Click for MARCH 2006 BlueBook Entries

FEBRUARY 2006 BlueBook Entries

All Times are Eastern (New York City) Time Zone.

Chat often convenes around 9:00 p.m. NYC time/8:00 p.m. Chicago Time
While there is no set topic, discussion should be vaguely Steely Dan tangential.

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 22:53:24 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Stevee or any pianists abroad, please peruse my post and correct me, did I explain that quite correctly?

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 22:36:13 ET
Posted by: Rajah, L.A.

Awesome, Hoop-dee-Doo, thank you so much.

For those of you who do not know the difference, let's do a little primer between the 'Organ' family, Wurlitzer, Hammond B-3; and the family of true 'Pianos,' regular piano we know but also chiefly the original Rhodes model and later the 'Fender Rhodes,' that being the favorite son of our Great Maestro, Dr. Fagen.

According to my own poor understanding of these instruments, let's draw the distinction right now, it's very simple really, the Rhodes that Donald loves so much is in the true 'piano' family, it is a keyboard whose action which when articulated by the fingers, hammers wires set to varying tensions. There's just one foot pedal for holding and extending the sound.

The Wurlitzer, the Hammond B-3 and others are 'organs' produce sound by means of air moving and blowing through them, like the old church organs we grew up with. They have foot pedals which regulate air flow to certain keys and in blues and rock are generally hooked up to what's known as "Leslie cabinets." The Leslie cabinet is the big boxy thing you see behind Gregg Allman or Felix Caveliere of the Rascals. Basically it's a drum that is revolving in a beautiful wooden box there at varying speeds behind Gregg with air blowing thorugh it which produces an effect known in musical jargon as "tremelo" or what Jeff Young refers to as "temor" in that fantastic interview Hoops just gave us. Remember always that because the piano and Rhodes piano are technically *percussion* instruments, that means something is hammering, beating on another thing. The "organs" i.e., do not, they produce sound electronically. So the piano is a rhythm instrument, the organ is a solo instrument.

Now guys like Warren Haynes of the Allmans and Government Mule also blows his guitar at times through a Leslie cabinet, any electric instrument can I suppose, and they each produce their own characteristic sound effect through it.

So Donald will be playing the Rhodes, a piano (I'm told it really has a hard action, you have to pound it unmercifully) and Jeff Young will be playing a Wurli through the Leslie cabinet. It will be a decidedly different sound than Ted Baker and Donald who are both playing "pianos."

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 20:39:30 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Jeff Young: The Dandom Digest Interview

Tomorrow, March 1, 2006, marks the beginning of Donald Fagen's historic, first-ever solo tour in support of Morph The Cat. Needless, to say, all of us that read and contribute to the Dandom Digest and are sizzling like isotopes at the prospects of the rare Fagen chestnuts this tour will offer, not to mention the fact it is the first in a series of Fagen-, Becker- and Steely Dan-related projects that will come to fruition in 2006 and beyond. These current events mark a new chapter in the long and illustrious run of Steely Dan.

To kick things off here at the Dandom Digest, we have an intriguing, exciting and exclusive interview. Just in the past week, during preparations for Donald's tour, Dandom Digest's Roving Reporter had the great opportunity to sit down and chat with Jeff Young in New York City. Jeff has been endorsed by Donald to play keyboards and contribute his soulful vox to the DFB'06 shows starting tomorrow night. In addition to being a member of the Donald Fagen Band 2006, Jeff Young is the only musician currently performing with Donald who was also part of the exciting early 1990s New York Rock and Soul scene from which the Moderne Steely Dan evolved. And to top it all off, Jeff is releasing his own album, Songs From a Red Wurlitzer and below we tell you how to purchase an autographed copy and even meet Jeff.

Last week, Jeff spoke with the Dandom Digest about all this and more.

DANDOM DIGEST: What part of New York did you grow up in?

JEFF YOUNG: Westchester County.

DD: So you just put the finishing touches on your new record Songs From a Red Wurlitzer. And then BOOM! Right on the road with The Donald Fagen Band...

JY: I'm very happy to be working with Donald. It's kind of a separate thing but my making a record is a continuation of why I got into music in the first place because I have always been a writer and a player. I've always been a songwriter myself and I am still trying to stake a claim to a certain thing that I think is unique with me, you know? Even though I have worked with Donald, Sting and Jackson Browne, Tracy Chapman.people like that, there's still something I want to say that I think is worthy and different from all
those people.

DD: Tell us more about your new record Songs From a Red Wurlitzer. Is this your first release?

JY: I've actually made two or three records...or actually four.and they are all very different, But all my songs are influenced by vintage rhythm and blues.

DD: If people want to get your albums, is there a way to do that on the Internet?

JY: It should be available on and possibly in March or April. They are still being manufactured but they will also be available through my website,

DD: Now on your record, since I haven't seen the liner notes, do you have people playing on it that you've met while playing with Sting or Donald or Bonnie Raiit or anybody like that?

JY: First off, all the songs were written on a Wurlizter piano. It's produced by the bass player in my band in L.A., who's originally from Sweden. His name is Jorgen Carlsson.We met backing a singer named Earl Thomas who is a great blues singer originally from Memphis. And it was just something about the way Jorgen and the drummer Eric Eldenius played that fealt good to me .As we played more we turned into a band.I can trust these two guys for their input and frienship. Steve Ferrone was also an important part of this CD as well.

DD: What genre of music would you classify Songs From a Red Wurlitzer?

JY: It's where rhythm and blues and rock meet.Add a little Ray Charles.

DD: I know you used to go the Apollo Theater in Harlem when you were younger to see a lot of shows.

JY: Yeah. The shows I saw at the Apollo were the ones my Dad used to bring me to when I was eight through maybe 14. We saw James Brown,Motown Revues etc.. One of the best concerts I ever saw in my life was a Sunday matinee with Sly and the Family Stone and Redd Foxx. And there wasn't more than 50 people there. Jackie Wilson,Bobby Bland and Sam Cooke.

DD: Didn't you work on the theme song for the hit TV show "Ally McBeal"?

JY: I worked on it with Vonda Shephard. I was part of her band for a while and Vonda also worked with Jackson Browne

DD: And how long were you with Jackson Brown?

JY: I still play with Jackson whenever he decides to do something with the band. It's been about 12 years off and on.

DD: Wow. Good gig for you, huh?

JY: Yeah, he's a good man. I gotta say he's one of the best. Some people you work are done with you after the tour . But Jackson is about as close to a true friend or family considering that basically I am an employee. I learned alot of things about life and song writing from Jackson.

DD: How long were you with Sting? What tour was that?

JY: I came in as a sub for Jason Robello on the "Brand New Day" tour.

DD: I thought you had taken Kenny Kirkland's place after he passed away.

JY: No. Jason was working with Sting after Kenny's passing.

DD: Tell us how you became involved with "The Gospel at Colonus"?

JY: Well that's actually how I met Donald, through Bob Telson,You never know how one gig can lead to another one.

DD: I came across some old pictures about a month ago in an old scrapbook and you were in one of the original "New York Nights" shows when it was "Libby Titus's New York Nights" with Dr. John, Jerry Jermott, etc.

JY: Yeah that was fun because Donald was covering his favorite old R&B songs.

DD: And I have a picture of you.and there's Mindy Jostyn and Bonnie Raitt and Paul Griffin and I can't remember who the drummer was but it was a sick band!

JY: I can't was...oh...

DD: Buddy Williams?

JY: Buddy Williams, exactly.

DD: What was it like playing with the very first New York Nights shows in the beginning?

JY: I had just met Donald and I could tell right away that he's a pretty private guy. But he also wanted to explore and play with other musicians.

DD: That's how your band at the time "Curious George" came about?

JY: No, that's not how Curious George came about. Curious George played with Donald later which happened as a result of a benefit we did with Donald for Leroy Clouden. But basically the whole thing with New York Nights was Donald wanting to play live.

DD: He wasn't really interested in the scene back then.

JY: I think he was tired of only doing things in the studio. It was something he wanted to explore, playing with different musicians. He wanted to see what was happening and I think he found out that there were a lot of people that wanted to play music with him. All he had to do was show up.

DD: Yeah, but nobody knew he was playing out at that time.

JY: But every musician and every guitar player in New York wanted to play with Donald.

DD: They still do! (Laughs) Especially guitar players! What is it with guitar players? Is its all those great guitar solos?

JY: Yeah. It has a lot to do with that.

DD: Tell us Jeff, are you the only person in the band who didn't play on the record (Fagen's Morph the Cat)?

JY: Probably yeah. I think everybody else is on the record. One of the reasons I am here is Catherine Russell. She and I were working with Jackson Browne. Catherine is someone I have worked with for many years and she is one of my favorite singers. She's got a special voice. If am asked to choose a singer to work with, I'll always pick Catherine Russell. And it came up in Jackson Browne's band because he always interested in a female singer that could play some percussion too. I didn't even know Catherine was playing percussion until I saw with Cyndi Lauper. So I told Jackson about Catherine.

So fast forward; we're doing these shows-"Voters for Change" with Jackson, Bonnie Raitt, and Keb Mo, trying to get Kerry elected when he was running for President. Trying to change the guard-which obviously didn't work-but those shows were really good. And Bonnie Raitt asked Catherine and I what else we had done. So we talked about New York Rock and Soul. And Bonnie said, You know, I was just asked to sing in a new version of that.

DD: This is before the idea of the Donald Fagen solo tour?

JY: Yeah.

DD: I remember the shows at Hades like it was yesterday. Before Donald would come on you opened up with this Marvin Gaye song, I can't remember the name. The lyrics were about
"throw up my hands"?

JY: Oh, "Inner City Blues."

DD: You sang the hell out of that.

JY: That was always my feature song with Vivino even though I used to mix up the verses.

I did perform with the Little Big Band. A bunch of people sat in. I thought about how much fun New York Rock and Soul was.I thought it would be good to be part of that again. So I called Donald and left a message saying if you are thinking about doing this again I'd like to play in the band.I got a call from his management asking my availablity to tour after Donald's new CD release. I was delighted. Sometimes a phone call (can make a difference.)

DD: Do you feel you are a better vocalist or a better keyboard player?

JY: I'm probably in some ways a better keyboard player, but I let my vocal inform or lead what I am doing. At some point some time ago, I became less interested in being a dazzling jazz piano player in favor of writing good songs .

DD: So if you had a choice, sing or play?

JY: Probably sing. But I wouldn't be the same singer if I wasn't a keyboard player.

The Wurlitzer electric piano is not that big of a deal for most piano players. it has limits but it makes the simplest things sound good.It's a different instrument. Listen to Donny Hathaway, Ray Charles, Billy Preston. Soul is somehow built into the wiring.

DD: So how does it differ from the Fender Rhodes which Donald likes to play? What's the difference in the sounds?

JY: Theres a big difference, the Fender Rhodes has more keys, different sound,different vibrato too but the early fender
rhodes sound more like wurlitzers to me. It's like the first electric guitar was not a fender Strat,but as we know later it became
the guitar of choice.So the fender rhodes replaced the wurlitzer electric piano but once I got one,I liked it a little more.

DD: Are you going to use it on the tour? Because it's really on the album.

JY: No. There's definitely some on the album, but that's not the focus of. In fact, I would like to hear Donald play the piano too. He feels that the Fender Rhodes is his main instrument. And I feel the same way about the Wurlizter. It's somehow kinda like your best friend.

DD: When will Songs From a Red Wurlitzer be out? Before tour begins?

JY: It's being manufactured right now. They should be available on, or directly through me at

DD: Anything else you want to say about your record?

JY: Well it involves a lot of talented people in L.A. I don't think it's your typical L.A. record but there's some pop elements that people may have heard elsewhere. All I'm trying to do is make an alternative rhythm and blues CD. There's quite a bit of slide guitar on it. There's horns on it. There's a lot of great drummers on it too. Jorgen Carlsson role is huge on this CD.

DD: Who would your influences be?

JY: Definitely Ray Charles, Donald, Robert Cray, Bob Marley, Sam Cooke

DD: How do you like the Donald Fagen song about Ray Charles? ("What I Do")

JY: It's great! I've got one on my album too, "Brother Ray."

DD: I was going to say."Brother Ray."

DD: I wonder if Donald picks up the Ray Charles vibe with you.

JY:I think he likes alot of singer/piano players. Well, you know what? I'll tell you when it hit me that Donald might really like Ray Charles. I saw a Steely Dan live DVD and Donald had the sunglasses on and he was rocking back and forth very much like Ray Charles.

DD: Fans have made the comparison in his rocking and swaying back and fourth. He feels the music. He feels it the same kind of way Ray did obviously.

JY: I gotta tell you, Ray Charles was really important. For a lot of reasons.

DD: You are in the middle of rehearsals. How is the band sounding for the Morph The Cat tour?

JY: Fantastic! It's really a great band. Everybody's great and everybody's very professional.It's soulful but it's also very strong in a jazz sense. And you realize that Donald's written all these great songs. There's no such thing as a bad Donald Fagen song, really.

DD: That's true.

JY: From any era.

For those of you attending the Donald Fagen Band 2006 shows, If you would like to purchase Jeff Young's new Songs From a Red Wurlizter, scope out Jim McKay (aka hoops) or Pete Fogel before or after the shows. They will arrange for you to meet Jeff, purchase your copy of the CD and have him autograph the CD as circumstances permit.

This interview above ©2006 Dandom Digest & The Roving Reporter. All rights reserved.

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 20:24:07 ET
Posted by: ,

Rajahh - too f*kkingg funnyy!

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 20:16:05 ET
Posted by: SouthOfHollywood, Fu*k & Wagnalls

As usual, you Turbinista, a dose of humour in these very trying times of Don-ciphering...Can't wait to see you at the Beacon...

BTW...I hear the bomb drop too, although the lyrics to "Brite Nitegown" posted earlier today sure remind me of some trips I used to take back in day...You know...The ones where you never left the couch?...Call the Doc, Raj...20 MG of Chronax at Will Call...STAT


Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 19:49:44 ET
Posted by: Rajah, I figured it all out

I used my fool-proof method for figuring out lyrics again and the line is, "You know I'd love to f**k you, Security Joan." And if you employ my method you will hear Donald saying 'f**k' no less than 38 times on this album, it's true.

Here's the real track list, turns out we got those all wrong too, it's:

F**k the Cat
What I F**k
Brite F**kin Nitegown
Great Pagoda of Fu*KK
The Night Belongs to F**king Mona
F**kin Security Joan
Mary Shut the F**king Door
F**k the Cat (the f**kin reprise)

We can all now move on...

And Donald says his fans are now a higher class of psychos. We're the same old psychos, Maestro, just older and deafer.

Baba Fuckin' What? Rajah

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 19:49:28 ET
Posted by: mt,

you know I love that about you??

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 19:48:49 ET
Posted by: HeyMike, bunker that my dad built'sPub/Miller'sPub.htm


Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 19:33:34 ET
Posted by: paul, driving a compact-priced plastic car

Rag, Jeez, I've listened to Joan 10 times according to iTunes (plus probably another dozen in the car), and I cannot figure that line out!! The best I've come up with is "I love that curfew", but I don't think that's it, for some reason. I know it's not "I love, love, love you" there are some distinctly unrepetitive sounds coming off in that line. Eek! This is driving me insane! But it's fun to guess, I think sometimes we come up with better lines than are intended. :)

June 10 is coming up soon too, EMG's 3rd birthday and my 19th! Yay!

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 19:13:33 ET
Posted by: Boston Rag, still at work....

Happy 6th year anniversary to "Two Against Anniversary"! Six years! Where did the time go?

Hey - does anybody know who produced Morph The Cat? Was it just Don?

Also, anybody answer that Security Joan lyric question - "You know I love --- ----- ----- Security Joan". It's not love,love, love you.

Mark in Boston

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 19:11:52 ET
Posted by: SteveeDan, How's yer old man ?

Little Wild One - You're right. My brain didn't retain enough of our conversation but you jogged my memory alright. My mention of a Don-Fest was never meant to be in opposition of or competition with anyone else's Fest. In fact, all I really want to do is just to get a chance to meet some of you crazy cats of morph.

Hoops - I forgot to follow up with the "registry". We're re-vamping our website and have an extremely talented webmeister who is re-designing things and adding new features and capabilities. I will be sure to send him the information so that we can get our berth at the Webring and in the LA DanFest listing.

So the "Kick-off" is tomorrow night ?!?
Hard to believe.

Here we go again - - - !!
(Break a leg Donald.)


Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 19:05:29 ET
Posted by: The Doctor, Portsmouth, England

Jim/Hoops (Please delete as appropriate),..Many thanks for the info, you just call the location, and I'll be there..would be nice to say hello again...did briefly at the Boston Danfest August 2003...but I bet you left a greater impression on me than I did on you ! Keep up the good work mate and look forward to sharing a beer soon !

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 18:53:38 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Hey "The Doctor" looking forward to seeing you but I was talking to Miller's Bar in Chicago and they probably won't have room for us. Looks like the Mexican place on Lake between Michigan and Wabash. See you there.

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 18:39:35 ET
Posted by: The Doctor, Portsmouth, England

Hey, anybody up for a countdown ? Here in the UK, it's 23 minutes before 01 March 2006. Not only the day that Donald's tour start's but also for the Welsh minority amongst us, St. David's Day. Can I therefore be the first to wish all my reader's a very dydd gwyl Dewi hapus ! See you all in Miller's Bar, Chicago 17/18 March boys and girls. Be lucky !

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 18:35:25 ET
Posted by: angel, Deals with 4 letter words all day

I'm with ya Rajah. Sounds like he says it to me, too.

But hey, what do we know. :-)


Speaking of things that cross my desk. You would not believe the reading material I get on the Monty Python shows currently airing. ;-)

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 18:30:32 ET
Posted by: hoops ,

Hey it's "Mary-SHUCK-A -GAH-DIN-DAH"!!! How many times do I have to say so! Ask Freud! I was going to put up three images to illustrate that title: The Virgin Mary, Chaka Khan and a map of Canada. Whoaaa!

PQ: I'm not sure where the tangent on your last post came from but you mentioning "Brown line" and hand painted signs only reminds me of one place in Chicago—actually Norridge, IL—Rolling Stone Records, 7300 block of West Irving Park. They had a 100'+ banner for 2vN (I have a shot of that somewhere) and hand-painted signs they switch out depending on what's new. For EMG they had a yellow and blue sign which simply said, "Steely Dan, Everything Must Go." It was about 8' X 8' but it has since been replaced by signs for newer releases. They have all this Sunset Strip kind of oversized record ads that are 8' X 8' on the outside. The store is not at the Brown line (1800 W, real Chicagoans call it the Ravenswood L) but the store is in fact far away at about 7 miles straight west of the L line. It's a funny place, pretty huge, mostly a head banger place (used to be a head shop in the 70s, and the clerks have an decidedly un-Chicago attitude in the worst way. They also seemed to get pissed off at artists and drop whole sections: No Michael Brecker. I hope this was vaguely entertaining.


Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 18:22:27 ET
Posted by: Sheckky Fagen, funniest I've ever heard Cousin Don

At long last, Fagen puts the 'Cat' out
Steely Dan founder releases first solo album in 13 years


March 1, 2006

Donald Fagen makes and releases solo albums on a timetable more familiar to comet-watchers than observers of pop's hectic rush. Working in the off portions of Steely Dan's four decades of on-and-off-again existence, the Grammy-winning singer-keyboardist from Passaic, N.J., has come up with three albums in 24 years, and that's stretching it, since "Morph the Cat" (Reprise/WEA) won't be out until next week. At this rate, the Fagen section in CD stores will not expand again until 2017.

Reached by phone during rehearsals for a March-long tour, Fagen, 58, says the three albums form a trilogy.

"It's nothing premeditated. I tend to [make records] after I'm in some other next phase of life and have something to say about it. When I did my first album, 'The Nightfly,' in '81, I wrote a couple of songs and realized they were an adolescent's look at the world, so I just kept writing songs like that. When I had enough to fill ... 45 minutes, because it was a vinyl record, I was done. The same thing happened with my second album, 'Kamakiriad,' in 1993. That was really about midlife. At that point, I figured I should write a third album about the end of life. Only this time, I had to fill an hour because it's a CD."

Stylistically, "Morph the Cat" doesn't stray far from Steely Dan's pretzel logic: exquisitely clear production of genial funk, jazz and soul stylings with wry, literate lyrics in narrative frames, fragments of short stories told from surprising points of view. "What I Do," for instance, offers a young man's dialogue with the ghost of Ray Charles. "Mary Shut the Garden Gate" is a response to the 2004 Republican convention, and "Security Joan" is about finding romance with an airport guard.

Their "unstable" persona

Indeed, Fagen says women are what differentiates Steely Dan from the solo albums he and his partner, bassist-guitarist Walter Becker, make. "We both have families and wives and everything. Steely Dan is guys without girls. The collective persona that we unintentionally developed is a guy who's talking to the guys, except once in a while, he breaks down and you get to see that he's unstable. Kind of like Dick Cheney. Every once in a while, he takes a shot in the bushes without knowing what he's shooting at."

Becker, who produced Fagen's second solo record, has no role on "Morph the Cat," but there's no gauging that impact. Fagen says: "We started working together when we were young and developed a style together. On my own, I'll sometimes say, 'Hey, Walter, what do you think about this?' and there's no answer. It's very frightening." (Yet Becker found it lonely writing songs on a computer for his first solo project, "11 Tracks of Whack." "But it got a little better as I went along, especially after I started calling the computer Donald.")

Dentists will rejoice

While voters get the politicians they deserve, bands can attract audiences they don't always expect. "When Steely Dan started out, we had a more normative band ... So our fans were the usual bunch of psychos, just normal rock fans. The sort of psychos we have now are a much higher class of people." A wry tone creeps into Fagen's voice. "A lot of dentists. Every time I go to the dentist in any city, they've always got plenty of Steely Dan records to play while they're drilling your teeth and producing pain. Whole dental colleges run on Steely Dan music."

He's kidding, and chuckles at a joke about the music's possible anesthetic effects. He takes in stride a suggestion Steely Dan's marriage of jazz and pop could have - by the removal of irony and intelligence - mutated into smooth jazz. "I'll publicly apologize for that if you want. It's certainly nothing we intended."

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 18:06:04 ET
Posted by: Rajah, who the f?

Your very welcome, old fruit, glad you could join us, who was he?

Where is that Newsday, the Long Island newspaper? Slap that on here, sunshine, this Donald Fagen has grown one big set of stones here in his silver years.

Bravo D!

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 17:51:41 ET
Posted by: Mark, UK

I enjoyed the time i spent on your
website, thank you very much for that. catherine gibbs school

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 17:48:06 ET
Posted by: mt,

Wow, he's really opening up...

Come to think of it, the shooting was somehow a Dan moment!

From Newsday:


Indeed, Fagen says women are what differentiates Steely Dan from the solo albums he and his partner, bassist-guitarist Walter Becker, make. "We both have families and wives and everything. Steely Dan is guys without girls. The collective persona that we unintentionally developed is a guy who's talking to the guys, except once in a while, he breaks down and you get to see that he's unstable. Kind of like Dick Cheney. Every once in a while, he takes a shot in the bushes without knowing what he's shooting at."

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 17:47:45 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Paul, get your post-adolescent head out from between those speakers this instant, young man, you'll loose all hearing above 125 decibels when you get to be my age. Do what I did, turn your rigg up to 11, go into the next room and when it comes around to the line in question, hold your hands over your ears and yell, "FUUUUUCCCCKKKK!!!!" That's how I figured it out.

Our boy genius has a lot to learn about formulating independent opinions, fair and balanced.

What? OK, thought I heard something.

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 17:34:43 ET
Posted by: paul, driving a compact-priced plastic car

I think 'Who Are You' by The Who was top 40, it had 'Who the fuck are you in it'
And didn't 'Pigs (Three Different Ones)' by Floyd hit it big on the charts also? That has 'Fucked up old hag', though you wouldn't know it unless you read the lyrics.

Neither of those songs are played on the Easy-Listenin' Soft Jazz stations, however, which is perchance how this has become such a debate. Despite the what 'official' lyrics say, I think Don does definetely use the explitive in question. I stuck my ears between two big speakers to make sure. Though, that might have distorted the sound, too... Hmm. If it is 'From the fella' Donald does a mighty good job of hiding the 'r', and then making the 'm' sound like a 'k' sound.

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 17:22:26 ET
Posted by: Miss Sakamoto, failing you in audiology

Do not make honorable urination down my back and tell me its raining, as Tokugawa Isagami used to say, honorable Science Department all agree, it's fucky-fucky.

Mashugana, we not so certain about. Stay tune.

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 17:21:21 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

He's hearing, "Mashugana" of course.

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 17:21:16 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

Yeah Jim I'm still looking for the record store where the guy paints his own signs, is it off the Brown Line or where is it?

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 17:17:39 ET
Posted by: Little Wild One, Green times

Misheard lyrics is one of my favorite SD games to play!

I'm thinking "shoulder girl" (which I heard) is akin to eye candy....and someone needs to translate hoops' Maryshugandah into some creative Yiddish derivative.

Didn't Third Eye Blind have a top 40 song with the words "fucked up" in it?

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 17:04:40 ET
Posted by: The CORRECT lyrics, were posted at

Tues, February 28, 2006, 11:23:25 ET

Can we please drop the "fuck"?


Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 17:02:22 ET
Posted by: Rajah, Cobra Gunship for his golden boy, Hello Kitty for his pride and joy.

I don't care what the liner notes and stuff say, the lyric is
"Fuck the fella, in the brite nitegown"

...or my name isn't the Rajah of Erase, which, a course, come to think of isn't.


MTC is indeed much more personal than anything Dan but Walter's record is even more personal than Donald's.

Mister Steely Dan however is one cold, impersonal sonofaBee, self-centered, heartless, devious, egocentric, relentless, exacting, perverse and cruel which explains all the rest of you but what the hell am I doing here?

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 16:50:33 ET
Posted by: SoulMonkey, The Ville

Hoops, Freud would have a field day with Sir Donald. Funny enough, I have a maltapoo named Freud. "Fuck" is what I'm hearing at high volume. It would serve me correct to make a bad call on this, but I'm hoping Donald still has enough fight to cuss. After listening several times, I know he does.

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 16:49:26 ET
Posted by: Alex Trabeck,

"Sniz-pouch" is correct!

Next selection please: Donfest Smackdowns, Dirty Lyrics that Bug Us or Where on Earth Is Peter Q?


Oh, I'm sorry, that's the end of DoubleDan Jepardy, we'll be back with our final Jepardy answer right after this word from Patton's Kiss and Tell, so your honey looks super-swell.

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 16:44:33 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

Raj, Walter is good with words, but this album is so much more personal than any Steely Dan album. That's a quality too.

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 16:42:10 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Soul Monkey: It's too bad Freud isn't around to analyze your interpretation, "FUCK the fella in the brite nightgown." (Just kidding...maybe... )

fp and pq: "I wait all night for calls like these..."

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 16:39:13 ET
Posted by: Pam, Fagengruven

Picked this off Reuters: According to Warner Bros. VP of marketing Eric Fritschi, the label will sweeten the pot for digital retailers by offering "Morph" with a bonus cover of Al Green's "Rhymes," produced by and featuring Todd Rundgren. Cell-phone ringback tones are also available for "H Gang." Fritschi says, "This is where rock and pop and mellow music can really work well together, because it's 30 or 40 seconds (of music) instead of just five or six."

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 16:39:06 ET
Posted by: Contestant,

Alex, what is a sniz pouch?

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 16:33:46 ET
Posted by: Alex Trabeck,

Contestant: "Ahm, I'll take body parts for a hundred, Alex."

Alex: "This bulbous dangly bit hangs down between two occasionally swolen glands."

Remember your answer must be in the form of a question...

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 16:32:00 ET
Posted by: SoulMonkey, The Ville

After close inspection, Donald definetly says "FUCK the fella in the brite nightgown"

There's no doubt about it.

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 16:29:02 ET
Posted by: Frank, USA

Hello, a really interesting experience to visit your website. croscill comforter set

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 16:29:00 ET
Posted by: Frank, USA

Hello, a really interesting experience to visit your website. croscill comforter set

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 16:19:08 ET
Posted by: paul, driving a compact plastic car

Hahaha. Finally some childish bickering that makes me laugh! :D

Hoops, speaking of "Maryshuckagahdindah" my mom, even though she knew the title was "H Gang", thought the song went "Here comes the H Train".

It took about a dozen plays before I can even get half the lyrics to the Morph title track worked out. I'm glad whoever you are cleared up the F-bomb discussion, but otherwise I would have been happy to wait for the lyrics in paper form. It's not THAT big a deal.

Hey wait, don't VIP ticket holders get copies of the album? NO FAIR!!! Even if you did have to shell out $150!!

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 16:11:30 ET
Posted by: Gene Rayburn, that Mona sounds niicce

You guys really make me laugh. First, we have Dueling for Don-fests, then, Name that Wedding Gift, followed closely by Copyright-tration and Namedroppers with PQ.

I'll take LWO for $200 on winning the post Don-fest sweepstakes!

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 15:58:17 ET
Posted by: fp, ny

Peter Q- I haven't been to the Yellow in years. If I want to catch up on current events I'll watch CNN. If I want to hear a lot of bull shit I'll talk to you. I'll meet you tomorrow night and we'll see if you can put your money where your big mouth is!

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 15:54:08 ET
Posted by: Pam I Am, Charlie Tokyo's

Yep, dem were the days :) Very excited about tomorrow night - shoot me an email dude. You too, FP!

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 15:45:22 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

LOL Pam! I remember the great chats we used to have in the Green a couple of years ago. Still got that cool edge huh?

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 15:37:06 ET
Posted by: Pam, Schedule C

Peter, you're so blase! IF you don't have a meeting?!? I'll be there IF I don't have a heart attack, IF I don't go into labor (well...), IF I don't get hit by a train, or shot by Dick Cheney!

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 15:36:46 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

LOL! A kid who reads the Yellow but doesn't post because you have to identify yourself! LOL!!!

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 15:33:06 ET
Posted by: fp, ny

Peter Q- Give it up man . You're a putz. Since St.Al isn't even going to one show his endorsement of your bogus book means nothing. So I guess if you're friends with the whole band you'll have free seats? I guess we'll find out tomorrow night you big bag of wind.

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 15:27:40 ET
Posted by: hoops ,

Thanks SO MUCH for reminding us, Wing Dinger...That would be another option for splitting Wind Ding hosting responsibilities without splitting the group.


Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 15:22:15 ET
Posted by: Wingdinger,

Hoops since you brought it up, I think people should not forget about possible AFTER SHOW Danfests. Most of these theaters are smack dab in the middle of the cities (walking distance to bars/restaurants/etc). I would imagine people would like to hook up after the show as well (probably even moreso!). Just a thought.

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 15:17:44 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

I might stop by if I don't have a meeting.

This young boy must be the only regular here who hasn't met me yet. Just shoot me your email and I'll send you copies of all the interviews I had with folks in Don and Walt's band last year. LOL!

PS - You think maybe Donald Fagen knows who Paul Motian is?

Don't forget, St Al himself says, "Every Steely Dan Fan should read this book!"

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 15:15:02 ET
Posted by: Not a Wurlizter player, Question

Would it be correct to say that a Wurlizter Organ as a certain type of "tremor?" Or is there a word similar to that in relation to the sound quality of a Wurlizter?

Thank you.

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 15:08:27 ET
Posted by: More Morph Reviews,

Guitar One Magazine:
4 out of 5.
Mention Jon H., Herb Wessel, Frank Vignola (vibrato solo in Morph reprise) as soloists, and the "Moment of Truth" is Krantz solo in Brite Nitegown.

Bass Guitar Magazine:
Positive review. Something like: 'How cool does someone have to be to wait 13 years between solo records and sound like they picked up where they left off? Cool may as well be Fagen's middle name'. Then some kudos to Ready Freddy.

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 14:56:02 ET
Posted by: Matthew, UK

I think you had got a great idea to make
your website, it is fantastic, congratulations. concert ticket mariah carey

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 14:39:36 ET
Posted by: hoops ,

Just a suggestion, if you are looking to sell tickets, discuss Danfests or see who might be going to a show, a good option is to contact the local Dandom list associated with the show. For example, email nyc AT dandom DOT com to contact Danfans in the NYC Tri-State area. You do have to sign up because we've had spam problems. See for more info and to sign up.


Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 14:34:15 ET
Posted by: fp, ny

I'll be at the first show in NJ tomorrow night. Hoops, looking forward to finally meeting you!

Peter Q will be there? I can't wait to meet this clown. Let's see what kind of VIP status he will have. I mean he talks a big game.

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 14:27:01 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Regarding lyrics and to those who don't want to see them, there's not much I can do in certain ways and yet I also have some reminders and boundaries for those who do post them.

At least to a big extent, those who don't want to see them will have to scroll by. It will get worse for you types starting tomorrow night when people start posting the set lists from the shows. Posting of set lists are encouraged here. An alternative to accommodate those who don't like SPOILERS and wish to avoid knowing what is played in advance is to sign up for the Dandom Digest at since such SPOILERS--Lyrics, set lists, etc--are put in a separate section in each Dandom Digest.

First of all, some parts or all of the songs have been played in publicly sanctioned venues and outlets, so if people want to offer their interpretations of what Donald is singing, that is fine. I know it's hard for those who don't want to see them until the album is available for their purchase, but it is a fact that some of this is out there for discussion. Since we don't have official publication yet on the what the lyrics are, I find it kinda fun. If i didn't see the title first, I would think Donald is singing in the clips, "Maryshuckagahdindah"—so I find all this puzzle-solving to be amusing and certainly shouldn't be off limits.

At the same time, it seems that some of you have access to these recordings and lyrics. My understanding is that if you do at this point, it's under "non-disclosure"—that is you are not supposed to give the official copyrighted lyrics in public or post them to sites or share them or you will be busted and the Blue can even get caught up in that. So that can't be supported here.

Beyond the legalities, it is the ultimate spirit of this place to offer good will and cooperation to Becker and Fagen and their endeavors so as to encourage, or at least not obstruct, the progress of their creative health and endeavors. So even if someone does have a legal right to offer certain things, I think we also have an obligation to honor Becker and Fagen with respect for any requests they or those acting on their behalf might have and offer very genuine and whole-hearted attempts to honor their wishes or the spirit of their wishes.

Regarding the Danfests, Windings, etc.: The idea is to get people together in person in hopes of strengthening the Danfan community, as well as put a face on some of the names you see here and elsewhere. Sorta like a reunion before a show.

The Danfest and Wingding Registry is simply a listing and myself and anyone associated with doesn't actually sanction, specifically run the events, etc. At the same time there are certain requirements set up so as to avoid confusion or, in rare cases, abuse.

As mentioned and posted, Gail and Sue did indeed announce they were hostessing a Danfest at Pachenga. They contacted me about this right away. There can certainly be more than one Danfest before or after a show. But the thing to keep in mind is that the spirit and intention of these events is optimized when we all pull together. Coming together to meet and interact is what the Danfests are all about. If SteveeDan wants to throw a party, etc at the same time, then that is fine and it can also be listed.

One problem we had since the Danfest registry started is that a number of bands—playing Steely Dan-related or non-SD related music—have requested that all of their performances be dubbed 'Danfests' in the registry. They will send multiple dates or even their whole show schedule as say these shows are Danfests. Such events don't really lend themselves to Danfan socials and dilute the purpose of Danfests. So unless there is a huge consensus of non-band members attending a potential "band-performance-as-Danfest" event, generally, it's shouldn't listed in the Danfest registry.

At the same time know that I will be glad to help people like StevieDan promote their awesome SD-related cover and tribute bands. It's very important what they do and facilitates that. For example, I've been asking StevieDan to regularly email LA at DANDOM dot COM or other lists dedicated to regions where Pretzel Logic is playing; I've also encouraged him to have his band be part of the SD Webring and a bandmate has finally pursued this. I think those two resources are much better for all involved since it allows people who are likely to attend Pretzel Logic band events to be targetted for info. I might point out that Stevie doesn't do this and I wish he would inform fans like this. LA at DANDOM dot COM has well over a 100 Danfans. An occasional (weekly or 2-3 times per month) post at places like the BlueBook are also important because it lets people out of the area know what's going on in case they plan to visit. But repetitive promotion again leads to burn-out and dilution. ALL of this applies to all bands from Amelia Ray's many wonderful venture to several awesome bands in the UK to Pretzel Logic Band to dozens of others. I offer all this simply because I want all facets of the Greater Dandom to have a chance.

Peace out,


Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 14:26:17 ET
Posted by: ,

There sat the Great Caligula,
Munching on leaves of arugula,
Trying to devise a formula,
For catching the Fagen show in Temecula.

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 14:20:50 ET
Posted by: Better still,

There sat the Great Caligula,
Munching on leaves of arugula,
Trying to devise a formula,
For kissing somebody's uvula!

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 14:07:16 ET
Posted by: Pam, making donuts

Any bluebookers besides Hoops and PeterQ attending tomorrow night's show in New Brunswick?

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 14:03:23 ET
Posted by: W.S. Gilbert, HMS Pinafore

There sat the Great Caligula,
Munching on leaves of arugula,
Trying to devise a formula,
For ravishing the peninsula.

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 13:48:38 ET
Posted by: angel,

Night belongs to Mona. Donald does it again. He goes totally out of his vocal range with that harmony section of the song. Wow!

That sunny girl we used to know....

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 13:41:45 ET
Posted by: Kid Clean, Shirking responsibily, again

Just got through with another listen. Mona & Mary are beginning to creep in a little further. Hopefully Walters tape will come in soon, just as anxious to hear that. I'm envious of you going to the show tomorrow, I've got to wait 'til Morph 15th. After hearing all of the songs I'm hoping that more of them get played than I had previously posted. Speaking of set lists, someone should compile of the guesses and see who was closest.

As to later in summer I think I'd rather have a Becker & Fagen show than an SD show, particularly because of the new product out and it would give them a little freedom to strech out a bit more like the 90's shows, maybe even some covers of their favorites.


Tried to come up with something snappy to rhyme with uvula but was unsuccessfula.

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 13:31:54 ET
Posted by: Marcus, UK

Excellent website! Congratulations. bill elliott

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 13:10:47 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

That was artisitic license I was taking, honey, anyway since the doc took away my Stoli, your martini glasses merely festoon the dining room...ah, memories.

Yes indeed, a simulacrum it surely is and very much in the Gilbert & Sullivan vein. I dunno whether it was Gilbert or Sullivan but Walter could come up with something just as funn as:

"Now, landsmen all, whoever you may be
If you want to rise to the top of the tree
If your soul isn't fettered to an office stool
Be careful to be guided by this golden rule
Stick close to your desks and never go to sea
And you all may be Rulers of the Queen's Navy."

Oh, wait a sec, no, that's taken from our President's military record, sorry.

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 12:59:52 ET
Posted by: RJ Squirrel, Up With Lyrics

I wish we had a seperate page with all the lyrics so we could just print them all out.

If you are going to a show you really want to know the words and music before. Nothing wrong with that.

BTW, would it kill DF to put the lyrics up on his site? Jeeeeez.

Also BTW, I tried to get H Gang from a P2P and the damned thing started with a Clinton impersonator followed by an ad! Tricky bastards.

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 12:55:16 ET
Posted by: mt,

"funn" = a mere simulacrum of profound fun or enjoyment

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 12:54:50 ET
Posted by: Little Wild One, hanging with the wolves

Christ, Raj, you're wrong again! I would NEVER give a toaster oven. Way too practical. That was Dr. Death and his Gail.

Although I think we did help carry it up to the honeymoon suite. Close, but no cigar.

But you are right about Walty and the words. And I could hear some of his bass lines on the DF songs. It's shaping up to be a great summer, if I can just get this pesky $65 million defense trial behind me.

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 12:44:26 ET
Posted by: moray eel, missing

The stars are bright tonight
The air is sweet
Though summer's over now
There's a strange new music in the street

You and I
Know the world can't be like this
It's our love that makes it shine

Girl, whatever trouble waits outside these walls
Safe inside this house of light
We make up our own storyline

Around the neighborhood
They stare and grin
As if they live their lives
Just to help maintain the state we're in

But when we fight
Then those hungry wolves close in
We're one thoughtless word away

From poisoned skies
And severed heads
and pain and lies
Who follow me

I'll hold you tight
We'll build a life together
In The Great Pagoda of Funn

This magic soon will fade
Without a doubt
We'll have to work, My Love
Just to keep the flame from going out

'Cause if we fail
Then these walls will fall away
And we'll find we're in the realm
Of psycho moms
And dying stars
And dirty bombs

Who follow me

And hold me tight
We'll build a world together
in The Great Pagoda of Funn


Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 12:43:33 ET
Posted by: Rajah, Funk You

Hi copyrite, I luuuv this album, ya know, it's so...I dunno...

Hey I had a capacola and mozarella sangwich on focaccia bread last nite, I stuck it in the Betty Crocker toaster oven Little Wild One bought us for a very special was yummmy!

The lyrics to Cat are out of the bag and you can't put that pussy back in its box now. Don & Walt skim the seams of words and phrases and they love to make one thing sound like something else. Give us some fucked up music, lads.

Now here's what my Turban tells me and see how much this pisses everyone off:

...these songs are great, they are inspired musical fantasms but guess what? They would have been so much better had Walty helped on the lyrics. Donald is a great conceptual genius but Walter has a facility with language that is outstanding. Just read his musings, they're brilliant and entertaining and it seems to come so easy to him. As good as Donald is with music, Walty is with words.

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 12:20:37 ET
Posted by: "F this",

That's right, the songs are out so why would we want the lyrics posted on an SD guestbook? What "copy rite" is saying is that we should all be more interested in Donald's family tree.

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 12:00:43 ET
Posted by: George, UK

Site was very interesting for me
I wish you and your site everything best! fed

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 11:58:57 ET
Posted by: Little Wild One, the Eagle flies on...Wednesday

Stevee, you nut. You and I even chatted about the preparty at Pechanga and when I mentioned they have local musicians playing there during happy hours and such, you specifically told me you weren't interested in playing pre-DF/WB/SD gigs, as it was like a seminar for you and you didn't want to be distracted.

Having said that, let me take a moment to plug the Temecula preparty (I'm sure it will piss someone off, but then what doesn't?) We're meeting at the EAGLE'S NEST at the casino. My local sources tell me there's a good selection of beer, spirits, lots of room to socialize and a back porch for those who need a little fresh air from time to time. More info coming soon!

And while I'm pissing people off, I for one, appreciate the lyrics. My love of these musicians centers around the articulate lyrics. I feel like I'm in on a private little secret that the rest of the world doesn't know yet...

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 11:45:21 ET
Posted by: paul h, this zombie does impressions

has anybody pre-ordered items from amazon before?
according to my invoice, the expected delivery date is two days after the items are released, and it wont be shipped until the release date. most other places i do pre-orders with (like Best Buy or B&N) ship a product early so it arrives ON the release day. is this true with amazon too, or should i cancel my pre-orders and hook up with best buy? (its only a few dollars extra anyway).

thanks a lot 'lovely'!! you're my hero!

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 11:42:34 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

"For a message board dedicated to such a cerebral band there sure is a lot of banal bullshit posted here"

Copyright: You know....the board is here to discuss the band! This album is surfacing and we are talking about it. As the previous person wrote.....SCROLL. If you see "lyrics", that's a clue to move on. Why is it that hard? And really....this is the wrong place to be when something this wonderful is upon us.

I love this album...I love it...I really do.....I love it.

Is that banal enough for ye? geesh


Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 11:37:21 ET
Posted by: Stevie D, Beantown

Hey Copyright...

You have a choice not to read the board or listen to the clips... So take your whining and b.s. elsewhere...

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 11:29:43 ET
Posted by: No "F Bomb",

copy rite


Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 11:25:22 ET
Posted by: copy rite, laws

Can you guys/gals please stop posting the lyrics! Some of us are actually waiting to buy the album before making old...some of us aren't lisening to the soundbites...because we want to enjoy the album fresh when we first purchase it.....yes it is great to hear that you "love" this album and "this" is my favorite bout telling us Why! For a message board dedicated to such a cerebral band there sure is a lot of banal bullshit posted here

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 11:23:25 ET
Posted by: I Love, this album!

The correct lyrics to:
Brite Nitegown
I dreamed I had a fever

I was pushin one-oh-three

My mom's all upset - cryin' by my bedside

Everybody's prayin' for me

I hear a scratchin at the window

I somehow twist myself around

I realize I'm eyes to eyes

With the fella in the Brite Nitegown

Brite Nitegown

Brite Nitegown

You can't fight with the fella

In the Brite Nitegown

The eagle flys on Friday

My baby wants to bash

I hit the ATM - and march down the street

With a roll of party cash

Right then a couple lit-up brothers

They gently put me on the ground

They do the steal and leave me to deal

With the fella in the Brite Nitegown

Brite Nitegown

Brite Nitegown

You can't fight with the fella

In the Brite Nitegown

Ten milligrams of Chronax

Will whip you back through time

Past Hebrew kings - and furry things

To the birth of humankind

I shared in all of nature's secrets

But when I finally came around

I'm sittin' on the rug gettin' a victory hug

From the fella in the brite Brite Nitegown

Brite Nitegown

Brite Nitegown

You can't fight with the fella

In the Brite Nitegown

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 11:20:30 ET
Posted by: paul h, <-- this zombie does impressions

Thanks Lovely.
Would you mind clearing up the Nitegown F-Bomb discussion, also?

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 11:18:20 ET
Posted by: 3rd world man, The Lion City

Hoops- thanks so much for the links to those recent articles about Donald and his new album

re: Fagen's "politics"- I think hearing Fagen sound off is breathe of fresh air...he's the George Clooney of rock! I love hearing the personal views of celebrities..and how can anyone be suprised that Fagen sounds "liberal"....he is a graduate of Bard College after all and was perhaps close to being a "red-diaper" baby growing up in NY suburbs

re: Elinor Rosenberg Fagen- she was a great light in Donald's life...when you lose your Mom, it breaks your heart.(forever)...I did a search for her on and she seems to have been born circa 1918...and in 1930 she lived with in Queens...he father, Fagen's grandfather, was a Joseph Rosenberg and was possibly from Austria or Hungary...

re: Joseph J.Fagen- he seems to have been born circa 1919 and I believe is still living...I think he was Jewish as well as Elinor and his ancestors came from Ireland/England circa 1880....many of the New jersey Fagens are related to the Fagan's of Philadelphia, who came from Ireland circa 1850....

.Donald is a survivor! It is great to seem him being so active and many other "stars" from the '70s are still putting out anything , let alone some stylish pop on par with Morph????anyone seen Peter frampton latley, Tom Johnston? Don Henley??

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 11:12:23 ET
Posted by: I Love, this album!

OK, I have the liner notes and correct lyrics right here. This is it folks.

Mona's become a child of the night

When she goes out

Its only for bare necessities

She says she's had it up to here with light

While the city sleeps

That's when she comes alive

Yes the night belongs to Mona

When she's dancing all alone

Forty floors above the city

CDs spinnin'

AC hummin'

Feelin' pretty

Sometimes she'll call at some unholy hour

She wants to talk

All of this grim and funny stuff

Then she'll go all quiet in her Chelsea tower

And thats when we wait

To see how the story ends

Cause the night belongs to Mona

When she's dancing all alone

Forty floors above the city

CDs spinnin'

AC hummin'

Feelin' pretty

Was it the fire downtown

That turned her world around

Was it some guy or lots of different things

We all wonder where she's gone

That sunny girl we used to know

Now every night we get the Mona Show

Maybe its good that she's above it all

Things don't seem as dark

When you're already dressed in black

We try not to see the writing on the wall

What happens tomorrow

When the moonrays

Get so bright

When she rises

Towards the starlight

Miles above

The city's heat

Will she fall hard

Or float softly to the street

Tonight the night belongs to Mona

When she's dancing all alone

Forty floors above the city

CDs spinnin'

AC hummin'

Feelin' pretty

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 11:11:45 ET
Posted by: RJ Squirrel, Lyrics

So if you ever see an automaton
In a mid-priced luxury car
Better roll the sidewalks up
and switch on your lucky star

I think...

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 11:08:46 ET
Posted by: Rj Squirrel, Funn?

During the radio debute the other night why did DF make the point, twice, that the "Funn" in "The Great Pagoda of Funn" has 2 N's in it? What is significant about double N in fun? I hope it is not something obvious. If so, flame away.

Trumpetpolice - good call on Royal Scam. Less sax solos on MTC than previous. So far my vote goes to "Mary Shut the Garden Door". Listened to it in the car this morning. Fantastic. I hope he plays it live.

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 10:52:29 ET
Posted by: mt,

They came in under the radar
When our backs were turned around
In a fleet of Lincoln Towncars
They rode to our town

Confounded all six senses
Like an opiate in the brain
Mary shut the garden door
Looks a lot like rain

Mary shut the garden door
Mary shut the garden door

We pounded Rachel's radio
For reports about the bridge
There was nothing on but static
Nothin' in the fridge

We lay there listening to the wind
Whistling through the pines
When we saw the engines idling
Saw the headlights through the blinds

Mary shut the garden door
Mary shut the garden door

Rough dreams
Those voices in the kitchen
I woke up
And sensed the new condition

They won
Storms raged
Things changed forever

Mary shut the garden door

So if you ever so an automaton
In a mid-priced luxury car
Better roll the sidewalks up
Switch on your lucky sta

'cause this zombie does impressions
Not really to amuse
This ballad is for lovers
With something left to lose

Mary shut the garden door
Mary shut the garden door

Mary shut the garden door

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 10:44:36 ET
Posted by: paul h, watching for cats on the wing

It sounds mostly like the F-Bomb to me, but I'm hoping it isn't. At this point, the album is completely inoffensive to the unanalytical layman, and I could show it to whoever I please. It sounds enough like "Fuck" that somebody might cluck their tounge at me, but I'd like to be able to say with a straight face that "the lyrics say it's 'From the fella...'"!

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 10:39:32 ET
Posted by: Sexurity Joan, from the Caves of Altamira

We've pretty much figured out Mona, but I think this is wrong~

"Miles above the cities leap."

I'm quite certain it's "city street." What sense does "cities leap" make?

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 10:38:21 ET
Posted by: mt,

Yeh, it sounds like from, unfortunately.

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 10:34:39 ET
Posted by: Jack, 40 floors above the city

I love this song. Here's what I have scribbled down, the only bit I'm not sure about is {when she rises 'cos the starlight, miles above the cities leap} which was a bit of a guess, only because I don't think he would rhyme street with street.

mona's become a child of the night
when she goes out
it's only for bare necessities

she's says she's had it up to here with light
while the city sleeps
that's when she comes alive

yes the night belongs to mona
when she's dancing all alone
forty floors above the city
cd spinning
a/c humming
feeling pretty

sometimes she'll call at some unholy hour
she wants to talk
all of this grim and funny stuff

then she'll go all quiet in a chelsea tower
that's when we wait
to see how the story ends

'cos the night belongs to mona
when she's dancing all alone
forty floors above the city
cd spinning
a/c humming
feeling pretty

was it the fire downtown
that turned the world around?
some guy, or lots of different things?
we all wonder where she's gone
that sunny girl we used to know
now every night we get the mona show

maybe it's good that she's above it all
things don't seem as dark
when you're already dressed in black.

we try not to see the writing on the wall
what happens tomorrow
when the moon rays get so bright
when she rises 'cos the starlight
miles above the cities leap
will she fall hard or fall softly to the street

tonight the night belongs to mona
when she's dancing all alone
forty floors above the city
cd spinning
a/c humming
feeling pretty

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 10:33:01 ET
Posted by: Security Cat, from the Caves of Altamira

Ok, I'll hold you to your word. :) I cannot see any radio station allowing somebody to air a song with the F-word because then they'd have to deal with the FCC.

BTW, in the last chorus of Pagoda, it's "We'll build a *world* together."

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 10:29:34 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

If that's not Donald saying 'fuck' in the most pointed way, then I'll kiss your uvula.

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 10:18:23 ET
Posted by: Security Cat, from the Caves of Altamira

KDawg, I believe that he says "Fought the fella in the Bright Nitegown," not the F-word.

Also, sorry for the redundant amount of posts (and that accidental double-post). I'll be sure not to do that again.

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 10:16:16 ET
Posted by: paul h, watching for cats on the wing

Looks pretty much right
I'm almost certain "And she's humming" is "A/C humming"
And "had it up to here with life" might be "had it up to here with lies", though your version would make more sense.

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 10:13:48 ET
Posted by: Sorry, my mistake

"Things don't *seem* as dark"

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 10:11:45 ET
Posted by: Security Cat, from the Caves of Altamira

Here's my best guess as to the lyrics to The Night Belongs to Mona~

Mona's become a child of the night
When she goes out
It's only for bare necessities
She says she's had it up to here with life

While the city sleeps
That's when she comes alive

Yes, the night belongs to Mona
When she's dancing all alone
40 floors above the city
CD spinning
As she's humming(?)
Feeling pretty

Sometimes she'll call at some unholy hour
She wants to talk
All of this grim and funny stuff
Then she'll go (?) in a Chelsea(?) Tower

That's when we wait
To see how the story ends

'Cause the night belongs to Mona
When she's dancing all alone
40 floors above the city
CD spinning
As she's humming(?)
Feeling pretty

Was it the fire down town,
That turned the world around?

We all wonder where she's gone
That sunny girl we used to know
Now the night beget the (?)

Maybe it's good that she's above it all
Things don't see as dark
When you're already dressed in black
We try not to see the writing on the wall

What happens tomorrow
When the moon rays get so bright
When she rises towards the starlight
Miles above the city street
Will she fall hard,
Or fall softly to the street?

Tonight, the night belongs to Mona
When she's dancing all alone
40 floors above the city
CD spinning
As she's humming
Feeling pretty

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 10:10:01 ET
Posted by: Security Cat, from the Caves of Altamira

Here's my best guess as to the lyrics to The Night Belongs to Mona~

Mona's become a child of the night
When she goes out
It's only for bare necessities
She says she's had it up to here with life

While the city sleeps
That's when she comes alive

Yes, the night belongs to Mona
When she's dancing all alone
40 floors above the city
CD spinning
As she's humming(?)
Feeling pretty

Sometimes she'll call at some unholy hour
She wants to talk
All of this grim and funny stuff
Then she'll go (?) in a Chelsea(?) Tower

That's when we wait
To see how the story ends

'Cause the night belongs to Mona
When she's dancing all alone
40 floors above the city
CD spinning
As she's humming(?)
Feeling pretty

Was it the fire down town,
That turned the world around?

We all wonder where she's gone
That sunny girl we used to know
Now the night beget the (?)

Maybe it's good that she's above it all
Things don't see as dark
When you're already dressed in black
We try not to see the writing on the wall

What happens tomorrow
When the moon rays get so bright
When she rises towards the starlight
Miles above the city street
Will she fall hard,
Or fall softly to the street?

Tonight, the night belongs to Mona
When she's dancing all alone
40 floors above the city
CD spinning
As she's humming
Feeling pretty

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 09:55:25 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

I don't know if someone has addressed the "F" word in Brite Nitegown...but it sure sounds to me like in

a victory hug
from the fella in the Brite Nitegown.


Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 09:47:00 ET
Posted by: Security Cat, from the Caves of Altamira

Here are the correct lyrics to The Great Pagoda of Funn, barring one line which I cannot make out~

The stars are bright tonight
The air is sweet
Though summer's over now
There's a strange new music in the street

You and I
Know the world can't be like this
It's our love that makes it shine

Girl, whatever trouble waits outside these walls
Safe inside this house of light
We make up our own storyline

Around the neighborhood
They stare and grin
As if they live their lives
Just to help maintain the state we're in

But when we fight
Then those hungry wolves close in
We're one thoughtless word away

From poisoned skies
And severed heads
Who follow me

I'll hold you tight
We'll build a life together
In The Great Pagoda of Funn

This magic soon will fade
Without a doubt
We'll have to work, My Love
Just to keep the flame from going out

'Cause if we fail
Then these walls will fall away
And we'll find we're in the realm
Of psycho moms
And dying stars
And dirty bombs

Who follow me

And hold me tight
We'll build a life together
in The Great Pagoda of Funn

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 09:05:32 ET
Posted by: oleander, kvellin' major


GREAT article in Mar-Apr 06 Performing Songwriter: "Five Minutes with Donald Fagen>" Not on PS site yet, but I figure some of you all get this mag. Talks a LOT about Morph songs, life in & out of Dan, etc. Examples:

(Q) The title for the song "Brite Nitegown" comes from a phrase W.c. Fields liked to use to refer to death. Do song ideas often come that way, where you're attuned to that possibility from something you're reading or a phrase you might hear?

(DF) They do. With that one, I was reading a biography of Fields, and the biographer said that Fields used to refer to death as "the fellow in the bright nightgown." I thought the phrase was good enough that I wrote it down.


(Q) William Burroughs wrote a book called "The Third Mind," where he posited the notion that when two talented people are thrown together, it gives rise to a third spirit. Do you subscribe to that?

(DF) Well, I can only say this: After a while, whenever Walter and I would get together, I think it's true that a collective personality would appear, through the songs, that was neither he nor I, but some kind of other entity that was the narrator of the song. Maybe that's not the case with all of them , but generally speaking that's true. The narrator often has a certain personality that isn't the most likable personality in the world, but it's usually an interesting one.


(DF) To this day, there's a certain type of musician's humor that civilians might not get.


Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 08:00:53 ET
Posted by: paul h, watching the skies

Hmm, I wonder if it was Walter who leaked the Morph tracks to the p2p networks...
Sounds like something he would be quite capable of!

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 06:43:35 ET
Posted by: Pam, yaaawwwnnnn

Just saw a commercial on CNN for Morph the Cat - nice way to wake up :) Tomorrow night's the opener in New Brunswick!

Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 05:18:08 ET

What a great show was that sundaynight on Wave Fm. It really paralised me .It was like a earthshake, a hurricane that cleaned up the mess and blowed up all the commercial shit .

MORPH is a good opener with a great end.

H GANG is clearly the radiofriendly song of the album but is getting better and better the more i listening to it. Great intro,magical mariage between sax and guitar and the rough guitar at the end is awasesom. Is that Jon or Wayne?

WHAT I DO is an absolute Fagen classic. Pure soul and bluesy tune that is progressing second after second. Beautiful background vocals by Carolin that opens heavens door. In that case Don is God!

BRITE NIGHT GOWN. Maybe the greatest surprise of the album in the sense that i never thought this song had such a terrible funkygroove.
This could be the song that Prince never was be able to create.
And what an intro and during the song unexpectable evolutions.
This could be today my little favourite.

THE GREAT PAGODA OF FUNN. I couldn't put this one on cd so i have to wait till the 13th.

SECURITY JOAN is probably one of the strongest ones of the album.It's Funky, fun, sun, optimistic! The little pianobridges reminds me the Segio Mendes Brasil 66 period. Remember Masquenada.
Great guitarsolo. Very original intro.

THE NIGHT BELONGS TO MONA. Honestly, i need some more other listenings.The song is a beauty a jewel but a little bit fragile after have been listening 10 times to Night bright Gown and Security Joan. But a great magistral one.

MARY SHUT THE GARDEN DOOR. This is magic. I have no words for this one.What a ryhtm, what a great accompagnating beat. This is paradise.


I spend the whole mondaynight listening MTC till 4oclock in the morning. Driving on the highway to my work i put the MTC cd.

It's a little bit early but MTC could be a second Nightfly or even better.


Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 02:46:18 ET
Posted by: SteveeDan, At the RSVP Desk (Shaking his head ...)

Hmmm ... let's see what has been said here.
I simply offered a little Don-Fest get-together at the 3 shows that I'm attending.

Here's what was sent back in my direction:
Stevie Don: "You are an egomaniac of self promotion".
Hoops: "Simply calling your band's performance a Danfest (or WingDing) does not make it such."

These two quotes falsely accuse me of promoting my band. I didn't promote my band. I simply put out an invitation and directed people who may be interested to respond using the e-mail on my public website. That's all.

I haven't been promoting my band here in the last 3 months or so (but you all know we're performing at least once a month). We've been so busy setting up our Spring and Summer calendar and playing that I haven't had time to mention them here. You folks are well aware of my absence. Once again, I find myself over a month behind in reading the posts.

Continuing on ...
Little Wild One: "Me and suedave called Pechanga months ago. You boys can fight over the other two."
Very funny LWO. Sorry my friend, I forgot about your Fest. See you there and thanks for the invite.

Then there's Patent This!(Get a load of this guy !): "I mean, really, who would want to go to three consecutive parties hosted by the same group/person"? ... Especially when all three are being organized by Steveedan. Can you imagine how boring just one Steveedan party would be? We would have to hear him rambling on for hours about how great he and his cover band are. Nothing worse than an insurance salesman/wannabe-cover-band-star."

Patent's comments are like a clean version of a Friar's Club Celebrity Roast, and so funny to me, that I just had to list both of his comments in their entirety. If I didn't know better, I'd swear he's one of my good friends from Doctor Wu. That would be perfect.

Despite the current buzz about Fagen's CD and his concerts, and the positive vibe these events created, there is still a negative element present here at the Blue. I don’t see any purpose to it, but, that's not my nut to crack. Hoops is providing this outlet. I respectfully leave it up to him to decide how to deal with it all.

And to my dear friend Rajah - -
First, thank you for sending me the link for the hour-long Fagen radio show. It was great to hear those songs and his commentary. And secondly, I appreciate you defending me to the "few", but you really didn't have to do that. And, even though I think that you might be a little biased towards the Pretzel Logic band, I do appreciate what you have said here about us. Thirdly, no band could ever have a better Master of Ceremonies than we do in you Raj. Now get your lovely wife back to L.A. so that we can perform Your Gold Teeth (I) just for her !!!

Remember - - it was just an invitation. Come if you want to, and if you can’t, we’ll understand.


Date: Tues, February 28, 2006, 00:00:28 ET
Posted by: jon,

Thanks a bunch and yes, these tunes are the nuts. Sorry-watching too much Texas Hold 'Em.

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 23:56:38 ET
Posted by: I Love, this album!

Here you go Jon...

"Security Joan"

Well I guess I needed a miracle

If I was gonna make my flight

I had to get to Gate C13

And it was still way out of sight

But something in my carry-on bag

Ticked off the x-ray machine

Cause then an angel straight from heaven

Asked me to step behind the screen

When I felt her wand sweep over me

You know I never felt so clean

Girl you won't find my name on your list

Honey you know I ain't no terrorist

Confiscate my shoes -? my cell phone

You know I love - love - love you?

Security Joan

I hung out at the Starbuck's

Til just around boarding time

Then I strolled on back to the checkpoint

With just one thing on my mind

She flashed that crooked smile and said

Hon, I believe you missed your flight

I said there's been a minor change of plan

And I'll be stayin' for one more night

I could tell from the way she looked at me

Everything was gonna be alright

Girl you won't find my name on your list

Honey you know I ain't no terrorist

Confiscate my shoes -? my cell phone

You know I love - love - love you?

Security Joan

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 23:42:21 ET
Posted by: Jon, late night yellow stripe

Are there any complete "Joan" lyrics out there yet?

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 23:22:40 ET
Posted by: SteelyDon, I was in heaven last night

Did anybody record last night's show? I would love to get a copy of the Great Pagoda of Funn? Any help?


Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 22:44:54 ET
Posted by: SS, HK

Never mind the missing conga roll in My Rival....whatever happened to the moan at :25 in Ruby Baby ? Can't hear it in the DVD-A mix.

Teahouse solo is a trombone (Birch Johnson).

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 22:42:27 ET
Posted by: Boston Rag, Logan Security

As funny as "Search Me Now" is in Security Joan, I laugh the way DF says "Hey now-ow". At first I though he was trying to come off as uncool now I think he's the character in the song getting a cavity check from Joan. Brilliant!

Mark in Boston

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 22:35:04 ET
Posted by: moray eel, space

Second "chorus" should contain the word "world" instead of "life".


Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 22:34:53 ET
Posted by: trumpet police,

Don't forget the great Randy Brecker solo on Royal Scam and little fills on Babylon Sisters

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 22:26:48 ET
Posted by: moray eel, pagoda

Took a shot at some lyrics:

The stars are bright tonight
The air is sweet
Though summer's over now
There's a strange new music in the street

You and I
Know the world can't be like this
It's our love that makes it shine

Girl, whatever trouble waits outside these walls
Safe inside this house of light(?)
We make up our own storyline

Around the neighborhood
They stare and grin
As if they live their lives
Just to help maintain the state we're in

But when we fight
Then those hungry wolves close in


From poisoned skies
and severed heads


I'll hold you tight
We'll build a life together
in The Great Pagoda of Funn

This magic soon will fade
Without a doubt
We'll have to (work?), My Love
Just to keep the flame from going out

'Cause if we fail
That means worlds will fall away
and we'll ?
and dying skies
and dirty bombs

and hold me tight
We'll build a life together
in The Great Pagoda of Funn


Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 22:16:46 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu,

RJ: Almost Gothic, Teahouse on the Tracks

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 21:48:09 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

Raj...any chance you could hook me up with the last segment involving the tune Morph the Cat reprise? I have the rest of the show.


Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 21:48:00 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

Raj...any chance you could hook me up with the last segment involving the tune Morph the Cat reprise? I have the rest of the show.


Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 21:30:01 ET
Posted by: RJ Squirrel, PA

Listening to the broadcast courtesy of Mr. Rajah. Wow. Love the trumpet solo On Pagoda of Funn. Is this a first? I don't recall a trumpet solo on any previous SD/Fagen. Am I wrong?

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 20:59:21 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu,

Paulie, SoH: Different chords ...kinda sounds like a cat threatening

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 20:09:32 ET
Posted by: Rajah, no escape

Turns out there is something more boring, Patent. You just proved it. Stevee is a very kind and good and decent person, he's an upper to be around and extremely talented. If there is a better Steely Dan band in the USA today, it's only Steely Dan themselves.

I have a pretty good idea who who are and you know exactly who I am. Cut it out.

RJ Squirrel, look in your email.

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 20:08:21 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

And while I was listening, I guess I'm one of the few who still is not hooked on Brite. It has a funky groove to doubt...but the last part where the chorus repeats over and over gets a I'm sure it'll grow on me, but not yet. And are we positive that the F Bomb is being said in that song? I can't believe a "smooth jazz" station would let this go out. The show was they had to know about the F word. And there were a couple of choppy edits during Fagen's DJ'ing as well...kind of sloppy IMHO. Anywhoo....Mona is slowly becoming the must listen so far.


Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 19:52:57 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

I recorded most of the show last night and am enjoy multiple replays! ;) Question: Does anyone have the last bit with Fagen and the Reprise of Morph the Cat? I wanted to edit that on the end so I have the whole show.....I have the end, but it's in the middle of the song. Thanks in advance.


Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 19:15:27 ET
Posted by: Patent This!, Stevee

"I mean, really, who would want to go to three consecutive parties hosted by the same group/person"?

Little Wild One - Especially when all three are being organized by Steveedan. Can you imagine how boring just one Steveedan party would be? We would have to hear him rambling on for hours about how great he and his cover band are. Nothing worse than an insurance salesman/wannabe-cover-band-star.

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 19:03:39 ET
Posted by: RJ Squirrel, Can't Take It Anymore

Very funny on the "uvula" - I admit I had to look that one up. I had a million jokes spring to mind but I got to it too late - would have been piling on.

Anyway, I didn't get the broadcast last night so fuck-it, I'm going the Limewire route. I will buy the CD in any event.

Now if I can just get all the lyrics I still have time to get up to speed before Saturday.

The post that said Morph is the best yet from Fagen got my attention. IMHO "The Nightfly" is just about perfect. I liked it first time I heard it and never get tired of listening to it.

Just an FYI, the "Do You Love Me" line was "watch me now". I remember doing some crazy ass dancing to that number...

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 18:53:44 ET
Posted by: SouthOfHollywood, Spinnin' and Hummin'

"Sinister" is the exact word that came to mind when I heard the intro to MTC Reprise...Nice one, Paulie...

I hear Shanghai in Mary...

Sorry I missed the party last night...Heard it was epic...


Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 18:48:50 ET
Posted by: Kid Clean, still on the clock

Definately a Blues Beach feel to Joan, musically and lyrically. Great guitar solo at about 3:15 starts out sounding like Krantz but I'm not adept enough to tell if its him or Herrington. It kinda sounds like it could have been a Katy Lied outtake, funky 70's feel to a lot of it.

Mary is starting to grow on me a little more, somewhere in there I hear an On The Dunes groove...

Is anyone here going to the Cleveland show?


Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 17:55:32 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

Love that the vocals in Nitegown are doubled in octaves. Both voices part from Don's normal range. Add that to the list of new moves.

Nitegown you like immediately. But it's a simple tune. Hope it lasts...

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 17:20:36 ET
Posted by: Napoleon, "Although I could be Wrong"

Sounds to me like he just repeats: Love, love, love you Security Joan.

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 17:14:42 ET
Posted by: paul h, watching the skies

"Search me now" is delightful.

Q about Joan lyrics as I've only ever been through airport security once,
The chorus line, please fill in the blanks! This is driving me cra-azy!

"You know I love that ____ ____, Security Joan"
What is he saying????

I'm dying to read the lyrics.

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 17:05:15 ET
Posted by: Rajah ,

"Search me now" is a funnier line that anything you'll find on this board. It reminds me of the old tune "Do You Love Me," as covered by the Dave Clark 5, " ya love me, now that I can dance, 2-3, help me now!"

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 17:02:36 ET
Posted by: Napoleon, UK

" me now..." anybody else find that line funny? Some of these tracks sound like they should have accompanying T.V shows! Just imagine Morph the Cat cartoon, Security Joan crime fighting drama, H Gang the Sitcom!

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 16:58:15 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Honey, if you has a nose and yous know where it goes, I don't need to answer that question. ;)

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 16:55:02 ET
Posted by: please, please,

I use my proboscis for all bunging. Hope that works.

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 16:48:45 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Well then bung your Eustachian tube up to my Blootooth and here it comes.

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 16:46:23 ET
Posted by: please please,

Oh Rajah, I would love for you to sing me the songs acapella too! You can clap your hands too if necessary to create the proper groove. No kazoo though.

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 16:42:47 ET
Posted by: angel,

I hated that clip of Brite Nitegown...until now.

Great track!

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 16:34:22 ET
Posted by: Rajah ,

How can you get a sore throat in your uvula? Isn't your uvula in the's nearer the lower...thing, I mean it's nowhere near, no, sorry I'm confused, think I better go back and check my anatomy book.

Stevee, I'll send you my 7 microcassettes of last night's show. You'd be amazed at the sound quality you can get by holding your old hand-held dictaphone up to your boombox, I mean your uvula next to the phone jack, oh look, I'll just ring you up later and sing the songs acappella. Ceptin' I got this sore throat now...

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 16:18:59 ET
Posted by: welcome,

Margar, if you're ever stuck for thoughts, just throw out a couple comments on Donald's politics and you'll get lots of attention.

But in the meantime, did you hear the Wave stream? Have you heard the clips? Does it move your brain, bosom or behind?

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 16:13:56 ET
Posted by: brite nitegown,

Any comments on the horn section that ends Brite Nitegown?
Hard for me to tell with the drop-outs in the stream.

Seemed like that might be ultra-cool. Maybe a nod to the live version of Sign in Stranger?

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 16:06:51 ET
Posted by: Josey, St. Simons Island

My only complaint is that this thing is too damned short! Am I just being greedy wanting a new Fagen cd with 14 tracks on it??

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 16:06:20 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Gail (and Sue Dave): You go Girls!

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 15:57:02 ET
Posted by: Kid Clean, @work

Welcome Margar! Don't worry about about having anything to say, most of us, well, at least me, just B-S 3/4's of the time anyway!

Hope your uvula recovers soon!


Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 15:49:18 ET
Posted by: SoulMonkey, The Ville

Hoops, my em is totally screwed up. I have a new provider, and it's on the fritz. Can you direct me to the location of the Danfest in Chi-town? We've got 4 coming.


Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 15:46:28 ET
Posted by: Stevie D, Beantown

Have I mentioned how moved I am by this music??

I cant wait to get home, shut the lights off, close my eyes and listen to the hynotic groove of Pagoda..

Maybe I went a little too far with the whole, see ya Walter thing, but I am overwhelmed by this album.

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 15:44:11 ET
Posted by: Little Wild One, I think a change...would do you good

Me and suedave called Pechanga months ago. You boys can fight over the other two.

I mean, really, who would want to go to three consecutive parties hosted by the same group/person?

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 15:42:36 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Actually Stevies (the two of you and not the one in Beantown), Danfans can choose to go to whatever Danfest or WingDing they like and if people want to have two or more Danfests that are different before a show then cool. So if you want to host three Danfests, that's cool with whomever wishes to attend and I will post it on the registry as such.

One thing to remember, and this policy applies to all SD tribute and cover bands always: Simply calling your band's performance a Danfest (or WingDing) does not make it such. You need to do a lot more. The Danfests aren't about promoting cover bands. Personally, I would go wanting to meet fans and save the music for the real deal.

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 15:42:25 ET
Posted by: Josey, St. Simons Island

He's done it again! Mona seems to stick with me as much as any of them right now. They're all fanfuckingtastic!!

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 15:30:56 ET
Posted by: Stevie DON, L.A.

You are an ego maniac of self promotion, Stevie. Dr Wu band is already hosting all three Danfests in the L.A. area. Too bad! Ha ha!

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 15:30:43 ET
Posted by: paul h, watching for cats on the wing

My thoughts about Morph -

First, NEVER listen "Morph the Cat" and the reprise back-to-back. It COMPLETELY ruins the effect.
Second, if you've been a good boy and/or girl, and listened to the whole album in one sitting without skipping tracks (that would be a crime against humanity), the Morph reprise sounds utterly sinister. Where "Morph..." part 1 sounds cool and jazzy and smooth, but after listening to the rest of the album in between, the reprise sounds absolutely evil. If you listen to the two tracks together, you won't notice any difference. Oh god, that's amazing.
Third, I don't get it! What the hell is Morph the Cat supposed to be about???????
Fourth, it takes about a dozen listens to really grow on you, but believe me, it GROWS ON YOU.

H Gang - After listening to it a hundred times before the rest of the album, it's hard to fit it in with the rest, so I dunno.

What I Do - Listening to everyone so excited about the preview on Don's "website" turned me off when I finally listened to it through that utterly terrible quality sample. I didn't really like What I Do until I heard it in a good quality version. Wow! That's awesome. I think it's my favorite track now (which has changed about 10 times today).

Nitegown - Still insanely cool

Funn - Haven't heard it yet.

Joan - Lyrically reminds me of Cousin Dupree meets Lovely Rita, musically, very TvN-ish. If I really had to place a label, Joan is my least favorite.

Mona - Lovely. Wonderful. Heartbreaking.

Mary - Who on earth could not love the line "automotons driving mid-priced luxury cars"??? I can't wait to read the lyrics!!

Reprise - Sinister, evil. Perfect.

I've already preordered three copies of the regular CD - one for my ex chem teacher, one for my Coz', and one to spare... and I ordered a CD/DVD too for myself. 14 days to go!!

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 15:16:08 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Welcome margar!

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 15:15:46 ET
Posted by: SteveeDan, Left waiting on the dock (the ship has sailed ...)

Oh NO !!!

The one time that I don't check into the Blue, I'm left out in the cold. I totally missed the Wave 94.7 Fagen/Morph show. Darn, darn, darn !

Paul - please, I would love to hear any part of that show. I realize that the CD is being released in (hopefully) 2 weeks from tomorrow, but, I love hearing the wit and wisdom of The Fagen.

Please e-mail me through my band's website:

All e-mails come directly to me, so, I would really appreciate it.

To Anybody Coming to see Fagen at:
The Pechanga Casino in Temecula, CA,
The Wiltern Theater in Los Angeles, CA, and,
The Arlington Theatre in Santa Barbara, CA

I am organizing an impromptu DON-Fest at all three of these shows.
Everyone interested in getting together prior to the shows are invited to contact me through my band's website (shown above).

Let's ring in this wing-ding together !!


Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 15:14:50 ET
Posted by: hoops,

StevieD: Yo...I agree MTC the cat is so far a gorgeous gem of an album but who says that Walter's new album isn't also a gem, albeit perhaps cut differently? There's no rule that says both can't be putting out solo albums that are fantastic gems.

When "Everything Must Go" came out the title provoked the thought that maybe it was SD's last. There was also an interview on some California radio station around the time "Blues Beach" came out as a single where the question was even posed to D + W, "Does the album's title mean the end of SD?" Walter replied that it definitely wasn't the end and they would continue making albums and tour; Walter closed it with something like, "Right Donald?" Donald seemed a little more hesitant, IMHO, but he could have had a Certs stuck in his mouth or something. But then he agreed. Maybe DF paused because he was thinking of a solo album first, maybe not. But aside from the EMG title track being based on Enron-like failures--wasn't that a kinda political song?--I also took the album title to be a parody in the same vein of the message of "Bodhisattva"--compare "Everything Must Go" with George Harrison's "All Things Must Pass." GH passed away about the same time EMG's creation got under way. So it could be a wry, SD nod or clever take on Yups. Just a peronsal interpretation on mypart--I've never seen WB or DF say that.


Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 14:30:19 ET
Posted by: margar, ne ohio

hello everyone. i am new to this site *waves shyly*
this is basically just a greeting. when i think of something more interesting to say, i will.
i would like to take a moment to point out something slightly ironic, however...
as i was signing up and making a handle and all that jazz, i read the faq/suggestions section. here is what caught my eye:
"ask yourself, if people will really care to read what you ate for dinner last night or hear about your uvula."
why is this ironic? at this very moment, i sit at my computer at home (i took off work today) because i have a severe sore throat and a very swollen and painful uvula....
anyhoo, peace, my fellow dan fans!!!

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 14:28:37 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

I would instantly compare Joan to Janie and Blues Beach. These are the one track from each album which is blues driven, and having a lot of air in the sound, with bas and drums beeing very upfront and naked a lot of the time.

Janie was to mechanical, Blues Beach I liked, but Joan is just good clean funn. I've never heard a chord riff progression like that in the intro/verse. It's not typical Donald, but what is after Morph. It's full of clever, and humoristc ideas, all og which he tries out! I dig the ending, the last 3 sec's where Carlock and Washington funks it up quite a bit.

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 14:08:50 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu ,

For 70+ minutes, it was like Christmas Day...

The album is soooo chock full of ideas and new, unexpected direction and combination of sounds. Truly magical. Like someone mixed Thai food and cajun together in the most delectable way.

Fresh and sexy, but it's never been apparant how much Donald's music is in a bubble, insulated from the flotsem and jetsam of pop wasteland that surrounds him...he's surrounded himself with the Greats in his increasingly fertile mind where they speak to and inspire him.... Pagoda was jaw dropping. The P-funk of brite nightgown wouldn't quite. There was a lot more to Security Joan that I expected. Mona and Mary were crowning jewels. Yes, NYB, Ray convinced Donald to find HIS edge....throw out your gold teetch and see how they roll...


I've gotta get some rest

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 14:07:09 ET
Posted by: jack of speed,

Bill, Paris
No, not kidding. Many of the posted lyrics for the unofficial tracks are incorrect.
If you listen carefully, it's Aaron, which was also a popular name in the USA in the 80s, 90s. Elrod is too openly comical for our boys, and there are no hints in the rest of the lyrics about meth-living, which is fairly standardizedm at least here in California.
If you watch the "Traffic", I think you'll get a better idea of the "Aaron" or "Teddy" characters, although with a different drug-du-jour.

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 13:50:34 ET
Posted by: Spinal Tap, Amsterdam


Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 13:50:11 ET
Posted by: Spinal Tap,


Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 13:48:23 ET
Posted by: Girlfriend, sheesh

Don't really understand why you would ever feel the need to say such a thing, Stevie D. Even Don's mother said, "If you want to see him smile, you have to see him with Walter" (his Steely Dan co-founder).

Is it wrong to want/have bof?

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 13:47:54 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

No, EMG is not about the Dan calling it quits, it's first of all about the Enron and other corporate financial scandals of the era but also about changing the way D&W did business, I think that's when they decided to stop appearing on TV, Warners has responded by giving them limited promotional support and that's fine with them. Plus I personally think it was about a shift in their music, the emphasis now going very much in a non-mainstream hybrid format allowing them much more freedom and I think we see that in Morph the Cat. It's not concieved in any one idiom, it's all idioms.

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 13:46:35 ET
Posted by: YGK, nyc

Dear Donald Fagen/publicist/merchandisemaker/promoter/whatevah:

I think there’s still some time left to make “The Apocalypse is so Sexy” T-Shirts, which would feature a picture of Dr. Fagen.

Can this be mass produced quickly? I know it would be a popular item at the shows.

Please – we need Sexy Apocalypse T-shirts – we can’t wear our Steely Dan T-Shirts EVERY day.

Sincerely yours,

Your Gold Keith

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 13:44:24 ET
Posted by: Bobinho, One careless word away from...

"The Great Pagoda of Funn" is aural heaven. I thought Fagen had lost his harmony chops, but this disproves that theory. Coming as it does after what is basically an extended vamp "Brite Nitegown" it makes a terrific contrast.

Pagoda is classic Fagen.

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 13:10:19 ET
Posted by: Zombie C, California

Is "Everything Must Go" about the Dan calling it quites

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 13:06:49 ET
Posted by: Alkali, NYC

Everyone’s raving about "Security Joan" I honestly don't get it.
IMHO "Morph the cat" is the classic but, I’ll have to listen to "Joan" a little more intensely.

SPINAL TAP: can you pick me up some 'super Kali mist' from Grey Area?
Thanks, I’ll owe you one.


Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 12:57:16 ET
Posted by: Stevie D, Beantown

If DF never recorded another SD album again and just kept pumping these gems out on his own... Sorry Walter it was nice knowin ya... I am moved by these songs..

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 12:52:11 ET
Posted by: SD77 , Calif

As we all get ready DF concerts, and we are sitting in our seats at the show give a minute of thought for Mr.Cornelius Bumpus.

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 12:51:29 ET
Posted by: SoulMonkey, The Ville

"Mary Shut The Garden Door" is just plain contageous. This may be the best thing that Fagen has ever written.

Hail to the Chief.

I'm still reeling from the experience.

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 12:40:55 ET
Posted by: Spinal Tap, Amsterdam

I Just downloaded The Morph the Cat Album (except 'Pagoda)
No worry's I will be the first in The Netherlands to buy the record legally.
And it is just incredible great. The Album that will be on my I-pod for the next months non-stop.

I'am not so fond of Joan (I also didn't like Cousin dupree) but it's still good!
I really love the title track,an mary shut the garden door. Just some of the best things the Donald Fagen has written.
Brite nighttown, and Mona are just also Briljant.
Better dan EMG and even 2vsN!

And for the people who think Steely dan is 40+ music. I'am in my 20's and i know a lot of people of my generation who love this music.
This mix of pop , jazz, and great grooves just keeps on amazing me!

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 12:36:45 ET
Posted by: Gina, Sunset Mountain

Ultra Brite Nightgown should be funky and sexy if the Babe Choir gets to do 'it'...

Yay, 'Hoopsie', showing some morphed up teeth, are ya? lol!
well, i figured to keep things in the middle for mentioning and linking to the Blue in at least a zillion Mizar5 entries these past months if you look closely, so those who visit/read could drop in at a simple click.. Nobody ever really bothers to scroll those links on the right of the page i guess, but okay, i'll put the Bluebook up directly, in the Steely Dan links chapter :-)
those links are like paintings on the wall perhaps...

as far as the double starred site getting into the Steely Web Ring, i've tried and copied and pasted and waited for the link/ring to work, but no such luck and frankly, it doesn't really matter that much i guess... now everyone else is awakening in Steely fansite world and dusting off the cyberpremises, it's best if Mizar5 starts strollin' into another direction again lol.

will be sending you the you-know-what for the next Dandom Digest this week...
we wouldn't want people to forget all about Walter Becker now, would we?

a friendly Steely Fandomatic neighbour nod,

ps Security Joan has the slickest chords of the album :-)

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 12:28:13 ET
Posted by: Stevie D, Beantown

Mark I am with you Security Joan is an instant classic in my mind, and by far the most upbeat track on the album. That initial hook is insatiable. This song is a guarantee to get the lovely ladies up dancing! I love this friggin groove. I thought after my beloved Red Sox won the series I could die in peace... So I thought!!!!


Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 12:25:43 ET
Posted by: fp, ny

Holy shit! Is "Morph The Cat" great or what?!!!

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 12:18:23 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Yay Boston Rag! (Is "Boston Rag" taken at Gmail?)

Regarding 6.1 and 7.1, there was an article a few months back (posted here, perhaps even by moi) where Eliott Scheiner says anything beyond 5.1 is pointless. Too many channels is too many distinct sounds and not enough people will ever move to 6 or 7 speakers. So when I think having 5 speakers is not enough and get 6.1 and 7.1 envy, I think of ES's words.


Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 12:13:05 ET
Posted by: Daddy G., Catchin' The Wave

"Even today folks are talkin' about the incredible sounds they heard..."

...Hey, it had to be said. :-)

Enjoyed the show last night, of course. Great to finally get the full course instead of the appe-teasers.

It seemed---according to MY clocks anyway (4 of'em: wristwatch, VCR, PC, & clock radio)---that the show started a minute or two early. I had just popped in on the stream and was all set just waiting to hit my software's 'record' button on or near the hour when suddenly Donald started talking. I thought it was just a little promo piece to say "coming up..." and then quickly realized it must actually be the start of the program. So then I hit 'record' and hoped for the best. I only missed a couple seconds at the beginning due to the timing error.

I wouldn't have been surprised if I hadn't been able to hear a lot of it due to general demand on the stream and buffering pauses, especially since I use a dialup connection. But for the most part the stream was decent quality and consistent. There was one major dropout during "What I Do" though---just before "'s in my DNA..." it cut out altogether. When the stream popped back in it was iffy (lower volume, poorer quality), then it dropped out again for a shorter period and finally came back iffy again before quickly ramping back up to the decent quality it had begun at. After that it was fine to the end. Whew!

So at least the only glitch was during one of the tunes which we'd already heard in full from I just gotta see if I can do some editing/splicing of the recording. I doubt I can plug in only the missing chunk which would require some very precise cutting not to mention tricky volume leveling, so I'll probably just have to substitute in full the version for the streamed one. Will still have to level the volume in the second scenario, but it won't have to be as precise if I'm not trying to join two different recordings together. The version won't be as clear as the stream, but I'll have to make do with it regardless.

I'm sure others with hi-speed connections and fancy shmancy gizmos were able to do much better, but my own efforts will hold me until saturday, Morph the 4th, and then another 10 days until Morph the 14th.

SPECIAL THANKS TO PAUL H... whose advice on opening the stream in media player seemed to work well for me despite the one significant dropout. I'd done some testing days before using the station's official "Listen Live Now" link and that seemed to have to stop more/too often to buffer, so I was afraid it wouldn't work well for me. When I tested Paul's method earlier in the evening last night it seemed more stable, so I went with it. Thanks Paul!

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 12:09:57 ET
Posted by: Boston Rag, very tired!

Man, didn't get to sleep until 4:00AM - too hopped up on DF.

Brite Nightgown is going to be killer in 5:1. Muted horns dancing all around. Funky guitar riffs popping in and out. Can't wait.

Is Secuity Joan a perfect classic or what!!???!! It's got it all. Cool hooks, funny and timely lyrics, great guitar and organ solos.
It might be too good and sophisticated for radio these days. Fuck 'em. Let them listen to the flavor of the month. Donald has been burying them all for over 30 years.

Mark in Boston

PS. Got my new gmail address just in time!

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 12:09:06 ET
Posted by: hoops ,

What an awesome night folks! Thanks for being there.

Gina: When are you ever gonna put back the links for, the Danfest Registry and the BlueBook to your list of links? It's been off your site forever. Given how the Blue seems to be your favorite point of departure to steer others away to wonderful info at your site and everyone else's, I imagine you'd want to feature those sorta the way Ringmaster Dan has at least attempted to get your site listed on the SD Webring I thought I would check in to let you know it's OK to list it and your glorious site and in fact some of us lowly Dandom types would welcome it. I've been asking forever and I figure I must not have filed the right forms.



Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 12:02:23 ET
Posted by: ygk, nyc

Is there a "Apocalypse is So Sexy" T-Shirts 'round....

I think there should be....


Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 11:58:52 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

ph you are going to be one popular fella here, now please don't forget the Rajneesh of Capeesh...

Brite Nightgown could be a P-Funk song. A funk song with a be-bop horn arrangement. The whole album is heavy into trumpet, a good amount of snaky, snarly electric guitar and all this swing-era choral backing. It's very late 50s Bleecker Street. Then there's Donald's voice, so very characteristic and recognizable by now. Every trick Donald has ever learned is on here but the way he's starting to really master horn arrangements is the real eye opener. The fact that he still clears out considerable space for the guitars shows he is still steeped in the rock/blues/funk school. This record is masterful, he brings to bear the whole of his musical experience and Donald has a buttload of it.

Most underrated performances on Morph go to Freddie Washington. He changes the dynamic of Donald's stuff considerably. I like Walter's bass playing but Freddie is the truth, he brings big soul. At certain points toward the end of Mary he drops out and Keith is allowed to move the Porcaroesque shuffle into a real sychopated semi-solo, then Freddie comes barrelling back in, his modulations are terrific, hey he's been around.

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 11:20:40 ET
Posted by: CrellMoset, Atlanta, GA

Hey Paul, would you mind sendin' that over my way!?

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 10:58:55 ET
Posted by: George, USA

Nice site! Many thanks for your work.
Cheers. ricki lake show

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 10:42:37 ET
Posted by: Alkali, NYC

You hit it right on the head about "PIXI" it paints that typical ultra-teen animated picture.
I think their groove is contagious regardless of your color, two of my best friends are Semi-Dan-fans and black all at the same time!
One of them even like’s country and western (isn't that against the law?)

Any McCartney fans don't miss "Chaos and Creation at Abbey Road" on PBS
tonight 10 pm EST.


Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 10:28:59 ET
Posted by: SteelyDon, I cant believe my ears

"Morph the Cat" is the best album out of the last three. The other two SD albums were great, but this one can stand alone. So fresh and different yet what we come to expect from Fagen as well. My favorite is the "The Great Pagoda of Funn" and "Mary" but as on some other albums, there are no weak tunes on this one! They are all winners.

He should just play the whole album at the concert!


Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 10:20:22 ET
Posted by: Gina, Sun Mountain

ph, u da bomb!

since What I Do was discussed recently, and i'm really enjoying the harmonica bluesin' away, kudos for mr Howard Levy! revisited, but here's an excerpt from a Mizar5 talk he agreed to:

Howard Levy: “Donald Fagen’s people got in touch with me, and after much rescheduling, I finally flew to NY to record 2 tracks at Avatar. Of course I was familiar with a lot of his music, from Nightfly and a bunch of the Steely Dan stuff. I especially love IGY, think it is one of the great songs of all time. We related to each other really well as musicians and people. It turns out that we both grew up in the NYC area, hung out at The Vanguard as teenagers, bought our Jazz LP’s at Dayton Records on 8th St. and shared favorite musicians, records, tunes, even solos. I asked how he heard about me, and he replied that he had heard me on A Prairie Home Companion, a show I’ve been on about 10 times. You never know who’s listening! None of the other musicians were there. I was overdubbing harmonica with just Donald and the engineer. Playing on his tunes was both challenging and inspiring. I don’t remember the names of the tracks anymore, but one was bluesy and the other about a teenage girl. The second tune was particularly poignant, and Donald wrote some truly beautiful horn section parts. I wove in and out, really got into the feeling.”

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 10:07:55 ET
Posted by: SD77 , Calif

THANK YOU DONALD FAGEN. You have done it again. See you on Morph the 25 in Temecula.

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 10:05:51 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

Not that I wanna encouraged anyone, but now that everybody is sharing the music of mr. Fagen, all tracks except Pagoda are available in 192 kb/s quality using file-sharing software like Bearshare.

If you wonna listen you might as well listen to it sounding the way it was intended to.

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 10:00:42 ET
Posted by: Stevie D, Beantown

The Riff in Security Joan. (first notes of the song) are just too cool for school, they will replayed all day in an endless loop in my head.

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 09:57:26 ET
Posted by: paul h, all I could say was 'ouch'

I've listened to Morph in full twice now.

I really did not expect such a masterpiece. It most closely resembles TvN, but really, this album is a genre unto itself. Nice work, Donald. I can't wait for the DVD to arrive!

IMHO, "Brite Nitegown" is the strongest track, and "...Mona" follows as a close second. But every single one of the tracks are amazing. I figured I'd be sick of "H Gang" by the time the album finally came out, but I'm not, even after iTunes says I've played it ~42 times!

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 09:43:35 ET
Posted by: Nazman, Perparing for Mr Magnificent

That was guite the party last night w/ that WAVE of Morph that swept through and transformed the GreenRoom. Lots of good fun. Want to add that the interviews posted in the last Digest (thanks Hoops), specifically from the NYTimes and The Herald were so very endearing in terms of hearing more from Donald about how he has evolved personally and professionally and especially how his mother influenced him, both musically and otherwise. Sounds like Donald is overcoming his own personal demons and there is a wealth of creative genius bursting forth as evidenced by all the accolades of the MTC debut last night...And count me amongst the grateful that he is commenting openly about the crazed world all around us. Let the music keep our spirits high...

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 09:38:30 ET
Posted by: Stevie D, Beantown

Paul I have 7.1 Reciever and Speakers for it, but as you know there is very very little available in this format. The 5.1 in DTS is still the best sound in my opinion.

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 09:37:33 ET
Posted by: Kid Clean, not spending enough time on the job

I've got a 6.1 system and the difference is marginal, at best. Good bragging rights though. That article summed it up pretty good.


Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 09:22:46 ET
Posted by: paul h, living in 5.1 land

An interesting article I read this morning about 7.1 surround:

I know many of us have 5.1 systems, but how many 'round these parts have a 6.1 or 7.1 set up? Do you notice much difference?

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 09:20:51 ET
Posted by: Josey, St. Simons Island

Kid Clean - just sent you an email inquiring with interest!

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 09:12:27 ET
Posted by: Stevie D, Paul H Town

Can we all stand up an have a big round of applause for Paul H and his generosity!!!! You are the man!

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 09:04:42 ET
Posted by: Nice Work, Donald,, MTC is at a whole other level

Just incredible.

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 09:02:49 ET
Posted by: Kid Clean, @work

Brite Nightgown is the bomb digity. Security Joan is a close second but BN is the premier track here.

Hopefully both of those will make the set list.

I've got the whole show minus a few seconds here and there when I lost the feed and I eliminated IGY so it's all Morph. I'd be willing to burn a few copies and send them out to get the chain going.


Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 08:15:23 ET
Posted by: NYB,

HA! Sorry, I meant "GREAT JOB DONALD" not "get a job Donald".

Hey it's still early...


Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 08:13:16 ET
Posted by: NYB,

That was some great stuff last night huh?
Very suprised at the strangely mysterious vibe to many of these songs. Also suprised by the harder edge to some of the solos. This is what I've been waiting for Donald to do; to break free from the safe format he's employed in the past and take a chance, just let the music go where it wants to. Well, this time he's done it and the outcome is more than anyone could've expected. If this album gets ANY mainstream airplay it will go platinum in very short order. This is the best work of his career. Can't wait to hear it all LIVE! If you haven't bought a ticket yet you better grab one NOW. I don't care where you sit, even if you have to stand in the aisle at the back of the venue, you WON'T be disappointed.

Get job Donald. Thanks!

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 07:50:47 ET
Posted by: Stevie D, Beantown

Pual H I would welcome the stream, please advise

I must hear Security Joan again.

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 07:48:31 ET
Posted by: Stevie D, Beantown

Its amazing how the clips didnt give away much of the songs. As I sat in bed last night at Midnight EST hearing these new fresh songs, I was immedialy taken back to the feeling I had upon hearin IGY or New Frontier for the first times. I had chills, I had goose bumps. The chords were hypnotic, funky, Even my wife couldnt resist doing a funky dance for me (naked I might add.. nice treat) during Security Joan. In my opnion this is he best work ever, this music will be timeless and haunt our souls for decades to come. Never did I expect to have my expectations to be blown away like this. I hope and anticipate you all fee the same.

Stevie D

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 07:41:54 ET
Posted by: paul h,

I recorded the stream while I slept, but apparently it was more than an hour long... :( So I've got the first 1:05 if anybody wants it.
Now I've got to go give a listen!

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 05:45:11 ET
Posted by: Miguel, USA

Incredible job on this! I love I love I love this site!
I have address to your site from my friend.
My friends enjoy it as much as I do. Congrats!
That must have been hard to make. hunter air purifier replacement filter

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 05:18:27 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

Top musical experience this morning (last night in the US). How are we suppose to wait for two more weeks on this masterpiece?

Especially with the whole album beeing out there on the P2P network. I'm trying really hard to resist temptation!

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 03:34:23 ET
Posted by: Arctic Mindbath , Boulder, CO

I think MTC is wonderful. Donald Fagen has really put out a winner with this one! Can't wait to hear these new songs live. I'll be at the Denver and Vegas shows.

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 03:23:49 ET
Posted by: Bill, Paris

Tks for your post, Jack of Speed!

Regarding the Aaron/Elrod name, what do you make of this:

Or maybe you were kidding?

Cheers, Bill

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 03:04:53 ET
Posted by: sweet,

Well done Donald.
Great sounding, interesting stories, sweet pipes. You did it again.

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 02:46:39 ET
Posted by: suedave, funked up

Well that was an incredible treat! I wished I'd been able to record it, but geez, the stream would go quiet and I was afraid to touch the computer. I felt fortunate to have caught the majority of it anyway. Brite Nightgown - I sure hope we hear that one live. There's a lot of variety on the CD but that one is a new style from him and its a crowd pleasin' one. Thank you Donald!!!

Date: Mon, February 27, 2006, 01:22:20 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

Well kiddies....Donald has plulled some more magic out of his hat! Another excellent listen. Here are my first impressions...

1. Morph The Cat - Wonderful opener...sweet chorus.
2. H Gang - Radio friendly tune.
3. What I Do - Bluesy baby.
4. Brite Nightgown - Nedd another 2 or 3 listens to hook me.
5. The Great Pagoda Of Funn - Nice, nice tune. This is beautiful.
6. Security Joan - Reminded me of Cousin pop.
7. The Night Belongs To Mona - As in the lyrics...."pretty".
8. Mary Shut The Garden Door - Silky smooth.
9. Morph The Cat (Reprise)- More of the kitty.

All in all, it's what you expect from Fagen....clever songs with a lot of space for solos. It will definitely sound better when the CD hits the shelves, but I was satisfied with what I heard.


Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 23:51:53 ET
Posted by: SteelyDon, hurry i need help

Is there anything special i need to do in order to hear the live stream? It was working earlier but now I can't get it to work. Thanks

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 23:41:33 ET
Posted by: Mr Whatever, left of Lake George

"Steely Dan is a band for relatively boring, conservative, educated and mostly affluent 40+ white males." (Blue County Bible Belt)

Hey bible thumper, tell that to Cornelius Bumpus.

And kiss my broke, liberal, sun tanned, smart wise ass.

And all you pretty, pretty can call me Mr Whatever

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 22:55:32 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Well, the record is 53 minutes long, throw in time for commercials and a little touch of Donald in the night between songs...I'm thinking 75 to 90 minutes.

Help ph and SOH... how do I set up the Replay Radio? I opened up Real Player, now where do I enter that URL??????????

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 22:54:02 ET
Posted by: CrellMoset, Atlanta, GA

Anyone record it? I couldn't get the damn thing to work!

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 22:04:28 ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher, Louisville, KY

Just a heads up:

For those of you with an AOL account, the Radio@AOL stream DOES have slightly better sound quality than the standard streaming audio link. You may have to access it by going to keyword AOL Radio instead of clicking the link on the webpage, but it's there. Check the Genres on the left and look for "KTWV the WAVE"

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 22:00:25 ET
Posted by: SouthOfHollywood, Waiting...

Yo' Paulie...

Excellent tip on getting around the bugs on The Wave's media player...I'd just about given up hope on hearing the show as the damned link on their page was just not working for me...And then, voila!

I've got it cranking through the stereo now and for an internet stream it sounds pretty amazing...Got the Replay Radio all set to, um, replay it at a later date...Like non-stop until the real deal arrives...

Thanks for the help, IT Kid...


Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 20:37:21 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

Anyone know how long this Fagen show will last tonight?


Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 19:56:57 ET
Posted by: Brutus Charisma,

Andy -

How come all the Dan interview MP3s are 404?

Are they not available anymore?


Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 19:56:10 ET

Hooked up to the WAVE, 4 hours until midnight, 7 days until DC, political pissing/moaning can't ruin my outlook.

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 19:19:45 ET
Posted by: paul h, d'oh!

nix the word "player" from that sentence you quited...
- and so, .asx = Windows Media Stream
- Windows Media Stream compatible audio player = audio player that can handle Windows Media Streams. ie: Windows Media Player, RealPlayer, MPlayer, and (perhaps?) Quicktime.

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 19:14:13 ET
Posted by: Oh?,

" up a windows media player stream compatible audio player"

Er, uh..., what the hell is a "stream compatible audio player"?

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 19:00:53 ET
Posted by: hoops at dandom,

Thanks for the "Wave" tips, Paul h, others...

New Digest for Feb 25 & 26 just mailed:

• DF Premieres MTC on Internet Radio TONIGHT
• TONIGHT! MTC/Dandom Listening party
• DF in Sunday NY Times
• More Fagen Interview Links
• DF: New SD Album, Euro DF Tour & SD Tour
• MTC Reviews
• REDUX: Donald on World Cafe
• REDUX: Danfest & Wing Ding Registry v 0.9 Now Open
• Jack of Speed

and ticket listings

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 18:55:32 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu,

IE is linking up directly on OSX, whie safari is a little stuck. I picked up a plug-in on the MS site that links Windows Media and Quicktime.

Good Sound - but right now their is some gospel that has the soul dessicated.

I've known quite a few African American fans of Steely Dan. Some diversity in the Dallas concert in 2003, but mostly I remember the sea of tie-dyed shirts...

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 18:54:21 ET
Posted by: Andy Metzger, Sunday mass, then a magic show

Hoops - re the interview with DF's father, it was in the Cleveland Jewish News, not the Plain Dealer, and is on my site at

And to all - My site has been updated for the first time in a long time. There will be some cool Morph features to pop up there in the next few days, so keep your eyes peeled. The site is no longer the vaingloriously titled Andy Metzger's Steely Dan Page and has now assumed the presumptuously authoritative appellation of the Steely Dan Archive.

The new address is

The old URL will point to a site selling Belarusian knock-off Cialis starting next week, so better update your bookmarks.

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 18:43:32 ET
Posted by: paul h, IT director

If, like me, other's are getting errors trying to open up THE WAVE stream, open up a windows media player stream compatible audio player, and open up this URL:
You can also use this URL with your audio player if you want to circumvent the dorky registration Oh, and if anybody is using secondary audio-through filters, like I was using ffdshow, you'll have to disable it or the thing will crash. Now to wait... I don't know how much smooth jazz I can tolerate before my brain melts...

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 18:07:12 ET
Posted by: The Boys In Blue,

"Steely Dan is a band for relatively boring, conservative, educated and mostly affluent 40+ white males." (Blue County Bible Belt)

Well 40+ white males are entitled to some entertainment too aren't they? We can't all listen to Busta and the kid who can't spell "M&M" y'know... Besides, last time I looked Donald Fagen was a 40+ white male. I guess we're a lot cooler than you think we are! WAY COOLER as a matter of fact. :)

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 18:04:56 ET
Posted by: hoops,

NIS (Norton Internet Security) will likely stop it. Heck, I had NAV 10.x stop it as well. If you can go just with the MS Firewall that could get you through with some protection.

This all reminds me of when Van Morrison was penned in as entertainment for Bush's 2001 Inaugural. The VM list went up for grabs. Then Van changed his mind. But now that I think of it, the White House announced Van as performing but Van was never quoted as peforming nor did he ever say anything about it. Maybe it was faulty intelligence or maybe it was wishful thinking. (Van is both W's and Clinton's favorite and my second favorite.)

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 17:57:41 ET
Posted by: NYB,

No dice Jim.
Might have to enable cookies and disable ad-blocking in Norton NIS? Of course I'll work it out just AFTER MTC airs...

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 17:57:39 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

Doc Mu: Yes, the interlude og EMG is the perfect beginning, and the ending of Last Mall suddenly makes a lot more sense this way!

I agree on which songs are the best, and believe your ears capability to listen is somewhat fresher at the beginning of an album. Gina and Pix sounds so sparklin' in this order.

I wonder how much Donald and/or Walter care about the order of tracks on their albums in general. Donald certainly does on the solo's. Kama being a journey and Morph having the Reprise at the end.

EMG should have been reversed though. Thanks Mu, it was your idea in the first place - long ago?

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 17:50:37 ET
Posted by: fear of magic,

It seems Donald is talking very specifically about dogmatic, non-thinking, non-creative religious/magic believers.
After all, how could he co-write Aja, or write Kama, or love science fiction, without having an appreciation for spirituality and true magic?

I don't care either way, it just seems like people are overly sensitive to/taking too generally some of Donald's offhand interview responses.

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 17:34:48 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Bill, others.

I had the pop-up error message on some PC and an OS X Mac. I was able to click OK and then it continued.


Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 17:34:22 ET
Posted by: SteelyDon, Blacks like good music too

I just have to respond to the comments that blacks are not steely dan/don listeners because most of the listeners are "affluent white conservative males".

Not only am I black but I am also only 20 years old. Steely Dan/Donald Fagen has been my favorite music since I was 5 years old. I remember my dad playing the old "Aja" cassette in his Ford Bronco. Ever since then I have continued to follow the dan. I went to the 2000 show and the 2003 show and my father and I are going to the show on March 10th at the Borgata. And you best believe that when/if SD tours this summer we will be there as well.

While a majority of those in attendance at the live shows are white, I would bet it had to do more with not knowing who Steely Dan is. Afterall, its not as if Steely Dan appears on tv or radio that often. They aren't visible. Many people know the songs and just don't know that Steely Dan sings them.

Anyway at the shows in 2000 and 2003 I saw some blacks in the audience. Many of my father's friends love steely dan as well. Its just good music and I think what is great about it is that it is open to anyone, black or white, who can appreciate good music.


Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 17:34:09 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu, All booster, No Payload

All hat, no cattle

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 17:30:19 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu,

TJ: Yes!! Isn't it awesome backwards?! The title track is the perfect opener, somewhat reminiscent of the intro to 'Trane's Love Supreme, except even more clever because it sax intruduces the bridge theme.

EMG, Lunch with Gina, Pixeleen, Greenbook, Slang, Godwacker's a lot of momentum. BB, TLM and TIMTM are weaker...something missing about each performance, although donald's

"Roooolllll yer caahts back up the aisle" is pretty damn good.

CWalter: One of my fav. vocal performances - Pixeleen...particularly the call & response between Don and Carolyn in the bridge.

Great news about Donald remixing Kama. The CD sounds flat and weird. The DVD-A mix is MUCH better.

Don's father - such a typical Dad. I've heard is Mom was particularly warm and open person. It's clear she's missed by the whole family.

sudavid - lol -All hat, No cattle - it's an old saying 'round here, but it's also a take Randy Newman song "Big hat, No Cattle." from 1999's Bad Love album - Since the song was written in the 90s, it appears contrary to Donald's quip, there IS magic. Randy is psychic, a;though this applies to practically all administrations, incluidng the previous one

Since I was a child
I've tried to be what I'm not
I've lied and I've enjoyed it all my life
I lied to my dear mother
to my sisters and my brother
and now I'm lying to my children and my wife

Big Hat, no cattle
Big head, no brain
Big snake, no rattle
I forever remain
big hat, no cattle
I knew from the start
Big boat, no paddle
Big belly, no heart

Can't remember why I do it,
Oh, maybe I can.
An honest man these days is hard to find.
I only know we're living in an unforgiving land.
And a little lie can buy some real big piece of mind.
Oftimes I wondered what might I have become,
Had I but buckled down and really tried.
But when it came down to the wire
I called my family to my side
Stood up straight, threw my head back and I lied, lied,lied

Big hat, no cattle
Big shoes, well you know...
Big horse, no saddle
He goes wherever I go
Big hat, no cattle
Right from the start
Big guns, no battle
Big belly, no heart
When it came down to the wire
I called my little family to my side
Stood up straight, threw my head back and I lied, lied,lied
lied, lied, lied
Big hat, no cattle
Big head, no brain
Big snake, no rattle
I forever remain
Big hat, no cattle
I knew from the start
Big boat, no paddle
Big belly, no heart
Big boat, no paddle
Big belly, no heart

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 17:26:07 ET
Posted by: NYB,

When I go to the 94.7 FM Wave site I get a "You Have A Pop-Up Blocker Enabled. Click Here To Launch The Player." message. When I click the link to launch the player I don't get anything. Any suggestions?

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 17:24:52 ET
Posted by: Josie-vs-Peg hosted by Aja!, See Some Gold Teeth Get Thrown Out! LIVE FROM PASSAIC!!

(To Stevie D) Check this out.

click on the "listen now" link adjacent to the link for the wave.

Don was in the Ledger today, in the Spotlight section. I also managed to get every song from MTC (except for "Pagoda") off of Limewire. Security Joan is good. So is Mary Shut the Garden Door.

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 17:23:02 ET
Posted by: Jack of Speed,

Bill, Paris - actually the character in the first incarnation of Jack of Speed is Aaron, not Elrod. Not that your interpretation is wrong, I just imagined Don and Walt were refering to the more common affluent white suburban drug use, which is what keeps that industry alive.

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 16:55:05 ET
Posted by: fezo, bassinetwatch

tinfoil-hatwearing=blindly posting about the "Move-On Bush Nazi ad" which in the real world would be like posting with much ferocity about hoops pimpin' hillary duff links.

should such posters be told to go away. Nah, sooner or later they show their ignorance, like blaming Clinton for Randy Weaver.

back in the Dan world: nice find on the article about DF's Dad. hope similar efforts can be applied to finding an article about our heroes from the early 90's which I remember seeing way back when in the Washington Post. for once, they seemed to let their guard down a bit and told some great stories about touring back in the 70's without the usual detached flippancy.

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 17:44:46 ET
Posted by: Popeye, Spinach Village

PGE/Radio Dupree has all the essentials... links and whatsoever.


Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 16:46:07 ET
Posted by: ?,

Thanks RJSquirrel.
Got to get me one of them Tin-Foil Hats, for sure.

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 16:41:58 ET
Posted by: RJ Squirrel, PA

What is "tin-foil hat-wearing"?

To protect your brain from dangerous radiowaves which the evil whoevers are trying to subvert you with. Or something like that.

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 16:39:38 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

Just did the reverse EMG tracklist. Much much better! It sounds so obvious, very recommendable.

Good interview. I made coffee, put on EMG and sat down to enjoy the reading in comfortable sourroundings. As I will again in 2 weeks time. Looking forward to hearing your reactions to the concerts.

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 16:36:37 ET
Posted by: Stevie D, Beantown

Cam someone post the link to the radio station the album is on tonight?

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 16:10:30 ET
Posted by: ?,

What is "tin-foil hat-wearing"?

HeyMike - Why are DeaconBlues comments not welcome? Seems a tad intolerant. At least he was speaking from his own mind instead of cutting/pasting.

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 15:58:27 ET
Posted by: Popeye, Spinach Village

yes, either that (shiftkey) or remove caches from the browser?

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 15:55:45 ET
Posted by: suedave, an American woman

What's scary to me is that there's been no room for real discussion about the current state of affairs due to politics - it's my way or the highway. Not much tolerance there. Can we have democracy without tolerance? I'm glad to see that more of us in the "not with us" category are continuing to speak up, since the passage of time hasn't made the world a better place. The current state of affars does give artists & comedians a lot to work with though.

I do thank HeyMike for being the first person to provide a reason explaining what is behind his thinking - something concrete to work with has been missing from the right. Anons it is interesting that your comments are incredibly derogatory (particulary to women - about 50% of the population) - stop counting your mighty $$ and peek out of your bunkers now and then...we're all in this world together.

Here's my take on MTC - Morph is a schmoozer sitting on the top of the world - he knows how to make everyone feel good, so that everyone 'looks up' (gazes up) to him. Now and then he does what regular people do (latte, anyone?). But Morph can make things happen - he can bring all sorts of good things their way (earmarks anyone?), he is so powerful that he can make bells ring (my favorite part of the song)...Morph is why the Yankees are "blessed". Even though Morph is kinda creepy (oozes down the heating duct), who cares? He sure can make sure that Christmas is 1st class!!!

My favorite line from the last several days posts goes to Doc Mu...He's all hat. No cattle. LOL!

Brutus - hold down the shift key while you refresh the page

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 15:34:39 ET
Posted by: sd, ca

find your friends house from space

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 15:28:46 ET
Posted by: CWalter, Madison, WI

Bill, I agree with you about the character in "Jack of Speed." He's definitely a modern meth-head, and as such, quite likely to be something like a redneck. Maybe shaved his mullet at some point and tried being a skinhead, but in any case, "That right-wing hooey sure stunk up the joint..."

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 15:26:44 ET
Posted by: g_serendipity, What he Does

happy birthday to Bluz!
Saw it in Traffic from Paradise, Donna wished you a great day, prolly more of those in the PLP...
Bluz, you'll play MtC on Jazz 88, right? What I Do What I Do What I Do
U doo

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 15:14:19 ET
Posted by: CWalter, Madison, WI

Anyone else notice how all the youth-speak in "Pixeleen,"--"like," "as-if," "keep it real...or whatever"-- semantically reinforces the theme of virtuality, make-believe, which the song is largely "about"? Very clever job, IMO.

The sort of falling-apart, show-the-strands-of-fabric-in-the-tapestry ending does also...

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 15:09:39 ET
Posted by: Atlanta gig, the audience

There were several African Americans at the EMG show.

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 14:48:52 ET
Posted by: RJ Squirrel, NY Times Article

Very interesting article in NYT. Wow, it is all out there now isn't it. Whether you agree with him or not you just hope he doesn't say anything at the shows. It's a no-win situation.

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 14:00:19 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Thanks, Jerry's Gang! Do you want that in dollars, euros or piasters?


Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 13:52:15 ET
Posted by: hoops,

I have some personal business during the day in the NY-NJ area on Wednesday and then I am hoping to catch the NJ Show. I'd love to hear privately via Emmail from anyone driving there—or even just going—as I have a favor to ask.

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 13:49:08 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Thanks for getting it up there, P-G!

I was also very excited to see the interview with Donald in this morning's NY Times "Arts" Section (Page 32, 38, Nat'l Edition). I was just checking the Arts section hoping that I would find another Ad for this Wednesday's show and perhaps The Beacon show as well. I looked at the J & R ad on the back as I do every weekend, and I didn't even notice the second half of Fagen interview above it (Hey there was no headline or photo saying that!) So as you can tell, I was very excited to be surprised with the interview this morning as I am sure you will be too. The article comes with a large photo of Donald rehearsing in the past week or two for the DFB tour. So if you can get a paper copy, do so.

As P-G points out, you can read it online—and I'm sure there will be other SD-reviews, there, etc in the NY Times. Even though I am far from always agreeing with it, I also would agree if Donald sang, "Blessed NY Times..." But I guess Billy Joel pretty came close to that already in "NY State of Mind." Tangentially, remember a couple of years ago when DF responded to the book editor of the NY Times?

Anyhow, it was great to wake up to this.


Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 13:46:07 ET
Posted by: RJ Suirrel, Bring on the GodWhackers

to settle up with all the extremist bastards who make reasonable people miserable in this world

Yes we are the GodWhackers
Who rip and chop and slice
For crimes beyond imagining
It's time to pay the price
You better step back son
Give the man some whackin' space
You know this might get messy
GodWhacker's on the case

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 13:17:04 ET
Posted by: SoulMonkey, The Ville

Are we going to have any on the spot live reporting form the first live gig? Remember back in the day when every song being played found it's way on this site in about 30 secinds? Those were the days. I hope it continues. I can't wait.

See yous guys in Chi-town.

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 13:00:00 ET
Posted by: Jeffrey, UK

You have made a very intersting website. My congratulations. hilry duff

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 12:55:50 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu,

I can't wait until tonight at 11 pm CT

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 12:53:42 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu, that'sthepoint

blue anon: DUH! ...and you forgot the area around Texarkana, Birmingham, Montgomery, Memphis, Columbus, GA, and Atlanta! That's why Donald's and his promo team doesn't understand them, even though this breadbasket of music had a HUGE influence on the music of Steely Dan. Just exactly WHOSE churches are being burned?!

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 12:49:45 ET
Posted by: Flipkid, Blue State

Much as I love a good political debate (and I really do), I can't wait for next Thursday, when we can start discussing the actual DF show...

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 12:41:47 ET
Posted by: Brutus Charisma,

Nope. Doesn't work. I keep getting the old Sept. 3rd page.

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 12:40:36 ET
Posted by: Alkali, NYC

Well, i'm 40- affluent and white...
come to think of it, i've never seen a black at any Steely Dan concert.(although it was kinda dark in there)
is there a pattern here?

now that i give it thought, what's wrong with what Cheney did?
he "accidently" shot a lawyer and hunter...
thats two birds with one stone!
two of my least favorite people hunters and lawyers,
way to go dick!


Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 12:22:45 ET
Posted by: The blue county bible belt that Dr. Mu identified, are African American communiities along

the Mississippi river. These are not Steely Dan listeners.

If you take a look at a Steely Dan concert audience, the only African Americans you will see are in the band, or working security or selling $9 Pepsis at the concession stands.

Steely Dan is a band for relatively boring, conservative, educated and mostly affluent 40+ white males.

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 12:20:54 ET
Posted by: Popeye, Spinach Village

try this for the Metger dude

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 12:19:09 ET
Posted by: Brutus Charisma,

Tried to get to Andy M.'s website but it's the same Sept. 3rd indow. What gives?

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 12:12:05 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu,

MarK: This is a "Promo tact" I hadn't expected. LOL "Any news is good news."

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 12:04:50 ET
Posted by: Boston Rag,

I was going to turn on "Meet The Press" this morning but I figured I'd just check out the Blue instead. Suddenly, these Wing Ding/Donfests are going to get a lot more interesting!!!

Andy - Just pulled your revamped website. Looks great! Thanks!

fp - There's a handful of hotels roght near the Opera House. I'd bet Donald would be staying at the Four Seasons a block away. Very steep though. I think Donald bought his blue Keytar at a music shop down the street from the Opera House. You might want to consider the Hyatt which is about 50 yards from the Opera House and Felt.

Mark in Boston

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 11:33:17 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu,

PGE: Yep, I smell a European Tour!

Donald and a lot of our friends here are urban animals. What most don't understand that a far smaller % of whites are religious in the US than African-Americans and Latinos who are considerably more religious.

For example, take the oft used county-by-county map from the 2000 election which I snagged through

Draw a line from just south of Dallas to just South of Atlanta. Draw or imagine a 200 mile swath around that line. That folks is the "Bible Belt." Notice that once outside Texas that HALF THE COUNTIES ARE BLUE (voted Democrat) in that swath. How could that possibly be? Bible Thumpers + Blue Voters? Think about it.

Should Donald and Euopr be Very Afraid of a certain religious sect growing in Europe who tend to burn car as kill people if they don't like cartoons? You betcha. Pat Reobertson is an **s, but he's never bombed Democrat Party headquarters. Is part of this W's fault for not coericing Musharraf years ago to let our CIA and Special Ops and military in Western Pakistan to finish off Zawahiri and al Qaeda? Yep.

Donald knows who the bad guys are:

' "The Great Pagoda of Funn" is about two lovers who stay together as shelter from the world's horrors, itemized by a choir of background singers: "Poison skies/ and severed heads/ and pain and lies ..."

"I wrote that after several beheadings in Iraq," Mr. Fagen said. "You can thank Mr. Zarqawi for that song."'

Bush has been unable because of mismanagement to hunt down Zarqawi, Zawahiri, Osama. He's all hat. No cattle.

DB: We know now that Saddam modeled himself after Stalin and he took half the legislature out back and had them shot his first day in office.

If you mean that Bush 41 withdrew our influnece from Afghanistan in 1989 after the covert 'Charlie Wilson's War" was successful in stopping the Soviets...thus creating a power vacuum that Osama used to form "al Qaeda" (in English "the Database."( ....AND if you mean not finishing off Saddam in 1991...

AND...If you mean that Arafat and The Engineer 1 and 2 showed that Terrorism was a viable tool of political influence with little Western Intervention for 40 years, then I would agree with you...

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 10:40:17 ET
Posted by: Gretchen, moving on

Hansel had this to say:

"I guess he (Donald) had nothing to say about Darfur, Bosnia, Iraq under Saddam, UN corruption, Iran threatening the obliteration of Israel, etc"

I don't think the Today show would give him ample time to discuss all of those things in detail. "Meet the Press" would be a better option.


Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 10:27:27 ET
Posted by: HeyMike, Chicago

deaconblue, I find you reprehensable and offensive and keep your "tinfoil hat wearing" views on your side of the ocean. I think most would agree it has no place on this board.

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 10:25:10 ET
Posted by: Chan, Back in Boston

I wanted to share on a great Steely Dan moment with you all. Last week I was in Utah skiing with my family. My son and I in particular had been looking forward to this trip for almost a year. On our first day we arrived at Park City Resort and were the first in line as the lifts started turning. At the exact moment (and this is no lie) that they let us on the first chair of the day, guess what song the local radio station was playing and was being played over the Park City base area loudspeakers?

Deacon Blues!

It was as though it was scripted from a movie. The sun was shining, the snow was deep and Steely Dan was there for me and all to enjoy. That moment in time will always be with me.

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 10:20:13 ET
Posted by: Girlfriend, I'm voting for Pam


Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 08:43:58 ET
Posted by: Pam, charging my Ipod- again

I do find it hard to understand all the hubbub about Donald's comments. To me, his viewpoints, lifestyle, hobbies, eating habits, brand of soap are of no interest - I'm just interested in his music. I'm a SD/DF/WB fan, not a friend, family member or neighbor. His personal life has no bearing in my world. I'm usually a Republican (gasp), I wish the Dems could have come up with someone better to vote for, I'm a church attending Protestant, I don't want to ever live in Manhattan, I can't play an instrument, and I have no musical pedigree or education. Who cares, right? But I DO adore DFs music, I feel so lucky to be in on this almost secret world - it's as if SD&co. music changes your DNA and you're never the same. I can't imagine living without it. But I feel as much interest in DFs personal life as I do in Hollywood's political opinions - zip.
It's about the music, stupid :)

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 08:22:04 ET
Posted by: Java,

It's all coming out now:

"Part of the difference," he said, "is that Walter's more snarky than I am. He's more realistic; I'm more of a fantasist, a romantic."
(NY Times)

Has that ever been confirmed by either of them before? I'm fully expecting a breakdown of exactly who wrote what in the next interview...

Hey Ann, you're on - let's paint Manchester blue!

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 08:21:24 ET
Posted by: Mr Whatever,

Oddly, I find misleading statements, i.e., republican talking points on this site. Who would have thunk it? The fact is MoveOn had a contest and several participants chose to compare bush to hitler. It was NOT a MoveOn commercial, it was simply what the contestants entered. BTW, why is it ok for a drug addled rush limbaugh to talk about feminazis incessantly but a liberal dare not use the words bush and hitler in a sentence? I know nuance doesn't matter to hard core bush bots, but to thinking people, as I believe most dan fans are, it does. In fact, that right wing hooey really stinks up a joint.

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 07:21:26 ET
Posted by: NYB,

"For an entrance evaluation at the Princeton School of Music, the completely self-taught musician showcased the moving theme song from the film "Exodus." The school accepted him, but the free-thinking, young keyboard player, who would later develop jazz chords that some claim never existed before, flatly rejected the idea of basic, formal instruction."

My God, it's interesting how much you have in common with the artists you respect without even knowing it. This is something I've always known; formalized instruction is great, but unless your soul is hard-wired for that subject you'll never truly excel at it. You'll just be doing what you were "taught", you'll never be able to intuitively improvise and create on an innate level, you'll just be a technician and never and architect. What I'm saying is, it's important to have a natural unconscience talent for something BEFORE you decide to spend time, money, blood, sweat, tears, and frustration on it. As with most things in life, books can only take you so far. The instructor can only take you so far. After that it's just gonna be YOU and the instrument. It's just gonna be YOU and your soul.

It's not always important to know "why" you're playing what you're playing because the soul will FORCE THAT SOUND from the instrument. I've found this to be true. When the soul "wills" that particular sound, your body will find a way to play it. THIS CANNOT BE TAUGHT. You are either built that way or you're not. It's not a game you play, it's in you're DNA. It's what you do...


Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 06:25:14 ET

First of all let me put it this way!

Monsters like Bin laden and Sadam are created by American Presidents.
American presidents are nothing more than the Muppets of the oil industry.
How many deaths did they have on their conscience? Middle east,Africa or South America!
So please folks, stop this whole dumb patriotic bullshit that only will lead you in your thumb.
I don't care about my country and their leaders. The only political references i have as a democrat is the constitution.
It are not Ben Laden or other Sadams who made the world unsaver but their creaters.

RAJAH, you are my man. You exactly expressed what i wanted to say. But my english have not the same level of yours. So excuse me for that.



Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 06:08:46 ET
Posted by: DWB, Dye hard road

ringing up steely dan has a nice ring to it, jerry's gang.
nice article, and found more of those in Andy's quarters.
the thing looks new.

the fans(ites) bring a lot of substance to this game, eh?

well, everyone Morph the Wave then :-)

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 05:47:23 ET
Posted by: SS, HK

This keeps getting better....

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 04:33:00 ET
Posted by: Bill, Paris

Hello Danfans,
I have a theory (maybe not too original!) about the song, Jack of Speed, that it's about meth and that the characters in the song come from the stereotypical, low-income communities that meth is famous for ravaging. This seems even more likely if you listen to the lyrics to the live, pre-2VN version of the song, where one of the folks is named "Elrod". And I'm certain that the bad haircut is a mullet.
In any case, this series of ads got me thinking about it again:
"It still calls to me", one of the quotes reads. Frightening.

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 03:42:32 ET
Posted by: PGE, ...

DF in The New York Times:

"I'm afraid of religious people in general — any adult who believes in magic."

Well, there goes the rest of the US record sales, then...!

Seriously though; well worth the time and effort to register-for-free:

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 01:57:25 ET
Posted by: Kid Clean, still here

Thanks for posting that interview Jerry's Gang. That last line is absolutely priceless and speaks volumes about their relationship.



Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 01:34:38 ET
Posted by: Kid Clean, @home

Just my opinion, but I'd be willing to bet that Donald did not have much to do with the "V.I.P. packages", money has obviously never been the #1 issue with the Dan.

Date: Sun, February 26, 2006, 01:04:55 ET
Posted by: Morph the Cab, what floats and has a shape like that?

Dunno, maybe it's the third glass of Stags' Leap or just my astigmatic monitor. Could that be bin Laden's countenance hovering over Donald's shoulder... or maybe Lenin? Lincoln?

Or not.

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 23:37:30 ET
Posted by: Josie-vs-Peg hosted by Aja!, See Some Gold Teeth Get Thrown Out! LIVE IN PASSAIC!!

Donald grew up in Kendall Park? Sweet Shit! I live, like 20 minutes from there! Small world! Although I live about half-an-hour from NYC anyway. Didn't his mother die or something?

*thoughts on him against the Bush administration,*
Fagen vs. O'Reilly. I was actually envisioning that.
Don could smoke Bill's ass any day of the week. Hear that Bill? You'd better get off the stage boy! Unless you're lookin' for a showdown!

Now the seriousness...
Y'know, I wonder if he'll bring any of it up during the wave broadcast tomorrow. Maybe then he can defend his paragraph and a half of his collective "leftist dialogue" from a four-page article.

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 23:18:16 ET
Posted by: nytimes, @the linotype machine

Just because you've done death doesn't mean you're done with Dan.

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 22:56:19 ET
Posted by: thuggish kettle,

Oh, we know it's you going after Gretchen, nonymous!
Everyone here already knows who Gretchen is, she's not anonymous.

Fun's over. Tedium has set in.

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 22:43:55 ET
Posted by: Hansel, Gingerbread House

A brave soul whose real name must be "Gretchen" wrote,

"It seems odd to me that a lot of the criticism of Donald is being given by individuals who refuse to use a regular name. Of course you are entitled to an opinion, but, unlike Mr. Fagen, it appears to be a rather cowardly way to express a viewpoint."

If Mr. Fagen had an ounce of bravery in expressing his political viewpoints, then he'd be doing this on The Today Show and not limit his political self-expression to the UK's Independent, a newspaper which makes The Village Voice look like Rush Limbaugh's newsletter.

Gretchen (real name) continues: "I for one respect Donald more for voicing his political opinions, not only because I agree with him but because he has the fortitude to be so vocal."

I guess he had nothing to say about Darfur, Bosnia, Iraq under Saddam, UN corruption, Iran threatening the obliteration of Israel, etc. But this Dick Cheney hunting incident seemed to be a good place to start his new career as political commentator, I guess. Bush Bad. American wrong. Everything else irrelevent. And only say these things to foreign media. Yeah, real brave.

"On an unrelated subject, RIP Don Knotts. He was a classic. "

Yes, definitely. I doubt he sent any portion of his residual checks to

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 22:37:41 ET
Posted by: jerry's gang, .

that's "bringing up steely dan",
not ringing

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 22:36:38 ET
Posted by: jerry's gang, you can pay me later hoops

ringing up Steely Dan
Staff Reporter

"Would you, by chance, be a Steely Dan fan?" Beachwood resident Joseph "Jerry" Fagen inquires wryly. It's an unlikely question coming from an 80-year-old, but Fagen's "favorite conversation starter" affords the opening he needs to do what any parent would do in his shoes: kvell a little.

Reaching for his wallet, the spry sneaker-clad Fagen produces a computerized list in tiny type of the 13 albums released by his son, Donald Fagen, co-founder of the jazz-rock-pop recording group, Steely Dan. His latest entry? "Two Against Nature," the group's newest release, which debuted last month at #6 on the Billboard charts.

Steely Dan was founded in the early 1970s by college-mates Donald Fagen and Walter Becker. The multiplatinum recording artists write, produce and perform a unique brand of music. They employ the best studio musicians money can buy, creating a smooth and sophisticated alchemy of sound that has remained brilliant and untarnished since the group's inception in 1972.

Hanging on the wall in the office-den of Jerry Fagen's home, Steely Dan's platinum records gleam in the afternoon sun. Uninterested in displaying them himself, "Donald thought his parents would appreciate them more," says mother Elinor, a spunky 77-year-old former Bellefaire JCB volunteer.

"Aja," "Gaucho" and "Steely Dan's Greatest Hits" are among the musical trophies displayed above the Fagens' blue floral sofa-sleeper. "The gold ones are in storage," quips Jerry, careful to clarify that the gold and platinum albums are symbolic of total record sales and not made of the precious metals themselves.

In his pocket, Fagen also carries a list of the Top 100 rock artists. Another paper lists the nominees and inductees to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. "Look," he says, pointing to the credit card-sized rosters, which he has painstakingly cross-referenced, "Steely Dan is number 57."

Nominated, but twice passed over for induction to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Steely Dan outranks Hall of Famers Paul McCartney (62) and Billy Joel (78) on TV's VH-1 countdown.

"Everyone's been nominated more than once," laughs the retired CPA, knowledgeably. "Only the Boss (Bruce Springsteen) got in the first time."

According to the elder Fagens, when their son was growing up in Kendall Park, N.J., he took an immediate liking to a gift from his grandmother: a piano. (It's already in storage at the Rock Hall.) That same year, Donald became the first bar mitzvah at the brand-new synagogue his father helped establish. The young Fagen was the rabbi's only student in 1961.

For an entrance evaluation at the Princeton School of Music, the completely self-taught musician showcased the moving theme song from the film "Exodus." The school accepted him, but the free-thinking, young keyboard player, who would later develop jazz chords that some claim never existed before, flatly rejected the idea of basic, formal instruction.

Instead, he consumed the piano with an appetite that never seemed sated. Robbing sleep from his younger sister, Donald would often jam on the piano in the family room until the wee hours of the morning with an impromptu band of teenage friends.

"He still plays the piano all the time in my house," says his sister, Susan Pfaff, a preschool teacher at Carol Nursery School in Shaker Heights. "He literally has to have a piano wherever he goes." Whether it's on vacation in Europe, or at his parents' home, she says, Fagen will rent, buy or otherwise procure a piano as an outlet for his creative flow.

Playing host to a series of family photographs, the piano in the Fagens' living room is more than a simple gift from Donald. It ensures that he will have something to play when he visits his parents. "Even when we see him free and loose, there is music going on in his head," they note.

When he's not sitting at the keyboard, Donald's fingers incessantly play imaginary keys. The chords and melodies that play in his mind often make their way to the blank music sheets he always brings along on his visits here. "(Playing piano) is almost therapeutic for him," his sister suggests.

Quick weekend visits with his Cleveland-based family, who have lived here for 15 years, are traditionally low-key. There is the occasional jaunt to Half-Price Books (Fagen majored in English literature at Bard College and is an insatiable reader) or a casual meal in Little Italy. Otherwise, he goofs around on the piano and discusses jazz chords with his 15-year-old niece, Emily, an honor student at Shaker Heights High School, who also plays piano. An old college buddy who lives in town sometimes drops by, as well.
At the Rock and Soul Revue at Blossom Music Center several years back, Fagen's parents were whisked from a crowd that "stood screaming for more with cigarette lighters lit." Seeing their son's fans show their appreciation in such large numbers "is so great to see!"

While bus travel and a string of budget motels marked Steely Dan's early years, Fagen now "travels in style," according to his father. "He charters a plane to take him from venue to venue," and budget motels have given way to plush Ritz-Carltons.

On one of Fagen's more memorable non-working visits, the accomplished keyboard artist supplied kazoos for each member of his family, suggesting they play "Name That Tune" with television theme shows.
Fagen lives in Manhattan with his wife of seven years, songwriter Libby Titus, who has two grown children from a previous marriage.

Although Fagen is, in many respects, the quintessential New Yorker - intellectual, arty, and musically mature - "He's really very funny," says Pfaff, a quality most people rarely see in her brother. Seldom seen smiling in photographs, Fagen's public image is understandably pensive and cautious. "If you want to see him smile," his mother remarks, "You have to see him with Walter" (his Steely Dan co-founder).

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 22:34:24 ET
Posted by: Gretchen , Yankee stadium

It seems odd to me that a lot of the criticism of Donald is being given by individuals who refuse to use a regular name. Of course you are entitled to an opinion, but, unlike Mr. Fagen, it appears to be a rather cowardly way to express a viewpoint. I for one respect Donald more for voicing his political opinions, not only because I agree with him but because he has the fortitude to be so vocal. I don't recall, as someone had posted earlier, Donald's saying "America sucks" or anything to that effect, rather just a mixture of anger and disappointment over the devastating effects this administration has had on our great country.

On an unrelated subject, RIP Don Knotts. He was a classic.

And, for all of the Yankee fans, tune in to the YES network Thurs at 1 pm for the first spring training broadcast!

to all a goodnight

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 22:08:04 ET
Posted by: what i do, loving it

so true NYBill!

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 21:53:23 ET
Posted by: moray eel, dot

Or an online source:

Perhaps DF should have said BULLETS instead of bullet. Then those attacking Fagen wouldn't be so upset.

The whole idea of self-governance is to be critical of those in power... including Bush.


Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 21:52:44 ET
Posted by: reply, repliesville

Doc Mu: "'s far more interesting to be subversive, as they've chosen to be over their careers and focus instead on rare insight into the Human Condition..."

I think once Donald started selling $400 VIP seats to his shows he lost any subversive "cred" he worked to establish over the last 30 years.

Walter is still cool though.

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 21:36:36 ET
Posted by: moray eel, oh

Sorry to see some fan(s) starting to boycott Fagen, like Mr. LaPage. If I forced myself to choose between Donald Fagen or George W. Bush, I would choose Fagen everytime.

In my dictionary: bullet= A metal projectile fired from a gun. A small ball.

Therefore, Fagen's use of the word "bullet" is completely appropriate. Should df have said, "The V.P. fired multiple metal projectiles into the face, neck and heart of his hunting buddy..."? Does that sound better?

Can't wait for tomorrow night's broadcast. I think the song that sounds the most promising is The Night Belongs to Mona. Sounds like the score to a Michelob commercial for the suicidal, Lincoln Park Trixies.

Hoops, if you ever happen to find that interview with df's father, I would sacrifice a sensitive portion of the anatomy to read it.


Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 21:15:25 ET
Posted by: RJ Squirrel, PA

Well said Declan..made me laugh.

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 20:57:24 ET
Posted by: Declan, Memphis

Please, morons, take your amateur political discussion over to the Yellow -- the resident fart joke in the grand strata of cogent political hoo-ha.

If you idiots think that cutting and pasting email forwards is any way to change someone's mind, then you probably voted for Bush ... or Clinton.

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 20:49:34 ET
Posted by: RJ Squirrel, PA

OK you Danheads I am throwing down the big bucks to go to the Tower next Saturday in Philly. I've never ben to a SD/Fagen/Becker show before although I've been a fan for a long time.

Please tell me that the sound system will be unbelievable and he will have a full horn section, back-up singers, etc. If it sounds anywhere near as good as the 2vN DVD I'll probably piss myself.

I am fired-up and can't wait.

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 20:47:11 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu,

NYBill: Where have you been man? "What I Do" is righteous stuff!

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 20:45:25 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu,

Just a thought. The current administration's management and execution have been appaling, allowing terrorists an entire country to target practice their latest techniques on our soldiers and citizens of Iraq

It's one thing to joke about an anal and domineering personality as "nazi-ish" or to include the word Nazi in externalizing the frustration of a down and out man...

But obviously the Nazi ad is unbelievably offensive to families of the 35 million people who died including the Holocaust from a madman, yet wished to enslave under a "master race" totalitarian state the civilized world.

The ad was withdrawn, because it undoutably cost Kerry votes. The 3 groups that increased their voting % to W in the last election did NOT include Evangelists (not that there's anything wring with that) whose voting was similar to 2000, but (a) Latinos & other Catholics, (b) soccer moms, (c) Jewish-Americans

It's a sign of the times and the bush post-modern world with 24 hour TV news that we must turn politics into some kind of ridiculous cartoon and shouting matches, instead of rational discussion.

I sentence you all to nothing but CSPAN and CSPAN2 for the next year.

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 20:39:58 ET
Posted by: NYB,

Now that's what I'm talkin' bout! "What I Do" is fully up to the classic Steely Dan standard. What a great song! Fagen has really exceeded all expectations with this one. Dig those backup vocals... dig that whole mysterioso aspect of the song... dig the classic Fagen vocals... Have I mentioned this before? I DIG IT!

Great job Donald. Damned proud of ya' boy!

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 20:39:11 ET
Posted by: Amazed, Nevada

WOW!! Could it be that "nonymous" is really B. O'rightly??

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 20:24:17 ET
Posted by: thuggish kettle, Bass Magazine Review of Morph

"A follow-up to 1993's future-themed Kamakiriad, Steely Dan co-founder Donald Fagen's latest solo effort is filled with exquisitely crafted pop musing on modern life. Bassist "Ready" Freddy Washington cuts the gig perfectly, favoring a rich, edgy tone and a soulful R&B groove. It's the kind of top-shelf pop session playing that's increasingly rare in this synthed-out musical world. (JH)"

March 2006, page 67

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 20:23:44 ET
Posted by: Nonymous, Middle America

Ah, Thuggish Kettle.

There "may" be something there in poor taste, huh? Here's another opinion for you:

"Jack Rosen, president of the American Jewish Congress, writes in Monday's WALL STREET JOURNAL: " informed potential ad makers that 'we're not going to post anything that would be inappropriate for television.' Two of the ads posted on the group's Web site compared Adolf Hitler to George W. Bush. One ad morphed an image of Hitler into President Bush and says that, '1945's war crimes' are '2003's foreign policy.'" Rosen says is "using the memory of that genocide as a political prop. Their comparison diminishes the reality of what happened, and their actions cheapen the memory of a horrific crime. It also does a terrible disservice to this country at a perilous time, when we need to examine the dangers we face with clarity and purpose." Leadership is "about confronting threats to freedom everywhere. President Bush has shown that leadership in Iraq, and our troops have liberated a people who were oppressed by another murderous dictator. compares this liberation to the Holocaust. It deploys a picture of Hitler to vilify President Bush. Comparing the commander-in-chief of a democratic nation to the murderous tyrant Hitler is not only historically specious, it is morally outrageous. Comparing an American president, any American president, to Hitler is an outrage. The ad was inexcusable. Political figures such as Al Gore, who have associated themselves with, have a special responsibility to condemn these ads; donors to the group such as George Soros have the same responsibility. They owe it not just to the memory of the millions who died in the Holocaust. They owe it also as a simple matter of decency."

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 20:12:43 ET
Posted by: thuggish kettle,

Nonymous - those ads might be in poor taste, but there is nothing inaccurate about them.

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 20:05:29 ET
Posted by: thuggish kettle,

I think Donald can be forgiven for saying "bullet".
After all, he never seemed to know that Mescal has the worm and not Tequila.
And obscuring the facts after shooting someone is far worse than mistaking the ammunition.

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 20:01:31 ET
Posted by: Nonymous, Middle America

Contribute to

Here's where some of your money went:

Proud of that?

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 19:57:29 ET
Posted by: Nonymous, Middle America is NOT a Civic group. It is a political action committee whose goal is to push dems farther left.

{ Have Nonymous email you the link to this copyrighted article. } `

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 19:53:25 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu,

[blank] - technically it's "K Street" following McCain Feingold. Pork Barrelling is second - local projects tacked on Defense spending bills...

Yes, buckshot does not equal a bullet. Straight on - you don't survive...of course the victim was an "attourney" - almost a nice start, eh ;-)

Now the Promo strategem is clear. This is all part of a brilliant plot to get Bill O'Reilly to plaster Donald's mug up on the FoxNews blue screen and scream:

"DON'T BUY DONALD FAGEN'S NEW ALBUM 'MORPH THE CAT!' He's a subversive I tell ya. We've uncovered Mr. Fagen exchange of moneys with the thuggish rap group Tariq & Gunz! This man must be stopped!"


Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 19:27:09 ET
Posted by: Never going back to my old school, Chicago

Cute schoolyard story:
Rumsfelds grandkid attends/attended a Waldorf school in Chicago with my friends kid.
A couple years ago when the illegal invasion began, Rumys grandkid informed the other kids in class that "if it weren't for my grandfather, you'd all be dead!"
Aren't kids great? Especially kids who take limos to school.

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 19:22:22 ET
Posted by: thuggish kettle,

Maybe Donald will do a hip cover of John Ashcrofts "Let the Eagle Fly".
That should go a long way to soothing the half of his fans who are upset that lacked discretion when he gave his astute opinions without clever or artistic dressing.

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 19:09:30 ET
Posted by: Josie-vs-Peg hosted by Aja!, See Gold Teeth Get Thrown Out! LIVE FROM PASSAIC!

Point for Nonymous. Donald DID mention his disdain for the Bush administration to The Herald, out loud and quite explicitly. It's not just a track. I guess what I was trying to get across was just a rehashing of previous posts. Putting in my two cents was a pretty redundant gesture I should've refrained from!

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 18:53:20 ET
Posted by: Cathy Berberian, California Civic Action was started by Joan Blades and Wes Boyd, two Silicon Valley entrepreneurs. Although neither had experience in politics, they shared deep frustration with the partisan warfare in Washington D.C. and the ridiculous waste of our nation's focus at the time of the impeachment mess. On September 18th 1998, they launched an online petition to "Censure President Clinton and Move On to Pressing Issues Facing the Nation." Within days they had hundreds of thousands of individuals signed up, and began looking for ways these voices could be heard.......from

Just thought those of you in the dark would like to know the origins of this organization. Does it sound like a terrible thing? Maybe if they would have been able to accomplish what they originally wanted to get done, the world would be a very different place today and our Congress would have been about the business of most importance, such as terriorism and issues facing our people instead of dogged pursuit to expose a personal and private matter.

Now back to the music and whoever would give it up loses the most......Enough said


Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 18:32:07 ET
Posted by: JaeDog, New York

I never pop on here--I'm an email digest-only kinda guy--but I wanted to say hi to my fellow New York Danfans and find out if anyone I know from Jones Beach / Roseland is going to be at Westbury and The Beacon. You might remember me as the guy with the "Dean & Deluca" t-shirt. Someone drop me an email and say hi. =)


Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 18:26:46 ET
Posted by: Rajah ,

This latest polemic will eventually die down as Hoop-i-Mon fortells, it always does and as he points out this latest outbreak was sparked by Donald's own very direct coments which even shocked me a bit. I'm gratified... but shocked. He must be in a different place right now where he feels the need to throw down and he has every right to, he's earned it, he's paid his dues, he's not just some wet-behind-the-ears Dixie Chick who has been on the scene for 5 minutes. Some of the reaction here on Blue to Donald's statements in the interview really sadden me. Childish. Donald is merely exercising his rights under the 1st Amendment. It's separation of church and state not separation of art and politics. Traditionally, there has always been a political element to artistic endeavors. It's a certain take on the human condition. Riots and mayhem have ensued over countless artists and pundits, Sean O'Casey plays in 20th century Ireland, Giuseppe Verde was accused of being an anarchist, Lenny Bruce, Salmon Rushdie, the guy who drew those anti-Islamic cartoons spring to mind.

So I think the worst sin any Steely Dan fan can commit is to give in to this type of small-mindedness. We've come to expect a certain brand of partisan hatred in our halls of Congress, that's another shameful state of affairs as there are very few real statesmen left, men and women who stop campaigning after they get elected and serve the whole of their constituency. And I do not expect this weak-ass shit here but unfortunately, it always rears its ugly head.

OK, I'm done, attack away, I will not respond to this subject anymore.

Unless you really piss me off. ;)

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 17:51:16 ET
Posted by: Nonymous, Middle America

Donald is saying this crap in interviews. I wasn't talking about one song. If he wants to write a song that has a political point of view, god bless him. He's done it before and that's fine.

However, blasting your own country IN AN INTERVIEW and twisting facts to make things sound even worse (ie. "Cheney shot a man in the face with a bullet! They're all insane and out of control I tells ya! America sucks!") - is something I never expected from a guy who has been historically reluctant to even discuss the meaning of lyrics.

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 17:48:24 ET
Posted by: SoulMonkey, The Ville

Looks like tix in Chicago are selling rather well. Just out of curiosity, I went on Ticketbastard and tried getting 4 seats together on the floor. Not available. The balcony looks to be about half full. By show date, this place will be full. I can't wait.


Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 17:22:27 ET
Posted by: Josie-vs-Peg hosted by Aja!, See Some Gold Teeth Get Thrown Out! LIVE FROM PASSAIC!

*Long-Time DanFan, First-Time Poster*

In terms of Donald Fagen making an anti-Bush statement, what I don't understand is how this all comes as some sort of shock. I knew that Don would eventually articulate his political beliefs, and I obviously knew what they were, so it comes as no surprise to me. Both his and Walt's views (both political and otherwise) should've been made clear straight from the beginning.
Ooops! Sorry for jumping the politcal gun, that's obviously been stressed enough. But closing off on that aspect, I think Fagen should at least be cut a little slack. It's not like he's going on "Vote for Kerry" tours, or ripping pictures of the pope in half. As a matter of fact, you can skip that one measley track; he's not gonna hold a gun to your head and force you to listen to it. He's even doing us the favor of disguising it under a clever metaphor, and not blatantly going on a tangent, like everyone else in the music industry seems to be doing.
But I feel the cat's gonna get outta the bag (no pun intended), sooner or later on a grand scale, (There was already an article on Yahoo, regarding MTC) next thing y'know the poor guy's gonna be plastered all over the FOX News Network deemed a "bad influence for the children", just like Busta Rhymes was.
But yes, I found a link to the wave and can hardly wait for his personalized premiere of MTC. It's my fave title he's come up with, I guess mostly because I'm into anime cat-people and whatnot. I'll tell you one thing, tho' those pics of him in the scarf are splenid. I can't believe he's performing in my birthtown, (New Brunswick, NJ), I need to swap mumsy's credit card and bum a ride. And only $45.00, too.

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 16:39:57 ET
Posted by: thuggish kettle,

But DeaconBlue, I guess this thread goes on too long over the frustration of Donald and ourselves NOT letting decent people live in peace, or live at all.

But you are right. Move on indeed.
Now what was that about the Arctic Monkeys?

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 16:28:08 ET





THERE ISN'T ONE! Both sides are fascist bastards!!!




Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 16:24:14 ET
Posted by: black kettle, was thuggish cult,

nonymous: "you do have the moveon buzz words well memorized. Congratulations"
I have no idea what you're talking about. I know very little about MoveOn except that they question the media and government propaganda. I've heard interviews but have never checked out their website.

You are strangely upset over Donald saying bullet. Maybe he doesn't know about hunting. I sure don't. Cheney accidentally shot a man in the face and chest. Your implication that Donald brings that up as a marketing plan for some newspaper readers is bizarre and quite amusing.

It's all art, nony.

If you insist on not having a nice day, then go read the Constitution.

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 16:15:45 ET
Posted by: His Lordship To Be, Politics Webchat vs Bluebook

I'm with you girlfreind-This is fast becomng the politics webchat page, there's a big divide between those posties talking about music and those talking about American politics, which I don't fully get since I've never liked politics and I've never been sure what the political state is over in America.

But me and everyone else on this board DO understand what the boards for, how about dropping the politics, since it's fast veering of the point made about Fagen. in fact, it's pretty much spun of the road, and I'm hoping this is the bit where it's gonna crash.

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 15:46:14 ET
Posted by: hoops,

We're bunting around ideas for Pre- and post-Chicago show plus St Patty's day on chicago AT Has to fit about 70-100 -people (we had well over a 100 in 2003) and has to be within staggering distance of the Chicago Theatre. One or two stops up the Howard line might be ok too

Bonus track as a download?! I'm so there with credit card in hand. But I gotta hope they have an alternate way of releasing it in its full glory. I wouldn't want to have such a track on only MP3 format. Maybe they will have Euro CD single or put it on the previously mentioned box or something. I sure hope.

All these great links remind me of something I wish I had done with past tours: I wish I had printed out and/or saved all these reviews, interviews, etc. Some of them seem lost forever. That interview with Donald's father in the "Plain Dealer" from 2000 was awesome and seems to be lost forvever—not even at Metzger's—as far as I've been able to search.

Be well and play nice. I hope to be recording DF's premiere from the Wave tomorrow night as well as be in the Greenroom at the same time so I can virtually share the things I know and love with those of my kind.


Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 15:42:21 ET
Posted by: Girlfriend, changing channels

Ok, we got it.

Now move on.

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 15:33:08 ET
Posted by: Nonymous, Middle America

Third World Man writes, hypocritically,

"Ever notice that it is the narrowminded (i.e. conservative right-wingers) that resort to threats and always take the all or nothing approach? "

Note stereotyping of the right and name-calling in sentence 1.

"Why are these people so defensive that they are willing to sever all ties over one element of disagreement? And over what, people expressing their Constitutional rights? How American! "

And why are you so shocked when, in response to the expression of free speech which some may find objectionable, that a percentage of the audience chooses NOT to purchase music/tickets? Is that not also an expression of free speech and freedom of choice? Isnt the expression of disagreement Free Speech? Or is it only when it's something you agree with?

I, for one, won't buy from someone who helps pay for's political activities and promotes their cause. That's my right and my expressing that here is 100% "American".

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 15:29:20 ET
Posted by: Declan, Memphis

If he wanted to ingratiate himself with Independent readers, he'd talk about how great the Arctic Monkeys are.

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 15:27:05 ET
Posted by: Nonymous, Middle America

"thuggish cult" writes, "Only to see the beautiful emptiness of your non-responses. You are obviously comfortable with/oblivious to your programming, but in any case please have a nice day."

You may want to consider changing your handle to "Black Kettle". Not a repsonse, just labeling... you do have the moveon buzz words well memorized. Congratulations.

Again, why does Donald need to make misrepresentations about Cheney's accidental shooting episode to the foreign press? Is that artistic self-expression or an effort to ingratiate himself with the readers of the Independent who will have the chance to buy his record in two weeks time?

That's not art, thuggy.

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 15:24:20 ET
Posted by: Third World Man,

Ever notice that it is the narrowminded (i.e. conservative right-wingers) that resort to threats and always take the all or nothing approach?

"Had i not bought airline tickets and concert tickets, i would have said 'fuck you'."

"And so, sale lost. Sorry, Carloyn."

"If you're not with us, you're against us."

Why are these people so defensive that they are willing to sever all ties over one element of disagreement? And over what, people expressing their Constitutional rights? How American!

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 15:20:44 ET
Posted by: thuggish cult,

nonymous wrote: "Was there an "artistic" point to this?"

Only to see the beautiful emptiness of your non-responses. You are obviously comfortable with/oblivious to your programming, but in any case please have a nice day.

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 15:12:53 ET
Posted by: Nonymous, Middle America

Thuggish Cult wrote: "And so, sale lost." Ooooh, you are so powerful, and I'll bet she really missed the opportunity to electrify your atrophied brain. a thuggish cult? How do you figure? No violence or religion pushes the information. And no corporate support either. "

I guess you discount having one of the world's richest men as a financier for MoveOn as "no corporate support." A distinction without a difference. There is massive money behind

"Donald and Walter have always spoken their politics in song, just as every real artist processes their experience of the world through their work."

Yes, with subtlety and artistic flair. Precisely the opposite of what Donald is doing in these interviews.

"They have always been uncomfortable as entertainers, but always happy to choose uncomfortable, subversive topics. Jeez, why do you think they chose their particular subject matter? Popularity? Fame? Mere shock value? Don't you recognize their disdain for authority?"

There is a difference between creating a song which presents a point of view and bashing your government in the foreign press, or supporting groups which protest outside hospital rooms of wounded soldiers.

"And again, there is nothing "anti-US" in opposing the government of this country. What are you, like 5 years old?"

What is "anti-US" is what people like Michael Moore, Cindy Sheehan and their supporters/followers at groups like are doing. And if you can't wrap your nugget around the fact that a substantial number of people in this country, ie. the majority, find such expressions of free-speech to be sickening. That's not dissatisfaction with opposition to the government, it's disgust with the lies and methods of these people and groups. Kinda like Donald telling the UK press that Cheney shot someone in the face with a bullet, when in actual fact it was an accidental shooting of some fine bird shot. Why the need to make misrepresentations to paint an even worse picture of the country in the foreign media?

Was there an "artistic" point to this?

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 14:53:35 ET
Posted by: thuggish cult,

nonymous wrote: "And so, sale lost." Ooooh, you are so powerful, and I'll bet she really missed the opportunity to electrify your atrophied brain. a thuggish cult? How do you figure? No violence or religion pushes the information. And no corporate support either.

Donald and Walter have always spoken their politics in song, just as every real artist processes their experience of the world through their work. They have always been uncomfortable as entertainers, but always happy to choose uncomfortable, subversive topics. Jeez, why do you think they chose their particular subject matter? Popularity? Fame? Mere shock value? Don't you recognize their disdain for authority?

And again, there is nothing "anti-US" in opposing the government of this country. What are you, like 5 years old?

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 14:36:43 ET
Posted by: His Lordship To Be, Worldlywise, I Realize, That Everybodys Crazy...Am I myself Or Just Another Freak?

Fezo/Albil-I agree and disagree with both of you in my little way.
I think H-Gang has an absoloutly Beutifull tune, I really love the inventive thought out rythm and feel Fagens used with this song, it gives me a kinda Deacon Blues feeling, but it's still a new deal.
However, when I listen to it, it does feel like the songs could really build up to something, but it never breaks the stride it sets for itself.
In short, I feel Fagen made a real great song out of what he got, and I'm more than satisfied with what I'm getting, but he loses a big chance for a great song by not building H-Gang up.

Morph on the other hand is AMAZINGLY MIND-FIZZINGLY GROIN-GRABBINGLY good! And one of the main reasons for this is the way the entire song builds to a great point-then fades out at JUST the right moment!

Fagen almost managed to do this with Dunes, but he missed his moment to fade it out, or maybe he didn't make it at all. Either way, the song just sounds too much like it's dragging itself on. If it hadn't done this, It could've been the pick of the album. As it happens, Tommorows Girls gets that place, and I know I'm gonna love the follow up in Mary Shut The Garden Door

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 14:23:56 ET
Posted by: Nonymous, Middle America

If there were ever a "thuggish cult" trying to take over America, that would be

And if youre a musician and want people to focus on your artistic product, then promoting divisive groups like is counterintutitve. Unless of course you WANT to be linked to this or some other group.

And if this groups is one I find to be very offensive, then it becomes even more difficult to focus on the music.

And so, sale lost. Sorry, Carloyn. [Maybe you should consider other sources for your news and politcs apart from Michael Moore.]

This stuff about Donald explaining the motivation behind his music as an excuse for his anti-US ramblings in the foreign press, well, I don't buy it. He never felt the need before to explain his songs. He let them speak for themselves.

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 13:59:10 ET
Posted by: ,

If you're looking for true democracy, check out Switzerland.
The USA is ruled by a brotherhood of corporate kings united through money-lines rather than blood-lines.
Funny, Alkali starts this whole thing by calling Donalds politics moronic, and now wants to get back to the music. Alkali, you never explained why your politics are so well-formed.

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 13:50:58 ET
Posted by: Albi,

Fezo- Re you comments about H - Gang. I couldn't disagree with you more! It's a beautiful tune!

As far as this whole Fagen political thing goes.,. What it comes down to is George W has brought at the the worst in a lot of people.

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 13:44:07 ET
Posted by: Little Wild One, call

Yeah, I can relate to the misspelled name syndrome.

Confessions r us: first misheard lyric for MTC. Could have sworn he was singing "shoulder girl" in the chorus of What I Do....

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 13:15:03 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

A sign of things to come.

I went to and the banner at the top was promoting Fagen's new album...out March 14. Problem is, they spelled his name in the banner Fegan. Ouch! Go there and if don't see it at the top...keep refreshing until it pops up. You should see it.

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 11:57:26 ET
Posted by: Buddenbrock, Travemünde by the Sea

When in London for promoting Kama, Fagen said he voted for Clinton.

By the way, why do you only have two parties over there, in your "democracy"? And not this wide spectrum of political parties we are having over her?

Is it a money-issue?

Just a little bit better than Ann's Borneo then.

//Thomas Buddenbrock

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 11:36:39 ET
Posted by: fezman, boston

Hoops,i have no problem telling you how the Boston audience will respond to the mention of the "evil empire" from donald,the exact opposite of the response he got when he opened with boston Rag in 2002 at tweeter lol......he'll be forgiven though....fez

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 11:31:26 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Doggone-it, Mu Mu, of all the folks here I admire, and there are so many many fine and good and decent, intelligent and experienced people on here that just give me hope and strength, I really wanted to meet your raggety Texas ass sometime on this little tour of Donald's. You and I have consistently agreed on so many things so naturally you must be a brilliant and engaging fella.

[rim shot]

Thank you.

And where the fuck is our most hilarious and quirky Dan-man, our beloved Joey, from Denver?

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 11:13:45 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu, areyouwithmedoctor

LWO: Just a ghostly virtual shadow of the man I once new...a decrepit AI random sentence generator ;-)

Still hoping for a tour in the Southland...just missing the Bay Area concert by a week on a Conference trip...rats!

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 10:49:58 ET
Posted by: HeyMike, bunker

<b>Yikes<b> Let's put down the megaphones and party!!!!
22 days till the Chicago Theatre.

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 10:48:49 ET
Posted by: fezo, bassinetwatch

I became a big fan of Toby Keith and the Dixie Chicks at about the same time. Do their widely divergent political views make their music sound any different?

Only if you're a mouth breather.

On a more topical tune, finally heard a tune off "Morph" this a.m. Alas, I was less than overwhelmed by H-Gang. Seemed a little plodding, like it was constantly building to a point that it could never quite reach. Sigh.

Still remember where I was when I first heard "Century's End" and "Tomorrow Girls" and how great they each instantly sounded. This wasn't a like experience.

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 10:43:44 ET
Posted by: Prodigal Son, Chicago

Boy, a lot of ugly posts here.

Can't imagine why theo-neofascists/bushhate enablers would like Steely in the firtst place?

Can't we all get along?

Makes you yearn for the days of Mean Old Daddy; at least he had intelligence and humour.

See you at the shows!


Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 09:02:35 ET
Posted by: Flipkid, Blue State

"Non-whites, single women, slackers, and welfare recipients vote Democrat. (Along with testosterone-deficient married men in the northeast whose wives wear the pants in the family.)"

Wow. That's not sterotyping at all. FYI, I'm a 51-year-old white hetero male that has worked hard all my life for everything that I have... and I vote Democrat.

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 08:54:07 ET
Posted by: Alkali, NYC

Let the politricks go people.
enjoy the music.
let morph the cat prowl...
we'll see if the proof is as good as the pudding.
sometime in March.


Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 08:36:21 ET
Posted by: Now Fagen's telling us , that we've been brainwashed

That dichotomy also informs "Mary Shut the Garden Door," which describes a "thuggish" cult overtaking the U.S. government. Fagen is not shy about voicing displeasure with the current administration, likening its tactics to "a cumulative brainwashing. People‘s minds seem to be asleep. The death of the brain seems to be prevalent in a political sense."

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 08:29:27 ET
Posted by: Fagen's White Male Married Affluent, Fan Base Vote Republican

Non-whites, single women, slackers, and welfare recipients vote Democrat.

(Along with testosterone-deficient married men in the northeast whose wives wear the pants in the family.)

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 06:53:39 ET
Posted by: ,

Nonymous said: "Apart from upsetting people, the most dumb thing about doing political interviews like this is that his words won't change anyone's mind. He'll alienate the half of his audience who thinks he's wrong, the other half won't believe in their cause MORE strongly, so what was accomplished? Nothing positive, only a net negative result. Dumb."

I doubt he's TRYING to change anyone's mind - just explaining the thoughts/feelings that inspired his art.

Now shut up and do whatever it is YOU do for a living....

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 05:54:00 ET
Posted by: SS, HK

Does DF have to be a liberal to believe the Bush administration has messed some things up ? Hardly.

To think that he's pissing off HALF his audience - that half of the U.S. backs Bush blindly - has to be off the mark.

I keep hearing how divided the U.S. is now. I bet there are a lot of people who support conservative policies but don't like the way things are being done. That's another divide.

I think he's about make his music and do and say what he wants. Part of that is freedom to enter a dissenting view.

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 04:19:13 ET
Posted by: ps,

make that:
© 2006 warner music group

(sorry, we're always thinking cartoonwise)

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 04:16:50 ET
Posted by: Gina, Sun Mountain

Is that Oleander? Diane is looking for you in Yellow and everyone else is wondering about Fever Dreams...

Per Gunnar left a link (see above), you can click photos and...

see this:

(© Warner Bros Music Group)

and discuss books......?

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 03:22:42 ET
Posted by: ,

A country and its government/regime are two separate entities. You are not against a country by opposing its government. Please think.

Equating to skinheads is so stupid and irresponsible it's hard to comment. Intelligent dissent is not racist violence.

Donald is about music and we all know his personality wouldn't allow him to preach about politics in concert.

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 03:20:11 ET
Posted by: Dustin, UK

Wow! This site is fantastic. It's professional and to the point. I like it a lot. best internet service provider

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 02:19:11 ET
Posted by: Declan, Memphis

Dammit, Fagen Monkey!!

Stop talking and play your damn cymbal!

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 02:04:42 ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher, Louisville, KY

I just don't see why the hell anyone cares what Donald says about politics in an interview. (I personally couldn't care less) Now, if he starts ranting in between songs in the concerts, it's a different story. But an interview that probably nobody but us has read? Who honestly cares? And lighten up--quit taking politics so damned seriously, people.

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 02:02:14 ET
Posted by: Little Wild One, sleepless in Tejas

Doc Mu...I knew we were missing someone on the Chicago guestlist. Some of us don't even think you really exist....

P.S. I'm a very good travel agent in my downtime.

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 01:56:27 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu,

Raj: there's also hysteresis. Wasn't there cover art for H-Gang linked a few weeks ago with a picture of a tattoo shaped like and "eta?"

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 01:52:17 ET
Posted by: Nonymous, Middle America

Politics and Musicians -

Here's my .02:

When I buy a record, I want to be entertained. I want some escapist pleasure, get into some grooves, get a kick out of some cool lyrics.

From what I've heard so far of Morph, mission will be accomplished.


There are some artists who inject their politics into live shows, into songs, and while they're entitled to their opinions, it's a buzz kill for me. The whole 'escapist' thing is dashed, I'm back in reality and listening to someone who has little or no background in political science - apart from whatever newspapers they choose to read - telling me what they thing. Who gives a rat's ass? Shut up and play, as has been said a million times.

And I admit that sometimes an artist's politics are so objectionable to me that I won't purchase their music once I get wind of it. It just kills whatever goodwill they've built in my eyes, and it becomes harder and harder to fall into the music because the association with some political statement is always present in my mind..

An example: after hearing gorgeous vocals from Carolyn Leonhart, I checked out her website to learn more about her. Of maybe 25 links on her links page, she posts MOVE ON DOT ORG, a group that makes me wanna barf. She went from "wow, let's check out her music" to "another ultra-left kook"... (If you're on the left, feel free to imagine a link to a skinhead website to get my drift.)

With Donald's latest interview - I think it was exceptionally stupid to potentially piss off at least half of his audience. Looking around the audience at SD concerts, most of us are middle-aged, not in college anymore, and much less likely to embrace the far left. And I'm sure there are a lot of Democrats and left-of-center Republicans and Independents who find it objectionable to badmouth one's country in a foreign newspaper when you're on a tour to promote a record.

Apart from upsetting people, the most dumb thing about doing political interviews like this is that his words won't change anyone's mind. He'll alienate the half of his audience who thinks he's wrong, the other half won't believe in their cause MORE strongly, so what was accomplished? Nothing positive, only a net negative result. Dumb.

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 01:50:48 ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher, Louisville, KY

Hell of a list we've got for Chicago already!

An extra bonus track for people who buy the album off iTunes and the like? Damn. That means I have to buy a *third* version of the album? (Usually, bonus tracks like that require you to buy the entire album) Warner Bros sure knows how to milk me for all the cash they can!

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 01:37:37 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

Social: As much as I'd love to be there...I just don't see a way I could swing it. I'm hoping the summer leg swings in my neck of the woods. The economy hasn't been to kind to me, plus other commitments have forced me to bypass some concert dates. But I have faith that you guys will represent the Dandom in the most respectful of ways....the cuervo gold....the fine....maybe not that far!!! ;)


Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 01:29:30 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu,

"According to Warner Bros. VP of marketing Eric Fritschi, the label will sweeten the pot for digital retailers by offering "Morph" with a bonus cover of Al Green's "Rhymes," ***produced by and featuring Todd Rundgren...***

***Fagen hopes that Steely Dan can work on a new album sometime this year***, but one thing he does not concern himself with is the band's legacy. "It's sort of hard for me to relate to," he says. "A lot of the older things I don't relate to anymore myself that well. Or, I just wish I had done it better ... I'm always much more interested in what I'm doing at the moment."

YES!! Now that's what he Do...

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 01:10:58 ET
Posted by: Little Wild One, organizing the sing along

Well, that's the best news I've heard since Raj posted the lyrics to "What I Do" earlier today...

Chicago is gonna rock! Don't miss it.

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 00:59:08 ET
Posted by: oleander, mo morph

... and oleander and the Permasqueeze....

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 00:49:18 ET
Posted by: The Social Committee, What I Do

Apologies to those not yet heard from yet...

KDawg--you in?

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 00:35:21 ET
Posted by: Rajah, just got up from a nap

That's an awesome list of the faithful for Chy-town.

Date: Sat, February 25, 2006, 00:16:05 ET
Posted by: The Social Committee, .

Chicago's the headcount, in no particular order: KidClean, hoops, Danfiend, Earthbound, Geoff, Ed, Boston Rag, SpongeBill, Dan Belcher, SoulMonkey, Alan from Downunder and Jeri, Gretchen and Raj, Pete and Shari, DJ, Chris, Tony?, LWO, HeyMike, Noah, Jeff, Matt?

and these folks know how to party.

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 23:57:52 ET
Posted by: mt,

Does anyone have a recommendation for a program to convert the stream on Sunday to disk?

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 22:56:38 ET
Posted by: lovethisgig, where'd we sample those legs

I am reminded that they have used the abbreviated form as a verb:
"The torso rocks and the eyes are keepers."


Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 22:53:22 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

JJ - so many other friends waiting for you than G and H, you simply must find a way, J!

I said to Grette a couple weeks ago, "let's blow off Chicago," but she persuaded me that it's gona be the nexus of this tour.

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 22:46:01 ET
Posted by: Josey, St. Simons Island

Rajah - the case for going is certainly compelling my friend! The opportunity to meet you, Gretchen, Hoops, etc. is compelling enough!

As for potential hurricane strikes: yeah, they sometimes scare the shit out of us here! We've been fortunate so far in that we've been missed. We're on the western most part of the east coast so they usually miss us and hit Savannah or into the Carolinas. I'm sure our day's coming though.

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 22:38:21 ET
Posted by: lovethisgig, atlanta


I'm not saying I think Walt is a fan or is even neutral on Bush 41, just that perhaps it's not absolutely clear as you suggested.

I remember reading an interview where Don was asked if TIMTM is a "yuppie blues song." You know the house on the Vinyard, the house on the Gulf coast. Don was quick to point out that he doesn't own a house in either place, and that he's not necessarily singing about himself. Again, their talking about a guy who has lost a relationship, many of his possessions, perhaps his job, his way of life really. Even after the loss, he can't figure out which was more important, the Audi TT or someone to trust. I've read that Walt is fond of '54 Strats though.

I think it's profound that Don has now used the term rock-n-roll!!


Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 22:06:52 ET
Posted by: Ann, Borneo

Wow!!!! A European tour??

Well, here's hoping our boys make the first one Manchester.....and I'll be on the front row! Combine it with a visit to the old Dad. How's about some of you guys in the US coming along too. Most bands "feeling the water" play Manchester first as we make the best audiences, usually very appreciative.

Anyway it's great news, let's hope it happens.

Java: Nice to see you back in the Blue! Maybe meet up with you in Blighty!

All the best Greater Dandom!!


Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 21:11:07 ET
Posted by: Rajah ,

Thank you Hoop-o-maniac, it's good to know getting up for first period Greek for two years at 8:10 AM garnered me something. Even though it was a scant 34 years later. Thanks to Father Robert Welsh, S.J., from my beloved alma mater, St. Ignatius HS, in lovely Cleveland, Ohio. Go Wildcats.

But I took 6 years of Latin so I'm hoping Donald slides up to the Romans on his next album.

Hey, BTW, whatever happened to all that, "Orchids in the Summer Rain," copywright stuff? Could that be part of the "ton of stuff," Donald says he has for the next Steely Dan album?

What I really loved from Donald's interviews lately is that he's still tight as brothers with Walty and they'll be more to come...

Maybe getting older ain't that bad a deal?

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 20:52:51 ET
Posted by: hoops,


So you stand supported...go! You may kiss Angelina's voluptuous lips!

As far as I am concerned, of course—she may feel otherwise.


Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 20:44:36 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Hoops, "H" appears as the ancient Greek letter "eta" and its symbol is also our "H," as I posted weeks ago. The word "woman" has its etymological root in the ancient Greek for "womb," or "hyster-" sometimes it appears as "hysteria." Hysterectomy is still our medical terminology for removal of the uterus. Hysterical is the word we use for being emotionally distraught, it was thought by the Ancients -- not me you understand -- that a when women gets nuts it stems from the fact she has a uterus.

Please translate the next twenty lines from the Illiad for our next session. Class dismissed.

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 20:29:39 ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher, Louisville, KY

Didn't realize "H" could be a symbol for sisterhood. Good find, Hoops.

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 20:19:29 ET
Posted by: hoops ,

The latest Dandom Digest has been sent, this time covering February 23 & 24, 2006.

If you are a subscriber, you should see it in your email box within the next 12 hours. Again, If you don't receive it, please email me. Some people have been having problems with delivery of the Dandom Digest, usually because of spam filters, firewalls, etc.

The following are the subjects of this particular edition of the Dandom Digest

• DF Premieres MTC on Internet Radio THIS SUNDAY
• Fagen Talks MTC & Politics in the UK Interview
• Another Story About MTC
• REDUX: MTC: Hear the entire first 3 tracks in order, more songs
• REDUX: Official Release Date Moved Back
• REDUX: Donald on World Cafe
• REDUX: Danfest & Wing Ding Registry v 0.9 Now OpenDandom Digest
• Re: Dandom Digest


• NEW: 3 Vegas Tix Available
• NEW: L.A. Tix for sale
• Chicago Tickets for Sale
• Beacon VIP Ticket for Sale
• 2 tickets for Tower Theater show (Philly)
• Detroit tickets for sale
• One extra ticket for Westbury 3/3
• Two (2) Westbury, NY Tix for sale!
• Beacon Tix for sale
• FOR SALE: 1 for Westbury 3/3
• Banyan Trees Ticket Exchange 2006

If you are not currently a subscriber but would like to receive the free Dandom Digest email newsletter"—definitely not to be confused with the glorious Official, or newsletters/mail lists—please email me or see


Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 20:05:33 ET
Posted by: hoops ,

I keep meaning to post this... when "H Gang" was first announced as a track title, I had this image of a woman in a gang with an "H" tattooed on her arm or panty line or something. So I decided to "Google" for such an image.

I ended up finding an image of such a tatoo on Angelina Jolie! For her, it is a connection to her brother and the "H" also is a symbol of sisterhood amongst women. Heck, I bet that's the significance of H in "Cell Block H" as well as in this song, etc, not that this song was necessarily inspired by that series. "H" just is a symbol of sisterhood.

You probably knew this but it was new to me.


Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 19:34:43 ET
Posted by: Steve, Central NJ

Got 2 tix for the NYC Beacon Show. Cant make it, Bossman wouldnt let me off (BOOO), but will USPS these 2 tix via priority mail to you for $179. I would accept a paypay payment of course. These are 2 side by sides are in UPBAlc row o, seats 9,11. Get to me quick!!!
Great centerish view too. Email me soon, Thnks, Enjoy...

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 19:18:06 ET
Posted by: Maybe mentioned before,

Another article...........................

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 19:14:42 ET
Posted by: Donald was the one who decided to turn, his album release into a political statement

If Fagen decided to declare war on the beliefs of more than 50% of his fans, why shouldn't we be upset?

He made it political, not the fans...

"To me, that incident sums up everything you need to know about this presidency and why paranoia is everywhere. You can't escape the environment we have created for ourselves, and, although I have never considered myself as being a particularly political animal, I don't need a megaphone to tell people that we are invading the wrong countries, shooting the wrong people"

"There is so much going on in the world that it has never been more important to work hard to spread the message that we can change things, we can say to our leaders: 'Enough is enough' and we can force them to sit up and take notice,"

"One of the songs on the new album, Mary Shut The Garden Door, was written after the Republican convention hit Manhattan and, although it's ostensibly about an alien invasion, there are some
similarities with those in power in America."

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 18:52:26 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Hey Doubly Annoyed Now (aka "DAN"--Cute!) I agree, I would hate for here to become a full-time political discussion—heck, a reason this place was started was to avoid it. But I also consider that this was motivated by DF's own political comments in the news. I'm sure it will die down. Just scroll by and don't give it energy.


Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 18:48:01 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

"Can you assholes just post your Right (or Left) shit elsewhere?"

WOW!!! Way to post.....calling people assholes! That's getting your way! With that kind of demanding tone, maybe you can help fix the world's problems!


Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 18:47:50 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Very nice, what happens when it hurricanes? Having the G8 on an island is a darn good idea cause when they held it in Genoa a few years ago the Italians were so overjoyed they just about burnt down the town and trashed everything in sight.

Oops, politics.

Don't THINK about coming to Chicago, JJ, just DO it. Sometimes thinkin about stuff ruins everything, look at me, I never think, it gives me those little lines around my eyes.

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 18:44:58 ET
Posted by: hoops,

After it was brought up earlier this week, I got out my HoJo version of I.G.Y and I have to say I like it a lot less than I did when I first heard it. It's OK but save for this one interlude where there's some interesting vocals from his backup singers, it's pretty much, in my book, a cover a not much more.

I get what you are saying Mu, but if MTC is about this spirit of NYC, then I think it wouldn't fit in with the song. In some ways, I take MTC to be Donald's "These Are My Favorite Things (About NYC)." But personally, I'm not bothered by the Yanks being in the song and it will be interesting--as you kinda suggest-- to hear audience reaction to "blessed Yankees" in Boston or Philly or...


Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 18:43:41 ET
Posted by: doubly annoyed now,

Just to point out that WB's commentary on the song for Fall of 92 was written BEFORE our country went to total shit, before we became run by this bullshit administration, before GWB started this completely fucked up war that has killed how many innocent people and not Bin Laden? It's amazing to me that such ignorance abounds. How much is enough? Do we all need to fucking die?

I don't want to read any more of this crap, but I also want to keep informed about my favorite artist. Can you assholes just post your Right (or Left) shit elsewhere? Good god!

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 18:34:46 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Discussing whether political views expressed in the lyrics of a song represent Donald and/or Walter's views or that of characters *is* discussing the music.

"Told Ya," I think "Sheesh"'s post points out that Walter doesn't want to commit publically to political views in "The Fall of '92" but that doesn't necessarily make him a W supporter or critic, or Dem or Republican or liberal or conservative. One other thing also is that ten years later, WB may feel the same or differently. I still find it unlikely someone being conservative and having lyrics like that in a song. I would peg WB as a radical centrist but it's something to ask if the opportunity presents itself when his album comes out. And wouldn't be surprised if WB gives an SD'esque oblique answer :-)


Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 18:33:19 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

Hey Doc...on the Howard Jones' live version of "IGY", the tune was done in Philly and instead of

"90 minutes from New York to Paris",

he did

"90 minutes from Philadelphia to Paris".

So he substituted the cities to get the crowd cheering. Fagen may do that as well.

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 18:28:33 ET
Posted by: Josey, St. Simons Island

Rajah, by the way, St. Simons Island is one of the barrier islands off of the coast of Georgia. It's about an hour south of Savannah and an hour north of Jacksonville, Florida. The G8 summit was held here on Sea Island a year or so ago. Beautiful place!

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 18:26:02 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu ,

hoops: Like when the AM DJ's punched in in AM for the song "FM"

At each venue, Donald subs in Cubs or Giants or Dodgers...

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 18:22:59 ET
Posted by: Josey, St. Simons Island

Rajah - I'll email you shortly. Been out all day since my last post. Thank you so much for that offer. I'm seriously thinking about it!

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 18:19:41 ET


Let's Stop talking about politics now and let's get concentrate us for the upcoming shows.

How about the Danfests? Maybe we should concentrate us to organize them. Because there aren't many alternatives.

What's the matter with those ones that are realizing after 30 years that Don and Walt are liberals?

Alkali, musician or not ! everybody has the right to express himself politicaly.What's the deal man? Goodbye Look has it by the right way when he's saying that you defends Free speech only when it comes right out to you.



And if theris someone who have the need to express his political view well let him do because if you don't you are a bloody FUNDEMENTALIST.

If they are asking me what i am thinking about the GWB administration,well this will be be my answer:


So what, it's my right to say it. That's why we live in a free democratic world!

