18:54:27, ET
Posted by: Rajah , Beacon

Hello, Blue, may I introduce, Hoops McKay:

It's really nice to be here. I'd like to thank Raj, Gretchen, all at the Greater Dandom, & of course, The Academy, not forgetting Donald & Walter.

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 18:45:07, ET
Posted by: Vincent , Glasgow/ UK/ New York

Gee, tix for the Borgata half-price? Jings! I'm coming from the UK, and has cost me around B#1000. Don, DON'T CANCEL THE GIG. New Yorkers, Phillie types, Joisie Josies - get down there friday with the rest of us Faggettes. And me with a cold coming, too. I shall be drinking Scotch whiskey all night long, and be astonishingly pissed off if my trip to Atlantic City is a waste of time and money - especially having seen the early footage and heard the great new album. Yours in trepidation....

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 18:05:14, ET
Posted by: Chan , On Deck in Boston

Hello to the New York Donfest crew. Hope you are enjoying your wingding and each others company before the show tonite. To those attending Boston on Tursday leave some gas in your tanks for that show as well! I'll be psyched to hear your reviews and take on the show tonite as well as the party review complete with attendence. Have fun!!


Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 17:44:42, ET
Posted by: Boston Rag , in the Beacon Hotel

Steps away from the Beacon Theatre. Donald Fagen Band '06 in bright lights on the marque.

Raj, Gretchen & Co. See you in a few minutes.

Mark in New York

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 17:31:28, ET
Posted by: nytfligh ,

half price Borgata tix? That there's your bargain of a lifetime...for those who haven't had the pleasure, the Borgata is a cool venue, especially when a cool cat like Fagen is there.

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 17:26:12, ET
Posted by: nytfligh , NJ

How was State Theatre New Brunswick NOT the homecoming-kickoff show? He admitted himself from the stage that he graduated from So. Brunswick High; the legendary Nightfly dreaming of his youth was done in Kendall Park - then again, Sinatra abandoned Hoboken and Springsteen never released "Greetings from Freeehold"...

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 17:24:22, ET
Posted by: Josey , St. Simons Island

Rajah - man, wish I was there with you guys right now! That cheeze whiz appetizer sounds delightful. I trust you'll be giving us updates as time permits?

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 17:16:27, ET
Posted by: Mark & Marie , NJ


After seeing Fagen at State Theatre - Row A, but on the side, Westbury Row G, Center, next to the very pleasant Lady Bayside, we were riding a wave of belief, or was it just wishful hoping, that we would land a last minute, top tier, ticket drop at the Beacon. Well, just minutes ago, Tickemaster shut it's doors, and we are left sitting here like Linus and Charlie Brown's sister?, waiting for the Great Pumpkin! So, there's no Danfest for us tonight. I hope it was great! Wish we could have been there!!!!!!

FYI - Borgata tickets are half price today thru Ticketmaster. The password is Fagen.

We're there on Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 17:12:03, ET
Posted by: CK , One

German release on Friday

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 17:05:09, ET
Posted by: RJ Squirrel , PA

HAVE A GREAT TIME AT THE BEACON YOU GUYS! Hope another Morph song is added for you tonight. You should definitely get the home field advantage.

I haven't had time to post on the great time we had in Philly so this is going to be quick and a little jumpy.

Anyway, the Tower was awesome and so was DF! I sat there in a trance as the 2 hours flew by. I Love All Access - got 4 star when it 1st came out and we got 5th row center on the aisle and no dealing with Ticketbastards. The sound was clear as a bell and everyone was sharp. A little odd that Donald took off his glasses during the first song and never put them back on again. How could he see the sheets? Also early on he leaned over so far to his right that he disappeared from view and I thought he had passed out! He came back up eventually and kept on pounding.

The Tower looked full to me but I couldn't see the back of the balcony.

I don't expect they would be looking here but just in case this is to you late arriving bastards who disrupted the show 4 times, after it started 15 minutes after the time on the ticket: go f*ck yourselves you pretentious, selfish, assholes. I missed the very end of Teahouse on the Tracks when Cindy (forgot last name) was going off on the vocals because they stood up right in my line of vision. They had to be taking their seats after 8:30 for Christsakes! I wish there was intermission and they wouldn't let assholes takes their sets until intermission if they arrive after the music starts - just like Broadway baby.

Almost lastly, I cannot understand why he does not play anything from 2vN and EMG? A Grammy winning album and song and he doesnC-t play it? Not that Cousin Dupree even makes my top 20 but it is strange that he doesnC-t play one song from them. Any theories? The man is an enigma I guess.

Lastly Margar the Uvula, some people have gotten songs off ofCnever mind IC-ll send you an email.

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 16:26:25, ET
Posted by: More Press Coverage , For Donald

Steely DanC-s Donald Fagen explains quirks

Unlikely band has made subtle, complex music for three decades

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 16:11:53, ET
Posted by: Rajah , Beacon

Fagen has arrived! Fionna just saw him get off the bus on 75th Street.

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 16:10:25, ET
Posted by: Jimbo , at home

Enjoy the concert. Me. I'm going to listen to XM at 9pm tonight for Fagen's "Morph The Cat" special. Channel 45 XM Cafe.


All E.S.T..

And it happens as soon as I'm done watching Keith Olbermann. Cool!

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 16:08:53, ET
Posted by: Rajah , Beacon Hotel, Ste. 2002

OK, we're all set here, Fiona is putting the Cheez Whiz on the crackers, Gretchen has changed her outfit least three times wondering which one Donald would like most and I told her it will never work, she's 6, Don's gotta be an 18. I went and got the beer and vino. Plus I had to juice the IT guy to bring me a new wireless box and I finally figured it out. So you can post to the party, luminaries expected to be SOH, Boston Rag, Hoopimon, ygk, PQ, Pete & Shari, and a host of others so post away you Blue.

Wish you were all here.

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 16:01:54, ET
Posted by: TJ , DK

moray eel, Good one. But also a response so long, that I'm only about 90% sure that it was a joke...

Evan, NYC, Good job!!! It's even in the same key as I.G.Y. I did wonder what the idea was, but didn't catch that it was a qoute - what a great detail.

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 15:46:10, ET
Posted by: SoulMonkey , The Ville

TWM, I commited a typo. I meant to say "so it wasn't a 4 star review." Sorry for the confusion. I'm not sure what you meant by the "every monkey" comment, and I'm not sure if I want to know.


Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 15:25:56, ET
Posted by: thirdworldmaniac , still here

every monkey ive ever met has been well versed in "Kool and the Gang"
especially uptown baby monkeys...

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 15:22:40, ET
Posted by: margar , NE ohio

hello again! my throat (and uvula) has recovered and morph the cat is one day closer to being in my hands... life's looking up for me! now all i have to do is come up with 120 bucks to go see DF in cleveland..................
oh well, two out of three ain't bad! i still have not heard anything from MTC beside brief clips of h gang and morph the cat on DF's site. i could be a little more assertive, but i really would rather not spoil the satisfaction of removing the plastic wrap from the cd, admiring the album sleeve, and then vegging out while indulging my ears in a new piece of music... ah. anyhoo, i guess i should be a responsible adult and go to work now. :(
see y'all!

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 15:16:20, ET
Posted by: thirdworldmannaquin , down at the lido, growling

soulmonkey, where in the article did u see that it was a 4 star revue? (i went back and looked again) you're sure its the same article?

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 15:11:05, ET
Posted by: SoulMonkey , The Ville

TWM, I did read the article. So what, he thinks it sounds like Kool and the Gang. I'm not well versed in "Kool", so i can't say. "MTC" sounds like funky Fagen to me, and there's no doubt that he's trying to be no one but himself. I knew your comment was tongue in cheek, but the review wasn't exactly scathing. Anyone notice the the "Gina" in "Nitegown", or is it just me? "Pagoda" is starting to grow, but "Mary" is the shizz-nizzle.


Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 15:07:50, ET
Posted by: fezman , boston

To the best of my knowledge it appears that the all access pre-show is the wingding for boston,i personally would love to get together with early arrivals somewhere at quincy market at fanuel hall.If that appeals to any boston bound.drop me a line,i will be in boston aprox. 1:30- 2:00 will give my cell out to those interested in lunch and libation prior to 3:45 all access pre-show....i have not heard anything in a couple of day's so let's get going

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 14:54:33, ET
Posted by: thirdworldman , looking forward to Boston...

Hey soul monkey, did you actually read the article? I wasn't really that hard on him (the "must die" part was not an actual threat, a little tounge in cheek) he says in the acticle, quote:

" In fact, the drums, electric bass and rhythm guitar that open the album sound more like slowed down Kool and the Gang than anything else." ^this referring to title track^

Hello? is there any way this hacker should be reviewing music if this is his response to MTC??? is this really what he hears or is he putting on airs, ya know, "this isn't REAL jazz so it's beneath me" type of bs. whatever, dude.
Obtw, MTC was listed today as the #18 selling album on Amazon, and thats just presale numbers, Kool and the gang, Humph!

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 14:44:59, ET
Posted by: trumpet solo ,

sorry paul, deaconblue
It's the incredible Marvin Stamm on trumpet, not Michael Leonhart. Marvin is a class act from way back. Has played with everyone.

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 14:20:38, ET
Posted by: Evan , NYC

After my first full MTC listen, wow!

Anyone else catch that the very last lick on the album (from the MTC reprise) is a quick quote from the IGY vamp, the first song on the first album of this trilogy? It doesn't get better than this, people.

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 13:48:48, ET
Posted by: alan , downunder

To Rajah, Gretchen and all the crew attending the Beacon show tonight, wished I could have been there with y'all.

Enjoy my friends and I'll see y'all soon !

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 13:46:25, ET
Posted by: paul ,

Re: Mike's solo on Pagoda

That trumpet solo is quite inspiring. First thing I did when I heard it was try to copy the solo on my cornet... problem #1 was that I didn't have the proper mute... problem #2 was that, though the range he plays isn't very difficult, i can't get my stubby fingers to move that damn fast! In the end I played it about a third of the speed and sped it up on my computer. It actually sounds pretty good, even without the mute!

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 13:42:09, ET
Posted by: hoops ,


I forwarded that to philly AT Dandom DOT com and NYC AT Dandom DOT Com

Once I was able to get TM to give a ticket to someone.

Good luck


Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 13:33:18, ET
Posted by: steelydoc , down at the Lido

I have an extra ticket for the BEACON...7th row, on the side ROW C, seat 23...can't make it. I am in the Philly area and can deliver if anyone is interested...face value, free delivery! It's not too late to hop the bus for NYC....


610 449 2560 home

610 613 0565 cell

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 13:33:17, ET

"Great pagoda" is almost 8 minutes magic!

Awasesome guitarsolo. Is it Wayne or Jon?

Michaels Trumpetsolo is incredible.

This could be the best one of the album.

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 13:32:20, ET
Posted by: GRECO , CHI-TOWN

I got snooker by The Chicago Theatre.

I have tickets in sec4 row E. I thought that was 5th row.

Look Again. U may want 2 check out ur seats 2.

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 13:24:51, ET




Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 13:18:58, ET
Posted by: hoops ,

Today's USA Today has a review of MTC C3 3-stars. Unless you are staying at a hotel and get a free copy, I wouldn't go out of my way to get it. Probably on line too. The review is pretty brief and doesn't have much we haven't hear before.


Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 13:17:06, ET
Posted by: Rajah , Watching the clock

Hey's 3am and I'm sniffing SHOE GOO! Where the F**k are ya when the good shit happens?? Shit...I just saw a pair of eyes coming at me in the Dark........whew ! Thank God they were attached to a Horse! Let's go riding through Purgatory Chasm ! Later Bro.

See you all tonight.

The turbaned one

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 13:16:23, ET
Posted by: hoops ,

Fred Rated, SD77, Chan, C,

Shame on you for suggesting ticket brokers. There are several good places run by fans that offer tickets to SD and Donald shows with out paying asshole ticket brokers; don't succumb to the system that basically makes us fans pay kick backs to someone who is not a fan. Everyone gets a ticket at cost...never seen anyone walk away unhappy. For starters, (this place) has three ways to get and buy tickets to fans. One is you can post here as FR did. Another is to send your request to digest AT dandom DOT com for the Dandom Digest Ticket Exchange and your request will go to 2500 fans every time there is a Digest until you tell us you have a ticket or the show occurs. But I've seen the best results when you email the local Dandom list for a particular show. For example, someone was looking for a NJ ticket and they got one hours before the show. Legit prices for fans by fans.

Also there is St Al's Ticket Exchange at

There is I Love All Access...even for me I have both very positive and negative thoughts about it but at least the money goes to a DF sanctioned party and if you go all-out you get some swag.

Mark aka Boston Rag & Songe Bill. Could I have a basic times. location, rundown on the Boston WingDing? Thanks!

As far as comparisons of BNNY and EMG, so there is a hook or phase that appears in both songs, not much else, big deal IMHO. Great painters used the same brush strokes, palettes, etc to say entirely different things.


Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 13:14:12, ET
Posted by: Josey , St. Simons Island

Why couldn't he?

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 13:11:51, ET
Posted by: GRECO , CHI-TOWN


If Jeff Baxter plays with SD, then Harrington would play lead, Jeff would play rythm and Walter would go back on Bass. I don't think Baxter could no longer handle most of the leads.


Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 12:57:07, ET
Posted by: moray eel , post

TJ: The human ear has limitations. It cannot hear extremely high or low notes. High (and low notes) begin to sound alike at the extremes. A "C" note sounds an awful like the "B" note right next to it. In order for the human ear to distinguish that there is an interval between them, a piano tuner will stretch the interval. Instead of making it a half step, he may make it 3/4 of a step so that it sounds distinctly different for the note next to it.

You could look at it a different way. Imagine you are standing with your eyes closed on the 50 yard line of a football field. Every five yards away from you I have placed a person.

Person #1: 45 yard line
Person #2: 40 yard line
Person #3: 35 yard line
Person #4: 30 yard line
Person #5: 25 yard line
Person #6: 20 yard line
Person #7: 15 yard line
Person #8: 10 yard line
Person #9: 5 yard line

If tell person #1 to shout, you would be able to identify that it was person #1 because he is only standing 5 yards away from you. If I told person #2 to shout, you would probably be able to identify them also (10 yards away from you).

If I tell person #8 to shout, you would have a much more difficult time identifing which person it was that was shouting. Maybe you would guess #7 or #9 despite that fact that the intervals between the people remain the same (5 yards). So what you could do to make it easier to distinguish which person is shouting, is to take the people at the 15, 10 and 5 yard line and increase the distance between them. Maybe if I put 10 yards between them, you would be able to correctly guess which one is shouting.


Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 12:36:11, ET
Posted by: Declan , Memphis

I love the random lyric generator on Andy's site. Cool.

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 12:15:34, ET

I am listening for awhile to "The great pagoda of funn". I think i'm going to need more listenings what in Steely Dan terms means it's gonna be a great song.It makes the album completer.
Great cool guitars and trumpets fur sure.This will be sounds great live. Still looking forworth to the LA and Temecula shows.

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 12:06:12, ET
Posted by: SoulMonkey , The Ville

Damn Third World Man, it's not as if he bashed the album. It's just one man's opinion. What he is saying is a legitimate as us drooling over this fine work. There is nothing wrong in being critical of something as long as you've given it a chance. So what, it was a four star review. At least he posted reasons for not thinking it was the best thing Fagen has done. Lighten up. I disagree with him also, and that's what make the world go round.



Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 11:38:12, ET
Posted by: Brutus Charisma ,

Is it possible for you to share your old SD/DF/WB interview MP3s with Andy Metzger to be posted at his site? Or could you post them on yours?

Thanks -

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 11:36:56, ET
Posted by: TJ , DK

Howard, thanks. You should put it on wikipedia, much easier to understand.

So if I understand you right, the problem is actually a consequence of the well tempered tuning and stretching is sort of compensating for that compromise by making the high notes a little sharper to fit the natural harmonics.

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 11:36:35, ET
Posted by: thirdworldman , ct usa

Jonathan Casey must die!

Read this crap!,GGLD:2003-49,GGLD:en%26sa%3DG

Butthead! Obviously the subtlety was lost on the likes of him...

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 11:26:23, ET
Posted by: Little Wild One , work...Damn

Hi ya Mo! Good to hear from you. I'm sorry to miss this real occasion, as you are so, so right about Roseland being the BEST, but I know you will be in good company tonight!

Have FUNN everyone! I expect reviews from each of you.


Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 11:05:19, ET
Posted by: Mo , daydreaming about tonight

I haven't posted here in ages, but I just wanted to say that I am SO looking forward to tonight's show at the Beacon!! The clock can't tick fast enough today!

I haven't been this psyched since the EMG tour. I'm hoping tonight will be like the Roseland shows (saw both of 'em - the BEST weekend of my life!!), in quality, energy, etc - seeing as most of the band will be playing in their own backyards, so to speak. There's something to be said for the "home-field advantage".

I heard Donald's MTC show on XM the other night and it was great! It's being replayed tonight at 9:00 PM on XM 45. He seemed more relaxed than he was last week. He was chattier, and had me laughing out loud at times!

Hope to run into some of you later!

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 10:47:14, ET
Posted by: Flipkid , Blue State

Warner Theatre 3/6:

Someone already posted the set list from last night, so I won't repeat. But here are some general thoughts.

My only (minor) beef with the show was that Kamakiriad got the short shrift; Snowbound was the only song they played from that album. No Tomorrow's Girls?? No Teahouse?? Boo!

The upside of that, of course, is that we got more Morph... four songs, in fact. The title track, What I Do, H Gang and Mary Shut the Garden Door (which is a phenomenal song, by the way).

Oh, and the old Jack Teagarden song? Un-fucking-believable. Awesome. A real treat.

The acoustics at The Warner Theatre are amazing, and DF's sound system was also incredible. The mix was clean, clean, clean (at least it was at mid-balcony, where our seats were).

One last thing, and I can't stress this enough. Donald was in EXCELLENT voice. I have NEVER heard him better live. No straining, no clams... strong and expressive from opener to encore.

The show clocked in at exactly two hours, no intermission and a short "break" before the encore (of course). And no screwing around between songs, either. Bang-bang-bang, one after another.

Tight, killer band. (But then, we wouldn't expect anything less from DF.)

Except for the lack of Kamakiriad material, one of the best shows I have EVER seen.

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 10:14:19, ET
Posted by: PQ , NYC

Malc email me thru Pat's Raj and I are planning.

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 10:13:40, ET
Posted by: Me , here

What do these lines have in common? (hint: it has to do with a steely dan related website.)

She's wearing Ambush and a French twist

When you put me on the Wolverine up to Annandale

Stackin' cutouts at the Strand

Panatela and old black derby hat

Little Eva meets the Bleecker Street brat

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 09:57:11, ET
Posted by: LadyBayside , ..

Oh! 5 hours 45 minutes, I mean. Yikes!


Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 09:56:07, ET
Posted by: LadyBayside , state of sheer excitement


Will look for you tonight...thanks for the cues/clues. I'll be f&c also.

I am SO excited that I am going to the gym to try to work out some of this energy. Otherwise, I don't know what to do with myself for the next 6 hours 45 minutes!

Enjoy the getting there...


Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 09:51:21, ET
Posted by: Alkali , NYC

11 Hours and counting until the Beacon tonight, VIP front and center!
So in preparation for tonightC-s show IC-ve abstained from listening to any Dan/Don what so ever for the past week or so, IC-ve dug up my Soft machine sweat shirt (in the hopes that Fagen sees me and recognizes the reference to Burroughs) I also prepped my video camera, giant Styrofoam hand with the raised index finger and large capital "F" painted on the front, PDA, French beret and hash pipe.
The limo is picking our gang up at 5-ish wherein we plan to cocktail and inhale pre-sound check.
IC-m absolutely tweaked!
Hope to see some of you tonight!!!!!!!!!!

"IC-m so excited I can barely cope"

Now whirling:
Soft machine C,BundlesC.
The Band C,Northern lights/Southern crossC.
Miles Davis C,Sketches of SpainC.
Monk/Coltrane C,Live at Carnegie HallC.
Tchaikovsky C,NCSC. (Bernstein)
Dylan C,Blonde on BlondeC. Side note: picture Dylan on this cover with slightly shorter and darker hair wearing that identical scarf adding MTC Fagen band insignia at the tip and youC-ll recognize me.


Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 09:35:23, ET
Posted by: steelydoc , down at the Lido

I have a SINGLE SEAT, 7th row (on the side, house left) for BEACON tonite...face value...if you live in Philly area I can get it to you....

Doc 610 449-2560 home...610 613 0565 cell

thanks and good night!

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 09:34:48, ET
Posted by: YGK , nyc

If anyone has info/contact with Raja, et al, please get in touch with me at the addy party plans, pre-show....



Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 09:27:04, ET
Posted by: SoulMonkey , The Ville

Sorry if someone has already posted this, but I haven't seen it yet. A fair review I suppose:

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 09:23:12, ET
Posted by: NYB ,

Howard, interesting... I wasn't aware of that problem. I have a Yamaha S-90. I'm not sure if Yamaha has worked this problem out or not in the newer synths. I found this blurb concerning stretched tuning and the S-90ES on the net...

"In designing the S90 ESs new grand piano voice, the focus was in creating a voice that produces naturally sounding long tones even when played at a pianissimo level. To realize this goal, a generous 53MB of memory was dedicated to this voice to use longer samples of a specially selected S700 grand piano C1 a $250,000 acoustic grand handcrafted by Yamahas master artisans. Played at normal tempos and dynamic levels the sound of this voice is truly superb, but its at the opposite end of the tempo and dynamic range that the results are most stunning. The longer waves give each note a very natural sustain that, when used on ballads and slow, exposed pieces, plays expressively with a full, natural sound.

This voice also features STRETCH TUNING and a damper resonance effect, which bring this voice even closer to reality by simulating the inner workings of an acoustic grand piano. Damper resonance simulates the resonance of the strings and soundboard when the damper pedal is pressed C1 a factor that contributes to the unique sound of a grand piano. Using the sustain pedal on soft, slow pieces it adds a rich resonance to the pianos tone and enhances its natural sustain and decay."

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 09:19:35, ET
Posted by: LadyBayside , Beeeacon, here I come!

"Me" and everyone who has been kind enough to post the links to all these great articles as they appear..thank you!

I never think to do searches for new articles, and these are wonderful.

Very much appreciated!

LadyB, trying to decide what to wear tonight! High heeled sneakers might be at the back of the closet....

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 09:06:56, ET
Posted by: Me , here

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 08:20:08, ET
Posted by: Security Cat , from the Caves of Altamira

the Chrystler, you said, "Security Cat: So modes came into being in the 15th century? Not to be patronizing, but that would be a big, big surprise to the ancient Greeks."

Oh yeah. That was the 9th century. I wonder what I was thinking '15th century' for. *ponders*

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 07:59:51, ET
Posted by: Howard , Location:

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 07:10:39, ET
Posted by: Gutshot ,

TJ: Check this link:

Hope it helps...

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 06:47:25, ET
Posted by: Twin , Minnesota

I dreamed I hit a homer
I'm made special VIP
I'm not upset
save for the bullpen
everybody's playing for me

I see my mugshot on the jumbo
I swiftly turn my head around
and there beside me
sittin' in the nosebleeds
Kirby Puckett
in a brite nite gown, eh?

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 05:41:11, ET
Posted by: TJ , DK

Could anyone explain this phenomena please?:

"It's like the top end is always a little flat, and the bottom end is always a little sharp, because the keyboards aren't what they call "stretched."

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 04:51:15, ET
Posted by: Ann , Borneo

Hey!! For once S.E.Asia beats the rest of the world!

Do any of you people in Singapore know if any of the record stores there operate a mail order service? If so, please could you let me have their phone number and I'll try to get Morph from them. Amazon will take me a week after the UK release date. Other than that, please could I have Warner's phone number in Singapore?

Wow...if it takes off there, we may even get a visit from the there's a thought!!


Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 04:37:13, ET
Posted by: G. , Sun Mountain

above is the All About Jazz review by John Kelman... Suffice to say that the entire AAJ Staff grew up with the music of Steely Dan and it's a household 'name', especially when you browse their huge archive, read about musicians and check credentials, influences...

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 03:48:17, ET
Posted by: TJ , DK

the Chrysler and Mu, You are right. It's just that its' such a significant line that it seems strange if neither Don nor Walt could detect the connection. But two great songs instead of one is nice.

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 03:17:00, ET
Posted by: confirmed , singapore

confirmed straight from Warner Singapore....Morph will be in stores Thursday, this week.....wonder why we get it first here?...aint complaining...will keep my eyes peeled for any Japanese releases....

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 02:45:27, ET
Posted by: Doc Mu ,


"Chris: It's has been 13 years since your last true solo endeavor.

Donald: Yeah, pretty much.

Chris: Why such a long wait?

Donald: Well, you know I had this...well, there is this oppressive Steely Dan gig that keeps getting in the way, and I have to make these Steely Dan albums and go on tour and stuff like that."

"...Chris: I see. I read a small piece that said this particular album was the final installment in a trilogy, and I'm wondering is that in fact truth, and if so, would this be considered your last solo album?

Donald: Well no, you know, it's true it's the last one of a trilogy; otherwise you'd have to call it something different than a trilogy."

"...Chris: And those literary themes have carried over very well into your lyricism, both in your solo work and with Steely Dan, and that really seems to be something that's absent from contemporary popular music. And I'm just curious what your take is on...?

Donald: Oh, you know, reading is absent from a lot of popular culture altogether."

"...Chris: It is, and I feel it's reflected in popular music, and I'm just curious how you feel about the popular music industry?

Donald: You know, I don't have that much contact with it really. You know, I recently have been talking to some people from Warner BrothersCI've been in Warner Brothers since The Nightfly in 1982, and I think between...I guess in between albums I never get one phone call from Warner Brothers. Like, I have no contact with the company whatsoever unless it's to do something specific. So when an album comes out, there's a whole new bunch of people there because everyone else has been fired, and they're all young, you know much younger, increasingly younger than I am and don't even know who I am, so I have to reintroduce myself. It's, you know, that shows how alien I am to the whole process really..."

"...Chris: And I'm curious do you--well it sounds like maybe you've answered this--but do you consciously sort of shut out anything that's going on with contemporary music trends or...?

Donald: It's not really necessary, because I don't think anything has happened for 30 years or so.

don't see any sort of major thing that's happened since maybe reggae music in the '70s that's really differet"

"Chris: Well...

Donald: I mean, they use sampling technology to put out a blip of sound, but it's really like an orchestral hit will be sampled and then know and maybe they if they appear very rapidly, that's something maybe an orchestra couldn't do, because it happens faster than an orchestra could play it's not what I would call a really significant change or anything.

Chris: So no real validity to the art of sampling, in your opinion?

Donald: Well it all sounds so canned that it's basically...since they use drum machines and sequences for even the ballads nowCpeople are used to it now, but to me, it also sounds like the kick drum comes in the wrong place, or it sounds wrong. You know like it's...there's really something wrong with the groove. Although, they're getting better at mimicking real grooves. To me there's always something, and the fact that it's unchanging makes it sound, it may be hypnotic, but it has no dynamics, and it has no shape." THAT'S KEEPIN' IT REAL, B*TCH!

"Donald: And what's more, if you want to continue with the technical thing, as far as the other instruments are concerned, if you use synthesizers for all the keyboards and stuff like that, they're always out of tune, technically, and I can hear it. It's like the top end is always a little flat, and the bottom end is always a little sharp, because the keyboards aren't what they call "stretched." Like, when a piano tuner tunes a piano, aside from being tempered, they'll stretch the tops of the harmonics so they aren't flat on the top and sharp on the bottom. So they're...there's no groove and they're out of tune."

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 02:16:31, ET
Posted by: Doc Mu ,

Chrysler has it

"I only hear the loudest voices. The ones with something new to sell" = "And light up all the Luckies, Crankin' up the afterglow "

On BNNY you hear the theme and chord changes in the intro at the 0;38 sec mark also But that's it.

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 01:54:20, ET
Posted by: Up on the [Capital] Hill , people get shot

The D.C. show was really good tonight! Awesome to hear the tittle track "Morph The Cat" live. Sounded just like the record. Fagen was great!

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 01:33:14, ET
Posted by: Nancy Grace , Utah

Who killed the Mormon Church? Music like Steely Dan.

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 01:11:59, ET
Posted by: moray eel , yikes

Current picture of Eddie Van Halen:

I think that Donald has aged quite nicely by comparison.


Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 00:47:36, ET
Posted by: beaubo , Cleveland

Sorry for my incomplete grammar!

For Seth2112, the Palace Theatre is in downtown Cleveland. While downtown as a whole is not particularly lively, the 'theatre district' has a nice cluster of dining/drinking within a couple of blocks. I'd make a recommendation, but there's no place that merits either a must-go or dire-warning.

Noticed no 'Century's End' on DC setlist; I'll adjust my expectations accordingly!!

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 00:17:46, ET
Posted by: midnitevulture , Dallas

Greetings Danheads,

I am making a mix featuring the melodica. I know Fagen is famous for shredding on the melodica and the instrument is featured on "Alive in America." Does anybody know which track Fagen plays the melodica on? Just curious. I've listened a lot but can't find it. It seems like it is in the beginning of "Kid Charlemagne," but I am unsure. Let me know! Thanks a bunch.

Also the tribute band Naked Lunch is from my area and they rock! Check it out at


Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 00:13:47, ET
Posted by: Declan , Memphis

Yay, Morph!

Favorite song on the album so far, hoping it stays in the setlist.

Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 23:50:52, ET
Posted by: PennyK ,

The ad ran again on "The Daily Show"...

Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 23:16:28, ET
Posted by: DM1234 ,

Tonight's set list.....

Washington, DC 3/6/06
1)Here At The Western World
2)The Nightfly
3)Green Flower Street
4)Morph the Cat
5)New Frontier
6)Third World Man
7)Home At Last
9)H Gang
10)What I Do
11)Black Cow
12)The Goodbye Look
13)Misery and the Blues
14)Mary Shut The Garden Door

16)Pretzel Logic (only one encore)

Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 23:11:53, ET
Posted by: LadyBayside , practically en route to the beacon


Hmm. Did you realize that you wrote "Here's hoping I might a handful of you tomorrow night"? Boy, maybe your wife should not be bailing on the show! *grin*

Seriously, hope to get to see everyone at either the Donfest or following the show.

And maybe BB should watch his hands!

LadyB, counting the minutes....

PS HOOPS...sure about the ride from the port?

Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 23:11:03, ET
Posted by: seth2112 , cleveland, via nyc and tampa

anyone going to the cleveland show?
i think the place will be half empty.
scored 2nd row side aisle seats yesterday.
where can one imbibe in cleveladn before the show?

Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 23:06:14, ET
Posted by: the Chrysler , PA

Actually, only one longish phrase is the same in both BNNY and EMG. Otherwise, they're rather different tunes, don't you think?

And I really don't see how EMG is a vast improvement over BNNY, in any case. They're both great songs. BNNY is more pop/soul and EMG more art/gospel, but I'd put them on a par quality-wise.

Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 22:17:40, ET
Posted by: Boston Rag , off to NYC

The Boston Phoenix have some nice things to say about DF and his upcoming show at the Opera House(finally some local press!).

Regarding the Boston Wing Ding. A lot of us have VIP tix (myself included). Don't know how long we'll be tied up in the few hours before the show.

However, Felt, which is steps away from the Opera House opens it's doors at 4:00PM. There's a bar, restuarant, night club and pool tables. Those who are not doing the VIP thing might want to meet in the bar at Felt. We're going to speak to the manager of the club and see if we can get some SD playing before and after the show.
There's live music on Thursdays, for those who want a letdown after seeing Donald play. However, we can probably get into the bar and avoid the club.

Mark in Boston

Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 21:15:58, ET
Posted by: beaubo , Cleveland

Evening everyone!

Just stumbled onto this site and enjoyed the banter.

I'm zipping into NYC for the Beacon show. Might try and invade the pre-show shindig at the Beacon Hotel.

50/50 chance that my better half (wife!) won't be joining me, so might have a spare seat- 6th Row Center Section Loge (1st Balcony) if anyone might need a spare ducat. Zip a quick email.

Had a pair of front row center floor seats for Cleveland (I cheated, my family is in the concert promoting business!), but ended up having a schedule conflict and turned them back in!!!

Anyhow, like a few here, I wouldn't mind hearing some deep cut gems like 'Century's End', 'Dunes', but I have to admit, ANYTIME I can hear Steely Dan songs live, I'm a happy camper. I always thought live 'Kid Charlemagne' electrified the crowd.

DF probably is trying to tread a traditionally thin line for artists of his ilk- dynamic balance between old and new, hits and deep cuts, band vs. solo. Case in point, Todd Rundgren (a huge Cleveland favorite) started infuriating (OK, maybe just intently frustrating) his loyal audiences by playing 100% of the cuts off off not only new, but often unreleased albums, then not even throwing us a bone with any hits. Which is why Todd now plays at 900-1500 seat venues in Cleveland.

I remember when Steely Dan revived their touring in '93, I caught the tour opener in Detroit. The set was chock full of Fagen and Becker's new albums, and the SD tunes were primarily 'deep-cuts'.
I brough 9 friewnds who were decent SD fans along, and all of them were less than kind about the set list. By the time the tour hit Cleveland a couple of months later, the set list was unrecognizable from a good way, for the average SD fans' expectations.

So, I'm sure DF's set list will continue to be a work in progress.

Here's hoping I might a handful of you tomorrow night!


Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 21:05:33, ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher , Louisville, KY

Damn. I only caught the end of Countdown tonight. Hopefully I'll catch the commercial some other time this week. Thanks for the heads up.

Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 21:02:14, ET
Posted by: KDawg , Mt. Belzoni

So...did anyone hear the XM broadcast.....and if was it?


Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 21:01:12, ET
Posted by: beaubo , Cleveland

Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 20:51:06, ET
Posted by: c , c

Fred Rated There are still tickets available at iloveallaccess for the Wiltern and and other So. Cal shows

Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 20:50:38, ET
Posted by: PennyK ,

WOW! While watching the ONLY evening news show for those of us in the "reality-based community"....Bill O'Reilly's favorite, "Countdown with Keith Olbermann," came an ad for "Morph the Cat," with "H Gang" playing. Said available on the 14th at Target. Wheee!

Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 20:47:24, ET
Posted by: GateKeeper Joan [Formerly J-v-P hosted by Aja] , NJ

There's defenitely some notable similarities between BNNY and EMG. I heard via some guys at the State Theatre that some MTC tracks were being played on Q-104.3

Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 20:46:19, ET
Posted by: Gretchen , Grand Central

Just a reminder, New York Danfest tomorrow evening hosted by myself and the Rajah. Come on up to the Beacon Hotel, 2130 Broadway at 75th st, 6ish, just ask at the front desk for Rajah and Gretchen's room - hope to see you all there. There will be libations of course, and gourmet treats prepared by our very own Fife.


Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 20:45:57, ET
Posted by: Chan , Boston

Fred Rated, Many of us have purchased tix thru They are the broker selling the VIP passes for the shows. You can access them through Click on VIP passes and follow the prompts. The early reports from prople who bought these packages is that the seats are awesome. Check it out. Otherwise keep trying ticketmaster as seats often open up closer to show time.

Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 20:35:43, ET
Posted by: SD77 , Cal

Fred Rated you might have to go to a ticket broker for the Wiltern

Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 20:30:02, ET
Posted by: Fred Rated , California

Is the The Wiltern LG show sold out? I keep trying to purchase tickets at Ticketbastard and none see available. Tickets at other west coast venues are available but not at the The Wiltern. Anyone have any information on this? Thanks

Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 20:09:16, ET
Posted by: Fred Rated , California


I'm planning on attending the March 27 show at the Wiltern LG in Los Angeles. I've never been there and was wondering if anyone had information about parking, restaurants and lodging in the area. Or should I stay in a different place and drive to the theater for the show? Any information would be a great help.


Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 19:36:19, ET
Posted by: hoops ,


What kinda radio station would play new Fagen these days? I can only think of one or two here in Chicago and I listen once a month. I think a nice portion (but not all) of Fagen's potential listeners would catch this as an interview on NPR and then buy the CD. I personally don't even think Sirius or XM will help Fagen or SD that much. Part of it goes back to how more often than not, people know who Steely Dan is but they don't know who Donald Fagen is.


Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 19:29:13, ET
Posted by: Formulaic Noodle Girl , Smooth Jazz Hoochie Tavern

Guitar with effects pedals = automatic elimination from any smooth jazz radio station.

Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 19:14:08, ET
Posted by: Gutshot ,

With respects to the 70%, I couldn't tell because I was beneath the balcony. It looked pretty full to me, but like I said I couldn't see the upper deck.

Philly's radio is really goofed up. WXPN played "H Gang" quite a bit, and the World Cafe is going to play Fagen's interview Friday. Other than that, it's been quiet about Fagen. WMGK had a setup at the Tower, yet I heard virtually nothing abou his concert on their station. And WJJZ is the smooth jazz station in Philly, and they haven't played a note of Fagen's new stuff. I even traded emails with their GM about "H Gang," and he said adding it was "under consideration." I guess they gave it the finger, even though I'm about 90% sure I saw WJJZ's GM at the show on Saturday night. I guess he enjoyed the free tix, just doesn't think enough of Fagen to actually spin his record.

So, if you wonder about empty seats, it's just because the stations don't give a crap. Must be they've decided Fagen's a dud. I guess he'd be better off singing some grunge dude's song about killing himself or doing a duet with a rapper.

Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 17:16:56, ET
Posted by: SteveeDan , Don't Release me (yet)

I checked around with a lot of different record stores and the guy at Tower Records was wrong (as you all already know).

Morph will be released next week. I don't know if the record stores in your cities do this, but both Tower Records and Virgin Megastores release Tuesday's releases on the previous Monday night at Midnight.

7 days, and no more mediocre MP3s !!!

Release The Cat !


Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 17:15:02, ET
Posted by: TJ , DK

Napoleon, You're right. EMG is the much improved version of BNNY

Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 17:08:04, ET
Posted by: the Chrysler , PA

PQ: I hear what you're saying in your trombone post, but the "most well-known" trombone player? Really now--that's a 2-way tie between Glen Miller and Tommy Dorsey, no?

Security Cat: So modes came into being in the 15th century? Not to be patronizing, but that would be a big, big surprise to the ancient Greeks.

"Greenflower Street" a what, wine-bar tune? 7-6-5-4-3-2-1, lemme get my BP monitor...

Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 17:07:58, ET
Posted by: hoops ,

Actually. I'm already thinking the Beacon is already the best show, hence why I am on my way. :-)

I know some of you think McMcD on the same bill can't be topped, and he is great, but a lot of us still would rather have both sets as Steely Dan. I have maybe 2/3 of his albums and whatta voice, which is so much better live. I love most all of his hits, some of non-hits too, but Steely Dan (including DF and WB) are the only band that I love everything they have recorded.

I still won't forget when Pete Fogel had him play for some of us Danfans at Le Bar Bat in 1998. That was the best Mike McD show I ever saw.

Every now and then, I get emails that some fan went to and it said nothing about the March Fagen dates. I think having more info there would help the DF shows sell. They hear there's a tour by the solo SD guy and then they go to and no info.

I was in the same boat in 1992. I didn't know about "Metal Leg" and I heard that there was this tour with Becker and Fagen; furthermore when I kept calling about the Rock and Soul Revue, Ticketmaster was clueless (was hard to type the correct name in the database or something) so 4 hours before showtime, I finally helped Ticketmaster find me tickets. And then that inspired several of us from to trade SD emails and eventually what is today's Dandom Digest was started so we didn't end up in the same boat again.

It taking a shot in the dark that it must be some legality or technicality that Fagen and Becker's solo ventures are mentioned in detail on the front of But it's a shame as I'm sure it would help both their solo projects a great deal, including the sales of DF tickets. Heck they know what they are doing--maybe they are just trying to prove what they can garner on their own.


Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 16:50:13, ET
Posted by: Declan , Memphis

Righto, Nap. It's the same damn song at points.

Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 16:28:57, ET
Posted by: Napoleon , Start the projection machine

It would be cool if the people lucky enough to see Don could keep the rest of us posted as to whether they see any cameras around the venue. We were told there might be a live D.V.D. The gig where he seemed to be smiling all the time would have been priceless.

I heard "Big Noise New York" the other day and couldn't believe how much of it was recycled for "Everything Must Go". Anyone else think the same thing?

Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 16:22:58, ET
Posted by: Salomon Rushdie ,

hoops could you please stop responding to Peter Q's posts. He is starved for attention and it only feeds his over inflated ego.

Perhaps you could try responding to the ever out of contol Rajah. How is his marriage to Johnny Weir working out? I heard they are sharing the swain outfit.

Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 16:13:06, ET
Posted by: hoops ,

Peter Q: Would you please stop responding to Trout's posts? It makes it very complicated to simply delete them when you keep respoinding. Thanks.


Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 16:10:23, ET
Posted by: KDawg , Mt. Belzoni

Greco: Thanks for the news....this was posted a couple of days ago with the article you quoted. If it indeed happens, it'll definitely be on my schedule.


Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 16:09:37, ET
Posted by: Philly Attendee , here

The aforementioned review is now online

Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 15:58:21, ET
Posted by: GRECO , CHI-TOWN

I thought tickets 2 Donald Fagen on March 18th were priceless but u can't top this!

THIS IS HUGE!!!!!!!!

Michael McDonald and Steely Dan may be reuniting. Sources tell Billboard that McDonald, who played keyboards and sang backing vocals on such Steely Dan classics as "The Royal Scam," "Katy Lied" and "Aja," is in talks to co-headline the band's summer tour.

Each act would play its own set, and then McDonald would join Steely Dan for a number of hits on which he performed, including the 1977 No. 11 Billboard pop singles chart entry "Peg."

McDonald has scattered solo dates on the books through June 10 in Nashville. Meanwhile, Steely Dan principals Donald Fagen and Walter Becker are busy with their own solo projects: Fagen's third solo album, "Morph the Cat," arrives Tuesday (March 7) via Reprise, while Becker is at work on the follow-up to his 1994 solo debut, "11 Tracks of Whack."

Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 15:51:37, ET
Posted by: Philly Fan , here

I thought Philly was way better than 70% full. I didn't question the review that it claimed to be sold out. Of course I was sitting in the first 20 rows and couldn't see the balcony. This venue had about 65% more capacity than New Brunswick.

Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 15:49:48, ET
Posted by: The Doctor , Portsmouth, England

70...80...90% full venues ??? Someone's f**ked up here then and BIG TIME ! If the people who's job it is to make sure that everyone who should know about this tour actually did...and then only 50% of those people actually decided to buy tickets....the whole tour would still have been sold out twice over ! Funny, cos if I was as shit at my job as these guys appear to be...I'd for quite a while now be inbetween jobs as they say !!!

Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 15:06:02, ET
Posted by: PQ , NYC


Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 14:54:24, ET
Posted by: PQ , NYC

LOL! Since you brought it up, remember. The founder of the Steely Dan online community, St. Al, says "Every Steely Dan fan will relate to this book immediately. It's a most excellent book." 2nd Edition with quotes is being prepared as we speak.

By the way, everybody get out and support Rick Goeld's fabulous novel about SD, Searching for Steely Dan,

Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 14:49:46, ET
Posted by: Rajah , south shore

Have a great time tonight everybody. The two places I miss the most from my years in DC are Toscanini's and the Hawk & Dove, both on Capitol Hill, the juke box kept playing "Crazy" by Patsy Cline. But that's a cab ride away from Warner's. Gallagher's Irish is also a good choice and it's closer.

Not a Fan can perhaps give us a recomendation for a nice place to hang the next time Donald plays Dogpatch.

Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 14:46:54, ET
Posted by: Why not write a book about it? , Another slow selling paper back?

Or no selling to be correct.

Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 14:33:30, ET
Posted by: PQ , NYC

I think someone should post a review of the Chicago show now since it's already been preordained in mythology as the best show on the tour.

Seriously, touring on a double bill with McDonald is a great idea. Now if we can just get SD on Live 8 and to do an Unplugged CD you won't see any more 70% full houses, as Andy reported.

I think it might be hard to top the Westbury show because 1) it was largely an NYC audience and 2) the theater was so initmate. It's small in its full capacity, using only half made it even more so. The Beacon and The Chicago are veritable stadiums compared to Westbury.

Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 14:20:28, ET

a Mantis (KAMAKIRI)
and a CAT =
Animal Trilogy.

Meditate over ziz fact!

Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 14:10:49, ET
Posted by: SteveeDan , Release Me ...

I called Tower Records on the Sunset Strip in West Hollywood today to ask about the release date for Morph The Cat. I got some news that I am not sure is reliable, but this is what I was told ...

Tomorrow (or midnight tonight) March 7 the MTC CD will be released, and next week the Dual CD/DVD-A will be released.

I just don't think this is correct. Can anyone else verify (yes or no) about tomorrow's alleged CD release ?



Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 13:43:05, ET
Posted by: SoulMonkey , The Ville

Those aren't 5th row tix for Chicago. 5th row tix would be EE. These are just E. Still good seats, but not 5th row.


Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 13:40:57, ET
Posted by: Andy Metzger , Media Matters

Don't take the Philly reporter too seriously: You donC-t realize how much of BeckerC-s archiing complexity (melodies, arangements) figures into the Steely equation until so much solo Fagen is unveiled....When Fagen lacked Steely DanC-s dramatic changes in mood and melody, he fell flat... The life observations behind C,SnowboundC.? Commonplace.

Commonplace, because WB didn't co-write Snowbound, right?

Also, there's no way that Philly sold out. My guess is that the place was 70% full. And the cheap seats? It looked something like the the Detroit Tigers' upper deck in September.

Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 13:31:00, ET
Posted by: GRECO , CHI-TOWN

5th row dead center tickets on sale for Chicago Theatre right now!!!!

See u There!!!!

Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 12:59:55, ET
Posted by: Gina , Down Under Mountain

Nope, it's all about a young Australian singer-songwriter Mark Sholtez. When we communicated with Rob Mounsey for an interview and kept in touch to stay 'tuned' for anything newsworthy, he mentioned a project with this young singer. The album Real Street is due for release in April but you can already check out his website. Very nice touch.. a couple of Steely alumni, Rob Mounsey, Chris Potter, Al Schmitt. And not to forget one outstanding basplayer Christian McBride. The entire cast is great... Anyway, Rajah for one is a sucker for crooning, and i'm well aware no-one even comes close to Frank Sinatra.. still, this young singer has the audacity to write NEW material and has it nailed down in optima old-fashioned forma... ah well, for those who are curious, check above or look for Mark Sholtez online...

Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 11:20:26, ET
Posted by: DM1234 , NVA

Due to a last minute cancelation I have one ticket available for tonight's show at the Warner theater in DC. Right Orch-Row L. Contact me at Dmccue <at> Cox <dot> net.

Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 11:20:22, ET
Posted by: JoeM ,

More thoughts about Friday night in Westbury...

Gotta agree with everyone regarding the sound quality. Much improved over New Brunswick.

Great venue, very intimate. Perfect setting for this great band. Fagen without the shades and very little in terms of his usual Ray Charles impression (Carole's input - she LOVES his Ray impression and missed seeing it for much of the night).

"Mary Shut the Garden Door" and "Pretzel Logic" were absolutely fantastic.

Dan alumni sighting - Miss Vicki Cave was in attendance - Should've invited her on stage for the "part about the shoes." Although, Mr. Young did an exemplary job.

Can't wait for tomorrow night's Beacon show. See you all there.


Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 10:58:18, ET
Posted by: Daddy G. , NJ

Well, I knew the Philly Inquirer would have a review of saturday's Tower show either today or tomorrow and they did. Trouble is they didn't actually post it to their website for some reason. So they forced my hand and I had to type it in myself...


By A.D. Amorosi, for The Inquirer

It is tempting to claim that the Donald Fagen---popC-s cheeriest misanthrope---who sold out the Tower on Saturday was little more than Steely Dan without other-half Walter Becker.

FagenC-s lyrical concerns have the same apocalyptic sarcasm, yearning retro-futurism, messy romanticism, and midlife-crisis clamoring (was he ever young?) as the Dan. Solo songs featured that same nasal, winnowing whine and ticklish electric piano set upon layers of muted horns and elegantly frazzled Tin Pan Alley jazz-rock and R&B. ThereC-s still that sense of maddening composure.

So Fagen is Dan?


Plainly stated: You donC-t realize how much of BeckerC-s archiing complexity (melodies, arangements) figures into the Steely equation until so much solo Fagen is unveiled.

That wasnC-t a bad thing, necessarily.

With a tight band of players and singers, a grayed Fagen jittered through the fallout-shelter R&B of C,New Frontier,C. the coffe-crying bop-pop of C,The Nightfly,C. and the stammering small-town sould of C,H Gang.C. Fagen was as sharp as his arrangements were gently frenetic.

Getting dating advice from Ray Charles through a bluesy C,ItC-s What I DoC. and rhapsodizing about the mirth of embassy politics and bathing beauties through the high-life shuffling C,Goodbye Look,C. Fagen was at his most wry. And the minor-key minimalism found throughout the tightly wound C,Mary Shut the Garden DoorC. was far and above the eveningC-s best of show.

When Fagen lacked Steely DanC-s dramatic changes in mood and melody, he fell flat.

The sophisitcated wine-bar funk ofC.Green Flower StreetC. and C,Teahouse on the TracksC.? Nice, but tepid. The life observations behind C,SnowboundC.? Commonplace.

Lest you missed Steely Dan (and in the last analysis, Fagen gave you little reason to), the slow, syncopated skank of C,Home at Last,C. the smoky organ-grinded C,Third World Man,C. the speedy swing of C,Here at the Western World,C. and the grandly snide C,Pretzel LogicC.---all were perfect for FagenC-s rapier wit.

So apparently the show WAS sold out (and I'm glad). I guess the empty seats I saw when I tried to take a look were the result of folks taking a beer/bathroom break or maybe even a few no shows.

I can't help but notice the reviewer is fond of hyphen-joined descriptives...

Amorosi claims that "Mary" was "far and above the evening's best of show," but I disagree with that statement. Even if one thought that "Mary" was the best of the night, I don't know how one could say it was "far and above" the best.

For me "The Goodbye Look" was the pearl and that surprised me somewhat, because while I like the song a lot of course, I can't say it ever would be the first to come to mind when listing my favorite Fagen solo tracks.

But like any review, I'd read it mainly for the factual details and take the opinions with a granule of sodium.

Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 10:49:53, ET
Posted by: Andy Metzger , 2 orch tickets to tonight's DC show still available

I've still got two tickets to tonight's show at the Warner available. Right orch, row Q, seats 2 and 4. Make me an offer. sweetmusic790 <--..att..--> gmail <..//dott//..>com


Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 10:27:02, ET
Posted by: paul ,

Just finished a lengthy review of Morph the Cat for

Let me know whatcha think, if you find any errors, or have any comments/ideas.

Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 10:26:51, ET
Posted by: ps , here

pardonnez-moi, make that Howard Levy instead!!

Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 10:25:35, ET
Posted by: Due with Buzz , What They Do!

That's Howard Levy playing the harmonica...

Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 10:13:20, ET
Posted by: KDawg , Mt. Belzoni

Did anyone catch Fagen on XM...and if so, how was the show?


Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 09:35:13, ET
Posted by: Grippa , New Jersey

I just listened "What I do".....UNBELIEVABLE......reminds me of "Third World Man"....maybe even better! Is Donald playing the melodiaca or harmonica? If so how can he sing and play that simutaneously?

Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 09:33:36, ET
Posted by: TJ , DK

Security Cat: What I meant was that I too find "Brite Nitegown" to be a little repetitive at first listen. But that might be because we're used to listening to the melody as the primary. If you instead rank the vocals at the same level as the bass and drums, it is suddenly not that repetitive. The development in the last part of Nitegown is going on in the hornsection. Not to patrionize you...

But you are patrionizing me. If you could please read my post again you will se, that I don't mention the Dorian mode as something surprizingly new to popular music. I have no idea where you got that!! I'm simply pointing out that the hornsection may sound "funny" to some people, because that part is based on the Dorian mode, while the rest of the band is playing the blues I might add.

Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 08:59:23, ET
Posted by: Security Cat , from the Caves of Altamira

TJ, you said, "Security Cat: In order to understand Nitegown you should consider the vocals as just part of the over all groove. Try listening to the hornsection instead and you should be occupied for a few years figuring that out :-)"

Well of course there are some interesting aspects to DF's tunes. (He's Donald Fagen after all.) As for it being a modal sound, that's hardly surprising considering that the technique has been in use for decades in jazz/jazz-related music. Not to patronize you but modes came into being as early as the 15th century, though in a different form than used today. It's great to see Don arranging his own material as opposed to most of the other guys out there in "popular music." I don't know what's wrong with the industry of today when it promotes talentless crap and practically ignores one of the great songwriters of all time.

Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 08:52:11, ET
Posted by: MARK , Home of the Rag

Yes Century's End and also Bright Lights Big City.
I really liked the early 80's sounds that Donald produced. That's why I love FM and a song that I think goes well with FM on any radio playlist BAKER ST.

Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 08:48:33, ET
Posted by: Security Cat , from the Caves of Altamira

Cool Cat, you said, "Security Cat doesn't know anything.

Have you seen a show Security. Come out kitty and listen to the tunes live. Then maybe you'll get a clue."

You know nothing about me.

Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 08:41:09, ET
Posted by: RAI, italia , overSEAs

re- trombone players there is a great player on the recent Nicola Conte cd, Gianluca Petrella......the cd is Other Directions on Bluenote.....Teagarden is awesome though, Rich Conaty on WFUV, late of WQEW, plays him a lot...lots of Bix as well

Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 08:30:28, ET
Posted by: paul ,

I love Lunch with G, but I'm not really sure I want to here it at DF's concert. I really want to hear Donald's own work, Like Century's End!!!!

Heya all, had a great time on the greenroom last night. Always lotsa fun when there's lotsa souls to talk to.

Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 08:16:45, ET
Posted by: Singapore sling , Raffles Hotel

Mark- I agree with your choice Lunch With Gina is one of my favorite track from the 21st Century "Dan.....everyone has a girlfriend (or should have) like that once in their life....makes you 'preciate the wifey a bit more, heh heh....I once roomed with a blonde bimbo in 'Frisco....ended up moving back into my sisters apartment in Oakland after 5 months....I think it was my Saturn return

Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 07:59:34, ET
Posted by: Asian DanMan , Lion City

So, it look slike Fagen's album be out here in Asia first...Warner Singapore has it out this Thursday......DVD version out next week

Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 07:22:46, ET
Posted by: Mark Debitetto , Home of the Rag

If Donald is going to cut songs from the setlist and is looking for ideas for replacment. LUNCH WITH GINA is my choice. My fav from EMG.

Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 07:21:02, ET
Posted by: back2bass6 , lawn guyland


theres a great restaurant DIRECTLY across from the BEACON, it is part of the FABULOUS supermarket, FAIRWAY.

It is upstairs, and if you sit by the window, you can watch all the "fagettes" lining up to be searched prior to entering the theater. My daughter, a freshman at FIT has been a real DF fan since she remembers, and i have the joy and pleasure of accompanying her to the theater. You cant miss the handsome guy with short hair, graying around the temples, and she is the most beautiful creature around. Come say hello. Or, have some potato leek soup or something.

The term "fagettes" is NOT condescending or derrogatory, but, I am sure you agree, is absolutley hysterical.

"talk about life....the meaning of it all..."

Lester, the good bassist on LI.

Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 06:36:08, ET
Posted by: PQ , Brooklyn

You see Ricardo, this is the kind of shit that I object to, your post and Chandra's as well. I disagree! Jack Teagarden - with the possible one exception of J.J. Johnson - is the most well known trombone player ever. So my question to you is - why haven't you been listening to him *already*?? Why is it that you have to wait for Donald Fagen to bring him to your attention? Might I suggest that perhaps if

Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 03:41:21, ET
Posted by: dewey , @home

Donald Fagen will be on XM Channel 45- XM Cafe.
Tuesday at 9 pm. Repeats Weds. 3pm, Thurs 9am and FRI 3am est.

He will discuss track by track the CD.

Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 01:15:35, ET
Posted by: hoops ,

I keep hoping when I have these little gatherings in the green that perhaps one night we can finally play spin the bottle so I can finally get some.

Perhaps fife will expsose her white bum or something. She is rumored to be loose as a over stuffed goose and is known to have a coctail or two and declare her womanly needs in the green.


Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 22:46:21, ET
Posted by: kreedman ,

Donald will be on Tuesday @ 12 p.m. on Sirius Disorder-Ch 24. Replay on Friday 3/10 @ 10 a.m.

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 22:17:05, ET
Posted by: Rajah ,

Hey, asswipe, I lived in Washington DC for 8 years and have been to the Old Ebbets Grill many times. Try the crabcake, snowflake. The Atlas at the Wiltern in LA makes a nice Margarita, I've been here almost 20. Get back to the Blue Oyster Cult guestbook, thanks.

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 21:21:50, ET
Posted by: Mark&Marie , NJ

Fagen on XM - anyone know if the show will be heard on AOL XM? What is Channel 45, the Wave? Is this a rerun of last week's show?

Also, anyone have the digital samplers of Morph - LADY BAYSIDE?

Email us at


Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 20:19:42, ET
Posted by: gutshot , Delaware

I attended last night's performance just outside Philly. It was amazing. Such an interesting venue, in an interesting part of town. Never been to Upper Darby, but it was an awesome place to catch a Fagen concert.

I posted this comment at that Rubin blog that Gina linked here earlier today. Here's the link for the review:

Here's my response:
"First of all, it's 'Fagen.'

I thought everyone was kicking. Fagen's voice was even better than when I saw them in Hershey three years ago. You're right, the spot-on doubled recreation of Carlton's righteous solo on "Third World Man" was inspiring, yet I thought Krantz's whole-chord improvisation throughout "The Goodbye Look" was fantastic.

Perhaps you feel differently, but I appreciate the fact that the soloists don't recreate the passages spot-on. The TWM duet was special, but it's very fulfilling to hear a great player find his way around a set of changes in new ways. The guitar players did this beautifully; the horns, though, lacked the lyrical flow that makes an improv worth the listen.

And one other thing...Fagen is the type of guy who will skim through the entire music library of jazz, blues, R&B, and rock 'n roll to find the one or two tunes that fit his mood. No surprise here that he would pick a couple of relatively obscure pieces or history to round-out his setlist. They both seem to fit right in with Donald's personality.

What a night..."


Some other commentary, while I'm here...the rhythm section was right-on-the-money. I wish Carlock had the opportunity to let it "hang out"; he has become one of my favorite members of the band. The guitarists were blistering...the rhythm guitar licks from the previous solo albums were so perfect. Donald was on, and it even left me wishing he would have tried belting some of the lyrics he always passes on.

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 19:57:58, ET
Posted by: hoops ,

Just an addendum.

SOME of you maynot receive the Dandom Digest for 18 hours due to a technical isssue with my ISP. Thanks for your patience. If you are eager to receive before that, it please email me at hoops at dandom


Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 19:29:14, ET
Posted by: hoops ,

The latest Dandom Digest has been sent, this time covering March 3-5, 2006.

If you are a subscriber, you should see it in your email box within the next 12 hours. Again, If you don't receive it, please email me. Some people have been having problems with delivery of the Dandom Digest, usually because of spam filters, firewalls, etc.

The following are the subjects of this particular edition of the Dandom Digest

C Spend Oscar Night with Dandom
C Steely Dan, Michael McDonald in "talks"
C SD summer tour news
C more on Morph
C a batch of fagen articles
C Donald on XM
C Morph The Cat on European radio
C REDUX: Donald on World Cafe
C The Steely Dan Archive
C Beacon WingDing Details
C Boston WingDing Details
C REDUX: Danfest & Wing Ding Registry v 0.9 Now Open


C NEW! FS: Single Beacon Ticket
C NEW! FOR SALE: WASH DC 2 Orch tickets, face value OBO
C Tickets for L.A. LG Wiltern Show, 3/27
C 2 Tix DC DF Show 3/6
C Up

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 19:22:26, ET
Posted by: paul , holding out for heaven

B, I know one thing, I'll be wearing a pair of brown pants just in case he plays "Century's End".

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 19:10:19, ET
Posted by: SouthOfHollywood , Roll of Party Cash...

Luke and B...

You got the news and thanks for sharing...Can't wait to get eyes2eyes with the fella...


Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 19:08:55, ET
Posted by: Rajah ,

Deaconblue, I really like this spot just inside the Wiltern Building:

Atlas Bar & Grill
3760 Wilshire Blvd. 213-380-8400
Next to the Wiltern Theatre, Atlas Bar & Grill attracts a hip crowd, who show up for the eclectic menu with a Caribbean flair, and live entertainment in an intimate supper club style venue.

Joe, this is the place to imbibe pre and post Warner's:

15th St. and G St., NW (202) 347-4800
EntrB;e price range: $9.95-$17.95 Old Ebbitt Grill first opened in 1856 and is advertised as the "oldest saloon in Washington", but there is much more, notably classical American- style cuisine specializing in seafood such as crab cakes, fresh Alaskan salmon, and swordfish. Its famous oyster bar is one of the top ten in the country.

Oh, I've been everywhere, man.

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 19:07:32, ET
Posted by: B , D.C.

And, and, yes, Westbury wau truly unique. Don's smiled all night.
Enough said.

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 19:04:55, ET
Posted by: B , D.C.

SOH- been to all 3 shows.

They keep refining. By Chicago they should be utterly smokin'!

Hopefully, by then they'll be doing Brite, Morph, Mona.

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 19:02:45, ET
Posted by: Luke ,

South- Westbury vibe? AMAZING!

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 18:58:41, ET
Posted by: SouthOfHollywood , DCDCDCDCDCDC...and more

Oh man...Off the board for 3 days and it's taken me over 3 hours to catch up...How good was the Westbury show? I've heard from some very reliables that the vibe was incredible...

Anyone going to the DC show on Monday wanting to hook up for a drink, please e-me...


Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 18:46:05, ET
Posted by: hoops ,

Winding Coordinators, I am updating the Wing Ding sites tonight. If you have info you'd like included, please email. I will also be emailing you to verify and proof the pages.



Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 18:44:39, ET
Posted by: John K , The Southland

For those of you with XM Satellite radio:

Donald FagenChostsCshow #C334 on XM Cafe (Channel 45)...a special installment that findsCthe Steely Dan frontman introducing us to his entire new solo CD "Morph The Cat".

Sunday 9p west/ midnightCeast. Encore presentations:

Tuesday: 6p west/ 9p east

Wednesday: noon west/ 3p east

Thursday: 6a west/ 9a eastC

Thursday: midnight west/ 3aCFriday east

I know I'll be listening!!!

John K.

P.S. Hoops - I really enjoyed meeting you in Houston back in 2000, and although I cannot make all the shows like so many of youall do, perhaps we can meet again in 2006....thank you for a GREAT forum on the Dan!

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 18:30:59, ET
Posted by: Little Wild One , in party planning mode

DeaconBlue, sending out the Temecula preparty e-mail today! Depending on which VIP tix you have, soundcheck should be done by 5:30 p.m. or so. By then, be ready to party at the Eagle's Nest in the Pechanga Casino. Be sure and bring your Brite Nightgown, 'cause I imagine the events will morph...if you will.

Can't speak for the LA boyz. I'm sure they have something WILD planned though...

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 18:25:23, ET
Posted by: Vincent , Scotland/ England

It all looks pretty fine for the concerts, and I for one European think it is right and good to fly in and out for a few days and check out Don's band; as Oscar Wilde said: "we always regret our economies, never our indulgences". I can only assume the TRUE FANS at the Borgata do not need to spark up the king-size rolling papers mix that is a wing-ding, and will be on the slots and drinking $15 martinis (or chawin' salt water taffy) in Atlantic City. Whatever, be friendly to this Brit when he falls over in the bar and tries to remain awake through the concert.

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 18:23:01, ET
Posted by: paul ,

Hoops, I don't know if you caught my message or not, but I got the Chicago danfest email list to work. I must not have confirmed last time or (quite likely) the confirmation might was filtered into my spam box.

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 18:18:26, ET

Rajah, beautiful story about the CSN&Y concert in 1970.

About the Wingdingd in the LA and San Diego areas, what's new?
Are they before or after the show or both?
Because i have a VIP ticket for the Temecula show but i wanna go to such a crazy Dabfest too. Who's going to lead me to the right way?

I have a question about "Third world man". I've always found that the live version on "Alive in America" was to slow , so i wonder how the 2006 version sounds now with the DF band?

And last but no least, LA prepare you because the 22nd i'm coming right from Belgium over there . i'm preparing me a little bit drinking now a good Californian red "Cabernet sauvignon" wine.

LA i'm coming soon!

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 18:16:02, ET
Posted by: Won't you turn , your radio down

Does anyone here know of any cool bars right near the Warner tomorrow night in D.C.?


Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 18:12:31, ET
Posted by: Jay ,

i went last nite in philly,, pretty good but not great! what the fuck with western world? a chuck berry song to close????????? what a waste i'll take any fagen I can get, but i thought it was going to be a couple of steely dan songs, not df covers steely dan. how about some more off fagen's albums? what about century end,, a personal favorite! what's the point of a spring fagen and summer steelydan tour if fagen's gonna burn out the steely dan catalog on the fagen tour?

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 17:49:46, ET
Posted by: PQ , NYC

As chance would have it, I had a lunch appointment at Viand's in the Beacon Hotel today.

Raj and YGK - check the mail by Pat's. Had questions for you.

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 17:34:51, ET
Posted by: paul ,

Babelfish's translation of rhe contest described in Sly's post (good for a laugh):

Donald Fagen with the CNA Gain one red Tapis evening! Donald Fagen Co-leader of legendary Steely daN only makes now riding. He launches on March 14 a very new album entitled Morph The Cat and he undertakes a round. Moreover, you could see it with 3 of your friends in spectacle in the National Center of Arts in Ottawa on March 12 at 8 p.m.. You do not worry for transport, the limousine Couleur Jazz will take to you in Montreal to bring itself in large restoring of Outaouais, then with the spectacle and will bring back for you to you at the end of the evening! To gain, it is enough to listen to Couleur Jazz. On the invitation of the organizers you make 514-790-0919. A stroke of luck and you become finalist! Blow you gain the new album Morph The Cat which will appear on March 14. A finalist per day of February 27 at March 3 and two finalists per day from the 6 to March 9. Great pulling will take place on March 9 at the time of the emission Jazz Bar Blues with Yves LaramB;e. Good luck!

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 17:30:28, ET
Posted by: Sly , Montreal, Quebec

Here's in Montreal, we have a jazz radio station in French called Couleur Jazz 91,9 MHz ( Since last week, they organize a contest where you can win a special treatment. The prize is:

Limousine for 4 people from Montreal to Ottawa (2 hours ride) to see Donald Fagen at the National Arts Center + restaurant and return to Montreal same day... an each finalist for the two weeks contest win a copy of Morph The Cat.

Well... I have already my tickets... and I already ordered my CD-DVD in town so I pass it on if there is some readers of the Bluebook from the Montreal area who want to participate.

If you read French, here's the contest described on the Couleur Jazz's radio station website:

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Donald Fagen au CNA
Gagnez une soire Tapis rouge!

Donald Fagen co-leader du legendaire Steely Dan fait maintenant cavalier seul. Il lance le 14 mars un tout nouvel album intitul Morph The Cat et il entreprend une tourne.

D'ailleurs, vous pourriez le voir avec 3 de vos amis en spectacle au Centre National des Arts a Ottawa le 12 mars a 20 heures.

Ne vous inquitez pas pour le transport, la limousine Couleur Jazz vous prendra a Montral pour vous amener dans un grand restaurant de l'Outaouais, ensuite au spectacle et vous ramAnera chez-vous a la fin de la soirB;e!

Pour gagner, il suffit d'couter Couleur Jazz. Sur l'invitation des animateurs vous faites le 514-790-0919.

Un coup de chance et vous devenez finaliste! Du coup vous gagnez le nouvel album Morph The Cat qui paratra le 14 mars.

Un finaliste par jour du 27 fevrier au 3 mars et deux finalistes par jour du 6 au 9 mars. Le grand tirage aura lieu le 9 mars lors de l'mission Jazz Bar Blues avec Yves Larame.

Bonne chance!

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 17:24:37, ET
Posted by: fife , counting the hours

i also meant to say that yes i now have both your cell phone numbers, thanks.

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 17:22:51, ET
Posted by: fife , in baltimore,eh

Rajah, thank you.
Actually i've got a greyhound ticket, a whole heck of lot cheaper then amtrak. i figure if i can travel 15 hours from baltimore to ottawa on one of those damn things i can handle 3 and 1/2 hours. my arrive time is 2.30 pm approx. but you can never tell what kind of hell is on the jersey turnpike, but i will be there! looking forward to meeting you. mr.sam's eyes rolled back into his head when he tried the spanakopita that i'm bringing...yummm

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 17:15:44, ET
Posted by: CK , One

Was the Cover of Morph The Cat inspired by this one?

antique furniture and a white cat, or is it a dog...

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 16:32:03, ET
Posted by: Rajah , let's roll

Fife, honey, get on the Amtrak train in Baltimore, 1500 N. Charles Street downtown, up to NYC, you'll get off at Penn Station. That's at 34th Street. Watch your purse in Penn, act tough and don't talk to strangers. You can grab a cab or hop the 1, 2 or 3 subway, the 7th Avenue local or express, the signage will be marked in a red circle. Get off at 72nd Street, the Hotel Beacon is on the east side of Broadway between 74th and 75th, 2130 Broadway, NYC 10023, tel 212 787 1100. The entrance to the hotel is just north of the Beacon Theater entrance. Ask for the Rajah at the desk, we'll be there at 2 PM on the 7th, you have Gretchen's cell number I assume, mine is the same except the last digit is a "4" rather than a "3."

Good deal, Paul, get ready to crash on a dumpy couch or roll-out and rest assured you will be cared for just like you were our own.

Mu, please don't make me spin out another 300 word post, the wife and kids will understand, they probably already realize Daddy is...well...a little different.

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 16:08:58, ET
Posted by: Nazman , Maxine's

Superb read, Rajah. Taking me back to an era when i wasn't as fortunate to be directly involved w/ the 'movement' but no less connected. The intense reaction and rage of CSN&Y on location in Cleveland is palpable through your vivid account. Incredible piece of history and as always, outstanding prose...