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 18:16:39 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

Don't fear the Reaper......fear the Dan!!! ;)

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 18:13:27 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Damn, this friggin Steely Dan is getting out of control. What next, Steely Dan performs illegal wiretaps and takes over sovereign nations?

North Korea and Iran best better tighten up...Steely Dan is on the prowl...

And Don better not go quail hunting with Walty!

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 17:59:43 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

From the front page of Yahoo!

"S.D. lawmakers approve abortion ban bill"

So...Steely Dan is dealing with laws now!!! ;)

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 17:59:23 ET
Posted by: I told you so, Hooops,

I told you so Hoops. Becker a bleeding heart liberal? You and other liberal pinko sympathizers think everyone is in agreement with your hip and trendy but ultimately unrealistic positions.

After all that's happened, our boys might have some disagreements with W., but in the end they are behind him and our country.

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 17:52:29 ET
Posted by: hoops,

"...not mine..."

Whoooo...GOOD FIND, "Sheesh."

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 17:07:52 ET
Posted by: sheesh,


Question: I saw you in Houston at the Woodlands last year, Walter. Great concert as always. But why must you insist on injecting your leftist political views during a concert? Do you think we really care what your narrow mind thinks?

BeckerLive: I take the leftist political views to be a reference to the lyrics to a song that I sang that night called "Fall of 92." There's two things that I would like to point out. One is that the political views expressed by the character in the song are exactly that -- namely the perspective of the character and not mine and two Bush was equally reviled by people from all positions in the political spectrum. But again the point of the song was to tell a story about a 80's yuppie who had fallen on hard times and blamed his failed romance on the recent economic downturn.

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 17:00:04 ET
Posted by: RN,

Advanced Resolution 5.1 and Stereo refers to the DVD-A mix.
(SACD is also referred to as advanced or high resolution)

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 16:31:03 ET
Posted by: Rajah, save me from myself

Holy crap, what in hell is Advanced Resolution 5.1 and Stereo?

Let's review, I got the Dolby Digital with the 5.1 DTS and the super sensual surround sound with the hi-rez schfeee and enhanced conglopiter on the ferndock but, what, now I gotta go out and buy forty twelve gizmos so I can hear all 54 versions of the Morph, oh mamlusha, when will it end, please sweet Jesu, how many friggin formats am I gonna have to buy all these little black and silver electronic boxes for? Each one has a little light that stays on when you turn it off, some red some green, when you turn the lights out it's like the main runway at LAX at Xmas-time. The chords, oh the chords behind my riggs are like rats nests, I got power strips hooked up to power strips, wires, man I got wires running under the house, tucked under rugs, stapled to the corners, I got 7, count em, 7 remote controls which I forget from day to day what each one has to be set on so I can hear the conga drums which ain't there on My Rival!!!!!!!! [Rajah throws himself on the ground balling like an infant]

[getting up slowly and adjusting his Turban which has unraveled and looks like shit, gets up and walks slowly to the dining room where he has his old stereo and turntable, lift the cover and puts the needle on an old red vinyl Aja. He plops into his chair, a broken man.]

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 16:19:37 ET
Posted by: IDTC, PA

LW1: Thanx for the offer! But, no, I got a whole lotta stuff I gotta deal with the next several months. Some bad stuff, but some really good stuff too. Involves total immersion in a new band I'll probably join. Rehearsals, touring, passport, the works. At least it looks that way right now. Go and have a GREAT time, the rest o' youse. Just post full reports later, or else.

TK from DK: Yeah, whassup with Andy Gill? Does the guy pay ANY attention to the actual music? "Smooth-jazz pop lines" my ass. Cheezis, clean out your ears, Gill, or take a course in modern harmony at your local university's continuing education program...

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 16:17:46 ET
Posted by: hoops,

OK I get it...maybe it's the part where I said I would emathize by what I would replace "Yankees" with..

I love NYC and if I didn't have family in Chicago I would probably live there. But as a Chicagoan who works for a not-for-profit institution, types like me lament how many of the local corporate instititions that support what I do are being bought out by NY companies who want to decentralize a bit in case of terrorismand castastrophies or simply for the sake of acquisitions. As a result, we're losing a lot of funding because our patrons are no longer based here. In this it's not about same game I play (with the Yankees) but what I do. :-)

I'll leave it vague like that. D + W can politicize but I'm just me :-)


Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 16:08:56 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Ummm...sorry YGK, wasn't specifically addressing your last post or two...but...sure...if you say so...whatever...

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 16:03:54 ET
Posted by: Sharon K., via hoops

Someone is offering pre-order of MTC DVD — note: not pre-street date delivery). What's interesting is that it shows the different formats of each track:

DONALD FAGEN - MORPH THE CAT/CD+DVD Special Edition Item number: 4832286796

Quantity: 492 available


Tracks Listing:
1. Morph The Cat (Album Version)
2. H Gang (Album Version)
3. What I Do (Album Version)
4. Brite Nightgown (Album Version)
5. The great pogoda of funn(Album Version)
6. Security Joan (Album Version)
7. Night belongs to mona (Album Version)
8. Mary shut the garden door (Album Version)
9. Morph the cat (Reprise) (Album Version)
10. Morph the cat (advanced resolution5.1 surround)
11. H gang (advanced resolution 5.1 surround)
12. What I do (advanced resolution 5.1 surround)
13. Brite nightgown (advanced resolution 5.1 surround)
14. The great pagoda of funn (advanced resolution 5.1 surround)
15. Security joan (advanced resolution 5.1 surround)
16. The night belongs to mona (advanced resolution 5.1 surround)
17. Mary shut the garden door (advanced resolution 5.1 surround)
18. Morph the cat (reprise) (advanced resolution 5.1 surround)
19. Morph the cat (advanced resolution stereo)
20. H Gang (Advanced Resolution Stereo)
21. What I Do (Advanced Resolution Stereo)
22. Brite Nightgown (Advanced Resolution Stereo)
23. The Great Pagoda Of Funn (Advanced Resolution Stereo)
24. Security Joan (Advanced Resolution Stereo)
25. The Night Belongs To Mona (Advanced Resolution Stereo)
26. Mary Shut The Garden Door (Advanced Resolution Stereo)
27. Morph The Cat (Reprise) (Advanced Resolution Stereo)
28. Morph The Cat (Dolby Digital Surround)
29. H Gang (Dolby Digital Surround)
30. What I Do (Dolby Digital Surround)
31. Brite Nightgown (Dolby Digital Surround)
32. The Great Pagoda Of Funn (Dolby Digital Surround)
33. Security Joan (Dolby Digital Surround)
34. The Night Belongs To Mona (Dolby Digital Surround)
35. Mary Shut The Garden Door (Dolby Digital Surround)
36. Morph The Cat (Reprise) (Dolby Digital Surround)
37. Morph The Cat (Dolby Digital Stereo)
38. H Gang (Dolby Digital Stereo)
39. What I Do (Dolby Digital Stereo)
40. Brite Nightgown (Dolby Digital Stereo)
41. The Great Pagoda Of Funn (Dolby Digital Stereo)
42. Security Joan (Dolby Digital Stereo)
43. The Night Belongs To Mona (Dolby Digital Stereo)
44. Mary Shut The Garden Door (Dolby Digital Surround)
45. Morph The Cat (Reprise) (Dolby Digital Surround)
46. Morph The Cat (Dolby Digital Stereo)
47. H Gang (Dolby Digital Stereo)
48. What I Do (Dolby Digital Stereo)
49. Brite Nightgown (Dolby Digital Stereo)
50. The Great Pagoda Of Funn (Dolby Digital Stereo)
51. Security Joan (Dolby Digital Stereo)
52. The Night Belongs To Mona (Dolby Digital Stereo)
53. Mary Shut The Garden Door (Dolby Digital Stereo)
54. Morph The Cat (Reprise) (Dolby Digital Stereo)

On 29-Oct-05 at 19:27:51 BST, seller added the following information: Pay instantly with your debit or credit card through PayPal.

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 15:50:30 ET
Posted by: ygk, nyc

Jim, and as much as I love the Yankees, and figuratively jumping on that ole bandwagon, I also realize the whole rivalry/sports/love/hate thing is fully overblown......


Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 15:37:53 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu ,

Don and Walt generally play characters especially on Dan albums, but their gestalt and worldview seeps through? As hoops pointe out, their less blatant than Henley who have used their position to hear themselves preach. In the VH1 Walter gave a definitive "NO" to the question "do any of the characters in Steely Dan songs in any way resemble you all?"

"Fall" in Fall of '92 represents more than the Season, but the despair of the down and out main character.

The Dixie Chicks analogy is kind of tenuous. Natalie used it to get a reaction at a Concert in England. Country fans didn't at the time take kindly and deluged coutry music stations with calls - Clear Channel cut back on Dixie Chicks plays on their stations in response to the protest. DC were some fresh air musically and HOT at the time

In contrast, Fagen's always under the radar, and majority of Danfans like myself don't really care. Not tangentially we have far less interest in their personal lives than People and National Probe-reading country music fans...

Let's face it on a World Perspective, if an analog clock represents the differences in political through and systems, the tow major parties in the US are at 11 o'clock and 1 o'clock. The current administration's failings are more Strategy, execution, response, communication, inability to adjust, and lack of forward thinking than ideology which they seem to save to Gay Marraige... Not since the Carter administration, have the Feds been this rudderless, stupid, and incompetent at all levels.

At a concert, Donald prefers to sneak them in like "it's kinda spring, the war's kinda over" Kinda turned out to be pretty prophetic

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 15:25:18 ET
Posted by: hoops ,

Hey I'm a chief proponent here of SD lyrics being reflective if the character that the songs are about...BUT...why would Walter, Donald or both bring up "Bush and all those Nazis" with the amount of emphasis they get? If they didn't feel that way—"Actually, we're neutral or fans of George H..."—then why would they bring it up in the first place?

Also consider what most people hear in the mainstream media about SD in the past year or two. It's either writers still bringing up the 2001 Grammy upset over Eminem OR something about Jeff Baxter of Steely Dan and the Doobies working for the Bush admin as a Star Wars expert. Nevermind it was 32 years ago that he last played with Steely Dan. People who know I like Steely Dan (like my mom) will say to me, "Hey, BTW, I saw Steely Dan on TV and they work with the Bush admin on missile defense." So I could see why DF might explain his views more directly as a counterpoint; also consider it wasn't in the US press.

Hey I empathize when someone you are fan of disagrees with things you hold dear—I could put myself in some your shoes and imagine Donald singing something NY-associatedthat sounds like "Yankees" that would piss me off, but why would Our Boys go there is they didn't want to stoke those thoughts?


Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 14:39:14 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

You know....I think back to when the boys asked about a popular college team and someone told them the Alabama Crimson Tide. Just becasue the boys mentioned them in Deacon Blues doesn't mean they are a fan....sounded to me like they didn't know much about sports in general. So I have a feeling the Yankees lyric is something that fit into the context of the song. I guess people, including myself, get caught up in the lyrics and don't think a song could be written from another point of view like a character...which the Fall of '92 could be placed. It's all good!


Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 14:27:40 ET
Posted by: ygk, nyc

Yankees CAN'T be replaced - especially with Red Socks....

And remember, when you wash the red socks over and over, they become pink....

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 13:57:27 ET
Posted by: fp, ny

Boston Rag- Where's a good hotel to stay at in Boston close to the venue?

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 13:56:09 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

You Chicago boys should pick the joint, just make sure it's within stumbling distance of the gig.

Yes, 'I could rock long before they called rock n roll,' beautiful, perfect, Donald sounds like he's gargling or who was it said Daffy Duck, it's the crappy speakers on my PC. But didn't the EMG web clips sound like they were underwater too? That is the first time rock n roll was mentioned in a SD/DF/WB song and dontcha just love that old fashioned out? So very Ray Charles, it's classy, it's elegant, Don and the girls could really wind that sucker up if they do it live. It's not a particularly difficult song, Don could whip out that melodica and blow that middle.

I played My Rival DVD-A last night for the congas at 2:something and in the true DTS mix, they ain't there. But when I fiddle-fart with surround or straight stereo, I get them. It's the mix, hoopsie, but I have to believe they were constrained by the format, I really don't think they'd 86 the congas of their own volition.

I still contend the primary meaning of 'blessed Yankees' is New Yorkers. The double entendre however is admittedly the despised Yankees, grrrr.

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 13:52:33 ET
Posted by: Boston Rag, .

Those in MA who are thinking of going to Chicago. You can fly from TF Green in Providence to Chicago roundtrip on United for only $114!!

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 13:38:10 ET
Posted by: I could rock long before, they named it

rock and roll

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 13:30:48 ET
Posted by: Stevie D, Beantown

Jim you aint kiddin about the blessed Yankees line in MTC. I cringe every time I hear it, but have little problem replacing Yankees with "Red Sox" when I sing a long..

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 13:27:18 ET
Posted by: lovethisgig, atlanta

Does that mark the first time the term "rock-n-roll" has been used in Dan/Don/Walt lyric?

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 13:16:05 ET
Posted by: Alkali, NYC

Happy birthday George Harrison
(He would have been 63)

"I was so young when I was born
my eyes could not yet see
and by the time of my first dawn
somebody holding me . . ."



Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 13:14:38 ET
Posted by: lovethisgig, atlanta

Great comments Hoops, but I point out that the Dan have cautioned us not to assume that the views of the protagonist of any particular song, even the Fall of '92, are necessarily those of Don or Walt.

Do you really believe that they thought that Bush 41 was a Nazi?
In the Fall of '92, the protagonist is a guy who lost his job during the recession. That guy may have looked at the government as being run my Nazi's, but it doesn't necessarily mean that Don and Walt felt that strongly.

Of course, Don's explicit comments outside the lyrical context of a song are certainly his own perspective.

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 13:05:06 ET
Posted by: Kid Clean, @work

What I Do lyrics:

I think it is this:
I could rock from before they named it rock n roll

not this:
I could rock from the floor
they named it rock n roll

Seems to make more sense to me.

Thanks for puttin' 'em up there Raj. May your turban never unravel.


Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 13:02:28 ET
Posted by: HeyMike, provisions and lots of beer


we can all throw back a few cold ones and talk about music!

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 12:49:50 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Have those who will stop listening to SD, DF & WB already stopped listening to The Beatles and so many others?

If nothing else, there was "The Fall of '92" which, although it had lead vocals by Walter, pretty much told you where they stood in blunt terms. ("George Bush and all those Nazi's in Washington, D.C....") And of course in '96, they allowed Greenpeace (or an organization like it) to solicit donations at a table at their shows.

Don't get me wrong, I remember a Bonnie Raitt show I attended where she stopped the show for a couple of minutes to discuss a political view I pretty much agreed with but it was an awkward shift in the show especially because my date and I had disagreed on this view in the past. (Ironically, it was my date and not me who wanted to see Bonnie Raitt.) So I relate in a way.

In a number of Elton John groups, fans will come on and discuss how they should pray for and make Elton become straight or that he will change his political views. (Of course, Idiscuss and pray simply that his music will become more consistently great.) But those sorts of discussions don't go anywhere far.

Steely Dan has always, IMHO, implied their political views without ever being preachy, avoiding the Don Henley approach. Most of my family and relatives are Republicans and staunch Bush supporters—some of them feel he is too liberal—and I am not. So I have a sense of where such supporters come from. I also know that overall—and there are exceptions— more Bush supporters tend to be very literal and need overt messages. So I suspect that's why Donald came out and said it rather than relying on the long tradition of DF and SD subtlety and innuendo. In the past there have been some here and in other forums some denial about what already seemed to be DF and WB's political leanings.

I think it will be interesting to compare and contrast the lyrics to "Goodbye Look" and "Mary..." when the album comes out. (Ditto for "Florida Room" and "Pagoda" as well as MTC, "Trans-Island" and "The Nightfly" as I sense there will be a lot of "bookend" songs, or followups.)

That said, I'm sure the Greater Dandom will lose many more fans because of Donald's "Blessed Yankees" comment than expressing his views about Bush. ;-)


Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 12:49:04 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

It just hit me. A guy who calls himself Mr. Lapage after a older dude who shows kids stag flicks in his basement, pitches a fit about Fagen's comments....HA! Hey....instead of having to go to the concert because you have to plane tickets to Philly , go and sell of your seats to those who want to go and enjoy the city of Brotherly Love. Check out the Liberty Bell, eat some cheesesteaks.....basically tour the city while you are there. I'd hate to see someone sit in a concert that they really don't want to be at.

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 12:39:25 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

Can anyone make out what Fagen is mumbling after the final lyric on Morph?

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 12:23:28 ET
Posted by: Rajah, very cool, Corpsy

Donald came out at Costa Mesa three years ago, they playedAja and Time Out of Mind then he greeted the crowd with something like this,
"Good evening everybody, this is the Steely Dan orchestra for 2003, those two songs were from the 70s...we all thought things were pretty crummy back then, now we're in the new millennium and, well, the 70s don't look so bad."

Hold your water, boys, he, you, I have the right to say pretty much anything within reasonable limits, Alkali has the absolute right to call DF a political moron, it was funny actually, however everybody else then has the right to flame him to a turn. That's the way it works, there's freedom of speech and then there are the consequences, the hell to pay. And if it's one thing the Blue has taught me it's that if you put yourself out there, you will feel the heat. My scorched skivvies are a testament to that.

Donald is at the point in his career and his life where he doesn't need to be afraid of the Dixie Chick syndrome. He's puttin it out there. No, he's too diplomatic to start bashing Bush but I certainly would expect him to utter a few innuendoes here and there. Read between the lines like we do his songs. He's been doing what he do for 35 years. Perhaps you weren't listening close enough, it's not a requirement after all.

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 12:02:25 ET
Posted by: Corpsy V, Here

something old, something new, something borrowed in Blue!

due to a dive in the old september 2000 banyan trees archives (searching for posts of Dandom Slut (tm) who only just recently re-surfaced...) I stumbled across this link. It still works. It's a picture page from Nono Lassay, a Dutch guy who won a contest and got to meet & greet with Steely Dan backstage during/after their soundcheck in Ahoy Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
Here's what he wrote back then:

Location: Purmerend, Netherlands
Date: Saturday, September 16, 19100 at 12:39:41
I was one of the lucky guys to win a radiocontest to meet and greet steely dan. Turned out we where only(?) allowed to see the soundcheck. We arrived at the Ahoy at 4 o'clock and were let in by one fellow of the recordcompany. We had to stand in the middle of the arena. We were not allowed to take any pictures or meet any of them(that what the recordcompany guy sad). Before the soundcheck began Tom Barney walked by. I asked if I could take a picture of him and he agreed. He was very friendly smiled a lot. Then the soundcheck began.Donald Fagen sitting behind his Fender-Rhodes shouted Hey nineteen,4 counts and they began playing.After that followed Daddy don't live in,Dirty work and another song that I can't recall (I think it was Jack of speed).While the band still played Donald Fagen walked of the stage.The minute I saw that I (and girlfriend and camera)ran backstage where I ran in to Him. While my heart was beating in my chest I asked;Mister Fagen can I take a picture of you? He answered very friendly;Yeh sure. He came standing right next to me and posed. I put my arm arround his shoulder and my girlfriend took the picture. Then I thanked him for making this music. He said; "Your welcome" and walked away.
Then the rest of the band came of stage one by one we talked to a few. They were all very friendly and cooperative for our camera. Walter Becker was escorted away by his securityguard.He exused himself for this, but he made up for it later on when we were escorted out the building by the securityguard. I asked him if I could take his picture , the guard pushed us away.But he called us back and posed next to me in front of the camera. At first the camera refused to work and he sad something like;Oh oh this is a bad time for your camera not to work. But finaly I got my pictures and that is what I came for.To meet my idols in person was one of the greatest experiences in my life. Turned out they were friendlier then I ever expected.So maybe they just normal people afteral.

See you at the next concert


looking forward to the many V.I.P reviews of DF's tour...

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 12:00:05 ET
Posted by: YGK, nyc

From MSNBC, Slacker Friday with Eric Alterman:

Quote of the Day, Pablo Picasso: Shortly after WWII, an American went to visit Picasso in his Paris studio and asked, “How does it feel to be Picasso, the master of the art?” The artist replied, “Give me a dollar bill.” The American complied, and Picasso signed his name on it. “There, that dollar is now worth $500. That’s how it feels to be Picasso.”


Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 11:52:09 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

It would be career suicide if he makes statements during his show about Bush, Iraq, etc. I can almost guarantee he'll keep it straight to the vest and belt out the tunage we all know and love.

Mary Shut the Garden Door......damn that tune has all the makings of being "the" song on the album. The same way that Almost Gothic was on 2VN. I personally loved West of Hollywood...but AG had that smooth sound that was irrestible. MStGD from the 2 clips I have heard is making the 3 week wait that much harder.


Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 11:46:45 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Get your southern fried behine to Chicago, Josey, I got a ticket for ya I was saving for our boy ph but it seems he cannot make it. Swim off that freakin' island (where the f*** is that anywho?) and hippity-hop up to Chy-town. Anyone who digs our man Antonio Sanchez like you do deserves it.

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 11:45:09 ET
Posted by: Alkali, NYC

Let me clear it up for you, Anons, it has nothing to do with free speech.
I have no problem with it, in fact, I encourage it.
However, there is such a thing as proper speech for appropriate venues.
He’s a musician not politician.
And I can promise you if political Fagen rears its ugly head at any of the concerts that I attend my VIP Tickets will allow me ample range for my rotten eggs and tomatoes to find their marks.

Now spinning, revolving and rotating:

Elvis Costello-“My aim is true”
Zappa-“You can’t do that on stage anymore Vol. 1”


Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 11:40:54 ET
Posted by: Josey, St. Simons Island

LWO - yeah, I keep going back and forth on the Chicago thing. Don't have tix to any of the shows right now, but seriously contemplate it about 12 times a day!

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 11:29:37 ET
Posted by: Rajah, something like this...

I say, “Ray, why do girls treat you nice that way?”
He says, “It’s not what I know, what I think, or say,
It’s what I do.
It’s what I do-oo-oo.”

It’s deep beneath the skin,
It’s what I major in,
What I do.

Yes, I come to play and I bring big soul,
I could rock from the floor,
They named it... ‘rock ‘n roll.’
It’s what I do.
It’s what I do-oo-oo…

I’m ‘specially qualified,
To keep ‘em satisfied,
It’s what I do.

You turn the lamp down low,
(Lamp down low)
To make her feel secure,
You’ve got to show the girl,
(Show the girl)
She’s the one you adore…
If you want that sugar to pour…

Well you bring from Church but you leave no doubt-
As to what kind of love you love to...shout about,

It’s what I do,
It’s what I do-oo-oo,
If you can’t dance by now,
The Raylettes will show you how,
It’s… what I do.

[harp solo]

You turn the lamp down low,
(Lamp down low)
To make her feel secure,
You’ve got to show the girl,
(Show the girl)
She’s the one you adore…
If you want that sugar to pour…

He said, “Don don’t despair,
Take some time,
Just find your bad self,
Your gonna do just fine."
It’s what I do.
It's what I do-oo-oo
It’s not some game I play,
It’s in my DNA,
It’s what do.

It’s what I do,
(That...just one thing)
That’s what I do-oo-oo-ooo
(That’s what I do-oo-oo-oo)
It’s deep beneath the skin,
It’s what I major in,
What I do.
{That’s what I…doooo)

It’s what I do,
(That...just one thing)
That’s what I do-oo-oo
(That’s what I do-oo-oo-oo)
I’m ‘specially qualified,
To keep ‘em satisfied,
It’s what I do.
{That’s what I…doooo)
It’s what I do

It’s what I do,
(That...just one thing)
That’s what I do-oo-oo-ooo
(That’s what I do-oo-oo-oo)

It’s what I do.

(et seq.)

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 11:18:14 ET
Posted by: Little Wild One, the cave

Of course, you're right, Josey. There were far more newsworthy events during that timeframe.

Just wondering if you and IDTC and some of the others here are planning to hit the highways next month? I have a few extra seats to Chicago if anyone is on the fence. Not great seats, but mainfloor near center...

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 11:18:03 ET
Posted by: Flipkid, Blue State

Bravo, RJSquirrel, you beat me to it!

I've been a Liberal Democrat since birth (seems like it, anyway), and proud of it. DF: good; King George: bad.

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 11:15:34 ET
Posted by: Practice What You Preach, Yee!

Why don't all you lefty windbags just go donate $1000 on rather than dragging Donald Fagen into it?

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 11:11:20 ET
Posted by: Funny how Donald starts spouting off, his Dixie Chick anti-US nonsense

in a foreign newspaper after his core fans already bought their tickets for his shows. Pretty low class and insulting to those of us who have been paying his bills for the past 30 years.

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 11:07:12 ET
Posted by: SoulMonkey, The Ville

Yes, the BDTE is the Buck Dharma Talk Exchange. Back in the day, before the last election, the BDTE were getting hundreds of posts a day about the election, and politics in general. It got so out of control, that Buck Dharma (lead guitarist for Blue Oyster Cult) had to shut it down for several months. The amount of backstabbing between friends and whatnot was destroying BOC's small but insanely hardcore following. Buck, while generally leaning to the right, wanted open discussions of all things music, and political musings were welcome. As the 2004 elections neared however, the whole shebang blew up in his face. BTW, Buck is a huge Dan fan. A few years ago he listed "Scam" as a desert island disc, and gave a short personal review of "EMG" when it came out. The guy is one class act and is deserving of more praise not only as a guitar player, but as an all around great guy. You'd be amazed at all the SD chatter that goes on in those circles.

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 10:55:11 ET
Posted by: RJ Squirrel, PA

Attention all far right-wing nut bags who long for simpatico musicians - here is your man:

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 10:53:44 ET
Posted by: Duck Dodgers, In the 25th & 1/2 Century

I'm thinking that Buck & BOCBD are a reference to Buck Dharma (sp?)and Blue Oyster Cult. Not sure what the TE is in BDTE.

Ohhh no, there goes Tokyo...

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 10:50:55 ET
Posted by: Josey, St. Simons Island

It was not, by any definition, the most newsworthy event that took place that week. It was the event that got the most news coverage that week, but that's different. It damn sure gave birth to some hysterical jokes!

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 10:47:44 ET
Posted by: Little Wild One, the bear got me

By the way, has anyone figured out the lyrics to "What I Do" yet?

Not sure that Quail-gate was the straw, it was likely the most newsworthy at the time of the interview...and who didn't think it was somewhat funny, in a dark humor way?

It always makes me sad when people let their personal opinions get in the way of intelligent discussion.

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 10:34:11 ET
Posted by: HeyMike, here

WMD details are surfacing and history will determine that they were moved. anyone with the right information knew it also. heres a fun and accurate read- Donald did not use Cheney as a tongue-in-cheek incident. He seemed to think it was the straw that broke the back! Also, he said somehow conservatives are in power while no one was looking. huh? no election in our lifetime or history for that matter has had more participation or scrutiny then the election of '04. Like I said, he is entitled to his view and to express it especially when asked. I was just disapointed by the depth. Sorry Raj, this was no lennon-esk interview, not even close. Give Lennon more credit for his place in history than this.

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 10:33:12 ET
Posted by: DJ, Shy-town

Oh man, it cracks me up that someone would take the board name Mr. LaPage and then some 30 years later feel ambushed by Fagen's political views. Jesus fucking christ, that amuses me.

Anyways, any Chicago folks planning on hitting Martyr's for a practice "wingding" unoffical of course. I am planning on being at the 10pm show and revved up to hear some live SD music. Details below:

Tributosaurus becomes Steely Dan (Vol. II)
A brand new set list...
our first ever Volume II.
Wednesday, March 1
7 pm & 10 PM
Martyrs, 3855 n Lincoln
$15. Stage-front seating in groups of 4: $100 (includes admission)
The room will be cleared and re-filled at 9 PM, between shows.
You can buy tickets online, at the following link:

Every first Wednesday of the month, Tributosaurus becomes a different dinosaur of rock and features Chicago's best celebrity musicians.

Tributosaurus is:
Dan Leali - drums, wicked skills
Curt Morrison - gtrs, vox, southern gentleman
Chris Neville - keys, vox, mock Caesar
Matt Spiegel - vox, Operation guy
Shana Spiegel - vox, Princess Leia
Jonathan Paul - bass, righteous making fudge

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 10:30:03 ET
Posted by: Josey, St. Simons Island

If I got rid of all the music in my collection done by musicians whose political views I didn't agree with, I wouldn't have shit to listen to. Just shut up and sing!

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 10:28:07 ET
Posted by: SD77, Calif

Since 1977 SFC. And thats where I will stay.See you at soundcheck Morph the 25 in Temecula. Cant wait.

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 10:08:46 ET
Posted by: lovethisgig, atlanta

Left versus right, liberal versus conservative, Democrat versus Republican are tired, old, false dichotomies. Expressing concern about the war in Iraq doesn't make one unpatriotic. Quite the opposite. I had/have reservations about war in Iraq (though not the one in Afghanistan). I'm not sure what to do about it now that we're there, and now that we've overthrown Saddam. I do wish that critics of the Iraq war would be more constructive -- What should we do now? -- rather than just expressing displeasure at our being there. As an American, I find it embarrassing that we found no WMD, but I don't think we should just immediately withdraw. Unfortunately, we've got to clean up the mess we've made.

As for making fun of Cheney's hunting accident, nothing could be more Steelyesque. Come on, admit it! Now that we know the guy's ok, it's really quite funny. Reminds me of Bush's pretzel mishap, when the Pretzel Logic cover art misteriously appeared on the Steely Dan website. :^D

As for politics in art, I learned long ago not to hold art hostage
to the politics of the artist. I'm an onmivorous Pretenders fan!
And I love Don and Walt!! Period.


PS: Re-reading the article, I find that Abu Ghraib and Hurricane Katrina, the so-called "liberal talking points," were mentioned by the writer/interviewer, not by Donald, not that it matters.

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 09:48:47 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

Wow.....this whole politics topic has really got the blue goin'! I don't understand how people could be in such an uproar about Fagen's views about how things are going in the world when he is in a band named after a DILDO, writes songs about DRUGS and WHORES and other salty activities.

Just respect the guys opinion and move on! I'm sure he wouldn't want your dime anymore knowing that you bash him for expression.

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 09:44:11 ET
Posted by: SoulMonkey, The Ville

Hey Steve, great to hear from you. Damn, it's been a long time. I had no idea you were affiliated with this board. I remember the good old days of the BDTE. Those were the days. Buck is a wonderful conversationalist, especially over a few beers. I had the opportunity in Chicago last year to do just that. Leave it to me to have my two favorite musicians have the name Donald. Buck's board is back up btw. Hope to see you there sometime, although rligion and politicas are strictly forbidden. Take care dude.


Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 09:42:43 ET
Posted by: RJ, Cryptic..

Mr. Diz,

I give up what is BDTE, Buck, BOC/BD?


Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 09:37:57 ET
Posted by: SteveM (aka Diz), Scotland

Hiya Tom

Seem to remember we had the similar but opposite issue over at BDTE when it was revealed that Buck was a republican. I broadly share Donald F's world view (as opposed to Donald R's!), did it change what I felt about Buck?....not one iota!...he's still inch for inch the musician I would most like to have a beer with!

Just a shame there isn't any sign of new BOC/BD product this year...stil, Morph plus a possible Steely Dan European jaunt will keep me happy!

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 09:29:49 ET
Posted by: The goodbye look,

Alkali mi amigo,

Solamente a few weeks ago you were crying for libertad and free expression in Cuba ...and now you are saying Don have to shout his mouth outside the studio?

Todo el mundo critisizing Don are HYPOCRITOS

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 09:25:30 ET
Posted by: SoulMonkey, The Ville

Lapage, you are a little bitch. I'm ashamed that we live in the same city. How in God's green earth did you not realize that Don and Walt were part of the whacky left? They've only been singing about these subjects for 30 some odd years. They're musicians. Musicians in the mainstream for the most part tend to be liberals. What's the big deal? So what, our musical heroes are left wing zealots. Good luck finding any "artists" who aren't. That's going to lead you to a lonely life my man. I don't agree with just about any of the mantra of the left, but it doesn't make my blood boil to the point of giving up the things I enjoy. If I ever met Don or Walt, I'd tell I thought they were wrong, and then order a beer. Musicians will always make their way towards political commentary sooner or later. Don and Walt do it in such beautiful and intricate ways, that I don't give one damn iota what is behind their agenda. You should have already known dude. Pathetic. Go away, and grow the fuck up.

Now back to regularly scheduled programming.

Sorry Jim, he had it coming.

I hope noone is offended.


Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 09:25:29 ET
Posted by: HeyMike, here

>>I don’t’ want Donald Fagen educating me in political science any more than I want Stephen Hawking teaching me the finer points of ballroom dancing. <<

I'm busting a gut here!

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 09:23:29 ET
Posted by: heymike, >

that's WWIII BTW-sorry

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 09:13:29 ET
Posted by: Alkali, NYC

Well said HeyMike.

I guess I stepped on some ulra-sensitive-wittle-piggies with my dissenting political views (I’m such a rebel)
Sure, C.Walter, I used hyperbole in describing Political Fagen, I could have easily substituted ‘moron’ with idiot or even ‘retard’. (I’m glad at least someone got it)
I’ll rephrase my earlier comment:
“Fagen is a musical Giant but a political Midget”
I don’t mind his lyrics, political or not, because they tend to be so cryptic and ambiguous that they get lost in translation anyway.
I love his/their music regardless of his personal leanings in politics, religion, sex or recreational drug use.
But, outside the recording studio he should really think about keeping these things to himself.
I don’t’ want Donald Fagen educating me in political science any more than I want Stephen Hawking teaching me the finer points of ballroom dancing.
Case closed.

What a convenience it is to have the skip button on Fagen’s website. You can just click right by “H Gang” and “What I do”!


Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 08:52:30 ET
Posted by: HeyMike, dugout that my dad built

Lutz, refreshing take from SF no less. Hey I never thought for a minute D and W were members of the John Burch society. Bard makes Madison and Ann Arbor look like West Point!!! I dont mind entertainers answering questions about their views when asked. Its the Springsteens and now REMs ( I was a big fan during the SD drought years) going ape shit with anti Bush concerts etc. I too thought Don's points were all too familiar liberal talking points. I mean come on --Cheneys hunting accident should awaken us?? Abu Graib--come on - enough already. What drives liberals crazy is this administration makes decisions whos outcome will not be realized for generations. Bush has said himself that he will not be alive to see the results of Iraq's democracy. If you come of age during the privious administration you saw decisions that were made to appease the next zogby poll. All decisions were approved by Dick Morris. My litmus test with those that question Afghanistan and Irag is "do you believe were in WWII?" if the answer is no, then nothing this administration does is going to make sense to you anyway. Walter and Donald have had more impact on my life than any politician anyway. I repect thier views. Its who they are and I would have it no other way. I guess I was disapointed that he didnt give those answers a little more thought that I am certain he's capable of.

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 08:47:27 ET
Posted by: angel,

Just to bring a bit of levity to the situation. I work in the media and it has been my experience that what is reported is often times not exactly what was said. Remember that all media is a filter and yes, many times they do have an agenda of their own. Until the day when Donald and I meet face to face and have a real conversation on a topic, I will take all comments on any subject with the proverbial "grain of salt".

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 08:43:43 ET

What's going wrong in America? The mother of democracy.

is it wrong to have other opinions?
Is it impossible for a artist to express his feelings in his artwork?

Is it correct to speak and think in Black and white terms? I mean, the whole "everybody that is not with us is against us" mentality sucks .

The only thing missing in the States is repression against the all anti bush camp.

I don't understand the reaction of some (ex?)Danfans. Is it new to know Don isn't a Bush, Reagan or Nixonfan?
I said it once before, if our boys made such a great music it is because their social and political engagement we find in all Steely Dan songs.

Those who think Don, or don't matter wich other artist, doesn't have the right to talk about politics are playing with fire. They are inviting FASCISM.

I knew from the beginning (30 years ago)they were (left)liberals and that's why we love all what they do.
They reflects all society and human been problems in general in their songs.
If Don needs to express all what is staying inside himself, well let him to because the result of all that artistic expression is MTC.

FAGEN FOR PRESIDENT and Walter vice.

And of course SFC....Forever!

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 07:38:52 ET
Posted by: dunc,

I've just heard from a producer at bbc radio 2.
there featuring MTC as album of the week in three weeks time.
A track each day accompanied by an interview with Donald.
more details to follow

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 07:29:49 ET
Posted by: Corpsy V, Review Swamp

"no matter how bad things may get, the best way to surmount tribulations is by locating the essential truth of one's character and staying faithful to it - just as Fagen has stayed true to his musical style and his ironic-sardonic worldview. Which is a quite heartening message to glean from an album so pervaded with thoughts of the end." -Andy Gill

This doesn't sound bad to me.
Not bad at all........

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 06:39:43 ET
Posted by: TK, DK

The blue is certainly interesting these days. For a European the whole Bush thing seems like a misunderstanding, though certainly not a joke. That much we've figured out.

Everything has really been said during the discussion, and something must definitely be wrong with your view of the world if you cut out people and the things they create due to of their political opinions.

Lapage, you should watch more Seinfeld.

Terrible Andy Gill review! He could be reviewing a collection of poems. Wonder if he heard the album, or just read the lyrics.

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 02:11:43 ET
Posted by: Lutz, SF

I commend DF for being honest about his political views and at the same time am disappointed that he uses the same old tired rhetoric that does not work for the politicians that represent the left right now.
God knows we need a democratic leadership with strong personalities as a balance to the increasingly arrogant Republicans. One would hope, that a man of Donald’s intellect could come up with at least something positive, if not a vision, thinking outside the box - as was suggested earlier here-
Yet, this old hunting buddy of Cheney had to take it on the chin again. Of course it was a fuck up, but since when are NYC uptown intellectuals are so concerned about conservative Texan hunters? It wasn’t a bullet either, that was a flat out lie. Of course the Herald had to sneak Abu Grhaib in there. Next, “we” the US invaded the wrong countries. Fine. Which countries should we invade then (since we invaded the wrong ones), bomb the shit out of Serbia again, kill 2000 innocent people and destroy many of the bridges and landmarks, so Monica Lewinsky could get a much needed bathroom/media break?
We all know by now that Bush is not the sharpest tool in the box. We know!! And Rove is so easy to hate, right?
Al Gore last week held a speech in Saudi Arabia, very critical of the country he resides and makes a killing in. The event was sponsored by the Bin Laden Construction Co., of course no more affiliation with Osama, only brothers and cousins.
Al made US $ 237000.- That’s what I call a good old capitalist.
Not a President however.
I also wonder if DF realizes that he is one of the angry left’s most hated and despised symbols-
a rich old white guy with multiple homes that made/makes his money through large corporations.
It must be oh-so conflicting when these royalty check roll in…
The music is great though and so is the discussion.

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 00:57:02 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu,

SteelyDon: Well Said. Funn clip sounds amazing indeed. Something reminscent of the Nightfly era with those jazzy clever progressions - After hearing What I Do in full bloom, my excitement for the hope those clips bring is heightened even more. Is supected What i Do would be a Classic, but it has suprpassed my meager extrapolation from the original clips. I can't begin to imagine the treasures that lie within the depths of Brite Nightgown, Great Pagoda of Funn, Night Belongs to Mona, and Mary Shut the Garden Door.

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 00:40:33 ET
Posted by: SteelyDon, Givemeabreak

Come on Mr. Lapage and other people "NLFC". Its no big secret that most people involved in arts and entertainment tend to have political views that slant to the left. These are people who often think outside of the box which is not generally a characteristic of conservative right-wing politics. I'll be the first to say that politically my views are slanted to the right. However, Fagen's views do not offend me in the least bit.

Afterall, he has the right to voice his opinion like anyone else. By now it should have been apparent with his other songs "GodWhacker" for example and "Jack of Speed" among others that he was never in the Bush(es) or Reagan camps. Just because he doesn't like the administration doesn't or share the same political views as you does not provide a good premise for you do drop Fagen like a bad habit. It's just immature in my opinion.

On a lighter note, how awesome is this album going to be! I have loved every song and soundbite thus far. Has anyone else thought that The Great Pagoda of Funn is a awesome song? I love the chord progression at the end of the soundclip. Mary Shut the Garden Door also sounds good. I like how he hesitates on the second line of the couplet "...nothin' in the fridge".

March 10th at the Borgata. Can't Wait!



Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 00:28:32 ET
Posted by: Luke,

Can't wait for MTC? check this out at eBay.

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 00:20:04 ET
Posted by: so annoyed, @home

Seriously, all you ridiculous, Fox-brainwashed mofos should stay the hell home then. I doubt you'll have a good time, and why ruin it for the rest of us.

What is wrong with you? Are you blind to the world?

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 00:13:16 ET
Posted by: Mr. Lapage - just too funny,

Lagape re-cap: 'Donald, today I discovered I hate you, but I will still travel several hundred miles to sit in disgust for a couple of hours surrounded by truly ecstatic people. You better not make eye-contact with me pal...'

You set an excellent example master. Or maybe you just like the airline security procedures.

Lapage said: "I have tickets to your show in Philly (traveling from Louisville, KY) and I have to tell you, since i am financially committed to this, i will attend. had i not bought airline tickets and concert tickets, i would have said 'fuck you'. but, i will not throw away my money and will have to attend"

Date: Fri, February 24, 2006, 00:04:23 ET
Posted by: war on everything,

I heard that Donald didn't celebrate Christmas this year...

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 23:48:12 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu, Just One Thing

Walter & Donald's politics have been well known for 35 years. Donald's a good-natured cynic and liberal. Walter's probably a more acerbic liberal and semi-droll anarchist in the George Carlin vein (mental, moral, spiritual decline). It's irrelevent since they've been rarely blatant - Fall of '92 never made 11's far more interesting to be subversive, as they've chosen to be over their careers and focus instead on rare insight into the Human Condition...a wise move, when Reagan (fiscal conservative, social agnostic) 41 (fiscal moderate, social moderate to conservative), and 43 (fiscal schizophrenic, social conservative) appear alike - the Dope-ler Effect.

Plus when you can reveal Real Soul like What I Do, that say it all. Helps to take lessons from Ray Charles and Mose Alison...if you want that sugar to pour...

Frankly the only musician/celebrity activist I like is Bono. He's intelligent, knowledgeable, competent, and has actually made a difference is finding solutions to real problems in Africa. As the White House stumbles into yet another politcal fiasco with the UAE gov't buying a private British port Co. and Iraq teeters into Civil War - The current adminsitration's problem is less about ideology than execution - they're basically defensive and incompetent to a highly dangerous degree. There is precedence...Andrew Johnson was impeached for incompetence during Reconstruction and hiring a "temp" as Sec. of War...

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 23:47:17 ET
Posted by: moray eel, for

Agreed. They have had this political opinion for years. Anyone who didn't pick up on it wasn't paying attention.

The Fall of '92 wasn't the only example.

Jack of Speed:

Sheena's party-there's a case in point

Let's not forget that Becker got busted in college by the current conservative talk show host (and Watergate felon), G. Gordon Liddy.


Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 23:14:49 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Aw finally, some intelligent and well-rounded views on Blue. Thanks guys, I knew we had it in us.

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 23:08:09 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

Anyone remember Becker's song "Fall of '92"? If not...get it, listen to it...then tell me if you are still a fan of Becker. He says some stinging things in there about the 1st Bush administration. Here are the telling lyrics in case you haven't heard the tune...

so maybe you can tell me/how was I supposed to know
we'd be standing out here in the soup line/in this post-Bush post-Reagan post-cold war economy

some nights I just lie awake and wonder/just what we were thinking of
when we were voting for all those bastards/who gave the whole damn star away

thanks to George Bush and those Nazis
down in Washington, DC

Now.....he did this LIVE people!!! With the Dan circa 1994. And you are blowing a gasket over Fagen's comments??? Get a clue!!! Those lyrics should have knocked you off the wagon years ago. I understand if you have never heard the song....but knowing you look at Becker any differently??? Here is the link for the entire lyrics to the tune. Like Raj said....their political views aren't something they just come up with yesterday....they've had these views for years!!!!!!!


Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 23:07:39 ET
Posted by: Daddy G., NJ

I for one don't care about Donald's political views one way or the other, Bush-backer or -whacker. I have many personal friends with whom I disagree about politics or social issues. And yet we're still friends. Go figure.

There's more to life than politics. Yes, I'm never crazy about it when artists start using their fame as a means to espouse some unrelated non-artistic agenda (be it politics, religion, whatever), but I try to just ignore that and concentrate on the music.

Of all the movies, TV shows, CDs, and books I enjoy I wouldn't be a bit surprised to find that my political views differ more often than not from those of anybody involved in works I particularly like. But it just doesn't matter to me. Not to mention that within the realm of politics, everyone's views may differ from issue to issue such that we may agree on some things and differ on others. Should I stop being a fan of someone who disagrees with only 33% of my political views? 51%? Where's the threshold? I prefer to think of differing political views as just different philosophies, not necessarily right vs. wrong, although folks often couch them that way.

I'm reminded of the "Seinfeld" episode where Jerry and Elaine are enjoying a meal at a restaurant and the subject of abortion comes up. Jerry somehow asks Elaine if it would matter to her if the restaurant owner is pro-life or pro-choice. Elaine then asks, gets an answer she doesn't like and causes a scene. So was the meal any less delicious?

I was afraid that the focus from that article would be on the politics, but it needed to be posted. I for one am just happy to see indications of a later SD/Don & Walt tour of Europe brewing. I know our friends in Dandom across the pond have been waiting quite a while for a return of the two...

And now an actual album review:

Morph gets 4 out of 5 stars from Andy Gill of "The Independent"...

Warning: More politics mentioned in the review even though it's just by the reviewer and very briefly.

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 22:59:27 ET
Posted by: Kid Clean, You Gotta Walk It Like You Talk It

I'm not particularly fond of blatent politics in my music, but for the most part the musicians/music I like, such as D&W, subversively interject it in their music. You know it's there but they're not outright name calling, etc. Everyone's entitled to their opinions and some are in such a position to be able to let the whole world know what they are. Thank goodness I'm not one of them! Quite frankly I don't give a crap what Don's opinion on the state of the world is as long as it doesn't overpower the music and it doesn't, in my opinion. If he's full of piss and vinegar and pumped up about life and the world around him that's GOOD for us, as the tidbits of Morph we've gotten are proof of. I'd fall on the conservative side of things myself but I am open-minded to the fact that not everyone feels the same way I do about things.

I think the most important thing in life is not what I know, what I think or say IT'S what I do.

Do you walk it like you talk it???

Peace, Love and Dan

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 22:55:48 ET
Posted by: Rajah ,

Anyone who has followed Don for all these years and has not gotten at least an inkling as to his political leanings is just simply not listening or is just plain illiterate. This is no great revelation he has foisted on us, give me a break people.

At some point disenguenuity gives way to just plain stupidity.

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 22:49:07 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

So the "No Longer in the Fagen Camp" or "NLFC" for short is up to 2. Are there more? I mean...the guy expresses his opinions on the establishment and that's wrong??? I thought as Americans we are encouraged to express our that's taboo? I think by the end of the weekend, the NLFC will be in the triple digits!!! So to do this right....when you post....put in your code at the end. NLFC and SFC for "Still in the Fagen Camp". I'd be interested to see the people bailing now.

And on a lighter note....those in the SFC, I say we rename the month of March to Morph in celebration of the new record. Like...St. Patty's Day is Morph 17th.


Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 22:47:43 ET
Posted by: Now we know why Reprise isn't promoting, MTC. Don's gone Susan Sarandon on us

If he goes off on any leftest political rants during his $200 a VIP ticket shows, there's going to be a kickfight.

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 22:39:45 ET
Posted by: CWalter, Madison, WI

Raj, please don't leave out EVIVA from "Snowbound":

Eviva laughs and we step out
Into the blue-white night...

One of the sweetest, oiliest Fagen songs of all time, complete with inscrutably beautiful guitar solo and firework-like cymbal crashes at the end...

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 22:36:32 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Talk is where it starts, dialogue, communication. This administration is all about obfuscation, I hope I spelled that right, the Bushies are about silence and hiding. George Bush is a puppet and his people are demonic. Let's get rid of them ASAP.

C'mon Blue.

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 22:32:40 ET
Posted by: Fagen is a , Typical Limousine Liberal

Spout off in a foreign country's newspaper. I would expect given his comments on Iraq his probably contributing to the Saddam Hussein defense fund. Or most likely, he's doing nothing but talk.

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 22:24:16 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Word, KDawg.

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 22:21:36 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

"i don't care that you are a fucking bleeding heart liberal, you just didn't have to bring it in to your profession. why can't you just make music."

Mr. Lapage: Sorry to hear you will no longer listen/support the boys. But I find your quote above interesting. Some of the greatest music ever made was with a message attached. There were countless acts over the years whose songs had their beliefs in it... that spoke to the masses. To me...true musicians and artists are ones that do it from the heart....speak their mind through notes and lyrics. To just make music sounds hollow to a lot of the sludge gumming up the airwaves these days. I may not agree with his views...but I respect his opinion.

It sounds to me like if he shared your point of view, you wouldn't mind it in the songs. I hope you enjoyed your 30 years with the Dan and maybe you will have a change of heart. But if not...good luck to you.

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 22:09:00 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

No, he has the right to finally show his colors in no uncertain terms. Don has managed to free himself from the diplomatic silence he has maintained all these years and let it all hang out and speak from his heart and I for one applaud him. Artists with credibility and a proven track record have earned that right. And we need every voice we can muster right now, we need esteemed people from all walks of life to pipe up and tell their fans and whomever might be listening that America is going wrong. Do you really like America right now? Do you think we are doing the right things? Or are you just worried about saving money on taxes? Don't you feel the global backlash leveled at us? Could everyone but us be wrong?

These are questions every American should be asking themselves.

It's not just Bush who is to blame, we all share in it by our complicity in what we do.

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 22:01:23 ET
Posted by: moray eel, darrell

Yeah, I had a feeling a few people would drop Donald because he decided to speak openly about his political opinions. Bill O'Reilly and the Fox News bunch are probably planning a boycott of some kind ala The Dixie Chicks.

On the other hand, this guy will probably pick up a few FORMER Fagen fans:


Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 22:01:17 ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher, Louisville, KY

While I do generally agree with the political view Fagen has, I also do not care one bit what his political views are to be honest. Even when they show up in the music, I don't really care. If he can be creative and make interesting music with it, more power to him.

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 21:57:37 ET
Posted by: To Donald Fagen and,

Shut up and sing.

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 21:55:21 ET
Posted by: Rajah ,

...and cold.

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 21:47:03 ET
Posted by: Chris, nh

lapage, I too cringe whenever musicians decide to talk politics, but do you really care that much to stop listening to the music they make? Don't pull the "it's the principal of the thing" crap on me, you're just upset that he doesn't think the same way you do. I'm not on his side politically either (at least not totally), and its damn obnoxious that he feels the need to make his thoughts known when we could have probably figured them out for ourselves, but it doesn't change the fact that his music is great, which is why I'm interested in him in the first place!

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 21:22:49 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu, fishfood

Raj: Lake Tahoe is really, realy deep

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 21:14:21 ET
Posted by: mt,

don't let the door hit you on your way out

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 21:10:18 ET
Posted by: Rajah, Girl Trouble

Don's always had it, Walty too. It's what they do. The Steely Dan girls fall into two categories, chicks that give them pain and heartache with nicknames:

Little Wild One
Ms Dirty Work
the Reelin gal
Lady Bayside
the chick from YGT I
the Monkey in her soul woman
the Everything She Did girl
the Black Cow
She's serving the smooth Retsina
She Got the News woman
the FM girls
the Almost Gothic chick
his little Birdie friend
the big blonde
Lester's lost love
walking between the raindrops chick
Ms. Countermoon
Tomorrow's girls
the Dunes gal
the Gong sisters

And then the named femme fatales:

Madame Erzule
Anne de Siecle
Jill St John
Ms. Fugazy
Tuesday Weld
Connie Lee
mad Mona

Yo Lapage, just cause you disagree with someone doesn't mean you still can't respect their opinion or their work.

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 20:53:07 ET
Posted by: Stevie D, Beantown

Anyone care to name all the women we have heard in the clips and songs released yet?

Gong Sisters

Did I miss any? I love this guy, and wish i knew who they all were and why they are so prevalent in Dons song writing.

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 20:48:43 ET
Posted by: Mr. Lapage,

Dear Donald,

It is with deep regret and extreme sorrow that, after more than 30 years of loyalty to you, walter, and steely dan, that we must part ways. I was always extremely grateful that you did not blatantly bring politics in to your music our your interviews (at least, I was not aware of any), but your recent outbreak has caused me pain. I have tickets to your show in Philly (traveling from Louisville, KY) and I have to tell you, since i am financially committed to this, i will attend. had i not bought airline tickets and concert tickets, i would have said 'fuck you'. but, i will not throw away my money and will have to attend. rest assured, i will spend no more of my hard earned money on sd, you, or walter. i will not try to promote you, walter, or sd to my family or friends, who think (THOUGHT) i was a little 'nuts' about sd. you have totally pissed me off. i don't care that you are a fucking bleeding heart liberal, you just didn't have to bring it in to your profession. why can't you just make music. it's been real. goodbye to all the posters on the blue, special thanks to hoops for all your hard work. i feel like a part of me has died.


Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 18:44:52 ET
Posted by: Rajah, Bhutros Bhutros Blue

I really like it when we apologize to each other, makes my Turban all tingly-like.

Hold me.

Ok, Mu, we know them that's dead but what about them that's still alive but don't know their dead...yet? Them, them I worry about. But one thing for sure, that Tattaglia's definitely a pimp. He never could've out-fought Santino. But I blame myself for is that I didn't know until this day that it was Barzini all along.

Disgraziati e cornuti!

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 18:28:31 ET



Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 18:18:09 ET
Posted by: Big Fan, at home at last

FYI. I got it to play no problems. I use Netscape and a cable modem hooked to a wireless router. Did ask some personal info and I had to turn off the pop up blocker - but otherwise it started right up.

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 18:14:30 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Yo! No offense taken; just want people to know not to fret if they are given a hard time, especially if they are post-shy lurkers. Thanks tho.

I'm excited about Sunday night!

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 18:08:34 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu ,

Raj: Yeah, we've already checked off the ones in cement shoes...

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 17:52:18 ET

After one day i still made the same conclusions concerning the three complete songs:

1 What i do
2 HGang

And what about the 30 seconds clips?

1 Mary shut the garden door
2 Night belongs to Mona
3 Security Joan
4 Bright night gown
5 The great...

Mary and Monas night reminds me the great Bacharah and Brasil 66 period. I have a really good and fine feeling about the entire versions of those songs.
It's really perfect possible that the first three tracks are the weakest ones of the album. So you know what that means!

It's going to be hard, waiting till MTC comes out the 13 of march.
My LA and Temecula concerts are going to be fenomanal.
Oh Yeah, i'm thinking to stay a little more time in LA because the 3/31 there is a Michael McDonald concert too in Cerritos CA.
Life is beautiful! Muchas gracias mi rey Don.

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 17:38:46 ET
Posted by: Dadd... Well, by now you know..., NJ

If by "inspiring an in-depth discussion" you mean needlessly detouring everyone away from the extremely obvious method of listening online, then "You're Welcome!" :-)

But thanks for making me feel better. Perhaps you're right and someone else was making the same mistake I was, now they'll know. But I'm probably the only surfer out of 10s of 1000s who browses with the "show pics" advanced option OFF and would make that mistake. It doesn't usually jump up and bite me in the butt like that.

Even after Dan B. mentioned about the "Listen Live Now" link I still for some reason was stuck in my thinking about AOL Radio and thought he was referring to >>AOL Radio's<< "Listen Now" link instead of the actual >>radio station's<< "Listen Live Now" link.

Oh well. Glad it's cleared up anyway. I'm cutting my losses and heading on outta here for the evening. Thanks again to everyone for your patience and understanding in setting me straight. I appreciate it.

Oh, one last thing before I go... I meant to respond to FIFE earlier and in all my confusion, I just plumb forgot. Re playing the tunes at, it seemed like once "Morph" finished downloading I actually had to click the (then lit) play button to actually start it playing. Once done playing, then the next songs on down to the various 30-sec clips downloaded and played in succession automatically, I think. Of course, given my obvious mental instabilities since I won't blame you if you don't believe me! I'm sure you long ago figured it out anyway.

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 17:35:27 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

Hoops: I hope I didn't offend anyone by my comments. I was just simply offering my experience with AOL and why it would be wise to think it over before installing it. I appreciate Bob, Daddy G and others for looking into the situation. The last thing I want to do is piss people off and have a flame war type situation. I'm off to the Last Mall....later on ya'll!

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 17:14:32 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Thanks for inspiring an in-depth discussion, Daddy G. Thanks to all the questions you raised, I'm sure everyone is ready for Sunday night.


Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 16:31:11 ET
Posted by: Brain dead Daddy G., I blame it on all the toxic waste in NJ

Yeah, Jim---must have been buffering if nobody else noticed it. I'm used to that on the odd occasions where I try to listen to something online, but it just seemed like a particularly extended silence when it first occurred and there was no buffering indication that I could see. Then when the sound came back it seemed like it was right at a point where someone might have realized there was a technical problem and resolved it. Probably just coincidental with where the buffer break occurred.

It's paused a couple more times since and I >>DID<< see the message that it was buffering. Those later pauses were for much shorter times, though.

I just hope it works well enough for me sunday night with all the general streaming traffic going on from everyone here listening. So please, everyone stay offline so >>I<< can listen, alright? Thanks.


Of course, I'll not be visiting other sites or anything while I listen so as not tax my connection too much. Hope that'll help.

Thanks for all the help getting me straightened out gentle Blue folk...

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 16:18:27 ET
Posted by: Daddy G., Semi-conscious

Agreed---no you DON'T need AOL Radio to listen to the station. Apparently they just put that link there as a convenience to AOL users to say it's available there.

It was my fault for bringing up the AOL Radio bit in the first place.


I do have a very weird explanation, though, if anyone cares... See, with my dialup connection I usually run IE with the option to "Show Pictures" >>>OFF<<<. For many of the sites I visit I don't really need to see the images to know what I'm doing or clicking on, I'm mostly interested in the text. Usually the alternate comment fields display where the image should be anyway. And by not showing pics it speeds up my page loading. (Hey, you do what you can for a little extra speed when you use dialup.) I sometimes have to turn the option back on for pages where I absolutely have to see the images displayed, like for specifically looking at posted photos somewhere.

So anyway, "The Wave" site has an alternate comment for the "Streaming on AOL Radio" image, but NOT for the regular "Listen Live Now" image. Thus, the only thing I saw to click on for listening was the AOL Radio link. See?---it's The Wave's fault! Yeah, that's it.

Told you I had a very weird explanation. What can I say? The only hi-speed access available to me is waaaaaay overpriced and just not worth it for what I normally do online. So one makes do with what one must to get by in a low tech way.

But hey, I found out I could listen to AOL Radio too, so I learned something even if no one else did.

Again, very sorry for the confusion. I usually manage to contain my addled thoughts within my own brain.

Feel free to flame me for my stupidity...

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 16:12:33 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Could be buffering the stream, Daddy G.


Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 16:02:54 ET
Posted by: Daddy G., Numb

Thanks Dan!!!

That's exactly what I was doing, seeing and clicking on the "Now streaming on AOL" image.

Just a case of not looking in the obvious spot where it says to "Click here to listen live now."

Had me a "DUH!" moment, apparently. Sorry for any confusion I may have caused to others out there. So just to clarify, apparently you DON'T need to go to AOL Radio to listen to the station. Unless you're already an AOL user and want to, of course.

On the plus side I did try logging off, running that ampx...exe file, then logging back on and with that AOL Radio seemed to be working. I was in the process of trying to figure out how to find "The Wave" (if it's even available there at that point to a non-signed-up AOL Radio user) when I popped back here and saw your helpful comment, Dan. So then I went back to "The Wave" site (where I should have gone in the first place) instead of being bogged down in AOL minutiae, tried it and I'm listening now.

Thanks again. Muchas gracias.

Wow, Michael McDonald doing the jingle!...

Hmmm, for some reason the sound just stopped. Don't know why. It doesn't seem to indicate it's buffering anything. I still won't be surprised if I can't get it to work well enough by sunday night to listen.

Oh, now the sound just came back. Was that the station's fault by any chance? Did anyone else notice that extended silence?

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 15:52:18 ET
Posted by: Stevie D, Beantown

I agree, I didnt need it to listen either...

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 15:52:15 ET
Posted by: hoops,

My final solution seems to be that you don't need AOL Radio for it. Thanks Dan, others.


Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 15:38:31 ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher, Louisville, KY

Daddy G, try the link on the left of the page (Listen Live Now), not the one on the right (Now Streaming Radio@AOL). This link:

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 15:31:23 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Some enemies are harder to flush than others but eventually, all secrets are known, all bodies float to the surface.

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 15:27:02 ET
Posted by: Daddy G., tech details

Just thought I'd better add that I've always tried to keep my software as up to date as possible. Other than the fact that I still run ME, to the best of my knowledge I should have the latest versions of IE and media player.

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 15:26:47 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu ,

Raj: The Hinky Gang That Can't Shoot Straight. Ain't that the truth. Chain of Command problems not only in the State Department, but in ALL branches of Gov't (NASA, NIH, HUD, Homeland Security, DOD, INS from my perspective.... Poor execution. Lack of forward thinking. Rumsfeld's to blame for a good bit with antiquated thinking re: war and understanding of how a complex top-down organization like al Qaeda runs - kill the head of the snake (in Pakistan) rather than capturing capitals...

Having said that - "Just One Thing" That's what we want Donald to do! More, more, more What I DO!!! Looking forward to the Premier - hoops the connection is work stupendously on my iMac - HI Q BABY! I'M PUMPED for SUN at 9 pm PT, 11 pm CT, and, 12 AM ET This is more like it!!!

Why One Thing? W&D believe (EMG interview) that the current MidEast situation was similar to WWI. Not only is it just the opposite, but post WWI politics created the cauldron that bubbles the rancid stew!... plus Neo-Cons were originally DEMOCRATS - Jewish intellectuals who followed the great Sen. Scoop Jackson - ferchrissakes, at least know your enemy Don.

We Paisans ALWAYS know our enemy, right Raj ;-)

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 15:21:03 ET
Posted by: Daddy G., Tingly Shmingly

Jim, you said " asked me my name, my age and Zip Code...."

Is that ALL it asked you? You're not talking about that AOL sign-up/promo screen with the heading that says in yellowish/orangish lettering...

"Start your 90 Days Risk Free right now!"

...followed by smaller blue lettering stating...

"Sign up in 3 simple steps"

...are you?

I'm gathering that AOL Radio player itself asked you for those three items of personal info, but I just want to be clear.

Maybe I'll have to try installing that downloaded exe file after all, but I still want to research it more before I try that. I figure I have until midnight sunday/monday to figure it out.

Of course, even if I get it working then I'm not sure how well it will perform with my dialup connection. I see where it says dialup users should configure AOL Radio to be "narrowband" for best performance.

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 15:18:41 ET
Posted by: V.I.P.,

Someone mentioned that they spoke at length with the VIP ticket people but never posted WHAT they said. Could you please give us the scoop?

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 15:15:26 ET
Posted by: His Lordship To Be, Worldlywise, I Realize, That Everybodys Crazy...Am I myself Or Just Another Freak?

One more thing I wanna say-if Fagens ready to put clips from all the songs on Morph, then why has the release date been moved back agan?
It's not fair! :'(

From what I've heard though, the album sounds fantastic, more weird, varied and wonderfull possibly than anything he or Steely Dan have yet done, with the possible exception of EMG...

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 15:10:22 ET
Posted by: Rajah, 94.7 The Wave

That station has a serious identity crisis. It's owned by Dick Clark and they throw the kitchen sink into the playlists. It's all the "smooth jazz" crap we've come to know and despise plus Mike McDonald, Stevie, Celine, Nora Jones, Geoffrey Osborne, Earth, Wind and Fire, Anita Baker. Jazz? My Aunt Nellie's kiester. And now Donald, oh well, he had to land somewhere and this station has a huge following among the aging boomers creeping toward antiquity. Oops, I have to go adjust my catheter now.

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 15:10:15 ET
Posted by: Picasso, Cube Land

When Picasso was in France during the Nazi occupation an SS officer held up a picture of 'Guernica' and asked the artist, "Did you do this?"

Picasso's answer? "No, you did."

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 15:09:28 ET
Posted by: Kalvin, Portsmouth, England

Hoops, Sorry to be a pain mate, but any news on a watering hole for the chicago bash...flying over for a two nighter and moist with anticipation already !

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 15:08:41 ET
Posted by: His Lordship To Be, The Two Donalds

I've only just noticed this, but on H-Gang, Donald Fagens delivery of 'slammin' sounds kinda slobbery around the S, freakishly like Donald duck.
It's only in that one part, but it still sounds kinda funny.
Just thought I'd mention that.

Alkali-I can't see Donald Fagen as being a political idiot. To some people, he might not seem like the most up-to-scratch guy, but I get the feeling he knows what he's thinking about in all respects.
Why else would he have written Mary Shut The Garden Gate?

Pablo-Hmm, never thought of Piccasso as a Steely Dan member. I think he had the wide, open, far reaching mind set that cuts the joint with Becker and Fagen, and he mixed all elemants of art in the same way Steely Dan mixed many elemants of music. Both band and painter use this (well, 'use' is the present tense, and Piccasso's dead, so maybe that doesn't work...) to create an unpredicatable, popular result which always got the fans thinking, and which always went right into those who let the music/art into them...

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 15:01:39 ET
Posted by: Woo Hoo,

"Donald drawing that parallel and speaking out in general is almost as exciting as the Morph the Cat show on Sunday."

Couldn't agree more. With everything this administration has been getting away with, it's hard to imagine that anyone can hold their tongue these days. Glad to see Donald is as fed up as everyone else should be.

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 15:01:35 ET
Posted by: Daddy G., Tingly again...

Ok, while I was composing my last longwinded post I see that things changed just that fast and apparently there IS a way to get AOL radio working without actually installing AOL...

So I'll have to delve further into it to see what I can figure out for my own personal equipment.

Thanks guys!!!

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 14:59:14 ET
Posted by: Daddy G., Less tingly...

Thanks, Jim. I'm kind of getting the same idea about AOL radio. It looks as if you have to be a full user, eh? Oh well. (Pardon the pun.) It was just a thought.

I just tried to click the "Listen Now" button again and before I get back to the point where it prompts me to download that same exe file I mentioned before, it first wants me to install some "America Online, Inc." file. To that I said no both times, so that's probably why beyond that step AOL radio wouldn't play and it prompted me to download that special exe install file. If I'd installed AOL like it wanted me to in the first place, then it probably wouldn't have prompted me to download the other file and even so that file is probably useless without first installing AOL.

So I'm not gonna bother, but that's just me. I have enough trouble sometimes just keeping my old PC running day to day without adding AOL software to the mix for just a one-time only use.

Hey, I was gonna be at the Mar 4 show before the CD came out anyway, even prior to them moving the CD release back a week. At least I've heard the first three tracks in full now plus the 30-sec clips.

Who knows, maybe will unveil all the full songs soon---I doubt it, but you never know. I seem to recall all the EMG songs being posted in full on the Reprise site not long before EMG came out because I definitely recall having made my own lesser quality pre-EMG CD to play while I awaited the official release. Anything they post at could be just a step down from CD quality and that would be good enough to let us get the full grooves in our heads before heading off to our respective pre-"Ides of March" shows.

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 14:47:54 ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher, Louisville, KY

So what's this about needing AOL to listen to the stream at 94.7 The Wave? I just clicked the Listen Now link on the main page and it is working fine? (And they're currently playing Stevie Wonder's Supersition... not really sure why that is a smooth jazz station...)

SoulMonkey, e-mail sent. If you don't get it, lemme know.

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 14:40:23 ET
Posted by: hoops,

9 PM on the West Coast = 11 PM here in Chicago = Midnight in Boston.

Just a little update. I used a PC that I freshly set up with Windows 2000 Server, Service Pack 4 PC with the lastest IE 6, Windows Media Player 9. No AOL has ever touched this machine and, although, it asked me my name, my age and Zip Code, The Wave played without any AOL installed over a TCP/IP connection.


Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 14:32:29 ET
Posted by: Rajah, silly wabbit

Thank you, Jim, I really appreciate that but there is nothing the Blue can dish out that I can't take. Once everything about you has been savaged, you get battle-hardened. Usually when the feces start flying, I just turn the unit off unless of course I lash back out with the force of a thousand tornadoes but my doctor tells me I should avoid that kind of thing.

Which leads me to a very brief discussion of hunting and killing cause I did quite a bit of it, to my everlasting shame, up in PA around the Delaware water gap, up in Tulare county and also the craziest thing I ever did, boar hunting in Italy, may God forgive me. I was young and wreckless. But quail hunting has some very strict rules, you progress through a field with low brush cover in parallel with all the other guys you're out with, the quail get flushed and you level your shotgun in a forward direction only, NEVER EVER turning and certainly never turning and shooting as Cheney says he did. Cardinal sin and if you or I had done what he did we be in a Texas lock-up for wreckless endangerment with a firearm. So when Donald cites the Cheney incident as a microcosm for this administration, he is sooo on it.

Donald drawing that parallel and speaking out in general is almost as exciting as the Morph the Cat show on Sunday.

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 14:26:57 ET
Posted by: Stevie D, Beantown

Jim what time will it air in Chicago?

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 14:25:51 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Daddy G

Thanks for the link Rajah.

As far as I can tell, you have to have a standard AOL account and not just AOL radio, even if you just use a TCP/IP connection. I could be wrong but I've signed up. It's the basic plan that I have a CD for—you could even download. It does do some registry hacks and annoyingly adds some AIM, Netscape services, etc. But to hear the album in a few days—PRICELESS!

I'm just going for an AOL account install and then be done with it. But it is annoying to cancel with these people.


Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 14:23:13 ET
Posted by: CWalter, Madison, WI

Thanks for the link, Raj...

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 14:20:20 ET
Posted by: Daddy G., All tingly...

Stupid questions # 543 & 544...

(543) When they say you must sign up for AOL, does that mean the whole AOL ISP shebang or can you just sign up for some sort of AOL services to use though one's normal non-AOL ISP connection? I'm pretty sure you don't have to use AOL as your ISP in order to sign up for and use AOL instant messenger, so could AOL radio work something like that?

(544) Assuming the answer to the first question is that you have to do the full-AOL monty, is it possible instead to sign in to AOL radio using a friend's sign-in ID and password and have it work even if not using said friend's normal AOL connection?

I'm trying to look this up in the AOL radio help screens and figure it out, but thought I'd post here in case anyone with previous experience already knows the answers.

I got to something that I could click supposedly to play AOL radio (possibly only freely available stations and I have no way of knowing if those would include "The Wave"), but when I clicked it I was told there was some sort of problem. It then directed me to click a link to download a file named ampx_2_6_1_11.exe that I'm supposed to run to install something, but I don't know what. I downloaded the file, but I'm hesitant to try installing it until or if I can find out more.

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 14:16:10 ET
Posted by: Pablo,

"Picasso was a savage"

Yes - a savage worthly of being a Steely Dan character, not a blood-thirsty savage.

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 14:11:34 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Sorry for the administrtia. You know, "Knee Jerk," it's not being uptight. I get more than a few people who write in, "Is it OK to mention that you can get SD tickets at this time?" or "Is is OK to mention this about SD--I don't want to get flamed." Our friend Lady B even wrote me a few weeks ago, asking if it was OK to mention that tix were going on sale but was concerned about being flamed. I'm not being uptight—but the bigger picture is I don't want lurkers who are even more shy to post to be reluctant to say something that would help us get tickets or save money or.... Maybe some are being thin skinned but I don't want even the thin-skinned to avoid posting something new that we need to know because they won't appreciated. Tthat's all. This segués into Rajah being attacked Wednesday night which was terrible that it happened and I am sorry about. As I've told Rajah, it's wrong when it happens...please call me when it happens so I can take it down but please don't respond as it encourages this.

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 14:09:39 ET
Posted by: Stevie D, Beantown

Picasso was a Savage...

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 14:08:37 ET
Posted by: It Depends, if

It depends if you're sleeping with someone else, or just sleeping with yourself.

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 14:05:54 ET
Posted by: SouthOfHollywood, It is the BLUE Book, after all...


There will be no putting the lid back on THIS can...


Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 14:04:36 ET
Posted by: Donald vs. Alkali,

Let's see:
Donald and Walter - bring peace and joy throughout the world through music and their unique personalities by pursuing their singular vision and ignoring corporate pressures. Well educated and constantly expanding.

Alkali - the guy who doesn't think Picasso was an artist, the guy who laps up corporate media propaganda.

Whose opinion on the state of the world has more value?

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 13:59:02 ET
Posted by: Knee Jerk, Jerkdom

Jim, puhleeze, no one is dissing this guys info, it's just that certain users experience dictates fair warning.

He can still do as he pleases widdit, then gently squeezeit.

Lighten up, pleaze.

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 13:55:26 ET
Posted by: Flipkid, B'more, MD

"That interview just goes to show that you can be a musical genius and a political moron all at the same time."

Buying into King George's whole shtick are you, Alkali?

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 13:45:21 ET
Posted by: Rajah, L.A.

It'll be on at 9 PM PST, it's the "Smooth Jazz" format station, oy vey. I bet Andy Metzger will bung the interview portions up on his site in due course. But I'll give you a nice summary of what Don says in any case if you'd like.

That article that Daddy G and the eel posted is a real revelation and you should really give a careful read:

Don for President. What I glean from parts of it is that Donald considers himself in a secure enough position both with regard to his status in the biz and with his creative output to be comfortable with laying his cards out on the table as far as what his gut is telling him about the Bushies and what they've done to America, the world. But the best part was how the Cheney hunting boolshyte is a microcosm for this whole administration from Hades. Turn, shoot, look afterwards, then lie about the whole mess. ~Feh!~

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 13:27:18 ET
Posted by: Stevie D, Beantown

Aside from the AOL thing, us East Coasters may have tough time staying up until Midnight-1AM on a "school night". I am wondering if they will still play it 9PM EST because Im sure the show will be taped well in advance.

Any opinions?

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 13:21:43 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Bob--Thanks for posting those suggestions about AOL. I don't want you and others to think that just because some were too knee jerk to dis AOL, that most of don't appreciate the good hearted and useful suggestion so we might have a chance to hear this masterpiece.


Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 13:17:16 ET
Posted by: hoops,

It's on the left side below DF's pic and above the news announcements. It's a little bar. You have to wait for it to download the first track to start playing. You can't flip ahead to the next track (say from MTC to "H Gang") until the songs get downloaded. I have found with most of the computers I have tried this on, "downloaded" means waited for it to play through once without flipping ahead. The bottom line is that doesn't work instantaneously but after a few secs.


P.S. I don't like name calling so don't start it.

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 13:17:15 ET
Posted by: CWalter, Madison, WI

Alkali, I'm inclined to agree with you about those cuts, in terms of their relative quality, and the tastiness of the guitar work. I haven't read the interview that you refer to, but there is no doubt that being an artistic genius does not always correspond to brilliancy in political analysis. I suspect the use of "moron" was rather hyperbolic. And as I suggested in previous posts, it's a good thing for artists and non-artists as well to speak their political minds, even if they aren't absolutely scintillating. The stifling of dissenting views in America has really become... well, stifling.

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 13:15:31 ET
Posted by: SoulMonkey, The Ville

Dan Belcher, please em me ASAP. I want to invite you to something. I can't reach you through your UofL em. It's kicking back on me. I need to hear from you in the next 24 hours. Leaving your phone # in the email if possible.



Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 13:10:11 ET
Posted by: Common Tater, your ear

AOL is more commonly known as AOH - America on Hold

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 12:53:33 ET
Posted by: fife, 11 days 7 hours 8 minutes

Seem to be having a problem with the sound clips at Where on the site do you go to have a listen? Help!!!!

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 12:49:49 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

Beware on the AOL thing. As cool as that sounds, putting AOL on your system is like asking for a'e just not worth it. Removing it off you system is a chore and they put crap everywhere and it takes a deep clean to get rid of said crap. But hey...if you really want to hear it...go for it....I'll pass.

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 12:15:34 ET
Posted by: really hurts, ma back

Yeah... Hey, oh!... Alkali! You're the one that's "kind of weak around the knees" here.

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 12:01:14 ET
Posted by: Bob,

Need AOL but don't have AOL for the Morph Listing Party on The Wave FM?

Run over to Target, Safeway, Albertson's, Kinko's, whatevah and get one of those AOL trial discs. They are usually near the check outs. Use the 30-day trial. Of course, you'll have to duel for 30 minutes with some dot head when you want to cancel, but this is important! Then capture with RealPlayer $14.95 version since they have a trial period too. I think the Mac thing is Audio Hijack.

This all kicks ass!

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 11:50:52 ET
Posted by: Truth hurts,

Alkali, You're the only "moron" around here.

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 11:45:15 ET
Posted by: SD77, Cal

Anyone with VIP passes for first DF concerts,please let us know what it was like.

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 11:42:41 ET
Posted by: Alkali, NYC

"Morph the cat" just as I suspected is great, very catchy and I’m loving the Guitar lead.
"What I do" on the other hand, I’m not sure about yet, it's kind of weak around the knees, if you know what I mean.
"H-Gang" has fallen to just ok with me, I mean, I still dig the guitar but, I’m not sure it's one that I’ll discover time and time again like so many of their/his efforts.

Here’s the order of the day:
1) Morph the cat
2) H-Gang
3) What I do

That interview just goes to show that you can be a musical genius and a political moron all at the same time.


Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 11:39:42 ET
Posted by: maj©,

Your Gold Keith, wassup mon!!

Beacon, no. But I am in NYC on biz 2/28 and 3/1 so maybe we can hook and have a handshake or two :>

Email me.


Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 11:37:01 ET
Posted by: ygk, nyc

maj@:?!?!?: You're not comin' to the Beacon? wh'azzup?


Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 11:30:50 ET
Posted by: Maj©, Medford NJ

I hope Walter DOES tour and PLEASE come to Philadelphia and ALSO play some BASS Walter. Bring the 5-string Sadowsky. I've been waiting my WHOLE life to see Walter play bass live having enjoyed his grooves on record. Dag, if only I had the wisdom at age 8 to be in Santa Monica back in the day.

Hi to all the danfans. See you in New Brunswick and Atlantic City.


Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 11:27:57 ET
Posted by: BeaconBound, pdx

What causes the record companies to push out release dates? Can anyone enlighten this disappointed (but I'll bounce back) cat?

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 11:17:50 ET
Posted by: Answer ,

Hey Pest,
Whoever said Becker was doing a solo tour?

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 11:08:45 ET
Posted by: Question Pest, Box Office

If Fagen can't sell out 1500 seat theaters, where is Becker gonna play on his tour? High school gyms?

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 11:07:34 ET
Posted by: SD, Cal

West coast time

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 10:57:21 ET
Posted by: DS,

Apparently you can only listen to "The Wave" online if you sign up for AOL (or are already a member).

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 10:51:00 ET
Posted by: Dimension Skipper, Out there in the air somewhere

94.7 The Wave's main page...

The Fagen announcement page...

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 10:47:49 ET
Posted by: Stevie D, Beantown

SD 9PM West Coast time right???

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 10:15:27 ET
Posted by: SD, Cal

Sunday Feb 26 94.7 the wave S.Calif will play MTC the whole cd 9:00 pm.

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 10:12:41 ET
Posted by: Rajah, takin it to the street

Wow. That interview sounded like a guy who has arrived at a point in his life where he truly knows himself and what he stands for. He sounded like John Lennon. I feel like he just took me to school on something far deeper than the perfect pop song. At some point you have stop giving a damn what anybody might think of you and fly that flag of yours, speak out for what you know is right.

Donald has obviated the need for anymore discussion about which side of the aisle he inhabits.

Bravo Donald, a thousand bravos. And thanks man, seriously.

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 10:08:39 ET
Posted by: Gretchen,

Mu, and stay away from any of the 6 major ports!


Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 09:21:00 ET
Posted by: HeyMike, bunker that my dad built

WXRT in Chicago played H-Gang at 7:26 am and talked up the CD and show!! Very cool!!!!

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 08:44:19 ET
Posted by: Diazepam, Diazepam

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Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 07:38:24 ET
Posted by: David, Spain

"has begun preparations for another sojourn to Europe later this year, in Becker's company" SLURRPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!! :-P
"and has plenty of new material ready for the studio upon his return" more SLURPPPPPP!!!!!!! :-P

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 06:25:31 ET
Posted by: His Lordship To Be, Worldlywise, I Realize, That Everybodys Crazy...Am I myself Or Just Another Freak?

I've been looking around for videos for Morph and H-gang-and I can't find the dang things!

I've heard the two songs-and they're finger lickin' great-but I wanna video!

The video's for centurys end and Tommorows Girls where real great, Snowbounds video was, um, ok, but I really want to see a video for Morph and H-Gang, even if Morphs video's just literally a flying, singing cat.

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 03:34:40 ET
Posted by: moray eel, tes

Hopefully, we'll start to see more of these interviews in the days ahead as DF starts his tour.


Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 02:01:55 ET
Posted by: Janice, India

Nice site! |

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 02:01:53 ET
Posted by: Dawn, Italy

Good design!
<a href="">My homepage</a> | <a href="">Please visit</a>

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 02:01:50 ET
Posted by: Edward, United Kingdom

Nice site!
[url=]My homepage[/url] | [url=]Cool site[/url]

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 01:01:29 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu, it'swhatImajorin

DaddyG: THE JUICE IS BACK!! Not to mention phrasing that makes Frank suspect that Donald may be part goombah after all...

I could feel it on the last half of EMG! Back in the Studio. THAT'S WHAT HE DO!

"'s not what I know what I think or what I say..."

For those of us with saddled with a great, gripping fear that somehow Morph will come a callin' at our doorstep before the March 14 release, just a few words of advice:

(1) Don't go hunting with Dick Cheney

(2) Don't go for a car ride with Ted Kennedy

(3) Don't draw any political cartoons

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 00:47:53 ET
Posted by: ,

"I suppose I feel more relaxed, musically, than I have ever done, because I have paid my dues and regained my enthusiasm and energy".

Donald Fagen 2/20/06

Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 00:47:05 ET
Posted by: Java, east of krakatau

Ohhhhh... this could be the decider on whether I take out a loan and get the family back to the UK for a visit later this year... A bit of Don, a bit of Walt and a lot of SD - what a show that could be.


Date: Thurs, February 23, 2006, 00:43:04 ET
Posted by: On the record, UK

...'although I have never considered myself as being a particularly political animal, I don't need a megaphone to tell people that we are invading the wrong countries, shooting the wrong people . . . living in a situation where everything the Bush administration does is wrong."
At 58, and with a new CD, Morph the Cat, awaiting the public's approval at the beginning of March, Fagen, one half of the renowned Steely Dan group ¡V with Walter Becker ¡V seems to have decided that fence-sitting is no comfortable position for a man whose IQ matches the number of chord changes in his songs. During the 1970s, the group's brand of pop/funk music, allied to witty, arcane lyrics,
burrowed into the consciousness of thinking music-lovers, as the duo were content to transcend the governance of Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter, engaged in Stakhanovite pursuit of the perfect guitar solo or keyboard phrase.

But now, Fagen has witnessed and heard enough, whether in the publication of new images of alleged abuse from Abu Ghraib, or the US's failure to deal adequately with the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, to worry that silence too often equates with acquiescence.
His response is a systematic and withering attack on the "thuggish cult" he believes has hijacked America's interests. It has reawakened the songwriting gifts that Fagen exhibited on his first solo recording, The Nightfly, now 25 years old.

"I suppose I feel more relaxed, musically, than I have ever done, because I have paid my dues and regained my enthusiasm and energy. There is so much going on in the world that it has never been more important to work hard to spread the message that we can change things, we can say to our leaders: 'Enough is enough' and we can force them to sit up and take notice," he says.

"One of the songs on the new album, Mary Shut The Garden Door, was written after the Republican convention hit Manhattan and, although it's ostensibly about an alien invasion, there are some
similarities with those in power in America. I think that approach is better than making everything too obvious.

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 23:12:15 ET
Posted by: Daddy G., Europe, get ready?


What will the cat drag in?
by Neil Drysdale (The Herald)

In the above article Donald makes no bones about where he stands in view of the current administration in D.C. But the REALLY big news is where it says, and I quote:

"He is poised to embark on his first solo tour Stateside, HAS BEGUN PREPARATIONS FOR ANOTHER SOJOURN TO EUROPE LATER THIS YEAR, IN BECKER'S COMPANY, AND HAS PLENTY OF NEW MATERIAL READY FOR THE STUDIO UPON HIS RETURN. If it is a belated flowering from somebody who used to suffer with writer's block, Fagen isn't complaining."

So while I don't know that I would necessarily take that as definitive, it sounds like things are definitely looking up for our friends across the pond as far as getting to see a Dan tour. Or a combo Dan/Don/Walt tour combining SD and solo stuff?... Let the speculation begin (yet again).

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 22:55:41 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu, in my DNA

The Radio Edit for What I Do wouldn't be too bad really. Don't f*** up that intro! Leave the soulful instrumental break in as well. Levy's solo finishes by the 3 min mark right into the second play of the bridge. The outtro is luscious, but you could start a slow fadeout at the 4:40 mark during the 3rd repeat of the chorus to 5:05 min mark and really only miss 50 sec of the song. Plus include the album version on the single as well. The fans will play the entire outtro over and over on their album version.

The key is that Rhodes hook which sets everything up. Tasty McCracken rhythm plus a taste of nasty by Krantz above Freddie Washington's baddass bass... and the monster bridge (turn the lamp down low...played twice).

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 22:31:49 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Danny-boy, I'll be in Chicago too with the Missus, we will rock that house as well, you best believe.

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 22:13:53 ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher, Louisville, KY

Got a few (hundred) extra bucks laying around to get me a plane ticket and show ticket for the Beacon? I might be able to find my way to making an appearance with the Rhodes in that case...

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 22:12:09 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Dan, that's exactly why we'd need you.

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 21:22:59 ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher, Louisville, KY

Rajah, even if I was heading to that particular show (I'm going to Chicago instead), I don't think you'd want me to attempt to bring my recently-acquired Fender Rhodes along with me. God that thing is a beast! My back hurts just thinking about moving it. But oh does it sound good, especially when I run it through an MXR Phase 90 (yes, the same kind of phaser Donald uses on his Rhodes).

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 21:07:06 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Well, I think I have it close enough for jazz anyways.

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 20:55:19 ET
Posted by: Rajah, let's jam

To my bloods bwaySteve and YGK and anyone else who is so moved, bring your choice of axe up to our digs at the Beacon on the 7th, you can leave them there during the show and collect them later. Let's do a homeslice of "What I Do" for the pre-show party, I think I've got the harp part down on my Hohner chromatic and we can all croon it. I'll bring some lyric sheets. No rehearsals, that would be weenie, let's see what we do. Are you up for it?

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 19:30:07 ET
Posted by: hoops ,

I know I have to fix the banner, but just so BeaconBound and others know for sure, the release date has been pushed back to the week of March 13 with USA street date of March 14.



Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 19:28:54 ET
Posted by: hoops ,

The latest Dandom Digest has been sent, this time covering February 16-22, 2006.

Still using the old way of sending...Let me know if you don't get it...A few of you who said they were having trouble might get two copies this time...oops!

Soooo,,,,if you are a subscriber, you should see it in your email box within the next 12 hours. Again, If you don't receive it, please email me. Some people have been having problems with delivery of the Dandom Digest, usually because of spam filters, firewalls, etc.

The following are the subjects of this particular edition of the Dandom Digest


• MTC: Hear the entire first 3 tracks in order, more
• Official Release Date Moved Back
• Donald on World Cafe
• UK release dates
• Re: WXPN playing MTC tracks!
• So I finally heard "H Gang"
• REDUX: Danfest & Wing Ding Registry v 0.9 Now Open
• DF Concert
• Re: DF Concert
• UK dates for DF (would be nice)
• REDUX: Billboard article about late Summer Steely Dan Tour
• Not THAT Walter Becker


• UPDATED: Chicago Tickets for Sale
• NEW: Beacon VIP Ticket for Sale
• NEW: 2 tickets for Tower Theater show (Philly)
• NEW: Detroit tickets for sale
• NEW: One extra ticket for Westbury 3/3
• Two (2) Westbury, NY Tix for sale!
• Beacon Tix for sale
• FOR SALE: 1 for Westbury 3/3
• Banyan Trees Ticket Exchange 2006

If you are not currently a subscriber but would like to receive the free Dandom Digest email newsletter"—definitely not to be confused with the glorious Official, or newsletters/mail lists—please email me or see



MTC: Hear the entire first 3 tracks in order, more
Official Release Date Moved Back
Donald on World Cafe
UK release dates
Re: WXPN playing MTC tracks!
So I finally heard "H Gang"
REDUX: Danfest & Wing Ding Registry v 0.9 Now Open
DF Concert
Re: DF Concert
UK dates for DF (would be nice)
REDUX: Billboard article about late Summer Steely Dan Tour
Not THAT Walter Becker


UPDATED: Chicago Tickets for Sale
NEW: Beacon VIP Ticket for Sale
NEW: 2 tickets for Tower Theater show (Philly)
NEW: Detroit tickets for sale
NEW: One extra ticket for Westbury 3/3
Two (2) Westbury, NY Tix for sale!
Beacon Tix for sale
FOR SALE: 1 for Westbury 3/3
Banyan Trees Ticket Exchange 2006

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 19:19:34 ET
Posted by: BeaconBound, PDX

I'm loving the groove on MTC as well as the NY references. Donald's voice is just sublime. March 7th cannot arrive soon enough for the cd and the Beacon experience!

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 18:47:35 ET
Posted by: Frank Sinatra,

That Fagen is a mench, his vocal performance radiates honesty. It's personal. I really dig that cat.

Now where the hell is the fella in the brite nightgown, I have got to get a three day pass outta here or bust.

Nelson, book that old studio on Beverly Drive.

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 18:30:03 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

And the female voices are flowing all around, not just behind, Donald in that gorgeous coda and when they respond to his call of "What I Do" toward the very end he gives them a four note trope to his three but the girls punch theirs up and down, seamlessly resolving the melodic line. That kind of skill at embellishment is unreal. Cindi and Carolyn and/or whomever, performances to die for, weapons of mass seduction.

It's Ray meets Bacharach meets Donald meets Booker T & the MGs.

This song could get a guy laid if he played his cards right. No wonder Frank wants to come back from the dead to cover it.

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 18:21:54 ET

MTC: i need some more time

h gang: fabolous

What i do:'s more than magic. The faces of all R&B stars must be turning red . It's a lesson in how to write a real soulsong.

and the rest? well maybe the second part will be even better than the first one.

Best album of the year? There's no doubt about it. It's the best thing in years.

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 18:05:23 ET
Posted by: hoops,

"What I Do" is simply amazing and genuine. I can't wait!


Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 17:47:48 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Cutting it I'm thinkin, truncate the 32 bar harp solo down to an 8, it'll sound like crap, yeah Green Eyed Lady it till it screams and then lop 2 1/2 minutes off the coda? See that's the problem. How could you do that to this exquisite piece?

I really love that trilly trope down the scale thing DF does with his voice on each of the second passes of: "it's what I's what I do-o-o." What a brilliant choice, that Jewish boy is down with his bad self. He's humble about it, he's understated about his abilities. The song sounds so simple, so easy, not a bit of it is forced. What he do is awesome.

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 17:25:08 ET
Posted by: Big Fan, at home - going outto eat antelope and alligator

WW anything you have on AllAccess from Miss Information on Boston would be much appreciated. I suppose you could send itthrough the Donfest page if you don't want to eat up the 1 and 0 here.

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 16:36:40 ET
Posted by: Pam, Its TAX season - aaaarrrgggghhh

Oh my heavens, what a song! How lucky are we that there is a guy like that on our planet? Thanks Don! One more week 'til NJ, just keep telling myself one more week......

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 16:21:51 ET
Posted by: Flipkid, B'more MD

Oh, man. LOVE the guitar solo in Morph. In fact, love ALL of the guitar parts I'm hearing. A bit more harder-edged that previous DF... or even SD. Wayne Krantz' contribution??

God, I can't wait until March 6...

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 16:08:01 ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher, Louisville, KY

If they trimmed the song down to about 3:45 or 4:00 and lopped off the instrumental bits, then yes it could be a single. But otherwise, the general public seems unable to appreciate parts of songs that don't involve singing. Ever hear a radio edit of Sugarloaf's Green Eyed Lady? Downright painful to listen to because all the instrumental sections are taken out basically, no flow! And this is one song I'd hate to butcher for the masses.

I want to listen to this song again, but I must be going now! This isn't fair! Grr..

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 16:05:47 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu ,

The Call and Repeat is ESSENCE R&B

"It's What I DO"

[Just One Thing]

Now That's What I'm talking about!

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 16:02:25 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu ,

Dan B - Amazing, What I Do just oooooozes and ooopmhs at the same time. THAT'S a HIT SINGLE, if I've ever heard one!

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 15:56:54 ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher, Louisville, KY

Oh man, how sweet is What I Do?! That harmonica, the female backup singers in the outro, that bass/electric piano duo... this is one hell of a soul/blues attack! This is one of my favorite DF tunes already after just one listen!

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 15:40:57 ET
Posted by: lovethisgig, atlanta

And every word he sang I knew was true!!

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 15:28:14 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu , WetSide Story

Samples up - YES!

I like the way Morph, H-Gang and What I Do flow into each other.

What I Do is a masterpiece. Now THAT'S SOUL! Even better than I imagined. No one can call Dr. Fagen/Dan dry & sterile any more.

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 15:27:53 ET
Posted by: lovethisgig, atlanta

It's not some game I play
It's in my DNA
It's what I do
It's deep beneath the skin
It's what I major in
It's what I do
I'm 'specially qualified
To keep 'em satisfied
It's what I do
- Donald Fagen, 2006

A love song indeed ... to music!

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 14:58:10 ET
Posted by: Frank Sinatra, What He Said

Madonna mi, I wisht to cripes I was still kicking cause I would cover that puppy on my next record, "Life After Frank."

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 14:56:39 ET
Posted by: Rajah, What He Did

What a great old fashioned R&B tune.

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 14:37:48 ET
Posted by: SD77 , Calif


Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 14:23:03 ET
Posted by: alan, downunder

First impressions...

When I heard the H Gang I thought, "yeah"

then Morph came along and to be honest it really didn't do anything for me but I am thinking, "I am sure it will grow on me"

now "What I Do" surfaces,only one thing to say about this song...


Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 14:06:35 ET
Posted by: fp, ny

Love that Blues Harp solo by Howard Levy on "What I Do"!

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 14:06:07 ET
Posted by: Little Wild One, way deep


Cannot get over how personal "What I Do" sounds...that's a real love song! Whew...can't wait for a roaring fire in the fireplace, some slightly chilled vino and ... what/whoevah.

MTC still growing on me, but the other 30 second teases sound DAMN fine.

I'm buggin'!

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 13:57:25 ET
Posted by: ANON, a

My friend played me the whole record at my house yesterday. Bright Nitetgown could be one of the best songs DF has ever written! The whole album is fantastic! If you think these songs are great on one or two listens, wait until it all sinks in......album of the year?
No doubt!!

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 13:44:48 ET
Posted by: Steve Martin, Scotland

Anyone else hear echoes of Godwhacker in the instrumental break on 'What I do'?

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 13:42:41 ET
Posted by: Stevie D, Beantown

Not too crazy about "What I do" nice song bluesy, straight forward, I dont think it will be one of the better songs on the album though.

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 13:42:20 ET
Posted by: angel,

I KNEW "What I Do" wouldn't disappoint me when I finally got to hear it in total. Wow!

Great song!

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 13:40:15 ET
Posted by: SD, cal

MTC album of the year? Hurry up March 25

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 13:32:57 ET
Posted by: paul,

wow, the mtc intro sounds like a cat prancing around. pretty cool.

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 13:26:16 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

"What I Do" turns pou to be the altered blues of this album.

Speaking of bridges: Wauw!

A warm, mellow and somewhat melancholy track. Really beautiful.

Maybe the postponed release date was in order to launch a campagne for the album starting now.

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 13:15:33 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

"Morph the Cat", "H Gang" and "What I do" playing full lenght on now. The rest of the album playing 30 sec clips.

Should, should not?

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 13:11:11 ET
Posted by: SD 77, Calif

MTC now playing on DF website the whole song

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 12:53:11 ET
Posted by: Bob ,

It occurred to me that Santa Barbara may not be the last date on this leg of the Donald Band tour. Like what if this turns out to be the SNOWBOUND TOUR?? Dates might get rescheduled to April if there are any major snow storms up here in the northeast. Or at least to another night.

Another Steely Dan novel???????????

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 12:46:13 ET
Posted by: paul,

Er, too graphic for my tastes. I hope your book does well, though.

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 12:18:15 ET
Posted by: Rick Goeld,

Dan Fans: I have written a novel called Searching for Steely Dan. Check out my web site: At the web site you can see the cover, read a short preview, and go to the web site where you can read the first 3 chapters and (hopefully!) purchase the book. I hope you like it...Rick Goeld

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 12:15:45 ET
Posted by: Vincent, Glasgow

The inept release of MTC is all the more interesting given that Radio Dupree is playing tracks from the new dave gilmour CD, which is frankly likely to be a bigger seller than Don's album. And as for 'competing sales' - hell, given the DF fanbase is middle-aged, mostly working and unlikely to be buying whatever top twenty dreck is out, we may throw caution to the wind and buy 2 CDs that day. But I sympathise with Don if he doesn't want to prostitute his talent on the gormless media (albeit a media that might help him sell a few extra CDs in markets he cannot reach otherwise). And maybe we don't want him on Letterman etc. when it comes down to it?

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 12:10:37 ET
Posted by: Lutz, SF

Steve Khan's brilliant new cd is out now. This should make the wait a little easier...
It looks like old comrade DF stopped by the studio.

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 12:02:35 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu ,

Bridges - quickly

Not complete without Greenflower Street and Tomorrow's Girls

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 11:49:58 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

Alkali: My favorite bridge will always be the one from Godwhacker. I remember the first time I heard it. The line: "from the start of the end of history" literally made me dizzy!! Most intoxicating chord progression / vocals ever.

But all the bridges from EMG are superb. The bridge in Last Mall makes an ordionary bluessong excellent, and the titletrack is stunnig too!

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 11:12:19 ET
Posted by: Q, TPA

Calling Andy Metzger - Andy, pls contact me re your site and new site title.

I tried to email you based on the contact info on your site but it bounced back.

I have content to discuss with you based on a contact you made to me a couple of years ago...

PS my accurate email is incuded in this post

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 10:40:46 ET
Posted by: paul h, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Just put my preorder for morph in today,
any speculation as to what's on the dvd?
my guess is a 5.1-channel 96khz version, but i wonder what else.

hey, if anybody wants free 2 day shipping from amazon, let me know. up to four people can use my amazon prime account.

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 10:13:18 ET
Posted by: Alkali, NYC

A less than favorable review of Morph was posted on the blue a bit back.
And although I can’t disagree with it, since I haven’t heard it yet; I can agree with one of his praises.
He said “Fagen is the master of the bridge” (I’m paraphrasing)
This got me thinking about my favorite Becker/Fagen bridges, here are my top ten:

10) “Hat too flat”- (I love to sing along to this one, it’s so much fun!)
9) “Bodhisattva”- (man, I miss Diaz)
8) “The Things I miss”- (you can feel the pain in his voice here)
7) “Glamour profession”- (the way Fagen comes in at the end behind the cymbal crashes)
6) “Pretzel Logic”- (funny!)
5) “West of Hollywood” - (this ones just pure unadulterated sophisticated class)
4) “Trans Island” - (a song in itself, great horn charts and that snare “c’mon daddy...”)
3) “Tomorrow’s girls” - (it’s like a dream sequence that’s suddenly broken by that growling guitar)
2) “Pixeleen” - (this ones beautiful, the back and forth conversation, the reminiscing)
1) “Green Earrings” - (I’m a little biased about this one because it’s my favorite Steely Dan song, none the less, those guitar strums and keyboard fills leading up to Dean Parks opening whistle solo is brilliant)
Honorable mention:
“I got the news” - (this ones just fucking down right dirty!)

“Burned his bridges high and low….”


Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 09:44:17 ET
Posted by: amazon, .com

morph is #14 today at amazon and #12 yesterday?

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 09:14:00 ET
Posted by: fife, 1 week 5 days 10 hours 53 minutes and counting

Found this in my mail box this morning, I thought it pretty funny considering the recent topic of sport and Donald. Also because we've been glued to the couch watching everything Olympic! It's an article from Sports Illustrated concerning couch potatoes, the five rings, and this excert:
Men's and women's figure inflating: I seem to have worked out a breathtaking routine to Steely Dan's "Deacon Blues." While Donald Fagen croons, "This is the day of the expanding man, that shape is my shade there where I used to stand," I begin with a series of crisp dough loops and follow with a triple salt-chow (pretzels, peanuts, potato chips). Dick Button may condemn my outfit as an appalling affront to the senses, but I've got the technical aspects down.
Go Canada Go!!
SOH: How are WingDing plans for Washington coming along? Just Curious.

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 09:11:24 ET
Posted by: paul h, typing because i've lost my voice

andy, could you do us a favor and tell us what you actually changed?
i'm too lazy to dig through the entire thing.

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 07:49:03 ET
Posted by: Western World, boston, ma

Information for you all that want to attend the Boston Show.
Ticketmaster has tickets available Center Orch Section Row N for around $70.00. As of this morning 2/22 @ 7:30.
Some of the Ebay Scalpers (scumbags) are trying to get way more.

Friends of mine and I took advantage of the VIP Tix(5 Star). Talked to the folks at AllAccess and Miss Information had lots of good info. Looking forward to the show and the VIP Program. I'll report on it if your interested.

Western World and King of the World would be great to hear in the show set. Can only hope.

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 07:31:24 ET
Posted by: DWB, RR

---Donald Fagen’s Morph The Cat is just your average soulful and sexy masterpiece about love, death and homeland defense. “There’s nothing sexier than the Apocalypse,” Fagen explains helpfully. “I suppose you could call this album Apocalypse Wow. The darkly beautiful third solo effort from Fagen – the longtime co-leader of Steely Dan – follows 1981’s classic The Nightfly and 1993’s acclaimed Kamakiriad, and represents the latest installment in what now appears to be a powerful and at times deeply personal trilogy. “The Nightfly is sort of looking from the standpoint of youth, “Fagen explains. “Kamakiriad would be more about midlife. This new one is about endings really. So in a way this really has become a sort of trilogy. In fact, there are plans to put all three albums out in a box where they belong.”---

Here's the excerpt from the press release

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 07:22:06 ET
Posted by: Western World, boston, ma

Love the now called Steely Dan Archive. You've got some great lost tunes on there.
Anyone that hasn't checked it out it! Lot's of great info.

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 07:16:35 ET
Posted by: SoulMonkey, The Ville

CWalter, it's been a while since hearing Fagen describe The Last Mall as sort of "Apocalypse Wow". I believe that statement was made on the promo copy to "EMG" I believe the intro was called something along the lines of "One Hour Sale" or some such title. I'll look in my back cataloug of Dan paraphenalia and see what I can find. BTW, I broke out the soundtrack to Zabriske Point last night. Actually quite listenable. Then again, I'm also a Pink Floyd fan.

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 06:45:49 ET
Posted by: SS, Hong Kong

Brite Nightgown sounds like Prince.

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 01:46:19 ET
Posted by: CWalter, Madison, WI

Ya, Soul Monkey, I just whipped "Zabriske Point" out. Had to check the spelling though. And frankly, I can't remember anything about it, except my vague recollection of the explosion to end it. Christ, I may never have actually seen it through. I used to confuse it with "Blow Up," for obvious reasons. But that one's about photography and playing tennis without a ball. Where does Fagen say "Apocalypse Wow...?"

Date: Wed, February 22, 2006, 00:40:05 ET
Posted by: Andy Metzger, Head intact

Yo! It's been a while since I've hung around the Steely Dan Internet netherworld, but I wanted to drop a line and let you know that the new version of my site, updated with troves of new stuff, will go online this weekend. If you haven't visited recently, the web site formerly known as "Andy Metzger's Steely Dan Page" is now the Steely Dan Archive. Check it out this weekend at


Date: Tues, February 21, 2006, 23:53:36 ET
Posted by: IDTC, PA

Hoops: Yeah, that Justin Morrell SD album IS amazing--it demands repeated listening to dig just how much reverence and care went into it.

On a personal, musician's note, I listen to it for ideas in instrumental composition--it opens up a big window of possibilities for me, translating the "Steely Dan aesthetic" into "absolute" music (as opposed to songs w/ lyrics and vocals). There's a gold mine there, methinks.

And now I'm going to plug YET AGAIN a strange work by Mr. Randy Brecker, performing as his alter ego RANDROID, called HANGIN'IN THE CITY--when I listen to the MTC clips, I am IMMEDIATELY reminded of Randy's obscure and outrageously overlooked concept album (it has lyrics and vocals, folks).

Has to be heard to be believed, and, based on the MTC clips, makes a fascinating companion and comparison to Morph.

When will you duffers FINALLY check it out?!?

Date: Tues, February 21, 2006, 23:40:10 ET
Posted by: Senor Wences,

Rich - check's in the mail

Date: Tues, February 21, 2006, 22:49:09 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu, hadituptoherewithlight

I nabbed plug-in to convert the WMP file into Quicktime. Unfortunately, I'm not able to save the files as MP3s...wait hehe - e-me

Date: Tues, February 21, 2006, 22:45:01 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

WOW....there's an update on


2/21/2006 - Donald Fagen on World Cafe
The World Cafe will be broadcasting the Donald Fagen session FRIDAY, MARCH 10TH, 2006.

The World Cafe with David Dye can be heard on more than 180 stations nationwide. You can find their local station by going to the following website:

or you can listen online to XPN Monday to Friday at 2pm EST by going HERE

Date: Tues, February 21, 2006, 22:04:14 ET
Posted by: SouthOfHollywood, And another thing...

For the show at the Borgata in Atlantic City...


Date: Tues, February 21, 2006, 22:02:37 ET
Posted by: SouthOfHollywood, F*ck Ticketmonster...

My theory about unsold VIP seats being released soon (?) before the shows is coming to fruition...

Available RIGHT NOW on Ticketmaster are 3rd row seats, left center section (16 seats left of dead-center)...

What a fucking joke...


Date: Tues, February 21, 2006, 21:31:27 ET
Posted by: Chris, nh

OK, so Don doesn't want to do TV apperances. Understandable. He doesn't want to talk to a ton of reporters. Yeah, that can be a drag after a while. What I don't understand is the fact that his website is completley under-utilized, as is I got an email from a friend to let me know about this album and tour, if it weren't for him there's a real good chance I wouldn't know about any of this... I figured D&W were done after EMG!

If the record company took over, why on earth wouldn't they be promoting Morph on it? It's the same label, right? Christ, hand the website over to me, I'll make a few small adjustments for free!

Date: Tues, February 21, 2006, 20:56:02 ET
Posted by: Daddy G., Try again tomorrow...

I've had trouble playing the good Morph clips at in that I couldn't play more than a couple seconds continuous without media player stopping to buffer more. Annoying. I use a dialup connection, but media player usually streams better than that. And there was no mp3 file being stored in my windows temp internet files that I could later grab, so I had no choice but to try to tweak media player in an attempt to get it streaming better.

So tonight I looked into my media player options and on the PERFORMANCE tab I changed from "Use default buffering (recommended)" to "BUFFER [60] SECONDS OF CONTENT." It lets you choose how many seconds to buffer and first I tried 30, but it still didn't work well. Then I tried 240 and it worked fine. When I went to put my option back to the default setting, I noticed the number of seconds to buffer was showing 60, so I guess a minute is the max amount you can buffer.

Anyway, if some of you are having trouble (like I was) playing the hi-fi clips in IE using media player, you might want to try this same solution.

Date: Tues, February 21, 2006, 19:11:43 ET
Posted by: paul h, resident IT dude

Bilko, I'm running the Norwegian clips on Linux (Ubuntu 5.1, kernel 2.6). They're only MP3's, quicktime should have no problem. Try using Firefox as a web browser instead of Safari or Mac IE.

Date: Tues, February 21, 2006, 18:58:22 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Angel: I've gotten that sorta thing all the time from Amazon, but what amazes me and why I posted was that they tied Justin Morell -- a purchase I made 4 years ago and only Dangential--to THIS! Amazing.

Again, it's hard to say why they don't do more at or Maybe it will be explained later, but I do know that more than a couple fans who only get the Danfest list (and not the Dandom Digest, for example) were completely clueless that DF was coming to their town until they saw the WingDing chat and they said there was nothing at Maybe because they are solo records they have to run them as separate businesses. Then again, who knows... Let's hire the psychics that are working to find Bart and Vivi the dogs.


Date: Tues, February 21, 2006, 18:47:06 ET
Posted by: angel,

Hey Hoops, I got that same Amazon message today, except it mentions that I have bought Steely Dan products in the past.

Great price. :-)

Date: Tues, February 21, 2006, 18:41:11 ET
Posted by: Fezman, Boston

hi folks,I have found all the reasoning as to why Reprise/warner has been lacking in promoting "Morph" humourous at best,let's be realistic here,if "they" Walter and Donald wanted to promote their or the Dan's releases they would ,the boy's have chosen not to for many years and perhaps the potential for short audiences during Donalds tour will wake them up!! I understand the record company's cannot see nor do i understand Walter or Donalds reasoning for not promoting their own material on whatever media outlet will have them.If their thinking of media is still the same as it was in the seventies and eighties and nineties then they have no one to blame but themselves for unsold seats and music. I love them dearly and they will alway's be on top of my list...but they piss me off too!!!! ....Paul

Date: Tues, February 21, 2006, 18:02:40 ET
Posted by: Drew, San Luis Obispo

I have a pair of tickets for sale for the Donald Fagen show at the Wiltern in Los Angeles on March 27th. I bought the cheapest seats possible - so they are balcony seats but they'll get you in the building. They cost $50.00 each plus a $20.00 ticketmaster handling fee ($120.00 total for the pair). Mezzanine row M, seats 211 and 212. You can go to the Wiltern site to see a seating chart. The Santa Barbara show was announced after these went on sale so I went to give these up.

Date: Tues, February 21, 2006, 17:05:24 ET
Posted by: SoulMonkey, The Ville

CWalter, did you actually just whip out "Zabriske Point". Geez-a-lou, it's been a while. On the subject of The Last Mall being a nuclear explosion, I'm just basing my hunch on Fagen's use of the term "Apocalypse Wow". Maybe I'm making too much of such observations, but it's fun to banter about.

Date: Tues, February 21, 2006, 16:22:18 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

I e-mailed the program director of the local jazz station about playing some new Fagen and this is what he replyed with....

"I'm listening to the "H Gang" right now, but reason says there's
something better on the CD, which I don't have right yet. I'm inclined to wait till the whole thing gets here but you never know. It's so hard to pass up anything from Becker or Fagen."

Sounds like something from Morph will hit his station before too long!

Date: Tues, February 21, 2006, 16:19:32 ET
Posted by: Google, Belleville Dem.

On this day in 2001:

At the Grammy Awards, Steely Dan won album of the year for "Two Against Nature," plus best pop album and best pop performance by a duo or group for "Cousin Dupree"; controversial rapper Eminem won three awards, all in rap categories.

Date: Tues, February 21, 2006, 15:33:17 ET
Posted by: CWalter, Madison, WI

Well, we sort of agree about that ending--it's an ending that says something about endings--which is logical for a song entitled "The LAST Mall." I don't think I see it as a nuclear sort of thing though. To me the key is its dramatic abruptness. It sounds to me like they are doing one of those blues endings--which I'm unable to describe effectively--you know, where they go, Da-da Da-da Da-da Da-da DA.......and then a big drawn out tonic chord resolution at the end. But here they cut it off abruptly before the big tonic chord resolution--defying expectations. And to me, it's like a take on the idea of the song, the finality of the "Last Mall." It's a little enactment of secular death--you're just cruising along, and then everything just stops. Like the end of "That Obscure Object of Desire" or "Zabriskie Point" or "The Marriage of Maria Braun" wait, those all ended with explosions...LOL. Maybe an explosion and you die in the middle of it...?

Date: Tues, February 21, 2006, 15:11:01 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu , atleastthewildlifeissafewhenCheneyhunts

Jerry: hmmmmmmm...come to think of it, it IS kinda like the current administration is running this Promo War.....hmmmmmm.....

Date: Tues, February 21, 2006, 15:06:27 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu ,

KDawg: The idea on TLM ending is the Big One goes kablooie. and pulls the plug on the song - which is why I would have placed the song last. Reverse the order of the album, and it's MUCH better. I'm not kidding.

h: I've heard the "tool of the state" quote, but W&D had to be at most half-serious. Anybody who believes Leno or Letterman or Conan take orders from the Feds frankly needs their head examined. They poke fun nightly at EVERYONE. Letterman put a whippin' on megalomaniac Bill O'Reilly recently.

Maher's show unfotunately became inronically "politically correct" and rather "dumbed down" well before Iraq and as a result the ratings slipped long before his gaffes. Now he's a bitter but still funny guy.

Dave Chappelle said virtually whatever he wanted. "The Blind Black White Supremist" and the "Racial Draft" and the "Prince basketball" skits are as funny as it gets. He became so popular, Dave pulled his own plug

Rant-meister Libertarian Dennis Miller along with his guests, generally a highly intellgent group in comparison with Maher's -post HBO PI, involved in balanced discussions and said whatever they wanted - however, despite the chimp, few watched...because well, it was on CNBC...

KDawg hit the nail on the head...besides lack of TV appearances, Pixeleen and Lunch with Gina were SOOOOO the obvious singles. Blues Beach and Last Mall went NOWHERE.

**I would choose Security Joan over H-Gang. A little more hummable and Everyone can identify with it.**

Date: Tues, February 21, 2006, 15:06:11 ET
Posted by: Fagen Police,

Jerry-- You're right about SD dot com. It sounds like some sort of sabotage to me.

Date: Tues, February 21, 2006, 15:05:31 ET
Posted by: SoulMonkey, the Ville

Big Fan, I agree about Pixeleen. It's just about my fave "Dan" song along with Razor Boy and Monkey. I actually have so many, it's hard to choose. I bet Pixeleen would be a musical sledgehammer live. Donald has so much material to choose from, it's frightening. True Campanion isn't so much an odd choice as it is an obscure one. It was played in Irvine in '94, so anything is possible. I think it would be a great opener to the "second arrangement" of the show. Sausage and beer indeed!!!!! I couldn't think of a better song to get everyone seated again besides East St. Louie (which has already been done along with The Steely Dan Show). I wouldn't miss Trans-Island as much as I would Goodbye Look. If he breaks that out, my Depends are going to get a healthy workout. Let's hope all goes well and a summer tour of the Dan ensues. What a beautiful world it will be!!!!!!!

Date: Tues, February 21, 2006, 14:51:05 ET
Posted by: Jerry, Tempe

HOw come the Steely Dan site doesn't say anything about MTC? Not a word! They have been online for years. This is where Steely Dan/Fagen fans are going to look for news. Even if Fagen sent out a newsletter, he can't have too many people signed up, no one knows about his web site it is too new. But Steely Dan could have sent a newsletter about MTC, or at least mentioned it on the web site.

Date: Tues, February 21, 2006, 14:44:53 ET
Posted by: Big Fan, at work - leaving soon

Soulmonkey – interesting setlist. Will be disappointed if Trans-Island Skyway doesn’t make the cut. So many of the songs on that list have never been played live by DF or SD before. Pixeleen especially is an interesting choice. I was very disappointed that it didn’t make the setlist for the last concerts and disappointed it didn’t get released as a single – I think it would have done better on the charts than any other song on EMG. It would be really cool to hear this time around!

True Companion is another interesting selection if he plays it. I will be forever haunted by the image of Den and that animated buxom chick from Heavy Metal whenever I hear it. To think I went and saw that movie twice in the movie theater.

I think the Nightfly is a given – signature DF solo song.

I think we need some sausage and beer at the pre concert Donfests.

Date: Tues, February 21, 2006, 14:39:06 ET
Posted by: CWalter, Madison, WI

"Noticed and remembered--LOL."

Naturally I'm excited about Morph the Cat. But I can't help thinking I'll have no problem acquiring it for less than $18.98 soon enough...

Date: Tues, February 21, 2006, 14:26:30 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Just received this from "noticed and remembered" I bought that amazing Justin Morrell album back in 2002 or 2003.


Dear Customer,

We've noticed that customers who have purchased Audio CDs by Justin Morell Quintet also purchased Morph the Cat. For this reason, you might like to know that Morph the Cat will be released on March 14, 2006. You can pre-order your copy at a savings of 32% by following the link below.

Donald Fagen
Price: $12.97You Save: $6.01(32%)

Release Date: (March 14, 2006)

Album Description
The first solo album in 13 years from Donald Fagan, Morph The Cat is another contemporary classic from half of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame duo Steely Dan. With Fagan's adventurous musical depth, uniquely layered lyrics and entertaining subject matter (from a conversation with the ghost of Ray Charles to a romantic liaison with an airport security guard named Joan), Morph the Cat is the newest chapter chronicling the most sophisticated music in rock.

Track Listings

1. Morph the Cat
2. H Gang
3. What I Do
4. Brite Nitegown
5. The Great Pagoda of Funn
6. Security Joan
7. The Night Belongs To Mona
8. Mary Shut the Garden Door
9. Morph the Cat (Reprise)

Date: Tues, February 21, 2006, 14:16:05 ET
Posted by: CWalter, Madison, WI

I don't know how highly "rated" Maher is, so I don't know how over-rated he might be. But I think the idea behind "Politically Incorrect" and behind Maher generally, is that people can and should speak out freely about politics and social issues--something I find very refreshing (and something that Walter Becker obviously believes in as well).

Date: Tues, February 21, 2006, 14:02:08 ET
Posted by: Inside WBR, WMG says the minimum about Morph. says NOTHING about Morph.

Why blame WBR?

Date: Tues, February 21, 2006, 13:50:10 ET
Posted by: Mr. Lapage,

Bill Maher is the most overrated piece of crap ever to grace the airwaves. What a bore. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Date: Tues, February 21, 2006, 13:50:00 ET
Posted by: SD fan 77, calif

well said Flikid.I am a huge fan of SD,WB and DF.And 99.9% of there music will allways stand above american ldle pop trash.See you Temecula.

Date: Tues, February 21, 2006, 13:42:07 ET
Posted by: CWalter, Madison, WI

Ya, Hoops, I was really pleased to see Maher just matter-of-factly lay Bush to waste on Leno. You're right--what a one-two punch a Steely Dan appearance there would have provided...

Date: Tues, February 21, 2006, 13:37:33 ET
Posted by: pz,

it = Morph The Cat

Date: Tues, February 21, 2006, 13:37:07 ET
Posted by: pz,

But you have to admit it's fucked up that not even mentions it. It would help the summer tour, ya think?????

Date: Tues, February 21, 2006, 13:35:47 ET
Posted by: CWalter, Madison, WI

Probably at first I didn't give enough credit to the tight catchiness of some of the EMG songs. They certainly do succeed in hooking their way into your head and staying there (even when sometimes when you wish they wouldn't...)

Date: Tues, February 21, 2006, 13:30:29 ET
Posted by: Flipkid, B'more, MD

RE: Promotion (or lack thereof) for Morph... and SD products in general

Folks, we all know that for we SD/DF/WB fans, ours is a hard lot in life. We must sit idly by while the record-buying public-- and the recording industry-- celebrate the ignorance of musical shlock.

We must grit our teeth, swallow our bile, and attend 80%-full DF concerts while Ashlee Simpson or the latest Next Big Thing from American Idol sell billions of CDs and sell out stadiums.

Wake up and smell the decade, my brothers and sisters; Warners/Reprise is not going to promote Morph... or WB's next solo effort. For the same reason that communism untimately failed in Russia... becasue there's no money in it.

For me its really a what-came-first-the-chicken-or-the-egg thing. Are music consumers buying dreck because its the only thing that most artists are currently producing, or are most artists producing dreck because thats what the music consumer wants to hear? Either way, the record labels are only facilitating what the market dictates.

Just be grateful that SD/DF/WB have established themselves as artists successful enough to have a built-in core of fans that will guarantee the sale of X number of CDs/concert tickets, thereby allowing them to always be able to find a label to distribute their music. At least those of us that recognize the talent and want to hear them will continue to be able to. (Hell, Frank Zappa had a large and dependable enough contingent of hardcore fans to have a 40-year career without the benefit of major record/concert promotion.)

Just one man's opinion...

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Date: Tues, February 21, 2006, 13:15:26 ET
Posted by: hoops ,

Howard Jones' version of "I.G.Y." was on one of the Radio Free Dandom stations--not sure if it got purged off by accident. I was aware of it when it came out circa 1993/1994 thanks to what is today called ICE Magazine and what is called Dandom Digest today. It's pretty darn good, IMHO. I always felt like HoJo was saying, "Stuff like 'I.G.Y." is what I really hoped to make but instead, Elektra had me make the synth-ladden stuff. His songs aren't bad but the production on his 80s stuff is so, well, 80's sounding! Anyhoo, it is one of those SD/DF/WB covers I'd pick up.

And what is my favorite SD cover? I vote for Joe Jackson's "King of the World." I think it's the only cover that could be argued to be as good or better as Steely Dan's original. I've read that JJ also covered "Junkie Girl" in same series of shows that KOTW was taped from, and that Walter was in the audience for one of the shows. RLJ's "Show Biz Kids" is pretty darn good too, but not as good as SD's. JJ appears on that one too.

I have heard the political bit before about SD not appearing on TV for EMG but I don't know where they said that. If so, I suspect in part it was for stuff like the way Today, Letterman and Leno, etc. were very gung ho in their monologues about the war and like in the years after 9/11; for Letterman that toned down, if you ask me, when Bush was all upset about Letterman playing the tape of the yawning kid at a Bush speech. I noticed Bush wasn't such an off limits target that. I believe Bill Maher wasn't on the air around the time of EMG as I think at least WB if not both WB and DF would have been naturals as guests on that show.

I bet DF will do an NPR interview although I am sure that's not the kinda promotion Warner's cares about.


Date: Tues, February 21, 2006, 12:54:57 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

I so wished they would have done Pixeleen live back on the '03 tour!!! That songs was off the charts! Everything about that songs oozed classic.

Date: Tues, February 21, 2006, 12:38:38 ET
Posted by: SoulMonkey, The Ville

While we're speculating
Helplessly hoping:

H Gang
Tomorrow's Girls
Here At The Western World
Brite Nitegown
Green Flower Street
Florida Room
Chain Lightning
Mary Shut The Garden Door
New Frontier
On The Dunes

True Companion
Security Joan
The Night Belongs To Mona
The Nightfly
Teahouse on The Tracks
The Goodbye Look

Brooklyn (alone at piano)
Deacon Blues

This would be killer

Date: Tues, February 21, 2006, 12:34:22 ET
Posted by: Bilko, London

Sadly I cannot access the norwegian tracks. Are they only accessible to pc users. My Apple vesion of Media Player doesn't seem to work with this.


Date: Tues, February 21, 2006, 12:28:26 ET
Posted by: SoulMonkey, The Ville

A nuclear bomb blast is the sense I got.

Date: Tues, February 21, 2006, 12:20:21 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

The ending to "The Last Mall" mean the way it wraps up with the drums? That's the only thing I can see as being different than most of their tunes...the drum ends the song cold.

It may be a softball...but I have a feeling I hit a little grounder to first.

Date: Tues, February 21, 2006, 12:01:32 ET
Posted by: Daddy G., If you're feeling lucky you'd best not refuse.

John, I never knew about that Howard Jones cover of I.G.Y. either until back in October when I happened to also post about it here. I just browsed back to find it only because I wanted to repeat it now for your benefit since I transcribed the part of the CD liner notes referring to I.G.Y....

Date: Wed, October 12, 2005, 20:39:04 ET
Posted by: Daddy G., I.G.Y. in the Shell

Popped into one of my favorite used CD stores over in Pennsy today. Didn't have a lot of time to do "non-targeted" browsing, but I basically took one quick glance at a very general bin of used CDs and my eye for some reason went immediately to "The Best Of Howard Jones" (1993). I remembered liking a couple of his tunes back in the 80s, so I picked it up to check what was on it. Track 17---"I.G.Y." I'd never heard about him doing the song, so for $7 I figured "Why not get it?" He does a decent job with it. I've only listened to it once so I wouldn't try to compare and contrast it to Donald's yet, but it's not bad. He pretty much plays it straight.

I imagine many (if not most) folks already know about it, but it was news to me. Then, I don't get out much. Here's what the liner notes have to say about it...

[ Jones has recorded a new song for the compilation. Donald Fagen's "I.G.Y. (What A Beautiful World)" has been a well loved staple in the live set for years, so much so that Jones has grown used to people thinking it's one of his own compositions. He's recorded it now as a tribute to its real author and as a means of completing its adoption. "I.G.Y. to me is one of the best pop songs ever written," he says. "It wasn't a hit and yet everyone seems to know it. Having played it live for years I just wanted to capture the best version I could on record." True to form, Jones combined the best of modern studio technology with a large dose of the human element. "I got Elliot Randall in to play, just as he had on so many Steely Dan records. He did it in about three takes and even used the same guitar he'd played on 'Reeling In The Years'. It was magic!" ]

Date: Tues, February 21, 2006, 11:45:00 ET
Posted by: CWalter, Madison, WI

Here's a softball for you critics. In a few words, "explain" the ending of "The Last Mall." What is different about it, and what is the likely artistic rationale?

Date: Tues, February 21, 2006, 11:34:41 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

Doc Mu:'s clear that word of mouth and fans will move the cd off the shelf.

John: The album version is ok...but he does a live version that is outstanding. It appeared on the cassette single "Lift Me Up". Maybe it was on cd as well.

And I never heard about their political views and promotion of EMG. Where did you hear/read this?

Date: Tues, February 21, 2006, 11:19:14 ET
Posted by: Warners refused to promote EMG, after D&W refused to appear on TV

to promote the CD as a political protest against the Bush administration. The two defended their decision with something like, "TV is a tool of the state."

Warners also refused to push the CD for the Grammy's because of D&W's actions.

A lot of the promotional failures have been self inflicted. But the MTC promotional effort has been abominable. Beyond awful.

Date: Tues, February 21, 2006, 11:05:20 ET
Posted by: newsflash, it's not out yet

Can you spell early overkill? I knew you could. Right now I'm worried I'll burn out the choruses myself, so I must... stop... hmph... listening...


Date: Tues, February 21, 2006, 11:04:18 ET
Posted by: John, NYC

Did we know about this? I certainly didn't:

Howard Jones covering I.G.Y in 1993. You can listen to a clip at

I had no idea. Did you know Hoops?

Date: Tues, February 21, 2006, 10:56:20 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu,

KDawg: That's right. The CDs and DVD-As for EMG mentioned NOTHING about the 4 Grammys - no "The Next Classic from the 4 time Grammy winning group Steely Dan"

Just a little red sticker announcing "Blues Beach." Pathetic.

Date: Tues, February 21, 2006, 10:51:11 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

Seeing how EMG was handled (no promo) you'd think this would be handled a little differently. I mean....I can't believe that something on EMG wasn't mentioned for a grammy...considering the last album won 4!!! It just seems to me like there isn't much thought into getting this thing out there. From what I've heard of the clips, this thing has great potential to be dynamite....too bad not enough people can HEAR IT!!!!!

Date: Tues, February 21, 2006, 10:37:53 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu,

KDawg: It's frustrating, that Warner & the Fagen management are so concerned about leaks or allowing more than very select songs to be played on-line and in radio stations, yet the tour and album are being promoted with an acumen far less than a junior high school hacker.

It concerns the fans as sales of MTC, which has all the earmarks of a classic and current tour affect future tours and albums.

At the very least

(1) The Fagen site sould have extended hi-Q clips of ALL songs

(2) All Promos and home URL should include the tag in BIG BOLD "Donald Fagen - lead singer of Grammy winning Steely Dan" for name recognition

(3) iTunes should be pre-selling ALL the songs. This addsto pre-sales which count on week one of the Billboard chart.

(4) Letterman gig

(5) Armed takeover of Clear Channel headquarters

This is Promotion 101 - I suspect that Donald may not be interested in the promotion aspects at all...but the Team certainly needs to get in gear.

Date: Tues, February 21, 2006, 09:51:46 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

I'm surprised that with 3 weeks to go, there are no clips from the Morph album on Fagen's site. And what was the point of signing up for the mailing list? I got no e-mail telling me about concert dates. Whoever is manning the site is dropping the ball. You have to work that site....take advantage of the opportunity. Maybe they figure word of mouth is good enough....but to hear good quality clips, you have to go on a website out of the country. Remember EMG....they had full songs up weeks before the album was out. I'm sure they didn't get the reaction they wanted and decided not to do that for this album....but in this day and people samples before you buy is the way to go.....create more buzz....whet the appetite.

My 2 nickels

Date: Tues, February 21, 2006, 09:22:20 ET
Posted by: f-gang,


another birtday- you must be 50 by now

Date: Tues, February 21, 2006, 00:09:05 ET
Posted by: suedave, stream of thoughts

Happy Birthday Walter!!! Way looking forward to your next one!

Happy Birthday Gretchen!!! I bought the purse.

I too woke up in the middle of the night once last week, and couldn't get the title track to MTC out of my head, so I came down to the computer and listened to it once or twice before I could go back to sleep. It is a nightmare that it is no longer available. I'd love to hear Brite Nightgown - from what I remember of the B&N clips it was good 'n funnky and therefore one of my favorites - would sound great live. I'll have to dig out my windows box to listen to the new clips you're all raving about. I'm guessing 5 new tunes at the beginning of the tour and winding down as the tour goes on...but the audience will be full of true fans, so perhaps I'll be pleasantly surprised.

So what exactly is it that radio stations look for in songs they play on AAA stations? Is it all just promotion based via the record companies? I think I once read that to play it on a rock station it has to have a certain amount of guitar but they play that Herbie Hancock/John Mayer tune a lot and it has less guitar that H Gang. I haven't heard my typically Dan friendly station play H Gang once yet (though you can find it about 55 minutes into Bob Harris' Saturday show on the BBC radio link). Bob said something that confused me - that it goes into the shops then the album follows immediately after that. What does that mean?

Date: Mon, February 20, 2006, 21:03:40 ET
Posted by: Gretchen, blowing out the inferno of candles....

Thanks and xoxox SOH and Josey! Boy, it's hard getting old....and Happy Birthday to Walter, too.

G (another year older and deeper in debt)

Date: Mon, February 20, 2006, 19:25:59 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Thanks for correcting my boo-boo Crell!

So where is "Brite Nitegown" being heard completely?

Date: Mon, February 20, 2006, 19:24:49 ET
Posted by: h,

hap-e b-d g!

Date: Mon, February 20, 2006, 18:38:44 ET
Posted by: Josey, St. Simons Island

Happy Birthday Gretchen!!

Date: Mon, February 20, 2006, 18:17:53 ET
Posted by: SouthOfHollywood, Make A Wish...

Happy Birthday GRETCHEN!


Date: Mon, February 20, 2006, 18:14:38 ET
Posted by: Mark, New Jersey

Hey There - Just catching up, I went to the BBC Album Chart Show and the one with Morph the Cat is gone. Also reading that Brite Nightgown is out there? Anyone know where I can get/buy Morph the Cat? Digital Copy would be nice. I can't wait until March 14th, need em now! Fagen shows will be all done before the Album comes out here in New York area. Need help! I want to sing along.

Date: Mon, February 20, 2006, 17:58:52 ET
Posted by: brite lyric,

"Right then a couple lit up brothers
They quickly put me on the ground..."

Date: Mon, February 20, 2006, 17:26:57 ET
Posted by: CrellMoset, Atlanta, GA

Halfway down the right side of the page at!

Date: Mon, February 20, 2006, 17:26:55 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Look on the left right side of the page towards the middle.


Date: Mon, February 20, 2006, 17:19:22 ET

Where can we hear those new soundclips?

Date: Mon, February 20, 2006, 15:58:41 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu , THIS S**T *IS* AUDIO CRACK!

WOW. Just heard the new clips on almost hi-fi - the Production is UNBELIEVABLE! The Industry Standard. Best I've ever heard? Ironically the most ALIVE sound Fagen has ever come up with. Warm like Aja. Crystalline like the Nightfly. The mix is DEAD ON. I'm stunned!

Songs are awesome too. Brite Nightgown is BAD as hell. Mona and Mary moving quickly to the upper echelon of Dan recordings. Funn has the chord slut fix we've been crying for since the Nighfly

Date: Mon, February 20, 2006, 15:54:46 ET
Posted by: hoops,

So is someone gonna at least email me where you can hear "Brite Nitegown?"

Date: Mon, February 20, 2006, 15:49:04 ET
Posted by: hoops,

I checked out the WPXN site and found they list every playlist for at least several weeks. They've only played "H Gang," MTC and "What I Do." It also seems like they only play MTC tracks every few days—some days not at all and when they do it's for 2-4 times each day.

So I wouldn't exactly say the whole album is being played at but there is a slight chance you'll hear the full version of some songs from MTC.

So where ARE people getting to hear the new album or at least the Brite Nitegown? My 2 piasters.


Date: Mon, February 20, 2006, 15:39:51 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Stella, others, I had trouble getting this BUT, you can hear the album--at least more than the title track and "H Gang"-- as noted below last Wednesday:

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 23:00:01 ET
Posted by: brakeshoe, Penn. (posted from Dandom Digest via hoops)

In the past week, WXPN the commercial free station at the University of Pennsylvania has been playing the entire Morph the Cat album. If you are near Philadelphia you can listen to it at 88.5 FM. The station is also available on the web at So far I have heard 3 songs off the album. H Gang, Security Joan and one other whose title I forget. Worth a listen if you want a sneak preview.


Date: Mon, February 20, 2006, 15:14:29 ET
Posted by: Bobinho, At Evening Mass

Guys it is "ten milligrams of Chronax"...

Date: Mon, February 20, 2006, 13:34:37 ET
Posted by: the fella in the brite nightgown, space is the place

could be wrong. but it's a word i'm very familiar with the sound of...
and as it appears to be a song about cheating death...

Date: Mon, February 20, 2006, 13:22:57 ET
Posted by: Josey, St. Simons Island

Could he perhaps be saying "from" the fella instead of "fuck"?

Date: Mon, February 20, 2006, 13:22:40 ET
Posted by: Puff Of Smoke,

Stella, you can hear it on the new cd. It's due out March 14th.


Date: Mon, February 20, 2006, 13:17:31 ET
Posted by: Just wondering,

If Donald says Brite Nite Gown is using WC Field's name for meeting God when we die, and God gives this person a victory hug when he dies in the third verse, why would he respond back fuck you? I bet he doesn't say that that's why. Where do we hear this song??????

Date: Mon, February 20, 2006, 13:11:35 ET
Posted by: Stella,

Where can I hear Bright Nightgown in it's entirety?

Date: Mon, February 20, 2006, 13:01:54 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

Unless you count the "Holy Fuck that's great" during the "Your Gold Teeth II" outtake!

Good stuff!!!

Date: Mon, February 20, 2006, 13:01:19 ET
Posted by: SteveM, Scotland

mmmmm....wiggy noodling!

Date: Mon, February 20, 2006, 13:00:35 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

Wow....Donald throws us an F-Bomb eh? That's the first one since when...Show Biz Kids? I know Walter did some in Junkie Girl. I guess Ol' Donnie hasn't lost his punch then!

Date: Mon, February 20, 2006, 12:49:10 ET
Posted by: the fella in the brite nightgown, space is the place

Lyrics incoming for what I think is the best track on the CD:

I dreamed I had a fever
I was pushing 103
Mom's all upset
Crying by my bedside
Body's praying for me

I hear a scratching at the window
I somehow turn myself around
I realise
I'm eyes-to-eyes
With the fella in the Brite Nitegown

Brite Nitegown
Brite Nitegown
You can't fight with the fella in the Brite Nightgown

The eagle flies on Friday
My baby wants to bash
I hit the ATM
Down the street
With a load of party cash
Right then a couple of barettas (?)
They put me on the ground
Do the steal
Leave me to deal
With the fella in the Brite Nitegown

Chorus x 2

10 milligrams of crodasweet(?)
Whip it back to time
(No idea what this line is after many listens, sorry!) my keys
Very things
To the birth of you and I
I share in all of nature's secrets
But when I finally came around
Sitting on the rug
Getting a victory hug
Fuck the fella in the Brite Nitegown

Chrous to infinfity, 2 mins plus of wiggy noodling. Fantastic!

Date: Mon, February 20, 2006, 12:45:31 ET
Posted by: paul h,

fp, Thanks for the advice. I'm LMAO.

Date: Mon, February 20, 2006, 12:35:03 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Yeah, least what I hear from the clips...SC reminds me a bit of mood and tempo of the solo part on "Monkey." Maybe that will change when we get it all.


Date: Mon, February 20, 2006, 12:04:59 ET
Posted by: fp, ny

Hoops- Security Joan reminds you of Monkey in Your Soul?? Are we hearing the same song?

Paul h- You say: "I have lots of friends who are girls that I'm not "involved" with".

Paul h, a bit of advice as far as having "girls as friends"

You can have a dog as "your friend"
You can have a bottle of whiskey as "your friend"
If you have a girl as "your friend", you'll end up drinking the whiskey and kissing the dog!

Remember that!

Date: Mon, February 20, 2006, 11:49:51 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Yeah, what I've heard of "Security Joan" reminds me a bit of "Blues Beach" and maybe "Monkey in Your Soul." And SJ seems like it is like a short story song like "Blues Beach" or "Cousing Dupree."

It could very well be that's why the solo tour is toned down, to position it as a lead in for summer Steely Dan tour. I think I mentioned that they ran an ad for the Chicago show in the Chicago Reader this week.

I was listening to the "Puzzlemaster" feature on NPR's Morning Edition Sunday yesterday and the contestant was to fill in the blank. So she was given, "________ in the hole." You know you are a Steely Dan fan when you think of that song and blurt out "FIRE in the Hole," thinking of that song when they answer was "ACE in the hole."

I think "11 MORE Tracks of Whack" should be a contender for the title of Walter's next album. Maybe it would stop stupid journalists from writing that it's Walter's first solo album.

My two piasters...


Date: Mon, February 20, 2006, 11:44:49 ET
Posted by: Em Isle, NC

Sorry if this is old news, XMCAFE ch 45 Nude Music Review on 3/7 @00:00 will feature MTC with DF(the whole hour!). Too bad for us at the DC show, too good for the rest of you.

Date: Monday, February 20, 2005, 00:00:00 ET
Posted by: The Loyal Dandom, On All Continents

Happy Birthday, Walter Becker!

...& Here's to "11 More Tracks of Whack"...Slang us!"


* *
* *
* *


P.S. Can't wait for "11 More Tracks of Whack" ... did we say that already?

[ Cake courtesy of Boston Rag & hoops ]

Date: Mon, February 20, 2006, 09:18:56 ET
Posted by: Ann, Lord


Good thing I've got a sense of humour too!! How could I hold a grudge against one so young, yet so knowledgeable about our heroes!!

Happy Birthday Walter!


Date: Mon, February 20, 2006, 08:58:10 ET
Posted by: NYB,


Can't wait for the new cd bro! Thanks for all the great music over the years. Have a great one.

Date: Mon, February 20, 2006, 08:31:29 ET
Posted by: paul h,

Ann, LOL.
I think you know I was just kidding, but I wouldn't have said anything if you hadn't brought it up! :)
Just for your own reference, I am girlfriend-less, but by choice. I have lots of friends who are girls that I'm not "involved" with. I take the same cheap shots at them. Hee hee.

Take care Mom #2.


Brite was stuck in my head last night and I was actually humming in the midst of a dream I had! That's kinda weird. I love that tune though. Although for the last few weeks I had discliplined myself not to care when the album comes out, because of those 192kpbs clips I'm twiddling my thumbs in anticipation. 22 days...

Date: Mon, February 20, 2006, 08:17:57 ET
Posted by: Ann, Borneo

Hey Paul!!!

Thanks for the kind thoughts and the insult!!

Kind thought: Even if everyone DID club together to buy me a seat, I couldn't come, as my 80 year old Dad is arriving on 19th March (2 days after my 2 week holiday starts) and staying for a month!! Bad timing or what??!!!! And for once money isn't the issue, as I hit the official retirement age here in April (VERY early by western standards....see, there ARE advantages to living in a tax free, oil haven!!) and I get a modest payout, which will hopefully finance my trip should SD care to do a Summer tour. Needless to say, the off-spring's educational needs mean that I can't actually retire. Shame.

Insult: I take it that you are girlfriend-less and obviously not a graduate of the school of Panache and Charm!! Your cruel references to the size of my butt will NEVER win you friends of the female variety!! For the record, my butt is of quite an acceptable size and shape for a babe of my age, as will be revealed when I eventually do hit US shores!! Only ONE seat will be required and you are most welcome to share it!!!!

Love you too!!


Date: Mon, February 20, 2006, 07:39:58 ET

I agree that the album should be released before the shows. But if MTC would be released at the end of february, even then it will be to late!But that's the opinion of a fan.
So maybe we should see it at a different way. Maybe the whole thing, the march shows and the release of MTC at the same time, is intented to be a big promotion for the album and another but more complete tour later this summer.
I can't give my opinion about the newer soundclips because i refuse to listen to them. I'm not going to listen anymore till the album comes out the 13th of march.It's better so!
Is there anyone who knows when the single HGang will be avaiable here in Europe?

Date: Mon, February 20, 2006, 06:51:42 ET
Posted by: SS, HK

Both those videos come with the Kama well as a short documentary featuring a very uptight DF and Walter Becker in an outstanding shirt.

Date: Mon, February 20, 2006, 05:51:48 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

Found the Snowbound video, in very very poor quality, but wasn't able to locate Tomorrow's Girls. Link to any interested:

Date: Mon, February 20, 2006, 01:40:28 ET
Posted by: NYB,

Who else thinks that "Security Joan" sounds like a more sophisticated version of "Blues Beach"?

I must say that this cd has a lot more bite than any of the other Fagen solo releases. I can tell that I'm going to be playing this one alot.

Date: Mon, February 20, 2006, 01:05:24 ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher, Louisville, KY

Wow. Simply wow. These songs sound absolutey GORGEOUS in basically CD quality sound. March 14th is much too far away!

Date: Sun, February 19, 2006, 21:48:36 ET
Posted by: Chris, nh

Crell - That and Brite are my favorites so far. Brite's horns are the main draw, and Mary is sooooo damn smooth. The anticipation is making me crazy!

Date: Sun, February 19, 2006, 21:37:43 ET
Posted by: Bikemann17, Central Jersey

Hi all, I would like to make an offer to anyone who is serious about going to opening night in New Brunswick NJ. I have a pair of tickets in row T on the floor. They are seats 120 and 121.The cost was 65 dollars for each seat. If you are very interested in these tix,I will let them go for $100 for the pair to the first person to e-mail me at and commits to them. I will make plans with you to meet outside the show. Im sitting a few rows ahead of these seats.Once again, OPENING NIGHT!!!!!!! Please contact me only if you are sure you want to do this. I dont want to have to sell them at showtime and I'm not interested in selling them for profit.Just want them to go to someone who will really enjoy the show. Good luck, Larry

Date: Sun, February 19, 2006, 20:33:43 ET
Posted by: paul,

Bright is my fav from those clips.
I cant really form an opinion about Mary so much...I need to mull over it for a while longer.

Date: Sun, February 19, 2006, 20:31:26 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Point well taken, Fagen Police, but I did remove that one name since you don't know that one person would do that specifically and is not doing so.

But the official word I have been given is that the album is not yet available for play which is why we don't have it for RFD; I HAVE requested an agreement so we might play it but no word. Further more, my understanding is indeed that Fagen's people and Warners wouldn't take kindly to unauthorized playing of the album or tracks so you are right about the legal stuff. Not that I am not drooling over the idea of hearing it! I have no idea what other permissions or arrangement other SD Fan sites have.


Date: Sun, February 19, 2006, 20:12:51 ET
Posted by: CrellMoset, Atlanta, GA

Am I the only one who thinks "Mary Shut the Garden Door" is gonna be the best song on this album?

Date: Sun, February 19, 2006, 20:01:29 ET
Posted by: Fagen Police,

It looks like someone better be careful who he's giving the record to. Once people like get it they'll have the full songs up on their websites. Can you spell LAWSUIT!

Date: Sun, February 19, 2006, 19:32:55 ET
Posted by: Napoleon, In the words of Colombo

Just one more thing. Looks like Radio Dupree might have some new tracks from the album. They've just played the title track

Date: Sun, February 19, 2006, 19:31:03 ET
Posted by: fp, ny

Moray eel- That's your opinion, not mine.

Date: Sun, February 19, 2006, 19:29:15 ET
Posted by: Napoleon, UK

Yeah, these samples are a lot better and they're taken from a different part of the track. Check out those horns on Bright Nitegown!

TJ, there are music videos for Fagen's "Snowbound" and "Tomorrow's Girls". I'm not sure how well the videos contributed to the songs, commercially speaking. I've never seen them on T.V and had to search the net for them!

Don's gotta come over to the U.K at some stage surely? I mean, come on, we'll trade Coldplay. Fair deal?...

Date: Sun, February 19, 2006, 19:27:55 ET
Posted by: Boston Rag, getting sculpted

m.e. - I disagree. Brite Nightgown sounds like it could be a funk monster! And another piece of the Securiy Joan puzzle is revealed! Really tasty.

Warners - Get this mofo out now!!!!

Mark in Boston

Date: Sun, February 19, 2006, 19:13:34 ET
Posted by: paul h, --shedding a tear

Marius, thanks so much. Those B&N clips were unbearable! But ah, these are lovely.

Date: Sun, February 19, 2006, 19:07:15 ET
Posted by: moray eel, moscow?


Cool new clips. Different from the ones on Barnes and Noble. The Night Belongs to Mona gets stronger; Brite Nitegown doesn't.


Date: Sun, February 19, 2006, 18:54:49 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

Marius, this is great news. The clips are in near cd quality as opposed to the B&N clips.

(Tak for det!)

Date: Sun, February 19, 2006, 18:40:50 ET
Posted by: mARIUS, Oslo, Norway

Hi! This might be old news, I'm not sure, but there are 30 sec clips from five of the Morph tracks on the Norwegian Warner site

Scroll down a bit, and on the right there's a small collumn dedicated to the album where you can listen.. Again, my apologies if this is old news..

Date: Sun, February 19, 2006, 18:32:14 ET
Posted by: sd 77, Calif

Gina do you ever go to La Ve Lee in studio city

Date: Sun, February 19, 2006, 18:25:32 ET
Posted by: RJ Squirrel, PA

1. Agree MLB is on the path to ruin. I was always an O's fan growing up but now it is too frustrating trying to compete with the big market teams (Boston and NY in the Al East). They can make big mistakes buying talent and get away with it and just buy more. Notice that kids don't attend baseball games like they used to and baseball has to recruit talent from Latin America because American athletes are going to other sports. I hope Steinbrenner and his ilk end up playing in a 4 team league - to hell with them.

2. Also agree that the Morph CD should have been released before the shows - isn't that standard operating procedure? Oh well can't wait until the show in Philly.

Date: Sun, February 19, 2006, 17:07:29 ET
Posted by: Billy, UK

Incredible job on this! I love I love I love this site!
I have address to your site from my friend.
My friends enjoy it as much as I do. Congrats!
That must have been hard to make. boy pep

Date: Sun, February 19, 2006, 16:02:57 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

Have read Brian Sweet, but don't remember:

Which Steely Dan/Donald Fagen songs were accompanied by a musicvideo?

How did they do commercially and artisticly?

Date: Sun, February 19, 2006, 11:32:38 ET
Posted by: Gina, Inside Jazz Mountain

This is tangential Dan, Tim Pinch from Inside Jazz Radio sent an email when he read about the John Beasley "One Live Night" CD... his company/organization was responsible for recording it and they have this internet broadcast of continious JAZZ live, recorded in venues such as the Baked Potato, La Ve Lee etc etc

At this moment i'm listening to a wonderful song played by Ernie Watts and Jon Mayer...
"Someone To Watch Over Me"... plenty of Dan alumni are in those Inside Jazz archives, all LIVE recordings... Great initiative...


Date: Sun, February 19, 2006, 11:20:52 ET
Posted by: moray eel, u

Alkali: Sounds like you had a good night... drinking some RED, smoking some WHITE and reading some BLUE. Only in America...


Date: Sun, February 19, 2006, 09:16:01 ET
Posted by: Big Fan, at home

Just got the official word from Morph - both versions pushed back to March 14. So much for listening to the CD on the way up to Boston, which was my plan. I wonder if any other singles will come out. Really poor marketing.

Date: Sun, February 19, 2006, 09:10:31 ET
Posted by: paul h, lolololololololololol

I know we shouldn't comment in reference to the spam, but I just can't resist, I found "Edward"'s post hilarious.

I mean seriously, how did we all find Dandom? I doubt anybody typed in "Steely Dan" on Google and then dug through 10 pages of search results.
I at least found the site by going to, and there was a link to Dandom from there.
That's an interesting question for poll, actually, how did y'all find Hoops' wonderful Bluebook?


Hey, and who says we should pool together and buy Ann airfare to Chicago? I'm game, even if she does indeed fill multiple seats. :)

Date: Sun, February 19, 2006, 01:46:25 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Nice buddy, I really miss NY.

Date: Sun, February 19, 2006, 00:32:40 ET
Posted by: Alkali, High on the east side

What an absolutely wonderful night this is.
Firstly, my wife and I ate a nice dinner in my favorite Chinese place on Mott Street.
Then we met my buddy Jeff at St. Marks Place for drinks.
We took a cab back to midtown, walked around a bit and ended up near the Brill Building.
This got me thinking of our dynamic duo and their early hopes of making it big.
So naturally I had that dreamy-nostalgic-what-was-it-like-feeling happening.
We got back to our place around 11.
Had some good California cab-sav and washed it down with a great white widow joint.
My wife went straight to bed, Jeff is in the other room watching “Willy Wonka”.
I’m in my office checking my messages and the blue.
Thinking (stoned as I am) looking out over the city, how absolutely beautiful it is.
How magical and how very inspirational.
Fagen writes about it in Morph, Steely Dan operated on its exhaust relentlessly.
I know why.
Because New York is the heart of life.
(God I hope this is making sense)
Thank you Jim for the blue. Thank you greater Dandom…
And thank you Don and Walt for the sweet nostalgia.

Soul Monkey, thanks for the reminder I haven’t played “Jack Johnson” in a while!
McLaughlin is brilliant. Corea is fantastic!

Loading it and these for Sunday morn:

Steely Dan “EMG”
NRBQ “Peeka boo” (both discs)
Tchaikovsky “NCS”
Elvis Costello “compilation”



Date: Sun, February 19, 2006, 00:28:47 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Reading all the Yankees posts and it occurred to me: how will people react if Donald makes nods to the Yankees in other songs on the album as well? Heh, heh heh heh...

My father was from Brooklyn and loved anything baseball, especially the Dodgers and his Yankees. His baseball heroes' names were a factor in naming his sons. Although he was from Brooklyn, he was especially fond of the Yankees since one of the higher ups in the organization provided him with a foster home/big brother sorta sponsorship when he was a street kid in the 1940s. So ge got to hang out with some of the team members on their yachts at Montauk Point and the like for the time of his life. When he moved to Chicago in the 1950s, he stayed a fan of NYC teams but switched to the Cubs when the Dodgers went west. Our family rooted for the Yankees to beat the White Sox and their games meant Yankee radio and TV coverage in Chicago for us. The loyalty cooled with the Steinbrenner era and my dad grew disillusioned with the Yankees and he stuck primarily to the Cubs after that. We lived way, way, way down Addison St—Cubs Fans Alley—and that was cool too. So even when the White Sox won the World Series last year, I was kinda indifferent at best. Kinda like the way people in Queens never venture to Staten Island. I'm not especially a huge baseball fan but I get the impression that the Yanks atract a lot of casual or poser fans...I dunno...I could be wrong—and influenced by my admirable friends who are loyal Mets and Red Sox fans ;-)

Anyhow, the album is all about Donald so the correct answer is looking like thumbs up on the "Yankees" ;-) but don't hold it personally against Donald or our new feline friend.

Raj, I don't know what to say after I posted what I did last night and the many conversations and emails we've had through the years, not mention the suggestions I've offered. Yes, some SD fans have attitude that is a pale imitation of the true attitude or heroes Becker and Fagen exude in their music. Don't feel you are terminally unique as many of us have compassion for you.

As for meeting Becker and Fagen, I have on some tours. I don't say too much about this, and when I do, I say it as representing everyone in the greater Dandom rather than some fan on an ego trip. With that spirit in mind, I'll simply say that beyond their rep for being tough on the media and music biz, they truly do appreciate their fans although they pull no punches either. Walter's more outgoing and Donald tends to be more private. They are decent people and very professional. They aren't into being stars or egoistes. They are musicians who make music and that's what comes across, along with their low-key sense of humor.


Date: Sat, February 18, 2006, 18:58:22 ET
Posted by: sd, cal

I going to see DF 2 times

Date: Sat, February 18, 2006, 18:39:53 ET
Posted by: Rajah ,

and you have gathered what?

Date: Sat, February 18, 2006, 18:37:06 ET
Posted by: SD 77, Calif

Finally after sitting for hours waiting,listening jazzcafe on sirus I heard H gang.And MTC on BBC.I cant wait for the cd.And then the concert march 25.I am like a kid waiting for Christmas. MTC rules.

Date: Sat, February 18, 2006, 18:34:11 ET
Posted by: Rajah ,

I wish I could understand what you just said.

Date: Sat, February 18, 2006, 18:32:13 ET
Posted by: bill buckner, ground ball passed

hey what about B0B Stanley...
or calvin schrialdi

they were in it for the love of the game and to beat the hated Mets

Date: Sat, February 18, 2006, 18:30:10 ET
Posted by: babe ruth, yankees stadium

I can't believe that comment about money
What isn't about money in some way.

Is a profession.

and your profane and abusive language is childish

but its a tough wait of 86 yrs

Date: Sat, February 18, 2006, 18:04:28 ET
Posted by: SoulMonkey, L'Ville

Being a Yankees fan is easy
Being a Sox fan takes dedication
Pussbag Damon, like Zappa said, "is only in it for the money"
I hope he gets it when he hits Beantown. Is there no shame?


Date: Sat, February 18, 2006, 17:55:04 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Indeed you do.


Date: Sat, February 18, 2006, 17:50:56 ET
Posted by: Stevie D, Beantown

Blessed "Red Sox" have an ally.

Date: Sat, February 18, 2006, 17:21:43 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Beware of maya.

Date: Sat, February 18, 2006, 17:11:57 ET
Posted by: SoulMonkey, L'Ville

Watch out now, take care
Beware of falling swingers
Dropping all around you
The pain that often mingles
In your fingertips
Beware of darkness

Watch out now, take care
Beware of the thoughts that linger
Winding up inside your head
The hopelessness around you
In the dead of night

Beware of sadness
It can hit you
It can hurt you
Make you sore and what is more
That is not what you are here for

Watch out now, take care
Beware of soft shoe shufflers
Dancing down the sidewalks
As each unconscious sufferer
Wanders aimlessly
Beware of Maya

Watch out now, take care
Beware of greedy leaders
They take you where you should not go
While Weeping Atlas Cedars
They just want to grow, grow and grow
Beware of darkness (beware of darkness)

Date: Sat, February 18, 2006, 16:50:19 ET
Posted by: Rajah, Beware of Darkness

Hoops deletes certain series of posts that are just bound to cause trouble and for that I am grateful. But it does not diminish the verbal violence that I think I suffer through here on Blue, the troubled souls who attack without regard for decency and good fellowship. If it were left to me, I would excoriate each and every one of you head-on, someone without my patience and understanding of the basest nature of the human condition might be prompted to rip your fucking throats out with my bare hands, but alas, this is not within my provence or inclination to do. So to all you hateful and desparate beings out there who take a senseless, impotent and perverse delight in flaming the Rajah or anyone else, please know this:

You diminish your own souls by your attacks, you dwindle, you bate, you do not touch us, you only underscore your own paucity of spirit and I grieve for you.

Got it?

Date: Sat, February 18, 2006, 14:52:33 ET
Posted by: crmeach, CT

Amazon shows the release date for MTC on March 14! What happened?

Date: Sat, February 18, 2006, 14:41:44 ET
Posted by: Polly Morphic, don't count your chickens before they hatch

Lindsey Jacobellis - biggest choke since, oh yeah, the 2004 Yankees

Two words for ya - GO PATS!!!

Date: Sat, February 18, 2006, 13:06:40 ET

Lets provide a modicum of perspective here
Boston stumbles into one world series win in about a hundred years and Donald happens to reference the yankee team in a song.
Such venom is unleashed towards the reference and the team

Sadly for redsox fans they will always be in need of some validation.
Cursing-drinking- and wondering its its gonna take another 86 years to be a winner

1918-2004- ?

yankee fan
and proud of the tradition
of winning

Date: Sat, February 18, 2006, 12:47:28 ET
Posted by: SD, cal

I know someone who Played on tours with DF and WB there great guys.

Date: Sat, February 18, 2006, 12:39:00 ET
Posted by: Acquaintance Monitor, Get Down On It

St Al knows Walter personally. You're on the wrong board.

Date: Sat, February 18, 2006, 12:36:35 ET
Posted by: Pam, the Go tree

I was think any of the Idol contestants sang a SD tune? I wonder if there's any way to find out. Any Idol-izers out there (it's ok - you can admit it).


Date: Sat, February 18, 2006, 12:19:14 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu,

Paulh: Outstanding - it IS all about you! Wish I could be there too...things are looking grim for a tour through the Southland...

I tell ya what's scary. Even on lo-fi, the more I listen to Morph the title track, the better it is! That's our Donald!

Date: Sat, February 18, 2006, 09:24:43 ET
Posted by: Ann, Borneo

Congrats Paul!!

This is certainly of more interest and relevance than recent sports postings!! The welfare of a fellow bluebooker is of importance to us all!! Make sure to put by for the monthly bills, etc. and the unexpected.

Frustration mounts as DF seats sit empty....when my butt could fill them (well, not ALL of them...and only one at a time!!) if only I could get there. Sigh!


Date: Sat, February 18, 2006, 09:03:19 ET
Posted by: SoulMonkey, Louisville, Ky


Steely Dan: Detroit '93 Sbd
Blue Oyster Cult: Tyranny And Mutation
King Crimson: Power To Believe
Love: Forever Changes
Steely Dan: Gaucho SACD
Miles Davis: Jack Johnson
Pink Floyd: Animals
Brand X: Morrocan Roll
Todd Rundgren: Something Anything (What a great Saturday morning album)
Nektar: Remember The Future
Buck Dharma: 4 Archive Set

Date: Sat, February 18, 2006, 08:36:31 ET
Posted by: paul h, all about me

Hey gang, I know this has absolutely nothing to do with Steely Dan, Donald Fagen, or the music industry in general, but I just bought my first apartment! And I have pictures, go to
I should be moving in during the course of next week, so maybe I'll be able to make it to Chicago after all. There seem to be plenty of good seats left, even at Ticketmolester.
Well that's all I've got. Yes, it's "all about me", but I know many of you would be interested to hear. So I apologize to the people who could care less, and I'm sorry to digress from this intruiging discussion about Baseball salaries.....

And now that I finally know my new address, I can pre-order Morph and Island! Yay! Off to B&N....

Date: Sat, February 18, 2006, 08:36:26 ET
Posted by: gagi, --

rajah, i'm from south-europe, at present i'm stuck in germanys most boring town (known for the EXPO 2000).

if i had the possibility i would come over to the beacon-show...

Date: Sat, February 18, 2006, 06:18:33 ET
Posted by: Alkali, NYC

R, simply stated, I don’t care for, recognize or acknowledge any authority figure (picture Woody Allen ripping up his own drivers license in front of a cops face in Annie Hall)
And so, I don’t care for, recognize or acknowledge any Salary caps, restrictions,
Regulations and/or any form of constraints handed down from the “higher ups”.
(Even if it purports to encourage parody)
Athletics, as anything else should be free, and I do mean Laissez fare free, to evolve and bloom via its natural course as anything else.
I’ll not dwell on this subject further, this isn’t the right place for it (forgive me Jim)
I’ll just tell you in my father’s nastiest southern Italian dialect:
‘chista e la vita, o ta pigli intra a vucca o intra u culu’
Ci vediamo nello Beacon, bello.

SS, your friend is absolutely right about “Ruby baby”, it should never have been attempted by him.
He has so much talent; why would he rely on someone else’s material?
The only thing I can venture is that it fit in with the CD’s conceptual time period or maybe he just always wanted to do that song; sort of like Jim Carry writing himself a check for a million dollars before he became rich and famous and while he was still scraping shit to eat from the bottom of a trash bin.


Date: Sat, February 18, 2006, 05:18:00 ET
Posted by: oops ooops oooops, ooooh - morph the cat

13th row of the orchestra (row f)

Date: Sat, February 18, 2006, 05:11:25 ET
Posted by: get with it we'll shake his hand Get with it we'll shake his hand Get with it we'll shake his hand get with it we'll shake his hand, don't bother to understand

big ticketmaster ticket release for boston opera house....finally
8 seats together in the 12th row of the orchestra (row e)
8 seats together in the 12th row of the orchestra (row f)
8 seats together in the front row of the dress circle (row aa)
8 seats together in the 2nd row of the dress circle (row bb)
a front row seat in the pit (row bbb)
a 2nd row seat in the pit (row ccc)
probably a lot more, can't tell with the 8-ticket limit and only 2 browsers
some turnout a hundred grand

Date: Sat, February 18, 2006, 01:09:07 ET
Posted by: Lutz, SF

at least Donald didn't mention the Knicks or the Jets in his song

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 23:33:38 ET
Posted by: The Dude, Dudesville

Has anyone here ever met Donald and/or Walter and if so, what were those interactions like? Friendly? Uncomfortable? Awkward? Amusing?

Just curious...


Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 22:45:44 ET
Posted by: SS, HK

Thank you YGK...thoughts of DF covering Muscrat Love caused me to launch the outmeal cookie I was chewing on straight out of my mouth in a Danny Thomas style spit take.

Brickhouse ? YES.

Alkali - we have to meet one day. I gotta get to know the guy who can't stand DF's Ruby Baby.

I'd be happy to see MLB go to a split season - so I could see the Yankees lose twice. What I wonder is how they could spend 200 million + on salaries and not have a pitching staff. Guys like Kevin Brown, I guess.

The NHL NY Rangers suffered for years from the same thing...more money than patience, believing NY fans had to have a winner right away.

They traded away draft picks and brought in other team's stars on the league's biggest budget and routinely collapsed. Too many egos and apart from Mark Messier in the 90s, questionable leadership. Now the NHL has a salary cap, the Rangers have had to clean house...and this year they're actually a threat.

I agree with the post that said more DF tunes for this tour than SD tunes. Lots for DF to work with.

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 22:39:54 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Only here on Blue. This is the toughest neighborhood I've lived in since 109 St Mark's Place.

Get your butts to our party at 6-ish on 7 March at the Beacon and be prepared to reveal your bad selves.

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 22:28:17 ET
Posted by: Boston Rag, .

Hey where else can you get Dr. Phil and Dr. Wu on the same discussion baord?

Mark in Boston

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 22:21:02 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Well said, Dear Host, which is why Grette and I, who do not agree on so many things, even though I love the woman to distraction, feel free to debate here in front of you all. We must be able to find a way to disagree respectfully and freely.

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 21:49:22 ET
Posted by: hoops ,

Stepping back, because of a neighbor's involvement, I was recently browsing a website for survivors of a terrible tragedy in the 1950s. I noticed that even in that forum, there was sparring amongst survivors over details about things far more serious than Steely Dan and some of the behavior was surprising. Then again, they have a lot to deal with.

So I can see where each was I think the thing we could remember—self included—is to put things in perspective. Reading, writing and relating on the internet involves so much more imagination; it's easy to distort things for better or worse, depending on the emotional and mental place we might be at reading and reacting. It's important to ourselved not take things as perosnally or as sensitively. That's why I think meeting for Danfests or Wing Dings is so important. It puts a perspective and a face on the virtual relationships here. If nothing else, take some time off from a debate and see if your perspective or that of others doesn't change after a few hours or a day after there's been a re-read or some other post.

And thanks for all of you for being there. You teach me a lot.


Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 21:10:32 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Frankly, A, I don't see the big whupp over Donald possibly sampling anything, but then again I don't understand a lot of the guff that's posted up here, sometimes I despair cause you can't tell some people anything without somebody's knickers getting into a virulent twist. And that's after the buttload of vituperative horseshit that yours truly gets on a regular basis. I don't think these figli di pottane would be so willing to step to me if I knew their IDs. So it goes. But there are oh-so many things going on in the Blue that do not meet the is what it is. Punto e virgola.

Here's my point about pro sports: the NBA, NHL and NFL are not protected from the Sherman and Clayton Acts, just baseball. Anyone can start a new basketball, hockey or football league. But not baseball, it's a monopoly that our government has allowed for 84 years. So it is quite a contadiction, is it not, that the pro sports that are subject to anti-trust laws are the ones who are self-regulating themselves (because they want their leagues to be competitive, vital and attractive to the paying customers in all cities large and small nationwide) by the implementation of salary caps in the interest of parity and the one doggone sport that IS protected run their franchises in the "survival of the fittest" mode. If baseball does not implement a salary cap structure of its own volition soon, we should consider legislation that revokes their anti-trust protection. Until then, it'll be the Yankees, Atlanta, Chicago and LA in every post-season and you'll never see a Pittsburgh vs. Seattle final ever.

Anyway, when Donald refers to Yankees, he means New Yorkers more than he does the baseball team, that's my argument.

See you at the Beacon, caro.

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 20:40:44 ET
Posted by: Gretchen, ball four

In the early 1990's I worked as assistant manager for a minor league team. I was responsible for scoring all games, reporting them to the league office, and writing press releases for the team. I also traveled to most road games and had a couple of out of town papers do an article on the curious girl from the visiting team who sat in the dugout with the scorebook. One reporter even nicknamed me "Diamond Girl" (play on words, baseball diamond, you know). Anyway, the whole experience was great fun and several of the guys ended up drafted by MLB. I wish only I had kept a diary then, I would have loved to turn that experience into a screenplay, it would have been a great comedy. Not to keep boring everyone with this stuff, but I was one of the nine people out of 2,000 applicants who were interviewed by the Commissioner's office for a training position in MLB. Unfortunately, a nephew of a then well known player nabbed the job, but it was a wonderful experience that I'll always remember fondly. Ok, now that THAT'S settled.........

G (go Yankees!!)

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 19:51:12 ET
Posted by: Alkali, NYC

What's so strange about Fagen "sampling"?
he's done it before with "Rikki", "Gaucho" and of course on "Aja" he used that trendy-at-the-time police whistle made popular by the brothers; i'm sure there are more examples that i can't think of.
it ain't no big thing.
as far as the anti-trust laws and salary caps go, how anti-American and anti Capitalism can you get? Whoah!
let's just have the government own and run athletics, the free market system mugged and stunted. it ain't no big thing.

spinning discs:

Tchakovsky "NCS"
Soft machine "Bundles"
Genesis "Lamb lies down on Broadway"
Phish "Live"
Becker "11 Tracks of whack"
Monk "Round midnight"


Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 19:10:59 ET
Posted by: Boston Rag, Pet Shop

What's the over/under on how many people will name their pet cat "Morph" this year?!?

I was thinking on the drive home tonight - could MTC be another Don drug tune? Morph The Feline = Morphine? Or is morphine too mainstream? I had major surgery a couple of years ago and I was floating on a pretty nice cloud, seeping through walls with my morphine drip.

Yay for the weekend! I wish I had this damn CD to absorb for the next 2 days!

Mark in Boston

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 18:48:19 ET
Posted by: The Doctor, Portsmouth, England

...all this Yankee should would appear that under some obscure pagan law the only MBL caps that are allowed to go on sale outside of the US are Yankees in Engalnd we have a generation growing up thinking that they're wearing just plain old New York City caps...ask them who the Yankees are and they'll tell you that's what they use to blow their noses on...then again.....!

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 18:44:04 ET
Posted by: The Doctor, Portsmouth, England

Bob.....behave !

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 17:41:10 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

gagi, your English is just fine, at least I can understand you which is not always the norm around here. Where in Europe are you?

We are told by that it is none other than Donald Fagen braying out the word, "So!" But they can't fool me, it's Haywood Hale Broun passing a gallstone.

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 17:40:34 ET
Posted by: Bob,

Actually gagi, I'd like to discuss the utterance of the word "the" at about 3:04 into MTC. Does he mean "the" or "The?"

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 17:14:52 ET
Posted by: gagi, europe

as you all can see, english is not my language No. 1.

i just heard the bbc- morph-track again...
i m really not sure.

may the discussed "so" not be a "go" !?!??

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 17:07:41 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Bring that t-shirt, Gretchen and her Dad are huge Yankee fans, yes, my punishment I guess, she sits there with her Yankee hat on watching the game and trust me, she doesn't know what the infield fly rule is. What she knows is Yankees win the pennant, Yankees win the pennant, Yankees win the pennant.

We've now managed to cross over into the realm of the absurd, the results of my unofficial poll reveals the following:

1 - Donald Fagen - 63%
2 - Ethel Merman - 3%
3 - the Professor- 7%
4 - WC Fields - 27%

Haile Silassie, Yakama Kanut and Sessue Hayakawa did not score.


Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 17:05:11 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu ,

Dr. Magnus Pyke. That's the guy. Nutrition researcher.

Dolby had 4 or 5 albums. Flat Earth and Age of Wireless are the only ones I'm familiar with. Dorky weird - OK. He was a better producer for the likes of Prefab Sprout. Two Wheels Good, From Langley Park to Memphis and Jordan the Comeback have production as crystalline and clean as Steely Dan and Fagen. The Pagoda, Mona, and Mary clips have a bit of Sprout sensibility in them.

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 16:53:24 ET
Posted by: Flipkid, B'more MD

RE: DF band set list

I know I'm probably in the minority here, but I for one would be perfectly happy if they didn't play any SD songs.

Nightfly, Kamakiriad and Morph contain a wealth of great songs on their own without Donald having to dip into the SD catalog.

A cover or two would be cool, of course. And I'll be over the f*cking moon if they play Century's End.

Guess I'll find out on March 6th...

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 16:12:15 ET
Posted by: Boston Rag, A visit from the Bright Nightgown

I say there's even better chance it's a WC Fields sample. Like "Zowww" when Morph comes through a wall and surprises him. Maybe Morph is like a Dicken's ghost of Christmas who visits WC.

Raj - I'm staying at the Hotel Beacon too. Should I bring down a "Yankees Suck!" t-shirt for you?

Mark in Boston

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 16:11:19 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

Thanks for the JC is the exact lines...

"When that the poor have cried, Caesar hath wept:
Ambition should be made of sterner stuff:"

Now I learned something today!!!

And yes....let's put the Thomas Dolby deal to truly is kicking a dead horse at this point.

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 15:43:55 ET
Posted by: hoops,

I gotta say, I don't know much about Thomas Dolby, aside from "Blinded Me With Science" but apparently that's like saying Steely Dan is simply known for "Rikki." He's one fella I think is probably very talented but over-associated with a novelty song. Now what gave me respect for Thomas Dolby is how Joni Mitchell has cited him and worked with him.

I give more creedence to the Ethel Merman sample than to the Thomas Dolby sample. "No Business Like Show Business" clearly evokes the power of Broadway--how appropriate for a song about NYC. That said, I give it a bazillionith of percent chance that it's Ethel and even less that it is T. Dolby. C'mon, give it a rest.

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 15:37:37 ET
Posted by: MF, Chicago

Donald would never sample Trash as Thomas Dolby.
It might be the wet dream of some
Dolby and Gilmour-Fans, who only listen to Fagen
because of the Image of Cool.

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 15:30:55 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

You know, it really could be Ethel.

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 15:29:40 ET
Posted by: The Doctor, Portsmouth, England

Dr Mu.....His name was Dr Magnus Pyke..... (what do too many Doctor's spoil ?)

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 15:26:37 ET
Posted by: Bob,

Rajah! How about addressing the Merman Theory? Clearly it's her.

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 15:22:01 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Look, Sampler, the sound that is made, whatever the word and whomever is saying it, sounds -- to these ears -- like that guy, whomever he was, in the Dolby song. If it is in fact Donald, it sure doesn't sound like it through my PC speakers, it's punched in, it's tweeked, he sounds British. That is quite simply and quite finally all that I am saying.

Some days are a little more difficult than others.

ygk - the party is on, everyone is welcome, (flamers and anons included) bring your best *gal* and your baddest behavior.

Marc Antony says it in Julius Caesar when he's eulogizing the fallen JC, "Ambition should be made of sterner stuff, methinks."

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 15:15:27 ET
Posted by: father william, frozen west

ygk - Paul "bear" Bryant

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 15:10:55 ET
Posted by: ygk, heah

Thomas Dolby?!?!?

It's Tom Brady shouting, "Go!"

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 15:09:45 ET
Posted by: ygk, nyc

Fact Checker: You can't make a living at that, I'm sure. The double AA don't run no mo.....
where've you been - this conversation is like, old......


Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 15:07:57 ET
Posted by: Bob,

Thomas Dolby? Clearly it's Ethel Merman who's been sampled. It's the word "SHOW" as in Ethel's "There's no business like SHOW business..." Listen. You can hear it.

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 15:03:24 ET
Posted by: Donald Sample?!, HA!

I don't care who said it. The point is that one says "Science" and the other says "So".

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 14:59:46 ET
Posted by: Fact Checkers Inc, Washington Sq not Sheridan Sq

The Double A stops at Washington Sq, not Sheridan Sq. Mistake-o!

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 14:59:28 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu , But she blinded me with science, and failed me in biolog

Thomas Dolby didn't shout "Science" It was a professor (probably the guy in the video) who passed away a few years ago. His name escapes me, but I believe he had a successful BBC program about science...over-the-ponders, help me out.

TD's Dad was a history professor

That's definitely Fagen blurting "So!" like "DOH!"

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 14:54:29 ET
Posted by: ygk, nyc

Matt: wasn't 'bama a powerhouse in the 70's? famous coach?


Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 14:36:43 ET
Posted by: Matt, Chattanooga, TN

AS per the Yankees thing, remember that Don and Walt asked some serious sports fans they knew for a good winning sports team before they wrote "They Call Alabama the Crimson Tide." I doubt seriously if either Donald or Walter really pays very close atention to SEC college football. Of course, as a Tennessee fan, the whole Bama reference has always really bothered least the lyric isn't about the Florida Gators...

I think that lyrically Walter, and to a lesser extent Donald, aren't just shooting from the hip. I mean, there is some research there, and quite often the narative perspective in a lyric is not one shared by the singer of said lyric. Donald is much more accessible than Steely Dan. I feel personally like the lyrics are completely different in a Steely Dan album than a Don or Walt album. I get the impression that when they write together they keep their hearts in their pockets, a much more guarded emotionality than with either's solo work. You aren't going to get the optimism of IGY on an SD album, but you aren't going to get the quirky sentiment of Little Kawai either.


Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 14:32:41 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

"Obsession is made of sterner stuff."

I haven't heard the phrase "sterner stuff" since I watched Transformers the Movie!!! Definitely not used enough!!! ;)

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 14:30:26 ET
Posted by: YGK, nyc

Raj: me and the White Ella are getting a bit tweaked for the Beacon show coming up, and the pre-show at the Beacon Hotel, if that is still in play.....

Hoops: if you are coming to the city for the Beacon, let me know....drop a line if you like....


Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 14:26:42 ET
Posted by: lovethisgig, atlanta

That's Melanie, not Melody. :-)


Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 14:24:49 ET
Posted by: Donald Sample?,

I don't understand how Thomas Dolby even got into this conversation. He screams "Science" in that song, not "So"! Besides, the two sound nothing alike.

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 14:24:15 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

I should have showed up ready for a kickfight today:

Baseball was afforded protection from the Sherman Anti-Trust Act and the Clayton Act in 1922. It is technically not part of the laissez-faire social Darwinistic mainstream. It should have a salary cap.

Does or doesn't the voice uttering "So" on Morph the Cat sound like Thomas Dolby? Obsession is made of sterner stuff.

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 14:11:33 ET
Posted by: sd, calif

How about Donald singing Brick house.MTC album of the year

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 13:59:25 ET
Posted by: Gretchen, driven to drinking

I'd kind of like to hear Donald do "Hot Rod Lincoln" or perhaps even "Float On."


Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 13:49:36 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Given the Reprise p.r. interview with Donald and everything else we've heard, it's pretty obvious that MTC is another chapter in the story that began in "The Nightfly." This installment follows our hero now that he has attained the sophisticated life across The River that he dreamed of as boy in New Jersey: He's really did move up to Manhattan and has filled the place with friends. And this is what it's like and what's on his mind. No wonder the title track bookends the album, this new chapter
Living in NYC is part of what Donald lives for so you'll have to accept that.

Personally, I have this stereotype that a lot of today's Yankee fans are casual baseball fans--suggested in part by my late father and some Mets fans I know If DF likes the Yankess, it could be from that perspective (IMHO).

I'm scratching my head that people would think DF would go to the trouble of sampling "So" from Thomas Dolby. Why would he go to that kinda trouble for the word "So?" What does that add to the song? I just think it's funny people would obsess like that over a little detail. Which leads me to what a difference between a Steely Dan song by Becker/Fagen and a Donald Fagen song. As Kid C/Matt pointed out so much more eloquently a few weeks ago, Fagen lyrics are to be taken much more at face value. While Donald is certainly deliberate in his choice of words (including, IMHO, "beloved Yankees"), his songs don't have nearly all the double entendres and innuendos you'd find in a Steely Dan song. Your sensors don't have to be as "sculpted" to get the Fagen songs. I can't think of too Fagen lines that have the same cringe-level as Steely Dan phrases like "I know you're used to 16 or more/Sorry we only have 8" or "Who has a friend named Melody/Who's not afraid to try new things."

Just my two piasters.

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 13:29:08 ET
Posted by: paul h,

Um, I'm going to get flamed for saying this, but...
I have heard about half the tracks of Gilmour's new 'On an Island' and, well, Album of the Year is definetely going to be a fight between his album and Morph. It's too bad one of them didn't release their latest
solo last year, that way they could BOTH be album of the year!

The similarities between the two are uncanny. Gilmour's first solo was hailed by fans and public alike, as was The Nightfly. Gilmour's second album, About Face, was hailed by the public, but generally "eh..."-ed at by fans, as was Kamakiriad. Now each author's third solo, Dave's Island and Don's Morph are coming out, originally planned to be released on the same day, and the critics have gone wild. From what I've heard so far, both are superbly superb albums, and will definetely be a favorite among Floyd, Dan, Gilmour, and Fagen fans.
w00t. March is going to be so awesome.

And my feelings of the albums aren't necessarily what I am attempting to convey hear, IMAO, Morph is a couple levels above Island, but most non-Dan fans would probably feel the reverse, and my guess is that Island will win album of the year.

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 13:22:05 ET
Posted by: It's Called Capitalism, We Had This Liitle Thing W. Russia For 90 Years Called The Call War, We believe In Profits and They Didn't... We Won

If a ball player brings in $500 million for the team, why the fuck shouldn't he be paid $40 million a year? It's peanuts compared to what he brings in.