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 16:07:55, ET
Posted by: Little Wild One , NEXT

Ok, now, what's YOUR excuse, Mu?

Got the seats, cash in some SW miles and BE THERE.

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 16:05:19, ET
Posted by: paul ,

I will be there even if my car breaks down and I have to get a rental.
Sorry for my all the coercing you've had to do to get me at this point, and still, I don't care much about the concert, I'm coming to meet my amazing friends. You all are the best!

I know for certain that I'm not going to be able to arrive early enough for the Donfest, but I hope I can meet the group somewhere (at least at the Theatre) before the show starts.
Hoops, I signed up for the Chicago wing-ding email list a couple weeks ago but have recieved no emails, should I try signing up again?

So, I will see everybody going to Chicago on the 18th.

Rajah and Gretchen, I thank you from the bottom of my heart and soul.

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 15:53:31, ET
Posted by: Chan , Boston

Well said and a great story Raj. Not much else you can do to motivate Paul. Don't overthink it Paul, just go and enjoy.

Daddy G, great job rewriting WW. Topical and up to date!!!

Fezman, I'll be checking out the Felt before the Boston show as well. Plan is to arrive around 6 or so. I can claim my 4 star tix at 6 and will then head over for a libation or two. Be discreet under the canopy!!

Hope everyone is having a good weekend, I'll say hello tonite in the green.

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 15:38:34, ET
Posted by: THEFEZ98 , Boston

Raj - I think the great, Cleveland's own WMMS is the station that introduced RUSH from the Great White North to the masses too. Funny, SD and RUSH are my favorite bands. Although RUSH let me down a bit over the years, I still listen to their stuff and thought the new R30 DVD was pretty damn good.

Looking forward to the Beantown DF show Thursday night, wife & I finally scored a babysitter and some decent tix and really looking forward to it. Hopefully we'll be able to sneak out of work a bit early and get to The Felt for one or two or three and some fine Columbian under the canopy prior to the show.

Four more days...

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 15:31:36, ET
Posted by: fife , 1 day 3hours 35 minutes

Count me in Gretchen You should see the goodies I've made for the Beacon. I kind of went how the hell do I get it there?!

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 15:28:17, ET
Posted by: Gina , Sun Mountain

Found an Upper Darby review just now... makes sense, since here in Europe we're a couple of hours ahead of you in the States, so when we're about to embrace the dark again, you're all just reelin' in yer daily rhythms... so waiting for reviews to be published can take some time...

And about things being out in the open, or on websites etc etc...
In this time and age i think it's past any kind of infringement if Steely Dan fans or folks who host websites decide to publish material/contents that will certainly help build this online historical library about a band and their music... And if we assess these past weeks, the publicity surrounding this new release, it's mostly fans who spread the word and often have access to news because they keep their eyes, ears and internet connections open :-)
Not to earn a living with it, or make money out of it, but because they're just hooked on the music and anything else involved. That alone is quite a fascinating 'movement' over time.

In New Zealand there's a writer, Chris Bell, he published short stories Bumper Book of Lies and a novel... laced with plenty of Steely Dan references.. i found him a year ago, longer ago even but recently stumbled upon his website and stories again. Wrote him an email and he replied, so when there's time, we're gonna highlight this again... For them on the other end of this globe it's great to be able to access the tour in the US by being able to watch the videoclips, made by Greg "Moonspank", who's a great guy for sharing this so willingly. And so this thing keeps going on... which is neat. Ok. Off to look for more scribblings and notes about Upper Darby...

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 15:18:15, ET
Posted by: Rajah , don't scroll by this one

Paul, I know this is gonna sound like some boring old crusty-ass story but give a listen, son. I went to a concert by a group called Crosby, Stills and Nash in 1970, it was late May if memory serves. My buddy Dave from down the street told me about the show, this was in lovely Cleveland, Ohio at a place called Public Hall. I was a big Buffalo Springfield, Byrds and Hollies fan when I was a young shaver and I thought CSN was the next best thing to the Beatles, whom I never saw, I was a little too young. I wanted to go very badly but my folks, especially Mama, was dead set against me going downtown to a show with all those hippies and here's why: Richard Nixon had ordered the national Guard to Kent State University a couple weeks earlier, a little south of Cleveland, and America killed four of its own children on May 4th, 1970. Cleveland, Ohio and the Nation were appalled and devastated by what happened when young people in riot gear squared off against young people in tie-dyed Ts. In retrospect, this was the begining of the end of the hope and idealism of the 1960s, the world hadn't changed, peace and love were not strong enough to carry the day and I really think that's when this country turned for the worse. Nixon went on to betray us all with Watergate, pot was replaced by truly dangerous drugs, boys kept coming home in boxes from Nam and to top it all off, a thing called Disco started to invade the airwaves. That's the history lesson part of this old fart story.

Anyway, I defied my folks and went to that concert. CSN did an acoustic first set and then Neil Young came out and premiered a song called "Ohio," which he had written in an impassioned state over the killings just a few weeks prior and it had hit the airwaves on the so-called "Progressive FM" station which still proudly broadcasts from the shores of Lake Erie to this day, WMMS. When they cranked that song up at the concert, the whole crowd, I mean everybody in that hall came to their feet and rushed up to the forefront of the house, security was heavy in anticipation, cops rung the entire arena, fearing the worst. We were young and we were enraged and I'd don't think I'd ever never been so exited, agitated and scared in my life. Neil and the boys played like men possessed, their own sadness and outrage came blistering out of every pore, like the rest of us that night. But no riot errupted, we just screamed out for about 10 minutes, standing on seats and banging at the stage. It was really more of a primal scream therapy session than applause.

Needles to say, Mama whacked the tar out of me when I got home smelling like beer and pot that night. But it was worth it.

And here's the point to this incredibly boring story told by a silly old fart approaching the September, as someone once crooned, of his years: there are certain opportunities in life that only present themselves once. Now I can't promise that the Donald Fagen Band will leave you with anywhere near this kind of dangerous thrill, actually it was more a stark realization of American society and how messed up it was, in fact, now that most of the fight has been taken out of my generation, you might find it less than thrilling. But Paul, something like this will change and help define your young life, you will always remember this. I may be a bit burnt out now and have my share of regrets but that night in my old home town, that crappy-ass Cleveland that I still hold in my heart even though I left when I 18 never to see again, you will continue forever to be moved by the memory, who you were at then, and your place in time at that moment. Remember this one, son, the bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone.

You are sitting on Floor Level in Row M, Seat 114, on Saturday, March 18th, 2006 at the Chicago Theatre and if you do decide to come, I promise you, you will never ever forget that date.

You have my warm embrace,

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 15:16:43, ET
Posted by: HeyMike , kick off your high sneakers

let's take the occasion of oscar night to recall the GREATEST song on a sound track static atttttt alllllllll

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 15:05:32, ET
Posted by: DONNA , NY

Thanks for trying to help with my question!
The link was great. Nice photos. Thank you.

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 15:05:05, ET
Posted by: paul ,

Hahaha, Fagen should adopt that version of Western World / Fagen Show and play it to open the show from now on.

Hoops..., no Borders stores within a 100 mile radius of me. :P
Did find some posters on eBay though, a TvN, Kamakiriad, and Alive in America that looked decent enough for pasting on my wall.

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 15:01:02, ET
Posted by: Gretchen ,

Anyone up for a chat in the green tonight (especially the Beacon crew)? I know it's Oscar night, but if the spirit moves you, around 9 pm, I'll be lurking.


Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 14:57:48, ET
Posted by: TJ , on the subject of music theory

I think Morph is an outstanding track. There's an incredible amount of counterpoint going on between the instruments and voices, which makes it work extremely well.

I love the horn part at the end, which sounds a bit funny because it is in G Dorian, and not plain G minor, for those who find that interesting.

Security Cat: In order to understand Nitegown you should consider the vocals as just part of the over all groove. Try listening to the hornsection instead and you should be occupied for a few years figuring that out :-)

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 14:29:19, ET
Posted by: SteveM , Scotland

Ah! but which version to sing along to Daddy G?

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 14:23:19, ET
Posted by: Daddy G. , With tongue firmly in cheek...


Down at CThe TowerC they welcome you
With hot dogs and beer
Hoops and the Rajah wish theyC d been there too
But lately they spend their time here

HanginC with Pete Fogel and all his friends
Forgetting my cares
Where the music takes me to Heaven
And I buy some CMorphC wares

30 bucks... a kitty T-shirt
Oh f***, IC ll pay till it hurts
TheyC re taking all my dough
Here at the Fagen show

I couldnC t afford the VIP
Or would have blown even more
Had just enough Jacksons for me to see
The sweetness IC ve been cryinC for

In the night I cringe from the drunk man
Yelling behind me
But he just wonC t shut up and listen
CLeast he left to pee

ThatC s grand, I can hear Donald sing
Oh damn, my ears are starting to ring
But I donC t care, though
IC m at the Fagen show

In the night I search for my parked car
WondC ring where it can be
But I will get out in the traffic


[ I didn't actually buy any merchandise last night, but hey these things don't have to be 100% accurate... ]


Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 14:22:49, ET
Posted by: Little Wild One , ramping down

Mu Mu...check the e-mail...been swamped at work....13 hour days, etc. Still have some thoughts though that might pique your interest.

I almost kinda stuck up for the Toronto reviewer. Long ago and far away, I wrote for a newspaper. Some pieces were always better thought out than others and she obviously relied heavily on most of the other resources out there for "her" review. Shit like that is why D&W have never been particularly media friendly.

Well, we get it, so does it matter who else really does?

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 14:10:49, ET
Posted by: Philly fan , in

At Upper Darby, he royally screwed up Snowbound, starting the first verse "We take the tube...."

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 14:09:54, ET
Posted by: hoops ,

Paul, Borders often has posters 2' x 3' for SD albums and perhaps will for MTC. Become friendly with your Borders record dept manager now.


Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 14:09:02, ET
Posted by: feline , ooooh, morph the cat

trying to help you out, donna, and track down that vip club, cos i like a good mystery.

did a google search on "north bank theatre" westbury and came up with these fagen fotos:

the photographer was at new brunswick and westbury, and next up is the beacon. confirms that df was into it.

check out these babies!

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 14:08:49, ET
Posted by: hoops ,

The March 2006 edition of "ICE Magazine" has Donald as the cover story and also has a short one page interview with Donald. [It too shows the old release date of March 7 for MTC.) A lot of the info in the interview is what we have been hearing in other DF interviews as of late. Highlights included two points with more emphasis--DF syas some of the MTC songs were run by Walter during SD writing sessions but Walter said they were more personal and therefor more appropriate for a solo album. Also, DF says that Walter's absense means he had more "space" to fill in with keyboards, and, as such, Donald feels the album is more keyboard driven. The other part is amusing: Donald's been looking for a copy of the very first phonograph record his mother bought for him when he was 5 or 6 years old, "Laugh, Laugh Phonograph." He's been looking all over the internet for it and hopes readers can help him find it. Of course, making this known might be a mistake since Donald will now have to bid again Q for it on eBay ;-) (Just teasing, Q.)


Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 14:03:28, ET
Posted by: paul ,

Anybody know if it's possible to get a poster-size version of the Morph album cover? I want to frame that sucker and put in on my wall! I may be able to get a high enough res scan from the actual album, but I'm not sure if it would blow up very well.

Just about every Dan album cover has been a work of art wall-worthy, and particularly good have been
Countdown, Katy, Aja, Gaucho, Nightfly, TvN, and of course Morph

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 13:59:52, ET
Posted by: hoops ,

Brutus, the album is pushed back a week still in the U.S., March 14 and sadly not the 7th.

I"ve been hearing 3 or 3:15 pm for the 5 star sound checks for most of these shows. I mention this because this means if the Wingding is close by, you can pop in for that too around 5:30 or 6. Hope to see you at a WingDing.

Andy's site looks awesome and has great content. But I have one question, hopefully not opening a Pandora's box. I have loads are articles all the way from the 70s up through the last SD tour that aren't at any site right now. Same for taped interviews. I would love to put these up so fans could listen, but how does one get permission to do so? If I just put those up, especially the most recent stuff, is that illegal? Clearly Warner Bros doesn't mind else Peter Noble wouldn't link to Andy's site. At the same time I'm confused or, at least I feel like I lack knowledges since it seems to me that one couldn't put up all the stuff I have under so called "fair use." So many of us have great stuff like I have that just isn't out there and I am hoping Andy might shed light on how he obtained rights--give us strategies, loopholes so we can legally put up even more great interviews, tracks, articles, etc. Thanks in advance for your response and service, not to mention site, to the SD community, Andy.


Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 13:50:13, ET
Posted by: Doc Mu ,

Tone deaf Reviewers. Screw 'em.

UK Telegraph is the best on-line newspaper on the internet. Nice story. *Their* review will have some legitimacy.

~: Glad you're OK. Houston? Wish you had contacted me.

Been out of town and catching up...Great reports from the field folks. Sounds like the second night especially was a killer.

Michael McDonald back on tour with Steely Dan? Holy f*** that's great!

PQ: "Electrons dancing in the frozen crystal dawn."

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 13:45:56, ET
Posted by: DONNA , NY

Sorry...I was confused. Thought you were at the concert in Westbury, which is where I was. Which explains why you didn't know what the VIP club was. The PC Richards VIP Club is within the North Fork Bank Theater Westbury. It is for VIP ticket holders though I never saw it. I was wondering if I missed something there- like a Donald Fagen appearance or something good. Oh well. Guess I'll never know!

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 13:08:45, ET
Posted by: paul , indecision sucks

How come all the dickheads are getting advance copies...?
Here's a novel idea, let US review Morph! WE'D BE COMPLETELY UNBIASED!

Holy crap, "I'm not sure why this song reappears in a shorter version, but it does": WHAT...!!!! I can see how she might think this if she can't make out what Don's saying, but I'm certain advance copies would come with printed lyrics! She obviously didn't read themm If the key change didn't hit you over the head for a reason why the song 'reappears', the lyrics would make the reason for reprise dead obvious! I wonder what she thinks of the 'Pigs on the Wing' reprise.

Security Joan and Brite Nitegown are the catchiest tunes on the album, if not of Fagen's catalouge.

If was drinking my coffee right now, I'd be spitting it out in a comical fashion!!


LWO, I have no excuse. Rajah in his infinite kindness still has a ticket for me if I want it, and I have friends in Chicago who would let me stay at their house, so if I don't come it's completely my own fault and doing. But at this point I'm thinkin' there's an 80% chance that I'll come. It's only a 3-1/2 hour drive, I might not even need to stay anywhere.


Brutus, Amazon still says March 14th, as well as Don's 'site'. The Sun probably has old information.

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 12:54:48, ET
Posted by: Brutus Charisma ,

The Toronto Sun stated that MTC will be available this Tuesday. Is that correct?

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 12:50:49, ET
Posted by: Stevie D , Beantown

Security Joan - "Sadly, it doesn't have the melody to sustain the sexy story".

Are you F--ing kidding me???? This song has the coolest hook on the album, this guy is a moron of the highest

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 12:09:47, ET
Posted by: Boston Rag , ughhhh

If I were the editor of the Toronto Sun, I'd reassign Jane Stevenson to the Home and Garden section of the newspaper.

Morph Reprise - "I'm not sure why this song reappears in a shorter version, but it does".

Security Joan - "Sadly, it doesn't have the melody to sustain the sexy story".

You should have to take an idiot test before you get an advance copy.

Mark in Boston

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 11:57:24, ET
Posted by: Cool Cat , anywhere USA

Security Cat doesn't know anything.

Have you seen a show Security. Come out kitty and listen to the tunes live. Then maybe you'll get a clue.

Warm milk?

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 11:37:44, ET
Posted by: Brutus Charisma ,

Hey Andy -

Nice job on your site! Everything looks groovy but do you realize all the interview MP3s are 404?


Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 11:37:33, ET
Posted by: Security Cat , from the Caves of Altamira

Morph The Cat is a jamming number, a pleasurable listening experience unlike most anything you've probably heard before. H Gang isn't my cup of tea. It's too basic and doesn't have the personality that I've come to expect from a SD/DF tune. What I Do has a great sounding intro but the tune itself is rather weak. The ending chorus is cool although it repeats a little too much. Where's this "development" DF was bringing up in interviews? It's nowhere in evidence here. Bright Nitegown is a hip, fun listen, but, once again, how many times can Donald possibly repeat one phrase over and over again? "You can't fight - with - the fella... in a Bright Nite - gown." But I don't have much of a problem with the song itself. It's *fun* in a dangerous way. The Great Pagoda of Funn is truly a great song. It takes a few listens to really ingrain it but, sure enough, it invades your subconscious in an almost perverse way, not unlike Aja, which is still a superior song but.... TGPOF is its own entity -- it's not meant to be Aja II. I've heard people compare Security Joan to Cousin Dupree. Why, I don't know. They don't sound similar. SJ is a snappy popish blues song with great chords and phrasing. It's almost like the Josie of the 21st century and definitely should've been the first single. The organ reminded me of the theme from the old Batman TV show. Good stuff. The Night Belongs To Mona is perhaps the most accessible song from my perspective with its luscious changes and a chorus so gorgeous it could make Susan Lucci blush. Once again, shades of 70's Dan through and through. Mary Shut The Garden Door is really something else entirely, sounding unlike anything else Don has ever written. It's like a strange hybrid of pop/jazz/fusion with an odd arrangement that gives the piece an unsettling, bittersweet feel. MTC (Reprise) I have yet to hear but I can wait until March 14th. All-in-all there are some real gems to be found here. MTC is full of sweet treats and surprises, even while the atmosphere is often dark and hopeless.

Just remember when you go to a DF concert that his job is to kick ass and your obligation to get your ass kicked.

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 11:00:26, ET
Posted by: Daddy G. , NJ

Your basic general Morph review to start, but then a deliberate track by track review is a little different...

ONE COOL CAT (3.5 stars out of ?)

I meant to mention the lighting on "Turn up the floodlights," but just plain forgot---hard to remember everything right away at 2 AM...


There was just a plain curtain backdrop which simply changed colors with the lighting---I liked the bright blood-red best.

The band positioning as described from the audience's perspective of left/center/right...

Donald--Front and center, of course, sitting behind his keyboard facing the audience (well, duh...)

Herington--far left
Krantz--near left
Cindy, Carolyn--far right, but kind of angled so that Cindy's closest to the audience and Carolyn is slightly behind her to the left, both facing toward Donald and the audience

Young--following the angled line from Cindy to Carolyn, starting the back row from right to left
Washington--kind of centerish just slightly to the right of/behind Donald, hovering just in front of Young's keyboard and Carlock's drums
Carlock--center, behind Donald or maybe just ever so slightly to the left
MLeonhart--near left
Weiskopf--far left

In my binoculars I could watch Donald, Washington, and Carlock all in the same view. During "Goodbye Look" I was watching MLeonhart and Krantz in the same view, then alternately sliding back and forth to catch some of what Donald was doing.

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 10:41:50, ET
Posted by: John , Upper Darby


We were told to arrive at the Philly show at 3:45 p.m. at which time we were processed, given tags, etc. Your mileage may vary in other cities. I don't know anything about the PC Richard VIP Club. That's an electronics store, right? It has a loyalty program called the VIP Club. Perhaps it has its own deal with concerts? This was not part of the "I Love All Access" program in Philly/Upper Darby, as far as I could tell.

All best,

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 10:27:42, ET
Posted by: Little Wild One , on a roll

Paul, I'm gonna get in your face like I did my teen-ager's yesterday...

Don't be a horses's ass. I have two extra seats and I will give them to you to save the hassle of doing the ebay deal. Now then, where do you live? It's entirely possible that someone is traveling from your neck of the woods and can give you a ride, if that is the impediment. Simply make a post on the Chicago Dandom list. As for a hotel, there are enough of us traveling that someone will put you up, trust me.

Anything else? Oh yes, the making time factor. You know the answer to that one and, if you don't, then I do feel sorry for you, so stop whining!

sometimes known as the Greenroom mom

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 10:24:20, ET
Posted by: Star-Dot-Star ,

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 10:01:21, ET
Posted by: paul ,

I might be in the minority here,
but I'm kind of glad Tomorrow's Girls was taken out of the setlist. It's never been my favorite tune and the couple copies I have of it live seem to lose their magic. Kama really should be a studio-only album, with the exception of perhaps Snowbound or Trans-Island. Trans-Island would be great live, methinks.

So how did last night's show compare to Friday's? Anybody go to both?

Oh man, Chicago is calling to me.!!

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 09:23:05, ET
Posted by: PQ , NYC

Suppose you were trying to convice someone that Don and Walt write great lyrics, and they said give me an example, and completely out of context you quoted the 2 lines

No foolin
It's a fucked up world

Just those 2 lines, completely out of context with no explanation. You think you'd be making the case? That's what you just did.

I haven't seen anyone mention on H Gang, on the lyric line "Turn up the flood lights" - is that right? - the lights in the theaters have been lit up, just like before or after the show. Most people don't

Greg Moonspank - thank you. I have posted here many times that if someone like Manolo Badrena or Paulhina da Costa were in this band these songs wouls sound

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 08:25:41, ET
Posted by: -=-=-=-=- , NJ

Took the trek down to Philly yesteday. Got there early hoping to take in some sights in the neighborhood. This was not the quaint suburb of Philly I was hoping for so not a lot to do in the area. I did take a pic of Donald's name on the marquee. You can email me if you want a copy. A couple of young girls walked by. One looked at the marquee and said "Donald Fagen???....whatever."

I felt the Kamakiriad tunes were the least effective live. Snowbound and Teahouse are two of my all time favorite tracks so I was glad that they were included but they sounded somewhat like a faded Xerox of the studio tracks. I was expecting some lighting effects when they sang "the room turns bright, fills up with light" The Nightfly and Morph tunes seemed bouncier and had more clarity.

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 07:49:58, ET
Posted by: DONNA , NY

What time did you have to arrive at for the pre-show party and soundcheck, and where did it take place? I am STILL waiting for someone to tell me what the "PC Richards VIP Club" is.
Sounds like you had fun! I must have been sitting right near you.

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 07:41:16, ET
Posted by: TJ , DK

Sound Questions:

In Morph, the title track chorus at around 3:28 Donald improvises a line and holds it for a while. After a few seconds it sounds a lot like a saxophone. Is it Donald or a sax?

In What I do, there is a solo instrument noodling around. Not the harmonica, but one that sounds uhm close. Is that a syntheziser sound and how much is he using synth on the album?

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 06:12:25, ET
Posted by: Thomas Buddenbrock , Travembnde by the Sea

I watched some of the video clips from last night, it's amazing, Jeff Young is there, Tom Barney and everybarney... but the volume is a little low, how do I do to raise my ears on Real Player?


Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 05:06:51, ET
Posted by: Alkali , Broadway

the shows sound nice, can't wait until the Beacon!

regarding the (c)Rap scene;some fool brought up the name
'lyrics born' as "the best lyricist, even better than Steely Dan"
well, heres a sample of this genius' work:

"From the gate what you know about rapping motherfucker
You can't even hold the microphone without it feedbacking
Since the days of speed rapping I've been snapping cats spinal bones"

i can't argue with that, this guy IS a genius!
by the way, this 'lyrics born' clown is yet another case of a non-black trying to be one.
and to top it all off he's from Berkley!

"hot licks and rhetoric don't count much for nothing, be glad if you can use what you borrow..."


Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 02:18:53, ET
Posted by: Q , TPA

John of Upper Darby - I largely concur.

great show - different again, but the overall quality improves with each date.

Most notable was the rehearsal of more Morph tunes which look sure to be worked into the set ist as the tour continues. Even the sound guys were giddy(sP?) aout the idea of inserting Brite Nightgown which sounded virtuallly transcendnt on it's first run during sound check. Second rehearsal run was one notch below virtually transcendent....

Also they did Morph during rehearsal but not in show.

Ultra high quality show- all players dead on.

goinggg to sleeeeeeeeepppp

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 01:56:57, ET
Posted by: Daddy G. , NJ

I knew I'd be way too late getting home to reveal tonight's set list, but excellent show tonight!!! I was worried Donald might be "off" or a little tired from having done the show the night before, but it didn't seem to affect him at all in my opinion.

Was a little disappointed to not get "Tomorrow's Girls," but there are so many other tunes I'd also love to hear and I guess he can't play'em all.

Have to agree with John who said...

"There were some hallmark moments, as when he and Krantz caught some special vibe to close 'The Goodbye Look.'"

Yes, GL was awesome in the non-overused sense of the word! I was third row center in the loge balcony and mesmerized (through my binoculars) by the amazing interplay between MLeonhart, Krantz, and Donald on the extended instrumental part of GL. Donald, as on some other tunes, ended up kind of hunched over on the right-hand side of his keyboard.

Donald took off his glasses early on (I think during "Nightfly") and I don't think he ever put them back on. Not sure what that means---just an observation.

I really didn't know what to expect with WW at the revved up tempo, just couldn't imagine it really. But now that I've heard it I have to say I really did like it a lot and that somewhat surprised me.

As I said I was third row balcony, center section, and just thought I should mention that I didn't find anything wrong with the seat. In some ways I think it could even be a little better if you're into watching drummers in particulr (which I'm not normally) 'cause you get a little extra angle to look down on what he's doin' (but binoculars help).

Donald introduced Herington as the guitarist all in black and then Krantz as "...the man known as... well, not >>known<< as... he's pretty much >>>always<<< known as Wayne Krantz." Even though I'm putting quotes around that I'm really paraphrasing, but that's the gist of it.

Introducing "New Frontier" explaining about fallout shelters and such some guy way in the back yelled "NEW FRONTIER!" Donald at that point just shrugged and said "Well, you heard it..." and they dove into the song. Funny.

Only bad thing about the evening had nothing to do with the band/music, and everything to do with the jackass couple behind me (especially him, but sometimes her too). The guy for some reason felt he had to yell and whistle as loud as possible (and louder than I thought humanly possible) every couple minutes. He kept yelling for FM or Rikki and I'm thinking "yo dude, it's a >>>solo<<< tour!" The kicker was when the guy went nuts during "Black Cow" and decided he had to compete with Donald on lead vocals. I finally had to turn fully towards him with the evil eye. The guy then reaches down to tap my shoulder and says "Sorry man, but this song is F-in' amazing!" I said, "Yeah, but I came to hear >>>him<<< do it." Seemed like that got the message across and he was less vocal after that (which surprised me, but I was glad). I mean, I'm all for enthusiasm and an occasional shout out to the stage, but this guy was carrying it to extremes. I'm pretty sure he had a few too many beers beforehand to loosen up.

One other minor disappointment was just seeing several people get up for bathroom breaks (I assume) when Donald announced he was doing "H Gang." OK, if you're not familiar with the new stuff yet, fine, but I would think that'd be >>more<< incentive to stick around and check it out.

Tried to look around once at the crowd behind. Looked like some empty seats in the back and maybe scattered elsewhere also so I don't think it was sold out. Too bad if it wasn't. Folks who maybe thought about attending and didn't missed one helluva show.

Show was about 2 hours, 8:15-10:15 more or less.

Oh yeah, saw Pete Fogel before the show and shook his hand. I didn't dawdle because he doesn't know me from Adam, but it was a nice way to start off the evening.

Anyway, those are just some off the top of my sizzlin'-like-an-isotope brain that I wanted to get down quickly, even if slightly incoherently, before I forget half of it. Need a day or two to process it all, but anyone still awaiting their particular show night, you're in for a special treat. But then you probably already know that...

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 01:33:29, ET
Posted by: Ann , Borneo

Oooops!! Sorry!! Losing it a bit here....forgot to put in the link!!,RNWE:2006-07,RNWE:en%26sa%3DN



Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 01:31:12, ET
Posted by: John , Upper Darby

Hi Jim!

Oh good, I'm happy to chat about the "I Love All Access" program, which I thought was much better than its name might lead you to believe. If anyone has signed up for it at a future concert and wants to be surprised, best not to read this posting. <g>

I signed up for the 5-star ($250 program) via the site. For that I got:

--second row dead center seat on the aisle. It could not have been better.
--attendance during the sound check (which lasted about an hour or so) during which the band ran through Nightfly, Bright Nightgown, Morph, IGY and Tomorrow's Girl. Since this is the band's private practice time, we were seated for this behind the mixing board in the middle of the otherwise empty theater, and did not make a peep, so as not to intrude.
--a better-than-expected meal/party consisting of a variety of yummy hors d'oeuvres and as many drinks as we could down. (This was just with my fellow ticket-buyers; there was no rubbing elbows with the Donald and the band, either before or after the show. I suspect that's at the discretion of the touring act, since one person recalled buying the same kind of ticket for the Sheryl Crow tour and getting good face time with Ms Crow.)
--a chat (that I suspect was arranged at the last minute by our resourceful hostess when the sound check started late) with Chris Adamson, the production manager for the tour. Chris was a delight, with fascinating tales to tell about his profession (but at the same time he was quite discreet as you might expect from someone with about 40 years on the job)
--the camaraderie of 14 other similarly afflicted fans ranging from 11-year-old Philip (and his Dad), to a great young couple from Pittsburgh (she's a little bit country, he's a little bit Steely Dan), to what you would normally expect to be the target group of a promotion like this: middle-aged males ruled more by their hearts than by their pocketbooks when it comes to all things Steely Dan.
--a nice canvas bag containing a replica of the black-and-white striped scarf that Donald wears in publicity photos for the tour
--and most of all, and I bet many of the other 14 in my group would agree, a wonderful hostess, Dana, who could not have been more attentive to our needs. She anticipated our questions, provided cool anecdotes from her own concert production services history, had a great sense of humor and really made our motley band of misfits feel at home.

My understanding is that our group of 15 was the smallest party scheduled on the tour. On the other end of the scale, about 85 have signed up for the Chicago party (Midwesterners must be a bit looser with the dollar?).

The program was created by Irving Azoff, the manager of many bands, including Steely Dan and the Eagles, and when you think about it, it makes a lot of sense. There's a huge number of baby boomers out there with lots of disposable income now that they're "of an age." And besides, who would normally get the good seats? Some 20-something friend of a radio station sales manager, who leaves at intermission because they're bored?

Anyway, it measures out to $250 for 6 1/2 hours of entertainment, food and vicarious fun. Damn right I'd do it again. Who says you can't buy a thrill?

All best,

P.S. Saw Pete and Shari at the end of the concert, he looking happy and she looking great as always.

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 01:30:54, ET
Posted by: Ann , Borneo - Island of Dreams!!

Hi all you lucky Dannies in the US!!

All these reviews of shows has sent my subconscience in to over-drive and last night I dreamt I was at a Donald concert .....wishful thinking!! Anyways, glad to hear you're all having a great time and enjoying it!

Java and Peter (Manchester): If our heroes DO play the UK, please get in touch and maybe we can hook-up with like-minded Dannies there. Other than that, I'll have to go with the patronising Off-Spring!!! (who still scathingly refers to me as the "Teenager")

AND NOW FOR SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT (and to introduce a bit of humour, as this place has got a bit intense!!:

If the album was Morph the Dog, as opposed to cat, the following might be a nice album cover....neat follow-up to the cover of "Can't buy a thrill"!!! Found an old friend of mine wearing it on her T-shirt...she didn't "get it" and was a bit red-faced when I explained it!! (Note the multiple bras!!)

Peace n love to you all!


Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 00:55:49, ET
Posted by: Darby , Upper

Upper Dardy,PA was amazing! This is such a good band.I'm going to Washington, D.C. on Monday! Don't miss this tour.

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 23:45:22, ET
Posted by: hoops ,

John, Thanks for the report. I'm disappointed you aren't discussing the All Access stuff here in the Blue. Very ON topic... Please come back and do so.


Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 23:26:45, ET
Posted by: John , Upper Darby

Fellow addicts,

Just in from the show in Upper Darby, outside of Philadelphia. Here are the highlights:

Setlist: The same as Westbury, except they pulled "Tomorrow's Girls" pretty much at the last moment. They rehearsed the song during the sound check for a while, but afterwards word came down that it had been killed. There was some hope on the part of the guys on the sound board that the band would substitute "Bright Nightgown," which was a smash during the sound check, but no such luck.

The setting: The Tower Theater is one of those old urban theaters that has seen its share of the stars over the years. The acoustics were better than I would have expected in a venue like that. I had fantastic seats (2nd row, smack in the center, 15 feet from Donald) thanks to splurging on the All Access program (which was also why I heard the sound check; I recommend the program).

The concert: Very very satisfying on every level. A stage full of 10 veteran musicians who knew exactly what they were trying to achieve at all times. Special delights included the interplay of the two guitarists -- Herington and Krantz -- each of whom was allowed to shine. Krantz delivered complex nearly intellectual solos that offered new avenues from which to hear the music, while Herington launched elegant fully realized solos with perfect beginnings, middles and ends. They were quite a pair, particularly on "Third World Man" when they played the first solo together, note for note. ::Shiver:: Excellent work from the horns -- Weiskopf and Leonhardt -- and the gal singers. But I thought the real strength was right down the middle, like on a baseball team, with Freddy Washington on bass, Jeff Young on organ and Keith Carlock on drums. Rock steady and propulsive all night long.

The Donald: The star seemed relaxed to me and very very much into the performance. There were some hallmark moments, as when he and Krantz caught some special vibe to close "The Goodbye Look." It has been said before, but we are just so lucky to have these two guys (well, just Donald for tonight) still in the prime of their creative energies and more comfortable with performing and interviewing their ever.

I'll leave it at that for now. If anyone wants more information on the All Access part, write to me; it seems off-topic here. <g>

All best,

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 21:59:36, ET
Posted by: Donna , NY

I don't know. Good question. How would I know? We got the tickets through the North Fork Bank Executive office. They said "Premium Season Seat VIP" and came with a VIP parking pass. We were told we could present them to get in to the PC Richards VIP Club beforehand. We got there at 7:30pm as we were running late. But we thought we were going to a pre-show party. We didn't see any club. When we asked an usher, they sent us to a snack bar area that said something like Platinum Club. It was nothing. Just a snack bar and bathrooms. So we were disappointed and went to our seats. It didn't occur to us at the time that maybe there was another area to go to and wonder now if we missed something somehow. Hmmmm. We were in the 5th row, center stage. The seats couldn't be any better. All Access was there with goody bags looking for their ticket holders so that they could give out the goody bags. They only had one taker from what I saw. It was tempting to say we got our tickets through All Access so we could get the bag, but we didn't. They weren't checking the tickets. The one person who said they got their tickets through All Access was handed a goody bag in good faith. Their tickets were never checked. If anyone here knows what the VIP Club is, please do tell. Thanks!

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 21:31:14, ET
Posted by: Big Fan , how soon until Thursday?

Donna did you have 5* or 4* VIP? If 5*, how was it? were the seats good, did they treat you well. How was the sound check, food, refreshments, etc?


Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 21:00:25, ET
Posted by: DONNA , NY

Did anyone here who was at the DF concert at the North Fork Theater in Westbury have VIP tickets for last night's show? If so, did anyone check out what the "PC Richard's VIP Club" was? I had VIP tickets but didn't see any VIP Club. Did I miss something?