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 13:01:50 ET
Posted by: SoulMonkey, Louisville, Ky

How bout "Chevy Van" or "Sailing" or "Wildfire"? Better yet, how about "Games People Play" from the Spinners. Half in jest I suppose, but I do love the Spinners.


Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 12:30:14 ET
Posted by: hoops,

"The Schoop, Schoop, Schoop Song," of course.

hoops, hoops, hoops.

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 12:29:11 ET
Posted by: DJ, Shy-town

I would like to hear Donald give Ray Charles another nod and cover "Lonely Avenue" with the girls singing back-up. The tune seems his style and plenty of despair to go around as well.

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 12:25:03 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

There is no salary cap system in Major League baseball, the Yankees team salary last season was a record 208 million. A small market team like my Indians, Twins, KC had team salaries in the 30 to 50 million dollar range. In the NFL and NBA there are spending limits, or caps if you will that level the playing field if you'll pardon the pun. The Yankees operate out of the largest TV and fanbase in baseball, consequently generate the most revenue. Other teams must invest in a productive minor league system to develop their own home-grown major league talent which at best is a very inexact science, highly touted minor leaguers go bust with alarming regularity. The Yankees simply go out and plop down inordinate amounts of cash to sign proven free agent players. They outspend other teams and overspend on players. The Yankees don't rebuild, they reload. A big chunk of the Yankees payroll last year went to injured, traded or retired players with guaranteed contracts. True, they do pay an in-house baseball "luxury tax" on anything over 100 million and that money is redistributed to the lowly teams but it's a drop in the bucket compared to what they generate in revenue.

That's not conjecture.

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 12:09:06 ET
Posted by: Alkali, NYC

“What's this fierce new change?”
A whole lotta posing and pestering going on out there.
It’s Friday for God’s sake! Lighten up.
The inequities of the Yankees? I’m trying to understand this…
(I still don’t know what it means.)
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a Yankees fan.
(No self respecting New Yorker would be.)
It’s the Mets.
Everyone say it with me…… M-E-T-S.
That’s right boys and girls.
And speaking of baseball, for those of you who don’t know who Johnny Damon is
He happens to be the first caveman in cleats….
Oh, and he also plays for a non-Met team.

On to better things,

I don’t care for Donald or any of my heroes doing covers
“Ruby Baby” was shit anyway.
So Don, please stick with your own.

Here’s the unofficial set list for the Beacon:
Dr. Wu
Walk between raindrops
King of the world
Security Joan
Tomorrow’s girls
Chain lightening
Cousin Dupree
H Gang
Lunch with Gina
Jack of speed
Throw back the little ones
Black cow
What I do



(This list is of course complete and utter conjecture)


Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 12:04:32 ET
Posted by: Josey, St. Simons Island

I'm counting on hearing "Billy Don't Be A Hero". You just know they could rip the ass outta that tune!!

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 11:57:12 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Now that you mention it, he's be great doing any number of those comedy songs like, Ahab the Arab, Guitarzan, King of the Road, Yellow Polka Dot Bikini, Take This Job & Shove It, Busta Move, Baby Got Back. Beastie Boys he'd do to a turn.

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 11:47:51 ET
Posted by: ygk, nyc

Which tune should Fagen cover?

Easy, easy, easy: "Muscrat Love"


Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 11:36:34 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

As a kid, I couldn't tell artists apart and I always thought America, Seals & Croft and Steely Dan sounded similar. I could see Donald doing "A Horse With No Name" or "Diamond Girl" or even "Summer Breeze".

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 11:31:59 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Duke Ellington, Ray Charles certainly, but I always thought there was a quirky connection with David Byrne, like "Burning Down the House," or "Once in a Lifetime." The Rascals, Earth Wind & Fire, Stevie Wonder, Al Green.

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 11:17:35 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

That's a good topic:

If Donald Fagen were to do a cover tune....which one would suit his style best?

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 11:09:23 ET
Posted by: Big Fan, winter wonderland turning to mud

Was shocked to see the prices the scalpers were asking for DF in Boston and elsewhere. Esp. since many of the shows are not sold out.

As of yesterday I counted this company had 42 tickets for sale to Boston - that's a lot and you have to wonder if they will sell all of them or will they go wasted?

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 11:05:31 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

I'd like to hear him cover "Blinded Me With Science" then.

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 10:56:11 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

Good deal.....nice to know Donald is sample free!!!

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 10:56:05 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

The only hangover I have is from the militant ignorance and intolerance I get on this board from a very small faction of hateful and small-minded people.

This is calm for me, you should see me when I'm riled up ;)

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 10:53:09 ET
Posted by: The Truth,

Official word: It is not a Thomas Dolby sample but simply Donald.

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 10:51:07 ET
Posted by: Stevie D, Beantown

Raj, I couldnt agree with your diatribe on the Yanks and whats wrong with todays society!! The Yankees represent what is "evil" and wrong with the world, and will always be considered "the devil" of not only basball, but the business world as well. Well Put my Friend.


Sox Fax For-EVA!!

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 10:47:16 ET
Posted by: Lucky ,

Rajah - It must suck waking up with a hang over every day. "So fed up with assholes"? Look who's calling the kettle black!

KDawg - You got it bro. Absoultly no samples on MTC. That's pure Donald through and through.

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 10:38:30 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

Calm down's Friday..relax. And honestly, when I read your post about the Yankess and sounded like you knew this to be certain. Some people may not know who you are or how you cut the folks some slack. It's all good.

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 10:24:28 ET
Posted by: Rajah , so fed up with assholes

Good morning, cripes, what cantakerous fucks some of you people are out there. There are generally two types of drivel I plaster up here:

1) shit I know like the back of my hand
2) pure conjecture and argument

That's all, do I have to "IMHO" myself to hell and gone? Walter mentions Johnny Damon on his website, only a baseball fan would know who the guy is. Donald strikes me as the prototype music geek whom you and I and a lot of people have encountered since High School.

BTW, screw the Yankees. They represent, in microcosm, everything that is wrong about this country, the inequities and the arrogance. Yankee fans are generally not baseball fans at all, they do not love the game, they know very little about other teams, other players or its history.


Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 10:16:05 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

A big thanks to jim and others for convincing me of buying the Gaucho SACD, even though I only got a cd/stereo system.

The difference is really really amazing. Everything is so extremely bright and clear. The basslines really comes out now, details in the drumming are suddenly audible etc. etc.

Been listening to the Gaucho track pretty loud today. The neighbours should be listening by now.

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 10:05:36 ET
Posted by: SD 77, Cal

Morph The Cat the year of the Don,Hopefully Walt,and the Dan.

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 09:59:22 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

Nevermind....I got it now. I guess I was "blinded" by it all!

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 09:58:23 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni he just sings so over the sample?

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 09:40:40 ET
Posted by: Lucky,

KDawg- I've heard MTC on a great system ( my dj friend has the record and has played it for me) "Blinded me" is right. It's just DF singing the word "So". It's that simple.

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 09:24:31 ET
Posted by: john, nyc

Fagen is artist of the day you can stream it as well.


Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 09:19:03 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

Blinded Me:
The "So" sounds doesn't sound like Donald at all. It definitely sounds like that scientist/professor guy from "Blinded Me With Science". I guess we'll better know when we can hear the version in clean, crisp audio. And if it is fact a clip from that song, it'll say that in the credits of the song.

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 08:39:46 ET
Posted by: CLA\S,


Does anyone know the chords to mcDonald's "Takin' it to the streets"?


Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 03:52:07 ET
Posted by: Declan, Memphis

If anyone thinks Morph is done, get yr head checked.

Don may claim otherwise in interviews, but Morph's come too far. From Levittown to therapy to high Manhattan -- he's not finished.

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 02:23:10 ET
Posted by: Blinded Me, da Bronx

The line is: "So rich is his charisma". The "Thomas Dolby" sound you hear is just Donald saying "So" from that line. It's just more pronounced because there are no backing vocals on that word.

Date: Fri, February 17, 2006, 01:51:09 ET
Posted by: Blesses Idiots, Loserville, USA

Rajah said "As for the "blessed Yankees," reference, I doubt highly that Donald is either a baseball fan or a New York Yankee fan, that would be Walter, not Donald. Donald lives for only one thing: the music".

Rajah- Voice of reason is 100% correct. Put down your drink for a second. What do you really know Rajah? You really don't have a clue. Besides, my friend was sitting next Donald and Walter at a NY Knicks game at Madison Square Garden in 1985. And at a different game the same year he saw Donald with Gary Katz. What the heck do ANY of you people know about what these guys do in their spare time? You know NOTHING! Especially you Rajah.

Date: Thurs, February 16, 2006, 22:26:43 ET
Posted by: Geoff,


Okay, even I could try to explain to Voice Of Reason why Donald isn't a baseball fan, but what WB, into baseball? How the hell did you figure that out? Walter is into music, tasty guitars, amps, totty, spiritual fads, but baseball?


Date: Thurs, February 16, 2006, 22:03:43 ET
Posted by: Voice of reason,

Rajah would you mind telling us how you come to all these conclusions concerning the motivations of Donald Fagen? I mean how the hell do you know if he likes baseball or not? And how would you know if he hears Morph a certain way or not? And BTW, I don't think the guy is half as one-dimensional as you're making him out to be. He simply must have more going on in his head than just music right?

Date: Thurs, February 16, 2006, 21:14:09 ET
Posted by: Rajah, and finally...

As for the "blessed Yankees," reference, I doubt highly that Donald is either a baseball fan or a New York Yankee fan, that would be Walter, not Donald. Donald lives for only one thing: the music. He's the prototype music geek. He uses the term to indicate all the folks living above the Mason-Dixon Line and appends the coming to bat metaphor because it is handy and appropos.

One last thing: there is a thread of the complimentary use of hot and cold in the lyric:

Cold: "Arctic mindbath, cool and sweet and slightly rough."

Hot: "To make you feel all warm and cozy,"

Morph runs hot. Morph runs cold.

And goodnight Harold Arlen, wherever you are...

Date: Thurs, February 16, 2006, 20:21:33 ET
Posted by: Rajah, L.A.

Firstly, it simply has to be Thomas Dolby. Unmistakable. Whether he's uttering "so" or "sou" or "sound" or whatever, it is the voice of Morph the Cat, the character, the spectral kitty hisself, he speaks, that's how Donald hears Morphy. As for the why of it all, well, it's humorous, it's fanciful, it's who knows, Donald loves stops and embellishments. It's fun.

Date: Thurs, February 16, 2006, 20:07:14 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni there is talk that the sample Fagen used in Morph of the word "Sound" or "So" was from Thomas Dolby. What song is it from and why would Fagen drop that in there? As a callback, tribute or just to be funny?

Date: Thurs, February 16, 2006, 18:41:53 ET

The Beginning of MTC reminds me on Trans-Island-Skyway and Gaslighting Abbie, both also Tracks no. 01

I and I like it very much.
I think, MTC, the whole album, will accompany me for a long long time...
it will be my drug, at home and
summer on the beach, in the car, jogging with mp3-player, etc ...

don't know where else...
maybe even in my dreams

Date: Thurs, February 16, 2006, 18:06:10 ET


Home alone in Tampa, Daulton spends much of his spare time typing up his mystical musings. The notes read like they were dictated by the True Believers who hitched a ride with Comet Hale-Bopp. "Reality is created and guarded by numeric patterns that overlap and awaken human consciousness, like a giant matrix or hologram," writes the .245 lifetime hitter. "They are created by sacred geometry -- numbers, the language of the universe, codes of awakening -- such as 11:11, which represent twin strands of DNA about to return to balance. Eleven equals BALANCE."

During the Dutch Enlightenment, No. 11 has been as significant as it was in Spinal Tap. "I'll wake up at night and look at the clock and it's 11:11," he says. "I'll turn on the TV and see a baseball game tied at 11 in the 11th inning. I'll look out the window and see a car passing with 1111 on the license plate. The car will turn into a driveway with 1111 on the mailbox."

Date: Thurs, February 16, 2006, 17:51:05 ET
Posted by: deaconblue, brussels

The first reaction after hearing the nine 30 seconds during soundclips of BN was WOOW.
But like i said before, when you compare the soundclip of H Gang with the entire version then we know what to expect with the other tracks.

First confirmation we had with MTC. The soundclip have nothing to do with the albumversion . So i think it will be the same with the rest.
But concerning MTC i would like to tell this :

I thought that the long version was a extended version of the reprise version, but now after hearing the complete song on BBC i am sure this isn't so.
The long albumversion really rocks. What a guitarplaying!
If we analise the reprise soundclipversion than we are hearing a more jazzyversion. So i am really convinced that MTC reprise will be have more jazz and maybe blues than the 6.50min version of the album.

An other impression after hearing the soundclips was a similar impresion i had with EMG. To know, too simply and easy!
But fact is that the final result of MTC is everything but simply.

I'm crazy to hear the rest.

Date: Thurs, February 16, 2006, 17:48:40 ET
Posted by: fp, ny

Chuck- that would make sense if the Yankees didn't play in the Bronx.

I doubt that Donald is a Yankee fan. He's way to cool to be a Stankees fan. I just think that the Bronx sounded better than Flushing (where the Mets play)in the format of the song.

Date: Thurs, February 16, 2006, 16:59:59 ET
Posted by: Chuck, Connecticut

You know, "players playing in the Bronx" could also be a reference to Fordham University...after all, it got an indirect mention in "Negative Girl" -- "somewhere up on Fordham Road..."

Date: Thurs, February 16, 2006, 16:52:36 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

I'm starting to think this is the pet of our guy in Glamour Profession. I know that was LA, but just like Fagen/Becker, they went from coast to coast. I'm probably way off....but you never know. He uses the word "charisma" and that took me right back to GP.

What exactly does he want,
This Rabelaisian puff of smoke?

Could it be the same stuff that these people are doing.....

Young racketeers and teenage models,
Laughing on the grass.

At first I thought of young gals having a good ol' time on the lawn, but me thinks it's the rolled up kind!!!

And on the Yankee thing....he mentions them earlier in the song...

Players playing in the Bronx
Respect to Morph the Cat.

Which brings another inagery to this song and GP...the Yankees and Hoops McCann.

OK.....I'm done...I'll go listen to it again!!!

Date: Thurs, February 16, 2006, 16:47:25 ET
Posted by: The Bending End, Rhode Island [1st post in a couple of years]

I like how I can always depend on discovering some DF lyric that cracks me up. Sometimes it's simply the choice of words...or even a single word. The use of the word "kickfight" in H-Gang does this for me. I don't think I can even explain why. Sounds like something you might only hear on a playground.

Got a couple of tickets for the Boston show. My wife doesn't know that yet. I've dragged her to the last two tours without seeing much else over those years. I'm afraid if I tell her I'll sound more one-dimensional than ever.


Date: Thurs, February 16, 2006, 15:39:46 ET
Posted by: Rajah, Morph the Yanks

Yankees are perennially the best team money can buy but that rotation is gonna break down this year, heck, Pavano's already hurt, Jaret Wright should have an ambulence following him around, Mussina has pitched a lot of innings in his career, gives up a lot of hits. Does anyone think that was the real Aaron Small last summer? Chacin? Isn't that a dance they do on the Pampas? When they play the Blue Jays, it's Chacin vs. Chacon. But I like that Chinese guy, what's his name...anyway, I hate the Red Sox too so gooooooooo.......INDIANS!

Date: Thurs, February 16, 2006, 15:37:04 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu ,

m.e. My understanding is that there is a sax solo coming when we were interrupted for Ray Davies...

Date: Thurs, February 16, 2006, 15:29:43 ET
Posted by: HeyMike, dugout that my dad built

DJ that sounds fun! Im in...

Date: Thurs, February 16, 2006, 15:28:36 ET
Posted by: YGK, NYC

The Yankees! What's wrong with the Yankees? nnnnuTTin. I mean, we let two groups of Sox-ers win the World Series the last two years - and look how ungrateful you all are.


So Donald, a good Joisey boy, is a natural Yankees fan. It's a natural place to be.

I bet Walter would be a Met fan.


Date: Thurs, February 16, 2006, 15:12:14 ET
Posted by: Rajah, so, what is he, who is he?

Morph is kinda like a dark double of Garfield. Is Morph good? Is Morph bad? He's eerie, he's cool, he goes where he wants and does what he wants in old Manhattan. He's an urbanite kitty fer shur. Where do you get a latte in Spanish Harlem anyway? Maybe these days you can. The automat, hunh, the only one left that I can remember was on 42nd St. and Lexington or 3rd maybe? For those too young to recall, the automat was an eatery where you'd approach a wall of little glass hatches, stick in your money and grab your institutional portion of pie, burger, soup, whatever. Sutton Place is way up on the Eastside on the River, very ritzy neighborhood. So Morph gets around all over the City, he's a shape shifter, chameleon, he's a bit ghoulish but he doesn't seem to be mean-spirited but you get the impression he just wouldn't simply bugger off if you asked him to, he's here to stay as long as he wants. He brings a certain kind of joy to the denizens but it's almost like a drug-induced ecstacy, hypnotic maybe, almost like he places folk in thrall. Is he an allegory for post-9/11 New York? Has the threat of terror and the concomitant fear it invokes morphed into a kind of strangely rapturous state?

"Grand old gals at evening Mass," there's Donald with his Christian imagery again. I was taken to task by a woman who emailed me a while back who took umbrage at my use of the quasi-archaic "gal," on here, said it was "wicked sexist," which I thought was, well, a bit of an overreaction but whatever, I've refrained from using it but anyway now Donald used it so I say, "neener neener neener."

Date: Thurs, February 16, 2006, 14:43:02 ET
Posted by: Vincent Egan, Glasgow

Concern has been raised about the concerts not selling out - well, the Pat Metheny Group concerts in the UK last year did not immediately sell out, but did eventually - by fans who were serious, which made for a fine and appreciative audience. Frankly, people there who get it is better than daytrippers who don't and spend their time walking back and forth from the concession stands. I reckon Don'll sell out eventually, but he has probably sabotaged himself a tad by not releasing the album the last week of February.

But ... Lets talk about sets. The band are broad enough to cover all noises, so lets not think the show sound will be thin. Technically, we can rely on state-of-the-art sound and light. The setlist is the thing, and i want a nice mix of syncopation and ennui; a few covers (he used to cover 'Thats the way of the world', which would be cool still, and the new Ray Charles-inspired thing could segway into a Ray Charles melody); some Dan - well I can now live without the hits to be honest, but 'Things I miss the most', 'the second arrangement', a signature 'Deacon Blue' (how many guys think it's them?) and as a final encore 'Everything must go' would be neat. Anything from 'The Nightfly' would be cool (the title track would be a nifty, if demanding opener), Kami will also flow, though my walk of shame will occur if the coda to 'On the Dunes' goes on too long. And what I've heard from Morph (30-second clips) should be pretty good - just too bad we won't be able to show our appreciation of it should some tracks be growers.

No-one seems to be talking wingdings at Borgata; I'm travelling down from NYC in the afternoon and returning that evening (cheaper to travel back in a car than a night in an overpriced casino, and frankly breakfast on the Upper West side is more fun than the all-you-can-eat breakfast buffet in erstatz-Vegas). If anyone wants to meet up with this Brit at penn, pick up some salt-water taffy strolling on the Broadwalk, consume cuervo gold etc. in one of Borgata's bars, then, post-gig, mosey on back to NYC, let me know. Like 65% of the crowd, I'll be plump, middle-aged with a small goatee and myopia...

Date: Thurs, February 16, 2006, 14:42:33 ET
Posted by: Stevie D., Beantown

Im with you Mark and Raj, I read the "blessed Yankees" an almost hurled, I cant belive it.

Yanks are gonna need "the Cat" this year with that pitching staff they have...

Date: Thurs, February 16, 2006, 14:18:21 ET
Posted by: I & I & I & I Know!, on an iceberg

Where's Walter? I & I & I & I Know!

Completing his album.

Date: Thurs, February 16, 2006, 14:11:36 ET
Posted by: MTC does RULE!, Seattle

Year of "the Dan"? How about year of "the Don"? Where's Waldo?

Date: Thurs, February 16, 2006, 13:39:48 ET
Posted by: SD fan 77, calif

After playing MTC over and over on the BBC.One thing is for sure MTC rules. Its the year of the Dan. Cant wait for the concert.Fagen sounds great.

Date: Thurs, February 16, 2006, 13:27:27 ET
Posted by: Drunken with Buzz, Video Google

Another Black Cow...

Date: Thurs, February 16, 2006, 13:11:38 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

First things first.....Morph is a great tune. Absolutely nothing like it out there....nothing. It just slides in your ear and leaves you begging for more.

Now...on to the CD / bad audio deal. I have the Citizen set and during Josie, when the second time the guitar intro is played, it sounds like there is a little glitch in it (it's around the 3:27 mark). I have Aja on cassette and it sounds fine, but this edition had that little deal in it. Anyone else notice this? And I wondered about Dr. Wu as well....that blurb at the beginning wasn't intentional was it?

Date: Thurs, February 16, 2006, 13:10:17 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

It can't be "blessed Yankees," say it isn't so.

Date: Thurs, February 16, 2006, 13:06:19 ET
Posted by: Chuck, Connecticut

I don't see anything in the lyrics that suggest the Yanks are fat cats. After all, he calls them "blessed."

Maybe he's talking about Johnny Damon...

Date: Thurs, February 16, 2006, 12:45:43 ET
Posted by: Boston Rag, 1 mile from Fenway

I almost upchucked Chuck when I heard Donald sing "Blessed Yankees".
Totally killed the vibe of the tune. Or maybe he was saying the Yankees were a bunch of fat cats???

Mark in Boston

Date: Thurs, February 16, 2006, 12:41:40 ET
Posted by: moray eel, doing

I think the DJ cut off 1 full minute of the end of Morph.

The version on the BBC comes in at about 5:50, but Barnes and Noble lists the length of the track as 6:50. Damn it, I want to hear that extra minute of horns at the end.


Date: Thurs, February 16, 2006, 12:11:14 ET
Posted by: Stevie D, Beantown

By the way, how bad is that female singers song before they play Morph? Awful, talk about a transition form a horrible artist to an icon in back to back songs.

Date: Thurs, February 16, 2006, 12:09:20 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

Due with Buzz. It was posted here not long ago, but thanks!

Did listen to Kid C. Herington is quite an interesting player. He does take som weird chances. Looking forward to hearing him on Morph

Between the Dan-clips, there is also a clip with "The world's fattest cat!" Hmm...

Date: Thurs, February 16, 2006, 12:06:22 ET
Posted by: Chuck, Connecticut

Cheers to the BBC for giving us a glimpse of "Morph!" It sounds like Donald is having fun with this song...and perhaps revealing that he's a Yankees fan? I'll have to keep an eye out for him the next time I'm at Yankee Stadium...

Date: Thurs, February 16, 2006, 11:51:14 ET
Posted by: Due with Buzz, Tubular Bells

thanks to our Canadian friend Blaise who found this:
click the link and wallow in OLD VINTAGE STEELY DAN VIDEO....

AND SOUND, the SOUND of the ERA...

yours truly,

Date: Thurs, February 16, 2006, 10:50:05 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

What a magnificent track! This is the way good Dan/Don tracks are supposed to be. You know you love it, but it's way to complex to really grasp at first listen. All I know is that I got goose pimples all over.

Definitely Herington, and what a dirty solo, so not like Donald - I thought...

My first association was Big noise New York - the same vocal style in the the verses, and the same cold big city feel. Morph beeing a lot better though!

Date: Thurs, February 16, 2006, 10:47:30 ET
Posted by: Declan, Memphis

I was at the first Tributeasaurus (sp) show back in early 2003, it was ok. Can't really stand any of the tribute bands, but this one was a little better because they were coming from a different angle.

That said, Martyr's is an awesome club. Big fan of the Rockabilly night they have there.

Date: Thurs, February 16, 2006, 10:19:36 ET
Posted by: DJ, Shy-town

March is really shaping up to be a good one for Dan fans in Chicago! A few years ago a minor Danfest occured as Tribusaurus became Steely Dan for a night at Martyr's, I unfortunately missed it. Well, they are revisiting the music of Dan on March 1 at 7 pm and 10 pm once again at Martyr's. Check it out.

Hoops perhaps we should do a practice "Wingding"?


Tributosaurus becomes Steely Dan (Vol. II)
A brand new set list...
our first ever Volume II.
Wednesday, March 1
7 pm & 10 PM
Martyrs, 3855 n Lincoln
$15. Stage-front seating in groups of 4: $100 (includes admission)
The room will be cleared and re-filled at 9 PM, between shows.
You can buy tickets online, at the following link:

Date: Thurs, February 16, 2006, 09:59:38 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu, unmistably Donald FAgen

Huge: The thing I dig about Morph is that in addition to being instantly recogniziable as Fagen/Dan stuff - the music is full of new ideas and directions within the expanding Dan bubble. However, it's more than a throwback, although the production has become more open like a mesh of Scam, Aja, and the Nighfly. It's a direction in songwriting I think started with the back half of EMG and recaptures a bit the spirit of the Nightfly while infusing R&B sensbilities from Kama, TvN, and EMG. Morph literally dwarf the new Ray Davies, and I like Ray Davies like the giant Mr. Puff from Ghostbusters

TvN is deliberately a bit sour and slick. Morph has a better mix and balance and the charm that's been missing on some of TvN and the first half of EMG. Plus Fagen's voice sounds even stronger. On TvN, Fagen's vocals (whether related or not to rumored vocal dord nodules - who knows) were just another instrument (and that's not bad) they ARE the instrument up front. The harmonies on the chorus and bridge are pretty amazing leading into a killer guitar solo.

Check out the "nyaah nyaah nyahh nyaah nyahh" horns the bridge and the clip from the Repreise on B&N. Very amusing

Date: Thurs, February 16, 2006, 09:16:45 ET
Posted by: Huge Fan,

This maybe a bit pre-mature but I have to say after listening to H-Gang and the title track in it's entirety that I like Morp The Cat even better than 2VN and EMG. This really sounds like 70's era "Dan" but it also sounds brand new at the same time! Sounds like nothing he's ever done before. Fagen has given us all he had with this one. "Steely Don" indeed!

Date: Thurs, February 16, 2006, 09:06:04 ET
Posted by: Boston Rag, My Neighbor Morph

MTC reminds me of a movie my kids always watched when they were little - "My Neighbor Totoro". It had these flying magic cat-like creatures.

Mark in Boston

Date: Thurs, February 16, 2006, 08:54:21 ET
Posted by: Kid Clean, @work

Thanks for the tip on Morph. The B&N clip didn't do it justice. The Rhodes in the beginning and throughout is a serious throwback to Nightfly. Love all the guitar work as well. Salivating even more for the tour.


Date: Thurs, February 16, 2006, 08:49:39 ET
Posted by: His Lordship To Be, Worldlywise, I Realize, That Everybodys Crazy...Am I myself Or Just Another Freak?

Woops, I really should check out the most obvious entertainment resource before saying I can't find what I'm looking for!

Thanks for that!

Date: Thurs, February 16, 2006, 08:28:46 ET
Posted by: paul h, RealPlayer = :(

Worldly, read your digest, you can get Morph from the BBC! w00t!

And I've gotta get my Winblows XP laptop unpacked so I don't miss out on all this discussion fun.

Date: Thurs, February 16, 2006, 08:12:23 ET
Posted by: His Lordship To Be, Worldlywise, I Realize, That Everybodys Crazy...Am I myself Or Just Another Freak?

Hang on-if folks are getting the lyrics to Morph-they must have heard it to!


No fair, I wanna move to USA quikly and listen there!

MU-Nice news about H-Gang, not sure it's doing so well over here, but people are still listening and lovin'.

Date: Thurs, February 16, 2006, 01:58:11 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu, andthehitsjustkeeponcomin'

Donald Fagen's H-Gang up to #22 with a bullet on the dreaded Smooth Jazz chart. 3rd in most added.

#1 in New & Active on the Triple A chart.

Yeah, that is Herington - note the simlaruty in tone with the last part of the H-Gang outtro.

Date: Thurs, February 16, 2006, 01:15:03 ET
Posted by: The Dude, Dudesville

and "wiggy pad" - never would have gotten that. I was moving on to "lily pad" after "groovy pad"... phew!

Date: Thurs, February 16, 2006, 01:12:42 ET
Posted by: The Dude, Dudesville

Thank you, TrustMe... that "charisma" lyric was driving me nuts.

With your corrections, we have the following (I don't hear "Sound" a a la Thomas Dolby, I hear "So" - is that right?)

High above Manhattan-town,
What floats and has a shape like that?
Fans like us who watch the skies,
We know it's Morph the Cat.

Gliding like a big blue cloud,
From Tompkins Square to Upper Broadway.
Beyond the Park to Sugar Hill,
Stops a minute for latte.

He oozes down the heating duct,
Swims like seaweed down the hall.
He briefly digs your wiggy pad,
And seeps out through the wall.

Kind of like an Arctic mindbath,
Cool and sweet and slightly rough.
Liquid light on New York City,
Christmas without the chintzy stuff.

What exactly does he want,
This Rabelaisian puff of smoke?
To make you feel all warm and cozy,
Like you heard a good joke.

Like you heard an Arlen tune,
Or bought yourself a crazy hat.
Like you had a mango cooler--
Oooo - - - Morph the Cat.

He's all the talk in shops and schoolyards,
Sutton Place - The automat.
Players playing in the Bronx
Respect to Morph the Cat.

Kind of like an Arctic mindbath,
Cool and sweet and slightly rough,
Liquid light on New York City,
Christmas without the chintzy stuff.


So rich is his charisma,
You can almost hear it sing,
He skims the roofs and bells begin to ring.

Chinese cashiers can feel it now,
Grand old gals at evening Mass.
Young racketeers and teenage models,
Laughing on the grass.

Blessed Yankees have an ally,
When this feline comes to bat.
Bringing joy to Old Manhattan,
All watch the stars for Morph the Cat.

Date: Thurs, February 16, 2006, 00:38:29 ET
Posted by: The CORRECT lyrics, trust me

Rajah, you have everything else right.....

Gliding like a big blue cloud

He briefly digs your wiggy pad

Liquid light on New York City

Sutton Place - the automat

Respect to Morph the Cat

So rich is his charisma

Young racketeers

-- that's Herington doing the solo

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 23:44:18 ET
Posted by: suedave, I only watched one football game all year

That title track send shivers down my spine - soooo cold and frosty! I like it a lot. Thanks for the lyrics Rajah and company. Nice detective work P-G and DEACONBLUE. It is making the release seem that much more real. I sure hope they are selling the CDs a the early shows.

And all you digging deep into the audiophile stuff - looking forward to reading more at the next break.

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 23:35:37 ET
Posted by: hoops,

The latest Dandom Digest has been sent, this time covering February 13-15, 2006.

I went back to the old way of sending...Let me know if you don't get it...A few of you who said they were having trouble might get two copies this time...oops!

Soooo,,,,if you are a subscriber, you should see it in your email box within the next 12 hours. Again, If you don't receive it, please email me. Some people have been having problems with delivery of the Dandom Digest, usually because of spam filters, firewalls, etc.

The following are the subjects of this particular edition of the Dandom Digest

• I&I&I&I&Iceberg [ Walter's done with Basic Tracks ]
• Now Playing - Morph the Cat-Whole Album!
• Morph title track on BBC 2's Album Chart Show - HEAR IT NOW!
• H-Train playing on BBC Radio 2
• REDUX: Danfest & Wing Ding Registry v 0.9 Now Open
• REDUX: Billboard article about late Summer Steely Dan Tour
• Boston rapper MC Spice thinks Eric Clapton is Steely Dan?
• Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame Question


• NEW: Two (2) Westbury, NY Tix for sale!
• Beacon Tix for sale
• Chicago Tickets for Sale
• FOR SALE: 1 for Westbury 3/3
• Banyan Trees Ticket Exchange 2006

If you are not currently a subscriber but would like to receive the free Dandom Digest email newsletter"—definitely not to be confused with the glorious Official, or newsletters/mail lists—please email me or see


Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 23:32:38 ET
Posted by: The Dude, Dudesville


Great job!

[I stand corrected with the Rolling Stone article that includes the phrase "arctic mindbath" - sure doesn't sound like it to me!]

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 23:28:15 ET
Posted by: SouthOfHollywood, Purrrrrring

I think what Rajah meant was that it sounded like a Dolby sample...

And what I think DF is actually uttering is..."So!..."

As in, here's the next piece of the tail...(Pun intended)


Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 23:23:16 ET
Posted by: lovethisgig, atlanta

Not sure that's Thomas Dolby though. In "Blinded Me with Science" he or someone shouts "Science!" not "Sound!"

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 23:21:21 ET
Posted by: Wow!,

So you can hear THE WHOLE ALBUM NOW on the Radio station. Thank you Brakeshoe!

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 23:20:39 ET
Posted by: lovethisgig, atlanta

This is where I read "arctic mindbath":

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 23:15:35 ET
Posted by: Rajah, now it's time to say goodnight

High above Manhattan-town,
What floats and has a shape like that?
Fans like us who watch the skies,
We know it's Morph the Cat.

Flying like a big blue cloud,
From Tompkins Square to Upper Broadway.
Beyond the Park to Sugar Hill,
Stops a minute for latte.

He oozes down the heating duct,
Swims like seaweed down the hall.
He briefly digs your groovy(?) pad,
And seeps out through the wall.

Kind of like an Arctic mindbath(?),
Cool and sweet and slightly rough.
Sheds his light on New York City,
Christmas without the chintzy stuff.

What exactly does he want,
This Rabelaisian puff of smoke?
To make you feel all warm and cozy,
Like you heard a good joke.

Like you heard an Arlen tune,
Or bought yourself a crazy hat.
Like you had a mango cooler--
Oooo - - - Morph the Cat.

He's all the talk in shops and schoolyards,
Circumvents(?) the automat.
Players playing in the Bronx
Step to Morph the Cat.

Kind of like an Arctic mindbath(?),
Cool and sweet and slightly rough,
Sheds(?) his light on New York City,
Christmas without the chintzy stuff.

"Sound!" [Thomas Dolby]


Reaches his ___________[charisma?]_________
You can almost hear it sing,
He skims the roofs and bells begin to ring.

Chinese cashiers can feel it now,
Grand old gals at evening Mass.
The racketeers and teenage models,
Laughing on the grass.

Blessed Yankees have an ally,
When this feline comes to bat.
Bringing joy to Old Manhattan,
All watch the stars for Morph the Cat.

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 23:00:01 ET
Posted by: brakeshoe, Penn. (posted from Dandom Digest via hoops)

In the past week, WXPN the commercial free station at the University of Pennsylvania has been playing the entire Morph the Cat album. If you are near Philadelphia you can listen to it at 88.5 FM. The station is also available on the web at So far I have heard 3 songs off the album. H Gang, Security Joan and one other whose title I forget. Worth a listen if you want a sneak preview.


Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 22:57:11 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu,

SoH: That's an excellent Carlton disc. There's also just a bit of Santana, except with interesting notes. Carlos has played basically the same solo since Moonflower. All bow to master Krantz - got the ring of Hill Street Blues, 'cept he rips another hole in the concrete

Morph swings and rocks at the same time...I feel Ray Charles...

Morph is somewhere between Caspar the Freindly Ghost and a Ghostbusters ghoul...

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 22:18:31 ET
Posted by: The Dude, Dudesville

Rajah -

I'm pretty sure it's not "arctic mindbath" - sounds more like "arctic moment" to me...


1st verse:
Fans like us who watch the SKIES


He briefly digs your [groovy pad], <-- not sure of "groovy pad"

Reaches his ___________ ____________ _______

Pretty sure I hear "charisma" in there... I heard "reaches" as "itches" but "itching his charisma" would be a ridiculous lyric.


YOUNG racketeers and teenage models,

Otherwise, I think you have it down. Well done!

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 22:17:34 ET
Posted by: Bobinho, Rio/London

I hear:

"Players playing in the Bronx
RESPECT to Morph the Cat."

Makes sense too. Morph is a great song. Kinda Gaucho-ish in its hymnal quality. It also shares the latter's lopsided groove...

Great stuff!

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 22:14:30 ET
Posted by: mt,

Circumvallates isn't right - my bad

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 22:13:20 ET
Posted by: SouthOfHollywood, RoseanneRoseannaDanna

Never mind...

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 22:11:52 ET
Posted by: SouthOfHollywood, Mango Cooler, huh? I was blind that day...

EXCELLLENT call on the Carlton bit, Mu...I was trying to place that "sound" and it's got the same exact feel as LC's "Josie" from "On Solid Ground" from 1989...Give it a spin and you'll see...Gotta be Krantz too, I'm with you there as well...Jesus, I am BUGGIN'! (And as much as I like Beth Orton, I'll be forever soured on that song that preceeds MTC on the BBC feed...)


Nice job on the lyrics, Turbini...I hear something in there as well about "players playing in the Bronx...respect for Morph the Cat" after the "automat" bit...

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 22:10:21 ET
Posted by: mt,


Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 21:58:02 ET
Posted by: Rajah, refining and thank you folks

High above Manhattan-town,
What floats and has a shape like that?
Fans like us who watch the stars,
We know it's Morph the Cat.

Flying like a big blue cloud,
From Tompkins Sqaure to Upper Broadway.
Beyond the Park to Sugar Hill,
Stops a minute for latte.

He oozes down the heating duct,
Swims like seaweed down the hall.
He briefly digs your groovy pad,
And seeps out through the wall.

Kind of like an Arctic mindbath,
Cool and sweet and slightly rough.
Sheds his light on New York City,
Christmas without the chintzy stuff.

What exactly does he want,
This Rabelaisian puff of smoke?
To make you feel all warm and cozy,
Like you heard a good joke.

Like you heard an Arlen tune,
Or bought yourself a crazy hat.
Like you had a mango cooler--
Oooo - - - it's Morph the Cat.

He's all the talk in shops and schoolyards,
Circulates the automats.
Players playing in the Bronx
Step to Morph the Cat.

Kind of like an Arctic mindbath,
Cool and sweet and slightly rough,.
Sheds his light on New York City,
Christmas without the chintzy stuff.

[here we have a sample that MUST be Thomas Dolby, I shit you not, uttering what sounds like, "Sound!" exactly out of Blinded Me with Science]


Reaches his ___________ ____________ _______
You can almost hear it sing,
He skims the roofs and bells begin to ring.

[nice razor sharp guitar solo]

Chinese cashiers can feel it now,
Grand old gals at evening Mass.
The racketeers and teenage models,
Laughing on the grass.

Blessed Yankees have an ally,
When this feline comes to bat.
Bringing joy to Old Manhattan,
All watch the stars for Morph the Cat.

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 21:53:56 ET
Posted by: Rajah , the latest

High above Manhattan-town,
What floats and has a shape like that?
Fans like us who watch the stars,
We know it's Morph the Cat.

Flying like a big blue cloud,
From Tompkins Sqaure to Upper Broadway.
Beyond the Park to Sugar Hill,
Stops a minute for latte.

He oozes down the heating duct,
Swims like seaweed down the hall.
He briefly digs your groovy pad,
And seeps out through the wall.

Kind of like an Arctic mindbath,
Cool and sweet and slightly rough.
Sheds his light on New York City,
Christmas wiothout the chintzy stuff.

What exactly does he want,
This Rabelaisian puff of smoke?
To make you feel all warm and cozy,
Like you heard a good joke.

Like you heard an Arlen tune,
Or bought yourself a crazy hat.
Like you had a mango cooler--
Oooo - - - it's Morph the Cat.

He's all the talk in shops and schoolyards,
Circulates the automats.
Players playing in the Bronx
Step to Morph the Cat.

Kind of like an Arctic mindbath,
Cool and sweet and slightly rough,.
Sheds his light on New York City,
Christmas without the chintzy stuff.

[here we have a sample that MUST be Thomas Dolby, I shit you not, uttering what sounds like, "Sound!" exactly out of Blinded Me with Science]


Reaches his ___________ ____________ _______
You can almost hear it sing,
He skims the roofs and bells begin to ring.
[nice razor sharp guitar solo]

Chinese cashiers can feel it now,
Grand old gals at evening Mass.
The racketeers and teenage models,
Laughing on the grass.

Blessed Yankees have an ally
When this feline comes to bat

When this feline comes to _______.
Bringing joy to Old manhattan,
All watch the stars for Morph the Cat.

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 21:51:38 ET
Posted by: mt,

arctic MINDBATH, cats!

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 21:50:26 ET
Posted by: SD fan since way back in 77, Calif

Rajah Thanks for posting the words for MTC.Cant wait for Temecula show.Have VIP tickets.Thanks to everyone who got me to thewebsite to where I heard the song.See you in Temecula.

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 21:41:37 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu,

Badass Bass, Wicked Guitar, Slammin' Rhodes. Like everything Fagen's done and nothing. Fresh stuff. Krantz was merging some Carton with Lukather and a dash of Zingg

Notice the kick drum on the '3" count in the intro

Is that preceding song "Choppin' Broccoli?"

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 21:36:16 ET
Posted by: lovethisgig, atlanta

Arctic mindbath. I remember reading that somewhere online, Rolling Stone, All About Jazz, not sure where.

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 20:53:44 ET
Posted by: Mayoresearchimprovebythenextshow , Ryan Adams he aint

Was his second album just a dream?, did I sleep through the fall of 93? Morph the Cat is sounding good.

On a different note, I caught a glimpse of the music videos for Snowbound and Tomorrows Girls the other day and it got me thinking. If there was to be some kind of promo video for a Morph track, I'd love to see Larry David in one! or better still a cameo from Donald in Curb!

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 20:51:43 ET
Posted by: Chris, nh

First thoughts: very interesting changes. A little busy at times. Great opener.

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 20:39:23 ET
Posted by: Boston Rag, jonesin' tomorrow??

PGE and Deacon thanks for the heads up!

However, is this clip going away tomorrow when this DJ has another show?? Ahhhhhhhhhhh!

Mark in Boston

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 20:34:10 ET
Posted by: Josey, St. Simons Island

I'm damn sick of hearing the track we have to listen to first in order to get to MTC!! That one's grown cold on me already.

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 20:33:41 ET
Posted by: The Dude, Dudesville

Rajah wrote,

"Reaches his ___________ ____________ _______ "

One of the words is "charisma"

"And old pals at evening Mass,"

I thought this was "grand old gals at evening Mass"


"Blessed _______ have an ______, "

Blessed Yankees have an ally

When this feline comes to _______.


Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 20:28:34 ET
Posted by: Rajah, I got the world on a string

Donald really comes through on this lyric, it's like a travelogue of NYC, then and now, this is THE New York song!

Here's the other Harold Arlen songs that Sinatra recorded and loved, what a great tribute:

It's Only a Paper Moon
Stormy Weather
Blues in the Night
Minnie the Moocher
I Got the World on a String (this was the greatest in retrospect)
Come Rain or Come Shine
The Man that Got Away
That Old Black Magic (icy fingers up and down my spine)
Let's Fall in Love
Accentuate the Positive
One for My Baby

So very gratified that Donald would give this forgotten old songsmith a tip of the cap, just to realize he knows these great, great old songs fills my cold cold heart. Thank you, Don.

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 20:24:49 ET
Posted by: The Dude, Dudesville

Rajah wrote,

"He uses strength that he ain't got,
Spins like seaweed down the hall,
He breathes, he digs, yeah we ______ ______,
Steps out through the wall. "

I believe it's:

"He oozes down the heating duct
swims like seaweed down the hall
he briefly digs your groovy pad
and seeps out through the wall"

Though I'm not sure of the 3rd line

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 20:15:13 ET
Posted by: Boston Rag, thumpin'

What a groove! That's going to sound ballsy on a great stereo!

Was that the Dolby scientist or WC Fields his badass self???

Mark in Boston

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 20:08:52 ET
Posted by: TP, Mizar 5 for awhile........!

Hey Raja good job with the Lyrics. I think it is "Arctic Bobcat",....... and when this feline comes to them. Can't decipher any more without a better signal. Great Guitar gotta be Herrington?

I can see Batman & Morph high above Gotham City!

I got my kitty litter ready if you need some.


Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 20:02:54 ET
Posted by: Stevie D, Beaintown

Radja, you are so right on with the Thomas Dolby Reference, that was unbelivable!!! I just picked it up on 2nd listen, I am laughing my ass off.

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 20:01:36 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Harold Arlen most famous song was, "Somewhere Over the Rainbow," from the Whizard of Oz, along with about 400 other great old Tin Pan Alley numbers:

Oh my, Tompkins Square proceeds into immortality with Morph, where is YGK, our old neighborhood, buddy! Wow, thrilling, like a new addition to the family.

I have to stop vibrating at such a high amplitude, my Turban is schfitzing.

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 20:00:48 ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher, Louisville, KY

You definately did better than I probably could have, Rajah! A low-quality stream makes it hard to decifer these lyrics because there's such an intricate harmony arrangement.

To fill in one of your blanks, I believe that one of the lines we saw quoted in early articles about the album is "Kind of like an Arctic mindbath."

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 19:59:25 ET
Posted by: Alkali, NYC

Yea, just as i suspected all along, "Morph" is the shit!
it had to be.
Fagen wouldn't have given it two parts if he didn't think so.
not to peg him as arrogant but rather...confident.
the snippets are all we really have to go on but none the less
"Morph" is gonna impress on disc and in concert.
as someone already said the tune just sticks to the soul!
it's hard to get it outa my head.

revolving discs :

Return to forever "Romantic Warrior"
Steely Dan "Katy Lied"
Lyle Lovitt "Live in Texas"
Elton John "Captain Fantastic and the brown dirt cowboy"
Allan Holdsworth "Sand"
Tchawkovski "NCS"


Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 19:58:23 ET
Posted by: Stevie D, Beantown

good work Raj with the lyrics, I mean the chorus;s are so high I cant figure out wtf he is saying. Enjoyed the song, definitely differnt than anything I have heard before from DF, enjoyable though. I wonder what single is gonna be the "Big Hit"

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 19:44:29 ET
Posted by: Q, TPA

WOW- can I wait for the shows now?! - Clearly, I'll have to, but, if I was stoked before then now I am apoplectic!

Morph is, well, a new animal, a DF epiphany - but then that reviewer's line about "Steely Don" ain't bad either...
damned - another Steely Dan paradox...



Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 19:30:53 ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher, Louisville, KY

Stevie D, you can fast-forward on there by 15 minutes, then you just have to wait a minute or two.

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 19:30:44 ET
Posted by: moray eel, hmm

I gotta say, "I love that shit!"


Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 19:23:54 ET
Posted by: Stevie D, Beantown

Jim did you have to wait the 17 Minutes for the song??

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 19:31:22 ET
Posted by: Rajah, L.A

It's here folks:

Deaconblue, your English is pretty good and we certainly appreciate your efforts, we do seem to have a bit of a different approach in communicating but, with a little patience and understanding, I think we can do better but Bravo, amigo.

Here then is my poor attempt at deciphering the Morph lyrics from the BBC2 stream: (help me now folks)

High above Manhattan-town,
What floats and has a shape like that?
Fans like us who watch the skies,
We know it's Morph the Cat.

Flying like a big blue cloud,
From Tompkins Square to upper Broadway,
Beyond the Park to Sugar Hill,
Stops a minute for latte.

He uses strength that he ain't got,
Spins like seaweed down the hall,
He breathes, he digs, yeah we ______ ______,
Steps out through the wall.

Kind of like an Arctic ________,
Cool and sweet and slightly rough,.
Sheds his lioght on New York City,
Christmas without the chintzy stuff.

What exactly does he want,
This Rabelaisian puff of smoke?
To make you feel all warm and cozy,
Like you heard a good joke.
Like you heard an Arlen tune,
Or bought yourself a crazy hat,
Like you had a mango cooler,
Oooo -- it's Morph the cat.

He's all the talk in shops and schoolyards,
Circulates the automats. Kind of like an Arctic ________,
Cool and sweet and slightly rough,.
Sheds his lioght on New York City,
Christmas without the chintzy stuff.

[here we have a sample that MUST be Thomas Dolby, I shit you not, uttering what sounds like, "Sound!" exactly out of Blinded Me with Science]


Reaches his ___________ ____________ _______
You can almost hear it sing,
He skims the roofs and bells begin to ring.
[nice razor sharp guitar solo]

Chinese cashiers can feel it now,
And old pals at evening Mass,
The racketeers and teenage models,
Laughing on the grass.

Blessed _______ have an ______,
When this feline comes to _______.
Bringing joy to Old manhattan,
All watch the stars for Morph the Cat.

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 19:20:07 ET
Posted by: hoops,

I did get to a computer where I could play it.


It does sound all new but very "Nightfly"/"Kama" too. I think having the riff sorta reminds me of "Trans-Island Skyway" —like another aventure starts—yet it's different like theres a fugue or church music in there too. Any more lyrics. Latté?

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 19:16:28 ET
Posted by: Stevie D, Beantown

I narrowed it down to Radio 1, just a matter of figuring out where in this vast wasteland of choices it could be.

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 19:16:06 ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher, Louisville, KY

As someone posted several posts back

Click Listen Again To This Show. Morph the Cat is around 17 minutes into the show.

It's a wonderful song, very different yet obviously Fagen. The phased Rhodes, the edgy guitar, and the horns are definite highlights.

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 19:32:57 ET
Posted by: Josey, < p>

I'm telling ya - I can't get that groove out of my head!! I do hear the comparison (in groove only) with Greenbook. I 'm going now to have my 5th listen. The desperation I'm having for March 14th now is killing me.

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 19:32:15 ET
Posted by: moray eel,

17:25 into The Show

Hit the right arrow button to fast forward to the 17:25 time spot.


Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 19:12:11 ET
Posted by: Stevie D, Beantown

Sorry Jim, you are right, but Im all over the BBC and cant find it, have you had anyluck?

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 19:08:26 ET
Posted by: SteelyDon, He Boggles My Mind

I just listened to "Morph the Cat" and its so fresh and different. I don't think I can equate that song to anything close in the Dan/Fagen repitoire. Good song I think.

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 19:06:17 ET
Posted by: hoops, manners 101

DEACONBLUE, much appreciated...working on it now.

Stevie D, starting out with a "thank you" might be more encouraging to people who might even want to be troubled with posting.


Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 19:00:31 ET
Posted by: Stevie D, Beantown

dEACON bLUE YOU NEED TO BE MUCH MORE SPECIFIC. Firstly its not .CU Secondly where do you find the pulldown menu for A-Z, Do we need to go into bbc radio first? Its not in there either. The bbc pages are very user unfreindly and cluttered

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 18:23:46 ET


He guys please stop talking about those Gaucho versions .

GO TO WWW.BBC.CU.UK and than go to SHOW A Z and then ALBUMCHARTS. You enter into the show and listen to the entire version of Morph the cat.

It has nothing to do with the BN soundclip.This needs a lot of listenings.

You have to install realplayer first.

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 17:36:35 ET
Posted by: Q, TPA

PS - the same afficianados that I referred to in my prior post know enough to go for the pre '85 CDs and those are priced high - when can be identified. Also, there is a much greater supply of those - but don't snooze! They will disappear - not to mention that aluminum CDs degrade in sound quality after @ 10years...ouchh! (delamination, pitting,etc.).
The "gold" 's primary benefit is that it does not delaminate.

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 17:32:44 ET
Posted by: Q, TPA

The RL is the MASTERDISK that we have been talking about.

I can only say that these were NOT the first ones - there is a whole additional story about the sequence in, and the reason that that subset of discs were released.
Regarding which is the "real deal", I can only say that people with rated perspectives and studio quality gear believe the opposite and put their money where their mouths are such that MCA Audiophile is priced in the market at a 50 fold greater valuation to the stock MCA RL designated disc.

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 17:24:57 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

Hoops, That's good news though. Always thought they sounded pretty good.

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 17:16:48 ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher, Louisville, KY

I just happened to notice that WXPN ( has also been playing songs from Morph the Cat the past couple of weeks apparently (seen H Gang, What I Do, AND Morph the Cat all show up in their playlist from February so far). And they have a good quality live stream on their website.

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 17:14:00 ET
Posted by: hoops,

But TJ, the good news is that the 1985 ones you have are the best of the 80s and not the slighly later ones which were the worst. Anyhoo, except for the MSFL Gold CDs, I have'em all.

And let's not forget that there were a couple of mistakes on the first run of 1999 issues of "Pretzel" and "Katy." "Rikki" intro left off (again, as on the box) and two songs swapped places on "Katy."


Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 17:11:04 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Hey boys and girls; a couple of people have had where their post wouldn't post. So if it doesn't, try 30 sec later or email me it and I will post.

For a song to be on RFD, it has to be legal for the song to be played in the USA. I a request along to Peter Noble (the people who provide the MTC banner above) and he ethusiastically passed it along to the Warner US folks--who don't respond. I'm working on it--if you have connections, please let me know. I only am careful since one of the Radio Free Dandom stations was found to be playing SD something like 19 times instead of the allotted 18 times in a several hour slot. So they watch. They have this playlist analyser. Go fig.

Following up the publicity thread from this past weekend. Things are getting moving for a Boston WingDing in the past day. And I'm getting emails, "I didn't know SD (or DF) was touring!" Go fig.

Thanks for the perspectives, esp Q.


Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 16:58:59 ET
Posted by: paul h, it's my last day at work, w00t!

Hey, Hoopsie....
What has to happen before you're allowed to post Morph the Cat tracks, like "H Gang" on RFD? Does the CD have to come out first?

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 16:47:05 ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher, Louisville, KY

Yeah, those are all not the final remasters (which bring a lot more life to the songs, believe me). The copyrights will be 1998, 1999, or 2000 if you have the most recent remastered CDs (and 2003 for the SACD of Gaucho).

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 16:45:13 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

Bought all of them in 1997.

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 16:43:54 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

The copyrights are:

CBAT: 1972, 1985
CTE: 1973, 1985
PL: 1974, 1985
KL: 1975, 1985
TRS: 1976!
Aja: 1977, 1984
Gaucho: 1980, 1984

(All distributed by BMG Ariola Germany)

They are MCA CDs, but no CompactDisc/CompactPrice artwork on them?

Am I screwed?

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 16:32:40 ET
Posted by: dreaming, the southland

DF or SD at the New Orleans Jazz Fest would rock.
Anybody with any say reading this? :-)

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 16:29:01 ET
Posted by: Josey, St. Simons Island

That title track is one helluva groove! This delay in releasing MTC makes me want to vomit. Que la fuck??!!

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 16:20:44 ET



Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 16:14:40 ET
Posted by: Bob,

TK, when did buy your CDs? Do they have copyrights on the back? If they are from 1998 or later, they are diamonds.

If you have the MCA CDs with the CompactDisc/CompactPrice artwork, then you have the worst.

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 16:11:35 ET
Posted by: SteveM, Scotland

Nice one pge!

despite the lo fi streaming that still sounds really great

there must be some way to capture this surely?

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 16:09:01 ET
Posted by: Gagi, ..

you talkin to me, tj?
send the mp3 / see below

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 15:51:49 ET
Posted by: pge, Hear the title track on BBC!

Monday evening (February 13) the Album Chart Show on BBC Radio 2
played 5 minutes and 30 seconds of the 6 min 50 sec long title track.

The upside is that the show is available to hear again for a full week
(Just click "Listen again to this show" at the top of the page and go
about 17 minutes into the one hour long show.)

The downside is that it is in low-fi 32 kbps Real Audio.

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 15:35:46 ET
Posted by: J'thusiast,

I have the MCA Audiophile HSM of Gaucho as well as the original MCA release from 1980. I think the original that Hoops talks about is clearly the best. It is actually "masterdisk RL" (mastered by Bob Ludwig) in the deadwax. Those are the real deal.

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 15:26:03 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

Getting a little audio paranoid here! How likely am I to have a bad copy of the original 7?

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 15:08:22 ET
Posted by: Q, TPA

First, I am saying that all Gaucho MASTERDISK vinyl does not sound the same and can not be called a "special".

Further, The first vinyl pressings were not all "special" - I would ask you - how do you define "special"?? - 1/2 spd mastered, mastered differently, different source material, different vinyl, or the other approximately 30 other processes that could be/are used between mastering and final stamping that would influence the subjective and objective quality of a vinyl record??

I happen to own the first 4 MCA stampers for Gaucho plus several technical and production test pressings which match these stampers, as well as test pressings of alternate stampers - these physical production materials do not bear out the idea the first ones were special (esp. as identified by the MASTERDISK stamp)

Not arguing - simply just curious as to what you mean, and the quality of your information. If I can learn something new in this I would appreciate that more than "being right" as I do study this stuff.


Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 14:51:11 ET
Posted by: Boston Rag, work,work,work

Well the DF tour kicks off 2 weeks from tonight! WoooHooo!
Does anyone know if they've actually started tour rehearsals yet? In NYC?

Mark in Boston

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 14:48:23 ET
Posted by: Promo?, NYC

Coming up March 7th on WFUV and (all times Eastern):


a.. 8:15 AM and 4:45 PM, Take Five: Donald Fagen with Darren DeVivo. [For
more information, see 9 PM tonight.]
a.. 9 PM, Words and Music from Studio A: Darren DeVivo's recent conversation
with Donald Fagen.

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 14:38:36 ET
Posted by: gagi, ..

Hey Fellas, I need some help. Has anybody got the
Louis Armstong Track "The Beat Generation"
and may send it to me?
It was never released on CD, otherwise I would buy it.
I guess, it was only released as a 7" Vinyl in the 50ies.

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 14:17:23 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Whoa, that's a lot to process, so is my Citizen Steely Dan remastered from the digitized analog masters done by Roger or the Brand "X" stuff?

Or is it just a ploy to get me to buy all this stuff again? Apart from having 6 copies of Sgt. Pepper in various incarnations, I think I have more versions of the Steely Dan catalogue than would be considered within normal limits by a panel of mental health professionals. I wonder how many more formats and stuff I'll end up buying? No wonder Donald isn't doing MTC promo, he's got lifer chumps like me salivating for the tiniest variants of the catalogue. What a dick!

Hollywood's middle name back then was "blow." And if he was meeting Jive Miguel at Mr. Chow's, he must have been doin a damn good business is all I can say.

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 13:48:47 ET
Posted by: Metal Leg,

The Crime of The Century

As we stated earlier in the news, MCA has admitted to using faulty masters for the recent pressings of the entire Steely Dan catalog. It was exposed by Dan engineer Roger Nichols in the following article he wrote for the October 1991 issue of EQ Magazine.

Snap, Crackle and Pop Music

A tale of the (wrong) tape when remastering

By Roger Nichols

I originally got involved in recording music because I hated clicks and pops on record. I figured that the only way that I was going to get good quality recordings to play was to record them myself. I could then bring home two-track 15 ips copies to play on my stereo. Much better than the Rice Crispy sound of vinyl LPs.

When the Compact Disc became a reality, I was beside myself. I was also close by the side of any record company exec who could get me any discs to play on my new found CD player. Since CDs preserved all the characteristics of the original master tape, I could now enjoy music without the drawbacks of black vinyl.

Vinyl Verdict?

The first project I worked on that became a Compact Disc was Donald Fagen's "Nightfly" album. I couldn't wait to get the CD in my hot little hands and compare it with the original mixes. When the CD arrived, I ran to my audio system and threw the CD into my player. After about 30 seconds I was ready to throw in the towel. The CD didn't sound anything like the final mixes. Was I wrong about digital audio? Was the Compact Disc truly inferior to the vinyl disc that it was to replace?

I started doing some checking with the mastering facility where we mastered the album. Bob Ludwig at Masterdisk in New York told me that the record company never asked for the 1610 digital master that we'd made. Instead, they had requested a 30 ips half-inch analog tape copy of our digital mixes. Then they made the CD master from this analog copy. No wonder my CD didn't sound like the original mixes. After we raised enough hell, new CD masters were prepared and new CDs were pressed. I compared the new one to the original mixes.It matched perfectly. Whew!

This was in late 1982. I figured that there was a necessary learning curve for the record companies to get their act together and realize that digital audio Compact Discs should not be made from second or third generation analog tape copies. Isn't nine years enough time?


In 1982, Donald Fagen, Gary Katz and myself gathered up all of the original Steely Dan tapes (15 ips analog) and transferred them to digital format so that they would not deteriorate any further. This was in anticipation of catalog re-release in the new Compact Disc format. The first two albums to be released on CD were "Aja" and "Gaucho." I listened to the CDs and they were fine.

Mobile Fidelity is licensed to produce gold-plated CDs of "Aja" and "Gaucho." They called me up to ask me if I liked the sound of their pressings. I listened to them and compared them to the CDs from MCA. I figured the only difference I would hear would be the difference between the gold plating and the aluminum plating on the stock CD. I was shocked! They sounded completely different. The gold ones sounded worse. The gold "Gaucho" CD was even a different speed, about a quarter tone sharper than the original CD from MCA.

A writer I know called me to ask if I heard any difference between the stock CDs and the gold CDs. I told him what I found. He said that he didn't hear any difference. The lightbulp went on in my thought balloon! The stock CDs that I had were produced seven years ago and the ones my friend used were just purchased at Tower Records. I jumped in my car and zipped over to the nearest record store and purchased new copies of the CDs in question. He was right, the new stock CDs sounded exactly like the gold CDs, including the pitch shift on the "Gaucho" CD.

The time we spent transferring all of the original masters was wasted. The record company in their infinite wisdom decided that when they needed new 1630 CD masters to send to the CD plant, that it would be better to use the EQ'd analog copy that had been sitting around for 15 years instead of the digital tapes that we supplied to them nine years ago for just this purpose. And on top of everything else, they couldn't even make sure that the analog machine that played back the "Gaucho" tape was going the right speed.

I guess this is all just a part of a grander scheme -- make all of the CDs sound worse and worse until we can't tell the difference between Compact Discs and the new Digital Compact Cassette that the record companies are pushing.

I went to my storage locker and found all of my old vinyl LPs. I haven't thrown my turntable away yet either. Maybe the clicks and pops aren't quite so bad after all.

Then, in the January 11, 1992 issue of Billboard, MCA admitted there was a mistake...

Master Mistake Mars Steely Dan CDs

Inferior tapes used by MCA on 7 discs

By Dan Levitin

LOS ANGELES -- MCA Records accidentally used inferior master tapes in the manufacturing of seven Steely Dan compact discs, the label has admitted.

All of Steely Dan's original albums, from 1972's "Can't Buy A Thrill" through 1980's "Gaucho," were transferred to CD from the proper master tapes for their initial run in 1985; but subsequent pressings, including current warehouse and retailer stock, were made from faulty masters.

Billboard learned of the mistake as MCA was assembling "Steely Dan Gold -- Expanded Edition." The new release, however, was mastered from the proper tapes. Modeled after 1982's vinyl compilation, "Steely Dan Gold," the set includes two Donald Fagen solo cuts written for film soundtracks, as well as a rare live version of "Bodhisattva" from the group's 1974 tour.

Andy McKaie, VP of catalog development and special products A&R for MCA, says the first seven Steely Dan CDs will be remanufactured from the proper masters and released chronologically, two at a time," beginning in early 1992. The new CDs will bear a "digitally remastered" sticker.

"We made a mistake and we'll fix it," McKaie explains. "We're committed to getting the right product out there. There have been other errors which we also fixed, involving CDs from Elton John and the Who." There have been no consumer complaints about the Steely Dan CDs, he adds.

The tapes used to master the inferior Steely Dan CDs were the original analog masters; but according to Roger Nichols, one of Steely Dan's recording engineers, they were in terrible shape, due to improper storage, and had poor fidelity. In 1981, Nichols meticulously transferred them to new 3M digital masters, in anticipation of demand for CD catalog reissues. Although MCA used the new digital masters for an initial release in 1985, subsequent runs were mistakenly made from the old analog masters, which have been steadily deteriorating.

Ironically, Mobile Fidelity Sound Labs, manufacturer of high-quality, gold-plated CDs that sell for twice the price of standard CDs, was also furnished the wrong masters by MCA and used them for its Ultradisc releases of "Aja" and "Gaucho."

Nichol's immediate reaction was one of disgust. "What pisses me off is to spend 20 years doing this, and spending two years on "Gaucho" alone. Two years, every fucking day in the studio, and it comes to this. I have no reason to continue. I quit. I'm quitting the music business."

Steely Dan's recordings are considered by experts to contain some of the finest engineering of all time. "Gaucho" won the best-engineering Grammy in 1980, and previous efforts, including 1977's "Aja" and 1975's "Katy Lied" have been hailed as recording masterpieces.

To get more information on the problem, ICE, the CD newsletter followed up with Andy McKaie, VP of catalog development at MCA:

Response from Andy McKaie

For a clarification and follow-up, ICE contacted Andy McKaie, MCA's VP of catalog development and special markets A&R. While McKaie admits the story was factually correct, he feels it may have blown things out of proportion a bit since his department has never received a consumer complaint about the sound quality of its Steely Dan CDs. (Neither has ICE, for that matter.) The CDs in question -- the second run onwards -- were actually remastered from the true analog master tapes, usually a best case scenario. But in Steely Dan's case, the group and engineer Nichols had painstakingly prepared better, more permanent masters back in 1985 that were used only for the first run of CDs and then inadvertently shelved.

"When digital first came in, there were many formats being kicked around," McKaie tells ICE. "One of them was these oversized Scotch reels, digitally encoded analogs. That's what Steely Dan chose. Realizing their analog masters were deteriorating, they went in and remastered all the albums on these oversized, heavy-duty reels. When it came time to do the CDs, they said 'Use those,' so on the first go-around, they (MCA employees) did. Unfortunately, the oversized reels was one of the formats that lost. So when they did the second go-around of CDs, the studio (engineers) didn't have access to those machines: there are only a couple of places that do. So, having the original analog tapes, they probably just did what they thought was right and used those. Unfortunately, those original analogs don't sound as good as the digital transfers that the group did on the oversized analogs don't sound as good as the digital transfers that the group did on the oversized Scotch reels, because Steely Dan had really worked on them to get them right."

"Hence, the second CDs don't sound as good as the first, albeit they don't sound bad, and I've never had any complaints. They sound as good as the average, straight reissue CD out there today. So you're dealing with, 'Yes, they could sound better, but they sound fine.' It's unfortunate, and I feel bad about it, but it's not the same as when we did Elton John's 11-17-70 where half the CD was taken from a third generation source. We're probably going to stop all our (production) orders, remaster them all at once, sell off what we have in the marketplace and then go right into production of the new ones. We'll definitely upgrade them and put a little sticker on them so that you know they're upgraded."

"McKaie says that the label does not plan to offer consumers exchanges for their old CDs. Besides that, he could offer ICE no tips or guidelines to determine the original CDs from the re-runs, but he pointed out that the initial runs were undoubtedly large. "This is what you get into when you have all these damn systems," he says in obvious frustration. "Sometimes when we remaster, we have to go out and rent a quadraphonic machine, because some of the '70s stuff was mixed to quad."

Where does this leave us?

While MCA does not have a "formal" return policy, we believe it's only fair for them to exchange an inferior CD for a correctly remastered one. Andy McKaie is not as bad as some record executives and inherited the problem so we don't think that we should make his life a living hell at this time. Since the remastered CDs will not be available for several months, there's nothing for him to offer in exchange. So there's no point in writing him until all the new CDs are in the marketplace.

What you can do until that time is to try to determine if you have any defective CDs. It won't be easy since there are no distinctive serial numbers to differentiate the pressings, so you will have to let your ears tell the difference. If you have a copy of "Gold -- Expanded Edition," you can compare the sound of its tracks (which used the correct tapes) to the respective tracks on your other Dan CDs. If you can't hear a difference, you don't have a problem. If you hear a difference, make a note of what you hear that is inferior and hang tight.

After the remastered CDs are all available, you should send your inferior CDs with a nice letter to Andy McKaie detailing the differences you've found in sound quality and how you would like to exchange your inferior CDs for good ones. No threats, no boycotts, no profanity. Just communicate an expectation of a reasonable response for a reasonable request.

Make sure you get the CDs insured when you mail them, and send them "return receipt requested" to confirm delivery. We think this is your best chance to allow MCA to handle the situation maturely. We will keep you up-to-date on this situation.

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 13:44:36 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Q. All the first US pressings by Masterdisk were specially pressed. I agree, that even if ABC hadn't been purchased by MCA or if they hadn't sought to move to Warners, they still probably would have sought the special pressing.

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 13:34:17 ET
Posted by: hoops,

That's a cool topic to bring up, Mike! When it's been discussed in the past, I say that the song never literally says what Hollywood's "middle name" is, but given the lyrics, it's clear what's being said:

I know your middle name
Who inspires your fabled fools
That's my claim to fame"

I argue that, in other words, I know your dirty secret—what fuels Hollywood's spirits and ideas is the drug dealer!

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 13:25:14 ET
Posted by: Q, TPA

RE Gaucho vinyl- well, some of you know this is my area of expertise, so here goes - with all due respect to Hoops, the MASTERDISK stamp in and of itself is meaningless.
Some (a lot!) of the MCA mass production discs were mastered by the same company - MASTERDISK - and pressed at the same pressing plant that the 1/2 speed produced discs were made. Also, one further "MASTERDISK" variation exists.

The "MASTERDISK" stamp is located just outside of the label in an area of the record disc which is called the "inside (or- "inner") dead wax" or "run off" portion of the disc. The MASTERDISK can be anywhere in the dead wax as labels are put on arbitrarily thus there is no alignment of any stamping (matrix/stamper#s, etc.) on the dead wax vs the label as a rule.

THE MAIN thing to know if you want to venture into vinyl land which can get pretty complicated is that in the case of Gaucho there are 3 primary pressings to be concerned with in the MASTERDISK and "best sounding" disc/rendering discussion:

A) Mass production discs that have "the M mark" on them - no different than any other domestic MCA Gaucho disc - there are what are called "hot stampers" - without going into a further study here - they are rare and can only be discovered by personal discrete sampling.

B) USA produced 1/2 speed mastered version called "MCA Audiophile Series" which bear a "rainbow" colored strip at the top of the jacket- These bear the MASTERDISK stamp and are BY FAR the best sounding (other than a handful of hot stamper pressings)rendering of Gaucho whether analog or digital(ie LP vs CD). Really, it is indisputable...but, then this is the Steely Dan Guestbook, so nothing is indisputable...
This would be the series that Hoops' refers to as the ones that apparently were ordered by DF/WB to ice the deal with MCA - although, I have never heard that version of the story myself and can't vouch either way on that score -I will say, again, with all due respect to Hoops, that I have my doubts about that story - the chronology of the label switch does not seem to support that version of events.)

C) Finally, there is a Canadian release called the "Masterphile" series, and yes folks, these too have the MASTERDISK stamp! However, avoid these pressings at all costs as they are universally considered to be horrible!(and are priced as such in the market)
They are also 1/2 speed mastered as are the "Audiophile Series", but there are differences in mastering and production that leave these LPs for dead. The jacket has a sticker on it saying "MCA Masterphile 1/2 speed mastered" series BUT no "rainbow strip" along the top of the jacket.

Other than these pressings, there is one particular Japanese pressing that is outstanding- however, watch out because there are 4 other variant pressings that stink!

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 13:22:35 ET
Posted by: MTC ,

Jeff Young is the third back up singer.

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 12:59:27 ET
Posted by: Mike, NYC

Speaking of Glamour Profession, can anyone tell me what Hollywood's middle name is?

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 12:53:22 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Thanks for confirming Kdawg. I recalled something like that but MCA also did that with a couple of other non SD albums so I thought I was mixed up.

I know there were MSFL LPs of "Katy Lied" and "Aja" ("Half Speed Master') but what about "Gaucho" and others in "The Original Seven."

Next up: Steely Dan: The GRT Tapes. "Where's my Quad Copy of CBAT?" Casual audiophilles might think 8-track was the lowest of the low until you consider that there were some interesting alternate mixes on that Quadrophoninc, two-programme (instead of four program) 8-Track.

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 12:42:46 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

Hoops...I remember reading somewhere that the record company wanted to release it at a dollore more than the normal release price. I believe the new price was $9.99. That was one of the big gripes of the Dan. I'm sure the price hike was in part to cover the costs of making the Gaucho album. I'm just glad it saw the light of day!!!


Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 12:12:44 ET
Posted by: hoops,

The deal with the vinyl is that you will recall that "Gaucho" was delayed as Becker and Fagen wanted to release it through Warners and after ABC Records' sale to MCA, Becker and Fagen thought that MCA wasn't entitled to the album. (This was one of the many problems SD was having around this time; the others being Walter getting hit by a taxi, the partial erasure of "The Second Arrangement," and the death of Walter's girlfriend.)

I think there are also some issues where MCA wanted to charge more for this release, but I could have that wrong.

Part of the final agreement between MCA and D + W in getting "Gaucho" out was that the first X-number of copies would be pressed to special vinyl. I believe if you have one of these LPs, you will see the word "MASTERDISK" stamped really tiny into vinyl, just outside the paper label near the center of each side of the LP (ie the space right after "Glam Prof" and "Third World" where an automatic tone arm picks up—is there a name for that space? Anyhow, I have one of these "MASTERDISK" pressings.

As pointed out, CD issues of "Gaucho":

1984- First CD release of "Gaucho"
Late 80s or early 90s-MSFL Masterdisc Gold version
1993-Unclear if "Gaucho" was remastered by MCA and/or later "by the artist" as the stickers on other albums said. Was remastered for the box set.
1998/99-DTS 5.1 Gaucho
2000-Remaster with new liner notes from Becker and Fagen
2003- SACD/CD hybrid including new 2003 CD remaster

I heard all of these, although I own all but the MSFL CD version. If I were buying today, I would buy the SACD/CD. Then I would consider the DVD-A and the DTS 5.1 discs based on what technology I owned. The DVD-A of "Gaucho" has some photos of Becker and Fagen included but no bonus video.

I've heard the MSFL Gold CD of "Gaucho" and I wasn't especially impressed and, regrettably, I can't quote the source, but I seem to remember that someone in the Steely Dan camp also said this.

I love "Gaucho" as well, of course! But I remember reading a 1992 Chicago Tribune interview with Fagen where he says he dislikes the album, it gives him "the chills" sonically and because of some bad memories it brings back. Of course, remember, that was almost 14 years ago and people's opinions--including no DF's--are always open to change.


Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 11:46:43 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Soul Monkey: I'm talking about the DVD-A of "My Rival"

"Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 17:20:32 ET
Posted by: hoops,"

While on the subject of "Gaucho" advanced surround versions, etc, I'm still obsessed that "My Rival" from the DVD-A released in 2004 omits the conga roll at about 17 seconds in!!!!"

When I've mentioned this before, I get a lot of reresponses like, "Well, my SACD, or DTS 5.1, or CD, or Gold Disc has the conga..." Yes, I know but it is the DVD-A version as played on a DVD-A that is missing the conga. So it seems to me and everyone I've shared an actual listening with.

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 11:03:06 ET
Posted by: paul h, Gaucho is the Shiznit

The first time I heard "It's A Glamour Profession" come out of my back speakers, I nearly screamed my head off with glee. Oh wow, Gaucho is so awesome. All I have is the SACD and 2000 remaster. Perhaps I'll be buying some more versions soon...
I think I'll listen to that now. What a splendid idea!

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 10:47:05 ET

Soul Monkey,

I agree with you. Gaucho is one of the best sounded albums i ever heard . It's one of my all time favourite album and for the same reason Glamour Profession is one of my favourite SD songs.
The way it starts and takes you almost 8 minutes away in paradise is quiet exiting.The surround version blows my whole living room away.

I'd like to know other opinions about the fact that Donald is going to tour with only 2 hornplayers and 2 backgroundsingers. Is that enough to do the job?

And what about the special VIP tickets? What can we expect with that?

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 10:04:46 ET
Posted by: SoulMonkey, Louisville, Ky

I have congos at the 15 sec mark of My Rival. I don't know what you cats are talking about. After several repeated listend to Gaucho on SACD, I think it is the best sounding album I own. Remarkable. Is it the DVD-A that is excluding the audio? I reported earlier that I had the DVD-A, but it's the SACS. Everyone should own this. Audio Xanax to say the least.

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 10:03:31 ET
Posted by: SV, coffee shop Singapore

Regarding the remasters- I think Countdown....stands up nicely as a true hifi set...
re: Gaucho mfsl- was this one ever issued by Mobile Fidelity? I know MCA issued a supposed remastered version on vinyl but have never seen it on Mobile Fidelity....I once had The Nightfly on MFSl vinyl and it was a true piece of art...a lot fuller than the cd...alas it was ruined by a small kitten who jumped on the turntable! poor record...cute cat though...also beware of Aja on MFSL Gold cd- it was mastered from a 3rd generation tape!

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 08:59:16 ET
Posted by: DWB, Hail Mary Park

this is funny. just a little 'in between' official news stuff...

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 08:47:14 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

Which one of the old remasters is the best?

I only got Aja, which is very clear sounding, especially in the hornsections, and was wondering which else are worth purchasing, if not all of them?

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 06:23:38 ET
Posted by: SS, HK's all about the music. The better it sounds, the more I'll get from it.

And, any help I get in locating special discs could be good for others in this community.

When you're in the neigborhood, you're invited over for a listen. Hopefully I'll have tracked down a kick-ass copy of AJA by then.

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 06:05:38 ET
Posted by: MF, +#.+#.+#.+#.+#.+#.+#.+#.+#.+#.+#.+#.

don't bore the BlueBook with your HiFi-Fetischism.

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 01:47:20 ET
Posted by: SS, HK

Not surprised the remastered AJA sounds better than the MFSL.

Gaucho MFSL vs remastered - not sure I'd say the latter blows the MFSL away. Different mixes....but the remastering makes looking for the MFSL, and paying a lot for it, a bit of a stretch.

There are special AJA discs out there, beyond the MFSL. I believe there was a second AJA MFSL done a few years ago, some Japanese pressings and beyond that other limited pressings.

I stumbled on a thread some time ago on a website for quite serious audiophiles/industry types where they were talking about different mixes of AJA identifiable by the numbers on the inner ring of the cd. Maybe five thousand done and still floating around out there. They were all after the elusive Steve Hoffman mix....said to be superior to what Roger Nichols did.

They were talking about what to most people would be nuances I'm sure...and I've often wondered whether the remastered AJA would render the hunt for one of these special discs a waste of time.

Date: Wed, February 15, 2006, 00:24:02 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu,

SS: Had the MSFL Gold Aja. The 2000 re-master blew it away on dynamic range and clarity.

For sound you can't beat the DVD-A versions of Gaucho, Nightfly, Kamakriad, and TvN. Didn't notice much improvement of the EMG DVD-A compared with the CD.

hoops: My copy of Gaucho DVD-A has the congas at the 0:16 sec makr in HI RES STEREO
... I don't hear them in 5.1, but then I only have a stereo set-up, so it was a ridiculous test, but usually you can hear the "ghost" if you know what I mean...

Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 22:10:49 ET
Posted by: SS, HK

SOH...are you telling me I have to add the SACD Gaucho ?

After the vinyl, the remastered cd, the MFSL {which I still like an awful lot and regard as an aternate, not inferior, mix to high res stuff} and the DVD-A ?

I've only ever owned AJA vinyl and a remastered CD. Anyone with the AJA MFSL disc recommend it ?

As for Dual Disc.....Ben Folds' Songs for Silverman was released in this format and it's excellent. The 5.1 mix was thoughtfully done - just what I would have hoped for. It comes with a half hour documentary about the making of the album...and BF's photographs for each song. He obviously had a lot of say over the final product..and if this is the way of the future, so be it. Better, IMO, than SACDs.

Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 21:27:26 ET
Posted by: Chan, Boston

I have about 30 different titles on DVD-A and SACD. I play them through an Integra (Onkyo's upper end line) combination DVD-A and SACD player. The Gaucho SACD is one of the better SACD's out. Other great SACD's are Floyds DSOTM, Bowies Ziggy Stardust, Claptons Slowhand and The Who's Tommy. They all are hybrids that will also play on a regular CD player and car.

I actually perfer the DVD-A's. Besides a warmer sound, the added on screen lyrics, pictures and some with videos make the format more interactive. Nightfly, EMG and TVN are awesome. The New Frontier video brings me back to the early days of MTV where it played frequently.

The new hybrids that are out are pretty impressive. I recently have purchased Talking Heads Remain in Light and Dire Straits Brothers In Arms. Both of these remix's are awesome. I can play them in surround in the family room / theater or also pop them in the CD player in the car. This may be the format of the future.

It is my understanding that the battle between surround formats was SACD backed by Sony and DVD-A. I think that created a lot of confusion with consumers who just stayed away. These new hybrids allow artists to put out old music or new music. For consumers they can experience surround and / or get remixed versions of old favorites.

It is very rare for me to listen to anything other than surround in my home. The sound is just so good. Other CD's and non surround stuff I listen to in the car or from my Ipod(which I have wired into my car as well).

So when will all Steely Dan CD's be released in surround? The day I put Aja, Royal Scam and Katy Lied into my surround player will truly be one for the ages. Dr Wu in still my heart.

Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 20:46:40 ET
Posted by: Louie Depalma, New York Yellow Cab Company

Okay you clowns, I'm in chat. Get your ass in here or i'll dock ya' 2 hours pay.

Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 19:59:14 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Leave it to a bon vivant like you, Mr. Hollywood, to know of the finer things like Amarone, the only varietal worth its salt. Indoctrinated to the elixir many years ago, I am reminded that this potent potable requires a full hour's breathing time. I hope you've got some Parmegiano Reggiano, a slice or two of the sopressata, some olive paste and roasted red peppers along with the finest extra virgin and a touch of white truffle oil. The simple life...

Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 19:31:10 ET
Posted by: SouthOfHollywood, 8-Tracks, Anyone?

T: I feel your pain/pleasure on your upcoming 6th purchase of "Gaucho"...

Besides owning it at one point or another in my life on vinyl, cassette and maybe--maybe...8-track, I've currently got Gaucho on CD, MFSL CD, DTS 5.1 CD, SACD and DVD-A...Sick, yes I'm very aware...

Which one sounds best? Hard to say, really...The MFSL was the cat's ass until I got hooked on multi-channel...The DTS 5.1 is very rich, with deep bass effect but wierd background vocal separation and somewhat muted horns and guitar...The DVD-A is much more crisp sounding with very realistic sound stages...Think "high gloss"...The SACD is the "warmest" sounding of the bunch, kind of like a blend of the best elements of the DTS and the DVD-A...Although I'm sure it's got to be the exact same sound mix as on the DVD-A, somehow it just sounds better to me...Of course, after another glass or two of this Amarone I just might opt for the 8-track version...Or not...


Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 18:55:42 ET

Every wednesday there is a Jazzprogramm at the Belgium national radio. They puted old and new stuff as always and at the end of the programm they are asking for the upcoming releases. And the guestspeaker mentioned Morph the Cat.

There was one particular remark.The Dj said that the best Steely Dan productions were those albums produced by Gary Katz.

They asked how it comes that a terrific musician like Donald no have the popularity that he deserves?
The answer was that probably Donald is a genius like Mozart. That means he will have the respect and consideration years after he's releasing his artworks.

Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 18:35:51 ET

I bought the Bose 3 2 1 system a couple of weeks ago and the only conclusion i have is this one: very impressionant! It gives music an other dimension. Are there other Danfans with the same experience?

And what about the musicians during the Don tour. Two background singers and two hornplayers? Will that be enough?

I bought an expensive VIP ticket for the Temecula show the 3/25, what can i expect for my money?

And what about this tought? I hope Donald will come to do a show in Belgium too and do some things live with Jean Toots Thielemans.

Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 18:22:47 ET
Posted by: paul h, the happy owner of a 95 SL2 with 180k miles

Hoops, I think you misunderstood me. I didn't mention ripping the tracks for reselling or redistrubiting reasons, but for instance in my case, I hate to have to pop CD's into my computer every time I want to listen to an album, and making a 5.1 mix playlist would be impossible in this fasion. So I copy the DTS files directly to my computer. Granted they're uncompressed and like 400-500mb a disc, but I also have a 300gb harddrive, so its no big deal to me.

And you're calling a 99 Saturn OLD???? It hasn't even gone through its mid-life crisis yet! (that's when you finally decide that the oil consumption is too much to bear and you fix the $50 worth of parts that cause the problem). The only Saturns that are old are perhaps the 91 or 92 SOHC's with 300k miles on them. But even those still run. And run well.

Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 18:16:50 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

Nothing more specific than "the future" I'm afraid. The albums have probably been there since the old dates, July 2004.

Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 17:43:24 ET
Posted by: t, down in the bottom

The labels really dropped the hi-res ball. If they wanted to sell units they should put out stuff people want at a reasonable price. There were scads more classical sacd/dvd-a discs released last year than popular titles. I bet none of them went platinum or even gold. The Stones and Dylan sacd hybrids were well received, but a lot of dvd-a releases were bands like Toy Matinee and Billy Squire, neither of which is going to move a lot of units. It's like the labels were *trying* to fail.

That said, because of the weak hi-res market, I've gotten some awesome deals, four or five used dvd-a titles for $2 each. "One man gathers..."

Dualdiscs are supposed to be the next hi-res frontier, but they're kinda hit-or-miss, due to the fact Sony won't put true hi-res dvd-a content on theirs (they back sacd) and the discs themselves won't play on some players. But the recent Talking Heads dualdisc remasters should make people take notice. Not only is the cd side fuly remastered with bonus tracks, the dvd-a side is full hi-res surround and has bonus video footage. They couldn't have been done any better and fans of the band should appreciate getting so much for their money.

The Dan could do the same thing and put bonus live footage and outtakes on each one. Imagine that!

Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 17:40:38 ET
Posted by: Gagi, Europe

Even if it was on a crispy MC-Tape, for me Gaucho will always be my favorite Steely Dan-Album. The one for the desert...

You can find it in different versions, Cd/Dvd/Sacd
at the traditionaly superfine CD-Shop "JPC".

Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 17:27:16 ET
Posted by: hoops,

TJ! Thanks for posting that link to I'm giddy to see those other titles listed. Is the future release date more specific than "the future?" Funny to see that the Steely Dan albums will now be on the Geffen label.

Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 17:26:01 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

Ok. Just ordered it. Should me at my disposal in 3 days! Looking forward to a good experience while we wait...
(Babylon Sisters was the track that got me hooked in 1997, so Gaucho's always had a special place in my heart)

Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 17:20:32 ET
Posted by: hoops,

TJ! YES! The SACD/CD hybrid (from 2003) sounds better than the 2000 CD even on a mediocre stereo system (like my old Saturn).

While on the subject of "Gaucho" advanced surround versions, etc, I'm still obsessed that "My Rival" from the DVD-A released in 2004 omits the conga roll at about 17 seconds in!!!!

Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 17:15:39 ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher, Louisville, KY

I forgot to mention, I was addressing just the standard CD audio on the SACD version. (I don't have an SACD player).

Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 17:14:25 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

paul h, Just found the Gaucho SACD: also has all the other Dan albums SACD for future release listed.

Is the SACD Gaucho really that much better than the remastered one (played on a good stereo system)?

Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 17:13:47 ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher, Louisville, KY

I picked up my copy of the SACD version of Gaucho at Best Buy sometime last year. I was amazed they actually had it. And it is, indeed, worth it. The balance of instruments, and the clarity is much better than the 2000 remaster. There's more bass, but it's balanced just right with the treble and midrange. Very sweet. If only the rest of the remastered catalog sounded this good!

Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 17:08:17 ET
Posted by: hoops,

I've seen some copies of "Gaucho" SACD/CD Hybrid in Borders stores recently. (For Chicagoans that would be the stores on Boule Mich, State St, Norridge and Oak Park).

Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 17:05:25 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

Thank you Hoops, that was very enlightening.

Sorry to hear Gaucho isn't available... Guess I need to buy that dvd/surround system sometimes in the future then.

Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 17:05:23 ET
Posted by: hoops,

After reading here that only $350,000 was spent on DVD-A in 2004, I bet SACD sales are about the same and not breaking even. Given that, I think it's terrible to consider burning copies of SACDs or DVD-As.

I also think part of the reason that SACD and DVD-A hasn't caught on is that Sony and Panasonic didn't at least make their formats standard on their respective component players. Even thought they developed the formats, you had to really dig to find players by them that had the capability. Big mistake.

An indicator: When the 30th Anniversary Deluxe Edition of Elton John's "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road" came out in 2003, it was in SACD/CD Audio hybrid. When the 30 Anniversary Deluxed Edition of "Captain Fantastic..." came out in 2005, it was standard stereo, even though the SACD was finished. As mentioned a few weeks ago, Universal has more than a few SACD titles in the can but never released including "Pretzel Logic."

Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 16:51:30 ET
Posted by: paul h,

t, good luck finding it. the only place i could is ebay ... amazon no longer carries anything but the remaster, and NO retail stores carry it ANYWHERE. heck, i don't even think i've found a dvd-a or sacd section in any retail store before.

and contrary to popular belief, it IS possible to rip the tracks from an SACD disc, and even have the files remain in the DTS format. you have to use a program like EAC to rip the tracks, and then have a DTS codec on your computer. this comes with the mplayer distrobution for linux, and most dvd software for windows.

Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 16:45:06 ET
Posted by: t, anyworld, USA

hoops - thanks, I didn't know that the Gaucho sacd was a hybrid *and* a different remaster.

Great. It'll be the 6th time I've bought that album... lol...

Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 16:35:40 ET
Posted by: Matt, Chattanooga, TN

Indeed, Fields often refered to death as "the fellow in the bright nightgown". Interesting too...on his deathbed, he was pouring over the Bible when his accountant walked in. The accountant asked what he was doing, as Fields had never been a particularly religeous man. Fields reply, and what has been pupported to be his last words, were "I'm looking for loopholes."...


Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 16:19:57 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Hey TJ;

My apols to those who have read this before here and in the Digest but it's a great topic to bring up. Of course, there is but one Steely Dan SACD out there: "Gaucho" and it is indeed of the dual compatibility/hybrid variety. That is, it plays on both SACD and standard CD players. (A lot of older SACDs don't also play on CDs and are not hybrid.) The SACD/CD version of "Gaucho" came out in 2003, about three years after the stereo remaster of "Gaucho" came out in 2000. As someone pointed out, the SACD disc actually has two copies of "Gaucho" on it—one in SACD and one in CD Audio. They could have just put the same CD-Audio remaster of "Gaucho" from 2000 on there but they didn't. The one from 2000 was overseen by Roger Nichols and the one was all new from 2003 and overseen by Elliot Scheiner.

That said, the 2003 SACD with the CD audio version of "Gaucho" was, IMHO, a superior *CD AUDIO* experience. And it played even on the old and fussy CD player that came with my old 1999 Saturn. It even plays on a cheap $20 boombox I got. BUT, in terms of better stereos (better than $20 that is) IT WAS BETTER.

So even if I didn't own a SACD player—in fact I don't—buying the SACD version of "Gaucho" and playing it on your standard CD player is well worth the quality. If you just buy one CD copy, opt for the 2003 SACD. I bought mine for only about $2 more than the 2000 CD version. The liner notes and artwork are the same--essay by Walter and Donald--as the 2000 CD except for a couple of lines of text added about the SACD mastering.

Using DVD-A's on a standard el cheapo DVD player from Sav-On/Osco is also an option but that is a different post detailing different results. DVD-A's WON'T play on the typical CD player in your car or home or clock radio. And remember, that "Gaucho" is an odd bird. Aside from the three of CDs that were done (1984 and 2000, plus one from MSFL in the 1990s), there are also three additional advanced digital audio formats—separate discs: DTS 5.1 from circa 1998/99 (re-released in a different jewel box circa 2003); DVD-A and the aforementioned SACD/CD hybrid. The DVD-A, unlike other DVD-A SD and DF titles, doesn't include the DTS 5.1 as I recall since the DTS people have that licensed. But I could be wrong.

Hope this helps.


Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 15:55:15 ET
Posted by: SoulMonkey, Louisville, Ky

Tones, you're correct. "Gaucho" on DVD-A has never sounded better. I put it on my Bose 3-2-1 system, and sit back and listen in awe at the clarity. Simply amazing.

Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 15:37:49 ET
Posted by: Stevie D, Beantown

I did that "DUH" and like Phil Collins once said. "No Reply at alllllll"

Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 15:20:17 ET
Posted by: DUH,

Why doesn't everyone just do what they did for H Gang? Write and ask them when they will be playing "What I Do".

Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 15:09:40 ET
Posted by: tones, Blues Beach

Actually, I've gravitated towards dvd-a myself, mostly becasue that's how the newer Dan material has been released, and that way I could just buy one player that plays cds, dvds, and dvd-a. Eventually I'll get a universal player. As far as that goes, I've been very impressed with dvd-a, except for the relative few releases. But the sound is pretty awesome, sometimes amazing. Gaucho has *never* sounded better.

I haven't heard sacds played back on an sacd player, but the hybrids I've heard sound good as regular cds. The Roxy Music was disappointing as a regular cd, but I fortunately I kept my regular remastered cd. When I get that universal player it will be the first sacd I'll play.

Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 14:45:22 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

Thanks! Any experience with Steely Dan/Fagen sacd's on a cd/stereo system?

(The Bo Diddley beat that is - the rhumba)

Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 14:42:45 ET
Posted by: tones, in the room at the top of the stairs

TJ - some sacds like the Stones and Dylan remasters have a second regular cd layer. They sound better on a regular cd player than the *unremastered* regular cds, but my only first-hand experience with one is the Roxy Music "Avalon" sacd/cd hybrid. On that one the cd layer of the sacd doesn't sound as good as the remastered regular cd.


Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 14:31:34 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

Jeff Porcaro explaining how his shuffle for Rosanna was a mix of the Purdie shuffle and the Bo Diddley shuffle!

Great videoclip:

Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 14:30:27 ET
Posted by: Stevie D, Beantown

Scroll down Radja, I made my initial comment, and have been listening eagerly to the station awaiting the next play.

Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 14:29:51 ET
Posted by: MM, Steely Dan Tribute Band in GA

ON 2/24 at The Ritz in Athens, GA, Countdown to Ecstasy, an 11-piece tribute act takes the stage.

The Ritz
346 E. Broad St.
Athens, GA 30601


Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 14:27:28 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

The snippet sounds like some very sultry interplay between Donald and Carolyn.

Take it, Stevie D, what did you hear and what do you think...

Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 14:20:56 ET
Posted by: Stevie D, Beantown

Let me get this straight, Brooklyn, makes the following post this A.M.

"They just played "What I Do" on WFUV ( It really caught me by surprise since it's the only thing other than H Gang I've heard on the radio.
My first reaction was "Wow!,what a cool tune"!

And no one comments on it?? All we can talk about is Max Von Sydows 'Grimm Reaper" No inquiries on when they will playit again, not even a mention from you out in the Dandom? What am i missing here.

Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 13:48:11 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Yes, believe it or not, Donald is channelling W.C., go to the last paragraph.

Donald hinted at was this very theme in some interview.

I don't know the Huey play but the connection is there, obviously.

Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 13:31:57 ET
Posted by: NYB,

So basically you're tellin' me that W.C. Fields is the Angel of Death? No wonder life is a joke! Speaking of jokes... and WC...

"Horse sense is the thing a horse has which keeps it from betting on people."

"Reminds me of my safari in Africa. Somebody forgot the corkscrew and for several days we had to live on nothing but food and water."

"Start every day off with a smile and get it over with."

"Back in my rummy days I would shake and shake for hours upon rising. It was the only exercise I got."

"I'm not drinking anymore. However, I'm not drinking any less either."

Secretary: "It must be very hard losing your mother-in-law."
WC: "Yes it is, very hard. It's almost impossible."

"The cost of living has gone up another dollar a quart!"

"I was married once, in San Franciso. I haven't seen her for many years. The great earthquake of 1906 destroyed the marriage certificate. There's no legal proof. Which proves that earthquakes aren't all bad."

Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 13:24:50 ET
Posted by: Drama Desk, Bway

Wasn't The Man In The Bright Nightgown a play by Tom Huey based on the WC Fields memoir?

Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 12:40:31 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

There are two types of angels, the Cherubim, the white fluffy cloud infants (ala Cupid, Happy Valentines Day to all our angels in Blue BTW) with wings and then there's the Seraphim, tall, fearsome figures bearing a blazing broadsword and who are dispatched by the Almighty to smite the unrighteous. The fella in the brite nightgown is no doubt rooted in the Seraphic tradition.

Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 12:26:55 ET
Posted by: ygk, nyc

could it be the angel Gabriel?

Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 12:26:38 ET
Posted by: FP, ny

NY Bill- Yeah, it's a pretty freaking cool "dumb" song.

Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 12:02:23 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Max von Sydow's gown, and the Grim Reaper that comes down to us I guess as he first appeared in the 'Everyman' passion plays, was indeed black but Bergman lit him in such a way as to appear fluorescent, he has a certain glow around him. Ingmar and W.C. were obviously on the same page.

Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 12:00:59 ET
Posted by: NYB,

Hell I thought it was somethin' more significant than THAT!
Okay so it's a dumb song. NEXT!

Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 11:53:30 ET
Posted by: The Truth, about the fella

OK guys, here it is so stop fighting now.

I read in a biography of W.C Fields that the great comedian liked to refer to Death as "the fellow in the bright nightgown". Each verse is a different encounter with the Fellow - DF

Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 11:44:24 ET
Posted by: Suchi!!!!, Nippon

You can buy the album right now at

The Japanese pressings have been out for a couple of weeks.

Pricey, but available.

Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 11:38:15 ET
Posted by: NYB,

I don't think so Raj. The grim reaper doesn't come in a "bright nightgown", he comes in basic black.

Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 11:11:47 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

The fella in the brite nitegown is the Grim Reaper. Think Max von Sydow in Bergman's, Seventh Seal.

Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 09:24:43 ET
Posted by: Stevie D, Beantown

Brooklyn , any way to tell when they will play it again? If so can you post it here?

Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 08:49:24 ET
Posted by: Bobby, Peru

SACD is shit, you can't burn it!!!

Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 08:30:45 ET
Posted by: NYB, Exodus 33:19 - 23

"You can't fight the fella in the bright nightgown"

Who is the "fella" in the "bright nightgown"? Seems like a reference to God doesn't it?

Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 07:53:19 ET
Posted by: TJ,

I was reading about SACD and DVD-Audio, where SACD Hybrid was mentioned.

Is it true that you can play SACD on your average cd stereo system? And will the quality be better than a cd?

Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 05:16:48 ET
Posted by: Jaco, UK

Boston Rag: I was directed to Hiromi's site where I saw a video of her playing with Anthony Jackson. She's an astonishing talent - I hope she comes over the pond at some point.



Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 04:03:43 ET
Posted by: Aja-era? , YES!

From the 2/23/06 issue of Rolling Stone.
Review of H-Gang (written by Brian Hiatt)

3 1/2 stars

Call it Steely Don: The first single from Fagen's upcoming third solo album is all but indistinguishable from his work with Steely Dan partner Walter Becker. But even more than the band's strong recent albums, the tune's robo-sleek rhythm section, jazz-damaged chords and storytelling lyrics evoke the Dan's Aja-era peak.

Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 03:55:52 ET
Posted by: Brooklyn, In Da House!

They just played "What I Do" on WFUV ( It really caught me by surprise since it's the only thing other than H Gang I've heard on the radio.
My first reaction was "Wow!,what a cool tune"!

Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 03:37:42 ET
Posted by: Rajah , L.A. Poser

I saw Jeff Tweedy of WILCO at the Music Box (the old Henry Fonda legit theatre) on H'wood Blvd., worst sound system in town but THE venue for rock and alt since the Palladium closed its doors. They tore out the seats and it's a standing-only floor venue now, my tired feet are the proof. Looked around to see if, yet again, I'm the oldest person in the room and the young friends who brought me in tow confirmed as much. This is happening way too much lately. Tweedy is a very proficient songwriter in the Dylanesque mode but less political, mostly about girl trouble, the songs constructed around a narrative and then at some point we get the "uh oh, holy shit" moment when some salient facts are revealed. Remind you of anybody? He doesn't play virtuoso guitar, yeah, he's a professional level rhythm player, he sings well, a cross between Garcia, Neil Young, Ray Davies. He played about 24 songs, a few from my favorite WILCO record and something you should all check out, Yankee Foxtrot Hotel. But he knows how to build a song, this in itself makes him worthy of a recommendation and perhaps a listen sometime.

Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 00:10:24 ET
Posted by: edbeatty, @torino

I agree with Geoff,

Just enjoy DF and go with the flow ....

Date: Tues, February 14, 2006, 00:03:59 ET
Posted by: IDTC, Yanqui Classical/Jazz Guy

Gagi: I bet I know more--WAY more--about classical music than any Euro who visits this board. What would you like to know?

Deacon Blue: Nah, the best beer in the world is American. Not the mass-market swill, but the microbrews. Even beats British brews.

Belgian beer is WEIRDEST tasting brew in the world--I'll give you that (and you can have it).

ph: When you lumped Jazz, Heavy Metal, and Porn together, as the American contributions to culture, did you really mean to denigrate Jazz by that? You may not have meant it that way, but that's how it came off.

Explain at once.

Date: Mon, February 13, 2006, 23:46:11 ET
Posted by: Person, down the hall

Don and Walt are alive, reasonably heathy, apparently enjoying life, making incredible albums and touring. Can you all just leave them alone for a day or two?

Date: Mon, February 13, 2006, 23:43:45 ET
Posted by: Geoff, Dallas

Forget about Pink Floyd, Van Morrison et. al. James Dobson, Anne Coulter, Wayne LaPierre are the fuckers you need to be worrying about.

Date: Mon, February 13, 2006, 23:03:01 ET
Posted by: SS, HK

I only care whether other people recognize/like/admire/ the music of DF, WB and SD if it means more of it can be made and more shows are viable.

The Two must know what it takes to get record deals done and to get concert dates booked. If they refuse to do what others do, or refuse to insist on being promoted, they know what to expect. When it's no longer viable at this level...they either change the way they go about it.....or do it a different level.

If, for instance, DF becomes a smaller act, but keeps producing, maybe I don't see part of a tour as such....maybe I have to go to New York or wherever he has a regular gig.

Date: Mon, February 13, 2006, 22:29:09 ET
Posted by: Morph, green room

The moon is full, the Blue was purple for a few minutes, and the Green is empty. Sigh

Date: Mon, February 13, 2006, 22:28:36 ET
Posted by: Boston Rag, Hiromi

Not to go off-topic but a couple of people I shoot darts with were raving about a Japanese pianist named Hiromi tonight. She's playing at Scullers Jazz Club on Thursday and they tell me it's a show that's not to be missed. I guess she's a 20-something Berklee phenom. She has a couple of CDs. Has anyone ever seen her?

Mark in Boston

Date: Mon, February 13, 2006, 22:14:06 ET
Posted by: Webbastard,

Interestingly, the new page on was not last modified or created at 11:11, or even close. Instead, 02/12/2006 10:30:55 PM

Date: Mon, February 13, 2006, 21:34:48 ET
Posted by: eman,

Apocalypse Wow (Hardcover)
by James Finn Garner 1997c

Donald didn't invent this phrase, sorry Donheads.

Pretty good read,though.


Date: Mon, February 13, 2006, 20:48:35 ET
Posted by: Bob,

Why do we care? Because if there is not enough interest in the DF tour then it hurts the likelihood of a SD tour? Or maybe some dates get cancelled? Yeah it matters.

I agree about someone thinking Steely Dan is a person probably wouldn't go but do most Americans know who Donald Fagen is by name? Probably not.

Date: Mon, February 13, 2006, 20:02:07 ET
Posted by: A bigger fan,

Anyone at this stage of the game that thinks Steely Dan is a person isn't a
fan and won't be going to a show anyway.

It's all about promotion. Something that Steely Dan, Donald Fagen and Walter
Becker have never been good at. It doesn't seem like they're making an
effort to change. If they don't care ...why should we?

Date: Mon, February 13, 2006, 19:33:55 ET
Posted by: paul h,

With Steely Dan we have Donald to give us insights into the human soul, and then we have Walter Becker to make fun of such insights.


Anyways I'm glad to hear Walter has a drop-dead deadline. Means we'll be getting something soon. Maybe even this year! From the information he's posted on his site, it sounds like he's not one to dilly-dally. In any case, I'm going to get my hopes up.

"...there will be a penny left over. Keep that and buy yourself something nice."

Damn, too bad there's no iTunes for Linux. Going to have to boot up good ol' Winblows.

Date: Mon, February 13, 2006, 18:55:05 ET
Posted by: A Fan, where ever I need to be

When mentioning to people that I'm going to some upcoming shows, I just answer "Steely Dan" if asked who I am going to see. Unless I know somebody knows who Fagen is, I assume they don't.

There's gotta be fans out there who would take in a show but don't seek out SD related news online and therefore do not know of the tour.

Date: Mon, February 13, 2006, 18:43:38 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Nice work, h-man.

Date: Mon, February 13, 2006, 18:37:41 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Thanks for the heads up, Dale! And exactly--this *is*!

"Take me, for example — I've got my basic tracks in the can, I have a drop-dead completion date, so right now I should be working on vocals...which is why I'm doing this instead."

So I did as instructed. (I'm really into this, aren't I?) I had this goofy hope maybe we'd hear an outtake from his album and won't spoil it for you, although kinda obvious, and it was great. So I'm getting the impression that we're going to be getting updates on Walter's album direct from Him as he progresses. Pretty cool. Check it out!

Use Safari here. Gotta use 'em all but Safari and Firefox are cool. Not nuts about Opera and use IE and Netscape 'cos for somethings I hafta.

Yeah the spam is down a great deal although you must have missed the barrage of it around 9:36 this morning. Thanks to F.W., et al for their encouragement on the technical side, and most of all, thanks to a handful of people who are taking a break from hitting us manually.

I gotta agree, the Europeans really got it down in terms of recognizing Donald Fagen and Walter Becker as individuals. When I was able to get to Europe for four shows in 2000, this was very clear. Of special note was the energetic applause and ovation Walter got at the Paris show. Here in the States, as has been discussed, more than a couple people hear the name "Steely Dan" and think that it is Donald's name. And then they say, "Ohh! Rikki Don't Lose That Number! Oldies group."

I shoulda used a quote from "Snowbound" for the "Pretzel Logic" feature in last night's Digest.

Date: Mon, February 13, 2006, 18:20:01 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

My experience is quite the contrary. No one in Europe (Denmark) knows Steely Dan, except for nerdy jazz interested musicians like myself. When I saw Steely Dan in Copenhagen in 2000 there were about 3000 people, which was probably all the danish people who knew them.

But hell, Don is welcome here too. Maybe he could write a song about the Muhammed Cartoons. We sure could use that!

Date: Mon, February 13, 2006, 18:19:18 ET

OH, of course i almost was forgotten that we have also the best harmonicaplayer of the world! Guess who?

Date: Mon, February 13, 2006, 18:01:46 ET

Well Rajah, it makes me happy to see that there are Americans with a geographic knowledge.
By the way, we've got the best frites, chocolate and most of all the best sauciges and beer of the world.
So Donald is very welcome here.

Date: Mon, February 13, 2006, 17:54:23 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Sounds like Donald should renounce his US citizenship and stand for public office in Belgium, the whole country will be sporting stiffies.

Date: Mon, February 13, 2006, 17:40:55 ET

It just don't enter in my little head. Here in Europe if you ask 90% of all the musicians if they have ever heard the name of Donald Fagen,they surely will treat you like a fool.
They will tell you that there are High school musicians, University musicians and then .....musicians from an other planet. The problem is that there is only one left: Donald Fagen.
If only the amateur musicians should respons at the same way as their European brothers there would be not enough seats to fill for Donalds concerts.
A rich musical culture is lost in the USA. The most liquid shit is selling well and quality is no more important.
And the same tendens is going on here in Europe! But Donald we still know!

Date: Mon, February 13, 2006, 17:39:37 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Wow, an erection. Think what it does toward defraying the cost of all that Viagra...why Don could be considered a sexual aid all unto himself.

Date: Mon, February 13, 2006, 17:22:18 ET
Posted by: paul h,

DEACON, we had this discussion before, the majority of American's are dumbasses. :|

Date: Mon, February 13, 2006, 17:19:37 ET

I really don't understand how it can be possible that a lot of people in the USA don't know the name of Donald Fagen.
That does not enter in my head.
Here in Europe Donald is a icon. Donald Fagen no sold out in the USA?
You can be sure that here there will be not one ticket avaiable after one week.
All European musicians get a erection by just hearing the name of Donald Fagen!

Date: Mon, February 13, 2006, 17:17:50 ET
Posted by: FITTEST, ..

Watch out not to buy the japanese one with the Frogs,
be sure to get the SMURFS, they are Blue!

Date: Mon, February 13, 2006, 17:16:06 ET
Posted by: FITTEST, ..

Chick Corea is also very Smurfy:

Date: Mon, February 13, 2006, 17:09:11 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Gilmour is in a different league. He appeals to a global audience, even someone with very little English can decipher the lyrics, with Dan and Don you'd need the resources of a library's reference section

Isn't it 1- Eagles Greatest, 2- Thiller, and 3-DSOM?

I like Floyd but frankly the melodic lines are simple in comparison to Donald's. Gilmour is a guitar head fan favorite, Donald is the musician's musician. Neither are what you'd call prolific and I tend to think that's how it should be. I just saw a banner advert on Amazon for "Chicago XXX." Something wrong there. Can you imagine 30 Steely Dan albums?

Date: Mon, February 13, 2006, 17:00:34 ET
Posted by: paul h,


Date: Mon, February 13, 2006, 16:59:48 ET
Posted by: Bob,

And everyone agrees, Donald is VERY SMURFY!

So by deductive reasoning, Donald is bigger than David Gilmour and Steely Dan is bigger than Pink Floyd!


Date: Mon, February 13, 2006, 16:54:04 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

Any comments on the costs of Morph? Wasn't TvN the most expensive album ever, when it was recorded? I mean, is Morph even viable?

Date: Mon, February 13, 2006, 16:46:10 ET
Posted by: Gaucho, Hydra

Don't know what the underexposed David Gilmour-Fan might want to say...

I Guess "Christmas with the Smurfs" has outsold the entire Pink Floyd catalog by 10 ten times.
So what...

Date: Mon, February 13, 2006, 16:20:17 ET
Posted by: Marketing Genius, Madison Ave

Yeah that and one Pink Floyd album Dark Side of the Moon has outsold the entire Steely Dan catalog by 10 ten times.

Date: Mon, February 13, 2006, 16:08:56 ET
Posted by: heymike, dugout that my dad built

Damn just when I was jonesin' for some cialis and a carton of chesterfields

Date: Mon, February 13, 2006, 16:02:10 ET
Posted by: joe ban anglia, z

the way forward.. (web/fanwise)

Date: Mon, February 13, 2006, 15:59:04 ET
Posted by: paul h, on an island

On the subject of DF tickets not selling out, I just have to compare David Gilmour's tour.
Within hours of availability, tickets to his States and UK gigs were sold out no exceptions. People have been resorting to eBay to get any seat at all. Why? Promotion and a larger fan base. As much as we hate to admit it, there are many more Floyd fans than Dan fans, and most even casual fans know that Gilmour and Waters are part of Floyd... on the other hand, most people think the name Steely Dan is a real person, only the devoted know it is made up by Walter Becker and Donald Fagen, and none of the ads or (non-existant?) promotions have tried to make this known, as mentioned already. And the promotion for the tours under comparison is dramatic! A prime example of this is the difference in websites: Head over to
They have semi-weekly news updates about ticket sales and other tour info, they have a real discography, they have a juicy FAQ, they have a biography, and lots of other things I haven't had time to dig through. Every day they have a new clip loop from a song on his new album. And then you can click on "Features" to read a daily updated blog, with pictures from the new album's production, fan discussion, and all sorts of awesome stuff! What do we have on DF's site? Well, we all know the answer to that.
Gilmour had no form of a "VIP" package, tickets had no problem selling out. Methinketh Walter's poignant slap-in-the-face response to Donald's VIP package was exactly what was necessary.
I have already heard two radio call-in freebie promotions for tickets to Gilmour's Chicago gig on our Classic Rock station, I have heard nothing similar for Donald's tour. I think when it comes right down to it, nobody knows who he is.

Date: Mon, February 13, 2006, 15:51:48 ET
Posted by: Marketing Genius, Madison Ave

Notice that the State Theater in NJ, where the walkoff show of the tour is, bills it as "Donald Fagen of Steely Dan." Smart. "Steely Dan" has, at the very least, name recognition for almost everybody over a certain age, even if they don't know the music too well, whereas "Donald Fagen" is only going to be recognized by the hardcore.

Date: Mon, February 13, 2006, 14:47:16 ET
Posted by: FITTEST, .

But why??? And where can I get my cheap Viagra now??? Oh, no!!!

Date: Mon, February 13, 2006, 14:40:53 ET
Posted by: SpamlessSteve, Beantown


Date: Mon, February 13, 2006, 14:32:16 ET
Posted by: FITTEST, .

Alkali, yes, the Leitch-one is still alive and very creatively.
He was bad in the 70ties, but his last 2 releases are superbe.
The Expanding Man seems to know? Or he has quick researched... ;-)

You can always Yin My Yang,

Date: Mon, February 13, 2006, 14:08:52 ET
Posted by: ANON,

Re: Security Joan: It's alot more Cousin Dupree..ish than Tomorrow's girls..ish.

Date: Mon, February 13, 2006, 13:41:01 ET
Posted by: Expanding Man, Just gave the goodbye look....

>Expanding Man- We got three words for ya.....


My congratulations on your coup as Official Bluebook Spokesweenie.

Last I read, this site (and thus, this guestbook) covered things "tangentally Dan", not "tangentally Don".

I've heard the clips, and posted a comment on them. I'll be at the Chicago Theater on 3/18.

And I also am interested in the yang to DF's yin. If you aren't, walk on by, editorially speaking.



Date: Mon, February 13, 2006, 13:25:51 ET
Posted by: Alkali, Snowed in Upper East side

No promo's for Morph, no surprise there.
i think Don and Reprise both know that they rely exclusively on his fan base.

Donovan the leech? haven't heard that name in for a stretch....
i thought he O.D.ed!

Happy Birthday Peter Gabriel!

"you gotta get in to get out..."


Date: Mon, February 13, 2006, 12:45:41 ET
Posted by: SD fan since 77, Calif

MTC as well as all other DF,WB,and SD music will stand above all other pop music trash thats out on the airwaves now.See you Temecula.

Date: Mon, February 13, 2006, 12:43:05 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

How long before EMG's release were the tracks put up in their entirety on the SD website? A couple weeks is my recollection.

The delay is unfortunate for a number of reasons not the least of which is that anyone seeing the first couple weeks of the tour will not have been able to hear all of the new stuff, or very little anyway. Or maybe that's a good thing, I haven't decided.

The reviews for MTC will be breaking during the tour, I doubt Donald even reads these things but they do have their affect, mostly in the form of a distraction. Donald has finally done it, though, now absolutely no one knows how to classify his artistic product, not hard enough for rock, too old for Top 40, not really jazz, too weird and hip for adult contemporary. In an attempt to stay true to his vision he has evolved into an entity that defies classification.

TV appearances? Seems a shame to have a band together and all rehearsed in NYC in early March and not take to the airwaves, Letterman would be one show that would help things along but something about the course of events over the last few years hints that, save for interviews, Donald doesn't care about any promo of any kind anymore, he does his thing and lets the chips fall where they may. So be it, on with the show.

Date: Mon, February 13, 2006, 12:26:12 ET

Hey fellows,

You can't expect promotion for Morph the Cat.
Donald must be happy to release his album by
"Reprise", although without big promotion.

Look at Donovan:
His recent Album "Beat Cafe" was not released
by Sony anymore, it was released independent.
I had to order it by mail and waited 4 week for
an import-delivery...
Wether you like Donovan or not,
he has lot of fans worldwide.

But like Donald Fagens fans, they get older
and older, and some of them are dying...
So we can be happy, that Morph the Cat will
be available in the great record-stores.
We can not expect more, Morph the cat
is no Mass-production...

Date: Mon, February 13, 2006, 11:20:19 ET
Posted by: John, NYC

Regarding morph release. My reprise contact said that usually a release date push back has numerous reasons he said that it could be that there is a legal issue with things still needing to be signed etc.. Also, they sometimes create more demand and to a lesser extent they are looking at what other cd's are being released that day ( i.e. David Gilmour) which might drown out the demand for MORPH.

Most release dates are tentative to begin with to give a press release some validity and are typically subject to change.

All of his colleagues have said that "Security Joan" should have been the single by far. You could put that song on TOP 40 and it would be a hit immediately...very Tomorrow's girls..ish.

Date: Mon, February 13, 2006, 10:13:35 ET
Posted by: The Dude, wherever

Well, now has March 14 as the release date, so I stand corrected.

Date: Mon, February 13, 2006, 07:46:00 ET
Posted by: Who Cares, about

Expanding Man- We got three words for ya.....


Date: Mon, February 13, 2006, 05:25:59 ET
Posted by: Jaco, UK

Anyone know what the DVD might contain? Same sort of thing as EMG?



(From Essex! -refer to EMG dvd!)

Date: Mon, February 13, 2006, 00:26:50 ET
Posted by: Expanding Man, I, I, I, I (not Celito Lindo)

What with all the hand-wringing and teeth-gnashing over Donald, I thought I'd traipse over to to see what the latest was.

I wasn't disappointed.

As one who prefers Firefox over IE, I was especially pleased with the footnotes.


Date: Mon, February 13, 2006, 00:15:14 ET
Posted by: Nazman, Preparing for Mr Magnificent

Been trying to follow all the news very carefully and am trying to ascertain exactly what's up w/ TicketBastard. Like The Dude i also was right on top of the phone business at the exact minute they went on sale last Sunday. Nearly breathless w/ anticipation after asking for the best two in the house i was shocked that the woman offered me two tickets in the back of the theater.

Complained and moaned but she had no answers. Gave the seats up in a panic wondering, foolishly, if i'd even get to another round of seats trying to determine how all the seats up front were taken so quickly. She assumed presales but i wasn't havin it.

Every time i asked her to give up the new crappy pair of seats that came up on her computer and look for something better i kept getting up in back areas of either the lobby or the balcony. At the last second i just locked in fearful that i was gonna get shut out.

An hour and a half later i went back online, totally confused and disheartened (i had been preparing for that moment for weeks) to see if they sold out and ordered two more tickets. Row L downstairs (Row 12) came up and i bought them on the spot. Bewildered but satisfied.

It's sick what's going on w/ TicketBastard and i wholeheartedly agree that it's the loyal Dandom that gets screwed for all the leeches that manipulate the system for their own selfish gain.

I just hope that this tour goes off w/ all the deserved affections of the great masses. This is some of the best stuff going on in the music scene and it's just not comprehensible that we can't sell out these theatres...

Date: Mon, February 13, 2006, 00:05:13 ET
Posted by: The Dude, Austin, Texas

NotAnExactScience -

You're right about Vegas, I just checked Ticketmaster and 10th row is available now:

GOLD J General Public Tickets US $100.00 US $3.00

Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 23:59:28 ET
Posted by: Not an Exact Science, zzzzzz

Yeah, but we all know that seats are released periodically on Ticketbastard, so while some of your assumptions may be correct, I know for a fact that they were not selling the Gold seats in Vegas on the day tickets went on sale....much to our group's dismay.

Temecula, on the other hand, appears to be pretty full, if you check the boxofffice's website. That show is not a Ticketbastard show, thankfully.

Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 23:29:47 ET
Posted by: moray eel, sprawlmart

Walmart had the CD/DVD version with a release date of March 14th...

..and they have the regular CD version with a date of March 7th.

Weren't two more singles supposed to be released? At least for radio? Security Joan and another song. Any information on if/when these will be available?


Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 23:16:11 ET
Posted by: The Dude, Austin, Texas

When you click on the "BEST AVAILABLE" selection at Ticketmaster, you can assume that the seats behind what you're offered in that section (orch, mezz., balc) are still available. As of yesterday, there were seats available in Rows L and M at Las Vegas, where you could also get tickets in the first 6 rows for only $400 each. :(

So I think you can get a feel for how many seats are available if you click to see whats available in each section. Certainly not an exact science, but it'll give a guesstimate.

Whoever wrote:

"A quick check of ticketmaster shows tickets are about 40%-60% sold 3 weeks prior to the show."

How did you find this information?

Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 22:47:25 ET
Posted by: zzzzzz,

Whoever wrote:

"A quick check of ticketmaster shows tickets are about 40%-60% sold 3 weeks prior to the show."

How did you find this information?

Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 22:41:53 ET
Posted by: Unreal!, down in Tampa......

You should send your last email to the head of promotion at Warners. Better yet, send it to Irving Azoff! It's a joke that SD Dot Com is doing nothing to help sell this record/tour!

Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 22:37:24 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

We can't.

Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 22:11:51 ET
Posted by: zzzzzz,

How can you tell on how many tickets have sold?

Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 22:08:54 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Well, I am disppointed the shows aren't sold out so fast. Van Morrison has been selling out similar venues in 5- 10 minutes. (Van's new album is scheduled for release in the US on 3/7.) And on top of that I am still a little ruffled about the extra charge for 4 star and 5 star tickets in hopes of getting decent seats.

Thanks for the info, Boston Rag on 3/7 or 3/14. I hope it is 3/7 and if I'm wrong, my advance apols to Dan Belcher, et al.

I agree "Any News Was Good News" that things would be helped immensely by promoting the album and tour (see mt reasons from earlier today). Without going into too much detail, I know that through the 2003 tour steelydan was run by very cool, competent and concerned people—serious fans—under the guise of the SDWebdrone. I have no idea what's the web management since then. I hypothesize the site must have passed to "the suits" or some legalese sorta of entity. It seems to me that those people from 2003 and 2000, etc must not be involevd anymore, since there's no way they would stand for the lack of promotion for Donald's album and tour from Warner/Reprise in the USA, let along not even promoting DF's new album at Maybe the new management can get their act together.

Anyhow, maybe things will start picking up. I did hear that WXRT in Chicago IS playing "H Gang" and is talking up the show, even though it is not an 'XRT show. So I hope this is just me missing the bigger picture.

Niteys everyone.


Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 21:58:16 ET
Posted by: The Dude, Austin, Texas

Boston Rag -

Just checked out BN, you're right, they did move the release date up to March 14. :( So, I think now my wishful thinking was wrong and the release date was actually moved back - exactly midway into the tour.

Yikes, who planned this?

Also, the thumbnail on BN for MORPH is currently a Gospel recording and the thumbnail image for MORPH on the Warner Reprise website is a broken link.

Whoever is behind the website and web PR for this isn't doing a very good job, I must say...

Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 21:55:28 ET
Posted by: hoops,

The latest Dandom Digest has been sent, this time covering February 7-12, 2006.

AS NOTED BELOW: I am using a different email configuration. So please let me know if anything looks different from the past 6-7 years—or if you don't get it all.

If you are a subscriber, you should see it in your email box within the next 12 hours. Again, If you don't receive it, please email me. Some people have been having problems with delivery of the Dandom Digest, usually because of spam filters, firewalls, etc.

The following are the subjects of this particular edition of the Dandom Digest

• Morph the Cat soundclips
• Lineup for Donald Fagen Band 2006 Tour
• "Jazz Review" item on DF
• "Jazz Police" item on DF
• REDUX: Fagen on All About
• Morph on vinyl!
• REDUX: Danfest & Wing Ding Registry v 0.9 Now Open
• Philly & AC Road Trips?
• REDUX: Billboard article about late Summer Steely Dan Tour
• Griffin's iFM iPod accessory - SD reference
• H Gang
• Is it a "'Click'fight"?
• REDUX: Call your Local AC, AA, etc Radio Station & Ask for H GANG
• SPOILER?: Comments on Morph clips
• SPOILER?: Comments on BN samples
• Bass Akwards
• Come see Aja Vu in San Jose


• —NEW: Beacon Tix for sale
• —NEW: Chicago Tix for sale
• —UPDATED: FOR SALE: 1 for Westbury 3/3
• —Banyan Trees Ticket Exchange 2006

If you are not currently a subscriber but would like to receive the free Dandom Digest email newsletter"—definitely not to be confused with the glorious Official, or newsletters/mail lists—please email me or see


Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 21:43:43 ET
Posted by: The Dude, wherever


I agree with you. These shows should have already sold out.

When SD toured in 2003, I was able to get some GREAT seats via Ticketmaster for a few shows. This time I tried a bunch of different venues, always precisely when the tix went onsale, and got offered ***crappy*** seats...

Then you look at the "All Access" seats, at what, $300 - 400 a pop - each - and then at all the scalpers with the prime seats, and just throw your hands up in the air and say, "screw this." I'd feel like a rube paying $375/seat to see a show. I appreciate Walter's response to this on his website - IMO, these guys don't need to be doing this. If they properly promoted all the gigs, they'd make tons of money without gouging fans who've been behind the boys for multiple decades.

By all appearances, the PR so far has been weak, at best. iTunes release was listed in the ROCK section, so Donald couldn't even chart there, whereas if they put him in the Jazz section, he'd be at the top of the list and getting a lot more attention. A Celebrity Playlist on iTunes wouldn't be a bad thing either, and take 10 minutes to complete...

It'll be a challenge to get radio play for this record, but if all the money is to be made on the road, perhaps they will just not sweat it and just wait for the receipts from the "all access" seat buyers. :(

But, we'll see what happens, I guess. Just felt like venting about $400 seats and crap availability to fans willing to pay Ticketmaster's "convenience" charges and whatnot to see a show without having to sit in the right balcony.

Crankily yours,

Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 21:39:55 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Dear Danfans;

Thanks to those who wrote in with their experiences with the "New Way" of mailing the Dandom Digest. Another new Dandom Digest covering Feb 7-12, 2006 will be mailed within an hour of this message and should be delivered to you within twelve hours of the time of THIS message. Please let me know if it is not

Some of you had problems with your Symantec's spam block refusing delivery of the Dandom Digest sent in the new way. For others it wasn't Symantec's spam block but something similar. With the Dandom Digest covering Feb 7-12, 2006 I am trying a slightly different configuration which will hopefully reduce or stop these problems. (Of course, this message is being sent the same way I have sent it for the past six years or so.)

So please let me know if you don't get the Dandom Digest covering Feb 7-12, 2006 within 12 hours.

BTW: The reason for this is that the volume of interest in the Dandom Digest has spiked with the pending release of "Morph the Cat" such that he old was was too labor intensive and more prone to misdelivery. THANKS for your patience with this switch. THANKS FOR YOUR HELP!


Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 21:38:09 ET
Posted by: Boston Rag, .

Well Barnes & Noble is now listing it as 3/14. Amazon still says 3/7. Very frustrating.

Mark in Boston

Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 21:35:45 ET
Posted by: Any News Was Good News, Boston is the one dropping the ball on this one. should be THE source of news on Morph and the Fagen tour, especially since the record company doesn't seem to be doing much promotion.

Why isn't News of Morph and the tour on the front page of

Unlike, has a newsletter with several years worth of subscribers. Why no newsletter?

If Fagen's tour is sucessful, then Steely Dan will tour. So why is doing NOTHING to promote it?

I always thought Becker & Fagen were in charge of, but why would Fagen not promote himself? I can't imagine what possible motives those at can have to not help promote Fagen, which in turn is only gong to hurt Steely Dan.

Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 21:16:33 ET
Posted by: Rajah, let's look at this from a purely biz standpoint

Donald has not sold out any of his shows. The Allman Bros., who open two nights after the Beacon on the 9th, have sold out 13 Beacon shows, granted, their fans have the continuing solid knowledge that they will be there every March. I meet my old college roomie Kevin, a drummer and huge ABB fan for 4 decades in NYC @ Beacon every year. It's one of the special highlights of the Rajah's year. I wish I had that with SD. I wish I could count on them. But the beauty of them are, you can never count on them. Only to deliver the beast music around...eventually.

Here's your challenge, Blue: Deal with it.

Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 21:00:19 ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher, Louisville, KY

Whomever is the webmaster of now needs to work on his/her writing a bit because that's what I am hoping it means, but it could go either way.

Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 21:00:13 ET
Posted by: SouthOfHollywood, Snowbound

From Rolling Stone:

Donald Fagen
"H-Gang" (3 1/2 stars)

"Call it Steely Don: The first single from Fagen's upcoming third solo album is all but indistinguishable from his work with Steely Dan partner Walter Becker. But even more than the band's strong recent albums, the tune's robo-sleek rhythym section, jazz-damaged chords and storytelling lyrics evoke the Dan's Aja-era peak."


Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 20:59:38 ET
Posted by: Gretchen,

Everyone needs to breathe.........ahhhhhhhhh, yes, just like that.
The storm will clear, and we are getting the master himself live even before the's going to be OK.


Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 20:56:39 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Exactly, "The Dude"

Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 20:56:07 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Dan, I appreciate what you are saying but given some other emails I've received, I think it indeed means what was posted earlier, that essentially by March 14 it will be available everywhere by then (and sooner in the UK - 3/13- and first in the USA- 3/7). Confusing, yes, but a couple of people in-the-know say indeed it is still slated for March 7 in the USA.

Thanks for posting Dan and given how many roll-backs Kama, etc had, it could end up being later.


Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 20:56:00 ET
Posted by: The Dude, wherever

Hi Dan,

I don't think that "available everywhere on the 14th" necessarily means that the US release date has been pushed back. It might have been a clumsy way to change "Available in the US on March 7" to include the UK release date...

If all things are as they appear to be as posted on various sites, then Morph comes out in the US on the 7th, in the UK on the 13th, and therefore will be "availabe everywhere on the 14th"..

All the US shops/charts/music magazines, etc. still show the 7th as the release date.

I could be wrong, but I think it's status quo on March 7....

Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 20:41:26 ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher, Louisville, KY


1/24/2006 - New album available soon
Donald's new album "Morph The Cat" is available in stores everywhere starting March 14th. Pre-order the album now on

If your browser shows otherwise, you might need to hit Refresh.

Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 20:26:59 ET
Posted by: The Dude, Austin, Texas

Can someone point me to the "news" that MTC's release date is being pushed back in the US? I don't see that anywhere...

Just over 3 weeks until the release date of March 7...

And only 4 weeks left to vote for KEITH CARLOCK in Modern Drummer's Reader's poll and win yourself a subscription to the magazine (maybe):


Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 20:21:03 ET
Posted by: Chris, nh

I wonder if Don doesn't want to be promoted as "Donald Fagen of Steely Dan," perhaps because he plans on sticking to mostly solo stuff this tour.

I really do think there should be some more web promotion. has been up for over a year now, but had a lot more content. I am somewhat aquainted with the webmaster through another message board, and I can't help but wondering if the record company took it over during this period. I have no idea why they would get rid of all that content at a time when the website is getting more hits than ever before.

I really hope the tour sells well. A half empty house is no fun, especially if I'm the one in the cheap seats.

Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 20:19:59 ET
Posted by: Bob, Relax

Ewwww......Look, the massive scalping is in full swing....

Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 19:26:45 ET
Posted by: DEACONBLUE, BRUSSELS, the city of the great Toots

It looks like history is repeating. We've seen the same bullshit during the EMG promotion period. The Show Bizz Kids don't wanna promote quality stuff.
It's a real shame to see this happens, they prefere Mariah, Britney, Madonna and other low level artists with a little bit sex appeal.
It's the money that counts not the music.
If MTC and his tour flops then i am afraid that it will be the end of Donald, Walter and other Steely Dan projects.All Fagen and becker lyrics are going about all this shit.
"Let's admit the bastards beat us, everything must go"

No matter what the fucking fascist bastards of the music industry are intend to do, i am going to make the trip from Brussels to LA .

"Drive west on Sunset to the sea"

I will be in the Wiltern and have my VIP tickets for the Temecula show.

Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 19:02:59 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

I was wondering what the costs for a Donald Fagen album might be these days. The amount of time in the studio and the musicians he hire can't be cheap.

Wouldn't Reprise try to regain those costs and maybe make som extra money? Guess not...

Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 17:35:15 ET
Posted by: SD fan since way back in 77, Calif

I got alittle upset about MTC being pushed back.My wife even sad I was being to grouchy. But Iam a major fan. So I will wait and be happy when it is in my cd player.I hope they dont take my VIP tickets away for the Temecula show.

Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 15:40:15 ET
Posted by: Chan, Boston, laughing at the frozen rain

Bob, you are right whenever it comes out is fine and we will find out shortly. However, hearing the CD before the show I see and knowing the words will make it a bit more enjoyable. Remember fan is short for fanatic and thats what most of us are.

And one other thing, I am very relaxed....until someone tells me to relax!

Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 14:41:33 ET
Posted by: Bob,

I don't get the big urgency about having to know TODAY whether the album is coming in the US March 7 or 14. Either way, we still won't have it in the next few days and by then we will know.


Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 14:29:27 ET
Posted by: moray eel, o

Ok, maybe.

US release date of March 7th? European release date of March 13th? Therefore, the album would be available everywhere on March 14th... and March 20th... and June 30th...

But it seems more logical that after they delayed the European release from March 6th to March 13th, they decided to postpone the U.S. release from March 7th to March 14th.

It would be nice if Peter Noble or Dan Deacon or John's friend at Reprise could let the fans know when Morph the Cat will be released in the U.S.


Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 14:25:11 ET
Posted by: Chan, Snowbound, yes I am going insane

To all of us die hard Dan and Don fans, a new CD and a tour are huge events. What % are we?? When I have mentioned this to others, many who consider themselves Steely Dan fans did not even know who Donald Fagen is. He has a loyal following, but with younger people comprising the music purchasing and concert going population there has to be some marketing to support this release and tour. There are still good tix available on tmaster for the Boston show and the Opera House is a small venue. If Steely Dan was playing there I venture to guess it would have sold out very quickly. I have not read or heard any promos for this tour locally. Is DF a victim of his own reclusiveness? Could be.

Time to go scream at my teenage squaters to shovel the 20 inches of POW!

Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 14:01:32 ET
Posted by: paul h, on a bus called Happy Day

Amazon and B&N still list Morph available for pre-order delivery on the 7th.

Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 13:59:41 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu,

hoops - good points, particularly about Fagen and Steely Dan name recognition. I agree - the links with Steely Dan .com

and in bold letters "DONALD FAGEN - LEAD SINGER AND CO-FOUNDER OF STEELY DAN" at the top of his site. Also, it's important to cross-slist the site with Steely Dan, so whenever anybody Googl'es 'Steely Dan" the first thing that comes up in the list is the Donald Fagen URL and announcement of the new album. How hard is that? Give me a break! If because someone's not on the ball at WB US and, and the album is delayed I'm gonn be extremely pissed...sorry, just had to vent...

Good news about UK and Europe...they seem to be a step ahead of us.

Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 13:54:53 ET
Posted by: ed, @home

Hell ...Donald play the 55 bar in nyc ....

Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 13:51:33 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Ed, I don't see where it says that either except at it says, "New album available soon. Donald's new album "Morph The Cat" is available in stores everywhere starting March 14th." That doesn't preclude it coming out sooner some places like the USA. Maybe I am missing something.


Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 13:51:01 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu,

Dr. Fagen isn't even listed by the Reprise website as an artist!!

No promo on their home page either. How hard is that for their webdrone? Why should Reprise even get any$?? They're about as competent as the current administration.

Yep. Letterman, Leno, iTunes and internet freebie deluge or bust.

Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 13:49:05 ET
Posted by: hoops,

I don't know all the dots to connect them sufficiently to get the full picture. In other words there's some things I don't understand but will thow these questions/puzzlements there.

1) First, in the internet world, where a lot of fans look, there's this PR guy Peter Noble in the UK who does seem to be putting in good effort on behalf of Warners UK. He's even been helpful enough to pass along info to the Warner US people for myself and other fans here and elsewhere who have questions. Kudos to Mr Noble! But that said, the Warner US people don't respond to these and I am also surprised at the lack of activity, so far, in the US. Why is it that when I want decent official info on the album, I end up having to go to the UK record company and DF isn't even touring the UK or Europe?

2) I'm surprised at the relatively little info at It's really basic and I thought there would be more.

3) I'm surprised there's next to no mention of this at I was suprised when they didn't list "Piano Jazz" when it came out but I think if am a casual fan and want to know about new music from Becker or Fagen, I'm still going to go to Sure, they are doing solo albums but cleary having at least headlines there about Morph and whatever Becker has up his sleeve on the main page would benefit both not only Fagen and Becker solo but also Steely Dan, not to mention the prospects of a summer tour. Do the ads and spots even mention Fagen is from Steely Dan? Until you explain to people that Fagen is the primary singer of Steely Dan, people are a lot less likely to know who he is. Then when I tell them he is the singer for Steely Dan, they go "Ohhhhh!! That does sound like a great show!" I don't like marketing terms but it does sound like what some might call a "brand recognition" thing.

3) The ads for DF Band 2006 shows were so small and only ran once. I believe when Neil Young, Dylan, Van Morrison played the Chicago Theatre, the ads were full page of a tabloid or at least quarter of a broadsheet. These ads in Chicago Tribune and NY Times were like an 1/8 of a page, of that. The show isn't even sponsored by WXRT here in Chicago and that usuually would help a show sell like hot cakes. I'm surprised Beacon hasn't even sold out yet.

Again, I'm bet I am missing about 60% of the dots that would make for the true picture, and being a diehard Steely Dan fan makes me emphasize a SD-centric world, but it seems like that the forces that could aren't really pulling together to promote all this.

Just my two piasters. Maybe three.


Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 13:48:59 ET
Posted by: ed beatty, @home

Good Morning
Can someone tell me where it officialy states that MORPH THE CAT is being delayed in release?


Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 13:39:42 ET
Posted by: His Lordship To Be, Worldlywise, I Realize, That Everybodys Crazy...Am I myself Or Just Another Freak?

Mary Shut The Garden Gate-I'm not to sure making a whole song that'll put of a lot of Republican Steely Dan/Fagen fans is Doanlds smartest move. I'm only vaguely aware of political atitudes over at your end, but I lknow enough about the common sense Fagen ussually has.

Not that a political re-vamp of Tommotrows Girls won't be interesting or brilliant...

Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 13:27:52 ET
Posted by: moray eel, march

John: Did your friend at Reprise tell you why they decided to postpone the album?


Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 13:18:14 ET
Posted by: All DF needs to do is call his manager and say, "Get me on Letterman and Leno!"

It's not that hard. Just pick up the phone. Unless DF likes playing to half-empty concert halls.

Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 13:18:11 ET
Posted by: Little Wild One, not snowbound, just cold

m.e.---TOTALLY! Not faulting DF, since it seems clear his head is in the music/recording end of it, but why did we sign up for a mailing list?

Guess it goes back to the discussion of the recent Hollywood/Madison Ave. discussion....which sucks.

Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 13:14:51 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu,

John: Ironically, Rolling Stone only gave Aja 3 (out of 5) stars when it was released in their inflamous review "Dazed at the Dude Ranch." Tha MAriah Carey cover sez it all...

Let's look on the bright side - None of the TvN and EMG singles charted on any format at all!

having said that a Rick Moranis video and a visit to Letterman are definitely in order.

Also, I would "pre-release" all of the songs on iTunes (which count in sales) and make sure samples are on,, and samgoody's

LEAK 30-90 sec. samples everywhere. The key is to get first week sales (which include ALL internet pre-sales) so Morph debut's on Billboard in the top 10.

The site right now should have 60 sec+ clips playing on-demand, not just the H-Gang loop. *I* could market the album better than these clowns.

I guess in the end, the art will stand on its own regardless of popularity and we will enjoy it just as much.

Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 13:14:29 ET
Posted by: moray eel, bad

Weak. They should make an effort. If they really don't care about the record they are releasing, why should anyone else?


Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 12:59:02 ET
Posted by: John, NYC

Talked with my friend at reprise records about the marketing aspect of the business and he says that people just don't buy cd's anymore it's all about itunes etc.. that being said older artists like Mark knopfler who has had 3 solo albums in the last 5 years really have to just rely on fans etc.. Airplay is for Rap/ROCK etc..

people are buying songs that they like but not whole albums anymore and he said MORPH has a few other songs that are radio friendly like security joan and brite nightgown but they are too long and it's doubtful that fagen will shorten them to accomodate radio.

I really think fagen could care less about radio anyway. HE is a true ARTIST and like JAZZ artists they exist to make music not to make people happy.

Everything must go was marketed well with the Taxicab confessions footage IMHO.

Anyway, who cares we like the music and that's all that counts. He is already a success in his own mind. He doesn't need radio stations to prove that and/or marketing.

Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 12:43:37 ET
Posted by: moray eel, promo

And here's an idea for the marketing guys... how about putting up some content on something besides the link to ticketmaster and the "coming back soon" text that they have had up there for December, January and February...


p.s. I starting to get a little cranky.

Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 12:32:11 ET
Posted by: Chris, morph woes

A tour to support an album starting weeks before the album is released? What are these people thinking? I don't think the album is in trouble -- I've been hearing much, much more about the album & H-Gang selling well, getting a lot of airtime, etc -- but this tour could be a failure unless Reprise ramps up the promotion machine. Hey guys, how about an album leak????

Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 12:28:47 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

Just read an article about a recent ph.d Science project about music as a language by a guy called Peter Vuust which concludes that people with musical skills and knowledge perceives music as language, others do not.

They tested different peoples reaction to various kinds of music, amongst others the rhytmical change in Stings "Lazarus Heart". The conclusion was that people with musical skills and knowledge, their reaction to the complexity in the music could be seen in the part of the left side of brain that has to do with language, the language-center. Where as people with limited musical understanding did perceive and adapt the music, but not as language.

As an example of music as a language he uses the interplay in a Miles Davis live-performance of "All of Me" from 1963. Here the music develops just like a good conversation, where the communication flows, you are sensitive and you improvise, and create thoughts you didn't have before.

The consequences of the study coulds be more music in schools, as it has an impact on learning skills in general, not just language, on the ability to focus, different social effects and various other effects.

(My conclusion: at least you american Dan fans have a great potential for learning foreign languages...)

Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 12:20:36 ET
Posted by: Looks like DF's marketing folks are, dropping the ball on the album and tour

A quick check of ticketmaster shows tickets are about 40%-60% sold 3 weeks prior to the show. MTC pushed back. If the tour and cd flops, we won't see a Steely Dan tour this summer. They better release another single or the CD will be DOA beyond the core DF fan base. Even pre-orders on Amazon are looking bad:

Morph the Cat
Donald Fagen Sales Rank: #149 in Music

DF's management needs to put out another single fast, and get the band on Letterman or Leno right away. The big money is from the tour not the CD. If the tour flops, the CD flops.

Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 11:53:01 ET
Posted by: Mary Shut The Garden Door, Is Tomorrow's Girls Part 2

But instead of space chicks (metaphorically speaking), they're GOP delegates in NYC. And Donald isn't siding with the protesters, it's about how he and his significant other are freaking out and cowering in their apartment terrified of the scary Republicans from Indiana and Kansas that have come to their city.

Boo, Donald! Those scary Republicans are the only ones who can afford $200 a ticket for your VIP seats. You should thank them, not insult them, for coughing up their ill-gotten gains at your altar.

Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 11:40:37 ET
Posted by: John , NYC

H gang is in the new rolling stone they gave it 3 1/2 stars it's under the new downloaded songs section in cd reviews.

Also, they said it sounds like AJA era dan.

Mariah is on the cover.


Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 10:34:53 ET
Posted by: Chan, Snowbound, sleeping in today in MA

MTC release pushed back two weeks? Not good. Perhaps they can have a screen with the words similar to the "Steely Dan Show" used on the EMG tour for the early show goers. Or how about a Mitch Miller sing along where we all follow the bouncing ball. Kidding. Anyone with insight as to why the release date was pushed back. Is this a production delay or a create demand delay?

Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 10:34:11 ET
Posted by: Chan, Snowbound, sleeping in today in MA

MTC release pushed back two weeks? Not good. Perhaps they can have a screen with the words similar to the "Steely Dan Show" used on the EMG tour for the early show goers. Or how about a Mitch Miller sing along where we all follow the bouncing ball. Kidding. Anyone with insight as to why the release date was pushed back. Is this a production delay or a create demand delay?

Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 10:33:34 ET
Posted by: Nazman, Preparing for Mr Magnificent

You're doing fine, Paul. This is a tough crowd. Don't take it personal. Enjoy.

Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 09:06:18 ET
Posted by: paul h,

Okay, Josey, I deserved that... :)
I have got to learn that this place isn't my personal "I-hate-the-world" rant blog. People are going to start to hate me. :(

Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 08:21:43 ET
Posted by: His Lordship To Be, Worldlywise, I Realize, That Everybodys Crazy...Am I myself Or Just Another Freak?

just listned to H-Gang on radio one (for the umpteenth time-still hasn't lost the charm).

I was pretty happy when the DJ's went into a conversation about Donald Fagens brilliance. They said something along the lines of Donald Fagens style starting several decades ago, but still always being ahead of his time. Those radio listeners who have heard of Donald Fagen but never listned untill now-it could totally change their perception on music.

Their words! (Or near enough) and it goes to prove that you just can't beat Fagen and Becker.

Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 01:45:22 ET
Posted by: Bob,

One more thing. Does anyone know or think Fagen will play on tv shows in support of Morph's release? Today? Letterman? Regis? Oprah? Springer? ;-)

I'm not nuts about Barry Manilow. For someone who is supposedly a great arranger, why do most of his arrangements follow a formula of ending the song with the last refrain or verse an octave higher? But I bring up Barry since I remember seeing him on Today show peforming before his album came out. Maybe that's what they are trying to do here for Donald.

Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 01:41:02 ET
Posted by: Bob,

With the Morph tour now starting 2 weeks before the album's release, I wonder if it will help or hurt the album. If i was only a casual fan of Steely Dan and Fagen, I think I'd want to instantly get the disc first before the show. It means for half the tour, people will hear new songs they have never heard before at the shows. It also means people won't be able to buy the album with T shirts at the first two weeks of shows, although it would be cool if it was instead an exclusive.

Then again, maybe this will create pent-up demand to make Morph burst on to the charts. I read that Barry Manilow's 50s hits album came in at #1 this week on only 156,000 copies. Remember the days when albums came on to the charts platinum, 1 Mil. copies sold?

By the way, anyone know how many copies of EMG and TAN have been sold to date? I think TAN went platinum but I don't think EMG even went gold in the USA. This despite my buying all three versions of CD, CD/DVD, and DVD-A. ;-)

Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 01:33:21 ET
Posted by: Bob,

Just read in the January "ProSound News" that total sales in the USA of DVD-Audio discs for 2004 was about $350,000. Doesn't say if this are discs that are DVD-A somehow bundled with a standard CD audio disc or if these are just the DVD-A-titles sold independently of their standard CDs like EMG was sold. Maybe these kinda sales are why the SACDs of Pretzel Logic, etc have been slow in coming. Sounds like these DVD-A and SACD releases are a labor of love.

Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 00:13:27 ET
Posted by: moray eel, source

I should have quoted my source:


Date: Sun, February 12, 2006, 00:10:33 ET
Posted by: moray eel, what?

Morph the Cat moved to March 14th? WTF?


Date: Sat, February 11, 2006, 22:23:14 ET
Posted by: Josey, Birmingham

Is there anything cuter than youth and inexperience??

Date: Sat, February 11, 2006, 22:05:52 ET
Posted by: paul h, embarrassed to be an American

Speaking as someone just out of American high school, one touted with 3 national blue ribbon awards,
Options for people who WANT to be bilingual are limited. Spanish, French, maybe German. I got two years of Russian in before the teacher moved to PA and they didn't replace him. But anyways, if you were to take the full fledged four years of language, you had to cut out other necessaries, like say math or science classes, electives that actually tought you a job skill, while classes like Phys Ed, on the other hand, was a requirement every term no matter what. They'd rather have you know how to play Botchi[lism] ball than to be able to talk to people outside the Anglo-American world power. A 2nd language was never a requirement, you can't even start until high school (a HUGE mistake), and it is rarely encouraged. So speaking as an American, I think I can safely say that we're a bunch of uncultured swine. What has America contributed to the world culture as a whole? Jazz, Heavy Metal, Porn. Well, porns been around for millenia, but we popularized it over readily available media. Oh, the internet DID have its beginnings here, I'll give us that. But that's because the 1% who are even slightly cultured are deemed "nerds" and forced from society in search of better company elsewhere... i.e. the computer and the advent of the internet........and Steely Dan.

Date: Sat, February 11, 2006, 21:39:28 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu, It's Official: Fagen Charts!

According to Radio & Records, H-Gang has now charted at # 29 on the dreaded Smooth Jazz format. H-Gang also leads in Most Added. Look out Chris Botti!!! Also of interest Boz Scaggs' Lowdown unplugged rises to #14

Raj: Stevie Wonder's "Moon Blue" is On Deck - Going for Adds...

Date: Sat, February 11, 2006, 21:33:02 ET
Posted by: Sv, NYC

Fellow Dan fans,
Had a change in planz and cant get to see Donald at the Beacon on 3/7. Maybe able to catch him in NJ with any luck. $200 for these 2 tickets in the Up Balc, Row O, seats 9,11. Would rather sell um to a fan than to any othe major dude who would resell them at a ridiculous price. Let me know...ASAP.

Date: Sat, February 11, 2006, 20:49:57 ET
Posted by: Gretchen,

I have to agree that the prevailing culture in the US right now does indeed suck. Everything seems dumbed down, and the whole philosophy of today's lifestyle is based on who has more, the one who dies with the most toys wins. There is not a lot of depth in popular music, motion pictures, and certainly not TV, as it is the worst offender. Those choices which are not cookie cutter are labeled as "alternative" or "independant" which is sad because it is hard to seek out quality and many places across this country do not have access to those "alternatives."
Learning other languages is not really encouraged here, people are too busy running their kids to playdates and soccer games, then back to their McMansions whether they can afford them or not.
It seems this culture is too far gone to make a change for the better, it's all about appearances and putting on the dog.

Date: Sat, February 11, 2006, 19:35:45 ET
Posted by: fezman, boston

I must take umbridge at those who are critical of americans only speaking only english, that is our heritage,excuse us for being able to fit all of europe on our east coast to the mississippi and not having the history that europe has in developing the need for multi-lingual contact,let's see....europe...4000 yrs to learn their neighbors language and incorporate into their culture....united states......314 yrs in existance and one main language for the entire time your ass is on fire call luxumborg.......we no comprende

Date: Sat, February 11, 2006, 16:03:32 ET
Posted by: hoops, really quick

When I saw that Reprise Record Press Release with Donald talking about how "Mary Shut the Garden Door" (or was it the album overall?) was in part inspired by the 2004 Republican Convention, and how DF's solo records are set in NYC, I started thinking that maybe "shut the garden door" could be inspired literally or figuratively by how some protesters were shut out of Madison Square Garden and the convention. Wasn't there some controversey along those lines??? DF (and WB) rarely get literal and tend to mix and match stories as a composite but...a long sho, perhaps. Disclaimer: Remember I thought erroneously for years that :Kid Charlemagne" contained an Italian ethnic slur when it didn't. We'll see when it comes out.



Date: Sat, February 11, 2006, 14:33:34 ET
Posted by: Mary, Shut The Garden Door


Meant to say it is "things changed FOREVER"

Date: Sat, February 11, 2006, 14:31:10 ET
Posted by: Mary, Shut The Garden Door

The lyric is "things change for better"

Date: Sat, February 11, 2006, 14:14:32 ET
Posted by: paul, speaks English, Russian, Spanish, and some Esparanto :)

Rajah's comment reminds me of my favorite a joke:
What do you call someone who speaks 2 languages? Bilingual
What do you call someone who speaks more than 2 languages? Polylingua
What do you call someone who speaks 1 language? American

Date: Sat, February 11, 2006, 13:26:38 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

I doubt it highly.

Why are we Americans so lame when it comes to classical music? Well, first off we have no long-standing musical or cultural history of our own to speak of being only 230-something, jazz comes the closest to being an indiginous musical form, rock of course but for the most part children are not exposed to classical music, the grande opera, ballet, these are mostly foreign to us. We are insulated for the most part and fed the bullshit from Hollywood and Madison Avenue. Over half of all Americans have never been to Europe or indeed off the North American continent, we don't speak a second language and we don't read foreign newspapers.

We suck.

Date: Sat, February 11, 2006, 13:21:02 ET
Posted by: paul,

Steely Dan called up Audi/Volkswagen? I wouldn't doubt it for a second.
They probably also called up King Richard's surviving and asked if it'd be worth anything to them to write a song about the passing of their deceased royalty.

Date: Sat, February 11, 2006, 13:10:40 ET
Posted by: CWalter, Madison, WI

Do you suppose Steely Dan had their manager go the Audi company and say "We're thinking of putting 'Audi TT' into our song "Things I Miss the Most"--how much is that worth to you...?"

Date: Sat, February 11, 2006, 12:57:58 ET
Posted by: moray eel, my



Date: Sat, February 11, 2006, 11:52:25 ET
Posted by: CrellMoset, Atlanta, GA

Is that last bit in "Mary Shut the Garden Door" "forever" or "for better?"

Date: Sat, February 11, 2006, 11:23:28 ET
Posted by: Alkali, NYC

GAGI-the NCS that i particularly like is Bernstein's NY Philharmonic.
which happens to be the best one.
i don't care for Ozawa too much, he's a bit 'loose' in his string and woods, in my opinion.
although i do like his Vivaldi's "Four seasons" with Bostons symphony.
Ozawa isn't one of my favs and neither is his teacher, Karajan.

now spinning these things:

Tchaikovsky "NCS" (Bernstein NY PHIL)
Stravinsky "FireBird"(Dorati LOND PHIL)
Beatles "Abby Road"
New Trolls "New Trolls"
King Crimson "Larks tongues in aspic"
Steely Dan "Amalgam"


Date: Sat, February 11, 2006, 10:43:56 ET
Posted by: Gagi, Europe

Alkali, if you mention Tchaikowski - NCS,
it would be important to know, which recording.
There are worlds between Karajan and e.g. Ozawa.

How comes that you american guys are mostly so
unexperienced & clumsy with classic music?

Date: Sat, February 11, 2006, 04:44:45 ET
Posted by: Rajah, spamalot

Our Stevee and Benny Golbin gave us a nice taste of "Kulee Baba" tonight at the PLB Friday gig, it's an extended loop essentially, but still fascinating every time around the chorus for the tenor sax or the solo instrument of your choosing.

Nice to see that crew, plus Celia, Gil, Kim, Jake's 2nd cousin and the Scouser.

One who knows informs that the Gaucho outtakes were formally and finally copyrighted in 2002

"...remember those "lost" Gaucho tracks? Some of them were registered with the US Copyright office in 2002. That means if you want to make audio recordings of them, you can invoke the compulsory licensing provisions of the Copyright Act."

Oooo, I'm scared.

Date: Sat, February 11, 2006, 00:09:56 ET
Posted by: Kid Clean, MKE

"Guest-Book of Liars"

That's Fantastic!! I haven't laughed that hard since I was a little girl.


Date: Fri, February 10, 2006, 22:30:43 ET
Posted by: Susan, St. Louis

Modern Drummer just opened the voting for 2006 favorite drummers.

You can vote online here:


Date: Fri, February 10, 2006, 21:07:49 ET
Posted by: PR,

The line-up for the US tour, confirmed by DF's people:

Donald Fagen - lead vocals and keyboards
Wayne Krantz - guitar
Jon Herington - guitar
Freddie Washington - Bass
Walt Weiskopf - Alto and Tenor Sax
Michael Leonhart - Trumpet
Jeff Young - keyboards
Keith Carlock - Drums and percussion
Cindy Mizelle - Backing vocals
Carolyn Leonhart - Backing vocals

Date: Fri, February 10, 2006, 20:50:36 ET
Posted by: hoops,

I hadn't looked at some of this code in 4 or 5 years. When I pulled the backups, I was reminded that one working name for what became the Blue was "[Guest]Book of Liars."



Date: Fri, February 10, 2006, 20:43:27 ET
Posted by: paul h, feb 9++

Jibber, L O L ! ! ! !
I actually have done something similar. Damn computers.

Date: Fri, February 10, 2006, 19:49:54 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Thanks for your patience, folks. I've made a few changes, etc., maybe this will help with the spam. I left a few of my dozens of test messages up so Josie and Alkali's posts make sense. Thanks again.

Happy posting!


Date: Fri, February 10, 2006, 19:42:47 ET
Posted by: Josey, Atlanta

Testis, Testis, one two. Sorry, got into the sauce late this afternoon and I'm cooking on about 3 hours of sleep from last night. I miss Atlanta!

Date: Fri, February 10, 2006, 19:30:03 ET
Posted by: test again, test


Date: Fri, February 10, 2006, 19:28:09 ET
Posted by: test again, test


Date: Fri, February 10, 2006, 19:27:16 ET
Posted by: test again, test


Date: Friday February 10, 2006   19:16:16
Posted by: Alkali

Die spammers, Die! (Won’t someone please send them a virus or two?) Yea, Chick is great. I’ve seen him at least a half dozen times and he doesn’t disappoint. Everybody who is anybody yearn to play with him. What can you say about a musician who can play everything from classical to Jazz and do it better than just about anybody else? His Elektric Band was nothing short of awesome, Corea, Gambale and Patitucci! (How can you go wrong with three nice Italian boys?) Then add Dave Weckl on sticks and you got it made. Enter Gadd and Calaiuta on the new one, wow, can’t wait to hear this one. I find myself listening to TvN more and more lately, it’s such a good album. Much more so than EMG is. It’s just so very inventive. Especially “Hollywood” I’m beginning not to dislike Potter’s solo as much now. (Although, I still don’t love it) And TvN is even beginning to break away from EMG as FLY did from KAMA… Just not as quickly. EMG is still listenable; it’s just not as desirable. What will MORPH do? Will it be the happy medium? Will it surpass FLY? It can’t be as bad as KAMA….. Anyway, now revolving within the compact discus contraption: Tchakowsky -“NCS” NRBQ-“Peekaboo Disc 1” PHISH-“Live” Holdsworth-“None too soon” McLaughlin, Dimeola and DeLucia-“Passion, Grace and Fire” Steely Dan-“TvN” “A weekend of bliss then the snowy season…” Peace A

Date: Friday February 10, 2006   19:07:46
Posted by: Josey

Tweak me baby, tweak me!!

Friday February 10, 2006   18:56:18
hoops at dandom
I have some tweaking to do so if you try to post and it's down, it's just for a couple of min. jim

Friday February 10, 2006   17:33:16
SD fan
Sound clips still up on BN site.

Friday February 10, 2006   17:20:58
Jibber--a pal of hoops helping him, posting programming joke
You know you've been spending too much time on the computer when your friend misdates a check, and you suggest adding a "++" to fix it.

Date: Fri, February 10, 2006, 14:52:53 ET
Posted by: test,

Posting to the BlueBook will be back around 5 PM NYC time. Thanks!


Date: Fri, February 10, 2006, 14:09:43 ET
Posted by: angel,

Still working right now.

Date: Fri, February 10, 2006, 14:08:32 ET
Posted by: CWalter, Madison, WI

"The rajahs of erase...?" Hehe, sounds like something Spiro Agnew's speechwriter discarded in favor of "nabobs of negativity." (Was it William Safire...?)

Date: Fri, February 10, 2006, 14:02:17 ET
Posted by: Stevie D, Beantown

Can anyone confirm they took down the MTC soundclips off the Barnes and Noble Web site?

Date: Fri, February 10, 2006, 11:07:32 ET
Posted by: Nazman, Preparinig for Mr Magnificent

Do yourself a huge favor. Don't miss this show. The guys danced off the stage singing acapella in Spanish, arm in arm (following their extended encore) and it gives only a hint of how high the whole milieu was. The crowd was ecstatic. The music was pure surges of trancendental joy interspersed w/ reflective interludes. This guy Chick Corea is other worldly and his band is impeccable. I was aghast at this performance...

p.s. bring some cash or plastic cause you won't be willing to leave w/o purchasing the new CD "The Ultimate Adventure." Not available in stores at this time. But again the experience leaves one w/ the feeling that you have to take it home. What happens there one cannot leave behind...

Date: Fri, February 10, 2006, 10:21:26 ET
Posted by: Josey, Atlanta

Yeah, I'm thinking about catching the Corea show in Jacksonville. Would love to hear his new cd which has Gadd and Vinnie C. drumming on it. Those names just keep coming up don't they??

Date: Fri, February 10, 2006, 09:31:39 ET
Posted by: Nazman, Preparing for Mr. Magnificent

Had the extraordinary pleasure of being second row to Chick Corea and Touchstone last night. Am at a loss to describe the pleasure that was mine but i know of no other sure fire medication for such troubled times. Anybody in on this tour...

Date: Fri, February 10, 2006, 09:28:32 ET
Posted by: Boston Rag, Snow on the way

You just have to scroll on by like it's dog crap on a sidewalk. And unlike the jerks who post the spam, Jim HAS a life. He's got more important things to do than to follow these wackos with a pooper scooper.

Mark in Boston

Date: Fri, February 10, 2006, 08:39:09 ET
Posted by: What's with all of this, Spam?

THIS SUCKS! Jim. Do something please!

Date: Fri, February 10, 2006, 08:15:15 ET
Posted by: Stevie D, Beantown

Jim there has got to be something you can do to kill some of this spam. I think it has reached new levels, those bastards.

Date: Fri, February 10, 2006, 05:00:29 ET
Posted by: CWalter, Madison, WI

Yes, you're right, Mike. Comparing the two albums is more like comparing two Shakespeare plays rather than comparing Shakespeare to a lesser talent--and as such, it is more a matter of taste. I still believe that objective criteria point towards TvN as a superior work, and when two works are quite similar in character and quality, the one that comes first must be given greater acclaim, I think. But I don't have the time or energy to go into detail, and it's really not my intention to kill anyone's buzz...

Date: Fri, February 10, 2006, 03:47:50 ET
Posted by: ruth ''da'' truth,

Donald Fagan June 1993

Variously jet-lagged and eyeing each other guardedly from behind their paper plates and coffee cups, half a dozen representatives of the world’s rock press settle down in the plushly efficient confines of River Sound Studios, several floors above East 95th Street in Manhattan, to hear the first playback of the studio’s co-owner’s new album. No big deal - except that, soundtrack hackwork apart, the co-owner in question hasn’t released an album of original material in 11 years, a ridiculous career hiatus even for an artist as famously reclusive as Donald Fagen.

Fagen’s partner in River Sound is Gary Katz, an associate from way back, whose enduring claim to fame is that he produced the entire Steely Dan oeuvre as well as Fagen’s 1982 solo album The Nightfly. In an added twist to the reclusive singer’s re-emergence, however, Katz has been passed over for production duties on Kamakiriad, the belated follow-up, IN FAVOUR OF Fagen’s old songwriting partner in the Dan, Walter Becker, who also plays all bass and lead guitar parts. Which makes the release of Kamakiriad the first concrete evidence of the long-rumoured Steely Dan reunion, and thus an event of some note for music lovers of taste and distinction the world over.

As the opening track, Trans-Island Skyway, slides smoothly from the monitors, so close is the style to the exquisite jazz-pop of his solo debut that it sounds as if Donald Fagen had finished working on The Nightfly one and and started recording Kamakiriad the very next.

“Well I did, actually,” quips Fagen drily a little later, when we meet in his manager’s office. Outside, the St Patricks’s Day parade is battling its way through the snowdrifts down 5th Avenue, bringing an even worse level of traffic chaos to this routinely gridlocked city. Fagen is late because of it, but at least he’s here. A few weeks earlier, another Q journalist spent four hours sitting in this same office vainly waiting for him to show up.

“No” he continues, “I think it’s different from The Nightfly in a number of ways; it’s more aggressive as far as the rhythms go. I write in a certain style which I don’t know how much I could depart from - it’s the natural way I play the piano and derive the harmonies. I’m not interested in any kind of radical departure, unless it comes naturally, otherwise it would just be pretentious. But I think it’s a much more mature album.”

He’s right about the rhythms, but only just. More noticeable is the fuller sound of the horn arrangements, which for the first time Fagen did all on his own. There are more horn players on the album (11) than all the other musicians put together, continuing the incursion of jazz moods and textures that have proliferated in Fagen’s work, particularly through the last few Steely Dan albums into his solo career. The most fundamental shift is in the lyrics, however. Where The Nightfly offered a sentimentally ironic view of the recent past, Kamakiriad offers a less sentimental but similarly ironic postulation of the near future.

“Yeah, I think that’s true,” Fagen agrees. “I also could add that I sometimes think of running commentary on the present as it was occurring, so it’s kind of a trilogy, if you look at it that way.”

In the first track, the narrator takes delivery of his new steam-powered Kamakiri (“The frame is out of Glasgow/The tech is Balinese”), a mobile biosphere complete with hydroponic farm, and sets off up the Trans-Island Skyway to Five Zoos, where “That noon sun is blinding/The tidepools are boiling”. The rest of the album follows him as he continues his journey through this luxuriously ravaged future landscape, eventually arriving, in the concluding Teahouse On The Tracks, in bleak Flytown, “…out where hope and the highways ends.” It’s a more in-depth exercising of the sci-fi themes that cropped up occasionally in Steel Dan songs such as Sign In Stranger and King Of The World, with a fashionable greenish tinge. Fagen admits to an enduring interest in science fiction - of the speculative rather than space-opera variety - traceable to a childhood membership of a sci-fi book club which brought him into contact with the fecund imaginations of such as Heinlein, Dick, Bester and Van Vogt: terrible writers for the most part, but great ideas men.

“I haven’t kept up with it that much lately,” he admits, “though I have read a few of the William Gibson books, which I find are like the Alfred Bester stuff I used to read. I always liked the idea of total freedom that science fiction allows as regards plotting and characters, and the way you can come up with ideas that have no way of being executed now. I thought it was a good premise to build the story on, because I didn’t want it to refer to anything that’s happening now, even though in a way it’s probably more about the present than the future.”

For Fagen, the immediate future holds that prospect of more promotional interviews, for which he clearly finds it difficult to summon much enthusiasm, and a projected Steely Dan tour in the autumn, featuring a few old faves and tracks from his solo albums and Walter’s own, which his partner is presently finishing in Hawaii with Gary Katz. Then again, Dan fans have grown used to the frequent promises of tours. In fact, the group haven’t played live since 1974, though both Becker and Fagen have appeared at New York Rock & Soul Revue concerts over the past few years, in the company of such as Boz Scaggs, Phoebe Snow, and old Dan compadre Mike McDonald.

The immediate past, though, has not been a particularly happy or productive time for Fagen. “I realise I have the same problem as Prince, that I’m too prolific,” he notes sardonically, adding a short, truncated bark of amusement that creases this sourest of pusses for only the briefest moment, before vanishing completely. Apart from the NY Rock & Soul Revue appearances, he spent much of the ‘80s scraping around at a variety of jobs. Soundtrack work for films like Bright Lights, Big City was less than fulfilling, especially given the lack of creative control afforded by the movie business, and a short stint as Premiere magazine’s movie-music correspondent was abandoned when he began writing songs again. More importantly, Fagan went through a classic mid-life crisis.

“I wanted to do an autobiographical album, and I really put everything I knew into the Nightfly album,” he recalls. “And after that I really wasn’t inspired to do anything. I fell into a bit of a depression for a while, and I started going to therapy. I think that like a lot of artists, especially in the music business, I was young and successful, and I was basically still an adolescent. I think I was trying to get out of that with The Nightfly. It was a kind of self-examination of my childhood.” As he explains this difficult period in his life, the gentle table-tapping with which he eases his discomfort rises to a manic tattoo. “I started to address some of these things and I got really scared after it was done. I felt I’d exposed myself in a way that I wasn’t used to doing, and I kind of retreated psychologically from that. I found that there was a price to pay for exposing my inner life in that way, as guarded as it may seem. But nevertheless, there it was.”

It comes as a considerable shock to find that this seemingly smartest of smartasses, one of the more cultured and legendarily cynical of rock musicians, should experience exactly the same self-doubts and personal crises as the rest of us - though in retrospect, maybe he and his partner were always riding for a fall. To be as unerringly honest about human motivation as they were in their songs must have taken its toll on their own sensibilities.

“I worked every day,” he continues, “but I didn’t like what I was doing. I’d play the songs back the next day and didn’t much like them. I also studied composition, and I practised the piano a lot. It took me a long time to go through a kind of transformation, till around ’86, ’87, I felt I had some energy and some new things to write about. And I basically figured out how to have an actual life, rather than just work. I was a workaholic till the end of The Nightfly: the only life I had was in the studio. I would even try to get the engineers to work on Christmas, because I was bored if I wasn’t working! I think a lot of it had to do with my not wanting to address certain things that I had to address personally, and working gave me the chance not to do any kind of self-examination. I’m a very introspective person as it is, so I like the action of always working, it’s a kind of therapy in itself. I think everyone has to go through some transformation in the middle of their life, and try to accommodate what you think you are to what you came from. That’s just how it is.”

Fagen, of course, wasn’t the only one with problems. Around the same time, his old partner Walter Becker was reaching the bottom of a spiral which had begun when the pair moved out to Los Angeles in the early ‘70s to become staff writers for ABC/Dunhill, and ended in a messy drugs scandal. (When Becker’s girlfriend Karen Stanley died from a drug overdose, her mother tried to sue him on the grounds that it was he who allegedly had introduced her to the drug in the first place.) Fagen admits that they were attracted to the California lush life, to the Illegal fun/Under the sun” anatomised so knowingly in the Gaucho album - though he himself moved back East “as soon as I had no reason to actually be there.

“California, I think, was not good for Walter,” he assesses tentatively, “because he did get into this kind of hedonistic thing for a while, and it took him a long while to get out of it. He was taking drugs, he had all kinds of problems … but I don’t know if he would have avoided it if he’d stayed here, either. He didn’t like himself, and was headed for trouble, until he had figured it all out. But he’s fine now.”

Since then, Becker has built a reputation as a producer, primarily on New Age jazz albums for labels like Windham Hill and Triloka, but also for more mainstream artists such as Rickie Lee Jones and, in a bizarre lapse of taste, China Crisis. So when Fagen was casting around for a helping hand on his new album, Becker was the obvious choice.

“I got kind of nervous about handling everything myself,” says Fagen, “especially the idea of doing vocals and having to come in and listen to them myself. I realised I was really lonely in the studio by myself, without someone to bounce off, so I thought, Why break in someone else - if that’s even possible - I’ll just call in Walter.

“He was more than a producer, really, he was a collaborator as far as some of the music went. Especially in playing. He ended up playing all the bass parts, and the lead guitar parts as well.

Walter’s got a very personal style, and he knows exactly what I’m looking for. He has a very stylised way of playing the guitar which is very swingy and laid-back, the kind of thing I like, and he takes some weird chances.”

Fagen freely admits that the CD boom carried him through his low years, as thirtysomethings searching for the most sophisticated discs to try out their new CD systems kept the Steely Dan back catalogue royalties ticking over nicely. “It’s their fault that I haven’t put out any records,” he jokes, though he doesn’t pretend to know who buys them. “Maybe they sell to the graduating class each year.”

When Becker & Fagen were themselves graduating from college - the Bohemian Bard College, in upstate New York - they already knew they wanted to be songwriters, and headed for the legendary home of such great writing partnerships as Jeff Barry & Ellie Greenwich, Bert Berns & Jerry Ragovoy, and their idols Leiber & Stoller, who had in an earlier era played their own kind of sophisticated games with pop forms. By that time - the last ‘60s - the writer/producer hegemony over the industry was on the wane, thanks to the body blows dealt by singer-songwriter artists like Dylan and Lennon-McCartney, but it still held a fascination for them.

“We were into the craft of the thing: we wanted to become great songwriters,” he affirms. “It was almost over then, but at 1650 Broadway there were still some things happening: the Livin’ Spoonful, Buddha Records had an office there, and there was a lot of one-shot soul stuff coming out of there. It was fun, because there was a lot of scurrying around - a lot of the business took place right out on Broadway outside, and in the City Squire Hotel next door, and there were all these weird characters in the Brill Building itself. During the late ‘60s the Brill Building had been converted, so that the offices now had all these shag rugs on the walls, this sort of cheesy drug-era stuff - everyone had gumball machines, and stuff like that. It was very amusing.”

Brill Building connections led to a stint playing in Jay And The Americans’ backing band, opening for The Four Seasons (“really a good band”), until a year later they got the call from Gary Katz and moved out to Los Angeles to work as staff writers for ABC/Dunhill. “We were terrible pop song writers,” he acknowledges with hindsight. “They all sounded just like imitations of other pop songs, and the lyrics were always too quirky for anyone to do.” The only thing to do, they decided, was to form their own band, get a decent singer, and take it from there. A year later, with two hit singles under their belt, Fagen found himself reluctantly ensconced behind the mike, fronting the most sophisticated pop group of them all.

“We were interested in a kind of hybrid music that included all the music we’d ever listened to,” Fagen claims of the Dan’s intentions, “so there was always a lot of TV music in there and things. It was very eclectic, and it used to make us laugh. We knew something was really good if we would really laugh at it when we played it back. We never wanted to do any straight humour or satire, though, it was just a different styles that were involved in making it that were funny.

“We liked the sort of faux-luxe sound of the ‘50s; there was just something very funny about it. I grew up in a faux-luxe household, and it was a very alienating world, so for me it has the opposite effect. Muzak is supposed to relax you, but it makes me very anxious. So in a way, I think I get it out of me by putting some of it in my songs. Then I start to laugh at it when I hear it.”

Date: Thurs, February 09, 2006, 22:46:31 ET
Posted by: KDawg, Mt. Belzoni

I knew I shouldn't have listened to those clips....'cause I'. dyin' to hear the whole thing now!!! That chorus to the title track is tasty!!!


Date: Thurs, February 09, 2006, 20:48:25 ET
Posted by: Rajah , What I Do

This is good:

-- keep her satisfied is
what I do...


you turn the lamp down low
(lamp down lowwwwwwwwwww)
to make her feel secure...

you've got to show the girl
(show the girrrrrrrrrl)
she's the one you adoooore,
if you want that sugar to pour...

Date: Thurs, February 09, 2006, 18:55:46 ET
Posted by: paul h,

well, I know I play TvN more often than EMG, but for certain, my favorite lyric from any song ever comes from the EMG title track:
I move to dissolve the corperation
In a pool of margeritas
...This stuff doesn't just come outta nowhere!

Date: Thurs, February 09, 2006, 18:17:32 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

To much coffee... One track on TvN!

Date: Thurs, February 09, 2006, 18:16:30 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

You got a point Deaconblue. Maybe the right drummers were in the right places. But that's what makes the comparison to the live efforts so interesting, as it really reveals different drummers strenghts and less strong sides.

I really enjoy the debate. Keep'em coming.

Why did Vinnie only play on one track on EMG. Was he to good technical (always playing Stings challenging 7/8 and 5/4) for Don and Walt?

Date: Thurs, February 09, 2006, 17:47:48 ET

Is there someone, living in the LA area, having plans to make the trip from LA to Temecula and returning back to go to the Wiltern concert?
Let me know we can make a arangement!
I hope there will be Danfests too so it can make my transatlantic trip complete.

Date: Thurs, February 09, 2006, 17:32:51 ET
Posted by: DEACONBLUE, BRUSSELS, the city of the great Toots

Changing opinions about who finally is the best Steely Dan drummer makes no sense!
Every drummer have had his importance. My prefernce is going to Jeff Porcaro but that is very personnel.
I was a little fan of Toto during the Porcaro period. His drumming style has determinated the whole Toto sound. Listen to their classics such like 99, Rosanna, Africa but of course one of my all time favourites Hold the Line. What a fine drumbeatline and technically outstanding.
But guys like Carlock, Chambers and Gadd are giants too but all in their particulary style.
Carlock was great during EMG and Gadd, well you know Aja, don't you?
The same discusion we can have concerning the guitarists. Who was the greatest SD guitarist. Was it Carlton because his phenomenal work on Aja and Gaucho?
And what about the man on Royal Scam? It's a discusion that everyone can do for his own but no have any sense.
Walter and Don always have choosed the best possible musicians in their imagination.
When we finally analyse all SD albums we've to take always the same conclusion: all musicians are at the right place at the right moment!

i hope it will be the same during the next Donald tour!

Date: Thurs, February 09, 2006, 17:32:20 ET
Posted by: Mike , NYC


I'm sorry I used the word obnoxious, it was much too strong and probably obnoxious on my part. I would never group your e-mail with the ones you refer to where people really sling it and I hope I did not infer that.

You make a good point, although I think comparing these two albums to each other is different than comparing Shakespeare to an obviously lesser writer. Shakespeare can't help but tower over any other playwright. I think both albums are great and I guess what bothered me was the assumption that Two Against Nature was so much better than Everything Must Go that it must be as obvious as comparing Shakespeare to another playwright, even one who wrote a few great plays (Arthur Miller, Tennessee Williams) when Shakespeare has left us such a huge body of classic work. In other words, I think both albums are great but I like EMG quite a bit better and hate to see it disparaged.

Date: Thurs, February 09, 2006, 17:21:50 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Had some questions from Out of Towners as to which is the best airport to fly into Chicago for the DF show. I emailed a response via the Chicago Danfest list but let me know if you need that info.


Date: Thurs, February 09, 2006, 16:53:35 ET
Posted by: Connie, In the vineyard

NY Times -
Bobby Short, the beloved Cafe Carlyle cabaret singer, died a year ago, and now his fans have a chance to own a bit of his past. Christie's will auction his possessions on Feb. 16. Mr. Short, who could channel Cole Porter, had an Art Deco cocktail shaker and a monogrammed Cartier ice bucket valued at $2,000 to $3,000. He collected walking sticks, African stools, Louis Vuitton suitcases and a sobering array of race-based Americana like Uncle Tom figurines. But you may be more interested in his Bechstein grand, estimated at $30,000 to $40,000; (212) 636-2399 or

Date: Thurs, February 09, 2006, 15:05:58 ET
Posted by: The Doctor, Portsmouth, England

Paul H....I sort of think I know the wave your surfing there mate, but you know what they say...What's the best way to eat an elephant ?......One spoonful at a time ! All you can do is try and overcome each and every obstacle as they approach won't clear them all, but that's not the point...trying to is ...Failing that how about a beer in Chicago on the 18th ?....I'll get em in!

Date: Thurs, February 09, 2006, 14:37:32 ET
Posted by: fp, ny

Charles Walter- You see, it's not you opinion that bothers people. It's the way you present your opinion the bothers us.

p.s I like EMG better.

Date: Thurs, February 09, 2006, 14:29:28 ET
Posted by: Charles Walter, Madison, WI

Mike, no matter how often or how stridently I try to present my opinion as fact, they will always be just that--opinions (as CDonald so elegantly expressed). On the other hand, would it really be just an opinion to say that Shakespeare wrote top-notch literature? There ARE objective criteria in art, aren't there...? In any case, I don't think my initial post was offensive. Are you actually more offended by a post that claims certainty than a post that likens opinions to "assholes...?"

"You don't have to listen to me/That's the triumph of free will..."
--Elvis Costello, "20% Amnesia" from "Brutal Youth"

Date: Thurs, February 09, 2006, 14:06:29 ET
Posted by: Mike , NYC

"Just want to say that anyone who thinks "Everything Must Go" is better than "Two Against Nature," or even as good, is, well, wrong."

No offense, but this remark is, well, kind of obnoxious. EMG is, imho, far superior lyrically and more enjoyable/listenable than Two Against Nature but I don't find it necessary to foist that opinion so matter of factly on other people or flat out tell them they're wrong. No one is wrong, how can they be? This is music, it has to do with taste. I'm not trying to start an argument, I just don't see why people have to state their opinions as facts.

Date: Thurs, February 09, 2006, 14:04:01 ET

It was always a pleasure to read the BlueBook, sometimes I have to Laugh out loud - but the last week... so boring!

Here are the Top 5 boring themes:

5. Rita's Nippels
4. Post form Pink Floyd Fans.
3. EMS is better than 2vN
2. I Cant't wait to hear Morph the Cat.
1. The best Steely Dan Drummer.