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 20:15:08, ET
Posted by: Gretchen ,

Whatever Donald has been doing, it should be bottled and sold - the pic of him on Andy's website is outrageously sexy. I can't wait to see this sleek black cat at the Beacon.........

By the way, if I cannot tolerate country & western music (which I can't) does that make me a reverse racist?


Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 18:54:34, ET
Posted by: paul ,

The Kamakiriad remaster[?] appears to be available from Amazon for pre-order already... at least I think it is.

This is the original Kama:

and this is the supposed remaster, posted new today (I think):

I can't wait for the remaster,
but even more so, I can't wait for the 5.1 Morph!

Have a good weekend and enjoy tonight's show!

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 18:46:02, ET
Posted by: HeyMike , lots of beer...

Yeah, thanks greg that was a great tease! Carlock looks like he's havin' a blast behind the kit. I agree it's odd not seeing the waltmeister out there- see ya'll on State Street that great street!

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 18:13:55, ET
Posted by: paul , lookin' good

Sounds like it's a telephone conversation, there is no video. You'll do just as good reading the transcript, the audio is rather long and hard to listen to.

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 17:49:27, ET
Posted by: Susan , nowhere

Mis'ry & The Blues on iTunes:

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 17:40:54, ET
Posted by: Brutus Charisma ,

I'm trying to stream DF's interview w/o luck.

Ironically, I can play "H-Gang" no prob at the same site.

I have dial-up would/does that make a difference?

Is it a video interview?

Thanks -

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 17:19:07, ET
Posted by: Chan , Boston

Paul, could that book be the music from Kamakiriad?? That might be it.

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 17:07:53, ET
Posted by: paul , Kamakiriad the paperback, huh?

Anybody have any idea what this is?

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 16:58:21, ET
Posted by: nytfligh , NJ

real occasion, or relocation?

One complaint about my 5-star party. No Kirschwasser.

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 16:17:55, ET
Posted by: Steelydoc ,

I just found out I have an extra ticket to tonite's teh middle, around 14 rows me if interested!! Thanks

Doc 610 449 2560 or cell 610 613 0565

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 14:42:35, ET
Posted by: The Rap Scene , Here In White Bread Heaven

There is no writer of lyrics anywhere better than the rapper Lyrics Born, Steely Dan included. If you're not familiar with his work it's not clear how you can object or comment. Don't speak out of ignorance. Don't be like a person who makes an opinion of Steely Dan based on knowing 2 or 3 songs.

People like 50 Cent and Em are not musicians. They are performers. If you somehow have the absurd idea in your mind that they want to be recognized as musicians you need a deep vacation.

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 13:45:42, ET
Posted by: Chris , nh

Hutch - Calling all rap crap does not make you a racist, but it does make you a bit closed minded. If we set aside talentless (and probably pre-fabricated) "artists" like 50 cent, and look to the underground scene or even mainstream underground, you'll find some really talented lyricists, not unlike Our Heros. You don't have to like it but at least respect the fact that good rap DOES take talent, and talent is out there!

Should you decide to explore, I reccomend checking out The Roots, Busdriver, Tribe Called Quest, J-Live, 2pac, and The Fat Boys (actually, I'm kidding about The Fat Boys, though they are worth a download for a laugh).

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 13:34:03, ET
Posted by: paul ,

The Kama DVD-A is like a completely different album. I'm quite hoping the remaster of Kama will be similar to the DVD, because it is quite awesome. You haven't heard Kamakiriad until you've heard the DVD-A. The difference is greater than the original Gaucho and the Gaucho SACD.

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 13:23:44, ET
Posted by: Greg Moonspank , White Plains, NY

Fashionista Jones, I stand corrected on the all black, but the band was 'for the most part' dressed in black, which was unusual.

About the percussion. It was cool that Mike would pick up some toys and groove well with them. But I think dons band could have really benefited from a full time percussionist. BRING BACK BILL WARE!

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 13:14:11, ET
Posted by: Fashionista Jones , GQ, Elle

Nay on the all black. Carlock was wearing a grayish blue shirt and Weiskopf - always the best dresser in whatever band he's in - had on a funky print dress shirt over a black t shirt.

Isn't Mike Leonhart a blast the way he picks up a tambourine or a pair of maracas when there's no trumpet part?

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 13:00:17, ET
Posted by: Nazman , at the banquet

Lovin' this site.

Newark you said it all re; F'ing Ticketmaster. It's the shits, no two ways about it and i don't get how Fagen or Becker can be tied to them.

LadyBaside, thank you for telling it like it is. Those video clips are just teasers...

Nothin replaces live and in person...

"This is no one night stand, it's a real occasion..."

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 12:53:48, ET
Posted by: Greg Moonspank , White Plains, NY

Since this forum appears NOT to be spoiler-free, here are a few additional notes on the show that may have not been mentioned here. But DON'T READ BELOW if you want some surprises at the show, I guess.

- dress code appears to be all black for the band

- the background vocals sounded great with a male on vox (Jeff Young), it fits the music very well (see Albany Steely Dan show, 1993, where Curtis King sat in for Catherine Russel)

- For New Frontier, Jeff Young handled the disco-style rhythm sounds on his keyboard the entire length of the song

- Goodbye Look: The constant open/closed hi-hat action on the album was mimiced purely by Carlock's left foot, while his hands keep a ridiculous rhythm on the toms, tom rim, and snare.

- The Teahouse long piano solo (a la the 1993 tour) is replaced with a shorter trumpet solo.

- Herrington matches the gaucho Third World Man solo perfectly. He used a bit more overdrive and it sounded INCREDIBLE. It received a very nice applause. Carlock supes up the drum breaks in TWM big time with his signature rolls.

- Oh my lord Walter is missed when it comes to the band intros: "to my right...uh....Jon Herrington...behind him on the sax...uh...Walt Weiskoff!!!" etc

- Ready Freddie lightly thumbs the bass throughout Snowbound: a la Walter on Kama. Very Nice.

- Don never went on a political rant, as some folks expected, here. A brief mention of a "thuggish cult" while introducing Mary, but that was all.

- Nice extended jams after a few numbers, including New Frontier and Goodbye Look.

- Jeff Young took the vocal break on Pretzel Logic. "stepped up on the platform...etc"

-Don stuck behind the rhodes for the length of teh show and never picked up the ridiculous keytar!

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 12:38:05, ET
Posted by: Spinal Tap , Amsterdam

Greg, thanx for the footage. At least we Europeans get to see someting from the Donald Fagen Tour. :-(......

Morph is running nonstop on my stereo and I-pod. O do i love this album!
Even Security Joan aint so bad with this great vocal chords in the chorus.
Mona is just so beautifull, a pitty it is so short compared to the other tracks
Only atheist Danfans on this side of the pond, nut we pray for an European Steely dan or Fagen tour, 2000 is just to long ago

Can someone tell me how the DVD-A version of Kamakeriad is?
This album deserves a better mix! Can't wait for the re-release.

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 12:28:49, ET
Posted by: Daddy G. , NJ

An article from a year ago about tonight's venue...

by Tim Newby
Thursday, February 03, 2005

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 12:26:56, ET
Posted by: Greg Moonspank , White Plains, NY

I'm glad some folks enjoyed the clips. Ya know, I hope someone tapes these gigs (audio) so we can download and hear the whole thing. The crumby video/audio capture on my digital camera is what it is...

But damn, the security and ushers at Westbury were so lax I could have brought in a camcorder and got the whole show. As you can see from the pics I was moving around the venue freely, as were many of the more active Don fans.

Of course, we can hope that Don tapes ones of these shows professionally for release! Audio AND video. But if the last 10 years of steely dan is any indication, it probably won't happen.

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 12:24:31, ET
Posted by: LadyBayside , over here


Same f'in thing happened to me, and I was also terribly ticked off. I ended up with row V seats on first try, thought, well, that's probably Best Avail, and then for the hell of it twenty five minutes later, checked in again, where I scored row G. Sold the slightly further seats to another fan, so it wasn't a total loss.

However, it does beg the question 'why bother with the presale?' If presale isn't to reward loyal fans with better seats than your average schmo, then what is the point? Unload bulk on us, the unsuspecting and (until now) naive? Leaves a bitter taste, doesn't it?

In any event, I have lairnt my lesson. This grasshopper will be a little more patient when buying. Maybe. There's always the fear of getting shut out.

Enjoy..I am next off to the Beacon, where I am looking forward to seeing both the Don and some good friends!


Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 12:12:14, ET
Posted by: newark , Newark, MD

Just to clarify the adrenelin:
Jan. 28 Tix go on sale for Tower at 10 am. I'm online, perched at keyboard waiting to GOOOOOO!
At 10:05 "Best Available" were row N (approx. 28 rows back)
At 10:08 "Best Available were row 5 at the far left wall.
At 10:10 Found Loge (first balcony) and grabbed row FF C for $65, manipulated into thinking thinking the seating was selling out.
11:00 after buying, saw more and better offerings: heart sinking. Gave tix to see El Supremo to my lover for Valentine's day. he-he-he

Feb. 17: Ticketfker's release of good seats. Best seats become available later--continues to day of show.
March 4: offers excellent "choice" of seating.

Just want to say we're hopeful. The rise will give us a 3-D view; fortunate for us when Fagan is down pouring over his ivories. DF: take that intermission. We need one too!

As well, wish to say, happy to partake of this advante-garde virtuoso's emergence. The lesson is re: ticketmaster: Fools Jump In. Nonetheless, you won't find a more-studied audience than us at the Tower tonight! We believe the gods are smiling down on this band and us. Road Triiiiiiiiiiip!!!

Ephemerally Jaded in Newark, thx for the crumbs fans. we're with ya!

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 11:50:56, ET
Posted by: LadyBayside , Still flyin high


Greg's photos and the audio clips are great..but (and this is not to take away from him in ANY way) they just don't even do the evening justice. The sound was perfect and the whole ensemble was SO tight, so in the groove.

My point is just that if you loved the clips, you will be blown out of your seats. Guaranteed.


And having said that, THANK YOU GREG for capturing a little of the magic.

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 11:14:28, ET
Posted by: Newark , Newark, MD

Hi gang. Got tix for Tower--seats in 6th row Loge. Fking Ticketmaster's grand wizard holds back great seating until later. Should've gotten a kiss first, learning two weeks before show that the "best" seats were becoming available near showtime--"choice" Tower tix seating(5th-6th rows). Therefore, Ticketmaster shoved my showbiz enthusiam you know where. Why? I plan to put the buggers out of business--availability should be offered like airplane seating.

Found last night (4/3/06 that has Pit seats and very close seats (front seating begins w/ BB): they let you choose where you want to be. Pit seats were available (front row) and some are as close as 7 rows center from stage.

DF, if you can hear me, Ticketmaster is fking us for our diligence. Thx gang for being here. Can't say enough how much this forum has pacified our excitement. Where's the 'fore show gathering? newark

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 11:13:02, ET
Posted by: angel ,

WORMY! Good to see you alive. Hopefully for you, the second leg of the tour will get your way.


Great videos! Thanks so much for the hint of what's to come. Wow, Wow, Wow, just look at the Goodbye Look. That is something special.
Carlock is GOD!

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 11:02:02, ET
Posted by: Boston Rag , any news was good news

Well Luke should have made a call to the Boston Phoenix. Not one mention of DF or the show at the Opera House this week in their Entertainment Guide.

Mark in Boston

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 10:21:44, ET
Posted by: uh ,

except that Luke Burland is a she

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 10:14:06, ET
Posted by: Slim , Long Beach, L.I.

That show in Westbury was good last night I had a hard time sleeping.

That show in Westbury was good last night that I'm now going to hop in my car and drive two hours to Philly tonight!


Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 10:09:27, ET
Posted by: back2bass6 , lawn guyland

tell me, oh music mogul....

your life lessons are very valuable to me, and i am eternally thankful for them.

Your addition of DF's press agent's name is impressive, we all now you know you are da man.

As far as getting gigs, what is that all about?

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 09:44:15, ET
Posted by: Your 2nd Life Lesson , Some Press Agent

Have "some press agent" ? Boy, you know a lot about the business side of music, don't you? Do you know what kind of selection process Donald went through to hire Luke Burland as his PR man? And you say "some press agent" like you're talking about a McDonald's burger flipper? No wonder you can't get any gigs.

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 09:42:36, ET
Posted by: PennyK ,

Regarding mention in the NYTimes, That Kelefah whatever person is the one who reviews all the hiphop music, so naturally she would be more into those notices.
I had a big beef with her a little while back, because she was sent to cover a BETTE MIDLER concert I attended. You cannot imagine what she did to Bette...the review was atrocious...and the concert had been great. I forget who right now, but Bette had one of the Dan's horn boys in her band. She also mentioned the connection when she did the band intros, and said how humbled she was to have such great musicians behind her.


Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 09:40:59, ET
Posted by: fife , 2 days 10 hours 20 minutes!

I found this waiting for me this morning:
MICHAEL MCDONALD and STEELY DAN are planning a reunion on a US summer tour (06). MCDonald played keyboards and sang backing vocals on classic Steely Dan albums like THE ROYAL SCAM and AJA, and now he's in talks to join DONALD FAGEN and WALTER BECKER for a co-headlining tour
Counting the minutes now until Monday night in DC! Then off to NYC it's going to be a wonderous week!

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 09:33:41, ET
Posted by: Bilko , Fort Baxter

Yup! That JazzFM review is spot on IMHO. Yes, I've always been disappointed by the first listening of a Dan album and then it starts to sink in. This one is just the same. Curiously, the only album that was immediate was EMG and that has turned out to be my least favourite.
How many of you get a new Dan album and then after a while start to make up a playlist blending it in with the others? This new one certainly has tracks that can hold their own. It's not as good as Nightfly, but then nothing is ( easily my all-time favourite ). I think that Mary can stand alongside The Godbye Look. What I Do and Mona are also up there.
Shame I can't get over tothe States for the tour, it sounds like another classic. I like the idea of Donald re-mixing Kamakiriad. Wouold love to hear some of those songs given this kind of production.

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 09:28:19, ET
Posted by: cerebral long islander , lawn guyland

thanks for the life lesson...

why is she getting salaried then? If all you have to do is have some press agent send in a notification, what is the responsibility of the contibuting editor of that or ANY section?

yo yo yo

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 09:22:22, ET
Posted by: Hutch , Location:

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 09:21:59, ET
Posted by: back2bass6 , lawn guyland

Paul...your genius and sublime words are second to none...ever I pale in comparison to your wit...

el era del terzo mondo, thats what i say!

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 09:21:18, ET
Posted by: Hutch , RVA

Back2bass6 - Better not go over to St Al's Yellow and make those comments about rap (crap). The PI crowd over there will likely label you a RACIST!
You see ALL forms of music are supposed to be accepted as GOOD.


Looking forward to the Warner Theatre show on Monday.
This tour is truly a dream come true for me. Never thought I'd see it happen.

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 09:18:48, ET
Posted by: TJ , DK

Album of the month at with enthusiastic review:

A 5 star review at

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 09:11:04, ET
Posted by: paul ,

b2b6... i know you had good intentions, but believe me, that is not the way to speak to a person to get what you want.
instead, you could have said something like,

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to inform you that I have two dozen
subatomic nuclear warheads pointed at your office
and will launch them at 12:00 pm tomorrow if
you do not order an immediate recall of today's
paper, reprint it with the front page headline,
"DONALD FAGEN R0x0Rz THE BEACON", and proceed to
replace every column and article with something
pertaining to the greatness and almightyness of
Donald Fagen.

Also, and if you do not proceed to slander the names
of every rap, hip-hop, and country pop star in
existance, whom you so callously placed before
Dr. Fagen's greatness, I will be forced to have
my legion of Ninja warriors turn the NY Times into
a slave labor factory for the production of my
new brand of sneakers. (coming this fall!)

Thank you for your cooperation, I love reading
your paper. Have a great day!


Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 09:06:06, ET
Posted by: Real Cerebral Long Islander, Ain't You? , Learn How The World Works

Errrr, you get listed in a section like the NYT Arts & Leisure if your publicity people submit a release to them. What do you think, the NY Times goes scouting clubs to see who's playing? It's the NY fucking Times, duh - *you* go to *them*. If Don's not listed there it's his press agent's doing.

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 08:58:05, ET
Posted by: ygk , nyc

c'mon, tell me Donald's NOT chanelling Boris Karloff!!!!


Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 08:57:48, ET
Posted by: Nazman , Westside

Not sure if this ever made the BlueBook, interview w/ Wayne Krantz.
Short and succinct...

For the Leeds (UK) Metro newspaper, July 2003

Q. Do you mind being consistently compared to Jimi Hendrix? People have so few reference points for wild, energising guitar music.

WK - I don't hear that very often. I wouldn't mind it, I respect what he did and I never struggled under his influence. Reference points usually mislead; it takes a poet to describe music without them.

Q. Jimi Hendrix never had a drummer as good as Keith Carlock. Where did you find him?

WK - I always liked Jimi's drummers. He could have used a Tim Lefebvre, though. Carlock found me when he came to New York in '96. It clicked instantly and we've been happy since. On these gigs in the UK I'm using Ari Hoenig - different from Keith, but phenomenal.

Q. How long has the trio worked together? You seem to possess complete empathy.

WK - Since '97. It's a good combination. That plus time spent, the communal intent of the improvising and whatever magic is present, adds up. Most of the time.

Q. Greenwich Mean was a very effective calling card. It's a blistering, sizzling album - but its impact may have been blunted by its length and documentary realism. Was it intended as a documentary record of your residency at the 55 Bar? Do you still have a gig there?

WK - It's not a document at all - it's a construction, a sculpture. It's the most heavily edited thing I've ever done; not the improvising, but the forms. We still play most Thursdays at 55.

Q. It's also quite old. What have you been getting up to since?

WK - The latest record, "Your Basic Live", which by contrast is indeed a document of some length and much realism. Two unedited discs from the 55 in '01-'02. I'll have some copies with me on these upcoming gigs, otherwise it's available only on my website,

Q. I gathered you were discovered playing in a New York club by British jazz promoter/journalist Jed Williams who promptly arranged a UK tour. Do you remember the occasion? How was your initial experience of the UK?

WK - Assembly Direct, in Scotland, brought over an earlier trio with Danziger and Goines in the mid-'90s. Jed brought the current trio over in '97-'98 and really made it stick. The UK has always been pretty receptive to me and my music. I've appreciated it. They know their music, there.

Q. Your playing is restless, constantly changing in direction, neatly avoiding the trap of your typical guitar whizz with endlessly indulgent solos. The energy is concentrated and compressed. Is this a conscious strategy on your part?

WK - The odds of all that happening by accident seem remote to me. Concept is the thing, really. Everything else is incidental.

Q. Can you succinctly describe your feeling up on stage when the music is in full flow?

WK - It's finally being able to live utterly in the present moment, thoroughly experiencing it, with the sense of some greater form happening around you, inexorably moving forward to something momentous. You're suddenly in touch with everybody in the room, maybe everybody everywhere. It's a profound rightness. The only other things close are sex and love.

Q. Is your music special to New York?

WK - Frankly, there's nothing like it happening in New York either. But it's a New York band and that finds its way into the music. But I'm just some kid from Oregon. What do I know?


Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 08:57:04, ET
Posted by: YGK , nyc


It's the Vampire Fagen indeed!!!!

nice pics greg


Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 08:54:15, ET
Posted by: Geoff ,

Soul Monkey - sign up for Hoops' Dandfest:Chicago thing (Somewhere near here) Most of the discussion concerns pre-show venue. Miller's pub seems to be leading contender.

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 08:52:59, ET
Posted by: 1 , 1

someone explain all those http href things please

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 08:37:39, ET
Posted by: back2bass6 , lawn guyland

so, like, im still buzzed from last night, and apparantly everyone lse is too..ok, so, like, im reading NY TIMES arts and leisure section this AM, and in the "coming up this week section" under pop and jazz, i see every low life bling bling rap piece of shit scum bag yo yo yo wassup "niggah" listed, but not DF for Tuesday....

had to write the author,and give her a piece of my mind...heres MY contribution...

"Kalefa....under the title of JAZZ AND POP,you listed every low life shit face douche bag rap artist playing this week. What a bunch of scum they all are. And what the hell are you thinking? You think ANYONE who listens to that shit reads arts and leisure? And you have the audacity to add it to the JAZZ AND POP listings?

OH, by the way, genius.....DONALD FAGEN, a vital piece of jazz and pop in American history, is performing at THE BEACON, but you missed that one. Fitty Cents for your thoughts."

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 08:22:33, ET
Posted by: wormy , houston and N.O.

Fagen's new album and tour
great, shame it's only up north
hey YGK! hi gang

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 08:21:19, ET
Posted by: SoulMonkey , The Ville

In Chicago that is.

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 08:16:57, ET
Posted by: SoulMonkey , The Ville

It looks like we're staying at the Silversmith hotel which is about a quarter of a mile from the venue. Where is everyone else staying? I'll probably be at the ESPN Zone until the Danfest begins. Hope to see some of you there.

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 07:59:49, ET
Posted by: Nazman , Prayers are answered

Just "close your eyes and you'll be there, it's everything they say.."!

Outstanding work, Greg! This is as close as you can get to being there! Thoroughly enjoying the video clips...

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 07:50:19, ET

Saw a great 5 star review by Bud Scoppa in this month's Uncut magazine in the UK. Morph The Cat is a classic according to Bud. On the downside, Mojo, a previously reliable quality rock mag and fans of the Dan, gave it only 3 stars and not a very good write up ( disgraceful !! ). Still, you've either got taste or you haven't hey Mojo !!

Don has got to tour Europe this year, surely ?? There are thousands of Dan fans in the UK and they are regarded as one of the all time greats in the UK by critics and musicians.

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 07:36:20, ET
Posted by: TJ , DK

Greg Moonspank: Thanks. It just looks amazing!

It actually seems that the band is benefitting from beeing fewer people on stage. Sounds more like a unit, with greater responsibility on each musician. Is that the case?

Donald seems in good shape too. I love the black suit with the white sneakers.

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 04:55:15, ET
Posted by: Steve Martin , Scotland

If, hypothetically, one was to aquire clips of a super swinging rock and soul show, and if said show played upside down on windows media player, how, hypothetically, might one do a quick 180 ? neck hurts!

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 03:58:38, ET
Posted by: His Lordship To Be , Worldlywise, I Realize, That Everybodys Crazy...Am I myself Or Just Another Freak?

I'd been worried Fagen might have lost some of his wit and knack for interacting witht the music over the years. Apparently not.

>From reading the Westbury reviews, it sounds like he's getting the feel and spilling out the tunes just as brilliantly as ever, and if MTC's git that genius and force behind it, it's set to be good!
And from listening to his interview (thanks Chris) it sounds like he's stll got the usual, laid-back slightly smart-ass wit which keeps him funny and smart behind the music.

he's a weird and wonderfull guykeep at it!

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 03:32:22, ET
Posted by: Gina , Moonspank Mountain

geez Greg, how come one of the first thoughts that came to me was, oops, he's gonna get his hiney spanked for this...
still, thanks for sharing and i also had a quick stroll onto the Moonspank site, nice sound too :-)
great reviews here, most of you are probably asleep right now (9.30 am eurotime) or in dreams re-living the event... sounded like it was a GOOD time. all the more promising for teh next and next and next and ....
(hopefully a European Steely Dan tour)


Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 02:26:38, ET
Posted by: Greg Moonspank , White Plains, NY

Greetings all. I took some pics and video footage at the Westbury Show. I think some folks here will enjoy them. I posted them online at:


Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 01:08:00, ET
Posted by: The Rooster , New York

Here's a link to a clip of the Jack Teagarden tune Mis'ry and the Blues. Took me a an hour or two to track it down. Wanted to verify that everyone was correct including myself. Check it out.;jsessionid=DjKoySvWMSxa44GK9ML4y2WJqGHUVUX7fYEjmjkCQfKIZjy1VdRO!529205295?id=3126

Copy and paste that into your browser.

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 01:04:06, ET
Posted by: Rajah ,

Oh, thank you so much folks, I'm packng my bags tonight and so overjoyed that the band came roaring back. Wow. Q, get your as up to our little party Tuesfay night.

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 01:00:16, ET
Posted by: Q , TPA

I couldn't agree more - the Westbury show was incredible.

DF was in a great mood, great and different set list from first night.

Krantz was completely on tonight. Herrington was on as always. The sound was all there. No muddy bass. Virtually ever problem from the State show was eliminated.

I can only say, don't take my word for it, I walked out with some other danfans who have seen plenty of shows too (40++) and the words were unanimously along the lines of "that was one of the best shows(including SD- as opposed to , say, R&RSR) I have ever seen!"

As the previous post said - it is hard to comprehend that this was the same bunch of people performing this show versus State Theater.
It's hard to imagine that they can improve it any more other than including more MTC tunes.

"Mary" was added to tonight's set list - also,Black Friday was substituted with Pretzel Logic. Also they added the cover "Misry"

I'm sure by Chicago it will be nirvana!

Upper Darby/D.C./Beacon here we come!

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 00:59:44, ET
Posted by: Jack , Long Island

Wow, Donald was totally psyched tonight, with a clarion voice and a soul on fire. Here at the Western World set a furious pace (even if it does sound like the lyrics are now being sung over the music of ParkerC s Band) and The Nightfly and Greenflower Street were stomping. That band was so tight, I donC t think IC ve ever heard a live group groove so hard. The renditions of the Morph songs were spectacular, Don seemed to be having a whale of a time with H Gang playing up the sarcasm of the lyrics and in the closing section Mary Shut the Garden Door was just achingly beautiful. What I Do was the most soulful song of the night, the warmth and affection in his Ray Charles tribute really compelling.

TomorrowC s Girls and IGY were the only ones that suffered slightly in arrangement coming across a bit heavier than on the records, not as floaty and sparkly, but the rest of the old songs were updated beautifully, I especially loved the long outros on The Nightfly (where they gradually slowed the tempo as the sun came up) and The Goodbye Look. Such a privilege to experience the genius of Donald Fagen first hand and up close, his songwriting just gets better and better, and heC s proving thereC s a lot of life left in this bad cat yet.

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 00:55:42, ET
Posted by: Nazman , Thrilled

Sent many of these comments to my friend out by the Tower Theatre in Philadelphia telling him he would be a total fool to let this opportunity go by. He and i have seen many great shows in years gone by to include the Stones, The Who, Hot Tuna, Santana, The Moody Blues, Little Feat, The Mahavishnu Orchestra w/ John McLaughlin, Allan Toussant, Leonard Cohen, Springsteen back in the early days, Joni Mitchell, The Flying Burrito Brothers, Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young and countless others but that friend of mine has never seen Steely Dan or Donald Fagen and life for him is consequently incomplete. These are the opportunities of a lifetime. Thanks to all...

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 00:30:14, ET
Posted by: LadyBayside , Still In the Clouds

You think I could've taken some time to introduce myself earlier.

M&M..I hope so too. Someone's gotta have seats to go, but if word gets out about tonight...they may go fast. Best of luck to you!

NYB: I knew it wasn't you..the voice came from the BACK!

Among the funny one point, there was just this one random dude dancing. Might've been Black Cow. No one else in the theater, just that guy. Of course, he was two rows in front of me.

BTW, I could not have had better seats...we were straight line of sight to Donald...front and fifth row. Loved it.

What a night. And as much as I love Steely Dan, I only missed Walter a little bit. I am ashamed. But it's true.


Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 00:29:08, ET
Posted by: WOW! , Westbury, NY

It was so f*&^king great! That couldn't be the same group I saw 48 hours ago in New Brunswick. How can a band come together so fast?! If you people miss this tour you're crazy!


Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 00:26:35, ET
Posted by: PennyK ,

I seriously feel that I may never need to have sex again!

And now for some coherence:

Just amazing...he was loose and definitely having fun. This was the top show for me. EVER. ANYONE. ANYWHERE.
The Jack Teagarden tune was was like going back a bunch of decades and hearing a band from early in the twentieth century on the bandstand. I almost asked the guy nest to me if he wanted to get up and dance. The mood of this tune was identical with "Things I Miss the Most".

As Karen said about "IGY" and also "New Frontier," they are songs about a future that never happened. Sweetly sad when they were new, but heartbreaking now. And yes, DF mentioned the "thuggish crowd" running things these days.
Oh! I must mention...Lady Bayside's Littlest DanFan is adorable. She is really into the music...and she is willing to share her M & Ms!

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 00:22:18, ET
Posted by: Mark and Marie , New Jersey

Westbury was much much better than New Brunswick. Fagen was in a great mood! We're so glad we made the slep out to the Island. Oh, and Lady B, we hope to see you at the Beacon on Tuesday!

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 00:21:18, ET
Posted by: NYB ,

Suprisingly, the person who yelled out "Freebird" was not me.

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 00:18:53, ET
Posted by: The Rooster , New York

Westbury New York 3/3/06

All I gotta say is Donald is truly the master. What an amazing show. To hear some of these songs for the first time live was amazing.

I have to say I prefer the original version of Here at the Western World (one of my fav Dan songs)better than the version he did tonight but I have to give it to him for changing it up. Was blown away by another one of my fav's Third World Man. Donald was right on the money with this one and he sounded great. I sat there mesmerized. My wife shot me a look with a gleam in her eye when Snowbound came on. Used to play this when it snowed back in the 90's when we were just dating. I was glad he played What I Do off of Morph. A great new one in my book. He def had that autisic Ray Charles sway during Goodbye Look but they did the song beautifully. Mary Shut the Garden door was amazing as well. Donald really sounded awesome tonight. I was happy to hear some of the old stuff like Black Cow and Home at Last. Both done perfectly as well.

I had a great view of Donald and the band all night. Not one head in my way. Now the bad news. I had brought my MP3 player which has a recorder to bootleg the show and something went wrong and I got zilch. I'm so pissed but I guess that's what u get for doing something illegal. The memories of this show will last forever. Donald's the man. Always was always will be. Peace!!!

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 00:10:46, ET
Posted by: LadyBayside , Too Excited To Sleep

Shoulda known that by the time I finished typing someone would have gotten the setlist up. Sorry.


Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 00:07:14, ET
Posted by: LadyBayside , Home, at Last

I am just back to CT after the Westbury show. Wow. What an amazing night.

First, for those who like to know these things:

Setlist, North Fork Theater, March 3rd
Here At The Western World
The Nightfly
Greenflower Street
Teahouse On The Tracks
New Frontier
Third World Man
Home At Last
Band Intro
What I Do
Black Cow
Goodbye Look
Tomorrow's Girls
NEW ADDITION old tune written by Charlie DeVere (sp?) which is probably Blues In The Mornin'
Mary Shut The Garden Door
Pretzel Logic
Viva Rock N Roll

Now, a few highlights (personally speaking):
The extremely nice couple who sat next to my daughter (it was her first live exposure to either Don or the Dan, and for being six years old, she did great..she passed out during What I Do, and was royally pissed the she missed Tomorrow's Girls, which is her favorite Fagen tune...she loved it til she ran out of gas!) who had seen the first show and gave me their take, and the folks immediately behind us, because they were having a hell of a time. What a great crowd.

I LOVED the new arrangement of Here At The Western World. It is fantastic! Third World Man resonated and revived all the feelings after September 11th, even though it predated it. It was eerie.
Home At Last...God, I love that song. It was PERFECT. The new addition SMOKED..the Jack Teagarden Blues song..written by Charlie DeVere..when Donald intro'd it, he said something along the lines of we're going to do a great old song, Jack Teagarden, written by Charlie DeVere, and we are all screaming and clapping, and so he says "yeah, you all know Charlie DeVere" in that wry way of his. That Blues number, which may be Blues In The Morning, featured Michael Leonhart and Walt Weiskopf in two phenomenal solos. The song should remain in the future setlists...Donald seemed to really be into it and the whole ensemble was just rocking.

Speaking of Donald's demeanor..I know some said that at NB, he was distant, seemed annoyed, and was fairly abrupt. Not so at all at Westbury...he was loose, funny, really feeling the music, and it seemed like the opening night jitters (or whatever he was feeling) were gone. Several people I spoke to said that this was light years away from the performance at New Brunswick...I was BLOWN AWAY. I thought..well, maybe I am just such a fan that I am an easy mark, but someone else I spoke to said that this night's set was a 'middle of the tour' experience, not a second night or beginning of the tour experience. I cannot wait for the Beacon.

Oh..and IGY...I actually started to get a bit choked up. It seemed so hopeful and ironic, all at the same time. I thought of NY and 9?11 again and how the city has rallied.

Pretzel Logic just fit with the bluesy tone of the evening. I was thrilled that it was chosen as an Encore. Jeff Young, the keyboard player, took a vocal solo that was terrific, and probably needed, since it seemed to me that Donald was sounding a tiny (every so slightly) bit hoarse. But Donald was singing kind of to himself off mic on several songs while they were jamming, and he was doing the kind of Ray Charles lean and bop while he was playing. He was definitely feeling it.

I am not exactly sure when they started..maybe 8:20 or so, but they finished at 10:20 with no break. I think they probably should build one in, if only so Donald can gargle or something. This has gotta be taxing him at least a bit.

I did see Pete and Shari, which is always lovely, and I saw some other folks that I was happy to see. I especially enjoyed talking with Penny, as did my daughter, and I hope my tickettakers enjoyed themselves as well (N!).

I am SO excited and riled up I don't know if I can sleep!

I would seriously pay buckets of money for a concert CD of tonight. Donald?!

That's all I will type for now, since I could go on, and on.....


Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 23:44:49, ET
Posted by: The Rooster , Westbury, New York Set List

Ok everyone. Here was tonight's set list. Song for song.

Westbury NY 3/3/06
1)Here At The Western World
2)The Nightfly
3)Green Flower Street
4)Teahouse On The Tracks
5)New Frontier
6)Third World Man
7)Home At Last
9)H Gang
10)What I Do
11)Black Cow
12)The Goodbye Look
13)Tomorrow's Girls
14)Misery and the Blues (Jack Teagarden)
15)Mary Shut The Garden Door

17)Pretzel Logic
18)Viva Viva Rock and Roll (Chuck Berry)

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 23:42:44, ET
Posted by: Rajah ,

Thank you to the great PQ!

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 23:42:03, ET
Posted by: PQ , Westbury

Krantz and Fagen threw solos back and forth on the way out of Goodbye Look, both obviously having a great time.

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 23:40:52, ET
Posted by: Rajah ,

Thank you back2bass - I'll see u Tuesday, make certain you stop up to see us at the Beacon at 6-ish, all your friends will be waiting for you.

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 23:38:40, ET
Posted by: PQ , Westbury

Fagen introduced Krantz by saying "Tuning his guitar, as always. And changing the strings on his guitar. Always a bunch of broken guitar strings around his feet."

Washington played 2 5 string basses and one four string. One was a beautiful red and black job that had to be a custom made piece. Guy is a total model of concentration, looks at nothing but his bass all night. Don introduced him as "Ready Freddie."

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 23:35:14, ET
Posted by: PQ , Westbury

On Greenflower Street the stage was lit up totally green. Fagen introduced H Gang by saying, "This is the single, if they still have singles. What's funny is that there's a B side too, even though you never turn anything over anymore."

Stage from left to right - back row Weiskopf, Leonhart, Carlock, Young. Next row Herington, Krantz, Washington, Leonhart, Mizelle, Fagen up front and center.