Date: Thurs, February 09, 2006, 13:17:25 ET
Posted by: ygk, nyc

My gf, known here as the White Ella (no kidding, she's a true pro, former member of the Ritz), did a gig a few months back where the drummer was weak; so weak that the band had to pull him along. 'twas excruciating to watch/hear, but after that tune, he stayed together.....but still. jeez.
I think you need your clock/colorist with an inner sense of time.
Who you can breathe to.

my $.02


Date: Thurs, February 09, 2006, 13:07:13 ET
Posted by: Josey, St. Simons Island

Rajah puts the drummers role quite nicely. If the drummers having an off night - then EVERYBODY'S having an off night! I'll have to look this quote up later, but Metheny's got some take that essentially translates to your band is only as good as your drummer.

Date: Thurs, February 09, 2006, 13:05:45 ET
Posted by: Flipkid, B'more, MD

It's all good, Josie! I hear what you're saying.

Date: Thurs, February 09, 2006, 12:50:11 ET
Posted by: CWalter, Madison, WI

Yes, CDonald, everyone has an opinion--me, you, the Grammy committee...
And everyone has an asshole too--but not everyone talks out of it.
It's really just a matter of taste--some people have it and some don't.

Date: Thurs, February 09, 2006, 12:17:00 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

You'd be surprised to hear that although our esteemed PQ does not in fact know everything, he does know some things. And I think we can all be grateful for that, yes Peter, and everybody else, I insist you all drop up to see us around sixish at the Beacon Hotel on 7 March. If any of you object to drinking, smoking, seeing bodies collapsed in the hallways, women in high spirits, for goodnessake don't come.

Date: Thurs, February 09, 2006, 12:03:16 ET
Posted by: peterskin,

Peter Q- You thought wrong. Erskin was never considered when it came to the '94 tour. Actually, it was Vinnie C. that they wanted for the '93 & '94 tours but he was out with Sting and couldn't play either tour. Chambers was the second choice after Vinny but he couldn't play in '93 because he was out with George Clinton and P Funk. Erskin was choice #3. Come on Peter Q,, with all of your buddies in the Steely Dan world you didn't know that?

Date: Thurs, February 09, 2006, 12:00:16 ET
Posted by: paul h,

that wise man would be Voltaire.

hey, i'm not saying drums aren't important. they need to be there. but i dont mind a mediokre drummer so much as another might. and it takes a lot to wow me.

Date: Thurs, February 09, 2006, 11:41:54 ET
Posted by: Rajah ,

hey ph - I still have your Chicago ticket right here. I'm not selling it. You have 39 days to bust a move, slick.

Hating this world is what young people spend a lot of time doing, it's natural. As you progress through this very challenging and sometimes endlessly frustrating journey, you learn to take a larger view of things, but it is especially sad when you finally realize that in the end there are some things you cannot change like greed, insincerity and violence. But lots of the big things in life, love, work, pursuit of happiness, these likewise do not change and are eminently attainable. Don't spend too much time tilting with windmills, not worth it, tend your garden is what a wise man wrote.

The drummer is the most important player on any stage and in any band. People have such a skewed view of what drummers do. It is decidedly not a random flailing on stretched skins. Far from it. It is a relentless burden, a responsibility to everyone else up there with you to keep the meter true and clean, people are depending on you to hear the beat, to build all their other things around, it's the foundation of everything. And then you are also expected to be able to let the time signature loose at certain points and fill with tasteful accents. It's brutal and delicate at the same time. There is no rock w/o the man behind the kit.

Date: Thurs, February 09, 2006, 11:37:38 ET
Posted by: Josey, St. Simons Island

Here's another way to look at what I'm getting at: I think Dennis Chambers has an endless bag of tricks. If you were gonna have to trade fours with someone, he's probably not one of the guys you'd want to have to go up against. He can go on a long, long time without repeating licks (fills). I don't think the same is true with Carlock. Having said that - I'd much rather see Carlock in the SD drum chair. I thought Carlock's solo on Josie was brilliant! Basically because he put it in the format of a groove that everybody - drummer or not - could lock into. It grooved in a way that many solo's don't. Just thought I should clarify my position.

Date: Thurs, February 09, 2006, 11:28:45 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Purdie is awesome but ultimately Carlock has filled the void in my "Drum World" left by Porcaro. Check Porcaro out on Dire Strait's "On Every Street." Amazing. Mark Knopfler has raved about his playing on that album. Versatility? One thing that awed me: Porcaro on Elton John's "Empty Garden (Hey, Hey Johnny)." For years I pictured Nigel Olsson playing on it since it sounds like him and given what the song it's so appropriate. Yet, it's Porcaro playing like Olsson and not Olsson at all. Amazing.

Keith can do anything with drums and, while I've loved the "Josie" drum solos on the 90s and 00's SD tours, Keith is the one who perfected it and I never got tired of it. I can't help but think that was one of the primary reasons "Josie" was back with a drum solo for 2003.

I know I'm in the minority and my opinions are always open to change, but over time—for at least a couple of years—I've come to appreciatee 2vN more EMG. EMG is very straight forward and I liked it a lot right away. My appreciation of 2vN took a couple of days even to begin but I have learned to love it.

My two piasters is all.


Date: Thurs, February 09, 2006, 10:48:51 ET
Posted by: Josey, St. Simons Island

Flipkid - I figured I might be on a slippery slope with that comment. I'm speaking specifically of the "fills" he goes to when he's left to his own thing. Believe me, I realize he can cop the Purdie shuffle and Porcaro and all the necessary drummers needed to channel in order to handle that gig - we differ on whether or not he copped Gadd's stuff lick for lick - I thought he did a great job on Aja, but I also thought he basically made it his own thing too. In fact, Aja's a perfect example of what I'm talking about! When he goes into the part near the end where he get's to go off, he's going to variations of that certain lick I'm talking about. It doesn't sound like Gadd to me at all. It sounds like Carlock - which is great. Don't get me wrong - I absolutely love Carlock's playing. It's just that the fills (specifically) he goes to basically revolve around the same type of pattern. And yes, we all do hear things differently.

Date: Thurs, February 09, 2006, 10:34:16 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

Chrysler - much of the literature certainly has Bill Evans ranking as a GIANT. Christ, have you ever heard the Petite Blond album? This was the band where Herington used to alternate on guitar with Chuck Loeb. From around 1989-1992. Or the Bill Evans album Escape? Also, Kenny Garrett definitely. Also Bob Malach is a total GIANT of the tenor saxophone. Branford beyond question.

DC and Steely Dan? I think they wanted a big name behind the kit when Erskine had other commitments and DC happened to be available. Not a great fit. Putting a lion on a leash. Listen to those old Parliament Funkadelic albums with Dennis Chambers.

Date: Thurs, February 09, 2006, 10:33:18 ET
Posted by: Flipkid, B'more, MD

"That's my one gripe about Carlock. His bag of tricks (so to speak) all seem to be variations of this one certain lick. Any of you guys and gals know what I'm talking about?"

Wow! Are we hearing things differently! IMO Carlock is a total chameleon. When I saw him play the EMG tour (the setlist of which coevered songs from every conceivable SD "era"), he changed his style from song-to-song to fit what he was playing. He played Gadd's 'Aja' break almost note-for-note, did the perfect Purdie Shuffle on 'Babylon Sisters', and chanelled Porcaro on all of the early stuff.

I've seen performance and clinic videos of him on his website and a few drumming websites (yeah, I'm a drummer, too), and while he is a technical monster, I think DF/WB ask him to dial it back a couple of notches on the recordings; the songs are supposed to be about the lyrics and the melody... not about jaw-dropping drum breaks. I think when we see him interpret Donald's songbook on the upcoming tour, we'll see exactly why he is the first-call drummer for DF/SD.

Date: Thurs, February 09, 2006, 10:26:39 ET
Posted by: ygk, nyc

KD!!!! Way to go, kid! Nice segue......

What say you the NYNots dump Mr. Thomas? I'm on a crusade.....

But to all things Steely: I love walter's solo on Gaslighting.....


Date: Thurs, February 09, 2006, 10:14:58 ET
Posted by: Mr. Lapage,

Donald makes Sports Illustrated:

Date: Thurs, February 09, 2006, 10:14:09 ET
Posted by: paul h, no fooling

I couldn't sleep last night and I was watching PBS at around 11 my timezone, the BBC News was on. Um. Yeah. I can't even believe the watered down drivel that we get in the states that is touted as "news". I listen to NPR every day and I didn't even know about half the things going on in this world, and oh my god is it horrible. This place we so lovingly call "Earth" is a hell-hole of disturbing filth. The things going on in Africa, the Middle-East, are enough to make your skin crawl off from your body and beg for mercy. I couldn't even believe it. The news made me SICK to the nth degree, I couldn't watch more than half of the program. Worst of all, the US seems to be the instigator or aggrivator of much of these problems. I went to bed hoping I wouldn't wake up, and I woke up feeling agitated and angry at everything. I hate this place. I hate it. I hate it. Everything about this world is wrong, and the good and just people who try to make this home a better place just get trampled by the powerfully corrupt. And there really is nothing we can do... run for office? vote for the good guy? green-peace? It doesn't work. Although I've always wanted to have kids, I don't any more. It would be a sin to curse another wretched soul into existance in this "life" we somehow built for ourselves. I know now why Roger Waters has always been pissed at the world in general, but nonetheless, I will be listening to nothing by him today, I need something to keep me from pulling a Mona.
My playlist for today:
1. Shangri-La (Knopfler)
2. Nightfly
3. The Division Bell (PF)... sorry, Fittest, but it'll calm me down
4. Aja
5. Gaucho
6. Sailing to Philly (Knopfler)
7. And the soft jazz station on XM to fill in the rest of the day

I am going to do everything possible to make it to Chicago. If there's any inkling of good left in this world, methinks it will be there.

So alright, I would get off my soapbox now, but my leg fell asleep. At least I have something to do.

Take care my friends.

Date: Thurs, February 09, 2006, 10:12:41 ET
Posted by: Josey, St. Simons Island

TJ - you're right. Babylon does sound a little different on Alive and again, to me, it sounds more like Dennis Chambers playing Steely Dan as opposed to a Steely Dan drummer playing Steely Dan. I sure hope that just made some type of sense - not sure how else to phrase it.

I think you've got it when you say it's "their personal style". Not so much their continuous use of fills and tricks. Although all drummers do have certain signature licks. That's my one gripe about Carlock. His bag of tricks (so to speak) all seem to be variations of this one certain lick. Any of you guys and gals know what I'm talking about? Can't really put a drum lick into words.

Date: Thurs, February 09, 2006, 10:00:19 ET
Posted by: Mr. Lapage,

Jive - when I listen I don't really care about the musician's personal shortcomings, if any. If I stopped listening to music because an artist had some personality faults, I'd have to sell my collection, equipment, etc etc. Besides, it ain't braggin' when you can back it up.

Date: Thurs, February 09, 2006, 09:56:51 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

Josey. Guess you're right. I should really start paying more attention to drummers in general. Always thougt Babylon, my favorite all time track sounded weird on Alive.

Just listend to Gadd on the two Paul Simon tracks. Great stuff. I also just heard the Chick Corea album "My spanish heart". The album is from 1976, and especially his drumming on the track "Wind Dance" reminds me of the drumming on the Aja-track (especilly cos I know it's him)

The certain feel or the characteristic of a drummer must also have to do with his continuously use of fills and tricks and stuff? His personal style?

Date: Thurs, February 09, 2006, 09:46:57 ET
Posted by: Jive Miguel, direct from Lhasa

You mean that style where he promotes himself as the greatest drummer of all time and then takes credit for writing half of Steely Dan's music? Boy certainly has a sense of humor doesn't he? I'll give him that.If he doesn't lose some wieght soon we'll be calling him "BeanBag Purdie".

Date: Thurs, February 09, 2006, 09:45:59 ET
Posted by: Josey, St. Simons Island

Mr. LaPage - Bernard Purdie would be the first one to tell you that too! Not sure I'd agree with your premise simply due to the number of absolutely great drummers who've held the chair. That's part of the beauty though - we all hear things differently.

Date: Thurs, February 09, 2006, 09:36:16 ET
Posted by: Mr. Lapage,

Bernard Purdie is, bar none, the best drummer of all to play with SD. Listen to any song and you can tell whether it's Pretty or not - he's got that certain style that differentiates him from all the others.

Date: Thurs, February 09, 2006, 08:59:23 ET
Posted by: Josey, St. Simons Island

TJ - re: Chambers on Babylon - my guess is that Chambers can probably play the Purdie shuffle left handed, with his feet, or whatever. The mechanics of that beat are NOT difficult. The trick, as you brought up, is in making it *feel* like Purdie. Porcaro, in my opinion, was the guy who came the closest to achieving that. He had the shuffle thing DOWN! Rosanna, Lido Shuffle, etc. Carlock really makes Babylon groove nicely. Truth is, you can take 10 different drummers and have them play the exact same beat, and if you have a discerning ear (which most Danheads do), then you'll notice 10 slightly different feels. Another great example would be "50 Ways..." - the mechanics of that beat aren't difficult at all, but making it feel like Steve Gadd does is another story.

Date: Thurs, February 09, 2006, 07:39:11 ET
Posted by: SD , Cal

Simon Phillips and Ricky Lawson played with Toto in germany 2003.

Date: Thurs, February 09, 2006, 04:28:37 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

I agree with Doc Mu

And think Walters playing on EMG is much better than on 2vN. The trading fours in Green Book, the solo in Godwhacker. Both very nice.

Dan Belcher, I agree with you on the Babylon drumming, but am wondering if Chambers was trying to make it his own or maybe he just couldn't emulate the Purdie shuffle. Or the feel of Bernard P. Hmm...

Date: Thurs, February 09, 2006, 03:20:11 ET
Posted by: Jaco, UK

I can't wait to see Ready Freddie Washington playing on DF's tour.

If anyone is interested about FW - here's a bit of info about what he's been doing/endorsing recently.

"Ready” Freddie Washington takes KSD Basses to Japan

Freddie Washington recently toured with "The Crusaders" in Japan using his new KSD 60’s 5-String and 70’s 5-string. He also had some time to lay down some tracks with his new KSD's. Freddie uses Ken Smith Masters Series Bass Strings on his KSD's as well. Freddie Washington, a long time Ken Smith player enjoyed playing the KSD for the first time at the Brooklyn Gear / Ken Smith NAMM booth in Anaheim 2003. Freddie said, “At this point in my life I don’t need any new basses but these (KSD’s) I like”. After the NAMM Show, Freddie called and spoke to Ken personally and expressed his interest in the 70's 5-string model that he played while performing with Marcus Miller and Richard Bona in a three way Bass Jam sponsored by EBS, Brooklyn Gear, and Ken Smith Basses.

Freddie Washington has played with everyone from Michael Jackson, Al Jarreau, Lionel Ritchie, B.B. King, Stevie Wonder, Whitney Houston , Aaron Nevell and so many others. Freddie's music has also been featured in the movie "Men in Black", where 'Will Smith' raps on Freddie's tune 'Forget Me Not'. Freddie has been synonymous with Ken Smith Basses for many years and has extended this to the new family of Ken Smith Designed Series Basses, “KSD” Proto-J.

Cool stuff,



Date: Thurs, February 09, 2006, 01:59:59 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu,

EMG - better song, return of the blues synth harp, Weiskopf underrated

TvN - slicker, fuller, more complex multiple-voiced, in sync production

Date: Thurs, February 09, 2006, 01:33:43 ET
Posted by: CDonald, Houston

CWalter- Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one.

EMG over 2VN for sure!

Date: Thurs, February 09, 2006, 00:58:05 ET
Posted by: blogbert,

Stix Hooper--the name says it all.

A message brought to you by Anomalous Quintet,,
a former subsidiary of the Lincoln Media Group, purveyors of fine truth-like products.

Date: Thurs, February 09, 2006, 00:27:33 ET
Posted by: CWalter, Madison, WI

Sorry, last post for awhile...

When I said "Becker soloing," I should have said "Becker noodling"--most of it is non-solo. And though I think he's kind of a guitar genius, I feel like he went from "sly" on "Two Against Nature" and "Kamakiriad" (the solo on "Snowbound" is about as good as they get) to kind of tedious on "Everything Must Go."

And I also forgot to mention, I also cried at the bridge of "Things I Miss the Most" the first time I heard it. But still, "Everything Must Go" is unfortunately an inferior hash/rehash of "Kamakiriad" and "Two Against Nature."


Date: Thurs, February 09, 2006, 00:02:45 ET
Posted by: CWalter, Madison, WI

Responding to Chrysler...

Yes, Lovano does have a VERY distinctive sound, and he's awfully listenable and satisfying IMO. I loved Potter's work on "Two Against Nature" so much that I looked into his other work. I heard clips from "Unspoken," which I intend to buy, partly because I'm a Scofield nut, but also because Potter seems to do OK in that context. But listening to clips from his other CD's, I felt like there was a serious void there, and I think it was just that--an absence of style--too recognizable as a guy playing "jazz" on a tenor sax--as opposed to a guy saying something, speaking from and to the heart--and it was LOVANO I kept wishing I was hearing instead (although, admittedly, part of the problem there may be that Lovano is pretty much the only tenor player I've listened to in a long time, along with a bit of Rollins now and then...)

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 23:54:12 ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher, Louisville, KY

Two Against Nature is more accomplished. Everything Must Go is more fun. I actually listen to EMG more than I do 2VN even though 2VN is probably technically "better."

ph, I tend to loathe drum solos the majority of the time myself. The drummer should blend into the music and yet stand out at the same time to be truly successful most of the time, though showing off is great occasionally.

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 23:44:21 ET
Posted by: CWalter, Madison, WI

Is it all about me...? What does THAT mean...? Well, the answer is yes, I suppose. I'm not interested in what anyone else thinks--seen enough of that on TMBG sites, Gentle Giant, etc.

Just want to say that anyone who thinks "Everything Must Go" is better than "Two Against Nature," or even as good, is, well, wrong.

"Everything Must Go" is pretty much on a par with "Kamakiriad," but since it comes later and sounds so much the same, it gets lower marks.
The compositions and style are also pretty derivative of "Two Against Nature," just with with more Becker soloing, and sadly, almost no Chris Potter. Yes, I cried on first hearing "Pixeleen." And yes, the bebop lines, orchestrated or otherwise, are nice. And yes, the production values are top-notch. I mean duh, IT'S STEELY DAN. But "Two Against Nature" was groundbreaking, a tour de force which was probably partly a result of its long gestational period.

If "Everything Must Go" is in a sense self-referential, as in, "Steely Dan is closing shop"--then I think they probably would do well to stick to their promise...

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 23:34:51 ET
Posted by: Josey, St. Simons Island

Rajah - sorry for the delay - just catching up with what you responded to re: Brecker. Let me suggest this: go listen to John Patitucci's first solo cd. Then listen to Michael Brecker's "Tales From The Hudson". Who knows? Maybe I'm too biased toward Brecker.

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 23:30:00 ET
Posted by: Josey, St. Simons Island

ph - Gadd did the title track to Aja! He's also famous for creating the beats to "50 Ways To Leave Your Lover" "Late In The Evening" - both Paul Simon tunes. Go check out Chick Corea's "Three Quartets". He's probably more famous for *his* feel than most any other drummer. Next time you hear "50 Ways", pay special attention to that beat. Let's start with Gadd here. I fear you may be too young for Vinnie right now.

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 23:23:12 ET
Posted by: SteelyDon, Gettysburg

There was just a Steely Dan reference during the grammy awards

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 23:17:01 ET
Posted by: Chrysler, PA

Regarding musicians, there are giants, then there are GIANTS. Branford and Evans just don't qualify as GIANTS, it seems to me. Branford is a virtuoso player, flawless technique, great note choices, but somehow his sound and his phrasing lack distinctiveness, i.e., "personality." And it's the same with brother Wynton. Not that I don't enjoy and admire their playing; I do enjoy and admire it. But it's that "stamp of personality," that all the GIANTS had in abundance, that I just don't hear in a lot of these cats, great players though they might be.

The only sax player after Shorter I can think of who qualifies as a GIANT is Michael Brecker. But based on what I've been hearing lately, Chris Potter may very well be next in line. Maybe not quite there yet, but the cat sounds like he's on his way.

Lovano? A virtuoso, has his own sound, but rather glib.

Redman? Remarkably instinctive, but at the expense of depth.

Garrett? Ditto the remarks about Branford. I can't help recalling an album Garrett did with Joe Henderson guesting; when Joe started a solo, I thought, "Kenny who?"

But you see, Joe Henderson was a GIANT.

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 23:16:17 ET
Posted by: ph,

Well, I knew I would be the odd man out with my don't-give-a-damn attitude of the rythm section, but Josey you are right, I should expand my drumming horizons. The fact is, I have probably heard and regularly listen to the names you mention, but Porcardo is basically the only name I know that I like, because I've read everybody talking about him on the bluebook (I'm not much for reading the CD credits). Steve Gadd sounds fermiliar, but I can't think of anything specific that he did.

And then again, I agree, the percussion section in the studio vs AIA versions of, well, just about every song on AIA, leaves much to be desired, even on Bodhissatva. You know what? That album really sucks. But I digress. Anyways what I meant was I care much more about, say, the quality of the saxophonist, than I do the drummer. Though the percussion CAN make or break a song, most every drummer that lands a studio recording is good enough or better. Actually, my comparison to saxophone doesn't work very well though, because i can still stand a sax if it's just "blah", as long as there are enough other good points in a song. However, I'd rather have a WOW! saxophone solo than a WOW! drum solo. And a good saxophonist is harder to come by than a good drummer. Or maybe not. I dunno. I think that's enough of my rambling, I shall go to bed now.

11TOW was mostly drum machine, wasn't it? I thought it gave a pretty cool effect.

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 22:54:08 ET
Posted by: Josey, St. Simons Island

ph - my first piece of advice would be to get out and explore some more drummers. If Porcaro is the only one you've ever been impressed with, then we have an incredibly long wat to go, amigo. Even if you're only talking about SD drummers, then your post would indicate that you just haven't even ever heard of Steve Gadd. Then there's Vinnie Colaiuta - who - and I'm not exaggerating here - can flat out play circles around every other SD drummer that ever lived! He's got every bit as much FEEL as any drummer, and he's got a bag of chops that even the best drummers can't believe. Unfortunately, he only shows up on one SD cut. From Zappa to Chick Corea to Sting to Faith Hill and back. He either gets hired because of his feel, his chops, or both - but he will never ever be out of work. Ain't many drummers out there right now with that kind of job security. I should also state (and it's pretty well known here amongst the gang) that I'm highly biased towards Vinnie. Most drummers are. I also think Porcaro had an amazing feel. Same with Carlock! There's too many to name - get out there and explore my friend.

Dan - it's interesting and strange to me about Chambers and SD. My take on his time there was that he sounded like Dennis Chambers playing along to SD. I love Dennis' playing and anyone familiar with his catalog knows he's a chopslinging freak. But I thought he was a weird fit for the Dan. I'll tell you who surprises me in terms of not getting more favorable mention is Marotta. Watch the making of Aja - when he's playing along to Peg, look at how fucking loose and relaxed he is! Ricky Lawson gets hired all of the time because of his feel, Carlock gets hired because of his feel. And on and on. Thankfully so many different styles work for so many artists

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 22:20:29 ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher, Louisville, KY


Check this link for 30 second soundclips for all the Morph songs.

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 22:19:04 ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher, Louisville, KY

ph, a good rhythm track can make or break a song. That includes primarily both the bass and the drums. Both have to be played well as well as sound good.

Comparison of how the drums are played: listen to the drum track for Babylon Sisters on the original studio version (Bernard Purdie) and then the Alive in America version (Dennis Chambers). Two totally different approaches to the half-time shuffle and different styles of fills. It changes the flow of the song and the feel drastically. Chambers doesn't do the song justice at all in my opinion and drags it down. Purdie takes the song to another level however.

Another example: FM - Jeff Porcaro in the studio and Ricky Lawson and Keith Carlock doing it live. Lawson plays his bass drum right in time with the bass guitar. Porcaro and Carlock, however, play a hi-hat accent on that bass guitar and then play the downbeat after that on the bass drum. The Porcaro/Carlock interplay method sounds a lot more fluid and interesting.

And that's to say nothing of drum sounds. I personally cannot stand even the best of drum machines 99% of the time. They just don't stack up to a natural, resonating, gorgeous set of real drums played by a human being with emotions and feel.

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 22:07:02 ET
Posted by: fp, ny

I'll go with the very underated Bed Baker.

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 21:44:58 ET
Posted by: SteelyDon, Gettysburg

Are there any other soundclips of the Morph Album besides H-Gang? Where can I here these samples? Thanks

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 21:41:43 ET
Posted by: ph,

Jeez, and I think I'M an audiophile! Basically my opinion on drums goes as far as "its got drums? yep? good enough for me." I don't even mind the machines...and I HATE drum solos; Boooooooooooooooooring. The only drummer I've ever really been impressed by is Porcardo.

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 21:38:40 ET
Posted by: Chris, nh

I was never wowed by Ted Baker. Seemed like a solid player but nothing you can't replace.

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 21:23:12 ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher, Louisville, KY

I rather like Ted Baker. He's got some tasty chops and knows how to play well with others. It's going to be different hearing someone else on tour this time around. And if Donald does take to the acoustic piano for some of the songs on this tour, I hope the gorgeous Fender Rhodes doesn't get ignored. It's the best instrument ever built in my personal opinion (I'm actually looking to purchase one myself at the moment even though I can't play worth a damn...)

Rajah, did you notice the two totally different snare sounds that Carlock seems to have on the Morph the Cat album just based on these sound samples? Morph the Cat, What I Do, Security Joan, and Morph the Cat (Reprise) have a much softer, less aggressive tone with a little muffle. H Gang, Bright Nitegown, The Great Pagoda of Funn, The Night Belongs to Mona, and Mary Shut the Garden Door all have a punchy, aggressive tone. Just based on these low quality samples, they both quite good even if very different.

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 21:14:51 ET
Posted by: SS, HK

Bed Taker not my disrespect meant.

Don on the 88s fine, and a long time overdue. How about Marian McPartland ? Finally got around to listening to that disc with the Two the other night and about smooth. How cool would it be for her to sit in ?

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 20:09:42 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Y2K was the best Steely Dan tour for my money, the setlist and the confidence of coming off 2vN which now in the fullness of time I think can be called a truly great record, densely layered and sophisticated, were contributing factors. Cornelius, yes, that was the last time he looked like his old self, he looked frail in 2003. He went way too soon, there's not much you can do for someone having a heart attack at 30,000 feet, just a heartbreak for his spouse right next to him. He is remembered fondly for sure.

The only criticism I have of Carlock, he's a real showman, is his snare. Bottom head needs tightening and top needs dampening. And yes he was super white on EMG plus they just didn't give him anything juicy, damn, throw the boy a bone why dontcha. I do like the snare on H Gang and from the snippets he doesn't ever sound clanky. I bet he's a different player on the Morph tour.

My informants tell me Baker is not going out, Jeff Young is in. Does this mean Donald slides over to the 88s? Like a nice Bossendorfer grand piano center stage?

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 19:57:11 ET
Posted by: ph,

Yah, I heard the Plush Abbie on XM Cafe one night. And I think I have a bootleg from the concert it was recorded from, but it's an audience dub so not the greatest to listen to.

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 19:47:01 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu ,

pH: Tom Barney...he lays into it. The Plush PBS Special has an awesome version of Gaslighting Abbie

Keith Calrock sounds a LOT more comfortable on the clips of Morph than a good bit of EMG. He;s Waaaaaayyy deep in the gospel/soul groove like on Pagoda of Funn and What I Do. Shouldn't be surprising since he displayed a lot of range from Latin to Aja to blues to rock to jazz #s. Aja wasn't whack for whack a copy of the original but virtually as tasty, and I like what he did with the cymbals better...Carlock was spectacular in concert.... Overcoached I guess on some of EMG - sounds (sorry) kinda white if ya know what I mean

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 19:34:40 ET
Posted by: ph,

On the 2000 tour, who does that wicked awesome bass solo to kick off the Boston Rag when it opened the set? Is that Walter? Oh dearies, if I could pick any live show to visit out of any time in history it would either be from The Wall tour (even though I don't like the album) or the Two Against Nature tour. Either would be bliss. I have the feeling that Donald's show which I'll miss is going to be another one of those ... hopefully there's bootlegs. :)

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 19:04:56 ET
Posted by: the Truth,

Cornelius will be at every show because we will think of him and his playing. He will be in our hearts at these shows.

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 18:54:24 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu ,

Chrysler: Joe Henderson + Kenny Dorham = As good as it gets

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 18:37:50 ET
Posted by: Flipkid, B'more MD

My guess about Donald's touring band (and beleive me, its *only* a guess) is that it will be a modified version of the SD EMG touring band: DF, Keith Carlock on drums, Jon Herrington on guitar, Ted Baker on keyboards, Walt Weiskopf on sax, Cindy Mizelle & Carolyn Leonhart on BG vocals, with Freddie Washington on bass ('replacing' Tom Barney), Wayne Krantz (replacing-- well, not really, but you know what I mean-- Walter) on guitar, and Jeff Young joining DF and Ted Baker on keys.

Sadly, of course, there will be no more tours (on this plane of existence, anyway) for Corneilius Bumpas.

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 18:07:28 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

That mix was fantastic, I wish I could get my hands on it, where do I go?

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 18:00:27 ET

I still wondering who will be the musiciens that are going to accompanate Donald during his tour?
What will be the composition of his hornsection and backgroundvocalists?
Hey SD fan i am going to that Temeculashow too. I've got my VIP tickets and i am wondering what that means in reality.

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 17:54:33 ET

I remembering the hit Do it again meets Billy Jean from 1982.
In Europe it was a great dancetune in the discos.
It was what it was but comparing with the originals it was liquid shit.
In the beginning i discovered Steely Dan there was an other cover of Do it again performed by Deodato. i can't remember the title of that album but i know there was a remake of an Gershwin song too.

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 17:50:11 ET
Posted by: SD fan, calif

thank you Josey

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 17:18:00 ET
Posted by: Josey, St. Simons Island

SD Fan - it most likely was Simon Phillips. He is a truly amazing drummer who did a lot of Pete Townsend's solo stuff, some with Jeff Beck, he did The Who's 25th Anniversary tour, and many more. He basically took over Jeff Porcaro's role in Toto after Jeff died. Simon's main thing is his ambidexterity. Anything he can play right handed - and I mean ANYTHING he can play right handed, he can also play left handed. The boy is a certified freak! Hopefully we're talking about the same guy.

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 17:16:15 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Simon Phillips maybe?

So Peter, can you tell us what you've heard about the upcoming tour or not? Jeff Young still has his Donald Fagen Band tour blurb on his website, that B-3 with Ted Baker on piano and Donald on the melodica would really work nicely.

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 17:02:04 ET
Posted by: SD FAN, calif

Can anyone tell me who played drums with toto in Dec 2003 in germany

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 17:00:31 ET
Posted by: YGK, nyc

there's a Dali Lama CD which I used to hear in my acupuncurist's office which was killer....


Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 16:55:18 ET
Posted by: The Docotr, Portsmouth, England

Boys and Girls,

Forked out for one of dem VIP pass efforts for the Chicago bash...hey, once you start splashing the cash it's hard to put the brakes on !...but anyway, it's not something that I've heard of /seen over here in the UK yet...but no doubt etc etc..anyway any comments/ thoughts on this type of ticket...worth all the hard earned, or fools gold ?

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 16:44:53 ET
Posted by: ph, I'm not so uncultured as my peers

Ann, I knew who Blind Faith was...!
So what did you think of Clapton's new album? I thought it really sucked. I couldn't get through even half of it! He really hasn't put a good album out since Slowhand (with the exception of "Unplugged").

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 16:44:08 ET
Posted by: ygk, nyc

I went to a bene a few years back for this dude, like a gargoyle or somethin.....had some liver problems......
and this short little bald-headed geetar-wrist got up and played some tunes, had a simple name or somethin......people said he used to play in central park.....and there was this organist guy, uh, I think he was Anderson's brother......

nice names tho.......


Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 16:32:11 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

Bobby Timmons's Dat Dere and Dis Here happen to be, of course, exactly the kind of gospel-jazz Donald Fagen loves, why Donald hired Timmons' successor in Cannonball's groups to play on Steely Dan records etc. But all that's too much name dropping of course (roll eyes).

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 16:07:09 ET
Posted by: ygk, nyc

WAY! Ever heard Bobby Timmons? There's one record I have with him and Shorter that really smokes - title escapes me now.....c'mon, PQ, sober up. ;-)

Me and the White Ella are going to the Beacon, maybe crashing.....she'll 'love' those dark skinned chippys (her phrase not mine) but sure we'll probably Crash the Rajah - (wasn't that a Clash song?).....

Bring your mixolydian modes along, unless you're too phrygian.

"gimme that doggy bag of squeaks and hums, we'll put it in the phrygian....."


Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 15:58:07 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

Malc, no way! Although I will say, Shorter's Joy Ryder is the best album I ever heard that was exclusively soprano. It's completely OOP and impossible to find. Seats are still available for the Beacon. I was gonna crash Raj and Gretchen's party with about 6 Puerto Rican hoochie mamas from around 130th and Lex, you going?

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 15:44:24 ET
Posted by: ygk, nyc

PQ: "the equal of Shorter"????

What are you smokin' bud? Whatever it is, I DON'T want any....Branford could only dream of coming close to having the sound and influence of one Mr. Wayne Shorter. No disrespect on the players, but Wayne could blow circles around both. He's much more musical, IMHO, and leads his groups with a gentle yet solid hand.

next thing you'll tell me is that Beasley is equal to Jarrett.


btw - where are you sitting at the Beacon?


Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 15:22:18 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Brecker, Evans and Marsalis are great players. It's that darned soprano sax sound, my response at this point is Pavlovian, it hurts to listen. All I can think of is Nepalese snake charmer music. My limitations. The Weather Report records are cool though, it's whenever that thing solos that my fillings rattle.

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 15:20:06 ET
Posted by: Morgue, Crematorium

Henry Threadgill isn't dead.

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 15:18:47 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

Raj, come on! The fact is, virtually every good tenor player also doubles on soprano. On soprano Bill Evans and Branford are both the equal of Shorter. So is Henry Threadgill now that I think about it, RIP.

You're listening to Kenny G perhaps? Or the smooth jazz station in LA, what's it called, The Wave? The Breeze?

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 14:42:57 ET
Posted by: Josey, St. Simons Island

Rajah - are you forgetting about Michael Brecker??

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 14:41:59 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Next, some of you are going to be complaining that you bought Barbara Streisand's "Stoney End" album because "I Mean to Shine" is on it but you were disappointed it wasn't like "Aja."

Although I disagree with some of the teachings of Krishna as I understand them, I knew I was buying an album that was likely to be a mantra and not a Steely Dan-tinged album — that's the nature of a Krishna Das recording. You *should* look into what you are buying so you can appreciate it. I bought it thinking, "Walter lent his name, time and talents to it so he must want me to hear this." Shoot—If Walter wanted to host an Amway distributorship seminar, I'd probably check it out once, although I think Amway sucks. (Does Amway even exist anymore?)


Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 14:31:42 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Don and Walt have afforded me years and years of listening pleasure, I trust them implicitly by now, I trust each record will represent a quality product, why on earth would I not check out whatever they do? I like my pasta, ya know, I like it pretty much no matter what sauce is poured over it.

As for the comment on Rabelais, wow, where do I start, it's never too late to learn about something that's new to you or revisit something you remember you liked a lot, it's what intellectual curiosity is all about.

Does anyone have this old Parker/Coltrane record at Carnegie Hall? I've been listening to it for a lot of years and it's still not getting old, like Aja.

The soprano sax has been hijacked by aliens with extremely poor taste and turned into something very annoying. Shorter is the end of the line.

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 14:26:38 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

Chrys - I think, if I'm not mistaken, Shorter dropped the Coltrane squeals and honks with Miles. If you're talking about Messenger albums like The Big Beat and Free For All yeah, Shorter's still a Coltrane disciple. Certainly by the time of Weather Report records like Elegant People the sound we hear on the Aja song is fully maturely developed. No?

On soprano - come on. Bill Evans. Branford.

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 14:13:24 ET
Posted by: Chrys, addendum

Oh geez, and how could I gloss over Joe Henderson? A Lester Young descendant for sure.

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 14:04:21 ET
Posted by: Chrysler, PA

Rajah: Can't personally relate to the plot, but I sure can relate to the "ending." Great musings, buddy.

PQ: Actually, Wayne Shorter came right out of Coltrane. Listen to Wayne's early work with Art Blakey and on his own early Blue Note albums. Coltrane and Shorter actually had a "master/apprentice" musical relationship in the 50s. Shorter's early style is really a brilliant distillation of Trane's. Then he took the ball and ran with it, eventually producing the inimitable "Wayne Shorter" style. Wayne is, along with Sonny Rollins, the last of the tenor giants. And with Steve Lacy no longer with us, Shorter's THE last of the soprano giants.

Also, both Dexter Gordon and Stan Getz came more out of Lester Young than from Coleman Hawkins, it seems to me.

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 13:51:27 ET
Posted by: Morph rocks!, !

A Good Rule--Up until the Das record I bought and enjoyed everything over the years that had Becker and Fagen's name on it. Everything from Eye to Eye to China Crisis to Far Cry. So your "rule" doesn't work for me!

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 13:39:40 ET
Posted by: A Good Rule, School

If the only reason you buy something is because it has Walter Becker or Donald Fagen's name connected to it, like Krishna Das or Warne Marsh, and you would have never bought it otherwise, chances are you should just pass on it. As we have seen. If merely seeing the name Rabelais is some grand intellectual adventure for you, you're already too late.

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 13:26:13 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

The Krishna Das thing, I have to assume it's, well, not for everyone as Walty says. Maybe he's exploring a completely different process. I'm hoping his new record will be very strange and startling.

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 13:17:44 ET
Posted by: SD fan since way back in 77, Calif

Hoops you couldnt have said it any better.

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 13:08:44 ET
Posted by: hoops,

I wouldn't give who ever wrote those nasty lines about MTC at the alt. group the time of day nor would I cross post that crap to here for that matter. I bet they already have another review all ready to go for when Walter's solo album comes out. It will be an identical nasty review that substitutes "Walter Becker" for "Donald Fagen" and the name of Walter's album for "Morph The Cat." I bet it's either some whacko fan who has an ax to grind and wants to pretend they have heard the album, making them so superior; or less likely, some player on some "Morph" or Steely Dan sessions whose performance didn't make the cut. I mean all this innuendo—how about some concrete examples? They could have at least used "H Gang" or sound clips as an example. Given that, it's just a lot of smoke and hot air with no fire. "H Gang" is great. I think by reacting and getting upset by that stupid post, you're giving that person exactly what they want.

" Morph Rocks!" —as I implied in my review of the Ram Das CD last August, comparing that album with anything Walter or Donald have produced is not even like comparing apples and oranges—it's like comparing apples and roast beef!

Give it a rest.


Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 12:52:56 ET
Posted by: SD fan, calif

MTC sounds great on sound clips.Cant wait to hear the whole cd.Counting days until Temcula show.With VIP pass it should be fantastic.

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 12:28:28 ET
Posted by: Morph Rocks!, maui

Raj---Do you want to know the true meaning of 'depressing"?
Go out and buy "ALL ONE" by Krishna Das. I can't believe Walter Becker produced and played bass on this crap! Now that's depressing!

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 12:08:03 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Addressing for a moment the person who wrote a very polite but ultimately rather scathing review of MTC after listening to it in its entirety 'many times over' and found it to be depressing, now I haven't heard Morph in its entirety, just the snippets on the Barnes & Noble site (but I promise you NASA doesn't listen to sounds from deep space closer than I have these tiny bits) and taken all together, I sense it's a very melancholy, spooky journey toward the end. The apocalypse? Well, maybe, but certainly the personal apocalypse we're all heading toward, the inevitable ringing of the bell, closing of the book, blowing out the candle. The songs seem to connote the auteur's acceptance of it, we all hope to live well and die well, the uncertainty and randomness of our existence and our eventual departure is what strikes fear. A young person tends to struggle against things like social institutions, schools, the state, authority of any kind, later in adulthood struggling to gather up money, property, forging and dismantling relationships, getting those kids of yours up and running as functional beings, the storms rage for decades and there isn't much inclination to look toward the end of your story. But as your life settles down into a managable and ordered existence at home and at work, your kids grow up, get married, start their own families, that's when it really starts to hit you. You're getting older, the mirror does not lie, the Turban does not sit as jauntily on your balding pate like it used to, you look at old pictures and wonder who that young Love-God was with the bushy blonde ringlets and 29 inch waist, so you make jokes about age and death, sure, but underneath is that dead serious last challenge beconing you toward one inevitable and inexorable destination. One way or another, you're going, do you wanna go kicking and screaming or do you want to accept it as best you can and get on with living well for as long as the Fates allow? So he found MTC depressing? Well it's waaaay more than just depressing, shit, they have pills for depression, most of them advertised right here on this field of Blue, no, this is death we're talking about, it's the end and it's coming, maybe even today. Things change forever.

Which makes our silly Danfests, some aging popster's third record and this tour even more important. Cause death is depressing, which is why we must do everything in our power every day to try and make sure living isn't.

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 11:21:49 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

Er...few days ago I see SD drummers were being rated one even mentioned DC, never mind rated him in the mix...I can't be sure, but I don't think any other Steely drummer used the double bass peds like DC uses. It sounds different with Scofield and Stern's music somehow.

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 10:04:32 ET
Posted by: Mike F., NYC

I have 2 tickets to Donald at the Beacon that I am unable to use. Would like to sell them to recoup my expenses or trade for a single ticket to another New York show (anyone have a David Gilmour they can't use?) The seats are located in Row X, on a center aisle. Thank you.

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 09:54:05 ET
Posted by: DANFANINFLA., Winter Springs, Fla.

Has anyone heard about expanding the dates and venues in the upcoming Fagen tour? In particular, wondering if he is going to make his way down to Florida ....

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 09:48:31 ET
Posted by: bassicinstinct, Nottingham UK


Tragically, I fear that would be tantamount to slamming the stable door long after the horse has not only bolted but died. LOL

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 09:39:55 ET
Posted by: Flipkid, B'more, MD

"Hoops, cleanup on aisle 5 - pharmacy section"


Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 09:02:22 ET
Posted by: Ann, Borneo

Came across this on the website of DF's PR company:

It's a newly-released DVD of Blind Faith's first ever concert in 1969, in Hyde Park.

They were the first "Super Group", consisting of (for those younger members of the Blue): Clapton, Windwood, Baker and Gretch.

I don't suppose anyone has had a release date for MTC in Borneo (or anywhere else in Asia)??

Hey! LWO....thanks for the greeting. Things ok down here, apart from it being a musical desert. Sorry, can't join you all in March, but hoping to get there in Summer if a tour happens. Fingers crossed!!

Peace to all,


Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 09:01:37 ET
Posted by: Dan Fan Novel, St Al is the only person that read it

Peter Q- You're in dire need of psychiatric help.

Clas- Nothing happened to Jeff Young. He'll be on the bus. Ask Peter Q. He's good friends with the whole band.

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 08:54:23 ET
Posted by: C,


What happened to Jeff Young? He jumped off the Happy Day, why?


Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 08:54:12 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu,

PQ: While the style resembles in a way the intro to Acknowledgement from A Love Supreme, Weiskopf's melody line on the sax a little imporvisation around the Bridge to the EMG title track - which can heard easily

"...The sky the moon good food and the weather
First-run movies -- does anybody get lucky twice?
Wouldn't it be nice..."

Very, very clever

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 08:40:42 ET
Posted by: Big Fan , at work

Hoops, cleanup on aisle 5 - pharmacy section

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 08:39:22 ET
Posted by: PQ, NYC

I remember when I asked Walt Weiskopf to tell me a little about the opening of EMG, he said of course he assumed it was a nod to Coltrane though he didn't really ever discuss it with Don and Walt. IMHO, sorry, hate to name drop (LOL, roll eyes), but Walt W. is really the only Coltrane-esque tenor player SD has ever used. Maybe Mu could or YGK could comment. I seem to feel (except for Shorter, he's in his own category) every other tenor was more a descendant of Coleman Hawkins. Even Ben Webster, in Christlieb's case.

Another great LT show at Rockwood's last night!! "The Wolf" was on acoustic guitar and Doug Hendricks on various percussions. Mucho (first hand) knowledge about the Fagen tour drifting PQ's way.

Don't forget why St. Al says "Every Steely Dan fan should read this book. You will connect with it immediately, as I did."

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 08:07:21 ET
Posted by: Chrysler, PA

Yeah, just what is this negative "industry talk about the source of MTC?" Sounds awfully cynical.

Gee, I thought Donald Fagen was the source. Are we talking a plagiarism charge here?

Sex "only" ONCE A WEEK?!? Wow, week in and week out, 52 TIMES A YEAR, sounds pretty good to me. Where can a 51 year old single guy sign the contract?!?

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 00:43:35 ET
Posted by: SS, HK

Kama horns are post summer-at-Berklee horns....all DF.

Date: Wed, February 08, 2006, 00:00:43 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu,

Chrysler: the horns are my favorite part of Kama - Countermoon particularly swings...a few more muted trupets hear...a little less sassy...Pagoda has those Bacharach horns a la Almost Gothic. Morph horns are most like Kama...

Date: Tues, February 07, 2006, 23:46:09 ET
Posted by: moray eel, what

To my ears:

I woke up
Sensed the new condition

May 1
Storms rage
Things change


Date: Tues, February 07, 2006, 22:43:43 ET
Posted by: Blue balls, How's my little girl, etc

How the hell is it that everyone and their brother has heard Morph but NO ONE has leaked it yet? I'm seriously checking torrent sites twice a day. This is driving me nuts!

Date: Tues, February 07, 2006, 20:13:20 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

I like both Morph samples. But I hear the Mary song's melody strongest, that 3rd beat emphasis, great Latin groove with Stevie Wonder touches on the horns/reeds/synthizers, very Porcaro.

Day 1
Storms rage,
Things change,

Simplicity in lyrics is the hardest thing to master according to Hal David, Bacharach's lyricist, when asked why of all their songs did "This Guy's in Love with You," sung by non-singer Herb Alpert was the first song after just shy of 20 years of collaboration that went to number one.

Date: Tues, February 07, 2006, 19:51:56 ET
Posted by: Alkali, NYC

No, the Aiken thing was a joke, Vinnie did the drumming on it, however, i thought someone would catch that.
besides, i think the title is sarcastic and appropriate.
the Medugno one is for real, i love that guys voice!
i man could sing.

ok, i've decided the best part of "H-gang" is Don's singing:

"but there's a film that's in production,
the working title's, "Song of Desire,"
about an orphan girl with this crazy red hair,
and a voice and a dream and a soul on fire."

i'm loving the title track, big time.


Date: Tues, February 07, 2006, 18:49:25 ET
Posted by: THX 1138, BART

Yeah that Tenderloin is just wonderful. Step over the heroin addicts on your way to a watered down music scene. You'd be better off staying in Oakland

Date: Tues, February 07, 2006, 18:34:54 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu ,


Porcaro - no one could fill and groove and shuffle, sometimes at thte same time!
Parker - Fagen only
Carlock [a monster live - waiting for MTC] - I like 'em a little jazzier than on EMG
Hodder - frankly, I wish Jim Gordon had played on the first 2 albums

Date: Tues, February 07, 2006, 18:19:46 ET
Posted by: wow, calif

I hope MTC has nine lives.But who believes what they say.

Date: Tues, February 07, 2006, 17:51:35 ET
Posted by: Oh Jesus,

A friend of mine who works in the biz tells me that MTC is getting nothing but praise. In fact there is quite a bit of excitement surrounding it. I'd like to know what this person is talking about, especially the part about "why and how it was done."

But then, you have to take it with a grain of salt because I have also heard the album and it's fantastic!

Don't listen, people! That reviewer doesn't know what he's talking about. Morph ROCKS!

Date: Tues, February 07, 2006, 17:28:49 ET
Posted by: Flipkid, B'more MD

" my taste this is very disappointing, and the industry talk about the source of MTC and why and how it was done sounded about right once I heard it..."

OK, I'll display my (obvious) ignorance at this point. What exactly has been "the industry talk about the source of MTC and why and how it was done"???

Date: Tues, February 07, 2006, 17:10:11 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

A person who has Domenico Medugno (Volare, Al Di La)in his changer is capable of anything.

We return you now to our regularly scheduled adverts for anime sex, mature sluts, cialis and evitra...hey -

sex, drugs and Steely Dan go together like a hand in glove.

Date: Tues, February 07, 2006, 17:08:55 ET
Posted by: Gladstone,

check out the SD reference here:

cool product, BTW

Date: Tues, February 07, 2006, 16:58:23 ET
Posted by: ph, **widens eyes in disbelief**

Alkali, you're kidding about spinning Aken, right?

Date: Tues, February 07, 2006, 16:55:42 ET
Posted by: Ravi,

Steely Dan drums?








Date: Tues, February 07, 2006, 16:23:19 ET
Posted by: Alkali, NYC

Bobby Peru wrote:
"Traditionally "Eagle flies on Friday" means "payday",

but Donald Fagen means of coures : Sex

(the Eagle is the Penis)"

Would this be a bald eagle or a Bonelli's eagle, this makes all the difference in the world.
Please clarify.

Favorite Dan drummers in order of preference and excluding Vinnie (since he only made a brief appearance)
These would be drummer's who have made more than one appearance and who fit the Dan groove and mold:

and of course:

Revolving inside the metal disc machine:

Clay Aiken-“measure of a man”
Gentle Giant-“3 Friends”
King Crimson-“Vroom”
Domenico Medugno-“Compilation”


Date: Tues, February 07, 2006, 15:37:49 ET
Posted by: Chris, nh

Rita - It's actually called Reelin In The Sheives. Also, Steely Dan is incorrect - the band is one guy, named Mr. Stevie Dan.

I rank Carlock way above Ricky; his drumming is just boring. Carlock can really groove, and his solos during the 2003 tour were amazing. Lawson has an amazing talent to basically keep perfect time, but personally I'd rather have a little style over a human drum machine who doesn't turn 150 bpm to 160 bpm.

Date: Tues, February 07, 2006, 15:25:27 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Carlock's studio peformance of 2vN got him the job as Steely Dan's drummer, a big chair to fill. Rating the Steely Dan drummers?

(let's leave aside Vinnie, he's in another league)


Date: Tues, February 07, 2006, 15:20:52 ET
Posted by: Morph, USA

This was posted at

What a nasty review!


TimR I'm with you plus some. I wasn't going to post my opinion, I
didn't want to party poop. But seeing now as I'm not the only one not
creaming my pants I'll throw down.

I have heard the whole album many times let's just say as part of work. In this one man's opinion, musically and lyrically it is a major
disappointment. I think that Fagen is so talented, and still writes the best bridges in the business, and knows how to work those pretty chords and harmonies and horn lines, that there's plenty even in this effort that rises above 99% of what's out there. But looking strictly BY HIS OWN STANDARDS as an artist, I find this one is flat, heartless, soulless, and I'm sorry to say even bankrupt. IMHO the lyrics are almost painfully horrible. The structures, except for the odd mu chord or pretty modulation or interesting bridge, are static and stuck in that compulsive groove rut. The mix has no presence and everything sounds equally flat.

Obviously many listeners and reviewers are in heaven. More power to
them and Fagen is entitled to that success, I'm glad many will get so
much enjoyment of this work and I hope I am not misunderstood for my
very different opinion. But to my taste this is very disappointing, and the industry talk about the source of MTC and why and how it was done sounded about right once I heard it. I am sad and disappointed and even a little depressed by this album.

Date: Tues, February 07, 2006, 15:01:06 ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher, Louisville, KY

Josey, that's because Gaslighting Abbie was written to his strengths. He's got great pocket and plays certain types of songs right, but others not so much. Don & Walt chose Ricky to do Abbie because he fit that song very well.

Date: Tues, February 07, 2006, 13:54:29 ET
Posted by: Josey, St. Simons Island

Dan - while I'm not a huge Ricky fan, when I hear "Gaslighting", I think it's covered with "feel". I guess we all hear things differently. On the 2000 tour, I saw them in Atlanta and I remember thinking his solo was just really plain-jane. Anyways, there's my two cents.

Date: Tues, February 07, 2006, 11:03:48 ET
Posted by: Bobby, Peru

Listen up now! Hear a deep sound comin' down from Bobby Peru...

Thank your, Pam

Date: Tues, February 07, 2006, 10:14:00 ET
Posted by: I'm throwing out my CD's,


Date: Tues, February 07, 2006, 09:25:42 ET
Posted by: Gary RC, RC Calif

It still doesnt matter.Being a SD fan since I bought Aja way back when it was 8 track. And following them since 1977 and through the years. It is still great music it and cant get much better than that.

Date: Tues, February 07, 2006, 09:06:53 ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher, Louisville, KY

Ricky is a human metronome--but in the wrong way. He bores me to tears and sounds very mechanical. There's no "feel" to his drumming. He's in the pocket and keeping a perfect groove, which is fine. But he just never sounds "right." For instance, listen to Jack of Speed from the studio version and then listen to the live DVD version. Ricky takes away that little stutter that brings the groove to life so much in the studio. It just doesn't work for me. Yuck.

Date: Tues, February 07, 2006, 08:55:51 ET
Posted by: Mule75, Philly

I've got a pair of DF Beacon tickets for sale, face or less. Front row of Balcony. Please somebody buy these. Thanks.

Date: Tues, February 07, 2006, 08:53:33 ET
Posted by: Gary in RC, RC

Dan I Keith is a great drummer.I have seen him in 2 SD concerts. But I think Ricky has a slight edge over Keith.In a interview with DF and WB I cant think of web site right now.You can read about there thoughts about ricky.They have nothing but great things to say.Living in the L.A. I have seen Ricky many times. He goes on many tours and plays many sessions in the studio with different artists.He is one of the most requested drummers. Believe me I am a giant fan of keith.And hopefully meeting him in Temecula show At the soundcheck.

Date: Tues, February 07, 2006, 08:46:28 ET
Posted by: Pam, HMOhno

Bobby: A popsicle stick & some duct tape should do the trick :)

Date: Tues, February 07, 2006, 08:34:24 ET
Posted by: Bobby, Peru

I need urgend cheap viagra,
who can help me?

Date: Tues, February 07, 2006, 07:30:30 ET
Posted by: Flipkid, B'more, MD

RE: Drums

Agreed that Keith Carlock is probably the perfect "fit" for SD and DF.

He can play the complicated Steve Gadd/Jeff Porcaro stuff ("Aja", "2vN") AND the pocket Ricky Lawson/Leroy Clouden stuff ("Cousin Dupree", all of Kamakiriad) with equal feel.

Date: Tues, February 07, 2006, 06:00:46 ET

It seems very difficult for you guys for choosing the right concertplace.
Don't think to much but just handle fast before the concert is over.
I decided to make trip and i'm trying not to think about the 11 hours in that plane.For me it's like a horrormovie!
But i have to do it because i know if i don't, well maybe i will miss the most important rendez vous of my life.
So i'll go to the Wiltern in LA and to the Pachanga in Temecula.
So if there are other Danfans going to both concerts please let me know.

Date: Tues, February 07, 2006, 04:24:51 ET
Posted by: Ricky Member, Los Angeles to Oakland in my Kamakiri

Why choose? A one hour flight or a six hour drive. Either way, for an occasion such as this, why settle for one or the other when you can have 'em both back to back?

Date: Tues, February 07, 2006, 04:24:22 ET
Posted by: Bobby, Peru

Traditionaly "Eagle flies on Triday" means "payday",

but Donald Fagen means of coures : Sex

(the Eagle is the Penis)

Date: Tues, February 07, 2006, 03:28:03 ET
Posted by: BART not MTA, Wine country

And remember, when the show is over in Oakland you'll be less than a 30 minute BART ride away from being in one of the most beautiful cities in the world...San Fransico. It's Oakland/San Fran over LA for me!

Date: Tues, February 07, 2006, 02:59:45 ET
Posted by: MTA not BART, The Metro Red Line

If you go to a show in Oakland, remember that you will be in Oakland when the show is over. If you go to a show at the Wiltern, you will be in Hollywood. Not much of a choice there. If mass transit is the determining factor, then remember that the Metro Red Line has a stop at Wilshire and Western (from which the name "Wiltern" is derived).

Date: Tues, February 07, 2006, 01:06:43 ET
Posted by: morph,

I'm sorry, the correct Jepardy question was, "who is Throbby Stiffler?"

Date: Mon, February 06, 2006, 22:36:03 ET
Posted by: Chris, nh

Ricky Don't Lose Your Member. Is that the one about John Bobitt?

Date: Mon, February 06, 2006, 22:09:09 ET
Posted by: hoops,

The latest Dandom Digest has been sent, this time covering January 26-February 6, 2006.

PLEASE NOTE: I am using a different email configuration. So please let me know if anything looks different from the past 6-7 years—or if you don't get it all.

If you are a subscriber, you should see it in your email box within the next 12 hours. Again, If you don't receive it, please email me. Some people have been having problems with delivery of the Dandom Digest, usually because of spam filters, firewalls, etc.

The following are the subjects of this particular edition of the Dandom Digest

• MTC European release date changed!
• Preview Soundclips from DF's New Album
• soundclips Morph the Cat
• Problems with soundclips
• morph previews
• morph soundclips
• Can MYC top Kamakiriad?
• Fagen on All About
• Morph the cat - larger pic
• Cover Art
• Danfest & Wing Ding Registry v 0.9 Now Open
• Philly & AC Road Trips?
• REDUX: Billboard article about late Summer Steely Dan Tour
• Steely Dan Summer 2006 concert info wanted
• Re: Steely Dan Summer 2006 concert info
• REDUX: surround fagen
• REDUX: Live Dan Videos on Youtube
• SD videos from the vault
• REDUX: Call your Local AC, AA, etc Radio Station & Ask for H GANG
• H Gang


• —NEW: March 7 Beacon Theater 4-Star Ticket For Sale
• —NEW: FOR SALE: 1 for Westbury 3/3
• —Banyan Trees Ticket Exchange 2006

If you are not currently a subscriber but would like to receive the free Dandom Digest email newsletter"—definitely not to be confused with the glorious Official, or newsletters/mail lists—please email me or see


Date: Mon, February 06, 2006, 22:04:33 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Hey THANK **YOU** Bill !

Date: Mon, February 06, 2006, 21:24:08 ET
Posted by: Sponge Bill, Boston

Hey Hoops,

Let me just repeat my words from the first time that we met outside the CBS Soundstage Building after the taping of the VH1 show 'Storytellers,' "'I really want to thank you for all your work. I really appreciate your efforts."

That was a great night with all the Steely Dan internet gods, Pete Fogel, Saint Al, you and others whose names slip from my tongue now, but are still fondly remembered.

I hope that things are getting better. I heard that there has been rough roads of late. You know as always, if I can do anything, please, please let me know.

I am going to jump over and update my Danfest info. Mark told me about Felt in Boston next to the Opera House. I was there on Saturday and get some basic info to get the Danfest started. It should be a great place to meet and for people to have dinner.

Talk soon,

Sponge Bill

Date: Mon, February 06, 2006, 21:21:54 ET
Posted by: An Old Game ???,

Rita Sen sure reminds me of another nearly English SD fan....from a couple years back.

Not to be taken seriously.

Date: Mon, February 06, 2006, 20:49:25 ET
Posted by: Rajah, com poseur

Hoops, the ability to abuse your spouse anonymously is something women would pay US Dollars for, Gretchen continues to receive this service gratis. Just another community service provided by the Blue. Amazing how she replicated the peevish tone of a 12 year old child. Reminded me of...someone...but he who spanks last spanks best...

Carlock is the man for the forseeable future, it'll be interesting to see how his style has developed after all those Sting shows.

Mu, Grace Kelly types are scarce, hunh. She only made like 10 movies. What was there was churce as Spenser might say.

Date: Mon, February 06, 2006, 20:45:11 ET
Posted by: Dan Belcher, Louisville, KY

gary, I disagree. I thought Ricky Lawson was pretty annoying. His fills felt forced and didn't go with the music, his drum sound didn't quite fit with the rest of the band, and worst of all he insisted on opening his hi-hat once every freaking measure to no end. Argh! I can feel the count just fine, thankyouverymuch.

IMHO, Keith Carlock has been the best fit with the band so far. A bit too restrained in the studio (upon Donald/Walter's wishes apparently), but great in concert.

Date: Mon, February 06, 2006, 20:40:27 ET
Posted by: P-G, via hoops

What did we do to deserve this?!??!

The original release date for Europe is now March 13, not March 6 as previously reported!

The updated European press-release also states a late February release for the download of "H Gang". Guess that the European download date might be the same as for the UK:

"'Morph The Cat', the eagerly anticipated new solo album from Steely Dan co-founder Donald Fagen, has been set for a UK release of Monday 13th March via Reprise Records (North American release is Tuesday 7th March). 'H Gang', the first single take from the album, will be released as a digital download in Britain on 27th February (see below for full listing for all UK digital download sites)."

Full press release at:

Date: Mon, February 06, 2006, 20:33:58 ET
Posted by: hoops,

Actually, I believe the "bluebunny" poster is noneother than Gretchen.

Date: Mon, February 06, 2006, 20:09:53 ET
Posted by: ph, how come only the handicapped meddling old crankpots get the chicks?

Mmmm...Grace Kelly....

Now that I think about it, Alternating Current does have a slight hum to it if its high enough voltage (like over 1000V). Perhaps Mona is electrocuting herself!
No, it's probably A/C.

Date: Mon, February 06, 2006, 20:08:13 ET
Posted by: gary, RC Calif

Hopefully Steely Dan will tour at the end of summer 06. Looking foward to seeing DF in So. Calif. Have VIP tickets for sound check.Maybe they can use grammy award winner Ricky Lawson on drums if they tour at the end of summer. He was great in 1996 and 2000 tours.If he isnt busy.

Date: Mon, February 06, 2006, 19:44:29 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu ,

Yes, 99.99% sure it's "CD Spinnin,' A/C hummin' " Very nice.

Could be hum of a window unit or apt central units...

Whew, that's why Alfred Hitchcock's Rear Window is not in Smell-o-Rama...although Grace Kelly was a breath of fresh air...That's how chicken should be served...

Date: Mon, February 06, 2006, 19:35:41 ET
Posted by: hoops,

The posts from January 22-Feb 5 that were gone are now back.

One caveat: the clock times from the back-up posts are slightly off from the original posting times. This is indicated at the beginning of each post.

If you see something up there that you had originally requested be removed but find it is back, please let me know. Thanks for your patience.


Date: Mon, February 06, 2006, 17:53:32 ET
Posted by: blue bunny, troublemaker, cellophane

........hmmmm, Rajah, YOU seem to like the SD girls, too bad they don't like you. Take your twisted turban and get outta here. LA poser

Date: Mon, February 06, 2006, 17:37:53 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

You try roasting marshmallows over a flaming couch.

Yes ph, humming, it would be a room air conditioner stuck in a window up there on the 40th floor where Mona is having her solo dance-off prior to launching herself out a window. They really know how to have fun, all these Steely Dan girls Don writes about. Surpassed only by our very own real Steely Dan girls as you will discover at our Danfests. They'll be lookin for a showdown.

Date: Mon, February 06, 2006, 17:14:42 ET
Posted by: blue bunny, hangin' with the chicks

Rajah's allready roasted all his marshmallows, unfortunately he burns them every time.

Date: Mon, February 06, 2006, 17:11:19 ET
Posted by: ph, imbalance

Since when does Alternating Current hum? :)

Date: Mon, February 06, 2006, 17:01:25 ET
Posted by: CDs spinnin', AC hummin'

Feelin' pretty

Date: Mon, February 06, 2006, 17:01:12 ET
Posted by: ygk, nyc

That sounds like a plan, Raj, but when we throw the couch out, we could set it on fire, and have a marshmallow roast.....

I'm sure the locals won't mind......

; - )


Date: Mon, February 06, 2006, 17:00:30 ET
Posted by: CDs spinnin',

Feelin' pretty

Date: Mon, February 06, 2006, 16:54:57 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

It's a guess is all. Could have sworn I heard the whole word, "hummin," but maybe it's one of those things where the brain fills in what seems likely, like misspellings on the board here that noboady notices.

ygk - perhaps we should combine parties dude, have one mega major Danfest upstairs, thrown a couch out onto Broadway...

Date: Mon, February 06, 2006, 16:48:35 ET
Posted by: eman,

Hi All -

How do you know the lyrics are "CD spinnin'/AC HUMMIN'?" My WMP cuts off on "AC HU..."(right on the 30th sec. of the 30 sec. clip)

Date: Mon, February 06, 2006, 16:40:27 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Rikki don't loose that member,
It's my one and only schlong,
I'm gonna use it when I feel better,
Please mind the dong.

Sometimes you just have to do these things...

Date: Mon, February 06, 2006, 16:26:11 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

Oups, 1973. You better be for real Rita, or the joke is on me...

Date: Mon, February 06, 2006, 16:25:40 ET
Posted by: Marshmallow Peep, CVS

Oh, can we all stop fawning over Rajah? This is not a fan site to his "greatness." I say we ignore him, maybe he'll go away. LA blowhard.

Date: Mon, February 06, 2006, 16:24:02 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

Rita. The man in the recordstore should be slapped hard with the cover of that cd! What he sold you is an album of songs never released by Steely Dan, but stuff they wrote before they even got a record deal. When they became famous, these songs were released... to make money, and to please the hardcore fans I guess(Catalyst is the same songs)

This is their albums in cronological order:

Can't buy a thrill 1972
Countdown to ecstacy 1974
Pretzel logic 1974
Katy Lied 1975
Royal Scam 1976
Aja 1977
Gaucho 1980
Two Against Nature 2000
Everything Must Go 2003

Try one of these instead and you won't be disappointed. (Rikki is on Pretzel Logic)

Date: Mon, February 06, 2006, 16:15:59 ET
Posted by: Josey, St. Simons Island

Raj - PLEASE - if you will, treat us to the lyrics of "Rikki Don't Lose Your MEMBER"!! Man, that is just ripe for material!

Date: Mon, February 06, 2006, 15:43:00 ET
Posted by: ygk, nyc

Raj: me and the White Ella will be attending the Beacon, and we should figure on a plan to meet - I am pondering hosting a shindig for this show only.

More forthcoming.


Date: Mon, February 06, 2006, 15:37:10 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

It's true, ph, it's the greatness of the Rajah, the larger than life persona, the omniscience, the grande swath I cut...

nah, it's the jokes, punkins!

I have certain admirers who... just can't live without me.

If you'd like to stand in the light, feel the power and the glory and get a free beer, join me and the missus prior to the Beacon show up in out digs at the Beacon Hotel, enter just to the left of the theatre and come ready to hang.

Date: Mon, February 06, 2006, 15:34:28 ET
Posted by: Rita, Sen

Hi Freaks,
me am a little new Steely Dan fan.
I now bought the CD "Founders of Steely Dan Greatest Hits Vol. 1".
But I am very sad.
There is no "Rikki do not loose your Member" on it,
the only Song I really love!
Insted of it is a stupid song "Yellow persil",
wich i do not like no!
Maybe "Rikki do not loose your Member"
will be on "Founders of Steely Dan Greatest Hits vol. 2 ?
Can you help me, please.
The man in the record store also recommend me "Catalysator"
so i will buy this next.
Regards and Kisses,
Rita Sen

Date: Mon, February 06, 2006, 15:26:01 ET
Posted by: ph,

Rajah gets a lot of shit from the pathetic soul-less anonymous posters because they envy his greatness. Just ignore it like most of us regulars do.

Well I'm glad to hear that the "tango" Walter Becker is just a doppelganger. I thought as much, but wanted to make sure.

BTW 29 days until Morph!

Date: Mon, February 06, 2006, 14:53:44 ET
Posted by: THE FITTEST, ...

1 or 2 month since I visited the first time the Blue-Guestbook.
I wonder, why Rajah gets so often dissed?
I must have something missed...
I would like to know. Maybe hOOPS or somone else can tell me?

Date: Mon, February 06, 2006, 14:21:46 ET
Posted by: Rajah, you know you won't find my name on your list

Extra Virgin

Date: Mon, February 06, 2006, 14:08:54 ET

I have listend now to the soundclips od Krishna Das...
I will give it a try and order the CD now.
Maybe it can be good music for sex.

Date: Mon, February 06, 2006, 13:58:51 ET
Posted by: Zelig, Nashville

You know come to think of it Rajah reminds me of the Burger King (KING) He dances just like him and is very creepy. Except Rajah has olive oil hair.

Date: Mon, February 06, 2006, 13:47:55 ET
Posted by: gagi, .

rajah, here are soundclips from the ram dass-release
(actually it is not my cup of tea, but maybe someone may like it):

Date: Mon, February 06, 2006, 13:39:57 ET
Posted by: gagi, europe

The Tango-Becker was born in Buenos Aires.
He is a Singer, Actor and Composer.

Date: Mon, February 06, 2006, 13:01:04 ET
Posted by: gagi, europe

Fitttttest, inhale this puff of Smoke:
01. Miles Davis - Get up with it
02. Dreadzone - Second Light
03. Bobby Rush - Live at Ground Zero
04. Villa-Lobos - Bachianas Brasileiras (de Los Angeles)
05. Oliver Nelson - Blues & Abstract Truth

Date: Mon, February 06, 2006, 12:49:00 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

It's some other guy named Walter Becker, ph. Although the thought of him doing a tango record is funny. Still haven't heard from anyone about the Ram Dass record.

Date: Mon, February 06, 2006, 12:48:45 ET

Before i've been completely addicted to Dons and Walters music it took a little bit time.
When i was 16 i don't knew Steely Dan very well. En reality my first contact with them was with a cover of Do it Again by Deodato.
Then my father came at home with the double greatest hits LP featuring Here at the Western world.
But my definitive inauguration was Gaucho.Well 26 years later they still there and so do I

Date: Mon, February 06, 2006, 12:41:40 ET
Posted by: ph, :-o

WB - Tangos??
Where did that come from???
Why have we never heard of this before????

Date: Mon, February 06, 2006, 12:40:43 ET

Generally it's dangerous to bye greatest hits or best offs but that's surely not the case with those ones of Steely Dan because it's all good. I am thinking that for a beginner the double Best off cd "Show buz kids" is a good alternative before going to discover more deeply the other works.
But just like Rajah proposed, the best posible beginning is Morph.

Date: Mon, February 06, 2006, 12:38:14 ET
Posted by: Chrysler, the 'Burgh!

Correct, the Seahawks lost the game more than the Steelers won it; it was a case of Pittsburgh sending in their B- (or even C) team instead of their A team (exhaustion after that amazing playoff run?) and still managing to take the game, due to Seattle's abominable miscues, and despite A- playing for the most part by the Seahawks.

But that minus sign, unfortunately for the Seahawks, was a mile and a half long, in that slopolla of a Superbowl.

The Steelers stunk up the joint, too, but for those three BIG plays by the offense, and the Black & Gold's defense stopping Seattle only when it really counted--preventing points on the board.

One of the goofiest, worst-played Superbowls ever--by BOTH teams.


I think there's more than just a sprinkling of KAMAKIRIAD in the MORPH clips--listen to the horn parts more closely.

Date: Mon, February 06, 2006, 12:32:14 ET
Posted by: docbigsby, A2

Rita- the truly lovely thing to do would be to begin at the beginning and let the discography into your synapses. Continuous listening will lead to continuous listening; you've been admonished. but, trust me. NO greatest hits. No.

Would you buy the reader's digest version of a great novel and feel satisfied with a synopsis?
don't do it grrrl.
Buy Can't Buy... rinse and repeat.

now, go have a great day.

Seattle fans: you got hosed.
The officating was an insult to the pure spirit of competitive sports... and I was a neutral, unaffiliated observer- only hoping for a great game [that was not allowed to happen].

Date: Mon, February 06, 2006, 12:18:44 ET
Posted by: TJ, DK

Don't buy compilations! All their album are great so you should just start somewhere. It will lead you to the next and so on.

The early albums er more rock-oriented, the later more complex and jazz-oriented.

Date: Mon, February 06, 2006, 12:16:12 ET

gaggi, spinn this shit, chill'r:

culture - too long in slavery
willy deville - crow jane
thy byrds - greatest hits
madredeus - electronico
israel vibration - RAS portratis
echos of nature - ocean waves

Date: Mon, February 06, 2006, 12:07:03 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Buy this one first:

Date: Mon, February 06, 2006, 11:56:09 ET
Posted by: Rita, Sen

Hi Freaks,
me am a little new Steely Dan fan,
and i knew nothing about the best CDs.
I saw in a record-store this CD:
Founders of Steely Dan Greatest Hits Vol. 1

Is this a good collection of the best songs,
to learn the greatness of Steely Dan?

Thanks for your help,
Rita Sen

Date: Mon, February 06, 2006, 11:14:21 ET
Posted by: gagi, europe

Good Job.
Fittest, try also this Mix of Jazz, Pop, Classic, etc.:

01. Paolo Conte - the Best of
02. Cesaria Evora - Sodade, les Plus Belles Mornas
03. Richard Strauss - Elektra (Sir Georg Solti)
04. Domenico Scarlatti - The Cat's Fugue (Elaine Comparone)
05. Serge Gainsbourg - Love on the Beat
06. Various - Jazz Of the Beat Generation
07. The Gladiators - Dreadlocks The Time is Now
08. Astor Piazzolla - Rough Dancer and the Cyclical Night
09. Dizzy Gillespie - Complete RCA Victor Recordings
10. AC/DC - Ballbreaker

Date: Mon, February 06, 2006, 10:27:16 ET

hey fellows, look!

spinn these cds till morph comes out, do yourshelf that favor.

1. son house - the original delta blues

2. bunny wailer - blackheat man

3. caetano veloso - antologia

4. donovan - beat cafe

and, of course

5. walter becker - tangos
check the sonundclips:

Date: Mon, February 06, 2006, 09:25:22 ET
Posted by: Big Fan, at work Good Morning

I see dropped the price of Morph $1 to $12.99. I canceled my order and reordered it. A bucks a buck. You'd think they's just readjust your order when they do that. I had to do the same thing with the DVD version. When I originally ordered it it was list but now it's down to $18.99.

Date: Mon, February 06, 2006, 01:39:28 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu,

Raj: Fagen has always had that knack of finding twisted or creepy traditional male-female relationships with something dark underneath the ear candy surface, often with the female protrayed in a less than favorable light, although it's often just in the males end. In Morph with endings awaiting, the women appear to be painted in more sympathetic colors.

The aborted second album from the 80s when writer's block was in full force was destined to have been male-female relationships from a post-modern Cole Porter perspective, based what few songs leaked out to other artists in the 80s...

Date: Mon, February 06, 2006, 01:03:09 ET
Posted by: moray eel, wb is a gear slut

hoops: Great surprise running into you at the Chris Potter show. Too bad you couldn't stick around for the 2nd set. It would have been cool to pick your brain for more SD related info.

To the rest: Wayne Krantz was actually supposed to play this gig, but was replaced by Adam Rogers. Rogers looks exactly like Judge Reinhold. Some people here may remember Rogers as the guitarist from Lost Tribe (the Becker produced Windham Hill trio). Anyway, this is a new quartet for Potter and the results were mixed. They played a very interesting, latin flavored song called "Togo". During this song, Potter creatively quoted Palmer and Williams' "I've Found A New Baby" which appears on Sonny Rollins' Comtemporary Leaders album. The quartet also covered Joni Mitchell's "Ladies of the Canyon"- not to be confused with DF and WB's composition, "Canyon Ladies", for Navasota.

All in all, it was a very good night. I just wish that Wayne Krantz would have been there.


Date: Mon, February 06, 2006, 00:19:11 ET
Posted by: PennyK,

This is horroible, but I was watching "Dateline: To Catch a Predator." They filmed men coming into a house for dates they had set up with decoy young teens. Well, one guy's screenname was pixeleen (they said that he was a musician). Oh, dear!

Date: Sun, February 05, 2006, 23:51:06 ET
Posted by: fp, ny

The BART station is one block from the Paramount Theater. I'm staying in San Fran and taking the Bart right into Oakland. Lots of drinking and no driving. Now how can you beat that?

Date: Sun, February 05, 2006, 23:23:39 ET
Posted by: Cal,

I meant Los Angeles

Date: Sun, February 05, 2006, 23:20:26 ET
Posted by: Cal, California

I have a choice of attending Donald's shows in Los Angeles and Oakland. The Oakland show is at the Paramount Theater and the Los Angles show is at the Wiltern Theater. Which venue is the easies to get to, find parking and so forth? Is there a BART station near the Oakland Paramount? Thanks for any advice.

Date: Sun, February 05, 2006, 22:22:05 ET
Posted by: SS, HK

Hard Superbowl to watch as a Seahawk Fan...but congrats to Steelers for getting it done.

Even though there were some strange calls by officials (didn't like that Seattle TD called back) Seahawks surely did themselves in by not taking their (ample) chances, by blowing coverage, and just, apparently, losing their heads at times. Not enough composure to win the big one...and at times it seemed the Steelers weren't much better off. What was Big Ben thinking on that interception ?

Not the best played game...but the Steelers kept it together and got their 5th. Well done.

Date: Sun, February 05, 2006, 21:58:19 ET
Posted by: Rajah,

Donald sounds like more his old self on this record, to what we can attribute that is unclear but he is very direct and personal, perhaps a reflection of the disparity between he and Steely Dan proper.

Date: Sun, February 05, 2006, 20:21:17 ET
Posted by: OOOH,

Chris you're right on about Don's voice on the last 2 SD albums (esp. on 2vn) where I think Uncle Don thought it would be cooler to sing SOTTO VOCE.
Personally, I've always liked Don's voice best when he's not trying to sound like Dylan.
Uncle Don's best vocals are on AJA and SCAM -the least "affected-sounding" vocals.
"Barrytown" and EVERY song except "Black Friday" from "Katy" is Uncle Don's vocal tribute to Robert "I Don't Know When To Quit" Zimmerman.

Date: Sun, February 05, 2006, 19:52:30 ET
Posted by: Chris, Con't...

It's been said, but when is this album goanna leak already? I'm not really willing to wait til its release date after hearing these clips.

Date: Sun, February 05, 2006, 19:49:31 ET
Posted by: Chris, nh

Great post Mu. This album, from the clips alone, sounds like its on par with Gaucho, Aja, The Nightfly, and 2vN...and leaps and bounds above EMG, which - when compared to Steely Dan in its prime - almost sounds like its phoned in (save for one of my all time favorite Dan tracks Pixeleen). Some would prefer to say it has a "live" feel, but I'm goanna say it just sounds rushed. This Morph stuff, however... damn. I love the grooves and the hip basslines that were abesent on EMG. Those chord changes...they're jarring, like the best moments of West of Hollywood. Don's voice is no longer a smooth whisper, it's back in full force. This is a bit silly since I'm judging on sound clips alone... but I did not have high hopes for this record after EMG. Now I'm expecting that the best is yet to come out of Don+Walt.

Date: Sun, February 05, 2006, 18:44:53 ET
Posted by: OOOH,

Notice how Uncle Don likes going between major/minor chord changes in the MTC samples implying sudden changes in mood (major(happy)/minor (sad)). Listen esp. to "Mona" (when Don sings "CD spinnin'/AC Hummin' I get almost a sickly sad/happy feeling) and "Mary".

Another time Don gets that sickly happy/sad sound is in "Negative Girl" right before the chorus ("She's just a negative girl...") with that decending Fender Rhodes playing an almost militaristic rhythmic sequence. Brilliant almost scary, sound. Kind of like the opening chords to "Kulee Baba".

99.9% of other groups/popular composer/performers have no clue about HOW to acheive those great sounds. They're very ignorant compared to Don. They think louder equals scarier. The freakiest sounds/people I've ever heard/met possess a quiet, foreboding look in their eyes.
Loud is laughable and unsophisticated.

Date: Sun, February 05, 2006, 18:18:56 ET
Posted by: Stevie D, Pats Should be Playn T-day

Brite nightgown is gonna have a nasty bass line, cant wait till my subwoofer shatters my livingroom window when I crank the 5.1

PS: Geoff you're a moron.

Date: Sun, February 05, 2006, 18:17:02 ET
Posted by: Chan, Boston

Great question PH, I also had heard that many of the Dan's albums were going to be out in 5.1 at some time. Last I heard they were still in the works. Anyone have the lowdown on this?

Good luck to all of you Steelers and Seahawks fans. Kind of boring watching this here in MA. I have a three time Super Bowl hangover!

Date: Sun, February 05, 2006, 18:06:20 ET
Posted by: ph, my ears are in heavan

I know I've commented about this in the past, but the DTS Gaucho is REALLY REALLY REALLY Awesome. I can't wait for Morph in 5.1

And whatever happened to the plans for every other album as 5.1?

Date: Sun, February 05, 2006, 18:05:08 ET
Posted by: Geoff,


We'll have to see if we can find out who this aunt of yours is. Maybe we can get some shit on you, like how many times you wank each day, whether you save your bogies or eat them immediately, if you've overcome that halitosis problem yet, etc.

Date: Sun, February 05, 2006, 16:09:59 ET
Posted by: Doc µ,


Date: Sun, February 05, 2006, 16:08:58 ET
Posted by: Doc Mu,

Check out the sax solo blues cum arabian/whatever stuff at 2:10 into H-Gang and see if it doesn't remind you also a bit of the clarinet intro to Gerwin's Rhapsody in Blue.

re: Morph clips. Dr. Fagen appears to have completely recaptured his voice (not just vocals)...I heard a bit of this in the last half of EMG...but think of this as en extension of the songwriting in the Gauchoo outtakes and Nightfly with a sparse sprinkle of Kama and EMG

On the Dunes, Snowbound, and West of Hollywood have amazing lyrical melodies missing on much of Kama and TvN. That's because they were written in the 80s!!! while Dr. Fagen was wrestling with writer's block after the Nightfly... Not that either of them are shabby or weak. The arrangements and production and sound of Negative Girl and Almost Gothic soar...the songs stick in my head more than the melodies.

In terms of songwriting, in some way Walter and Donald were cancelling out each other's uniqueness...although the peculiar 50s TV ad jingle melodies, hyperslick production, and Miles Davis horn charts made TvN a uniquely Dan album. The first half of Kama got a bit repetitive and the "Aliens have captured the Stax rhtym section" light funk a bit stiff, although it is MUCH better on DVD-A...

Greenbook, Pixeleen (a magnificently constructed vocal composition), the lead in to the chours on Gina, and EMG title track feel like a young chick breaking out of a shell...or better an irridescant moth breaking of a coccoon which has imprisoned it for 20 years.

So the Eagle flies on Friday - those clips for Morph conjure up the notion that Morph is the Real musical follow-up to the Nightfly. H-Gang is a pan-fried last half of EMG ditty (and that's good)...but virtually all of the remainder have open melodies and open sound tied together with super True Companion-tight vocal harmonies.

S' rocks. S' swings. The Rhodes mighier, the bass rounder and soulful, the horns splashing bright colors and wash, the guitar gutsier

Wider, widerintervals between notes and chancier sequences...not just ear candy, but a deeper charm.

Obviously, it's ridiculously gratuitous to evaluate 5% of the Morph song and hope to catch the wave, especially in what I hear may be a less predictable fare...but our neural nets are sculped right?

Brite Nightgown is hardest to predict the vector. Sounds brilliant - could get repetitive. Heavy Prince funky rhythm, but doesn't sound stilted like TransIsland Skyway or Springtime

Security Joan is catchy and should be a very good song and I like the Fagen-Jack swing of the Morph title track a lot


The four tunes that rise to absolute full extraordinary brilliance and actually may exceed my expectations are:

What I Do - searching sexy soulful melody and sound that harken back to 70s Al Green - yes we want more of that sugar to pour. damn, that sexy.

Great Pagoda of Funn - Donald calls on the ghosts of great Amercian pop Masters of the first half of the 20th Century + of course Burt Bacharach. Something unusual. A warmth and a smile nestled far from the cold, cold, world. This is not your father's altered blues

The Night Belongs to Mona - A LOT of emotion in this amazing brave melody. Sexy and sad, yet you can dance to it. The classic jazzy step down of "night Beloooongs to Mona" The hooks in "40 floors above the city. CD spinning. A/C hummin'" are just stop ..uhhhh dead killer hooks. Wow. This one give me practically kerflempt.

Mary Shut the Garden Door - OK, could we stuff any more fresh hooks into a 30 sec clip over a languid Latin funk?? It's just not right. There's more here than in most artist's careers.

...and indeed Raj, Dr. Fagen navigates through these trecherous waters with aplomb!

Those songs rise like a Pheonix at dusk, glowing above the American Idol pop wasteland of America... melodies of in a clever, unpredicable way that sounds fresh AND familiar at the same time...and a classic American Pop sound that will never be dated. Bolstered by instrumentation that's tasty, new and quirky and interesting, yet familiar. Sexy. Built to last. Art lives on after death.

Date: Sun, February 05, 2006, 15:53:31 ET
Posted by: Rajah, want that sugar to pour

DF's vocals have a relaxed feel even though he's singing some very snaky melodies on these snippets. No you won't find my name on your list, the night belongs to Mona when she's dancing all alone, you've got to tell the boy...anyway Joan and Mary fortell a very tight, well-defined set of songs. It's all about chicks, Donald has written more songs about girls than anybody since Tennesee Williams.

Date: Sun, February 05, 2006, 15:14:20 ET
Posted by: hoops,


We had a little crash. Posts from Jan 22-Feb 4 will be back soon. As always, if you notice the bluebook is a blank, white page, email me--or better yet phone me--asap.



Date: Sun Feb 05 14:18:47 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Earl, DE

Rajah, it's played on Triple A Radio, so I'd classify it as music for the broken down motorist.

Unfortunately most radio stations won't give it the time of day.

Date: Sun Feb 05 14:18:47 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Boston Rag, 23+

I'd like to see him bring the house down at the Beacon and have him open with "Big Noise, New York" just for that show.

I'd also love to see him wheel in and out a few songs each night so there's a little variety - show to show.

Mark in Boston

Date: Sun Feb 05 14:18:47 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Rajah, e viva la revoluzion!

Having listened to these snippets carefully now for 72 hours straight without rest, this is not a rock n roll record, not a jazz record, blues, funk, samba, schwing, rumba or anything but a record by Donald Fagen musician's musician. To see him now come out and attack these three albums will be fascinating, of the 23 Fagen songs, which ones will get the Green Berets?

This is them:

Green Flower St
New Frontier
GB Look
Walk b/tw Raindrops
Trans Isl. Skwy.
Tomorrow's Girls
Fla. Room
on the Dunes
Teahouse o/t Traks
What I Do
Brite Nightgown
TGPagoda 'o Funn
Night Belongs 2 Mona
Mary Shut Garden Dr.

Date: Sun Feb 05 14:18:46 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Kenny Burrell, midnight blue

Dag nabbit it's Ol' Doc Mu again.
Out of an old West Texas town a spuuterrin and a Mu in'
Doc this ol cow town can't take much more of this ya see.
Ol Doc was taught the three R's Raving RightWing and recreate.
Doc lemme ask you as a towns person why ain't you a spewin about your old Buddy George like you use to..

Date: Sun Feb 05 14:18:46 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),

I agree with you .Since the first i was listening those soundclips i hearded some Brasil 66 influances too.
But my friends, what a synchronisized harmony between the bass, electric piano and Donalds voice. What a complicity.
To give you an idea how will sound this album maybe this exercise could help us a little bit further.
Listen first of all 10 times to the H Gang soundclip and after that try the entire version of the song. The H Gang sample sounds great but the whole song is more than a confirmation, it's magic!!
So imagine the same trend with the other 7 tracks.
It's clear Morph is gonna be the album of the year.

Date: Sat Feb 04 16:59:08 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Bob,

Oh yeah! Love thos MTC clips.

Giving Cuba a rest, it sounds like the clips are giving that thread about the Brazilian sounding Fagen album a rest too. I hear hardly any Brazilian or Cuban in these. But maybe these are the bridges, as someone pointed out.

Date: Sat Feb 04 16:59:08 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Bob,

I read in the paper today that Donald and Walter's manager is now Smashing Pumpkin's new manager. I guess Smashing Pumpkins is reuniting although I am not fan.

Date: Sat Feb 04 16:59:08 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: March 7th, Baby!

Morph The Cat sounds better than the last two Steely Dan records!! Can't wait to hear the whole enchilada!

Date: Sat Feb 04 16:37:13 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: thefex98, Boston

Grandpa Munster, RIP...

Date: Sat Feb 04 16:37:13 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: TheFez98, Boston

Unrelated but GB Grandpa Al Lewis, quite a character. Looking forward to the Boston show...

Date: Sat Feb 04 16:37:12 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),

To all the Chigago Theater gangers the 3/18 i remember that there is a good concert in Chicago the 3/13 too . For those who don't know Jamie Cullum it is a real occasion to discover this exceptional artist.

Date: Sat Feb 04 16:37:12 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),

Could it be possible that The Don is going to do a tour through Florida or other southern states?


Date: Sat Feb 04 16:37:11 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Pal, Not Al

Checkpoint Charlie is correct...The Yellow was created for non - related Steely Dan/music topics...Go over there to discuss Cuba. Let's keep it Steely here on the blue

Date: Sat Feb 04 16:37:11 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: asmallreception,

Goodbye Look = Clas

Date: Sat Feb 04 16:37:11 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Checkpoint Charlie, watching

Hey, do you mind curbing the militant Cuba discussions here? In fact, let's not get into world politics at all, there's a place for that right over on the Yellow">toxic waste)site. There are those of us who would like to get into deeper musical discussion, and if we're going to go off the topic of SD let's at least keep the subject mater music related!!!


Date: Sat Feb 04 16:37:11 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: The goodbye look,

En CUBA hay mucho cabrones!But it seams to be the case in Miami too.
So Mr Kaboom do me a favor before talking about repression in Cuba, por favor have the balls to condamn all terorist acts against Cuba caused by the Cuban maffia asholes in Miami.