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 23:31:11, ET
Posted by: PQ , Westbury

H Gang t shirts for thirty bucks. Theater was packed except for the very corners, where it would be impossible to see anything on the stage.

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 23:28:41, ET
Posted by: PQ , Westbury

The best tune of the night was a version of an old Jack Teagarden blues, with the lyrics "Blues in the mornin/Misery in the evenin/I wish I never met you/I'll let the devil get you."

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 23:26:14, ET
Posted by: PQ , Westbury

Cindy fuckin smoked the vocals on the outro to Teahouse, went off with crrrraaaaazzzzzy vocals! Lookin great in a leopard print top too!

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 23:24:22, ET
Posted by: PQ , Westbury

At one point the gentleman who attends to the band had to run around Fagen to give something to Freddie Washington. He hesitated; Don motioned to him like, Go ahead, it's OK. Don introduced him as "The great Skip Gildersleeve!" The, to the audience: "He has such a great name and I never get to announce him." Pause, then again, "The great Skip Gildersleeve!"

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 23:21:23, ET
Posted by: PQ , Westbury

Pretzel Logic was the encore.

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 23:21:21, ET
Posted by: PQ , Westbury

Pretzel Logic was the encore.

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 23:20:24, ET
Posted by: PQ , Westbury

Ran into Pete and Shari in the lobby, pleasure as always.

A pisser! During a lull, someone called out "Freebird!" Fagen cracked up and said, "Freebird, very amusing." Then: "You sing Whippin Post, then we'll do Freebird. We'll have karaoke!"

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 23:04:35, ET
Posted by: fezman , boston

Wow Chris,I could not disagree with you more,I have followed and admired MM's work for a very long time and thought the reditions of "ain't nothing but the real thing" "all in love is fair" and "since i lost my baby" were spectacular,this guy sounds as good as he ever has and is an icon unto himself,i can only imagine the response from dandom as a whole if they should pull it off....can Skunk be far off!!!!,that would be to good to be true!!!!

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 22:56:04, ET
Posted by: back2bass6 , lawn guyland

someone yelled out "freebird" and donald replied "whipping post"


minimal stage, no banter, musicianship beyond words

df actually seemed comfortable and happy...yes, he was happy to be there tonight..and it was infectious

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 22:55:58, ET
Posted by: he's a real guy ,

Illinois Elohainu played on Kama. He's a player from Hawaii I think.

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 22:53:02, ET
Posted by: Nazman , Salivation City

More details, phaalease

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 22:48:24, ET
Posted by: back2bass6 , lawn guyland


three tunes from morph...

H gang
what i do
mary shut the garden door...

the heat was so intense
this man had no defense...

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 22:48:23, ET
Posted by: Thanks but ,

Thanks...but aside from Western World and Pretzel Logic what else did they perform?

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 22:47:44, ET
Posted by: Nazman , Coming alive

Thank you bb.

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 22:45:41, ET
Posted by: back2bass6 , lawn guyland









Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 22:41:53, ET
Posted by: Declan , Memphis

Michael McDonald and Steely Dan may be reuniting. . .

Yacht Rock lives!

The tour will be dedicated to Koko Goldstein, no doubt.

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 22:39:36, ET
Posted by: Nazman , Within the deafening Silence

Eerie silence across Dandomville, awaiting any such word on the night in NY w/ the inimitable Donald Fagen Band...

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 22:33:16, ET
Posted by: Waiting to know ,

Any word on tonight's set?

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 22:23:27, ET
Posted by: hoops ,

Chris, thanks for the comments. I would think the opposite, that he'd want to intro the songs and get interest up for it but only Donald's hairdresser knows for sure.

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 22:20:13, ET
Posted by: Boston Rag , Location:

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 22:16:31, ET
Posted by: Chris , nh

hoops - I hope opening night was an anomoly in terms of Morph content, but I wouldn't be surprised if Don chose to scale it back after the album's release got pushed back two weeks into the tour.

Steely Dan and Michael McDonald? It'll be cool hearing him on Peg and Pretzel Logic, but his current shit is...well...shit is harsh. But it's pretty damn bland. His Mowtown records are a joke. I guess it doesn't help that I work at CVS and hear his lame cover of Ain't No Mountain High Enough over the Muzak system constantly (on the other hand, I hear quite a bit of Steely Dan too...hmmm...)

I hope this doesn't pan out. I have a hard time passing up a Dan tour but if this doubles the ticket price and cuts the Dan time in half I might have to miss this one...

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 21:45:29, ET
Posted by: Corvid ,

First time I've seen a starred review of Morph.,0,1883447.story?coll=cl-albumreviews

*** from the LA Times. "...the album's one real letdown is the familiarity of the music. Everything moves to firmly established Steely Dan signatures C the snappy, swinging beats, funky filigrees, woven horns, playful guitars, etc. While that sound still offers its customary pleasures, you wish that Fagen's verbal ambition had been matched by an eagerness to push the musical envelope equally hard."

Forgive me if I quasi-concur. The biggest letdown is the way Don has Carlock just gamely plodding along in the songs that really have no rhythm. Pagoda, for example. That and H-Gang are the least enjoyable for me. "What I Do" is also about a minute and a half too long.

Just observin'.

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 21:37:14, ET
Posted by: Sinatra ,

I had Barbara read me the liner notes on my death bed, chicky, if it's one thing I know it's session guys. Without guys like that I would've been doing weekend gigs at the 500 Club in Atlantic City and loading trucks on my day gig in Hoboken till my sacroiliac gave way.

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 21:37:09, ET
Posted by: Daddy G. ,

Images of the Tower to inspire you for tomorrow night.

[insert here]

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 21:36:44, ET
Posted by: Susan , Below 14th Street

Greetings Danfans,

I notice that on the credits for "Security Joan" there are four hand-clappers listed, Jennifer Battista, Eddie Jackson, Camille Meza and Candice Predham.

I didn't notice their names appearing elsewhere in the credits, so I assume they were used on the recording strictly for their handclapping talents.

Given Donald and Walter's penchant for only using the best-of-the-best, are we to assume that these are the best hand-clappers in the business? Or are there bigger-name hand clappers out there who just weren't available for the session?

Do hand-clappers get paid the same as the other sidemen? I assume it's double-scale at these sessions, right? I would think the auditions are quite boring.

Having said that, I'd be willing to take a crack at clapping on Donald's next album. Donald - call me - I'll clap for half-scale!

Clapping right now,

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 21:28:36, ET
Posted by: luckless pedestrian , @home - pinot

Gordon Gottleib? wow, huh?

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 21:15:57, ET
Posted by: s , s

how do you know you used them if you were senile

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 21:06:23, ET
Posted by: Frank Sinatra , Phonus my Assus

What an incredible collection of NY session people, Phonus Quaver and Illinois Elohainu are tops in my book, I used them on my Duets albums after I was senile.

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 20:52:15, ET
Posted by: Phonus , Numberr

Also a possible pseudonym-alert could be out for our new musician friend, one Phonus Quaver. Remember Sally Semi-Quaver that dubious folk singer who loved to sing only eighth-notes?

Sincerely -

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 20:44:49, ET
Posted by: Chan , Boston

Elohainu is actually hebrew for "our god". The actual spelling is somewhat different but we all know Walt and Dons penchant for taking liberty with just about any language.

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 20:31:52, ET
Posted by: Phonus Numberr ,

I'm veeeerrry glad to see that Marv Stamm is playing on MTC.
A classy player and a regular guy.

Illinois Elohainu is a ficticious name - "Illinois" as in "Illinois" Jacquet and "Elohainu" is hawaiian for whatever Walter B. wants it to stand for.

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 19:52:44, ET
Posted by: hoops ,

Thanks for the info Andy, althought I'm told that's not supposed to be out there. The part about offering tickets to needy Danfans is NOT self-serving and is a community service that is very much appreciated; on the other hand...

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 19:42:52, ET
Posted by: hoops ,

While at Billboard, I saw this from January...I wonder if Wednesday was just an anomaly:

"I will probably do a lot of the new album and then some stuff from my previous solo albums," Fagen speculates about the tour set list. "Then, a couple of Steely Dan tunes and maybe some surprise tunes or covers I've been thinking about."

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 19:25:01, ET
Posted by: hoops ,

This in from Billboard:

Michael McDonald and Steely Dan may be reuniting. Sources tell Billboard that McDonald, who played keyboards and sang backing vocals on such Steely Dan classics as "The Royal Scam," "Katy Lied" and "Aja," is in talks to co-headline the band's summer tour.

Each act would play its own set, and then McDonald would join Steely Dan for a number of hits on which he performed, including the 1977 No. 11 Billboard pop singles chart entry "Peg."

McDonald has scattered solo dates on the books through June 10 in Nashville. Meanwhile, Steely Dan principals Donald Fagen and Walter Becker are busy with their own solo projects: Fagen's third solo album, "Morph the Cat," arrives Tuesday (March 7) via Reprise, while Becker is at work on the follow-up to his 1994 solo debut, "11 Tracks of Whack."

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 18:56:54, ET
Posted by: Napoleon , UK

Just been watchin Ray (starring Jamie Fox) on T.V and it blew me away. It made me see "what I do" in a whole new light plus it gave me an insight in to what Fagen's about too as he is influenced so much by Charles (the swaying at the piano!). Both musicians live and breath music.

Also, after reading several posts about the dreaded Steely Dan syndrome I agree that its hard to shake! As a piano player myself, it creeps in to the way you play. I even call my Rhodes Donald...

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 18:45:16, ET
Posted by: Rajah ,

Jeez, that was one funny thing, Tony is driving his SUV across into Jersey, they cut to his face and he's singing "...I'm a fool to do your dirty work, oh yeah..." Then the camera cuts away again quickly. I started choking on my reheated ziti and nearly came off the barcolounger. Thank goodness for the restraint system I've worked out.

Jan, of course the techs are there all day but the band themselves mount the stage a couple hours prior to curtain time and go through as many numbers as Don calls out, levels are adjusted, shaky little bits from the night before are sometimes pulled out to work on, sometimes endings are rehearsed, Steely Dan codas are so varied, different people cue different endings, tricky. Remember that great picture from Roseland of the soundcheck with a shadowy figure standing in the middle of the house, obviously Walter, listening intently? Loved that shot.

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 18:38:14, ET
Posted by: thanks raj and andy m ,

In the Morph credits there is an acoustic bass on Mona (cool) and a "Remedial Bass Guitar" on the Morph reprise (super cool).

Vibes/Marimba player is named Phonus Quaver.

Illinois Elohainu returns on flutes on Mary.

The great Marvin Stamm on trumpet! Great. (never been a big M.L. fan)

Thanks Andy.

And thanks Raj for the big laughs.

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 18:30:54, ET
Posted by: Boston Rag , Location:

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 18:06:17, ET
Posted by: Kid Clean , @work

"And when they release those little micro-chip Steely Dan albums that you insert into your brain, IC ll be the first in line to buy those too."

You didn't get yours yet Mark???

It's a handly little device but it's ALWAYS ON. Not that that's a bad thing....


Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 17:50:33, ET
Posted by: Josie-vs-Peg hosted by Aja! , See Some Gold Teeth Get Thrown Out! LIVE FROM PASSAIC!!

Even tho' I was in row B. (2nd from top) I did notice Don sorta swinging his head from left to right. Kinda freaky. Even freakier is that I'm autistic (or Asperger's no real clarification) and I constantly notice similarities between him and myself.

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 17:35:35, ET
Posted by: Steely Jan ,

Are band memebers at the sound check, or is it all sound engineer/stage crew people?

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 17:24:21, ET
Posted by: Rajah , oh no, you shouldn't have

Pretty sure that was a piano on New Frontier but Donald has been known to dole out different parts to different instruments for his live arrangments.

I tried to stop myself, here then is the Goomba release of Morph the Cat!

Big Pussy the Cat
Hit Gang
Who I Did
Cement Nitegown
The Great Stugatz of Funn
Impurity Giovanna
The Night I Made Her Mona
Maria Shot Him in the Candystore

I hope this doesn't spark a senseless outbreak of funn. ;)

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 17:24:03, ET
Posted by: Andy Metzger , Tickets available for DC 3/6

Yo! I have two extra tickets for Monday's DC show that I need to unload. Right orchestra, row Q, seats 2 and 4 (they're next to each other). They're yours for face value - $152.60. First person to e-mail me gets them. Send me an e-mail at sweetmusic790 <<-a-t->> gmail <<-d-o-t->> com

P.S. Just so this post isn't totally self-serving, the full credits for Morph are up on my Web site -

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 17:19:45, ET
Posted by: cough the mat , over the rainbow


the thing that we love about donald and co is that we always thought they never cared about what the audience thought...

why should he care? the 17,000 billy joel attendees want and need to hear about brenda and eddie, all over again

donald knows we dont need do we know?

just listen to him

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 16:58:03, ET
Posted by: Wednday Night Attendee , here

Another cool thing about the concert is that I always assume when listening to records that the music is done with keyboards if it sounds at all like it could be done with a keyboard. But when I heard Snowbound the other night, I realized where they were using horns. And in New after he sings "A summer smoker underground" and you hear the four bars repeated twice(dong ding dong dong...dong ding dong dong) I always thought that was a keyboard but I saw Krantz doing it on the guitar.

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 16:57:23, ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher , Louisville, KY

cough the mat, if there is one thing I've learned from the time I've spent studying marketing, customers are all different but they are all the same in many ways. And no matter who they're going to see, the majority of concert goers usually want to hear the hits they have heard on the radio for the most part. Even in Donald's case. We're the exception here at the Blue, not the rule.

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 16:18:10, ET
Posted by: Pam ,

Donald was slouching and rocking on Wednesday like was autistic, but his voice sounded fine to me (maybe hard to say because as Hoops said the acoustics were less than optimal). My hubby said, "Boy, you can tell he spends alot of time on that bench" :)
As far as song selection, length of show, abruptness of encore, all I can say is it's Donald's party & I was happy to be able to buy that thrill. Now I'm looking to buy another at Borgata.....c'mon daddy, get in let's go!

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 16:00:38, ET
Posted by: Boston Rag , Mona

The Night Belongs to Mona is very cinematic. In fact, it would make a great opening segment of "Six Feet Under". Here we are moving a long at a good clip, bouncy and sexy - then suddenly things get a little dark and BAM, she's a spot on the sidewalk. Endgame.

Mark in Boston

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 15:31:50, ET
Posted by: cough the mat , east o' the sun


the "same" never goes for Donald.

thats the difference.

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 15:06:07, ET
Posted by: The Rooster , New York

Hey Best. I'll try to have that setlist for you tonight after the show. Keep an eye out.

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 15:05:09, ET
Posted by: Abe Vigoda of Punn ,

The Greek, Middle Eastern and Balkan versions of the MTC album will have different lyrics. One song will be about a theft in a bakery and is called, "Mary The Baklava's Gone."

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 14:58:53, ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher , Louisville, KY

Us hardcore fans will often bitch about setlists not including enough deep cuts. However, everyone else in the world bitches when they ARE deep cuts, unfortunately.

Example: when Billy Joel started touring again recently (well, if you count playing about twelve hundred shows at Madison Square Garden and three shows around the rest of the country as a "tour"...), he decided to play some more obscure deep cuts such as All For Leyna (a great song, in my opinion). However, all reviews I have read claim the fans in the crowd were absolutely dead during Leyna and other such songs they don't know. They'd rather hear My Life for the umpteenth time.

The same applies for Donald. Many of the casual fans will have zero interest in hearing Century's End or True Companion when they could be hearing I.G.Y. or Peg or Do It Again or some other tune they are familiar with.

All that being said, I hope to hear enough deep cuts to keep me happy in Chicago anyhow.

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 14:51:40, ET
Posted by: Better Times ,

Someone PLEASE POST THE SETLIST after tonights show!! It is killing me having to wait until March 16th! Greatly appreciated, Mr. Steely Dan and whatever

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 14:44:48, ET
Posted by: KDawg , Mt. Belzoni

Yeah...sounds like he rolls the r a little bit. Notice the slurping when he sings "sleeps"....coolness. That song might be my favorite so far.

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 14:25:44, ET

I just have listening to Mona and i discovered something . Maybe you should all listen to it!
About after 1min. and 50 sec.when Don is singing "that's when the story ends", there is something strange and funny with the R pronouncing of the word "story". It looks like a French R accent.
Did someone heared the same thing or is it the French wine i'm drinking now?

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 14:24:55, ET
Posted by: Brunswicker ,

Two things re: Westbury

First, DF's vocals were strong right up until the end.

Second, as has been pointed out, the show started at 8:15 and ended at 10:00 with no intermission. If they had a 20 min intermission, the show would have run over 2 hours, on par with SD shows. Think, people!

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 14:14:36, ET
Posted by: Rajah ,

That's one of my favorite lines in all of JRR Tolkien and this great passage could very well be an allegory for the return of the mighty Steely Dan:

All that is gold does not glitter,
not all those who wander are lost;
the old that is strong does not wither,
deep roots are not reached by the frost.

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 13:45:12, ET
Posted by: Nazman , Not all who wander are lost

Start listening to the title track, MTC. Can't get that one out of my head.

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 13:37:01, ET
Posted by: SteveM , Scotland

regarding 'Brite Nightgown'

during the wah wah guitar solo, about 20/30 seconds before the organ reprises the spooky intro, the guitarist seems to quote a melody from a (jazz?) tune which sounds annoyingly familiar....anyone any ideas?

Also, how the hell do I get this bloody tune out of my head!!??

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 13:29:54, ET
Posted by: TP , Central IL

Thanks to all that have posted their comments during Wednesday nights performance. Please continue this evening for those of us who can only fantasize about the event.

I hope that Donald's voice is given a break/intermission for all the shows. I agree that at 58 he could use a littl rest after an hour of considerable effort, plus it gives the crowd the time to visit while discussing the first set.

Go Kitty

Hoops you are our savior with the Blue and all you do! Nice Pic's.
See ya in the Windy City.

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 13:23:08, ET
Posted by: Nazman , Tried and True

BR, what do you know, or anybody for that matter, about the DVD-A special accessory item that is included w/ the CD of Morph that i recently purchased off Amazon. I mean i am always into whatever video i can get of these guys for posterity so i ordered that combo w/o question. The details on Amazon were sketchy. Anybody have any info on that specific DVD-A item?

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 13:17:27, ET
Posted by: Stevie D , Beantown

Hoops I am sure you have adressed this issue before, but why does my page freeze for 8 seconds everytime I refresh or log in? It drives me INSANE-O...

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 13:12:57, ET
Posted by: Boston Rag , shady mp3s

Ha - well I think itC s safe to say that all the regulars here will be buying MTC on the 14th. WeC re all complete-ists here arenC t we? I admit IC m one of the sickos (SD Syndrome discussed earlier) that has the entire catalog in every format: Vinyl, quad-vinyl, 8-track, quad 8-track (still got those blue tapes but no player), cassette, 1st gen CDs, the box set, MSFL Aja and Gaucho, the CD remasters, and DVD-A releases.

And when they release those little micro-chip Steely Dan albums that you insert into your brain, IC ll be the first in line to buy those too.

Mark in Boston

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 13:02:31, ET
Posted by: fyi ,

Donald has practically no say in when the cd gets released. I'd bet he's not thrilled with the timing either, but is he supposed to whine about it, like us?

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 12:59:36, ET
Posted by: Rajah ,

Rooster - tomorrow? We need that sucker tonight. Bring binoculars and stay on Donald, he tends at times to slouch at the Rhodes and that is a horrible position to put your diaphram in if you want to sing. Consequently he then pushes a little harder and that's where the trouble starts. Especially if he is fighting the sound system as was intimated here about New Brunswick. If you cannot hear yourself properly, the tendency is to pump up the volume. Singing live is much more about pitch and tone than volume and the bigger the band, the bigger the sound, the harder it is to zoom in on the color and shape of your sound. No intermission? IMHO, his pipes need that 20 minutes of rest. And you simply cannot sing from your throat, your power to hit and sustain notes starts in the legs and the torso, solidly supporting that diaphram, pushing down into the floor with your body and propelling sound up into the air. Donald sings best when he's standing up on the keytar. He also needs to stop with that Coca-cola, the carbonation is bad on your vocal chords, oh it cleans them at first and you feel clear for a minute but it also irritates them and having all those bubbles in your tummy is courting disaster. Water is best and hot tea and honey at intermission surrounded by cool mist humidifiers.

A friend took me backstage at Le Miz years ago and introduced me to the guy playing Jean Valjean and he gave us this very same clinic. I send it out to Donald at no extra charge. Break a leg Don!

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 12:53:36, ET
Posted by: The Rooster , New York

Paul I agree completely. I have the Morph cd in .mp3 format already but I'm def going to buy the cd. Think of the artists and the pleasure you derive from their work and not the record companies.

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 12:47:52, ET
Posted by: paul , support your local money-hungry record company

Hey DEACON, gotta support your little speech about ditchin' the illegitimate copies of Morph once the official one comes out. I'll probably keep my burned CD for the car (don't want the real CD's to get scratched), but please, anybody who has downloaded the morph radio show, or the full tracks from me, BUY THE CD. I've pre-bought four already (3 cds, 1 cd/dvd) and will probably be buying more later. PLEASE FINANCIALLY SUPPORT THIS ALBUM. We all know how evil the record companies are, I hate them like I hate the plauge, we all know that Donald we see only pennies in comparison to the millions made on his work, but please, buy the album anyway, at least the numbers will mean something to Don and maybe even encourage him to continue working. This really doesn't even to be said, I'm very certain we all will be buying multiple copies, but this is a quite serious matter that needs to be addressed.

Have a great day or night my friends!

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 12:40:19, ET
Posted by: YGK , nyc

Rajah, write with deets re: your arrival


Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 12:39:53, ET
Posted by: back2bass6 , direct from lhasa

there is at least one accomplished bassist on long would be so cool if walter and donald actually checked here, and decided to give me a try, and used me on their upcoming tour...

jeez..could it get any better....and funny thing is, although TB and FW are monsters, I could do the job, and awfully well....

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 12:24:54, ET
Posted by: The Rooster , New York

Hey DeaconBlue. I'm going to the show tonight and will bring a small notepad to jot down the set list and my impressions of the songs. Keep an eye out for my posting sometime tomorrow.

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 12:24:52, ET
Posted by: Morris , The Cat

Rooster- This is the first time he/they ever played "Here At The Western World" live.

bass2bass6- Man, I believe all of us "hard core" fans would rather here the songs they've never played before. Unfortunately the casual fan wants to hear "the hits". But I feel you on this subject. I mean, why play a Chuck Berry song when he could play "Confide In Me"? Why play "Black Friday" when he could play "Big Noise New York"? By the way, I didn't know any accomplished bass players lived on Long Island.

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 12:17:58, ET

Well i have to admit that i was very disapoint to hear He did only 2 MTC tracks. Maybe it's hard to understand why he did not release the new album earlier.
I think honestly that the whole North American tour is nothing more than a promotour for his summertour that probably will going through the Southern states. The current tour and the release of the album will provide a lot of publicity and is surely going to food the later upcoming summertour.

What i miss at this moment on this board is more detailed information about the performed songs.We've got a lot of general news about the first show but more deeper going impressions will be more than welcome.

I hope that our Bluebookfriends who downloaded casi the entire MTC album (shamely i have to admit that i also do)will destroy their copy when the official album comes out.
I am using my copy to promote MTC at my work, puting the cd in the audiosytem of the building or to let enjoy my friends this masterpiece at my home.When Morph comes out the 20th of march i'll destroy my copy and buy the legal cd and of course the cd/dvd too.
Probably i will buy more cd's to offer them to my friends and family with the only condition that they will buying the cd too to offer them to their friends. And their friends can do also the same thing.
Maybe this procedure is very naieve but who knows.

Concerning the choice to be playing older or newer stuff, i only have to say this: let the master decide himself. It doesn't matter to me as long as he continues to perform shows and recording records , i consider myself as a happy person.
But a lttle bit more MTC songs would be fine.

To all those going to the Westbury theatre tonight: having a good show and please HURRY UP with your first reviews

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 12:07:27, ET
Posted by: paul , seltzer dreaming...

Have they ever done YGTI or II since the 74 tours? I wanna hear those back to back live. Or open the show with I, close the show with II. That would be perfect.

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 12:00:51, ET
Posted by: Rajah ,

I think this era of Dan is perhaps not as much raucous fun as the 70s but then again neither am I. I'm fiftythousand years older and sometimes can't remember who that other guy was. The themes they've explored these past three records strike a chord with me, getting older, yes, some regrets, of course, bad relationships, guilty, good relationships, thankfully, seeing friends destroy themselves, unfortunately, a feeling of helplessness in the face of corruption on all levels, undeniably, and the struggle to persevere in the face of all these things and live out this life with some dignity and courage no matter what, most importantly.

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 11:47:30, ET
Posted by: The Rooster , New York

Donald. Not sure I totally agree with you on the replayability (if that's a word) of their old stuff. I've burned holes in their older cd's. Personally I think there is just a bit of a diff sound in their stuff. As artists mature their music changes. I happen to love their old stuff as well as the new. Their lyrics are just as interesting today as in the past and the's SD baby.

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 11:42:53, ET
Posted by: The Rooster , New York

Hey Bass I see where u are coming from and I have to agree as well. I like the stuff you don't hear often. If my memory serves me correctly I think the last SD show I went to they played Here at the Western World and I nearly shit myself. But I liken Black Cow to going to a Stones show and hearing Satisfaction. You know they're gonna play it. No matter who u go see they are gonna throw in the well knowns. Again I think it was just the way you came across in your post. I hear he only does 2 songs from his lates cd which is a shame. The new one is awesome. But I guess if people don't know them yet it doesnt' thrill them as much. Not sure why he didn't realase the cd before the tour. But that's big business. Btw. I play the drums. Well at least I try to. So I'm a music lover as well.

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 11:41:24, ET
Posted by: Donald Rumsfeld-Fagen , With George Bush and those Nazis

Here's a topic for discussion: Which Dan era do you prefer? The 1972-82 SD/Nightfly era or the 2vN-to-Morph era? (I guess you could be a smartass and choose the Kama/11ToW era, but let's be serious.)

Me, I think SD and DF are putting out their best records now. I think 2vN, EMG, and Morris are better listens than their 770s catalog. Not as accessible, perhaps, but there's a depth - both musically and lyrically - that's missing from their 70s catalog that is out in full force today. Their new material stands up to repeat listenings much better than their 70s stuff. Not that the 70s stuff ever gets grating, but I hear something new every time I give 2vN and especially EMG a spin.

Any thoughts?

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 11:30:19, ET
Posted by: back2bass6 , direct from lhasa




ROOSTER, I am an accomplished bassist here on LI, and apparantly quite critcal..i have seen Krantz and Carlock twice at 55 BAR in the city (oh my goodness, AJ on bass) and am a big fan, as you can tell. I actually play home at last in one of my bands.

Look, its all good. Beats the shit out of Billy Joel. But I do feel, especially in light of DF's comments about this album, that there is NO REASON to do those "more popular" tunes, when there are some songs he has NEVER done. I got goose bumps three years ago when he came out and opened with BOSTON RAG! Dats what Im talkin about!!!

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 11:29:43, ET
Posted by: fp , ny

Not sure if this was posted yet. Pretty good stuff

Out of all the Steely Dan songs that I've heard live, Black Cow is not the one that I want them to stop playing. It freaking great live! And if you don't Like the "Blacks" how about the "Greens"? Green Earings and Greenflower Street. Those two are pretty played out. I'll be at Westbury tonight for show #2. I bet ya it's better than show #1.

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 11:27:34, ET
Posted by: Better Times ,

I have seen every Steely Tour since 1993, I agree that although a classic Steely tune, BLACK COW needs to be retired for a bit. Kings, Fire In The Hole, Show Biz Kids, Pearl Of The Quarter, With A Gun, Charlie Freak, Monkey In Your Soul, Rose Darling, Doctor Wu, The Royal Scam, I Got The News, My Rival? Any of these 12 would be GREAT!! GIVE ME THE DDDDEEEEEEEEPPPP CCCCUUUUTTTTSSSS!!

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 11:23:28, ET
Posted by: The Rooster , New York

Hey Back2Bass6 if want to play the quoting game. Here's what you posted.

"Do i have to hear "black cow" and "black friday" and "home at last"? please tell me no!

maxine, negative girl, gaslighting, shame about me....dammit, THOSE would be so much more appealing...

oh well, maybe i will have to pee during those songs...."

The way you posted made it sound like you were a late comer to Steely Dan and only dug the new stuff. Especially saying you'd go to pee during those songs. I apparently misunderstood where u were coming from and I'll apologize for that. But you need to be a bit more specific in your comments next time. And when I said I liked those newer songs were some of my favorites I meant on those individual albums. Maybe I need to be more specific as well. And don't tell me that I ain't no fan and i have no clue. Cause you don't know shit about me. Now let's all play nice and enjoy the reason we are here.

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 11:19:07, ET
Posted by: Cutout Stacker , At The Strand

Speaking of The Strand! The promos for MTC of Don sitting by a bookshelf, that's one of the bookshelves The Strand creates for the movies and TV shows.

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 11:18:24, ET
Posted by: Better Times ,

I agree with dropping black friday, how about some ANY MAJOR DUDE WILL TELL YOU!

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 11:16:00, ET
Posted by: Opening night attendee , here


I also would love to hear the less popular stuff, and the inclusion of Black Cow, Black Friday and Home at Last didn't do much for me either. But you must also realize is that not everybody who attends is a hardcore fan. There were plenty of songs where I heard husbands explaing to wives the name of the song, which album it was on etc. I don't mind him playing a hit if it's a crowd pleaser.

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 11:13:56, ET
Posted by: back2bass6 , direct from lhasa

HEY ROOSTER************ by your own admission

"Some of my other favorite tunes were Jack of Speed, Cousin Dupree and West of Hollywood. Then came Everything Must Go. Now that I was accustomed to the new Dan sound I welcomed it with open ears. Some great tunes like Things I Missed The Most, Blues Beach, Pixeleen, Everything Must Go and my favorite Godwhacker."

So, I question using BLACK COW at a DONALD FAGEN (not SD) concert, and you railroad me.

Maybe its a black cow, black friday....

if you are such a fan, you have heard BLACK COW done every time they tour. So, I ask for something different, and you kill me for it?

No man, you aint a fan, you havent a clue.

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 11:10:59, ET
Posted by: Stevie D , Beantown

Paul I feel the same way about Pagoda, I was in bed the other night listening to it on my bose headphones, lights out, relaxed. I was hypnotized by this song, much like Aja. Brialliant peice of work, I was moved.

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 11:08:52, ET
Posted by: back2bass6 , direct from lhasa

black cow IS indeed one of the best songs, I never questioned that, you prick.

For the scant few times SD plays out, they play that song. OK Fine.
Now I am going to see a DONALD FAGEN concert, and arguably under 2 hours.
I have no interest, quite frankly, in Donald giving me a "greatest SD hits" appetizer.

Shock NEGATIVE GOTHIC gimme something other than the usual fare.

I cannot believe you have the stupidity to come here and tell me what a great song BLACK COW is, as if I didnt already know.

Go burn out your SD greatest hits CD, Ill take the less popular stuff anyday.
Now, back to stacking cutouts at the Strand.

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 11:02:01, ET
Posted by: paul , wow

Wow. Heard "Pagoda of Funn" in full for the first time this morning. Wow. It truely rivals "Aja". Wow. And now I'm not sure if it's the alka-seltzer or Pagoda that made my sinus headache go away. Wow.

Donald, you really have outdown yourself this time. If we are to expect more from you in the coming years, I simply can't imagine you could top Morris the Cat, and maybe you aren't going to try, but I can't wait for whatever comes our way next.

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 10:58:01, ET
Posted by: The Rooster , New York

Hey Nazman. I'm going to the show tonight in Westbury New York and I was suprised that he's only performing in the half round. I gotta think he could pack that whole place easily. I guess he wanted it that way.

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 10:55:54, ET
Posted by: SD77 , Calif

Stay in your seat and go to the bathroom after the show.Being lucky to Steely Dan six times,and seeing them sing Black Cow it will blow you away live. And now to see DF solo what a gift. Iam friends with some who toured with them in 96 and 2000 they are great guys. Dont miss a second of seeing a master and his band at work.

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 10:55:04, ET
Posted by: Nazman , Westside

One thing i would appreciate hearing about concerning ongoing reports from concert venues is how well attended the events are. Thinking it could have plenty to do w/ other planned tours this year and w/ references two at least 2 more tours (unbelievable) this year then the success of this tour may be a factor...

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 10:44:56, ET
Posted by: The Rooster , New York

Hey Jackson I agree with you completely. Aja is one of if not the BEST Dan album there is. If you don't like Black Cow then you don't like Steely Dan in my eyes. Stay home.

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 10:39:35, ET
Posted by: Jackson ,

Hey Jerk: Black Cow is not only one of the best SD songs it's great live! Stay in the bathroom!

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 10:31:07, ET
Posted by: The Rooster , New York

I'm a long time fan of Steely Dan and Donald Fagen's solo albums. It started back when I was a kid in the 70's. My mom had bought 2 of their albums. Aja and Can't Buy A Thrill. Ever since then I've been a huge fan. I have all of their cd's as well as some live stuff I found on the internet that was never released. Also check out The Lost Gaucho. It is apparently what the original Gaucho tracks the album was supposed to contain. A completely different take of Third World Man which was then named Were You Blind That Day. An instrumental Gaucho and some other tunes that I wish they would have put on an album at one time or another. Do a web search for it. In the 90's when I heard they were going to tour again and release a new cd I was ecstatic. I had played their older cd's a million times and was dying for something new from them. When I first heard Two Against Nature it took me a bit by surprise. I thought it had somewhat of a different sound from their past music. But once I really listened to it I found it to be a refreshing return album for them. I loved the funky horn sounds and the equally as interesting lyrics in Two Against Nature. Some of my other favorite tunes were Jack of Speed, Cousin Dupree and West of Hollywood. Then came Everything Must Go. Now that I was accustomed to the new Dan sound I welcomed it with open ears. Some great tunes like Things I Missed The Most, Blues Beach, Pixeleen, Everything Must Go and my favorite Godwhacker. And now Donald's latest solo cd Morph the Cat. I was able to obtain a copy of the cd before it was released and let me just say that I don't think real Donald fans will be disappointed. I'm playing this one til the laser burns a hole in the cd. This is a cd worthy of every penny you'll pay for it. Maybe I'm partial to them cause I'm a huge fan but to me Steely together or solo can do no wrong. Put me on an island with my Steel Dan/Fagen collection and a big blonde wearing ambush and a french twist who loves to limbo and is mad about Brubeck and I'm all set. Peace!!!

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 10:26:47, ET
Posted by: Say it , ain't so!!

Please, God, no, not Black Cow!! What torture is this? Think I'll take a pee for the entire show so I can avoid hearing anything I don't want to hear.

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 10:07:12, ET
Posted by: back2bass6 , direct from lhasa

do i have to hear "black cow" and "black friday" and "home at last"? please tell me no!

maxine, negative girl, gaslighting, shame about me....dammit, THOSE would be so much more appealing...

oh well, maybe i will have to pee during those songs....