But PH is getting it right. No political argumentation more in the Bluebook. I only am trying to say that The Goodbye Look would be sound great in Cuba.

En la playa con un Mojito">ron Havana Club!!),un tremendo tabaco hecho en Pinar del Rio and the magic of the goodbye look.

And of course the entire cd Morph el Gato!!!

Date: Sat Feb 04 16:37:10 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Josey, St. Simons Island

Kaboom - to call Belafonte a complete and senseless idiot is truly insulting to those who are complete senseless idiots!

Date: Sat Feb 04 16:37:10 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Doc Mu,

SS: Where did you hear that about On the Dunes? It is the only song on the album that sounds like the Nightfly period. I do remember in an interview that Snowbound was a song they finished from the aborted mid 1980s SD album.

Date: Sat Feb 04 16:37:10 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: ph,

A rule I think would be best to instigate on the BlueBook:
You can talk about anything except religion and politics.

Anyways, I dont give a damn about Castro or anything else going on or has gone on in Cuba, all I know is that CUBA MAKES THE BEST FOOD ON EARTH. Every single other country in the world has its history of terror, too. No fooling it's a fucked up world, if you can keep your stomach full, you've beat the system and come out on top, because half the planet is starving. And if you can feed somebody else while you're at it, Kudos to you.

Date: Sat Feb 04 16:37:08 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: CK, 1

cool down your temper

Date: Sat Feb 04 16:37:08 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Kaboom, Miami

Yes, Goodbye Look is right.

You don't know shit about Castro/Cuba.

Anyone who points nuclear weapons at my back yard needs to be dealt with. Permanently.

Please take all of your Cuban brethren back to Cuba, at least temporarily, and have the guts to remove this shameless dictator from power. Then you can talk to us about Cuba.

But more directly to your point, yes, we have been complacent as with many things, but even under Bush, we are not sponsoring a dictatorship here. Notice how all of the flow of people are coming into the USA, not out of the USA.

No politics just common sense.

The only person I can remember playing Cuba is Belafonte and he is a comlete and senseless idiot.

Date: Sat Feb 04 16:37:08 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: TJ, DK

My newsstory on Don:

Hope you can all read danish.

(Gaffa magazine of course had pictures)

Rasmus Ardahl /TJ

Date: Sat Feb 04 16:37:07 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: The goodbye look,

Dear Alkali,

I am the last one to say Cuba is a paradise. But you're talking the most extremely shit.You don't know nothing about Cuba, but i do.

I don't want to create a no nonsens conversation about politics. Politics sucks and gues why?

I am able to create my own opinion about what's going on in this poor little world.And all the Castros, Sadams,Berlusconis,Bushes or other evil guys never going to change my mind.

Just like the Spanish resistance during the civil war in the 30ies, i repeat the same to all this Fascists: NO PASARAN.
If one day Donald would have the intention to do a concert there in Cuba then yes i will go.He wouldn't be the first neither the last one..

Date: Sat Feb 04 16:37:07 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: TJ, DK

Mission accomplished. I have now enlightened the danish people on Donald Fagen and Morph the Cat:

Hope you can all read danish...

(Turned out gaffa magazine of course had licensed pictures of donald, so yesterdays "pirate" contest is cancelled)

Rasmus Ardahl">TJ)

Date: Sat Feb 04 16:37:06 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: SS, Ramble On

Mu...Green Dolphin street by Oscar Peterson indeed.

I'm always looking for an album recorded the very day I was born. Picked up an awesome Oscar Peterson last weekend on the day BEFORE I was born. SACD.....really cooks. The hunt goes on.

On the Dunes was written in 1983...Snowbound in about 1985. Part of a plan for a concept album ? Don't think so. Just happened that way.

Date: Sat Feb 04 16:37:04 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Doc Mu,

yet somehow morphs into loss of promise and progress

sorry about the typos

Date: Sat Feb 04 16:37:03 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Doc Mu,

pH: Green Flower Street is a play on "On Green Dolphin Street" one of the most adored and covered jazz songs of all time. Bronislaw Kaper wrote the music and Ned Washingto wrote the lyrics. Elle Fitzegerald I think sang it forst, but performers from Oscar Peterson to Bill Evans to Miiles Davis to Diana Krall have covered it.

Green Flower probably refers to jade...OR some of the Asian tropical plants include orange or pink or yellow-green fluorescent flowers. Something exotic. It's certainly about prejudice and naivete with indeed an ironic twist.

Castro, Stalin, Osama, Arafat, Omar al Bashir - yep all great guys

The idea was the guerrilla warfare and the Cold War represented a whole different paradigm of armed conflict... ergo "a whole new ballgame." Clever wordplay since Castro was actually a very good baseball player, which was almost uniquely a American/Western Hemisphere at the time...Castro is rumored to have tried out for the Orioles, but that may be a "Proletariat Legend."

Cuba was a pretty decadent place under Batista">not that there's anything wrong with that) but ruthless before the Cuban Revolution in 1958">IGY Year) when the US withdrew assistance to Batista...In early 1959, Castro visited the US an appeared to be a friend, pump fakes Democracy, and puts the island on lock-down in the summer of 1959...and by early 1960 CAstro and Kruschev are buddies and the Americans have to get the f*** out. Kennedy blamed Eisenhower and Nixon's policies of "neglect and indifference" for allowing Cuba to slip "behind the Iron Curtain" and is ironically a turning point in establishment of the New Frontier.

The album the Nightfly uses the backdrop of the early 60s optimism - education, science, getting out of the repressive 50s doldrums...and loss of promise and a nutshell: Why were Jack and Bobby taken from us and Teddy's still some grotesque living Portrait of Dorian Gray...

yep, he gets wasted...but first I'll have a cool drink...James Bond without the luck...

In the post-Cold War, the trade embargo is not particularly productive...while 41 rewarded China with MFN while tanks were running over students in Tiananmen Square.

Date: Sat Feb 04 16:37:03 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: TJ, DK

Regarding earlier request for pictures:
Sorry for the naive post concerning Donald Fagen pictures. I'm writing a newsstory for a webpage on the release of Morph and was so excited I guess I forgot about copyrigth rules. My apologies for the lame request!


Date: Sat Feb 04 16:37:03 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: ph,

Ditto Chan.


Okay, well I only decided Green Flower was about some kinky sex thing because that's the most prominent way I've heard it referred to here on the BB. Otherwise I was just as oblivious to its meaning as I was The Goodbye Look. Anyways, if it is about Predjudice, that's still pretty dark. On the surface its a bright and cheery and happy and optimistic song, just like every other one on the album, but underneath is a dark cruel world of death and pain. Oh gawd, I love this stuff.

Date: Fri Feb 03 20:28:04 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Chan, Boston

Hey lets lighten up on the politics, its Friday night and the weekend is here! A couple of days ahead to relax. As for me, the wife is in the Florida Room">literally in FLA) and the kids are at friends. That means the Dan is playing loud here. Any guesses what is on right now? Answer is......Walter singing Book of Liars from Alive in America. A couple of scotchs in the books, the fine columbian, and its the weekend!!!!

Date: Fri Feb 03 20:28:04 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Alkali, North of Cuba

some of you out there are well, "out there"
you're speaking of Cuba as just another happy country!
are you insane!!?
Cuba, thanks to Castro and his gun, run a giant island-prison.
incase anyone out there hadn't noticed those people down there are literally dying to get here.
yes, this horrible place called the United States.
If Fagen even hinted at going on tour there i would be the first to boycot.
supporting even a semblence of a socialist government is one slight notch above debauchery.

now to get down to Nightfly it's not an optomistic or pesimistic album....

i wrote about it back in November, i'll repost it:

ItC-s like the future, daddy-oC
The only real comparison between Fly and Kama in my opinion begins and ends with their C,posterityC. concept(s).
The yearning of a young boy and man for the remote hereafter.
Its promise of an ultra-sleek and shiny adventurous future or what I like to dub C+Eventuality and its prospectC-
They both also have that Hep-Cat early jive Jazz action happening and in this way the CDC-s are related, perhaps not so much as brothers but as father and son.
But this is where the similarities end; both musically and lyrically.

Peace(love it or leave it)

Date: Fri Feb 03 19:56:11 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Rajah,

Exactly Dan, he enters into a relationship with a young Asian-American girl and, yes, hopefully it's hot and kinky but the point is Lester doesn't know that prejudice exists, not to the extent that it does for Lu Chang anyway. I always picture this in San Francisco, it's the brass that whips up that gale-force SF bluster.

Date: Fri Feb 03 19:56:11 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Dan Belcher, Louisville, KY

And not just prejudice -- morseo, the young narrator's naive ignorance of it.

Lou Chang, her brother
He's burning with rage
I'd like to know what's on his mind
He says "hey buddy, you're not my kind"

Date: Fri Feb 03 19:56:10 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Rajah, misplaced optimism then

ph - Nightfly is offered from the POV of a callow, gullible youth who's buying into the IGY dream, Green Flower St. is not about kinky sex, dude he's not doing it with a Mandarin plum dude, it's about prejudice of course, Maxine is a moonfaced chant, Walk Between Raindrops presents an unrealistic happy ending.

Date: Fri Feb 03 18:39:53 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: The goodbye look,

I know Cuba very good. I traveled there 15 times i think.I love that country.I don't wanna talk about politics but one thing is sure.
Steely Dan's music would sound super all over there.
There are great musiciens too in Cuba. The idea to see Donald make a record with Cuban hornsections makes me daydreaming. Because they are really great.
So hearing The Goodbye Look in la isla in a near future.WOW that have to be unique.

Date: Fri Feb 03 18:39:52 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: ph, would really like a Cuban breeze right about now

Cuba now isn't such a bad place, though still "communist", its no worse freedoms-wise than post-Communist Russia is, really. Castro's legacy is more what I was talking about, and in 1982, there was certainly no one, including Fagen, who thought Castro wasn't such a bad guy. Other than just for bitch reasons, I don't understand why the US closes off all trade and transport to Cuba, just about everywhere else in the world is open to them.
And the food there is spectacular...! just the preview I can get in Miami is to die for">ever been to The Columbian? there's a few restaurants in Florida, Ybor City probably has the best one), I can't imagine what it's like in its native land. And have you ever had Cuban Coffee? There is none better. Uh oh, I think I hear the NSA knocking on my door....

Date: Fri Feb 03 18:18:33 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: The goodbye look,

OK PH you're my man

What i was trying to say is that in Cuba there are many things going wrong. Like the free expression, the political repression to all opposition.
But there are a lot of good things too. No everything in Cuba is black and negative.
Steely Dan always created songs about our crazy sick world.
In both sides there good and bad things . But one thing is sure : Castro is an old and crazy man that did very good things to for his people.He is not a mass exterminator!!
But i think that his time to go is more than welcome.
Can you imagine one day a Goodbye Look Steely Dan concert in La Habana?
That would be great.

Date: Fri Feb 03 18:08:20 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: ph, imbalance

TGL... please, don't get me started. Gently put, I agree with you completely.


Google's quote of the day, which I though nicely fit with yesterday's discussion...
"The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side." - Hunter S. Thompson

Date: Fri Feb 03 18:08:19 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: The goodbye look,

I'm not a Castro fan.But if you are talking about mass extermination then... please do me a favor?
The mass exterminators are in Washington and Miami no in Havana.

Date: Fri Feb 03 18:08:19 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: angel,

Yep, Fagen loves combining dark subjects with happy upbeat music.

Date: Fri Feb 03 18:08:19 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: ph, imbalance

Hence, even more reason to say Nightfly isn't optomistic. Although, some people might like to think that a military dictatorship scarred by mass extermination is a reason to celebrate.

Whats great is that the instrumental part of the Goodbye Look is all chirpy and happy while at the same such dark goings on are occuring.

Date: Fri Feb 03 17:18:39 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: The goodbye look,


Date: Fri Feb 03 17:11:40 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Goodbye Look is, about Castro's Takeover of Cuba

and a tourist who was on vacation during the revolution.

Date: Fri Feb 03 17:11:40 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Bob,

Goodbye Look is inspired by the transition in power to Castro in late 50s, early 60s.

Date: Fri Feb 03 17:11:39 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: ygk, nyc

Goodbye look is about getting whacked.

Date: Fri Feb 03 16:47:15 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),

First i tell this: I'm going now to listen for the last time to these soundclips.
Because if i don't do there will be no surprising effect anymore the 7th of march when Morph will be released.

Segundo:i wonder what will be the setlist of Don's North American tour?
Considering that our grandmaster will bring a couple off surprise acts, two or three Steely Dan classics;
There will a lot of songs taken from the Nightfly and Kama.I hope he will bring following classics:
Ruby Ruby
Goodbye Look
Walk between the raindrops
The Nightfly
Teahouse on the tracks
Tommorrow's girls
Florida Room
On the Dunes.
My prediction is that 5 Morphsongs are going to make a part of the show.
In reality, i don't care! What is going to happen this year is somehing great, phenomenal,fantastic and very emocional.
To me it's like a dream that is coming true.
I will make the trip from Belgium to Los Angeles to see my all time heroe. I'll go to the Wiltern but i have my VIP package for the Temeculashow.
It's clear, 2006 is going to be my most unforgattable year of my life.

Date: Fri Feb 03 16:47:15 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: ph,

Nigthfly is optimistic? What the hell??
IGY, though on the surface optimisic, is darkly ironic
Green Flower is about some kinky sex thing...probably the most optimisitic track right there
Ruby is about a stalker
Maxine is about star crossed lovers
Frontier is about getting it on in the face of complete and total annhilation
Nightfly is about a dejected dj who ruminates about his former lover
I don't know what Goodbye Look is about
Raindrops is about love lost and past...and gives me the willies.

The whole thing just has this really dark overtone throughout and though I play the hell out of it, is really sad and depressing.

Date: Fri Feb 03 15:48:10 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Doc Mu ,

Fittest. Yeah, I knew I hear that line. Donald puts a morbidly funny twist on it...time to find some trouble again...

Raj: How about the chances Donald takes with the melody and vocals on Mona...can't believe he can still pull it off. At least as pure as Nightfly

I like where this stuff is going!!!

Date: Fri Feb 03 15:44:54 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: ygk, nyc

Mu: opuses is correct

Date: Fri Feb 03 15:21:06 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: THE FITTEST, .

"the eagle flies on friday"
is a line from
"call it stormy monday",
by t-bone walker,
a blues song superior.

Date: Fri Feb 03 15:21:06 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Rajah,

Yeah Mu, can't wait to hear the whole Pagoda vocal, Don seems to be taking some risks on the brief track we have here. Nightfly and Tomorrow's Girls were phrased expertly and Pagoda sounds like he takes a few chances there.

Date: Fri Feb 03 15:21:05 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Doc Mu ,

Raj: Elegant synopses of Fagen's 3 opuses.opi, whatevah

Here's something funny - I picked up some Rabelais many many years ago, because he was one of the forbidden artists from remember "pick a little, talk a litle...he left River City, the Library building, but he left all the books to her...Balzac, Rabelias?

..the first time I heard the Music Man Broadway soundtrack - must have been about seven. I thought Rabelais = "scrambled eggs"

I think of Donald as a Rabelais ghost floating above the post-modern pop culture wasteland...some days I feel like Don & Walt & Boz are the only brite lites in a generation beyond art crime redemption...

Knew a few crazy Jesuits when we live outside Chicago back in the 60s

ALL the clips sounds fantastic...can't wait to hear them on CD and DVD-A...In order of preference

1. Mary Shut the Garden Door
2. The Night Belongs to Mona
3. Great Pagoda of Funn - awesome Fagen phrasing
4. What I Do
5. Security Joan
6. Morph the Cat
7. H-Gang [hard since we've heard the entire thing]
8. Brite Nightgown - and it's damn strong

love the line "the Eagle flies on Friday" I suspect there's lots of instrument gratuities

Nothing close to a weak track in the bunch

Declan: lol . My eye's starting to twitch like Chief Inspector Dreyfuss in the Pink Panther series...

Date: Fri Feb 03 15:21:05 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Hello?,

TJ - Before you go asking for pictures of Fagen... you know these pictures are copyrighted and it is illegal to publish them?

Date: Fri Feb 03 13:57:29 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Rajah,

I did about forty thousand years ago in a course called, "Dystopia," given by a crazy Jesuit in the kitchen of the Monestary on campus. The guy smoked Kools from one shirt pocket and Kents from another.

Pantagruel and Gargantua were funny and unruly giants who traveled a world teeming with greed, violence, stupidity and all things gross.

Rabelais was eclectic like Don, he mixed chronicle, farce, dialogue, commentary, topical stuff of the day but spiked them with broad popular humor. Rabelais was a big fan of food, drink, sex, and bodily functions connected to them all the while mocking asceticism and oppressive religious and political forces. "Drink always and you shall never die," he wrote in Gargantua. His books were banned by the Sarbonne and the Pope but they were wildly popular. His style was described as, "carnivalesque," and always depicted a grotesque realism. Funny thing was, he was a medical doctor of some note and never took a drink.

Date: Fri Feb 03 13:57:29 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: TJ, DK

eagleleo: I agree totally. Pharrell is no Don, but he is definitely inspired. He often makes "simple" grooves and chord heavy bridges too.

Date: Fri Feb 03 13:57:29 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: TJ, DK

Contest: Send me a relatively new picture of Donald">preferably black/white) in two sizes 135x135 og 50 x 50">quality: ca. 80)

The best picture will be published, in a place yet to be announced.

I seriously need this, but do not have the software to make it, so if anybody would take a little time to do this, I would very much appreciate it! If we could make a competition of it, even better.

Have a nice weekend all


Date: Fri Feb 03 13:57:29 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: MT,

Anyone read Gargantua or Pantagruel?

from Wikipedia:

"Rabelais's giants are not described as being of any fixed height, as in the first two books of Gulliver's Travels, but vary in size from chapter to chapter to enable a series of astonishing images as though these were tall tales. There is much crudity and needless violence; nonetheless this is an important work."

Date: Fri Feb 03 13:57:28 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: eagleleo, pardon me


Some of you SD fans out there seem to be extremely sceptical about modern pop music, and to a certain extent I am willing to agree with you. However, there are some examples of really good songwriters out there who still know how to make interesting, innovative, brilliant music. Pharrell Williams, the extremely successful songwriter/producer, is one of them, and he often quotes The Dan as one of his main influences. If you've given up about modern pop music and would like to try something fresh, I recommend listening to songs like "Let's take a ride" by Justin Timberlake or "Tape you" by N.E.R.D, both written by Williams. Obviously we're not talking real jazz here, but they both have some Fagen-esque chord progressions to them. And it's solid music.

Date: Fri Feb 03 13:57:28 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: DJ, Shy-town

Man, glad to see Brite Nitegown clocks in at over 7 minutes because I could listen to that groove for an hour nonstop with no problem. Jam it out to 15 minutes live!

Date: Fri Feb 03 13:03:05 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: lovethisgig, atlanta

Self-appointed Dan Aficionado and general music critic.
It doesn't pay well, but the fringe benefits are great!

Date: Fri Feb 03 13:03:05 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: lovethisgig, atlanta

"I gave myself this job and now I'm waiting at the gate."
- Shawn Mullins

Date: Fri Feb 03 13:03:05 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Frank Sinatra,

Florida Room is on Kama, Rajah, sheesh even I know that but I see what you're saying.

Since I became a Steely Dan fan after I croaked, I've had a lot of time to study what's going on with them. They're in the September of their years, they could still rock if they wanted but they can't be bothered. H Gang is pretty hot for an old guy, my compliments. Sometimes I wish I had lost the tux and rocked out.

BTW, I released a 3-album set called, "Trilogy." Past, present, future. It H-Bombed.

Date: Fri Feb 03 12:52:29 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Rajah,

Nightfly was set in the past, the late 1950s; Kama was set in the near future just prior to the millennium; Morph is set in the now for all I can gather.

Nightfly was very optimistic about a future where we'd all be eternally free and eternally young, things will all work out, we'll walk between raindrops and such. Still, Lester had some problems with his love life but he convinced himself everything would be hunky-dory once he got her to that Florida room.

Kamakiriad had some forboding elements mostly centered around the fearsome attack of tmorrow's grls, beware the countermoon, my life fell apart on the dunes. Still, he was looking forward to that new frontier, pondering what dynamic would work for the brave new century.

Everything is pretty much going to hell in Morph, soul-sucking kitty casts a pallor over the city, violent fem metal band terrorizes their town, talking to dead people, some fella in a brite nightgown wafting along corridors, Mona's heading for the big adios and there's something nasty invading the garden.

I don't think he set out to do a trilogy or a trinity of works, he just has some favorite themes that have developed over the years but the basic vision remains and there is a perceptible through-line so I do buy the trilogy thing. But I do think the next solo record, probably around 10 years from now will continue all this into a quadrology or a quadrinity or a quadrille or something like that.

Date: Fri Feb 03 12:52:29 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Chris, nh

I think the triliogy thing is a bit of BS - with the exception of the Nightfly, Fagen's saying that the albums reflect exactly where he was in life at the time of their, really? An album recorded at middle age is about middle age? An album recorded 12 years later when the man is">I believe) nearly or already into his 60s is about death? It's easy to draw parallels like that yourself.

About those clips... damn, it sounds good. Leaps and bounds above EMG musically. Lyrically the jury is still out. I'm excited about hearing some non-Becker guitar solos! I love his work on EMG and TvN, but variety is a good thing. Fagen's voice sounds stronger than ever.

Date: Fri Feb 03 12:52:29 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: FP, ny

Love this gig..I'm curious, what gig do you love?

Date: Fri Feb 03 12:52:29 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: ygk, nyc

Josey: he can always start another


Date: Fri Feb 03 12:52:28 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Josey, St. Simons Island

Anyone else noticed how all of this talk about the third stage of this "trilogy" has a sound of finality to it? Surely this Maestro we've all come to love isn't through with MTC is he?

Date: Fri Feb 03 11:41:26 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: lovethisgig, atlanta

Trinity, yes, I'll go for that. :-)


"'Who,' asks one of those disembodied voices in Mr. Burroughs' multi-level scrapbooks, 'is the Third who walks beside us?'"
- William Gibson

Date: Fri Feb 03 11:41:25 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: ygk, nyc

Re: Trilogy, my preferred in Trinity. It doesnC-t need to be religious, per se, but when I lived in the East Village a few summers ago, I became fascinated with the trinities all around us. PQ might call it synchronicity C1 what I C+foundC- C1 yet I was noticing how some truly inventive and creative conversations would arise out of a Trinity. Lou and I would have breakfast C1 a third would join C1 the C+flowC- of ideas was exponentially different Add a fourth, and things begin to be divided. I ran this concept all around me, in random sound manufacturings of C,natureC. in the city, table settings, etc. safely enough to say is that where two are gathered, a third will present itselfCC


Date: Fri Feb 03 11:41:24 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: ph, imbalance

As far as I can tell,
Nightfly is about lamenting Life, the Universe, and Everything from the eyes of a 20-30ish year old.
Morph is about lamenting the death of Life, the Universe, and Everything from the eyes of a 50-60ish year old.
Kamakiriad is about driving around in "a total biosphere". Okay, so that's just the metaphor that Fagen uses for whatever he's talking about throughout the album, but what he is talking about is simplistic lyrically and really doesn't have anything to do with the Nightfly, or what I've heard of Morph.

I'm not saying I don't like Kama, I love it">depending on my Mood), but I just don't think it fits with the "trilogy".

Date: Fri Feb 03 11:41:24 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: TJ, DK

Is the concept of "the trilogy" a symptom of our time? It seems that everything which can be put in a category with two other items is suddenly a trilogy these days.

Yeah, it's a nice sounding category to fit the number 3 in to, but it began to annoy me, when Oasis, during the release of their third album started talking about the completion of a trilogy... That's like 3-4 albums ago, and what was the link again?

I know it's not the definition of the word, but I think a trilogy is something that is set out to be a trilogy when the first part of it is born. Like Lord of the Rings.

To call Morph the completion of the trilogy is a post-event rationalization. Donald never set out to do exactly 3 albums, and who knows, he might do a fourth!

Date: Fri Feb 03 11:41:24 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Rajah ,

Nice analysis, Matt, I'm buyin it.

Date: Fri Feb 03 11:41:23 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Doc Mu,

Matt: We're talking about musicaly, not the lyrics. Besides, the lyrics to Kama are clearly a near future sci fi bent">actually seen from a dream like Jules Verne state( and not a look back with a new "green" auto, virtual reality, high tech entertainment club, tomorrow's girls, and look into the great beyond of music">Teahouse) apprehensive peep at things that could be...

Date: Fri Feb 03 11:41:22 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Matt, Chattanooga, TN

I think that Kamakiriad fits into the trilogy nicely,'s all thematic. Nightfly is about youth and innocence, and the positivity that comes with it. The beautiful thing to me about Nightfly has always been the ambiance to the music. Listen to the space in between notes in The Goodbye Look and you'll hear what I'm talking about. Kamakiriad is a look back at the post youth and optimism from someone burning through middle age, and much like the Kamakiri itself, the vehicle at times seems to be going much too fast. Production wise, Kama is much slicker and less vibrant than Nightfly, mostly because of the sterile quality of the straight digital recording methods, but in a metaphoric way, alot of the feelings that made Nightfly what it was cannot exist in Kama because alot of the things we all felt in our youth do not exist">or exist in a different state) than they do now. Morph is the natural conclusion, in which a life is looked at from someone who realizes that the majority of their own life is over. The narrator now neither idolizes the youthful optimism">What a beautiful world it will be) nor rejects his youth altogether">I was born yesterday when they brought my Kamakiri), but embraces the whole of what he is and was. In much the same way that a man returns to his youthful attitdue when he gets older, Morph is enclined to sound more like Nightfly than Kamakiriad, but that doesn't neccessitate the idolizing the former and the rejection of the latter. Without both previous albums, there is no Morph.

PLus, I can't live without Snowbound...that song is damn great.


Date: Fri Feb 03 11:41:22 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Morph the Cat is not an optimistic album, But the music is damn fine

1. Morph the Cat- Lamenting the loss of NYC's soul

2. H Gang - Aging female convict musician sells out to Middle America and married life

3. What I Do - DF conjures up a dead Ray Charles to tell him the meaning up life. Not Jesus or God or Buddah or Allah. But Ray Charles.

4. Brite Nitegown - Random violence ends the lives of unsuspecting people on the NYC streets. Fear the Grim Reaper.

5. The Great Pagoda of Funn - The joys of isolation and living in a hidey-hole with a like-minded significant other

6. Security Joan -Wah! Wah! I hate going through airport security!

7. The Night Belongs to Mona - Negative Girl decides to kill herself and jumps from her hight rise penthouse

8. Mary Shut the Garden Door - The evil Republicans come to NYC. Hide or they're going to eat your children!

9. Morph the Cat">Reprise) - Still lamenting the loss of NYC's soul

Date: Fri Feb 03 11:41:21 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: moray eel, behind

As we slip behind the screen
When I felt your wand sweep over me
You know I never felt so clean
Girl, you wont find my name on your list
Honey, you know I aint no terrorist
I've come to sneak my shoes and my cellphone
You know I love, love, love you, Security Joan.

Security Joan reminds me of Cousin Dupree. They have the same type of groove, jokey lyrics and confessions of love.


Date: Fri Feb 03 11:41:20 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Mona dances, but she's getting ready to jump

Did she lose someone on 9/11?

Date: Fri Feb 03 11:41:19 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Doc Mu,

love, bob: Indeed, the DVD is both 5.1 and hi res stereo. Don't miss a byte!


///When I hear the words with the music, I got it...

"CD spninn'

A/C hummin'"

How good is that? Even Carlock takes a groove pause there as the clutch opens the splash of irrecescent rays

Date: Fri Feb 03 11:41:18 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: lovethisgig, i love the music


DVD-A *is* 5.1!">6 channels, 24-bit, 96/48 kHz), plus hi-res stereo. Compression is lossless. ">It would be a crime to discard information produced by our boys.) There's ususally, but not always, lower-res">but still better than conventional CD) 5.1 data that plays on all DVD-V players.

I'm guessing the DVD included in the special edition is indeed a DVD-Audio disc. Nightfly, Kama, Gaucho, 2vN, and EMG are all available in DVD-A.


Date: Fri Feb 03 11:41:18 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Declan, Me\

I fear for the people around me. I fear for my friends and family. If I don't hear the rest of this album, I'm going to waste someone.

Date: Fri Feb 03 11:41:18 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Swoozie, just here

Oh Man, it's the Cat's Meow! Can't wait for more!

Date: Fri Feb 03 11:41:17 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Little Wild One, tasting

ph is a genius pup! I love it! How many surrogate parents does that make for him?

I must confess again that Kama to me is kinda cold. Brilliant, but cold.

Hi Ann...missed you, but hope you've been busy in a good way.

Hoopsie, didn't Gretchen and Raj sign up for the Beacon wing ding? And Alan knows the ropes now, he should be up for Denver...since he has a co-hostess now.

Date: Fri Feb 03 11:41:17 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: bwaySteve, In Anticipation

So tonight the winemaker takes you downstairs to give you a taste of each keg before bottleing.Not enough to tire the palate but in total,

..a buzz

Date: Fri Feb 03 11:41:17 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Doc Mu,

pH: You've hit the nail on the head you genius pup!! Morph is the true follow-up to the Nightfl!. Even on Win Media it's got that OPEN charmed sound SWINGING with the groove">we heard that on the 3 beat in H-Gang) a way like Randy Newman swings some of his songs - like Shame from Bad Love. Even when Fagen maasages the groove he isn't tied up by it as on the first 3 songs of Kama

Donald Fagen crashed right into writer's block and depression as the Nightfly finished mixing...and NYR&SR and Kama were in a sense a kind of rehab. In fact, Kama is really 9 surreal dreams related to reuinting with his old partner Walter and getting the groove back with pen to paper and in the recording studio.

Morph has vision...a sophisticated a post- post-modern Cole Porter...melodies wandering again, searching - there's a little of that on the Gaucho Outtakes, title track from the Nightfly and I.G.Y.

Date: Fri Feb 03 11:41:16 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Dr Mu,

Morph has some "brain dead dawn" sound thingy too

Date: Fri Feb 03 11:41:16 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Dan Belcher, Louisville, KY

Great find, Chuck. Thanks!

My oh my! These soundclips from the new album are absolutely bowling me over. Some downright tasty stuff here. Fagen wasn't lying when he said in a recent interview he couldn't just do short songs--he needed to let them develop over time. These songs barely go anywhere in 30 seconds, and that is just how I like it! I'm very, very pumped about this album. Now, just over a month to go...

Date: Fri Feb 03 11:41:16 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Doc Mu,

I forgot to mention - I hear as much of Lunch with Gina particularly the intro horns slowed way down as much as Greenbook...

Date: Fri Feb 03 11:41:16 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: ph, groks the shape of things to go

From the discussion, from H Gang, from the newly found clips of Morph, I'm apt to reject Kamakiriad as part of this "trilogy". I think Reprise is just using a buzz word. Morph seems to fit rather well next to the Nightfly, but neither album fit well next to Kama. Not that I don't like Kama, but I don't think its part of "the concept". Morph is definetely a sequel to The Nightfly, but I see very very little relation to Kamakiriad. Perhaps the Kamakiri is the car Fagen drives to the airport Security Joan works at, or it had a drag race with "a bus called Happy Day".

Am I completely off? I've sort of been on an anti-depressant/caffiene high all day.

Date: Fri Feb 03 11:41:15 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Doc Mu,

Raj: Paddy McAloon's vocals sorta work - it's the harmonies and phrasing that brought PS character. You could start hearing it on the last half of EMG, but Fagen the vocalist is in utter command - love when he triples his vocals...the Miracle Concert in Dallas was like that - in sync with the babe choir - so good I thought it was pre-recorded. Morph sounds like Sprout on STEROIDS...Prefab S never had THAT funk/R&B bass.

The melodies go in ver neat directions

and though the album has some deep grooves, the song guides the groove rather than the other way around...which was true on half on Kama and parts of TvN and EMG...

I can hear the ghost of Porcaro in the Mona groove...the master of groove + fill...the way Jeff used to lay back into it like on Boz' Miss Sun...Carlock sounds way comfortable this time around...

Date: Fri Feb 03 11:41:15 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Rajah,

You gotta serve somebody.

Date: Thu Feb 02 21:05:44 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: hoops ,

Thanks for your patience...the new Danfests and Wing Dings page is in version 0.9 which is still "beta" but betta than before. Final tweaks tomorrow but use it now to get started. SIGH UP FOR THE DANFAN EMAIL LISTS as indicated on the page for each show.

LWO and SueDave are covering the Temecula Wing Ding; LWO will do Vegas if no one else wants; I bet Boston Rag and Bill will throw another at Boston and myself for Chicago. Forgive me if I have missed anyone else but please let me know if you wish to organize an event for any of these other shows as well.

Thanks again, especially to Chuck and pals for the clips. Awesome! I'm psyched!


Date: Thu Feb 02 20:57:05 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: moray eel, fagen

While the city sleeps
That's when she comes alive
Yes, the night belongs to Mona
When she's dancing all alone
40 floors above the city
CD spinning
AC humming

Anyone detect a little "the goddess on the fire escape was you"?


Date: Thu Feb 02 20:57:05 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: SouthOfHollywood, Deciphering....

Morph The Cat:

"...New York City Christmas">?) without the chintzy stuff..

What exactly does he want? This Rabelaisian puff of smoke..."

Date: Thu Feb 02 20:57:05 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: SouthOfHollywood, More...

What I Do:

Anyone else hear a little hint of Dylan's "Serve Somebody" in this clip?

"...Turn the lamp down low, make her feel secure..."

Two lumps for me, please...


Date: Thu Feb 02 20:57:04 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: A fan, wherever I need to be

I listened to each clip once and will not listen again. You ever see a movie trailer too many times, and when you finally see the movie, the scenes used in the trailer stick out. I listened to the 2Vn clips too many times, and when i listen now, I still know which pieces of Abbie and Shame were used in the clips.

Date: Thu Feb 02 20:57:04 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Carmen Miranda, do you want that sugar to pour?

Da chicky-boom lives on...

Date: Thu Feb 02 20:57:04 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: angel,

Yep, I noticed it. But then again it was not unexpected. Fagen has a tendency to find a groove and just stick to it. Remember Kamakiriad was made like that. His comment at the time that album came out was that you could loop the end of the album back to the beginning and it would be the same groove.

Date: Thu Feb 02 20:57:04 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: moray eel, sounds

Based on the 30 second clips, What I Do should have been the single. Damn, does that sound cinematic!


Date: Thu Feb 02 20:57:03 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Rajah ,

These snippets are awfully dirty and garbled. You know they're gonna be kitchen-clean on DVD-A.

Date: Thu Feb 02 20:57:03 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: SouthOfHollywood, Pour some sugar on me...

Funny... links right to...Dandom!

You sly dog, Hoopsie...


Date: Thu Feb 02 20:57:03 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Chan, Boston

Thanks for the sneak preview. Just enough to get a feel for the CD as a whole and the songs individually. It sounds great! So this is out on the 3/7 and I see him 3/9. I'll be pullin a couple all nighters to know the words beforehand.

Date: Thu Feb 02 20:57:03 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: EMan,

For what it's worth,does anyone who's heard the clips at B&N notice that all the tempos,">with the exception of H-Gang">which is seemingly the fastest cut on the CD)) are all moderate/"walking"?
No "cookers" here.

Date: Thu Feb 02 20:57:03 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: LadyBayside, NYCish

Well, well. Chuck, thank you ever so much. Hell of a first time post.

Hoops, I love the allusion...we know it's on its way, but first we have to be content with 'musical crumbs'..mere morsels of the tantalizing dishes to come.

Part of me hopes that we ARE hearing some bridges...I do love a surprise!

And, as an addendum, I still have two extra tickets to the Friday, March 3 show at North Fork">Section F, Row V, small venue). Email if interested. I'll post to the ticket exchange, but thought I'd mention it.

I wonder if the album will be available at the concerts...and in that case, before the official in store release?


Date: Thu Feb 02 20:57:02 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Rajah,

Mu - I do agree this record sounds like the Pre-f Sprout, they were always so clean on record, the construction and the presentation, the entrances of the soloists especially, but no singer sounds like Donald, his voice is iconic, timeless, you know immediately who belongs to that voice.

Date: Thu Feb 02 20:57:02 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Doc Mu ,

Everyone should get From Langley Park to Memphis by Prefab Sprout as a Warm-up

It's all good - but check out Check out Nancy Let Your Hari Down and Venus of the Soup Kitchen and Hey Manhattan and I Remember That and Nightengales!!

Date: Thu Feb 02 20:57:02 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Rajah ,

It is, even these snippets. It's long too, at almost 53 minutes, the longest Donald or Steely Dan record ever, here's some old stats in minutes:

CBAT 40:39
CTE 41:04
PL 33:14
KL 34:56
RS 41.11
AJA 39:48
G 33.14
NF 38:07
KAMA 51.16
2vN 51.46
EMG 43:00
MTC 53:30

Date: Thu Feb 02 20:57:01 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Doc Mu ,

Very soulful. My Gaawd, this stuff's good. H-Gang is very good but not at all representative. Very open melodies. Damn tight harmonies!!!! What I Do mines some slow groove Willie Mitchell">Al Green's producer/engineer). Hear some Boz-like R&B tastes. Brite Nightgown could be the song Prince hasn't been able to write in nearly 20 years. Nice Prefab Sprout-like melody to Pagoda of Funn. Security Joan should be the Next Single. Night Belongs to Mona is a very brave song and vocal performance - very Bacharach. Mary Shut the Garden Door sounds like a Fagen tip of the fez of Todd Rondgren's last album Liars and Prefab Sprout done well even better than Sprout.. there's Toots! That's one breezy groove. The straightjacket is off, bitch! This babe has charm. More like Nightfly than Kama that's for sure.

Funn, Mona, and Mary could be my favorites - we'll see. Can't wait to hear all of it in hi Q CD and DVD-A.

Fagen is The New Fusionmeister - melding Bacarach, Sprout, & R&B. Wow

Date: Thu Feb 02 20:57:01 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: ph, the groovessential fact:

It's groovelicious.

Date: Thu Feb 02 20:57:01 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Rajah,

Chuck is D-Man.

Morph big bluesy bass, descending scales. The song seems more opened up on the brief Reprise cut.

What I Say, very pretty melody, is that Carolyn shadowing Donald, gotta be with that pure tone, she and Donald are turning into a nice, but of course very strange, set of duet partners.

Brite Nightgown - not the Pope, a ghost I think...the Pope? Stevie Wonder funk, lighter, muted trumpets, this could be the trumpet album.

Funn - Vibes help make it a happy take on Things I Miss the Most.

Joan - I hear Kama here a bit, funny different people are hearing strains of Kamakiriad in different places. What a chorus! It schwings! This is oldtime stuff, a definite must to be played live, sha...

Mona sounds like a languid guitar tune with a great vocal performance by DF.

Mary - Get out the metronomes, is it a Samba, a top-heavy meter,
this sounds like a Jeff Porcaro groove. On second thought, it's a Fagengruuven.

Date: Thu Feb 02 17:35:56 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Chuck, Connecticut

Wow...seems like I started an avalanche today! I stumbled onto the clips at work, but I couldn't get my computer there to play them. Gave a listen when I got home, and even with the subpar streaming audio, things sound good.

A lot of the songs seem to have a "Century's End" feel to them, and that's meant as a compliment. "Brite Nightgown" seems nice and funky, and some of the others I'm sure will start to register with me soon.

It looks like these are some long songs; according to the Barnes and Noble site, most are in the six- and seven-minute range -- should make for some good solos!

Date: Thu Feb 02 17:35:56 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: CrellMoset, Atlanta, GA

The CD/DVD 5.1 Surround edition is the only one with the warped cover - the cover of the regular CD is perfectly normal. How strange . . .

Date: Thu Feb 02 17:14:36 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Gretchen, under the weathah

Judging by those sound clips Morph sounds like Fagen's best yet. Sounds rich, sophisticated and damn delicious! I particularly like "What I Do" and "Morph," while "Brite Nightgown" sounds like the happiest number he's produced either solo or with SD. How can you not feel good listening to that! No filler here - God I can't wait to hear the whole thing!
Even with such brief clips you can hear this was an important project to Donald, it seems to be flawless. This is going to be a masterpiece. Hearing these live will be fantastic.

Thanks Chuck!

And Hoops, well, absence makes the heart grow fonder..........


Date: Thu Feb 02 17:14:36 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: DEACONBLUE, BRUSSELS, the city of the great Toots Thielemans


It'sz the best funky sound in years!! And what about Freddie Washington's bass.
But it really let me unsatisfied because each time the real thing is coming, the clip is at his end.
H Gang the weakest song? I don't know, all 9 songs are brilliant.
Donald goes back to his roots and at the meantime he let it swing and funk just like only he can do.
9 times 30 seconds are not enough to analize the whole album but let it be clear! This will be the best album for years.Maybe a grammy award?
I don't know if i have to go to my doctor for my ears but there are certain things i've heard in this album.

Brite Nitegown sounds a little bit like KAMA meets Prince.

Mary shut the garden door is great but would be greater if you change the syntesizer moment with the harmonica of Toots Thielemans.I can't help it but a little bit chauvinism of my part is not wrong.

In every soundclip i hear a little bit of a Brasil 66 influance. I don't know but there is something.

It looks like Morph the Cat is going to be a great album.
But for god sake IT'S UNFAIR!!!
What do you expect to do with nine soundclips about 30 seconds until march?
I can't wait till than

Date: Thu Feb 02 16:56:41 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: hoops,

The link a few posts below works; or just go to and search under "music" for "Donald Fagen." "Morph" will show up after "Kama" DVD-A. When you go to the page it will have the clips if you scroll down the page. You need Windows Media Player for PC or Mac to listen.


Date: Thu Feb 02 16:56:41 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),

Is there someone who can tell me how i can find those soundclips?

Date: Thu Feb 02 16:56:40 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: torrent-guy,

With all these full copies of morph floating around, where are the bitorrents????

Date: Thu Feb 02 16:56:40 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: ANON, you're not the only one John....

John...I've listened to the whole album">not the clips) about 20 times. I do agree that Security Joan should have been the/a single. However, H-Gang is far from the weakest track. Actually, there is not one weak track on this whole entire record!

Date: Thu Feb 02 16:56:40 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: hoops,

Hey, I would settle for the full nine tracks before the lyrics. These snippets really got me "joan's-in'" As HeyMike pointed out once, it's like this hot babe saying she will finally go to bed with you but first she has to take a 4- or 5-week trip to Europe with her parents.


Date: Thu Feb 02 16:09:01 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: MF, On location

Now we need the lyrics to all 9 tracks.
It would be great...

Date: Thu Feb 02 16:03:49 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: max webster,

brilliant !!

these tunes sound awesome ...

"you can't fight the fella in the brite nightgown" = the pope?

Date: Thu Feb 02 16:03:49 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: hoops, this is exciting!!!

My impressions just based on listening to these short clips">which probably isn't fair):

Title Track and it's reprise sounds closest to "Trans-Island Skyway" meets "New Frontier." ">John, is the rest of the song a radically different departure? The clip comes across my speakers as being upbeat and happy whereas "Green Book" is kinda dark and almost sinister. Please elborate if this clip is the bridge or something 'cos I don't hear "Green Book" at all in these parts.)

"Brite Nitegown" clip reminds me a lot of "Greenflower Street." Same sorta groove I guess.

Closest thing from SD or DF that the "Security Joan" clip reminds me of is "Monkey In Your Soul" meets "Blues Beach."

Not sure the rest are reminincent of any other song but, hey, they are just short clips and THEY ARE GREAT!!!! That would be so Steely Dan-like to tease us with clips from the bridge, etc where it sounds so much different from the rest of the song.

Just my two piasters that I could borrow from Barnes and Thanks for posting that! Made my day!


Date: Thu Feb 02 16:03:49 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: hoops, this is exciting!!!

Here's another thought: if this album is part of a trilogy, I wonder if it will be like Joe Jackson's outstanding "Night & Day II" which had very different songs that still deftly included musical allusions to the original "Night & Day" from 1982. The whole thing gave a different take on the perspective of NYC presented in the first "Night & Day." Who knows...just a guess based on three clips reminding me a touch of something. On the other hand, the other six clips don't give me enough to say what they are like. I'm sizzling like an isotope!


Date: Thu Feb 02 16:03:49 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: MF, Chicago,

The cover -
like seen through Morph-ine eyes...

Date: Thu Feb 02 16:03:48 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Expanding Man, There where I used to stand

Thanks, Chuck!

"Security Joan" and "Mary Shut the Garden Door" are both ultradank, superfine, and if I may say so myself, uberfunk.

See y'all in Chicaaaaguh!


Date: Thu Feb 02 16:03:48 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: MF, On location

The cover -
like seen through Morph-ine eyes...

Date: Thu Feb 02 16:03:48 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: ph, >:(

Okay, maybe I'm just an impatient little neophyte, but what the hell difference in sales does it make to put an album's release off so long?
I mean, do the record companies really expect to have larger initial profit on an album if they postpone it for months than if they were to say ship it out to the day after its done? If Reprise made a suprise announcement that Morph would be available in stores tomorrow, every single one of the diehard fans would be driving 105mph">except for those of us with Toyota Priuses, their top is 103) to the Sam Goody/Best Buy/Wal-Mart to get the album in their CD player by ASAP. And the casual fan probably doesn't end up buying the album">or even find out there is a new album) until months after its available. So what the hell is the big deal? Does it really take so many months of paperwork to get the album out the door, or what is going on at WB in the meantime??

Date: Thu Feb 02 15:47:49 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Stevie D, Beantown

I gotta tell you, John is right, Security Joan is another "cracker" wow, cant wait to hear the rest..

Date: Thu Feb 02 15:35:25 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),

thank you, chuck

i was ready to go to bed,
and now my silly joke came true...

i have to take some listenings now.
brite nitgown is a killer.
i can hear some blues reference:
..the eagle flys on friday?

(pardon my horror english)

i love this shit..
i have to listen now for hours,
i won t be back too soon...

Date: Thu Feb 02 15:35:24 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Stevie D, Beantown

just heard all the cuts... I am a BIG Security Joan fan off the bat...

Date: Thu Feb 02 15:35:24 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: John, NYC

Finally heard the whole album yesterday from my friend at reprise. Morph the title track as I said before sounds a lot like green book.

My favorite track so far is Security Joan. That should have been the single by far. It kills H Gang...which is the weakest track on the album.

Mary shut the garden door is remarkable as well. I think this will rank up there with Nightfly. It is better than Kama in that it's not so whimsical..if you know what I mean. Kama to me seemed a bit silly. That being said, morph is deeper and will take repeated listening to get a whole of....enjoy.

Security Joan could be one of the greatest songs he has written. It is addictive.

Grammy nominee for sure.

Regards, JOHN

Date: Thu Feb 02 15:35:24 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Declan, Memphis

Early leader after two listens -- "The Night Belongs To Mona."

Funny that, once every three years or so, we listen to these clips. The tinny sound reminds me of the first streams of EMG, which remind me of the first streams">not mp3 clips) of TvN.

Date: Thu Feb 02 15:35:24 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Declan, Memphis

Mary Shut the Garden Door = "Long Haired Lady," by Paul McCartney.

Date: Thu Feb 02 15:35:23 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: angel,

Wow! I love "What I Do" The dissonance going on at the end. So cool.

Date: Thu Feb 02 14:40:20 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Morph,


It's like Christmas without the chintzy stuff!

Date: Thu Feb 02 14:40:20 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Green, Book

Morph is green book times 10

Date: Thu Feb 02 14:40:20 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Alkali, NYC

Thanks Chuck!
wow, the title track sounds unbelievable!!!!!!!
(did the cover always have that warped effect? i never noticed it until now.)

is it March yet!?


Date: Thu Feb 02 14:40:20 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: lovethisgig, atlanta

a god!!!


Date: Thu Feb 02 14:40:19 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Earl, DE now has an H Gang clip looped when you enter the site. Just in case anyone hasn't heard clips elsewhere.

Date: Thu Feb 02 14:02:11 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Bob,

Will the bonus DVD only have 5.1 or will it have DVD-A too? I remember reading an item by ES saying 6.1 and 7.1 weren't ever going to catch on.

Date: Thu Feb 02 13:57:03 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Incredulous, on the Funway

way to dig, Chuck! Thanks for that.

(and a special thanks to Fittest, for making him look).

Date: Thu Feb 02 13:57:02 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Mr. Lapage,

Anybody look at the customer reviews on the iTunes site? Man, Weiskopf sure takes a beating.

Date: Thu Feb 02 13:57:01 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: TJ, DK

Thanks Chuck!!!

Crazy chords everywhere! Listen to those harmonies! Wow. Good lenght of all the tunes! H Gang is definitely the simplest composition on the record. Brite nightgown the most funky tune ever?

This is BIG

Date: Thu Feb 02 13:57:01 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: ygk,

Date: Thu Feb 02 13:57:01 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: ygk, nyc

Which new york do you live in? ha!

Noper: ACE to West 4th, 1 to Sheridan Sq.">at it's the local) 2/3 is Express.

(this link is old)


Date: Thu Feb 02 13:57:01 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: ph,


Date: Thu Feb 02 13:57:01 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: lovethisgig, atlanta

And check out the cover art on that B&N link, a morphed Morph!!
So cool! I wonder if this is official.


Date: Thu Feb 02 13:30:58 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Chuck, Connecticut

I've never posted here before, but I'm a frequent reader...and after seeing the posting about, I searched some other sites for actual Morph sound clips. It looks like this may be the real deal:

Date: Thu Feb 02 13:24:05 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Morph, The

FITTEST - I always thought you were a jerk!

Date: Thu Feb 02 13:24:05 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: FITTEST, .

all take a look???

a little joke by myself for the
recreation of the mood ;-)

always your best friend,

don t take me alive

Date: Thu Feb 02 13:24:05 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: PQ, NYC

Malc - the A,C,E,1,2,3 all stop at Sheridan Square don't they?

Date: Thu Feb 02 13:09:25 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Uhhhh,

Fittest - I don't see any clips. Can you provide the direct link?

Date: Thu Feb 02 13:06:22 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),

hey fellows,

you can listen now to SOUNDCLIPS from all 9 songs
morph the cat

wow, i m so happy, i go crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Date: Thu Feb 02 13:06:22 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Alkali, Sheridan Square

Yea, I didnC-t think these guys were reliable in their subtle claims of geography, physics, history etc.
For instance:

-A tower room at Eden RockC.
(They donC-t have tower rooms here, only standard and suites.)

-This highway runs from ParaguayC.
(No it doesnC-t, there are a lot side roads that divert your driving)

-You wear that white tuxedo
How you gonna beat the heatC.
(IsnC-t it a well known fact that white clothing repels heat?)

C,Lost in the Barrio I walk like an Injun
So Carlo won't suspect something's wrong hereC.
(How exactly do Injuns walk, anyway?)

C,Wearing coats that shined
both red and green
Colors from their sunny islandC.
(IC-ve been to Sicily, believe me you donC-t need a coat!)

C,Riding the crest of a wave breaking just west of HollywoodC.
(IC-ve tried this; I went just west of Hollywood and ended up in West Hollywood)

IC-m no longer taking their advice these guys could get you killed!

Speaking of Sheridan Square; hereC-s a favorite poem of mine:

C,The subways, as usual, take emotions north and south.
When you are in a subway, emotion goes with you.
Emotion for thousands has come to a stop at Christopher Street, which is another name for Sheridan Square•
And the General who rode so greatly,
Is waiting for you in a new form.
There is a little park to the left
That has had emotion enough in it to give new life to Greenland.
But when you come south on the subway and emerge
>From rumbling and dark and steps and platform,
The first thing you see is space•
Blessed, hopeful space, in a city as large as any.
Streets converge•Barrow, Grove, Seventh Avenue, Christopher,
But there is space
And that means there is possibility: for space, somewhere, as a philosopher might see it, is the same as possibility.C.


Date: Thu Feb 02 12:54:49 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: angel , East on Sunset

Boston Rag: Yes, you can indeed. it dead ends at PCH and if that isn't by the sea, I don't know what is.

Unfortunately for me, I take mass transit, so driving to the sea, no matter how close, is to me, is almost impossible. Guess I could hop a bus, but that's just not the same....Sigh....


3 best in a row. Yeah, this guitar girl has to go with Scam.
Kid C/Caves/Don't Take Me Alive! Ramp you up on Kid C, make you think and feel on Caves and then punch it into overdrive on DTMA. Oh my G*d! What a ride.
Doesn't get any better in the Steely Dan world. :-)

Date: Thu Feb 02 12:54:48 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: FITTEST,

Date: Thu Feb 02 12:54:48 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),

morph it,
take a look

Date: Thu Feb 02 12:35:37 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Thomas Bros.,

yes you can. of course you have to cross the Coast Highway, but it'll get you that close.

Date: Thu Feb 02 12:14:36 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Boston Rag, working hardly

You can't "drive West on Sunset to the sea" either. At least not the last time I was in L.A. but they're writing songs, not roadmaps.

Mark in Boston

Date: Thu Feb 02 12:14:36 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Rajah,

Sheridan Square is really a triangle now, the missus and I like this little speak-easy joint down there called Chumley's, it's old Manhattan, the food is "feh" but the atmosphere is neat. You enter it through an alley.

Again I'm struck at how well SD music m-o-v-e-s, it travels, it's energetic, it just doesn't lay there saying, "hey, I'm significant, worship me," like some so-called serious and significant songwriters and here I'm thinking Bono, Sting, Elvis Costello and that mind-numbing Coldplay.

Date: Thu Feb 02 11:27:25 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Earl, DE

ph: So how does "screened at a festival in Utah" fit into a video game? Sounds an awful lot like Sundance Film Festival.

Maybe they meant the Orem Video Game Blowout.

Date: Thu Feb 02 11:20:16 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: ph,

um, lara croft was a video game years before it was a movie featuring jolie. get with the times. :)

so double A is a subway? well i've never been to nyc, so i dont care. but pixeleen being a video game character still works. goes with Becker's para-statement: "is pixeleen a real girl or not? who knows." they're playing on two different areas to confuse the listener.

i wanted to post this quick, but i'm working on a line by line analysis to prove my point. gotta see a joker and i'll be right back.

Date: Thu Feb 02 11:15:04 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Rajah, the Pixeleen revolt

Jeez, now you, W1? What is UP here? It's heightened reality, farcical even. Pixeleen is carried along by a stunningly beautiful melody, OK, it's hard to wrap your head around it cause it's a strange bird, part cartoon, part nursery rhymish, part showtune, no one is used to hearing a female voice cutting through a Steely Dan song especially Carolyn's crystalline soprano. Donald's bridge, it's as pretty as a picture with the piano tinkling away underneath subtly at the diatonics like a kid at his first piano lesson:

DF: Flash back to cool summer nights,
CL: [Freddie can we cut to the chase]
DF: In a room just above your garage
CL: [Everything about me is different]
Both: Symetrical and clean...

Think musical theatre, think operetta, like Gilbert & Sullivan, think Louis Prima and Keeley Smith, Dinah Shore and Frank duetting. I think you have to like old time pop and Tin Pan Alley ditties to fully appreciate this song.

Date: Thu Feb 02 11:08:01 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: ygk, yeah

Sheridan Square is on 7th......

Date: Thu Feb 02 11:08:01 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: YGK, nyc

PQ: agreed, but wasn't that the local? and if so, it wouldn't stop at Sheridan Square, rather W4......the local 1/9 would have been Sheridan.....could it be Fagen was confused?


Date: Thu Feb 02 10:58:11 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: PQ, NYC

The Double A is the name of the 8th Ave subway that used to stop at Sheridan Square.

Date: Thu Feb 02 10:58:11 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: youngsters, nowadays...

Angelina Jolie, sure... it's been said. The as if boyfriend would then be Billy Bob Thornton and the stupid father, Jon Voigt. It's all there from the family feud to the ugly ass beau. Check it out.

Date: Thu Feb 02 10:56:20 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Little Wild One, in threes

The challenge was a 3 song run, wasn't it?

Most favorite:
Any 3 from Aja

Blues Beach

Least favorite:
Parkers Band">although I dug it live)
Through With Buzz

I never got Pixeleen either.

Date: Thu Feb 02 10:56:20 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: ph, double-a down to sheridan square

pixeleen was definetely trying to recreate the surreal/cartoonish quality of a video game. pixeleen = lara croft?

"double a" kind of gives the video game relation away. tap">A) twice to make pixeleen do a double back flip or whatever. and if you realize this, the rest of the lyrics actally start to make sense.
damn i hate video games.
well, i dont really hate them. i just hate the people that play them for n^2 hours a week and so try to avoid being associated with the stereotype as much as possible.

i found some tea...yay!

Date: Thu Feb 02 10:56:19 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Rajah,

Never thought I'd know this much about the Phrygian scale, thank you to you music scholars, Greenbook manages to transport the listener, very spooky/mirky with the minor 2nd and 3rd.

Pixeleen's chorus and call-and-response interludes remind me of Bacharach or even Jimmy van Husen, a great pop songwriter of the 50s. It's playful, it's lighthearted, there's a heavy cartoon quality about it, it's obviously tailored to Carolyn pipes. The lyric is fun, bright. If you want to say it's not rock n roll or even rhythm and blues, I'd have to agree.

Almost Gothic and Negative Girl are companion pieces in that they chant similar themes: Mr. Steely Dan is once again hooked on some spooky woman, everything wrong about her he loves. This is what happens when he unties himself from the mast and takes the wax out of his ears, he's headed for the rocks, he has proven to be powerless in the face of this in the past, nothing's changed except for maybe he's more aware of his tendencies now. Which pretty much describes a man's ultimate weakness.

Date: Thu Feb 02 10:07:50 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: ph, still w/o tea

Well, as you say, I know "little" about art.

Date: Thu Feb 02 10:07:50 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Alkali, NYC

My favorite 3 song run has got to be from my favorite album of theirs SCAM!
In fact itC-s my favorite 4 song run with C,the royal scamC. being the fourth song!

In order of albums, here are my favorite 3 song runs:


C,My SchoolC.




C,Time outC.




11 TOW

YouC-ll notice that PRETZEL LOGIC and KAMA are the only ones that donC-t have at least 3 good songs in a row.
A couple of side notes: although AJA is the only record I can listen to from beginning to end, IC-m not overwhelmed by any particular tune save for C,AjaC.
Also, KATY has the longest run of all:


IC-ve burned my favorite intros/outros onto CD that IC-ve named C,AMALGAMC.">amalgamation)
This way my favorite outros are immediately followed by my favorite intros:


C,Trans IslandC.
C,My schoolC.

and now for something completely different...
Picasso, Klee and Pollock is art? who knew.


Date: Thu Feb 02 10:07:49 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: PQ, NYC

LOL Paul you know a little about art ey? You know Pollock etc. had Clement Greenberg and Meyer Schaprio right?

Date: Thu Feb 02 09:35:40 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: ph, I could really really use a good cup of Earl Grey

Er, PQ, if "widening out" includes listening to Britney Speares-ish type music, I'll stay in my hole. :)
The fact is, I do listen to that kind of crap everyday, including Hip-Hop, Country, and">the worst of the lot) Rap. My coworkers play it from their computer and it drives me insane, I go home everyday feeling angry and agitated. I bought some headphones to keep myself from going postal.
Conversly, I doubt Steely Dan would make Winton Marsalis">one of my favorite musicians BTW) want to strangle someone. We're talking the difference between Art and Industry [music produced purely for the purpose of making the record companies rich].

Salvador Dali, Pablo Picasso, Paul Klee, and Jackson Pollock, for example, were all highly critized in their time">well, Picasso wasn't so much) and many completely disregarded their productions as art. Decades later of course there is no question that their work is some of the greatest ever produced. In 50 years are we going to look back and say the output of Brittney Speares, $.50, or Reba is art? My guess is no. And if we do">I should still be around then), then you'll have converted me.

Okay so this dead horse that we keep beating is down to the dust of his bones. I hope you all don't mind.

Date: Thu Feb 02 09:18:08 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: TJ, DK

Thanks "Mode Police": Yes there is only one natural Phrygian mode!">As used in Chick Corea's Spain where the melody is an entire phrygian scale)

Date: Thu Feb 02 09:18:07 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Mode Police, Proslambanomenos

Actually, there is only one natural Phrygian mode: 1 b2 b3 4 5 b6 b7.

The spelling there is according to Jazz analytical method, in which all scales, modes, and Roman numeral labeling is always in reference to the parallel major scale. I think several "classical" methods--there are more than a few of those--adhere to that also.

All variations">Phrygian major aka Spanish Phrygian, Phrygian natural 6, Phrygian b4, etc.) are actually artificial, aka synthetic, modes. That is, they're chromatic alterations of the natural major scale and its modes, and therefore are part of artificial">synthetic) scale/mode systems.

As many of you already know, and will now be bored to tears yet again with my opinion, I don't think much of "Almost Gothic" and "The Things I Miss the Most." Two of the few real clunkers in the Steely Dan catalog. Some real nice musical ideas and techniques in both, but they need to be drastically rewritten. They just don't make it as is.

Date: Thu Feb 02 09:18:07 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Ann, Borneo - back from obscurity

Hi Y'All,

Just had a visitor from the UK who came heavily laddened with SD goodies, including ALL the CDs that I didn't have and the Making of Aja DVD, so I'm busy re-living history. It will probably be mid-March before I can get my hands on MtC, but I'm sure, worth the wait.

I'll be thinking of all you guys attending DF's shows and turning a slight shade of green!!



Date: Thu Feb 02 09:18:07 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Flipkid, B'more, MD

From Walt Weiskopf's website">his tour calendar): "The Donald Fagen Band featuring Wayne Krantz, Jon Herrington, Freddie Washington, Keith Carlock, Ted Baker, Cindy Mizelle and Caroyln Leonhardt."

What?? No Jeff Young">as previously reported)? No other horns??

Date: Thu Feb 02 09:18:06 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Fake Jazz Band Dept, Didn't Kylie Monogue Sat That?

Deacon - Fernandez is a motherfucker. He could rip the Peg solo. Joel Rosenblatt from Spyro is also the bomb, he morphed into one of the most in demand drummers on the scene and he has an ass kicking site at Don't want to indulge in too much 'name dropping', however, LOL!

Date: Thu Feb 02 09:18:06 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Earl, Delaware

I hate to take the whole "It changes from day-to-day," but it's pretty much true with SD songs. I'd have to refute that "Pixeleen" is my favorite song from EMG, and perhaps my favorite SD song period. "Lunch With Gina" comes in a very close 2nd off of that album. I guess I'd say today that "Home At Last", "Time Out Of Mind," and "H Gang" would be my top 3">the latter simply because I haven't heard it much, yesterday bought the single online, and now can listen to it incessantly). Worst three songs are "The Last Mall," "Pearl Of The Quarter," and surprisingly "Dirty Work." I never liked Palmer's vocals, but "Brooklyn"'s a great song which overcomes his half-hearted bleatings.

Date: Thu Feb 02 07:03:35 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),

Talking about Spyro Gyra!

What about the guitar player Julio Fernandez?

He sounds very cool and Steely, or am i wrong?

Date: Thu Feb 02 07:03:34 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),

i never said Spyro Gyra music is fake jazz.
I only am telling that some people used to think SG is fake.
I discovered the band in the earlie eighties with the album Incognito. Since than there are only a few other albums that i like.
These are my favourite SG albums:


it may be fake jazz but remember the words of Donald in the DVD of the making of Aja where he says that fake jazz is good for him.

Date: Thu Feb 02 07:03:29 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: PQ, NYC

Young Paul - the standard definiton of music is the "meaningful organization of sound" whether it's computer generated or banging on your grandmother's pot with a spoon.

You may not know - many classical musicians, many jazz musicians as well - in particular Keith Jarrett and Wynton Marsalis are very outspoken about this - don't consider electric instruments to be music at all. In their opinions the use of an electric guitar or keyboard is not music. Again, they would say about Steely Dan what you just said about Britney Spears. Try to have a little wider net. You have just about the most open mind of anybody that posts here - good for you.

Date: Thu Feb 02 07:03:28 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Fake Jazz Band Dept, Ignorance Monitoring Cubicle

Grant Green is Walter Becker's favorite guitarist. The keyboardist in Spyro Gyra, Tom Schumann, was playing with Grant Green when he was 17 years old. Why don't you ask Walter if this is 'fake'?

Please read the transcriptions of Spyro Gyra songs like Westwood Moon and Incognito and explain to us how this is "fake" jazz. This should be very interesting.

Date: Thu Feb 02 07:03:23 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: eagleleo, pardon me

Interesting answers everybody! As most people have noted, it's damn hard to pick "bad" Steely Dan songs, which further proves what an astonishing band this is.

Anyway, regarding "Almost gothic": I'm glad to find out I'm not the only fan around. Does anyone have any interesting info on this song? Comments from DF or WB? Info on the recording of it? Live performances, covers and so on? Any info is appreciated...

Date: Thu Feb 02 07:03:22 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Still Sparkin', South of Greenflower Street

On the weekend I bought someone the blue'ish SD greatest hits package with the cars on the front">car henge). She's from Japan, in her early 40s...and is a professed fan of Bill Evans.

Anyway, after listening she came back saying it reminded her of John Denver, Simon and Garfunkel and Earth Wind and Fire. She had only previously heard Do It Again before.

Date: Wed Feb 01 23:53:41 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: hoops,

Hey Wing Dingers...

I hit one snag. Twelve more hours to the Danfest/Wing Ding Registry. My apols...



Date: Wed Feb 01 23:53:40 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: CrellMoset, Atlanta, GA

An H-Gang clip is now streaming on the DF website . . .

Date: Wed Feb 01 23:12:22 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Kid Clean, Home at Last

Three best -">today at least)

Home at Last">this one is pretty much always there)
My Rival
The Caves of Altamira

Three least favorite">i couldn't bring myself to say worst)

Bad Sneakers
Two Against Nature
Green Book">I'm sorry, but like Gretchen w/Pix, I just don't get it)

I've been spinning 11 ToW alot lately, a pretty good 3-in-a-row are the openers on it, Down in the Bottom, Junkie Girl and Surf and/or Die.


Date: Wed Feb 01 22:08:57 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: SS, HK

With a Gun, Charlie Freak and Monkey in Your Soul - while not my three favourite songs in a row, certainly compete as my three UNSUNG favourites in a row.

In one particular mood Black Cow, Aja and Deacon Blues beats everything. On a different day">in a different mood) it's DTMA, S.I.S. and The Fez.

Any of a few choice Denny Dias solos rate at the top of the guitar heap">YGII, Do it Again, B-satva,) ....

Date: Wed Feb 01 22:08:56 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: edb, @pechanga

My picks

just my 3 favorite songs

west of hollywood

dr wutoast

Date: Wed Feb 01 22:08:55 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Q, TPA where the future looks desperate and dark

Best 3 albums(at the moment)
Katy Lied

Best 3 songs
forget it!
depends on day/mood

Best 3 guitar songs
Peg and/or Home/Third/Green...

Best 3 drum songs
EMG- virtually the whole album...
The Shuffle...

Best 3 Horn Songs

3 contoversial great songs
Two Againsn Nature

Worst 3 songs

3 solo best
we'll see...

Date: Wed Feb 01 22:08:54 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Chris, nh

Regarding Spyro Gyra, well, I think you summed it up nicely yourself.

Regarding Pixeleen hate, I am a bit surprised as that is probably one of my top 3 Dan songs, but hey, we're all different.

Worst Dan songs:
Midnite Cruiser
then...I dunno, probably some Pretzel Logic stuff. That's definatly their weakest album. No missteps after that though.

Walt's a great musician but I prefer Potter's playing. Anyone else?

Date: Wed Feb 01 18:03:56 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: hoops, breezin' through

The Danfest Registry / Wing Ding info will be up around Midnight NYC time. Thx 4 yr patience.


Date: Wed Feb 01 17:53:18 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: DEACONBLUE, BRUSSELS, the city of the great Toots

Almost all songs and so almost all albums are so amazing good that you can put them all in the same list.

So i try this one:

9 best albums in a row.


The order of appearance can change every second;

Date: Wed Feb 01 17:53:18 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: drew, san luis obispo

O.K. I'll try to answer all of the questions:

Best 3 songs:
Dr. Wu
Don't Take Me Alive
Caves Of Altamira

Worst 3 songs:
Hey 19
Cousin Dupree
Slang Of Ages

Best 3 albums in a row:
Katy Lied
Royal Scam

Best 3 songs in a row:
Kid Charlemagne
Caves Of Altamira
Don't Take Me Alive

Worst 3 songs in a row:
East St. Louis Toodle-oo
Parker's Band

Date: Wed Feb 01 17:53:17 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Rajah,

He is adjuging in the most sober fashion the human condition. He and that old desk have seen some milage. Age begins to morph the cat into autumnal mode. The leaves are falling, winter approaches and there's no time to waste.

Weiskopf ain't chopped liver, he's a solo recording artist and a published author of music theory. He's no slouch, the solo on EMG is memorable and he flat-out soars on H-Gang. I watched him carefully in '03 and he was steady, no show-boat stuff, wasted very little energy, everything looked easy.

How about that sax and guitar piggy-back solo on H-Gang? How smokin hot is that? This record may be about dying but judging by H-G it is not going gently into that goodnight.

Gretchen darling, you and I both know the reason you cannot abide Pixeleen. It's Carolyn isn't it? She gets a star turn behind the mic and the green-eyed monster rears its head. Don't bother denying it. This is why there will never be a woman President. Other women won't stand for it.

Date: Wed Feb 01 17:53:17 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),

My problem with choosing the best songs or albums of Steely Dan is that i can't never elect the same ones.
But for now i will try.



But for god sake, tommorrow it can be all the other ones to.

Today these are my three favourite songs:

Your gold teeth 1 & 2
Glamour profession
Home at last

But i'm sure that between one hour i change completely my mind.

Date: Wed Feb 01 17:53:17 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),

And what about the cd cover of Donalds new album? He looks so depressive!
What is he been thinking there?

Date: Wed Feb 01 17:53:17 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Gretchen, sick and ornery

I prefer the 3 best albums, too. For that, I'd have to say Royal Scam, Aja, Gaucho.
NOW for a test: as far as the 3 best SD songs ever, and the 3 worst, what are your opinions? Although I'm half expecting to get slammed and for everyone to tell me that there are NO "worst" SD tracks. Here are mine:

Gold Teeth I
Green Earrings
Home at Last

Pixeleen">covering my head here but I just don't like it!)
Charlie Freak
OK, I can't think of 3 bad ones.


Date: Wed Feb 01 17:53:16 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),

And what about Spyro Gyra?

What are the opinions of the Steely Dan people about this">fake?)jazzband?

Date: Wed Feb 01 16:32:45 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Chris, nh

I like best three albums in a row idea better.

Goanna have to go with Aja, Gaucho, and TvN. They all sound like a perfect natural progression. EGM was a fun album but I missed the slickness that comes with a Steely Dan record. And to quote a Rolling Stone review: "there are a million other saxaphone players I'd rather hear 90 seconds of before Walt Weiskopf."

Seems like Don's chosen him to be his featured player on Morph too">or at least H Gang). Is Chris Potter just not interested? Too expensive?

Date: Wed Feb 01 16:25:38 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Numerically Challenged, Phrygian my kiester

I only count's a waltz!

Date: Wed Feb 01 15:36:51 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Meter Police, East Village

That's in 4!!!

Date: Wed Feb 01 15:16:56 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: RJ Squirrel, Won't You Pour Me A Cuban Breeze Gretchen

Can't wait for 3/4 show at Tower Theatre. Any pre or post show happenings? I keep checking the danfests page but nothing so far...

Date: Wed Feb 01 15:16:56 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: His Lordship To Be, Worldlywise, I Realize, That Everybodys Crazy...Am I myself Or Just Another Freak?

Bob-Quit killin' the fun!
You're right-the only point of these lists is to get shock and self indulgence-but what's the harm in that? It keeps us a little happy and enetertained, and it's nice to know what others think about what we love or hate.

Also, the way I see it, any fan of any music genre can also be a Steely Dan fan at the same time. As I've said before, Steely Dan are really their own genre of many musical styles blended togehter, smoothed out, and played to perfection.

Date: Wed Feb 01 13:43:55 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: ph, fears the monkey in my soul

PQ, we were talking about intelligent music, not Machine-produced drivel">ie Brittney Speares).
Obviously we can say with certainty that SD > BS :), or SD > BS Boys, or SD > Eminem, or etc etc etc etc. But once you get above a certain level of intellect, the relativity of the subject increases dramatically... you have to start including the greats of Jazz, Classical, and all the genre's that actually involve thinking to produce, so can you say one is greater than the other? Maybe there is a quality ceiling, the score of 10, where they're all equal and the end decision relies on personal preference. I don't know. This is giving me a headache.


My favorite 3 in a row:
Any World

My worst 3 in a row:
Fire in the Hole
Change of the Guard
..though I love "Fire", they just don't fit very well in sequence

IMO, the best 3 albums in a row are

Date: Wed Feb 01 13:43:55 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Bob,

These lists about which solos are naughty or nice. Other than indulgence and shock, what's the point? If I was going to be so sophisticatC, I'd at least explain why I think they suck. Also, please list some ofyour guitar solos so we can rate them. Let's level the field, let's hear your solos and judge if they suck. Granted, some solos strike me more than others, but how do we know it's the solos that suck and not a particular poster's lack of knowledge.

Some Steelyfans from Jazz backgrounds and some from pop backgrounds? What about those of us who come from elevator music backgrounds? What about those who came from the pop and stayed for the jazz? Some of you should work for fox Net.

My two cents. Probably one of the three worst opinions.

Date: Wed Feb 01 13:25:55 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Rajah,

How about: Greenbook, Pixeleen, Lunch with Gina.

Almost Gothic was a major piece of work. That splash of black cat.

As I unpeel H-Gang, I can't help noticing tiny gaps in the lyrics, some words that do not scan well, the way the word "wicked," a two-syllable word is given three notes, same with "ideas," and a couple others. I do not think some of the turns of phrase would have passed Walter's muster, he always comes up with the right fit. But then this would be a Steely Dan album.

I think you can determine the relative influence one artist has on others and on their audience, I don't know that it can strictly speaking be quantified but certainly the history of literary and musical criticism informs us as much. Simply noting the number of artists Miles worked with and tracking the various musical family trees I'm certain would show you just how influential he was. He was huge, almost as huge as Frank was for singing.

Date: Wed Feb 01 13:25:54 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: eagleleo, Pardon me

"Janie Runaway
Almost Gothic
Jack of Speed"

I LOVE YOU! "Almost gothic" is my all-time favorite Steely Dan song. Brilliant.

Date: Wed Feb 01 13:25:54 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Earl, Delaware

I'd have to say best for me is:

Kid Charlemagne/Caves of Altamira/Don't Take Me Alive

For a guitar player, it's like a sandwich with the bread in the middle and all the goodies on the outside.

and worst, although tough to choose, is:

The Last Mall/Things I Miss The Most/Blues Beach

I like Blues Beach, but choosing dull stretches, the first two from EMG don't do it for me. The rest of the album is super IMO.

Date: Wed Feb 01 13:25:54 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: His Lordship To Be, Best/Worst

Oooh, best/worst three in a row?

I also cannot see 'Time Out Of Mind' being classed as worst, in fact, it's the first in my three favourite tracks...


Time Out Of Mind
My Rival
Third World Man

or maybe...

Slang Of Ages

I love the cool, relaxed ease of the three Gaucho tracks, and the things they remind me of, and the EMG tracks just are just to brilliantly made that they totally move your musical mind.

Coming to the worst was a little tougher, but I've decided that these three together just don't make the Steely Dan cut on a bad day">only on bad days though)


East st Louis Toodle-Oo
Parkers Band

One more thing I have to say-I'm kinda confused about why we Europeans get the general release of Morph a whole day before Fagens home continent-not that I'm complaining!

See y'all

Date: Wed Feb 01 13:25:54 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: KC, oops

make that 'stretch'

Date: Wed Feb 01 13:25:54 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Kid Clean, Too far from the Earth, too close to the sun

Alternate best 3 in a row

Janie Runaway
Almost Gothic
Jack of Speed

This is almost tooo difficult. Perusing the choices, I was hard pressed to find 3 in row that I didn't like, maybe 2 and even that's a strech. I think Hoops said that there wasn't really any songs or album that he would pass over, I would kind of echo that sentiment. The only exception to that might be Bad Sneakers. I got burnt out on that one from the Trifecta in Y2K.


Date: Wed Feb 01 12:41:19 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: MF, etc

"third world man" is also one of the best songs!

Date: Wed Feb 01 12:41:18 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: MF, etc.

take some more showers,
and don t forget to wash also your EARS,
maybe you ll do a better list than ;-)

reading the blue,
you can notice:
1. steely fans with a pop/mainstream background,
or mayby softjazz / fusion, etc...
(par example: pink floyd, sting, mahavishnu orchestre)

and on the other hand:
-people with a deeper background:
classic, jazz, blues.
(no, not you, alkali)

the two groups mostly have different favorite steely-songs.

but that's alright.

Date: Wed Feb 01 12:41:18 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: fp, ny

"Time Out Of Mind and "worst" don't go together...sorry

Date: Wed Feb 01 12:01:44 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: eagleleo, Pardon me

Hey all,

When taking a shower this morning, I asked myself a very random question which I thought about for a while; what are the best and worst 3 song segments">3 songs in a row, that is) off any Steely Dan albums?

I finally came up with this:

*** BEST ***

Deacon blues


My old school
Pearl of the quarter
King of the world


Things I miss the most
Blues beach

*** WORST ***

Time out of mind
My rival
Third world man


With a gun
Charlie freak
Monkey in your soul

Comments? Alternative suggestions?

Date: Wed Feb 01 11:50:34 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Rajah,

Thank you for your instruction, Howard, I stand corrected on the misnomer of Arabian scale. Phyrigian scale it is and it makes Greenbook the dark and exotic gem it is, maybe the most fascinating cut off EMG. The gypsy motif seems apt. I hear a bit of this on the opening chords punctuated by the sparse tinkling to H-Gang just prior to Herington's very dramatic entrance.

Looking at the cover art for MTC, Donald looks like an Old Testament character, the planes of his face bisected by light and shadow, not just lost in thought but staring down at the street with some intensity and purpose. He looks like he's discovered something. Something about himself maybe. Whatever it is, it's serious. If you lose that articulating desklamp, this picture could be almost any number of years old.

Date: Wed Feb 01 11:50:34 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: angel,

Chris: Hey, welcome to the Blue.

I truly don't try to make people like my musical choices. Even in the Dan community, I see so many who like things in the Dan's music that may not be the things that I like in the Dan's music. But I do enjoy hearing all voices and sometimes I learn to notice and maybe even learn to appreciate something new. It's what makes me hang around this SD world.
Music is so subjective and yes, to the person who mentioned that any list of top artists is doomed to be wrong probably in the eyes of everyone, even eventually, himself.

Date: Wed Feb 01 11:28:39 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: PQ, NYC

I'm not quite certain why everyone keeps parroting the sentiment that you can't compare musicians or groups. Who's doing that? I'm not.

I am stating that you can objectively compare the INFLUENCE they have had on music and culture in general. That is something that can certainly be measured and compared.

Date: Wed Feb 01 11:28:39 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),

It's very frustrating to constatate that h gang isn't avaiable to download here in Europe.
One consolation: the cd release in Europe is one prior than in the USA.
Is there someone who knows if there are possibilitis to download Hgang because the American I tunes do not accept forreign credit cards.
One more time: it make no sense to rate other musicians and comparate them with Steely Dan. Miles is Miles and the Dan is the Dan.

Date: Wed Feb 01 10:18:34 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: PQ, NYC

Clean, ph , etc. - I understand there is a certain amount of subjectivity involved in this kind of discussion; at the same time there are objective standards. According to what you're saying, if somebody comes along and says "Britney Spears is better than Steely Dan," then that's fine, that's true for them and so be it. I suggest to you that this is nonsense.

I also see that Kid Clean makes the larger point, which is that he repsects the people that Don and Walt respect - a rarity.

NO ONE, not Steely Dan or anybody else, has been more influential in 20th century music than Miles Davis. This is an objectively verifiable fact. It's not a question of opinion. You can measure its truth the way you measure electricity, or the law of gravity, or what happened in the stock market yesterday. Period.

Date: Wed Feb 01 10:18:34 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: jon, My fave artist can beat up yours

Aren't most assertions">regardless of how heartfelt) about who is "best" or "better" or who made a more significant contribution to the canon, ultimately doomed in the end to result in a squabble?

My son is hard-pressed to say a kind word about the Grateful Dead, whom I revere to an almost unhealthy degree, instead choosing to elevate a band called Slipknot to the status of a musical diety. Which one of us is right?

Why, I am, of course!

Date: Wed Feb 01 10:18:34 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: TJ, DK

PQ: if you exchange the term "better" with sophistscated, complicatede, challenging or whatever, then you are probably right. The rest is a matter of taste. Period...

To say Miles Davis">whom I am a big fan of) is the most influental artist of the 20. century contains som truth, but it all depends on the way you measure it.

There are so many aspects of muscicology and cultural studies, that statements like yours must be backed up by the right theoretical perspective.

Date: Wed Feb 01 10:18:34 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Earl, Delaware

I'd just say regarding Miles vs. SD, it might be expected that many Steely Dan fans would rate Steely Dan higher than any other musician. It's not like ph was saying Miles' music was garbage.

Nothing like nuts-and-bolts music talk to get your blood flowing on a Wednesday morning. Has anyone heard if H Gang is targeted towards smooth jazz stations at all? I checked out the top 25 at my local smooth jazz station">WJJZ), and they have Mariah Carey in their top 10. Heck, if they consider that tripe smooth jazz, H Gang is much more jazzy and hip. I guess Clear Channel has to place a limit on whose albums they promote to fit their own $$$ interests.

Date: Wed Feb 01 09:28:48 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Kid Clean, Ducking my work responsibilities, again

Another beautiful day on the Blue, ever since I got divorced I've been able to come here and get my daily dose of funky attitudes and fights, not that I particularly miss them the most.

Anywho, yet another discussion about 'my favorite band can beat up your favorite band', yada yada yada. Fezman was right on the mark, I think. It's all about where you're at mentally and emotionally as to what 'fits you best'. I really love Birth of the Cool, but it doesn't get played nearly as often as Katy Lied. Actually I have D & W to thank for my ever broadening taste in music. It wasn't until I was deep into the Dan that I discovered Miles, Monk, Bird, Diz, and Coltrane, among others. I couldn't tell you what note or chord they're playing or what 'mode' they're using or what timing, but I can tell you that music MOVES me and I like what I like. Steely Dan, certainly not the most influential musicians in all of history have had quite the influence on ME and that always puts them at the top of any list.

We now return you to your regular programming.....


Date: Wed Feb 01 09:08:24 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: PQ, NYC

Chrysler - Steely Dan is a 10, Mozart is maybe a 3 or 4. Beethoven's a 2, he's way too hard for me. I'd give Stravinsky a 0 because mentioning Stravinsky is 'name dropping' LOL.

Date: Wed Feb 01 09:08:23 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Howard,

Date: Wed Feb 01 09:08:23 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: IDTC, the 'Burgh

Boston Rag, I'm not really chomping at the bit; I'm rather enjoying the building tension.

The big battle in the game will be between the Steelers' D and the Seahawks' O; Pittsburgh has got to stop BOTH Mr. Alexander and Mr. Hasselbeck. Quite a task, but they've already proven they can do the running back/quarterback tandem shutdown with San Diego earlier in the season.

But I think the Steelers' O will run rampant over the Seahawks' D, and that will be the deciding factor.

PQ, aren't we mixing genres here? C'mon, Steely Dan is vocal POP and Miles Davis is instrumental JAZZ. You're doing the apples/oranges mixup thing, don't you think so?

Date: Wed Feb 01 09:08:23 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Kalvin, Portsmouth England

Looking 4ward to the Chicago gig boys and girls....anything happening pre and post Donald ?

Date: Wed Feb 01 09:08:23 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Gary, Atlanta

Howard - The Edit version is 4:08 and the Album Version is 5:14 and has both a longer intro and outro, the rest is the same.

Date: Wed Feb 01 09:08:22 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Doc Mu, Say G'night Gracie

No good boiling those blue tips unless they scream. Don't even think of putting that Allspice crap on them, as up in Maryland.

Date: Wed Feb 01 09:08:22 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Joe's Crab House, Orlando Fla

Mu how those crabs workin for you?

Date: Wed Feb 01 09:08:22 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),

Good And Nice site Keep it up.

Date: Wed Feb 01 09:08:21 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Doc Mu,

Raj: Be Prepared for more so is the buzz. Greenbook occidental off-grooves galore

Date: Wed Feb 01 09:08:20 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: NYB, EMG

Hey you got any watches in there? I could use a cheap watch... Maybe one with a yellow face?

Date: Wed Feb 01 09:08:20 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: S&M, Seattle

Swinger and How's My Girl I'll try and pencil you both in for a session this week.

Date: Wed Feb 01 09:08:20 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Boston Rag, Everything Must Go

Gee Lisbon...if I had $4,000 lying around you know I would buy a Sony Plasma TV from a Steely Dan discussion board, for sure. Is shipping & handling included with that???

Date: Wed Feb 01 09:08:19 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: ph,

Chris, welcome to the Bluebook! I for one have appreciated your comments today.

Date: Wed Feb 01 09:08:19 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Daddy G., NJ

I see has had a very minor update to add the following news item which everyone here already knows about...

"1/31/2006 - H Gang single available on iTunes!"
"The H Gang single is now available on the iTunes store."

Then it gives the clickable link for iTunes. I sure wish they'd change the LA show listing to from "Witem LG" to "Wiltern LG"---unless that's some sort of secret code that Walter will be "wit'em" at that venue... :-)

Anyway, what I really wanted to post was this...

While at a neighbor's house for dinner this evening I looked on the coffee table and there was Michael McDonald staring up at me from the cover of a magazine---the Feb 2006 edition of the Christian spiritual inspiration magazine "Guideposts." Not really a publication I would have expected to see with a cover featuring anyone ever associated with Steely Dan. Not sure why exactly, I just wouldn't have expected it.

So I read the piece credited to McDonald himself and I thought it was quite nice. It wasn't heavy on the religious angle, it had more to do with just inspiration in living one's life. A good bit of it recalled how he met his wife Amy, how she's touched his life and then her battle with breast cancer several years ago">which apparently she's overcome). There was only a brief mention of his starting out with Steely Dan and not much more of his time with the Doobies.

For whatever reason, I tend to doubt there are a lot of "Guideposts" readers 'round these parts">I could be wrong, of course), so I just thought I'd throw it out there in case anyone would be interested in trying to find it somehow. ">I don't have a copy and I don't think it's the kind of magazine you'll find on a lot of newstand shelves and store magazine racks. But if you know anyone who might subscribe, you could maybe ask to borrow it.)

You can see a small view of the cover and check out the table of contents at the following links...

>From the table of contents...

You hear his voice everywhere. Now learn where that soulful baritone comes from.

Date: Wed Feb 01 09:08:19 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: chris, nh

hey, i'm fine with the idea that most of us, including me, enjoy the D&W catelogue as whole more than Davis'. i just hope that we all agree with the fact that davis made a much greater contribution to music, and while don+walt are musical geniuses and all, Davis is on a whole 'nother level. part of the reason, for insance, that we all enjoy steely dan records and don't enjoy all of Davis' is because of the fact that Davis experimented quite a bit...and let's face it, what was the last "risky" steely dan album?

i hope you all don't see this as an attempt to beat a dead horse, as i am enjoying the discussion. i am somewhat new here">i posted on the SIS guestbook around the release of Two Against Nature but was a bit too young for that board at the time) so please feel free to tell me if i'm stepping on any toes, etc.

Date: Wed Feb 01 09:08:18 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Chan, Boston

The President in his state of the union just called for the early release of Morph the Cat currently being held hostage by Reprise.

Date: Wed Feb 01 09:08:18 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Chan, Boston

Hoops-- Just read the reference to hope things are better for you and your family. Without knowing the details, I'd just like to pass on the same wishes. I've been getting the digest and checking in here in the Blue Book for a number of years now. This web site, the digest and all the associated Steely Dan info you pass on is obviusly a labor of love for you. Your passion brings people with a common bond, Steely Dan together. Thanks for your efforts!!

Date: Wed Feb 01 09:08:18 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Boston Rag, Brokeback Custerdome

Gee...Brokeback Mountain got 8 Oscar nominations. How about a nod to Donald & Walter who wrote about gay cowboys 25 years ago with "Gaucho". Talk about being ahead of their time!

Mark in Boston

Date: Wed Feb 01 09:08:17 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: SouthOfHollywood, Driftin' Back...

There's def a Mona and a Joanie">and maybe a Mary) in the outro from Tomorrow's Girls...If not, maybe Mary is the "significant other"...


Date: Wed Feb 01 09:08:17 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: Boston Rag, home at last

Hoops - nice to see you back on the Blue. Hope things are going a little better for you and your family. Speaking for most people on this board - our thoughts are with you.

Too bad the cover of Kamakiriad was not in black & white. It would have made the trilogy look better with 3 b+W album covers. Maybe they'll redo the cover art for Kama.

My sister Connie sent me a radio single of H-Gang that she got from a friend in the biz. I was cranking it in the car today and man, the bass and the guitar parts nearly blew out the windows. The production is off the charts.

Chrysler - You chompin' at the bit? I bet Sunday can't come soon enough. Even though Hasellback graduated from my alma mater, I got to go with the AFC and the Steelers!

Mark in Boston

Date: Wed Feb 01 09:08:16 ET, (Time May be Inaccurate Due to System Crash 2.4.2006),
Posted by: remove)">Connie, In the vineyard

Paramount Theatre in Oakland, CA - tickets go on sale 2/5 according to Donald's website BUT the box office is closed Sundays and Mondays according to Paramount's website. And I hate Ticketmaster!

JANUARY 2006 BlueBook Entries.

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