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 09:48:38, ET
Posted by: paul , fans like us who watch the skies, we know it's Morris the Cat

"Morris"? I find the mistake hilarious. Somebody with his since of humor probably does too.

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 09:48:34, ET
Posted by: GRECO , GRECO

Wow! Donald lost his vocals on Wednesday!

i'm getting a refund 4 my tickets in LA!

Fagen, who seemed to be straining, vocally, toward the end of the evening, presumably cut them to spare his vocal cords. Still, at an hour and 45 minutes, the show was a respectable length. Especially for a guy's first solo show, ever.

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 09:38:48, ET
Posted by: Daddy G. , NJ maybe he doesn't mind the "Morris" the cat references, after all.

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 09:37:56, ET
Posted by: Daddy G. , NJ

No big deal, but I see that a link to that interview is now included on as the latest news item there...

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 09:31:30, ET
Posted by: DWB , Dandom Service

thanks for heads up on that opening night review...
the link above provides easier access,


Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 09:30:31, ET
Posted by: KDawg , Mt. Belzoni

The show ended a bit abruptly, with one of the least substantial "Nightfly" songs, "I.G.Y.,"

What is this person talking about? Nice review overall...but come on...IGY...that is classic.

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 09:14:07, ET
Posted by: TJ , DK

"Three songs written on the pre-show setlist ("FM," "Mis'ry and the Blues" and the "Morph the Cat" tune "Mary Shut the Garden Door") did not make it into the show itself."

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 09:07:23, ET
Posted by: Opening night attendee , here

Review for the kick off show Wednesday night

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 08:45:26, ET
Posted by: MARK , Home of the Rag

Hey Mark,
Just got my 5 star confimation also. Wonder if there will be any grazing along with the liquid refreshments?
The parking voucher is great. Didn't expect it.
See you at the show.

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 08:17:36, ET
Posted by: back2bass6 , direct from lhasa

westbury tonight

beacon tuesday

my critique will be forthcoming

i know, you are holding your collective breath

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 07:57:16, ET
Posted by: RJ Squirrel , HQ to Officer Rajah

Conduct a field sobriety test ASAP on citizen Casey. He is obviously under the influence of LSD:
by no standard does "Morph" feel loose or improvisational, it does come across more organically than Kamakiriad or The Nightfly.

Huh? He should write for the Wine Spectator.

One lucid statement: "This isn't smooth jazz".

Off to Philly now - everyone enjoy the show!

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 07:42:00, ET
Posted by: TJ , DK

Gina: After re-reading it I to don't think it is as negative as first, but still it does contain some obscure critical points:

"Fagen is still working in the idiom of the brass-heavy '70s pop music he helped pioneer along with acts like Earth, Wind & Fire and Chicago"

No no and NO!!!

"the somewhat overcooked rock guitar noodling of longtime Fagen-cohort Jon Herington on the title track and CH Gang.C"

A personal attack on Herington? Noodling? What?

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 06:41:26, ET
Posted by: Big Fan , at home sleeping

Streaming interview:

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 05:46:56, ET
Posted by: Gina , Sun Mountain

there are more pics of Donald Fagen on the Noble Press website...
also who the photographer is, Danny Clinch and there's more on him on

Nice work he does...

Bob and Daddy G, that's some sycnchronizing :-)

And just a couple of Eurocents here, but the way that review was written, was not to slam Donald Fagen, the record or his music. Only a highly individual way of paying the man tribute, emphasize his 'weirdness' and originality as well as get across DF's music is tough to label, which is perhaps not the most common or accepted way of making a compliment.
But in fact, it IS. I think :-)

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 05:27:52, ET
Posted by: TJ , DK

Good job Rajah! Couldn't have said it better my self. I just hate all the reviewers that simply dont't understand the music, just because you can't stuf it into one of the pre-designed boxes.

"This isnC t "smooth jazz," and while it could be classified as adult-contemporary"..."

Who cares?

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 03:32:28, ET
Posted by: Bill , Paris

Dear Jack of Speed,

Although I haven't re-listened to the song, what you say makes sense to me, primarily because the name "Elrod" is too, as you say, "openly comical".

But then I also thought about the fact that whatever the original name was, they changed it to "Teddy" for the CD. How many times have you heard "Aaron" in a song? To pick it would be to make an explicit choice of a characteristically Jewish name, which could bring on charges of anti-Semitism, even for two musicians of (I think?) Jewish extraction.


Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 00:25:19, ET
Posted by: Boston Rag , pop hooks

Security Joan doesn't have any pop hooks? What a dickhead.

Mark in Boston

Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 00:19:59, ET
Posted by: Officer Rajah ,

Pull over Jonathan Casey, I just sent you this reply:

Dear Mr. Casey:

You write for Jazz Police, what are you doing adjudging the realtive efficacy of "pop hooks?" Morph the Cat 'too laid back' and at one and the same time 'too busy?' "Somewhat original" and "just plain wierd?" Confused by the dichotomy inherent in Donald Fagen's work, are we, Mr. Casey? The opportunity you missed citing and celebrating was, "original AND weird," "laid back AND busy." What is sorely lacking from your review is a deeper understanding of Mr. Fagen himself and the long and storied history of his work. Next time hand your reviews of Donald Fagen off to someone with a broader feel for a singular artist who defies your narrow views of genre and idiom. It's too deep for you, Jonathan. Stick to saxaphome players.

Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2006 23:56:28, ET
Posted by: Little Wild One , hmmm

unclassifiable, but somewhat original. And often, just plain weird.

My God, that sounds like US!

Ok, I rebelled against the 5 star ticket option, but I really do want one of those scarves if anyone wants to sell...

Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2006 23:35:57, ET
Posted by: Daddy G. , NJ

Hmmm, definitely NOT a rave review of Morph by Jonathan Casey for Jazz Police...

Donald Fagen Wraps His Strange Trilogy With 'Morph The Cat'

Doesn't sound like he absolutely hates it, but not very flattering either.

Here's the meat of the review...

Fagen's latest succeeds most when it lets go a bit, and though by no standard does "Morph" feel loose or improvisational, it does come across more organically than Kamakiriad or The Nightfly. This is no doubt due in part to the presence of straight-ahead jazz talent like saxophonist Walt Weiskopf, who solos on "H Gang.C The brass section as a whole is top-notch, especially Marvin Stamm, whose lovely muted trumpet solo in "The Great Pagoda of Funn" makes up for the somewhat overcooked rock guitar noodling of longtime Fagen-cohort Jon Herington on the title track and CH Gang.C

For what it accomplishes in the jazz tradition of leaving room for long solos, "Morph" comes up short in the department of pop hooks. Nothing here has the instant catchiness of "Tomorrow's Girls" from Kamakiriad, an immediacy that was also lacking on the recent Steely Dan reunion albums Two Against Nature (2000, Giant) and Everything Must Go (2003, Reprise). Sure, "Cousin Dupree" won a Grammy in 2001, but can you hum it for me? I didn't think so. Here, "Brite Nitegown" might get stuck in your head, but not necessarily in a good way, and you may be surprised at how quickly the album arrives at the final reprise of the title track without introducing any other strong musical themes.

Increasingly it seems that the instrumental side of FagenC s records serve as a backdrop for the curious approach he takes toward lyric writing (the lyric sheet includes explanatory notes). This isnC t "smooth jazz," and while it could be classified as adult-contemporary, perhaps, thematically it's too clever and strange for that. Morph The Cat is an album that's too laid-back to get the blood flowing and too busy to be relaxing. Donald Fagen straddles many intersecting lines, which may make him unclassifiable, but also somewhat original. And, often, just plain weird.

Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2006 23:01:15, ET
Posted by: Big Fan , Just got home

Went out in the snowstorm to my favorite German resteraunts taping of the Spaten MaiBock festivities tonight. I'm sure my head will hurt tomorrow at work. Yes I got the email about the Boston show when I opened them up. So 3:45 sharp. Doesn't give us much time for a Danfest before. It's a good 2 hours plus for me to Boston, and I'm only taking half a vacation day. I'm taking a full one Friday. My daughters 11th is Saturday and orginally my son and I had planned to race in a BMX race in Egg Harbor NJ on Saturday, but we are both too out of shape to go. I just found out I have to fly to Orlando Monday the 13th anyway and go to Cape Kennedy. Too bad DF isn't down there then. Too busy to think right now. I'm just wondering if I look good in a scarf. Could have used one tonight - brrrrrrrrr1

Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2006 21:19:52, ET
Posted by: Boston Rag , one week away

Those who have 5 Star - just got my itinerary e-mail. It looks like the festivities begin at 3:45PM. Free validated parking at the Pilgrim Garage, half a block away. Free beer, wine and soda.

I was at a seminar today at the Fairmont Copley Plaza for Edward Tufte, an Information Design expert. In the middle of reviewing all kinds of graphs and analytical displays, we review a pretty busy music history chart. There in the 70's chart line is Steely Dan! Man, I can't get away from this band for a minute!

Mark in Boston

Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2006 20:51:11, ET
Posted by: CM Fan , NY

I mean 2003. Sorry.

Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2006 20:48:09, ET
Posted by: CM Fan , NY

Hi everybody. This place is great. I'm a fan of Cindy Mizelle - have been for many years. I saw her when she toured with Steely Dan in 1993, she turned me on to their music and I love it. Thanks for posting info about the shows here. I'm going to the Toronto show and maybe the LA show.

Does anybody know about the NPR broadcast on March 10? It's on Donald's website but I can't find any other info about it anywhere else.

You guys make a lurker smile!!

Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2006 20:41:25, ET
Posted by: RJ Squirrel , PA

Really enjoyed all the reviews. Thanks for taking the time to post them.

One Squirrel's opinions: wouldn't What I Do make a great opening number? Sort of ease in to the whole thing and start right off with something from Morph. Also I am not too keen on Fagen doing a cover of ANYBODY (even if it was Ray Charles) because he has such a huge library of his own and SD to pick great tunes from. I really think it is a step down. I am selfish and want to here the stuff I love.

Opinions are like uvula's though...

Anyway, on another topic, are there any pre or post happenings Sat in Philly?
I am staying downtown with Mrs. Squirrel and know zip about Philly. Anyone been to Chris' Jazz Club?

BTW, the bass and drums on Security Joan and Mary ShutThe Garden Door just rocks my cranium. I am probably going to blow the speakers out of my car. Pretty sweet that a 58 year old could write shit like that.

<:wq hr>

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 20:11:08 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Just a heads up that there was a Dandom Digest sent out Tuesday night, dated February 27 & 28. You should have that by now. Please let me know if you did not get it.

And I just mailed one cover March 1 & 2 and you should have that one in the next 12 hours. Please let me know if you don't get that.

Thanks for your support and friendship.


Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 20:05:18 ET
Posted by: Abe Vigoda of PUNN!,

You must've missed it a few weeks ago. I'm called the Abe Vigoda of PUNN.

I love the song, "Marie Shot the Gardener"

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 20:01:24 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

"They had less than 10 days of rehearsal. Deal with that!"

Fact: Where did you hear this?

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 19:44:47 ET
Posted by: Rehearse That Band Till it Gets To Be Rote,, Like A Vegas Showgirl Routine

As everybody knows, Jeff Berlin claims to be the best electric bass player on earth. One time they played a Berlin record for Marcus Miller and Marcus immediately said, "Oh, that's gotta be Jeff Berlin. It's perfect. That's what's wrong with it. I wanna hear the mistakes."

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 19:29:03 ET
Posted by: moray eel, abe

"Chris: So, let's get back to The Abe Vigoda of Funn..."

And severed heads...


Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 18:58:25 ET
Posted by: paul, a little late, but...

Don't know how useful this is anymore, but H-Gang is legally available FOR FREE via stream on, and in quite decent quality. When the album is released, they should have the rest of the tracks avail, too.

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 18:43:58 ET
Posted by: Daddy G., NJ

"Chris: So, back to Morris the Cat..."

OUCH!!! I'm hoping that's just a typo in the print version and that the interviewer didn't actually say that to DF...

Finsihed the interview, but it was very interesting. Seemed to be some new/different responses in among some of the same ones we've already read elsewhere. Ciao...

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 18:42:43 ET
Posted by: Nazman, Patiently waiting for show #2

Interesting that Chris, the interviewer keeps referring to the new release as Morris the Cat and DF doesn't bother to correct him. You'd have thought he'd make one comment to correct the guy but again Fagen is essentially an enigma...

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 18:41:08 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Ten full days of rehearsal? Sinatra's sidemen could record an album in that span.

Carolyn and Cindi have got the God-given moves and there's nothing wrong with that. What, am I gonna stare at Donald for the umpteenth time all slouched over and listing like the Andria Doria for two hours. Hell no, the wife will be doing that. To each his own but, frankly, I think I'm getting the best of the deal. Until she starts yelling out, "Do me Donald!" later when I'm unleashing my considerable sexual prowess in the privacy of my own abode. I'm NOT going through that again.

Deaconblue, we'll be at the Wiltern and Santa Barbara. Now there are a couple nice joints right in the Wiltern Bldg. Of course Stevee will be across the street at the Metro Station busking his butt off and passing out flyers and playing Bodhisattva on a washboard so we could buy a coupla 44 ounzers, roll a number or two and hang with the peeps. Bring a blue plastic tarp and I'll bring some bungee chords.

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 18:33:55 ET
Posted by: DF/SD music & ticket purchaser, the east

Was the Traveling Wilbury's music we heard after the show Donald's choice?

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 18:29:36 ET
Posted by: Daddy G., NJ

Just got to this spot where DF responds about touring for Morph...

. . . .

Chris: Are you going to be touring in support of this?

Donald: Yeah I'll be out in March and--with my own band--and then in the summer, I'm going to go out again, and then maybe toward the end of the summer, Walter and I will hook up and do some Steely Dan gigs as well.

Chris: Oh really! Oh that's very exciting. What could someone expect from your live performance of solo material? Will there be theatrics involved?

Donald: Yes, smoke bombs, the usual kind of--no, I'm kidding. Usually Steely Dan, when we play, it's pretty basic, in fact we'll be show will probably be even more stripped down, like usually, Steely Dan has a kind of fairly deluxe-looking stage set, and lights and stuff--I'll probably have something a little more economical.

. . . .

So if I read that right then it sounds to me like there's going to be a second leg of a Morph tour at some point and then "maybe" he'll hook up with Walter for some sort of SD shows.

Hmmm, Veeeeery interesting...

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 18:20:20 ET
Posted by: Daddy G., NJ

BTW, I forgot to mention that the site for this interview claims it's available free for streaming too, but it doesn't seem to work for me. Maybe some folks with hi-speed access will have better luck...

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 18:18:31 ET
Posted by: Daddy G., NJ

Sorry Bob, I gotta be getting offline shortly---just taking the time to skim through this most recent interview before I do.

Here's another interesting spot dealing with how he feels about Warner Bros, what he listens to, and music today...

. . . .

Chris: And those literary themes have carried over very well into your lyricism, both in your solo work and with Steely Dan, and that really seems to be something that's absent from contemporary popular music. And I'm just curious what your take is on...?

Donald: Oh, you know, reading is absent from a lot of popular culture altogether.

Chris: It is, and I feel it's reflected in popular music, and I'm just curious how you feel about the popular music industry?

Donald: You know, I don't have that much contact with it really. You know, I recently have been talking to some people from Warner Brothers…I've been in Warner Brothers since The Nightfly in 1982, and I think between...I guess in between albums I never get one phone call from Warner Brothers. Like, I have no contact with the company whatsoever unless it's to do something specific. So when an album comes out, there's a whole new bunch of people there because everyone else has been fired, and they're all young, you know much younger, increasingly younger than I am and don't even know who I am, so I have to reintroduce myself. It's, you know, that shows how alien I am to the whole process really.

Chris: The sort of "man on the hill."

Donald: Exactly.

Chris: Do you listen to any contemporary music?

Donald: Not that often. I mean, there's a few things I like if someone brings it to my attention, but I only listen to the same 40 jazz records I had in high school pretty much.

. . . .

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 18:13:18 ET
Posted by: Bob,

I think Daddy G and I are reading and posting at once. Chat maybe? Seems like it could be a cool dialog.

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 18:12:15 ET
Posted by: Bob,

How about this, YGK.

Donald: "...d then I'm a New Yorker, so 9/11 I think was particularly...had a fairly intense effect, and I think it still does on all New Yorkers. You know, this kind of underlying paranoia in the city that was never there before, and I think it also tends to eroticize the society a little bit more, in that it's kind of a reaction to the imminent extinction. Well just, you know, both. If they think...when people think they don't have that much time left, and when there's a threat of war, or during wartime, I think it's kind of sexy. "

It streams too.

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 18:09:00 ET
Posted by: Daddy G., NJ

Interview with Donald Fagen
By Chris Rolls
March 2, 2006 at 10:24:00 AM

Chris: So you have a wonderful new album out.

Donald: Oh, thanks.

Chris: It's been 13 years since your last true solo endeavor.

Donald: Yeah, pretty much.

Chris: Why such a long wait?

Donald: Well, you know I had this...well, there is this oppressive Steely Dan gig that keeps getting in the way, and I have to make these Steely Dan albums and go on tour and stuff like that. And it's my day gig really, and so I don't get that much chance to do these solo things that often.

. . . .


Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 18:07:34 ET
Posted by: Bob,

Link to another interview that further expands upon the Philly blog item below:

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 17:57:15 ET
Posted by: fact,

They had less than 10 days of rehearsal. Deal with that!

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 17:55:56 ET
Posted by: Bob,

DF quoted in a blog in the Philly Inquirer today at and something about

Bad Sneakers

Donald Fagan, appearing at the Tower Theater Saturday, on the difference between Steely Dan and solo work: women.

"We both have families and wives and everything," he told Ira Robbins in Newsday yesterday. "Steely Dan is guys without girls. The collective persona that we unintentionally developed is a guy who's talking to the guys, except once in a while, he breaks down and you get to see that he's unstable. Kind of like Dick Cheney. Every once in a while, he takes a shot in the bushes without knowing what he's shooting at."

Morph the Cat, to be released Tuesday, is the first solo album from Fagan in 13 years. His Web site is playing three full songs last time I listened, the title track, H Gang, and What I Do, a conversation of sorts with the late Ray Charles.

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 17:33:43 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

Hey Fact....did I say I was I wasn't even at the show. I'm curious as to how it went down...and if it sounded like crap...why? I just read the last post and they were happy with the that's great. But you can't tell me these guys got the music Monday for a Wednesday concert. They've had it for a while....and they are professional. So deal with that!


Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 17:33:29 ET

RAJAH, you're my man!

Sicne yesterday i was wondering how hot Don's girls will be on scene.
Mostly Carolyn, she's my favorite vamp.

And honestly Rajah, is it really important that she's married?
The only thing we want is fire on stage and.....more Morphsongs.

By the way rajah, are you going to the LA Area concerts?
I'll be glad to meet you!

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 17:27:21 ET
Posted by: nytfligh, NJ

take 2...
I loved this concert. A few favorite things: Wayne Krantz (guitar #2) and his atmospheric riffs...Cindy Mizelle's vocal improvisations during one of the instrumental solos, wow!...Freddie and Keith were just absolutely solid...Herrington's improvised beautifully on Larry Carlton's original Nightfly themes...Fagen's voice was sharp, his range was great, and he was really into it...the ILAA 5-star deal put me closer to Professor Fagen than half of his bandmates were.

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 17:08:42 ET
Posted by: Fact,

Klutz and KDawg and anyone else that's not happy:
Sorry guys, but no band on the planet that plays new material for the first time and has new players in the band are going to be right on target the first few shows. I don't care who it is! It doesn't matter how many rehearsals they had. Deal with it.

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 16:52:56 ET
Posted by: Lutz, SF

KDawg, I agree and am very much looking forward to the show.
It's just funny becker gets knocked because he doesn't have Fagen's voice. I bet if it was more up to him the we wouldn't hear 'my old school' at ervery Steely Dan concert either.

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 16:44:49 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

Lutz: I can't agree more regarding the readiness of the band members. A few have stated that it will take some time to get in the groove....but what about the people for the first few shows then? Like you they get a They have all played music for years most...if not all have been on tour before, so for them to be off like that is no excuse. Did the band play fine and the audio coming out of the speakers was messed up? That seems to be the deal.

At any rate, I'm just happy Fagen, and Becker for that matter, are still making music and sharing it with us.


Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 16:43:54 ET
Posted by: names director, move it or lose it

can't we all just get along?

luckless pedestrian A and luckless pedestrian B

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 16:34:04 ET
Posted by: Lutz, SF

How fair it is to those in Attendance to use the first few shows as “warm up’s” ?
They’ve known for 5 or 6 months the tour was on. Were the tickets discounted?
When Becker played his first and so far only concert , the show was full length and they nailed every song plus the stuff they played is more complex than Fagen’s R&B based stuff. No 20 or 30 year old Steely Dan or Chuck Berry, all original compositions including the kickass “three sisters” that sounded like ‘hey nineteen’ on speed - just incredible.
Some people say DF is the bigger part of SD, I am not so sure.

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 16:30:38 ET
Posted by: luckless pedestrian, the original, @ maine

Hi in here

I leave for a little while and another me shows up - sorry to the other LP, but I have been LP since 1998 -

I do like your posts, though!

hi hoops!

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 16:24:52 ET
Posted by: Nazman, For What it's Worth

Hoops, Rajah, (etc), thanks for all the open and honest comments. While i don't count myself amongst the impressive collection of technicians and well versed musicians i really do appreciate everyone's honest account of the event. I don't expect all positives because DF is human. It all has a place in my heart of hearts and somehow as each new description unfolds we will experience just a little more of this amazing phenomenon. I can't keep myself away from the Blue. Thanking you all for everything you do to share these valuable moments in time...

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 16:16:37 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

His Lordship To Be: Good choices on nasty songs....Razor Boy is so does it's little job, then leaves and you are left with this feeling of...."what just hit me!" I also think Charlie Freak does a good job of that as well. There are many more. Reminds me of that famous quote about them by Robert Palmer of the New York Times in 1980...

"Rarely have such glossy petals concealed such sharp thorns."

That's those songs in a nutshell.


Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 15:33:27 ET
Posted by: fp, ny

Brains on the floor said:
fp, for some reason your description of HATWW makes me think of the I Got The News demo from the Katy outtakes. !

Brains that's pretty right on. Sounds more like "Everyones Gone To The Movies" from the Box set.

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 15:27:58 ET
Posted by: Big Fan, still snowing

Well Carolyn is a married woman now afterall. Unlike previous tours.

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 15:24:34 ET
Posted by: hoops,

The ladies were both attired in fashiaonable black slacks and slightly revealing black tops, a little more subdued than The Bare Midriffs. The overal vibe was a little more subdued but intimate.

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 15:12:15 ET
Posted by: His Lordship To Be, Worldlywise, I Realize, That Everybodys Crazy...Am I myself Or Just Another Freak?

?-I aint to sure that's so nice, and it distrubs me a little that you've been dedicated enough to trace Fagens familly. I'm sure he wouldn't mind you doing it to him, but to his unaware familly? (if that is his neice at all). I don't think you asked for that link, and I can imagine why.

Everyones going to see Fagen except ME! Booooo, hissssss, flight tickets to anywhere in the US to expensive anyways, even if I coud fit in a holiday right now.

Just wondering about some of the nastier themes behind Steely Dabn and Donald Fagens songs. I reckon Fagens nicer on his own, his solo albums arn't so nasty-although MTC is looking to change that around, I think...
But me myself, I reckon these make the top three nastiest Becker/Fagen/Steely Dan songs...

1:Everyones Gone To The Movies.
2:Everything You Did
3: Gaslighting Abbie

These are all brilliant songs, as is expected, but they don't leave me with the nicest images. Fact is, Steely Dan are pretty good at showing the harsh cruelty of a lot of very strange lives.

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 14:56:22 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

You go LP, I'm with you, but...if we can't look and listen with critical eyes and ears, we may as well just roll up the sidewalks here on Blue. Donald's work and his workmanship are unassailable but he's human, he goofs up sometimes and I'm certain he is very hard on himself when he does. Opening night at Costa Mesa 3 years ago was riddled with miscues, blown lyrics, errors in timing especially. One number, I think it was Reelin in the Years, was a flat-out disaster. So if anybody out there has some honest criticisms of the show, I for one would like to hear them.

So here's my questions: how was Donald's voice? How was his breath control? Did he hit notes cleanly or did he have to search around a bit? Did he seem secure and steady? And most importantly, how smokin hot were the girls and did they shake dat ting?

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 14:47:20 ET
Posted by: brains on the floor, i know we've been had

for some reason your description of HATWW makes me think of the I Got The News demo from the Katy outtakes. !

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 14:14:50 ET
Posted by: fp, ny

Picture "Here At The Western World" being played at the same tempo as "Parkers Band" and you'll have a good idea what you're going to hear.

Funny, I didn't see Peter Q in the first ten rows last night. I guess he was back stage...LOL

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 13:58:08 ET
Posted by: Big Fan, snowbound now

Hoops - thanks for the updates!!!!! What other shows are you attending?

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 13:52:25 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Some of us aren't being critical so much as honestly stating with love for this music what we simply saw and heard. For my few, rare puzzlements—I don't even view them as criticisms since I am open to having my vantage changed—I am stating to see if it was just me and one or two others. Maybe it will result in and explain any evolution that might occur in the shows as they continue.

That said, LP, I sinscerely admire your keeping the faith! KNOW these will be great and memorable shows at Detroit, etc. THANKS for writing.


Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 13:47:56 ET
Posted by: Luckless Pedestrian, Detroit

HOOPS: Thanks, I am 6th row on the right come Detroit. I hope I can see Keith Carlock good as well as Donald. Can't wait!

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 13:41:47 ET
Posted by: Luckless Pedestrian, Detroit

I am not buying anyone who is writing a bad or mixed review of the show last night! I am in Detroit waiting my time. There is no way that Donald will do any album or tour half-ass. I guarantee I walk away from the concert blown away as usual. How about some positivity! No tour behind Nightfly, No tour behind Kamakiriad, He easily could have not toured at all! So whomever is bitching about sound quality, song selection, arrangements etc.. don't bring the mood down for the rest of us still waiting. Just be lucky he is on the road with Steely Dan shows looming on the horizon. It is an INCREDIBLE year to be a DAN FAN, Smile and Enjoy!

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 13:41:34 ET
Posted by: hoops ,

LP: DF is center stage, facing the audience. Just a touch more to the center from SD shows. I was so grateful to the person who secured the seat for me.

The shirts were OK but there wan't one I had to have right away like with some of the past tours' shirts. I'm leaning towards getting the java mug and maybe the black tote bag for when I have extra books to carry.


Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 13:38:57 ET
Posted by: mistressomusic, western mass

STILL good tickets left for Boston....I bought row k yesterday..orch right!

Not sure if there was a re-release?


Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 13:26:15 ET
Posted by: hoops ,

I remember in 2003 how I couldn't make opening night or shows during the first week or so...Thanks again to those who shared then, especially Ed, and helped me feel like I was there back then.

Alkali and others:

The band played for about 1:45; started around 8:15 or so and ended around 10 pm. There was no intermission.

I thought the sound was pretty disappointing. I don't know if it was a sound system problem or the venue's acoustics or both or neither. But the sound quality didn't match the great playing I could tell the musicians were putting out. I heard some comments along the lines that it sounded better during the 5-star soundcheck but I wasn't there, of course.

Someone who really knows his stuff, said that the cover was Chuck Berry's "Viva Viva Rock and Roll," if I remember correctly.

A few of other of my impressions and thoughts in the rough:

* Great to hear so many songs we haven't heard live in many years, if ever. The choice of Kama tracks and certain SD songs brought me back to the 1993 tour. At the same time, like Joe M., I was disappointed not to hear more off MTC. Only heard "H Gang" and "What I Do." I was hoping we'd also hear "Brite Nitegown" and MTC, the title track. I guess I was hoping for 5 or 6 songs off of each DF solo album, maybe 3 SD songs and one or two covers or one offs. I figured it would a great opportunity to hear the DF songs and save the SD songs for the summer SD tour.

* "Goodbye Look" was a huge highlight, especially when Donald was really grinning, pleased with his keyboards and Krantz's guitar work playing off each other at one point. "The Nightfly" was another delightful surprise that was awesome. "Snowbound" was incredible too.

* I was tickled and surprised that "Here At The Western World" was the opener. As some of you know, I usually like it when people mix it up a bit and try something new. (I often prefer SD interpreters to SD cover and tribute bands, myself.) That said, I would rather hear H@TWW played the way we first heard it on "1972-78." I'll maybe change my mind but last night, I didn't get a hyper-fast version of a song about getting laid a bordello. The humor and/or novelty of that, assuming I am taking it the right way, wore off fast. I think fans would go nuts to hear it as the Steely Dan version.

* Like Joe, I also missed Walter up there for the reasons he stated. And although Walter and Donald are thankfully not big on stage patter, I also felt like having Walter there at SD shows to intro the band, etc freed DF to concentrate more on playing and create certain synergy of personalities. It was sorta odd not to have WB up there. The missing horn was a difference too--I didn't think it was going to matter but it took some getting used to. I guess part of it was there were a lot more instances of just one sax or just one trumpet instead of the interplay of three horns, although the two horns did interplay. As Joe noted, they sure can play!

* Aside from Jeff Young's comments in the interview, I really DO wish there was more Wurlizter throughout the show.

So I was glad to witness this first performance, but just like any SD tour, I think they are still working things through a bit. I have this idea that maybe last night and the next two shows are like Broadway's previews and Tuesday at The Beacon is "Opening Night."

Just my random thoughts...thanks for reading and sharing.


Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 13:10:07 ET
Posted by: Last night's show started at 8:15p, and ended exactly at 10:00p

With no intermission. One hour and forty-five minutes of heaven.

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 13:07:25 ET
Posted by: Luckless Pedestrian, Detroit

Anymore information on the merchandise would be cool? How much are the t-shirts? In addition, what side of the stage is Donald on? Can't wait for 2 weeks to click on by, PLEASE let the band keep The Nightfly in the setlist!! Hope the Detroit show is full and excellent!

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 12:59:15 ET
Posted by: maj©,

I mean Freddie Washington on bass, right?

The other model he played with Donald Fagen last nite, possibly a
Ken Smith Design KSD Black Tiger 5-string.

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 12:56:43 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

maj©: Western World is currently in 110, so 85-90 doesn't sound right. And I believe his name is Freddie Washington.

Got an e-mail respond from the danish Warner department stating that Morph is out the 13. They even sent me the press release.

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 12:54:05 ET
Posted by: NYB,

Yo Question mark... (?)

That might not have been such a cool thing to do, especially without the girl's permission. That's gotta be one of the least cool things anyone has done around here. I mean assuming that really is his niece, it would be up to her to decide if she want's that tidbit of infomation known to the world at large, right?

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 12:47:29 ET
Posted by: SD77, Calif

Hoops thanks for all the info on the 5 star package.Soundcheck should be interresting.Have to wait until Morph 25.Did anyone get a chance to meet any of the band members.Or was it hello and thank you.My wife and Isat right in front of him at a concert in Irvine one time. There was us then Donald nobody in front of us. he gave me a head nod thats about it. and it was very cool to be singing and he would glance down at you.

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 12:26:02 ET
Posted by: hoops, chicago

It was delightful surprise to see Joe, as well as Lucky Henry and Major Dude from Philly and Lisa G, as well as so many others, including a couple people who remembered me from the 1993 shows at Poplar Creek.

When I first saw a person near the front wearing a striped scarf like the one Donald wears in the publicity shot, I thought it an odd coincidence. Then I saw a couple of more people, and thought, "Whoa...this is kinda weird..." and then I found out they were part of the 5-star package thing. Like I implied, fans will dig these "gifts" —you agree as part of the 5-star package not to re-sell them (!) or...well I don't know. Do they show at your house and take your scarf?

And for those of us who just want to buy the typical swag,

There are three or four shirts. All dark colors (black, grey-brown, and grey-blue)—I forget which design had which color. One shirt had Donald Fagen Band 06 with a pair of Donald's glasses depicted; tour dates on the back; One shirt was a woman's tee; smaller sizes but more than one size, unlike the baby doll shirts from the SD tour. The woman's tees had cutish kitty face on it that looks somewhat like a cross between "Hello Kitty" and Spot, The Target Pit Bull. The spot over the kitty's eye is metalic. I'm getting my shirts mixed up so someoone will fill in the rest of the gaps. There was also a MTC keychain with the same kitty ($15). Then there was a black MTC coffee mug ($15) and MTC tote bags in your choice of bright red or black. ($20). No programme. No t-shirt with the album cover on it.

More to come—my apols for not having the T-shirt details 100%.


Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 12:17:11 ET
Posted by: PennyK, Wantagh

See y'all tomorrow!

Nice notice from local free paper:

Donald Fagen
The Steely Dan co-leader is alone, for the moment, touring behind his third solo studio album (and his first since 1993's Kamikiriad), the soon-to-be-released Morph the Cat. Fagen has already announced that he'll be staying away from Dan material this time around, which is kind of curious (the two are completely interchangeable in everything but name) and kind of too-bad (for 80 bucks a ticket, couldn't he at least play "Peg"?), but really, who cares? Fagen's small solo catalog is virtually flawless—almost as if the guy is incapable of anything less—which sounds like hyperbole, but in this rare case, it's merely a statement of fact. North Fork Theater, 960 Brush Hollow Rd., Westbury. 8 p.m. $80, $65. 631-888-9000


Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 12:11:02 ET
Posted by: Alkali, NYC

It sounds like some mixed and mixed up reviews.
Did the Fagen band play for an hour or almost two?
Was the sound quality good or less so?
I’m still jealous as hell not being at the first show!
Can’t wait for the Beacon!!
I agree, Josey, a capable band can recreate almost note for note what’s on record.
But, at the same time it seems anti-Dan/Don to do exactly that;
A good live band will improvise a lot more easily (and interestingly)
Than regurgitating what’s already been said and done.
I’ve always seen Steely Dan as a shark; constantly moving forward.

I’m craving to hear this alternate version of "Western World"

“Ruthie will give you the silver key
to open the red door”


Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 12:03:37 ET
Posted by: hoops, chicago

Sorry if this has been posted; I was at a HotSpot after the show last night and was going to print all the details but I misunderstood that it was all here already. My apols...

* 4 Star gets a keychain that is stainless steel/anodized metal that has "Donald Fagen Band 06" in the MTC font on one side and "I Love All Access" logo on the other. I had one of these and the seat was fifth row right in the center aligned with DF.

* 5 Star gets a striped. long black and white scarf like Donald is wearing in a publicity shot like at the banner at the top of the Bluebook. Difference is that one end of the scarf has embroidered or printed in red the "Donald Fagen Band 06" in the MTC font and "I Love All Access Logo; also you get a canvas "briefcase", along the same lightweight quality as the "EMG" grey mailcarrier case from 2003 with the "Donald Fagen Band 06" in the MTC font and "I Love All Access Logo in red. Somone I know had 2nd row center. Plus the meal and the soundcheck.

Sounds like it was worth it.

Will have more details in a few minutes as time permits.


Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 11:58:59 ET
Posted by: Nazman, Soakin it up

Great review, Joe. Keep em comin please. Can buy a thrill...

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 11:53:56 ET
Posted by: JoeM,

I have to say I really enjoyed the revamped "Western World". But then again, I like surprises.

I'm also a sucker for the old chestnuts - so when Mr. Fagen trotted out "Third World Man", "Black Cow" and (my personal favorite) "Home at Last" I was very pleased indeed.

I'm hoping if he doesn't just turn around and play the whole damn new CD at some point, that he at least add "Brite Nitegown", "Security Joan" and "Mary Shut the Garden Door." As has been stated, I too believe these will be in the mix as we move forward.

The "Nightfly" selections were the highlight of the night for me and I thought the band pulled all of them off quite well. I just love Krantz's subtle and muted guitar sound and he really shines on the "Nightfly" stuff. Oh, and the much anticipated "Won't you pour me a Cuban Breeze, Gretchen" from behind the sun glasses and Rhodes piano was absolutely perrrrfect. It put a smile on my face.

Much has been said about Keith Carlock's playing around here over the years but you really can't overstate what a freaking talent this guy is. He is just unbelievable. Whatever the tune calls for, he's right there - on the spot. He makes the band special. "The Goodbye Look" shuffle was just astounding.

As always, Herington's playing combines all of those familiar lines from past session players with his own unique runs creating something entirely new and exciting. This guy is such a professional - I could just listen to him all night. The highlight for me was Jon and Wayne's two part harmony on "Third World Man." Chilling.

For comic relief - During band intro's, Fagen referred to Jon as "guitar player A." He got a chuckle out of the crowd when he had to then tag Wayne with the requisite "guitar player B" moniker. Both guitar players found it pretty amusing as well.

Do you miss Walter up there? Well, hell yeah. Especially on the likes of "Black Friday" and "Home at Last." The harmonic void goes completely unresolved.

Just two horns but man, can these guys play... I suppose if you now have to go without the great Cornelious Bumpus for the duration, Walt Weiskopf is anything but a second tier choice. He was brilliant all night but especially on "Black Cow." With Michael Leonhart rounding things out, it sounded at times like there were five guys up there.

Overall I thought it was a great show. Can't wait for Friday's show in Westbury...

Great seeing old friends Pete, Shari and Jim again too - as always.


Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 11:44:37 ET

At the Dutch Warner music website they are anouncing 17 of march as european release date for Morph the Cat!

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 11:24:05 ET
Posted by: Night Like This, Countermoon

Someone has very graciously told me they will buy me a shirt at tonight's show, but could someone from yesterday's show tell me anything about shirt designs? Thank you!

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 11:22:09 ET
Posted by: maj©,

>>Right now I just can't imagine an up-tempo "Western World

That's why I posted the tempo. Another reference point would be likening the pace to ..... hmmm.... dancap on..... flipping switch.... slower than counsin dupree, faster than gaslighting abbie.

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 11:17:10 ET
Posted by: Daddy G., NJ

Thanks KDawg & fp. I just somehow missed that info when checking out the early reviews late last night.

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 11:04:43 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

As posted by fp...

The encore was "Viva Rock & Roll" by Chuck Berry

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 10:55:19 ET
Posted by: maj©,

Freddie Jackson's basses....

He played two. Started with and mostly played a 5-string, maker unknown to me, only labelled by an emblem, circular centered at top face of headstock.

Second base was 4-string Fender Precision Bass on the more rock-on-the-Donald tunes.

maj ©

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 10:54:58 ET
Posted by: Daddy G., NJ

Oh, one more thing... Any ID on the "tough-to-discern cover tune" yet? Or is it really some WOW DF gem(s) and y'all are just trying to keep it quiet and leave us to be surprised on that at least?


Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 10:51:02 ET
Posted by: Daddy G., NJ

Right now I just can't imagine an up-tempo "Western World." I'm thinking I'd prefer it to be closer to the traditional version, but maybe I'll soon find out, assuming that it remains as the set opener.

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 10:45:45 ET
Posted by: RJ Squirrel, Feeling Better About Tour Now

Anyone who went 4 star - what is the "exclusive gift"?

Could it be the Morph CD before the official release date? Probably not.


Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 10:42:45 ET
Posted by: maj©,

Re: Here at the Western World...

Saw post about being up tempo. Yes, hopped up, to about 85-90 beats per minute. Just a guess.

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 10:29:47 ET
Posted by: s,

sorry were they worth it

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 10:27:08 ET
Posted by: SD77, Calif

Anyone with VIP tickets were worth it?

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 10:26:24 ET
Posted by: Big Fan, at work - almost snowbound

Skinny G - what else can you share about the 5* VIP package, food, party time frame, up close and personal? Thanks! Front row seats would be cool. I'm not holding my breath though. I'm never that lucky.

I don't know if this article was posted:,0,5995057.story?coll=ny-music-headlines

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 10:18:07 ET
Posted by: maj©, Medford NJ

Five mile smile on my face last nite in New Bruns. Great show Donald.

Most impressionable.... Fagen lyrics are so damn funny live. PErhaps it's the delivery as well. "I'm Lester the Nightfly...." and "...thanks for calling, I wait all night for calls like these.." had me laughing.

Carlock on Goodbye Look, very powerful shuffle.

First thoughts at least.


Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 10:07:40 ET
Posted by: rindy, big apple

i agree w/lady bayside & her friend

donald at his worst would be light-years ahead of anyone else

kudos to him on his first-ever solo tour!

the place was virtually packed from my vantage point and yes, the crowd was into it...


Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 10:06:06 ET
Posted by: Josey, St. Simons Island

Soulmonkey - I'm generally weary of people who aren't dysfunctional! These are my favorite people to check in with on a daily basis and I've yet to personally meet any of them. Hoping to rectify that in Chi-town!

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 10:04:11 ET
Posted by: LadyBayside, nycish

I spoke to a friend of mine who had just left the show and she was still raving about it. She is a professional musician, so she is critical, and although she said there were a few missed notes (by Cindy) and a little confusion with Donald's non-introduction of Jeff Young, she was euphoric. She said the crowd was into it, and she could not stop talking about what a great show it was and how she wished she was going to another one, as she thought for a first show, it was stellar.

So, there are bugs, but hell, Donald's worst day is probably light years ahead of most people's best day.

And normal is overrated. I prefer dysfunctional. More to think about.


Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 09:55:28 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni packed was the place? And was the crowd into everything?


Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 09:52:18 ET
Posted by: SoulMonkey, The Ville

Josey, "dysfunctional" is spot on. This includes myself. A wonderful group of people, but man we're a strange bunch.

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 09:39:36 ET
Posted by: Josey, St. Simons Island

Soulmonkey - I'm hoping to make Chicago and finally meet this wonderful dysfunctional family of ours. I just find it somewhat puzzling that Donald would hold back on these new tunes until MTC is released. The problem with that is - the tour is halfway finished by March 14th.

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 09:36:55 ET
Posted by: Just Me, here

Donald definitely was not feeling swell about things. Quick encore, quick exit. Prior to the last two songs, he got up and walked around to the band giving them the gameplan. I think he decided to forgo an intermission and go into the next set a couple of songs and call it night.

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 09:32:47 ET
Posted by: Daddy G., NJ

Hmmm, at the very bottom of that UK Telegraph article it says...

"'Morph the Cat' (Reprise) is released on March 20."

I thought the UK release date was supposed to be March 13th after the one week pushback? Now another week? Does this have any significance with relation to the US date, I wonder?...

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 09:32:16 ET
Posted by: Stevie D, Beantoen

I remember T v N and EMG tours and the songs like Janie, Cousin Dupree and Things I miss the most, are no where near as complex as Donalds solo stuff when played live. Bottom line, maybe the band just didnt have enough rehersal time to get these tunes down, and I seriouly doubt Donald could replicate his album vocals in the same tones and octaves live on stage. I have a bootleg of the last tour and Donald says.."This is the first time we have tried this tune live, so there may be a few mistakes: it was "Almost Gothic.

I also recall hearing the same type of "snafus" occuring during the first few live shows of the EMG tour, Im sure they will work it out and seriously tighten up as the tour progresses..

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 09:28:56 ET
Posted by: SoulMonkey, The Ville

Some of you guys are killing me. It's like you haven't thought the song choice process out or something. With "Morph" not being released until the 14th, Donald isn't going to come out and play 5 or 6 songs off of the album. This is also the 1st night of the tour. First nights are often lackluster at best. Everything will smooth out, more songs form "Morph" will be added after the release date, and maybe even other obscure songs will see some daylight. Settle down, sit back and enjoy. I hope to see some of the rational people in Chicago.

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 09:25:52 ET
Posted by: Daddy G., NJ


The breezily surreal opening track sets the tone, telling of a mysterious marauding feline who bewitches the inhabitants of a city very like New York. The cat idea came to Fagen, as many of his ideas do, from a book, this one by "some French symbolist poet".

Morph was originally conceived as "an anti-9/11 figure, something that comes out of the sky that is positive". However, positivity and Fagen are uneasy bedfellows. "By the time I finished writing it, I had flipped it in my mind and started to see this cat as something that has a narcotic effect on the citizenry, a metaphor for something that keeps them brain-dead."

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 09:22:37 ET
Posted by: Daddy G., NJ



A congenitally rumpled figure, Fagen has always inhabited a parallel universe to the glitzy, brittle one celebrated here at Warner Music, his clutch of platinum discs notwithstanding.

For the past three and a half decades, with and without Steely Dan, Fagen has ignored trends, blanked the image-making process that goes with them and created a timeless kind of pre-rock music infused with jazzy sophistication and a stinging satirical wit.

Fagen is not the sort of artist you would expect to see celebrated on the corridor walls in this building alongside framed posters of Green Day, Madonna and Michael Bublé; and sure enough he isn't. Of his forthcoming solo album, Morph the Cat, there is, as far as I can make out, not a mention.

The new album, he says, came about because, unlike his partner in Steely Dan, Walter Becker, he is "not good at vacations". Having spent most of the past five years recording two albums and touring the world to great acclaim with Steely Dan (who reconvened in 2000 after a 19-year lay-off ), "we basically decided to take a break".

For Fagen this meant going straight back to work on his third solo album. "Because I had been wanting to do something that would make a trilogy out of the other two."

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 09:16:57 ET
Posted by: Luke, Fort Lee, NJ

Stevie D- You're completely incorrect. I spoke to someone who was at the rehearsals and he said the songs from Morph sounded amazing live! Especially Brite Nightgown and the title track. Fagen wrote these songs keeping in mind that he would be playing them in concert. I bet you after the album hits you'll see a bunch more songs from Morph being played. The first few shows of these tours are meant to work out the kinks of the band and the kinks of the set-list. A lot more live Morph to come. Wait and see!

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 09:05:41 ET
Posted by: Josey, St. Simons Island

Stevie D - I'll have to take issue with that last post. If the Pat Metheny Group can accurately recreate "The Way Up" (and they did night after night on the last tour)- a 68 minute piece with infinitely more complexities than just about anything that's been released in the past 3 years, then THESE tunes can, without question, be played live and be played well!! Again, with the caliber of musicians up on that stage, there's not one song on MTC that couldn't be handled. Just my worthless two cents.

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 08:59:34 ET
Posted by: rindy, big apple

i loved the show, but it seemed to come to an abrupt ending, somehow...

why would there be a 10 pm curfew - doesn't make any sense

donald seemed to 'audible' and change the song order before 'black friday' when he got up from his fender rhodes and walked around to the band members & told him what song(s) were next

i saw carolyn & cindy open their book & start changing pages

it was somewhat comical that df forgot to intro. keyboardist jeff young the first time around - stage hand came out w/a note to tell him after the song finished & jeff ended up getting a huge ovation to make up for the earlier snub

the band was extremely tight - especially the brass (walt and michael) and the backup singers added a lot of beauty & excellent vocals

would have liked to see donald let 'ready' freddie washington solo a bit more & give jeff young his place in the sun a bit, too

keith carlock picked up right where he left off from the '03 sd tour - hammering those skins w/abandon & power

krantz was awesome & herrington was also sharp

should have been at least one or more additional encores - hopefully upcoming shows will be longer

the sound where i was sitting (front balcony) was frankly, disappointing - seemed too loud & distorted on many songs when the entire band was playing together

overall, a fantastic evening & he left me & others wanting more!



ps - thanks again to hoops for this great forum for danfans everywhere

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 08:56:44 ET
Posted by: Skinny Girl, The Western World

What are you people talking about? The show started at 8:15 and ended right at 10:00pm. That's 15 mintues shy of two hours!

The reason why the show seemed short to some people was because of no intermission. With an intermission the night goes over two hours.

Yes, The VIP package was great! I had the 5 star and was seating front row center! My friends had the 4 star and were sitting 4 rows in back of me. Sound check was really cool for people that don't have "the in" to get into these kind of things. The show was good and will only get better as it rolls on. Have fun!

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 08:54:38 ET
Posted by: Stevie D, Beantown

Listening to the songs on Morph time after time, the first thing I was thinking is. "These Songs are not meant to play live" very very difficult to coordinate and arrange, looks like I was correct.

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 08:53:54 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

Pagoda is on p2p now!

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 08:44:49 ET
Posted by: Flipkid, Blue State

Thank you, rindy.

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 08:42:15 ET
Posted by: Josey, St. Simons Island

At 15 songs, it clearly has to be longer than one hour! It's obviously just not long enough.

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 08:38:58 ET
Posted by: Josey, St. Simons Island

How does a band of that caliber NOT have ALL of the tunes from MTC down yet??? These are some strange reviews.

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 08:35:38 ET
Posted by: Show was 1 hour 45 minutes with encore, and the show had to end by 10pm

The people saying the show was only 1 hour are lying.

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 08:30:30 ET
Posted by: MARK, Home of the Rag

Wow! Quick someone get to Donald and see what's up. Gotta be some issue that are aggravating him. Album release pushed back? Ticket sales not great? Just not into it? Just throwing out ideas.
I feel bad for the folks that didn't enjoy the show. Everyone has waited so long and anticipated a great start to a new album tour.
A 1 hour show just doesn't seem right. The last two SD tours where fantastic.
Maybe he misses having Walter there? .........

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 08:22:45 ET
Posted by: rindy, big apple

Can any Brunswick attendees confirm the band members (Young, Krantz, Herrington, Washington, Carlock, Leonhart, Weiskpof, Mizelle, Leonhart)??

yes - that's the correct lineup


Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 08:14:24 ET
Posted by: RJ Squirrel, You're Killing Me

To summarize:

• Opens with unrecognizable Western World
• Short, 1 hour show
• Loud, muddy acoustics
• Disinterested Donald
• Only 2 Morph songs
• A Chuck Berry song for an encore


I’m busting my balls to go see this?

Shoot me now…

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 07:51:24 ET
Posted by: ugly dude, R4

What was that concert about? Donald looked like he wanted to be eating H&H bagels and orange juice, not heading up a band. And he really needs to hit the notes. And who were those nonbrunswickian numbskulls sitting next to me in the R row? Heh. Should've stayed in the balcony.

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 07:08:57 ET

I'm not complaining about the setlist .Five Steely Dan,5 Nightfly and 3 Kamakiriad songs seems alright for me.
But i'm very disapointing that Don only brings 2 MTC songs.If i am counting good the show is a little bit more than an hour.That's not much.
I think that about 5 MTC songs had to be a must and at the same time the performence will be a little bit longer.
Let's wait and see how it will progress but more MTC works is the message and direction to follow.

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 06:50:21 ET
Posted by: Flipkid, Blue State

Thanks for the setlist. Can any Brunswick attendees confirm the band members (Young, Krantz, Herrington, Washington, Carlock, Leonhart, Weiskpof, Mizelle, Leonhart)??

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 01:54:30 ET
Posted by: Dave, NJ

New Brunswick was great, just a few minor kinks to work out. Here at the Western World was interesting but that song just HAS to stay true to the recording, it's just too good. I'm hoping they will have a change of heart and bring out the original version on the SD tour (Please!). Only 2 from Morph, wish he'd done more.

The VIP deal was great. I had 4 star and was 5th row center. A couple of people I talked to had 5 star and were 1st row center. They said the soundcheck was cool too. I was surprised to hear that there were 50+ people for the soundcheck. I'm wishing I'd done 5 star now.

Unfortunately, there was no intermission. Anyone know why?

Next Report: Borgata!

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 01:52:16 ET
Posted by: Klaus and the Rooster, New Jersey

Is it me, or was the sound awful at that show? Not sure whether it was the accoustics, or the sound levels, but it was all very loud and muddy.

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 01:43:48 ET
Posted by: Bikemann17, NJ

Show was great.but..Western world was so different that it may as well have not been played. Also, this was the shortest damn show I've ever gone to. I was just getting started and it was done. I was kinda shocked that it was really over and not just a break. Just my two cents.

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 01:37:36 ET
Posted by: SteelyDon, Posting at some Unholy Hour

I was just thinking/wondering did DF play the Wurlitzer during any of the songs or was it at the piano the whole time?



Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 01:22:03 ET
Posted by: Night Like This, Countermoon

Hi everyone...

I live in Florida and can't make any of the shows. Would someone be willing to buy me a t-shirt if I paypal you the money and shipping and a couple extra bucks?

Send me an email. Thanks...

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 00:57:10 ET
Posted by: Mark, NJ

New Brunwick show top notch overall. It was a real bummer not hearing title track, Morph the Cat though. Very little Morph indeeed. I spoke with the light men in the rear of the theatre following the show. They said the band hasn't quite got Morph the Cat and Brite Nitegown down yet. Another sound check or two were needed. In my opinion, more Morph the Cat would have made this. I'd switch out Third World Man with Morph the Cat.

I see DF again at Westbury, the Beacon, and the Borgata. I'm hoping for a feline..............

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 00:56:38 ET
Posted by: SteelyDon, Christmas without the Morphy Stuff

I haven't been to a show yet but sounds like a great setlist even without much Morph. I was holding out hope for The Great Pagoda or Mary or Morph but oh well. I'll take Snowbound or the Nightfly any day of the week. According to his interviews he said he was going to play a lot of the new album on the tour. I wonder what happened to that.

Anyway, I was wondering how does Snowbound, Tomorrow's Girls and IGY sound live? I've never heard them and have always wanted to. He picked some good SD tunes in there also. Not a huge fan of Western World but its different for sure which is cool

I think Century's End would be a good opener.

"What a beautiful world this would be"


Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 00:42:39 ET
Posted by: fp, ny

Oh by the way....I did miss Walter up there. It was kind of strange without him.

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 00:40:05 ET
Posted by: fp, back from the show

Here's the scoop. "Here At The Western World" was performed completely different from the record. It's not even the same song anymore. It's done at a rapid pace. I prefer the album version but that may change after I see a few more shows. "The Good Bye Look" was one of the best songs of the night. "Black Cow" is always great live. Not enough Morph.

The encore was "Viva Rock & Roll" by Chuck Berry

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 00:33:22 ET
Posted by: A Fan, NJ

Merchandise: Various T shirts, A Morph the Cat tote bag available in a choice of red or white, key chains. Can't remembe what else. I was just looking for the CD.

Goofs: A loud buzzing sound during Black Cow. He asked the crowd "Did you hear that, or was it just in my head?...let's just go onto the next song." He also forgot to introduce the keyboard player, explaining "I didn't see him back there."

Date: Thurs, March 02, 2006, 00:00:09 ET
Posted by: A Fan, new jersey

Just got back from the show. I predicted he was too modest to opt for the entrance that he and Walt typically do together after the band starts the intro. I was right. He just walked out with the band. I couldn't figure out the first song, figured it was something off Morph. Then he starts singing "Down at the Lido..." and my first thought was "Oh, a Scaggs cover.." before it clicked that it was Western World. It had kind of a Paradise by the Dashboard light feel to it. That's the best I can describe it. Could be the Rundgren influence. I can't say it was particularly effective, but it was more of a gee whiz what a neat way to start the show type deal.

He leaned on The Nightfly the way they typically do on Aja at the SD shows. He sang Green Flower Street more like the record as opposed to the NYS&R treatment, hitting the high note on Maaaandrain Plum.

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 23:29:38 ET
Posted by: Daddy G., NJ---right state, wrong county---nowhere near the show

So... Opening night set list categorized by Dan (album) or Don (album--count)...

1. Here at the Western World (GREATEST HITS/GOLD)
2. Third World Man (GAUCHO)
3. Home At Last (AJA--2)
4. Black Cow
5. Black Friday (KATY)

1. The Nightfly (NIGHTFLY--5)
2. Greenflower Street
3. New Frontier
4. Goodbye Look
5. IGY
6. Teahouse on the Tracks (KAMAKIRIAD--3)
7. Snowbound
8. Tomorrow's Girls
9. H Gang (MORPH--2)
10. What I Do

A few missing (so far) tunes I would love to have added to the rotation for a chance to hear'em live...

Century’s End
Security Joan
Doctor Wu
Florida Room

Can’t help but notice the two “black” tunes. I wonder if he’d ever consider adding “Green Earrings” and “Green Book” along with “Greenflower Street" and do a whole green, black, green, black, green section just for the silly novelty of it? Nah... doubt it.

And if he wanted to go all out he could throw in “Deacon Blues,” “Rose Darling,” and maybe even “Brite Nitegown” although it’s not color-specific.

Great to see “Western World” make the cut as I too have been fervently hoping he would do that one. Hasn't the opening tune generally remained the same on various tours? Does this mean everyone can count on hearing WW?

I guess this also means no “Second Arrangement.” Oh well, I don't think anyone really expected it.

OK, how many folks out there are ripping these tracks and burning their very own opening night "concert" as we speak/type?

Lastly, was there much in conversational interludes? Given the two Morph selections I'm assuming there were no political digressions.

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 23:24:05 ET
Posted by: Pam, wowowow

My pleasure - glad the connection held out fairly well. So awesome, great sound, chatty Donald (in his long coat) channeling Ray Charles, Weiskopf is genius, great extend-o-grooves, just a-fagen-mazing. Now I'm looking for tickets for Borgota & PA :)
Thank you Donald!!

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 23:23:48 ET
Posted by: SouthOfHollywood, Search Me Now

Stop the presses for just a minute or 3...

This show was a "warm-up" as will the next couple be...They played a few comfortable old SD chestnuts and some great DF songs from the archives...And not much from MTC...So what...It took DF about 4 shows to get the words right on "Godwhacker" in '03...They'll be in peak form with a set-list chock-full of the Cat when they hit our towns soon enough...


Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 23:01:40 ET
Posted by: angel,

He came out and played Here at the Western World? All these years and we finally get to hear this tune. Yes!

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 22:37:43 ET
Posted by: Daddy G., What about the merchandise?

Thanks to everyone involved for the bulletins.

Just wondering too if anyone can give any descriptions of available merchandise such as T-shirt designs, mugs, key chains, whatever.

Also been wondering if maybe the new CD might actually be available for sale at the shows (or was it part of the VIP package?---I don't remember). It'd probably be way overpriced and I'll just wait till Morph 14th, but I'm curious.

Thanks in advance for any info...

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 22:29:51 ET
Posted by: SD77 , Calif

I am going to the temecula show.I haveVIP tickets.Can anyone post what you get with VIP tickets when you can. thanks again everyone for the setlist. I am sure it will change some by the 25th.

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 22:28:50 ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher, Louisville, KY

Adding lots of songs almost nobody has heard before to your setlist is a good way to alienate the casual fans and the reviewers. I can't blame Donald for doing only two songs from Morph early in the tour. I just hope he adds more as the tour goes on.

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 22:26:19 ET
Posted by: Josey, St. Simons Island

For Godsakes - Add 30 more minutes to the show and give us some MTC!!! It's a damn masterpiece!! EVERY SONG IS A MASTERPIECE!!! Two songs?? Don't get me wrong - I love the setlist - it's great - just add 20 to 30 more minutes to the show!

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 22:22:14 ET
Posted by: Steely Jan,

Thanks SoH, Pam, Paul & Fez98. What a set. My two favorite DF songs ever starting the concert. I cannot wait. The only one I hope he replaces in the next 3 weeeks is Black Friday.

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 22:19:44 ET
Posted by: D-Day,

I bet Donald will add more Morph tunes after it's released. Everyone will get a slightly different setlist as the tour goes on.
To me it's hard to be critical of any setlist he might do. It's all a gift.

Thanks again SoH, and thanks Pam. Oh and Donald too.

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 22:19:08 ET
Posted by: SD77, CALIF

Thank you SoH and everyone else for tonites efforts. But only two songs from MTC

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 22:16:29 ET
Posted by: Shane, UK

Nice site! Many thanks for your work.
Cheers. rolex watch replicas

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 22:15:57 ET
Posted by: NYB,

Still was hoping for "Red Giant/White Dwarf"...

Oh well, onto North Fork Theater!

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 22:13:36 ET
Posted by: Josey, St. Simons Island

I'm stunned beyond words that only TWO songs from Morph show up on this selist!!!!!!!

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 22:13:23 ET
Posted by: Corvid, Soon-to-be-Ottawanian

Cool, Max! Money mustn't be the object it is for me. The show is my treat to myself after the month from hell. Cannot believe the bitchin' titles coming out of the hat here... I figured Donaldo for a short set, but I guess "Daddy's all pent up..."

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 22:11:02 ET
Posted by: SoH, SPOILER


Our special thanks go out to Pam, who most graciously hosted the listening party via cell phone in the GreenRoom...

Set List:
Here at the Western World
The Nightfly
Greenflower Street
Teahouse on the Tracks
New Frontier
Third World Man
Home At Last
What I Do
Black Cow
Goodbye Look
Tomorrow's Girls
Black Friday

A tough-to-discern cover tune

No Intermission

Thanks again Pam, and please tell your husband we apolgize!


Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 22:10:50 ET
Posted by: SoH, SPOILER


Our special thanks go out to Pam, who most graciously hosted the listening party via cell phone in the GreenRoom...

Set List:
Here at the Western World
The Nightfly
Greenflower Street
Teahouse on the Tracks
New Frontier
Third World Man
Home At Last
What I Do
Black Cow
Goodbye Look
Tomorrow's Girls
Black Friday

A tough-to-discern cover tune

No Intermission

Thanks again Pam, and please tell your husband we apolgize!


Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 22:10:25 ET
Posted by: TheFez98, Boston

Well, thanks to SoH this is what I have for tonight's set list:

Set List - Fagen 2006 (Morph the Cat)
1. Here at the Western World
2. The Nightfly
3. Greenflower Street
4. Teahouse On The Tracks
5. New Frontier
6. Third World Man
7. Home At Last
8. Snowbound
9. H Gang
10. What I Do
11. Black Cow
12. The Goodbye Look
13. Tomorrow's Girl
14. Black Friday
15. IGY
16. SoH Gal Pal Doesn't know or too drunk/stoned to report???

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 22:05:56 ET
Posted by: paul, *shocked*


Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 22:02:03 ET
Posted by: Steely Jan,

Thanks SoH. This is great. Do you know where the break came?

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 21:52:43 ET
Posted by: SoH, SPOILER


15: IGY (and DF's on a ROLL!)

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 21:46:37 ET
Posted by: SoH, SPOILER


13: Tomorrow's Girlzzz

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 21:40:57 ET
Posted by: D-Day,

I forgot: A huge thank you for your commentary and setlist on the green. Much appreciated.

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 21:34:29 ET
Posted by: max webster,

i agree ... what a setlist ...

hey corvid i am going to ottawa as well .... and then onto massey hall

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 21:33:53 ET
Posted by: SoH, SPOILER


Goodbye Look

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 21:27:35 ET
Posted by: Corvid, In Transit

Wow - amazing set list! Waiting for the mystery cover tune... Can't wait until March 12th, Ottawa!

By far not enough Morph. Just play the album end to end for us dim-witted Canadians, eh Don?

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 21:27:30 ET
Posted by: SoH, SPOILER


Black Cow

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 21:20:21 ET
Posted by: SoH, SPOILER


What I Do

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 21:15:28 ET
Posted by: SoH, SPOILER


9th tune:
H-Gang (Finally some Morph!)

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 21:05:29 ET
Posted by: SoH, SPOILER


7th: Home At Last
8th: Snowbound

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 20:56:36 ET
Posted by: Little Wild One, leaving work

I think it might be aja-vu all over again...

See y'all in the Green shortly. I got a bus to catch!

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 20:50:58 ET
Posted by: SoH, SPOILER


6th tune:
Third World Man

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 20:49:53 ET
Posted by: Chan, Stuck in my office in Boston

Thanks SD, Boston is in one week so I should see something in the next day or so. Great setlist so far!!!

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 20:46:32 ET
Posted by: SoH, SPOILER


5th tune:
New Frontier

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 20:41:49 ET
Posted by: SD77, Calif

Chan- They should Email with details one week before the show.If not call them. Thats what they told me.

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 20:40:10 ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher, Louisville, KY

Good info on the Rhodes there. I always assumed the Gaucho/Nightfly era Rhodes was a Mark II (or a very late model Mark I) because of the sound and also the era when it was recorded. When watching the 2000 live DVD, I noticed that Donald's Rhodes has a 1975-1979 era Mark I namerail on the front (silver, has "Rhodes" and not "Fender Rhodes"), but a Mark II top (which is flat and allows him to stack his sheet music, etc. on top of the piano better). Therefore, I assume his current rig is a later-model Mark I, but I can't be certain.

And I also agree with Donald's view on what sounds good with a Rhodes. I like its ability to sound smooth and yet bark at the same time even with that tiny bit of bell on the top. I don't want it to sound like something you'd hear on the bad lite rock station while at work.

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 20:38:34 ET
Posted by: SoH, SPOILER


4th Tune:
Teahouse On The Tracks

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 20:38:04 ET
Posted by: SD77 , calif

Your killing me out here. But Keep forwarding the tunes.

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 20:33:33 ET
Posted by: Geoff, NY


Here at the western world
The Nightfly
Greenflower Street

This is painful from a blackberry

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 20:32:52 ET
Posted by: Chan, Boston

The excitement is building!!! Can someone that goes to tonites or one of the shows in the next few days that purchased tix thru I Love All Access, report in on how the seats were, how they were distributed, and what time they were available. From the confirmations it is not that clear. Thanks!!

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 20:32:17 ET
Posted by: SoH, SPOILER


Second Tune:
The Nightfly

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 20:30:42 ET
Posted by: SouthOfHollywood, SPOILER


First Tune:

Here At The Western World

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 20:17:48 ET
Posted by: DJ, Shi-town

Dream Setlist:

On the Dunes
Brite Nightgown
What I do
Trans Island
Security Joan
Lonely Avenue (Ray cover)
Green Flower St.
Tomorrow's Girls

Morph the Cat
On the Dunes
Counter Moon
The Nightfly
Mary Shut
back into the 70's (Only a Fool would Say that)
New Frontier
Morph reprise

Show Biz Kids

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 20:14:57 ET
Posted by: Bobinho, More on the Rhodes

I know for a fact that Donald used the MKII on Gaucho and Nightfly. He occasionally uses two MXR pedals and records with no eq or compression. He likes his Rhodes to be bright and sparkly and he will search for the right one rather than reach for the Pultec or Neve eq. However, once it is layered in the mix Elliot Scheiner will sometimes take away between 3-12 db at 300hz, just to remove some of the mud.

Oh and Donald doesn't like the "tiney" sound that some other Rhodes specialists enjoy.

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 19:44:28 ET
Posted by: LadyBayside, Not at New Brunswick, dammit

Why is it that at twenty minutes and counting to tonight's NJ show, my stomach is all butterflies and I am excited beyond belief? It ain't the pork chops, folks. If I am this riled up NOW and I am not even attending, I can't imagine Friday night. Wow.

As for a setlist, I bow to those of you who have come up with one, but I actually prefer to be surprised. And I am sure you will be. I hope he opens with something from Morph, though. That would be fantastic.

It is interesting that Don has mentioned that this is his 'death' album. I am looking forward to actually knowing the lyrics to the new ones, and the line by line interpretation/analysis that is sure to follow. It's one of the reasons that I enjoy this forum so and large, it is made up of a group of highly intelligent, introspective folks.

No, I am not selling anything. Just having a moment. *sniff*



Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 19:40:38 ET
Posted by: fezman, boston

Hi Gail, I could get by with that set list,....t- minus 6 days 23 hours and 33 min

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 19:37:28 ET
Posted by: Geoff, Setlist

LWO and other setlist predictors: Has everyone forgotten a key feature of every* SD or DF show since the beginning? Donald has never been the sole lead vocalist. Carolyn and Cindy will be something too. Big Noise, New York, I hope.

*Okay not including TV appearences

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 19:35:09 ET
Posted by: s, c

morph the cat could be the antichrist

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 19:28:08 ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher, Louisville, KY

Wow Paul, that's a great interpretation! That actually makes quite a bit of sense to me.

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 19:05:31 ET
Posted by: paul, watching for cats on the wing

I'm so excited for you lucky few who get to see Don tonight!! If I were any of you, my heart would be pumping 300bpm, my throat would swell up, my hands would be shaking, I'd be sick to my stomach with nerves, oh, wow, I wish you a wonderful night.

Sorry to digress from the excitement, but I just came upon a revelation...

I think I've started to figure out who Morph the Cat is...!
Morph is Religion--Western Religion in particular, and Christendom specifically. Religion seems like a good and wonderful thing for a while until they start nagging you to give them money--and that's not so bad, one needs to clean Morph's litter box once in a while, right? 'cause hey he makes you "feel good, like you've just heard a good joke" and tells us we'll go to heaven if we follow the rules. But then Christendom gets involved in all the other world affairs: war, politics, the economy, and Morph becomes a nuisance, and unwanted entity, a drain on society. Behind that warm and fuzzy fur is an evil, sinister, power-hungry lion. And now Morph has become so powerful that its impossible to send him to the pound.

The name "Morph" is perfect for this metaphor too, because throughout the last two centuries, Christendom has continued to morph/evolve into whatever allows them the most power, cozying up to world rulers, changing the rules so that those in power are the most righteous.

My favorite part of the entire album is that one little word in the title track: "So"
It gives me goosebumps every time.

Alright, enjoy the show my friends!!

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 19:00:31 ET
Posted by: Little Wild One, e-filing

Ok... here's my submission:

Trans Island Skyway
Greenflower Street
Century's End
Maybe a Dan or cover tune here
What I Do
Tomorrow's Girls


New Frontier
Here at the Western World
Brite Nightgown
Security Joan
Green Earrings
Teahouse on the Tracks
The Nightfly
Morph the Cat

The Goodbye Look


Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 18:45:33 ET
Posted by: fife, baltimore, f***ing cab companies suck here!

Happy Birthday SS!!!!!!!!!!
from one Canuck to another!!

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 18:44:22 ET
Posted by: Big Fan, waiting until next week

If anyone reports on tonights show in NJ, besides listing the setlist, please let us know how the VIP experience was. How long before the concert did they contact you? I haven't heard anything back yet for next weekd Boston show. Tough to make plans. Thanks in adavance!

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 18:14:08 ET
Posted by: Drew, San Luis Obispo

O.K. I'll play along. Here's my fantasy show, but when it comes down to it I don't care what he plays.

True Companion
Tommorow's Girls
H Gang
Security Joan
Lonely Avenue (cover)
What I Do
Dr. Wu

Trans-Island Skyway
Morph The Cat
Great Pagoda Of Funn
On The Dunes
Rhymes (Al Green cover)
Mary Shut The Garden Gate
New Frontier

Brite Nightgown
Pretzel Logic

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 17:54:38 ET
Posted by: Steely Jan, LV and Temecula in 3 wks

Thanks SOH. I will be watching. If someone who purchased VIP tickets would be so kind as to give a summary tonight or tomorrow of what the package consists of, I would appreciate it.

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 17:51:53 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Dan, I've learned more about keyboards over the last 24 hours than in the last 24 years, thank you, son.

SOH, I am counting the days until I see you, sunshine, you always remind me of when I was young and dangerous, caro.

Omigod, the soundcheck must be going on right now, I'm tingling like an isotope and here, dear Wild One, is my guess at some of Donald's set list:

Green Flower Steet
The Nightfly
Walk Between Raindrops
Century's End
Tomorrow's Girls
Florida Room
Trans Island Skyway
Morph the Cat
H Gang
What I Do
Security Joan

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 17:42:33 ET
Posted by: SouthOfHollywood, YES!

Houston, we have a connection...

If you're up for a spoiler, be in the Green at showtime (8PM E)...


(You ROCK Pam...)

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 17:37:21 ET
Posted by: Susan, Where I Am, silly!

Howdy Fellow Dan Fans,

Only a few days left to vote for your favorite drummer in Modern Drummers 2006 Readers Poll.


...If you like what you hear on Morph, why not surf over here and give Keith some respect:


Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 17:19:42 ET
Posted by: SouthOfHollywood, I Got The Minutes

If anyone going to the show tonight wants to call me and just leave the phone ON (you won't have to say a word beyond "hello") I'd be happy to transcribe the events in the Green...And if you're Cingular, it's a freebie...


Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 17:13:51 ET
Posted by: SouthOfHollywood, Conflicted...

Sure would be nice to get some live "play by play" going in the Green tonight...I remember this one dude from the '03 tour who...Oh wait...Yeah...That was me...


Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 17:08:44 ET
Posted by: Little Wild One, set list prognostications

I don't have time to type them all in, but here is where they can be found in the Bluebook archives:

Hutch: 1/24/05 (apologies Hutch, I had to scroll further than I recalled to find yours...)

SOH: 1/18/06

Gretchen, SS and Kid Clean: 1/23/06

Mine is coming right up!

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 17:03:56 ET
Posted by: s, c

call me

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 16:53:39 ET
Posted by: Pam, gettin' out of heeeyaaaah

Hey - if you want me to call you during the show, email me before 6:30pm :)

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 16:44:35 ET
Posted by: Josie-vs-Peg hosted by Aja!, See Some Gold Teeth Get Thrown Out! LIVE FROM PASSAIC!!

I can't wait! I can't wait! I CAN'T WAIIIT!! Just three more hours! Yay! Yay! Boo-Yah! Aye, can't you feel the enthusiasm?!?! Oh, tonight is gonna ROCK!!! Boo-Freakin'-Yah!!

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 16:21:49 ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher, Louisville, KY

To kill some time while we await further info from tonight's show (is Chicago really still another couple weeks away? Damn.)...

Here's a little further insight into the Rhodes piano, its action, and its sound.

This animated .GIF image shows a close-up of the hammer striking the tine, the tine vibrates to sustain the note, and finally the damper felt stops the tine and kills the note.

To get a sense of how the Rhodes sounds on its own, here is a clip of its standard, unaltered dry sound. Here you can hear my feeble attempts to play a little bit from What I Do, and then for some comparison's sake to the Wurlitzer, I play a bit of Pretzel Logic.

And to hear how the phaser effects pedal works, here's a touch of Babylon Sisters (the only part of the song I know...) and then a good bit of Josie. The pedal is an MXR Phase 90--the same one Donald uses. It's cheap, but hey, it sounds good.

Note that my piano is a 1978 Mark I stage 73 key model--it's from late 1978, and therefore it's almost the same in design as the Mark II. The action is much lighter than some previous Mark I pianos, but the sound is a tiny bit different. And for comparison, Donald currently plays (I believe) a Mark I suitcase (the one with the built-in amplifier) 88 key model. For these clips, I ran the piano through a cheap vintage solid state Vox practice amp and then to the Line In jack on my PC. Also note that since my Rhodes is a stage model, it therefore does not have the stereo tremolo function the suitcase model does, but my amp does have a moderate amount of mono tremolo.

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 16:07:12 ET
Posted by: Little Wild One, tick tock

Last chance for all set list far I have entries (and some of these are from loooonnng, lonnng ago) from Still Sparkin', Gretchen, SOH, Kid Clean...and me!

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 15:59:24 ET
Posted by: SD77, Calif

To everyone going to the concert tonite HAVE A GREAT TIME. Let us know all about it. Still have to wait until Morph 25.

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 15:44:14 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Dear friends, My Turban is errect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 15:39:55 ET
Posted by: hoops, down the street from the state theatre, new brunswick, nj

From about an hour ago—

"...Close your eyes and you'll be's everything they say...the end of a perfect day..."

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 15:32:08 ET
Posted by: Pam, Hip hip hoorah!

Oh! Could I be any more happy today? I'm floating through the 1099s and Schedule Cs and piles of tax receipts and jangling phone ringing and emails from teachers and grumpy boss - lantern time is when he comes to me.....

Can't wait to tell you all about it!


Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 15:32:01 ET
Posted by: h for pn, in case you missed these links



Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 15:23:54 ET
Posted by: Nazman, Dialin In

WIKI don't lose that number
That's good!

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 15:20:14 ET
Posted by: Mark, NJ



Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 15:17:49 ET
Posted by: Rajah, L.A.

You go Squirrley! Rock on, rock on ma brotha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 15:04:37 ET
Posted by: RJ Squirrel, Another Ode to Fagen

Listen to the Fagen (s/b Donald but Trump ruined it)

Don’t you feel it growin’, day by day
People gettin’ ready for the shows
Some are happy, some are high
Oh, we got to let the music play
What the people need
Is a way to make ’em smile
It ain’t so hard to do if you know how
Gotta get a message
Get it on through
Oh now mama, don’t you ask me why

Oh, oh, oh, listen to the Fagen
Oh, oh, oh, listen to the Fagen
Oh, oh, oh, listen to the Fagen
All the time

Well I know, you know better
Everything I say
Meet me at the (insert venue here) for the show
We’ll be happy
And we’ll dance
Oh, we’re gonna dance our blues away
And if I’m feelin’ good to you
And you’re feelin’ good to me
There ain’t nothin’ we can’t do or say
Feelin’ good, feeling fine
Oh, baby, let the music play

Oh, oh, oh, listen to the Fagen
Oh, oh, oh, listen to the Fagen
Oh, oh, oh, listen to the Fagen
All the time

Like a lazy flowing river
Surrounding castles in the sky
And the crowd is growing bigger
List’nin’ for the happy sounds
And I got to let them fly

Oh, oh, oh, listen to the Fagen
Oh, oh, oh, listen to the Fagen
Oh, oh, oh, listen to the Fagen
All the time

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 14:44:52 ET
Posted by: Josey, St. Simons Island

For the sake of accuracy, it's: WIKI don't lose that member.

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 14:25:06 ET
Posted by: Jon,

Hey, Joe, have a great show and try and post your impressions if you're able. I'll be seeing him next Thursday.

WIKI, don't lose that number.

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 14:24:13 ET
Posted by: Rajah, L.A.

Oh happy day (oh happy day)
Oh happy day (oh happy day)
When Donald washed (when Donald washed)
When Donald washed (when Donald washed)
Donald washed (when Donald washed)
Washed my sins away (oh happy day)
Oh happy day (oh happy day)

(La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la)
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
(La, la, la, la, la)
La, la, la, la, la
(La, la, la, la, la, la, la)
La, la, la, la, la, la, la
(La, la, la, la, la)
La, la, la, la, la

Oh happy day (oh happy day)
Oh happy day (oh happy day)
When Donald washed (when Donald washed)
When Donald washed (when Donald washed)
When my Donald washed (when Donald washed)
He washed my sins away

(La, la, la, la, la, la, la)
La, la, la, la, la, la, la
(La, la, la, la, la)
La, la, la, la, la

He taught me how (oh, He taught me how)
To wash (to wash, to wash)
Fight and pray (to fight and pray)
Fight and pray
And he taught me how to live rejoicing
yes, He did (and live rejoicing)
Oh yeah, every, every day (every, every day)
(oh yeah) Every day!

Oh happy day (oh happy day)
Oh happy day, yeah (oh happy day)
When Donald washed (when Donald washed)
When my Donald washed (when Donald washed)
When Donald washed [hits high note] (when Donald washed)
My sins away (oh happy day)
I'm talking about that happy day (oh happy day)

He taught me how (oh yeah, how)
To wash (to wash)
Fight and pray (sing it, sing it, c'mon and sing it)
Fight and pray
And to live
yeah, yeah, c'mon everybody (and live rejoicing every, every day)
Sing it like you mean it, oh....

Oh happy day (oh happy day)
I'm talking about the happy days (oh happy day)
C'mon and talk about the happy days (oh happy day)
Oh, oh, oh happy days (oh happy day)
Ooh talking about happy day (oh happy day)
Oh yeah, I know I'm talking about happy days (oh happy day)
Oh yeah, sing it, sing it, sing it, yeah, yeah (oh happy day)
Oh, oh, oh
Oh happy day.....

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 14:06:40 ET
Posted by: Kid Clean, Listening to Aja

From a NYT article:

Soon, Mr. Fagen hopes to remix his previous solo disc, the 1993 "Kamakiriad." His voice on that album was buried: too soft and indistinct. "I was in my self-loathing period," he said.

The remix will be part of a three-disc box-set, which Reprise Records plans to release later this year, of all three Fagen solo albums, starting with "The Nightfly" (1982), his wistful look back at his cold-war adolescence. "I see them as Youth, Middle Age and Death," he said with a crooked smile.


Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 13:50:58 ET
Posted by: Wiki, pedia

you cant post that stuff to WIKI they will delete it. They consider that stuff ridiculous and pointless.

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 13:50:36 ET
Posted by: Wiki, pedia

you cant post that stuff to WIKI they will delete it. They consider that stuff ridiculous and pointless.

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 13:44:44 ET
Posted by: JoeM,

Holy Jeezus - How good is "Brite Nitegown"? Incredible. And the Krantz solo's are just ridiculous.

Having had the distinct privilege of hearing Krantz and Carlock together before on occasion, this tune points out their unique shared rhythmic vocabulary, especially in the live setting. I can't get over this tune, with emphasis on the out chorus. It just flat out cooks. Cannot wait for tonight's performance.

A tune like this is the root of our codependency Andy and Jon. Thanks for the posts. They say it all.

Fagen, 8:00PM - tick, tick, tick...

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 13:32:15 ET
Posted by: Andy, The Steely Dan syndrome


I am very happy to learn that so many of you are suffering from this Steely Dan Syndrome I discussed earlier; I am not alone in this, after all.

Since the syndrome seems to be so widely spread, I decided to write an article about it for the Wikipedia dictionary. Feel free to read it, and edit it if something is not accurate:

And again, remember - we are in this together! United we stand...


Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 13:24:17 ET
Posted by: re: Keith Jarrett,

PQ - Oh yeah Keith did look up annoyed a few times during his first frustrating half at coughing people. But the music was still really great, even though Jarrett was clearly unhappy, and totally interesting to me from a musical standpoint was watching the exploration and abortion of his matrix of spontaneous ideas. I think Jarrett knew he was close, and that we were completely pulling for him as an audience - total good vibes - and he came out for the second half with a vengence, equal to or surpassing any of his recorded solo piano improvisations (in my opinion, and I have ALL of these recordings).

Carnegie Hall would be great to see him play. I once discovered he played solo at the opera house in Paris the day after I left. I was even staying in the opera house "arridesmont" or whatever the neighborhoods are called. Kick in the head.

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 13:05:37 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

re: keith jarrett I saw Jarrett at Carnegie Hall in about 1984. He stopped twice when he felt someone was coughing too loud, a third time he actually asked that the person be removed from the hall. But like you say - incredible. Somewhere he started playing an almost Gospel type intermezzo, the whole fuckin audience was bouncing off the walls.

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 12:59:38 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

Andy, The Steely Dan syndrome:

Know the problem very well. When a new Steely Dan/solo album is released the deal is always the same. Everything you have been listening to in between instantly fades to grey.

If you are a fan of say Coldplay, you probably like parts of Radiohead, U2, Muse, Athlete, Travis, and a dozen or more other bands.

If you are a fan of Steely Dan where the hell do you go?

The core really is that no one get's close to writing songs the way Dan does. The production and the fabulous musicians is just a thick layer of icing on the cake, what it really boils down to is the compositions. No one, and I mean no one uses the harmonic vocabulary they, and especially Donald use. Name one song that comes even close to the chorus of Morph, or the entire Pagoda!!

The harmony is where this band really stands out from the crowd!

It doesn't mean that that there isn't other great music in the world. Just accept that, as the other addicts mentioned, you will always return to the Dan. Always!

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 12:58:06 ET
Posted by: If it makes you happy, .

Sufferers of Steely Dan Syndrome a/k/a Stepford Dan Zombies.

We love our addiction and we choose to celebrate it rather than sell it out, PQ.

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 12:56:43 ET
Posted by: SteveeDan,

Oops - a couple of typos (or in piano-speak: clunkers).

This is how that paragraph should have read:

Depending on the song, I will use different Rhodes sounds (the old original Rhodes, the more refined late 1970's Rhodes, and other sounds that I can't describe). Think of the Rhodes sounds on Peg and on Green Flower Street. I don't know how those sounds were processed, but somehow we lucked into very similar sounds with the Yamaha S-80 that I use.

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 12:53:56 ET
Posted by: SteveeDan, Keying In

Andy - Welcome. I too am an extreme Steely Dan Syndrome sufferer. My case is terminal. I had to go out and start not one, but two Steely Dan tribute bands. (It took two tries to get it right.) I couldn't help it, and there was nothing I could do to stop it.

"More Rhodes" - I've got one of those cheap orange MXR boxes around here somewhere. I used to funk up the sound of my Rhodes a lot because it was the only keyboard I owned at the time and I was trying to expand its range. But now, after all the years that have passed, and with the advent of some pretty decent weighted-key synths, I am happy with the unaltered (well, as best as the digital sampling of the original analog sound sources can produce) sounds.

Depending on the song, I will used different Rhodes sounds (the old original Rhodes, the more refined late 1070's Rhodes, and other sounds that I can't describe). Think of the Rhodes sounds on Peg and on Green Flower Street. I don't know how those sounds were processed, but somehow we lucked into very similar sounds with the Yamaha S-80 that I use.

I like to play various acoustic Piano sounds - full concert grand, bright spinette piano, honky tonk piano, and driven piano, to name a few ...

On Green Earrings, I blend together a Rhodes and a Clavinet.

You might say I'm all keyed up ...




Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 12:43:15 ET
Posted by: electric pianos, etc,

The electric piano with the least amount of dynamic range (worse even than Wurlitzer) is the Hohner Pianet T (or M or N). This is because instead of using a hammer to set a reed vibrating, it uses a little "sucker" pad to pull on the reed.

The Hohner Clavinet (used all over Steely Dan, but most famous because of Stevie Wonder) uses a "striker" on a guitar string and has one of the most dynamic ranges of a keyboard instrument.

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 12:22:24 ET
Posted by: re: keith jarrett,

Miles Davis used to ask Keith Jarrett when they'd meet years after playing together:
"How's it feel to be a genius?" and Keith would answer "Same as always".

But Keith became famous because of the Rhodes, like it or not. He first played Rhodes with the 60s Charles Lloyd "Moon Flower" group and that got him noticed, and then with Miles, before becoming the ECM Keith Jarrett we all love and hate.

I love the Rhodes but I also love Keith playing only acoustic grand. Saw him play solo at Orchestra Hall in Chicago. Started slow, dead ends, frustrated. Came back after a break and painted the walls in more colors than anyone imagined possible. Incredible. After the first encore he scolded us for continuing to clap, which we then continued to do, and then he sat down for a second 15 minute encore and smoked us out of time and space.

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 11:56:44 ET
Posted by: Mark, NJ

MARCH 1 FAGEN at STATE THEATRE - I may have 2 extra tickets in Row N, DEAD CENTER. I will know by 4 this afternoon. I will take whatever I can get. I will be at the show sitting in another row. Please email me at if you are intersted.

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 11:51:07 ET
Posted by: Fender Rhodes, Wurlitzer

Keith Jarrett says all electric keyboards are toys. He is known to have said, Where do you buy a Fender Rhodes, Toys R Us?

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 11:42:07 ET
Posted by: Rajah, L.A.

JJ - I did not get your email, send it again brotha or just tell me flat out whats the sitch? You best believe we expect you in Chy. I will not take 'no' for an answer from anyone who loves Sanchez!

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 11:39:53 ET
Posted by: and more rhodes and such,

A good Rhodes has got to "bark", and then it's got to "bite", no foolin'.

Favored effects are Phase Shifters (Donald uses a cheap MXR phase 90, the orange box). Chorus pedals are popular too (TC Electronics Pitch Modulator, Roland Chorus Ensemble etc) and then a little analog delay. Some folks use ring modulators and frequency modulators to really mess up the sound and obtain a sort of pitch bending capability.

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 11:28:28 ET
Posted by: Yippeeeeee,


Rip it up Donald. We love you.
I hope Uncle Walty is there backstage to give you a little good luck punch in the arm.

And happy birthday to me too.

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 11:25:19 ET
Posted by: Nazman, Mr Magnificent, It's Showtime

Talk about a new meaning to March Madness.

Amongst the many classics of the DF/SD campaigns certainly one of the hallowed favorites would be "Almost Gothic." Glad to count you amongst those remakable kindred souls to share these beloved treasures...

Looking forward to all the news of the shows as the progress.

I don't touch base until Oakland.


Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 11:20:41 ET
Posted by: Stevie D, Beantown

Just before i fell asleep last night I listened to Great Pagoda on my Bose Headphones, lights out, on the verge of REM sleep and I felt like I was floating. This tune is as hypnotic as Aja in my opintion and by far the most amazing ballad I have heard since. Anyone care to agree or disagree? Truely amazing..

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 11:17:52 ET
Posted by: Josey, St. Simons Island

Rajah - did you get my email?

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 10:37:53 ET
Posted by: Rajah, sono io

Andy, there is no escape from it. I am reminded of an old Italian saying: "the only way to deal with temptation or obsession is to give into it." It will eventually run its course and one fine day you'll wake up longing to hear that Beatles or Pink Floyd catalogue. Then it will begin again.

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 10:33:26 ET
Posted by: Big George, Shy-town

Happy March and to those going to the show tonight....have a blast! I can't wait for setlists and reviews.

And HeyMike if you are going out tonight drop me a line perhaps I'll see you at the bar? I'll be with my girlfriend at the late show.

Everyone coming into Chicago for Don's show on the night before the big show I have some friends, The Steepwater Band, playing up at the Kinetic Playground with blues great Alvin Youngblood Hart. It will be plenty rockin' if anyone is interested and it is steps from the Green Mill Jazz club as well. More on that later if need be.

Happy Don shows to all going tonight! Lucky Ducks.

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 10:27:37 ET
Posted by: LadyBayside, LI bound

First, Hoops, thanks so much for the interesting interview! I enjoyed it, and am looking forward to getting Jeff Young's cd. Also, thanks for the mail. You are the bestest of the best.

Second, to the kind person who posted the link to the Times article..thanks as well. The only thing I found strange was that the writer said that "Steely Dan gave up live performance in 1974."..huh? No mention of the very successful tours since then? Bad researchers, I guess.

I am looking forward to reviews of the show tomorrow, and I will see some of my compatriots at the Westbury (nka North Fork) show on Friday night, then even more of you at Beacon. Did anyone else VIP tickets for the Beacon show? (I know, some people are denigrating it, but I don't think I'd ever have the opportunity to be at a sound check otherwise, and by God, I want to be there, cheesy as it may be.)

By the way...I've had nothing but Aja, the Jones Beach concert from TVN tour, Kama, Nightfly and EMG in my cd player ever since I heard Donald was releasing a new album. And it NEVER gets old. I expect this dizzy euphoric feeling to continue on through the summer at least.


Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 10:27:05 ET
Posted by: Rajah, pottana industriale

Dear God, when will that tortured Trout woman make an end? You'd think she'd get tired of us by now. If I were a religious man I would pray to some deity to help give her succor. That or I would order a hit to take her out of her misery. Sleep well, Fishy Woman...and may flights of angels speed you to them.

Today is a big day. What we really need is for someone with internet access at the concert to give us detailed updates.

C'mon, let's get happy ovah heer, I don't wanna hear any discouraging words today. Next to my grandchild who is arriving for me in July, this is a major event. Go Donald.

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 10:16:14 ET
Posted by: Andy, The Steely Dan syndrome


What a great post, thanks! :)

I'm staying away from Morph until it's officially released, so at the moment I am able to lead a normal life. Once the release date is here, however, I expect that to change - no more "daytime job", no more "going out with friends", no more "going to the store to buy food" - I mean, new Fagen music really puts those pointless things into perspective. :)

When I first listened to Two against nature (without knowing the names of the songs) there was that song in the middle with the trumpet solo that immediately caught my attention - I realized that "wow, although I will need some time to fully appreciate it, this song is beautiful". I later learned that the song was called "Almost gothic", and over the next days I put it on my iPod and listened to it almost all the time (and by that I mean ALL the time). I still consider it to be Fagen's greatest, and probably my favorite song of all time.

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 09:46:49 ET
Posted by: NYB, this is the day of the expanding band

Well here we are! This day will be remembered for generations. The day of the VERY FIRST DONALD FAGEN CONCERT IN WORLD HISTORY! Congrats to all those who have tickets for tonight's show in NJ. Looking forward to reading your reviews. Enjoy!

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 09:33:12 ET
Posted by: Jon, @ his yellow stripe

Andy, many here can no doubt empathize with your plight. My battle with the syndrome reached its height the night I came home from a lifeguard gig at a pool party at my local beach club. A pharmaceutical had been employed so that I might be awake for any potential drownings, and from twilight 'til dawn I spun every Dan LP I owned. At that juncture I think there were only 5 or 6.

It would only get worse in the intervening years, what with more Dan and Don releases. Walt's stuff was almost enough to break the insidious dependency. It was only after years of chasing down every live recording, bootleg and suspect, one-off reissue, aided along the way by co-dependent, Joe M. (thanks bro'), was I able to slowly wean myself off an exclusively Dan musical diet. I gradually started listening to artists B + F produced or played with as sidemen. This lead to brief flirtations with such unremarkable and fleeting artists as Rosie Vela, Eye to Eye and China Crises, as well as a deepening involvement with Rickie Lee Jones, Michael Franks, the soundtracks from "Heavy Metal" and "The King of Comedy" films and "Premiere" magazine. When this gave way to tracking down anything Gary Katz ever produced, I knew I had a real problem.

Luckily I was gradually able, with the help of friends who felt compelled to intervene, to open my ears to different artists. Being forced to replace my moldering vinyl faves with their digital equivalents afforded the chance to revisit artists like Yes, Pat Metheny, Zappa, Hendrix and Todd.

As the '80s gave way to the '90s and beyond, I found myself listening to more of so-called alt-country artists and eventually the cycle of addiction would be broken. Or so it seemed. Sure, every few years a new release from Steely Dan or Fagen would cause a relapse but I would tell myself it was temporary and would pass in time.

I considered myself completely "clean" until just a few days ago. I was quite content to listen to any number of iTunes radio stations and Podcasts, satisfied by whatever tunes each dished up. And then "Morph" crawled into my head. And just like Michael Corleone in "The Godfather", I'm pulled right back in.

I have been listening to nothing but the "94.7-The Wave" broadcast since it was first aired, and my worst fear is realized: 33 years down the road, I'm forced to come to grips with the fact that once afflicted, always afflicted. Is it love? Obsession? I don't know but it won't be long before I'm standing up in front of a group of other poor, like-minded lost souls, saying something like: 'I'm Jon, and I can't stop listening to "Security Joan." For the love of God, won't someone PLEASE help me...?'

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 09:24:07 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

By the way.....happy month of Morph to everyone!


Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 09:23:09 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

Andy: I go through that all the time. There is a period of time where all I listen to is SD/DF/WB....and other times where I'm into another genre. The same with shows or activities. When you get in that mode, that's all you want to do. You are definitely not alone.


Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 09:22:10 ET
Posted by: NJ_rx9, NJ

I am planning on going to the New Brunswick show tonight. Any places where people will meet prior to the show for drinks?

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 09:01:36 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu, stoked osominex

Rajah, SteveE: Outstanding discussion. I remember Greg Rolle with the giant Leslie cabinet in Santana. The Yamaha DGX synth keyboard we have is fun - got the weighted keyboard. over 500 sounds...but no faux Rhodes! waaaahhhh!

Roland makes this AWESOME "electric piano" keyboard with a Rhodes channel which unfortunately is out of our price range - sounds unbelievable. Even *I* sound good on it.

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 08:14:04 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

Yeah man that's it, Rolling Stone Records! Gotta make it there soon. As you know, vast parts of Dan Fan Novels take place in Chicagoland so us authors are always looking to soak up more and more local color.

Hey good interview! The clips on Young's site are groove-ation!

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 08:11:47 ET
Posted by: Flipkid, Blue State

RE: The Steely Dan Syndrome

Andy, I kind-of know what you mean, and I too suffer from this syndrome... perodically. I go through these phases where all I can listen to-- car, office, home-- is SD or DF. The music is so damn good, it's hard to "go back" to other music/artists. But I do.

In fairness, I've completely given up on (most) contemporary "pop" music; only jazz and classic songs from The Great American Songbook (Porter, Gershwin, Mercer, Cahn & Van Heusen, etc.) can do it for me any more.

But then I hit my SD phase again; thank God there's such a sizeable SD/DF/WB catalog!

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 07:50:06 ET
Posted by: paul h, driving a compact-priced plastic car

Hey everybody, this might be useful come the tenth:
On, you can listen to previous world cafe shows. The direct link is, but you can also just select "World Cafe" from the 'Programs' drop-down box at the top of the page. Then on the right hand side of the World Cafe page, click 'previous shows', and you can listen to their [what looks like indefinite] archive. On the 10th when the Donald Fagen session is broadcasted, we'll be able to listen via this method. Pretty cool!

Hmm, perhaps this is digest material? Hoops, I'm too lazy to submit it myself, can you add this for me...? :)

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 07:33:28 ET
Posted by: Andy, The Steely Dan syndrome

Hi all,

I would like to discuss something with all of you hardcore Steely Dan fans out there - something I like to call the Steely Dan syndrome. I have a solid background in music; I've been playing classical piano since the age of 5, I've been composing scores for movies and games for about 10 years, I've been writing songs for some major artists and so on. Basically, music has played a very, very big role in my life.

For some reason, it wasn't until about 2 years ago I first discovered Steely Dan. I'm from northern Europe, and obviously the band is not as big here as they are in the US. My first musical encounter with the band was "Countdown to extacy", which had some interesting moments ("Pearl of the quarter", "Razor boy") and inspired me to look further into the band. My next album - "Aja" - made me realize that I was onto something very important, something that would change the way I look at music just like Paul McCartney, Burt Bacharach, John Williams and others had done before.

I now have all Steely Dan and Donald Fagen records in my collection, and I must say that Mr Fagen has become my number one composer/pianist/musician hero. Songs like "Almost gothic", "Green earrings", "Trans-island skyway" - the list could go on forever - simply prove to me that Mr Fagen certainly is the most talented composer of our time, and possibly of all time, at least in his genre (although his "genre" is quite hard to define).

So, what was that "Steely Dan syndrome" thing about? Well, my problem nowadays is that I can't listen to anything else but Donald Fagen's music. I've made a giant playlist of all the SD and DF records, which is the only thing I've listened to over the last months, despite the fact that I have a couple of 1000 albums in my collection. Has anybody else experienced the same thing? Is this Steely Dan syndrome (or should I call it a Donald Fagen syndrome?) spreading? Is it some kind of plague that has been going on for a couple of decades?

Any help is appreciated :)

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 05:37:58 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

paul h: Good points about Morph and Morph(Reprise). The Reprise is just evil.

It turns out that Morph is in the key of G-minor, but Morph (Reprise) starts out in E-minor before it returns to the original key in the chorus and styas there the rest of the song.

The big key change a minor third down is part of what makes i dark and edgy. And then there is of course the edgy guitar, the staccato bassline and the harder snaredrum, and probably a lot of other changes I haven't figured out yet.

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 04:32:44 ET
Posted by: Rajah, -

Oh and I also play the skin flute.

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 03:53:24 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

The title track is just amazing. The chorus blows my mind. And it's so emotional. My absolute favorite.

Tjeck out the way Heringtons dirty guitar is presented in the bridge. It's sort of builds up during the bridge, where you hear more and more of it, and you know something bad is about to happen. Then the solo releases the tension.

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 02:55:42 ET
Posted by: SS, HK

Then there's crappy acoustic pianos vs good ones. And this is coming from a mediocre piano player....

Anyone who hasn't had the privilige of playing a Steinway should do it. It WILL make you a better player right away in the same way that playing a good acoustic guitar will make you better. I'm sure this is oversimplifying...but it's easier for your fingers to move around. The action on a good piano (how long it take for the keys to go down and come back up), and the tone, obviously, are superior. It actually makes you want to play more.

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 02:29:50 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Did I mention how awesome all you guys are? I'm still trying to parse out the foregoing thanks, a lot to process...I only play drums.

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 02:27:35 ET
Posted by: SteveeDan, I love talking about keyboards

This is great, the discussion on the similarities and differences on keyboards. "More Rhodes" is absolutely correct in his descriptions of the various keyboard (pre synth, pre midi) electric keyboards.

Piano, Rhodes, and Wurlitzer are in the same family in that they are percussive instruments. Of these three, the Wurlitzer (from my experience only) has the smallest dynamic range. You can only hit it so hard before there is no appreciable sound difference between hitting it very firmly and pounding the stuffing out of it.

The Rhodes has a wider dynamic range, but the Piano has the widest dynamic range of all three.

The "action" (how the keys feel when you play them) is different among the three keyboards. The Wurlitzer has the least crisp action. A well maintained Rhodes has better action but is significantly muddy when compared to an acoustic piano. The Piano (to this player) is the best of all actions. There is nothing like a piano with great action.

The organ (generic term - specific manufacturers such as Hammond (The B3 is their flagship model), the Farfisa, the Hohner, and then all of the cheezy 1960's style organs has generally the same "flat" feel. These keyboard "manuals" feel light and are "unweighted".

Just as "More Rhodes" said, you get the same sound whether you strike the organ keys lightly or firmly.

The next generation, the midi-synthesisers, expanded the dynamic range on their keyboards, whether the type of key was organ-like or piano-like. Weighted-key keyboards (these are the acoustic piano, Rhodes, and to a lesser degree the Wurlitzer) are my favorite type of synth to play. The reason for this is because my background is purely from the acoustic piano. I almost never played on organs. My musical development (and the physical conditioning attributed to studying and practicing music) was from the acoustic piano weighted key experience.

Though today's synthesisers (Yamaha, Kurtzweil, Korg, Roland, etc.) can be programmed to allow for a wider dynamic range when striking the keys than an acoustic piano can provide, it has been my experience that the acoustic piano's keyboard action is still superior to the weighted-key synthesiser.

The synths with the closest action to an acoustic piano's action that I have played are the Yamaha Motif-8, and some Kurtzweils. Though some of these do get very close, nothing gets right next to the mechanical (think wooden hand-crafted furniture vs. sleek vinyl and modern metal furniture).

The rigurs of playing live and going on the road has made it more practical to bring a reliable weighted-key synth rather than a separate acoustic piano, Rhodes (and/or Wurlitzer), and a Hammond B3 organ. But, if a big act (like our hero Fagen and Steely Dan) has the budget and the roadies to drag all of this stuff to and from each venue, there is nothing better than having all 3 (or more !) of these actual instruments in tow.

The other aspect - amplification is a whole other concept. The organ's amplification cabinet - The Leslie - has that spinning speaker (just as "More Rhodes" has aptly described), there are tube amps (that's the Larry Carlton 335 Guitar sound when amplified), and the modern solid state amps, to name a few.

I hope that I haven't totally bored EVERYBODY with this.

Have a good one - one and all.


Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 02:00:07 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Danny-boy, thank you for clarifying my poor understanding of these instruments. I've got a call into Stevee to further elucidate so I can better understand what and where and whence each family of these keyboard instruments we see and hear come from. To me, this is a very important discussion and I look forward to all the pianists on Blue here to help me to understand.

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 01:24:21 ET
Posted by: and more Rhodes and such,

The big speaker box famously used with Hammond B3s is a Leslie speaker with a rotating horn on the top and a rotating drum around the bass speaker on the bottom.
It's much more complex than a tremolo because the top and bottom rotations are at different speeds and you get cool 3d doppler shifting in the resulting sounds.
The tremolos on the Rhodes and Wurlitzer are more common and are simple amplitude modulation.

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 01:18:01 ET
Posted by: more rhodes and such,

The action on a Rhodes is adjustable just like a regular piano, although the older ones can be harder to make light.
Rhodes, Wurlitzer and Hohner electric pianos need basically a guitar type magnetic pickup on every note to be amplified, and are too quiet acoustically to be heard unless you are alone in a quiet room.
Wurlitzers and Suitcase Rhodes pianos have tremolos built-in, and also benefit from other guitar type floor pedal effects.
Electric pianos are touch sensitive/dynamic while Hammond and other organs are not. One dynamic level on an organ no matter how fast/hard you press the key.

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 01:12:35 ET
Posted by: rhodes and such,

Donald always played the Rhodes on tours since 93. The earliest Rhodes pianos from the 60s were Fender Rhodes, but Leo Fender didn't like them, so in the 70s Harold Rhodes finally had control separately, and so most of these pianos (54key, 73key, 88key) are just Rhodes pianos, skip the Fender.
Wurlitzer and Hohner also made electric pianos, using vibrating reeds rather than tines/tuning forks like the Rhodes (as already mentioned).
I thought Wurlizter organs were huge and only used in roller rinks and movie theaters, and Hammond made the famous ones the Emerson and Jimmy Smith used live. Donald uses lots of Hammond on his records too.
I thought Jeff Young said he would NOT be playing the Wurlitzer.

Date: Wed, March 01, 2006, 01:00:28 ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher, Louisville, KY

Actually Rajah, the Wurlitzer's action is basically a scaled-down version of acoustic grand piano, except the hammers strike a steel reed for each key; the sound is amplified through an electrostatic pickup system. The result is a bit more of a dead blow sort of sound compared to a Fender Rhodes.

The action in a Fender Rhodes is similar to that of an acoustic piano as well: Neoprene rubber tipped hammers strike a metal tine that connects to a tuning fork-like tone generator with felt dampers to control the sustain of the key. The tip of the tine vibrates next to a pickup to amplify the sound. Here's an overview picture of the action in my 1978 Rhodes Mark I Stage 73. If you would like to see how the action really works, I can get you pictures of the parts moving tomorrow.

FEBRUARY 2006 BlueBook Entries.

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